TRUE LIGHT Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105 October 19, 2014 SPREAD THE WORD! SCHEDULE OF SERVICES GOSPEL MEETING With Wes Hazel October 26 - 29 Bernie Church of Christ SUNDAY Bible Study….9:30AM Worship…....10:15AM Worship……...6:00PM WEDNESDAY Bible Study…..7:00PM MINISTER Stan Dauck 573-293-5620 ELDERS David Burleson 573-820-0329 David Carson 573-276-5567 Stan Dauck 573-293-5594 Westley Hazel is a graduate of Freed Hardeman University with both Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Biblical Studies. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree in Biblical Spirituality. Born and raised in Sikeston, Missouri, he has served the church in Kentucky and Illinois and is currently the minister at the Savannah, TN church. He wrote the book “Beyond the Tithe” and is active in presenting “Beyond the Tithe” seminars in congregations across the country. He is married to Shelley, and they have two children, Evie and Deacon. Wes’ greatest aspiration in life is to be a faithful child of God and grow in His grace more each day. He is a very talented and motivational speaker. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear him speak. DEACONS Wayne Reams Joe Watson Rodney Williams Tim Woods OFFICE: 573-293-5620 Bernie Church of Christ P.O. Box 366 Bernie, MO 63822 EMAIL: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Morning Class 9:30 AM Sunday AM 10:15 PM (A Pot Luck meal will follow the morning worship service.) Sunday PM 6:00 PM Monday - Wednesday @ 7:00 PM Flyers are available in the foyer. Please pick up several for handing out to friends, family and neighbors. WEBSITE: ALL SPIRITUAL BLESINGS ARE LOCATED IN CHRIST! We Welcome You To All Of Our Services! May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (NIV) God does so much for us. He is the Strength and Promise that undergirds our lives. He is the One who has saved us from sin and death. Our worship comes from our gratitude for what he has done, recognition of who he is, and anticipation of what he is going to do. But worship can never be compartmentalized to just fit into church places or quiet times. Worship involves every aspect of life. That is why it is so important for us to tune the words of our mouths and the motives of our hearts to God's will and work. Then private worship, whether alone in quiet or in a group with Christians, becomes the tuning time for our hearts and lives so that our public worship, our lives lived out in the world, will play the song of God to a world who has not yet heard his tune. via ~ ***PREPARE COMMUNION*** October - Joe & Sharlette Watson November - Loretta Carson & Joyce Mickey CHILDREN’S HOMES NEEDS SERVING TODAY, October 19, 2014 Cereal, Chocolate Chips, Tissues (i.e. Kleenex), coffee, matches, picante sauce/salsa MORNING WORSHIP Song Leader…Joe Watson Opening Prayer...Jerry Burleson LORD’S TABLE Ted Mason * Ronnie Mays Sam Garner * Zachary Tanner Zach Tanner * Max Snyder Scripture…Darrin Shipman Prayer…Ron Garner Announcements...David Carson Dismissal...Jeff McGowan Sunday Evening Song Leader...Lucas Bowling Prayer...Darrin Shipman Scripture...Sam Garner Revelations 21: 12 - 14 Dismissal...Elwood Rush NURSERY ATTENDANTS TODAY - Pat Cooper * Oct. 26 - Vickie McClard FOOD PANTRY NEEDS OUR RECORD FOR LAST WEEK Attendance 190 Contribution $4115 Canned meats, canned fruit & vegetables (needed the most at this time); canned tomatoes/sauce Monetary donations are appreciated.. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Oct. 22 - Wednesday Fellowship Meal - meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans. See Stan if you can help with desserts. Oct. 20 - Mary & Martha in the Fellowship Room at 6:30. Vickie & LaRhonda are hosting. November 10 - Children’s Home Pick Up REJOICING! Maddie Jacques was baptized on Sunday, October 12. If you have not already welcomed our new sister in Christ, be sure and do that today. GOSPEL MEETINGS IN THE AREA Oct. 19 - 22 at Fisk - Speaker: Todd Clippard Oct. 19 - 22 at Central church in Paducah - Speaker: Michael Shepherd Nov. 2 - 5 at Slicer St. - Speaker: Keith Parker *Flyers are posted on the bulletin board* TIME TO FALL BACK NOVEMBER 2 FOOD PANTRY Our Community Pantry serves several households each week. This requires a lot of non-perishable food. Our pantry funds are very low at this time. If you would like to make a contribution of food or money, it would be greatly appreciated. You may give your donations to Gaye or Mary. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Remember: Donna McKuin received good news from her tests. The tumor was benign ~ Judy Duley will be seeing an Oncologist on October 24 ~ Jack McGowan will be undergoing surgery on his back this Tuesday, October 21 at Southeast Hospital Continue praying for these members of our church family: Gayle Rodgers * Pansy Zimmerman (back problems) * Joyce Mickey * Helen Becking * Linda Shipman * Mark Townsend is recuperating from back surgery * Robert Lee is recuperating from knee replacement surgery * Max Snyder Continue to remember our church family who are dealing with cancer at this time: David Burleson * Jerry Burleson * Wilma Johnson * Pam Claeys OTHERS: Sarah Singleton of the Jackson congregation (cancer) * Mary Burke (cancer)* Norma Goins, Donna McKuin’s mother * Elwood’s daughter, Schree Gourley (health) * Dan Gregg (cancer)* Marty Watson (cancer) * Karen & Beaver (Gary) Blocker as they deal with Beaver’s health issues * Waynetta Rodgers * Rex Earnhart, Michal Woods’ father, recuperating from a stroke * Robby Massingill, father-in-law to Darrell’s daughter, Tiffany (health issues) *************************** WEDNESDAY, October 22 Song Leader…David Carson Prayer…Jerry Burleson Dismissal...Darrell Zimmerman *************************** October 26 Song Leader…Wes Howard Opening Prayer…Ted Mason LORD’S TABLE Jon Neely * Darrin Shipman Jerry McCoy * Tyler Stevenson David Terrill * Max Terrill Scripture…Derek Mays Prayer…Wayne Reams Announcements…Joe Watson Dismissal…Rodney Williams Sunday Evening Song Leader…Tim Woods Prayer…Jon Neely Scripture…Lucas Bowling Revelations 21: 15 - 18 Dismissal...Zach Tanner ******************************** COUNT OCTOBER CONTRIBUTION Jon Neely * Wayne Reams Max Snyder * Tim Flowers CELEBRATING THIS WEEK BIRTHDAYS October 19 Sam Howard Skylar Brown 20 Alyson Mickey Karsyn Smith 22 Robin Mays 24 Bronwen Young 26 Millie Dauck OUR SHUT INS Golden Living/Malden - Letha Burleson #218 Violet Smith #265 Bertha Skidgell #117 Joyce Mickey #210 Malden Nursing Center - Isaac Wheeler #203A Cypress Point - Geraldine Pyle #32 Gideon Care Center - Sue Flowers #102 At Home - Travis & Clara Cooper Helen Becking ANNIVERSARIES October 23 Johnny & Betty McGowan 24 Glen & Rita Burch 27 Denny & Pam Claeys