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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 25 – 26, 2014
“I love you, Lord, my strength.” Psalm 18
Reading: 1015
Liturgy Schedule: Oct 27 – November 2, 2014
Masses at Saint Andrew Church
8:00 a.m.
No Mass
SS Simon and Jude apostles
8:00 a.m.
Gene & Theresa Kerkenbush
Wednesday-29 Weekday
8:00 a.m.
No Mass
9:30 a.m.
Celine Stohlmeyer
For Comfort
At Orchard Manor
10:30 a.m.
James Heger
At Lancaster Living Center
Thursday–30 Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Alberta/Alfred/David Patzner
8:15 a.m.
Donald Walsh
SS Andrew-Thomas School
Sat. Nov–1
All Saints Day (not a Holyday of Obligation this year)
No morning liturgy
Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
All Souls’ Day
November 1 – 2, 2014
4 p.m. People of the Parish
8 a.m. Frank Patcle
10 a.m. Arnold and Marie Weber
Once again Jesus finds himself being tested by
the Pharisees; this time he is asked to name the
greatest law. He does so, but immediately
invokes placing love of God and love of
neighbor on equal footing. His point is that
you cannot have one without the other. So let
us listen for the challenge today: how is our
love of God reflected in our love of neighbor?
 Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 a.m.
next Sunday, November 2. Fall back one hour!!!!
Scrip News: 6 Orders with a Profit of $43.80
Financial News: October 18 – 19, 2014
Offertory Income........................ $
Last Year .................................... $
Diocesan Tax (3) ........................ $
Cemetery (2) .............................. $
Repair Fund (2) .......................... $
International Combined (6) ........ $
Respect for Life (1) .................... $
Liturgical Roles: November 1 – 2, 2014
4 p.m. Owen Vogelsberg Tammy Ames
Joseph Vogelsberg
8 a.m. Jason Reuter
Ruth Reuter
10 a.m. Alex Freese
Nancy Oyen
Ryan Kruser
Gift Bearers: November 1– 2, 2014
4 p.m. Marcia and Kelsey Leibfried
8 a.m. Gary, Marlene and Tyler David
10 a.m. Kurt and Connie Reynolds
Eucharistic Ministers November 2014
4 p.m. Marcia Leibfried, Michelle Wagner,
Madonna Whitaker
8 a.m. Ann Boyle, Carol Collins, Mary Fiorenza
10 a.m. Delores Kerkenbush, Roger and Wendy
Eucharistic Ministers to Sick: Oct/Nov 2014
Oct 26 Grace Buch
Nov 2 Ann Boyle
Nov 9 Don David
16 Mary Hawes
23 Angie Pierce
30 Jeanine Robbins
Ushers: November 2014
4 p.m.
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
Don Oyen and Roger Udelhoven
Laurie and Ron Dressler
Dennis Deiter and Kurt Reynolds
to Andrew Johnson and
Traci Timmerman who were married at Saint
Andrew Church on Saturday, October 18,
2014. May the Lord watch over them and bless
them with many joyful years together.
to Memphis Douglas
Meier, the infant son of Billy Jack Meier and
Mariah Droessler who was baptized at Saint
Andrew Church on Sunday, October 19, 2014.
May God watch over him and protect him from
all harm.
Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the
mission of Charity by providing compassionate,
caring services to all God’s people. It is important
for us as Catholics to put our faith into action
where our Lord’s command to “Love Our
Neighbor” is carried out by people helping people.
Let us be “our brothers and sister keepers”.
Vincentian Missionary:
Please welcome Father
Joseph J. Arackal, V.C. a Vincentian Missionary
priest from India who will be here next weekend to
participate in the Annual Missionary Cooperation
Plan. These Missionaries carry out their many
educational and charitable activities in missions
worldwide. They were founded in 1904 and are
modeled after the Congregation of the Mission
which was founded by Saint Vincent de Paul.
There will be a special mission collection next
weekend to help the work of the Vincentian
Fathers; please keep them in your prayers and be
generous in your offering.
Reminder: Support Potosi’s library by eating out
at Benvenuto’s on the Fourth Monday of the
Month (October 27) in Platteville. Mention the
library to your server and 10% of your bill will be
donated to the library; good for the entire day!
Saint Rose
Cuba City, Turkey and Ham
Dinner is Sunday November 2 serving 11:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m. at the school. Adults $9.50; Children
(6 – 12) $5; 5 and under Free.
Holy Ghost and Immaculate Conception
School: Arts and Craft Fair Sunday November 2 in
the Kieler Gym. There will be many crafters with
unique items for sale plus Walking Tacos, BBQ
sandwiches, hot dogs, and baked goods.
Bereavement Mass will be Saturday, November 8
at 4:00 p.m. More information next week!
Natural Family Planning (NFP 100% Organic)
has zero health worries. Upcoming class taught by
Heather and Nathaniel Turner from Couple to
Couple League begins Saturday, November 8, 2:00
pm at St. Christopher’s in Verona. Register
at www.madisondiocese.org/nfp or www.ccli.org.
or call Mary at 608-221-9593.
Daily Masses November through
March will be at Saint Andrew Church or at Saints
Andrew-Thomas School. Both churches will be
used for weekend masses.
School News:
We deeply appreciate the $2,000
Grant we received last week from the Wisconsin
Knights of Columbus Charities. The grant will be
used to update our old computers presently being
used by teachers.
Thank you to Bob Johns, Cyril Menne, Father
Leffler, Jerry Pennekamp, Sr. and Karla Oyen who
cleaned the vents at school October 11 so we will
have less dust when the boiler is on during the
school day.
Thanks to Bob Johns for fixing the leak on the
roof. Laura Oyen and the little ones will no longer
have need for a bucket on rainy days.
There will be late start Wednesday, October 29.
Along with the public school we’ll start at 11 a.m.
First quarter ends October 31.
Garbage Bag Sale is going on now. They are the
same quality as last year. Sizes and prices are:
21 x 33
30 x 36
33 x 45
600 Count Clear Kitchen Bag Size
100 Count Black or Clear
90 Count Black or Clear
You may order these bags through our school
children or call Karla at school. Checks should be
made out to Saints Andrew-Thomas School. All
orders are due by October 31. We will let you
know when the Garbage Bags arrive so you can
make arrangements to pick up your order at that
time. We appreciate all of the support you have
given to this fundraiser in the past and thank you in
advance for your support this year.
Boys’ Basketball will start soon. The first
game is November 2 at Sinsinawa.
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesday 6 – 7 p.m.
Oct 29 Nov 12
Jan 21
Feb 4
Feb 11
Mar 4
Mar 11 Mar 18
Apr 1 Stations of the Cross
Jan 7
Jan 14
Feb 18 Ash Wednesday
April 8
H S Rel Ed Wednesdays 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Grades 9 – 11
Nov 12
Nov 19
October 29
Dec 3
Dec 17
Saint Andrew–Thomas Festival
This Sunday enjoy a delicious Chicken and Ham
Dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable,
salad, roll and dessert from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cash raffle, Bingo, Country Store, Auction and
Silent Auction, Cake Walk and Games!
Adults $9; Children (12 and under) $4; (under 3)
$1. Food and fun for all! Let’s work together to
make this another great festival!