COMING UP AT ROSEDALE For details of where these events take place, please check with the leader of the group MONDAY Senior Ladies Bible Study at the chapel 10.00 am. Contact Dawn Gay, 2175266 Senior Boys’ Rally, fortnightly. Contact Jason Erskine, 2175009 Junior Girls’ Rally and Senior Girls’ Rally, fortnightly 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Contact Dianne Wiseman, 2304341 or Sandy Romero, 0276726397 Otatara Home Group, fortnightly 7.30 pm. Contact Andrew, 2130664 or Jason 2175009 TUESDAY Ladies Coffee Morning, at the chapel 10.00 am, last Tuesday each month. Contact Sue Fenton, 2164849. In Depth Bible Study at the chapel, weekly 7.30 pm. Contact David Gibson, 2313327 Junior Boys’ Rally, fortnightly 7.00 pm. Contact Roger Burt, 2189147 Living Alone Women (LAW), fortnightly. Contact Rosalie Schol, 2177317 or Heather 2159197 Powley’s Home Group, weekly 7.30 pm. Contact Chris or Robyn 2163651 Bible study at Steve and Jackie Dearloves starting Tuesday night at 7.30 pm. Contact Steve or Jackie on 230 4154 WEDNESDAY Ladies Prayer time, chapel, weekly 9.00 am – 10.00 am. Contact Claire 2145201 THURSDAY Playgroup at the chapel, weekly 9.30 am. Contact Hayley Erskine, 2175009 Scott Base Home group, weekly 7.30 pm at various homes. Contact Dean Scott, 2141676 Search Group, weekly at Dawn and Paul Gays. Contact Paul or Dawn, 2175266. Makawera Home Group at Aldridges, weekly 7.30 pm Contact Stephen or Katrina, 2358383. SATURDAY Youth Bible Study at the chapel, fortnightly 4.30 pm Youth group, 6.30 pm – 9.45 pm during term time. Contact Chris Romero 0273543084 Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the chapel, monthly on the last Saturday, 7.30 pm Contact Neville 2178380 or Paul 2175266 SUNDAY Sunday Sardines at Squires, 7.00 pm. Contact Gary or Paula 2130563 Notices for the Chat - call Robyn Powley on 2163651 or email [email protected] Please have your notices in by 7.00 pm on Thursday Cnr Bourke and Exmouth Streets Sunday – 9th November A 9.30 am – 10.30 am Miles Davison Worship John 1:14 Chris Powley Miles Davison Living Stones and 2014 Family camp speaker Sunday School Senior Bible Class Hospitality Andrew and Chris Winder Sunday – 16th November 9.30 am – 10.30 am Worship Titus 1:9 Chris Romero 10.45 am – 11.30 am Burney Daglish - Titus Sunday School Senior Bible Class Hospitality next week Aaron and Sonya Short To bring glory to God in all that we do - 1 Corinthians 10 v 31 Elder’s Comment Is it just me or does this time of the year seem to get really busy? There are a heap of things coming up this month for our busy chapel family - the Living Stones leader’s seminar, Brass Knocker camp, Men’s Burger and Bowling night, Ladies Weekend, a baptism, and Reflections Sunday - just to mention a few of the events to be involved with. Over the last while I have been following the teaching ministry of David Jeremiah on revelation and the thought was expressed from him recently that went like this. Perhaps today, maybe today, God will once again intervene in our human history as He promised to . . . come back to take His church out of this place . . . to be with Him forever. If you can, if you get the chance, take some time and read 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. Prophesy is pre-written history, this event will take place in one of our busy days . . . perhaps today. Blessings to you for this week. Neville Knight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflections Sunday – 30 November This is an opportunity for everyone in the church to share stories of what the Lord has been doing in their life during the course of the year. Please see one of the elders if you would like to contribute during this day. This will happen in the second service part of our meeting. Men’s Bowling and Burger night – 14 November 7.30 pm For all men in the chapel family 18 years and older. This event is suitable to invite friends to. Cost will be $10 per person. Please indicate your intentions to come as soon as possible. Any questions please talk to Jason Erskine, Neville Knight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fellowship Tea – Sunday 30 November This will be our last fellowship tea for this year. It will take the form of a barbeque, so mark your calendars now. A highlight of the evening will be the baptism of Luke Gilchrist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas Box of Love We would like to fill shoe boxes with gifts for underprivileged children in Invercargill. There are many in our community who are unable to give their children anything for Christmas. If you would like to fill a shoe box or two, or wish to donate to this project, please contact Sharon Robbie 2358820 or Deborah Downey 2167450. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GLO, NZABS, and Pathways College alumni reunion – 28 March 2015 This will be held at Willow Park Camp in Auckland, and will run from 10.00 am and culminate with a dinner together in the evening. Just like at the 2005 reunion this will be a great time to catch up with friends and past lecturers. Along with a great morning tea, lunch and dinner we will have year group photos, and some excellent talks by past and current lecturers. If you attended one of these training schools your time at GLO, NZABS or Pathways College was one of the most life-changing you can remember. A time to dig deep into the word of Almighty God, a time to make lifelong friends with people who love the Lord as much as you, and a time to sit under men and women whose primary goal was to help transform you into the image of God's Son. As always happens at these kind of events, the more of you who can attend the better. There will be more details to follow, but please make sure that you mark your calendars with this date now and be sure you keep it free.