Small Victories - Venice Family Clinic


Small Victories - Venice Family Clinic
Small Victories
Small Victories
Venice Family Clinic
Annual Report 2004
Venice Family Clinic Annual Report 2004
604 Rose Avenue
Venice, California 90291-2767
Our Mission
Letter from the CEO
Plans and Progress
Boards and Staff
Los Angeles County, CA
2509 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica
Culver City Youth Health Center
Mar Vista Gardens Clinic
Santa Monica High School Teen Clinic
Milken Family Foundation Medical Building/
Irma and Lou Colen Administration Building
Weisman Family Center
Robert Levine Family Health Center
The mission of the Venice Family Clinic is to
improve the health of people and communities
through accessible, quality care.
Last year, the Venice Family Clinic had a positive
impact on the health and well-being of 19,470 men,
women and children. No one person made this
happen. Rather, it was the individual efforts of 1,933
volunteers and 230 staff members.
Each diagnosis, each prescription, each friendly
word of advice or gesture of encouragement
represents a small victory in the ongoing struggle
to provide health care for poor families and communities in Los Angeles County. And these small
victories add up to one big difference.
In this year’s annual review we present seven
stories of individuals making a difference.
The Venice Family Clinic works because volunteers
and staff make heroic efforts to solve the individual
problems they’re confronted with in creative ways.
Dear Friends:
One small victory at a time, that is how the Venice Family Clinic meets its mission to
improve the health of people and communities through accessible, quality care. So when
visitors often ask, “How can we replicate what you are doing around the country?” I
respond that as flattering as the question may sound, the Clinic succeeds because of a
unique combination of volunteers, staff, supporters and the generosity
of the community that surrounds us.
This year has been one of stability and milestones. We increased mental health services
and received a grant for a bi-lingual psychiatrist. We opened the Robert Levine Family
Health Center which provides services to women and teens. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Venice Art Walk, our fund-raising event that brings thousands of people to
the Venice community to raise money for Clinic programs. We continued to improve the
quality of the care we provide by expanding our asthma program to include case management for children and adults through an electronic registry. We also designed and
created a child development case management program that ensures children and their
families have access to the support they need to achieve healthy development.
Thanks to your generosity we are inspired to build on what we have achieved while
we rigorously examine what remains to be done. You have helped us to improve life for
many people. However, we must still remain vigilant and continue to advocate on behalf
of our most vulnerable and hard-working neighbors.
On the following pages, I invite you to get to know some of the people who make a difference and celebrate the small victories that make the Venice Family Clinic unique.
Elizabeth Benson Forer
Chief Executive Officer
Venice Family Clinic
Dr. Stephen
A. Geller
Department of
Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine,
Medical Center
“For fourteen years, we’ve supported the Venice Family Clinic
by doing lab tests at no cost. Cedars was always interested
in community outreach, so when the Clinic called asking for
help, without checking I agreed. I don’t think it’s anything
special. It’s what we should do.”
“I grew up in Brooklyn. My father was a truck mechanic. We were not a family of
talkers so when I announced I was going to be a doctor, there wasn’t great enthusiasm. I wanted to be a contributor, to be useful to society. I volunteered to work in a
hospital when I was 15. Today when I walk into a hospital, I still feel the challenge.
It’s a place where you never know enough. And, there’s a reasonable chance you’re
going to help someone.”
Wendy Muro
Child and Family
Children First
“I grew up with a single mom in a troubled household. My
mom was always struggling, working to make ends meet. In
spite of how hard my mother worked, she gave me unconditional support. She taught me the importance of an education
and, because of that, I had a sense of the future. She taught
me that things can change and life can be better.”
“I visit 12 families in their homes. So much of what I do is about communication.
How to talk with a teacher, how to demystify social roles of women, how to talk
to their children, how to play with them. If I can get one mom or one dad to come
home from a hard day’s work and read to their child, I’ve done my job, and maybe
that child will read to their children and then I’ve made a difference.”
Dr. Mary Ellen
Pediatric Allergist
Volunteer Doctor
“Juan has had asthma since he was a toddler but we have it under
control. After his test shows his lungs are clear, I ask him if he
can do what he wants to do. When he says yes — that’s it, that’s
what I’m here for. Sometimes we can’t do everything, like ridding
an asthmatic’s house from dust by replacing carpet. When you’re
poor you can’t do things like that. But hearing a child say that
his asthma doesn’t hold him back, that’s happiness.””
“I was the kind of kid who did whatever I wanted to do but my brother was handicapped so I knew early on that for some people life was very difficult. I wanted to
do something when I became an adult that contributed to the good. So becoming
an allergist for me is about helping kids to be like other kids, not held back by their
illnesses or having to go to the emergency room when they have an asthma attack.
The Clinic’s treatment is state of the art according to national guidelines.”
Mona Davis
“I grew up in the Mar Vista projects the middle of nine children
raised by a single mother. She’d buy bulk foods and put them in
brand-name boxes so we wouldn’t feel different. I never realized
I was poor. Her struggle was not my struggle until I wanted to be
a lawyer. She couldn’t afford to send my sister to nursing school
and me to law school. She used to say the world owes you nothing, make your own path.”
“I carry on my mother’s activist work now in the Oakwood community. Black people
tend to go to the doctor at the end of an illness so I’m bringing the Clinic and people
together so they can have a voice and be aware of our services, be part of the family
we call the Venice Family Clinic.”
Woods Davy
Venice Art Walk
“I’ve been a part of the Venice Art Walk, raising funds for the
Clinic, since 1986, when I moved here from Downtown L.A. I’ve
become friends with many residents of the Oakwood community, including quite a few who have been fortunate enough to
take advantage of the health care opportunities at the Clinic.
When I open my studio to the Venice Art Walk, I’m proud to join
with the Clinic to create a better life for the people of Venice.”
“Much of my life has been involved with the integration of opposing forces. I was
aware from an early age in Washington, D.C. of how poor people were treated.
I was keenly aware that it’s important to know the world you live in, change what
you can, and work with what you can’t. In my work, there is a collaboration with
nature that parallels this process.”
Dr. Terri
Lead Physician
Homeless Health
“I made up my mind in medical school to work with the
underserved. Knowing that what I do matters makes me feel
fulfilled. But I didn’t come on board to work with homeless
people. I was scared. This is not a job for the squeamish. I’m
not tough. But I do have the ability to connect with patients
and make them feel listened to.”
“Once a week I see homeless patients at the Bible Tabernacle Church in Venice, where
Alex and her mother have temporary shelter. She is on the bus at dawn to go downtown to junior high school. She does her homework and uses the computer at the
local library and hopes one day to go to college. Thanks to kids like Alex, I went from
fear to awe. What these people have gone through. And they’re still standing!”
Lisa Llanos
age 17,
Reach Out and
“I volunteer twice a week for the Reach Out and Read Program
and read to kids while they wait to see their doctor. This is
a place where they are safe. Because of that, their parents
can give them a sense of security even if they have no money.
Then having good health becomes an expectation in their
lives – something they can pass to the next generation.”
“The Clinic has been a part of my family for three generations. My mom says that
I was two when she and my grandmother took me to the Venice Art Walk. My
parents educated me about giving back so I feel grateful about being involved
in a really good cause. It’s such a great feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes
my friends want to hang out after school but I tell them I have to go to the Clinic.
They’re cool with it.”
Four-Year Strategic Plan
Second Year Progress Report
Goal One
Grow primary health care services by 26% from 71,932 medical
visits to 91,057 medical visits.
Goal Two
Continue to measure health outcomes and quality of care by
expanding disease management activities in treatment of diabetes,
asthma, and cardiovascular disease.
Goal Three
Continue training programs with an emphasis on continuity
experience. Continue to grow specialty training clinics.
Goal Four
Expand mental health program by 45% by increasing mental
health visits from 4,400 to 6,400.
Goal Five
Expand health education activities by 5% to at least 1,500 oneon-one visits. Continue the Health Empowerment program by
training staff.
We did not meet our projected growth goal of 2% this year due to ongoing renovations
of our facilities. Medical visits remained flat increasing slightly from 74,156 to 74,919.
However, total patient visits grew by 3.5% from 95,682 to 99,034. The total number of
people receiving services increased by 3.8% from 18,751 to 19,470.
We met this goal this year by expanding our diabetes management program to our Pico
and Mar Vista Gardens clinics. We now have 1,424 diabetics enrolled in the electronic registry. We also improved care for adults and children with asthma enrolling 114 patients in
the electronic registry and revising and implementing standardized protocols.
We created continuity in 50% of the medical resident training rotations at the Venice
Family Clinic. The Clinic is a training site for 10 medical residency training programs.
Specialty care visits decreased by 1% from 4,365 in 2002–03 to 4,311 in 2003–04.
Since 2001–02, mental health visits have increased by 33%. Mental health visits increased
by 14% this year from 6,715 in 2002–03 to 7,649 in 2003–04. The Clinic is a training site
for five social work and psychiatric training programs.
Health education activities continued as follows: 1,021 one-on-one health education visits
were provided; 68 prenatal classes were provided to 541 pregnant women; and 28 Weight
Busters classes were proved to 95 people. Our community health educators provided health
education to 1,857 people through community outreach and to 2,661 patients in our waiting
rooms. A total of 9,533 books were distributed to patients’ ages 0–18 as part of our pediatric literacy program, “Reach Out and Read”. A workshop about techniques to help patients
understand written/oral instructions was presented to 80 staff members.
Four-Year Strategic Plan
Second Year Progress Report
Goal Six
Complete insurance applications for free or low cost health
insurance for at least 4,000 clients.
Goal Seven
Provide child development services on a clinic-wide basis.
Goal Eight
Ensure that appropriate facilities and space are available for all
programs and support services.
Goal Nine
Raise funds through the Development Program equal to 35% of
the total expense budget and increase total clinic reserves to
40% of the operating budget.
Goal Ten
Expand the volunteer program as per the volunteer
expansion plan.
The health insurance enrollment program completed applications for 1,011 individuals
compared to 790 individuals in 2002–03. The Newborn Enrollment pilot project was fully
rolled out in February 2004 with the goal of ensuring continuity of health coverage to all
newborn patients. With the launch of the Healthy Kids program in 2003, we assisted 138
eligible children to enroll into this new health insurance program.
The Mental Health and Child Development Services Committee and a staff Child
Development Committee developed a program plan to integrate pediatric and child
development services. Funds are being sought for this new program and a pediatric-child
development staff team has begun implementing specific parts of the plan that can be
done with existing staff and without additional funds.
We completed the renovation of the Venice Health Center and named it the Robert Levine
Family Health Center in recognition of donor Chuck Lorre’s father. The Robert Levine
Family Health Center provides prenatal care, family planning, women’s health care, and
teen health care services. It has a spacious waiting room with a health education area
and airy skylights, six exam rooms, three counseling rooms, and ample room for lab,
medical records, and other support needs. Renovation of the Pico facility will be completed
by June 2005.
The Clinic’s Development Program raised $4,462,916 toward 2003–04 operating expenses
(33% of the total expense budget). The Development Program was highly successful this
year raising an additional $1,059,515 for 2004–05 operating expenses, permanent endowment, and capital renovations. Total reserves increased to $7,383,498 which represents
54.6% of the Clinic’s operating budget. The reserves are categorized as follows: Unrestricted
reserves of $3,297,025; temporarily restricted reserves of $1,430,993; and permanently
restricted reserves of $2,655,480.
Volunteer participation increased from 2,118 volunteers in FY 02–03 to 2,198 volunteers
in FY 03–04. The volunteer program continues to play a crucial role in the ever-increasing
demand for services.
Our mental health program provides short-term counseling and
psychiatric services as well as psychosocial support related to
the social stress of poverty, homelessness, unemployment and
domestic violence. Through child enrichment, parenting services
and a “warm line” offering advice about early child development,
we help prevent child abuse by supporting and educating parents
to better manage discipline problems in a healthy way.
Health Care
Medical care and case management for homeless people is a
major part of our services. We have expanded our homeless
outreach to two local cold weather shelters during the winter.
We serve 3,404 homeless patients with needs ranging from
schizophrenia, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis to
chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, lung disease and
The mission of our pediatric child development program is to
ensure that all children have access to the support they need to
achieve healthy development. By using the most up to date and
sensitive developmental screening tests early and often, we will
best identify the needs of families and develop treatment and
action plans that consider their unique set of circumstances.
Our asthma program provides comprehensive medical, educational and support services designed to enhance self-care and
improve control, while reducing the costly and vicious cycle of
emergency room visits. We expanded the program by implementing case management to children and adults through an electronic registry. The Clinic manages the care of 1,106 asthmatics – 710
adults and 396 children – in 3,064 medical visits per year.
The health empowerment initiative strengthens the Clinic’s capacity to provide patient-centered health education through the
involvement of patients, clinic staff and the community. We seek to
increase patient knowledge of basic health education by improving
patient and provider communication skills and patients’ ability to
navigate and utilize Clinic services appropriately.
With the assistance of a multi-disciplinary team, patients learn
the causes and consequences of diabetes, the methods of how
to monitor blood sugar levels, and the importance of good
nutrition and physical exercise. The use of clinical data, entered
into an electronic registry and monitored regularly, is essential
to the program’s goal of preventing unnecessary hospitalizations, disabilities and deaths.
The Clinic provided comprehensive primary health care services
to 12,399 adults. Primary health care includes diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care, and laboratory tests and is the essential
mission of the Clinic for adults who do not have access to
health care.
Women’s health services offers obstetrics and gynecological
visits, including breast and cervical cancer screenings, contraceptive services and counseling. The cornerstone of the program
is prenatal care with a full package of services including medical care, health education, mental health and support services.
Deliveries take place at UCLA Medical Center.
Teen health care is provided at two school-based clinics and the
Robert Levine Family Health Center. Services include sensitive
areas such as family planning, pregnancy and mental health
services. Teens also receive routine physicals, vision and hearing
tests and immunizations.
Pharmaceutical services dispensed 96,990 prescriptions to our
uninsured patients. Our dispensaries provide $3.2 million in
prescription drugs obtained at no cost from the pharmaceutical
industries’ patient assistance programs. Our program manages
15 patient assistance programs.
Mar Vista
Mar Vista Gardens Clinic brings primary health care within
walking distance of residents of the Mar Vista Gardens Housing
Development where more than a quarter of the residents earn
less than $10,000 per year. We provided a full spectrum of primary care services to 694 uninsured men, women and children.
Public Health
Our public health insurance program increases access to health
care for low-income families by helping individuals enroll and
retain low-cost and no-cost health insurance. The cornerstone
of the program is educating patients to understand why they
should have insurance and how to use it.
Promotion &
Our program enhances our patients’ health care through
education about nutrition, disease management, reproductive
counseling, prenatal care, child safety, pediatric literacy, teen
health, dental health and substance abuse education.
Our Patient Advisory Council ensures patient involvement in
Clinic operations and programs.
Our HIV Program provides medical services and treatment for
HIV-infected patients as well as anonymous HIV testing, counseling and outreach to the community. A majority of our HIV
patients are the neediest in our patient population. HIV educators provided 580 pre-and post-test counseling sessions.
Vision Care
Our vision care program at our Glorya Kaufman Eye Clinic provides screening, diagnosis, treatment, case coordination and
prescription glasses. Screening services are provided by a telemedicine program affiliated with the Jules Stein Eye Institute
at UCLA. Our program is highly valued, as availability of vision
services for the poor is particularly scarce.
Our Safe Families Domestic Violence Intervention Program
serves 212 women a year, providing individual and group counseling, advocacy and emergency medical care. On-call crisis
intervention is available. We extended our program to children
who live with domestic abuse.
Children First
Children First is a child development program whose focus is
to improve the quality of life for young children by strengthening their families while helping to lift families out of poverty
through education and job training information. Through home
visits, our staff works to create strong parent-child relationships.
Our cardiology program provides both primary and specialty
care for patients with active heart disease, including cardiac
diagnostic services from cardiologists and in-kind donors. The
Larry King Cardiac Foundation provides patients with surgeries
at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We seek to control and prevent
further heart disease through ongoing care.
Complementary &
Our complementary and integrative care program teaches
people to control and manage their own health through
nutrition, fitness and weight management programs.
Acupuncture helps patients suffering from chronic pain or
stress-related disorders. The program is affiliated with Yo San
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Emperor’s
College of Traditional Oriental Medicine.
Pediatric care provided 5,631 children with a full range of medical, mental health, developmental and family support services.
Our well-child care offers immunizations, preventative care, lead
screenings, and developmental assessments. We also treat children with chronic conditions such as asthma.
Statements of Activities and Changes In Net Assets
Years Ended June 30, 2004 and 2003
Revenues, Gains And Other Support:
Private And Community Support
Government Support
Third-party Reimbursement For Services
Interest Income On Long-term Investments
Realized Gain (Loss) On Long-term Investments
Unrealized Gain On Long-term Investments
Other Investment Income
Change In Value Of Charitable Remainder Trust
Net Assets Released From Program Restrictions
Net (Loss) Gain On Disposal Of Assets
Total Revenues, Gains And Other Support
Program Services:
Health Care
Children First Program
Education And Outreach
Total Program Services
Supporting Services:
Management And General
Total Supporting Services
Year Ended June 30, 2004
Temporarily Permanently
$ 5,194,209
$ 1,578,829
$ 366,560 $ 7,139,598
Total Expenses
Contributions In-kind:
Net Assets Released From Restrictions
Total Revenues And Other Support
Emergency And Laboratory Services
Medical Salaries
Other Volunteers
Donated Drugs And Pharmacy Supplies
Other Supplies And Services
Total Expenses
Net Contributions In-kind
Change In Net Assets
Net Assets, Beginning Of Year
Net Assets, End Of Year
Note: A copy of our full audited report is available upon request.
2,288,920 15,369,154
$2,655,480 $17,564,319
Year Ended June 30, 2003
Temporarily Permanently
Unrestricted Restricted
$ 679,037
$ 4,737,878
Statements of financial Position
Years Ended June 30, 2004 and 2003
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts and grants receivable
Pledges receivable
Pharmaceutical inventories
Prepaids and other
$ 2,169,832
$ 2,062,464
$ 18,510,427
$ 16,294,633
Liabilities And Net Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Notes payable and line of credit—current portion
$ 325,059
Total current assets
Long-term Investments
Pledges Receivable—Net Of Current Portion
Property And Equipment—Net
Total current liabilities
Unearned Revenue
Pledge Liabilities
Total liabilities
Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Note: A copy of our full audited report is available upon request.
Other 1%
Government Contracts and Grants 18%
Private and Community Support (Cash) 30%
Private and Community Support (In-Kind) 25%
Third Party Reimbursement for Services 26%
Health and Education Outreach 4%
Fundraising 7%
Children First Program 7%
Management/General 14%
Health Care 68%
Boards and Staff
Board of Directors, Officers
Carol Archie, MD, Chair
Marsha Temple, Chair Elect
William Flumenbaum,
Chair Development Committee
Brian D. Kan, MD, Chair Medical Practice
and Medical Services
Deborah Laub, Secretary
Neil H. Parker, MD, Parliamentarian
Jeffrey E. Sinaiko, Chair Finance
Board Members
Susan Adelman
Neal Baer, MD
Vicki Baker
Lowell C. Brown
Irma Colen
Dave Daniels
Mayer B. Davidson, MD
Raymond Eden
Mose J. Firestone, PhD, LCSW
Karen S. Gunn, PhD
Jimmy H. Hara, MD
Hilary Nelson Jacobs
Joanne Jubelier, PhD
Bruce Lamoureux
Gordon J. Lee
Barbara A. Levey, MD
Harley Liker, MD, MBA
Frank Matricardi, DrPh
Viren Mehta
William D. Parente
Ruth Rossman
Paul Saben
Fern Seizer
Alan Sieroty
Rebecca Tafoya
Russel Tyner, AIA
Michael S. Wilkes, MD, PhD
Board Emeritus
Ruth Bloom
Dan Hillman, MD
Karl Keener
Gail Margolis
Ruth Moss
Advisory Board
Martin Anderson, MD, MPH
Bernard Briskin
David Buell
Lou Colen
Hon. Kathleen Connell
Lucia Diaz
Laddie John Dill
Sylvia Firestone, MSW
Lila Garrett
Cyndy Garvey
Daniel Helberg
Roseann Herman
Marilyn Hersh
Elaine Hoffman
Dan Keatinge, MD
Diedre Kelly
Connie Linn
Al Markovitz, MD, FACP
Amita Rodman Mehta
Robert Moverley
Charlotte Neumann, MD, MPH
Harvey Newman, PharmD
Kenneth Ramberg
Joyce Rey
Andrea Rich, PhD
Arthur Stickgold
Leonard Stone
Jill E. Thomas
Milton Tyre
Foundation Board
Henry G. Cisneros
Lou & Irma Colen
Jeffrey Glassman
Salma Hayek
Michael Jacobs
Ira Kirshbaum
Deborah Laub
Chuck Lorre
Monica Lozano
John C. Molina
Bryce Perry
Kenneth Ramberg
Philip David Segal
Jeffrey Sinaiko
Ruth Singer
Carole Slavin
Ed Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Irving J. Weintraub
Mary Ann Weisberg
Billie Milam Weisman
Ruth Ziegler
Janet & Jerry Zucker
Clinic Staff
Elizabeth Benson Forer, MSW, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
Susan Fleischman, MD
Medical Director
Ziegler Adult Medicine Chair
Ana Zeledon Friendly, MPH
Associate Director
Carmen Ibarra
Director of Clinic Operations
Karen Lamp, MD
Assistant Medical Director
Loreto Melo
Chief Financial Officer
John Miller
Chief Development Officer
Gloria Mucino, LCSW
Clinical Social Work Director
Mary Ballou Richert
Director of General Operations
Anne Staunton, PhD
Director of Program Development and
Marcela Tetta, MPH
Director of Health Education, Promotion
and Community Outreach
JoEllen Tullis
Director of Child Development Services
Linda Feldman
Communications Manager
Gifts from
July 01, 2003–
June 30, 2004
250,000 +
The California Endowment
California Family Health
First 5 LA Proposition 10
Saint John’s Health Center
The Skirball Foundation
Tides Foundation
100,000 - 249,000
California Department of
Health Services
The California Wellness
Estate of Wilton N.
Irma & Louis Colen
Culver City Unified School
The Dharma-Grace
Chuck Lorre
Marjorie Fasman
Kaiser Permanente of
Southern California
L.A. Care Health Plan
Estate of Ruth & Paul
Los Angeles County
Department of Health
Marina Health Restitution
Fund of the
California Community
Dr. Victoria & Ronald Simms
50,000 - 99,999
The Fred H. Bixby Foundation
Joseph Drown Foundation
Hilary & Robert Nelson
Wilbur May Foundation
Anita May Rosenstein
The Ralph M. Parsons
City of Santa Monica
UniHealth Foundation
25,000 - 49,999
California HealthCare
Monica Lozano
Thomas Priselac
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc
C0rail-Johnson Foundation
The Eisner Foundation
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable
The Franklin Mint Foundation
for the Arts
Lynda & Stewart Resnick
The Karl Kirchgessner
The Susan G. Komen Breast
Cancer Foundation
Los Angeles Homeless
Services Authority
Laurie MacDonald & Walter
Pamela & Dr. Alvin Markovitz
Mary & Gordon Naff
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
United Way of Greater Los
Eva & Fred Vollmer Family
Frederick R. Weisman
Philanthropic & Art
Billie Milam Weisman
10,000 - 24,999
Lucy & Isadore B. Adelman
Susan Adelman & Claudio
Kathleen Hannon Aikenhead,
The William H. Hannon
American Hospital
Judd Apatow
Cecile Bartman
Stephen L. Bing
The David Bohnett
Broad Reach Foundation
Carol A. & David K.
Change a Life Foundation
Creative Artists Agency
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Deloitte & Touche
Diagnostic Products
Marilyn Ziering
Diane & Michael Ziering
The Richard F. Dwyer Eleanor W. Dwyer Fund
The Max Factor Family
Lorraine & Gerald J. Factor
Ruth & Stan Flinkman
Friends of the Culver City
Youth Health Center
The David Geffen Foundation
Hilton Hotels Corporation
George Hoag Family
Dr. Louise Horvitz
Elizabeth Bixby Janeway
Shari Leinwand
Glorya Kaufman
Susanne & Paul Kester
Ludwick Family Foundation
The Lund Foundation
Suzanne & Walter N. Marks, Jr.
The Harold McAlister
Charitable Foundation
Mehta Partners LLC
Amita & Viren Mehta
L. & S. Milken Family
Sandy & Lowell Milken
Nicole & Edward R. Murphy
Pfaffinger Foundation
Santa Monica Rotary Club
Yvonne De C. Segerstrom
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Estate of Sallie A. Smith in
memory of her mother
Rosy Zeig Smith and
her sister Matilda A. Satz
Harriet & Richard Squire
UCLA Center for Community
J.B. and Emily Van Nuys
Walt Disney Company
Gail & Irving Weintraub
Richard L. Weisman
David & Sylvia Weisz Family
Sylvia Weisz
William Morris Agency, Inc.
Ruth Ziegler
5,000 - 9,999
Estate of Julia Bauman
Helen & Dr. Peter Bing
Melissa & Rick Bradley
Judy & Bernard Briskin
Laurie & Larry David
Randee & Kenneth Devlin
DreamWorks SKG
The Edelstein Family
Charitable Foundation
Patricia & William
Barbara & Dr. Peter Fodor
Gelson’s Market
Diedre & Lawrence Gordon
Kay & Herbert Hafif
Goldyne Hearsh
Marilyn Hersh
David Hockney
Maria Hernandez & Henry
Christine & Jordan Kaplan
The Karsten Family
Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg
Evelyn Kay
Angela & Robert Kent
Tameron Keyes
Ira and Joanne Kirshbaum
Toni & David Klein
Klein Family Foundation
Sandra Krause & William
L.A. Louver Gallery
Deborah Laub
The Lawrence Foundation
Dr. Nell Levy
Catherine Kehr & Remy Levy
Scott Litt
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Lorena & Mark Merritt
The Barry and Wendy Meyer
Charitable Foundation
Edward D. & Anna Mitchell
Family Foundation
Diana & Daniel Attias
Paramount Pictures
Pearle Vision Foundation
Gertrude Pomish
Dr. William Resnick
Rotary Club of Venice/Marina
Roth Family Foundation
Rxpress Pharmacy
Keith Chung, Pharm. D
Cheryl & Haim Saban
Gloria & Dr. Bernard Salick
Janet & the Honorable
Maxwell Salter
Helen & Dr. Raymond
Diane Sherman
D.W. Frankel Foundation Inc
The Lucille Ellis Simon
Carole Slavin
Edith Smith
Kate Capshaw & Steven
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Cynthia & Sheldon Stone
Obtained by Frances &
Sherman Teller
from the M.R. Bauer
Marsha Temple & Warren
Tri-State Associates
Universal Studios
Kelly Chapman Meyer &
Ron Meyer
Magda & Frederick
Warner Bros.
Weingart Foundation
David & Sylvia Weisz Family
Philanthropic Fund Inc
Marilyn & John Wells
Jacqueline Yellin & Julia
Beatrice & Irving Zeiger
Ziffren Brittenham Branca &
Fischer Foundation
Suzanne & Hans Zimmer
2,500 - 4,999
Marianne & Dr. Abdelmonem
Dr. Carol Archie & Edward
Gerrie Smith & Dr. Neal Baer
Stacy Winawer-Beale &
Richard Beale
Bloom, Hergott & Diemer
Ruth & Jacob Bloom
Blue Cross of California
The Saul Brandman
Joyce & Saul Brandman
Eli & Edythe L. Broad
Norah & Bruce Broillet
Renee & Dr. Earl Cherniak
Coldwell Banker
Lester Deutsch
Rose & David Dortort
Shera & Peter Falk
Adleen & Richard Gibbs
Rachel & Jack Gindi
The Samuel Goldwyn
Elliot J. Gordon
Ruth & Cecil Greenwold
Lois & Richard Gunther
The Honorable Jane & Dr.
Sidney Harman
Joyce & Harvey Harris
Millie & Meyer Hersch
Elaine Hoffman & Jack
Vicki & Jimmy Iovine
Janice & Jon Jerde
The Jerde Partnership
Joanne Jubelier, Ph.D. &
James Zidell, D.D.S.
Lillian & Leon Katz
Suzanne & Richard Kayne
Leatrice & James B. Keller
L’Ermitage Foundation
Dr. Barbara & Dr. Gerald
Liker Consulting
Harley & Julie Liker
June & Don W. Little
Tracey Loeb & Kent Beyer
Christy & Michael Lowe
Dr. Susan Mackensen &
Kenneth Smith
Dr. Judd Marmor
David May II-Dee May 1982
Charitable Trust
Amanda May
Judith & Louis Miller
Ann & Jerry Moss
New Regency
Productions, Inc
Northern Trust Bank of
Rosie O’Donnell
Harriet & Richard Orkand
Sid Ostrow
PacifiCare Health Systems
Carol & William Parente
Ann Peppers Foundation
Anita & Kalvin Rabineau
Bari & Kenneth Ramberg
Edward Raphael
Revolution Studios
The Robert Gore Rifkind
Robert Gore Rifkind
Edith Matthai & James Robie
Allison Nunn Roeder &
Richard Roeder
Monica Salinas, Ph.D.
Dr. Jeanne & Robert Segal
Abby Sher
Jan & Mace Siegel
Alan Sieroty & Michelle
Jeffrey Sinaiko
Ilaine & Scott Slotnick
Sony Pictures
Diana Biafora Sparagna
Charlene & Burton Sperber
Valley Crest Companies
Rachel & Eric Stern
Shirley & Leonard Stone
Victoria & Mark Sutherland
Judith & Dr. S. Jerome Tamkin
Twentieth Century Fox
United Way of Ventura
Venice Properties
Jack V. Hoffmann
Watling Foundation
Sallie Watling Coughlin &
Curt Coughlin
Whole Foods Market
Ann Marie & Jack Wilder
Dr. Margaret Rea & Dr.
Michael Wilkes
The Edward and Ruth Wilkof
Ida & Edward Wilkof
Rita & Theodore Williams
Gisela & James Zukor
1,500 - 2,499
Ann Alexander
Dana & Michael Apted
Shirley & Irving Ashkenas
Edith Ballonoff
Modestus Bauer Foundation
Laurie & Bill Benenson
Bunny Wasser & Howard
Gina Bettinsoli & Dr. Andy
Candace M. Borland
Beatrice Breslaw
Lorraine Brown & John Davis
Sonja Eddings Brown &
Lowell Brown
Tara Butters
Judy & Joel Citron
Dvorah & Jack Colker
The Comerica Charitable
Stanley Dashew
Dr. Mayer B. Davidson &
Roseann Herman
dba R.H.N. Company
Joe Newman
Robert J. Drabkin
Lindsey R. East
Ruth & Herman Engel
Raymond Evans
Marjorie L. Everett
Janet & Jake Farber
Helene Feuerstein
The Honorable Valerie &
Judge Jerry Fields
First Federal Bank of
Dr. Susan Fleischman & Paul
Foley & Lardner
Lowell Brown
Shari & Richard Foos
Elizabeth & Daniel Forer
O.J. Freed
Ana & Edwin S. Friendly
Paula & Edwin Friendly, Jr.
Cyndy Garvey Truhan
Rose Gilbert
Marion & Ernest Goldenfeld
Sooky & Sam Goldman
Eileen Goodis & Dr. Eric
Nancy Monk & Allan Gordon
Karen Baynard Gould
Manuel Graiwer
Gigi & Donald Grant
Miranda Johnson-Haddad &
Mark Haddad
Elliot Handler
Diane & Dr. Jimmy H. Hara
Shirley Harris
Gail & Frederic Heim
Rudi Jacobson
Dr. Mary Ann Rosenfeld &
Sheldon Kadish
Hedy & Samy Kamienowicz
Samy’s Camera
Dr. Brian Kan
Jeffrey A. Kaplan
Barbie Lisa Kligman
Patricia & Michael Klowden
Roger L. Kohn
Dr. Elena Konstat & Moises
Ellen & Michael Korney
Evelyn & Nathan Krems
Sandra Landers & David
Landers, M.D.
Latham & Watkins
Yvonne Lenart
Nancy & Michael Levin
Hyman Levine Family
Liner Yankelevitz Sunshine &
Roz Livingston
Virginia & Francis Maas
Paula & Sidney Machtinger
Gail Margolis
The Marmor Foundation
Dr. Frank Matricardi & Dr.
Diana Bonta
Ellen & Harold Meier
Dr. Charlene Underhill Miller
& John D. Miller
Amber & Chris Mullen
Dr. Charlotte & Dr. Alfred
Arnold Newman
Kenneth C. Nieberg, M.D. &
Roberta K. Nieberg, M.D.
Sandra Nimoy
Polly Osborne & Edward
Bel Ostrow
Max Palevsky
Idy Parker
Stella Schloss & Dr. Neil
Mira Pelzig
The Honorable Joy & Dr.
Gerald Picus
Pioneer French Baking Co Inc
Candace & Jack
Margaret Black & John Ptak
Lynne & Larry Rabineau
Sylvie & Steven Rabineau
Carol R. & Jerry B. Redston
Bonnie & Dr. David Rickles
Lois Rosen
Rotary Club of Santa Monica
Dena & Irving Schechter
Karen & Eric Schiffer
Maria Shriver &
the Honorable Arnold
Fern & Robert Seizer
Shirley & Marvin Selter
Sensorex Corp.
Betty & Sanford Sigoloff
George Slotnick
Caren & Erwin Sokol
Bruce Spector
Leona & Stanley Sperling
Dr. Susan Stangl
Charlotte Stoner
Louise F. Strouse
Janey & Albert Sweet
Leslie & Ronald Sweet
Swimmer Family Foundation
Sally Swimmer
Dr. Edward L. Tobinick
Deborah & David Trainer
Blossom & Ralph Trustman
Denise & Russel Tyner
Rosamond Joffe & Milton
USA Networks
Foundation Inc
Florence Victor
Toby & Robert Waldorf
Whizin Foundation
Kristina M. & Laurence S.
The Winnick Family
Karen & Gary Winnick
Barbara & Henry
Bernice & the Honorable
Leonard Wolf
Carol & Nelson Zand
1,000 - 1,499
Aaroe Associates
Bette & Wylie Aitken
Leslee Hackenson & Roger
Vicki & Gregory Baker
Pamela & Roger Birnbaum
City of Los Angeles
Laurie M. Cohn
Mark H. Dalzell
Dave Daniels
The Davidow Charitable Fund
Michael P. Deasy
Anne & Kirk Douglas
Bernice & Dr. Henry Earle
Ellen & Raymond Eden
Patricia J. & Thomas England
Olga & Milton Farbstein
Ruth & Arnold Feuerstein
Betty Freeman
Cindy & Glenn Frey
Ruth & Charles Gold
Donna Schwarzbach & David
Jill & Brad Grey
Shannon & Marc Gurvitz
Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks
Elizabeth & Brent Harris
Marina & George W.M. Hatch
Susan Howard
Iowa Foundation for
Environment & the Arts
Mary K. & Bryan Jensen
Renee & David Kaplan
Frances & Dr. James Keane
Frances E. Kent
Shirley Kleiman
Joyce F. Klein
Raimie Kriste
Richard E. Lewis
Liberty Hill Foundation
LLWW Foundation
Robert Lorsch
Elizabeth H. & Robert J. Lowe
Marcum Entertainment Corp.
Marina Pacific Hotel & Suites
Mike McNeilly
Frieda Meltzer
Studios Inc
Kelly Chapman Meyer & Ron
Andrew B. Miller
Dr. William Molle
The Montecito Picture Co.
Mossler, Deasy & Doe
Carol Eliel & F. Thomas Muller
Albert Nassi
Northrup Grumman
The Edmund C. Olson Family
Nancy Koven & Carter
The Parish of Saint Matthew
Payden & Rygel
Joan Payden
William S. Prady
Ilene Resnick & Daniel Weiss
The Honorable Cynthia
Miscikowski &
Douglas Ring
The Riordan Foundation
Richard Riordan
Allison Thomas & Gary Ross
Leo Rossman
Evander Schley
Madeline & Dr. Philip
Fred Segal
Ruth Singer
Soroptimist International of
Los Angeles West & Santa
Helen & Anthony Spaulding
Alice Stein
Sharon Stone
Erika & Michael Swimmer
Jill Thomas
Ellen Goldsmith & Jon Vein
Irene Weibel
Cindy Forman Weissler & Eric
Margaret & Howard
Welfund, Inc.
Margo & Irwin Winkler
Karen & Richard Wolfen
Barbara & the Honorable Zev
Dr. Meyer Zeiler
Helen A. Ziman
Permanent Endowments
Irma and Lou Colen Physician
Marilyn and Thomas
Karsten Domestic Violence
Sadie and Norman Lee Teen
Clinic Physician
The Milken Family Physician
The Jack H. Skirball Medical
Director Endowment
The Gail and Irv Weintraub
Frederick R.Weisman
Psychosocial Services
In-Kind Donors
(valued at
Venice Art Walk
Amuse Cafe
All Steel
Allan Jeffries
Art Concepts
Artistic Picture Frames
Bonhams & Butterfields, Ed
Brigitte Caland
California Sushi Academy
Mike Cimmarusti
Classic Party Rentals
Roseann Herman & Mayer
Davidson, M.D.
Debb Ross & Robbie Conal
Cooke’s Crating and Fine Art
Don Francis Conservation
Designer Services Group
Pamela Barish & Laddie
John Dill
El Tesoro de Don Felipe
Fast Frame
Fourth Corner Conservation
Frame 2000
Phil & Phyllis Gainsborough
Ellis Hall
Hal’s Bar & Grill
J. Cooper Picture Framing
Jewel Box Frames
Joe’s Restaurant, Joe Miller
Klay Kitchen
LA Louver Gallery
Los Angeles Business Journal
Los Angeles City
Ruth Galanter
Wendy Gruel
Cindy Miscikowski
Jack Weiss
Dennis Zine
La Quinta Resort and Club
The Marketing Factory, Rob
W.I. Simonson Mercedes Benz
Michael’s Restaurant, Kim &
Michael McCarty
Off the Wall Catering
Museum of Contemporary
Phil Norman Tentet
Print Works
Doug Ring & Cindy
Seidman Framing
Sonnonstine Public Relations
Sherman Galleries
The Sports Club/L.A.
TeamOne Advertising
The Wine House
Tri Art Framing
Venice Magazine
Westminster Elementary
Silver Circle
Northern Trust Bank
Westfield Corporation
St. Regis Los Angeles
Children’s Holiday Movie
99 Cent Only Store
Dark Horse Comics
Gap, Inc.
Jakks Pacific, Inc.
Karen Indreland
L.A. Kings
Loews Cineplex
Los Angeles Magazine
Mattel, Inc.
OPI Products, Inc
Planet Friendly Plastics
Rite Aid
The Walt Disney Company
Universal Pictures
Venice Magazine
Artist Card Program
Peter Alexander
Charles Arnoldi
Christine Burrill
Robbie Conal
Sam Francis
Scott Grieger
Kenny Harris
Harrison Houle
Robert Glenn Ketchum
E.F. Kitchen
Bernard Mendoza
Astrid Preston
Ed Ruscha
Daniel Samakow
Peter Shire
Mark di Suvero
Non Medical Supplies and
Sonja Eddings Brown
Chico’s Manhattan Beach
Chico’s Marina del Rey
Colgate Dental Van
Devean George
Sorrento Italian Market
Unique Plant Rental
Seymour Young, MD
Yo San University
3M Pharmaceuticals
Allen & Hanbury
Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Becton Dickinson
Boehringer Ingelheim
Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co.
Dendrite Pharmaceuticals
DexGen Pharmaceuticals
Eli Lilly and Company
Forest Pharmaceuticals
Hoffman-La Roche, Inc.
IVAX Pharmaceuticals
Jones Pharmaceutical
Kaiser Permanente
Key Pharmaceuticals
King Pharmaceuticals
McNeil Consumer Products
Merck and Co.
Mission Pharmacal
Novo Nordisk
Pfizer, USPG
Pfizer Labs
Pratt Labs
Steer Labs
Procter & Gamble
Tap Pharmaceuticals
Warner Chilcott
Wyeth Ayerst
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Joseph Lebovic, MD Imaging
Parkside Radiology
Parkview Imaging
Saint John’s Health Center
Santa Monica Bay Physicians
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical
UCLA Medical Center
Westchester Imaging
Western Imaging Center
Woman’s Breast Center
Vision Care
Cal Coast Ophthalmic
Dan’s Optical
Garrick Optometric
Jules Stein Eye Institute at
Santa Monica Vitreous
Health Education, Promotion
& Community Outreach
LA Care Health Plan
Mar Vista Family Center
City of Los Angeles
Children’s Book World
Darien Book Aid Plan
Edith Davidson
Disney Worldwide Outreach/
First Book West LA Advisory
Rebecca Friendly
Kaiser Permanente
Reach Out and Read
Karen Lauterbach
Monica McFerrin
Midnight Special Bookstore
Reach Out and Read
Jackie Schoenstadt
Scholastic Books
Atlas Development Company
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Pacific Toxicology
Quest Diagnostics
Saint John’s Health Center
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical
UCLA Medical Center
Every donor is important
to us. If your name is not
listed within the appropriate
category or is listed improperly, please accept our
apologies and notify us
at 310.664.7918 so the
correction can be made.
Jerold Federman, M.D.
Mary Ellen Friedman, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Douglas Bell, M.D.
David Berenbeim, M.D.
Arleen Brown, M.D.
David Carlisle, M.D., M.P.H.
William Cunningham, M.D.,
Camelia Davtyan, M.D.
Allison Diamant, M.D.
David Eisenman, M.D.
Stephanie Fein, M.D.
Edith Flores, M.D.
Albert Fuchs, M.D.
Denise Garvey, M.D.
Peter Glassman, M.D.
Jerome Greenberg, M.D.
David Grossman, M.D.
Mark Grossman, M.D.
Rick Hayashi, M.D.
Brian Kan, M.D.
Daniel Keatinge, M.D.
Peter Lefevre, M.D.
Jeannie Lin, M.D.
Nicole Littenberg, M.D.
Debra Lotstein, M.D.
Harold Mills, M.D.
William Molle, M.D.
Leo Morales, M.D.
Henry Niho, M.D.
Nathalie Orloff, M.D.
Kavita Patel, M.D.
Janet Pregler, M.D.
Jose Quiroga, M.D.
Sidney Reiff, M.D.
Srinath Sanda, M.D.
Baldeep Singh, M.D.
Lisa Skinner, M.D.
Jane Spiegel, M.D.
Jerome Wang, M.D.
Amy Weimer, M.D.
Neil Wenger, M.D.
Mitch Wong, M.D.
Hawkin Woo, M.D.
David Zingmond, M.D.
Noel Boyle, M.D.
Ankush Chhabra, M.D.
Carter Newton, M.D.
Renuka Peterson, M.D.
Ronald Moy, M.D.
Edward Tobinick, M.D.
Dermatology Residents
Melvin Chiu, M.D.
Noah Craft, M.D.
Adam Rotunda, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Mark Richman, M.D., M.P.H.
Mayer Davidson, M.D.
Family Practice
Lawrence Adler, M.D.
Thomas Early, M.D.
Peter Fields, M.D.
William Freije, M.D.
Jimmy Hara, M.D.
Howard Kass, M.D.
Clay Levine, M.D.
Murray Salkin, M.D.
Heidi Solz, M.D.
Victor Wylie, M.D.
Family Practice Residents
Cate Baker, M.D.
Marjan Banooni , M.D.
IanBare, M.D.
Stephanie Billings, M.D.
Vincent Fan , M.D.
Benjamin Gilmore, M.D.
Susan Jung, M.D.
Sara Klevens, M.D.
Patty Koh, M.D.
Albert Lin, M.D.
Melissa Lin, M.D.
Nancy Lin, M.D.
Mary Marfisee, M.D.
Ray Nanda, M.D.
Thai Nguyen, M.D.
Frank Ong, M.D.
Betty Shih, M.D.
Wilfred Williams, M.D.
Jonathan Wong, M.D.
Internal Medicine Residents
Erum Aftab, M.D.
Ali Amirzadeh, M.D.
Devi Jane Asuncion, M.D.
Margarita Bass, M.D.
Karen Bernstein, M.D.
Abhinandan Bharne, M.D.
William Bichai, M.D.
Jason Bradfield, M.D.
Howard Broder, M.D.
Deborah Budge, M.D.
Lauren Burwell, M.D.
Ashley Busuttil, M.D.
Daniel Catenacci, M.D.
Kevin Chan, M.D.
Simon Chan, M.D.
Dorrie Chang, M.D.
Eric Cheng, M.D.
Elizabeth Chung, M.D.
Greg Cogert, M.D.
Amy Corliss, M.D.
Rebecca Crane, M.D., M.P.H.
Kingshuk Das, M.D.
Adarsh Daswani, M.D.
Amish Dave, M.D., Ph.D.
Priya Desai, M.D.
Sheetal Desai, M.D.
Anish Desai, M.D.
Neesha Devaraj, M.D.
Shulan Ding, M.D.
David Do, M.D.
Vatsal Doshi, M.D.
Jordan Dubow, M.D.
Trac Duong, M.D.
Neveen El-farra, M.D.
Amanda Ewing, M.D.
Lisa Faia, M.D.
Jason Fish, M.D.
Joshua Galanter, M.D.
Jordan Geller, M.D.
Sara Ghandehari, M.D.
Prabhu Gounder, M.D.
Sangeeta Grewal, M.D.
Paul Haas, M.D.
James Hansen, M.D.
Andrea Harzstark, M.D.
Narimon Honarpour, M.D.
Dana Howard, M.D.
Christine Huang, M.D.
Dan Huang, M.D.
Edward Hui, M.D.
Cathy Hunag, M.D.
Amit Jha, M.D.
Bob Kalantari, M.D.
Denise Kalmaz, M.D.
Susan Kao, M.D.
Kate Kelley, M.D.
David Kim, M.D.
Richard Kim, M.D.
Youjong Ko, M.D.
Stephanie Koven, M.D.
James Kringel, M.D.
Dahlia Lainer, M.D.
Ashkan Lashkari, M.D.
Daniel Lee, M.D.
Henry Lee, M.D.
Moon Lee, M.D.
Mark Lensky, M.D.
Ben Levine, M.D.
Martha Lewis, M.D.
Shannon Lewis, M.D.
Jieli Li, M.D.
Kenneth Lin, M.D.
Tom Lowe, M.D.
Anish Mahajan, M.D.
Rishi Manchanda, M.D.
Aravind Mani, M.D.
Neel Mann, M.D.
Melissa Mardiros, M.D.
Jeffrey Mariano, M.D.
Lenna Martyak, M.D.
George Matcuk, M.D.
Fernando Mendoza, M.D.
Jo-Ann Mendoza, M.D.
Michelle Merjanian, M.D.
Leslie Meserve, M.D.
Jason Mok, M.D.
Stephen Nguyen, M.D.
Henry Niho, M.D.
Scott Oh, M.D.
Juan Oliva, M.D.
Jeanette Ouyang, M.D.
Cindy Pak, M.D.
Monty Pal, M.D.
Isabel Pedraza, M.D.
Josh Pevnick, M.D.
Claudia Pfeil, M.D.
Paul Poommipanit, M.D.
Shahram Pourrabbani, M.D.
Arathi Reddy, M.D.
Thomas Ro, M.D.
Lina Salty, M.D.
Jennifer Sayles, M.D.
Lee Sheinkopf, M.D.
Hardeep Singh, M.D.
Melissa Slivka, M.D.
Stephanie Smooke, M.D.
Samir Sodha, M.D.
Michael Su, M.D.
William Suh, M.D.
Mehryar Taban, M.D.
Alice Tam, M.D.
Jennifer Tan, M.D.
Carlo Tarantino, M.D.
David Taylor, M.D.
Tam Tran, M.D.
Mark Tsai, M.D.
Nally Tsang, M.D.
David Vadnais, M.D.
Marmar Vaseghi, M.D.
Michael Vollmer, M.D.
Heather Volpp, M.D.
Olga Voroshilovsky, M.D.
Amanda Wallace, M.D.
David Wang, M.D.
Caroline Watson, M.D.
Jonathan Weaver, M.D.
Sam Weigt, M.D.
Brett Wertman, M.D.
Cristina Wiese, M.D.
Derrick Wong, M.D.
Brian Woods, M.D.
Patty Wu, M.D.
Jason Yeh, M.D.
Jennifer Yeung, M.D.
Brian Young, M.D.
Run Yu, M.D.
Michael Zeineh, M.D.
David Zingmond, M.D.
Nancy Sicotte, M.D.
Seymour Young, M.D.
Barbara Lifland, R.N.
Pamela Wallace, R.N.
Anita Bajpai, M.D.
Jenny Li, M.D.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Carol Archie, M.D.
William Freije, M.D.
Julie Henriksen, M.D.
Chai-Lin Hsu, M.D.
Carla Janzen, M.D.
Judy Mikacich, M.D.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Virginia Agnelli, M.D.
Gayane Ambartsumyan, M.D.
Malini Anand, M.D.
Darcy Bryan, M.D.
Jamie Drinville, M.D.
Bobby Garg, M.D.
Yen Hoang, M.D.
Candace Howe, M.D.
Andy Huang, M.D.
Daniel Kahn, M.D.
Daniel Kahn, M.D.
Linda Lewis-Mendoza, M.D.
Frances Lineback, M.D.
Jaime Ocampo, M.D.
Jeannine Rahimian, M.D.
Susan Sarajari, M.D.
Jill Satorie, M.D.
Kari Sproul, M.D.
Mor Tzadik, M.D.
Jackie Vasquez, M.D.
Ayanna Walden, M.D.
Milena Weinstein, M.D.
Arnold Barron, M.D.
Lawrence Hopp, M.D.
Richard Hulquist, M.D.
Jeremy Levenson, M.D.
Sunmin Park, M.D.
Samuel Goetz, O.D.
David Tanouye, O.D.
Olga Acosta, M.D.
Martin Anderson, M.D.
Tara Berman, M.D.
Monique Burton, M.D.
Mary Deutsche, M.D.
Ben Fass, M.D.
Polina Feygin, M.D.
Denise Garvey, M.D.
Mark Grossman, M.D.
Mark Haendel, M.D.
Brian Kan, M.D.
Irving Klitsner, M.D.
Alice Kuo, M.D.
Debra Lotstein, M.D.
Christopher Muntz, M.D.
Jonathan Necheles, M.D.
Sara Nelson, M.D.
Victoria Paterno, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Sheila Phillips, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Angelee Reiner, M.D.
Earl Rubell, M.D.
Srinath Sanda, M.D.
Ali Singh, M.D.
Stuart Slavin, M.D.
Kimberly Uyeda, M.D., M.P.H.
Jason Wang, M.D.
Jerome Wang, M.D.
Amy Weimer, M.D.
David Weinstein, M.D.
Dennis Woo, M.D.
Pediatric Residents
Erum Aftab, M.D.
Dan Arndt, M.D.
Rupal Badani, M.D.
Arpi Bekmezian, M.D.
Kavitha Bhatia, M.D.
David Bronstein, M.D.
David Buchbinder, M.D.
Alice Chang, M.D.
Harry Chang, M.D.
Lily Chao, M.D.
Adrienne Chew, M.D.
Michael Ching, M.D.
Michael Ching, M.D.
Arthur Cho, M.D.
Cathy Chu, M.D.
William Chu, M.D.
Sarah Copeland, M.D.
Rebecca Crane, M.D., M.P.H.
Anish Desai, M.D.
Neesha Devaraj, M.D.
Myke Drayer, M.D.
Jeffrey Ekstrand, M.D.
Heather Enomoto, M.D.
Samuel Esparza, M.D.
Noah Federman, M.D.
Chelsea Forbes, M.D.
Lauren Fulkerson, M.D.
Courtney Gelberman, M.D.
Jennifer Geracht, M.D.
Brent Gordon, M.D.
Jennifer Grumet, M.D.
Lisa Hauselman, M.D.
Kirsten Heidel, M.D.
Sabrina Howenstein, M.D.
Laila Jiwani, M.D.
Dan Kao, M.D.
Anne Kelly, M.D.
Kathy Kim, M.D., M.P.H.
James Kringel, M.D.
Elizabeth LaGuardia, M.D.
Michael Land, M.D.
Marinda Lee, M.D.
Sandra Lee, M.D.
Tim Lee, M.D.
Michelle Lewis, M.D.
Jennifer Lin, M.D.
Kenneth Lin, M.D.
Rishi Manchanda, M.D.
Bryan McDonald, M.D.
Margaret-Anne McGibbon,
Monica McGrann, M.D.
Fernando Mendoza, M.D.
Jeremy Moore, M.D.
Devi Muthukumar, M.D.
Kristina Nylander, M.D.
Thida Ong, M.D.
Michael Orosco, M.D.
Jeanette Ouyang, M.D.
Demetra Pappas, M.D.
Kavita Patel, M.D.
Amy Paz, M.D.
Claudia Pfeil, M.D.
Jay Pruetz, M.D.
Angelika Rampal, M.D.
Jenna Roberts, M.D.
Galit Rosen, M.D.
Jigna Shah, M.D.
Jeremy Shapiro, M.D.
Rashmi Shetgiri, M.D.
Stephen Shih, M.D.
Melissa Slivka, M.D.
Brynie Slome, M.D.
Samir Sodha, M.D.
Leslie Spiegel, M.D.
Monica Stoffer, M.D.
Margaret Swaine, M.D.
Christina Tchen, M.D.
Jeffrey Tom, M.D.
Nally Tsang, M.D.
Katherine Velez, M.D.
Ray Wang, M.D.
Sunshine Weiss, M.D.
Rebecca Whitney, M.D.
Patty Wu, M.D.
Anne Marie Yered, M.D.
Jennifer Yeung, M.D.
Physician Assistant
Joanne Berlin
Nadine Semer, M.D.
Michael Levi, M.D.
B. David Soofer, D.P.M.
Patricia Brodhead, M.D.
Kenneth Chuang, M.D.
Deborah Flores, M.D.
Joshua Golden, M.D.
John Kinzie, M.D.
Regina Pally, M.D.
Psychiatry Residents
Kenneth Chuang, M.D.
John Kinzie, M.D.
Matt Koury, M.D.
Zoe Martinez, M.D., Ph.D.
Veronica Quezada, M.D.
Joanne Jubelier, Ph.D.
Marjorie Roberts, Ph.D.
Myrna Silton-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Ami Oren, M.D.
Basil Clyman, M.D.
Michael Weisman, M.D.
Social Work
Sheila Hutman
Social Work Intern
Veronica Aguirre
Amber Beals
Wendy Douglas
Melissa Lopez
Claudia Sotelo
Patricia Vidal
Outside Referrals
Robert Adair, M.D.
Daniel Altchuler, M.D.
Parviz Afshani, M.D.
Monica Angriacchi
David Applebaum, M.D.
Houshang Berjis, M.D.
W. Benton Boone, M.D.
David Boyer, M.D.
Barbara Breger, M.D.
Lennis Burke, M.D.
David Butler, M.D.
William Cabeen, M.D.
David Campion, M.D.
Joseph Caprioli, M.D.
Tracey Childs, M.D.
Thomas Chu, M.D.
Richard Corlin, M.D.
Jerry Dalrymple, M.D.
Elizabeth De Oliveira, M.D.
Gail Drayton, M.D.
N. Robert Elson, M.D.
Christine Eubanks
Marjorie Fine, M.D.
Stuart Fisher, M.D.
Eric Fonkalsrud, M.D.
Robert Forster
Susan Frugone
Gary Gibbon, M.D.
Cadvan Griffiths, M.D.
Chester Griffiths, M.D.
George Grifka, M.D.
Antoine Hage, M.D.
Michelle Hamilton, M.D.
Marc Harwitt, M.D.
Ibrahim Helmy, M.D.
Martha Hierro, M.D.
Karima Hirani, M.D.
Robert Hutcherson, M.D.
Bernard Katz, M.D.
Patricia Keane
Jon Kobashigawa, M.D.
Thomas Kun, M.D.
David Leff, M.D.
Michael Levi, M.D.
Lyn Lewis
Robert Merz, M.D.
Robert Meth, M.D.
Chipp Miller, M.D.
Jaime Moriguchi, M.D.
Ronald Moy, M.D.
Roger Novak, M.D.
Margaret Olsen-Kohner, M.D.
James Orecklin, M.D.
Peter Pelikan, M.D.
F. Monte Purcelli, M.D.
Rhonda Rand, M.D.
Laurie Reynard, M.D.
Ronald Roth, M.D.
Lisa Shigio
Alan Szeftel, M.D.
Irving Tessler, M.D.
Edgar Thomas, M.D.
Dennis Thompson, M.D.
Donald Trepany
William Vincent, M.D.
Marc Wishingrad, M.D.
Richard Wright, M.D.
Seymour Young, M.D.
Mark Zatzkis, M.D.
Farah Akbar
Jose Alfaro
Melissa Attia
Tasneem Bholat
Sheelagh Boyd
Belinda Bray
Yadhira Cardenas
Jackie Coulter
Candice Daneshvar
Adrian De La Rosa
Leroy Enriquez
Elizabeth Esquivias
Brian Galindo
Alejandro Garcia
Matthew Hadilaksono
Andres Ibarra
Jennifer Janes
Evelyn Kay
Sadaf Kohandanish
Ana Lantigua
Samantha Lucas
Helena Minye
Ana Ramirez
Hector Romero
Isela Ruiz
Jacqueline Schoenstadt
Angila Sewal
Megan Symons
Arlene Torres
Leslie Valdivia
Joel Virgen
Lisa Wright
Heather Yonutas
Clinic Assistance
Helty Adisetiyo
Jose Alfaro
Karen Alipio
Krishni Aluwihare
Karen Andrews
Adam Androlia
Tasneem Bholat
Huynh Cao
Julie Chen
Jinsun Choi
Linda Chun
Erika Dahlin-Lee
Megan Early
Nicholas Fain
Walter Franco
Rene Galvan
Johnny Garcia
Marina Garcia
Ameet Grewal
Diana Hoffman
Anna Hui
Nhi Huynh
John Kaddis
Albert Kashanian
Beth Katz
Benjamin Kianmahd
Anna Kvyatkovskaya
Becky Lee
Jason Lee
Jennifer Marvil
Andrew Meth
Laura Moreno
Anna Morgan
Faye Oelrich
Eusebio Orozco
Jenny Phan
Amalia Poquiz
Benjamin Rafii
Nicole Rivas
Marc Roseboro
Barbara Jean Santos
Michael Seider
Angila Sewal
Amy Shah
Jennifer Sharkey
Na Young Song
Brigitta Tanzer
Chuck Trujillo
William Wagner
Betyshia Watson
Jimmy Yang
Terry Yeung
Mey Yip
Heather Yonutas
Jonathan Zimmerman
Harvey Newman, Pharm. D.
Martin Pearlman
Pharmacy Assistance
Gwendolyn Bauman
Michael Carlos
Jean Enriquez
Joanne Lee
Tho Pham
Videnne Sath
Terrill Tang
Viet Tran
Kim Vinh
Domestic Violence Education
Kara Anady
Dan Gorton
Bertha Spero
Don Kain
Laura Kigawa
Ligia Torres
Play Area
Kenyatta Conway
Alejandro Garcia
Marina Garcia
Danielle Lew
Tanna Moontaro
Tilly Oren
Claudia Rodriguez
Janaith Rodriguez
Marc Roseboro
Reach Out and Read
Gemma Brown
Tracy Chiem
Ronald Harper
Catherine Hrabar
Danielle Lew
Karen Lin
Lisa Llanos
Tanna Moontaro
Laura Pasquale
David Pearl
Claudia Rodriguez
Jacqueline Schoenstadt
Andrea Weintraub
Lisa Vollendorf
Medical Students
Jessica Ahlberg
Sandra Avila
Mina Bak
Amy Benson
Lousine Boyadzhyan
Seth Cardall
Mark Chavez
Grant Christman
Karen Conner
Nathan Copelan
Michael Core
Alma Cortez, M.D.
Dorothy Dickman
Mamie Dong
Carl Eriksson
Stephanie Greger
Leslie Hamilton, M.D.
Christina Han
Thomas Hoffman
Atul Jain
Yael Kaniel
Jamuna Karkhanis
Rishi Kaushal
Bahghi Keflezighi
James Kim
John Ko
Lori Lamb
Steven Le
Michelle Lee
Michael Lin
Amy Melsaether
Harrison Miao
Mehran Movassaghi
Shoba Narayan, M.D.
Lily Ngo
Amy Olin
Gregory Owens
Carmen Pelayo
Adriana Ramirez
Stephanie Reittinger
Susie Reyes
Janine Roach
Fernando Rodriguez
Susan Saucedo
Sanjeev Sriram, M.D.
Amy Stauff
Marc Suchard
Jennifer Thompson
Katherine To’o
Mary Tran
Ngan Vuong
Brandye Wilson
Kim Wycoff
Brita Zaia
Donna Zulman
Nursing Students
Veronica Acevedo, R.N.
Elizabeth Davis
Noemi Delgadillo
Donna Ellis
Rhonda Mildon
Christine Rasmuson, R.N.
Jennifer Sanchez
Carmen Verastegui
Nurse Practioner Students
Sylvia Castilla
Stephanie Reittinger
Esther Robinson, R.N.
Melodie Tumang
Pharmacy Students
Linda Bui
Marine Chichyan
Emily Choe
Jacqueline Dang
Hera Djihanian
Tammy Ginder
Christine Hanna
Andrew Lo
Dan Luu
Tracey Morita
Zhanna Rubinova
Diane Song
Children’s Holiday Movie
Stacey Acosta
VJ Alon
Karen Andrews
Fern Aroesty
Brian Baehner
Maggie Berigen
Ana Berman
Karen Bloch
Paul Boese
Radu Bogdan
Marcy Brener
Betsy Caland
Becky Chassin
Carrie Clifford
Jeff Cornell
Ginger Cox
Brian D’Andrea
Dave Daniels
Mark Dubow
Paul Eppleston
Todd Flora
Courtney Fox
Diana Frank
Rebecca Friendly
Opal Galicay
Lenny Galvez
Sandra Galvez
Fany Galvez
Laura Garcia
Dave Garrett
Kyle Gass
Susan Givens
Naomi Goldman
Susan Goodman
Diedre Gordon
Christina Grant
Nathan Green
Karen Green
Kevin Gunnison
Cathleen Guy
Cynthia Hernandez
Gloria Hernandez
Marilyn Hersh
Jared Hexberg
Nicole Hoekstra
Valerie Islas
Milet Iwatsubo
Cara Knei
Ila Kossack
Wendy Kramer-Shannon
Kathy Lancaster
Eve Laurelin
Ian Laurelin
Todd Lechtick
Jody Leibman
Michael Linarte
Ellen Lind
Mimi Lind
Jacqueline Marcus
Lia Markakis
Mary McIntyre
Amber Meno
Kelly Meyer
Melodie Meyer
Joshua Miles
Freddy Mireles
Lisa Mireles
Maria Mireles
Marcy Montana
Brandon Morrison
Russell Morse
Jennifer Newman
Allison Nunn Roeder
Amanda Olsen
Felicia Penniman
Diana Perez
Maria Perez
Zaid Pervaiz
Karen Peterson
Han Pham
Michelle Pine
Gertrude Pomish
Miriam Pomposo
Melissa Rawson
Danielle Ricarro
Kendon Roberts
Barbara Roche
Renee Rosa
Cinda Rosenberg
Matt Ruffner
Miriam Schorr
Monica Schuller
Mary-Ann Selvaggio
Linda Semon
Harry Shannon
Hunter Spinks
Jenna Spinks
Lynwood Spinks
Marla Spinks
Erin Tanenbaum
Jill Thomas
Tara Ton
Sherry Tropet
Walter Velasco
Margaret Weitzman
Clerical / Administrative
Kara Anady
Jean Bigelow
Isaac Bokhoor
Kitleigh Clark
Darlynn Cooper
San-DEE Eaves
Diane Fantl
Fany Galvez
Matthew Hadilaksono
Dorothy King
Maureen Kurland
Shelly Mack
Ethel Mason
Elizabeth McNamara
Lisa Mireles
Monique Munoz
Richard Ong
Cinda Rosenberg
Fatima Rossman
Michael Stenger
Allen Sun
Megan Symons
Joanie Thompson
Alba Villanueva
Pamela Warner
Leone White
Research And Evaluation
Claudia Aguirre
Esther Epstein
Leone Hirai
Eleni Manousogiannakis
Karen Milian
Maribel Ontiveros
Sofia Solis
Silver Circle
Irma Colen
Cyndy Garvey Truhan
Marilyn Hersh
Anita Rabineau
Dana Rosenberg
Shirley Stone
Patricia Sullivan
Venice Art Walk
Maaza Abai
Wintana Abai
Paula Achter
Karen Addiego
Helty Adisetiyo
Angja Aditi
Jason Adler
Leslie Adler
Robert Aisley
Joyce Akashi
Penny Akashi
Adrea Alba
Larry Albrigt
Mayen Alcantara
Jaina Alcisto
Briea Alden
Dave Allen
Elisabeth Allender
VJ Alon
Kwaku Alston
Jesse Alvarez
Manuela Ammendola
Geri Amster
Anne Arikian, MD
Rick Arikian
Arianna Armstrong
Jennifer Arnett
Bill Attaway
Paula Atwell
Chaz Austin
Matthew Ayala
Allana Ayoub
Nillofar Bahadori
Mike Bailey
Hannah Baker
Vicki Baker
Lisa Bakewell
Lori Balton
Orna Banarie
Irit Barak Sharone
Pamela Barish
Gloria Barke
Matt Barnes
Daryl Barnett
Marci Baron
Tony Barone
Karen Barone
Kathy Barrett
Regina Barton
Regina Barton
Mervet Batan
Billy Baum
Matt Bazell
Edith Beaucage
Gretchen Beck
Alan Beckman
Barbara Beezy
Angela Behrans
Larry Bell
Deborah Bellini
Ellen Belot
Jan Belson
Ayanna Bennett
Morrie Bennett
Holly Benson
Ani Berberyan
Rachel Berger
Tony Berland
Michelle Bernstein
Jonathan Berry
Ryan Berry
Eveleen Bhasin
Keary Bixby
Vicki Blacher
Michele Blackmon
Lynne Blaikie
Diane Blake
Joan Blakemore
Roni Blau
Scott Bleifer
Sandy Bleifer
Carol Bley
Gail Block
Ray Blomster
Roberta Blomster
Marko Bloom
Jackie Bly
Laura Bogart
Radu Bogdan
Leta Bonin
Judy Borne
Arthur Bornstein
Lana Borsook
Aaron Botts
Kathleen Boyle
Michael Braden
Michele Bradley
Jo Ann Braheny
John Braheny
Alice Braun
Jane Bright
Kathleen Briley
Leah Broidy
Dylla Bronwyn
Jonathon Brooks
Denis Brown
Scott Brown
Janet Brown
Elise Brown
Beth Brown
Oliver Brown
Ronna Brown
Julie Browner
Lynzee Browning
Carol Brubaker
Tricia Budd
Liza Buenafe
Susie Burnett
David Burns
Janet Burri
Christine Burrill
John Butta
Amanda Byrne
Jhonna-Lyn Cabudol
Peggy Calamaro
Hugette Caland
Jill Calcaterra
Debbie Calderon
Virginia Calica
Bee Campbell
Sean Cannon
Anthony Cantisano
Maj Canton
Angela Caprioli
Caitlyn Carradine
Sharon Cardinal
Laurie Cardone
Alicia Casili
Carla Casilli
Lizette Castano
Monique Caulfield
May Chan
Terry Chang
Jenna Charles
Walter Chefitz
Alan Chep
Jmeka Cherrel
Greg Christman
Karen Chu
Ben Clark
Kitleigh Clark
Tom Cleys
Sarah Clune
Amy Coane
Betty Cockerill
Millie Cockerill
Dan Cohen
James Coleman
Adam Colson
Jennifer Combs
Margaret Comstock
Carlos Contreras
Jessica Cook
Michelle Cook
Scott Cooper
Stephanie Cooper
Atma Corneliua
Melissa Corrales
Stephan Cortez
Wendy Corwin
Cherie Courtade
Lois Cozyris
Patricia Cross
Kate Cunningham
Martin Curry
Shana Dambrot
Richard D’Amore
Brian D’Andrea
Dave Daniels
Judy D’Arcy
Victor Davich
Adam Davis
Sheila Davis
Lindzi Davis
Kim Davis
Woods Davy
Laurel de Leo
Bernice de Leon
Len de Leon
Kenneth Demsky
Ellen Demsky
Melinda Demsky
Rachel Denniston
Katherine Denniston
Michelle Depuy-Leavitt
Sarah Deragon
Kelly Dery
Design Bureau
Diane Destiny
Connie Deutsch
Victoria DeVitt
Cherie Di Salvo
Jamie Diamond
Ryan Diaz
Ann Dickinson
Michele Diener
Laddie John Dill
Laddie John Dill
Dennis Dillon
Ann Dintenfass
Patricia Dixon
Pennie Dobkin
Arthur Dodd
Amie Doft
Annette Domroy
Patricia Dorfman
Bella Dorfman
Vladimir Dorfman
Leonie Dorlas
Rae Drazin
Shep Drazin
Joan Dreifus
Stacy Dubinsky
Mike Dunne
Julie Duvic
Pamela Easter-Morgenstern
Rosalind Eberhardt
William Eberhardt
Laurence Ebner
David Eddington
Beatrice Eddington
Imogen Eddington
Sian Eddington
Jean Edelstein
Doug Edge
Dorene Ehrmann
Kristine Eide
Carol Eisman
Lily Ellison
Mary Emerson
Ruta Empakeris
Christie Enholm
Ron Enholm
Ed Enriquez
Jean Enriquez
Tyler Espinoza
Debra Estes
Ned Evans
Fred Eversley
Liz Faber
Jessica Falcone
Diane Fantl
Shea Farha
Mollie Favour
Linda Feinholz
Lani Feldbaum
Scott Feldman
Jason Feldman
Linda Fenster
Sasha Ferrer
Faith Fertig
Jan Feuer
Cindy Fierro
Sara Fillerup
Jan Finfrock
Mary Kaye Finn
Steve Fleitz
Nicole Fletcher
Michael Fletchner
Dierdre Flood
Ericcson Flores
Matt Florin
Brad Folb
Dee Forrest
Deanna Foster
Joel Fox
Karen Fox
David Franck
Pat Frank
Sarah Frank
Dextra Frankel
Lynn Friedman
Trip Friendly
Rebecca Friendly
Nancy Fu
Phil Gainsborough
Phyllis Gainsborough
David Gale
Marie Galpin
Khainan Gandhi
Robert Gannon
Helen K. Garber
Pablo Garcia
Roena Garcia
Shannon Garrison
Whitney Garvey
Krisha Garvey
Cynthia Garvey Truhan
Katie Gausewitz
Matthew Geer
Steve Geller
Carole Gentle
Lyle George
Liz Georges
Jack Gibbons
Lisa Gild
Dana Ginavan
Michael Gitchell
Anthony Glass
Diane Glickman
Morrie Glickman
Seth Glickman
Marion Glober
Russell Glober
Diane Gloor
Deborah Glusker
Natalie Goch
Beverly Godwin
Herb Goldberg
Phyllis Goldberg
Herb Goldberg
Betty Goldberg
Linda Goldman
Marilyn Goldsmith
Jeanne Goldsmith
Marilyn Goldstein
Barry Goldstein
Ed Goldstein
Ruby Gonzalez
Lydia Gonzalez
Cecilia Gonzalo
Elizabeth Gonzalo
Nicola Goode
Susan Goodman
Susan Goodman
Haley Gordon
Bart Gordon
Joan Gorlick
Yossi Govrin
Mario Grande
Joe Grauman
Ryan Gray
Bernay Grayson
Terry Greenough
Sylvia Griffiths
Roy Griffiths
Susan Gross
Connie Guaderas
Mike Gurman
Elizabeth Gutierrez
Sandy Gutterman
Marissa Gutterman
Ellen Hageman
Linda Haines
Ellis Hall
Peggy Hall Kaplan
Melanie Halpern
Ashley Halverson
Alan Hamburger
Rita Hamilton
Lia Hamilton
Lynn Hanson
Kenny Harris
Tori Hartman
Amy Haupl
Bill Heald
Holly Heath
Michelle Heath
Anne Marie Hedmund
Marc Heenan
Jennifer Heenan
Fiona Hellwarth
Tom Hellwarth
Jimmy Herciuk
Roseann Herman
Paul Hernandez
Andrea Hernandez
Marilyn Hersh
Jessica Hickey
Charles Hill
Linda Hill
Carrie Hill
Janice Hiltunen
Anthony Ho
Yiu Annie Hoang
Shelley Hochberg
Carol Hoffman
Carol Holben
Diane Holland
Sharon Hollingsworth
Lisa Holloway
Judy Holman
Debbie Hopp
Harrison Houle
Yan Hu
Jim Hubbard
Marcos Huereque
Brenda Hurst
David Husband
Jennifer Huynh
Marilyn Ibarra
Monien Ibarra
Laurie Insley
Mary Lou Irvine
Sayuri Ito
Angela Itoge
Sharre Jacoby
Jasmin Jacobs
Karen Jacobson
June Jacot
Toby Jaffe
Kristin Jai Klosterman
Alex James
Kelly Jeantet
Mary Jensen
Robin Jinowski
Rick Johnson
Laura Johnson
Erica Jones
Susan Josepher
Joanne Jubelier
Tal Kahana
Nasha Kamberg
Stanley Kamel
Mariam Kaplan
Rob Kaptein
Lisa Karahalios
Naoko Kawahira
Mark Kawauchi
Trina Kaye
Deborah Keaton
Chuck Kehoe
George Ketterl
Anil Kewalramani
Lynn Kimbrough
Jeffrey Kimbrough
Mark Kimura
Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt
E.F. Kitchen
Suzanne Kite
Andrea Klein
Janessa Klein
Glenn Kock
Alison Koerper
Minoru Kono
Barbara Kosoff
Aaron Kramer
Jenny Krumm
Carie Krumme
Janet Kupchik
Naoko Kurahashi
Maureen Kurland
LA Louver
Josephine La Rosa
Gareth Laguna
Norma Laine
Brian Lallement
Margo Lamb
Esther Lambertson
Karen Lamp, MD
Kathryn Lancaster
Kathy Lancaster
Marion Lane
Gita Langeneckert
Paul Lanzilotti
Michelle Lapid
Barbara Laslett
Alyson Latham
Eve Laurelin
Gwen Lauterbach
Karen Lauterbach
Patti Lavin
Carlos Lazaro
Patricia Lazarte
Lori Leboy
Joan Lee
Russ Leland
Arlene Lemmons
Alita Letwin
Naomi Levenson
Pam Levine
Edward Levine
Roz Levitt
Lisa Levy
Jeff Lewis
Steve Lewis
Olivia Leyton
Melissa Licht
Jody Lieberman
Sara Lieberman
Barbara Lifland
Marysa Lin
Michael Linarte
Ellen Lind
Susan Lindau
Jerry Linkin
Connie Linn
Jean Linn
Roger Linnett
Margie Lipson
Tiffany Livingston
Lisa Llanos
Barbara Lochemes
Diane Locklear
Peter Lodato
Tracey Loeb
Margareta Loeza, MD
Karin Londgren
Wendy London
Nancy Loose
Evelyn Looser
Jay Lopez
Rudy Lopez
Deborah Love
Judy Low
Christy Lowe
Susan Lowenstein
Linda Lucks
Deborah Luening
Trixy Lugo
Mariane Luna
Chris Lund
Kate Lutz
Susan Lynch
Linda Lynn
Kim Mack
Susan Mackensen, MD
Rana Makarem
Judy Maller
Mike Manaugh
Carolyn Manaugh
Grazina Mangelsdorf
Jordana Manschbache
Amir Manschbache
Arlene March
Barbara Marino
Natalie Marom
Juan Marquez
Roger Marschutz
Chelsea Marshall
Tim Marshall
Jill Marti
Yves Martin
Jane Martin
Renee Mata
Lani Mathews
Chris Mathewson
Veronica Matos
Carolyn Maxwell
Dotti Mayer
S. Scott Mayers, Ph.D.
Michael McCarty
Kim McCarty
Jon McCord
Susan McCord
Kelly McFerren
Monica McFerren
Carol McGowan
Kelley McIntosh
Mary McIntyre
Lee McPherson
Maria Mealy
Robin Meili
Carolyn Mendoza
Amber Meno
Maria Mercado
Kyra Merkt
Chana Messer
Larry Meyers
Mona Michelson
Stella Michon
Margaret Michon
Melanie Mihal
Gene Mikolaijczyk
Carol Miles
Kay Miller
Brad Miller
Gregory AJ Miller
Robert Milligan
Barbara Milliken
Anthony Mirau
Robin Mitchell
Tami Miyata
Vicky Moll
Richard Montgomery
Rachel Moore
Pamela Moore
Thea Mora
Jacquelyn Moran
Garen Moreno
Shelley Morgan
Fred Morgenstern
Isabel Moritz
Laura Mosely
Andy Moses
Betty Moss
Kevin Mottus
Robin Murez
Marisa Murrow
Thomas Muselli
Barbara Muselli
Terri Muttera
Michael Muttera
Richard Myers
Gayle Mykita
Megan Nangle
Delores Nash
Rafael Nava
Ed Navratil
Cricket Nelson
Rudolf Neuhaus
Gracie Neuman
Janie Newman
Anh Thu Nguyen
Glen Niccore
LeRad Nilles
Laura Nunnelly
Taylor Obre
Brett Obre
MaryAnn O’Brien
Tara O’Donnell
Caitlin Oehmler
Zoe Ohl
John Okulick
Rishad Olpadwala
Sarah Olson
Susan Olson-Davis
Patrick O’Malley
Sharon Omi
James Orkins
Yasushiro Osako
Marcia Oshman
Gregory Owcarz
Robert Owen
Chris Pacheco
Alyssa Padia
Veronica Padilla
Ali Padilla
Hilary Paine
Gary Palmer
Dan Palodichuk
Christy Palodichuk
Bill Papoutsis
Fedda Papuio
Shannon Paretzky
Kim Pargoff
Janet Parker
Laura Parra
Susan Partovi
Anisha Patel
Jean Pederson
Jeff Pelton
Adrienne Pender
Ellen Penn
Felicia Penniman
Nancy Perlman
Jennifer Perlmutter
Nick Perlmutter
Ellen Perlmutter
Zaid Pervaiz
Therese Peters
Winnie Pham
Han Pham
Sandi Phan
Ben Phillips
Stacy Pianko
Judith Pies
Galya Pillin Tarmu
Martina Pilot
Joan Pine
Michelle Pine
Olivian Pitis
Abraham Plascencia
Delores Pleziak
John Plock
Gertrude Pomish
Tina Portier
Sophia Portier
Alex Posada
Heather Preonas
Jackie Prichett
Jeffrey Prince
Michelle Prince
Lucienne Prince
John Rachlin
Debra Radin
Bupendra Ram
Eddie Ramey
Emma Ramey
Celestine Ramey
Claudia Ramirez
Ingrid Ramsey
Dextra Rappley
Amie Raskin
Kala Rathi
Partha Ray
Anna Maria Ray
Dyane Razook
Jodie Rea
Anne Ready
Lesly Recinos
Maritza Recinos
Tanja Rector
Swinda Reichelt
Natalie Reichman
Arthur Renaud
Angela Reyes
Jacqueline Richard
Carolyn Rios
Lenore Ritkes
Darian Robin
Tameshae Robinson
Nancy Robinson
Leslie Robinson
April Rocke
Eve Romain
Rita Romero
Andrea Rosata
John Rose
Jewel Rose
Cinda Rosenberg
Mike Rosenfeld
Dana Ross
Joesephine Rossi
Jeffrey Rothman
Neil Roxas
Denise Ruttman
Chris Ruud
Desy Safan-Gerard
Elaine Safarti
Ashley Salisbury
Rose Salter
Anna Saltos
Whitney Sander
Denise Sanford
Eleanor Sanford
Cynthia Santisi
Maya Sarkar
Kathy Sarreal
Kate Savage
Mindy Schleger
David Schoffman
Julie Schu
Barbara Schwan
Allan Schweitzer
Lori Seamon
Will Seaver
Marlene Seelig
Anna Seelig
Peter Sego
Cindy Selva
Mary-Ann Selvaggio
Alan Shaffer
Gary Shafner
Sudad Shahin
Rhoda Shapiro
Michael Shapiro
Susan Shapiro
Isaac Sharone
Chuck Sharp
Sarah Sharp
Valerie Shavers
Susan Shean
Susan Shean
Tigre Sheets
Bridget Sheils
Paige Shen
Kathy Shen
Ricki Sherlin
Julie Sherman
Lisa Shine
Noni Shuman
Pam Shuman
Anne Siegert
Michael Sienkowski
Fred Silton
Lee Silton
Peter Simonds
Sandy Singer
Jade Singer
David Skinner
Rita Skolnick
Heather Smith
Arlene Smith
Justine Smith
Kim Smith
Jennifer Smith
Beth Smith
Ruth Snyder
Social and Public Art
Resource Center (SPARC)
Michael Sokolis
Linda Sonnonstine
Ben Sonnonstine
Leslie Sornkhab
Esther Spachner
Miles Spar, MD
Stewart Spivak
Alice Spring
Alena St. James
Judy Stabile
Lenore Starr
Sharon Steck
Deena Stein
Randy Stein
Michael Stenger
Barbara Sternberg
Tom Stewart
Julie Stillman
Jane Stoler
Lorenzo Strauss
Sandra Struman
Rabbia Sukkarieh
Anna Maria Supanawich
Carol Surface
Carol Swartz
Mara Swartz
Erin Symonds
Megan Symons
Kamila Tadzihidinov
Matthew Tager
Sonia Taggart
Len Talan
Hilewna Tamrat
Tony Tan
Diana Tang
Quinn Tang
Karen Tang
Lisa Taub
Stacy Taylor
Dina Tecimer
Shauna Tescum
Diana Tharavej
Elaine Thau
Sara Thompson
William Thompson
Debra Thompson
Joanie Thompson
Mary Tierney
Joan Tinei
Dell Tingler
David Tirsch
Lynn Tisworth
Francisco Torres
April Tran
Staci Trang
Adrian Trejo
Pat Trujillo
Raquel Trujilo
Stacey Tsan
Marianna Tuchscherer
JoEllen Tullis
Jim Turner
Vince Tyler
Stephan Van Ooyen
Alicia Van Ooyen
Andre Vaughn
Venice Art Lofts
Kristin Verity
Amanda von Halle
Bill Wagner
Rebecca Walden
Cynthia Walker
Allison Walling
Megan Walling
Amy Wang
Shirley Warner
Zahirah Washington
Laura Watts, MD
Irene Weibel
Susan Weinberg
Judy Weinstein
Diane Weinstein
Debra Weir
Tammy Weir
Laura Weiss
Debra Westerlund
David Wexler
Liz Wexler
Patti Wienke
Ariane Wilder
Pam Wilkes
Jim Williams
Stacy Winawer-Beale
Emmy Lou Winkler
Caryl Winter
Joe Winterhawk
Susan Winterhawk
Jill Witty
Rick Wixo
Phyllis Wolf
Jennifer Wolf
Kim Wolfe
Tony Wong
Caroline Wong
Jennifer Wood
Leslie Woolly
Joan Wrede
Olivia Wu
William Wynn
Robin Wyshak
Shih Po Yang
Bonnie Yee
Ophelia Yin
Candace Young
Debra Yudkin
Yvonne Yuen
Bill Zanger
Gail Zanger
Desire Zazueta
Sarah Zeitlin
Gaby Zelter
Ruth Zev
Elie Zev
Jim Zidell
Ulrike Zillner
Irwin Zim
Every volunteer is important
to us. If your name is not
listed properly, please accept
our apologies and notify us
at 310.664.7909.
Mission and Philosophy
Mission: To improve the health of people and communities through accessible, quality care.
Philosophy: The Venice Family Clinic is guided by specific principles that are the foundation of its day-to-day
decision-making and future planning. These include:
Venice Family Clinic’s highest priority is to provide primary health care1 to those without access to care.
Prevention, treatment, care management and health promotion are integral components of the primary
care that we provide. Venice Family Clinic strives to deliver comprehensive medical, mental health,
educational and supportive services, as well as appropriate specialty care.
2. Our service model reflects our commitment to improving the health of individuals and communities.
We continuously strive to deliver the highest quality health care.
3. We demonstrate cultural competence in all aspects of our organizational culture and service delivery.
Patients are partners in their health care relationship with providers at the Venice Family Clinic. Providers
and staff demonstrate respect for and understanding of cultural differences. We believe that health
problems and solutions are best approached by an understanding of the whole person in the context of
physical, emotional, social, cultural and economic needs.
4. The Venice Family Clinic values its dedicated staff. We endeavor to maintain a culture of collaboration,
service, mutual respect and appreciation for all contributions.
5. Volunteer services are the cornerstone of the Venice Family Clinic’s organization since its inception.
Volunteers and staff work in partnership to accomplish our mission. Community involvement and
institutional collaborations secure vital resources for the Clinic.
6. Our enduring commitment to medical training enables the Clinic to have a broad and sustained impact
on community health through the formation of dedicated, knowledgeable health professionals.
7. The Clinic demonstrates leadership through its strategic advocacy efforts on behalf of the uninsured.
8. The Venice Family Clinic embraces research that contributes to its mission and benefits the individuals
or communities that we serve.
9. The Venice Family Clinic promotes community development. We strive to optimize quality of life by
strengthening individuals, families and communities. We facilitate leadership training and patient
involvement in program design, delivery and evaluation.
1 The Institutes of Medicine and Primary Care describe primary care as “the provision of integrated,
accessible health services by clinicians who are accountable for addressing a large majority of
personal health care needs, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the
context of family and community.”
WHO (World Health Organization) describes health as “a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
DeSantis Breindel
New York City
Margaret Molloy
Los Angeles
New York City
Linda Feldman
Small Victories
Small Victories
Venice Family Clinic
Annual Report 2004
Venice Family Clinic Annual Report 2004
604 Rose Avenue
Venice, California 90291-2767