2010 Annual Report - Massachusetts Alzheimer`s Disease Research


2010 Annual Report - Massachusetts Alzheimer`s Disease Research
Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter
2010 Annual Report
30th Anniversary Edition
5.3 million Americans
Our Vision is a
wor l d w it hou t A l z h eim er’s .
On our cover: Family care giver Bernice Osborne of Dorchester, Massachusetts
Photo by Shannon Power
We are pleased to bring you this report on our 30th anniversary in the fight to end Alzheimer’s.
When the Massachusetts Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association was founded, it comprised
a small dedicated staff and board of directors. Those individuals went on to make history,
establishing programs to help some of the most vulnerable people in our population—families
affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
Our organization has grown in size and geographic reach through the past three decades in order
to capitalize on shared resources and provide greater depth of our services. The eastern and
western parts of Massachusetts were first represented by separate chapters which merged in
1999. Then, in 2007, the New Hampshire office officially merged and we became the organization
we are today: Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter. With almost
1,000 volunteers and a staff of nearly 50 working out of six offices, we serve the 142,000 people
with Alzheimer’s, and their families, in our two-states.
The changes do not stop there. We have seen a fundamental shift in what we think of as “the face
of Alzheimer’s.” Never more so than in this past year. Though the disease disproportionately
affects those over age 65, we are increasingly responding to the needs of those with what is called
younger onset Alzheimer’s. These individuals may be in their thirties, but the largest younger
onset contingent we are seeing today comprises those in their fifties. A difficult disease at any
age, the impact on a younger person is especially devastating and presents unique difficulties
with regard to benefits and employment. The people who you will meet in this edition of our
Annual Report all are affected by younger onset Alzheimer’s. We are grateful to them for sharing
their stories; they are helping to change the way the public perceives the disease.
Among the changing faces are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of
those affected. We have come to realize that the disease truly affects the entire family.
Some family members, like Bernice and Brenda Osborne of Dorchester, become care givers,
fundamentally altering their lives. Some, like Brian, Danielle and Jeffrey Vincent, begin to
consider whether they will have a test for the genetic markers that are present in familial,
younger-onset Alzheimer’s.
The impact of slowly increasing diagnosis rates is showing clearly in the increased calls to our
24/7 Helpline. Last year we responded to more than 8,000 calls—an increase of 13% over the
previous year. We provided 1,100 care consultations, free of charge as always, to families trying
to navigate important decisions of care and coping.
While delivering hundreds of thousands of hours of support and education, we also stepped up
our advocacy and public policy initiatives—with great results. This past August, Massachusetts
Governor Deval Patrick signed into law one of our top legislative priorities, the Silver Alert
bill. Two years in the making, the bill will provide a coordinated search and rescue response
when an elder individual with mental impairment wanders from home. We also succeeded in
bringing into reality the planning process for an Alzheimer’s State Plan for Massachusetts when
Governor Patrick asked the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to convene the planning process.
The Association is an integral part of this process. Lastly, a record number of New Hampshire
and Massachusetts advocates descended on Washington, D.C. in March for the annual Public
Policy Action Summit, in order to raise public awareness of the disease and its wide-ranging
effects to our federal elected officials.
We hope that you will read through the highlights of our year and the profiles of those living with
Alzheimer’s. As we complete our third decade, our vision is stronger than ever. We look to the
future of a world without Alzheimer’s.
James WesslerJohn Yahres
Chair, Board of Directors
& Figures
The Alzheimer’s Association’s outreach and support has increased each
year to meet the needs of those living with the challenge of Alzheimer’s
disease and other forms of dementia. During the past year, our programs
and services included:
Helpline: 8,200 calls
Care Consultation: 1,100 consultations
Educational: 300 programs, with 16,700 attendees.
Support Groups: 185 groups meeting in Massachusetts and New Hampshire
• 24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900 and online at alz.org/MA NH
• Care Consultation, confidential, individualized meetings
• Support Groups
• Early Stage Programs
• Children of Younger Onset Dementia (COYOD) Program
• Online resources at alz.org/MA NH
• Education for families and professionals
• Research
• Medic Alert® + Safe Return®
• Trial Match® clinical trials resource
• Health Liaison with major medical institutions
• Medical Education, CME and CEU
• Public Policy initiatives and advocacy
Fiscal Y ear
Total revenues for FY10 (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010) were $5,087,377
with sources show below. Total expenditures were $4,926,494 with approximately 77% attributed to program services. Audited financial statements
are available upon request.
Individual & Group Contributions
Memorials & Tributes
Special Events
Corporate & Foundation Support
Education Programs, Training
Fees & Publication Sales
Institutional Grants
Management & General
Program Services
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Profiles by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Profile Photography by Shannon Power
profile Terry Laub
Somerville, Massachusetts
Terry Laub thought she had gone through
“We thought maybe she needed time off,”
the worst when her sister—her best friend—
said Terry. They also considered what’s
was diagnosed with breast cancer. Terry
called “chemo brain,” a common side effect
stood by Phyllis through chemotherapy and
of cancer treatment.
radiation. Phyllis got through it and went
back to work at her hotel industry sales job.
What followed was an MRI and PET scan,
Later that year, Terry received a phone call
an appointment at the MGH Memory
from Phyllis’ boss who was concerned that
Clinic and then one with Boston University
something was wrong. Phyllis, always a high Alzheimer’s specialist Sanford Auerbach,
performer, was not able to get her job done.
MD. In 2002 at age 63, Phyllis was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Terry, an occupational therapist who works
with people with Huntington’s disease, did
a professional assessment and realized that
the Alzheimer’s was progressing rapidly.
“It went beyond her having four shirts on
and forgetting what soap was for,” said Terry.
“She couldn’t care for herself.”
What had always been a close family became
closer. They already understood loss. Their
father survived the holocaust. Their mother
died with stomach cancer when Terry was
13. Phyllis moved into an assisted living
facility with their father—where she stayed
for several years with the help of a personal
care attendant that Terry hired.
With the death of their father, and the
family reduced to the two of them, the
challenges of being her sister’s care giver
became a source of sadness and stress in
her life. Terry turned to the Alzheimer’s
Association where she found Paul Raia, PhD,
the Vice President of Clinical Services and a
counselor to thousands of people during his
23 years in the field.
Terry Laub rides her bike to help counter the stress
of managing her sister’s Alzheimer’s disease.
“Every time that he met with me, I came away
with something positive and life-affirming,
no matter how difficult the conversation,”
Terry said. “He told me Alzheimer’s has
taken your sister, don’t let it take you too.”
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
“Early on, Phyllis didn’t want people to know.
She had a very close relationship with
someone and broke it off rather than share
the news of her diagnosis.”
Terry has close friends in her neighborhood—
close friends in the apartment upstairs.
Her god-daughter India lives there with a
Yorkie-Daschund mix named Dehli and both
are frequent visitors. But Phyllis was the
person who went on vacations with Terry—
she was the big sister—she is the only
other family.
Everything became difficult for Terry.
When Phyllis needed to move into a safer,
protected environment, Terry agonized
for six months. She created a complex
scenario that would be played out to
convince Phyllis to make the move. The
hurdle arrived and was overcome.
“I told her that the rent was going up and she
would need to move,” said Terry. The rent
was a fabrication, the move was not. “She
looked at me and said ‘okay let’s go.’”
passion for bike riding, going out regularly
on area trails. She hopes someday
to ride across Europe—she has already
crossed the U.S.
“There is an aching sadness that will
always be part of me no matter what,” Terry
said, describing the helplessness she
sometimes feels.
She has dug deep into her studies of yoga
and meditation. She finds strength in taking
retreats with Buddhist monk Thich Nhat
Hahn. At a retreat attended by thousands,
she took advantage of the opportunity
to address a personal question to the
spiritual leader.
“I asked about Phyllis and asked how do you
stay in the moment when it’s so painful?”
"You are only human. You do the best you can,"
he answered.
To her surprise, others in the audience
shared hugs and their own stories with her.
That move also began Terry’s experience
Terry feels her father’s presence still. As
with care facilities. That first move was to
a survivor, one of the things he felt was
Hearthstone in Hopkinton, a place Terry
important was positive affirmation. When
describes as fabulous and wonderful. She
Terry and Phyllis were children, each night
had decided on them based on professional
when he tucked them into their beds, he
recommendations, but she took the extra
would recite positive thoughts for the day
step of checking “off the record” with a
with them.
medical supplier for an insider’s perspective.
She visited seven facilities before making
Phyllis is now in a wheelchair. She stopped
a decision. She became her sister’s advocate. speaking a few years ago.
Within a matter of years, Phyllis required
more complex care that could only be
“Being an occupational therapist has made
provided in a nursing home.
me a better care giver—being her care giver
has made me a better OT,” said Terry. “I was
“Families have to be involved for people who
also very lucky to have a family that realized
can’t take care of themselves. You have to
the sacredness of life.
work with staff to recognize the good and
address the inconsistencies.” She also met
“Having a sister with Alzheimer’s and
and talked frequently with Dr. Raia for his
working with people with a progressive
guidance and support.
neurological disorder, Huntington’s, has
taught me how sacred life is. It can
Terry was aware that she needed to take
sound hokey, but I really get it now. Each
care of herself if she was to be
moment that we have is precious.”
an effective care giver. She continued her
of Our 30th Year
•2 4/7 Helpline: We responded to more
than 8,200 calls and e-mails, providing
information, support and guidance. Our
Helpline online became an important source
of contact as increasingly more people
sought information via e-mail. Alzheimer’s
is a consuming disease and we were there
for the many in need.
•C are Consultation: Our
individualized, in-depth counseling
program, provided more than 1,100
consultations at no charge to those
receiving the services. Care Consultation
meets a real need with one-on-one family
assistance. We accommodate families
by utilizing phone conferencing and
e-mail contact, when appropriate, to make
it possible for those at a distance to be
involved in family discussions.
presentations on culture transformation,
innovative approaches to creative
expression, and managing behavioral
symptoms, among other topics. The
Association also worked with the Executive
Office of Elder Affairs on an Administration
on Aging grant which funded three regional
trainings to increase knowledge about care
and support in Supportive Day programs
throughout Massachusetts. The grant
also enabled us to provide dementia trainings
for Massachusetts Aging and Disability
Resource Consortium, a network of
providers that work together to effectively
meet the needs of the elderly and individuals
with disabilities.
•S upport for Children: We launched
a Children of Younger Onset Dementia
(COYOD) program to provide a social
network and emotional support system for
individuals who find themselves dealing
with their parents’ younger onset dementia.
This group fills an important need for those
who previously felt isolated and alone with
the challenges they face.
•P rograms for Individuals,
Families and the Community:
We reached well over 11,000 people with
206 programs of support, information
and education. The Chapter hosted an
Alzheimer’s Early Detection Alliance
(AEDA) kick-off event to bring awareness
•C are giver Conference: We
into the workplace in November 2009.
offered our second annual Care giver
Our inaugural launch of AEDA with 14 corConference in Concord, NH, a well-received
porations reached hundreds of employees
half-day program featuring the latest in
concerned about memory loss. To promote
research and care giving information.
National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness
Month in November, we participated
•M emories in the M a king: An art
in 28 education programs and supported 14
therapy program for those with Alzheimer’s,
additional programs presented by other
this program was pioneered by our sister
community agencies. A new education
chapter in Colorado and has now became a
program for the general community, Know
staple program in Western Massachusetts,
the 10 Warnings Signs, was also premiered— where it was offered at 11 different facilities.
this 1-hour workshop highlights the benefits The resulting artwork was sold in an auction
of early diagnosis, the importance of
that raised money to support ongoing family
volunteering for research, and information
care and support programs.
on living with the disease.
•H ealth Liaison Program: Health
•P rograms for Professionals:
Liaisons, typically social workers or nurses,
More than 5,077 professionals participated
worked with clinical staff to connect patients
in 95 workshops, programs or conferences.
and their care partners with a dementia
“Map Through the Maze”—our premier
specialist at the Association. In FY09, our
professionals’ conference included
Health Liaisons program expanded to more
than 20 major medical institutions.
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
•C reative Expressions
Program for Care givers:
Nationally renowned artist Helen
Meyrowitz teamed up with a member
of our program staff to offer a pilot
expressive arts program for individuals
who are care givers. Meeting over six
weeks, this group found new avenues for
expression and stress reduction as
well as bonding with each other.
•L egislative Initiatives: Our
Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Advocacy
Action Day at the State House in Boston
galvanized advocates to support our
proposed legislation for a Silver Alert
program to reduce the risk of wandering;
legislation to establish quality of care
requirements for dementia special care
units in Massachusetts nursing homes;
and legislation for an Alzheimer’s State
Plan. Shortly after Action Day, Governor
•1 9th A nnual M atthew &
Deval Patrick directed the Executive Office
M arcia Simons Symposium
of Elder Affairs (EOEA) to work with
on A lzheimer’s Disease: Our
the Association to establish a steering
premier scientific presentation was
committee charged with developing a
presented to a standing room only audience. state plan. Our Silver Alert legislation
Reducing Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease:
was passed unanimously by both the state
Building a Better Brain as We Age featured
house and senate and signed into law.
David A. Bennett, MD, Director of the
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Rush
•P urple With a Purpose Public
University Medical Center, Chicago.
Awareness Campaign: For World
Alzheimer’s Day 2009, we teamed up with
•O n the Brink of Discovery:
Dunkin’ Donuts for a public awareness
The search for a cure for
campaign. Nearly 200 Dunkin’ stores in
A lzheimer’s disease:
the greater Boston area offered a special
We featured the eight Massachusettspurple-sprinkled donut and provided
based scientists receiving Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer education materials for the
Association research grants in FY09 at
week around World Alzheimer’s Day. This
a forum open to the public. The panel was
corporate collaboration paved the way for
moderated by Maria C. Carrillo, Ph.D.,
building a significantly larger base and
Senior Director, Medical & Scientific
reaching hundreds of thousands with our
Relations, Alzheimer’s Association,
message that care and help are available.
National Office.
We co-sponsored a second annual conference
on Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s with the
Department of Developmental Services, tackling
the topic that had not received the attention it
merits. Some 50-70% of those with Down
syndrome will also develop Alzheimer’s by age 60,
adding a new layer of challenge for those with
the dual diagnosis and those who care for them.
Attendees included family and professional
care givers, like those pictured here, seeking
information, guidance and support.
Photo by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
The Alzheimer’s Association received gifts in honor of many people,
important occasions and milestone events such as weddings, anniversaries
and birthdays during FY2010. Listed below are the names of individuals
who inspired others to support the Alzheimer’s Association,
Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter. Individuals appearing on
our 2009 Spirit of Remembrance wall are indicated with an asterisk.
We have been careful in the preparation of this list, however, some errors or omissions
may have occurred, for which we express our apologies. If your name has been
inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please bring the error to our attention so
that we may update our records.
Lucille Adam
Rachel and Jon Adler
Bryan Allen
Jerry Anderson
Archie M. Andrews, Jr.
Gay Appleby and
Dave Rogers
Barbara Armstrong
Bob Armstrong
Gene and Sheila Aronoff
Dorothy Aughton
Veronica Avalle
Sylvia Ballentine
Hilary Thorne Banda
John C. Barnes, III
Barry and Caggiano
wedding guests
Dave and Sue S. Bayley
Leo Bazzy
Daniel Bebby
Becky Bell
Maddy and Jilly Benjoar
Debbie and
Ken Bergstrom
Richard Berkman
Howard Berko
Joseph Bisognano
Michael Bleeg
Alberta Bolduc
Joan Brawley
Allison Brennan Elias*
Ralph Brooks
Rita M. Brouse
Jean Marie Bucciero
Janice L. Bunting
Jeannine Burns and
John Doberman
Audrey Cafferty
Eleanor Cahallan and
Mary Lawlor
Guy and
Maureen Camire
Donald J. Carli*
Sandy and
Marshall Carlozzi
Kathy Casal
Marjorie P. Cass*
Rosa Chaparro
Alice Chase
Kathleen and
Kermit Chastain
Pete and
Andrea Christopher
J. David Clayton
CMSNE 5/18
Conference Speakers
CMSNE Bldg Stgies/
Hospital Conferences
CMSNE NH Extension
CMSNE Western MA Extension
Mary Jane Coburn
Pearl P. Cohen
Harold J. Cohen
Marshall and
Debby Cohen
Anthony Congano
Michelle Corbosiero
Cecilia V. Cortese
Martha C. Coughlin
Thomas Coughlin
Lillian Cross
Yvonne Croteau
Thomas J. Cullen
Joseph J. Curran*
Deborah Curtis
Priscilla Daigle
James S. Dailey*
Charles R. Dale
Eleanor Daly
Mr. and Mrs. John
Susan and Gary Darby
Elizabeth Fuller Davis
Steve and Karen Delisle
David and
Maria DiChiara
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dichner
Al Dichner
David Dickinson*
Jennie Dimauro
Mary DiTullio
The David Drake Family
Ginny Dunmore
Paul Durgin*
Paula Echeverri
Brian and Susie Edgerly
Louise Eichert
Joan B. Eldridge
Joyce F. Eng
The Fabien Family
Shirley Stolk Fellner
Elinor Fewkes
Barbara Finkle
Karin Finnigan
Robert Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Floyd
Barbara Foshay
Robert E. Frazier
Drew Friedman
Yvonne Gagnon
Carol Gallagher
Harry Gong
Curtis Gekle
Josephine Giacobbe
Anthony and
Eileen Giardina
John N. Gibbons
Ruth Gillett
Kathy and
Carl Goldberg
Maxine Goldschmidt
Jim Goodman
Harold Grant
Barry Greene*
Walter R. Griffin
Carole Grosberg
Anne F. Grybowski
Camille Guarino
Donald Hale*
Peter W. Ham
Marjorie Hamilton
Alice Hanley and
Constance Beaudette
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
R. Harrell
Tammy Hartmann
Katherine Harvey
Gregory and
Lisa Hauber
John and Mary Hauck
Kenneth Hayes
Kathryn Hedgepeth
Jean Henry*
Dr. Charles Hersch
Lou Anna Hinckley
Ronald Hirschberg’s Father
Liza Hochberg
Helen Holmes
Richard Hudson
Joanne E. Hughes
Robert Huntley
Leona S. Ilowitz
Eleanor Jackson
Lindsay Owen Jackson
Jeff, Gayle and
Elizabeth Egan
James and Ruth Johnson*
H. Kadis
Philip Kallis
Richard Kamm
wedding guests
Artemis Kandianis
Amanda Kane
Sue Kannally
Tim Kannally
Judge Sumner Z. Kaplan
James Kavanagh
Elizabeth Kay
Carolyn Keating Daly
Joseph J. Kelley, Jr.
Loraine Kelley
Ida Kelly
Michael Kennally*
William Kennedy
Adele Keohane
Margaret Keyes*
Meliny King
Thomas H. King
Elizabeth Kirsten
Jill Klanderman
Gail Koplow
Rosemmarie Kort
Cheryl Kraley
Charlotte Krentzel
Pamela S.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lander
Ruth and Otto Landman
Marilyn Til Lanning
Betsey P. Lassen*
Bart Laurello
John Leavitt
Michele Leong
Anne Leppo
Barbara Lewis
Virginia Lewis
Julia and Sarah Lissy
Arlene Lowney, R.N.
Ken Maas
Robin Maltz
Corrinne Mandrafino
Joan B. Manley*
Martha and Philip Mann
Catherine Mansfield
Kay Mansfield
Merna I. Margil
Therese Marquis
Peter D. Marron
Dr. Grad Marshall
Fred and
Liz Marshallmark
Dr. and Mrs. C. Gregory Martin
Sam Martini
Roadena Mauley
Grace Glaser and
Anne McCabe
Bettye McCain
Jan McCarthy
Andy McElaney
Dorothy McGeary
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Family members, those with Alzheimer’s and health care professionals joined
ranks as advocates for increased research funding and improved Alzheimer’s
public policy at the national Action Summit in Washington, D.C. Representing
Massachusetts and New Hampshire, our great advocates visited all the offices
of our senators and representatives, bringing their message and a strong
call for action.
Photo by Trenton Carter
Dr. Scott McGinnis
Dr. Christine McGrath
Janice McLaughlin
Kelli McLaughlin
William Mearse
Irene Melville
Helen Menard
Arthur T. Miller
Lilyan Miller
Mary Miller
Susan Miller
Josephine Montemagno
Donald P. Moore*
Angela Moore
Arthur and
Marguerite Moran
Arthur and
Marguerite Moran*
Daniel and
Shirley Morris
Jack and Debbie Mozes
Virginia Murphy
Virginia Murphy*
Ethel H. Nazzaro
Timothy Neale
Chris Nelson
Rebecca Newman
Nathaniel Ober
George O’Brien*
Jay and Dawn O’Connell
Rev. Paul T. O’Connell
Michael J. O’Connor
Paul O’Day*
Paul and Barbara Olsen
Richard Ortner
Denise Ouellette
Marian Pallock
Dora E. Pappalardo
Libby Parsons
Louise Parsons
Margaret Peaay Kulda
Eric Pell
Tom and Peggy Pensack
James Pentakis
Thomas Peters
Joan Peterson
Michele and
Barry Phillips
Maureen Picard and Gerard Mahoney
Leo and
Norine Piscatelli
David Podolsky
Angela Potter*
Ed and Lee Potter
Linda and
Richard Pottern
Professional Interiors
Denise Putnam
Dr. Paul A. Raia*
Harvey Raisner
Joan Freeman and
Max Rakov
Harriet Rasba*
Bill Regan
Bernard and Elaine Reisman, MEd
Dr. Dorene Rentz
Odette Rezendes
Jon Rice and Nancy Deutsch Trib
Nancy Deutsch and
Jon Rice
Carolyn Richards
Thomas and Anne Rizzo
Malka Romanoff
Rita Rosenberg*
Judge and Mrs. Joel B. Rosenthal
Barbara Ross*
The Rowack Family
Pauline Roy
Mr. and Mrs. William Rutter
Scotty Ruvoldt
Leon Schiff
Richard Schilder
Lillian Schindler
Claire Schlesinger
Lascelles M. Scott
Irene and Eric Seff
Helen Seltzer
Irwin Shanes
Walter C. Shannon*
John Sheldon
Virginia Shelton
Shira and Gad
Sharon Simao
Suzanne and
Robert Simms
Murray Slomka
Francera Smith*
Samuel Snyder
Charles L. Solomont*
Keri Soules
Dr. Risa Sperling
Shirley Spero
Thelma Spousta
Ruth C. Sproat
Gerry and Muriel
St. Amand
Mrs. Henry F. Staack
Marion Thrall Stearns
Marion Stein
Donna Steinkrauss
Joan Stockford
Mary I. Stoll
Pam Stone
Ann M. Strand and Stephen Shapiro
John and Donna
James Straub
Gary and Shari
Katharine K. Struck
Jamie Raider Sullivan
John A. Surro
Jon Sweeney and
Michal Woll
Frances Sydell
Marilyn and
Arthur Tapper
Priscilla Taylor
Alice Tepper
Milton Tharr
Arthur Francis Thayer, Jr.
Anne Thomas
Margaret Titus
Julius Tomasi
Richard W. Traxler
Barbara A. Tufts
Dorothy F. Utt
Vidas Venckauskas
Maureen Verey
Harold Vessey
Andrea Vrahopolous
Maribeth Waddell
David Walsh and
Rosie Shaeffer
Derek and Denise Walters
Olean Watson
Emmy Wechter
Dr. Mark S. Wellington
Mike and Vicki Wells
John and Mary Whelan
Elizabeth and
Robert White
Shirley White
David andNancy Williams
Astrid Williams and Greg Martin
Carolyn Wilson
Nancy Winograd
Woburn Senior Center
Jill A. Wollins
James and
Janice Yahres
Robert and
Phyllis Yawitt
Katherine Zampierie
Barbara Zemaitis
Ellen Ziskind
Rabbi Henry Zoob
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Zuppardi
It is important we
find a cure
and put an end to this
Donor profile
Kurt Purnell
Age: 39
Hometown: Canton, Massachusetts
“My father had Alzheimer’s approximately four years. I support
the Alzheimer’s Association because it is important we find a cure
and put an end to this devastating disease. It is also a way to honor
my late father and my mother who was a great caretaker for my
father during his battle with Alzheimer’s.”
Kurt Purnell is a member of the Alzheimer’s Association, MA/NH Chapter’s Board
of Directors, chair of the Greater Boston Memory Walk, chair of the Public Policy
Committee, and a donor.
Photo by Shannon Power
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
The Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire
Chapter gratefully acknowledges the following individuals whose
generous contributions during FY2010 (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010)
will help continue our work, to assist and serve those with Alzheimer’s
disease and related dementia illness, their families, and care givers.
We have been careful in the preparation of this list, however, some errors or omissions
may have occurred, for which we express our apologies. If your name has been
inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please bring the error to our attention so
that we may update our records.
$25,000 and
Pauline Krull* and
Rene C. Cote
Linde Family Foundation
Suzanne and
David Lissy
Tanner Irrevocable Trust
The Parker Family Foundation
James and
Marilyn Simons
Marcia Simons
Revocable Trust*
Paul and Katherine Stuka
$10,000 to
The Douglas and
Elizabeth Durand
Family Foundation
Carol and Leif Jacobsen
Robert and Julie Kebartas
Pamela S. Kunkemueller
Linda J. LaBier
Robert F. Marino
Roger D. Mazur
Christopher Meyer
Carol M. Meyrowitz and John DeBairos
David and
Suzanne Morris
Paul and Giulia Nazzaro
Thomas Anthony
Pappas Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Elizabeth and
Robert Pozen
Pamela Radcliffe Dean
The Don & Marilyn Rodman Foundation
Rogers Family
Alice Shaver Foundation
John B. Yahres
$5,000 to
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Atkinson
Patty and Peter Barbato
Bruce and
Patricia Bartlett
Jeffrey and Lori Berry
Karen and
Bob Bettacchi
Andra Brewer Klarman and David Klarman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connolly, Jr.
Richard J. Cusack
Ernest and
Lillian Glickman
Karen and Henry Gold
Richard Hamermesh
Michael Henry and Jeanne Larkin-Henry
Adam Hersch
Robert and Myra Kraft
Maryann and Russ Lavoie
Daniel J. McDevitt
The McNeil Family
Richard and
Helene Monaghan
Estate of Claire M.
Thomas and
Victoria Myrick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. O’Connell
Flora Pomponio
Clare and Gerard Richer
Frank and V. Millicent Romito
Dennis and Polly Selkoe
Shirley Spero
Ralph and Shirley White
Peter and
Mary Ann Wright
$1,000 to
Linda and Mario
James C. Alex
David and Holly Ambler
Karen and
Steven Andberg
Joyce B. Andrews
Ms. Roberta Andrulis
Robert G. Armknecht
Marvin Ashner
Sanford and
Lynn Auerbach
Paul and Edith
Babson Foundation
Alan and Deb Bachrach
Frank and Corinne Ballas
Barrette Family Fund
Jennifer and Peter Beale
Chad Belinsky
Lisa M. Bendixen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry
Trent D. Boehm
Kenneth S. Boger
Fawn and
Michael Bonfanti
David R. Brennan
Craig Burr
Elizabeth Butler
Joan M. Butler and Carol C. Norton
Rachel M. and
Robert M. Byrne
Pauline and
Richard Byron
Mary E. Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Cambre
Levin and
Eleanor Campbell
Levin Campbell, Jr.
Andrew Canale
Jeffrey Carlson
Amy S. Carmusin
Becky Carrington
Susan Carson
Paul Casey
Chandler Charitable Foundation
Jessica Chutter
John Clarke
Philip R. Cohen and Sharon L. Oviatt
Jackye Colligan
Ellen Connorton
Harriet Cooper
Philip Costa
Katharine L.W. and Winthrop M.Crane, 3rd
Charitable Foundation
Kathleen Cremin
Kelley Cronin
Karen Crowley
Mariagrace Curcio
Chrysa Dacosta
Alexis Dandreta
Anita and Flora D’Angio
Beth and Greg Debor
John A. Desisto
Eleanor Dickson
Richard and
Francesca Dodd
Mariane Donmoyer
Bernard L. Donohue, III
Fay Donohue
Arthur Donohue-Rolfe
David and Dionne Dosa
Kenneth Douglas
Roger Dumas
Daniel and
Katherine A. Dunn
Matthew Dunn
Geraldine Dussault
Christine Earle
Timothy and Kathy Egan
Marcy Eisenberg
Mark Eldridge
Fred Emmett, Jr.
Robert Engel
J. Irving England & Janet L. England
Charitable Trust
Joseph L. Faber
Jo Anne Faer
Richard and
Carolyn Fleiss
Stephen Foley and Elizabeth Bower
Todd F. Ford
Andrew Formato
Walter Frank
James and Jane Garrett
Jennifer and
Timothy Gaspar
Tom and Audrey Gavin
Matthew Geiger
The Gens Family
Kristian Gibson
Donna and Albert Gillis
Daniel Goldberg
Victoria L. Goldberg
Diane and
Thomas Goodwin
Peter G. Goodwin
Thomas Gostelh
Barry Goudreau
Dale Eckert and
Dale Granger-Eckert
Dennis and
Kate Granigan
Camille Gravallese
Barry and Natalie Greene
Susan P. Grenier
Thomas McLean Griffin
Bruce and
Patricia Grindell
Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation
Jay and
Marni Grossman
Jeffrey Gural
Stuart Haber
Robert Halper
The Robert Halper Foundation
Ann Harrington
George and
Diantha Harrington
Ellen and John Harris
Frederick Hartman
Sherry Haydock
John and Jill Hayes
Scott Herbert
Richard Hiersteiner
Olivia A. Hoblitzelle
Tobi and Curt Hoffman
Catherine B. Holland
Lisa Holt
Jay and Linda Hooley
Mary Beth and
John Horsington
Helen J. Hower and Colin Lanzl
Earl and Cornelia Hutt
William and
Martha Jackson
Duane Jenks
Joan H. Johnson
Jerry and Suzi Kahn
Sheldon and
Susan Kalick
Lisa Kaminsky
Barry and
Rochelle Kaplan
James E. Kellett
Diane and
Joseph Kelley, Jr.
Kevin and
Mary Ellen Kelley
The Joseph J. Kelley, Jr. Family Fund
Beth Kenney
Mark Keonly
Richard C. Krasnick
George Krupp
Michael N. Lago
Wendy Landman and Joel Weissman
James J. Landry and Tracey A. Hamlin-
Brian and Marie Langdon
Heidi Larson
Natalia I. Laskaris
Jeanne Lavine
John Ledwith
William and
Betsy Leitch
Tom and Paula
Kathrynlee Leung
Mark Levin
Benjamin and
Sharon Liptzin
Lawrence Lopez
Elizabeth and
Gary S. Lowe
Arlene Lowney
Richard K. Lubin
John and Mary Lucey
Ervin Lyon
Gregory and
Josefina Lyons
Kathleen J. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Machinist
Louise Park Macmillan and John Hugh
R. Bradford Malt
Stephen and
Jean Mansfield
Mary Ann Marino
Jamie Marra
Joanne Mc Coy Hausserman
Deirdre and
Tim McCain
James McGrail
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Meier
John and
Carole Merrifield
Michelle Merrill
John Metzger
Barbara Milensky
Bob and Liane Moccia
Carrie Mohler and
William Sandin
Bonnie J. Mollen
Lois Monge
Irene and
Brian Morrissey
Jack and Debbie Mozes
Geraldine C.
Muldoon, Sr.
Estate of Ruth C.
Jean M. Nauss
Richard Newman
Richard P. Noonan
Margaret Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Oliver
Mary Frances Owens
Mary and Richard Pacella
George and
Joanne Pappas
Glenn and Faith Parker
The Penates Foundation
Alan Perkins
E. Perry
Estate of Pauline
Anna Pier
Donna and
David Podolsky
Dr. & Mrs. William Pollack
Jeanne Poorman
Patricia Pope
William and Pamela Post
Alex Potter
Kevin Potter
Jonathon Pottle
Jerome Powell
Kathie A. Powers
Alan G. Pratt
Robert Rappa
William Ray
Emma Reeve
Meghan Rhatigan
Kim Richlin
Henry Richmond
David and Ann Riley
Lisa Riley
Stanley J. Rivers,Jr.
Stephen Robertshaw
Frederick Roesch
Elizabeth Rome
Toby and Charles Roover
Alfred Rose and
Amy Kyle
Alan and Norma Rosen
Roberta and
Myron Rosenberg
Bonnie and
Joel Rosenthal
Kathryn Ross
Paul E. Roughan, Jr.
Jay C. Rowley
Bruce and
Kimberlie Sachs
Barbara Santoro
Deborah Sargent
Marc Schlackman
Greig T. Schneider
Edward and
Barbara Scolnick
Paul F. Scully
Eugenia A. .Seamans *
Stephen Shapiro and Ms. Ann M. Strand
William R. Shek
Brenda M. Shield
Suzanne Siino
Kathy Simon
Charles and
Kristen Slife
Anthony E. Smith
Colleen Smith
Richard and
Susan Smith
Jack* and
Deborah Smookler
Nicki Solomon
Donald Sostek
James P. Stack
Stearns Charitable Trust
Dory Stern
Gretchen Stoddard
Wadsworth S. Stone and Cynthia Stone Phelan
Harriet H. Sullivan
James Sullivan
Catherine and
Edmund Taglieri
Rick Teller
James Tepper
Jim Thomson
Cheryl and
James Treacy
Brian and
Mary Trelease
Geraldine and
Robert Tuffy
David E. Tufts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Twomey
Mark Underkofler
Richard D. Urell
Roger and Judith Urell
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vinick
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Virshbo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Vitone, Jr.
Catherine J. Votaw
Peter and Jill Weiner
James Wessler and Susan Goodman
Sallie Wheatland Fisher
Andrew Wilks
Stephen Wineberg
Donald Winslow
Matthew Wood
James Yahres
Ms. Robin Zeitz
$250 to $999
Carolyn Abbott
Carmela Abraham
Barbara L. Abrams
Tanya Acosta
Bernard Adams and Edna Travis
David P. Adams
Robert Alario
Michael Albert
Sylvia and
Bradford Alden
Peter and
Susan Alexander
Richard Alfred and Lynn Goldsmith
Danah Al-Husaini
Mark Alimansky and Susan Erdos
Lisa M. Allard
Bryan and Sally Allen
Don Allen
Deborah Allinson
Gerard N. Alot
Terry Altman
Michael J. Ambrosino
Claudia F. Amore
Arthur Anderson
Marilyn and
Margaret Anderson
Sara J. Andrews
Stephen W. Andrews
Nicole and
Keith Angerame
Eva Anolin
Denise Ansotegui
Bascom Anthony
Michael T. Anthony
Anthony Antonuccio
Lisa Arcangeli
Vanessa Arce
Louise Areano
Nancy and Neil Arkuss
Martha Arruda
John Ashby
Rosemary Ashby
Linda Atlas
John A. Attwood
Patricia Avolio
Esther L. Bachrach
Adele F. Bacow
Lucia Badger
Cathy Bagley
Ramsey A. Bahrawy
Alexander Baker
Charles and Betty Baker
Richard and
Patricia Baker
Robert Banker and Diane Fobio
Kevin T. Barbato
David and Lisa Barbour
Alexander Barkas
Cornelia Barnard
Marialena Barnard
Patrycia Barnard
Susan T. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Michael Barry
Steve Bartels
Constance and
Robert Bartelson
Jocelyn Bartlett
Jessica Bartley
Elayne and Marc Baskin
Leslie Baskin
Ann S. Batchelder
Mr. & Mrs. J.
Douglas Bate
Keith Bates
Carol and
Jay Baumgarten
Ferris G. Bavicchi
Gary and Mary Beagin
Eleanor and
Herbert Bearak
James Bearce
Richard and Carol Beard
Sharon Beaudry
Sue E. Beers
Eric Beidleman
Frank Belitsky
Michael T. Bell
Steve Bell
Susan Bellavance
Kathleen Bellicchi
Joan Bentinck-Smith
Thomas Bergen
Heidi Berke and
Jeffery Halperin
Arnold and
Claire Berkman
Marcia Berkowitz
David Berlinguette
Hilda and
Roger Berlinguette
David and Nancy Berman
Linda J. Bernier
Amy J. Bernstein
Louise and Stephen Berry
Margaret Bessette
Nancy Bigelow
Nancy BIlezikian
Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Bisognano, Jr.
Ann Bissell
Alice Bissonette
Deborah Blacker
Ann M. Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Block
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Hundreds turned out for our New Hampshire Care to Cure Conference which
featured noted researcher Michael Wolfe and care giving expert Jo Ann Jordan
(seated bottom right). Family and professional care givers had the opportunity to
hear the latest about Alzheimer’s and also to ask questions of the professionals.
Photo by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Amanda Blomberg-Faura
Francis and Doris Blood
Benjamin Blount
Kristin E. Blount
Ruth F. Boles
Rita Bolger
Lynn Bollengier
Mary Bombardier
Brett & Katharine
Marianna Borrelli
Jennifer M. Bottomley
Mary and John Boucher
Joan Bowen
Lucy Bowen
Karen Bowman
Ellen and Steve Boyd
Dean M. Boylan
Brian E. Boyle
Bruce Bozzi
Thomas Brady
Jeanette Rosa-Brady and Thomas Brady
Edwin and
Barbara Brailey
Marie R. Brais Beam
Stephen Brait
Gary and
Colleen Breitbord
Carol C. Brennan
Ellen Brezniak
William J. Brisk, Esq.
Eileen Broderick
Patricia Broderick
Vernon Broderick
Kerry Brolly
Nancy Bronson
Peter H. Bronstein
Mack P. Brothers
Donald D. Brown
Michelle Brown
Robert M. Brown
James Brown, III
Richard Brugger
Donna A. Bruno
Sherman Bruster
Amy Bryan
Barbara and
Barry Bryant
Nancy and
Thomas Buckingham
William Buckingham
Kathleen Buckley
Karen and David Bugler
Joyce Buni
Peter and
Sheila Burbank
Laurie and
John Burnett
Mark Burns
Nancy Burrer
Daniel Bushnell
Krista M. Busnach
Diane Butler
J. M. Butler
Barbara Butt
John and Denise Byrne
Kate and Jim Cahill
Craig and Jocelyn Cain
John and Judy Caldwell
Brian and
Marie Ann Callahan
Deborah A. Callahan
Erin and
Edward Callahan
Crystal Caloggero
Thomas Campbell
Geraldine Cannon
Jamie L. Cantillon
Michelle Caperci
Alfred Caproni
Art Caputo
Leonard and
Nancy Carapezza
Maryann and
Lawrence Cardani
Shawn Carew
Daniel F. Carey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carey
J. Terence and
Sharon Carleton
James F. Carlin
Mary and Scott Moran
Michael Carmen
Kim Carmichael
Amy Carp
Rebecca Carrington
Richard and
Carol Carter
Richard and
Elaine Cartland
H. Alfred Casassa
Stephen and
Norma Casey
Robert Casper
Claire Castine
Mark Caswell
Tom Caterino
Frank Catrickes
Robert Cedar
Edward and
Joan Cederholm
Lisa Censabella
Dave Chandler
Michael L. Chandler
Peggy Chao
Anna Chapman and Karlyn Hinkley
Catherine Chasse
Sibyl and Robb Chavis
Robert Chibka
Justin Chivilo
Alan Christian
Cynthia A. Christian
Veronica Ciancola
James Cifrino
Rita Cima
Ronald Cima
Judith Citron
Peter P. Clark
Terri L. Clark
C. W. Clayton, Jr.
Cliff Cleary
Alan Cline
Benjamin L. Cline
John and
Mary Louise Cochrane
Gerard and Sherryl Cohen
Lawrence J. Cohen
Marc D. Cohen and Cathy Wright
Rob and Debbie Cohen
Ron Cohen
Rich Colbert
Annabel Colby
Dathel Coleman
John and Ruth Coleman
Thomas T. Coletti
Christine M. Collins
Joanne Collins
Douglas Comolli
Barbara and Jim Conen
Barbara and
Bill Connolly
Kathleen and
Bill Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Conrad
Jeanne and
Scott Conrad
Jill K. Conway
Sharon and
Stephen Conway
Wendy Conway
David Cooper
Scott Cooper
Susan Cooper Cronyn
John E. Cooperider
Doreen and
Anthony Correnti
Anthony Cortese
Edward Costa
Michael J. Costa
Kathleen and
Marcel Coullard
David R. Craig
Joseph Cremin
Frank and
Cindy Crocetti
Robert D. Cron
Peter B. Culman
Jack Cumming
Virginia M. Cumming
Jean M. Cumminsky
Pamela and
David Cunningham
Dennis and
Cynthia Curran
Elizabeth Curran
Patti Cusack
James S. Dailey
William and
Maryelene Dailey
Carolyn Daly
Chris Daly
Kendall and Sheila Daly
Morgan and Rita Daly
Rosemary and
Anthony Damigella
Andre and
Marilyn Danesh
John and Jane Daneu
Mr. & Mrs. Guy
Martha Darman
Jason DaSilva and
Melinda Wyse
William and
Lorraine Daugherty
Alisdair Davey
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Davidoff
Stuart Davies
Phil Day and
Janice Peterson
Louise J. DeAngelis
David DeBruin
Jack and
Meredith DeJesus
Robert E. Del Col
Jill Delasco
Ruth Delay and
Bob Gibbons
Melissa L. Delpha
Anthony Dentamaro
Robert Dermody
Daniel A. Dern
Michael Dern
Jessica Dery
Tom and
Midge Desimone
Sarah M. Devine
Vincent J. Devoe
George and
Sherry Dickerman
Robert DiCroci
Joseph M. Digiovanni
Shirley Dimauro and
Joseph Montovani
Catherine A. Dionne
Michael DiTullio
Ken and Melissa Dixon
Tom Dmukauskas
Carolyn and
Richard Dodd
Brian Dodson
Diane and Paul Doherty
Gail and Brian Doherty
Judith M. Doherty
Neil Doherty
Rosaleen Doherty
Lynn M. Dolan
Peter E. Domina
Judith A. Donahue
Diana Donovan and Steven Sadoway
Louise and
Peter Donovan
Kathleen Doody
Elyse Douglas
Deborah Dowd-Foley
Barbara A. Doyle
Susan and Peter Doyle
Jennifer and
Robert Drapeau
Joan Drelles
David and
Elizbeth Driscoll
Russell Drummey
Alexandra Dulchinos and James Benninger
Andrew and
Judy Dunberg
Dianne R. Duncan
Mariana Duncan
Lindsay Dunn
Dennis Duquette
John Dutra
Lawrence Dutra
Marcia Duval
Jane Dvorak
Darlene and
Mark Eddows
Jane Eden
Diane Efstathiou
Audrey and Robert Egan
Ralph and Mildred Ellis
Stuart Ellman
Stephanie Enos
Bruce and Becky Epstein
Tom and Meg Erickson
Carolyn Erikson
Christine Ernst
Rafael Escandon
Elaine Espinola
Zeus and Laura Estrada
Susan Etscovitz
Kendall and Alice Evans
Robert W. Ewing, Jr
Nicole Fabiano
Don and
Janet Falkenstein
Ann and Joseph Fantini
Linda C. Fanton
Yvonne M. Farinha
Cynthia Farner
Susan Farnsworth
Brian and Debra Farrey
Mike and Margaret
Frank M. Faucett
Thomas M. Feeley
Joy Feeney
John Felice
Marianne Felter
Meghan Fennelly
Barbara E. Fennessy
William Ferellec
Maureen Ferguson
Jeralyn E. Fernandes
Joanne Ferry
Judy Fine-Edelstein
Betsey and
Michael Fitzgerald
Mary Jane Flaherty
Alan and
Carol Flaumenhaft
Stephanie Fleck and Michael Morin
Mark Fleming
Richard Flores
Michelle M. Flowers
Judith Flynn
Mackenzie Flynn
Peter Flynn
Robert M. Flynn
William and
Christine Flynn
Kathleen M. Foley
MK and Mary Foley
Jason Foote
Pamela M. Foote
Curry Ford
Amanda and
Edward Forsythe
Gerald and
Virginia Fortier
Paul Fortin
Mark Forziati
James and Celine Foster
John and Lila Foster
Michael Francoeur
Howard Frankenthal
Taylor Frarie
Lynn P. Fraser
Paul Frazier
Avram and
Rhoda Freedberg
Donald and
Ruth Freedman
Andrew L. Frelinger
Barbara M. Friedman
Robert E. Friedman
Steve Frigand and
Sharon Dyer
The Frisiello Family
Thomas C. Frongillo
John and Nan Frymoyer
Charles S. Fuchs
Mark E. Fusco
John Gaebe
Mike Gagne
Mark and Sarah Galante
Al and Alice Galarneau
Richard Galehouse
Josephine Gallagher
Heidi Ganss Harris and Rick Harris
Helaine and Hilarie Gants
Ross Garber
Rebecca Garland
Cynthia J. Garrett
Michelle and
Daniel Garrity
Sue Gartland
Clifford Gaw
Shirley and
Lawrence Geller
Janet and
Mark Gemborys
Stephen and
Katherine Gendron
Lisa M. Genova
Deborah A. George
Joanne Gerber
R. M. Ghormley
Margaret and
Amitabha Ghosh-Roy
Sean P. Gibbons
Jon K. Giblin
Robert Gilfert
Kevin and Rita Gill
Michele L. Gill
Fred Gillis
Marjorie and
Joseph Giordano
Stephen Girard
Margaret T. Gist
Anja Glaeser
Madeleine Gleason
Ed Gobbi
Susan Gobbi
Leslie F. Gold
Sandy Gold
Albert and
Judith Goldberg
Sally A. Goldman
The Romito family has taken their experience with Alzheimer’s and begun their own
crusade to get the word out about their experience. Millie Romito, who has early
stage younger onset Alzheimer’s, addressed those attending our Make the Link Golf
Tournament, flanked by sons Erik and Chris. The brothers participate in ALZ Together,
a newly founded group of young adults who have come together to raise awareness
about the disease. Millie and husband Frank also attended the Washington, D.C.
Action Summit and our local public policy initiatives and Memory Walk.
Photo by Ken Cegelski
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Robert Goldstein
Brian Goode
Barbara Goodman and Seth Weinberger
Deborah Goodman
Lawrence and
Penny Goodman
Ann Marie Goodwin
Paul Goodwin
Robert Goodwin
George J. Goolkasian and Gail Goolkasian
Helen Goransson
Dr. Dana M. Gordon
Dean Gorman
Jorge Goti
Robert and Linda Gould
Anne-Marie Grady
The Grady Family
Sister Mary Rita Grady and Sister Ann Marie Grady
Jeffrey J. Graham
Richard Grande
Judy Gray
Lisa Gray
Nancy Gray
Kathleen J. Green
Betsy Greenawalt
Ellen and Ken Greene
John K. Greene
Diane Greer
Chris Gregg
Francis Gregoire
Garth and
Lindsay Greimann
Mac Griffin
Marc Griffin
Clyde Grindell
Hal Grodzins
Leon and Lilah Groisser
Hannah and John Grove
Albert Gutierrez
Donna Gwosch
Amy and James Haley
David Hall
Michael and
Carolyn Halloran
Malarie Hamberg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hamer
Julie A. Hamilton
Len and John Hanley
Mary V. Hanley
Michael and
Laura Hanley
Martha Hanlon
Harold and
Michael Hannon
Kenneth and
Elsie Happel
Lisa Hardiman
Catherine and
Daniel Harrington
Deirdre and
John Donahue
Catherine and
Daniel Harrington, III
Sarah Harris
Tom and Karen Harris
Tracy Harris
Lisa M. Harrison
Dale and
Shannon Harvey
George and
Polina Haseotes
Barbara Hathaway
Bruce Hauben
Bob and
Evelyn Hausslein
Burton and
Elaine Hawley
Ryan Hayward
Susan M. Healy
Tina Heard
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Hearst
Sharon Hechinger
Royster and
Kathryn Hedgepeth
Michael A. Heffernan
Michael Heffernan
William C. Heggerick, D.D.S.
Scottie Held
Ilana and Adam Heller
Constance and
Malcolm Henry
Mark and Ellen Hepp
Jena Hernandez
Phyllis and
Charles Hersch
Mimi Hewlett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Higgins
Theresa M. Himmer
Bonnie Barber and Andrew Hochberg
Steven L. Hochberg
William Hodgins
Sonia Hofkosh and Jonathan Hulbert
Brian M. Hogan
David Hogsett
Ann and Tom Holzgraf
Dean Holzgraf
Stephen and
Nancy Hooley
Greg Hopwood
Steve Horn
Carrol Horrocks
Stephen M. Hourigan
Dusty and Mary Lou Hoyt
Barbara Hudson
Jeffrey and
Suzanne Hueners
James S. Hughes
Timothy K. Hughes
Willard P. Hunnewell
Fran Hurley
Paul D. Hurley, Jr.
Barbara Hussey
Rachel M. Hyland
Brad T. Hyman, MD
Joshua and
Felicia Hyman
Joseph and
Kathy Iantosca
Cindy and
Benedict Ingegneri
Julia Irvine and
Herbert Irvine
Marlene Irving
Harold Itkin
Norman and
Susan Jacobs
John W. Jacobsen
Kyle Jacques
Brian Jadul
Sandra Lennon James
Philip and Ann Jameson
George and Kris Jamieson
Robert J. Jantos
Geoffrey Jarok
Linda Jefferson
Judith A. Jellinek
E. Kenneth and
Beverly Jenkins
Sue and Don Joffray
Charles M. Johnson
Edward and
Cynthia Johnson
Richard J. Johnson
Ronald and
Mary Johnson
Sandra and
Anna Johnson
Sharon and
Shawn Johnson
Jeffrey Jones
Bruce Jordan, Jr.
Jo Ann and David Jordan
Brian Jowder
Susan Joyce
George H. Kalashian
Ellen and
Richard Kallman
Maria and
Jeffrey Kaloroumakis
Dan Kamensky
William and Susan Kams
Janice and
Stephen Kapaon
George Karalis
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Karp
Matthew Karpas and Emily Dalton
Debra Katt-Lloyd and Douglas Lloyd
John Kaufmann
Florence and
Robert Kelley
Karen Kelley
Stephen Kelliher
Katherine Kellogg
Erin Kelly
Kevin G. Kelly
Lisa Kelly
Alice C. Kennedy
Barbara S. Kennedy
David Kennedy
Gail and
Thomas Kennedy
Rob Kennedy
Robert H. Kennedy
Chris and Lesley Kerr
Steven A.
Albert Keyworth
Annette Gonthier Kiely
Min Kim
Clifford King
Kerry King
Robert W. King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas King
Francis Kingsley
Annmarie A. Kirshon
Dennis and
Valerie Kirshy
Dennis and
Maureen Kirshy
Wade Kirshy
Keena J. Kiser
Beth S. Klarman
Judith and Jack Klaubert
Anne Klayman
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Kline
The Knapp Family
Sidney Koch
Daniel A. Komisar
G & G Kovac
Stanley J. Kowalczyk
Joshua M. Kraft
Leigh and
Charles Krastin
Daniel Krause, Jr.
Jeannie Kriftcher
Amy Krueger
Amanda and
Carole Kuczmiec
Natalie and Scott Kuldell
Carrie Nola Kulig
Jim Kunihiro
Heidi E. Kunkel
Michael Kupstas
Evan M. Kushner
Debra Kutok
Susan La Parte
Gary and Jocelyn Laber
David M. Labonte
Phil LaCasse
Linda LaJoie and
David J. Harrington
W. Lake
Roland Lambalot
Mary Lambert
Stephanie Lamie
Adele M. Lamoreaux
David Landau
Rhona Landau
Carolyn Lane
Stephen Lane
Jeffrey Lang
A W. and Wes Langeland
Chuck and
Sandi Langeness
Kyle and
William Langille
Shari L. Langlois
David A. Lantosca
Woody Lapham
Louise Larocque
John Larson
Nancy and
Robert Lavoie
Deanna L. Lawrence
Frank and
Carol Lazarus
Terry and Jayne Leahy
Jeffrey LeBlanc
Suzanne Leblanc and Carl Kaestner
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Lee
Sandra Lee
Jeff Leerink
Brian Leetch
Lindsey and Justin Lehn
Dwight Leigh
Bradford L. Leitch
James and
Sandra Lennon
Julia Leon
Jeannine Leone and Lorrie Brodeur
John LePann
Robert Lepine
Sylvia Les
Mr. & Dr. Nick Leschy
Nancy Lesco
Norman A. Levenson
Marcia Levy
Jaya Lewis
Marianne H. Lewis RN, MSN
Lawrence Lieberman
Cho-LIang Lin
Piper Lind
Charles Lindsay
Kate and Matt Lipsitz
Gino J. Locchi
Jerome and
Colleen Locchi
Robert Lochrie
Herschel and
Mindy Lock
Marie A. Lombardi
Carol K. Longley
Ronald Longley
Normajean Longval
Mary Loosen
Joe Loughrey
Lisa and Ian Lucas
F. Cameron Ludwig
Wanda and
Richard Lukas
Cheryl Lynch
John Lynch
Leslie Lynch
Donna Coughlin Lyons
Robert MacConnell and Susan McKenney
John and
Marie MacLellan
Bruce H. MacLeod
James I. Macwilliam
Martin C. Madden
John and Nancy Madrid
Lucille Maguire
Joseph and
Carolyn Mahoney
Sean Mahoney
Thomas Mahoney
Mary Malandrino
Jennifer Malboeuf
Karen and
Joseph Manduca
John Manganaro
David B. Manley
Benjamin E. Mann, Jr.
James Mansfield
Matthew and
Gwen Mansfield
John Manzo
Karlene and
David Marceau
Diane Marcou
Justin Marcoux
Maura Marczewski
Alan Margolin
Frank and
Christy Marinelli
Gloria Marion
Richard A. Marks and Jennifer Morrison
Patricia Maroni
Arlindo Marques
John and
Lucilia Marques
Anne and John Martin
Audrey Martin
Christy Martin and Cindy Melter
Joseph Martini
Anthony Masciarelli
Linda Mason
Laura D. Mateo
Rebecca E. Mathews
Barbara Matthews
Dave and Jayne Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Matthews
Kristin A. Mawhinney
Keith Maxwell
Joyce Mayrand
Sian Mcalpin
Linda and W. H. McCabe
Anne McCall
William and Jean McCall
Kate and Kevin McCarey
Chris McCarthy
Elizabeth McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Michael J. McCartney, M.D.
Gretchen McClain
Bill and Judy McClurg
Karlin McConnell
Robert L. McCulloch, Sr.
Michael McDonald
Susan McDonough and Carl Rosenfield
Tina M. McDuff
Mike McGrail
Tim McGrail
Mary Ann and
Todd McGrain
Celebra la Vida, the largest Latino health information event in Massachusetts,
gave our staff and volunteers a chance to answer questions and provide information
about Alzheimer’s resources to the thousands who attended. Latinos and
African-Americans are at greater risk for Alzheimer’s because they are at higher
risk for diabetes and hypertension, both of which elevate Alzheimer’s risk.
Photo by Fabiola Alvarez
Jane M. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McGrath
Nicole and Greg McGurin
Lisa McHugh
Rachel E. McKaig
Helen McKenna
Mary and
Lawrence McKevitt
Frank McLane
Katherine and F.
William McNabb
Sylvie McQuade-
Ritschard and
Mike McQuade
Stephen and
Laetitia Mead
Liz Meader
Barbara Meikle
Kurt Melden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Theresa Harris Membrino
Ann M. Mendes
Rhonda and
George Menegus
Jordan Menzin
Joseph Menzin
Katharine E. Merck
Douglas Miller
John Miller
Patricia Miller
Stephen V. Miller
Virginia Miller
Rob Millis
Francis Miranda
Gregory Mogauley
Corb Moister, Jr.
Richard Molesworth
Martin Molyneaux
Margaret Monaco and Vance J. Anderson
Bob and
Josephine Monaghan
Lisa Monaghan
Phyllis Mondelli
David L. Montanari
Donna R. Monteiro
Jim and Lisa Mooney
Beverly and Curtis Moore
Jean and Sue Moore
Susan E. Moore
Deirdre D. Moran
Mary Coffey Moran
Leah Morelle
Carey A. Morgan
Guy Morgan
Rick Morgano, Sr.
Kathleen Moriarty
Family of Arthur and Marguerite Moran
Lynn and
Patricia Mormann
Doreen and Bert Morris
James H. Morris
Shirley and Daniel Morris
Taylor J. Morrison
Jennifer Morse
Randall and
Pamela Morse
Rana Morton
Richard and
Carolyn Mottolo
Joseph E. Mullaney
Daniel J. Mullen
Michael Mullen
Patrick D. Mullen
Paul and Andrea Mullen
Sheila Mullen and
Richard N. Carr
Susan Mullin
Betsy Munzer
James and Pricilla
Murphy and Family
Mo and Charles Murphy
Paul Murphy
Holly Murray
Richard A. Murray
Diane Muzychenko
Sandra and
Leonard Myatt
Priscilla Myers
Eric Nadel
Gary J. Najarian
Robert and
Denise Najarian
Rachel Narowlansky Davey
Janice N. Nash
James and
Mary Ellen Nassar
Karen Natario
Louis J. Nazzaro
Joseph Neaz
Chris and
Janet Needham
Richard and
Deborah Neely
Anthony and
Pat Newfell
Phil and Pam Newfell
Frank Newton
Kathleen Nichols
Nancy J. Nichols and Michael J. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Linda and
John Niland, III
Mark Nirsberger
Marcos Nogues
Taryn Noonan
Dagmar Nowak
Brett Nowlin
Susan J. Noyes
Cindy Null
Mark Nussbaum
Marilyn and
Travis Nutting
Kevin and
Linda O’Brien
Loretta O’Brien
Priscilla and
Lawrence O’Brien
Ellen O’Connell
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Maura L. O’Connell
Abbie and
Caroline O’Connor
Ann and
Francis O’Connor
Joanne Okerman
Cartherine T. O’Leary
Mark O’Leary
John K. Olivieri
Susan E. Olson
Gregory and
Catherine Oneglia
Amy Orenstein
Gerry and Wayne Orloff
Adrienne L. Osborne
Andrew and
Moira O’Shea
Blanche D. Ossoff
The Ossoff Family
Stephen Ostroskey
Deirdre O’Sullivan
Diane and
Michael O’Sullivan
Elizabeth Ashooh
Richard and Mary Pacella
Arthur Page
Elaine C. Pagliarulo
Susan and Peter Palmer
Stephen Papay
Dana Paquette
Kenneth J. Paradis
Pauline Parker
Roger Parker
Lowell Partridge
Roger and Susan Patkin
O. Frances and
Vincent Pattavina
Lois P. Paul
Walter and
Margaret Paulding
Michael & Patty Payette
Jerry Pearlstein
Sandra and
Bernard Peavey
Donnamae H. Peck and Family
Carolyn J. Pelley
Virna and Steve Pepe
Louis and Deidre Pepi
Susan Peranian
Eugene Perry
Deborah J. Peter
Marilyn E. Peters
David Petersen
Bobbi Peterson
Meg Peterson
Woody Peterson
Stephanie Petrillo
Paul P. Petrin
Albert P. Pettoruto, Jr.
Nancy and
Barry Philbrook
Kathy Phillips
Andy Pierce
Colleen Pietrobono
Gisela Pikarsky
Jacob Pilibosian
Angelo and
Betsy Pinheiro
Victoria E. Pires
Amy A. Pitter
David and Laura Pitts
Lee Pledger
Gregory Poling
Richard and
Anita Pollak
Patty Pomerleau
Mr. & Mrs. David Porteus
Verna Porteus
Robin Young Postill
Bruce Potter
Craig and Carolyn Potter
James and
Suzanne Potter
Jim Potter
Rick and Jean Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Powderly
Andrew Powell, Sr.
Jill Power
William and
Gale Marie Powers
Rosalie Pratt
David Preklas
Elizabeth J. Prins
Mark Pruzanski
Vince J. Pujalte
Deborah Pusinelli
Terri Quartulli
Dan Quinn
Kell B. Rabern
Lisa and Joe Radley
Cheryl A. Rafferty
Paul Ralston
Caitlyn Ramig
Erwin Ramos
Barbara A. Rancourt
Lorin Randall
Patricia Raneri
Dorothy Rankine
Howard W. Rashba
Thomas Rathje
George Rautenberg
Anne Reardon
Catherine M. Regan
Christy and Gerald Regan
Stephen J. Reger
Susan D. Reid
Richard J. Reidy
John and Beverly Reilly
Teresa and Mike Reilly
Elaine and
Bernard Reisman
Robin Reisman
Jack and
Judith Remondi
Rita and Joseph Resha
James Reske
Sally Ann and
Harold Resnic
Detlef Rethage
The most eloquent advocates are those living with Alzheimer’s—which is why one of
the most powerful sessions of A Map Through the Maze professionals’ conference
is the Early Stage Panel discussion. Those with early stage Alzheimer’s teamed with
their care partners, join in an open discussion that can go from heartbreaking to
humorous in a heartbeat.
Photo by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Alice Reyes
Jason Rhodes
William Ribich
Steve Ricci
Charles and
Nancy Ann Rich
Shirley and
John Richardson
Kimberly A. Richlin
Susan and
Chris Richmond
Bonita Riley
Sean Riley
D. G. and Steven Risch
Philippe and
Monique Ritschard
Jennifer Roan
Martha Robb
Tim and Sue Roberts
Ruth and
John Robertson
William Robichaud
Kathleen Roby
Alice Rolph
Michelle Roman
Terry Romano
Jill and Lawrence Rosen
Larry and Sharman Rosen
Marc Rosenfeld
John and Fran Rosenheim
David D. Ross
Lisa Rotham
Cathleen Roughan
Kate Roughan
Tim Roughan
Mr. & Mrs. David Rountree
Michael and Anne Rourke
Susan and
Geoffrey Rowley
Barbara Blanch Roy
Marjorie Roy
Sybil Roy and
Allison LaPierre
Beverly and Milton Roye
Ben Rubenstein
Mayor James Ruberto
Eric Rubin
Louis Rubino
Hedda Rublin
Ann and
Lawrence Krasnow
Frank and Deborah Russo
Elizabeth Rutherford
John Ryan
Sharon Salesky
Kathleen Salmon Robinson and
Jeff Robinson
David and
Marilyn Salomon
Dorothy Sands
Richard and
Leanna Sands
Christine Sanford
Gail Sansborn
Lucia Santini
Hank Sarazin
Basu Sarkar
Maureen and
Frederick Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Larry
Scammon, Jr.
Patricia Scangas
David Scanlon
Elizabeth and
David Scanlon
Sandy Scarbourgh
Linda H. Scarpati
Carl Schellenberg
David Schenkein
Joan B. Schilder
Chris Schlesinger
Gloria E. Schmid
Esther and Stuart
Kathleen and
Bob Schortmann
The Schreiber Family
Robert D. Schreiner and Patricia M. Simone
Judith Schumacher
Rob Schwager
Paul Scobie
Patricia and
George Scollins
Dwayne Scott
Ellen Scott
Janet M. Scott
Janet Secatore
Dallas Seitz
Stephen and
Margaret Sennott
David and
Claudine Shaby
Murray and Gloria Shaby
Varda Shaked
Walter and
Celeste Shannon
Enid A. Shapiro
Robert Sharkansky
Glen Sharlun
Carol and
Michael Shaughnessy
Judith A. Shaughnessy
Glenn Shaw
James B. Shaw, Jr.
Diane Shea
Craig A. Shealy
Paul and Frances Sheehan
Michael Sheeran
Debra and Allen Sheldon
Mark Shelnitz
Susan M. Shepard
Linda Sherman
Lucy and
William Sherman
Marie Sherman
Norton and
Claire Sherman
Susan and
Lawrence Shevitz
Judith and
Ken Sheytanian
Amanda Shipley
Kevin Shone
Glenn Sieber
Maureen Shea-Siefert and Robert Siefert
Sharon Siegfriedt
T. Siggelkoe
Diane Silvia
Franklin Simon
Mark and Melissa Simon
Steven Singer
Tony Sinkevich
Richard and
Virginia Sinkoski
Suzanne Sipowicz
Gary Sklar
Michael Skok and
Stacey Walsh
Patrick Slaney
Eric Slifka
Richard B. Slifka
Louise and Alvin Slotnick
Mike and Harvey Small
Bradford Smith
Jessica B. Smith
Kenneth B. Smith
Nanette Smith Callihan
Tina S. Snider and Dr. Andrew J. Escoll
The Snow Family
Steve and Maureen Snow
Brian Soldevilla
Babs R. Soller
The Solomont Family
Mary Ann G. Soltys
Rachel G. Sorensen
Richard and
Joann Southgate
Dave and
Ann Southworth
James Souza
Jo-Ann and John Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Speciale
Bernice Speiser and Larry Elswit
Joan H. Spiegel
Spencer Spielberg
Elizabeth J. Spiller
Anne Spinosa
Judy Spiridigliozzi
Sal and Michele Sprofera
Fr. Kerry St. George
Karl and Gloria Stahl
Joseph and
Augusta Stanislaw
Nora Stanulonis
Kathleen Stathis
Tom Steele
Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Steger
Karen and Tom Stein
Laura and George Stein
Siri Steinle
Lilian Stern
Philip and Debbie Stevens
William Stevens
Gilbert and
Sally Steward
Kendra Stewart
Russell J. Stewart
Stanley M. Stewart
Michael and
Nancy Stolpinski
Jack Storer
Janet Stout
MaryAnne Stout
Heidi Stuck
Dianne G. Sullivan
Donna A. Sullivan
Eleanor B. Sullivan
Henry F. Sullivan
Robert L. Surprenant
Jennifer Surro
Kevin Sutter and
Kathleen Quinn Sutter
Elinor Svenson
John C. Talanian
Robert Tarola
Brian Tarrant
James Tatum
Val Taubner
Beth Taylor
Beverly A. Taylor
Mary and Malcolm Taylor
Matthew and
Catherine Taylor
John Derek Teare and Katharine Reidhert
Richard Teevens
Margie and
Steven Teixeira
Richard and Tara Testa
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Thomas
Christion Thompson
Philip Thompson
David and Sue Thomson
Gordon and
Carole Thomson
Danny Tibbetts
Karen and
Michael Tichnor
Mary T. Tiernan
John Tierney
Debra A. Tieste
Myles Tilley
Dale Tillman
Kristine P. Tilton
Michael and Carol Tilton
Peter N. Tocci
Mary Ann Tocio
Lynne A. Tolman
Marc A. Tonan
Karen and David Toorks
Robert S. Torres
Diane and Robert Tosca
Stacey M. Townson
Marianne Tragakis
Ellen Trigilio
Laurel and
Tristan Trottier
Tina Tryder
Ruth Tumbelston Lindenfelser and
Carol Tumbleston
Kengo Uemura
Joann Ulmer
Richard and
Karen Utenis
Joan Uzdavinis
Scott Valentino
Stephen Van Seters
Richard C. Vancil
Stephanie Vanderbitt
Adam and
Cynthia Vengrow
Paula D. Vician
Liz Vilardi
Maria D.
Burton Visnick
Joy E. Voke
Doug and
Linda VonIderstein
Betty Wadsworth
Herb Wagner
Thomas Wakefield
James Wallace
Lisa Wallack
Furman Walls
Elizabeth Walsh
Joseph Walsh
Lorraine M. Ward
Dawne and Paul Ware
Louis M. Warlick
Chris Wasel
Janet and
Willie Washington
Paul Watts
Warren F. Waugh
Jeffrey Waxman
Larry Webb
Gail E. Weber
Ann and Chet Webster
Jeffrey and Lisa Weil
Candace Weiler
Gail F. Weiner
Stephen B. Weiner and Carol A. Walker
Stephen and
Roberta Weiner
Herbert and
Elizabeth Wells
Marie Wells
Roberta and
Brian Wells
Patricia and
Gary Wenger
Mary Werler
Margaret M. Weslar
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Wessler
Linda and Rudy West
Nancy and
Thomas Westbom
Charles Westcott
James Westra
Bob Wetzel
Carolyn M. Whipple and Gary Fraser
James L. Whipple
Harry W. Whitaker
Robert White
Katie and Brian Whitta
Christopher and
Joan Whittaker
Steven W. Widerman
Robert A. Wilkinson
Marge Wilks
Joan M. Willets
Bruce and
Jane Williams
Mr. & Mrs. David Wilner
Margaret A. Wilson
Jill Wittels
Chrissy L. Wojner
Gerald Wolf
Judith Wood
Susan and
Ronald Wood
Phoebe and
Edward Worcester
Jason A. Worden
Sandra Wozniak
Cathryn A. Wright
Mary Wright
Chaoting Wu
Paul Wuori
Frank Yacino
Peter and Judith Yaffe
Micki Yamin
Benjamin Yates
Elizabeth A. Yost
Janice B. Yost
Andrew Young
Edward J. Zawaki and Joan Eldridge*
Kevin and Sandra Zeluck
Roy Zeluck
Peter Zheutlin
Sherry S. Zhu
Charles and
Florence Zoeller
Sam Zoob
Victor Zue
Chester S. Zwonik
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
profile The Vincent Family
Westminster, Massachusetts
Bruce Vincent is too young to take part in
Alzheimer’s clinical trials. Age 50 is the
commonly used cut-off. At 48, he also seems
too young to even have Alzheimer’s.
“The doctor called me at home and said a
lot of medical jargon,” said Cindy. “When I
asked ‘What does that mean?’ he said Bruce
had early stage Alzheimer’s.”
He was diagnosed two years ago, following
several years of growing concern by
his family.
This Westminster family has come
together around the challenges that face
Bruce now; they are also thinking about
what lurks in all their lives. Bruce has the
rare familial strain of Alzheimer’s. His
mother, grandfather and great-grandfather
all died with Alzheimer’s in their fifties.
Bruce and Cindy Vincent’s three adult
children, Jeffrey, 27, Brian, 26 and Danielle,
20 are also now wondering about their
own futures.
“He would always call and ask me if I needed
anything from the store before he left for
the day,” said Cindy. “But he began calling a
second time, not remembering the first call.”
There were other signs. He became reluctant
to go places by himself. He was sometimes
“Alzheimer’s was always in the back of our
minds. We knew that it could happen.”
Still, a typical work week for Bruce had
topped out at 80 hours. He is founder of
Vincent’s Country Store, which has
anchored the center of Westminster for
nearly twenty years.
His internist first thought that stress was
the culprit and prescribed world puzzles to
help his memory. Then came the test that is
called a “mini-mental exam.” Bruce did not
do well. Next, a blood test.
Bruce Vincent fell for his wife Cindy in a
high school history class. They bonded in
marching band—she was in the color-guard
and he played tuba and sousaphone.
They will celebrate their 30th wedding
anniversary next year.
“I never saw the changes in me. She saw
them,” Bruce said.
On the day of the interview, Bruce is
uncomfortable with the latest change in
his life. Earlier in the week, he surrendered
his driver’s license following an evaluation
for driving at Fairlawn Rehabilitation in
Worcester. The test lasted more than an
hour and included hand-eye coordination,
mini-mental, interpreting street signs,
and a driving simulator with red-yellowgreen signals.
“I didn’t realize it would be so detailed,”
Bruce said, his face mirroring his
unhappiness with the results. “I expected
a road test.”
There was no road test. Bruce did not pass
the off-road tests.
The Vincent family’s Westminster market is at the
heart of town as their dedication to each other is at
the heart of their family life.
“We’re both in shock,” Cindy said. She admits
that she had shared with Bruce’s doctor that
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
driving was starting to be a concern. “He’s
more upset about the driving test than
the diagnosis.”
The Vincent children joined the
interview, taking time away from their
jobs to participate in the discussion
that affects them all. On the living room
wall a plaque reads "Home Heart Hearth".
The family’s pet Schnauzer is curled up
on the floor. The room has the careful
coziness that comes from a decorator’s
eye. Along with the market, they own
Country Treasures Gift Shop, managed
by Cindy. It’s easy to get a sense of life
before Alzheimer’s. Life with Alzheimer’s
has meant that every family member is
now involved.
The children could have a screening test to
see if they carry the genetic link for familial
Alzheimer’s. Bruce has taken part in genetic
counseling with Dr. Reisa Sperling, a nationally recognized Alzheimer’s researcher from
the Brigham and Women’s department
of neurology. The question sat like an
unwelcome guest: Will they take the test?
“Once you find out, that changes everything,”
said Jeffrey. “You think about your career,
children.” He works as an installer of car
alarms and also as a part-time police
officer. He is also recently married. “I have
no interest in knowing, taking the test. It
would change how I look at life. If there’s
a 50/50 shot, I would rather wait. If I had
it, I would think about it every day.”
Brian, who now manages the family
market, wants to know if he’s carrying
the genetic link.
Danielle, at 20, still lives at home. “We all had
it in the back of our mind. It was kind of surprising, but kind of not,” she said. She would
like to know if she has the potential of also
developing Alzheimer’s. “It wouldn’t change
how I live. Reisa’s office suggested that in the
next 10 years or so, maybe there could be a
Despite their differing opinions, all
three have sought support through an
Alzheimer’s Association program for those
called COYOD (Children of Younger Onset
Dementia). Based from the Association’s
Watertown office, the COYOD group began
meeting in summer 2009. Similarly, Bruce
and Cindy now regularly attend a support
group for care partners and those with early
stage Alzheimer’s. Twice a month, they drive
east to Watertown to learn more about the
disease that has become a part of their lives—
and to feel less alone.
They have brought their spirit of hopefulness
to campaign for the Alzheimer’s issue
by forming a Memory Walk team that
participated in the Gardner, Mass event
in September. The expanded family team
was on the field, in force. And Bruce and
Cindy have also volunteered to share
their very personal story with the media,
responding to a request from the
Boston Globe.
The changes are beginning to accumulate.
In addition to his loss of his license, Bruce
has cut back on hours at the market—from 80
to 60 a week. Although he provides a friendly
greeting to all the regular customers, some
tasks have become more difficult, according
to Brian. Right after the diagnosis, Cindy and
Bruce met with their attorney and financial
planner to put in place the planning that
will support the changes that come with
his decline.
“I think you would live your life differently if
your life is half over.” At 26, he is about half
the age when Alzheimer’s claimed his grandmother, great-grandfather and great-greatgrandfather. “You would take more chances, “It never leaves my mind,” Cindy said, starting
do more things.” He is not interested, he said, to tear up for the first time in the interview.
in clinical studies. “Why would you want
Bruce handed a tissue over to her. “It is just
to focus on it?”
always there. When he’s at work, I wonder
if he is ok. The children, are they worrying
about their father…”
L Support
The Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire
Chapter gratefully acknowledges the following corporations,
foundations, trusts, organizations and institutions for their generous
support of $1,000 or more during FY2010.
We have been careful in the preparation of this list, however, some errors or omissions
may have occurred, for which we express our apologies. If your name has been
inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please bring the error to our attention so
that we may update our records.
101 Merrimac, LLC
22 News
97.5 FM WZID
Abbott Bioresearch Center
Active Day
Acton Medical Associates
Advanced Fuel
Solutions Inc
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Matching Gift Center
AirTran Airways
Anchor Capital
Advisors LLC
Anderson, Alex &
Andover Townsman
The Arbors at Chicopee
The Arbors of Bedford
Aseracare Hospice
Athletes for a Fit Planet
Atlantic Lighting Inc.
Bacon Wilson, P.C.
BAE Systems
Electronics &
Integrated Solutions
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bankers Life &
Casualty Co.
Barbato Construction Company, Inc.
Baystate Health System
Beacon Hospice
Beaumont Worcester
Belmont Manor
Nursing Home, Inc.
Benchmark Assisted Living
Benjamin Rose Institute
Berkshire Retirement Community, Inc
Bingham McCutchen LLP
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
Boston Evening Clinic Foundation
Boston Foundation
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
Boulder Resources, Ltd.
Briarwood Healthcare Nursing Center
Brinks Incorporated
Broadview, Inc.
Brooksby Village
Butler Burgher Group
Cadete Enterprises/
Dunkin’ Donuts
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust Comp.
Care Alternatives
Cars 4 Causes
Central Iron & Metal Co., LLC
Charles River
Christopher House of Worcester
Circle of Life Partners
Citizens Bank Matching
CJK Sherman, L.P.
The Clarks Companies, NA
Clear Channel Outdoor
Advisory Group
Commonwealth of
Connecticut River Bank N.A.
Crystal Rock
Cumberland Farms Inc./Gulf Oil L.P.
Dartmouth College
The Dartmouth
David K. Johnson
DELL Direct Giving Campaign
Diocese of Worcester
Douglas Cuddle Toys
The Driscoll Agency
Dunkin’ Donuts
Eascare LLC
East Village Place
Eastern Bank
Charitable Foundation
Easthampton Savings Bank
Edgewood Retirement
Community, Inc.
Elder Services of
Berkshire County, Inc.
Eleanor Hayes
Ellis Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
EMD Serono
EPOCH Senior Living Inc.
Fabiani & Company, LLC
Family Medicine
Associates, LLC
Fitz, Vogt & Associates LTD
FMU Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Fox Hill Village
Fred and Sarah Lipsky Foundation
The Fuller Foundation
Fun 107 FM
Gaebe, Mullen,
Antonelli & Dimatteo
The Gardner News
Garzoni & Company, Inc.
GE Foundation
Genesis Healthcare Corporation
GGNSC Administrative Services LLC.
The Gibney Family Foundation
Goddard Health
Goddard House of Brookline
Greenbriar Terrace Healthcare
Hannford Food and Drug #177
Health & Benefit
Consultants, Inc.
The Healthcare News of Western
Hearthstone Alzheimer Care
Hebrew Senior Life
Helen S. Casper
Christian Charitable Trust
Highland Street
Home Instead Senior Care
Home Staff, LLC
House of Doolittle, LTD.
Hypertherm H.O.P.E. Foundation Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
The Inn at Spruce Wood
Yard Sale
Intervale Mortgage
Ipswich Investment Management Co. Inc.
Iroquois Group, Inc.
James J. Bremis Realty Inc.
John Hancock
Financial Services, Inc
John Moriarty and
John Scott House
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
JPB Enterprises, INC.
Karl-Storz Endoscopy-
America, Inc.
The Keene Sentinel
Kendal at Hanover
Keystone Commons, LLC
Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc.
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program
L&K Donuts, Inc., d/b/a Dunkin Donuts
Landry’s Bicycles
Lawrence Pumps, Inc.
Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.
Life Care Centers of America, Inc.
Linden Ponds Assisted Living
Linden Ponds Assisted Living
Liz’s Hair Care, Inc.
LoJack Corporation
Long Term Care
Insurance Agency
Loomis Communities, Inc.
Lowell General Hospital
Main Street Bar & Grill
Manchester Monarchs
Maples Nursing and Retirement Center
Margolis & Bloom
Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Corp.
Mary Lyon Skilled Care Center
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
MassMutual Matching Gift Center
Mechanik Nuccio Hearne & Wester, P.A.
The Medline
Memory Ride, Inc
Merrimack Health Group
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Monadnock Radio Group
Moschella & Winston, LLP
The Nashua Telegraph
New Balance Foundation
New Bedford Credit Union
New England
Deaconess Association
New England Health & Maintenance Corp.
New York Community Trust
Newfield House
Northland AEG
Pharmaceuticals Corp.
NSTAR Foundation Matching Gifts
Oldies 104.3
Omnicare, Inc.
Osiris Partners
Our Lady’s Haven
Parents & Kids
Partners Health
Care System
Peerless Insurance
Pepsico Foundation
Plymouth Bulletin
Polar Beverages
Portsmouth Herald
Premier Home Health Care of Massachusetts, Inc.
Pride Convenience Inc.
Private Home Care
Progress Software
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Putnam Associates, Inc.
Quabbin Valley
Healthcare Center
Quincy Donuts, Inc. , D/B/A Dunkin Donuts
Radius Healthcare
Rapid Refill
Red Sox Foundation
Rehabilitation &
Nursing Center
Renjeau Art Gallery
Riverstone Resources LLC
Roche Associates, Inc.
Rockland Trust
Rubenstein Charitable Trust
S & M Holden
Associates, LLC
S.A. Chrobak, Ltd.
Photographic Artists
Sacred Heart
Nursing Home
Saint Patrick Church
Sarah Gillett Services for the Elderly
The Schawbel
Seacoast Media Group
The Senior Times
Sidney Frank Importing Co., Inc.
South Shore Savings Bank
Southwood at Norwell Nursing Center
Southworth Company
Springwell, Inc.
St. Mary’s Credit Union
Stanley Convergent
Security Solutions
State Street Matching Gift Program
Tandem Solutions, LLC
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Telephone Workers’ Credit Union
Tour Vitesse
Triad Advertising Corp.
Trinity E.M.S., Inc.
The Trustees of Boston University
Tufts Health Plan
Two Thousand Realty Associates
UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc.
United Way of Greater Nashua
Urell, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Verizon Matching Gifts
Versatile Software Solutions, Inc.
Volta Oil
W.B. Mason Co., Inc.
Wakefield Care and Rehab Center
Wal-Mart Foundation
WBOQ 104.9 FM
WBRK 1340 AM
WBSM AM 1420
Alzheimer’s Association national Vice President of Medical and Scientific
Relations William Theis, Ph.D. attended and spoke at our annual Matthew and
Marcia Simons Research Symposium, where he also accepted a $200,000
check towards our national research program from Memory Ride Committee
member, Leadership Council member, volunteer, and rider, Paul Kussell.
Photo by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
WCCM AM 1110
WCVB-TV Channel 5
Webo Media, LLC
Management Matching
WERZ 107.1 FM
Westboro Health Care Center
Westfield Bank
Grocers, Inc.
Winnacunnet High School Activity Fund
Winthrop Market
Place, Inc.
WJDF 97.3 FM
WTAG 580 and WSRS
96.1 FM
We extend our sincere sympathy to the many families who have lost a loved
one to Alzheimer’s disease. We also thank the thousands of individuals who
made memorial gifts to the Alzheimer’s Association during the past fiscal
year. We received gifts in memory of more than 3,900 special people – their
names are listed below. Individuals appearing on our 2009 Spirit of
Remembrance wall are indicated with an asterisk.
We have been careful in the preparation of this list, however, some errors or omissions
may have occurred, for which we express our apologies. If your name has been
inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please bring the error to our attention so
that we may update our records.
Charles Abadie
Richard Abner
Evelyn R. Abraham
Anna K. Abrams
Edith Abrams
Estelle Abrams
Eve Abrams
Nancy M. Ackerman
Glenn E. Ackley
Elizabeth Acton
Michael Acton
Stefan Adalsteinsson
Alexander O. Adam
Barbara Adams
Eleanor Adams
Samuel Adams
Mildred Adler
Felicitas Aguilar
Edna Dominique
Patricia Ahiseo
Charles Ahuord
Everett Ainsworth
Rev. Lester H.
Irene Aires
Tom Albanese
Ruth Rolnick Albert
Virginia Alden
Donald Alderman
Nina M. Alessi
Elvira Alfaro
Madeline Alfred
Anthony G. Alho
Patricia A. Aliseo
Nina Alissi
Hilda J. Alix
Alice Allain
Florence Allard
Ann Allen
Dr. Ruth Andersen Allen
Edward G. Allen
Ethel M. Allen
Gertrude M. Allen
Lucy Allen
Patsy Allman
Joan E. Alman
Gilbert Almeida
Dorothy Aloisi
Angela S. Alosso
Jason B. Alter
Justine Alter
Orlando Alvarez
Joseph J. Alves
Lydia M. Alves
Richard R. Alves
Aurora Amaral
Barbara Amaral
Anthony Amari
Antoinetta Amari
Jane Ambrose
Dorothy F. Amerault
Viola D. Amota
Yetta Anapol
Antonio Anctil
Alice Andersen
Margret “Meg”Andersen
Alice Anderson
Alwilda Anderson
Evelyn M. Anderson
Jean Frances Anderson
Joyce M. Anderson
Leola Anderson
Ralph Alan Anderson
Ramona Anderson
Robert Anderson
Roger C. Anderson
Teresa Anderson
Shirley Andler
Carl P. Andre
Charles Andrew
Archie Andrews
Sally Andrews
Robert Andrus
Rita E. Andruszkiewicz*
Kenneth A. Andwood
Ethel D. Anfield
Dolores Claire
“Dolly” Angell
Florinder Angelucci
Eleanor Angers
William E. Anglin
Lt. Col. James Annicelli
Earl Anthony*
James W. Anthony
William V. Anthony*
Marion Antonelli
Betty Antoniades
Iannetta Antonietta
Ledivino J. Antononi
Tamara P. Antropova
Mary Aposhian
Irja Appelquist
Ruth L. Arata
Alice M. Archambeault
Helen Ardolino
Joseph L. Arel
Robert L. Arenburg
Sophie G. Argrew
Elanor Arinella
Mary Armada
Mildred B. Arnold
Lucille Arruda
Kathleen Arsenault
Rita M. Arsenault
Helen Aschman
Louis Asciutto
Robert Ashness
Meachell Ashooh
Mary Jean Hayes Ashton
Leon Asselin
Estelle E. Atkinson
Laura Atwater
Annette Atwater
Paul Atwood
Robert Atwood
Lucille Aube
Antoinette Aufieri
Anthony Aurelio
Fay Wendall Austin
Richard Avery
Marie Ayer
Geraldine M. Ayers
Norman F. “Mickey” Ayers, Sr.
Bertha M. Babb
David Bachrach*
Freda W. Backstrom
Mary Lou Bacon
Edward J. Baduski
Ethel Mae Baer
Marie V. Baer
Robert E. Bahr
Barbara Bailey
Elwyn Bailey
Harry L. Bain
Michelle Bainton
Betty Adams Baker
Frank Baker
Rupert G. Baker
Russell Baker
Ruth “Auntie” A. Baker
Gertrude F. Bakos
Katherine Baldwin
Josephine F. Baldyga
William P. Balg
Justin S. “Bud” Ballou
Virgina Ballucci
Edward and
Margaret Baltz*
Edmund Bamberg
Henry Banasik
Helen C. Bang
Donald S. Banks, Sr.
Althea Banville
Morton Barad
Anthony Barbaro
Lodovica Barbaro
Arthur Barboza
Giulia Bardasz
John Barentine
Irma Barile-Zullo
Mary G. Barisano
Ann Barker
Irene A. Barker
William Barker
Doris Barlow
Charles S. Barnard
Irma Barnard Kocik
Marie G. Barnes
Norman Barnes
Dede Barnet
John A. Barone
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Beatrice Baronian
Helen Katherine Barr
Dolores Barra
Frank Barra
Gladys M. Barre
Michael J. Barresi
Ellen S. Barrett
Frederick J. Barrett
Alice M. Barrington
Arthur Barris
Dorothy J. Barron
Elinor M. Barron
Joseph Barron
Audrey Barry
James Barry
Lorraine Barry
Rose Bartholomew
Henry Bartlett
Joseph A. Bartoloni
Thomas J. Bartos
Robert Bates
Virginia Bates
Anthony “Tony”Battaglia
Lorraine “Mim”
John M. Battaglino
Evelyn M. Bautreall
David U. Baxter
Elizabeth Baybutt
Aram Bazarian
Joseph J. Bazzinotti
Salwa Bazzy
William Bazzy
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Beam
Ginette M. Bean
Dana S. Beane, Jr.
Rosalie M. Beatrice
Kenneth Beatson
Ginette Beau
Donald Beauchemin
Constance J. Beaudette*
Andre T. Beaudoin
Jeannette Beaudoin
Ann Beaulieu
Annette Beaulieu*
Warren Beaulieu
Pauline C. Beaware
Maria N. Becerra
Ernest I. Becker
Henry Becker
Patriica Fitzgerald Becker
William Beckstrom
Charles Robert Bob Beckwith
Al Beder
Albertine Before
Michael Begley
Mary “Bartkiewicz” H. Begonis
Margaret Behenna
Jacqueline J. Belanger
Maria Belesis
Albin F. Belevick, Jr.
Peter Belida
Maria Belitsky*
Lucille R. Beliveau
Bob Bell
Kathleen Peace Bell
Ida Bellacqua
Donald L. Bellavance
Jeanne L. Bellavance
Godfrey F. Bellavigna
Evelyn Bellerose
Barbara Bellin
Carmen “Charlie” Bellino
Lucy A. Bellio
Marieanne Belliveau
A. Ernest Bellora
Virginia Bellucci
Mary Belmonte
George Malcolm Belsky
Irene Belsky
Lilian Bemus*
Alfred Benack
Rita Benack
Carol Benadon
Charles E. Benasky
Edna Benett
Ida A. Benjamin
Stanley Benjamin
Philomena Benkert
Irene F. Benson
June Benson
Gram Bentley
Pauline C. Benware
Louise W. Berard
Natalie Berg
Wanda Berg
Arnold Berger
Rachel Berger
Armand Bergeron*
Atillia Bergeron
Jeanne E. Berggren
Mary J. Bergin
Benjamin Bergman
Freda Bergman
Wilbur Bergstein
Betty Berkal
Leonard Berkal
Charles Berkson
Esther Berkson
Audrey Bernard
Louise W. Bernard
Lucien Bernard
Antonia Bernier*
Evelyn Pearlman
Peggy Bernstein
Robert S. Bernstein
Erwin Berrier
Domenica Berritteri
Alice Berry
Elizabeth Bert
Rita Bertram
Mary Besciak
Albert A. Betheil
Evelyn J. Bethel
Aureolinda Bettencourt
Mary Quadros
James Beynon
Annette Bhair
William Bialosky, Jr.
Barbara Bianchi
Corinne Bibby
Sarahlynn Bickford
Statia A. Biegay
Doris Bienvenue
Mary Bigham
Helen Bilek
Franklyn G. Bill
Mary Billecci
Leopold A. Binette
Phyllis Bingham
Kathleen A. Bird
Virginia Birkby
Thomas P. Birmingham
Marge Biron
Domenica Birritteri
Betty Bishop
Elizabeth “Betty” Bishop*
Madeline Bishop
Alvin P. Bittrich
Grace Blaber
Gloria Black
Barbara R. Blades
Theodore Blain
Annette C. Blair
Phyllis Blanchard
Alyce Blanchfield
Russell G. Blinn
Warren “Bud” Blinn
Rita A. Bliss
Doris Blixrud
Ann L. Block
Irving Block
Murray Simon Block
Florence Blohm
Tina Blum
Gertrude M. Boardman
Concetta Bocanfuso
Elizabeth Bodine
Ruth Bograd
Donald S. Bois
Yvonne Boissoneau
Valia Bollea
Lawrence R. Bollinger
Virgil Bolly
William Bolt
Rosario Bomba
Josephine Bonacci
Alice Bonarrigo
Gina Bonatti
Therese Bonney
Richard H. Booth
Carolyn Boothby
Elizabeth Boothe
Joan Borchers
Wilma L. Bordeleau
Martha Borders
Frank J. Borges
Leo Bornstein
Romeo J. Bortolotti
Theresa E. Bosco*
Lillian Bossen
Donald Botieri
Ghislaine Botte
Grace Bouchard
Edgar J. Boucher
Florence Boucher
Irene A. Boucher
Yolanda Boucher
Agnes Boudreau
Joseph H. Boudreau
Yvon J. Bourbeau
Russell D. Bousquet
Lilly A. Boutin
Mary Bovis
Henry Bowen
Virginia Bowen
Robert Bowes
Mary Hewitt Bowlby
Helen Boxer
Alice Boyd
Anna Boyd
Nina E. Boyd
Frederick Boyle
Kathleen Boyle
Rita M. Boynton
Grace M. Braccio
Mary Braciska
Virginia Bradley
Antero Branco
Sarah Brand
Helen Brandano
Maria Brandao
Sam Brandes
Irene Brantley
Madelaine G. Brassard*
Carl L. Braun
Robert Breitbard
Ernie Breneman
Alice C. Brennan
Martin J. Brennan*
Nancy A. Brennan
Rae Brenner
Dr. Jack B. Bresler
Anna Breton
Gerard E. Breton
Al Bricken
Lillian Brickman
Ruth Brickman
Agnes Brier
Harry Brilliant
Samuel E. Brittingham
Virginia M. Britton
Andrew Brocato
Marcelle Brodar
Jeanne Broder
Mary Broesch
Lori L. Bromley
Catherine “Kay”
A. Brooks
Henry G. Brooks
Louise J. Brooks
Muriel Brooks
Patrick Brosnan
Ann Marie Brosnihan
Rita M. Brouse
Francis Brown
Herbert M. Brown
Joseph Brown
Katherine W. Brown
Laura Ann Leite Brown
Mary M. Brown
Naomi Brown
Ruth Brown
Sara W. Brown
Ruth Browne
Shirley A. Browne
Charles Browning
Ruth Broydrick
Lucy Brucher
Lee Brumbaugh
Anthony J. Brunco
Joe Brunelle
Rita Bruno
Eleanor R. Bruso
Edith Bryan
Arthur Bryant
Paul Bryda
Vincent James Bucchino
Rose Buchta
Ethel M. Buckland
Elizabeth Jane Buckley
Estelle M. Buckley
William J. Buckley, Sr.
Ethel Bucklnad
J. B. Buffington
Dolores A. Buffone
Al Buffum
Eldridge “Al” W. Buffum
Theresa Buffum
James D. Bugenhagen
Beverly Wyman Bugler
Matilda J. Bullock
Thelma Bulmer-Spourta
Fred Bunch
Lyndon Burbank
Margaret T. Burbine
Lawrence Burckmyer
Dorothy J. Burdon
Vera Burger
Barry Burgess
Lenore Williamson Burgess
Virginia Burgess
Eleanor R. Burguiere
Johanna Moonen Buriks
Jack Burke
James Burke
John T. Burke
Joseph H. Burke
Kathleen Burke
Lester Burke
Mary Burke*
Roy Burke
Timothy Burke
Dorothy Burl
Bridget T. Burns
Elsie F. Burns
Jean L. Burns
Marguerite Burns
Mary L. Burns
Frances Burnstein
M. Frances Burrell
Estelle Burt
Helen Burton
Paul Burton
Alice E. “Molly” Busa
Beatrice L. Busalacchi
Celeste Busca
Selma Butler
Louis Buttiglieri
Norman Buzard
Robert Byers
Jean “Bonnie” E. Byette
Dallas Byington
James F. Byrne
Marcia Cable
Harold Cady
Rose Cady
Estrelina Caiano
Mary Cain
Idora M. Caissie
Thomas S. Calabro
Eda Marie Calden
Francis Calden
Anne M. Callahan
Althea Marie Callahan Stolpnor
Merrel A. Callard, Jr.
Eleanor Caloggero
Noemia Camara
Lena Camarda
Marguerite A. Camaron
Roger Camillo
John E. Camm
Ralph Camp
Mary Catherine Campana
Betty Campbell
Marguerite Canavan
Julia Canifio
Frances A. Cann
Roberta Canner
John Canning
Phyllis Canter
John Henry Cantlin
Florence Hope Cantor*
Elaine J. Capland
Arnold Caplin
Harold Capone
Pearl F. Cappello
Miranda C. Carbonara
Louise Carbonneau
Arthur Carcomb
Gloria J. Card
Marie C. Carderelli
Bernadette Cardin
Mary J. Cardoza*
Beryl I. Carey
James W. Carey
Laura D. Carey
Mary Carey
Olga L. Carifio
Beverly J. Carignan
Ruth Carlin
David Carlisle
Betty Carlson
Diane L. Carlson
Harold E. Carlson
Herbert O. Carlson
Margaret F. Carlson*
Mary T. Carlucci
Judith Carmel
Lester Carmusin
Lisa Carmusin
Ellen Carney
Frederick Carney
Mary Carney
Raymond Caron
David Carpenter
Mildred Carpenter
Raphael “Lena” A.
Eleanor Carreiro
Beverly Carrigan
Ann June Carroll
Margaret M. Carroll
William F. Carroll
Ralph Carrozza, Sr.
Hilda F. Carter
Robert Carter
Dovie Carvalho
Ruth Casadevall
Gladys Casale
Helen Casello
Alice G. Casey
Edward F. Casey
Eleanor M. Casey
Ivy Casey
Betty Cash
James Cashman
Rose Marie L. Casoli*
James Cassanos
Mary Cassanos
Louise M. Cassidy
Margaret Cassier
Ann E. Castellano
Mary Castle
Ben Castrechini
George Castriano
Yvonne Cates
Jeanne Caughlin
Tina Caulfield
Eileen D. Cavallaro
Margaret H. Cavanaugh
Charles Cawley
Eileen Cawley
Doris Cayer
Audrey M. Cazale
Nicholas Cebriy
Cesidio Cedrone
Maey Cefalu
Philomena Cerasuolo
Rita F. Cericola
Francis C. Cerolia
Donald A. Cerow
Ann L. Ceurvels*
Theresa Chabot
Marjorie Chace
Sylvia Chadis
Gertrude Chamberlain
Joan P. Chamberlain
Roland F. Champeau
Vivian M. Channen
Carla Chapin
Harriet G. Charak
Uncle Charlie
Liette Mercier Charron
Edna M. Chase
Jean Chase
Sow Eng Chee
Maria A. Chefalo
Edward J. Chekovsky
Louis Chenevert
Rita Chenevert
Rose Chernesky
John Chetham
Dr. Ching Chiang*
Ernest Chiriacka
Alice Chirichetti
Howard Chisholm
John H. Chisholm
Claire Chodakewitz
Gladys T. Chodkowski
J. Arthur Choiniere
Donnet C. “Chris” Christensen
Alton Christiansen
Katherine L. Christie
Joanne Christy
Mary T. Chrzanowski
Kenneth A. Churchill
Elizabeth “Liz” Cianci
Rachel Ciancio
Barbara Ciardi
Helen B. Ciccarelli
Helen Cignarella
Robert E. Cihak
Cindy Cilfone’s Father
Marilyn Cilley
Jeanne Cimiano
Alfred A. Cimini
Phyllis Cioffi
John P. Cizauskas
Barbara J. Monaco Clancy
Constance Clapp
Albert Clark, Sr.
Anna Clark
Arnold Clark
Betty Clark
James Clark
Louise Mary Perrotta
Derocher Clark
Margaret Clark
Christine Clarke
Dorothy B. Clarke
Harry W. Clarke
Joseph Clarkson
Donald Clegg
Lt Col Frederick David
Clements USMC Ret
William Clemons
Edward L. Clifford
Valmore Clifford
Harold Clinton Potter
Dorothy H. Clough
Catherine Clougherty
Ralph Cluff
Charles B. Cob
Charlotte Marie
Cameron Cobb*
Edward L. Cobb
Lucille J. Cobb
Arlene C. Coburn
Joseph Wilson
Cochran III
William S. Cochrane
Dorice E. Coco
Dorien Coco
James Cody
Sophie Coeanisis
Evelyn Coffey
Barbara T. Coffin
Anna Cogliano
Abraham “Red” Cohen
Alice Cohen
Ann G. Cohen
Claire Cohen
Frances Cohen
Gertrude M. Cohen
Harold J. Cohen
Irene Cohen
Jane Cohen
Louis Cohen
Paula S. Cohen
Ruth Gottesman Cohen
Suzanne A. Cohen
Paul Colahan
Adrienne G. Colarusso
Elcira Colazo
Helen Colbroth
Preston Colbroth
Francis Colburn
Charles B. Cole
Ruth E. Coleman
William Coleman
Merrill Collard
Agnes A. Collet
Bob Collins
Eva Collins
John G. Collins
John T. Collins
Joseph M. Collins
Robert M. Collins
Albert V. Colman, Jr.
Richard Colosi
Carol A. Comeau
Joan Marie Compton
Matthew Conachey
Elizabeth Conant*
Alvina Louise Sue
Lawrence M.
Louise M. Concannon
Nelson Condon
Patrick Condon
Philip J. Conley, Sr.
Louis Conlin
Shirley Conlin
Bernie Conlon
Eileen W. Conlon
Irene J. Connair
Barbara Connolly*
Dorothy M. Connolly
John P. “Buddy”
Lucy E. Connolly
T. Paul Connolly
Joe Connor
Jack W. Conrad
Olympia S. Contrada
Alicia R. Contrado
Pauline Conway
Charles Cook
Mary Cook
Nancy Cook
Ruth Coope
Ann Cooper’s Mother
Stephen Cooper
Virginia H. Cooperider*
Lillian Cooperman
Charles N. Cope, Sr.
Beryl Bentley Copeland
Cleo B. Corcoran
Patricia Corcoran
Margherita Cornacchiali
James J. Corr
Gil A. Correia
Lionel Correia
Margaret DiGiampaolo Corsano
Eileen R. Corsaut
Eileen Corseau
Cecilia Cortese
Stephanie Cosgrove
Sandra Jean
Adeline F. Costa
Albert Costa
Arthur V. Costa
James Costa
Thelma “Mimi” Costa
Marie J. Costanzo
Elizabeth Cote
Roland Cote
Sister Lorraine Cote
Rose A. Cotter
William L. Cotter
Yvonne CotterBoissoneau
Joseph Cotton
Libby Cottone
Jeanne F. Coughlin
Dorothy E. Couilliard
Geraldine Nelson Coulter
Elizabeth M. Coursey
Roger Courtemanche
Mary Couto
Henri J. Coutu
Fern Couturier
Anne Covitz
Mildred Covitz
John Cowan
Donald Cox
Florence M. Cox
Joanna Theresa Cox
Don Craig
Mary E. Craig
Richard E. Cramer
William H. Craven
Chandler P. Creedon
Olga Crespo
Laura F. Cressoti
Dale Cressy
Thomas Cribben
Florence Crispo
Roberta McGeehan Crissey
Barry Crites
Alice Cronin
John Cronin
Kathleen Ann Cronin
Mary H. Cronin
Doreen Crook
Elaine M. Crooker
Margaret Crooker
George W. Crosby
Gerald M. Crosby
Joseph F. Crosby, Sr.
Lena E. Crosby
Marjorie H. Crosby
Frank Crossland
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Robert B. Croteau
John J. Crowe, Capt. M.F.D
Roberta J. Crowe
Germaine Crowell
Grandma Crowley
Humphrey Crowley
Howard Crozier
Marguerite Cruickshank
Howard “ Tug “ Cruzen
Sylvia E. Crystal
Florence Cuispo
Paul Culahan
Daniel R. Cullen
William Cullison
John Stewart
Cumming, Jr.
Robert H. Cumming*
Ruth L. Cumming
Doris M. Cummings
Theresa F. Cunningham
James Curran
Mary Curran
Emery Currier
Ruth Curry
Tom Curtain
Helen Curtin
Leo V. Curtin, MD
Thomas A. Curtin
Rosemary Curtis
Catherine Cusack*
Mary Cusack*
Elizabeth Cuscovitch
Betty Cushing
Robert Cushman
Joan M. Cusimano
Philip Cyr
Joseph Czerbinski
Maria A. Da Cruz
Edmund “Bernie”
DaCosta Harris*
Jacqueline G. Dadoly
Virginia Daggett
Lillian D’Agostino
Patricia Dailer
Joan Daley
Jeannette C. Dallaire
Normand A. Dallaire
Josephine D’Allessandro
Eileen C. Dalton
Mabel Daly*
Ruth Daly
Viola L. D’Amato
Freda D’Ambrosio
Dorothy D’Amico*
John W. D’Angelo
Palma D’Angio*
Margaret Daniele
Lawrence R. Danieli
Arthur A. Daniels, Sr.
Helen Danis
Louis J. Daprato
Thomas M. Darby
Joanne Darcey
Marie D’Arezzo
Mary Darin
Theresa Daugherty
Ernest Dauplaise
Minnie David
Nathan David
Anthony Davis
Eleanor Davis
Joyce Davis
Susie Davis
Suzy Davis
Irene V. Davis-Rouse
Reginald Dawe
Marshall “Uncle Marsh” Dawes*
Raymond J. Dawley
Agnes F. Dawson
Elizabeth Dawson
Betty J. Day
Tomas Miguel De La Fuentes
Barbara M. Dean
Delma M. DeAngelis
Ralph DeAngelis
John E. DeAngelo*
Mary DeAngelo
Frances A. DeBaggis
Doris Deboe
Alice DeBrosky
Robert Decareau
Michael DeClemente
Mary Decoito
Helen T. DeCosta
Amelia Dedrick
Gertrude DeFilippo
Rocco DeFonzo
Louis A. DeFrancisco
Pasquale “Pat” M.
Jean Deitrick
Nick Del Rossi
Josephine DeLeo
Jennie Delgado
Sue Delgreco
Irene DeLisa
Richard Delmar
Michael A. DelMonico
Ida Deloatah
Paul Deloatah
Dorothy Delorey
Mary Delorey
Jolene G. DeLuca
Joseph DelVicario
George DeMarco
Martin DeMatteo
Rosemary DeMatteo
Rosemary DeMatteo
Anthony William Demello
Raymond A. Demers
Roland L. Demers, Sr.
Silvio DeModena
Theodore “Ted”
F. Demuro
Lillian M. Denault
Marjorie A. Denekamp
Rose DePalma
Esther G. DePasquale
Mary DePasquale
Tena DePippo
Marjorie A. Derekamys
Frank M. Dermody
Paul J. DeRosa
Susan R. DeSantis
Dorothy Mea Desgrand
Joseph DeSimone
Beth Desmond’s Mother
Jean E. Desmond
Mollie Desmond
Armindo DeSousa
Joseph Desrosiers
Priscilla DeStefano
Andrew DeTerra
Lucille DeTerra
Cresenza DeTora
Virginia Roop Detwiler
Emma Devaney
Betty Devanna
Mary Develis
Alice R. DeVincent
George A. Devine
Judith Devine
Joseph Devlin
Anna Devoti
Gary DeWitt
Gordon Pru d’Hommeaux
Helen W. Dibble
Leonard Samuel
Ralph J. DiCicco
Herbert C. Dickey
Domenic DiClemente
Giacinta DiDomenico
Bowen S. Dieterle
Louis DiFruscio
Antonette A.
Dorothy D. DiGiovanni
Adele Malouf Dikmak
Elizabeth A. Dillard
Mary Dillon
Michael F. DiMarzo
Margaret DiMauro
Richard C. Dimball
Brigida DiMillo
Kalliope Dimitry
William Dinardo
William Dinunzio
Collette Dion
William L. Dionis
Clara Dionne
Columbus DiPietro
Gene A. DiRado
Alfred F. Dirickson
Rita DiTerlizzi
Robert D. DiTocco
Evelyn M. DiTonno
Anthony DiTullio
Helen Ditullio
Elizabeth Dixon
Gerald Dixon
Cecelia T. Dodge
Dorothea Doherty
Joan M. Doherty
Patricia A. Doherty
Mimi Doiron
James H. Dolan
Muriel Dolan
William A. Dolph
Lillian E. D’Olympio
Barbara L. Donahue*
June Donahue
Marion Donahue
Mary Donahue
Patrick Donahue
Josephine Donaruma
Pauline Donatelli
James Donlon
Mary Donnelly
Margaret Donohue
Marjorie O. Donovan
Thomas Donovan
Warren Doolen
Arlene V. Dooley
Robert V. Dooley
Marlene Dooling
Paula H. Doppelt
Claire R. Doran
James P. Doran
Joseph J. Dorci
Ida F. Dorenfeld
Richard L. Dorr
Catherine Doty
Rosalie Doucette
Donald J. Dougenik
John J. Douglass
Melitta Doukas
Gwendolyn A. Dow
Leo Dow
Alan T. Dowler
Dean A Downie
Francis J. Doyle
Leah Doyle
Marguerite C. Doyle
Mary Doyle
Virginia M. Doyle
William A. Doyle
Thelma Drapkin
Albert J. Drinkwater
Anne M. Driscoll
Margaret Driscoll
Patricia H. Driscoll*
Thomas Driscoll
Leonard Drohan
Edward J. Drolet
Joy F. Drolet
Ruth H. Drouin
Margaret Druschel
Ann Dubb
Doris “ Vicky “ Dubuc
Helen Duchaney
Rose S. Ducharme
Harold Duffey
Marion Papargiris Duffty*
Angeline Duffy
Dorothy A. Duffy
Robert E. Duffy*
Walter T. Duffy
William Duffy
Marilyn Duggan
Claire A. Duhamel
Edward W. Duhamel
Dorothy Dukat
Jeanette Dulkin
Virginia C. Dulmaine
Alma Jacques V.
Irene L. Dunbar
Theresa Dunbar
Tom Duncanson
Mary Virginia Dunmore
Alice Dunphy
Joseph “Jerry” Dupont
Carmelia R. Duponte
Ida Dupuis*
Sheila M. Durgin
John Durkin
Patricia Durocher
Barbara E. Duso
Theresa Dusseault
Walter Dusseault
Elin “Skippy” Dutchin
Edward Duval
George Dyer
Vincent L. Eaccarino, Sr.
Williamson W. Earle
Norma Easter
Norma P. Easterbrooks
Barbara V. Eastham
Werner G. Eckstein
Raymond Eddy
Gloria Edwards
Margaret C. Edwards
R T. Edwin
Adele Egan
Doris Egger
Irving Ehrenwald
Harold Ehrlich
Bess Ehrmann*
Stella Eichelberger
Moe Eichen
Ethel Eisenberg
Edward Ekhoff
Josephine Elaqua
Ann Elderd
Antoinette Elderd
Elaine F. Eldridge
Joan B. Eldridge*
Porter G. Elliot
James J. Elliott
Audrey Ellis
Dorothy “Dot” M. Ellis
Eleanor M. Ellis
Priscilla Mae Ellis
William O. Ellis
Harold Ellison
Lena Eloudette
Alice Elton
Lewis Emery
Philip A. Emma
William Emmershy
John Emolo, Sr.
Ellen Emond
Curt Engberg
Sylvia Engelson
George E. Englehart
Heidi M. English
Ruth English
Sandra Lee English
Muhammad Enver
Mary Episcopo
Ruth Epstein
Raymond C. Erbetta
Lottie Ernst
Bob E. Ervin
Leon Eschman
Joan F. Essick
Arlene Burba Evans*
Earl C. Ewing, Jr.
Janice A. Facey
Stanley R. Facey
Gino C. Fachy*
Mary Faherty
Delena Fahey
Joseph Faillace
Richard Fairbank
Earl Fairhurst
J. Frank Falanga
Dominic Falcone
Hugo J. Falcone
Jane Segretto Falise
Ralph Fallon
Joseph Farago
Grace A. Farina
Dionizia A. Farinelli
Agnes Cooney Farrell
Mary Farres
Gerald Fasano
Tom Feck
Pasquale “Pat” J.
Beatrice Feingold
Jack Feingold
Jacob Feingold
Gertrude Feldman
Phyllis J. Felice
Pharr Felicia
Virginia T. Felkel
Jennie Fennessey
Ruth Fentin
Joan Ferguson
Rose T. Ferguson
Able Fernandes
Maureen Fernandes
Jack Fernands
Josephine E. Ferolito
Salvatore Ferrante
Vivian C. Ferrante
Jacqueline Ferranti
Lawrence Ferreira
Veronica Ferreira
Eugene J. Ferris
Shirley Fertig
Lucille Fetelle
Joseph F. Fetourneau
Frank Fichera
John Fico
John Fiertado
Mary Filase
Martin R. Fink
Helene Finn
Jeanne T. Finnegan
Angelo Fiore
Rose E. Fiore
Dorothy T. Fiorino
Anita Edna Firth
Seymour “Fish” Fishbein
Catherine Fisher
David Fisher
Margie Fisher
William W. Fisher
Mildred Fitch
Josephine Fitzpatrick
Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Robert R. Fitzpatrick
Virginia Fitzpatrick
Clare B. Flaherty
Gwedolin Lee Flaherty
Virginia R. Flaherty
Virgina Flakne
Molly Fleig
Marie J. Fleming
Alice Fletcher
Esther Flory
Evelyn Flynn
Walter J. Flynn
Louise V. Fober
Dr. John C. Foley*
Edward J. Foley
Marjorie A. Foley
Theresa M. Foley*
Sandra Folkerth*
Sandra L. Folkerth
Charles Chuck Fontaine
Roger Marcel Fontaine*
Herbert Foote, Jr.
Sibyl Forbes
Dolly Ford
Edward E. Forest
Florence Forget
Helen D. Forgione
Grace Forina
Rose C. Forlani
Elvera M. Forni
Dorothea Fortes
Katherine Fortin
Anne W. Fortunato
Betty N. Forwerck
Lionel E. Foucher
Helen Foukas
Arthur A. Fournier
Clement Fournier
George H. Fox
Mary H. Fox
Marjorie J. Fralick*
Frank R. Francini
Dena Frank
Lou Frank’s Mother
Jack Frankel
Vivian Gertrude Frankel
Pearl Ilene Franzblau
Thomson J. Fratamico
James R. Fratus, Sr.
Priscilla A. Frazee
Roger Frechette
Phyllis Fredd
Frank E. Frederickson
Emile Fredette
Eric Fredrickson
George Freedman
Jacqueline L. Freedman
Maria Freedman
Catherine M. Freitas
Mary Lou Frelinger
Geraldine French
Norman M. French, Jr.*
Robert Frick
Bernard J. Frieden*
Lenore Friedman
Orrice Friedman
James J. Friel
Mary Friend
Eileen Adams Friese
Evelyn Frigand
Stanley H. Frodyma
Ella Froman
Rita E. Frost
James W. Fry
Thelma B. Frye
Tomas Fuentes
Charles J. Fuery
Bernice “Susie” E. Fuller
John Joseph Furtado
Helen Gabel
Irene Gabis
Dottie Gabriel
Elaine Gadebusch
Annette M. Gadomski
Edythe Gaebel
Alvin A. Gaffney, Jr.
Raymond R. Gagne
Jeanette L. Gagnon
Rene G. Gagnon
Edward John Galen
Phyllis Tedino Galietti
Edward Gallagher
George Gallagher
James Gallagher
Jean Gallagher
Patty Gallagher
Ethel Gallant
Gerlad Gallant
Alfred A. Gallinaro
Feaueriea Gallo
Ida E. Gallo
Carlos A. Galopim
Ethel Gamble
Madelyn Edell
Ann Gannon
Lawrence Thomas
Joan R. Garcia
Joseph E. Garcia
Roland Garlick
Esther C. Garofolini
Dorothy P. Garrett
John W. Garrett, Sr.
Lillian Garry
Robert Garside
William C. Gately
Dorothy L. Gates
Sharon Gates
Carole J. Gath
Alfred Gaudet
Dee Gaudette
Delia M. Gaudette
Lena M. Gaudette
Rudolph Gaudette
Theresa M. Gaulart
Irene H. Gauvin
Mary Gaynor
Sophie Geanisis
Rita M. Geary
Auckland D. Geddes*
Alice Geer
William L. Geezil
Robert Geffen
Lester Geist
Leo Gendron*
Theresa J. Gendron*
Rosalia Gennari
Angeline Gennis
Daniel Genthner
Blanche P. Gentilotti
James C. George
Ralph H. George
Stella George
Louis C. Gerber
Mary Gerlek
Arthur Getter
Vivian L. Getty
Leona L. Ghublikian
Cecile M. Giampa
William H. Giampietro
Anne M. Giannelli
Alana Giannoni
Thomas R. Gibb
Helen Gibbons
James R. Gibbons
Regina Gibbons
Dennis Gibbs
Kate Gibbs’ Mother
Jeanne Gielespie
Annie Louise
Joseph Gigliotti
Josephine Gigliotti
Peter P. Gil
Minna Gilbert
George Gildea
Benjamin Gilfix
Helen Giliberti
Nicholas Giliberti
Jeanne C. Gillespie
Joseph “Joe” Gillis
Pricilla M. Gillis
Jane Gilman
Leonard Gilman
Irene A. Gilmore
James E. Gilson, Jr.
Gloria Gindlesperger
Paul Ginsberg
Herbert J. Ginsbert
Aurora Giombetti
Jolanta Di Giorgio
John Giovenco
Zina Giraldi
Albert Girard
Germaine Girard
John Girard
Thomas C. Girouard
Alene Margueritte Givens
Eleanor P. Glasheen
Ilse Glattstein
Paul P. Glazier
Helen Gleason
Mary M. Gleason
Mary Glennon
Corinne Glister
Barbara Skinner Gloor
Ruth A. Gnagey
Hope Theora Gnerre
Joseph Godkin
Paul Goetz
Patricia Goglia
Ruth Ann Gokey
Jeanne Goldberg
Yaku Goldberg*
J. Richard Golden
James Golden
Joseph Golden
Joseph R. Golden
Rita B. Golden
Henry Goldman
Dorothy Goldstein
Elaine Goldstein
Judith Goldstein
Anna M. Golebiewski
Edward F. Gonsalves
Joseph Good
Ruth L. Good
Harvey Goodchild
Frances Goode
Mary Goodenough
Bertha Goodman
Helene Gloria Goodman
Herbert Goodman
Judy Goodman
Richard E. Goodrich
Camille L. Goodwin
Mary J. Goodwin
Virginia Gookin
George A. Goolkasian
Bernard Gordon
Edith Williamson Gordon
Richard A. Gordon
Rose Gordon
Sheila Gordon
Barbara B. Goucher
James Goudin
Diana Goulart
Dexter D. Gould
Neil Gould
Joseph A. Goulet*
Anthony Gouvia
Beatrice Gouvia
Fred L. Gowen, Jr.
Edwin Grace
Elvin Grace
Jean Graceffa
Frances C. Grady
John Grady*
Mary Grady*
William Graesale
Cindy Graham’s Mother
Daniel J. Graham
Eunice I. Graham
Helen Elizabeth Graham
John Graham
Abagail Fletcher Grant
Clement Grant
Dorothy Grant
Elizabeth A. Grant
Juliette Grant*
Laura E. Grant
Robert A. Grassetti
Charois Graves
Edward B. Gray
George Thomas Gray
Harriet Gray
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
profile Bernice Osborne
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Mary Osborne loved to shop. She was a
fashion maven who studied dressmaking
and sewed all her children’s clothes. She
loved the old Filene’s basement and
Jordan Marsh one-day sales. Mary has late
stage Alzheimer’s disease, diagnosed seven
years ago. By the time she was 65, her family
knew that something was wrong. Mary,
in her shopping quests, walked everywhere.
Then one day, she could not find her
way home. The family found her at a busy
intersection, safe, but confused.
Bernice and Brenda have fashioned a
care giving plan with the detailing and love
of an heirloom quilt. An adult day program
three days a week provided some respite
for the sisters. By summer’s end, Mary had
been quieter when she arrived home and
sometimes resistant to board the shuttle to
the center. On one day, Bernice sat in tears
after failed attempts to navigate her mother
down the steep concrete steps from their
porch to the sidewalk.
“The hard part is that she can’t say ‘I’m
Bernice, as outgoing and beautiful as her
hungry, I’m cold.’ I have to read her and try
Montserrat-born mother, studied event
to remember how she was in the past—and
planning and business management. Since
follow those memories,” said Bernice.
her mother’s diagnosis, she has become a
family care giver who works part-time. She “Our goal is to keep her home,” said Brenda.
shares care giving with her sister Brenda.
The sisters have joint legal guardianship and
Their brothers Leroy and Leslie live nearby
health proxy for their mother. Their father
the family triple-decker home in Dorchester. has his own health problems and has been in
and out of the hospital during the past year.
“She loved our family; she held the
“We are emotionally beat.”
family together,” said Bernice.
They looked for help and found the
“Our parents raised us to take care of each
Alzheimer’s Association.
other. We all know how to cook. Someone
was sick, you bring tea, tissue. Taking
“I Googled and ended up with Susan
care of my Mom was a natural progression,”
Rowlett (Manager of the Care
said Bernice. Mary no longer speaks. She
Consultation program) at the Association
relies on Bernice and Brenda for dressing,
and all that information on the website.
bathing, moving around her apartment
Until then, we didn’t really know what we
and medications.
were up against,” Bernice said.
When we spoke in late summer, Mary now
“We realized that being care givers also
73, could still eat on her own, but that too
meant being advocates.” Bernice gave as
was changing, according to Bernice. Care
an example the fact that her mother had
giving became such a defining part of her
diabetes that went unnoticed, untreated,
life that Bernice delayed going ahead with
undiagnosed. One day when Mary was
marriage until her fiancé agreed that they
“really out of it,” a trip to the hospital revealed
would continue to live downstairs from
the underlying cause. Diabetes is one of the
Mary and husband John. Bernice set an
conditions that researchers believe elevates
October 2010 date for their wedding,
the risk for developing Alzheimer’s.
knowing that not only will her mother not
be dressed to the hilt or make the gown—she Bernice and Brenda have both become
might not be able to attend.
advocates for their mother’s care. Bernice
has taken it even further and become
an advocate fighting for changes that may
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
be too late for her mother—but will
help others. She took to the podium at the
Alzheimer’s Association’s Massachusetts
Advocacy Action Day to speak up on
behalf of proposed legislation to establish
a Silver Alert program. Silver Alert would
help other families when their loved one
Bernice has taken her story to the media,
being interviewed by the Boston Globe,
the Banner and Callie Crossly on WGBH
public radio. She has also formed an
extended family team that walked and
raised money for Memory Walk in 2009
and 2010. She was invited to join the
Public Policy Committee of the Alzheimer’s
Association, and accepted.
Despite Bernice’s very public actions,
Alzheimer’s remains one of the most personal
experiences to beset a family care giver.
“The hardest part is not having our Mom. Not
having things like they were,” Brenda said.
For Bernice, planning her wedding was as
sad as it was happy.
“A woman wants her mother with her for her
wedding planning. I missed out on it.”
Both sisters have discovered what all
care givers come to learn: it is difficult to take
care of yourself when you are caring for
someone else. The statistics show that one
third of care givers are likely to suffer
depression, and one third of older care givers
actually pre-decease the person for whom
they provide care, victims of the added stress
in their lives.
Bernice and Brenda try to carve out precious
time to manage their own well-being.
They fit in exercise by walking late at night.
Bernice has found support from the counselors
at the Alzheimer’s Association and with the
COYOD (Children of Younger Onset Dementia)
support group.
One day at a time, one step at a time, Bernice
Osborne perseveres as a family care giver.
wandered, confused. Silver Alert would have
made a difference for Mary, Bernice told
the hundreds of advocates and politicians
gathered at the State Capitol that day. Silver
Alert not only passed unanimously in the
state house and senate, it was signed into
law by Governor Deval Patrick in July ‘10.
The experience has brought the family
closer together.
“We have this time and are able to take care of
her,” said Bernice. “It’s hard and challenging,
but you have to try to find some little piece of
good. Cherish what you have in that person,
because it is going away…”
Gifts Continued
Frank Graziano
Mary Greco
James J. Greeley
Ted Greeman
Carolyn Green
Ethel Green
Phyllis Green
Isadore Greenblatt
Caroline Greene*
Ethyl Greene
Norma Greene
Cecelia Greener
Edward Greenfield
Theodore Greenman
Maryjane Greenwood
Eva M. Gregoire
Mary Gregory
Leonard Grethel
Joan Grey
Anne Grezegorowicz
Augusta Griffin
Madge Griffin
Mary Griffin
Ruth Griffin
Walter R. Griffin
Westervelt Griffin
Valentine Grigalunas
Lillie T. Grill
Helen Grimard
Howard W. Grimes
Mary Anne Grivois
Elizabeth Grocki
Reba A. Groisser*
Mary Grosso
Lourdes “Lou” G.
Rose Guanci
Camille M. Guarino
Maida E. Guenther
Alfred Guerin
Fred Guerin
Marjorie T. Guerra
Mary Guerriero
Henry L. Guertin
Simone E. Guevin
Althea Guilmet
Elizabeth Gullicksen
Conrad Gundersen
Carl Gunnard
Austin Gunnery
Ann Gurski-Peresada
Albert L. Gustafson
Judith A. Gustafson
George R. Guy*
Lorraine Gyenes
Carl Haakana
Margaret Haapaoja
James Hadge
Josie Hadge
Barbara Hafemann
Theresa Haggerty
Frederick H. Hailstone
Jay Hale
Marion A. Hale
Abraham Haley
Thomas J. Halifax, M.A.
Dora S. Hall
Jeter Hall
Lois Hall
Herton Hallett
Theresa Halloran
Earl M. Halstead
Mary Hambro
Theresa Hamel*
Barbara C. Hamilton
Lorraine Hamilton
Walter Troy Hampson
Charles Haney
Ethel Hanley
Mary Hanley
Elizabeth Hanlon
Thomas Hannan
William Hannon*
Emily Hansen
Richard A. Hansen
Wren Hanson
Albert Harding
Cyril K. Hardy
William Hardy
Charles Harkins
Ruth Haroian-Hodian
Daniel J. Harrington, Jr.*
Ernest C. Harrington
Kenneth J. Harrington
Malcolm W. Harrington
Sylvia M. Harrington*
Madeline Harris
Pearl Harris
Mary Elizabeth Harris Tytko
Rita M. Harrison
Bartholomew “Bart” Hart
Betty Snow Hart
James A. Hart
Mary Elizabeth “ Betty” Hart
Margaret “Rita” Harte
M. Rita Hartnett
Gerry Harvey
Helen M. Harvey
James P. Harvey
Helen Harwig
Martha Hassell
Donald M. Hastie
Eleanor Hastings
Walter Ewell Hastings
Rosemarie A. Haugen
Andrew J. Havrilla, Jr.
Robert D. Hawke*
Ann M. Hawley
Charles E. Haydel
Johanna Martha Hayden
William T. Hayden
Lillian Hayes
James Haynes
Ruth Hayward
Ann E. Healey
Sylvia A. Healey
Elizabeth Heaney*
John Heanue
Beverly Heath
Delia Heath
Helen C. Hebb
Martha B. Hebb
Glenis S. Hebert
Marian Hecht
Audrey Heckel
Barbara Heenan
Jean Heeney
Kathryn A. Heffernan
Maurice Heffernan
Edith Anne Heffron
John Hegarty
Helen E. Hein
Charlotte Heinemann
Jerry Heinrichs
Ruth Smith’s
Sister Helen
Thomas Hendry
Linda Mae Herbert
Gerald J. Herlihy
Charlotte Herman
Irving Herman
Mary Herring
Allen Herrmann
Ronnie Hershberger
Beverly Hershoff
Gladys Hert
Phyllis Hertz
Mary Jane Herzog
Edith P. Heys
Jamesina D. Hickler
Ray Hickman
Jean Hider
Itle White Higginbotham
Bruce Higgins
David Charles Hill
Ethel E. Hill
Jean Hill
Kathleen T. Hill*
Ruth J. Hill
Max Hiller
Jean E. Hillis
Lenore A. Hinckley
Richard E. Hinckley
Dot Hinely
Doreen Hintley
Micheline Hoage
Gary E. Hoban
Chris Hobart
Martha Hobb
Canter Gabriel Hochberg
Samuel Hock
Liza Hockberg
Paul J. Hoctor
Elizabeth White Hodges
Ruth Hodian
Clarence Hodsdon
Philip Hoensheid
Bessie Hoey*
Dorothy E. Hoffey
Bobbi Hoffman
Dr. Benjamin Hoffman
Gloria Hoffman
Miriam Hoffman
Naomi Hofkosh*
Margaret Hogan
Maurice Hoitt
Theresa Holbrook
Harriet Hollenack
Vivian Hollis
Robert B. Hollman
Lois Holmes
Robert S. Holmes
Mildred Holoff
Richard Holoff
Priscilla C. Holt
John Holtzer
Mary Holzman
Thomas M. Hood
James Hoover
Rolf Hopkins
Henry W. Horan
Elizabeth Olsen Horne
Esther G. Horton
Helen A. Houde
Wlfred Houde
Earl A. Houghtaling
Barbara R. Hould
Ralph G. Howard
Ann Marguerite Howe
Lillian D. Howe
Ruth Gertrude Howe
Robert F. Howes
Warren H. Howes
Kathryn Howland Conant
Beverly Hoyt
Roswell E. Hubbard
Arnold Huberman
Mildred E. Hubley
John Huchowski
John Hudson
Jane Huff
Dorothy Hughes
Nancy Hughes
Nora T. Hughes
Patricia Hughes
Ronald L. Hughes
Helen Huin
Marion Hulme
Mildred “ Midge “ Hulse
Howard C. Hunt
Alice E. Hunter
Barbara J. Hurley
Catherine M. Hurley
Aaron Hurwitz
John A. Hutchins
Catherine Hutchison
Betty R. Hutton
John Hyer
Charles Hyland
Quintina Iacovane
Irene Iapolla
Linda Ihrig
Florence Ike
Harriet L. Ingalls
Iris Ipekdjian
Helen M. Ippolito*
Vincent O. Ippolito*
Jean H. Ireland
Mary Ireland
Ed Irish
Marilyn L. Irish
Vivian Irving
Shirley B. Isaacson
Victor Dell Isola
Helen Israel
Dennis Jackson
Doris Jackson
Viola M. Jackson
Richard Jacobs
Marjorie Jacobs Rotondi
Irma F. Jaia
Eleanor M. Jammen
Dagny L. Jansson*
Lorraine Jeffords
Ruth Jeffords
Sonja Jeffress
Joey Jeffrey
Eva Mae Jenkins
Dorothy Jenks
Ellen C. Jennings
John H. Jennings
Victor Jensen*
Frances Jeray
Clarence A. Jermyn
Vivian Jesmonth
Clara Jewett
Wesley D. Jewett, Sr.
Benjamin F. Jewkes
Joyce Madeline
Joan Bunch
Fidelis A. Jodoin
Georgette Johnsen
Alan Johnson
Barbara L. Johnson
Dick Johnson
Euphemia D.
“Effie” Johnson
Harry Johnson
James F. Johnson
Judy Johnson
Nancy Johnson’s Sister
Richard B. Johnson
Ruth V. Johnson
Wilma J. Johnson
Thomas J. Jolley
Estil Jones
June Jones
Martha Jones
Richard “Dick” H. Jones
Rita Jones
Thomas Morris Jones
Mary Jane Joquin
E. Paul Jordan
Lynvel Ralph Jordan
Tut Jordan
Lila Joseph
Nancy Joseph
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Richard H. Jouces
Edna C. Joudrey
Thomas E. Joyce
Emma O. Judd
Carol Jusczak
Ruth Just
Julia Kaczmarski
Evelyn T. Kaczynski
Dorothy Kaehler
Jerry Kaestner
Joseph Kafka
Charles George Kagan
Roselyn Kahn
John Francis Kain
James Kakatsakis
Charles Kalas
Ruth E. Kalemuk
Ruth Kalick*
Stan Kalick*
Betty Kalil
Artemis Kandianis
Catherine “Kitty” Kane
Edith L. Kane
John V. Kane
Robert Kane
William Kane
Tine Kantos
Louis Kaplan
Martin Kaplan
Nancy B. Kaplan
Abe Kapulskey
James Karatsakis
Mrs. Elias Karavedas
Irene Karlowicz
Agnes A. Karvoski
Frances J. Kasprzyk
Sylvia Kasten
Aunt Katie
Sylvia Katz
Howard Kaufman
Nancy A. Kawa
Adeline G. Kaye
Alfred F. Kazan
Erma Kazanjian
Paul Kazarosian
Julia Kazmarski
Elizabeth P. Keating
Eileen Keeler
Thomas Keely
Benton W. Keene, Sr.
Dorothy Kefler-Goldberg
Georgia Kehoe
Andy Keifer
Eleanor M. Keiley
Ruth A. Keir
John Bruce Kellett
Edward L. Kelley
Eleanor Kelley
John Kelley
Robert E. Kelley
Ida Kelliher
Devin Kelly
Ida Kelly
Jim Kelly
Josephine Kelly
Martin Kelly
Martin Llewellyn Kelly
Paul F. Kelly
Ruth Kelly
Margaret E. Kelsey
Anne M. Kenary
Nikki Kendall
Maria Keneally
Linda Kenepp
Marion Kenneally
Ann Kennedy*
Cecelia M. Kennedy
Herbert Kennedy
Jacqueline C. Kennedy
Janet A. Kennedy
John Kennedy
Joseph W. Kennedy, Sr.
Julia Kennedy
Mary E. Kennedy
Ralph Kercado
Helen Ann
Lucille Kesner
Dick Kessler
Jay Burton Keys
Sabina Khait
Leonie S. Kidess
James P. Kiely, M.D.
Hobert Lee Kiger
Emilie Kiggins
James Patrick Kiley
Rita M. Kilgore
Martha J. Killerby
Arthur “Art” F. Kimball*
Evelyn Kimball
Richard Kimball
Robert J. King
Thomas J. King
Tom King
Virginia P. King
Barbara J.
Warren Kingsbury
Harvey Kinsey
Bernard Kirby
Walter J. Kirsch
Virginia Kirshy
Drue E. Kishbaugh
Viola Kitahara
Arlyis Kittelson
Lucia Y. Kittredge
Peter W. Kjer
Elizabeth Klaiman
Lucille B. Klaubert
Ida A. Klee
Beverly Klegman
Dorothy Klein
Patricia Ann Klein
Sophie Kloza
Joyce Klum
Arthur L. Klumph
William A. Knipe, Jr.
Mrs. Listor Knutrud
Marietta A. Koblara
Gemina “Gemma” Kochanski
Arnold Koff
Laura Gancorz M. Kokoski
Julia Komarnisky
Roland Korb
Anne Korn
Janet Korzeniewski
Grace Kos
Irene M. Kosakowski Masiero
Mary Kosboski
Tom Koslow
Ann Kostka
Michael Kozaczek
Daniel “Kozy” H. Kozik
Al Kozlowski
Anthony Kozub
Raymond L. Krah
Mary Kramer
Sylvia Krasnoff
Faith Krauskop
Ruth F. Krawzun
Rose Krinitz
Susan Krohn
Gordon R. Kroll
Josephine Kruczek
Margaret C. Kruger
Nathan Krugman
Gloria Kuchinsky
Lillian M. Kuhlman
Mary Kujawski
Frank E. Kulas
Margaret R. Kulda
Helen M. Kulik
Paul Kuniholm
Lloyd Kurch
Anna Mae Kurek
Monica B. Kurpiel
Rose Kurzmann
Lloyd Kusch
Sarah Kushner
Bernice Kyte
L. S. L.
Clarence La Bombard
Ronald La Borie
Elizabeth La Tona
Doris Labecki Amdur*
Clarence Labombard
Gerard B. LaChance
Irwin Lachman
Tonia Lack
Rita T. LaFay
Mary C. Laferriere
Eva B. LaFleur
Aime P. LaFosse
Carol Lago*
Richard Lagow
Florence G. Lahey*
Avis Lahue
Evelyn Lake
Rita Lamb
Henry M. Lambert
Herve H. Lambert
Lorette Lambert
Raymond J. Lambert*
Jeannette Lamontagne
Leonard LaMothe
Lauretta Lamoureux
Loretta Lamoureux
Frances E. Lamrock
Robert G. Landis
Alice F. Landry
Annette Landry
Barbara H. Landry*
Margaret Landry
Marilyn Landry
Gerald Lane
Raymond Langley
Frances Langone
Salvatore Lania
Normand Lanier
James J. Lannon
Jeannette Laperriere
Alice N. Lapierre
M. Sgt. Rodrigue L. Laporte
Marie Rose Laporte*
Rodrigue Laporte
Michael P. LaPuma
Alice Laramie
Eugenia Laridis
Charles LaRocca
Lorraine Larose
Elizabeth C. Larsen
Elinor Larson
Russell Larson
Warren H. Larson
Dorothy “Dotty” Lasky
Judith Charlotte Lasser
Brizdle Goldring
Geraldine “Jerry” M. Lathigee
Elaine Latish
Alfred Latour
Pauline Latour
Donald H. Laubenthal
Shirley Lauder
Harvey L. Lavallee
Evelyn M. LaValley
Matthew J. Lavin
Ida Lavinthal
George A. Lavoie
Lewis A. Law
Robert E. Lawler
Phyllis Lawless
Joyce A. Lawrence
Frederick Lawton
George Layden
Beatrice Lazin
Julius Lazin
Earl R. Le Baron
Connie Le Claire
Eugene M. Leahy
Gene Leahy
Charles Leander
Helen C. Leary
John Francis Leary
Kathleen Leary
Rose Leary
Marie Leaver
John H. Leavitt
Earl LeBaron
Charles G. LeBlanc
James L. LeBlanc
Larry LeBlanc
Robert E. LeBlanc
Roger LeBlanc*
Irene Lebuis
Catherine V. LeClerc
Eunice LeComte
Morris Lederman
Murray Lederman
Shirley LeDuc
Beverly Lee*
Yit Yen Lee
Raymond Lees
Susan Leff’s Mother
Marcia Legg
June Downey Lehmann
Barbara Lehocky
Aruo Lehto
Mary Romina Leigh
Rose Leland
Roger Lelievre
Paul M. Lenfest
Lucy Lentine
Fern “Gus” R. Lentzner
Barbara Leonard
Roger J. Leonard
Lawrence Lerner
Norman H. Lerner
Camille Lessard
Archille Letiecq
Antoinette Letourneau
Joseph F. Letourneau
Mui and Siu Leung
Camille W. Levasseur
Helene F. Levenson
Ida Leventhal
David Levin
Blanche Levine
Harold Levine
Martin Levine’s Brother
Morton Levine
Shirley Levine
Lydia Faye Levinson
Jerome Levitan
Harold Leviton
Pearl Levy
Calvin M. Lewis
Edward “Bud” Lewis
Harold S. Lewis*
James J. Lewis*
Robert Lewis
Virginia Lewis
Maureen G. Liacos
Lucy Liberty
George M. Libin
Joseph Libman*
Edith Lieb
William Lille
Kathleen Lincoln
Donald E. Lindahl
Doris B. Linden
Mary L. Linder
Joseph Linek
Alexander Link
Rosalle Lino
Alan M. Linsky
Gerald Linsky
Leo J. Linsky
Louise Liotine
Gerasimos Livadas
Robert Livengood
Hernan Llerena
David E. Lloyd
Emma Lloyd
Dominic J. Locantore
Mary Locchi*
Azniz Lochan
Marion F. Lockwood
Louise Loetine
Joseph P. Loftus
Yung King Lok
Richard Lones
Elizabeth A. Long*
Geoffrey A.D. Long
Richard Dean Long
Leslie Longworth
Sissy Looney
Mary Lopes
Raymond F. Lord
Janet W. Lorrain
Concetta Lorusso
Donald Lotzer
Bernard T. Loughran*
Joao Lourenco*
Cheryl Lovell
Marcia Lowder
Olive Lowe
Patricia Lowney
Benedict J. Loycano
Dorothy M. Lozeau
Leo J. Lubas
Harold L. Lubrit
Harry Lubuit
Rose M. Lucca
Joselyn Luchnick
Mary A. Luke
Laura Lupis
Carl Robert Lupo
Robert Wladyslaw
Amy Lutjens
Todd Lutsky
Donald Lynch
Evelyn Doris Lynch
Margaret Lynch
William Francis Lynch
Dorothy S. Lyon
Peggy Lyon
Florence T. Miller Lyons
Pauline Lyons
Florence T.
Isabel A. Lysik
Arnold Macdonald
Dorothy E. MacDonald
Francis J. MacDonald
Frederick E. MacDonald
Mary F. MacDonald
Virginia MacDonald
Mary G. MacDougall
Mary MacDougall
Salvatore Macero
Linda Diane MacEwen
W. Scott MacEwen
Marion MacGregor
Filomena Machado
Dorothy F. Mack
Lola MacKay
Sue MacLellan
Ruth MacLennan
Helen Macmillan
Edith E. MacRae
Ann Madden
Marion Madden
William “Pee Wee” Madden
Margaret M. Maddox
Anna T. Madej
Sidney Mael
Marcelle Maffie
Mary Louise Magoon
Russell “Rusty” Maguire
Karl K. Mahaffey
Shirley A. Maher
Mary McGrath Mahfuz
Agnes P. Mahoney
Dorothy K. Mahoney
Eneith Mahoney
Nelson Maine
Rachel Maine
Robert Maister
Anne F. Maitha
Betty Lou Majewski
Marie Makein
James H. Maker
Shirley Ann Maker
Laurie Maki
John Makinson
Anna Maksimoski
Ruth Malboeuf
Rose Malino
Andrew Malionek
Dorothy C. Mallard
Ethel Mallen
Helen T. Malloy
Elianne R. Malo
Sylvia Maloff
Mary Maloney
Alphonse Mals
Helen W. Mamolen
Irwin Mancall
William J. Manchenton
Teresa Mandaro
Bernard Mandell
Loraine Mandozzi
Denise Manduca
Sharon A. Mang
Helen T. Manley
Helen A. Mann
Ruby C. Mann
Annette Manning
Margery Manning
Steven Mannino
Josephine Mantemagno
Omer Mantineau
Violet A. Manuel
Joseph Manz
Ida M. Manzelli
Elizabeth “Betty” P. Marc
Gerald A. Marchand
Raymond G. Marchegiani
Evelyn Marchetti
Nicholas Marchetti
Constance May
“Connie” Marcotti
Revena Marcus
Helen Mardulier
Mary L. Marelli
Merna Margil
Robert S. Margil*
Agnes Margolies
Anna MargolineProst-Levin
Albino Mari
Joseph G. Mari
Joseph Mari
Marion Mari
Frank Marino
Caroline Marks
Nancy Marks
Loraine Marotti
Zoilo Bernabe Marrero
Peter D. Marron
Adelaide Marsh
Melissa D. Marsh
Kenneth Marshall*
Louise E. Marshall
Rosa Marshall
Josephine Martellini
Elaine T. Martellotta
Ann Martin
Anna A. Martin
Deborah Martin
Deolinda A. Martin
Hattie Martin
Helen E. Martin
Jeanette Martin
Marge Martin
Marguerite M. Martin
Omer Martineau
Laura Martins
Robert Marty
Phyllis Marx
Rosa Marzullo*
Hayden Mason
Flora Massa
Albert W. Masse
Nancy Masterhouse
Joseph Masterson
Carmella Mastronardo
Louise R. Masztal
Robert B. Matheson
Clare E. Mathews
Franklin Matthews*
Lillian Mathews
Pearl S. Matsumoto
Annette A. Matte
Franklin Matthews
John R. Matzko
Everett J. Mawn
Ruth Mawson
Armand Maxfield
Patricia Mae Maxson
Charles Mayers
Matilda Mayers
Joseph T. Mazur
Margaret Mazza
Gloria R. Mazzone
Leonard P. McArron
Dorothy McAskill
Esther McCabe
Ruth A. McCaffrey
Florence McCall
Bernice L. McCammon
Abiah G. McCann
Reita M. McCarroll
Betty McCarthy
Charles F. McCarthy
Francis L. McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
Joan Ann McCarthy
Noel McCarthy
James S. McChesney
Victoria Marcella
Glenn McCormick
Irene McCoy
Frances McCree
Dorothy McCrum
Edward Alexander McDonald
Francis “Frank”
Frederick McDonald
John J. McDonald
Gladys L. McDonnell
Catherine V.
Charles McDonough
Nancy McDonough
Patrick F. McDonough
Rosemarie McDonough
Susan McDonough
Mary G. McDougall
Frances McElree
Betty F. McErlean
Julie McEvoy
Peggy McEvoy
Ruth M. McFear
Mary McGann
Eleanor L. McGarry
Dorothy McGeary
Eva McGinn
Richard T. McGlew
Anne M. McGoldrick
Edward McGovern
William J. McGrail
Jean Marie McGrath
Kay McGrath
Irene McGreevy
Richard J. McGuiggan
Patricia McGuinness
Patricia McGuire
Thomas McGuire
Leo A. McHanlon
Leo Asa McHatton
Mildred G. McHoul
John McHugh
Eleanore McHugh
Arthur Jefferson
Joseph V. McKenna
Leo Mckenna
Linda Snow McKenna*
Margaret McKenzie
Paul McKeown
Alfred R. McKinnon
John J. “Jack”
Muriel McLaren
Janice McLaughlin
Kevin P. McLean
Mary H. McLean
Mary M. McLean
Ruth E. McLear
Catherine A. McMahon
Eleanor McMahon
Jeannette McMahon
James McMann
Beebe McMeachern
Margaret McMenimem
John J. McNally
David McNamee
Judi McNulty’s Mother
Marguerite McNulty
Thomas J. Mc Nulty
Mary McNutt
Thomas Mc Shane
Leo McSweeney
Marvin C. Measor
Eleanor Medeiros
Leo J. Meehan, Jr.*
Florence Meeker
A. Harriet Megan
Marion Megna
Irving Meisel
Bonita Meister
Hilda M. Melanson
Louise Marie Melanson
Constance Y. Melick
Alexandria Mello
Angelina Mello
James Mello
Mary Mello
Catherine Mellon
Janice T. “Ginger” Melly
Harriet Melnicki
Joseph Menafra
M. Claire Menard
Rose Menard
Victoria A. Mendel
Sue Mendelsohn
Tony Menezes
Philip K. Menici, Sr.
William Menslage
Helen Mercer
Marvin F. Merrill III
Mary Molineux Merrill
Stanley Merrill
Edward Merritt
James A. Merritt
Olive I. Messina
Viola Metalios
Les Metcalf
Paul Metcalf
Theda Metcalf
Marjorie Meyer
Gertrude Meyers
Vera Meyers
Sidney Meyrowitz*
Edith Michaelson
Margaret Michalak
Danny Michalik
Alfred Michelotti
Josephine Miele
Anthony Miguel
Sue Mike
Alvin Milchen
Finola Miles
Ottilie “Tillie” Miles
Aaron Milgram
Ralph J. Miliner
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Bernard F. “Bernie” Miller
Bridie Miller
Earl Miller
George Miller
Shirley Miller
Sonya Miller
Louise A. Mills
Carmen Millsfield
Mary Milne
Stella A. Milonas
Robert V. Minchello
Francis T. Mingels
Mary Minkin
Tessie Minutaglio
Anthony J. Miquel
Leo Miraglia
Anna Misiaszek
Doris Mitcham
Daisy Mitchell
Monty Mitchell
Richard Mitchell
William Mitchell
Helen Mitchem
Robert Clayton Mixer
Helen Moan
Mary Mobilia
Margaret Moccio
Margaret L. Moffatt
Judson J. Mohl
Ruth Moidel
Robert Moister
Luigi Molettieri
Rose MoLino
Ethel Molnors
Elsie Moltz
Priscilla Monahon
Ann M. Monitto
Robert Moniz
Harry Monk
Rosalyn G. Monosson
Roz Monosson
Joseph G. Montague
Josephine R.
Gloria R. Monterisi
Marty Montgomery
Rosina Ellen Montgomery
David Mooney
Edward Moore
Gerard Moore
Gloria Myers Moore
James Moore
Jerry Moore
K. T. Moore
Mildred Moore
William Moore
Edward “Yogi” G. Morad
Gordon D. Moran
Jane Moreland
Herbert Morell
Pauline Baines Morgan
Richard H. Morgan
Elaine E. Morganti
Virginia L. Moriarty
Edgar J. Morin
Irene C. Morin
Lucille Morin
Edgar Morine
Gladys A. Morine
Mary Morozova
Herbert A. Morrell
John W. F. Morrell
Carole A. Morris
Warren Morris
Eileen Morrison
Estelle Morrison
Harold and Dorothy Morrison
John Morrison
John D. Morrissey
Joseph F. Morrissey*
Ruth T. Morrissey
Gerald L. Morse
Phyllis Morse
Robert Morse
Esther Mortinson
Tecla M. Moruzzi
Rosemarie Moscato
Jacqueline M. Moschella
Mary Moschen
Mabel H. Mottolo*
Doreen Moul
Paul Menges Moul
Ann Mountford
M. Evelyn Moura
Shirley A. Moynihan
Simone B. Moynihan
Anges Lacroix Muellan
Margaret J.M. Muise
Joan Mulgrew
Lee Mulkern
Dorothy Mullen
Marion E. Mullen*
Thelma L. Mullen
Ivy Louise Muller
Edward F. Munk
Philip G. Munson
Virginia Murawski
John Stetson Murdock*
Evelyn Murgolo
Anton Murljacic
Dorothy A. Murphy
Douglas James Murphy
Grace Elizabeth Murphy
John J. Murphy
Joseph Murphy
June Murphy
Ken Murphy
Kenneth B. Murphy
Margaret A. Murphy*
Margaret Murphy
Mary Ann Murphy
Raymond Murphy
Rose Nicholas Murphy
Rosemary Murphy
Rosemary Patrice Murphy
Ruth Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Tracy Murphy
Walter M. Murphy
William B. Murphy*
Joan Murphy-Arsenault
Barbara H. Murray
James E. Murray
Jean M. Murray
Rosemary Murtha
Phyllis Muterperl
Paul A. Mutti
Anastasia Myers
Stanley Myers
William G. Myers
Lillian Nadeau
Alma L. Nahigian
P. Helen Najarian*
Viola Nardella
Denise Nathanson
Mary Gannon Naughton
Shirley Neal
Thelma Nebel
Mildred Nedosko
Paul Needel
Charles “Buck” Nehring
Ellen Andrews Neiman
Arthur Nelson
Dayton G. Nelson
Doris Nelson
Mildred M. Nelson
Sue Nelson
Walter Neuber
Edmundo Neves
Berthold J. Newburger*
Chandler W. Newell *
Dorothy Newman
Marion Newton
Frank Nicholls
Agnes M. Nicholson
Mary Nickerson
John Nicoll
Louise Crossley Nicoll
Jean Nider
Rae Nierman
Carol L. Niford
Rose Nigro
Betty Jo Nix
Elizabeth I. Nocera
Leo J. Nocera
Rita Noel
Agnes M. Nolin
Genevieve B. Norcott
Jackie Norman
Jeanne Norton
John Norton
Marie A. Norton
Ruth E. Norton
Anthony Rocco
“Tony” Novia
Elizabeth “Betty” Nunan
Walter Nussbaum
Donald Oakley
Alexander O’Brien
Bridget A. O’Brien
Daniel Frances
Xavier O’Brien
Doris O’Brien
Dorothy O’Brien
Genevieve A. O’Brien
Joan O’Brien
Joseph A. O’Brien*
Leo O. O’Brien
Paul O’Brien
Thomas O’Brien
William “Bill” E. O’Brien
Peter Obuchanicz
Arthur O’Callaghan
Joan O’Callaghan
Daniel O’Connell
John Bernard O’Connell
Mary E. O’Connell
Alfred O’Connor
Francis O’Connor
Louise C. O’Connor
Frank Ocwieja
Paul W. O’Day
Constance Connie O’Dell
Doris Oden*
Anne Marie O’Donnell
Richard O’Donnell
Pauline T. O’Donoghue
Catherine O’Gara
Francis J. O’Hare
Claire O’Hearn
Ruth O’Hearn
Kathleen R. Ohlson
Kenneth C. Olds, Jr.
Dorothy “Dot” O’Leary
Leo I. O’Leary
Marie O’Leary
Beatrice A. Oliveira
Althea Oliver
Angela Oliverio
Mary Olivieri*
Isabel F. Olney
Carl W. Olson
Irene A. Olson
Jean M. Olson
Catherine O’Malley*
Francis O’Malley
Madeline M. O’Malley
Richard J. O’Mara
Stephen H. O’Meara
Kevin G. O’Neil
Francis O’Neill
Julius Oppenheimer
Anne P. O’Regan
James F. O’Regan
Kay Orlowski
Viola Orsinelli
Lorraine D. Osowski
Helen Osterhout
Vera Ostroff*
Ann F. O’Sullivan*
Dorothy E. O’Sullivan
Dorothy Joy O’Sullivan
Mary Otis
Alexina Ouelette
Joseph N. Ouellette
Leo Oulette
Eunice L. Owen
Carvel Owens
Marie G. Owens
Bronislaw Brownie Pacekonis
Maria Jose Pacheco
Othelia R. Pacheco
William Pacheo
Madeline Pachica
Sally Pacioni
Ardelle Packard
Ruth E. Packard
Rhoda Packer
Hilda Page
Ralph Page
Phyllis Paglia
Michael J. Pagliarulo
Rose Pagliazzo
Stella Paglise
Dolores Mollica Paino*
Patricia K. Pakes
Harriet Di Palma
Mary Ann Palmer
Russell H. Palmer
Willis Palmer
Richard R. Palrich
Richard J. Panciocco
Tony Papakalos
Carole K. Papermaster
Tony Papkalos
Rita Pappalardo
Theodore Pappas
Rosetta J. Paquette
Ellis M. Paquin
Rita Paradis
Lucy E. Paradiso
Sally Parda
Armand “Charlie”
Bob Parent
Robert Parent
Lorraine M. Parenteau
Anthony Parise
Catherine “Patricia” Pariseau
Doris M. Parker
Jean Parker
Leigh Parker
Lorelei Parker
E. Francis Parks
Agostina Parlavechio
Gladys V. Parmenter
Maddalena Pasquino
Rose Pastore
Mary Frances Pastorok
John Pator
John Patrick
Richard Patrick
Thomas Patrick
Ervin Patten
Betty Patterson
Mary Patterson
Louise Patton
Margaret L. Paulin
Dolores Paulsen
William R. Pause
Nellie Pavles
Wanda Pawlik
Rita Pawlina
Catherine Peacock
Margaret Pearce
Florence Pearl
Bernice “Bunny” V. Pearson
John Pearson
Paul A. Pearson
Russell H. Pearson
Barbara A. Peckham
Guy Pederzani
Jane F. Pedigree
Ida Pekin
Richard P. Pelchar
Edward Pelia
Mary E. Pelkey
Frances C. Pendleton
Lewis Penn
Camello Pennisi
Francis Penny
Jacquelyn Penny
Ethel V. Penque
Josephine Penta
Irma Peona
Teresa M. Pepi
Anne V. Pepin
Noemia Pereira
Maria del Rosario Pereira
Lorraine Perewicz
Lillian Perich
Ruth Jean Perkins
John F. Perkins, Jr.*
Stanley Perlberg
Alice Perlman
John William Perovish
Armand Joseph
Catherine Perreault
Geraldine “Gerry” Perron
Mary Perrone
Kathleen H. Perruzzi
Fred Perry
Irene K. Perry
Jacqueline M. Perry
May Perry
Rollin Perry
Betty Barthel Perryman
Ann Persada
Kathleen Peruzzi
Angela Pespisa
Alfraina Pestana
Alice E. Peters
Nicholas S. Peters
Violet M. Peters
Ernest Peterson
Marie Peterson
Phyllis Peterson
Ida Petkin
Virginia Anne Petraglia
Pauline Petrin
Candelore Petrone
K. Petruzzi
Angie Pezza
Thomasina Pezzarossi
Milton E. Pharr
Dorothy Pheifer
Julia M. Phelan
Ronald R. Phelps
John Philips
Cecil F. Phillips, Sr.
Hewitt Phillips
Mary Ellen Phillips
Peggy Piasecki’s Mother
Mildred Piccuito
Jean R. Picher
Catherine Pichinson
Joseph “Ed” Pickering
Elizabeth Piekos
Edward P. Piela
Arthur S. Pier, Jr. MD
Harvey L. Pierce
Lillian D. Pierce
Rev. Harvey L. Pierce
William “Bill” A. Pierce
Jennie F. Pietraszek
Mary H. Pietrztkowsky
Hazel Piktialis
Thomas R. Pilegi
Mary E. Pilkey
Jack Pine
Sheldon Pinkus
Grace M. Piquette
Marie A. Piskor
Evelyn Doris Pitman
Rita Anne Pitts
Evelyn Pittsley*
Samuel J. Pizza
Joseph C. Placek
David Platt
Joan Platte
Herbert Platts
Sy Pober
Joseph Podolsky*
Catherine M. Poelaert
Mona C. Poirier
William C. Poirier
Marjorie Poirson
David Alan Poitras
Therese Poitras
Vincent Poland
Margaret Poli
Alyce Pollack
Dorothea Pollard
Nicholas C. Polletta
Ray Polli
David Polur
Christopher Pongratz
Joan C. Ponn
Margaret C. Ponte
Jane Poor
Regina E. Poppert
Elizabeth L.
Bernard Porter
Harvey Postma
Angela M. Potter
Harold Potter
Norman Potter
Margaret Poulin
Gordon N. Poulos
Robert V. Pound
Walter S. Pow
Alfred E. Powell*
Alice Powell
Jack L. Powell
Genevieve B. Powers
Gert Powers
Patricia M. Powers
Walter E. Powers
Irene C. Powtak
Joseph Prague
Alexander G. Prall
Bella Pratt
Virginia S. Pratt
Mary C. Prescott
Ruth Prescott*
Elena B. Previtali
June Priest
George Prince
Adrienne Principe
Lawrence J. Prior
Ardys M. Proctor
Marilyn Perkins Prouty
Anna M. Provost
Ruth B. Provost
Gordon Prud’hommeaux
Paul R. Pruitt
Alice Psoda
Evelyn B. Pugh
Evelyn M. Pugsley
John Puleio
Ivan D. Purdy, Sr.
Rose A. Purpura
Marie A. Putnam
Dora Quadros
Mary E. Quigley
Irving Quimby
Marilyn “Sis” E. Quinlan
Eddie J. Quinn*
Violet I. Quintal
Catherine Quintero
Maria del Rosario Quintero
Georgette M. Quintin
Lorraine Quintin
Dorothy E. Quirke
Olga Racca
Raymond Radcliffe*
Mary Rafferty
Martha Rafuse
Duane W. Ragsdale
Filippo Raia
Bessie Rallis
Christine Rallis
Ralph White’s
Husband Ralph
Elinor M. Ramsdell
Muriel Ramsdell
Francis Ramsey
Hubert “Jack” J. Ramsey
Pauline Rand
Bertha Randall
Nancy Randall
Patricia Raneri
Rita M. Ranucci
Viola F. Rao
Sam Rapisardi
Alice Raposa
Louise Raff
Veronica Rappo*
Emmanie Surprilus Rateau
Robert Rauscher
Arthur J. Rauseo
Ruth Rautenberg*
Charlotte Ray
Verna Ray
Caron E. Raymond
Nancy A. Raymond
Ronald Reagan
Roberto E. Real
Eleanor P. Reardon
Elizabeth Reardon
Jane Reardon
Leo J. Reardon
Nina G. Reardon
Theresa Reardon
Eleanor M. Rebholz
Barbara Reckham
Tindara Recupero
John R. Reed
William P. Reed
Daniel R. Regan
Dorothy A. Regan
Ruth L. Regan
Thomas B. Regan
Frederick S. Rego
John Rei
Abraham Reich*
Carole Reichert
Rita Reid
Eleanor Reilly
Patricia A. Rein
Julie Reitano
Gertrude M. Remby
Scott Remensnyder
Dora Remillard
Leo Remillard
Justin Remis
Charles J. Reneau
Edward Renshaw
Antonette Reppucci
Genevieve M.
Severio Restivo
Veronica Restivo
Kenneth A. Reuter, Sr.
Ray Revest
Odette Rezendes
Russell Rheubottom
Edward “Teddy” Rhoades
June Rhodes
William Wells Rhodes
Helene Rhodeside
Frank Ribeiro
Sevino Ricardi
Frances V. Ricci
Patricia Ricciardi
Frank X. Rice
Jeanne Rice
June M. Rice
Priscilla Rich*
Medie J. Richard
Gordon “Bob” Richards
Eleanor M. Richardson
Eleanor R. Richardson
Elwood Richardson, Jr.
Ruth Richardson
Gladys Richardson Keller
Padie Richlin
Mary Peeples Richmond
Stephen K. Richmond
Mary Ricker
Rita Ricker
Helen G. Ridings*
Frances V. Rieci
Augusta Riedl
Catherine E. Rielly
Philip A. Rigano
Aldea E. Rigazio
Maddalena Maria Rigazio
Grace L. Rinaldi
Robert L. Ring
Frances Ringer
Claire G. Riopel
Mary Ristagno
Albert W. Ritacco
Joan Ritter Maddock
Zelma Ritvo
Rose A. Ritz
Cecile Rivard
Lorraine L. Rivers
Yvonne M. Rivers
Raymond Rivest
Rita Rivet
Helen Rizzo
Anita Roan
Blake Robar
Rob Robb
Arthur Robbins
Norman N. Robert
Weiner Robert
Charles Roberts
Claude Roberts
Elinor Roberts
Judith Roberts
Julian Roberts
Leslie Roberts
Marion Roberts
Norman Roberts
Raymond G. Roberts
Laura Robertson
Arthur Robidoux
Alice Robinson
Effie Robinson
John M. Robinson
Sally M. Robinson
Sarah Jean Robinson
Beulah Arntzen
Anton Robl
Selma Roblin
Angela Rochford
John J. Rochon
Dorothy Rockefeller
Donald J. Rockwell
Quinton Rodriguez
Jack Roebuck
Luis C. Roever*
John Rogan
Charles Rogers
Jacqueline H. Rogers*
Josephine Rogers
George H. Rohde
Charles E. Rolfe
M. Therese Rollinson
Mario J. Romano
Jenny J. Romito*
Lucy A. Ronayne
Susan M. Rondeau
Edward Rongone
Eileen Rooney
Francis J. Rooney
Maria Rosa
Raymond J. Rosa
Bernice V. Rose
Reba Madalyn Rose
Dorothy Rosen
Gertrude Rosen
Melvin Rosen
Esther Rosenberg
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Helen Rosenberg
Len Rosenberg
Burnet Rosenfeld
Sally Rosenfeld
Grace M. Rosi*
Jane Ross
Mae M. Ross
Helen R. Rossi
Louise Rossi
John G. “Jack” Rossiter
Marion Rossman
Margaret “Peg”Rosswaag
Jeannette Roszkiewicz
Marjorie J. Roth
Esther M. Rotman
Marjorie L. Rotondi
Susan Hall Roudeau
Evelyn Rounds
Annette A. Rountree
Irene Rouse
Raymond Rousseau
Madelyne Rowe
Margaret Rowe
Stuart Rowe
Irene Rowland
Mary Rowland
John Rowlson
Albert Roy
Alda Roy
Arthur Roy
David C. Roy*
J. Leo Roy
Leo Roy
Roland Roy
Ronald Roy
Lewis M. Royal
Lois Royal
Annette Rozntiee
Ira Rubenstein
Edith E. Ruberto
Ellen Ruberto
Ethel Wexler Rubin
Rosina Rubinos
Ira S. Rubinstein
Mary Ruetenik
Anthony Rufo
Carolina Ruggeri
Anne Ruggiero
Annette Runtree
Frank Rury
Catherine C. Russell
Clarence Russell
George Russell
Geraldine M. Russell
John P. Russell
Juliette A. Russell
Santina Russi
Margaret E. Russo*
Samuel Russo
Sarah Russo
Wilma “Willie”
Helen Ruud
Angela Isabella Ryan
Anthony V. Ryan
Claire C. Ryan
Frances B. Ryan
Jessie Ryan
Julia M. Ryan*
Katherine Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Marion Ryan
Mary A. Ryan
Shirley H. Rycek
James L. Ryer
Jouke Rypkema
Alice C. Rypysc
Mary Grace Saacke
Louise Sabean
Laura M. Sabel
Helen Sable
Loretta Sacco
Donald Sachs
Dr. Maurice Safrin
Alice M. Saladino
John Salanger
Geraldine Salemme
Roger Saltzgaver
Theodore Myron Hirsch Samel*
Sonny Samuels
Thomas E. Sanborn
Ronald Sandberg
Dorothy B. Sanderson
Bertha Sandler
Sydell Sandler
Paul Sandrew
Donald H. Sandstrom
Peter Santamaria
Jonathan Santiago
James Santilli
Edward J. Santos
Laura Santos
Paulo Santos
Rose Salafia Santuccio
Elizabeth A. Sanzica
Rabbi Bert Sapinsley
Helen Saponari
Edith Saraullo
Charles Sardina
George Sargent
Roger Sargent
William C. Sargent
Rocco Sarno
Beatrice Saslafsky
Leonard Sathre
Violet Pearl Sattersall
Carol M. Saucier-Dunbar
Mary Sauer
Janice M. Saunders
Gordon Anthony Saussy
Rose M. Savary
Mary Saver
Lena Savikosky
Chester Sawyer
Grace Sawyer
Lionel Scalise
Theresa Scanlon
Louis E. Scaramuzzi
Matilda Scarfo
Bertha Schaerer
Manny Schanback
Marguerite T. Schavone
Evelyn Scheffer
Betty Schein
Ruth Schena
Ann Schlesinger
Josephine Schmidt
Rita Marie Schmidt
Robert G. Schmidt
Virginia Schmitt
Marjorie Schmuder
Jean Schneider
Marjorie Schneider
Raymond Schneider
Leland C. Schoenbeck
Ann Schopf
Martin Schumer
Agnes Schuster
Bernard Schuster
Ike Schuster
Edith Schwartz
Henry Schwartz
Isidore Schwartz
Susan Schweitzer
Elizabeth C. Sciullo
Grace Scott
Lascelles M. Scott
John William Scotton, Sr.
Drusilla Scribner
Stephen J. Sczylvian
Walter Sealund
Walter Gene Sears
Norma Broek Sedgwick
Phyllis Sedgwick
Emily Seeglitz
Joseph Henry Seely
Robert F. Segien
Mary D. Seibel
Florence M. Seibold
Mary M. Seifert
Thomas R. Selby
Carol Selwyn
Carolyn Selwyn
Sam Selwyn
Sheila A. Semeraro
James Logan
Semmelroth, Jr.
Olivia Joy Sen
Donald H. Sendstrom
Susan Seremet
Jean Serrecchia
Louis C. Servidio
Virginia Setzekorn
Charles Shackleton
Virginia G. Shakour
Lisa M. Shaler
Milton Shamitz
Judith Shananan
Donald Shanley
John M. Shannahan
Mary H. Shannon
Bernard H. Shapiro
Esther Shapiro
Harvey Shapiro, MD
Melvin I. Shapiro*
Robert Sharby
Alice Jacqueline Shaw
Joyce A. Shea*
Raymond Shea*
Barbara H. Sheaffer*
Esther Shearouse
Claire M. Sheasgreen
Marion K. Sheehan
Betty L. Sheets
Max Sheiman
Murray Shelton
Charlotte Shemin
Richard W. Shepard, Sr.
Richard Shepherd
Doris Sher
Gertrude E. Sherlock
Care givers experience stress from the emotional and sometimes physical challenges
of caring for a loved one. Since nearly 70% of those with Alzheimer’s are cared for
at home, there is an enormous need to find ways to support care givers. We
launched a pilot program under the direction of artist Helen Meyrowitz (right), giving
care givers an artistic expressive outlet for their feelings. Helen Meyrowitz’s body of
work “Wind beneath My Wings: Baskin Suite,” inspired by her own experiences with
her husband’s Alzheimer’s, is on display at our national offices in Chicago.
Photo by Betsy-Fitzgerald Campbell
Charlie Sherman
Charles Sherr
Lorraine Shimberg
Doris Shoard
Anthony Shoemaker
Harvey Shone
Margaret Shopa
Grace Shuer
Frances Sack Shulman
Joseph Shulman
Morris Shultz
Helen Shumway
Mabel Shure*
Bernard Shuster
Toby Shuster
Dorothy E.
Mary Siciliano
Dolores Sicotte
Edward Sidd
Bernice Sidel
Martin Sidell
Elsie Sides
David R. Sidmore
Emily Theresa Sieben
Mary Siefert
Bennett Siglag
Charles Silkoff
Carolyn Silva
Joseph Silva
Richard Silva
Ruth Silva
Alice Silveira
Julia A. Silveira
Jan Silverston
Gilbert S. Silvestre
Agnes Silvia
Donald J. Silvia
Marietta Simmons
Thomas Simmons
Tomasa Simmons
Max Simon
Carmen Simonelli
Marie Simonelli
Marcia Simons*
Matthew Simons*
Marion Simpson
Rose Louise Sims
Martin D. Singer
Michelina Sinicandro
Angela Sinopoli
Dr. Robert Sirard
Nancy Sisson
Anna Siwinski
Stanley J. Skarzynski
Evangeline M. Skelton
Princess R. ‘Penny’ Skidds
Joan Skinner
Alice Skrczki
Jane H. Slafsky
Harriet Slate
Elizabeth J. Slater
Frances Slater
Jennie Slavik
Jane Slaysky
Gertrude Sleper
Jennie Slowik
Ruth Smallwood
Michelle Smiddy
Allen Jackson Smith
Alma Lee Smith
Anna Smith
Anne M. Smith
Audrey L. Smith
Barbara A. Smith
Brownie Smith
David G. Smith
Edythe Smith
Francis J. Smith
George Smith
Gloria M. Smith
Harry Smith
Henry Watter Smith
Herman Smith
Jeanette Smith
Lockhart “Smitty” J. Smith
Louise Smith
Marion Smith
Mary T. Smith
Michael Smith
Nancy C. Smith
Nancy E. Smith
Odessa F. Smith
Robert B. Smith
Thelma Smith
Victoria Smith
Viola M. Smith
Yvonne I. Smith
Jack Smookler
Catherine M. Snelders
Mary Elizabeth Stewart Snodgrass
Marjorie E. Snook
W. Thomas Snyder
Marion B. Snyderman
Sylvester Soares
Marguerite Soccorso
Gertrude B. Sofoulis
Constance Solari
Ethel Sollogub
Corinne Solomon*
Florence Solomont
Stanley Solomont
Leonard Somers
Janice Somerville
Maybeth F. Sonn
Libralina Sonsa
Eleanor M. Soojian
Stan Sorem
Robert H. Sorensen
Thomas W. Sorrenti
Cecily Sostek-Sallen
Maria Sousa
Evelyn C. Sousa*
Charles Southwell
Rita Southwick
Jean Souza
Richard J. Souza
Rose M. Souza
Rose Marie Souza
M. Kathleen Sowyrda
Charles Raymond
Mary Spagnuolo
Beatrice H. Sparks
Beverly Sparks
William H. Sparks
Esther Speciner
Lil Speicher
Edith Spellman
Harold Spellman
George Spence
Margaret Spencer
Rose Spencer
Myrtle Sperry
Dante Spezzafero
Robert J. Spiller
Yolanda Catherine Spinozzi
Virginia L. Sprague
Terry Sprechman
Ruth Spring
Madeline St. Croix
Stephen St. John
Ann Marie St. Martin
Victoria R. Staffier
Richard A. Staib
Evangeline M. Stanitis
Thomas F. Stanton
Ann Stark
John Stathas
Phyllis Stebbins
Katherine I. Stec
Dorothea Steeves
Stanley Stefanik
Grace Steffen
Kiki Stefos
Irene Steger
George Steiger
Irene Steiman
Rhoda Steinberg
Domenic Stella
Betty A. Steller
Dean Stern
Mary Stern
Sidney Sternick
John “Jack” S. Stevens
Lonnie Stevenson
Mary Stewart*
Willard Stewart
Robert Stirling
Amy Ruth Elmore Stone
Bertha Stone
Catherine M. Stone
E. Travis Stone
Elmore T. Stone
Helen Stone
Peter Lewis Stone
Sara How Stone*
William F. Stone
Ottavia Storrs
Helen Rose Stover
Erlenge Strand
Charles Stransky
Evelyn C.
Mertice E. Stratton
James Straub
Russell Stromberg
Evelyn M. Strong
Ruth Strong
Richard F. Studley
Rita Stuka*
Robert W. Stumpf
Mildred I. Sturgeon
Alden Harold Sturtevant*
Leonard Sudenfield
Walter Sukiennik
Audrey Sullivan
Catherine Sullivan
Chessie Sullivan
Dorothy E. Sullivan
Isabel Sullivan
Joseph P. Sullivan
Mary Elizabeth Sullivan
Mary J. Sullivan*
Mary Sullivan
Ruth E. Sullo
Joseph Superior
Michael F. Surpitski, Sr.
Cornelia M. Surr
Nikki Surr
Dante Susi
Lois V. Sutherlin
Mary Sweeney
Theodora B. Sweeney
Donald Sweetser
Gladys M. Swenson
Marie A. Swift*
Ruth Switz
Frances K. Sylvester
Pauline Sylvester
Al Sylvia
Herbert Szerlip
David Taitelbaum
Vera Talty
Lillian Tamagini
Mary Tamberg
Edward Tanguay, Sr.
Rita Tania
Myron Tannenbaum
Marguerite “Rita” Tanner
Marguerite Tanner
Ralph Tanner
Joseph V. Tanous
Raymond Tarsa
Evelyn Tatarouns
Louellen Tatro
Arthur Tatseos
Fraedelle R. Tattelman
Georgina Tavares
John F. Tavares
Edwin R. Taylor
Kenneth A. Taylor
Winifred Marshall Taylor
Charles “Houston” Teal
Alice Teixeira
Vensimal Tejwani
Elizabeth S. Teller
Emma Teneriello
Richard Tenney
Gertrude H. “Trudy” Tenzer
John S. Ternullo
John Terrazzino
Martin Tesler
Angelo J. Testa
Omega M. Thalhamer
Arthur F. Thayer
Marcel “Mac” Theberge
Marjorie Theberge
Anita Thibault-Robidoux
Eiko Thibeault
Ivane F. Thibodeau
Harry G. Thistle
Evelyn R. Thomas
Robert J. Thomas
Betty Thompson
Cleora Barnes Thompson
Jane Thompson
Jim Thompson
Perry Gardner Thompson
Dorothy Campbell Thomson
William J. Thorne
Mary Thornton
Louise King Thrash*
Loraine Thurber
William Joseph Thyng
Richard Tibbs
Dorothy Tiernan*
James Tierney
Virginia Tierney
Russell W. Tillson
Henry F. Timmons
Albert J. Tirabassi
Gerard Titterington
Frederick S. Tobin
Marie Tobin-Peterson
Max E. Toder
Ruth Toeppe
Jennie Mary Tognoli
Electra Tolchinsky
Geraldine Toler
Grace Tomarchio
Esther Tomkiewicz
Maybeth Tompkins
Louis J. Tonelli
Dino E. Tontini
Richard Toomey
Granny Toots
Edna Torosian
Mary V. Torres
Enid L. Torrey
Bennie D. Tortorici
Frank A. Torvi
Louise Marshall Tote
Pauline Toth
Charles N. Tourkantonis
Evelyn Townshend
Jean Traceffa
Lillian A. Tracy
Raymond L. Tracy
Wilfred Tracy
Sarah W. Tradd
Viola R. Trafficante
Eugene F. Trainor
Philip Trapasso
Florence Lillian Trebour
Ernest J. Trefry
Stanislaw A. Trela
Lillian Tremblay
Pauline B. Tremblay
Mary E. Trepanier
Concetta F. Trigilio
Anne T. Tripp
Josephine Trombetta
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Gina Tropeano
Joseph Trotzky
Rita O. Troy
Estelle Kirman Trubow
Julia Tsotsis
Derwood Tubbs
Dorothy A. Tucker
Nancy B. Tucker
Jean A. Tudryn*
Murray Tullin
Sarah Tully
Mary K. Turick
Eva C. Turnbull
Carole Turner
Ernest Alfred Turner
Eunice Turner
Florence A. Turner
Joseph Turner
Marian Ione Turner
Zelma Turner*
Robert J. Tuttle
Margaret Mary Twomey
Gertrude M. Tyburski
Harriet Udoff*
Sylvia “Sherry” J. Udoff
Frances K. Ullrich
Vito Umbro
Theresa “Teddy”
Treva Charlotte Ungaro
Frank A. Unietis
Jeanette Urdang
Salvatore Urso
Sylvia Utell
Capt. Vadym V. Utgoff, USN Retired
Lucille Vaillancourt
Jonas Vakarietis
Victor F. Valente
Ruth Valentine
Lucille Vallancourt
Agnes J. Valliere
Pat Van Denplas
Mitchell Van Der Aa
Lewis Van Dusen
Robert K. Van Gasken
Jeanette Van Horn
Beatrice Van Winkle
Doris E. Vanaria
Evelyn C. VanderMeer
Margaret Vanderwal
Lewis A. VanDusen
Rita Vannelli
Elsie Varonko
Emmanuel Vasiliadis
Sofia Vasiliadis
Matina Vassilakos Page
Claire Vatcher
Mary Vaudo
Edward Veiera
Tony Velez
Joseph L. Vendetti*
Fred Verell
Edward Verhaven
Mabel Jeannette Verity
Dorothy “Dot” M.
Jeanne T. Vescey
Jeanne Irene Vetere
Harold Henry Viehman
Edward Vieira
Kathryn Viens
Michael Vient
Edward L. Vieweg
Alma V. Vigneault
Carl Vik
Louis Villa
Theresa M. Vitale
Bill Vitkosky’s Mother
George W. Vlachos
Vasiliki “Bess”
Lawrence Vogel
Florence Vogl
Rosette Volk
John Volpe
Julio T. Volpe
Elizabeth Von Den Benken
Janice Wade
Peter Wade
Aldo Wagnani*
Carolyn Wagner
Grete Wagner
Dorothy G. Waite
Pauline Wajer*
Helen L. Walfield
Helen W. Walker
Helen Wylie Hammond Walker
Robert E. Walker
Julia Wallace
Mary Wallace
Corinne Wallet
Mary “Maureen” E. Walling
Albert P. Walsak
Jean M. Walsh
Joan Huntley Walsh*
Betty Walton
Martha Elisabeth Wampler
Dr. Robert Lanier
Marion Porter
Ann Marie Ward
Donald T. Ward
Neil Ward
William Ward
Stanley Warden
Edward C. Ware
Richard H. Warner
Josephine Warren
Robert Warren, Jr.
Bessie Wartow
Angela Waselewsky
Ervin C. Waskiel
Fred Waterman
Shirley Waterman
Stewart R. Watkins
Jean A. Watson
Myrtle M. Watson
Dorothy Weaver
Herbert Webber
Louis E. Webby
Mary L. Webby
Frank Weber
Mary E. Wedgwood
Lillian Weekes
Bernice Wegman
Robert Weiner
Morton E. Weinstein
Arthur “Whitey”
Weinstock, Jr.
Mary Weir
Blanche Weisberg
Helen Weisel
Charles H. Weisker*
A. Chester Weislik
Helen Welch
Gertrude Welcome
Gerald Wellish
Josephine Brunson Wells
Capt. Leonard Welton
Edith C. Wemyss
Agnes Wentland
John Wessely, Sr.
Rev. Paul J. West
Carol Westcott*
Estella Anne Westcott Eichelberger
Catherine Westenberg
Charlotte J. Whalen
Rock Wheeler
Virginia “Ginger” Wheeler
Anne P. Whelan
Lynn F. Whitaker
Mildred Whitaker
Charlotte White
Dorothy V. White
Earl Raymond White
Gloria White
Jeanette White
Maureen White
Olive “Ollie” White
Ralph White
Roxy White
Floyd A. Whitehall
Margaret Whitenett*
Florence Whiting
Irene Whitman
Kathy Whitney’s Father
Joan M. Whittaker
Leonard F. Wickens
Olive Wicks
Lucille E. Widden
Shirley R. Widerman
Carolyn Louise Wiertelak
Beatrice Wiggin
George E. Wiggins*
John Wigmanich
Rosalie Wigon
Robert E. Wilde
Nancy Dawn Wilder
Tracy F. Wilfried
George Wilkes*
Margaret E. Wilkinson*
Ward Kraemer Wilkinson
Charles F. Willett
Casey William
Arlene Williams
Bette Williams
Etta “Jeanne” Williams
Frances “McQuade” Williams
Jean Williams
Linda Williams
Ruth Williams
Earle Williamson
Briggs N. Willoughby
Helen Wills
Dorothy Wilson*
Edgar B. Wilson
James Wilson
John Wilson
Margaret “Ellie” Wilson
Reuben Wilson*
Robert R. Wilson
Stanley J. Wilusz
Grace Ann Winchester
Rose Winer Levin
Lillian Winkler
Lucille Winston
Audrey Wintman
Evelyn Wischhusen
Joseph Wisniewski
Guy Wolf
Muriel Hebert Wolf
John W. Wolff
Rose Wolfson
Muriel Wolgin
Stella Wolochowicz
Dong P. Wong
Fay Woo
Eva Wood
Kenneth W. Wood
Mary E. Wood
Richard P. Wood
Patrick Woodford
Virginia L. Woodgate
Kathleen Woodruff
Winnie F. Woodson
Bud Wooldridge
Arthur Woolf
Thomas F. Wormuth
David G. Wright
Dorothy R. Wright
Harold Wright
Rosemary Wright
Charles H. Wyers
Ruth Orrill Wyman
Helen Yabmler
Jerome D. Yaguda
Cathy Yahres*
Bertha Yanoff
David Yee
Caroline Yetman
Milton Yoffee
Ronald Yokely
Audrey Young
Eileen Young*
Joan F. Young
Grace Yuan
Sam Yue
John M. Yuscavage
Leon J. Zaccaro
Leon Zachery, Jr.
Stasia Zades
Elva Baldelli Zaffini
Anna R. Zagame
Gertrude Zaiger
Nancy H. Zamarro
Lillian Grace Zapora
Edwin A. Zawacki
Edmund Zawada
Carolyn E. Zdonik
Margery Zeck
Mildred Midge
Edward P. Zima
Gloria Zink
Joseph S. Zofrea
Sophia Zoulias
John Zsar
Richard Zurmuhlen
Andrew Zusi
Mary Zwanicka
Community Events
We are extremely grateful for all those who organize
events in support of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Listed below are our top community event organizers.
Robert McNeil and Family
8th Annual McNeil Memorial Golf Tournament
Christine Earle and Family
Ms. Tillie's 7th Annual Halloween Costume Party
Liberty Alzheimer's Partnership
Elliot Steger Concert
McGrail Family
McGrail Saint Patrick's Day Fundraiser
Linda LaBier
5th Annual Forget Me Not Road Race
that we are the medicine.
It’s our job
to understand what Kathy needs.
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
profile Doug and Kathy Hammond
Laconia, New Hampshire
“There is nothing good about this disease.
We had a wonderful relationship—it has not
made us closer. But we do the best we can,
every day.”
At 67, Doug Hammond has the presence
and calm assurance that carried him
through Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and
a successful career that spanned several
corporations, including serving as aviation
advisor to Ray Kroc, founder of McDonalds.
He is sitting on the swing next to the love of
his life, Kathy. They met in high school in
Ohio, dated in college and married soon after.
At 65, dark-haired, dark-eyed Kathy has the
petite frame of the dancer she once was.
Even the journey to the backyard swing had
its challenges. Kathy navigated the small
back patio but as she stepped onto the lawn,
she began protesting “no-no-no.” Her legs
went slack and she began to sink towards
the ground. Without missing a beat, Doug
reached with his arms and lifted her, cradling her against his chest, carrying her.
“She’ll be fine once she gets there,” he said.
And she was. That is both the sadness and
magic of their relationship.
“She became anxious at mealtimes without
father … became agitated and would ask
'where’s your Dad?.'” As the scene played out
every night, Doug realized that the truth did
not help. Explaining that her husband had
died met with an ‘ok’ and then the repeated
question. Eventually, he found that the
simple answer that Dad is working late was
all it took for her to relax and eat her meal.
“I realized that I had to live in her moment
and the emotion of what was going on in
her head,” Doug said.
When the first physician announced that
Kathy had Alzheimer’s, Doug wasn’t ready
to hear the news.
“It was different from a lot of people
because we were already living it with
my mother.”
Six months later, he brought Kathy to
Massachusetts General Hospital—resulting
in the same diagnosis and reaction on their
part. Finally, at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Kathy has younger onset Alzheimer’s. About
ten years ago, Doug began noticing troubling
signs. For many others, the earliest signs
might have passed unnoticed but Doug
had experienced Alzheimer’s already. His
mother, now 97, has later stage Alzheimer’s.
Until her condition deteriorated, Doug and
Kathy cared for her at their home.
When his mother moved east from Ohio
following her husband’s death, Doug sought
to create a safe and positive environment.
He had an addition built which mirrored
rooms from his mother’s home—kitchen,
bedroom and bath. He had done his research
and knew that environment was important.
The lesson he eventually learned was
even more important: live in the moment
with the person.
Kathy Hammond’s care giver team includes husband
Doug, two trained care professionals and family dog Lily
neurology department, Doug and Kathy
accepted that her symptoms were the
early stages of younger onset Alzheimer’s.
Altogether, two years passed from the
first doctor’s visit until their acceptance
of the diagnosis.
At the time, they were living in Bolton,
Massachusetts and vacationing in Laconia.
They decided to sell their house and move
to the smaller footprint of their vacation
condo. They also found a nearby nursing
home for his mother who had moved into a
more advanced stage of the disease.
As Doug told the history, he and Kathy sat
close, companionable. Occasionally, she
made eye contact. Their Maltese dog Lily,
who Doug describes as part of the care team,
scampered around the lawn that edged
into Lake Winnipesaukee. A split-rail fence
separated off a playground where children
enjoyed the sunshine. While he talked, an
old steam engine punctuated the conversation as it ran along a narrow train track
along the rim of the mountain lake. There
was a deceptive calm to their lives.
the Worcester YMCA. She had always been
a dancer. In fact as a high school junior she
had marched in the Macy’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade as a baton twirler with the
school’s national champion Blackhawks.
When she gave up choreography because of
the progression of the disease, she focused
on running. Since she was such a good
runner, better than Doug, he went online
and found a running partner for her with
a Cambridge-based running program. For
almost three years, Kathy could run safely
with her partner. He also purchased a
second home in Arizona so that she could
continue running year-round in warm
weather. It worked for two years, but then
the stress of moving between two homes
became too great for Kathy.
He has hired two care givers each of whom
works a five-hour shift, and then he takes
over for the evening. Why five? He did
research that showed that care givers begin
to fatigue when they work for longer shifts—
and are less effective. For the past three
years, they have cared for Kathy around the
clock. His own bed is a mattress on the floor
next to Kathy’s bed.
Their lives have narrowed. Of their two
children, Lindsay and John, the relationship “We believe that we are the medicine. It’s our
with their mother has changed. Kathy no
job to understand what Kathy needs.”
longer recognizes Lindsay; she recognizes
John, but not as her son. She has no
Kathy sat peacefully as they rocked in the
understanding of who her granddaughter is. swing, her arms crossed and a hint of a smile
playing sometimes across her face.
Not long after moving to New Hampshire
full-time, they made a visit together to
Understanding has also meant that their
see Doug’s mother. As they left, Doug said,
relationship has shifted. Doug said that he
Kathy looked into the room next to her
sees Kathy as a child for whom he cares. At
times, she would speak unintelligible words;
he would move close and answer back in a
“She said that’s where I’m going;” Doug said,
kind of personal language—not translatable
tears welling up. He never brought her back. to outsiders. As he talked, he easily slipped
In fact, he has made a commitment to care
between their personal language and his
for her at home.
regular conversation without missing a beat,
providing a window into the intimate life of
Doug was quick to admit that he and Kathy
a dedicated care giver.
have been fortunate to have the resources
to follow the path they have chosen. His
“Not every day is going to be a great day. You
efforts to mitigate the impact of the disease
can’t let it carry over. It is tough and sad and
have been exceptional. Kathy had been an
you know it’s not going to get better. You do
aerobics choreographer and instructor at
the best you can every day.”
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Memory Walk Top Participants
12,000 people turned out to raise public awareness and money to support
the programs and research of the Alzheimer’s Association at Memory Walk,
our leading annual fund-raiser. Nearly $1.9 million was raised at 13 walks
across Massachusetts and New Hampshire; hundreds of volunteers
committed their time to make it all happen.
Kathleen Brolly
Suburban Contracting
Sue FitzPatrick
Michelle Brown
Lynn Cooper
Judith FitzPatrick
Michelle Brown
Maribeth Cote
Judith Flynn
Ronnie Brown
Polly Crisman
Stephen Foley
Carolyn Brozen
Donna Cullen
Eric Fontaine
($5,000 and above)
Bob Bettacchi
Kristin Blount
Seymour Frankel
Phyllis Hersch
Dymphna Hurley
Harriet Hyman
Suzanne Lissy
Mary Ann McGrain
Elaine Reisman
Joseph Steinkrauss
Paul Stuka
Edmund Taglieri
Ralph White
John Yahres
Judy Andrade
Gail Callahan
Deborah Callahan
Laura Connors
Carol Constant
Debra Desrosiers
Geraldine Dussault
John Fantini
Deborah Fins
Lauren Franco
Mark Galante
Suzette Goguen
Catherine Holland
Jean Jones
Nancy Nichols &
Michael O’Connor
Robert Monaghan
Alex Moschella
Patricia Mullen
Johnny Niland
Betsy Pinheiro
Patricia Pope
Kurt Steinkrauss
Ellie Sullivan
James Tepper
Cheryl Treacy
Ann Webster
Linda Abularach
Paula Almgren
Claudia Amore
Sheri Anderson
Harriett Baldwin
Elizabeth Ballas
Donna Barber
Doug Barnshaw
Jocelyn Bartlett
Nancy Bates
Mary Baum
Jonh Bawcum
Michaela Bell
Loretta Belsky
Scott Bennett
Patience Berkman
Audrey Berkman
Toby Berkman
Hilda Berlinguette
Linda Bernier
Charles Bernstein
Lindsay Brennan
Jillian Bruning
Steven Bucchianeri
Gail Buccini
Bernard Buraczenski
Jeany Burke
Richard Byron
Roseann Camilo
Renee Campo
Carissa Caramanis O’Brien
Andrew Cardillo
Margaret Carlan
Amy Carmusin
Rebecca Carrington
Lucy Champion
Mary-Ellen Chanley
Janice Chumsae
Maritza Ciliberto
Caroline Cima
Judith Citron
Debra Citron
Gretchen Cole
Lisa Curran
Marion Daly
Ann de Villafane
Cheryl Demers
Susan Dieterle
Susan Dinoia
Rebecca Donato
Amy Dow
Joyce Doyle
Gail Driscoll
Susan Duty
Kate Dzierzgowski
Audrey Egan
Amy Engelhart
Sheila Estes
Edy Estrela
Susan Etscovitz
Nicole Fabiano
Margaret Farrey
Jeralyn Fernandes
Eda Feyler
Mary Fischer
Joanne Fortunato
Julie Fuhrer
Mary Ellen Furtado
Michael Gagne
Jennifer Gaspar
Kim Gaughan
Irene Gauvin
Kori Giaquinto
Barbara Gold
Fran Goldstein
Peter Goodwin
Shirley Gordon
Valerie Gramolini
Michael Grillo
Bruce Grindell
Jodi Grosberg
Arlene Grosberg
Nancy Gulino
Kathleen Halperin
Julie Hamilton
Tracey Hamlin Landry
Linda Harcovitz
Memory Walk 09, the walk to end Alzheimer’s, was our largest public awareness
and fundraising event, with a record 12,000 turning out. Among those attending
the greater Boston Walk were Governor Deval Patrick and First Lady Diane Patrick,
who attended with their own family team organized by their daughter Katherine.
The First Lady addressed the walkers, telling about her own experience with her
mother’s Alzheimer’s. With the first family, is Jim Wessler, President /CEOof our
Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter.
Photo by Art Campbell
Thousands of volunteers assist in hundreds of ways to help pursue the vision of a
world without Alzheimer’s. From volunteering at walks, runs and rides, to answering
24/7 Helpline calls, to presenting educational programs, providing admin and IT
assistance, organizing unique fundraisers and so many other ways—volunteers are
the lifeblood of the Alzheimer’s Association, MA/NH Chapter. Thank you all.
Photo by Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell
Elite Feet Continued
Louisa Harless
Tim Harney
Jay Harney
Ann Harrington
Heidi, Rick, Alex and
Ben Harris
Susan Healy
Kathryn Hedgepeth
Royster Hedgepeth
Robert Heffernan
Shannon Herbert
Leslie Hergert
Ralph Hergert
Kathleen Herman
Karen Higginbotham
Steve Hollis
Ann Holzgraf
Eric Hornfeldt
Mari Ingram
Emily Irving
Angela Jefferson
Joan Johnson
Ronald Johnston
Irene Kaplan
Karen Kelleher
Sully’s Kids (Colleen, Chris ,
Cathy, John)
Deborah Kissida
Maegan Koelker
Sierra Koral
Julianne Kordana
Leigh Krastin
Amy Kyle
Sarah LaPointe
Patrick Lavoie
Suzanne Leblanc
Carol Lee
Lisa Leighton
Sylvia Les
Kathy Lindberg
Christine Linehan
Ted Lombardi
Kathleen MacNeil
Mary Magnell
Diane Marcou
Terri Martell
Anne Martin
Nancy Mascovitz
Roberta and David McCall
Elizabeth McCarthy
Kay McCarthy
Nancy McDonagh Wetzonis
Frank McKenna
Scott McMullen
Linea McQuay
Jo-Ann Melchert
Ann Merlin
Michelle Merrill
Chrysa Meyers
Jennifer Michaels
Barbara Milensky
Tippy Missick
Donna Monteiro
David Morrill
Melissa Muccioli
Geraldine Muldoon
Rachel Murphy
Louise Murphy
Christine Murtagh
Michelle Newsky
Jim Niland
John Niland
John Nye
Maryellen O’Dea
Dianne Olson
Bernie O’Neill
Rebecca Osborne
Brenda Osborne
Fiona O’Shaughnessy
Mary & Richard Pacella
Kathleen Paige
Faith Parker
Phyllis Pearl-Baxter
Elisabeth Peterson
Felicia Pharr
Jessica Picard
Anna Pier
Maggy Pietropaolo
Jennifer Piniarski
Patty Pomerleau
Betsy Powers
Rosalie Pratt
Elizabeth Prins
Amy Purnell
Barbara Raineri
Isabel Raskin
Judith Rauchwarger
Barbara Reimers
Toni Riddle
Richard Roche
Lisa Romano
David Ross
Susan Rowlett
Colleen Saengvanich
Brenda Sansone
Robert Santulli
Daniel Schimp
Erich Schutz
Shawn Scola
claudine shaby
Sandy Shapiro
Lisa Shepherd
Jilleen Sherman
Jennifer Silverman
Katrina Simon
Manny Slaughter
Eric Small
Phyllis Smith
Susanne Smith-Meyer
Jane Soderquist
Michael Spiridigliozzi
Russell Stamm
Lorna Stone
Mary Anne Stout
Suzanne Taylor
Woodstock Terrace
Robert Thomson
Jessica Tipping
Jillian Tocci
Bob Tosca
Laurie Travers
Tommy Tremonte
Jessica Vieira-Dagher
Chris Wasel
James Wessler
John Whelan
Mary Whitman
Rita Windyka
Jeanne Wojner
Chrissy Wojner
Susan Wood
Allison Woods
Cathryn Wright
Liane Zeitz
Charles Zoeller
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
Memory Ride
The Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory Ride was established in 1997
by the Noonan family to raise funds for Alzheimer’s research. In 2009, more
than 230 dedicated riders biked through the rolling hills of Massachusetts
and New Hampshire, raising more than $325,000 for research. We are
grateful to the riders, corporate sponsors, and volunteers who worked
together to make the 2009 Memory Ride a success. Listed below are the
top fundraising riders and teams.
Participant Level
Team Level
Ten-Gear Team
($5,000.00 - $9,999.00)
Andrew Dunberg
John Noonan
Newton Thompson
($2,500.00 - $4,999.00)
Jonathan Baker
Patty and Peter Barbato
Paul Bihuniak
Jeremy Brittain
James Byrne
Andrew Gurney
Robert Hargraves
Stephen Hawley
Richard Hiersteiner
Wade Kirshy
Paul Kussell
Rob Lavallee
Matthew MacDonald
Joe Masci
James Wessler
($10,000.00 + )
Barbato Construction
Team Fish
($5,000.00 - $9,999.00)
Jersey Boys
Soxology / Social Boston Sports
Tandem Solutions
Team Charlie
Team Cooper
Team Rosemary
Team Thompson
Wessler’s Wheels
Memory Ride for Alzheimer’s Research attracts
hundreds of cyclists dedicated to raising money
for research into causes, treatments and an
eventual cure for Alzhemier’s. The ride loops
through the heartland of central Massachusetts
and southern New Hampshire with options for
beginning and experienced riders.
Photo by Art Campbell
Run for the Memory
The Alzheimer’s Association MA/NH Chapter’s Run for the Memory
program began in 2002, when a group of runners approached the Alzheimer’s
Association with a multi-target goal of completing the Boston Marathon,
promoting awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, and raising funds in support of
programs and services. Over the past nine years, the program has grown from
this single marathon endeavor to a year-round fundraising athletic program
raising more than $1,300,000. Congratulations to the more than 250 runners
who participated in the Run for the Memory program in FY10.
($ 10,000+)
Michael Bonfanti
Leslie Garrett
Barry Greene
Mike McGrail
Edmund Taglieri
($5,000 - $9,999)
Jon Ashner
Jennifer Beale
Louise Corliss
Jessica Dunn
Judith Flynn
Peter Jarvis
Maureen Lamie
Jane Lizotte
Jocelyn Marion
Sylvie McQuade-Ritschard
Brenna Newfell
Matthew O'Connor
Kate Roughan
Shannon Seitz
John Yahres
Road Racers
($2,500 - $4,999)
Laura Benanchietti
Edward Cederholm
Rachael Colacino
Clifford Cooper
Vincent Devoe
Anne Donohue-Rolfe
Eileen Dryden
Dale Eckert
Dale Granger-Eckert
Brent Forester
Jamie Frederick
Jason Kramer
Cody Langeness
Erika Mullen
Kelly Mullen
Michael O’Connor
Patricia Reske
Patricia Verrier
Dale Granger-Eckert is a veteran member of our
Run for the Memory program. Dale runs with her
husband, also named Dale, in the Boston Marathon
as well as the Reach the Beach Adventure Relay
in New Hampshire. Run for the Memory team
members not only challenge themselves to raise
money for the cause, they literally put themselves
on the road to make a difference.
Photo by Kelsea Cardoza
2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
of Directors
John Yahres, Chair
Joe McCafferty, Vice Chair
Mary Card, Clerk
Paul Stuka, Treasurer and Chair, Finance and
Ken Anding
Bob Bettacchi
Deborah Blacker, MD, ScD, Chair, Med/Sci
Advisory Committee
A.J. Burnett
Anne Cayer
Tom Croswell
Stephen Foley, Chair, Audit Committee
Brent Forester, MD
Mark Galante
Karen Gold
Jo Ann Jordan, RN
Suzanne Lissy
Arlene Lowney, RN, MBA
Alex Moschella, Esq.
Olivia Okereke, MD
Kurt Purnell, Chair, Public Policy Committee
Ron Quigley
Kathy Simon
Donald Sostek, Chair, Program Committee
Ralph White
The Alzheimer’s Association is fortunate to have
a dedicated cadre of volunteer leaders. Board
member Kathy Simon and Leadership Council
member Suzanne Siino, who give much of their time
to the Association, are shown at our 2010 Night at
the Pops event “Red, Hot, and 30.” More than 400
Association supporters, including former Channel
5 reporter Gail Huff, gathered at Symphony Hall in
May to celebrate the Association’s 30th anniversary
and listen to the delightful sounds of Cole Porter.
Nari Noun Photography
Lillian Glickman, PhD,
Paul Attea, JD
Betty Avruch
Frank Avruch
Karen Buscemi
Jeff Carney
Frank Crocetti
Christine Creelman
Beth Fentin
Vincent Fermano
Martha Fields
Janine Fondon
Jim Garrett
Fred Goldstein, JD
Barry Greene
Gloria White
Hammond, MD
Richard Hiersteiner
Joan Hyde, PhD
Harriet Smookler
Diane Isenberg
Joan Johnson
Pam Kunkemueller
Paul Kussell
Mary Ann Marino
Rev. Thomas Mayers
Jan McCafferty
Maureen McCaffrey
Susan McDonough
Chris Meyer
Paul Nazzaro
Valerie Nolen
Bernice Osborne
Faith Parker
Alan Popp
Elizabeth Pozen
Elaine Reisman
Clare Richer
Kate Salmon-Robinson
Toby Roover
Judy Sabol
Suzanne Siino
Nina M. Silverstein, PhD
Erik Skar
David Thomson
Michael Williams
Alzheimer's Association
MA/NH Chapter Staff
James Wessler, President & CEO
Betsy Fitzgerald-Campbell, Vice President, Communications & Public Affairs
Gerald Flaherty, Vice President, Medical & Scientific Programs
Heidi Ganss Harris, Vice President, Development
Kathryn Hedgepeth, Vice President, Educational Programs and Regional Offices
Elizabeth Prins, Vice President, Finance & Administration
Paul Raia, PhD, Vice President, Clinical Services
William Reiter, Director of Education
Susan Antkowiak, Manager, New Hampshire Office
Fabiola Alvarez, Manager, Medical & Community Outreach
Kesstan Blandin, Upper Valley Program Coordinator, New Hampshire Offiice
Laura Bombrun, Development Associate
Maureen Bosco, Database Manager
Lindsay Brennan, LSW, Manager, Helpline Services
Christine Brown, Coordinator, Community Relations, Central MA Regional Office
Carol Carpenter, Development Officer, Foundation Relations
Jennifer Carter, Manager, Advocacy & Community Relations
Annie Clattenburg, Coordinator, Administrative Services, Western MA Regional Office
Eliana Clinton, Program Coordinator, Western MA Regional Office
Kathi Coston, Care Consultant
Wendy Deng, Accountant
Sandra DeOliveira, Accounting Associate
Carolyn Whipple Fraser, Development Officer
Michelle Gonzalez, Development Officer, Special Events
Debra Katt-Lloyd, Manager, Northeastern MA / Merrimack Valley Regional Office
Michael Kincade, Manager, Safety Services & Community Programs
Dick Mark, Manager, Advocacy & Community Relations, New Hampshire Office
Theresa Mattson, Receptionist
Pam McCormack, Manager, Southeastern MA / Cape Cod & the Islands Regional Office
Nicole McGurin, Manager, Early Stage Program
Marcia McKenzie, Manager, Western MA Regional Office
Julie McMurray, Manager, Central MA Regional Office
Nancy Nichols, Manager, Medical & Research Education
Rakesh Patel, IT Manager
Meredith Pierce, Education and Administrative Associate
Ronda Randazzo, MSW, Care Consultant
Kate Robinson, Office Manager
Jeanette Rosa Brady, Manager, Support Groups
Susan Rowlett, LICSW, Manager, Care Consultation Program
Cynthia Rybczyk, Development Officer, New Hampshire Office
Kevin Scarborough, Manager, Web and Public Relations
Nancy Schiavone, Development Officer
Ella Schwotzer, Administrative Coordinator, NH Office
Ginny Sinkoski, Coordinator, Community Programs, Western MA Regional Office; (retired October 2010)
Nancy Vineberg, Development Officer
Colleen Warren, Development Coordinator
Sheila Watnick, Associate Director, Development / Special Events Manager
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2010 Alzheimer's Association Annual Report
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311 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA 02472
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Raynham, MA • Springfield, MA • Worcester, MA
Bedford, NH • Lebanon, NH