Academic Bowl MOI 2015 - Charlotte


Academic Bowl MOI 2015 - Charlotte
7 January 2015
SUBJECT: CMS JROTC Academic Bowl 2015
1. The CMS JROTC Academic Bowl will be conducted at Military & Global Leadership Academy (MGLA) @
Marie G. Davis on Thursday, 12 February 2015, beginning at 1330 hours.
DATE: 12 February 2015
TIME: 1330 hrs. - Caucus for Service Instructors/Team Captains
1345 hrs. - Competition Start
1645 hrs. - Awards Ceremony
LOCATION: Lower Campus Multi-Purpose room and four designated MGLA classrooms
REGISTRATION/ENTRY FEE: payable to CMS JROTC Council 16 JAN 2015
UNIFORM: JROTC Class B uniform or School Logo Polo shirt (Standardized Team Uniform)
Each Round’s match will consist of questions from the following four (4) common core curriculum
categories: Mathematics, Science, History and English. Additionally, Current Events questions will be
randomly placed throughout all categories. Current Events questions will be focused at the
international/national level from the last six (6) months.
Questions come from the SAT, ACT and EOC exams. All questions are in compliance with the Common
Core Curriculum.
One (1) team per school. Team composition will be five (5) players consisting of a cadet from each
academic year grade level and the fifth member from any academic grade level. Only the five competing
team members for a Round may be in the competitive area. Alternates will only replace their grade year
level team mate or the 5th random member of any grade year.
Each team will have a CPS remote to signal the team answer after the group has collaborated and made a
decision. No group member will be singled out to answer a question during the CPS phases. It is a
“TEAM” effort.
Cadets will be permitted to use calculators, paper and pencils.
Each CPS Round will take approximately 45-minutes, 20-minutes per MATCH (including written test)
with a 5-minute break/set-up between Rounds.
In Round 1, Match 1, ALL individual competitors will be administered a 20 question written test consisting
of questions in the same categories as those in the Classroom Performance System (CPS) Rounds. This test
will be administered in separate MGLA classrooms by academic year grade levels.
In Round 1, Match 2, all teams will move to the Multi-Purpose Room and compete as groups. Teams will
be administered a 20 question CPS test.
The test scores from the two Round 1 Matches will be totaled to determine the top ten teams to continue to
the second round.
In Rounds 2 and 3, each Match will have two (2) sessions of twenty (20) questions. After Round 2, the top
5 teams with the highest cumulative scores will progress to the Round 3 (final competition Round).
Round 1, Match 1 maximum score value for each team will be 600 points (20 questions X 5 cadets X 6
“weighted” value).
Round 1, Match 2 and successive CPS Round matches’ maximum score values for each team will be 600
CPS questions are weighted from 10 to 50 points in the same Jeopardy format used in CPS.
Scores will be cumulatively totaled as teams move forward in the competition.
If two or more teams tie for tenth (10th) or fifth (5th) during the first two Matches, all will advance to the
next Match.
If there is any overall school ties based on cumulative scores after the Championship Round the tie breaker
will be the team that scored highest in Round 3. If still tied, the highest score in Round 1 will be used to
determine the winner.
Any scoring concerns will be resolved by the CMS JROTC Director.
MGLA – Setup multi-purpose room for conduct of the competition.
Provide 4 classrooms for conduct of written test
Provide SCANTRON and access to backup for scoring of written test
Vance HS – Provide one instructor to score written tests
AK, B, EM, G, HH, HGH, NM, P – Provide one instructor each to proctor the written test. Proctors will
report to the 1330 hours Caucus meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room for instructions and classroom
Rotating team trophies will be presented to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place school winners.
Only the top five final teams must remain for the awards presentation ceremony.
Winners of the 2014 competition (South Meck., Hough, Ardrey Kell, Providence, and Mallard
Creek) will bring the rotating trophies to the competition.