Operating Theatre
Operating Theatre
health Department: Health PROVINCE OF KW AZULU-NATAL Enquiries: J.J VUMASE MANG UZI HOSPITAL Private Bag X30 1 KWANGWANASE, 3973 Manguzi Main Road Tei.035 5920 150, Fax 035 5920 144 E-mail: sipho. vumase@kznhealth .gov.za 'NININ.kznhealth.gov.za Dote: 09 JANUARY 2014 VACANCIES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH The content of these circular minutes must be brought to the notice of all eligible officers and employees on your establishment without delay, including those in regional/ District officers. Institution must notify all candidates who qualify for the posts in this circular minute even if they are absent from their normal places of work. DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. The following documents must be submitted:[a] Application for employment form (Z83 form). which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the website www.kznhealth.qov.za [b] Certified copy of highest educational qualifications and ID - (not copies of certified copies) and registration with appropriate council and driver's license. (if applicable) [c] Curriculum Vitae [d] Contactable and verifiable references must be included in the C .V [e] The reference number of the post must be included in the Z83 (f) Foreign health care workers must submit an endorsement letter from the foreign Workforce programme from National DOH. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the applic ants 2. Please note that due to large number of applications expected, applications will not be acknowledge. However, every applicant will be advised of the outcome of his or her application. in due course. [This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representative in all occupational categories in the Department Disabled people are welcome to apply.] CLOSING DATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS: 29 JANUARY 2015 uMnyango Wezempilo . Oepartement van Gesondheid Fighting Disease, Fighting Poverty, Giving Hope POST CENTRE NO. OF POSTS REF: REMUNERATION PACKAGE OTHER BENEFIT 13TH Cheque Me dic al aid (optional) Rural allowanc e Home Owner's Allowance OPERATIONAL MANAGER (PHC) BHEKABANTU CLINIC 01 MAN 18/20 15 Grade 1- R404 700 p.a 12% Employee to meet prescribe d re quirements MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS o Degree /Diploma in nursing Science and Midwifery o Current Registration with SANC as Professional Nurse PLUS o A m inimum of I 0 years appropriate/ recognizable nursing experience after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing, of which at least five(5) years must be appropriate/ recognizable PHC experience after obtaining a one ( 1)year post basic qualification in relevant specialty. o Proof of experience (Certificate o f service). KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED o Report writing skills and time management o Good knowledge of nursing core process and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal framework. o Understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices and how this impacts on services delivery. o Conflict management skills o Basic understanding of H.R and Finance policies and practices. o Leadership and supervisory skills o Good communication, interpersonal relations, counseling, conflict management skills and decision making. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS o Ensure clinical nursing practice by the nursing teom(unit) in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards. o Promote quality nursing core as directed by scope of practice and standards as determined for a Primary Health Facility. o Provide effective management and professional leadership by insuring that the PHC facilities ore organized to provide quality nursing core. o Conduct supervisory visits to all PHC facilities within the sub-district. o Compile and submit rep ort on visits to the PHC ANSM. o Manage and d irect the e fficient use of human resources towards optional utilization. o Maintain client satisfaction with the improved services delivery by upholding th e principles of Bothe Pele and the standards set by the accreditation process. o Evaluate patient core programmes from time to time and make proposals for improvement that is supported by a strong work ethic. o Assist with the management of the transformation process and change within the PHC facili ties to ensure that the objectives of the institutions ore met. o Sign itineraries for CHS vehicles as a supervisory o Compile. analyze and submit statistics and other correspondence timeously to relevant officers. o Manage and control clinic budget. o Ensure proper management of medicine o Maintain accurate patients records and statistics. 29 JANUARY 2015 Tei:035 5920 150 Ext. 138 THE Human Resource Manager Manguzi Hospital Private Bag X 301 KwaNgwanase 3973 POST CENTRE NO. OF POSTS REF: REMUNERATION PACKAGE OTHER BENEFIT 13THCheque Medical aid (optional) Rural allowance Home Owner's Allowance OPERATIONAL MANAGER (PHC) MAPUTA CLINIC 01 MAN 17/2015 Grade 1- R404 700 p.a 12% Employee to meet prescribed requirements MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS o o o o Degree /Diploma in nursing Science and Midwifery Current Registration with SANC as Professional Nurse PLUS A minimum of 10 years appropriate/ recognizable nursing experience after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing, of which at least five(5) years must be appropriate/ recognizable PHC experience after obtaining a one ( 1)year post basic qualification in relevant specialty. Proof of experience (Certificate of service). KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED o o o o o o o Report writing skills and time management Good knowledge of nursing core process and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal framework. Understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices and how this impacts on services delivery. Conflict management skills Basic understanding of H.R and Finance policies and practices. Leadership and supervisory skills Good communication, interpersonal relations, counseling, conflict management skills and decision making. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ensure clinical nursing practice by the nursing team(unit) in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards. Promote quality nursing core as directed by scope of practice and standards as determined for a Primary Health Facility. Provide effective management and professional leadership by insuring that the PHC facilities are organized to provide quality nursing core. Conduct supervisory visits to all PHC facilities within the sub-district. Compile and submit report on visits to the PHC ANSM. Manage and direct the efficient use of human resources towards optional utilization. Maintain client satisfaction with the improved services delivery by upholding the principles of Batho Pele and the standards set by the accreditation process. Evaluate patient core programmes from time to time and make proposals for improvement that is supported by a strong work ethic. Assist with the management of the transformation process and change within the PHC facilities to ensure that the objectives of the institutions ore met. Sign itineraries for CHS vehicles as a supervisory Compile, analyze and submit statistics and other correspondence timeously to relevant officers. Manage and control clinic budget. Ensure proper management of medicine Maintain accurate patients records and statistics. ATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS: 29 JANUARY 2015 J.J Vumose ay be forwarded Tei:035 5920 150 Ext. 138 THE Human Resource Manager Manguzi Hospital Private Bag X 301 KwaNgwanase 3973 POST CENTRE NO. OF POSTS REF: REMUNERATION PACKAGE OTHER BENEFIT 131H Cheque Medical aid (optional) Rural allowance Home Owner's Allowance OPERATIONAL MANAGER NURSING SPECIALITY OPERATING THEATRE 01 MAN 19/2015 Grode 1- R404 700 p .o 12% Employee to meet prescribed requirements MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THE POST • Diploma/Degree in general nursing with operating theatre specialty 1 year • • • • course SANC Certificate as a general nurse and Operating theatre Diploma Certificate Senior Certificate (Grade I 2) Curre nt registration with SANC for 2015 A minimum of 9 years recognizable experience as a Professional Nurse of which 5 years must be the experience after obtaining the Diploma in Operating theatre. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCES • • • • • • • • • Management skills Organizing skills Problem solving skills Prevention and management of Medico-legal hazard Infection Control and Prevention measures Leadership skills Interpersonal skills ,Conflict handling Financial and budgetary knowledge Insight info procedures and policies pertaining the nursing care KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • • • • • • To run theatre and CSSD services. Co-ordination of optimal holistic specialized nursing care within set standard in theatre and CSSD. Manage effectively the utilization and supervision of recourses. Co-ordination of the provision of the effective training and research . Provision of effective support to nursing services. Maintain Professional growth or ethical standards and self-developments. CLOSING DATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS: 29 JANUARY 2015 G.G MASINGA oy be forwarded Tei:035 5920 150 Ext. 185 THE Human Resource Manager Monguzi Hospital Private Bog X 301 KwoNgwonose 3973 POST NO OF POSTS CENTRE REFERENCE REMUNERATION DENTAL ASSISTANT (ASO) 1 MANGUZI HOSPITAL MAN 12/2015 R119 982 per annum plus OTHER BENEFITS 13TH Cheque Medical aid (optional) Home Owner's Allowance Employee to meet prescribed requirements MINIMUM REQUI REMENTS • • Tertiary qualification as a dental assistant Current registration with the HPCSA as a dental assistant KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED • • • • Sound knowledge of dental care - therapeutic and preventative processes and procedures Communication skills Clinical competence- procedure/ dexterity Good interpersonal relationships KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • • • • • • • • • Provide chair-side dental assistance to dentist/dental therapist/oral hygienist Prepare dental surgery to ensure required equipment is functional Guide. orientate and offer translation services to patients Facilitate health education talks to patients Maintain proper infection control measures of dental equipment and instruments Maintain accurate records of patient information Assist with stock control of dental consumables Report malfunctioning equipment to supervisor Utilize resources optimally CLOSING DATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS: 29 JANUARY 2015 Enquiries : Dr J. Oyenmwense ay be forwarded Tel: 035 5920 150 Ext. 110 Fax: 035 5920158 [email protected] .za THE Human Resource Manager Manguzi Hospital Private Bag X 301 KwaN gwanase 3973