BURKHART`S Bank Supply - Burkhart`s
BURKHART`S Bank Supply - Burkhart`s
BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Phone: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Welcome to BURKHART’S Bank Supply Please take a moment to brouse through our NEW 2007 catalog. You will find that we have greatly expanded our offering. In addition to dated items, which we have been publishing for over 30 years (we are the industry leader for Financial Desk Calendars), we now provide thousands of other products that are unique to financial institutions. Be sure to check out our expanded web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Here you will find over 25,000 office/bank supply and promotional items at deeply discounted prices. If you have any questions, just give us a call - at Burkhart’s, you will talk to a real live person. F.Y.I. We are a woman owned company. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you. Remember - Saving you money is what we’re all about! CONTENTS Desk & Wall Calendars, Appointment Books............................................................................................... Employemnt Items...................................................................................................................................... Rubber Stamps........................................................................................................................................... Security Cases............................................................................................................................................. Coin & Currency Handling........................................................................................................................... Seals & Correction Products....................................................................................................................... Tags............................................................................................................................................................. Check Separaters,Check Handling & Document Storage............................................................................. Document Jackets, Vault & Fingerprint Supplies......................................................................................... Bags............................................................................................................................................................ Key Cabinets & Tags.................................................................................................................................... Counter Pens & Perpetual Calendars........................................................................................................... First Aid kits................................................................................................................................................ Signs........................................................................................................................................................... Drive-Up Envelopes, Teller Receipts & Currency Envelopes........................................................................ Forms & Printing......................................................................................................................................... Seating........................................................................................................................................................ MICR Toner................................................................................................................................................. Promotional Products................................................................................................................................. Index........................................................................................................................................................... Order Forms................................................................................................................................................ Ordering is easy - simply choose one of the following: Phone: 1-800-736-0146 (Toll Free) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time Fax: 1-866-523-6194 (Toll Free) 2 6 8 10 14 18 20 21 25 26 36 38 40 42 49 52 54 55 56 58 60 Freight: Unless otherwise indicated, all orders are shipped via UPS, USPS, or Motor Freight (per our best judgement), F.O.B. Tulsa, OK. or other point of shipment. Shipping and handling charges will be prepaid and added to your invoice. Remember to include your street address with your order. On-line: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Methods of Payment: Mail to: (1) Open Account - Net 30 days. If you are an established financial institution, your account with us is already open. Others - just give us a call. (2) Credit Card - Your Visa® or MasterCard® is welcome. Please do not send payment with your order. You will be billed after your order has been shipped. Burkhart’s Bank Supply, P.O. Box 35514, Tulsa, OK 74153-0514 To avoid problems with your order, please use order forms on pages 60-63. (We suggest you photocopy the appropriate form, keeping the original in the catalog for future use). For personalized items, refer to Guidelines for Imprinting on page 64. You will like doing business with Burkhart’s. Satisfied customers are our #1 priority. our ‘ULTIMATE’ Financial Calendar for 2008 counts days forward and backward . . . for up to 30 years each way! Our 11th edition contains ALL of the features found in the BURKHART Day Counter or the HEINZ Time Teller - plus many more: •Daily Appointment Schedule •Pages for Sataurdays & Sundays are included •Previous Month BERU TH OCTO WED •Counts Days Forward (small red numbers) - for a full year. 2008SAT FRI 3G 4 1 HS 2 91 92 89 90 10 11 99 8 9 N S MO 3 4 63 64 6 A 7 H 96 97 98 18 C 2 2008 5 T SA 62 ST I 1 US U 61 13 14 94 95 15 16 17 106 AUGWED THU FR 2 9 5 1 59 60 10 11 12 71 E 1Z ★ 14 104 10 25 N TU 9 S MO 69 70 20 15 12 13 1 102 103 24 28 29 7 8 68 23 10 3 21 220 111 112 11 8 9 S 10 66 H 67 17 18 19 4 77 78 16 19 20 6 7 35 36 9 11 A 5 14 15 J 74 75 76 26 27 16 108 10 29 30 31 F 16 11 3 4C 33 34 73 25 28S 7 118 119 5 J 24 83 84 85 31 32 13 14 15 M 43 26 27 dney) 6 11 22 23 17 alia (Sy to) 115 11 11 12 40 41 42 23 12 21 80 81 82 T - Austr da (Toron 10 A SA 6 - Cana (Paris) FRI 38 39 20 21 22 50 30 THU 09 T 28 29 88 5 CFG -- FraGencrmeanKoy ng(Frankfurt) 48 49 18 19 WED Y 20 I SA 87 UARTH 7 17 45 46 47 28 29 30 TUE ng ) U FR 3 4 US 1 JAN H - Ho an (Tokyo D 57 MON 6 27 C ★ 3J E WE ) Jap N TU SUN 55 56 1★ 2 2 183 25L 26 S MO 08 T 1H 2 12 1 JL --- UKItaly(Lo(Mndilanon) 8 24 52 53 54 1 18 1 ER 20 1 18 B I SA re FR 8 M 10 l) EM po ga (Al 10 7 THU 6 26 S - Sin ited States(Zurich) WED 5 DEC 8 9 9 190 9 5 TUE 7 Un 31 6 N nd 4 S MO 19 2 USZ - Switzerlain 3 or 3 188 18 5 6M 4 155 2008 7 84 5 SAT BER y 1 2 1 152 153 15 13 27 4 185 186 187 15 16 177 17 1148 15 ★ - Homolidare ycountries y VEM U FRI 1 F 22 12 2 14 5 196 19 Frida .... 186 62 3 6 0 15 4 NOTUE WED TH M 1 11 15 13 16 J 13 19 N 15 l Holida 11 12 9 S 109 160 161 24 .... S MO 120 3 194 ditiona n in Front 28 0 13 14 F 11 12 7 8M 25 2226 3 InfAdorm Year .... 192 19 21 22 23 204 atio .... 18 8 23 M 157 158 15 18 19 20 Day of e Section 10 203 9 20 maining 23 24 21 6 7 Referenc 9 7 16 176 167 168 16 29 18 19US 200 201 202 30 31 Days Re E 2008 • S 4 5 4 125 126 12 14 15 27 J 22 19 20 16 199 H 28H 29 JUN • W • T • F 7 2 3J 15 24 164 165 G 25★ 26★ 176 0 211 3 12 20 2117 18 18 31 • T J 24 26★ 27 S7 208 209 21 122 12 12 13 143 134 175 5 6 25 0 23 4 S • M 3 4 17 16 14 30 3 21 22 11★ 1 132 13 173 206 20 29 26 27 12 13 1 2 9 10 22 25 171 172 GJ 0 13 21 10 11 19 129 13 19 20 21 141 27 2248 25 19 20 30 31 0 8 9 28 17 18 28 29 18 8 139 140 09 SAT 9 18 23 26 27 15 16 29 16 17 I IL 20 178 17 7 13 24 25 U FR 20 APR 136 13 26 27US 28 148 D TH 22 23 9 E WE 3 4H 25 5 146 147 N TU J 24 S MO 29 30 1 2 2 273 274 23 09 SAT 4 14 21 27 CH 20 143 14 1 FRI R 27 11H A U M WED TH 9 10★0 281 8 E 6 7 6 39 8 30 N TU 5 MO 7 S 09 9 28 3 4 244 245 24 5 6 18 278 27 RY 20 SAT 14 40 276 277 15 16 17 288 BRUA THU FRI 7 35 1 2 1 242 243 7 FETUE WED 12 132 253 24 287 14 6 6 A ★ 11 28 N 1:00 5 8 10 0 251 25 12 13 S MO 25M 4 285 3 4 5 216 217 21 8 9 283 28 22 23 24 295 J 21 41 249 25 1 2 4 21 21 2 293 294 13 145 36 248 17 18 19 20 31 9 260 20 213 21 11J 12 25 19 29 8 22 1 7 25 42 10 2 223 224 15 16 290 29 29 J 30 256 25 26 27 28 2:00 37 8 9 5 21 22 25 1 7 28 9 300 32 8:00 220 22 18 19 201 232 26 27 24 254 265 266 26 8 29 17 9 230 23 22 23 26 297 29 15 16US 28 38 262 263 8 22 33 227 22 25 26 27 239 31 3:00 29 30 24 6 237 238 0 9:00 20 09 SAT 22 23 269 27 5 23 JULY THU FRI US 34 234 23 12 N TUE WED 3 4 S MO 1 CH 2 3 364 365 T 4:00 2009 I SA NE TH 362 36 10 11 U FR 10:00 JUWE D 9 12 11 E 2 5 6 52 N TU 7 8 9 370 371 37 S MO 3 4 5 336 337 5 6 SAT 2009 ★ 2M 8 36 33 Y 1 17 189 e1 36 4 53 FRI A Pag 7 13 33 00 s: M U 16 36 5: 12 333 ruction D TH 10 12 E WE 11:00 er • Inst 14F 156 377 378 37 1★ 2 H2 48 332 9 10 11G 343 344 N TU Front Cov TES 12 13 37 S MO 2 Inside 24 256 301 30 7 8A 4 375 DUE DA 341 34 19 20 54 e Map 23 37 0 LY Zon 34 e 49 S TH 22 5 38 9 Tim day 339 MON 43 s, Inc. • 17 18 0 351 384 38 7 8 F 309 20 J 21 R from to ay(s) al Supplie 8 15 167 348 349 35 27 55 19 381 382 383 30 31 J 5J 6 lid k & Leg COUNTE 12:00 307 30 16 50 14 RT'S Ban • - Ho BACK an Chart) 3 4 UK # Days 346 34 24 25 26 358 BURKHA 5 306 28 290 391 392 15 6 44 • © 2007 304 30 13 14 26 27 23 5 356 357 endar (Call Lo s back from Mo. 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US 2 •Note Space 08 ER 20 T EMBTHU FRI SA SEPT WED 5 6 TUE 3 E N TU S MO 13 •30 year Daycounter (located in front reference section) counts days forward for up to 30 years. 2008 JULY 4 •Counts Weeks Forward •Holiday Codes for 11 Countries shown on each day •Days Ahead Chart for the next 24 Years on each day (Mon-Sat) ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . ..... •Back Counter Chart for 12 Months for each day (Mon-Sat) .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... •Monthly Due Date Chart for 12 Months .... ..... ..... ..... •Uses the same base (E21-00) as Heinz or Burkhart ... ..... ..... ..... .. '08 m ...... 15 20 is a Mo ’09 6 MAR. te in: fro ...... 186 4 Feb., ’09 244 • 2022 is a Tues. US 7 This da a SAT. US FEB. '08 from ..... 217 4 Mar., ’09 274 • is 2023 is a Thur. US 8 2009 is a SUN. JAN. '08 from ..... 247 4 Apr., ’09 304 2024 is a Fri. US 9 2010 is a Mon. US DEC. '07 from 8 4 May, , ’09 335 • 2025 is a SAT. US V. '07 from ..... 27 8 10 ne 5 2011 is a Wed. US NO Ju 4 2026 is a SUN. ’09 36 m .. 30 9 11 2012 is a Thur. US OCT. '07 4 July, e 37 '07 fro 33 2027 is a Tues. US on pag 2013 is a Fri. US SEPT. '07 from ..... 370 12 YCALC 2028 is a Wed. US RSE DA 2014 is a SAT. US AUG. '07 from .... r REVE 2029 is a Thur. US LY er to ou 2015 is a Mon. US JU US ref 30 . rs, 20 is a Fri 2 30 yea 2016 is a Tues. US 31 a SUN. vious US 20 pre 17 d. the 20 is a We is during AY 2032 2 dates 2018 is a Thur. US en any - FRID 2019 is a SAT. US s betwe 2008 of day mber 2020 the nu ULY, ermine To det 47 24 6 32 325 32 31 10 To YEAR AY our 30 - FRID 008 LY, 2 4 JU plus - here’s an added bonus 3 S M 2008 T W T F JANUARY S S M T W T APRIL F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 4J ES L PAG ACTUA -1/2” FEBRUARY MAY MARCH JUNE 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 11 19 12 20 13 21 14 22 15 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 24 17 25 18 26 19 27 20 28 21 29 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 23 24 25 26 27 28 ”X7 E 4-1/2 IZ CED ION REDU STRAT As Low As 99 ea. $ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 BURKHART’S Bank & Legal Supplies, Inc. publishers of Financial Desk Calendars since 1975 we include a FREE wallet calendar (2” x 3½”) with each ULTIMATE’ refill! www.burkhartsbankandlegal.com ILLU ILLUSTRATION REDUCED A 37 page reference section in the front of each ‘ULTIMATE’ refill includes these exclusive features: •a Worldwide HOLIDAY MFG. LIST for 76 countries for 2008 & 2009. (Includes current EU members + candidates •DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMES for 46 countries for 2008 & 2009. •a 200 YEAR CALENDAR (1900 - 2100). •currencies (including the eURO), capital cities, weekends and banking hours for 76 countries. •a 10 YEAR BANK HOLIDAY CHART for US, UK, Australia, Japan and New Zealand. •a GLOBAL TIME ZONE MAP (color coded for countries using Daylight Saving Times) for quick reference of times worldwide. •a 30 YEAR DAY COUNT CHART (2009-2038) - allows you to determine the number of days forward for up to 30 years. •a REVERSE DAYCALC CHART - counts the number of days between any 2 dates during the previous 30 years. 2008 ULTIMATE REFILLS Cat. No. Mfg. List UFC-08 $34.89 1-9 $15.99 10-19 $14.99 Your Price each 20-39 40-99 $13.99 $12.99 100-199 $11.99 200+ $10.99 All desk or wall calendars may be combined for quantity pricing on each item. We pay the shipping on orders of 20 or more assorted dated items (to any single location in the 48 continental United States). ULTIMATE’s are absolutely the most complete financial calendars available - and they cost far less than the Burkhart or Heinz! Why pay more? We will gladly drop ship to your branch locations - call us for details. BURKHART’S Bank Supply 2 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice (All calendars on pages 2-5 may be combined for quantity pricing) T w FRI SAT 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 CAN CAN 6 7 2 3 4 3 US 1 5 6 7 8 HOLIDAYS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 JUNE M SUN MON TUE WED THU T F S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 US Federal Canadian US CA US & Canadian NOTE: Only US Holidays are shown on the 12 months below. SEE PAGE 2 FOR OTHER IMPORTANT US & CANADIAN DATES. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 US CAN BURKHART'S DAY COUNTER® 4 LAST MONTH S 8:00 JULY 2008 FRIDAY Desk Calendars - 2008 1:00 8:30 1:30 9:00 2:00 9:30 2:30 10:00 3:00 10:30 3:30 11:00 4:00 11:30 4:30 12:00 5:00 12:30 5:30 As Low As $ 49 ea. 186th day of year - 180 remain AUGUST 1 Mon TuE wED THu SAT 1 4 5 31 6 32 1 29 8 34 Mon 2 28 7 33 SEPTEMBER 2 FrI US 9 35 8 36 66 TuE 2 wED THu 3 68 69 70 71 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 39 40 41 42 43 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 SAT Mon TuE wED THu FrI SAT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 56 57 Mon TuE NOVEMBER 4 wED THu 73 89 7 8 FEBRUARY 2009 7 FrI 2 3 SAT 4 90 91 92 97 98 99 9 10 11 94 95 US 102 103 104 105 106 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 108 109 110 111 112 113 TuE wED THu FrI SAT 2 3 4 5 6 7 TuE wED THu 1 FrI SAT 2 3 301 wED THu FrI SAT 5 6 7 Mon TuE 6 wED THu FrI SAT 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 7 20 21 22 23 24 25 290 291 292 293 294 295 297 298 299 300 30 31 27 28 29 30 JUNE 2009 11 wED THu Mon TuE 2 1 2 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 FrI SAT 5 6 301 302 332 333 334 335 336 337 304 305 306 307 308 309 339 340 341 342 343 344 Mon TuE wED THu FrI SAT 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 362 363 US 365 120 150 151 152 153 154 155 US 122 123 124 125 126 127 157 158 159 160 161 162 185 186 187 188 189 190 192 193 194 195 196 197 311 312 313 314 315 316 200 201 202 203 204 318 319 320 321 322 323 353 354 355 356 357 358 381 382 383 384 385 386 206 207 208 209 210 211 US 326 327S 328 329 330 360 361 388 389 390 391 392 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 131 132 133 134 164 165 166 167 168 169 136 137 138 139 140 141 171 172 173 US 175 176 143 144 145 US 147 148 178 179 180 129 US 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 6 182 183 US 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 US 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 1 2 3 4 DUE DAYS MO. AUG 4, 2008 31 SEPT 4, 2008 62 OCT. 4, 2008 92 ★ NOV. 4, 2008 123 5 6 7 8 DUE DAYS DEC. 4, 2008 153 JAN. 5, 2009 185 FEB. 4, 2009 215 MAR. 4, 2009 244 7 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 346 347 348 349 350 351 374 375 376 377 378 379 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 7 367 368 369 370 371 372 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 28 29 30 31 BACK COUNTER (Call Loan Chart) . . . Counts Days Back From Today MO. DUE FACTOR FOR DAYS FACTOR FOR JUNE 2008 - 34 MAY. 2008 - 65 APR. 2008 - 95 MAR. 2008 - 126 9 APR. 4, 2009 274 ★ 10 MAY. 4,2009 304 11 JUNE 4, 2009 335 12 JULY 4, 2009 365 ★★ JULY 4, 2008 - FRIDAY 6 18 19 20 21 22 23 MONTHLY DUE DATES From Today MO. 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 Two pages for each weekday, left page features half-hour appointment schedule 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Black ink. Use bae E17-00. Page size: 3-1/2” x 6”. JULY 2009 12 SAT 1 (★ and/or ★★ - See Page 1) 1 America’s most popular desk calendar 13 14 15 16 17 18 283 284 285 286 287 288 23 24 25 26 27 28 262 263 264 265 266 267 269 270 FrI E717-50 Desk Calendar 271 272 273 274 276 277 278 279 280 281 16 17 18 19 20 21 MAY 2009 TuE THu 4 255 256 257 258 259 260 US 228 229 230 231 232 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mon wED 3 248 249 250 251 252 253 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 JANUARY 2009 Mon TuE 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 14 220 221 222 223 224 225 234 235 236 237 238 239 APRIL 2009 9 Mon 241 242 243 244 245 246 213 214 215 216 217 218 27 28 29 30 31 6 MARCH 2009 8 Mon 115 116 117 118 119 DECEMBER 5 FrI 6 9 10 11 12 13 67 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 38 wED THu 1 64 18 19 20 21 22 23 45 TuE 6 63 11 12 13 14 15 16 52 Mon SAT 5 62 OCTOBER 3 FrI 4 61 60 FACTOR FOR FEB. 2008 - 155 JAN.2008 - 186 DEC. 2007 - 217 NOV. 2007 - 247 OCT. 2007 - 278 SEPT. 2007- 308 AUG. 2007 - 339 JULY 2007 - 370 FRIDAY- JULY 4, 2008 (Instructions: See Page 1) As Low As $ 99 ea. 16 Burkhart’s Day Counters Cat. No. E717-50 E017-50 E717R-50 Description 1-Color 2-Color, Full Weekends 1-Color, Recycled Paper Your Price Each Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ $ 5.09 $1.69 $1.59 $1.49 10.19 6.69 6.19 5.59 6.39 4.19 3.89 3.59 Counts days forward for 12 months along with 30 day dates and 12 monthly due dates. Also has Back-Counter chart, U.S. Federal and Canadian holidays. Page size: 4-1/2” x 7-3/8”. Cat. No. E712-50 Your Price each in lots of 10-19 20-39 40-99 $19.99 $18.99 $17.99 Compare At 1-9 $43.29 $21.99 100+ $16.99 As Low As $ 99 ea. 7 E210-50 4 2 9 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 2 SEPTEMBER 1 2 7 34 8 9 35 36 40 41 42 43 18 19 20 21 22 23 46 47 48 49 50 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 74 75 76 77 81 82 83 84 8 2 3 73 80 29 30 55 56 57 ��� 1 5 6 78 22 23 24 25 26 27 5 54 4 9 10 11 12 13 25 26 27 28 29 30 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 3 ��� • 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 NOVEMBER 53 87 129 • 12 13 14 15 131 132 133 134 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 164 165 166 167 168 169 22 23 24 178 179 180 7 147 148 FEBRUARY ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 2 3 4 5 29 30 31 • 26 27 175 176 '09 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 • 8 ��������������������������� ������������������������� DuE 9 10 185 186 187 188 189 190 12 13 14 15 16 17 192 193 194 195 196 197 • CALL LOAN TABLE 30 Day Periods '09 ��� 2 3 82 182 183 20 21 22 23 24 JUL AUG SEP *120 days NOV 1 OCT 150 days DEC 1 NOV 180 days DEC 31 DEC 31 days AUG 4 60 days SEP 2 90 days OCT 2 200 201 202 203 204 '07 from '07 from '07 from '07 from '07 from '07 from 370 JAN 339 FEB 308 MAR 278 APR 247 MAY 217 JUN '08 from '08 from '08 from '08 from '08 from '08 from 186 155 126 95 65 34 Monthly Loans 31 days AUG 62 days SEP 4 4 92 days OCT 4 123 days NOV 5 153 days DEC 6 185 days JAN 4 *3 5 ��� 6 7 9 APRIL '09 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 1 2 8 9 10 11 3 4 10 MAY '09 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 1 2 11 JUNE '09 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 1 2 3 4 ��� 5 6 12 4 5 '09 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 3 • 1 2 8 9 10 11 362 363 364 241 242 243 244 245 246 301 302 332 333 334 335 336 337 248 249 250 251 252 253 276 277 278 279 280 281 304 305 306 307 308 309 339 340 341 342 343 344 367 368 369 370 371 372 228 229 230 231 232 255 256 257 258 259 260 283 284 285 286 287 288 311 312 313 314 315 316 346 347 348 349 350 351 374 375 376 377 378 379 262 263 264 265 266 267 290 291 292 293 294 295 318 319 320 321 322 323 353 354 355 356 357 358 381 382 383 384 385 386 269 270 271 297 298 299 300 360 361 388 389 390 391 392 9 10 11 12 13 14 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 6 7 271 272 273 274 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 • 26 27 28 29 30 326 327 328 329 330 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 6 7 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 Compact size daily desk refill, flip-over horizontal format. Unruled, two pages per weekday. Page size: 3” x 3¼”. Use base E19-00 15 Heinz Time Tellers Counts days forward for 12 months along with 30 day dates and 6 monthly due dates. Also has back-Counter chart and U.S. Federal holidays. Page size: 4-1/2” x 7-3/8”. Compare At 1-9 $39.89 $20.99 Your Price each in lots of 10-19 20-39 40-99 $18.99 $17.99 $16.99 Cat. No. E919-50 Compare At $10.69 Your Price Each 1-11 12-35 36+ $6.99 $6.49 $5.89 As Low As $ 99 ea. 7 E458-50 Black plastic Cat. No. E17-00 E19-00 E21-00 E58-00 Description 1-Color 100+ $15.99 Desk Calendar Bases 5 E919-50 As Low As $ 99 ea. Cat. No. H212-50 As Low As $ 89 ea. 13 14 15 16 17 18 FRIDAY, JULY 4, 2008 FRIDAY, JULY 4, 2008 Your Price Each 1-11 12-35 36+ $9.49 $8.69 $7.99 4 JULY 220 221 222 223 224 225 • 17 18 19 20 21 Compare At $14.49 *SATurDAy - ADD 2 DAyS For PAyMEnT on MonDAy 26 27 28 29 30 31 213 214 215 216 217 218 23 24 25 26 27 28 Description 1-Color DuE MoS. 1 2 Cat. No. E210-50 206 207 208 209 210 211 MARCH '09 ��� 6 7 102 103 104 105 106 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 JANUARY 1 143 144 145 • 3 4 9 10 11 108 109 110 111 112 113 8 171 172 173 28 29 • 2 115 116 117 118 119 136 137 138 139 140 141 24 25 26 92 98 99 8 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 157 158 159 160 161 162 10 7 8 91 97 1 85 122 123 124 125 126 127 6 90 96 7 95 14 15 16 17 18 ��� 88 150 151 152 153 154 155 5 ��� 89 6 94 OCTOBER ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� DECEMBER ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 120 3 4 8 1 10 29 39 5 7 17 ��� 45 6 24 28 52 3 10 11 12 5 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 38 9 4 23 AUGUST ` 6 2 8 27 28 29 30 31 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� 33 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 186 32 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 180 4 5 7 �����® TIME TELLER 6 DAyS AHEAD 31 • Sun Mon TuE wED THu FrI SAT DAy nuMBEr 1 MEMORANDA JULY, 2008 Fri. King size daily desk refill, ruled, quarter-hourly appointments, 7:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m., two pages per weekday, page size: 4½” x 8”. Use base E21-00 Fits Refills Compare At 1-11 E717-50 & other 17 Style Refills $16.49 $10.79 E919-50 14.39 9.39 Ultimate, Burkhart, Heinz, E210-50 20.39 13.29 E458-50 19.19 12.49 Your Price Each 12-35 36+ $10.39 $9.89 8.99 8.69 12.79 12.29 11.99 11.59 One weekday per page, ruled, half-hourly appointment rules. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., full year calendar reference. Page size: 5” x 8”. Use base E58-00 Cat. No. E458-50 Description 1-Color Compare At $14.49 Your Price Each 1-11 12-35 36+ $9.39 $8.69 $7.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 3 Desk & Wall Calendars, Appointment Books - 2008 DAILY APPOINTMENT BOOKS G100-00 Day-Minder Appointment Book DayMinder Daily Appointment Book, one weekday per page, 1/4 hour appointments 7:00 a.m.-7:45 p.m., page size 4-7/8” x 8”, black cover, non-refillable. As Low As $ 99 ea. Cat. No. G100-00 Page Size 4-7/8” x 8’ 2 SK 24-00 Monthly Desk Pads One month per page layout with ruled daily blocks and a full year calendar reference, black headband and vinyl corners. Page size: 22” x 17”, non-refillable. Cat. No. SK24-00 Description Monthly Desk Pad, 17” x 22” G202-00 DayMinder Appointment Book Your Price Each Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ $8.69 $3.59 $3.39 $2.99 Compact size, one weekday per page, 1/2 hour appointments, black cover, non-refillable. K4 (Large) Cat. No. G202-00 Page Size 4” x 6” As Low As 79 ea. 10 K1 & K4 ‘Today Is’ Wall Calendars Black rigid vinyl backboards with eyelets. One page per weekday with extra large numbers. K1 page size: 6” x 6”, K4 page size: 8½” x 8”. Cat. No. K1-50 K4-50 Your Price Each Description Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ Refill Only (Medium) $19.49 $11.69 $11.29 $10.79 Refill Only (Large) 41.69 24.99 23.99 22.99 K1-00 K4-00 Complete Unit (Medium) Complete Unit (Large) 30.09 48.29 17.99 28.99 17.39 27.79 Cat. No. 70-800-05 Page Size 4-7/8” x 8” Your Price Each Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ $19.39 $13.59 $13.09 $12.59 We offer the full line of At-A-Glance dated products at deeply discounted prices. For discount prices on items not found here, or on over 25,000 additional office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 16.59 26.59 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 4 Your Price Each 1-11 12-35 36+ $9.49 $9.19 $8.79 Perforated corners for easy reference, one weekday per page, 1/4 hour appointments 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., black cover, non-refillable. $ Compare At $14.59 70-800-05 Daily Appointment Book K1 (Medium) Your Price Each Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ $18.79 $12.29 $11.79 $11.29 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice (All calendars on pages 2-5 may be combined for quantity pricing) Appointment Books & Planners WEEKLY APPOINTMENT BOOKS MONTHLY PLANNERS G400-00/G547-00 DayMinder Monthly Planner Unruled daily blocks, 12 months (Jan-Dec). Page size: 6-7/8” x 8-1/4”, black cover. G547-00 includes memo section, special 16 page information section, removable telephone/address section (use refill #G547-50). G200-00/G210-00 DayMinder Weekly Appointment Book DayMinder Weekly Appointment Book, Hourly appointments 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Black cover, non-refillable. G210-00 includes tabbed telephone/address section. Page Size: 4-7/8” x 8’ Your Price Each Cat. No. Description Compare At1-1112-35 36+ G200-00 Without Phone & Address Section $13.99 $ 9.79 $ 8.79 $ 8.39 G210-00 With Phone & Address SectioZn 16.79 10.99 10.49 10.09 Your Price Each Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ G547-00 With Phone & Address Section $43.19 $27.09 $26.99 $25.99 G547-50 Phone & Address Refill Only 21.49 13.99 13.49 12.89 G400-00 Without Phone & Address Section, Non-Refillable 15.19 9.89 9.49 9.19 70-260-05 Monthly Planner One year monthly planner, unruled daily blocks, black simulated leather cover, non-refillable. 70-865-05 Weekly Appointment Book Hourly appointments 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., full Saturday & Sunday, 13 months: Jan-Jan, no telephone/address section, black cover, non-refillable. Cat. No. 70-865-05 Page Size Compare At 1-11 6-7/8” x 8-3/4” $19.09 $13.39 Your Price Each 12-35 36+ $12.89 $12.49 70-950-05 Weekly Professional Appointment Book 1/4 hour appointments 7:00 a.m. - 9:45 p.m. black cover, non-refillable. Cat. No. 70-950-05 Your Price Each Page Size Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ 8-1/4” x 10-7/8” $21.49 $14.99 $14.59 $13.99 Cat. No. 70-260-05 Your Price Each Page Size Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ 9” x 11” $16.89 $11.89 $11.39 $10.99 WEEKLY/MONTHLYPLANNERS 70-650-05 Weekly/Monthly Planner Weekly: Hourly appointments 8:00-5:00. Monthly: One month per two-page spread. Expense section. Non-refillable, black cover. Cat. No. 70-650-05 Your Price Each Page Size Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ 6-7/8” x 8-3/4” $24.19 $16.99 $16.39 $15.79 G545-00 DayMinder Executive Weekly/ Monthly Planner G520-00 Weekly Professional Appointment Book 1/4 hour appointments 7:00 a.m. - 9:45 p.m. Black cover, non-refillable. Cat. No. G520-00 Your Price Each Page Size Compare At 1-11 12-35 36+ 8-1/2” x 11” $21.09 $13.79 $13.19 $12.69 Weekly: ruled daily sections (no appointment hours). Monthly: month on one page, notes section on one page. 16 page information section, separate telephone/address section, black cover, page size: 6-7/8” x 8-3/4”, (use refill #G545-50). Cat. No. G545-00 G545-50 Page Size Compare At 1-11 Complete with Refill $46.99 $30.59 Refill Only 22.69 14.79 Your Price Each 12-35 36+ $29.39 $28.19 14.19 13.69 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 5 Employment Forms Burkhart’s Employee Attendance RecordS Here is a proven system we have provided for 29 years. Check it out! These unique forms provide a simple, inexpensive method of tracking employee absenteeism (and tardiness), along with an explanation code and space for comments. This important information should be maintained each year for all of your employees. Printed on 8½” x 11” heavy 24# bond, 2-sides. Use one sheet for each employee and place in a standard 3-ring binder. We will send you a reminder when it’s time to order forms for the next year. Accurate attendance information helps solve future problems! FRONT BACK 2008 EMPLOYEE ATTENDANCE RECORD Jones, Mary Employee name ______________________________________________________________ (May also be used as a vacation schedule) A - Personal (excused) G - Lack of transportation N - Tardy B - Personal (un-excused) H - unknown (did not report) O - Family Care Leave C - Doctor or dentist J - Jury duty or court appearance P - ___________________________________________ D - no work available K - Illness or accident Q - ___________________________________________ E - Death in family L - Illness or accident (employee at work) R - ___________________________________________ F - Vacation M - Illness or accident (family) S - ___________________________________________ (Use code above to mark calendar below) Paid holidays affect all employees. No absentee notation is needed. JANUARY 2008 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 20 21 27 28 Fri FEBRUARY 2008 MARCH 2008 4 Sat 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 21 22 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 G K 17 F 23 24 30 Sun APRIL 2008 Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Sun Mon MAY 2008 Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 18 F 25 19 F 26 20 F 27 Fri F Sat 1 31 JUNE 2008 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 Sun Mon Sun Mon Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun 20 C JULY 2008 Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 AUGUST 2008 Tue Wed Thu H SEPTEMBER 2008 Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 Fri 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 Sat 1 Sun 31 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 Fri NOVEMBER 2008 3 Sat 4 Sun 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 K Half day absence may be shown 10 with a diagonal line - such as: 17 C 11 18 Mon Tue Wed Thu _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ A - Personal (excused), B - Personal (un-excused), C - Doctor or Dentist, D - No Work Available, E - Death in Family, F - Vacation, G - Lack of Transportation, H- Unknown, J - Jury Duty, K - Illness or Accident, L - Accident at Work, M - Family Illness or Accident, N - Tardy, O - Family Care Leave DATE(S) Jan. 18 Mar 3 Mar 17-21 Apr 14 June 27 Oct 15 Nov 3 Dec 22 REASON FOR ABSENCE Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 K 30 Indicates Federal Holiday INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK CODE No Transporation Ill - Flu Vacation Doctor Unknown Ill - Flu Personal Ill - Flu G K F C H K A K DAYS EXCUSED DAYS UNEXCUSED 1 1 5 1/2 1 1 1 1 9-1/2 2 Note any communication concerning attendance (verbal or written) between employee & employer (initial): June 30 I visited with Mary Ann - her car would not start. I advised her that this was the 2nd time this year she had car problems and that she needed to arrange for more reliable transportation. I also told her to be sure to call us in the future or we would have to find somebody else. SAR DECEMBER 2008 Fri 10 A Jones, Mary Accounting 584-5997 Employee home phone number _____________________________________________ Clerk Position ________________________________________________________________________ Employee Name Department TOTAL Sat 6 13 OCTOBER 2008 2008 EMPLOYEE ATTENDANCE RECORD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Work the sheets (one for each employee) in a standard three ring binder. 2. Record the absence on calendar (reverse side) using absence codes. 3. Immediately post in space below - so you will have an annual summary. 4. At the year end, transfer sheets to permanent employee file and set-up new sheets for the coming year. TOTALS FOR YEAR CODE G K F C H A CARRIED FROM AVAILABLE PREVIOUS YR. THIS YEAR 3 6 5 0 1 USED THIS YEAR 1 3 5 1/2 1 1 UNUSED 6 0 0 Order forms for 2008 from: burkhart’s bank & legal Supplies, inc. P.O. Box 35514 • Tulsa, OK 74153 Ph: 1-800-736-0146 • Fax 1-866-523-6194 (Toll Free) Copyrighted© 2007 by Burkhart’s Bank & Legal Supplies, Inc. Illustration reduced. Actual form size is 8½” x 11” Cat. No. AR-08 plus, you will receive a Mfg. List .60 FREE 2008 Vacation Schedule with every order of Attendance Records (or each multiple of 50 forms) Sold separately for $4.95 (Cat. No. VS-08) • 7 sheets (14 pages), punched to fit a standard 3 ring binder (one page per month plus covers) • First page has room for 60 names • Simply flip the narrow monthly pages (you don’t have to re-list names each month) 25-49 .49 Your Price each in lots of 50-99 100-249 250-499 .44 .39 .34 Consider ordering a COMPLETE STARTER BINDER • 3-Ring Binder (Black) • 25 A-Z Divider Tabs • 25 Attendance Records for 2008 • Vacation Schedule for 2008 Cat. No. CSB-08 (a $24.84 value) ................... BURKHART’S Bank Supply 6 500+ .29 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com $19.99 Prices subject to change without notice Labor Law Posters Federal & State Labor Law Posters Federal poster will be revised to comply with new Minimum Wage Law before shipment Only 99 combo 54 / $ Current posters are required by law. Every employer must post both Federal and State labor law posters. Failure to comply may result in fines up to $7,000.00. These 24” x 36” posters are attractively printed in red, blue and black and laminated for long-lasting durability. Perfect for posting at time clocks, breakrooms and job sites. Federal & State Poster Combo Cat. No. State 83802-800 Alaska 83803-800 Arizona 83804-800 Arkansas 83805-800 California 83806-800 Colorado 83807-800 Connecticut 83808-800 Delaware Don’t wait!! 83809-800 Florida Place your order now. 83810-800 Georgia We will ship as soon 83811-800 Hawaii as new 2007 posters 83812-800 Idaho are available. 83813-800 Illinois 83814-800 Indiana 83815-800 Iowa 83816-800 Kansas 83817-800 Kentucky 83818-800 Louisiana 83819-800 Maine 83820-800 Maryland 83821-800 Massachusetts 83822-800 Michigan 83823-800 Minnesota 83824-800 Mississippi 83825-800 Missouri 83826-800 Montana 83827-800 Nebraska 83828-800 Nevada 83829-800 New Hampshire 83830-800 New Jersey 83831-800 New Mexico 83832-800 New York 83833-800 North Carolina 83834-800 North Dakota 83835-800 Ohio 83836-800 Oklahoma 83837-800 Oregon 83838-800 Pennsylvania 83839-800 Rhode Island 83840-800 South Carolina 83841-800 South Dakota 83842-800 Tennessee 83843-800 Texas 83844-800 Utah 83845-800 Vermont 83846-800 Virginia 83847-800 Washington 83848-800 Washington DC 83849-800 West Virginia 83850-800 Wisconsin 83851-800 Wyoming Compare At $69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 Your Price $54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 54.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 7 Rubber Stamps - laser engraved - fast 1-day service #4916 (type 24C, ctr.) Trodat Custom ’Self-Inking’ Stamps RETURN Our best sellers. Durable Trodat® Self-Inking Stamps provide thouTO SENDER sands of impressions without re-inking. Sharp laser engraved dies. Built in pad automatically inks the stamp after each impression. #4911 (type 23C, flush left) Easily re-inked with multi-purpose ink on page 9. Labeled on top for easy identification. Choose typestyle & indicate ink color on YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 123 ANY STREET order form, page 63. YOUR TOWN, ST 12345-6789 ... Trodat ‘Self-Inking’ Die Plate Date Stamps Ideal for teller daters. Professional Line - durable steel frame, encased in plastic. Minimum 10 years on date bands. Built in pad automatically inks the stamp after each impression. Thousands of impressions without re-inking. Easily re-inked with multi-purpose ink on fage 9. Sharp laser engraved dies. 1 color standard: black ink. 2 color standard: blue copy/red date. Choose typestyle & indicate ink color on order form, page 63. #4912 (type 23C/23R, centered) YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 123 Any Street Your Town, ST 12345-6789 1-800-123-4567 #4913 (type 23C, centered) #4940 We supply Notary Public, Corporate & Engineer Stamps & Embossing Seals for all 50 states. PAY TO THE ORDER OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Copy Area FOR DEPOSIT ONLY for HOUSE OF FABRICS Item# 4913 ACCT. #1234-5678-1234 #5415-2 (type 23C) #5430 / #5430-2 (type 24R,23R, ctr.) #4927 (type 23C, centered) Your Financial Institution PAY TO THE ORDER OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION FOR DEPOSIT ONLY HEALTH CARE, INC. TOM JONES, M.D. BILL CLINTON, M.D. GEORGE W. BUSH, M.D. GEORGE WASHINGTON, M.D. ACCT. #1234-5678-1234 DEC 14 2010 Paid $______________ By ________________ #5440 / #5440-2 (type 24R,23C, centered) Your Financial Institution #4915 (type 23C, centered) your Town, STATE PAY TO THE ORDER OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION YOUR TOWN, STATE FOR DEPOSIT ONLY HOUSE OF FABRICS ACCT. #1234-5678-1234 DEC 14 2010 Teller #3 #4926 (type 24R, 24C, centered)) #5460 / #5460-2 (bottom row type 26R, centered) R Please Return to: FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST 123 Any Street Your Town, St 12345-6789 1-800-123-4567 Self-Inking Stamps Your Price per Stamp Cat. No. Copy Area Sug. No. Lines 1-3 4-7 8+ 4910 3/8” x 1’ 2 $11.99 $9.99 $ 7.99 4911 9/16” x 1-1/2” 3 12.99 10.99 8.99 4912 3/4” x 1-7/8” 4 15.99 13.99 11.99 4913 7/8” x 2-3/8” 5 17.99 15.99 13.99 4915 1” x 2-3/4” 5 21.99 19.99 17.99 4916* 3/8” x 2-3/4” 1-2 22.99 20.99 18.99 4926 1-1/2” x 3” 5 23.99 21.99 19.99 4927* 1-1/2” x 2-3/8” 5 22.99 20.99 18.99 4940 1-5/8” Diameter (Notaries, etc.) 21.99 19.99 17.99 *Not Illustrated Quantity prices are for identical stamps DEC 14 2010 D Your Financial Institution Self-Inking Date Stamps 1-Color 2-Color Cat. No. Cat. No. 5430 5430-2 5440 5440-2 5460 5460-2 5480* 5480-2 n/a 5415-2 *Not Illustrated BURKHART’S Bank Supply 8 ECEIVE Copy Area 1” x 1-5/8” 1-1/8” x 2” 1-1/4” x 2-1/4” 2” x 2-3/4” 1-3/4” Diameter Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price per Stamp 1-Color 2-Colors $27.99 $34.99 34.99 40.99 39.99 45.99 49.99 59.99 n/a 49.99 Prices subject to change without notice . . . we’ve been making them for over 30 years! #RM-04 (type 24C, centered) Custom ‘Pre-Inked’ Stamps No ink pad required - ink is actually ‘in the rubber’. Laser engraved, pre-inked dies provide up to 50,000 impressions before re-inking. Your choice of black, blue, red or green ink. Labeled for easy identification. Choose typestyle & indicate ink color on order form, page 63. TERMINATE SUBSCRIPTION Rubber Stamps Traditional Rubber Stamps This is the most economical solution for your stamp requirements. Available in 4 sizes. Use with ink pads below. Choose typestyle on order form, page 63. #RM-02 (type 23C, 23R, centered) YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 123 Any Street Your Town, ST 12345-6789 YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 123 Any Street Your Town, ST 12345-6789 1-800-123-4567 #RS5 (type 23C, 24C, centered) CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED PAY TO THE ORDER OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION FOR DEPOSIT ONLY YOUR ACCOUNT NAME ACCT. #1234-5678-1234 #RS6 (type 21C, 23C, centered) ACCOUNT PAST DUE A 1.5% (18% APR) SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE CHARGED MONTHLY TO YOUR OVERDUE ACCOUNT. #RM-10 (type 23C centered) PAY TO THE ORDER OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION FOR DEPOSIT ONLY HOUSE OF FABRICS ACCT. #1234-5678-1234 RM-06 (type 23R flush left) CRA RM-2 (Inspection Stamps, etc.) PLEASE REMIT PROMPTLY! Traditional Rubber Stamps Cat. No. RS3 RS4 RS5 RS6 Your Financial Institution 129 Main Street Your Town, ST 1234-6789 Your Price per Stamp Copy Area 1-3 4-7 8+ 1/2” x 1-3/8” $ 7.99 $ 6.99 $ 5.99 5/8” x 1-3/4” 9.99 8.99 7.99 3/4” x 2-1/8” 11.99 10.99 9.99 7/8” x 2-5/8” 13.99 12.99 11.99 Quantity prices are for identical stamps Stamp Pads RM-18 (type 24R, 22C, centered) Re-inkable felt stamp pads give twice as as many impressions between re-inkings, provide accurate reproduction of even fine detail, and are the most durable of all stamp pads. Nontoxic inks. Your Account is Seriously PAST DUE Please Remit Immediately Pre-Inked Stamps Cat. No. Copy Area RM-02 1/2” x 2” RM-04 5/8” x 1-5/8” RM-06 5/8” x 2-1/2” ” RM-O8* 5/8” x 3-1/2” RM-10 7/8” x 2-1/4” RM-18* 1-1/4” x 3-1/8” RM-22 1-5/8” x 2” RM-26* 1-5/8” x 4” RM-30* 2” x 4” RM-34* 3” x 4” RM-2 7/8” diameter RM-45 1-5/8” diameter *Not Illustrated Your Financial Institution 123 Any Street Your Town, ST 12345-6789 #RS4 (type 23C, 23R, centered) #RM-22 (type 24C centered) #RM-45 #RS3 (type 23R, centered) Your Price per Stamp 1-3 4-7 8+ $15.99 13.99 11.99 16.99 14.99 12.99 19.99 17.99 15.99 29.99 27.99 25.99 21.99 19.99 17.99 39.99 37.99 35.99 29.99 27.99 25.99 39.99 37.99 35.99 49.99 47.99 45.99 59.99 57.99 55.99 16.99 14.99 12.99 29.99 27.99 25.99 Quantity prices are for identical stamps Cat. No. AVE 21-061 AVE 21-071 AVE 21-081 Size 2-3/4 X 4-1/4” 2-3/4 X 4-1/4” 2-3/4 X 4-1/4” Color Blue Red Black AVE 21-072 AVE 21-082 3-1/4 X 6-1/4” 3-1/4 X 6-1/4” Red Black Compare At $3.62 3.62 3.62 5.15 5.15 Your Price $2.89 2.89 2.89 4.19 4.19 Multi-Purpose Stamp Ink Squeeze bottles provide a clean, easy way to re-ink stamp pads, self-inking stamps or pre-inked stamps. Unbreakable 2 oz. bottles. Cat. No. SI-2OZ-BK SI-2OZ-RD SI-2OZ-BL Size 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. Color Black Red Blue Compare At $4.95 4.95 4.95 Your Price $3.99 3.99 3.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 9 Security Cases echelon Elite Steel Security Case - Key Lock Superior design stores currency and valuable items securely. Bonus removable executive portfolio for ultimate item organization. Removable deluxe cash tray with six coin, four currency and one extra compartment. Removable bill weights. Divider in bottom storage compartment to separate items. Soft ergonomic handle on lid pulls up for transport. Secure key lock with two keys included. Size: 14-3/4”W x 11-3/4”D x 4-1/4”H. Shpg. wt. 7.6 lbs. Color: Silver. Patents pending. Cat. No. 217-7020-92 Lock Option Key lock Compare At $68.75 Your Price $61.89 echelon Premier Steel Security Case Contemporary design engineered for safe storage of currency and valuable items. Removable standard cash tray with five coin and one currency compartment. Divider in bottom storage compartment to separate items. Extra storage under lid with flexible bungee cord.Soft ergonomic handle on lid pulls up for transport. Available in two locking options :Key lock with two keys included or acustomizable combination lock. Size: 11-5/8”W x 8-1/2”Dx 4-1/8”H. Color: Silver. Cat. No. 217-7012-92 217-7008-92 Description Key Lock Combination Lock Compare At $48.45 48.45 Your Price $43.69 43.69 Heavy-Duty Security Box Precision-engineered from heavy-gauge steel. Standard units equipped with positive action, slide-bolt disc-tumbler security lock (keyed differently) and two keys. Optional plastic cash tray available. Dual control locks available at an additional charge. Size: 11-1/8”W x 4-3/8”H x 7-1/2”D. Cat. No. 227-1080-03 227-1300-04 Description Heavy-Duty Security Box Cash Tray Cat. No. 217-7004-92 217-7000-92 Description Key Lock Combination Lock Compare At $37.50 37.50 Your Price $33.79 33.79 Drawer Safe Cat. No. 227-10700-04 227-10700-03 227-10700-1M Color Black Sand Gray Compare At $22.55 22.55 22.55 Your Price $18.09 18.09 18.09 Fire Retardant Security Boxes Protect important documents, paperwork and other valuables from fire damage with this insulated security box. Constructed of durable steel and engineered with double-insulated walls to protect contents from fire damage. Complete with standard key lock for added security (includes two keys). Now available in Black. Size: 12-3/4”W x 4”H x 8-1/4”D . Cat. No. 221-6140-BP04 221-6140-03 Color Black Sand BURKHART’S Bank Supply 10 Your Price $40.19 8.49 Use as a cash box or to safely store and protect jewelry and other valuables. Fastens to bottom of drawer for added security (screws included). Removable four compartment plastic cash tray. Features heavy-gauge steel and high-security key lock with two keys. Now available in Black. Size: 7”W x 2-1/4”H x 6-7/8”D. echelon Slim Steel Security Case Slim design offers safe storage of currency and valuable items. Ideal for transport and storage.Removable standard cash tray with five coin and one currency compartment. Storage under lid with flexible bungee cord to secure items . Retractable handle easily pulls out for use. Available in two locking options: Key lock with two keys included or a customizable combination lock. Color: Silver. Size: 11-5/8”W x 8-1/2”D x 2-3/8”H. Compare At $47.20 10.00 Compare At $26.50 26.50 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price $22.59 22.59 Prices subject to change without notice Cash Boxes Lock Down Security Box Unique design eliminates unauthorized removal of security box from drawer, table top, delivery truck or home .Heavy-gauge steel security box comes with seven compartment tray for cash and valuables. Fastens to 16-gauge steel lock-down plate with dead-bolt lock. Includes two keys. Same key opens box, and locks and unlocks to plate. Size:11-1/8”W x 5”H x 7-1/2”D. Color: Sand. U.S.Patent No.5,870,910. 1 2 3 Compact Locking Cash Drawer This cash drawer is the perfect size for a compact space. Includes removabletray with four bill compartments with spring-loaded bill weights and adjustable coin compartments. Dividers can be adjusted to create five to six coin compartments. Room to store coin rolls behind tray and checks beneath tray with convenient check slot in front of drawer. Features disc tumbler lock for unattended security. Touch button drawer release. Durable steel design with scratch-proof rubber feet. Overall size: 13”W x 16”D x 3-7/8”H. Inside drawer dimensions: 11-1/2”W x 9-1/2”D x 2-1/16”H. Cat. No. 225-1046-04 Description Lock-Down Security Box Additional Plate Compare At $83.20 9.45 Your Price $62.39 6.99 Jumbo Steel Security Chest Chest has same features as Fire-Retardant Security Box above;however,larger size allows file folders and 9” x 12” envelopes to lay flat in bottom.Chest includes a lock with two keys and two carrying handles for convenience. Size: 12-2/3”W x 4”H x 10-19/20”D. Cat. No. 221-6151-03 Color Sand Compare At $31.80 Your Price $26.79 Plastic Coin Cup Insert Converts currency pocket to three-compartment loose change tray. Size: 6-11/16”W x 2-7/8”D x 2-3/4”H. Cat. No. Color Mfg. List 1-11 225-1068-04 Black $5.60 $4.99 Compare At $196.00 Your Price $166.59 Cash Drawer with Dead Bolt Lock Three Easy Steps to Lock Down Security Box 1. Lock-down plate is secured with four screws or bolts 2. Security box slides on lock-down plate 3. Key locks box directly to plate Cat. No. 221-1085-03 221-1086-03 Color Black Your Price 12-23 24+ $4.19 $3.99 Cash Drawers feature recessed drawer pulls with disc tumbler locks. Master keyed locks available at additional cost. Full extension and full capacity drawers glide friction-free on ball bearing steel rollers. Smooth, heavy-gauge steel shell with double side wall construction. Optional Cash Drawer Components can be rearranged to meet changing cash needs. Most components equipped with space-saving, drop-lift handles for easier handling. Mounting Options: For Countertop or Shelf Use. Convenient drill template supplied with Cash Drawers provides simple, precise positioning of drawer shell to countertop. Wood screws included. For Under Counter Use. Supplied with angle mounting brackets affixed to drawer shell and necessary mounting screws. Recommended as standard equipment on cash drawers. Key action required to both open and close drawers. Overall size: 19”D x 18-3/8”W x 67/8”H. Inside drawer dimensions: 15-3/8”D x 15-5/8”W x 4-3/8”H. Shpg. wt. 28 lbs. Cat. No. 225-1010-01 225-1010-03 225-1010-03 Color Gray Sand Black Compare At $187.70 187.70 187.70 Your Price $169.99 169.99 169.99 Cash Drawer with Spring Bolt Lock Cash Drawers feature recessed drawer pulls with disc tumbler locks. Master keyed locks available at additional cost. Full extension and full capacity drawers glide friction-free on ball bearing steel rollers. Smooth, heavy-gauge steel shell with double side wall construction. Optional Cash Drawer Components can be rearranged to meet changing cash needs. Most components equipped with space-saving, drop-lift handles for easier handling. Mounting Options: For Countertop or Shelf Use. Convenient drill template supplied with Cash Drawers provides simple, precise positioning of drawer shell to countertop. Wood screws included. For Under Counter Use. Supplied with angle mounting brackets affixed to drawer shell and necessary mounting screws. Recommended as standard equipment on cash drawers. Key action required to both open and close drawers. Overall size: 19”D x 18-3/8”W x 6-7/8”H. Inside drawer dimensions: 15-3/8”D x 15-5/8”W x 4-3/8”H. Shpg. wt. 28 lbs. Cat. No. 225-1012-01 225-1012-03 225-1012-04 Color Gray Sand Black Compare At $187.70 187.70 187.70 Your Price $169.99 169.99 169.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 11 Cash Drawers & Trays Duralite Replacement Cash Trays Model 1060 Touch-Button Cash Drawers Drawer automatically springs open when release button is pushed (key must be in unlocked position). Alarm bell sounds each time drawer is opened (easily deactivated if desired). Mounting brackets enable you to mount under counter. Tough, high-impact plastic removable cash tray has two locking options: flat key (keyed alike) or disc tumbler security lock (keyed differently). Overall drawer size: 17-3/4”W x 15-3/4”D x 3-3/4”H. Color: Gray. Shpg. wt. 27 lbs. See large Duralite Cash trays below. Cat. No. 225-1060-01 225-1060-D01 Description Cash Drawer w/ Flat Key Cover Cash Drawer w/ Security Lock Cover Compare At $199.50 213.20 Your Price $ 179.99 179.99 Precision molded of high-impact polystyrene plastic for maximum durability. Lightweight, convenient, and shipped totally assembled. Features riveted bill holder assembly to maintain bill weight positions. Rounded compartments make it easy to grip coin. Optional steel security cover in your choice of flat key lock or disc tumbler safety lock (each includes two keys). Trays w/ Flat Key Locking Covers (Keyed Alike) Cat. No. Desc. 225-2861-C04 Small 225-2860-C04 Medium 225-2862-C04 Large Your Price per Tray Size Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ 14-3/8” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 15-1/2” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 16” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 Trays w/ Disc Tumbler Locking Cover (Keyed Differently) Cat. No. 225-2861-PK04 225-2860-PK04 225-2862-PK04 Desc. Small Medium Large Size Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ 14-3/8” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4”69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 15-1/2” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4”69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 16” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 Tuffy Replacement Cash Trays Precision-molded, ABS thermoplastic trays are built tough to take the daily wear and tear from breaking rolled coins and routine station changes. Replacement Cash Trays fit most cash registers and cash drawers. Equipped with heavy-duty steel bill weights. Modern, lightweight design with scoop till compartments. Choose flat key lock or disc tumbler safety lock on optional cover (each includes two keys). Model 1050 Compact Cash Drawer Ideal for small work areas at only 12” wide. Compact drawer has the same Touch-Button release, dead bolt lock, spring release, alarm bell and mounting brackets as Model 1060. Features three stationary currency compartments and removable six-compartment coin till tray. Overall drawer size:12”W x 19”D x 3-3/4”H. Color: Gray. Shpg. wt. 22 lbs. Cat. No. 225-1050-01 227-2798-04 Description Model 1050 Cash Drawer Extra 6-compartment change tray Compare At $207.75 10.00 Your Price $ 179.99 8.29 Trays w/ Flat Key Locking Covers (Keyed Alike) Cat. No. Desc. 225-2761-C04 Small 225-2760-K04 Medium 225-2762-C04 Large Your Price per Tray Size Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ 14-3/8” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 15-1/2” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 16” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 55.15 49.69 46.89 44.19 Trays w/ Disc Tumbler Locking Cover (Keyed Differently) Cat. No. 225-2761-PK04 225-2760-PK04 225-2762-PK04 Desc. Small Medium Large Model 1040 Manager’s Till Cash Drawer Manager’s Till is like having a branch bank at each checkout counter. It saves time by eliminating the need to run back and forth to the “main bank” or safe. With its spring bolt lock, the drawer automatically locks when shut. Improved security – this cash drawer opens only when manager turns the key! Alarm bell is removed for silent operation. Put the large bills in the master till and eliminate the need to move money through the store from checkout to vault. Complete with removable cash tray and disc tumbler security locking cover (keyed differently). Under-counter mounting brackets included. Overall drawer size: 17-3/4”W x 15-3/4”D x 3-3/4”H . Color: Gray. See large Duralite Cash trays below. Cat. No. 225-1040-01 Description Model 1040 Cash Drawer Compare At $201.40 Your Price $ 189.99 Coin and Bill Trays Five coin, five currency, and one 14-7/8”W x 3-1/4”D utility compartment. Size: 15-1/16”W x 15”D x 3-1/2”H. Cat. No. Description Color Mfg. List 225-1084-01 Tray without Cover Gray $95.40 225-1084-03 Tray without Cover Sand 95.40 225-1084-04 Tray without Cover Black 95.40 Your Price $79.99 79.99 79.99 225-1084-C01 225-1084-C03 225-1084-C04 119.99 119.99 119.99 Tray with Cover Tray with Cover Tray with Cover BURKHART’S Bank Supply 12 Size Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ 14-3/8” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4”69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 15-1/2” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4”69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 16” x 11-1/4” x 2-1/4” 69.95 62.99 59.49 55.99 Black Sand Black Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 145.25 145.25 145.25 Prices subject to change without notice Currency Trays & Counterfeit Money Detectors 10-Compartment Currency Trays Can hold loose change by adding one or more coin cup inserts (see right). Size: 15-1/16”W x 15”D x 3-1/2”H. Cat. No. Description Color Compare At Your Price 225-1070-01 Tray without Cover Gray $74.00 $69.99 225-1070-03 Tray without Cover Sand 74.00 69.99 225-1070-04 Tray without Cover Black 74.00 69.99 225-1070-C01 225-1070-C03 225-1070-C04 Tray with Cover Tray with Cover Tray with Cover Black Sand Black 119.00 119.00 119.00 109.99 109.99 109.99 Sure ‘N Fast Counterfeit Detector This easy-to-use detector is the first to detect counterfeit bills printed on genuine treasury paper as well as alternate types of paper such as copy paper, newspaper, and recycled paper and more. Unique formula detects counterfeit ink, and is an accurate and affordable device to be used with other counterfeit detection methods. The no-mess, no-leak, non-toxic formula won’t dry out. Each bottle provides over 1,000 applications. 1.7 oz. bottle. Cat. No. 200-3222-00 200-3223-00 Description Bulk 6-Pack Retail Pack Compare At $83.70 13.95 Your Price $59.89 9.99 Currency Tray with Follower Block Smooth gliding compressor keeps bills in neat upright position. Use in cash drawer or store in vault. Size: 7-1/8”W x 15”D x 3-1/4”H. Cat. No. 225-1074-01 225-1074-03 225-1074-04 Color Gray Sand Black Compare At $44.00 44.00 44.00 Counterfeit Detector Pen Your Price $39.99 39.99 39.99 Counterfeit Detector Pen is an inexpensive and reliable screening device to be used with other counterfeit detection methods. It’s effective for retailers, restaurants, stores, banks...any cash business. Cat. No. Description 200-0351-10 Counterfeit Detector Pen Mfg. List $ 4.95 1-11 $3.79 Your Price Each 12-47 48+ $3.49 $3.29 Wrapped Coin Tray Use in cash drawer, on countertop, or in vault for storage. Holds $10.00 in pennies, $32.00 in nickels, $100.00 in dimes, $210.00 in quarters, $60.00 in halves, and $500.00 in dollars. Drop-lift handles. Size: 15-1/4”W x 7-5/8”D x 3-1/2”H. Cat. No. 225-1073-01 225-1073-03 225-1073-04 Color Gray Sand Black Mfg. List $74.20 74.20 74.20 Your Price $59.99 59.99 59.99 Refills are easy - simply pull the pen out of the rubber holder and insert a new one. Replace with standard Counterfeit Detector Pens featured above. Counterfeit Detector Pen with Adhesive Holder 5-Compartment Currency Tray Convert to scoop till unit by adding insert (F). Size: 15-1/8”W x 7”D x 3-3/4”H. Shpg. wt. 4-1/2 lbs. Cat. No. 225-1072-01 225-1072-03 225-1072-04 Color Gray Sand Black Compare At $29.00 29.00 29.00 Your Price $ 24.99 24.99 24.99 Ensure your Counterfeit Money Detector Pen is always around when you need it. Our new pen with adhesive holder uses the same patented formula as our standard Counterfeit Detector Pen, but also includes a holder with connecting coil that attaches to virtually any surface, including CRTs, phones, countertops and more. Keep your pen close at hand. Includes one pen and adhesive holder. Refills are easy – simply pull the pen out of the rubber holder and insert a new one. Replace with standard Counterfeit Detector Pens. Cat. No. 200-0352-04 Description Counterfeit Detector Pen w/ Holder Compare At $8.95 Your Price $ 7.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 13 Currency Straps As Low As 29 m As Low As $ 29 m 10 / $ 3 / Check Batch Bands White Kraft Currency Straps Bands have resealable pressure-sensitive adhesive edges. Two standard sizes: 1-7/8” x 8” bands can be used for small batches, and 1-7/8” x 15” bands for larger batches. Small bands packed 1,000 per box. Large bands packed 500 per box. 20# white kraft paper is printed with colored bar and capacity. Select bands conform with Federal Reserve Bank requirements when used to hold 100 notes per strap. 1-1/4” wide straps have self-sealing adhesive. 1,000 straps per box; 20 boxes per master carton. Shpg. wt. 30 lbs. per master carton. Cat. No. 216-070A04 216-070L19 216-070B16 216-070C08 216-070D02 216-070E13 216-070F07 216-070G12 216-070H19 216-070I09 216-070J12 Color Black Violet Orange Blue † Green † Pink Red † Yellow † Violet † Brown † Mustard † Mfg. List 1-9 $7.15 $4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 7.15 4.29 Your Price per Box/1000 10-19 20-59 60+ $3.99 $3.59 $3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 Cat. No. 216-0551-09 216-0552-09 Color Small Large Your Price per Box 5-9 10-24 25+ $12.29 $11.29 $10.29 $6.79 6.19 $5.69 Combination Strap/Wrapper Rack Rack features six compartments for flat tubular coin wrappers and six compartments for bill straps. Convenient top tray for rubber bands, paper clips, pencils, etc. Size: 10-5/8”W x 8-5/16”D x 5-3/8”H. † American Bankers Association (ABA) compliant As Low As $ 29 m Mfg. List 1-4 $20.50 $13.39 11.25 7.39 3 / Cat. No. 210-470204 210-470289 Color Black Putty Your Price Each Mfg. List 1-11 12-23 24+ $49.00 $39.99 $37.99 $36.79 49.00 39.19 37.99 36.79 Pre-Glued Currency Straps Bills slip effortlessly into 3-1/8” pre-glued bands. 50# white kraft paper straps are printed with colored band and capacity. Can be used for Federal Reserve Bank deposits when used to hold 100 notes per strap. Packed 1,000 straps per box; 20 boxes per master carton. Shpg. wt.1.25 to 1.5 lbs. per box; 30 lbs.per master carton. Cat. No. 216-0505C08 216-0505D02 216-0505F07 216-0505G12 216-0505H19 216-0505I09 216-0505J12 Color Blue † Green † Red † Yellow † Violet † Brown † Mustard † Your Price per Box/1000 Mfg. List 1-9 10-19 20-59 60+ $7.15 $4.29 $3.99 $3.59 $3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 7.15 4.29 3.99 3.59 3.29 Bill Strap Tray Rack Racks have six compartments and convenient utility tray. Size: 10-5/8”W x 2-5/16”H x 8-5/16”D. Cat. No. 210-470004 210-470089 Color Black Putty Your Price Each Mfg. List 1-11 12-23 24+ $28.00 $21.99 $20.99 $19.99 28.00 21.99 20.99 19.99 † American Bankers Association (ABA) compliant As Low As $ 29 m 3 / Plain Brown Kraft Bill Bands For speed, convenience and economy when banding small amounts of money. Pre-formed, pre-sealed brown kraft bands are designed to replace rubberbands for instant use in teller’s cages, drive-up windows, or wherever fast, accurate disbursement is needed. Size: 1/4” x 2-3/4”. Shpg.wt.4-1/2 oz. per box. Packed 1,000 per box. Minimum order: 10 boxes. Cat. No. 216-051009 Color Mfg. List 10-19 Plain Brown Kraft $6.50 $ 4.29 For discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price per Box/1000 20-59 60-79 80+ $3.89 $ 3.59 $3.29 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 14 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Coin Wrappers, Counters & Sorters As Low As 39 m As Low As $ 29 m 3 / Preformed 12 Tubular Cartridge Wrappers $ Heavy-duty kraft paper wrappers have one end crimped for fast, easy use. Meet all Federal Reserve and ABA standards. 1,000 wrappers per sturdy, reshippable corrugated box. Flat Tubular Coin Wrappers* Heavy-duty kraft paper wrappers pop open with a squeeze and can be filled by hand or machine. Each box holds 1,000 wrappers. Bulk-Packed wrappers are packaged in a corrugated 8”W x 10”L x 5”D box. Shpg. wt. 3 lbs. per box. Your Price per Box/1000 Cat. No. Description Color Mfg. List 1-11 12-23 24+ 216-0200-07 $.50 Pennies Red $7.70 $3.89 $3.49 $3.29 216-0200-08 $2.00 Nickels Blue 7.70 3.89 3.49 3.29 216-0200-02 $5.00 Dimes Green 7.70 3.89 3.49 3.29 216-0200-16 $10.00 Quarters Orange 7.70 3.89 3.49 3.29 216-0200-01 $25.00 Dollars Dark Gray 7.70 3.89 3.49 3.29 *May be assorted for quantity price. Cat. No. 216-0600-A07 216-0600-B08 216-0600-C02 216-0600-D16 216-0600-G01 Description $.50 Pennies $2.00 Nickels $5.00 Dimes $10.00 Quarters $25.00 Dolars As Low As $ 58 roll Cat. No. 216-9000-04 Descrition Coin Roll Opener Description Color Mfg. List $.50 Pennies Red $163.70 $2.00 Nickels Blue 163.70 $5.00 Dimes Green 163.70 $10.00 Quarters Orange 163.70 $25.00 Dollars Dark Gray 163.70 Compare At $21.70 Your Price $ 12.99 Coin Counting Tubes 500-Ft. Rolls (approximately 1,000 wrappers per roll, 12 rolls per case) Cat. No. 216-0650-A07 216-0650-BO8 216-0650-C02 216-0650-D16 216-0650-G01 Your Price Each Mfg. List 1-9 10+ $27.50 $13.19 $12.39 27.50 13.19 12.39 27.50 13.19 12.39 27.50 13.19 12.39 27.50 13.19 12.39 Eliminate the hazard of cutting yourself with carton knives or razors whenopening coin wrapping. Just slide the roll of coins across the CRO blade to release coins quickly and safely. Automatic Coin Wrapper Rolls Color Red Blue Gren Orange Dark Gray CRO™Coin Roll Opener 4 / Continuous rolls of flat wrappers are used in automatic wrapping machines. Denomination is imprinted on heavy-duty 50# white kraft paper. Minimum order: 1 case. / Designed for use with coin wrappers, each funnel-top tube is standard bank color for quick, easy sorting. Four-tube set includes pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Made of durable molded plastic. Fast Wrap includes 20 preformed coin wrappers. Because coin thickness can be different due to wear, counts may vary slightly. Your Price per Case/12 1-2 3-5 6+ $59.99 $57.29 $54.89 59.99 57.29 54.89 59.99 57.29 54.89 59.99 57.29 54.89 59.99 57.29 54.89 1000-Ft. Rolls (aproximately 1,900 wrappers per roll, 8 rolls per case) Cat. No. 216-0651-A07 216-0651-B08 216-0651-C02 216-0651-D16 216-0651-G01 Your Price per Case/8 Description Color Mfg. List 1-2 3-5 6+ $.50 Pennies Red $163.70 $75.29 $69.99 $65.49 $2.00 Nickels Blue 163.70 75.29 69.99 65.49 $5.00 Dimes Green 163.70 75.29 69.99 65.49 $10.00 Quarters Orange 163.70 75.29 69.99 65.49 $25.00 Dollars Dark Gray 163.70 75.29 69.99 65.49 1. Holding tube firmly against table; feed coin in steady stream. 2. When full, tip tube forward. Excess coin spills out through slot. 3. Slip tubular coin wrapper part of the way down over stacked coin. 4. Transfer coin from tube to wrapper by inverting tube. Cat. No. 224-0004-00 Mfg. List $15.50 Your Price $10.49 Coin Counting Station Counts, Stacks and Wraps Coin...This uniquely designed coin handling tool allows you to store, count and wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. All four tube denominations show the amount of coin you have stored at just one glance. When one denomination is full, Coin Gates secure all partially filled coin tubes while the full tube of coin is being wrapped. Coin Station includes Coin Tender and pack of 20 preformed coin wrappers. Coin Sorting Trays Saves hours of coin sorting time – just pour coin into stacked trays and shake! Compact, color-coded, interlocking trays prevent spilling of sorted coin and sort pennies through quarters. Use coin counting trays for fast, accurate and economical coin sorting. Cat. No. 223-4000-00 Mfg. List $9.25 Your Price $7.99 Cat. No. 224-0007-14 224-0006-14 Descrition Coin Station (Coin Tender & Wrappers) Coin Tender Mfg. List $10.95 8.95 Your Price $9.89 8.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 15 Coin Holders & Storage Trays & Boxes As Low As 29 ea Self-Counting Loose Change Holder Pockets hold precisely 10 coins of a denomination. Each holder contains 7pockets for halves ($35.00), 8 pockets for quarters ($20.00), 11 pockets for dimes ($11.00), 24 pockets for nickels ($12.00), and 18 pockets for pennies ($1.80). The pockets for halves may also be used for SBA and Golden Dollars. Service slot holds 3 silver dollars. Size:11-3/4”W x 8-1/4”D x 2”H (2-3/4”H when filled with coin). Cat. No. 221-4268-03 Your Price Each Color Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ Sand $49.00 $36.79 $35.59 $34.29 Five-Tray Countex® I Includes five individual and removable precision molded trays (one for each denomination): pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and halves. Separate, non-slip base holds individual trays. Size: 9-3/8”W x 7-1/4”D x 1-3/4”H (3”H when filled with coin). Cat. No. 221-6105-03 Countertop Compact Coin Changer 34 $ Designed for fast, accurate coin handling. Coin Changer holds up to $150.00 – pennies through half dollars – and will accommodate SBA and Golden dollars. Compact 11-1/8”W x 11-1/4”D x 6”H unit has non-mar, non-slip feet to protect countertop. Precision die-cast, solid zinc body provides quiet, trouble-free operation. Includes a concealed storage tray under the removable top coin tray for currency, checks, rolled coin, etc. Compact Coin Changer dispenses single coins quickly, quietly, and accurately. Simply depress key with thumb, coin falls into palm of hand, ready for use. Removable top coin tray has cavities for pennies through halves, each designed to hold 10 coins of each denomination for fast pick-up. Scratch and wear-resistant polyurethane finish. Colors: Putty, Desert Sand or Office Gray. Complete with dust cover. Shpg.wt.10 lbs. Your Price Each Color Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ Sand $29.00 $25.59 $24.69 $23.19 Cat. No. 204-0750-01 204-0750-03 204-0750-89 Color Gray Sand Putty Description Coin Changer Coin Changer Coin Changer 204-0751-01 204-0751-03 204-0751-89 Gray Sand Gray Additional Top Tray 26.50 Additional Top Tray 26.50 Additional Top Tray 26.50 Six-Tray Countex®I Six individual, removable, precision-molded trays (one for each denomination): pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, halves, Golden and SBA dollars. Separate, non-slip base holds individual trays. Size: 11-3/4”W x 7-1/4”D x 1-3/4”H (3”H when filled with coin). Cat. No. 221-6101-03 Your Price Each Color Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ Sand $31.00 $27.89 $26.39 $24.79 As Low As 29 ea 17 $ One-Piece Countex®II Cat. No. 221-6110-03 Cat. No. 221-4777-03 Mfg. List $6.00 1-49 $4.29 Compare At 1-9 $7.00 $5.99 Your Price Each 10-99 100-499 $5.49 $4.99 500+ $4.59 As Low As $ 99 ea 3 Your Price Each in lots of 50-99 100-249 $4.19 $4.09 Capacity $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 250+ $3.99 Cat. No. 211-0401-07 211-0405-08 211-0410-02 211-0425-16 211-0498-01 Sturdy design, yet economically priced chipboard boxes for rolled coin are reinforced with fiberglass (unlike other chipboard boxes) to prevent splitting or cracking at the ends. Boxes are finished with tough, slip-resistant kraft andare color-coded in standard bank colors. Each color designates denominationof coin for error-proof handling. Denomination and capacity are also clearly printed on tops and sides for ease in taking inventory. Coin Size (W x D x H) Capacity Pennies-Red 3-1/2’ x 8” x 1-1/2” $ 10.00 Nickels-Blue 3-1/2” x 9” x 7/8” $ 20.00 Dimes-Green 3-1/8” x 7-1/2” x 1-5/16” $ 100.00 Quarters-Orange 3-1/8” x 10-1/4” x 1” $ 100.00 Dollars-Gray 2-1/8” x 8-1/2” x 1” $ 200.00 Mfg. List $2.85 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 16 20.99 20.99 20.99 As Low As Chipboard $ 49 Coin Storage Boxes 1 ea Your Price Each Color Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ Sand $23.00 $19.09 $18.39 $17.29 Color Sand 21.99 21.99 21.99 Cat. No. Coin Size (W x D x H) 211-0101-07 Pennies-Red 3-1/2’ x 8” x 1-1/2” 211-0105-08 Nickels-Blue 3-1/2” x 9” x 7/8” 211-0110-02 Dimes-Green 3-1/8” x 7-1/2” x 1-5/16” 211-0125-16 Quarters-Orange 3-1/8” x 10-1/4” x 1” 211-0198-01 Dollars-Gray 2-1/8” x 8-1/2” x 1” Dimensions given are for empty trays. Add rolled coin diameter to calculate height. Coin Organizer 22.99 22.99 22.99 Heavy-duty aluminum coin trays are color-coded in standard bank colors.Each color designates denomination of coin for error-proof handling.Denomination and capacity are also clearly etched on sides of trays for easy and quick identification. Compact 6-1/4”W x 3-5/8”D x 1-7/8”H organizer fits easily into glove compartments, pockets, and drawers. Organizer can hold pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, halves, and dollars. Markings provide at-a-glance coin amounts, making counting easy. Because coin thickness can be different due to wear, counts may vary slightly. Cover can be detached and used as an easel. Your Price Each 5-9 10+ 159.99 149.99 159.99 149.99 159.99 149.99 Aluminum Coin Trays Solid precision-molded tray with six compartments to hold pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, halves, and dollars. Size: 9-3/4”W x 7-5/8”D x 1-5/8”H (2-3/8”H when filled with coin). Mfg. List 1-4 195.00 169.99 195.00 169.99 195.00 169.99 1-49 $1.69 Your Price Each in lots of 50-99 $1.59 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 100-249 $1.49 Prices subject to change without notice Coin Storage Trays & Boxes Porta-Count® Rolled Coin Storage Trays Exclusive, patented features: Unbreakable – made of indestructible, yet lightweight ABS thermoplastic. Stackable – shallow and deep trays of same denominations interlock for secure storage. Saves time and money – color coding plus denomination and capacity marked at both ends let you take errorproof inventory at a glance. Safer, easier handling – contoured, non-slip handles at both ends. Long-lasting, indestructible trays pay for themselves again and again! Create a complete system that is versatile enough to manage all your coin handling needs, including loose coin! U.S. patent no. 3,231,074. As Low As $ 99 ea Porta-Count 5 Rolled Coin Storage Trays ® Holds wrapped coin only. Interlocks with All-Purpose or Extra-Capacity Rolled Coin Trays of same denomination. Cat. No. 212-0801-07 212-0805-08 212-0810-02 212-0825-16 212-0898-01 Mfg. List 8.25 Coin Pennies-Red Nickels-Blue Dimes-Green Quarters-Orange Dollars-Gray 1-49 $6.49 Size (W x D x H) 3-3/4’ x 9-5/8” x 1-3/8” 3-3/4” x 10-1/2” x 1-5/8” 3-3/16” x 9-1/8” x 1-1/2” 3-3/8” x 11-1/2” x 1-5/8” 3” x 11-3/8” x 1-3/4” Mfg. List 8.25 Coin Pennies-Red Nickels-Blue Dimes-Green Quarters-Orange Dollars-Gray 1-49 $6.49 52 Heavy-duty 200 lb. test corrugated boxes are ideal for storing and shippingrolled coin. Denomination and capacity are marked in ABA colors on front and side panels for easy inventory. Sturdy tuck-type lid keeps box closed during transport. Boxes stack easily and securely on vault trucks. Can be used with Brandt or Universal automatic coin packaging equipment. Packed 50 boxes per carton. Cat. No. 240-1401-07 240-1405-08 240-1410-02 240-1425-16 Coin Pennies-Red Nickels-Blue Dimes-Green Quarters-Orange Mfg. List $40.00 Size (W x D x H) 4-1/8’ x 3-3/4” x 8-1/8” 4-3/8” x 3-3/4” x 9-1/4” 3-7/8” x 3-1/4” x 8-1/8” 5” x 3-1/2” x 10-3/8” 1 $27.99 Capacity $ 10.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 Your Price per Ctn/50 2-9 10+ $26.99 $25.99 100+ $5.99 As Low As $ 99 ea 5 Holds both loose coin in precise half rolls or full rolls of wrapped coin. Interlocks with Porta-Count trays above of same denomination. Cat. No. 212-0901-07 212-0905-08 212-0910-02 212-0925-16 212-0998-01 As Low As ¢ ea Capacity $ 5.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 Your Price Each in lots of 50-99 $6.29 Porta-Count® All-Purpose Coin Trays Pack ’n Ship Coin Transport Boxes Size (W x D x H) 3-3/4’ x 9-5/8” x 1-3/8” 3-3/4” x 10-1/2” x 1-5/8” 3-3/16” x 9-1/8” x 1-1/2” 3-3/8” x 11-1/2” x 1-5/8” 3” x 11-3/8” x 1-3/4” Your Price Each in lots of 50-99 $6.29 Capacity $ 5.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 100+ $5.99 For discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Porta-Count® Extra-Capacity Rolled Coin Trays Accommodates larger quantities of coin in one tray. Slots at both ends allow for quick check of contents. Interlocks with Porta-Count trays above of same denomination. Cat. No. 212-0701-07 212-0705-08 212-0710-02 212-0725-16 212-0798-01 Mfg. List $12.50 Coin Pennies-Red Nickels-Blue Dimes-Green Quarters-Orange Dollars-Gray 1-49 $9.49 Size (W x D x H) 3-3/4’ x 9-5/8” x 4-1/2” 3-3/4” x 10-1/2” x 5” 3-3/16” x 9-1/8” x 3-5/8” 3-3/8” x 11-1/2” x 3-5/8” 3” x 11-3/8” x 4” Your Price Each in lots of 50-99 $9.29 Capacity $ 25.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 600.00 100+ $8.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 17 Seals, Seal Presses & Snips As Low As ¢ ea 10.4 EZ Crimp® Plastic Seals Standard-Style Seal Press Strong yet lightweight press. Cast aluminum alloy frame weighs only 15 oz. The ergonomic design means less effort is needed to produce a secure seal. Steel-reinforced wear points ensure years of trouble-free use. Dies are easy to change with 1/8” Allen wrench (included). Cat. No. 240-0300-00 240-0301-00 240-0305-00 Your Price Each Description Compare At 1-4 5-9 10+ Std. Press w/ Female Die Set $91.00 $74.99 $71.29 $67.49 Std. Press w/ Plain Die Set 79.35 65.49 62.29 58.99 Std. Press w/ Male Die Set 99.48 85.49 81.29 76.99 PLAIN. A bag seal that’s easy to crimp – yet one of the strongest and most secure. Specially formulated plastic head allows seal to be properly crimped easily with a standard seal press. An inside metal seam eliminates tampering after seal is crimped. The super-strong, 5 mm wide, 10” long polytape strap provides more than 200 lbs.tensile strength and has an embossed surface to eliminate slipping after proper crimping. Available with six-digit numbers printed on strap to maximize security (additional charge). Custom numbers and lettering are available as a special order at additional cost. 250 per box; 4 boxes per master carton. Cat. No. 240-0210-04 240-0210-08 Color Black Blue Description Plain Plain 240-1210-04 240-1210-08 Black Blue Numbered Numbered Your Price per Box/250 Compare At 1-3 4-19 20+ $33.25 $29.99 $27.99 $25.99 33.25 29.99 27.99 25.99 48.00 48.00 39.99 39.99 Male-Engraved Dies: 31.99 31.99 27.99 27.99 As Low As ¢ ea Raised letters on die produce embedded imprint on seal. Each male-engraved die can accommodate up to 8 characters (4 characters per line, 2 lines per die) allowing for 16 characters per set. Extra dies are sold individually. 3.6 Self-Locking Nylon Ties 7-1/4”L x 1/4”W unbreakable, Self-Locking Nylon Ties feature ribbed and stippled gripping surface. Accommodates bag neck diameter of 1/16” to 1-3/4”and seals it securely. 250 per pack; 20 packs per carton. Shpg. wt. 1 lb. 1 oz. per pack. Female-Engraved Dies: Embedded letters on die produce raised imprint on seal. Each female-engraved die can accommodate up to12 characters (6 characters per line, 2 lines per die) allowing for 24 characters per set. Extra dies are sold individually. Cat. No. 240-0501-00 Mfg. List $15.50 1 $10.99 Your Price/Pack/250 2.3 4-19 $10.49 $9.49 20+ $8.99 As Low As ¢ ea Recyclable 10 Enviro™ Money Bag Seals Same features as the Standard Seal Press, but includes a ratchet for added muscle. Ratchet will not release until seal is fully crimped. Provides extra mechanical assistance in crimping and ensures uniform crimping. Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. Enviro Seal is an easy-to-crimp, tamper-resistant cord seal. Its patented plastic and steel construction with serrated steel cap provides a strong, cord-style seal for maximum security. Cords are waxed to prevent rope ends from fraying. Choose Universal Caps for cloth and plastic bags, or Serrated Caps with teeth to prevent slipping on cloth bags. Seals exceed Federal Reserve Bank standards. 250 per box; 4 boxes per carton. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs. per carton. Ratchet-Style Seal Presses Your Price Each Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-4 5-9 10+ 240-0309-00 Ratchet Press w/ Female Die Set 136.62 112.99 107.39 101.69 240-0310-00 Ratchet Press w/ Plain Die Set 123.97 102.49 97.39 92.29 240-0308-00 Ratchet Press w/ Male Die Set 148.64 122.49 116.39 110.29 Safety Snips All Purpose Cutters Extra Dies Available plain or engraved. For sharper, cleaner reproduction of your imprint, try our Male-Engraved Dies. Cat. No. 240-0302-00 240-0303-00 240-0311-00 Description Female Engraved Die Plain Die Male Engraved Die Your Price per Box/250 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1 2-3 4-19 20+ 240-0600-00 Serrated Money Bag Seals $37.38 29.99 26.99 25.99 24.99 240-0601-00 Universal Money Bag Seals 37.38 29.99 26.99 25.99 24.99 Compare At $ 9.50 8.22 13.28 Your Price $ 8.29 7.29 11.49 Snips Enviro™ Seal cords, Plastic Seal tapes and plastic seals with ease. Eliminates the use of razor blades, which may damage cloth bags. Serrated blades prevent slippage, allowing firm grip. 6-1/2” long cutters are made of hot-forged, high-carbon steel with a lifetime guarantee. Your Price Each Cat. No. Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ 263-8605-00 $44.45 $29.99 $28.99 $27.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 18 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Seals & Check Correction Products MICR Correction Strips Numbered All-Purpose Plastic Seals An affordable stripping system that allows all proof department personnel to apply strips easily and efficiently. Choose from three sizes, all with high-quality MICR bond and translucent paper. Removable adhesive strip makes application easy. Translucent paper reduces bulk and allows endorsements to show through for microfilming. For best results, correction strip should be flush with the right edge of the check. 1,500 strips per box; 10 boxes per carton. Tough, weather-resistant, polypropylene seals reduce thefts from transit and mail sacks, meters, cash boxes, drums, and more. Molded-in seven-digit numbers are random, but without duplication. Choose from 5” and 8” lengths and five colors. 250 per pack; 1,000 per case. Your Price per Pack/250 Cat. No. Description Mfg. List 1 2-3 4+ 240-0530-02 5” Green $29.50 $23.59 $19.19 $17.69 240-0530-07 5” Red 29.50 23.59 19.19 17.69 240-0530-08 5” Blue 29.50 23.59 19.19 17.69 240-0530-12 5” Yellow 29.50 23.59 19.19 17.69 240-0530-16 5” Orange 29.50 23.59 19.19 17.69 240-0540-02 240-0540-07 240-0540-08 240-0540-12 240-0540-16 8” Green 8” Red 8” Blue 8” Yellow 8” Orange 27.99 27.99 27.99 27.99 27.99 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 20.99 20.99 20.99 20.99 20.99 Your Price per Box/1500 Cat. No. Size Mfg. List 1-2 3-5 6+ 269-4008-00 1-1/8” x 6” $70.65 $56.59 $52.99 $49.49 269-4009-00 1-1/8” x 7-3/16” 88.00 70.39 65.99 61.59 269-4010-00 1-1/8” x 8-1/2” 95.95 76.79 71.99 67.19 Code-Erase® MICR Code Remover Code-Erase is a complete MICR print eraser system.4 oz. bottle fits securelyin tray/holder. Longer life–magnet in bottle traps ink from both dauber and solution, leaving both clean for smudge-free erasures. Each box includes 4 bottles of solution, 1 tray/holder and 1 blotter insert. ATM Seals Unique design prevents unauthorized entry into ATM money cassettes, and transit and mail sacks. Universal design fits most money cassettes. Adjusts easily to required length. Precision-molded of tough, weather-resistant polypropylene. 250 per pack; 1,000 per case. Cat. No. 240-0570-07 240-0570-08 240-0570-12 Color Red Blue Yellow Mfg. List 1 $41.00 $32.99 41.00 32.99 41.00 32.99 Your Price per Pack/250 2-3 4-19 20+ $26.99 $23.39 $22.59 26.99 23.39 22.59 26.99 23.39 22.59 As Low As $ 69 pk 3 / Plastic Security Seals Keeps Transit Sac contents intact and confidential. Seal loops through grommet and zipper pull. Tampering is evident if seal is broken upon arrival. 250 per pack. Cat. No. 240-0550-00 $6.60 Compare At 1 $5.29 $4.69 Your Price per Pack/250 2-3 4-19 $3.79 $3.69 MICR Correction Labels 4 mil. foil-backed label with a smooth EDP paper for improved insulation and re-encoding. Packed 1,000 seals per box. 7/16” deep. Correction Seal Helpful Hints: 2-1/4” x 7/16” labels are usually used for the amount field. 2” x 7/16” labels are usually used for the amount field with tight positioning. 1-3/4” x 7/16” labels are usually used for the routing and transit fields. Your Price per Box/1000 Cat. No. Size Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ 269-4001-00 2-1/4” $11.50 $9.79 $9.49 $8.99 269-4002-00 2” 11.00 9.39 9.09 8.59 269-4003-00 1-3/4” 10.45 8.89 8.69 8.19 20+ 2-Ply Check Correction Roll 2-ply correction rolls are designed to work with popular Banctec and CheckTech check stripping machines. They meet or exceed OEM quality specifications but without the OEM price. White rolls are 1200’ long and feature a sturdy housing core, which is discarded after use. Packed 6 rolls per carton; 3 cartons per master carton. Cat. No. Mfg. List 1 269-4715-06 $186.30 $149.09 Your Price per Box/4 Cat. No. Mfg. List 1-7 8-15 16+ 269-6004-00 $24.00 $18.969 $18.29 $17.99 Your Price per Ctn/6 2-3 4+ $139.99 $129.99 Zip Strip-Style Check Correction Rolls Single-ply rolls are designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications. Rolls are constructed with the highest quality 24# White and Canary MICR bond paper, and are coated with hot melt adhesive for accurate adhesion of strips. Available in two popular sizes: 13/16”W x 1100’ and 13/16”W x 600’. Packed 6 rolls per case; 3 cases per master carton. Your Price per Case/6 Cat. No. Description Color Mfg. List 1-4 5-9 10+ 269-4700-06 1100’ Roll White $147.05 $117.69 $110.29 $102.99 269-4701-06 600’ Roll White 116.50 93.19 87.39 81.59 269-4700-12 269-4701-12 1100’ Roll 600’ Roll Canary Canary 147.05 116.50 117.69 93.19 110.29 87.39 102.99 81.59 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 19 Bag I.D. Tags As Low As 49 m As Low As 89 m 52 / $ 18 / $ Small I.D. Tags - Imprinted Plain I.D. Tags Use with Enviro™ seals and plastic seals to specify ship to location and originating location of money bag. Red rope tags with reinforced eyelets are available in two sizes. Small I.D.Tags have 1/4” eyelet. Large I.D. Tags have 3/8”eyelet. Color-keyed by capacity. Specify imprint copy. Size: 1-7/8” x 3-3/4”. 1000 tags per box. Your Price per Box/1000 Cat. No. Denomination Color Capacity 1 2-9 10+ 210-0705-PA07 Pennies Red $ 25.00 $69.99 $55.99 $52.49 210-0705-PB08 Nickels Blue 100.00 69.99 $55.99 52.49 210-0705-PC02 Dimes Green 250.00 69.99 $55.99 52.49 210-0705-PD16 Quarters Orange 250.00 69.99 $55.99 52.49 210-0705-PE03 Halves Sand 250.00 69.99 $55.99 52.49 210-0705-PG01 Dollars Gray 300.00 69.99 $55.99 52.49 210-0706-PA07 210-0706-PB08 210-0706-PC02 210-0706-PD16 210-0706-PE03 210-0716-PG01 Pennies Nickels Dimes Quarters Halves Dollars Red Blue Green Orange Sand Gray 50.00† 200.00† 500.00 500.00 500.00 600.00 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 210-0707-PC02 210-0707-PD16 210-0707-PE03 210-0716-PJ01 Dimes Quarters Halves Dollars Green Orange Sand Gray 1000.00† 1000.00† 1000.00† 1000.00† 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 $55.99 52.49 52.49 52.49 52.49 Create your own system with color-coded tags to define your specifications. Choose from two sizes. Order plain or with your custom copy. (Use imprint prices at left. Black ink unless otherwise specified.) Small Size: 1-7/8” x 3-3/4” Your Price per Box/500 Cat. No. Color Compare At 1 2-9 10+ 210-0708-07 Red $57.98 $26.99 $20.29 $18.89 210-0708-08 Blue 57.98 26.99 20.29 18.89 210-0708-02 Green 57.98 26.99 20.29 18.89 210-0708-16 Orange 57.98 26.99 20.29 18.89 210-0708-03 Sand 57.98 26.99 20.29 18.89 210-0708-01 Gray 57.98 26.99 20.29 18.89 Large Size: 2-3/8” x 4-3/4” Your Price per Box/500 Cat. No. Color Compare At 1 2-9 10+ 210-0717-07 Red $37.99 $18.99 $17.99 $16.99 210-0717-08 Blue 37.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 210-0717-02 Green 37.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 210-0717-16 Orange 37.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 210-0717-03 Sand 37.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 210-0717-01 Gray 37.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 † Prescribed Federal Reserve Capacities Denominations may be combined for quantity prices. $ Registered Linen Shipping Tags Fine quality white cloth tags with metal reinforced 3/8” eyelets. Printed inbright red and black ink with the words “Registered” and “No.” in red. Use withEnviro™ seals and plastic seals to specify ship to location and originating location of money bag. Overall size: 2-5/8”H x 6-1/4”W. Add your imprint for an additional charge; please state imprint when ordering. 500 tags per box. As Low As 79 500 32 / Large I.D. Tags - Imprinted Cat. No. 210-0722-06 210-0722-P06 Description Plain Imprinted Use with Enviro™ seals and plastic seals to specify ship to location and originating location of money bag. Red rope tags with reinforced eyelets are available in two sizes. Small I.D.Tags have 1/4” eyelet. Large I.D. Tags have 3/8”eyelet. Color-keyed by capacity. Specify imprint copy. Size: 2-3/8” x 4-3/4”. 500 tags per box. Your Price per Box/500 Cat. No. Denomination Color Capacity 1 2-9 10+ 210-0715-PA07 Pennies Red $ 25.00† $45.99 $34.99 $31.99 210-0715-PB08 Nickels Blue 200.00† 45.99 34.99 31.99 210-0715-PC02 Dimes Green 500.00 45.99 34.99 31.99 210-0715-PD16 Quarters Orange 500.00 45.99 34.99 31.99 210-0715-PE03 Halves Sand 500.00 45.99 34.99 31.99 210-0715-PG01 Dollars Gray 300.00 45.99 34.99 31.99 210-0716-PC02 210-0716-PD16 210-0716-PE03 210-0716-PG01 Dimes Quarters Halves Dollars Green 1000.00† Orange 1000.00† Sand 1000.00† Gray 600.00 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 † Prescribed Federal Reserve Capacities Denominations may be combined for quantity prices. 31.99 31.99 31.99 31.99 Plain Linen Shipping Tags Same as “Registered” Linen tags without the words “Registered”and “No.” Overall size: 2-5/8”H x 4-1/4”W, 3/8” eyelet. Add your imprint for an additional charge; please state imprint when ordering. 500 tags per box. Cat. No. 210-0723-06 210-0723-P06 Description Plain Imprinted Your Price / Box Compare At 1 2+ $65.00 $61.99 $53.99 88.00 69.99 56.99 Double Side Imprinting Charges Imprinting on both sides is available. Add both Cat. Nos. below to your order. Cat. No. 210-9002-00 210-9003-00 Description Double Side Imprinting Set-Up Charge Double Side Imprinting Charge BURKHART’S Bank Supply 20 Your Price per Box/500 Compare At 1 2+ $65.00 $61.99 $53.99 88.00 69.99 56.99 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price $ 20.00 10.00/m Prices subject to change without notice Check Separators & Vacuum Tubes As Low As 29 ea Counter Check Separators Wide variety of sizes, styles and colors to fit your needs! For rapid separation and stacking of checks, clearings, money orders,currency, etc. Can be used on table or hung on walls. Electrically welded, all-steel construction. Pockets measure 4”W x 8”D x 4”H. Available in choice of colors: Office Gray, Satin Black or Desert Sand. As Low As 99 ea $ 19 Compact Four On Four Check Separators Size: 16-1/4”W x 7-7/8”H x 8”D. Eight pockets. Shpg. wt. 9 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-166401 Gray 266-166403 Sand 266-166404 Black Compare At 1-5 $40.55 $36.79 40.55 38.79 40.55 38.79 Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $35.49 $34.29 36.79 34.69 36.79 34.69 As Low As 99 ea Four-Pocket Counter Check Separator 89 $ Size: 16-1/4”W x 4”H x 8”D. Shpg. wt. 4 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-066401 Gray 266-066403 Sand 266-066404 Black Mfg. List 1-5 $26.80 $22.79 26.80 22.79 26.80 22.79 Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $21.49 $19.99 21.49 19.99 21.49 19.99 As Low As 99 ea 22 Five-Pocket Counter Check Separator $ 12-Compartment Sorter Rack Twelve compartments, each 4-1/2”W x 4-1/4”H x 7-3/4”D, and all with changeable label holders. Bottom six compartments with notched out base. Sturdy, welded steel construction. Size: 27-1/2”W x 10-1/2”H x 7-3/4”D. Shpg.wt. 16 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-021201 Gray 266-021203 Sand Mfg. List 1-5 $121.90 $99.99 121.90 99.99 Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $94.89 $89.99 94.89 89.99 Size: 20-1/4”W x 4”H x 8”D. Shpg. wt. 5 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-066501 Gray 266-066503 Sand 266-066504 Black Mfg. List 1-5 $30.20 $25.69 30.20 25.69 30.20 25.69 As Low As 99 ea Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $23.89 $22.99 23.89 22.99 23.89 22.99 89 4-1/2” End-Opening Vacuum Tube $ Features contoured clear body, easy-grip, doubleend opening, 4-1/2” air rings for 4-1/2” Diebold and swivel-end cap for easy opening. 10-13/16” long. Black. Color coding for six lanes included. Two 1-1/2” circular adhesive labels in five colors (red, blue, yellow, green and white) can be affixed into the recessed area on both ends of the tube. For sixth lane, use tube only with no label. As Low As 29 ea 26 Six-Pocket Counter Check Separator $ Size: 24-1/4”W x 4”H x 8”D. Shpg. wt. 6 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-066601 Gray 266-066603 Sand 266-066604 Black Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $27.29 $26.29 27.29 26.29 27.29 26.29 Mfg. List 1-5 $35.00 $27.99 35.00 27.99 35.00 27.99 As Low As 89 ea $ 27 Compact Three On Three Check Separators Size: 12-1/8”W x 7-7/8”H x 8”D. Six pockets. Shpg. wt. 7 lbs. Cat. No. Color 266-166301 Gray 266-166303 Sand 266-166304 Black Compare At 1-5 $33.09 $29.89 33.09 $29.89 33.09 $29.89 34 $ Your Price Each 6-11 12+ $28.89 $27.89 $28.89 $27.89 $28.89 $27.89 Cat. No. 228-45BT04 Compare At $121.99 Your Price $89.89 For low discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 21 Holders & Organizers As Low As 99 ea 14 $ “Sophisticate” Pad Racks Popular six-pocket capacity rack combines style, function, and durability. Precision molded in virtually unbreakable ABS thermoplastic. Non-slip weighted base keeps rack upright. Size: 8”W x 6”H x 3-5/8”D. Cat. No. Color 267-4606-03 Sand 267-4606-04 Black 267-4606-89 Putty Mfg. List 1-11 $25.45 $15.99 25.45 15.99 25.45 15.99 Your Price Each 12-23 24+ $15.29 $14.99 15.29 14.99 15.29 14.99 Cash Ticket or Voucher Form Holder Cat. No. Compare At 1-11 266-4422-20 $13.60 $12.89 As Low As 59 ea Cat. No. 267-0606-01 267-0606-03 267-0606-04 No of Size Your Price Each Color Pockets (W x H x D) Compare At 1-11 Gray 6 8” x 7-1/2” x 4” $25.45 $17.99 Sand 6 8” x 7-1/2” x 4” 25.45 17.99 Black 6 8” x 7-1/2” x 4” 25.45 17.99 12-23 24+ 16.99 16.59 16.99 16.59 16.99 16.59 8” x 9-1/2” x 5-3/8” 27.55 20.69 8” x 9-1/2” x 5-3/8” 27.55 20.69 8” x 9-1/2” x 5-3/8” 27.55 20.69 19.99 19.29 19.99 19.29 19.99 19.29 30.75 22.99 30.75 22.99 30.75 22.99 22.29 21.89 22.29 21.89 22.29 21.89 267-0608-01 Gray 267-0608-03 Sand 267-0608-04 Black 8 8 8 267-0610-01 Gray 10 267-0610-03 Sand 10 267-0610-04 Black 10 8” x 11” x 6-3/4” 8” x 11” x 6-3/4” 8” x 11” x 6-3/4” As Low As Textured, molded-plastic deposit ticket holders add a touch of warmth and pleasant color to bank teller’s work area. Sort, store and handle deposit slips, tickets, vouchers, checks, notes, etc. with more efficiency. Features non-slip, non-mar base and holds 5” of material. Units interlock for safe, secure stacking. Colors: Desert Sand or Satin Black. Size: 10”W x 6”H x 4”D. Only 99 23 ea Cat. No. 268-4670-03 268-4670-04 Color Sand Black Mfg. List 1-11 $17.00 $14.99 17.00 14.99 Your Price Each 12-23 24+ $13.99 $13.59 13.99 13.59 As Low As 59 ea 17 $ Steel Deposit Ticket Holders Carefully fabricated of quality steel with smooth baked-on powder-coat finishand with non-slip, non-mar plastic base. Standard size holds 5” of material. Colors: Desert Sand or Satin Black. Size: 10”W x 6”H x 4”D. $ Your Price Each 12-23 24+ $12.19 $11.49 $ Textured Plastic 1279 ea Deposit Ticket Holders 16 Racks save space and prevent counter confusion. Keep receipts, cash tickets, money orders, debit slips, envelopes, notes, and so much more all at your fingertips! Popular, space-saving pad rack in three decorator colors: Office Gray, Desert Sand or Black. One-piece, all-steel heavy-duty construction with rubber feet for quiet, non-mar, non-slip operation. Three standard capacities for greater versatility; choose 6, 8 or 10 pockets. Cat. No. 268-0670-03 268-0670-04 Color Sand Black Mfg. List 1-11 $23.35 $18.69 23.35 18.69 Your Price Each 12-23 24+ $17.99 $17.59 17.99 17.59 Steel Slanted Vertical Organizers with Rounded Edges Slanting base offers better file visibility on these vertical organizers, which are available with either 6 or 8 compartments. Extra-wide compartments provide maximum capacity for files, reports, documents and other active materials. Made of heavy-gauge steel, the organizers have non-skid rubber pads and finishes that resist scratches and chips. Cat. No. 264-S6BLA 264-S8BLA 264-77040 No of Size Color Pockets (W x H x D) Compare At Your Price Black 6 11” x 7-3/4” x 10-1/8” $44.95 $23.99 Black 8 11” ” x 10” x 10” 46.65 25.69 Textured Black 8 11” ” x 10” x 10” 50.85 38.19 Only 99 59 $ ea Steel Suggestion Box – Desk Size Use this versatile box as a suggestion box, mailbox, ballot box, ticket box and more. Its 1/4” thick slot accepts notes, forms and sheets up to 11-1/2” wide. Open bottom shelf holds forms. Includes a lockable panel to maintain confidentiality (two keys included). Sturdy all-steel construction. Finish resists scratches and chips. Size: 12-1/2”W x 11”H x 10”D. Color: Gray. Cat. No. 222-90SB-GY BURKHART’S Bank Supply 22 11 Multi-functional design provides additional uses such as holding hotelvoucher forms, laboratory forms, returned library cards, etc. Non-sliprubberized cork base. Recommended for small-size credit card charge slips.Interior dimensions of pockets: 3-5/16”W x 6-3/8”D x 4-1/8”H.Outside dimensions: 7”W x 6-1/2”D x 4-1/4”H. Color: Translucent Smoke. $ Steel Cashier Pad Racks As Low As 49 ea $ Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Mfg. List $74.15 Your Price $59.99 Prices subject to change without notice Document Carriers (A) Clear Vinyl/Translucent Document Carriers AA B Cat. No. 269-7028-08 269-7029-08 Anti-static, vinyl top sheet is ideal for clear frontsided microfilming, while the translucent back sheet allows for microfilming of endorsement information. Sealed on three sides. While no MICR or bank imprinting is available, carrier is ideal for various applications, including image processing, DDA items and transit items. MICR encoding strip is blue. 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Shipping wt. 32 lbs. per master carton. B Size 4” x 8-3/4” 4” x 9” Your Price /box/500 Mfg. List 1-19 20+ $27.50 $19.89 $18.89 28.00 19.89 18.89 (B) Double-Sided Translucent Document Carriers Carriers are constructed with both a translucent top and bottom sheet, which makes them ideal for two-sided microfilming. Sealed on three sides. MICR encoding strip is blue. 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Shpg wt. 35 lbs. per master carton. A B Docu-Clear carriers are double-sided translucent and sealed on three sides. Translucent top sheet is ideal for various applications, including imaging. Carriers come in a yellow strip color. 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Shpg wt. 37 lbs. per master carton. Pressure-sensitive adhesive secures check in position during processing. Translucent top and bottom sheets with 15# MICR encoding strip in blue or pink with resealable tape. Sealed on three sides. Ideal for two-sided microfilming. Packed 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Size Color Mfg. List 1-19 20+ (A) 269-7041-00 4” x 8-3/4” Blue $22.65 $18.49 $17.49 (B) 269-7042-13 4” X 9” Pink 25.00 19.49 18.49 269-7102-00* 4” x 8-3/4” Blue 23.15 18.49 17.49 *Open on left edge. Ideal for oversized checks. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Size Color Mfg. List 1-19 20+ 269-7021-00 4” x 8-3/4” $16.80 $13.89 $12.89 269-7022-00 4” x 9” 17.25 14.89 13.89 Docu-Clear™ Document Carriers Document Carriers with Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive C Translucent top sheet with 24# MICR yellow bond on second ply with resealable tape. Ideal for front-sided microfilming. Packed 500 per box. Meets Federal Reserve guidelines for qualified return checks. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Size Color Mfg. List 1-19 20+ (C) 269-7032-00 4” x 8-3/4” Yellow $23.75 $18.49 $17.49 269-7049-08* 4” X 9” Blue 38.45 25.89 24.89 *Anti-static clear vinyl top sheet with a translucent back ply with resealable tape. B Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Mfg. List 1-19 20+ 269-7025-12 $17.25 $13.89 $12.89 A A B C Translucent & Bond Carriers Translucent top sheet, 24# bond bottom sheet for front side microfilming. Top sheet does not extend into encoding area of 24# bond paper. Meets all of the Federal Reserve guidelines to qualify returned checks (QRC) for automated handling. Lint and dust free. Can be pre-coded with MICR return numeral “2” In position 44 to save coding time. Sealed on 3 sides. Packed 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Size Color Mfg. List 1-19 20+ (A) 269-7001-00 4” x 7” Yellow $15.60 $12.49 $11.49 (B) 269-7002-00 4” X 8-3/4” Yellow 16.40 13.49 12.49 269-7002-06 4” X 8-3/4” White 16.40 13.49 12.49 (C) 269-7002-13 4” X 8-3/4” Pink 16.40 13.49 12.49 269-7003-00 4” X 9” Yellow 16.80 13.49 12.49 269-7003-08 4” X 9” Blue 16.80 13.49 12.49 269-7200-00 4” X 8-3/4” Yellow 19.00 13.49 12.49 C Return Item & International Carriers 3 styles to choose. Pressure-sensitive tape prevents check from falling out of carrier during processing. Carriers sealed on three sides. Packed 500 per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Size Color Style Mfg. List 1-19 20+ (A) 269-7021-13RIA 4” x 8-3/4” Pink 3 $28.70 $20.99 $19.99 269-7022-RIA 4” x 9” Blue 3 29.45 21.99 20.99 269-7022-13RIA 4” x 9 ” Pink 3 29.45 21.99 20.99 (B) 269-7002-RIA 269-7032-RIA 269-7021-RIA International Item (C) 269-7002H* 4” x 8-3/4” Yellow 4” x 8-3/4” Yellow 4” x 8-3/4” Blue 1 25.95 2 33.60 3 28.70 19.99 25.99 20.99 18.99 23.99 19.99 4” x 8-3/4” Yellow 1 19.99 18.99 25.95 Style Keys: 1)Translucent paper on yellow bond 2) Translucent paper on yellow bond w/ pressure sensitive tape 3) Translucent paper on translucent paper * Meets Federal Reserve guidelines for qualified return checks BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 23 Vinyl Check File Guides ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 5” x 3” 4” 3-1/2” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 9-5/8” ➤ ➤ ➤ 2-1/2” x 2-1/16” 4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 4-1/2” 6” x 4” Guides with or Without Rod Projection 3-1/2” (D) 269-070620 (C) 269-070420 10-3/8” Guides’ clear vinyl fronts are heat-sealed to translucent, 16-point semi-rigid vinyl backs. Inserts are visible through front or back of guide. Styles fit LeFebure, Diebold and Remington check drawers. Packed 100 per box. ➤ ➤ ➤ 5” x 3” 8-3/4” ➤ ➤ ➤ (B) 269-070520 ➤ 3-1/2” x 1” 4” 3-1/2” ➤ ➤ ➤ 8-3/4” 5” x 3” 4” 3-1/2” (A) 269-070320 See-Through Vinyl Check File Guides ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 5” x 3-1/8” 4” 8-3/4” ➤ 8-3/4” 3-1/2” x 1-1/8” 3” x 2” 3-1/2” 4” 5” x 3” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 3” x 2” ➤ 2” x 1/3” 3-11/16” 2-1/2” x 1-3/4” 4-1/8” 5” x 3” 3-1/2” x 3” ➤ ➤ 8-3/4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 3-1/2” x 1-3/4” 1.625” 8-3/4” ➤ 2” x 1/3” ➤ ➤ 3-1/2” x 1-5/8” 2-1/2” x 1-3/4” 3-5/8” x 1-5/8” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 2” X 2” 6” x 4” ➤ ➤ ➤ (S) 269-074820 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 4-7/8” 5” x 3” 3-5/8” x 1-1/2” (T) 269-4641V20 *Packed 50 per box 6-1/4” 4-3/8” ➤ ➤ Vinyl guides designed to accommodate Negotiable Order of Withdrawal accounts. Guides come without lock rod projection. Guides with rod projection quoted upon request. Packed 100 per box. 6” X 4” INSERT As Low As ¢ ea 52 ➤ 4-3/8” 8-7/8” (U) 269-074520 Your Price per Box/100 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ (U) 269-0745-20 Flush Bottom $60.49 $57.99 $54.99 $51.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 24 24 NOW Account Vinyl Check Guides ➤ 5” x 3” 3-5/8” x 1-3/4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 3-1/2” X 11/16” 2” x 3/8” (P) 269-073120 (R) 269-075220 ➤ Remington-Style Guides As Low As ¢ ea 54 Your Price per Box/100 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ (Q) 269-0754-20 3”H Pkt w/ Dbl Rod Proj.$65.99 $59.99 $56.99 $53.99 (R) 269-0752-20 4”H Pkt w/ Dbl Rod Proj.65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (S) 269-0748-20 Without Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (T) 269-4641-V20* Without Rod Projection 29.99 27.99 25.99 23.99 4” 4-7/16” 8-3/4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 5” x 3/4” 8-9/16” 8-3/4” ➤ ➤ (Q) 269-075420 ➤ 4” ➤ 3-5/8” x 1-5/8” 5” x 3-1/8” (O) 269-077120 3” 4-7/16” ➤ 2” x 1/2” (N) 269-073920 8-9/16” 10-3/8” 1.625” 8-3/4” ➤ 4” ➤ ➤ 2-5/16” x 3-3/4” (M) 269-074020 ➤ 6-1/8” x 4-1/8” 6” x 4” ➤ 2-5/16” x 5/16” 4-3/8” ➤ 2-1/2” x 1-5/8” (L) 269-077020 8-3/4” Diebold-Style Guides As Low As ¢ ea Your Price per Box/100 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ (J) 269-0775-20 With Dbl Rod Projection $65.99 $59.99 $56.99 $53.99 (K) 269-0777-20 With Dbl Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (L) 269-0770-20 Flush Bottom 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (M)269-0740-20 With Dbl Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (N) 269-0739-20 With Dbl Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (O) 269-0771-20 Flush Bottom 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (P) 269-0731-20 With Dbl Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 2” x 1/3” 4-1/8” 5” x 3” 4-1/8” 6” x 4” (K) 269-077720 (J) 269-077520 60 ➤ 2-1/2” x 1-5/8” ➤ ➤ 4” 1.625” 8-3/4” As Low As ¢ ea Your Price per Box/100 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ (E) 269-0762-20 With Rod Projection $87.99 $69.99 $64.99 $59.99 (F) 269-0767-20 With Rod Projection 87.99 69.99 64.99 59.99 (G) 269-0747-20 With Rod Projection 87.99 69.99 64.99 59.99 (H) 269-0764-20 With Rod Projection 87.99 69.99 64.99 59.99 (I) 269-0766-20 With Rod Projection 87.99 69.99 64.99 59.99 2” x 1/3” ➤ ➤ 4-1/2” 3” x 2” (I) 269-076620 ➤ ➤ (H) 269-076420 8-3/4” 3” x 2-1/8” ➤ (G) 269-074720 ➤ 5” x 3” 4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 2-1/2” x 1-7/8” 4-1/2” 5” x 3-3/4” 4” 10-3/8” ➤ 3” x 2-1/8” ➤ 6” x 4” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ 2-1/2” x 1-1/2” 4” 10-3/8” ➤ 2” x 3/8” LeFebure-Style Guides (F) 269-076720 ➤ (E) 269-076220 ➤ 54 Your Price per Box/100 Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ (A) 269-0703-20 Without Rod Projection $65.99 $59.99 $56.99 $53.99 (B) 269-0705-20 Without Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (C) 269-0704-20 With Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 (D) 269-0706-20 With Rod Projection 65.99 59.99 56.99 53.99 3” x 1-5/8” 8-3/4” As Low As ¢ ea Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Document Jackets, Vault & Fingerprint Supplies Snap-Lock Vault Key Envelopes As Low As ¢ ea Vinyl Document Jackets 40 Clear jackets are made of heavy-gauge, tough clear vinyl. Differentiate at a glance between collateral notes, unsecured notes, insurance policies, land trusts, etc. Thumb notched for easy insertion and removal of contents. Choose from three sizes. All transparent. Packed 100 per box. Cat. No. 205-0549-20 205-0549-07 205-0549-08 205-0549-12 Document Your Price per Box/100 Size Color Mfg. List 1-4 5-9 10+ 4-3/8” x 9” Clear $48.50 $43.99 $41.99 $39.99 4-3/8” x 9” Red 48.50 43.99 41.99 39.99 4-3/8” x 9” Blue 48.50 43.99 41.99 39.99 4-3/8” x 9” Yellow 48.50 43.99 41.99 39.99 205-0548-20 205-0548-07 205-0548-08 205-0548-12 4” x 8-3/8” 4” x 8-3/8” 4” x 8-3/8” 4” x 8-3/8” Clear Red Blue Yellow 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 43.99 43.99 43.99 43.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 205-0547-20 205-0547-07 205-0547-08 205-0547-12 3-1/2” x 8-1/4”Clear 3-1/2” x 8-1/4”Red 3-1/2” x 8-1/4”Blue 3-1/2” x 8-1/4”Yellow 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 43.99 43.99 43.99 43.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 Heavy-Duty Vinyl Passbook Jackets Cat. No. 205-0512-20 205-0515-20 205-0514-20 205-0510-20 Passbook Size Color Mfg. List 5-3/4” x 3-1/2”Clear $23.00 5-5/8” x 3-1/2”Clear 23.00 4-3/4” x 3-5/8”Clear 23.00 4-1/2” x 3-5/8”Clear 23.00 As Low As ¢ ea 24 Nylon Vault Key-Hole Signals Colorfast, non-chip, reusable. Prongs securely engage lock tumblers for tight key-hole fit. Withdraw and use again as needed. Offset head properly centers signal over key-hole opening. Color denotes category: Red—officially sealed by court or bank order; Blue—rent overdue; White—box for rent; Black—death; Green—special uses; Orange—more than one person present to open box. One universal size - 7/8” prong with 1/2” head designed to fit most popularly used brand locks. Packed 25 signals of one color per box. Cat. No. 261-4018-07 261-4018-08 261-4018-06 261-4018-04 261-4018-02 261-4018-16 Color Red Blue White Black Green Orange Your Price per Box/250 Cat. No. Description Color Mfg. List 1 2-3 4+ 270-0294-02 Non-Imprinted Green $276.80 $149.99 $139.99 $129.89 270-0294-03 Non-Imprinted Sand 276.80 149.99 139.99 129.89 270-0294-07 Non-Imprinted Red 276.80 149.99 139.99 129.89 270-0294-08 Non-Imprinted Blue 276.80 149.99 139.99 129.89 As Low As ¢ ea Permanent-Lock Vault Key Envelopes Your Price per Box/25 Mfg. List 1-9 10-19 20+ $7.50 $6.99 $6.49 $5.99 7.50 6.99 6.49 5.99 7.50 6.99 6.49 5.99 7.50 6.99 6.49 5.99 7.50 6.99 6.49 5.99 7.50 6.99 6.49 5.99 56 Authorized bank employee places both correctly assigned keys in this permanent-lock vault key control envelope. The customer leasing the safe deposit box must sign the receipt on permanentlock envelope to receive keys. Customer then cuts open key control envelope and uses snap-lock key envelope (2700294 series) supplied by vault attendant. Size: 3” x 3-1/2”. Packed 250 per box. Color: Sand. 17 Your Price per Box/100 1-4 5-9 10+ $18.99 $17.99 $16.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 18.99 17.99 16.99 52 Compact envelope is ideal for safe deposit box keys. Made of tough ropestock with reclosable snap fastener. Packed 250 per box. As Low As ¢ ea Heavy gauge, yet copy is always legible through transparent jacket. Offset-edge and thumb-cut design allow material to be easily removed andinserted. Fusion-proof special finish prevents sticking or clinging. Packed 100 per box. As Low As ¢ ea Cat. No. Color Mfg. List 270-0295-03 Sand $311.50 Your Price per Box/250 1 2-3 4+ $168.79 $157.49 $139.89 Fingerprint Identifier Save 50% Protect your bank from fraud by recording non-customers’ finger-prints directly on checks and other documents. Makes a permanent, non-smearing record on any paper stock. A pressure-sensitive patch on the bottom of the pad holds it to a counter or desk. Each pack includes three 500-print pads and two window decals. Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. Cat. No. 200-0024-00 200-0024-01 200-0025-00 Description Fingerprint Identifier pack 1,200-Print Replacement Pad 500-Print Replacement Pad Mfg. List $67.78 29.18 21.18 Clorox Wash ‘N Dri Antibacterial Towelettes Your Price $33.89 14.59 10.59 As Low As ¢ ea 10 Pre-packaged towlettes allow easy removal of ink. Antibacterial formula helps kill bacteria and other germs. Packed 20 per box. Your Price per Box/20 Cat. No. Compare At 1-9 10-24 25+ COX 22236 $2.70 $2.19 $2.09 $1.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 25 Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags Our Tamper-Evident Bags Offer the Highest Security Features in the Industry. •Heat Indicators–Blue dots appear on seal when tampered with heat from a hairdryer, vehicle heater or other source. •Cold Indicators– Bag seal features easily detectable ‘VOID’ graphics which give instant evidence of attacks on the bag by freezing agents such as coolants or Freon. Serrated edges tear when tampered. As Low As ¢ ea •Saliva-Indicators – Saliva-soluble ink reveals tampering from saliva, solvents or other chemicals. Use of such substances cause dissolution and distortion of the black “star” graphics featured under the seal. 30 Tamper-Evident Twin Deposit Bags •Seam Indicators – If seams are cut and resealed, microprint along sides will be missing or distorted. Separate currency from checks for quicker deposit processing. Top pouch holds currency while bottom pouch holds checks and depositslip. Clear film allows user to view both pouches to verify checks and cur-rency have been separated properly. Self-sealing adhesive closure is easy to use and has security features that exceed bank requirements for levels of tampering evidence at temperatures ranging from -60°F to 160°F. Alphanumeric numbering, bar code and receipt provide an audit trail. Information can be written directly on bag in yellow-shaded areas. Outer dimensions: 9-1/2”W x 17-1/2”H. Film gauge: 2.75 mil. Packed 100 per pack; 5 packs per box. Minimum order one box of 500. Your Price / Box (500) Cat. No. Mfg. List 1 2-3 4-9 236-2500-N20 $249.65 $187.29 $174.79 $162.29 As Low As ¢ ea As Low As ¢ ea 25 56 Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags Tamper-Evident Bundle Bags Eliminate the hassle of daily deposit bag returns. Bags secure bank deposits, and are built to withstand the impact of the night depository drop. Durable co-extruded film is water and tear-resistant and completely recyclable. Self-sealing adhesive closure is easy to use and has security features that exceed bank requirements for levels of tampering evidence at temperatures ranging from -60 F to 160 F. Alphanumeric numbering, bar code and receipt create a permanent audit trail. Information can be written directly on bag in yellow-shaded areas. Your choice of clear or white bags in multiple sizes. Packed 100 per pack; 5 packs per box. Minimum order one box of 500. Cat. No. 236-2010-N06 236-2010-N20 Outer Your Price/Box Dimension Color Mfg. List 1-9 10+ 9” x 12” White $208.75 $135.69 $125.29 9” x 12” Clear 208.75 135.69 125.29 236-2011-N06 236-2011-N20 12” x 16” 12” x 16” White Clear 342.25 342.25 222.49 222.49 205.39 205.39 Secure currency shipments en route to a Federal Reserve Bank Safely transport deposits to the Fed or transfer cash between internal bank branches. Bags meet Federal Reserve Bank guidelines for bank deposits. Various bag sizes available to hold 4, 8, 12 or 16 bundles of currency. Self-sealing adhesive closure is easy to use and has security features that exceed bank requirements for levels of tampering evidence at temperatures ranging from -60 F to 160 F. Alphanumeric numbering, bar code and receipt provide an audit trail. Information can be written directly on bag in yellow-shaded areas. Sealed back pocket stores deposit ticket and other paperwork. Minimum order one box. Bundle Cat. No. Size Capacity 236-2005-N20 15” x 20” 4 236-2006-N20 20” x 20” 8 236-2007-N20 20” x 24” 12 236-2035-N20 20” x 28” 16 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 26 10+ $154.79 Mil 3 3 3 5 Qty/ Box 250 250 250 100 Your Price/Box Mfg. List 1-9 10+ $208.75 $150.59 $139.79 304.85 213.39 198.19 341.50 239.09 221.99 175.20 122.69 113.89 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Coin, Check & Currency Bags USE PLASTIC BAGS TO DEPOSIT COIN TO THE FED As Low As ¢ ea • Meets Federal Reserve Bank standards. • Easy to use with most coin-counting equipment. Transfer Bags - Clear Use transfer bags for transferring checks and documents. The white areas allow for written notations, such as ship date, clerk’s initials or other instructions. Clear, 4 mil. poly bag has air vents to release trapped air when bag is sealed. These bags are not designed to hold currency. Packed 250 per box. • More economical than cloth bags for coin deposits. As Low As ¢ ea Self-Sealing Coin Totes 83 Constructed of durable 6.5 mil.film, this tote holds 50 pounds of coin. They feature a tamper-evident adhesive seal that is permanent and simple to use. No need to use bag seals with this self-sealing tote. When using a shipping label to color code shipments, the plastic bag meets Federal Reserve standards for depositing coin. Shipping label adheres to top left corner of the bag. Strong heat-sealed seams prevent tote from splitting at the seams. Low-slip film texture reduces slippage when bags are stacked. Reinforced handle makes heavy coin safer and easier to carry. Internal tracking is easy to do because each bag has its own unique alphanumeric number, bar code and tear-off receipt. Tote holds standard Federal Reserve Bank capacities. Hand write directly on bag to indicate shipping information and contents. Outer dimensions: 13”W x 22”H. Packed 100 per box. Box Size: 17-1/2”W x 11”D x 4”H. Box weight: 15-1/2 lbs. Cat. No. 231-0421-20 Mfg. List $127.25 26 Cat. No. 206-4101-20 206-4102-20 Outer Deminsions 14” x 20” 20” x 30” Mfg. List $99.00 198.00 1 $77.29 154.49 Your Price/Box 2-3 4+ $74.29 $64.39 134.69 128.69 As Low As ¢ ea Your Price/Box 1-9 10+ $79.99 $69.99 Currency Deposit Bags 34 Bags are used to transport currency. Clear 5 mil. plastic film reveals the bag contents without opening the bag. Packed 100 per box. Colored Shipping Labels for Coin Totes As Low As $ 59 roll 3 / Cat. No. 206-4105-20 206-4107-20 Outer Max Your Price / Box Dimension Capacity Mfg. List 1-4 5-9 10+ 12” x 20” 45 lbs. $48.55 $38.89 $36.49 $33.99 19” x 36” 100 lbs. 86.90 69.59 65.19 60.89 Labels color-code coin shipments as recommended by the Federal Reserve Bank, and provide a quick and easy way to identify denominations. Each label is printed with its coin denomination and total dollar value in the appropriate ABA color. Blank area leaves sufficient space to use a name-and-address stamp. Labels adhere to top left corner of the Self-Sealing Coin Tote, eliminating the need for separate bag tags and security seals. 100 labels per roll. 12 rolls per master carton. Label size: 3”W x 2”H. Cat. No. Denomination 210-0302-07 Pennies 210-0302-08 Nickels 210-0302-02 Dimes 210-0302-16 Quarters 210-0302-03 Halves 210-0302-01 Dollars Eisen. 210-0302-C1 Dollars SBA Gold Your Price/Roll Color Capacity Compare At 1-11 12-23 24+ Red 50.00 $4.79 $3.99 $3.79 $3.59 Blue 200.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Green 1,000.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Orange1,000.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Buff 1,000.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Gray 1,000.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Gray 2,000.00 4.79 3.99 3.79 3.59 Cash Transmittal Bags Cat. No. Outer Dimension 236-0069-20 6” x 9” Cat. No. 236-1215-20 236-1624-20 Your Price / Box 1+ $115.29 167.49 1 $79.79 Your Price / Box 2-9 10+ $75.39 $70.89 Bags transport currency to and from the vault, or between departments. Holds single denominations of strapped currency. Constructed of clear film with sturdy side-weld seams. Permanent adhesive seal secures contents. White area accepts signatures for accountability and other notations. Packed 1,000 per box. 23 Outer Dimension Mfg. List 12” x 15”$183.00 16” x 24” 265.75 Compare At $92.14 Strap Bags These bags are designed to transport checks to branches. Bags hold personal or business size checks. Clear 2 mil. bags feature a drawcord closure to secure contents. Packed 500 per box. 14 Transmittal Bags are used by retailers to minimize cash disappearances. Bags hold currency, coin, checks, credit card receipts, gift certificates and coupons. Constructed of clear 2.75 mil. film and strong side-weld seams. Name, date and dollar amounts can be written directly on bag. Permanent adhesive seal secures contents. Packed 500 per box. As Low As ¢ ea Drawcord Bags As Low As ¢ ea Cat. No. 236-0066-20 236-0068-20 Outer Dimension 4-1/2” x 7-1/2” 8-1/2” x 7-1/2” x 3” Note Capacity 100 1,000 Mil. 2.25 2.25 Your Price / Box Mfg. List 1+ $84.50 $59.19 134.20 93.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 27 Maximum security Bags (Bag color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers Use Order Form on Page 60) Lock Options for 7-Pin Bags & Key Free Bags Keyed-Alike (Non-Master Keyed Lock) Each bag shares the same key code. Cat. No. 233-9995-M00 Description Aditional Key 7-Pin Security Bags For carrying deposit transactions to the bank. Stores and protects coin, currency, checks and documents. 7-pin lock provides maximum security to contents. Double-stitched seams provide extreme strength. Durable fabrics and quality craftsmanship make these bags withstand the impact of the night deposit drop, as well as daily abuse. Built-in lock is keyed differently with no master key. Other lock options available when specified (see options at right). Two keys supplied with each bag, ideal for multiple bag users. Masterkeying option reduces the number of keys to maintain. Bags include silk screen imprint (one color/one location), consecutive numbering (one color/one location), and framed I.D. window and address card. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE (minimum order 12 bags). featuring the Most Secure Lock in the Industry Businesses that take security seriously prefer the 7-Pin lock. The seven pins inside the tumbler make the lock virtually pick-resistant. The lock is unique because the key cannot be released until the lock plunger is pressed down. This feature prevents users from accidentally locking their keys inside the bag. Cat. No. 233-0671M 233-0871M 233-0971M 233-0771M Fabric Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ Size (WxH) 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 233-0661M 233-0861M 233-0961M 233-0761M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 21.80 22.70 23.10 23.10 16.99 19.99 20.79 20.79 15.29 18.19 18.49 18.49 13.79 14.59 14.99 14.99 233-0681M 233-0881M 233-0981M 233-0781M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 22.65 23.55 23.70 23.70 17.69 20.79 20.89 20.89 15.89 18.39 18.49 18.49 14.29 15.79 15.89 15.89 233-0682M 233-0882M 233-0982M 233-0782M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 22.75 23.70 23.85 23.85 18.69 21.39 21.49 21.49 16.89 19.69 19.59 19.59 16.39 15.89 15.99 15.99 233-0693M 233-0893M 233-0993M 233-0793M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 23.55 24.45 24.65 24.60 18.89 21.99 22.19 22.19 16.99 19.59 19.79 19.69 15.79 16.19 16.29 16.49 233-0696M 233-0896M 233-0996M 233-0796M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 24.90 25.05 25.45 25.45 19.19 21.99 22.19 22.39 17.19 19.59 20.19 20.39 16.49 16.79 16.99 17.39 233-0697M 233-0897M 233-0997M 233-0797M Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 25.15 26.00 26.20 25.45 19.19 21.99 22.29 22.99 18.19 20.29 19.69 20.69 15.99 16.89 17.29 16.99 Keyed-Differently (Non-Master Keyed Lock) Each bag has its own key code Cat. No. 233-9997-M00 Description Aditional Key Your Price $1.99 Keyed-Differently (Master Keyed Lock) Each bag has its own key code. One master key opens all of the bags in the master keyed series. (master key sold separately). Cat. No. 233-9998-M00 Description Master Keys Your Price $4.49 Lock Options for Pop-Up Lock Bags Your Price/Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $21.65 $16.49 $14.79 $13.29 22.65 19.99 17.69 14.29 22.80 19.39 17.79 14.39 22.80 19.69 17.79 14.59 Keyed-Alike (Non-Master Keyed Lock) Each bag shares the same key code. Cat. No. 233-9995-C00 Description Aditional Key Your Price $4.49 Keyed-Differently (Non-Master Keyed Lock) Each bag has its own key code Cat. No. 233-9997-C00 Description Aditional Key Your Price $4.79 Keyed-Differently (Master Keyed Lock) Each bag has its own key code. One master key opens all of the bags in the master keyed series. (master key sold separately). Cat. No. 233-9998-C00 Description Master Keys BURKHART’S Bank Supply 28 Your Price $4.49 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price $4.49 Prices subject to change without notice color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers (Bag Use Order Form on Page 60) Maximum security Bags Key-Free Security Bag Stores and protects money, checks and documents. Bag creates control measures for businesses that prefer management to retain all bag keys. Retail stores, trucking companies, tollway authorities, casinos and amusement parks are businesses already using Key-Free bags. 7-pin lock provides maximum security to contents. Double-stitched seams prevent breakage. Durable fabrics and quality craftsmanship make these bags withstand daily abuse. Built-in lock is keyed alike. Other lock options available when specified. Bags include two keys, silk screen imprint (one color/one location), consecutive numbering (one color/one location), and framed I.D. window and address card. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE (minimum order 12 bags) 1. Bag is given to user in an open position with no key. Pop-Up Lock Bags Stores coin and currency, checks and documents. Six-wafer lock provides moderate security to contents. Durable fabrics and double-stitched seams make these bags withstand the impact of the night deposit drop, as well as daily abuse. The lock is keyed differently with no master key. Other lock options are available when specified. Two keys, ideal for multiple bag users or spares, are included with each bag. Master-keying option reduces the number of keys to maintain. The bag includes silk-screen imprint (one color/one location), consecutive numbering (one color/one location), and framed I.D. window and address card. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE (minimum order 12 bags). •Up to 4000 standard key codes available. •Heavy-duty vinyl secures lock to bag. No gaps around lock to permit wrongful entry. •Pick-resistant metal zipper. Strong, nylon zipper tape. Easy-grip, molded zipper pull. •Reinforced seams add strength and prevent raveling. 2. User places vinyl strap around lock plunger so bag won’t lock. At end of shift, strap is pulled over plunger and placed inside bag. 3. User zips bag and presses down plunger. Bag can now be returned to the cash management office. Contents are retrieved by authorized employee possessing the key Cat. No. 233-1201K 233-1208K 233-1215K 233-1222K Fabric Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ Size (WxH) 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 11” x 7” Your Price/Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $22.60 $16.99 $15.39 $13.79 24.95 21.99 19.79 15.79 23.70 19.69 17.79 14.49 24.70 19.99 18.29 14.99 233-1200K 233-1207K 233-1214K 233-1221K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 10-1/2” x 9” 22.55 23.50 23.60 24.00 17.59 21.19 20.79 21.59 15.79 19.29 18.89 19.19 14.29 15.59 15.39 16.09 233-1202K 233-1209K 233-1216K 233-1223K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 11” x 8-1/2” 22.85 24.50 24.60 25.60 18.39 20.89 21.19 20.99 16.69 18.69 18.99 18.99 14.99 16.19 16.49 16.39 233-1203K 233-1210K 233-1217K 233-1224K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 12” x 9” 23.75 24.20 24.30 25.30 18.59 21.79 21.89 21.59 16.69 19.39 19.99 19.49 15.19 15.99 16.29 15.99 233-1204K 233-1211K 233-1218K 233-1225K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 13” x 9” 24.60 25.80 25.60 26.80 18.69 22.19 22.29 22.59 16.99 19.89 20.49 20.69 15.79 16.59 16.89 16.89 233-1205K 233-1212K 233-1219K 233-1226K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 16” x 9” 25.20 26.55 26.30 29.45 18.89 22.89 22.39 24.49 17.19 20.49 20.29 22.39 16.39 17.39 17.69 19.19 233-1206K 233-1213K 233-1220K 233-1227K Leatherette 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 16” x 12” 25.90 26.90 27.00 28.75 18.19 22.39 22.99 23.89 16.99 20.19 20.79 21.59 15.29 17.29 17.89 18.69 Cat. No. 233-0871C 233-0971C 233-0771C Fabric 18 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ Size (WxH) 11” x 7” 11” x 7” 11” x 7” Your Price/Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $23.55 $19.39 $18.89 $15.79 23.50 19.99 19.59 16.49 24.70 20.99 20.49 17.29 233-0881C 18 oz. Duck 11” x 8-1/2” 233-0981C Lam. Nylon 11” x 8-1/2” ® 233-0781C Lam. Cordura + 11” x 8-1/2” 24.50 24.60 25.65 20.39 20.99 21.79 19.99 20.49 21.29 16.99 17.29 17.99 233-0893C 18 oz. Duck 13” x 9” 233-0993C Lam. Nylon 13” x 9” 233-0793C Lam. Cordura®+ 13” x 9” 25.35 25.55 30.15 21.59 21.79 27.19 21.09 21.29 26.59 18.29 18.39 22.69 233-0896C 18 oz. Duck 16” x 9” 233-0996C Lam. Nylon 16” x 9” 233-0796C Lam. Cordura®+ 16” x 9” 26.20 26.60 27.50 22.29 23.19 23.99 21.49 22.39 23.39 19.19 19.49 19.79 For discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 29 Locking Transport Bags (Bag color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers Use Order Form on Page 60) 7-Pin Transport Bags 7-Pin Transport Bags carry nearly anything comfortably and securely. Each bag is constructed with reinforced seams, pick-resistant zipper,metal shield and heavy-duty vinyl around the lock to provide longevity and security. Bags are available in several colors and a silk-screen imprint (one location, one side) is included. Bags also include an I.D. window and address card, and two keys 7-Pin Transport Bags feature the most secure lock in the industry. The seven pins inside the tumbler make the lock virtually pick-resistant. The lock is unique because the key cannot be released until the lock plunger is pressed down. This feature prevents users from accidentally locking their keys inside the bag. Two keys are supplied with each lock, ideal for multiple bag users. As a standard, the lock is keyed differently with no master key. Other lock options are available (see page 28). •UltimaShield™ metal guard protects lock from impact and abuse. U.S.patent 5820267 •Heavy-duty vinyl secures lock to bag. No gaps around lock to permit wrongful entry. •Pick-resistant metal zipper. Strong, nylon zipper tape. Easy-grip molded zipper pull. •Reinforced seams add strength and prevent raveling Our most rugged courier bag! Securely transport checks, money, documents and valuables. Built-in 7-pin lock provides maximum security. Extremely durable for heavy capacities. Tough-as-nails construction includes waterproof and abrasion-resistant 1800-denier polyester fabric, double-stitched seams, and leather-like reinforcements at typical wear points. Heavy-duty webbed handles wrap entirely around bag to support full weight, and handgrip provides carrying comfort. Features a bag skirt to increase longevity and a virtually pick-resistant metal zipper. Plastic molded feet add stability yet won’t scratch surfaces. I.D.window and address card route bag, and the light weight of the bag keeps air freight costs affordable when shipping between branches. Call for a quote on additional fabrics and sizes. Add color code to Cat. No.: Black (04), Navy (08), Burgundy (17), Forest Green (34). Bottom Size Cat. No. (W x H x D) 206-4996 12” x 12” x 8” 206-4997 16” x 16” x 7” 206-4998 18” x 18” x 7” 206-4999 18” x 22” x 7” 206-5000 20” x 24” x 8” Your Price / Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $120.90 $ 89.49 $ 84.69 $ 78.59 138.90 99.89 94.49 89.89 144.15 103.79 97.89 93.69 155.15 111.79 105.59 99.99 166.90 119.89 113.49 107.49 7-Pin Satchels 7-Pin Courier Bag Courier Bag secures and transports heavy capacities, making it popular among armored car and courier services. 7-pin lock provides maximum security (includes two keys). High-impact plastic skirt increases longevity and lends stability. Bag has one zippered compartment. Bag’s tough fabric withstands rugged use and double-stitched seams provide strength. Handgrip provides carrying comfort. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side) in 5”W x 7”H area between handles. Use I.D. window and address card to route bag. 20”W x 24”H at top, and 16-1/2”W x 6”D at bottom. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. Fabric 206-0224 18 oz. Duck 206-0230 Cordura® + 7-Pin Rugged Satchels Your Price / Bag Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ $79.29 $72.19 $68.39 $64.59 87.03 81.59 76.99 72.49 Roomy one-compartment bag transports and secures at the same time. 7-pin lock provides maximum security (includes two keys). Cordura® Plus fabric withstands heavy loads, and doublestitched seams provide strength. Cordura bag skirt reinforces the bottom of the bag, while extra depth allows for greater capacities. Wraparound handles support full weight. Hand grip provides carrying comfort. FREE silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). Imprint area is the 5”W x 7”H area between handles. Includes I.D. window and address card. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. Size 206-5001 23” x 16” x 7” 206-5002 25” x 18” x 7” Your Price / Bag Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ $84.21 $77.99 $71.59 $67.59 92.57 86.39 79.99 73.79 7-Pin Courier Case Courier Case has rigid side panels to keep contents flat. Maximum- security, 7-pin lock and pick-resistant zipper secure contents. Durability is created by the wear-resistant Cordura® Plus fabric and double-stitched seams. Wraparound webbing supports full bag weight, and tapered handles provide carrying comfort. FREE silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). I.D. window and address card are included for routing bag. Includes two keys, which is ideal for multiple users. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. Size 206-5003 17”W x 14”H x 6”D Your Price / Bag Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ $45.08 $39.79 $35.89 $33.59 7-Pin Document Carriers Document Carrier’s flat design saves space, is easy to store and it’s a convenient style to carry under your arm. Rigid interior panels keep materials flat. 7-pin lock provides maximum security, and laminated nylon isdurable and waterproof. Pickresistant zipper curves around bag to simplify content retrieval. FREE silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). Use I.D. window and address card to route bag. Includes two keys, which is ideal for multiple users. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. Size 232-0001 17” x 14” x 2” 232-0002 17” x 14” x 4” BURKHART’S Bank Supply 30 Your Price / Bag Compare At 1-5 6-11 12+ $38.48 $32.89 $31.19 $29.49 40.35 36.39 34.47 31.79 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers (Bag Use Order Form on Page 60) Fire-Resistant Bags Fire-Block® Bags Provide Superior Fire-Resistance and Strength! Fire-Block Rugged Totes In an independent laboratory test, a Fire-Block Satchel was engulfed in1600°F flames for 15 minutes.100% of the contents survived! Stacks ofchecks were placed in a clear vinyl bag inside the satchel.All checks wereslightly charred on the edges, but remained completely legible.Actual firesmay produce varying results. Before During After Our most rugged Fire Block tote! Rugged Totes feature puncture and tear resistant shells made of 18-oz., 2-ply cotton duck fabric. Heavy-weight vinyl skirt increases longevity, and 88-gauge vinyl panels and double-stitched seams add durability. Tote’s webbing supports heavy weight and large capacities. 7-pin lock provides maximum security. UltimaShield™ metal guard, and heavy-duty vinyl guard protect 7-pin lock if bag is dropped. Flap features hook and loop fastener, and shields both the lock and pick-resistant zipper from heat. Comfort hand grip provides carrying ease. Includes two keys (lock is keyed differently). An I.D. window aids in routing bag. Available in horizontal or vertical style. Additional Fire Barrier Layer available for extra fire protection! FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Multi-Layer Construction Cat. No. 232-5205 232-5201 232-5202 232-5203 232-5204 •2-ply Cordura® Plus Fabric Twice as durable as ordinary nylon,and 14 times more durable than cotton. The Cordura shell is 1000 denier nylon with a polyvinyl laminate. It’s exceptionally resistant to punctures and tears. The moisture-proof laminate prevents paper contents, especially checks, from curling at the edges and jamming sorting equipment. Style Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Bottom Size (W x H x D) 12” x 12” x 8” 16” x 16” x 7” 18” x 18” x 7” 20” x 20” x 8” 19” x 24” x 6” Mfg. List 171.00 181.00 201.00 229.00 215.00 Your Price / Bag 1-5 6-11 12+ 136.79 129.99 126.59 148.49 144.79 137.59 160.79 148.79 140.69 199.99 183.19 171.79 178.49 167.69 156.99 Fire-Block Totes •2-ply Fire-Barrier Fabric Withstands a constant temperature of 1800°F, with a melting point of 3000°F. This fabric makes the bag fire-resistant! The thermal barrier consists of 18-oz. silica fabric and aluminized polyester, which reflects high levels of radiant energy. It also provides strength and abrasion resistance. •Additional Fire-Barrier Layer Built-in layer provides extra fire protection! All Fire-Block bags can be manufactured with an additional layer of Fire-Barrier fabric to increase the fire resistance. The more layers, the longer it takes for the heat to reach the center of the bag. •1-ply Cotton Twill Laminate Adds sturdiness and protects contents from moisture. The 6-oz. layer of cotton conceals the Fire-Barrier fabric, and adds to the thickness of the bag. It also provides moisture protection to paper contents. Made of laminated Cordura® Plus fabric with a moisture-proof coating to prevent paper contents from curling. Rigid construction and square-bottom design simplify loading. Horizontal or vertical style available. Cordura bag skirt reinforces bottom for longevity. 7-pin lock provides maximum security. UltimaShield™ metal guard, and heavy-duty vinyl guard protect lock if bag is dropped. Flap features hook and loop fastener, and shields both the lockand pick-resistant zipper from heat. Wrap around handles support bag weight, and provide carrying comfort. Includes two keys (lock is keyed differently). Additional Fire Barrier Layer available for extra fire protection! FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Additional Fire Barrier Layers Your Price Cat. No. Extra Layer for Bag # Mfg. List Each 232-4981-00 232-5205 $45.30 $29.49 232-4982-00 232-5201 50.20 37.69 232-4983-00 232-5202 52.05 41.69 232-4984-00 232-5203 56.65 48.15 232-4980-00 232-5204 56.95 45.59 232-4985-00 232-4986-00 232-4987-00 232-4988-00 232-5000 232-5001 232-5002 232-5003 37.30 51.65 52.05 55.25 29.89 38.79 41.69 46.99 232-4993-00 232-4991-00 232-4992-00 232-4995-00 232-4997-00 232-5102 232-5100 232-5101 232-5104 232-5251 57.80 18.75 30.55 97.20 69.55 46.29 14.99 24.49 77.79 55.69 Cat. No. 232-5000 232-5001 232-5002 232-5003 232-5102 Style Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Size (W x H x D) 12” x 12” x 8” 16” x 16” x 7” 18” x 18” x 7” 20” x 20” x 8” 19” x 24” x 6” Mfg. List 169.05 183.45 198.20 222.00 219.15 Your Price / Bag 1-5 6-11 12+ 135.29 128.49 118.39 146.79 142.19 132.09 154.59 144.69 134.79 177.59 172.09 159.89 175.39 169.89 153.49 Fire-Block Couriers Transport bag has universal appeal. Made of durable 1000-denier Cordura® Plus fabric. Features TruLock® zipper and padlock to secure contents. Webbing supports heavy capacities, and tapered handles provide carrying ease. Pick-resistant zipper reduces pilferage. Flap features hook and loop fastener, and shields both the zipper and padlock from heat .Includes padlock and two keys (lock is keyed differently). Additional Fire Barrier Layer available for extra fire protection! FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Cat. No. 232-5100 232-5101 Size (W x H x D) 14” x 11” x 3” 16” x 14” x 4” Your Price / Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $ 95.00 $ 85.49 $80.79 $73.69 115.00 94.49 91.99 84.89 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 31 Fire Resistant & Transport Bags (Bag color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers Use Order Form on Page 60) Fire-Block® Check Tray Bag Transports checks to branches and processing centers. Holds two Block check trays (6,400 checks). TruLock ® zipper and padlock secure contents. Webbing supports heavy capacities. Cordura® Plus fabric is laminated for added sturdiness. Pick-resistant zipper reduces pilferage. Zipper wraps around 3 sides of bag, fully exposing contents to simplify loading and unloading. Includes simulated-leather hand grip, padlock and two keys (lock is keyed differently). Multiple fabric color options. Additional Fire Barrier Layer available for extra charge. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Size (W x H x D) 23” x 11” x 10” Cat. No. 232-5251 Mfg. List $262.35 Super-Sized Carrier Oversized bag hauls large capacities. Wrap-around handles support heavy weight. Horizontal-shaped bag offers one large zippered compartment. Durable fabrics and double-stitched seams provide strength. I.D. window and address card route bag. Optional padlock secures contents (sold separately). Size: 21”W x 17”H x 12”D. Multiple fabric and color options. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Your Price / Bag 1-5 6+ $179.79 $169.29 Cat. No. 232-0041 232-0042 Size (W x H x D) 18 oz. Duck Lam. Cordura®+ Your Price / Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ $83.95 $67.19 $62.99 $60.49 94.55 83.29 80.39 75.79 233-0006-00 Padlock (not shown) 8.40 7.59 Fire-Block Giant Tote Holds 100 lbs. or more.Interior is 2,800 cubic inches. Webbing supports extremely heavy capacities. Heavy-weight vinyl skirt increases longevity. 7-pin lock provides maximum security. Flap features hook and loop fastener, and protects zipper from heat. Includes simulated-leather hand grip, and twokeys (lock is keyed differently). Made of 1000-denier Cordura® Plus fabric. Multiple fabric and color options. Additional Fire Barrier Layer available for extra fire protection! FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Size (W x H x D) 22” x 27” x 6” Cat. No. 232-5104 Post Office Mail Bags - Natural Duck Square-bottom design and tough fabric holds extra-large capacities of bulk mail and small packages. Double-stitched seams prevent breaking. Flexible bags are easy to fold up and store. Braided pull rope and plastic rope clip included to secure contents. Optional metal clamp and braided pull rope secure the top of bags. Clamp can be padlocked for greater security. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). Size: 24”W x 34”H x 12”D. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Your Price / Bag Mfg. List 1-5 6+ $302.15 $199.49 $189.79 Size Cat. No. (W x H x D) 206-0300-0A06 18 oz. Natural Duck 206-0301-00 Metal Rope Clamp Keep mail and small parcels secure while in transit. High-impact plastic skirt increases longevity and lends stability. Tough fabric and double-stitched seams provide years of use. Heavy-duty vinyl panels strengthen specific areas. Durable Cordura Plus fabric is water-resistant. Vinyl belt fits through loops and is secured with padlock in back. Molded handles provide carryingcomfort. Includes padlock and two keys. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). I.D. window and address card help route bag. Fabric color: Tan. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Holds files, reports, books, office supplies, samples, etc. Single-compartment bag is offered in two practical sizes with extra depth for greater capacities. Zipper closure keeps contents intact. Lock fits through D-ring and zipper pull to secure bag. Tapered handles provide carrying comfort. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). I.D. window and address card for routing bag. Lock sold separately. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Embroidery available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. 234-1500 234-1504 234-1501 234-1505 Fabric Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ Lam. Nylon Lam. Cordura®+ 206-0400-00 233-0005-00 Size Your Price / Bag (W x H x D) Mfg. List 1-5 6-11 12+ 14” x 11” x 3”$19.45 $16.99 $16.49 $15.99 14” x 11” x 3” 24.35 19.49 18.99 18.49 18” x 14” x 4” 22.85 20.59 19.99 19.49 18” x 14” x 4” 27.65 24.69 23.99 23.29 Comfort Hand Grip Combination Lock 4.75 4.20 4.29 3.79 TopBottom Your Price Cat. No. (W x H) (W x D) Mfg. List 1+ 206-4418-09 14” x 18” 11-1/4” x 4-3/4” $101.30 $ 79.89 206-4620-09 16” x 20” 13-1/2” x 5-1/4” 115.00 80.49 206-4824-09 18” x 24” 16” x 5-1/4” 120.20 93.79 206-4830-09 20” x 30” 16-1/2” x 6” 130.45 99.99 206-4437-09† 20” x 30” 16-1/2” x 6” 130.45 135.79 †Features heavy-duty plastic skirt instead of molded plastic bottom. BURKHART’S Bank Supply 32 Your Price / Bag 1-5 6-11 12+ $32.99 $28.59 $26.39 7.59 Padlocking Mail Bags Universal Briefcases Mfg. List $44.00 9.20 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers (Bag Use Order Form on Page 60) Transit Sacs Transit Sacs For transporting mail between locations Approved by U.S. Postal Service, Transit Sacs are sent through the mail or are used by messenger services. Choose from Flat or Expandable style. Zipper closure keeps mail intact. Contents are kept confidential by looping security seal through grommet and zipper pull. I.D. window and address cardroute sac. Multiple fabric and color options. IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE in upper left corner. Embroidery also available at additional charge (add cat. no. 2339007). Fabric color choices on inside back cover. Clear Transit Sacs Clear transit sac keeps contents in clear view, providing instant identification of contents. Made of rigid yet flexible 16-gauge vinyl. Flat transit sac style. Minimum order: 10. (Imprinted) Cat. No. 234-1651-P20 234-1652-P20 234-1653-P20 (Non-Imprinted) 234-1651-20 234-1652-20 234-1653-20 Flat Transit Sacs Ideal for flat materials like mail, reports, files, memos, publications and more. Minimum order: 10. Laminated Nylon (Imprinted) Cat. No. (W x H) 234-1209-LP 12” x 9” 234-1411-LP 14” x 11” 234-1814-LP 18” x 14” Laminated Nylon (Non-Imprinted) 234-1209-L 12” x 9” 234-1411-L 14” x 11” 234-1814-L 18” x 14” Nylon (Imprinted) 234-1209-NL 12” x 9” 234-1411-NL 14” x 11” 234-1814-NL 18” x 14” Nylon (Non-Imprinted) 234-1209-N 12” x 9” 234-1411-N 14” x 11” 234-1814-N 18” x 14” 10.38 oz. Duck (Imprinted) 234-1209-DP 12” x 9” 234-1411-DP 14” x 11” 234-1814-DP 18” x 14” 10.38 oz. Duck (Non-Imprinted) 234-1209-D 12” x 9” 234-1411-D 14” x 11” 234-1814-D 18” x 14” Your Price / Bag Mfg. List 10-49 50-99 $ 7.30 $5.99 $5.49 8.00 6.49 5.99 10.00 8.49 7.49 100+ $4.99 5.59 6.99 7.10 7.80 9.80 5.99 6.29 8.39 5.39 5.89 7.39 4.99 5.49 6.89 5.75 6.00 8.10 4.49 4.79 6.49 4.29 4.49 5.99 3.99 4.19 5.69 5.55 5.80 7.25 4.49 4.69 5.79 4.19 4.49 5.49 3.89 4.19 4.99 6.80 7.35 8.90 5.49 5.89 7.19 4.99 5.59 6.69 4.79 5.19 6.29 6.60 7.15 8.70 5.29 5.79 6.99 4.99 5.39 6.59 4.69 4.99 5.99 Ideal for bulk mail and small parcels. Extra 3” to 4” depth accommodates large capacities. Minimum order: 5. Your Price / Bag 10-49 50-99 100+ 13.49 12.59 11.79 14.59 13.69 12.79 12.39 13.39 11.59 12.49 12.79 15.89 11.99 14.89 11.19 13.89 12.49 15.59 11.69 14.59 10.99 13.69 13.59 15.59 12.79 14.69 11.89 13.69 13.39 15.39 12.49 14.39 11.69 13.49 6.38 7.17 7.89 5.79 5.99 6.89 5.19 5.89 6.19 4.89 5.69 5.79 Transports mail and paperwork internally or to between locations. Clearmesh on back prevents valuables from being left inside. The construction consists of two materials. Vinyl-coated mesh on the back side reveals whether the bag is empty or full. Nylon on the front side displays your FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE, and an I.D. window and address card. Choice of Red (07), Black (04), Kelly Green (40) or Yellow (12). Matching mesh and nylon colors on each bag. Minimum order: 10. Expandable Transit Sacs 13.19 14.29 12” x 9” 14” x 11” 18” x 14” Mesh/Nylon Transit Sacs 10.30 oz. Duck (Imprinted) Size Cat. No. (W x H) Mfg. List 234-2411-DP 14” x 11” x 3” 16.80 234-2814-DP 18” x 14” x 4” 18.15 10.30 oz. Duck (Non-Imprinted) 234-2411-D 14” x 11” x 3” 16.45 234-2814-D 18” x 14” x 4” 17.80 Laminated Nylon (Imprinted) 234-2411-LP 14” x 11” x 3” 15.95 234-2814-LP 18” x 14” x 4” 19.80 Laminated Nylon (Non-Imprinted) 234-2411-L 14” x 11” x 3” 15.60 234-2814-L 18” x 14” x 4” 19.45 Cordura® Plus (Imprinted) 234-2411-CP 14” x 11” x 3” 17.00 234-2814-CP 18” x 14” x 4” 19.50 Cordura® Plus (Non-Imprinted) 234-2411-C 14” x 11” x 3” 16.65 234-2814-C 18” x 14” x 4” 19.15 Size Your Price / Bag (W x H) Compare At 10-49 50-99 100+ 12” x 9” $6.55 $6.09 $5.39 $5.09 14” x 11” 7.33 6.29 6.09 5.89 18” x 14” 8.12 7.19 6.79 6.39 Cat. No. 234-1904-07 234-1904-04 234-1904-40 234-1904-12 Size (W x H) 14” x 11” 14” x 11” 14” x 11” 14” x 11” Color Mfg. List Red $ 9.45 Black 9.45 Kelly Green 9.45 Yellow 9.45 234-1905-07 234-1905-04 234-1905-40 234-1905-12 18” x 14” 18” x 14” 18” x 14” 18” x 14” Red Black Kelly Green Yellow Reversible Address Cards (No Imprint) Card fits inside Transit Sac I.D. window. Label or write “To” and “From” addresses on each side of card to quickly route sac. Eyelet accepts security seal. 3-1/8”W x 6-1/4”H. 1,000 per pack. Cat. No. 234-0047-00 240-0550-00 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 Your Price / Bag 10-49 50-99 100+ $7.99 $7.49 $6.99 7.99 7.49 6.99 7.99 7.49 6.99 7.99 7.49 6.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.39 8.39 8.39 8.39 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 Plastic Security Seals Keeps Transit Sac contents intact and confidential. Seal loops through grommet and zipper pull. Tampering is evident if seal is broken upon arrival. 250 per pack. Qty/ Your Price/Pack Description Pack Mfg. Listt 1 2-3 4+ Reversible Address Cards 1000 24.20 19.39 18.19 16.99 Plastic Security Seals 250 6.60 5.69 4.99 4.69 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 33 Wallet Bags (Bag color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers Use Order Form on Page 60) Mini Zipper Wallets Zipper Wallets Zipper wallets are used as deposit bags for banks or handy pouches for businesses. Holds bank transactions, petty cash, checks, paperwork, office supplies, keys, employee belongings, etc. Popular among banks, retailers, schools, and more. Color coding increases work efficiency. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). Standard or custom ink colors available to match your corporate logo. Leatherette Zipper Wallets These cute little leatherette Wallets are mini in size, yet mighty in advertising impact. They’re an inexpensive way to promote your business at trade shows, sales calls, company outings, grand openings, community fairs, etc. Holds business cards, personal I.D., tollway change, medication, etc. Optional Key Ring attaches wallet to other objects. Offered in a variety of bright colors with black zipper. Maximum imprint area: 3”W x 1-1/2”H. Price includes one-color imprint in one location. Many standard ink colors available, plus custom PMS colors to match your corporate logo. Available in 17 attractive colors. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50. Our most popular wallet style. Vinyl is lightweight with a leather-like look. Available in 17 attractive colors. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50. Cat. No. 234-0405 234-0406 234-0416 Size (W x H) 10-1/2” x 5” 10-1/2” x 5-1/2” 11” x 6” Made of durable 70 denier nylon with cotton twill back. Polyvinyl coating makes wallet waterresistant. Available in 19 attractive colors. Zipper color: black. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50. Cat. No. 234-4305 234-4316 Size (W x H) 10-1/2” x 5” 11” x 6” Imprint Your Price / Wallet Area (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 8” x 3” $4.45 $3.99 $2.79 9” x 4” 4.71 4.19 2.89 Vertical Wallets Wallets are ideal for businesses handling large amounts of coin and tokens. Wear-resistant fabrics endure daily usage. Double-stitched seams provide strength to prevent breakage. Zipper closure. Silk screen imprint included (one color/one side). Maximum imprint area for 7” x 11” size is 5”W x 9”H, and for 9-1/2” x 12” size, it is 6-1/2”W x 9”H. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50. Cotton Duck Wallets Made of lightweight 10.38 oz. cotton canvas. Rugged fabric withstands daily abuse. Available in 14 attractive colors. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50 wallets. Cat. No. 234-0305 234-0316 Size (W x H) 10-1/2” x 5” 11” x 6” 16 mil. clear vinyl is durable and flexible. Wallet provides instant identification of contents. Ideal for carrying employee belongings through security exits to reduce company theft. Minimum order: 50. Cat. No. Size (W x H) 234-041720 11” x 6” Cat. No. 234-0871 234-4871 234-2871-20* 234-6871* Description 10.38 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Clear Vinyl Leatherette Size Your Price / Wallet (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 7” x 11” $5.77 $4.99 $3.29 7” x 11” 5.69 5.29 3.49 7” x 11” 4.94 4.59 2.99 7” x 11” 5.00 4.49 2.69 234-0882 234-4882 234-2882-20* 234-6882* 10.38 oz. Duck Lam. Nylon Clear Vinyl Leatherette 8-1/2” x 12” 8-1/2” x 12” 8-1/2” x 12” 8-1/2” x 12” Imprint Your Price / Wallet Area (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 9” x 4” $5.30 $3.89 $2.79 4.99 4.99 4.49 4.49 3.49 3.39 3.49 2.79 Top-Side Wallets Ideal for money, checks, receipts, tickets, etc. Available in 19 attractive colors. Curve-around zipper provides full access to all contents, and prevents items from being left inside. Maximum imprint area for 11-1/2” x6” size is 9”W x 4”H, and for 12” x8” size, it is 10”Wx6”H. Available in 19 attractive colors. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50 wallets. Cat. No. 234-0500 234-0501 234-0502 234-0503 Description Leatherette Lam. Nylon Leatherette Lam. Nylon BURKHART’S Bank Supply 34 5.44 5.43 5.05 5.10 *Not recomended for heavy coin. Imprint Your Price / Wallet Area (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 8” x 3” $4.32 $3.99 $2.69 9” x 4” 4.30 3.99 2.79 Clear Vinyl Wallet Size Your Price / Wallet Description (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ Mini Zipper Wallet 4-1/2” x 3” $3.19 $2.69 $1.39 Key Ring .12 .12 .12 Imprint Your Price / Wallet Area (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 8” x 3” $3.60 $3.19 $2.19 8” x 3” 3.73 3.49 2.29 9” x 4” 3.78 3.59 2.29 Laminated Nylon Wallets Cat. No. 234-0599 234-0600-00 Size Your Price / Wallet (W x H) Compare At 50-99 100+ 11-1/2” x 6” 6.15 5.69 3.89 11-1/2” x 6” 5.16 4.79 3.79 12” x 8” 5.89 5.49 3.89 12” x 8” 7.19 6.69 4.99 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice color & imprint information located on inside front & back covers (Bag Use Order Form on Page 60) Portfolios & Coin Bags Leatherette Vinyl Portfolios Promotes your company name and message. Holds oversized documents, manual, reports, proposals, training materials, literature, schedules, etc. Ideal for seminars, meetings and presentations. Two sizes available for standard and legal-sized papers. Handsome vinyl has a leather-like appearance. Features a zipper closure. Fabric color choices on inside back cover. FREE IMPRINT, ONE COLOR, ONE SIDE. Minimum order: 50. Cat. No. 234-0420 234-0421 Size (W x H) 12-1/2” x 9-1/2” 16” x 13” Your Price / Portfolio Mfg. List 50-99 100+ $7.05 $4.99 $4.79 8.05 5.99 5.69 Cotton Duck Shipping Bags The traditional bag for coin transport.Choose from two styles: Flat or Square bottom design. Used by banks, retailers and gaming establishments. 10-oz. canvas and doublestitched seams hold extremely heavy coin. Bags can be secured with a plastic seal or canvas tie tape (231800006). Color: Natural. Minimum order: 100 bags. Flat Bottom (Imprinted) Your Price Imprint / Bag Cat. No. Size (W x H) Area (W x H) Mfg. list 100+ 231-0384-P06 8-1/2” x 14” 6-1/2” x 8” $1.65 $1.49 231-0397-P06 9” x 17-1/2” 7” x 10” 1.70 1.59 231-0317-P06 11” x 17-1/2” 9” x 10” 1.80 1.69 231-0319-P06 12” x 19” 10” x 13” 1.90 1.79 231-0324-P06 14” x 24” 12” x 14” 2.40 2.19 231-0328-P06 14” x 28” 12” x 17” 2.60 2.39 Flat Bottom (Non-Imprinted) 231-0384-06 8-1/2” x 14” 6-1/2” x 8” 1.55 1.39 231-0397-06 9” x 17-1/2” 7” x 10” 1.60 1.49 231-0317-06 11” x 17-1/2” 9” x 10” 1.70 1.59 231-0319-06 12” x 19” 10” x 13” 1.80 1.69 231-0324-06 14” x 24” 12” x 14” 2.30 2.09 231-0328-06 14” x 28” 12” x 17” 2.50 2.29 Square Bottom (Imprinted) 231-1003-P06 11” x 16-1/2” x 4” 231-1004-P06 14” x 16” x 6” 231-1005-P06 14” x 22” x 6” 231-1006-P06 16” x 28” x 6” 231-1007-P06 18” x 30” x 6” 231-1008-P06 20” x 32” x 6’ 231-1009-P06 20” x 34-1/2” x 6’ Square Bottom (Non-Imprinted) 231-1003-06 11” x 16-1/2” x 4” 231-1004-06 14” x 16” x 6” 231-1005-06 14” x 22” x 6” 231-1006-06 16” x 28” x 6” 231-1007-06 18” x 30” x 6” 231-1008-06 20” x 32” x 6” 231-1009-06 20” x 34-1/2” x 6” 231-8000-06 9” x 10” 12” x 14” 12” x 16” 14” x 16” 16” x 16” 17” x 17” 17” x 17” 2.55 2.85 3.35 5.35 6.15 7.05 7.20 1.99 2.59 3.09 4.89 5.59 6.39 6.49 9” x 10” 12” x 14” 12” x 16” 14” x 16” 16” x 16” 17” x 17” 17” x 17” 2.30 2.60 3.10 5.10 5.90 6.80 6.95 1.79 1.99 2.39 3.69 4.19 4.89 4.59 Canvas Tie Tapes .16 .12 $ Only 75 ea 2 Quick-View Slot Drop Bags Designed to hold slot coins and tokens. Name and color of bags instantly identify coin denomination. Repeat message also provides quick view of denomination when bags are stacked. Durable 10-oz.canvas holds heavy capacities, and double-stitched seams provide extreme strength. Bags can be secured with a plastic seal or canvas tie tape (231800006). Silk screening not available. Packed 25 per carton. Cat. No. 231-0319-C08 231-0319-C40 231-0319-C16 231-0319-C09 231-0319-C04 Color Blue Green Orange Brown Black Denomination Nickels Dimes Quarters Halves Tokens Compare At Your Price/Ctn $96.65 $68.79 96.65 68.79 96.65 68.79 96.65 68.79 96.65 68.79 For discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 35 Key Cabinets & Tags A C B 14-Key Hook-Style Key Cabinet Hook-style cabinets are the most convenient way to organize keys, because keys can be hung with or without key tags. Simply place any style key ring or tag on the hooks. Cabinet is constructed of heavygauge steel. Standard disc tumbler lock supplied with two keys. Includes 14 key tags to identify keys easily. Predrilled holes allow for hanging on wall or attachment to partition hangers (screws included). Pearl paint finish. Uni-Tag™ Key Cabinets Keys are attached to numbered key tags and filed on key rack slots for easy identification (key tags included). Slotted steel key racks hold key tags securely. When a key is loaned or issued, an “Out Key” control tag recording key number, key recipient, and date is filled out. “Out Key” tag is filed on same slot to provide key accountability. Alphabetical and numerical lock location data charts aid in organization. All cabinets are made of welded heavy-gauge steel with piano-hinged doors and key panels. Locking door includes standard disc tumbler key lock with two keys. Master-keyed, dual-control or combination locks are available for an additional charge. Your Cat. No. Capacity (H x W x D) Color Compare At Price (A)201-9010-03 10 6-3/4” x 6-7/8” x 2” Sand $ 27.99 $ 24.39 (B)201-9030-03 201-9040-03 30 40 12-1/8” x 8” x 2-5/8” 12-1/8” x 8” x 2-5/8” Sand Sand 52.99 61.99 45.89 53.49 201-9060-A03 201-9060-A04 60 60 12-1/8” x 10-5/8” x 3” 12-1/8” x 10-5/8” x 3” Sand Black 77.99 77.99 66.79 66.79 201-9080-03 201-9110-03 80 17-1/8” x 13” x 3-1/8” 110 17-1/8” x 13” x 3-1/8” Sand Sand 109.99 131.99 95.39 114.49 160 20-1/8” x 16-1/2” x 4-7/8” Sand 200 20-1/8” x 16-1/2” x 4-7/8” Sand 184.99 204.99 159.39 176.99 (C)201-9160-03 201-9200-03 Modular Key Cabinet & Panel - 60-300 Keys The base cabinet comes with 60 numbered key tags and a register for up to 300 key tags. Constructed of heavy-gauge steel with locking doors (two keys included). Easily wall mounted with accompanying screws. As your needs grow, add up to four additional key panels. Each panel holds up to 60 key tags (included). Easy-to-install screws included. Color: Platinum. U.S patent no. 6,422,671B1. Size Your Cat. No. Description (H x W x D) Mfg. List Price 201-KC60-300PL Base Cabinet 18-3/4” x 15-7/8” x 3-7/8” $105.95 $95.39 201-KCP60-PL Key Tag Panel 16-1/4” x 11-5/8” x 5/16” 52.95 47.69 40-Key Cabinet with Combination Lock Cabinet’s convenient combination lock eliminates the need to organize one more key. Steel-constructed box can be hung on solid walls or attached to partition hangers. 40 numbered key tags, yellow “Out Key” control tags, and cross-reference chart included. Shpg. wt.5 lbs. Size Your Cat. No. Description (H x W x D) Compare At Price 201-204004 Black 11-3/8” x 7-3/4” x 3-3/8” $56.20 $47.79 201-204003 Sand 11-3/8” x 7-3/4” x 3-3/8” 56.20 47.79 Cat. No. Color 201-2014-89 Putty Your Price $19.99 28-Key Hook-Style Key Cabinet Cat. No. Color 201-2028-04 Black 201-2028-89 Putty This hook-style cabinet makes key organization easy. Use with 28 key tags that are provided or simply place any style key ring on the hooks. Convenient combination lock requires no key to open it. Cabinet is constructed of heavy-gauge steel. Predrilled holes allow for hanging on wall or attachment to partition hangers (screws included). Pearl paint finish. Size Your (H x W x D) Compare At Price 11-1/2” x 7-3/4” x 3-1/4” $42.15 $33.99 11-1/2” x 7-3/4” x 3-1/4” 42.15 33.99 Slotted Rack Key Tags Plastic tags are 1-1/2” high and used with rack-style key cabinets. Nickel-plated snap hooks on tags secure one or more keys. Write directly on tags with pencil, pen or permanent marker. Tags are packed 20 per pack. Specify number sequence (e.g., 1-20, 21-40, up to 240). Cat. No. 201-3000-06 201-3001-06 Description Slotted Key Tags - Plain White Slotted Key Tags - Numbered White Mfg. List Pack/20 $6.60 $5.99 8.50 6.99 Hook-Style Key Tags Use as additional or replacement key tags for any hook-style keycabinet. Plastic key tags are 1-1/4” high. Write directly on tags with pencil, pen or permanent marker. Tags are packed 20 per pack. Specify number sequence (e.g., 1-20, 21-40, up to 240). Self-Locking Octagonal Key Tags Use these tags for “permanent” keys. Self-locking brass key holder fastens to key so key cannot easily be removed from tag. Color: Red. Snap-Hook Oval Key Tags Chrome-plated snap hooks accommodate one or more keys. Color: White. Cat. No. 201-8002-07 201-8000-07 Description Octagonal Key Tags - Plain Red Octagonal Key Tags - Numbered Red 201-8007-06 201-8006-07 Oval Key Tags - Plain White Oval Key Tags - Numbered White BURKHART’S Bank Supply 36 Size (H x W x D) Mfg. List 11-1/2” x 7-3/4” x 2” $26.00 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Compare At Pack/20 $6.00 $4.99 7.30 5.99 6.25 6.70 5.49 5.99 Prices subject to change without notice Key Cabinets Economy Key Ring Cabinets The Two-Tag Ssytem Two different sets of key tags are numbered to make managing keys easy. Attach your master keys to red, self-locking key tags to make sure they remain on key hooks and your original key is never loaned. Fasten duplicate loaner keys to white, snap-hook key rings and file them on the same hook as the master key. When a loaner keyis issued, insert a receipt slip recording the key recipient and date into a brass holder, and hang with the master key. Log all issued keys into the Key Loan Register to keep a written record. All cabinets include a complete set of numbered key tags, receipt slips and holders, and key collection envelopes. A cross-reference binder contains instructions on how to establish your two-tag system along with three types of key indexes and a complete Key Loan Register. Heavy-gauge steel cabinets hold 20 or 40 key rings on hook-style supports, strong enough for single or multiple keys per ring. Complete with 20 or 40 key rings and blank identification tags. Key hooks are staggered to allow oversized keys to hang easily with maximum visibility. Each cabinet has a locking door; two keys included. Easy wall mounting (screws included). Durable finish resists scratches and chips. Size: 8-1/2”W x 1-7/8”D x10-1/8”H. Color: Platinum. Cat. No. 201-KCH2-0PL 201-KCH4-0PL Description 20 Key Ring Cabinet 40 Key Ring Cabinet An ideal way to organize key storage for your car, home, office, file cabinets and more. Each cabinet includes 24 key rings and tags, a key location chart and mounting screws. Constructed of durable polypropylene resin, which is UV resistant, colorfast and easily washable. Requires a padlock (not included). Size: 8-5/8”W x1-7/8”D x 10”H. Sturdy, welded steel with piano-hinged doors and key panels.Bodies are 20-gauge steel with 18-gauge doors.Hang cabinet on a wall, or use on a table or shelf (mounting screws included). Cabinets include disc-tumbler lock with two keys. Master-keyed, combination or dual-control locks are available on most cabinets for an additional cost. Key Cat. No. Capacity 201-8030-03† 30 201-8040-03† 40 201-8060-03 60 201-8090-03 90 201-8120-03 120 201-8180-03 180 201-8240-03 240 201-8300-03 300 201-8390-03 390 201-8460-03 460 Size (H x W x D) Color Compare At 12-1/8” x 8” x 2-1/2” Sand $117.99 12-1/8” x 8” x 2-5/8” Sand 124.99 17-1/2” x 14” x 3-1/8” Sand 159.99 17-1/2” x 14” x 3-1/8” Sand 194.99 20-1/2” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 224.99 20-1/2” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 289.99 20-1/2” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 364.99 31-1/8” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 399.99 31-1/8” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 474.99 31-1/8” x 16-1/2” x 5” Sand 504.99 Your Price $99.99 109.49 136.99 166.69 194.89 249.99 319.99 349.99 399.99 449.99 Cat. No. 201-7124-04 201-7124-14 Description 24 Key Ring Cabinet 24 Key Ring Cabinet Hard vinyl cover binder includes instructions to start your Dupli-Key system, Key Loan Register Sheets, and a 3-Way Cross Reference Index System. Size: 9-3/4”H x 7”W. Key Cat. No. Capacity 201-8023-00 80 201-8024-00 240 Cat. No. 201-8021-00 201-8015-00 201-8015-00 201-8014-00 Description Key Loan Record Sheets (24 per pack) Key Receipt Slips (250 per pack) Key Receipt Holders (100 per pack) Key Collection Envelopes (100 per pack) Cat. No. 201-9000-07 201-9001-00 Description Emergency Key Box Replacement Glass Description 10 Key Rack Compare At $6.00 Your Price $4.99 Compare At $46.10 5.00 Your Price $39.99 4.49 Compact, portable, molded plastic tray fits easily into most desk drawers and safes. 56-hook unit features eight panels with seven hooks each. Each hook includes two key tags – a self-locking tag for master keys and a standard snap-hook key tag for duplicate keys. System can be expanded by adding additional drawer units. Color: Putty. File Drawer Rack - 40 Key Cap. Sturdy, molded plastic, 40-key racks come complete with numbered key tags, ‘‘Out Key’’ control tags and key control chart. Ideal for secure, out-of-the-way key control. Clamps on back permit attachment to rear of standard office file drawers, deep desk drawers, etc. Size: 10”H x 12”W x 1-3/4”D. 10-Key Rack Cat. No. 201-4010-03 Your Price $9.99 9.99 Dupli-Key® In-Drawer Key Control Your Mfg. List Price $ 5.35 $ 4.59 3.50 2.99 37.00 31.49 14.00 11.89 Molded plastic Key Rack can be used on walls, doors, in homes, offices and more. Complete with 10 reusable key tags, stick-on identity strips and adhesive mounting pads. Size: 2-1/4”H x 8”W. Mfg. List $13.50 13.50 Durable steel cabinet holds restricted door key. Place by locked exit door, storeroom with emergency equipment, etc. Key is accessed by breaking glass with hammer that is attached with a chain to the key box. Glass is easily replaced. Key box’s bright red finish is easy to spot. Size: 6-3/4”Wx67/8”Hx2”D. Size Your (H x W x D) Mfg. List Price 9-3/4” x 7” x 1/2” $16.50 $13.89 9-3/4” x 7” x 1” 19.50 16.39 Other Dupli-Key® Accessories (not shown) Color Black Almond Replacement Glass Emergency Key Box †Bodies and doors are 20-gauge steel. Dupli-Key® Cross-Reference Index Binders Your Price $28.59 38.19 Lockable 24-Key Cabinets Dupli-Key® Two-Tag Cabinets Mfg. List $ 31.75 42.35 Cat. No. 201-7056-89 201-3040-03 Description Dupi-Key In Drawer Key Control File Drawer Rack Compare At Your Price $98.00 $79.99 24.00 19.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 37 Security Pens Secure-A-Pen® Counter Pens As Low As $ 79 ea 2 Unique design has refill built into barrel, eliminating the possibility of tampering and rendering the pen unusable. Replacement pen snaps onto chain instead of replacing refill. Round base adheres securely to any flat surface. 24” ball-chain holds pen to base. Rubberized grip. Color of pen is also color of ink. Medium point. Cat. No. 258-0255-04 258-0255-08 Pen & Ink Color Black Blue Mfg. List $3.50 3.50 Secure-A-Pen® Replacement Pen Cat. No. 258-0256-04 258-0256-08 Pen & Ink Color Black Blue Mfg. List $1.95 1.95 28 In-Counter Secure-a-Pen® Vinyl covered steel cable connects polished clear aluminum pen to bases as shown. Polished aluminum 1-1/2” base with black accent. Hidden knurled nut beneath counter securely fastens pen to countertop for security in high-traffic, high-risk areas. Supplied with a 1/2”W x 1-3/4”H bolt. No special tools needed. U.S. patent no. D285,316. Secure-a-Pen pens use Parker refills. Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $2.99 $2.79 2.99 2.79 As Low As $ 59 ea 1 Replacement Pens snap onto chains of security pens. Medium point. As Low As $ 99 ea Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $1.69 $1.59 1.79 1.69 Cone-Shaped Secure-a-Pen® Cone-shaped base with black accent and polished aluminum pen barrel. 2” diameter x 1-5/8”H adhesive base. Cat. No. Description 258-RW10-20 In-Counter Pen 258-RW20-20 Cone Shaped Pen Mfg. List $39.50 39.50 Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $29.99 $28.99 29.99 28.99 As Low As $ 39 ea 6 Chain-Riter™ Stick-On Counter Pen Black base is hard rubber that won’t crack or break. Swivel socket and pen holder are all chromed metal. 26” long ball chain secures black pen to base. Affixes to counter with tough double-coated adhesive. Metal tip on pen eliminates cracked tips. Choice of blue, medium-point or black, fine-point ink. Chain-Riter pens use standard refills. Cat. No. 258-0251-A04 258-0251-B04 Pen & Ink Color Black Blue Mfg. List $7.95 7.95 B C Re-Trac-To Security Coil Pens Security pens that stretch to the limit and coil back for more! Durable black anodized aluminum pen features a cord that hyperextendsfor easy use. Virtually indestructible telephone-type plastic coil extends to more than five feet, yet coils back to less than eight inches. Tamper resistant. A unique locking feature discourages attempts to dismantle Re-Trac-To, yet the pen can be easily unlocked without special tools to change refill. Damage-resistant. Spring-loaded refill retracts into aluminum tip if hit against hard surface. Re-Trac-To comes with double-capacity Jumbo Jogger ballpoint pen (photocopy bank quality). Choice of Blue (medium point) or Black (fine point) ink. Re-Trac-To pens use Jumbo Jogger refills. Cat. No. Description 258-4342-A04 Single Pen Set 258-4342-B04 Single Pen Set 258-4332-A04 258-4332-B04 Double Pen Set Double Pen Set Ink Your Price Each Color Mfg. List 1-11 12+ Black $30.50 $25.99 $24.99 Blue 30.50 25.99 24.99 Black Blue 59.00 59.00 49.99 49.99 46.99 46.99 Cube Base Sentry Pens Ink Color Mfg. List Black$23.50 Blue 23.50 Your Price Each 1-11 12+ 19.99 18.79 19.99 18.79 (B) 258-0392-A04 258-0391-A20 258-0392-B04 258-0391-B20 Black Black Blue Blue 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 Aircraft Cable Aircraft Cable Aircraft Cable Aircraft Cable Black Silver Black Black Round Base Sentry Pens Cat. No. Description Finish (C) 258-0381-A20 Aircraft Cable Silver 258-0382-A04 Aircraft Cable Black 258-0381-B20 Aircraft Cable Silver 258-0382-B04 Aircraft Cable Black BURKHART’S Bank Supply 38 Tamper, theft, and damage-resistant. Smart, anodized aluminum pen attached to slim, matching aluminum base with nylon coated aircraft cable or retractable telephone type flexible coil. Cable cannot be severed with ordinary tools. Affixes to counter with tough, double-coated adhesive. 8” flexible coil extends to more than five feet and is supplied on Cube Base only. Sentry Pens are supplied with extra capacity Jumbo Jogger refill. Cat. No. Description Finish (A) 258-4392-A04 Retractable Coil Black 258-4392-B04 Retractable Coil Black 18 Sentry™ Pens A Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $6.79 $6.39 7.19 6.79 As Low As $ 79 ea 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 Ink Color Mfg. List Silver 23.50 Black 23.50 Blue 23.50 Blue 23.50 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 18.79 18.79 18.79 18.79 Your Price Each 1-11 12+ 19.99 18.79 19.99 18.79 19.99 18.79 19.99 18.79 Prices subject to change without notice Wedgy® Pens & Pen Refills Wedgy® “ends the disappearing pen” Unique wedge shape for finger comfort fits right and feels right. Flexible telephone type coil secures pen to base. Coil extends to over five feet, yet retracts to less than six inches. Tough, double-coated adhesive on base foreasy mounting. Economically priced so you can place a Wedgy wherever you need a pen. Metal tip eliminates cracking. Wedgy® Clip Pen Wedgy pen with plastic scabbard for vertical, diagonal or horizontal mounting to walls, telephones, partitions, etc. Scabbard design holds pen firmly in place– it cannot fall out! Wedgy pens use standard ballpoint refills in your choice of blue ink, medium point or black ink, fine point. Cat. No. 258-4512-A04 258-4512-B04 WedgyInk/ Color Point Black Black/Fine Black Blue/Medium Your Price Each Mfg. List 1-11 12+ $6.75 $5.49 $4.99 6.75 5.49 4.99 Cat. No. 258-4518-B04 WedgyInk/ Color Point Black Blue/Medium Clipboard with Wedgy® Coil Pen Wedgy® Square Base Style Pens Cat. No. 258-4510-A04 258-4510-B04 Unique clipboard features attached pen and pencil slot. Precision molded ofdurable ABS plastic with a heavy-duty, easy-on-the-hand clip. Holds full letter size pad of paper. Attached pen is blue, medium point and uses standard ballpoint refills. Your Price Each Mfg. List 1-11 12+ $6.75 $5.49 $4.99 6.75 5.49 4.99 Cat. No. Color 258-4700-04 Black Wedgy® Cord Pen As Low As $ 99 ea 2 Ink/Point Mfg. List Blue/Medium $16.50 Cat. No. 258-4514-B04 WedgyInk/ Color Point Black Blue/Medium Mfg. List $4.95 Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $3.99 $2.99 Your Price $9.89 Check our web site for many more pen refills Ballpoint Refills Standard Carbide Ballpoint Refills 18” unbreakable cord connects Wedgy pen to round adhesive base. Wedgy Pens use standard ballpoint refills. Your Price Each 1-11 12+ $5.49 $4.99 9 4 WedgyInk/ Color Point Black Black/Fine Black Blue/Medium Mfg. List $6.75 As Low As $ 89 ea As Low As $ 99 ea 4 Spring-loaded clip allows easy attachment to a clipboard, book, furniture, etc. Flexible coil secures pen to clip and extends to over five feet. Metal-tipped barrel is threaded for easy refilling. Pen features black barrel with blue, medium-point ink. Wedgy pen uses standard ballpoint refills.12 per master carton. Wedgy® Scabbard Style Pen As Low As $ 99 ea Will fit most ballpoint desk and pocket pens. Carbide ballpoints and brass barrels, made to federal specifications, assure smooth, skip-free writing. Cat. No. Color Description 258-0102-08 Blue Medium Point 258-0101-04 Black Fine Point Mfg. List $4.50 4.50 Your Price per Pack/10 1-9 10-19 20+ $3.49 $3.29 $2.99 3.49 3.29 2.99 Jumbo Jogger Ballpoint Refills Wedgy® Imprint Pen Program Now you can imprint our popular square base style Wedgy pen with your company logo. 200 minimum order. Cat. No. 258-4510-AP04 258-4510-BP04 WedgyInk/ Color Point Black Black/Fine Black Blue/Medium Mfg. List $12.50 12.50 Your Price Each 200 400 800+ 8.99 7.99 6.99 8.99 7.99 6.99 Extra capacity Jumbo Jogger refills write twice as long as standard refills. High quality pens always write smoothly, clearly and with photocopy bank quality. Will fit most desk and pocket pens.10 per pack; 10 packs per box; 10 boxes per master carton. Carbide ballpoints assure skip-free use. Cat. No. Color Description 258-0301-08 Blue Medium Point 258-0302-04 Black Fine Point 258-0303-04 Black Medium Point Mfg. List $12.50 12.50 12.50 Your Price per Pack/10 1-9 10-19 20+ $7.99 $7.49 $6.99 7.99 7.49 6.99 7.99 7.49 6.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 39 Kable Security Pens, First Aid Kits Kable® Pen Sets Kable pens deter theft, resist tampering, and withstand abuse. Flexible nylon-coated aircraft cable secures tapered aluminum Kable pen to matching color base. Cable cannot be severed with ordinary tools. Base affixes to counter with tough double-coated adhesive or with hidden screw. An internal unique locking sleeve discourages any attempt to dismantle the Kable pen, yet can be easily unlocked without special tools to change the refill. Spring-loaded refill retracts into aluminum tip if hit against hard surface. Supplied with Jumbo Jogger pen in choice of blue ink with mediium point or black ink with fine point. Kable pens use Jumbo Jogger refills. As Low As $ 59 ea 19 Kable Quality Features No special tools required to change refills Tapered aluminum barrel Kable® Vertical “In-Counter” Pens Vinyl-coated aircraft cable Anodized aluminum pen tip Wing-nut beneath counter fastens Kable pen to countertop. Supplied with 1-1/2” philster head machine screw. Pressure spring Retainer ring Inside pen tip control sleeve Jumbo Jogger refill As Low As $ 39 ea 24 Cat. No. Description 258-0361-A45 In Counter Pen 258-0361-B20 In Counter Pen 258-0362-A04 In Counter Pen 258-0362-B04 In Counter Pen Finish Silver Silver Black Black Ink Color Compare At Black 24.50 Blue 24.50 Black 24.50 Blue 24.50 Your Price Each 1-9 10+ 20.89 $19.59 20.89 19.59 20.89 19.59 20.89 19.59 Single Kable® Pen Sets 6-1/2” pen secured to 3”W x 2-1/8”D x 1-1/4”H matching color base with 23”cable. Packed 1 per box; 10 boxes per carton. Carton shpg. wt. 8 lbs. Cat. No. Description 258-0340-A45 Single Pen Set 258-0340-B45 Single Pen Set 258-0342-A04 Single Pen Set 258-0342-B45 Single Pen Set Finish Gold Gold Black Black For discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Ink Your Price Each Color Compare At 1-9 10+ Black $30.50 $25.99 $24.39 Blue 30.50 25.99 24.39 Black 30.50 25.99 24.39 Blue 30.50 25.99 24.39 As Low As $ 99 ea 46 Double Kable® Pen Sets Two 6-1/2” pens secured to 3”W x 4”D x 1-1/4”H matching color base with 23” cable. Kable pens deter theft, resist tampering, and withstand abuse. Flexible nylon-coated aircraft cable secures tapered aluminum Kable pen to matching color base. Cable Cat. No. Description 258-0330-A45 Double Pen Set 258-0330-B45 Double Pen Set 258-0332-A04 Double Pen Set 258-0332-B45 Double Pen Set Ink Your Price Each Finish Color Compare At 1-9 10+ Gold Black $59.00 $49.99 $46.99 Gold Blue 59.00 49.99 46.99 Black Black 59.00 49.99 46.99 Black Blue 59.00 49.99 46.99 We make Rubber Stamps. For details, turn to pages 8-9. As Low As $ 49 ea First Aid Kits Ideal for office, home and workshop. Kits provide a variety of adhesive pads, antibotic ointment, antiseptic wipes, “Band-Aids”, eye pads, finger tip and knuckle bandages, first-aid tape, gauge, healthcare gloves, instant cold pack, scissors, tweezers. Includes a complete first aid guide. Cat. No. JOJ-8140 JOJ-8142 JOJ-8162 Supports # People # Items Case Size Compare At 10 98 Plastic 8-3/8” x 5-1/2” x 3” $29.99 25 158 Plastic 10-1/2” x 7” x 3” 43.49 50 229 Metal 10-1/2” x 10-1/2” x 2-3/8”89.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 40 25 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price $25.49 39.99 76.49 Prices subject to change without notice Perpetual Calendars B Security Pen Calendar Unit Unit includes two theft-resistant Sentry™ pens with nylon-coated aircraft cable and a perpetual calendar with a complete set of Day-Month-Date magnetic inserts. Black anodized aluminum base is 17-1/2”W x 2”D. Furnished with non-slip base. Double-coated adhesive base available on request – please specify when ordering. Pens accept Jumbo Jogger refills. Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 283-7041-04 Security Pen Calendar Unit $174.99 $139.99 283-7094-04 Complete Set of Replacement Inserts 74.99 69.99 Magnetic Day-Month-Date Calendars A Available in both Desk/Counter and Wall/Door styles. Magnet inserts areeasily removed for daily changes. Date inserts are screened with 1/2” Helvetica Medium characters. Black finish. Furnished with double-coated adhesive for semipermanent mounting. Non-slip rubberized cork base may be requested for Desk style. For Wall style, hook and loop fastener backing may be requested, and for permanent mounting, screws may be affixed through back plate. Available as single-faced unit only. Cat. No. (A)286-7029-04 (B)286-7031-04 Description Desk/Counter Wall/Door Literature Rack with Perpetual Calendar & Pen Sets 286-0309-30 286-0309-31 Gold Black Double Face - 2 Double Pens Double Face - 2 Double Pens Mfg. List $309.00 309.00 Your Price $279.99 289.99 438.00 438.00 399.99 399.99 Self-Storing Calendars with Kable® Pens Removable top box permits storage of changeable date inserts. Anodized aluminum finish in Silver, Gold, or Black. Calendar units are complete with a set of engraved laminate date inserts. Calendars are either single-faced (visible from one side only) or double-faced (visible from both sides). Single-face unit has two single Kable pens and double-face unit has two double Kable pens. Base size: 22”W x 4”D. Furnished with non-slip base. Double-coated adhesive available on request – please specify when ordering. Cat. No. Finish 286-0311-27 Silver 286-0311-30 Gold 286-0311-31 Black 286-0301-27 286-0301-30 286-0301-31 Description Single Face Single Face Single Face Silver Double Face Gold Double Face Black Double Face Insert/Letter Color Compare At Black / White $259.99 Walnut / White 259.99 White / Black 259.99 Black / White Walnut / White White / Black 419.99 419.99 419.99 Your Price $219.99 219.99 219.99 Same as above, but with Re-trac-to pens. Base size: 22”W x 4”D. Furnished with non-slip base. Double-coated adhesive available on request – please specify when ordering. Pens accept Jumbo Jogger refills. Black finish. Inserts are white with black letters. Base size: 22”W x 4”D. Furnished with non-slip base. Doublecoated adhesive availableon request – please specify when ordering. Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 286-4311-31 Single Face - 2 Single Pens $259.99 $219.99 286-4301-31 Double Face - 2 Double Pens 419.99 349.99 Your Price $89.99 79.99 Anodized aluminum. Engraved laminate date inserts. Supplied with non-slip base. Optional double-coated adhesive when specified. Single-faced or doublefaced. Size: 11-1/2”W x 2-1/4”H x 3-1/2”D. Cat. No. Finish 286-0723-27 Silver 286-0723-30 Gold 286-0723-31 Black 286-0724-27 286-0724-30 286-0724-31 Description Single Face Single Face Single Face Silver Double Face Gold Double Face Black Double Face Insert / Letter Your Color Compare At Price Black / White $139.99 $109.99 Walnut / White 139.99 109.99 White / Black 139.99 109.99 Black / White Walnut / White White / Black 239.99 239.99 239.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 Self-Storing Counter Calendars Removable box top allows storage of changeable date inserts. Supplied with non-slip base. Double-coated adhesive available upon request – please specify when ordering. Size: 11”W x 2-1/2”H x 4”D. Cat. No. Finish 286-0741-27 Silver 286-0774-30 Gold 286-0774-31 Black 286-0744-27 286-0744-30 286-0744-31 Description Single Face Single Face Single Face Silver Double Face Gold Double Face Black Double Face Insert/Letter Your Color Compare At Price Black / White $144.99 $119.99 Walnut / White 144.99 119.99 White / Black 144.99 119.99 Black / White Walnut / White White / Black 244.99 244.99 244.99 199.99 199.99 199.99 Anodized Aluminum Wall Mount Perpetual Calendars 349.99 349.99 349.99 Self-Storing Perpetual Calendars with Re-trac-to Pens Compare At $109.99 99.99 Anodized Aluminum Counter Calendars Complete three-pocket Literature Rack and two single or two double Kable® pen sets. Furnished with non-slip cork base. Double-coated adhesive (semi-permanent mounting) or countersunk holes (permanent mounting) available on request – please specify when ordering. Base size: 22”W x 3”D (single face) or 6”D (double face). Cat. No. Finish Description 286-0313-30 Gold Single Face - 2 Single Pens 286-0313-31 Black Single Face - 2 Single Pens Size (W x H x D) 9” x 2” x 1-3/8” 9” x 2” x 3/8” Cat. No. 286-0725-27 286-0725-30 286-0725-31 Finish Silver Gold Black Anodized aluminum calendar with engraved laminate changeable inserts. Recessed screws in back for mounting to a wall. Available in choice of aluminum colors. Size: 9-1/2”W x 2”H x 1/4”D. Description Compare AtYour Price Black w/ White Letters $84.99 $69.99 Walnut w/ White Letters 84.99 69.99 White w/ Black Letters 84.99 69.99 Replacement Inserts for Perpetual Calendars Set of double-faced replacement Day, Month and Date inserts. Size: 2-1/8”W x 1-1/2”H x 1/16”D. Cat. No. 286-0026-04 286-0725-30 286-0725-31 Description Set of Replacement Inserts Set of Replacement Inserts Set of Replacement Inserts Insert/Letter Your Color Compare At Price Black w/ White $59.99 $49.99 Walnut w/ White 59.99 49.99 White w/ Black 59.99 49.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 41 Bank Counter & ATM Signs ATM Information Signs USA Patriot Act USA Patriot Act Customer Ide ntification Important About Openi Information ng A New Acc oun t To help the governme terrorism nt fight the and funding of Federal Law money laundering acti requires all to obtain, financial inst vities, verify and itutions that iden rec ord informa tifie tion an accoun s each person who ope t. ns What this means for you: When you open an acc your nam ount, we e, addres will ask for s, date of information birth and tha other We may also t will allow us to identify you . or other iden ask to see your driv er’s license tifying doc uments. USA Patriot Act Member Ide ntification Requirement s In accord anc Patriot Act e with Section 326 of , are reques applicants for new the USA ted to pro accounts identificatio vide curren n t picture name, add that verifies iden tity includin g information ress and other . identifying In some cases, iden requested tification for curren will be original doc t accoun t holders umentatio if with the ope n ning of the was not obtaine d protection account. In all of our cus confidentia tomers’ iden cases, lity is our tity and pledge to you. We proudly suppor t all maintain efforts to the protect and our country security of our cus . tomers and Requirement s In accord anc Patriot Act e with Section 326 of , are reques applicants for new the USA ted to pro accounts identificatio vide curren n t picture name, add that verifies iden tity includin g information ress and other . identifying In some cas es, identific for curren t members ation will be reques ted if original was not document obtained ation with account. In all cas the opening of the members es, protect ’ identity and confide ion of our pledge to ntiality is you. our We proudly suppor t all maintain efforts to the pro our country security of our me tect and . mbers and Black plastic with white lettering. Each sign is supplied with double-faced tape for attaching to ATM. Size: 3-1/2”H x 2-1/4”H Your Price / Sign Cat. No. Color Description Compare At 1+ 283-6032-00 White on Black Availability of Deposits $12.99 $9.99 USA Patriot Act Compliance Signs Standard ATM Fee Notice Sign Financial institutions must notify customers of identity verification procedures in order to comply with the USA Patroit Act. Our signs provide an attractive and effective way to give notice to your customers. Choose from two styles of signs, each available with three different messages. Easel-style signs are 6” x 9” and can be conveniently placed on desks or at teller windows. Wall-style signs measure 11” x 14” and come with double-faced adhesive tape for easy mounting. Both signs are black with white letters. Easel-Style Signs - 6” x 9” Cat. No. 283-5600-04 283-5952-04 283-69CU-04 Description Important Information Customer Identification Member Identification Mfg. List $17.99 16.50 16.50 Wall-Style Signs - 11” x14” Cat. No. 283-1411-04 283-14CR-04 283-14CU-04 Description Important Information Customer Identification Member Identification Mfg. List $24.99 24.99 24.99 Your Price/Sign 1-5 6+ $15.99 $12.99 15.99 12.99 15.99 12.99 Your Price/Sign 1-5 6+ $22.99 $19.99 22.99 19.99 22.99 19.99 Only 99 ea 9 ATM Availability of Deposits Sign $ $ Only 99 ea 9 Black plastic with white lettering. Each sign is supplied with double-faced tape for attaching to ATM. Choose $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 or $2.00 fee. Size: 3-1/2”H x 2-1/4”H Your Price / Sign Cat. No. Color Description Mfg. List 1+ 283-6034-00 White on Black $1.00 ATM Fee Notice $12.99 $9.99 283-6036-00 White on Black $1.50 ATM Fee Notice 12.99 9.99 283-6037-00 White on Black $1.75 ATM Fee Notice 12.99 9.99 283-6038-00 White on Black $2.00 ATM Fee Notice 12.99 9.99 (Copy in illustration is for example only. Please specify your own custom copy) Custom ATM Notice Sign Supply us with your custom copy. Up to 10 lines of copy. Black laminate with white lettering. Each sign is supplied with double-faced tape for attaching to ATM. Size: 3-1/2”H x 3”H (size may be altered to fit your machines). Cat. No. Description Color 283-6035-00 Custom ATM Notice White on Black Copy #2 Copy #1 As Low As $ 99 ea 34 Funds Availability Policy Easel-Style Plexiglas Signs Easel-style signs are perfect for teller areas, reception desks or customer counters and meet Federal Reserve Regulation CC requirements. Two versions of standard copy available. In Copy #1, “fifth day” is standard on second to last line of copy. Copy #2 has “electronic direct deposits” specified within policy. White ink is recommended. Both versions of standard copy on easel can be altered (quotations on request). Size: 6”W x 9”H. Add plexiglass color code to Cat. No.: Clear (20), Smoked Bronze (77) or Black (04). Your Price/Sign Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-9 10-19 20+ 283-5100-04 Copy #1-in English $45.99 $39.99 $36.99 $34.99 283-5101-04 Copy #2-in English 45.99 39.99 36.99 34.99 283-5100-S04 283-5101-S04 Copy #1-in Spanish Copy #2-in Spanish 45.99 45.99 39.99 39.99 36.99 36.99 34.99 34.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 42 Your Price / Sign 1-9 10+ $29.99 $19.99 As Low As $ 99 ea ATM Safety Tips Sign 11 Attach signs to ATM to inform customers how to protect themselves while using the ATM. Black plastic with white lettering. Each sign is supplied with double-faced tape for attaching to ATM. Size: 3-1/8” x 5-3/4”. Your Cat. No. Color Mfg. List Price 283-6035-00 White on Black $14.99 $11.99 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Our FDIC & NCUA signs are compliant with the new regulations. FDIC & NCUA Logo Signs NOTICE: The official FDIC & NCUA signs have changed! All insured depository institutions must update their signage to comply with the new regulations. FDIC Wall Signs with Backplate As Low As $ 89 ea 11 FDIC insignia is etched or screened on laminate, and placed on contrasting aluminum backplate. Size: 7-1/2”W x 3-1/2”H. Easel-Style “CLOSED” Signs Standard copy and FDIC or NCUA logo silkscreened in white or black ink on Plexiglas. Teller window signs immediately distinguish “OPEN” from “CLOSED” windows. Black sign has white letters, White sign has black letters, and Smoked Bronze sign has white letters. These attractive counter signs come with non-slip rubberized cork bases. Size: 12”W x 2-1/2”H. Cat. No. Description 283-0753-04 Sign with FDIC Logo 283-0753-06 Sign with FDIC Logo 283-0753-21 Sign with FDIC Logo 283-0752-04 283-0752-06 283-0752-21 Plexiglas Color Black White Smoked Bronze Your Price Compare At 1+ $13.99 $10.99 13.99 10.99 13.99 10.99 Sign with NCUA Logo Black Sign with NCUA Logo White Sign with NCUA Logo Smoked Bronze 13.99 13.99 13.99 Cat. No. 284-0117-00 284-0118-00 Nameplate Aluminum Your Price Laminate Backplate Lettering Compare At 1-5 6+ Black Silver White, Etched $16.99 13.99 12.99 Silver Black Black, Etched 16.99 13.99 12.99 284-0119-00 284-0107-00 Walnut Gold Gold Black FDIC Wall Signs without Backplate 10.99 10.99 10.99 Cat. No. 284-0114-00 284-0118-00 Nameplate Laminate Lettering Compare At Black White, Etched $11.99 Silver Black, Etched 11.99 Your Price 1-5 6+ $9.99 $8.99 9.99 8.99 284-0119-00 284-0107-00 Walnut White, Screened Gold Black, Screened 15.99 15.99 Size 9” W x 6”H 9” W x 6”H 14.99 14.99 FDIC insignia is screened on laminate and mounted on aluminum base. Size: Sign 8”W x 3”H, Base 91/2”W x 1-1/2”D, Backplate 8-1/2”W x 3-1/2”H. Cat. No. 284-0755-30 284-0755-27 NameplateAluminum Your Price Laminate Backplate Lettering Mfg. List 1-5 6+ Walnut Gold White, Etched $40.00 33.99 31.99 Black Silver White, Screened 40.00 33.99 31.99 284-0755-31 284-0755-65 White Gold Black Black Black, Screened Black, Screened 40.00 40.00 33.99 33.99 31.99 31.99 Compare At Your Price $29.00 $25.99 29.00 25.99 4.75 18 FDIC Counter Signs with Backplate and Plexiglas Base FDIC insignia is etched or screened on laminate, placed on contrasting aluminum backplate, and mounted on Plexiglas base. Size: Sign 7-1/2”W x 3-1/2”H. Cat. No. 284-0110-00 284-0111-00 NameplateAluminum Your Price Laminate Backplate Lettering Compare At 1-5 6+ Black Silver White, Etched 21.99 18.99 17.99 Silver Black Black, Etched 21.99 18.99 17.99 284-0112-00 284-0108-00 Walnut Gold 26.99 26.99 NCUA Counter or Wall Signs 4.49 As Low As $ 69 ea White, Screened Black, Screened 19.59 19.59 FDIC Aluminum Base Signs Additional Lines of Copy 281-8880-00 Regular Engraved Gold Black 8 31 Ideal for counter or drive-up windows. Clear Plexiglas slotted base holds engraved 3/32” thick nameplate. Sign is engraved with a 4-line message to your order. Please add Engraved Nameplate color code suffix to Sign Cat. No. and select typeface. Price includes four lines of copy (up to 15 lines can be printed). Laminate color choices on inside back cover. As Low As $ 99 ea As Low As $ 99 ea Custom Counter Signs with Clear Plexiglas Base Description Sign with PlexiglasBase Sign with Adhesive Back 18.99 18.99 FDIC insignia is etched or screened on laminate (without backplate). Size: 7”W x 3”H. (Copy in illustration is for example only. Please specify your own custom copy) Cat. No. 282-0906 282-0907 White, Screened 23.99 19.99 Black, Screened 23.99 19.99 21.99 20.99 21.99 20.99 Double-coated adhesive for flush mounting. Blue laminate with white letters only. Size: Sign 7”W x 3”H, Your Price Cat. No. Description Compare At 1-5 6+ 284-0601-08 NCUA Sign with Adhesive $12.99 $10.99 $9.99 284-0603-08 NCUA Sign with Plexiglas Base 16.49 14.99 13.99 Mylar Decals Mylar decals provide quick customer identification of your institution as a member of FDIC or NCUA. Pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive labels eliminate the need for rivets, screws or solvents. Can be applied to doors or windows in seconds. Adhesive-faced decals are visible from both sides. More durable and less expensive than other alternatives. Embossed 20 mil.thick decals. Black letters on gold. Size: 7”W x 3”H. Minimum order: 3 decals. Your Price Cat. No. Description Compare At 3-5 6+ 284-0601-08 NCUA Sign with Adhesive $6.49 $5.99 $4.99 284-0603-08 NCUA Sign with Plexiglas Base 6.49 5.99 4.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 43 Changeable Desk & Wall Signs As Low As $ 88 ea (Sq. Desk Pedeatal w/ Regular Engraving) 19 Create your own customized nameplates with the flexibility of changeable signs. Choose the style and color that match your décor. Magnetic nameplates snap easily in and out of signframes, allowing you to change your nameplates as your needs change. Ordering is easy. Turn to the Sign Order Form on page 53 and complete the information following these 5 steps. To order more than one sign, please copy the order form. Be sure to keep the original for future requirements. Step 1 - Choose Your Frame Select either Radius or Square. Each is available in 4 different styles (shown below). Add color code (see inside back cover) to Cat. No.: Gray (01), Sand (03), Black (04), Brown (09) and Bronze (93). Square Frames Radius Frames Desk Bar Size: 9”W x 2”H x 1-3/8”D Cat. No. Compare At 283-7042F $21.79 Desk Bar Your Price $18.49 Reversible Teller Bars Reversible Teller Bars Size: 9”W x 2”H x 1-3/8”D Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 283-7044T Next Teller Please $24.99 $19.99 283-7046W Next Window Please24.99 19.99 Size: 9”W x 2”H x 1-3/8”D Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 283-7045T Next Teller Please $24.99 $19.99 283-7047W Next Window Please24.99 19.99 Wall Sign Wall Sign Size: 9”W x 2”H x 3/8”D Cat. No. Compare At 283-7048F $8.49 Your Price $7.29 Desk Pedestal Size: 9”W x 2”H x 3/8”D Your Cat. No. Compare At Price 283-7050F $11.49 $10.39 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 44 Size: 9”W x 2”H x 1-3/8”D Your Cat. No. Compare At Price 283-7043F $21.79 $18.49 Size: 9”W x 2”H x 3/8”D Cat. No. Compare At 283-7049F $8.49 Your Price $7.29 Desk Pedestal Size: 9”W x 2”H x 3/8”D Your Cat. No. Compare At Price 283-7061F $11.49 $10.39 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Our FDIC & NCUA signs are compliant with the new regulations. Changeable Desk & Wall Signs Step 2 - Choose Your Mounting Option Square Nameplates, Regular Engraved Imprint is etched on the front of the nameplate for a clean, textured look. Please check the appropriate box on your order form (page 61) For Desk Bars and Desk Pedestals 1 CENTERED LINE STANDARD Cork Base (Standard) A non-slip rubberized cork base will be supplied unless otherwise specified. No extra charge. 283-8888 For semi-permanent mounting, a double-coated adhesive may be requested instead of the cork base. No extra charge. Additional Line of Copy - Regular Engraved For Wall Signs Double-Faced Adhesive For semi-permanent mounting, a double-coated adhesive may be requested instead of the cork base. No extra charge. Double-Pin Mounts Two pins on sign back easily slip into cloth surfaces. Cat. No. 283-7001-00. Your Price $3.49 Step 3 - Choose Your Nameplates Square Nameplates, Subsurface-Engraved 1 LINE STANDARD Your Compare At Price 11.49 10.49 1 CENTERED LINE STANDARD Cat. No. 283-6082 Description Radius Full 1 LINE STANDARD 283-6088 NCUA Radius 16.49 15.69 1 LINE STANDARD 283-6087 FDIC Radius 16.49 15.69 Your Compare At Price 13.49 11.49 1 Line (standard) 283-7079 1/3 NCUA 5.09 4.49 283-7097 2/3 Combination 13.49 11.49 (both required to complete sign) 1 Line Flush Left (standard) 1 Line (standard) 283-6080 1/3 FDIC 4.99 3.99 283-6097 2/3 Combination 9.99 9.49 (both required to complete sign) Radius Nameplates, Subsurface-Engraved Description Square Full 9.99 283-7098 Full Length Split 12.19 (2 required to complete sign) Radius Nameplates, with Vinyletters™ Your Compare At Price $11.49 10.49 283-6079 1/3 NCUA 4.99 3.99 283-6097 2/3 Combination 9.99 9.49 (both required to complete sign) Cat. No. 283-7095 283-7080 1/3 FDIC 5.09 4.49 283-7097 2/3 Combination 13.49 11.49 (both required to complete sign) 1 Line Flush Left (standard) Imprint is reverse-engraved, then covered with a blended acrylic material providing a smooth surface for a tough, long-lasting sign. 1 LINE STANDARD 4.59 4.75 1 Line (standard) 1 Line Flush Left (standard) Choose either Square or Radius Nameplates to match your frame selection; then select a type of lettering: (1) Subsurface Engraved, (2) Vinyletter™ or (3) Regular Engraved. Description Square Full Your Compare At Price 10.49 9.49 Stick-on letters are precision cut from vinyl and evenly spaced on injection-molded plastic nameplates. 1 Line Flush Left (standard) Cat. No. 283-6095 Description Square Full Square Nameplates, with Vinyletters™ Double-Faced Adhesive 1 CENTERED LINE STANDARD Cat. No. 283-8095 1 Line (standard) 283-7777 Your Compare At Price 13.49 11.49 Cat. No. 283-7082 Description Radius Full 283-7088 NCUA Radius 18.49 14.99 283-7087 FDIC Radius 18.49 14.99 4.95 4.79 Additional Line of Copy - Vinyletter™ Nameplate Sizes Standard Nameplate: ........................................... 8-11/16”W x 1-3/4”H Full-Length Split Nameplate: .............................. 8-11/16”W x 7/8”H 2/3 Nameplate: .................................................... 5-13/16”W x 1-3/4”H 1/3 Nameplate: ................................................... 2-7/8”W x 1-3/4”H Step 4 - Choose Your Nameplate Color & Typestyle A variety of colors and typefaces are available (see inside back cover). Enter color code and check box to indicate typeface on your order form. (page 61). Step 5 - Specify Your Copy and Style Additional Line of Copy - Subsurface Engraved 283-6666 5.45 4.99 Indicate your copy, positioning and lettering case on order form (page 61). BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 45 Teller Signs As Low As Reversible $ 99ea As Low As $ 89 ea Reversible 22 24 Pyramid-Style Teller Signs Slide-Post Teller Signs This sign features a custom Engraved Nameplate on one side, and a choice of “Next Teller Please” or “Next Window Please” engraved on the reverse side. Both nameplates are mounted to each side of the aluminum pyramid-style frame. Includes one line of copy on each plate. Please add Engraved Nameplate color code suffix to frame Cat. No. and select typeface. Size: Backplate 7-1/2”W x 2”D x 2”H, Nameplate 7”W x 1-1/2”H. Laminate color choices on inside back cover. Custom Engraved Nameplate on one side, and a choice of “Next Teller Please” or “Next Window Please” engraved on the reverse side. Nameplate slides easily in and out of slotted upright frame posts. Non-slip adhesive-backed cork is applied to bottom of base. Price includes one line of copy on each side. (Sign not available with Gold, Silver, Cocoa and Granite nameplate colors.) Please add Engraved Nameplate color code suffix to frame Cat. No. and select typeface. Size: Nameplate 8-3/4”W x 2-5/8”H x 3/32”D, Base 10-1/2”W x 1/4”H x 1-1/2”D. Your Cat. No. Frame Reverse Side Wording Compare At Price 281-0128 Black “Next Teller Please” $35.49 $29.99 281-0129 Gold “Next Teller Please” 35.49 29.99 281-0130 Silver “Next Teller Please” 35.49 29.99 281-0131 Name Plate Only 2-Sided “Next Teller Please” 15.99 13.99 281-0132 281-0133 281-0134 281-0135 Black Gold Silver Name Plate Only “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” 2-Sided “Next Window Please” 35.49 35.49 35.49 15.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 13.99 281-0136 281-0133 281-0134 281-0135 Black Gold Silver Name Plate Only 1-Side Custom Message-1 Line 1-Side Custom Message-1 Line 1-Side Custom Message-1 Line 1-Side Custom Message-1 Line 31.49 31.49 31.49 10.49 24.89 24.89 24.89 8.99 4.75 4.49 Additional Lines of Copy 281-888000Regular Engraved As Low As Reversible $2999ea Double-Mount Teller Sign Available with Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved Nameplates. Features custom Engraved Nameplate on one side, and a choice of “Next Teller Please” or “Next Window Please” on reverse side of sign. Both nameplatesare adhesively mounted to the aluminum backplate connected to base. Non-slip adhesive-backed cork is applied to bottom of base. Includes one line of copy on each nameplate. Please add Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved Nameplate color code suffix to frame Cat. No. and select typeface. Size: Backplate 9”W x 2”H x 1/4”D, Base 10-1/2”W x 1/4”H x 1-1/2”D, Nameplate 8-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H x 1/16”D. *Your Cat. No. Frame Reverse Side Wording Compare At Price 281-0140 Black “Next Teller Please” $35.49 $29.99 281-0141 Gold “Next Teller Please” 35.49 29.99 281-0142 Silver “Next Teller Please” 35.49 29.99 281-0149 Name Plate Only Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line 10.50 8.99 281-0143 281-0144 281-0145 281-0149 Black Gold Silver Name Plate Only “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line 35.49 35.49 35.49 10.50 29.99 29.99 29.99 8.99 281-0146 281-0147 281-0148 281-0149 Black Gold Silver Name Plate Only Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line Custom Message-1-Side/1 Line 29.99 29.99 29.99 10.50 24.99 24.99 24.99 8.89 *Prices are for Regular Engraving. Add $3.50 to your price for Subsurface Engraving 281-8880-00 283-6880-00 Additional Lines of Copy Regular Engraved Subsurface Engraved 4.75 5.45 4.59 4.99 Your Cat. No. Frame Reverse Side Wording Compare At Price 281-0150 Black “Next Teller Please” $25.99 $22.99 281-0151 Gold “Next Teller Please” 25.99 22.99 281-0152 Silver “Next Teller Please” 25.99 22.99 281-0153 281-0154 281-0155 Black Gold Silver “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” 281-0156 Name Plate Only 1-Side Custom Message-1 Line Additional Lines of Copy 281-8880-00 Regular Engraved 22.99 22.99 22.99 10.50 8.99 4.75 4.49 As Low As $ 99 ea 18 Aluminum Pyramid-Style Reversible Arrow Signs Two Engraved Nameplates are mounted to both sides of an aluminum pyramid-style frame. Nameplates feature your choice of copy: “Next Teller Please” or “Next Window Please” accompanied by an arrow. Each arrow points in the opposite direction. Please add Engraved Nameplate color code suffix to frame Cat. No.and select typeface. Size: Backplate 7-1/2”W x 2”D x 2”H, Nameplate 7”W x 1-1/2”H. Laminate color choices on inside back cover. Cat. No. Frame Reverse Side Wording 281-0157 Black “Next Teller Please” 281-0158 Gold “Next Teller Please” 281-0159 Silver “Next Teller Please” 281-0160 281-0161 281-0162 Black Gold Silver “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” “Next Window Please” Your Price Compare At 1-5 6+ $23.99 $19.99 $18.99 23.99 19.99 18.99 23.99 19.99 18.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 As Low As $ 99 ea 13 Plexiglass Pyramid-Style Reversible Arrow Signs Signs are visible from both sides. Choice of silver or gold lettering on black Plexiglas. Available with the shown type style only. Size: 7-1/2”W x 2-3/8”H x 2-5/8”D. Your Price Cat. No. Colors Reverse Side Wording Compare At 1-5 6+ 283-0755-00 Silver onBlack “Next Teller Please” $16.99 $14.99 $13.99 283-0756-00 Gold on Black “Next Teller Please” 16.99 14.99 13.99 283-0757-00 283-0758-00 Silver on Black “Next Window Please” 16.99 Gold on Black “Next Window Please” 16.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 46 25.99 25.99 25.99 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 14.99 14.99 13.99 13.99 Prices subject to change without notice Desk Signs As Low As $ 99 ea As Low As $ 99 ea 29 19 Brass/Walnut Desk Sign Richly-grained, solid walnut base with brass nameplate fits in any executive environment. Solid, hand-rubbed walnut-finished desk sign with beveled edges. Luxurious brass nameplate with black etched letters in Classic Times typeface. Black laminate nameplate with white letters also available. Features non-slip cork base. Size: 10”W x Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 281-2001-00 Brass Sign with 1 Line of Copy $31.99 $29.99 281-2002-00 Brass Sign with 2 Lines of Copy 36.99 34.59 281-2015-04 Black Laminate Sign with 2 Lines of Copy 32.99 30.89 Plexiglas Easel Desk Signs Unique desk signs create a clean, classic look for any setting. Plexiglas DeskSigns feature Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved Nameplates built into a clear Plexiglas frame. Includes 1 line of copy. Size: 8”W x 2-3/4”H. Cat. No. Description Lettering Compare At 281-0204 Nameplate & Base Regular Engraved $27.75 281-6200 Nameplate & Base Subsurface Engraved 33.35 281-8880-0 281-6660-0 Additional Line Additional Line As Low As $ 99 ea Choose from two nameplate styles. Brass nameplate has black etched letters in Times typeface as shown. Black laminate engraved nameplate has white engraved letters and silk-screened logo. Indicate typeface. Corkpads under sign base protect surfaces. Size: 8-1/4”W x 1-3/4”H x 1-3/4”D. Business card slot: 4”L x 5/8”W x 1”D. Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 281-2003-00 Brass Sign with 1 Line of Copy $41.99 $33.99 281-8880-0 Additional Line of Engraving 4.75 4.59 As Low As Laminate/Walnut $ 99 ea Sign with Logo 34 Choose from two nameplate styles. Brass nameplate has black etched letters in Times typeface as shown. Black laminate engraved nameplate has white engraved letters and silk-screened logo. Indicate typeface. Corkpads under sign base protect surfaces. Size: 8-1/4”W x 1-3/4”H x 1-3/4”D. Business card slot: 4”L x 5/8”W x 1”D. Cat. No. Description Compare At 281-2004-04 Laminate/Walnut Sign with FDIC Logo $41.99 281-2005-04 Laminate/Walnut Sign with NCUA Logo 41.99 281-8880-0 Additional Line of Engraving 4.75 Color Harmony Desk Sign 281-8880-0 281-6660-0 Additional Line Additional Line Regular Engraved Subsurface Engraved 24 Acrylic Desk Bars Translucent Architectural Bronze or Opaque Polished Black. Vinyl lettering supplied in choice of typefaces. Furnished with non-slip, non-mar rubberized cork pads. Size: 9-1/2”W x 3/4”D x 1-3/4”H. First line: 3/8” letters. Second line: 1/4” letters. To Order Please Specify: Cat. No. with color code suffix, lettering case, position and copy. See Signage Order Form for choice of Vinyletter™ typefaces. Logo can be silk-screened on all styles of Acrylic Desk Bars (minimum 10 plus Opaque Polished Black (White letters are standard) Cat. No. 281-4003 281-4004 Corner Style Square Square Lettering Single Line Double Line Compare At $28.99 33.49 Your Price $24.99 28.69 281-4203 281-4204 Radius Radius Single Line Double Line 28.99 33.49 24.99 28.69 Translucent Architechural Bronze (White letters are standard) Your Price $24.99 28.69 Cat. No. 281-4201-21 281-4202-21 Corner Style Radius Radius 4.59 4.99 Compare At $28.99 33.49 As Low As 99 ea Hand-Cast $ 139 Bronze Name Signs Handsomely-designed, solid HandCast Bronze Name Signs are ideal for executive desk use. Prestigious signs feature distinctively raised, highly polished letters and borders. Choice of Gothic or Roman upper case lettering on Black Stippled or Statuary Bronze background. Furnished with non-mar, non-slip felt pads affixed to easel base. Signs include up to 20 characters per line. Larger signs quoted upon request. As Low As $ 1099ea 4.75 5.45 Lettering Single Line Double Line Easel-style integral stand Your Price $34.99 34.99 4.59 These Desk Signs feature a clear Plexiglas base with engraved laminate nameplate. The look is simple, clean, and contemporary, yet highly effective. Sturdy 3/32” thick nameplate with contrasting letters is highly visible and easy to read. Includes one line of copy. Please add color code suffix to Cat. No. and select typeface. Size: Nameplate 7-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H, Base: 7-1/2”W x 1-1/2”D. Laminate color choices on inside back cover. Your Cat. No. Description Lettering Compare At Price 281-0200 Nameplate & Base Regular Engraved $12.99 $10.99 281-6200 Nameplate & Base Subsurface Engraved 15.99 14.49 281-0201 Nameplate Only Regular Engraved 9.19 7.99 281-6201 Nameplate Only Subsurface Engraved 11.49 11.49 4.59 4.99 4.75 5.45 As Low As $ 99 ea 33 Walnut Desk Sign with Business Card Holder Regular Engraved Subsurface Engraved Your Price $19.99 24.49 (XD04) (XE21) GOTHIC letter style on black stipled background GOTHIC letter style on statuary bronze background (XF04) (XG21) ROMAN letter style on black stipled background ROMAN letter style on statuary bronze background Cat. No. Description Mfg. List 281-0521 Single Line $156.00 281-0522 Double Line 168.00 281-0523 Triple Line 183.00 Your Price $139.99 149.99 159.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 47 Desk & Wall Signs Slide-Post Desk Sign Nameplate slides into extruded aluminum holder. Holder slides in and out of slotted upright posts, making changes easy. Includes one line of copy. Size: Nameplate 9”W x 2”H, Base 11”W x 1-1/2”D. Your choice of Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved nameplate. Laminate color choices on inside back cover. Please add nameplate color code suffix to Cat. No. and select typeface. *Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 281-0114 Gold Frame - Regular Engraved $35.99 $29.99 281-0115 Silver Frame - Regular Engraved 35.99 29.99 281-0107 Replacement Nameplate Insert 10.49 8.99 *Prices are for Regular Engraving. Add $3.50 to your price for Subsurface Engraving Slide-Insert Desk Signs Engraved nameplate slides easily in and out of anodized aluminum frame. Nameplates can be changed quickly. Available in 8” or 10” width. Includes one line of copy. Choose Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved nameplate. Please add nameplate color code suffix to Cat. No. and select typeface. Laminate color choices on inside back cover. *Your Cat. No. Description Frame Color Compare At Price 281-0122 8” Slide-Insert Sign Black $19.99 $15.99 281-0123 8” Slide-Insert Sign Gold 19.99 15.99 281-0124 8” Slide-Insert Sign Silver 19.99 15.99 281-0103 8” Replacement Insert 10.49 8.99 281-0125 281-0126 281-0127 281-0104 10” Slide-Insert Sign Black 10” Slide-Insert Sign Gold 10” Slide-Insert Sign Silver 10” Replacement Insert 21.99 21.99 21.99 12.19 Custom Angled Desk Sign Sign face is set at a ten degree angle for easy readability. Includes one line of copy. Choose Engraved or Subsurface-Engraved nameplate. Add nameplate color code to Cat. No. and select typeface. Frame size: 9-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H, Nameplate 9”W x 2”H. *Your Cat. No. Description Compare At Price 281-0116 Black Angled Sign $32.50 $24.99 281-0117 Gold Angled Sign 32.50 24.99 281-0118 Silver Angled Sign 32.50 24.99 281-0107 Replacement Nameplate Insert 10.49 8.99 *Prices are for Regular Engraving. Add $3.50 to your price for Subsurface Engraving 4”W x 13”H 4-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H 9”W x 2-1/2”H x 3/8”D Cat. No. Description Mfg. List AVT 83501 Fire Extinguisher Sign-White on Red $ 4.95 AVT 83635 Thank Your for Not Smoking-Black & Red on White 4.95 283-7216-04 Conference Room Sign with Radius Corners 19.75 283-7116-04 Conference Room Sign with Square Corners 19.75 ADA Signs High-quality, extruded styrene plastic “Men-Handicapped” sign can be used for indoors or outdoors. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act. Contain raised pictograph, raised English message and Braille message. Adhesive back for easy application. Ideal for general identification of all public access areas. Size: 6”W x 9”H. Cat. No. Color Description Mfg. List AVT 83650 White on Blue Men-Handicapted $9.95 AVT 83651 White on Blue Women-Handicapted 9.95 AVT 83652 Black on Taupe Exit 9.95 AVT 83653 Black on Taupe No Smoking 9.95 AVT 83654 Black on Taupe Restroom 9.95 AVT 83655 Black on Taupe Women 9.95 AVT 83656 Black on Taupe Men 9.95 AVT 83657 Black on Taupe Restroom-Handicaped 9.95 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 *Prices are for Regular Engraving. Add $3.50 to your price for Subsurface Engraving Your Price $ 4.69 4.69 18.79 18.79 $ Your Price $9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 Only 59 ea 6 Contemporary Signs Features white lettering and graphics under a protective plastic surface. Beveled edges and rounded corners. Includes mounting tape. Size 9”W x 3”H. Your Cat. No. Color Description Mfg. List Price AVT 83627 White on Brown Employees Only $6.95 $6.59 AVT 83628 White on Brown Men 6.95 6.59 AVT 83629 White on Brown Women 6.95 6.59 AVT 83630 White on Brown Restrooms 6.95 6.59 AVT 83631 White on Brown No Soliciting 6.95 6.59 AVT 83633 White on Brown No Smoking 6.95 6.59 Custom Engraved Wall or Door Signs Versatile, engraved wall or door signs are ideal for identification purposes, such as name signs, department designation, brief messages and many others. Signs have finished beveled edges and include one line of copy. All signs furnished with double-coated adhesive back for wall or door mounting. Other mounting methods are available – please specify: (1) Screws for permanent mounting; (2) backing with hook and loop fastener for fabric mounting; (3) Without mounting – Engraved Nameplate insert only. Choose from a wide selection of Engraved Nameplate colors on inside back cover. Please add color code to order form and select typeface. Description Your Price Material Charge ........................................................................ .15 / sq. in Engraving Charge ........................................................................$4.50 / Line Example: 4” x 10” Sign with 2 lines of Engraving Material Charge: Engraving Charge: Total BURKHART’S Bank Supply 48 Only 49 ea 9 $ 4” x 10” = 40 x .15 = 2 Lines @ $4.50 ea = Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com $ 6.00 9.00 15.00 Prices subject to change without notice Drive-Up Envelopes & Teller Receipts (Non-Holiday) Teller Receipt Format Styles As Low As $ 00 m DEPOSITED WITH DEPOSITED WITH YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 10 / Teller Receipts 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT WHEN MAKING A DEPOSIT AT A TELLER WINDOW, ALWAYS OBTAIN AN OFFICIAL RECEIPT. Checks and other items are received for deposit subject to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code or any applicable collection agreement Six formats to choose from (see at right), then select one or more of the 15 designs below. Orders must be in lots of 5,000 per design. Size: 2-3/4” x 6” Paper: White 20# Bond Ink: Choose Black or Reflex Blue Note: Teller receipt images print in a horizontal format. DATE TELLEr nAME WHEN MAKING A DEPOSIT AT A TELLER WINDOW, ALWAYS OBTAIN AN OFFICIAL RECEIPT. Checks and other items are received for deposit subject to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code or any applicable collection agreement AMounT THAnK you For your BuSInESS DEPoSITS MAy noT BE AVAILABLE For IMMEDIATE wITHDrAwAL. BAnK SyMBoL, TrAnSACTIon nuMBEr AnD AMounT oF DEPoSIT ArE SHown ABoVE. TRF-1 TRF-2 DEPOSITED WITH YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 CHECKING DEPOSIT RECEIPTS UNLESS MARKED BELOW SAVINGS LOANS _________________ THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT ALL ITEMS ARE RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AND TERMS STATED ON SIGNATURE CARDS CURRENTLY USED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AFTER 3PM ARE CREDITED AS OF BUSINESS DAY SHOWN. Cat. No. Format Compare At 1 TRF-1__ TRF-1 $77.99 $69.99 TRF-2__ TRF-2 77.99 69.99 TRF-3__ TRF-3 77.99 69.99 TRF-4__ TRF-4 77.99 69.99 TRF-5__ TRF-5 77.99 69.99 TRF-6__ TRF-6 77.99 69.99 Your Price/Lot (5000) 2 4-7 $59.99 $54.99 59.99 54.99 59.99 54.99 59.99 54.99 59.99 54.99 59.99 54.99 DEPoSITS MAy noT BE AVAILABLE For IMMEDIATE wITHDrAwAL. BAnK SyMBoL, TrAnSACTIon nuMBEr AnD AMounT oF DEPoSIT ArE SHown ABoVE. 8+ $49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 TRF-3 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 DEPOSITS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT WHEN MAKING A DEPOSIT AT A TELLER WINDOW, ALWAYS OBTAIN AN OFFICIAL RECEIPT. Checks and other items are received for deposit subject to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code or any applicable collection agreement ALL ITEMS ArE rECEIVED SuBJECT To ConDITIonS AnD TErMS STATED on SIGnATurE CArDS CurrEnTLy uSED. TRF-5 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 (On-Line) S15 S14 (Internet) As Low As 00 m 38 / $ Three styles/sizes to choose from, then select one or more of the 16 designs above. Orders must be in lots of 5,000 per design. Styles: OE1 Open End, Double Pocket, 3-1/4” x 7” OE2 Open End, Double Pocket, 3-3/4” x 7” OS3 Open Side, Single Pocket, 3-3/8” x 7-1/8” Paper: White 24# Wove Ink: Choose Black or Reflex Blue Latex Self-Sealing (for security and re-use purposes) Note: Drive-Up envelope images print in a vertical format. Your Price/Lot (5,000) Cat. No. Style Compare At 1 2 4-7 8+ OE1-__ OE1 $379.99 $349.99 $259.99 $219.99 $189.99 OE2-__ OE2 389.99 359.99 269.99 229.99 194.99 OE3-__ OE3 399.99 369.99 279.99 239.99 194.99 DEPoSITS MAy noT BE AVAILABLE For IMMEDIATE wITHDrAwAL. BAnK SyMBoL, TrAnSACTIon nuMBEr AnD AMounT oF DEPoSIT ArE SHown ABoVE. TRF-6 S1 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT BANK SYMBOL, TRNSACTION NUMBER, DATE AND AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT ARE SHOWN BELOW Sensible One-Color Designs (add design # to Cat. No.) YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION DEPOSITED WITH YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Add Design # to Cat. No. above (example: TRF-1S6) Drive-Up Envelopes DEPoSITS MAy noT BE AVAILABLE For IMMEDIATE wITHDrAwAL. BAnK SyMBoL, TrAnSACTIon nuMBEr AnD AMounT oF DEPoSIT ArE SHown ABoVE. TRF-4 S7 S15 Custom Teller Receipts • Choose From One of Our Six Popular Formats (above) or Design Your Own. • White or Colored Papers • Up to 4 Ink Colors Custom Drive-Up Envelopes • Choose From One of Three Convenient Styles at left. • Available With or Without Latex Seal. • Multi-Color Printing. Send us samples that you are presently using along with usage quantities. We will promptly provide a quote. Add Design # to Cat. No. above (example: OE1-S6) BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 49 Holiday Drive-Up Envelopes & Teller Receipts Holiday Drive-Up Envelopes (non holiday designs on page 49) Offer holiday greetings and appreciation with drive-up envelopes. Select the perfect design for your drive-up customers. Open End, Double Pocket Envelope. Size: 3-1/4” x 7”. All envelopes produced on sub 24# White Wove with latex seal flap. 2,500 per carton. Minimum order 2,500, multiples of 2,500 per design.On 2-color designs, when holiday design rints in red and green, imprint will print in red. On 4-color designs, imrint will be black. Imprint areas will vary per design. As Low As 80 m 27 / $ HDT-102C 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint HDT-105C 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint HDT-116 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint HDT-106C 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint HDF-107C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, Black Imprint Your Price/Ctn (5000) Cat. No. Description Compare At 1 2-3 4-7 8+ HDT-102C Merry Christmas $319.99 $286.99 $212.99 $157.99 $138.99 HDT-105C Wishing You All . . . 319.99 286.99 212.99 157.99 138.99 HDT-106C Season’s Greetings 319.99 286.99 212.99 157.99 138.99 HDT-116 Happy Holidays 319.99 286.99 212.99 157.99 138.99 HDT-107C Season’s Greetings 387.99 349.99 HDF-112C Wishing You All . . . 387.99 349.99 HDF-110C Season’s Greetings (Birds) 387.99 349.99 These prices include your imprint. 289.99 289.99 289.99 219.99 219.99 219.99 HDF-112C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, Black Imprint HDF-110C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, Black Imprint YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 100 FIRST AVENUE ANYTOWN, USA 54321 To ensure shipment of holiday products by November 14 for delivery by Thanksgiving, we recomend placing your order by October 19. 209.99 209.99 209.99 Holiday Teller Receipts (non holiday designs on page 49) Teller receipts are an easy way to extend holiday greetings to your customers. Let them know you care this holiday season with one of our festive designs. All receipts are 2-3/4” x 6” Packaging: 2,500 per inner carton. 5-10-20M per shipping carton. Minimum order 5,000, multiples of 5,000 per design.On 2-color designs, when holiday design prints in red and green, imprint will print in red. On 4-color designs, imrint will be black. HRT-105C 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red HRT-106C Red Imprint 2-Color Litho, White Paper, HRF-112C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, HRT-102C Black Imprint HRF-107C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, HRF-110C 4-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Your Price/Ctn (5000) Cat. No. Description Compare At 1 2-3 4-7 HRT-102C Merry Christmas $99.99 $89.99 $69.99 $64.99 HRT-105C Wishing You All . . . 99.99 89.99 69.99 64.99 HRT-106C Season’s Greetings 99.99 89.99 69.99 64.99 HRT-116 Happy Holidays 99.99 89.99 69.99 64.99 HRT-107C Season’s Greetings 114.99 HRF-112C Wishing You All . . . 114.99 HRF-110C Season’s Greetings (Birds) 114.99 These prices include your imprint. 99.99 99.99 99.99 89.99 89.99 89.99 84.99 84.99 84.99 Black Imprint 8+ $59.99 59.99 59.99 59.99 79.99 79.99 79.99 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 50 11 / HRT-116 2-Color Litho, White Paper, Red Imprint Imprint As Low As 80 m $ Black Imprint Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Holiday Currency Envelopes Currency Envelopes These envelopes are a great way for your customers to give a gift of money this holiday season. They are also perfect for birthdays, graduations and more. Our envelopes are 2-7/8” x 6-1/2” and come with a white, sealing outer envelope unless otherwise noted. As Low As ¢ set 12 / $ LCE-102C Two-Color Litho on White Paper LCE-105C Two-Color Litho on White Paper LCE-120 Two-Color Litho on White Paper LCE-101C Two-Color Litho on White Paper LCE-106C Two-Color Litho on White Paper TCE-110C Four-Color Litho on White Paper TCE-125 Four-Color Litho on White Paper FCE-131 Gold Foil / Red Paper & Envelope FCE-16 Gold Foil on White Paper FCE-15 Gold Foil on White Paper FCE-19 Gold Foil, 4-Color Litho, White Paper FCE-152 Gold Foil, 2-Color Litho, White Paper FCE-130 Gold Foil, 2-Color Litho, White Paper FCE-132 Gold Foil / Green Paper /& FCE-136 Gold Foil & 4-Color Litho, White Paper To ensure shipment of holiday products by November 14 for delivery by Thanksgiving, we recomend placing your order by October 19. FREE Tent Card Displays Let customers know that Currency Envelopes are available with eye-catching tent-card displays. Three FREE tent cards will be included with each order if requested. TCD-00 Envelope Cat. No. Description Compare At LCE-102C Merry Christmas 68.99 LCE-105C Wishing You All . . . 68.99 LCE-120 A Gift For You 68.99 LCE-101C A Special Gift at Christmas 68.99 LCE-106C Season’s Greetings 68.99 Your Price / Box (250 Sets) 1 2 4-9 10+ 59.99 44.99 34.99 29.99 66.49 45.49 34.99 29.39 66.49 45.49 34.99 29.39 66.49 45.49 34.99 29.39 66.49 45.49 34.99 29.39 TCE-110C Season’s Greetings(Birds) 84.99 TCE-125 Ribbon with Holly 84.99 69.99 69.99 59.99 59.99 49.99 49.99 47.99 47.99 FCE-130 FCE-131 FCE-132 FCE-136 Season’s Greetings Red w/ Gold Ribbon Green w/ Gold Ribbon Merry Christmas 94.99 94.99 94.99 94.99 89.99 89.99 89.99 89.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 59.99 59.99 59.99 59.99 56.99 56.99 56.99 56.99 FCE-16 FCE-15 FCE-19 FCE-152 Congratulations A Gift For You Happy Birthday Happy Hanukkah 94.99 94.99 94.99 94.99 89.99 89.99 89.99 89.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 59.99 59.99 59.99 59.99 56.99 56.99 56.99 56.99 These prices are for non-imprinted envelopes. Imprinting is available on outer envelope for an additional charge. Call for pricing. BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 51 Forms & Printing Official SecureStar® Cash Tickets Discover the precision and quality behind our cash ticket line. Database driven technology helps eliminate code line errors. Our MICR readability has a less than 1/10 of 1% reject rate. Low minimum quantities allow for the reduction of storage space and cost of inventory. Each style allows you to conveniently choose the variable information that best fits your financial institution’s needs. Standard Single-Part Cash Tickets Duplicate Carbonless Cash Tickets economy Duplicate Carbonesll Cash Tickets Fold Over Cash Tickets Duplicate Snap-Out Sets with Carbon Tellers transfer Currency & Coin Records Oversized Cash Tickets Custom Cash Tickets Our SecureStar® program is the perfect solution for any printed paper document that may be a target for fraud. Offered in a wide variety of colors and designs. Custom designs are also available. SecureStar® checks and documents are Check 21 Compliant and protected with 13 features. SecureStar® Safety Paper Checks Cashier’s Checks & Bank Drafts Certificates of Deposit Money Market Certificates Conventional Saving Certificates Personal Money Orders Bank Money Orders SecureStar® Prismatic Background Checks High Security Holograms SecureStar® Pinstripe Laser Checks Custom Official Checks Process Control Documents Image Processing Documents Discover the knowledge behind our image processing documents. Knowledge in developing stock, standard and custom products to meet individual needs. Knowledge in providing all your internal documents while consistently meeting stringent specifications for design. MICR quality and print contrast signal requirements. Knowledge in developing forms to meet hardware/software specifications for courtesy amount recognition. Total conversions or one form at a time, we can help. Image Compatible Single-Part Cash Tickets Semi-Standard Single-Part or Duplicate Cash Tickets Image Compatible Duplicate Carbonless Cash Tickets Image Compatible Cash Vault Tickets Image Compatible General Ledgers, Debits, Credits Image Compatible Counter Forms Image Compatable Notices Image Compatable Transfer of Funds Deposit Ticket Imprint Program Custom Image Processing Discover the advantages of our item processing products: Any numbering sequence needed for control documents can be produced on our advanced equipment. We provide a 100% guarantee of MICR readability on our control documents, which helps assure limited downtime on reader sorters. MICR grade paper allows for smooth item processing and low MICR reject costs. We provide a complete line of high quality documents carriers and pressure-sensitive labels for incorrect or damaged MICR code lines. Standardized thumb cut, so you can quickly see separator sheets when the batch ends. Various drill hole placements help meet common processing needs. We provide a wide selection of general ledger debits and credits to simplify your bookkeeping. Selection intended to allow a choice of the perfect document to meet your exact needs. Selection of standard or economy price points to help control your expenses. Selection that includes standard and custom forms that can be prequalified to improve accuracy. BURKHART’S Bank Supply 52 General Ledgers Debits/Credits Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Prices subject to change without notice Forms & Printing We offer: • A Complete line of financial forms and services to meet your needs. •Quick, accurate service. •MICR reject rate of less than 1/10 of one percent •Most orders are shipped in 9 days or less. Send us samples of forms you are presently using along with usage quantities. We will promptly provide a quote. Notices Discover the service behind our notices. Service because our notices provide customers essential information that mis clear, accurate and efficient. Service because economical forms meet specialized or multipurpose needs. Service because you can fax, e-mail or call in your order. Service because reordering is simp-lified with the reorder form included with every shipment. Advice of Charge Advice of Credit Return Item Notice Notice of Wire Transfer Notice of Transfer of Funds Notice of Deposit Correction Notice of Stop payment Notice of Safety Deposit Box Rental Memo Charge Advice of Adjustment Customized Notices Printed to Your Specifications Check 21 Products Discover the changes made necessary by the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. Our substitute check stock is compliant with the specifications outlined by ANSI X9.9. We offer notices, that provide necessary customer communication regarding financial accounts. It’s easy to keep up with new regulations when you partner with us, one of the industry’s most technologically advanced financial documednt providers. Check 21 Notices Notice of Valid Claim & Refund Notice of Provisional Refund Denial of Claim Notice REversal O Refund Notice Subsitiute Check Stock Forward Collection Return item Counter Forms Discover our economical counter forms. Economical because you pay less when you select certain styles, quantities and colors. Economical because our counter forms help streamline operational procedures through simplification of designs. Economical because custom counter forms become a part of our database and are easy to reorder. Economical because you can order the quantities that fit your inventory needs. Deposit Ticket Programs Stock or custom designed deposit tickets to meet your specific needs. Imprinting includes account name, MICR numbering and location. Consecutive numbering is also available. Miscellaneous Forms Change of Address Forms Request For Official Check Savings Transaction Record Checking Transaction Register Incoming Collection Forms Outgoing Collection Forms Counter Withdrawals Counter Savings Deposits Counter Combinationm Savings Withdrawal/Deposit Slips Counter Checking Deposits Business Deposit Tickets Installment Loan Coupons Counter Checks Custom Forms The perfect form for the job because you designed it. We are custom financial forms specialists. Financial Envelopes We offer different types of financial envelopes in a variety of sizes. Drive-Up Envelopes Statement Envelopes ATM Deposit Envelopes Window Envelopes Coupon Redemption Envelopes Teller’s Daily Balancing Envelope BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 53 Seating $ As Low As 29 ea 195 ComfortTask Pneumatic Task Stool Pneumatic Task Stools offer a molded 20” wide x 18” deep seat and 18” wide x 18-1/2” high back with pronounced lumbar support. Other features include pneumatic seat-height adjustment from 22-1/2” high to 32-1/2” high, quick-release back-height control and 360-degree swivel. Footring adjusts from 71/8” high to 12-1/4” high. Available in black frame only. Mfg. Limited Lifetime Warranty. Ships via UPS. Assembly required. Cat. No. HON 5905AB10T HON 5905AB12T HON 5905AB62T HON 5905AB90T Color Black Gray Burgundy Blue Mfg. List $279.00 279.00 279.00 279.00 Your Price 1 2+ $209.29 $195.29 209.29 195.29 209.29 195.29 209.29 195.29 As Low As 29 ea 293 $ Trenton Task Stool Teller stools offer pneumatic seat-height adjustment, spring-action adjustable back and back height adjustment, 360-degree swivel, contoured waterfall seat and adjustable footring. Available in black frame only. 26”W x 23”D x 23-33”H. Mfg. Limited Lifetime Warranty. Ships via UPS. Assembly required. Cat. No. SAF 3420BL SAF 3420DG Your Price Mfg. List 1 2+ $345.00 $310.49 $293.29 345.00 310.49 293.29 Color Black Dark Gray As Low As $ 89 ea 179 Mid-Back Task Chair Mid-back task chair features a swivel/tilt control along with height adjustable ratchet back. Upholstered with 100 percent polyester fabric available in the newly refreshed basyx fabric in four colors. Offers pneumatic seat adjustment, back height, 360-degree swivel, tilt, tilt tension, tilt lock, black frame and five-star base with carpet casters. Ships via UPS. Assembly required. Mfg. Limited 5-Year Warranty. High-Performance Task Chair High-Performance Task Chairs offer large seat and back cushions for support while seated. Features back height adjustment, pneumatic seat height adjustment, 360-degree swivel, tilt, tilt tension and asynchronous control. Mfg. Limited Lifetime Warranty. 26”W x 29-1/2”D x 42-1/2”H. Ships via UPS. Assembly required. Optional adjustable arm packs are sold separately. Offers easy attachment. Includes hardware. Cat. No. HON 5903AB10T HON 5903AB12T HON 5903AB62T HON 5903AB90T Color Black Gray Burgundy Blue Arm Kit (Height Adjustable) HON 5995T Black Your Price Mfg. List 1 2+ $257.00 $192.79 $179.89 257.00 192.79 179.89 257.00 192.79 179.89 257.00 192.79 179.89 80.00 Your Price per Pair 59.99 55.99 Optional adjustable arm packs are sold separately. Offers easy attachment. Includes hardware. Cat. No. BSX VL625VC10 BSX VL625VC90 BSX VL625VC62 BSX VL625VC90 Color Black Gray Burgundy Navy Adjustable Arm Kit (Height & Width Adjustable) BSX VLAPKT Black BURKHART’S Bank Supply 54 As Low As 49 ea 158 $ Your Price Mfg. List 1 2+ $177.00 $159.29 $150.49 177.00 159.29 150.49 177.00 159.29 150.49 177.00 159.29 150.49 59.00 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Your Price per Pair 53.09 50.19 Prices subject to change without notice MICR Toner Cartridges Lower Your MICR Printing Risk with TROY Cartridges TROY’s low abrasion toner upholds the life and reliability of your HP Printer. High-grip MICR toners are formulated and tested to exceed ANSI, ABA and CBA banking standards. Precision-matched toner produces the highest bank reader-sorter processing success rate in the industry. TROY MICR toners are fully supported by HP service. Modified-new cartridges are made at our US factory from brand new Original Manufacturer cartridges. They contain all original components, factory seal intact, and are filled by microMICR with MICR toner tested to meet ANSI/ABA standards and to yield the highest consistent quality. TROY OEM Cartridges *microMICR & other Compatable Cartridges OEM Your Price Your Price HP/TROY Machines Cartridge No. Cat. No. Yield Compare At 1-2 3+ Cat. No. Yield Compare At 1-2 3+ HPLJII, IID, III, IIID (SX) 92295A 83-00093-001 4,000 159.98 149.99 139.99 HP4, 4+, 4M, 4MV, 4N, 5, 5M, 5N/TROY 506, 608 92298A 02-17310-001 5,000 219.98 209.99 199.99 83098TMICR 8,800 149.99 119.99 109.99 HP4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP (PX) 92274A 02-81052-001 3,000 169.98 159.99 149.99 HP5L 6LX, 6LSF, 3100, 3150, 3150Se, 3150XI (AX) C3906A 02-81051-001 2500 159.98 149.99 139.99 HP5P, 5MP, 6P, 6MP, 6PXI, 6PSE, 6RE/TROY 506, 608 (VX) C3903A 02-18583-001 4,250 199.98 189.99 179.99 83003TMICR 4,000 129.99 119.99 109.99 HP5Si, 8000/TROY 524, 624 (WX) C3909A 02-17981-001 22,000 479.98 459.99 429.99 83009TMICR 24,000 249.99 149.99 139.99 MICRTIN250* 15,000 340.85 329.99 319.99 HP1000, 1200, 1220, 3300, 3320 C7115A 02-81080-001 3,000 179.98 169.99 159.99 83015TMICR 2,500 129.99 119.99 109.99 HP1100, 1100A, 3200 C4092A 02-81031-001 2,500 174.98 164.99 154.99 83092TMICR 2,500 134.99 99.99 94.99 HP1150 Q26624A 83024TMICR 2,500 154.99 139.99 129.99 HP1160 SeriesQ5949A MICRTHN49A* 2,500 209.00 199.99 194.99 HP1300 SeriesQ2613A 02-81128-001 2,500 199.98 189.99 179.99 83013TMICR 2,500 179.99 129.99 124.99 HP1320 Series MICRTHN49X* 6,000 271.33 269.99 259.99 HP2100, 2200 C4096A 02-81038-001 5,000 249.98 239.99 229.99 83096TMICR 3,600 179.99 129.99 124.99 HP2300 SeriesQ2610A 02-81127-001 6,300 299.98 289.99 279.99 83010TMICR 6,000 259.99 119.99 114.99 MICRTJN10A* 6,000 259.99 249.99 244.99 HP2400,2420, 2430 (High Yield) Q6511A 02-81134-001 12,000 449.98 429.99 389.99 HP4000, 4050/TROY 617 C4127X 02-18791-001 6,000 239.98 229.99 209.99 HP4000, 4050/TROY 617 (High Yield) C4127X 02-18944-001 10,000 329.98 299.99 289.99 83027TMICR 10,000 199.99 159.99 149.99 HP4100 Series (High Yield) C8061X 02-81078-001 10,000 329.98 299.99 289.99 83061TMICR 10,000 214.99 119.99 114.99 MICRTJN410* 10,000 277.24 269.99 264.99 HP4200 Series (with Chip) Q1338A 02-81118-001 13,500 399.98 379.99 359.99 83038TMICR 12,000 299.99 249.99 239.99 MICRTJN38A* 12,000 299.99 289.99 284.99 HP4250, 4350 (High Yield) Q5942A 02-81136-001 20,000 499.98 479.99 459.99 HP4300 SeriesQ1339A 02-81119-001 19,500 499.98 479.99 459.99 83039TMICR 18,000 319.99 289.99 269.99 MICRTJN39A* 18,000 406.11 399.99 394.99 HP8100, 8150 Series C4182X 02-81023-001 25,000 499.98 479.99 459.99 83082TMICR 21,000 329.99 199.99 189.99 MICRTJN810* 20,000 399.23 389.99 384.99 HP9000, 9040, 9050 Series C8543X 02-81081-001 35,000 699.98 559.99 549.99 83543TMICR 30,000 499.99 469.99 449.99 MICRTJN43X* 30,000 505.00 489.99 479.99 IBM Machines IBM Infoprint 20 (4320) 90H0748 02-81057-001 14,000 449.98 389.99 384.99 IBM Infoprint 21, 2125 38L1410 02-81067-001 15,000 399.00 389.99 384.99 IBM Infoprint 1120 (4520), 1125 (4525) 28P2494 MICRTBN920* 17,000 340.73 329.99 319.99 IBM Infoprint 1130 (4530), 1140 28P2009/10 MICRTBN930* 18,000 360.68 349.99 339.99 IBM 4317 63H2401 02-81017-001 10,000 379.98 359.99 339.99 LEXMARK Machines Lexmark Optra E310, E312 13T0301 02-81058-001 8,000 319.98 239.99 229.99 Lexmark Optra S 1382625 02-81013-001 15,000 499.98 459.99 439.99 Lexmark T520, T522 12A6735 MICRTLN860* 30,000 350.44 339.99 329.99 Lexmark Optra T610, 612, 614, 616 12A5745 02-81071-001 16,000 499.98 459.99 439.99 MICRTLN760* 16,000 359.18 349.99 339.99 Lexmark T620, T622 12A6765 MICRTLN780* 30,000 372.08 359.99 349.99 Lexmark T630, T632, T634 12A7362 MICRTLN630* 21,000 525.00 509.99 499.99 Lexmark 4039, 4039 plus 1382150 02-81012-001 18,000 599.00 499.99 489.99 XEROX Machines Xerox Docuprint 24, 32, 40 113R00173 02-81022-001 23,000 599.98 499.99 489.99 If you require a MICR cartridge not Mfg. Listed above, just let us know. We can probably save you money. We also sell non-MICR inkjet and laser cartridges (both OEM and compatable) for most machines at discount prices. Check us out at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Our Guarantee: If there is a problem with any of our toner cartridges, simply return the defective cartridge to us within 90 days of purchase, along with an explanation of the problem. We will either issue a full refund or provide you with a comparable replacement. If, within 90 days of purchase, a defective cartridge causes damage to your machine, we will reimburse you for the reasonable cost of repairing your machine. For a complete limited warranty, send email request to: [email protected]. BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 55 Office Supplies We have been in the office supply business since 1908 (almost 100 years)! Check out these prices on a few of our ValuePlus® (private label) items. For more great discount prices on over 25,000 office supply items, visit our web site at: www.burkhartsbanksupply.com As Low As ¢ ea 33 Highlighters Chisel tip marks broad, medium or fine lines for accenting passages in books, letters and reports. Six-Color Set includes Yellow, Purple, Pink, Turquoise Blue, Fluorescent Yellow and Fluorescent Green. Your Cat. No. Description Mfg. List Price VPO-00172 Fluorescent Yellow $0.75 $0.49 VPO-00174 Six-Color Set 3.35 1.99 Only ¢ roll 79 / Invisible Tape For permanent mending, holding and splicing. Matte-finish tape can be written on. For 1” core dispensers. Your Cat. No. Description Mfg. List Price VPO-00037 1/2” x 1296” $1.49 $0.79 VPO-00039 3/4” x 1296” 1.75 0.79 Color Canary White Canary White Canary White Economy all-metal stapler with floating channel mechanism. Non-skid base. Opens to tack. 210 staple capacity. Black Your Cat. No. Description Mfg. List Price VPO-00100 Metal Stapler, Black $8.99 $5.99 per Dozen Mfg. List Your Price 13.49 4.89 13.49 4.89 19.99 5.89 19.99 5.89 26.99 12.89 26.99 12.89 Paper Clip Dispenser 99 Magnetic top allows for removal of clips one a t a time. Top is removable for easy refills. 1-5/8”W x 1-5/8”D x 2-7/8”H Your Cat. No. Description Mfg. List Price VPO-00095 Paper Clip Dispenser $1.60 $0.99 Cat. No. Description VPO-00085 Standard Staples Hanging File Folders per Box/5000 Mfg. List Your Price $2.22 $0.59 As Low As 49 box 5 / $ Repositionable clear vinyl tabs and white inserts are included. Two-tone green stock. 25 folders per box. 10% recycled content, 10% post-consumer material. Cat. No. Size Tab Cut VPO-00132 Letter 1/3 VPO-00133 Letter 1/5 Legal 1/3 VPO-00134 VPO-00135 Legal 1/5 Stick Pens per Box/25 Mfg. List Your Price $24.85 $6.89 24.30 5.49 29.75 9.49 28.85 8.49 Only ¢ 6¼ ea Smooth-writing stainless-steel ball. Child safety cap. Non-refillable. Not imprinted. Cat. No. Point Ink Color VPO-00006 Medium Black VPO-00005 Medium Blue VPO-00007 Medium Red VPO-00009 Fine Black VPO-00008 Fine Blue VPO-00010 Fine Red per Box/12 Mfg. List Your Price $3.30 $0.75 3.30 0.75 3.30 0.75 3.30 0.75 3.30 0.75 3.30 0.75 Only ¢ box 12 / High quality clips with rust-resistant finish. Choose from smooth style or noskid style with corrugated edges. 100 clips per box. Cat. No. Style Size VPO-00091 Smooth #1 VPO-00093 Smooth Jumbo VPO-00092 Nonskid #1 VPO-00094 Nonskid Jumbo BURKHART’S Bank Supply 56 59 210 staples per strip, 1/4” leg length. 5,000 staples per box. Paper Clips Only ¢ ea Only ¢ ea Standard Staples 41 Perforated top for easy sheet removal. Chipboard back. 50 sheets per pad. Cat. No. Size VPO-00049 5” x 8” VPO-00050 5” x 8” VPO-00051 8-1/2” x 11” VPO-00052 8-1/2” x 11” VPO-00053 8-1/2” x 14” VPO-00054 8-1/2” x 14” Metal Stapler As Low As ¢ ea Ruled Pads Only 99 ea 5 $ Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com per Box/100 Mfg. List Your Price $0.45 $0.12 1.34 0.49 0.45 0.19 1.34 0.59 Prices subject to change without notice Promotional Items As Low As ¢ ea 67 As Low As ¢ pad 45 / (5000, 3” x 3”) Custom Printed Post-it® Notes (1000) Key Tags Soft-touch vinyl with a high gloss finish. Many shapes and colors to choose from. From 77¢ down to 67¢ each. Minimum order: 250. Grab attention with these great Giva-ays! Choose from 3 sizes: 3” x 3”, 4” x 3”, or 4” x 6”. 25, 50 or 100 sheets per pad. Many colors of paper. From 77¢ down to 67¢ each. Minimum order: 20 pads. As Low As ¢ ea 74 Only ¢ ea (500) 49 (500, 16 oz.) Stadium Cups Bic® Round Stic Pens Lightweight, round barrel for comfort. Tough, durable point for smooth writing. Many colors to choose from. 16 or 24 oz., smooth or fluted. many colors to choose from. From 1.07 down to 0.74 each. Minimum order: 250. Minimum order: 500. Only ¢ ea (300) As Low As $ 40 ea 67 Bic® Clic Stic Pens Retractable ball pens feature a durable pocket clip. Many colors to choose from. 1 (1000, small size) Business Card Letter Openers Use your business cards or imprinted paper insert, with or without magnetic back. 2 sizes and many colors to choose from. Minimum order: 300. As Low As ¢ ea From 1.89 down to 1.40 each. Minimum order: 250. 89 (1000) Keep-it Clips 4” clip is constructed of durable high-impact styrene. Many colors to choose from. From 1.09 down to .89 each. Minimum order: 250. Our 36 page full color Advertising Concepts Catolog contains an exciting array of hundreds of imprinted advertising and promotional items at super low prices (including complete ordering information) This can be a very effective and inxpensive way to advertise your business Call today for your FREE Catalog! Frisbees As Low As 05 ea (500, 5” size) 1 $ 2 sizes to choose from: 7-1/2” or 5’. Numerous colors. From 1.14 down to 1.05 each. Minimum order: 250. As Low As 95 ea (144) 2 $ Ceramic Mugs Choose from 10 oz. or 11 oz. size. Many colors. From 3.50 down to 2.95 each. Minimum order: 72. BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 57 Index A ADA Signs . ............................................. 48 Appointment Books ............................. 4, 5 ATM Information Signs ........................... 42 ATM Safety Tips Sign .............................. 42 ATM Seals ............................................... 19 B Bags Cash Transmittal ................................. 27 Clear Transfer . .................................... 27 Coin, Check & Currency ...................... 27 Drawcord ............................................ 27 Duck Shipping .................................... 35 Fire-Resistant . ............................. 31, 32 Lock Options . ..................................... 28 Mail . ................................................... 32 Portfolios ............................................ 35 Security .............................................. 28 Slot Drop ............................................ 35 Strap ................................................... 27 Tamper-Evident Deposit ...................... 26 Transit Sacs ........................................ 33 Wallet . ................................................ 34 Ballpoint Refills ....................................... 39 Bill Bands . .............................................. 14 Bill Strap Racks . ..................................... 14 Briefcases ............................................... 32 Bronze Name Signs, Cast . ...................... 47 Burkhart’s Day Counters ........................... 3 C Calendar & Pen Sets ............................... 41 Calendars Appointment Books ......................... 4, 5 Burkhart’s® Day Counters ..................... 3 Counter ............................................... 41 Desk Calendars ..................................... 3 Heinz® Time Tellers ............................... 3 Ultimate Financial Calendar . ................. 2 Wall Calendars ...................................... 4 Calendars, Perpetual ............................... 41 Carriers, International ............................. 23 Carriers, Return Item .............................. 23 Cash Drawers . ................................. 11, 12 Cash Ticket Form Holders ....................... 22 Cash Transmittal Bags ............................ 27 Cash Trays .............................................. 12 Cashier Pad Racks .................................. 22 Chairs, Task ............................................ 54 Changeable Desk & Wall Signs ............... 44 Check 21 Products . ................................ 53 Check Batch Bands ................................. 14 Check Correction Rolls ........................... 19 Check File Guides . .................................. 24 Check Separators . .................................. 21 Cleaning Wipes ....................................... 25 Clipboard, Wedgy® . ................................ 39 Clipboard, Wedgy® Pen . ......................... 39 Coin Counting Tubes ................................... 15 Holders ............................................... 16 Roll Opener ......................................... 15 Sorting Trays ...................................... 15 Storage Trays ............................... 16, 17 Tote Labels . ........................................ 27 Transport Boxes .................................. 17 Trays ................................................... 13 Wrapper Rolls ..................................... 15 Wrappers, Flat . ................................... 15 Wrappers, Tubular .............................. 15 Conference Room Signs ......................... 48 Correction Labels, MICR ......................... 19 Correction Strips, MICR . ........................ 19 Counter Pens .......................................... 38 Counterfeit Detectors .............................. 13 Currency Deposit Bags . ..................................... 27 Envelopes ........................................... 51 Straps ................................................. 14 Trays ................................................... 13 Custom Engraved Signs . ........................ 48 Cutters, Safety Snips .............................. 18 D Deposit Ticket Holders ............................ 22 Deposit Tickets ....................................... 53 Desk Sign with Business Card Holder ..... 47 Desk Signs . ..................................... 47, 48 Desk Signs, Slide Insert .......................... 48 Document Carriers . ......................... 23, 30 Document Jackets, Vinyl . ....................... 25 Drawcord Bags ....................................... 27 Drive-Up Envelopes ......................... 49, 50 E Echelon Security Cases . ......................... 10 Emergency Key Box ................................ 37 Employee Attendance Records ................. 6 Envelopes Currency Envelopes ............................ 51 Drive-Up Envelopes ..................... 49, 50 Vault Key . ........................................... 25 BURKHART’S Bank Supply 58 F FDIC Signs .............................................. 43 File Folders, Hanging .............................. 56 Financial Calendars Burkhart® Day Counters . ...................... 3 Heinz® Time Tellers ............................... 3 Ultimate Financial Calendars ................. 2 Fingerprint Identifier ............................... 25 Fire Extinguisher Sign ............................. 48 Fire-Resistant Bags ................................. 31 First Aid Kits ........................................... 40 Forms Cash Tickets . ...................................... 52 Check 21 Products . ............................ 53 Counter Forms .................................... 53 Debit/Credit . ....................................... 52 Deposit Tickets ................................... 53 General Ledger . .................................. 52 Image Processing Documents ............ 52 Process Control Documents ............... 52 H Hand Cleaning Wipes .............................. 25 Hanging File Folders ............................... 56 Heinz® Time Tellers ................................... 3 Highlighters ............................................ 56 Holiday Teller Receipts . .......................... 50 I International Carriers .............................. 23 J Jackets, Document ................................. 25 Jackets, Passbook .................................. 25 Jogger Ballpoint Refills ........................... 39 K Kable Security Pens ................................ 40 Key Cabinets ....................................... 36, 37 Key-Hole Signals, Vault . ..................... 25 Rack, File Drawer ................................ 37 Racks .................................................. 37 Tags .................................................... 36 L Labels for Coin Totes .............................. 27 Labels, MICR Correction ......................... 19 Labor Law Posters .................................... 7 Linen Shipping Tags, Plain . .................... 20 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Index Linen Shipping Tags, Registered . ........... 20 Locking Transport Bags .......................... 30 M Mail Bags ................................................ 32 MICR Code Remover .................................... 19 Correction Labels . .............................. 19 Correction Strips . ............................... 19 Toner Cartridges ................................. 55 Money Bag Seals .................................... 18 N NCUA Signs ............................................ 43 Nylon Ties, Self-Locking ......................... 18 O Office Supplies . ...................................... 56 Organizers .............................................. 22 P Pad Racks ............................................... 22 Paper Clip Dispenser . ............................. 56 Paper Clips ............................................. 56 Passbook Jackets, Vinyl . ........................ 25 Patriot Act Compliance Signs ................. 42 Pen Refills . ............................................. 39 Pens Counter ............................................... 38 Security .............................................. 38 Sentry™ .............................................. 38 Stick . .................................................. 56 Wedgy® . ............................................. 39 Perpetual Calendars ................................ 41 Plastic Seals . .......................................... 18 Plastic Seals, Numbered ......................... 19 Portfolios ................................................ 35 Promotional Items .................... 34, 39, 57 R Restroom Signs ...................................... 48 Return Item Carriers ............................... 23 Rulled Pads . ........................................... 56 S Safety Snip Cutters ................................. 18 Seal Press Dies ....................................... 18 Seal Presses ........................................... 18 Seals ATM .................................................... 19 Money Bag . ........................................ 18 Plastic ................................................. 18 Plastic Numbered . .............................. 19 Security Plastic ................................... 19 Security Bags . .................................................. 28 Cases ........................................... 10, 11 Pens . ........................................... 38, 40 Pens, Kable ......................................... 40 Seals, Plastic . ..................................... 19 Sentry™ Pens ......................................... 38 Shipping Bags, Duck . ............................. 35 Shipping Tags, Plain Linen . .................... 20 Signs Acrylic Desk Bars . .............................. 47 ADA .................................................... 48 ATM Fee Notice ................................... 42 ATM Information ................................. 42 ATM Safety Tips .................................. 42 Cast Bronze Desk ................................ 47 Changeable Desk & Wall ..................... 44 Conference Room ............................... 48 Custom Engraved Signs . .................... 48 Desk . .................................................. 47 Exit . .................................................... 48 FDIC & NCUA Logo ............................. 43 Fire Extinguisher ................................. 48 Patriot Act Compliance Signs ............. 42 Restroom ............................................ 48 Slide-Insert Desk ................................ 48 Smoking ............................................. 48 Teller ................................................... 46 Wall . ................................................... 48 Slot Drop Bags . ...................................... 35 Smoking Signs ....................................... 48 Sorter Rack, 12 Compartment ................ 21 Stamp Ink ................................................. 9 Stamp Pads .............................................. 9 Stamps Custom ................................................. 8 Custom Rubber . ................................... 9 Die Plate Daters .................................... 8 Pre-Inked .............................................. 9 Self-Inking ............................................ 8 Stapler .................................................... 56 Staples .................................................... 56 Stick Pens ............................................... 56 Stools, Teller ........................................... 54 Strap Bags .............................................. 27 Suggestion Box, Steel ............................. 22 T Tags Imprinted ............................................ 20 Plain . .................................................. 20 Plain Linen Shipping ........................... 20 Registered Linen Shipping .................. 20 Tamper-Evident Bags .............................. 26 Tape, Invisable ........................................ 56 Task Chair ............................................... 54 Teller Receipts ................................. 49, 50 Teller Signs ............................................. 46 Teller Stools ............................................ 54 Toner Cartridges, MICR .......................... 55 Towelettes ............................................... 25 Transfer Bags - Clear .............................. 27 Transit Sacs ............................................ 33 Trodat® Self-Inking Stamps ...................... 8 U Ultimate Financial Calendar . ..................... 2 V Vacation Schedule .................................... 6 Vacuum Tubes ........................................ 21 Vault Key Envelopes . .............................. 25 Vault Key-Hole Signals . .......................... 25 Voucher Form Holder . ............................ 22 W Wall Calendars .......................................... 4 Wall Signs . ............................................. 48 Wallet Bags ............................................. 34 Wedgy® Pens .......................................... 39 Wipes, Hand Cleaning ............................. 25 Z Zipper Wallets ......................................... 34 BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 59 Bag Order Form Sold To: (We suggest you photocopy this form, allowing the original to remain in the catalog for future requirements) DATE:__________________________________________________ Ship To: Complete only if order is to be shipped to a different address than ‘Sold To’ location. (Street address required) ACCOUNT # _ ______________________________________ P.O.# _ _________________________________ NAME: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _ ________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: ________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: ________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ QUANTITY CAT. NO. FABRIC COLOR & CODE DESCRIPTION Description Your Price 7-PIN and KEY-FREE LOCK Keyed Differently - Non Master Keyed (Standard for 7-Pin).... N/C Keyed Differently - Master Keyed............................................ $ 2.00 Keyed Alike - Non Master Keyed (Standard for Key-Free)....... N/C Keyed Differently in Keyed Alike Sets - Non Master Keyed...... N/C Keyed Differently in Keyed Alike Sets - Master Keyed............. 2.00 Additional Keys....................................................................... 4.50 Master Keys............................................................................ 4.50 POP-UP LOCK Keyed Differently - Non Master Keyed (Standard)................... N/C Keyed Differently - Master Keyed............................................ $ 4.75 Keyed Alike - Non Master Keyed ............................................ N/C Additional Keys....................................................................... 4.50 Master Keys............................................................................ 4.50 PADLOCK (when included with bag) Keyed Differently - Non Master Keyed (Standard)................... N/C Keyed Differently - Master Keyed............................................ $14.75 Keyed Alike - Non Master Keyed ............................................ N/C Master Keys............................................................................ 2.40 PADLOCK (when sold separately) Keyed Differently - Non Master Keyed..................................... $ 8.40 Keyed Differently - Master Keyed............................................ 14.75 Keyed Alike - Non Master Keyed ............................................ 8.40 Master Keys............................................................................ 2.40 Method of Payment ❏ BILL US (Net 30 Days) or CHARGE TO: ❏ VISA ❏ MASTERCARD Applicable shipping & handling charges will be added to your invoice. Most orders are shipped UPS. Credit Card #_________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:_______________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name (print):_______________________________________________ Signature:_ __________________________________________________________ TOTAL PRICE TOTAL Personalization Instructions ❏ Silk-Screen Imprint ❏Embroidery $1.00 additional per bag. Add Cat. No. 233-9007 and thread color code. Embroidery logo set-up: $75.00 one time charge. Add Cat. No. 233-9012-00 ❏ Consecutive Numbering Starting Number ___________________________ Imprint Color: (Choose from inside back cover)______________________________ Typeface: (Choose from inside back cover)__________________________________ Embroidery Typeface: Lettering Case: ❏ Script ❏ ALL CAPS ❏ Italic ❏ Block ❏ Monogram ❏ Upper / Lower case Block/Helvetica typeface in U/L case will be used unless otherwise specified. Personalization Size: ❏ Exact size of artwork submitted ❏ Artist’s discretion ❏ Personalize bags per artwork submitted ❏ Personalize bags exactly as shown below: LINE 1:______________________________________________________________ LINE 2:______________________________________________________________ LINE 3:______________________________________________________________ LINE 4:______________________________________________________________ If artwork is required: Send logos and other artwork as either a black and white laser printout or an electronic file. Sorry, logos from faxes or textured letterhead cannot be reproduced. See page 64for Imprinting Guidelines. ❏ I have verified that this order is correct. Name (print)_ ________________________________________________________ Signature:_ __________________________________________________________ BURKHART’S Bank Supply 60 UNIT PRICE Thanks For Your Order! Lock Options Cat No. 233-9997-M00 233-9997-M00 233-9995-M00 233-9998-M00 233-9997-M00 233-9995-M00 233-9998-M00 233-0008-00 233-0019-00 233-0006-00 233-0008-00 233-0007-00 233-0019-00 PERSONALIZATION INK / THREAD COLOR Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Signage Order Form (We suggest you photocopy this form, allowing the original to remain in the catalog for future requirements) Sold To: DATE:__________________________________________________ Ship To: Complete only if order is to be shipped to a different address than ‘Sold To’ location. (Street address required) ACCOUNT # _ ______________________________________ P.O.# _ _________________________________ NAME: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _ ________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ________________________ _____ ZIP: ________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ Engraved Typefaces: Vinyletter Typefaces: TM For both regular and subsurface engraving. Unless Unless otherwise specified, upper/lower otherwise specified, upper case, GOTHIC typecase, Helvetica Medium typeface will be face will be centered on nameplate flush left on nameplate. ❏ GOTHIC (standard) ❏ Helvetica Medium ❏ Helvetica Medium Italic ❏ Clarendon ❏ Clarendon Italic ❏ Optima Bold ❏ Optima Bold Italic ❏ Times Bold ❏ Times Bold Italic ❏ Helvetica Medium ❏ Helvetica Medium Italic ❏ Clarendon ❏ Clarendon Italic ❏ Optima Bold ❏ Optima Bold Italic ❏ Times Bold ❏ Times Bold Italic ❏ I have verified that this order is correct. NAME (print): __________________________________________ DATE: ___________________ SIGNATURE:_ ___________________________________________________________________ S I G N #1 S I G N #2 S I G N CAT. NO. COLOR CODE ❏ Upper & Lower Case ❏ UPPER CASE ❏ lower case only Position On Nameplate: ❏ ❏ Thomas Smith Loan Officer Flush Left Thomas Smith Loan Officer Centered Mounting: Desk Signs ❏ Cork Base (standard) ❏ Double-Faced Adhesive (standard) Wall Signs ❏ Double-Faced Adhesive (standard) ❏ Backing with Hook & Loop Fastener (optional) ❏ Double-Pin Mounts (optional) Please use one copy of this order form for each sign style DESCRITION Lettering Case: Cat. No. 283-7001-00. Add $3.50 per sign. IMPRINT: (Type or print EXACTLY as copy is to apear on sign. Attach extra sheets for any additional copy) PRICE FRAME NAMEPLATE 2nd LINE OF COPY FRAME NAMEPLATE 2nd LINE OF COPY FRAME NAMEPLATE 2nd LINE OF COPY #3 Thanks For Your Order! Method of Payment ❏ BILL US (Net 30 Days) or CHARGE TO: ❏ VISA TOTAL Applicable shipping & handling charges will be added to your invoice. Most orders are shipped UPS. ❏ MASTERCARD Credit Card #_ __________________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________________ Cardholder’s Name (print):_______________________________________________ Signature:_ __________________________________________________________ BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 61 Fax/Mail Order Form Sold To: (We suggest you photocopy this form, allowing the original to remain in the catalog for future requirements) DATE:__________________________________________________ Ship To: Complete only if order is to be shipped to a different address than ‘Sold To’ location. (Street address required) ACCOUNT # _ ______________________________________ P.O.# _ _________________________________ NAME: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _ ________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: ________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: ________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ QUANTITY CAT. NO. FABRIC COLOR & CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL Imprint Instructions IMPRINTED IN: ❏ INK ❏ EMBROIDERY ❏ NO IMPRINT ❏ IMPRINT PER SAMPLE ATTACHED (can be modified for best appearance) ❏ IMPRINT ARTWORK EXACTLY AS PROVIDED (same size) ❏ IMPRINT ARTWORK ON FILE (include a copy for reference) ❏ IMPRINT AS SHOWN AT RIGHT LETTERING: ❏ Script ❏ Block Style ❏ ALL CAPS ❏ Upper/Lower Case Line 1:_________________________________________________ Line 2: _________________________________________________ Line 3: _________________________________________________ Line 4:_________________________________________________ IMPRINT COLOR:_ ___________________________________________________ If artwork is required: Send logos and other artwork as either a black and white laser printout or an electronic file. Sorry, logos from faxes or textured letterhead cannot be reproduced. See page 64 for Imprinting Guidelines. Method of Payment Most orders are shipped UPS. ❏ BILL US (Net 30 Days - Open Account Only) or CHARGE TO: ❏ VISA ❏ MASTERCARD Applicable shipping & handling charges will be added to your invoice. Credit Card #_________________________________________________________ Send mail orders to: Expiration Date:_______________________________________________________ Burkhart’s Bank Supply, P.O. Box 35514, Tulsa, OK 74153-0514 Cardholder’s Name (print):_______________________________________________ Thanks For Your Order! Signature:_ __________________________________________________________ BURKHART’S Bank Supply 62 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com Stamp Order Form (We suggest you photocopy this form, allowing the original to remain in the catalog for future requirements) Sold To: DATE:__________________________________________________ Ship To: Complete only if order is to be shipped to a different address than ‘Sold To’ location. (Street address required) ACCOUNT # _ ______________________________________ P.O.# _ _________________________________ NAME: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _ ________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________STATE: ______ ZIP: ________________________________________________ CITY: STATE: ____ ZIP: ___________________ ________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please use one copy of this order form for each stamp. QUANTITY ITEM NO. ITEM SIZE INK COLOR PRICE EA. AMOUNT SELF-INKING RUBBER STAMP PRE-INKED RUBBER STAMP TRADITIONAL RUBBER STAMP Sub-Total ❏ Please send us a supply of padded Stamp Order Forms - no charge Sales Tax (OK Customers Only) 9% Shipping & Handling Allignment: ❏ CENTERED ❏ FLUSH LEFT ❏ JUSTIFIED ❏ ADD BORDER Indicate desired typestyle by number. We will size the type to fit your stamp. TYPE STYLE NO. $ 4.00 TOTAL DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE (PROOFREADER AREA) PLEASE PRINT OR ATTACH CLEAR COPY (SIGNATURES OR LOGO’S MUST BE BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER) If typestyle is not indicated, 20C (HELVETICA - ALL CAPS) will be used. Other typestyles available on special request (no extra charge). No. Typestyles for Rubber Stamps 20R 20C 21R 21C 22R 22C 23R 23C 24R 24C 26R 26C Helvetica - Regular HELVETICA - ALL CAPS Helvetica Bold - Regular HELVETICA BOLD - ALL CAPS Helvetica Black - Regular HELVETICA BLACK - ALL CAPS Helvetica Condensed - Regular HELVETICA CONDENSED - ALL CAPS Helvetica Condensed Bold - Regular HELVETICA CONDENSED BOLD - ALL CAPS Times Bold - Regular TIMES BOLD - ALL CAPS Method of Payment ❏ BILL US (Net 30 Days - Open Account Only) CHARGE TO: ❏ VISA ❏ MASTERCARD Credit Card #_________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:_______________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name (print):_______________________________________________ Signature:_ __________________________________________________________ Orders are shipped either USPS or UPS. Thanks For Your Order! BURKHART’S Bank Supply Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com 63 Guidelines for Imprinting Quality logo imprints begin with quality artwork. We strive to ensure that you are pleased with the quality of your imprinted products. Please ask your art resource to review these Guidelines. What is print-ready logo artwork? Logos and artwork should be sharp and clean with no rough or jagged edges. Artwork may look nice on screen or when printed at a small size, but, when enlarged to the size needed for your imprinted product, any imperfections are also magnified. Faxes, photocopies and textured letterhead or business cards, and low-resolution electronic files such as Microsoft Word (.doc) and web images (.bmp and .gif) are not print-ready and art retouch charges may be required. Not sure where to get print-ready logo artwork? Check with your marketing, public relations, advertising or art resource to find the artwork that your company uses for print production. Unable to provide print-ready logo artwork? If you prefer, instead of a logo, we can create straight-line copy. Just specify the copy and the desired typeface/font (provide font name and a printed example), and we will match it as closely as possible. Or, if you would like to use your logo and are not sure if it is print-ready, send us the best quality, largest logo that you have and see details about our Art Retouch Service below. Art Retouch Service: If your logo is in a format that will not produce a quality imprint, we can provide a quote to retouch your art. Charges for retouching artwork are billed at $50.00 per hour with your prior authorization. This is a one-time art retouch charge, so unless your artwork changes, we will use your retouched logo for all future orders. Upon request, we will send a copy of the retouched art file to you. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ARTWORK (for the artwork preparer) 2 Ways to Submit Pre-Designed Artwork for Imprinted or Custom-Printed Products 1.Send black and white laser printout (no grayscale) Logos and other artwork should be final imprint size and of the best quality for superior results. Image should be clear and clean, with no rough/jagged edges. The quality seen on the printout is what can be expected on the product. If more than one color, please provide a black and white printout of each color separately (no grayscale). Specify the PMS color(s) used in the artwork. Suggested minimum artwork size is 4” x 5”. Do not fold, staple, or tape. 2.Send Electronic file • Mac files are preferred. PC files may be accepted, but results will vary by file. • Artwork created in Quark XPress 6.5 or Illustrator 10 and earlier is preferred. We cannot accept InDesign files. • 3.5” floppy disk, 100M Zip disk, CD-Rom, or e-mail (call Customer Service for e-mail address) Files that will produce the best quality imprints are vector images (.eps or .ai). All fonts should be embedded by converting text to paths, creating outlines or converting to curves. If fonts are not embedded by creating outlines, please include printer and screen font(s) when sending the art file. If saving a placed raster file (e.g., .tif, .jpg, .psd) in Illustrator as an .eps file, all linked and/or embedded graphics must also be collected and sent with your file. Please note that saving a placed raster file as .eps does not qualify as vector art. We can work with some .tif, .jpg and .psd files (raster images), however, they can be unpredictable and results will vary by file. These files must be sent at high resolution (600 dpi or greater) at the exact imprint size to avoid artwork retouch charges. Large files can be compressed or stuffed for e-mailing. Multi-color artwork must have PMS spot colors assigned to colored elements of the image. Do not create the elements with CMYK or RGB colors and/or gradients. Artwork for envelopes should not bleed; all printable material (live matter) should be at least 1/8” inside the envelope trim size. For help with your order, please call Customer Service. BURKHART’S Bank Supply 64 Serving Financial Institutions Since 1974 Order: 800-736-0146 • Fax: 866-523-6194 (Toll Free) • www.burkhartsbanksupply.com