SUBSTITUTION FORM - The Dutchman Bolony Bowling Tourney
SUBSTITUTION FORM - The Dutchman Bolony Bowling Tourney
The Dutchman Bolony Bowling Tourney Team – Doubles – Singles Amy Eiserman - Tournament Manager 1218 E Main St · Palmyra, PA 17078 (717) 838-6345 phone [email protected] (717) 838-8940 Fax Men and Women SUBSTITUTION FORM Team Events – Clearview Lanes Singles/Doubles Events – Palmyra Bowling Indicate which event(s) the substitute will bowl Team Event ✔ Team Optional ✔ Singles & Doubles Team Event Date Time Entry # Single/Doubles Date Time Entry # ✔ Doubles Optional ✔ Bolony Bank ✔ Name of the ORIGINAL Bowler Name of SUBSTITUTE Bowler Gender Male or Female Street Birthday ___ /___ /____ City St Zip Email address (Circle one) Are you 55+? Social Security # _____ /____ /______ USBC # Highest average previous season (21 games or more) Is current ave (of 21 games+) 10+ pins? (List Ave) Should the Tournament Director find, at anytime, that the above average has been falsified or presented incorrectly, the team and or minor events entries involved will be subject to disqualification from the prize list as well as forfeiture of all entry fees paid. As team captain, I hereby certify that I have contacted the above named substitute and that the average presented is correct and complete. Team Name Print Team Captain Name Substitutes Signature Team Captains Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Changes complete by Computer Team Entry Lane Schedule Recaps S/D Entry Lost B/B