The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion Volume 10, No. 19 Fifth Sunday of Lent April 6, 2014 Our Parish Mission Liturgy Schedule Led by the Spirit, the Catholic community of Saint Anne strives to live the example of Jesus, who said, “I came so that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday: First Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 9:15 a.m. until all are heard Mass of Anticipation: 5:15 p.m. Sunday: 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Saint Anne Catholic Community • 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, IL 60010 • 847.382.5300 • Fr. John Foley, S.J. LOVE AND DEATH The Gospel for Sunday declares that “Jesus loved Martha and Mary, her sister, and their brother, Lazarus,” who lived in Bethany. This is a golden statement. It tells us so much about Jesus and his personal friendships. But, it also emphasizes how very odd it was that, while Lazarus was sick unto death, Jesus camped out a fairly short distance from Bethany and would not go to heal or even see his friend. Urgent messages arrived. An easy journey. But no. His reason? “This illness is not to end in death,” he says. How wrong he was! Lazarus’ illness led directly to death! When Lazarus had finally died, Jesus at last did go down to Bethany. Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. Martha ran to Jesus and finally, she secretly went back for Mary who was so grieved she could not leave the house. Both went back and cried out to their friend, Jesus, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died!” Jesus saw Mary’s tears and those of the friends who had gathered, and we are privileged to a touching revelation of Jesus’ love. We hear the striking words that are recorded only one other time in the Gospels: “And Jesus wept.” His tears make Mary and Martha’s question even more poignant. “You love us, and you loved him; why did you not come and cure him while there was still time?” I think many of us ask God such a question when a loved one dies. Jesus asked it from the cross: “God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Pretend that you are asking this last question directly to Jesus right now. Listen to whatever answer comes. Take your time. If what you hear is fruitful, stay with it. For my part, I hear Jesus saying this: Friend, I know that life, love and death are hard for you to face. I will reveal to you in the flesh what they mean, but, of course, even my example can be ambiguous to you. Not only life but even sorrow and even death are given by God’s gentle love. All three are like flowers pushing up from the earth. The ground from which they grow is God’s tender love. Human kindness gets its being from God’s love. Even life gets its life from God’s love. Even death gets its life from God’s love. At this point, you and I, startled, interrupt and say, but how can death receive life? Death is the end of life. What are you talking about? Jesus replies that there are many beautiful plants and trees, figuratively, that come forth from God’s love. Life is surely one of them, he says. But death is too, and suffering. Let me demonstrate, he says. He calls out in a loud voice, calls into the soil of God-love where Lazarus’ soul is buried. From this womb of love, Lazarus’s death gestates into life. Up from the tomb he comes. Jesus continues: You think of love as something you can have because you are alive. But the opposite is true. Life is something you can have because you are rooted in love. Death does not erase love; it brings you more deeply back to it, to the place you came from—love’s rich loam. Pray about it, Jesus says, because that is the reason I delayed coming to Bethany. 2 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Office of the Pastor .00 Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for March 30, 2014 People attending Weekend Liturgies: 1,845 Sunday Offering Envelopes used: 402 Electronic Giving Credit Card/Debit Weekly Total —Sunday/Fall Catch-up Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections Difference Year to Date Collection vs. Budget 39th Sunday of the Fiscal Year Year to Date Sunday Year to Date Budget for Sunday Collection Difference Year to Date Collections $25,295.00 $4,784.00 $30,079.00 $40,000.00 -$9,921.00 $1,494,505.00 $1,560,000.00 -$65,495.00 Sharing Parish Commitment $52,697.00 Archdiocesan Required Collections $29,054.00 Debt Reduction Collections $51,559.00 Our Stewardship of Treasure report will not be published for the next 2 weeks due to early bulletin deadlines for Palm Sunday and Easter. The bulletin on Sunday, April 27th will include Sunday and Easter collections to date. WWW.STANNEBARRINGTON.ORG We are pleased to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look and userfriendly navigation and updated with the latest information about our Catholic Community. The updated pages contain all the information about who we are here at Saint Anne. One of our main goals was to build a user-friendly and simple to navigate site, giving our parishioners the most up to date news and information. We hope you enjoy browsing the site, finding more information and options each time. Feedback is most welcomed! Please contact me at [email protected]. Peace, Ms. Amy T. Holsworth Marketing, Development, and Communications Coordinator BULLETIN DEADLINE CHANGE Based on publisher deadlines, items to be submitted for the Easter bulletin must be submitted by Thursday, April 10th. For more information, contact Kerry at [email protected]. Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 3 Human Concerns PROJECT HOPE: FEED MY LAMBS - JOHN 21:15 Feed My Lambs is a Lenten tradition at Saint Anne, providing blessings of food to others in our community that are in need. Please consider a Lenten sacrifice by filling a bag of food for the Hope Chest Pantry and placing it in the Food Chest in our Gathering Space. Suggested items include prepared foods such as chili or beef stew, baking items such as flour, sugar, mixes or Bisquick, canned tuna or chicken, spaghetti sauce, boxed pasta, crackers and breakfast bars. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Two other options for Lenten almsgiving include bringing gift cards from a local food store to the Project Hope office or sponsoring a family’s Easter dinner. To contribute, call Project Hope at 847.381.5721. Every Effort Makes a Difference, Every Kindness Builds Hope. SERVICE PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT STAGG is looking forward to its upcoming service project. The men of Saint Anne will be painting the entire inside of the St. Martin de Porres women’s shelter. Look for a date to be announced soon. For more information on assisting with this project, contact [email protected]. 4 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Human Concerns The following information comes from Fr. Peter’s presentation to Saint Anne parishioners on Sunday, March 16th. FACTS • Uganda is home to Lake Victoria, the world’s largest fresh water lake • The population is over 34 million • Uganda lies on the equator so there are equal hours of day and night • Temperatures range between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit • Only two seasons: wet and dry Lenten Almsgiving Exploring Uganda with Fr. Peter Mukasa - Part I ECONOMY • Farming is the main activity in Uganda. Little mechanization: hoes/cultivators • People in villages grow their own food for their families • About 80% of population do not work off their farm • They survive by subsistence farming and the little money they can bring in from brick making, stone grinding, charcoal burning, beer brewing, etc. PEOPLE • Uganda has 56 ethnic groups with over 50 different languages (not dialectics) • English is the official language • Luganda is the most widely spoken language in Uganda • Each ethnic group has its own language, customs, norms, cultural values (dress, behaviors, music, dance, etc.) TRANSPORTATION • Transportation is problematic • Bicycles are the most common means of transport • Very few people have cars or motorbikes • Roads are impassable during rainy season • The majority of people walk to church, school, clinic/hospital and water sources like village wells and boreholes, etc. $11,953.00 Almsgiving for the Nakasongola Health Clinic as of Sunday, March 30th EDUCATION • There are few decent school buildings; some classes are conducted under shade trees • Most schools do not have electricity, computers, internet, libraries or washrooms • Computer literacy in primary schools and high schools is still a nightmare • Primary schools have a studentteacher ratio of 80 to 1 • People don’t have access to clean water, health care services and good schools • The majority of people must walk at least 4 miles to access services • Most of the schools lack facilities and equipment; hospitals lack even the most basic drugs and dressings • Teachers and nurses go without pay two to three months at a time • “After my ordination to priesthood, I was much moved by the sufferings of sick people who walked long distances especially the expectant mothers who found it difficult to access the maternity services.” • Most women must deliver their babies at home without a medical nurse or doctor • There is little support of medical care by the government. Parishes must develop and support their own clinics. • The parish clinic at Nakasongola was in a devastating state with torn mattresses, no bed sheets, mosquito nets or blankets, etc. • It was small, with only one general ward where all patients were admitted without separation of men or women and children. Everyone was treated in the same room. Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 5 Worship LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES TUESDAYS Vespers, evening prayer service, 7:00-7:30 p.m. (Chapel) Peaceful and reflective evening prayer, scripture reading, silent reflection and music. THURSDAY, APRIL 10TH Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service, 7:00 p.m. As a community, we come together to reflect on the scriptures and examine our conscience in preparation for Reconciliation. Following a communal Act of Contrition, individuals are invited to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with one of several priests. After receiving penance and absolution, individuals may remain in church for prayer and reflection. FRIDAYS Stations of the Cross, 7:00-7:45 p.m. (Church) Deacon-led scripture reflection and group prayer for each of the 14 Stations. A prayer for the modern world is offered at each Station, and worship aids are available. SATURDAYS Individual Reconciliation, 9:15 a.m. Individual Reconciliation is available in the Reconciliation Room within the Chapel beginning at 9:15 a.m. until all are heard. Reconciliation is available with or without a screen. THROUGHOUT LENT The Faithjustice, Sharing Board and Project Hope Lenten Almsgiving Projects VOLUNTEER USHERS AND GREETERS ARE NEEDED Give the gift of your time To volunteer for a Mass choice listed below or any services and Masses during Holy Week, sign up on the form posted on the bulletin board in the ushers’ room adjacent to the Gathering Space or call Chuck Brenneman (to be an usher) at 847.304.1925 or Darrell Medley (to be a greeter) at 847.726.8842. Easter Sunday, April 20th 7:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 6 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Faith Formation and Education THE JOURNEY FROM PALM SUNDAY TO GOOD FRIDAY Jesus rode into Jerusalem to crowds of people excited by his very presence. How quickly these same people, along with some of his closest disciples, turned on Him. Jesus knew what was to come and chose to stay true to His mission to save us rather than to save himself. Do we have that same level of conviction? Is it possible to remain steadfast in your mission when those closest to you have betrayed you? How do we find the strength to stay true to our values, especially when those around us are not supportive? At our April Community Event, we will explore Jesus’ journey to the cross and learn how to support others and ourselves during difficult times. To address these questions and more, we look forward to welcoming Amy Florian as our guest speaker. Ms. Florian is a nationally recognized speaker, teacher and retreat director who uses her personal experience along with the best of current research for her engaging and dynamic presentations. She is a liturgy and bereavement consultant who holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies and a Fellow in Thanatology (the highest level of certification in the field of death and grief studies). She founded Corgenius, a company that teaches professionals how to better serve people in times of transition and loss and teaches in the graduate ministry department of Loyola University in Chicago. Amy has published over ninety articles and two books and has a passion for helping people pray, heal and live fully. Whether you are an individual, couple or family, when we experience and share our faith together as community, we are all richer for the experience. Session Days and Times – Choose One: Dates Adult Speaker Tuesday, April 8th, Wednesday, April 9th, Friday, April 11th Amy Florian Tuesday Wednesday Friday 6:00-8:30 p.m. 5:30-8:00 p.m. 6:00-8:30 p.m. For further information on Community Events or other GIFT Faith Formation opportunities, please contact Carla Czyzewski at 847.620.3069 or at [email protected]. Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 7 Faith Formation and Education Saint Anne Adult Faith Formation presents FILMS OF FAITH Thursday, April 10th 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Hospitality Room THE THIRD DAY (What if…a man had risen from the dead 2,000 years ago?) On the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion, eyewitnesses reported that they found an empty tomb and had an encounter with a living, breathing Jesus of Nazareth. This documentary investigates these questions: • • • • Did the resurrection really happen? Was Jesus only seemingly dead when his body was placed in the tomb? Did the disciples steal the body? Were they hallucinating when they saw him alive or did they simply create a myth in order to keep the movement going? By asking tough questions about the authenticity of the original accounts and seeming contradictions among the four Gospels, The Third Day sheds light on the greatest mystery of all time. This honest and insightful documentary will intrigue both skeptics and believers. Everyone is welcome! THE REASSURANCE OF GOD By Sister Lauretta Leipzig, Pastoral Associate/Director of Adult Education In Psalm 145, Isaiah prays: “The Lord is gracious and merciful.” Do we really need reassurance? I think most of us do, at least sometimes. When things get difficult, we begin to doubt ourselves. When uncertainty arises or when we are facing sickness, loss or challenge, fear also may arise. In such times, this psalm has power. Perhaps we might even try to bring it to memory so that, in our subconscious, it is always available. The reassurance we need is not that we can handle it but that God can and God will act with unlimited and ready compassion for our situation. Our God is a loving God! When things are going well, it’s easy to know and appreciate that. But when things are going less well, as we see it, we can and must remember this. 8 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Often, we are closed to God’s gifts unless we first see a miracle. Many of us demand proof or signs before we open our hearts to see God’s ways in our lives. We don’t have to wait for a crisis. We need to practice opening our hearts every day, every hour and be willing to receive what God is actually eager to give us. After all, everything comes from Divine Love even when we don’t understand those gifts until a later time. We are so blessed – never out of God’s awareness. And God’s awareness is nothing but love – absolutely nothing but love! We can depend on this truth. We can act upon this truth. Isaiah’s prayer reminds us how gracious and merciful is our God, but in another reading of Isaiah, he also tells us that our name is carved on the palm of God’s hand. What a powerful image! How assuring is the fact that we and every moment of our lives are held in the grasp of God’s hand. That is something that we must not forget. Hang on to this reassurance at the times when we especially need it. Faith Formation and Education JOIN US AT THE EASTER VIGIL CELEBRATION! Please join the participants in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for the celebration of the greatest feast of our Church year, Easter Vigil Mass, on Holy Saturday, April 19th, at 7:30 p.m. For the Elect and Candidates, this will be the culmination of more than a year of learning about the word of God, the teachings of the Church, the community, prayer and apostolic works of service for others. The Bishop at Holy Name Cathedral personally recognized their spiritual preparation at a formal service on March 2nd. The Elect is ready to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and the Candidates are ready to be received into full Communion with the Catholic Church. For the Saint Anne Community, it has been a wonderful opportunity to journey with them, opening ourselves to experiencing Lent at its fullest, growing in our faith and deepening our conversion. We look forward to the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass during which we join in renewing our commitment in faith to the service of the Risen Lord. The service is a moving experience that we all will long remember and cherish. There will be a reception in honor of our new Catholics immediately following the Mass in the cafeteria on the lower level of the Church. We ask that you bring a dish to share, and join us at this reception for our new Catholics! “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13) When you have made a decision that disappoints your child, how many times have you heard “you don’t care about me?” It can be so difficult to know we are upsetting our kids, but in reality, they typically do know the difference between what they want and what is best. They depend on us to keep them on track and provide the self control that they do not yet possess. While they will often complain to check and make sure you really mean it, they know in their hearts that you are making the choice because you love and care about them. Unsure? Ask your child. Opportunities to pass on our Catholic faith occur every day in a variety of ways; we just need to develop the habit of including God’s word and His loving care in those moments. Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges, pray for what you need; strength, courage, empathy, wisdom – God will provide. For ideas on ways to bring our faith home and to make it a lived and shared experience for your family, visit Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 9 Faith Formation and Education Dear people of Saint Anne, It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my decision to resign as Associate Director of Children’s Faith Formation. It is not easy to try and use the wisdom that comes from the Spirit and the Word as I seek to discern which steps to take in life, but I do trust that it is time for me to move on so I can be more attentive to the needs of my family. As you many of you may know, my husband and I relocated to the Midwest so we could be closer to our family in Northwest Indiana and help with the needs of our aging parents. While we were hopeful that living in the Northwest suburbs would allow us to play a more active role in our family’s support system, we found my husband’s inability to secure employment in Illinois, coupled with the high cost of living here, to be too challenging to manage. In January 2013, my husband and I purchased a home in Northwest Indiana, and I have been commuting to Barrington weekly since that time. I believe that the sacrifices I make allow me an opportunity to more fully live out the paschal mystery through experiences in my own life; however, as I continue to seek to serve my vocation, I have come to the discernment that my resignation will provide a way by which to better accommodate both the needs of my family as well as the needs of my position here. So, while I find it difficult to let go of all that I would have liked to accomplish alongside each of you, I trust in the Holy Spirit’s work to provide for our needs within the larger context of God’s plan and in ways we could not have planned through our own accord. I am extremely grateful for all that I have learned during these past three years, and I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for the Christian friendship and support you have offered me during this time. As for my future plans, I intend to spend some time with my family, do some prayerful reflection and help execute a smooth and healthy transition as I prepare to leave at the end of June. Your continued support is much more needed at this time than ever before. I ask that you pray for me, my family and the work I am leaving behind, most especially for all our faithful catechists without whom our children’s ministry would not exist. Above all, pray for the Lord to open our eyes that we may see the urgent need of depending upon him moment by moment as we seek true transformation in our lives and in our church. With gratitude and a cheerful heart, I am sincerely yours in Christ, Sue Jett Associate Director of Children’s Faith Formation 10 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Faith Formation and Education Saint Anne Technology Update Saint Anne Parish School has some very exciting technology news! Over spring break, a brand new high density Wi-Fi network was deployed throughout the school. The new infrastructure is made up of over 50 of the latest next generation Cisco Meraki 802.11AC access points, Gigabit Power over Ethernet Switches and all new CAT6 Ethernet cabling. The solution utilizes cloud-based management for full network control and total visibility. It was designed to support the parish, school and guest needs throughout the entire campus. Pervasive high density wireless coverage will deliver new opportunities for increased communication, student learning and team collaboration leveraging mobile devices and the power of the Internet! On behalf of Mrs. Dawn Kapka and the faculty and staff, we thank the Parish Council, Finance Committee, parishioner Mr. Ken Garcia and especially Father Bernie and Business Manager Mrs. Margaret Buckstaff for making the infrastructure a reality! What has been happening in technology class? This school year, a lot of time has been spent on computer coding. Based on a survey released by, 90% of schools do not teach their students computer coding. Since our students are growing up in a digital world, it is important for them to understand how programs work. In technology class, every grade level has had some incorporation of computer coding. For grades Kindergarten-5th, we have used varying levels of computer coding through drag-and-drop boxes in order to get students comfortable with the process of thinking that coding requires. The most recent lesson completed was Flappy Bird computer coding. Students were able to create their own Flappy Bird game using drag-and-drop coding. For the middle school, grades 6th-8th, we use the website to learn computer coding. The program provides video tutorials, examples and puzzles to solve using code. Students learned the basics of coding such as punctuation and capitalization, indentation, for-var loops, while loops, if statements and if-else statements. For more information, see Miss Wolf’s website at A NOTE FROM THE SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD: We are looking for candidates to fill three school advisory board positions that will be open at the end of the school year as board members complete their three-year terms. This is a great opportunity to serve the school community. We encourage all school parents to consider joining us to bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to improve our school. We promise that the opportunity to influence school policy will enrich the overall experience for your family at Saint Anne School. Please consider helping us implement creative ideas and solutions. We provide several opportunities for you to contribute and encourage participation in areas that you have an interest in or are areas of expertise, in particular, technology, marketing, fundraising, school administration, teaching, law and accounting. In addition, we support and interact with the Athletic Board and Home & School Association. Nomination packets are available in the school office or on the school website and are due back to the office by Friday, April 11th, at 3:00 p.m. For more information, contact any member of the School Board whose emails are available at Thank you for your consideration. Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 11 11 Faith Formation and Education Saint Anne Summer Service Opportunities for High School Students This summer, Saint Anne Catholic Community’s GIFT Faith Formation is offering three service programs for high school teens. All are faithbased opportunities that enable participants to personally invest in the values of peace and justice. They are well-organized, retreat-like experiences that blend daily service activities with education, prayer, reflection, recreation and sharing. The kinds of activities that may be part of these experiences are home improvement and repair, visiting with the sick or elderly, child day care, working with the mentally challenged and the like. These opportunities are a great chance for young people to make a difference while having fun! Teen Service Week – Sunday, June 22nd-Saturday, June 28th · · · · Applicants must have completed at least one year of high school Serve the people of Chicago in a multi-cultural community experience You must provide your own transportation to the home site and back (NW Chicago) See the Teen Service Week website for further information at Appalachia – Applications are due Monday, May 5th! Two Trips This Year – Sunday, July 13th-Saturday, June 19th and Saturday, July 26th-Friday, August 1st · · · · · · Applicants must have completed at least two years of high school Serve the people in the Kentucky or West Virginia areas of the Appalachian Mountains The July 13th-19th trip will be to Appalachian Folk Life in southern West Virginia; see The July 26th-August 1st trip with be to Glenmary Farm in Vanceburg, Kentucky; see Transportation will be by van to and from Saint Anne Catholic Community Please visit our website,, for more information Applications are posted on the Saint Anne website under Faith Formation & Education/High School/Social Justice Opportunities/ Mission Trip-Appalachia 12 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Faith Formation and Education VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 16TH-JUNE 20TH, 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Whatever your gifts, interests and time commitment …. we have a place for you! In just a few short months, Saint Anne and St. Michael hope to join together again for another special Holy Land Adventure at Vacation Bible School—journeying through the desert wilderness with Moses and the Israelites—but we can’t do it without the help of adult volunteers! At VBS, kids will worship God with songs and prayer, create unique craft projects and discover God’s powerful love in exciting and memorable ways. They will experience what it was like for Moses and the Israelites to have to rely on God completely after leaving the only home they knew in Egypt! Between our two parishes, we have an enthusiastic core team in place, but in order to have the best adventure possible, we need lots of volunteers who can share time, energy and love with the kids who attend. Below are some great ways you can help make this program a success. Music Leader: Have a blast learning—and teaching—the music and motions of the Holy Land Adventure theme songs Fun and Games Leader: Lead fun high-energy, low-tech games that get kids and adults laughing and that connect with each day’s Bible Point Craft Leader: Guide participants in learning a variety of “skills” and making easy handson craft projects. Snack Leader: Plan and work with a team of volunteers to prepare and serve simple and nutritious daily snacks for VBS participants Tribe Leaders: Lead small multi-aged groups through each learning station. No prep work is involved…enjoy participating together with children in fun activities to help them make the connection between what they learn in VBS and their everyday lives. Other positions: Still don’t see something that interests you? We are also looking for: • Registration Coordinator • Decorating Team • Photographer • Publicity Coordinator • Supply Coordinator We believe that God will use this incredible program to reach many children with the message of his love. Please prayerfully consider how you can help and respond to Sue Jett at 847.620.3067 or [email protected] by Tuesday, April 15th, so we can provide our children this VBS experience and an opportunity to enjoy your gifts! Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 13 Community Life GENERAL MEETING TO FEATURE ORGANIZING ADVICE AND A SERVICE PROJECT The Women's Club will continue its focus on community-building at its April General Meeting, but members will also learn something about keeping their houses in order! The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8th, at 12:00 p.m., in the Hospitality Room and will begin with a light luncheon during which time Catherine Brinks from Ducks in Order: a Professional Organizing Association, will present a program regarding closet organization. There will be time for questions after the presentation. Members will also fill eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt which is being co-sponsored with the Saint Anne School Girl Scouts. There is no charge to attend the meeting, but please R.S.V.P. to Sandra Zgonina at 847.287.6902 or [email protected] to make sure the food is plentiful! Babysitting will be available from 11:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. by contacting Cathy Faust at 847.382.5300 or [email protected] to reserve a spot. Help is also needed to set up the Hospitality Room and tidy up afterwards. Please contact Nicole Choyce at 847.304.8892 or [email protected] to volunteer. Holy Saturday, April 19th 12:30 p.m.: Blessing of Easter baskets in church 1:00 p.m.: Easter Egg Hunt in the grassy area behind the school $5.00 per child E G G H U N T (In case of inclement weather, the Egg Hunt will take place in the parish gym) Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Number of children participating in Egg Hunt_________ x $5.00 = $_______ Submit registration form and payment to the parish office or mail to Carrie Fleming, 121 Whispering Oaks Lane, Barrington. Community Life WAY OF THE CROSS THROUGH THE HEART OF THE CITY Good Friday, April 18th Gather at 8:45 a.m. at Daley Plaza Introduction at 9:00 a.m.; silent procession starts at 9:15 a.m. Five stops along Michigan Avenue with songs, meditations and Gospel readings Arrive Holy Name Cathedral around 11:30 a.m. for the last meditation; ending by 12:00 p.m. Sponsored by Communion and Liberation, a lay movement in the Catholic Church ( For more information, visit or call 312.725.2320. Human Concerns Hooray for Spring! Opening Day, Mother’s Day, Graduation Day … celebrate these and many other special occasions with some great finds from House of Hope! We have all the gear you need to throw the first pitch or throw a great party, and you can get it all for a steal. Plus, all proceeds from your purchase support Saint Anne’s Project Hope, providing emergency assistance to local families in crisis. Please note that we will be CLOSED Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Hop to It! 50% OFF all YELLOW TAG + EASTER ITEMS! House of Hope Resale Heirlooms and Treasures 200 N. Hough Street • Downtown Barrington Wed. - Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., 847.756.4673 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 15 Saint Anne Catholic Community Ensuring PEACE ~ Ending Domestic Violence The Saint Anne Community - affirms the dignity of every life and promotes self-respect, healthy relationships, loving families; - stands against violence – physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, financial, systemic - especially violence within our own families. You are not alone! If you or someone you know is in a violent situation and in need of help, please call: Mary Hoffing, Human Concerns, 847.382.2148 St. Anne Parish Office, 847.382.5300 24 Hr. Domestic Violence Hotline, 847.697.2380 (Elgin Community Crisis Center) Emergencies, 911 Saint Anne will assist through referral and by offering spiritual, emotional and practical support, as possible. COMMUNITY OFFERINGS/NEEDS Note: Saint Anne prints the offerings/needs as a service to its parishioners and does not endorse or accept responsibility for them. Part-time summer sitter needed. MWF—girls ages 7 and 11. Contact Tricia at 708.642.4136 or [email protected]. Tutor available. Certified K-8 teacher, parishioner and Barrington resident. Jim, 708.601.0085 or email [email protected]. Nanny needed. PT for 13 month old. TWThF. Must be comfortable with dogs. Katie, 847.620.9801. Double stroller needed for client. Project Hope, 847.381.5721. Ride needed. Parishioner near Stonehedge GC needs ride to/ from Sunday 7:15 or 9:00 a.m. Mass. Linda, 847.277.1384. Babysitter available. Experienced mom of 3, weeknights/ weekends. Call Katie, 847.791.2778. IBM electric typewriter – 847.620.3071. free! Mary Jane Kurowski, Project Hope Office Assistants. Call Diane at 847.381.5721. House of Hope Resale Volunteers. Call Peggy at 847.382.5150. Certified nursing assistant available. Dupée, 224.241.4962. Babysitter who cleans/cares for adults available. Irma, 847.382.4762. Math tutor, 6th-12th 312.545.9297. grade. Margie, [email protected], Architect/parishioner, Joe, 847.738.1812, [email protected]. Handyman available. $15.00/hr. Call Rosolio at 847.382.4762. Reading/writing 847.382.3592. specialist. [email protected], LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE - APRIL 12TH-13TH Time Presider Mass Coordinators and Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers 5:15 p.m. Fr. Jack Dewes Bondi, M., Wollney, L. Carollo, P., Cramer, M., Hamilton, Claire, Lutz, M., Owens, M., Rolecek, A., Skleba, T., Spinner, M., Spinner, L., Trausch, E., Trausch, D. Foster, D. Harrington, J. Koch, S. Owens, S. Rolecek, C. Carroll, C. 7:15 a.m. Fr. Chris Ciastoń Badsing, S. Ciganek, T. Rich, J. Dehn, M. Fitzpatrick, M. Faycurry, S. Vlasak, J. Weaver, Rick/Rita Burke, Chris, Clark, J., Herr Brock, L., Huntemann, D., Huynh, Fr. Bernie J., Jorgensen, N., Kantarski, M., Koehler, L., Krout, D., Lesniak, M., Mastrangeli, K., Pietrzak McCarthy, M., Moran, D., Phillips, K., Remback, R., Tabak, K., Werner, S. Serpento, T. 9:00 a.m. Cunningham, K. Kasch, A. Nisbet, A. 11:00 a.m. Walker, J., Walker, D. Bishop, B., Bishop, S., Brenneman, V., Carlson, S., Covelli, Fr. Bernie R., Diak-Witek, R., Galizia, C., Halle, P., Hamill, M., Kemp, D., Kemp, R., Kesler, B., Pietrzak Kostecki, V., Moran, E., Morkes, J., Nolan, N., Van der Voort, J. Murtaugh, B. Daluga, J. Amatangelo, K. Mitoraj, Y. Moran, V. Moran, M. Laning, C. Comeau, N. Laning, B. Nicoletti, M. Burns, N. Scheffler, J. 5:15 p.m. 16 Fr. Tom Bishop Almdale, J., Dehn, R., Garcia, F., Meckert, L., Nelson, J., Polnow, M. Bessonny, K., Koepke, M. Batliner, J., Boutilier, S., Burns, L., Fosteras, A., Koepke, G., Lovett, C., McCauley, G., Moran, K., O'Neill, M., Werner, J., Wolf, L. Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Our Weekly Intentions REMEMBER OUR SICK Roarke Anderson Mike Antler Courtney Barrie Bryan Bataille Michael Betlinski Julie Braun Lynn Bufardi Michael Burg Walt Casten Mary Churchill Barry Clayton Connie Conrad Susan Cross Vanessa Douglas Payton Felde Louise Fransen Sonja Gulley Mary Ellen Habetler Jess Hamill Stacie Hancock Tom Harman Bill Harrer Julie Jezierski Annika LeMonier Michael LeMonier Jr. Rosemary Lenz Mike Manczko Marlene Marczyk David Mastroianni Donna Mautner Mary Helen McCarthy Peter Meyer Virginia Miller Flora Ann Mortell Krista Motley Doris Mulvihill Liam Murtaugh Andrew O’Connell Luna Okada Dave Opto George Pezdirtz Dick Plenge Joe Romero Victoria Seyler Jane Shergold Jenny Sinclair Rudy Starai Theresa Stevens Janet Sullivan James Michael Thompson Will Tobias Fr. Fred Tomzik John Uebbing Rosa Untari Jack Vaughn Paul Vogel Lorraine Weimer Chester Zero PARISH EVENTS Monday, April 7th 9:15 a.m. Women’s Scripture Study 4:00 p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. RCIA Tuesday, April 8th 12:00 p.m. Women’s Club General Meeting 6:00 p.m. GIFT Community Event 7:00 p.m. Vespers, Rosary, Adult Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, April 9th 11:00 a.m. Playgroup 4:00 p.m. Soup Supper 5:30 p.m. GIFT Community Event Thursday, April 10th 1:00 p.m. Films of Faith 6:30 p.m. SPRED 7:00 p.m. Parish Reconciliation Service Friday, April 11th 6:00 p.m. GIFT Community Event 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 12th 9:15 a.m. Individual Reconciliation (TB) Sunday, April 13th, Palm Sunday MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 7th Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; John 8:1-11 8:15 a.m. (JD) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Sue Kennedy—Bill and Connie Johnson Tuesday, April 8th Numbers 21:4-9; John 8:21-30 8:15 a.m. (BP) Joan Anderson—Cathy Faust Wednesday, April 9th Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; John 8:31-42 8:15 a.m. (MS) People of Saint Anne Thursday, April 10th Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59 8:15 a.m. (CC) Georgene Kuhn—The Kuhn Family Friday, April 11th Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42 8:15 a.m. (TB) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Dave Hickey—Lainie Mercurio Saturday, April 12th Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66 [27:11-54] 5:15 p.m. Bob Weber—Vincent and Kathy Giamalva Stefan Ciastoń Charlene Taylor—Tom Taylor Sunday, April 13th Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66 [27:11-54] 7:15 a.m. People of Saint Anne David Habley—Peter and Cathy Grain Tony DeBono—Shirley and Bob Soule 9:00 a.m. Bob Michlig—The Kraimer Family Kay Pappalardo—Alyse Goldstein Arch Gott—Skip and Sue Koch 11:00 a.m. Frank Sr. and Sophia Comber—The Comber Family Cindy Bischof—Barbara and Frank Bischof MaryAnn Sudmyer—Mel and Donna Ostrander Mary Jeffery—The Griffin Family Frank Nolan—Jim and Karen Vandelogt 5:15 p.m. People of Saint Anne UPCOMING MARRIAGES I Courtney Schade and Neal Schroeder I Anne Rogers and Roger Pulham OUR BELOVED DEAD Tom Gavin, friend of Rich and Charlotte Baumgart; Ninfa Agnello-Harrington, wife of Jack, mother of John, Ninfa and Fara and daughter of Carlo and Flora Agnello; Rena Clara Heil, wife of Eugene and mother of James, Thomas, Joseph and Timothy; Ruth Anne Hugo, mother of Michael; Nick Marx, friend of Susan Doody; Baby VanKlinken Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 17 Sharing the Living Story BY CLEM ASERON 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT, 2014 (34A) Ezekiel 37:12-14; Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. RX= With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45 The raising of Lazarus is the climax of seven “signs”1 – John’s word for these wondrous Jesus deeds. John promotes the significance rather than literalness of these deeds in order to reinvigorate faith in his community some two generations after Jesus’ death/resurrection; he interprets the signs by various reflections, narratives and discourses.2 The Good Shepherd story (Chap. 10) and the Lazarus story share John’s principal theme of death and resurrection. The discourse in each teaches that Jesus has power over life and death; he says of his own life and death: I have power to lay it down and power to take it up again(10:17-18). The sign in each makes concrete the story in real relationships with real people.3 Another John literary device, irony, is again present: Jesus gives life to a dead man and simultaneously sets in motion the plans for his own death (v.53). Jesus is intimate with this family in which death occurs: see how he harbors deepest feelings for his sheep in a way only a good shepherd can. It is said three times in today’s story (3, 5, 36) that Jesus loves Lazarus! Look at the lavish, extravagant outpouring of love that John has Mary giving to Jesus in the opening of chp. 12. It is their home in Bethany where he customarily stayed when visiting Jerusalem; it was from this place that he would go to his passion and death. (See Lk 10:38 for another description of the personalities of Martha and Mary and their relationship with Jesus.) Responding to the news of Lazarus’ condition, Jesus assures the women that it is not the Father’s intent that Lazarus should die but that from the happenstance of the death, God’s glory might be seen through his Son (v.4). Tension builds as Jesus deliberately delays going to Lazarus; while he waits, Lazarus dies. By delaying, Jesus actually lays down a life. But he does not avoid death; he confronts it in its finality to conquer it. The glory of which Jesus speaks is ultimately seen through death. In John, glory can be seen in the intimate connection of Jesus with and in his father and in the other reality of his thorough and complete involvement in the lives of those whom he loves: these two women and the man in whose death Jesus completely identifies.3 The disciples counsel against Jesus going to Bethany because of the hostile Jewish authorities. He responds enigmatically (vv.9-10). On one level, he is stating that he must carry out his ministry while he still can; his time is limited. On a deeper level, he is speaking of himself as the light! Those who walk with the light of Jesus’ revelation will be led through life without stumbling; those who choose not to walk with him will stumble. At vv. 11-14, John uses another of his favorite literary devices: misunderstanding, to underscore a theological or spiritual point. Jesus tells the disciples that Lazarus has fallen asleep and that he must go to awake him. Sleep was a common euphemism for death but here the disciples misunderstand! Their confusion allows John to confirm Lazarus’ death and to show the purpose behind Jesus’ delay is to incite faith, i.e., solidarity with Jesus and his Father (v.15). The resurrection of Lazarus points to a specific spiritual truth that would not be communicated if Jesus simply healed Lazarus before he died. Jesus is not about the business of preventing death; he is about confronting and conquering it.5 In v. 16, as elsewhere in John, the disciple Thomas always presents a call to faith: every believer must follow Jesus through death to life. When Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been in the tomb four days. The rabbis taught that the soul remained at the gravesite for three days yearning to return to the body. So any hope for his resuscitation has passed! Mary and Martha had faith in Jesus’ ability to heal, but their hope had given way to regret. Both say that if only he had come earlier, their brother would not have died. In particular, Martha’s faith (solidarity with Jesus) allowed her to accept that all was not over. She knows that God will grant to Jesus his desires for Lazarus but that in any event, Lazarus will be raised on the last day. Amazingly, Jesus’ answer is more immediate. Speaking to her (v. 25), he says I AM (ego eimi) thereby identifying himself as one with the Father and making the claim to highest honor.(See Exodus 3:14, where God says that he is the I AM) 18 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • Sharing the Living Story This saying affirms that Christ’s life-giving work affects our life on two levels in two time frames! In the future, Jesus will bring physical life again, but in the present, Jesus brings eternal life. The fact that he is the resurrection and life and does not merely offer resurrection and life, shows that his saving work is totally integrated into his own very being and those who believe in him are uniting with him, are in solidarity with him, in a word, have faith. Jesus himself is greatly moved (vv. 33, 35, 38) by all who are mourning at the tomb. In v. 33, became perturbed is a startling phrase in the Greek, literally, "He snorted in spirit," perhaps in anger at the presence of evil (death).6 He is presumably as disturbed as the others by the pain and loss brought on by the destructive power of death. Jesus grieves with people in the face of death. [This is not one who is distant or unapproachable!] To the horror of all, he orders the stone removed. Jewish burial practice required several steps. First, the corpse, completely wrapped in linen, would be laid on a stone shelf in the tomb to decompose. A year later, the mourners would reenter the tomb, gather the bones and deposit them in urns that were placed in cavities in the wall. Several generations would thus share the tomb. But at this point, after four days, the body would be well into decay, and it would be both repulsive as well as ritually impure to enter the tomb. Nevertheless, Jesus reminds Martha of the promise of seeing God’s glory, and they move the stone. Jesus prays to the Father for the sake of his audience. He is showing others that the Son works in union (communion) with the Father. [This intimacy is the glory of God which Jesus will explain again in chap. 13, 14 and 15 when he speaks of the love of the father and himself and his disciples as being as so connected as to be like a vine and its branches]. The physical miracle is told succinctly. Just as the sheep respond to the familiar voice of their shepherd, Lazarus responds to the call of Jesus – the Good Shepherd – and emerges from the tomb; he is released from the burial clothes at Jesus’ command to all. The Christ releases humankind from sin, from all that binds and oppresses, even the ultimate sin, death. Many of the Jews came to belief because of what they had witnessed. Others went running to the Pharisees (v.46) and the plot to kill Jesus begins… Chp. 11 (and 10) proclaims that Jesus is Lord over death. He voluntarily enters death’s grasp with the power to overcome its hold on those whom he loves. The dramatic fore-shadowing of Jesus’ own death and resurrection makes this seventh sign a fitting climax to the “Book of Signs (chp 1-12) for it shows that the saving, revealing work of Christ comes through his personal victory over death. v.1. Lazarus, Greek = God helps;7 Bethany, Hebrew, bet-anniyah = house of response/witness/testimony8 v.2 This is not described by John until 12:1-8 The scriptures for the Third Scrutiny are perhaps the most difficult of the three Sundays when the Church points us toward scrutinizing the way we live our lives in light of the understanding we may have at this moment about our solidarity with God. It is perhaps easier to respond like Martha and say that resurrection is future oriented (v.24). The Psalm refrain has it: With the Lord, there is mercy and fullness of redemption. So What? We are about to enter Holy Week and its celebrations of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Dare we tell others – say, those in the RCIA community – about the times when we were able to say: “You know something…solidarity with the Jesus who gave signs like these … lets me come through the pain and chaos that have been part of my life.” The New American Bible, w/Revised N.T. Donald Senior, Gen. Ed., footnote at 11:1-44 As above, in remarks on the Gospel according to John, p. 145 3 The larger part of these comments are adapted from: Kevin Quast, Reading the Gospel of John, p.82a 4 John Shea, Gospel Food for Hungry People: Lent, cycle A 5 John Shea, above 6 The New American Bible, w/Revised N.T. Donald Senior, Gen. Ed., footnote at 11:33 7 Raymond E. Brown, S.S., The Gospel According to John, (I-XII), p. 422 8 Raymond E. Brown, S.S., The Gospel According to John (I-XII), p. 45 1 2 Saint Anne Church • April 6, 2014 • 19 PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY: CPL. Joe Barra, son of Jim and Cathy, USMC, Afghanistan Lt. Sam Betar, son of Margaret and Sam, Army, Ft. Benning, GA Lcpl Colin R. Bosworth (USMC), son of Ken and Pam, 29 Palms, CA Daniel Carrick, nephew of Mary Helen and Larry McCarthy, Army Special Forces, Afghanistan Master/Sgt William G. Cook, grandson of Bill, U.S. Army, Ft. Belvoir, VA Lt. Col. Marc E. Czaja, son of Virginia and Charles Brenneman, USMC, USA Lcpl Joseph James Gerak (USMC), son of Jay and Mary, Okinawa, Japan LTJG Jacqueline Gridley, granddaughter of Dorothy Connolly, USN, Norfolk, VA Andrew Jennings, cousin of Virginia Brenneman, Army, Wounded Warrior, USA Capt. Aaron L. Kirchoff, (USAF), grandson of Clare Mack, Atlanta, GA Christopher Lenz, grandson of Rosemarie, Airman 1st Class, Kedena, Japan Bobby Maxwell, cousin of Pat Weaver, Navy, U.S.S. John McCain, Yokosuka, Japan Corporal Joshua Mehr, son of Gregg and Georgeanna, USMC, Okinawa, Japan Captain Keefe Murtaugh, son of Barry and Courtney, USMC, 29 Palms, CA Capt. Robert O'Meara, son of Bob and Sue, USAF, Barksdale AFB, Shreveport, LA Sgt. Thomas Orlowski, son of Jon, USMC Special Operations, Camp Lejeune, NC SFC Jeffrey Puch, brother of Katie Grund, Army, Hunter Airfield, Savannah, GA Captain Barrett Rife, grandson of Elaine Conrad, Fort Benning, GA Lt. Clayton Rife, grandson of Elaine Conrad, KY Cpl. Michael Rivet, USMC, great-nephew of Gene and Sue Boyle, San Diego, CA Matt Ryan, nephew of John Weaver, U.S. Army, Fort Carson, CO Sgt. Robert Schroeder, son of John and Martha Muno, Army, South Korea James Reed Strissel, Jr., grandson of Joseph and Ann Tuszynski, Afghanistan Cmdr. Joseph W. Stubitz, US Navy, brother of Steve, Afghanistan Cpl. Brandon Thennisch, USMC, grandson of Angela, Camp Lejeune, NC SPC4 Joseph Warnock, National Guard, grandnephew of Sue Stock, Afghanistan Serving the St. Anne Community with Dignity and Care Traditional Services & Cremation Options Advanced Planning • Monuments • Aftercare We Accept All Prepaid Funeral Arrangements. 149 W. Main Street Barrington, IL 60010 Jack & Lisa Davenport Funeral Directors / Owners 847.381.3411 SKIN WELLNESS 847-525-3640 Renee Diak-Witek • Room Additions & Finished Basements • Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling • Hardwood & Tile Flooring • New Siding & Gutters • Replacement Windows • Roofing (all types) • Painting (interior, exterior & faux) • Complete Trim and Drywall Repair • All HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Needs • Residential & Commercial • Many Parishioner References • Licensed, Bonded & Insured M.J. Miller & Co. TOM SERPENTO President & Parishioner FREE ESTIMATES Fine Jewelry & Gifts We buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington Jeffery M. Clery Attorney at Law Real Estate • Wills • Trusts Estates • Personal Injury • Criminal DUI • Traffic • Corporate • LLC’s Experienced Attorney Reasonable Attorney’s Fees 67 S. Old Rand Rd., Suite A (between Main St. & Rt. 22) Licensed Esthetician 118 Wool Street, Barrington (224) 578-1717 512064 St Anne Church (D) Providing Skin Care through Customized Facials & Treatments • Anti-Aging • Acne • Sensitive/Rosacea • Waxing Procedures Come In for a Complimentary Skin Analysis and Learn More about your Skin’s Needs & Solutions Lake Zurich 847-540-5403 [email protected] WWW.JEFFCLERY.COM Richard A. Hogan, D.D.S., Ltd. Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry Richard A. Hogan, D.D.S., F.A.G.D 435 N. Hough Street Mindy J. Hogan, B.S., R.D.H. Barrington, IL 60010 Anita L. Delano, R.D.H. (847) 381-1707 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Lake Zurich Palatine 415 S. Buesching Rd. 201 N. Northwest Hwy Douglas R. Ahlgrim 847-540-8871 Will your money last? With a retirement plan it can. John A. Corey, CFP® Financial Advisor 1250 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 105 Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 847.2134 [email protected] Our 2nd Century of Service Custom Built Cabinets SAFETY MODIFICATIONS FOR YOUR HOME We Help Prevent Falls! 35 Years Experience 847-602-4013 847-382-5908 FREE HOME SAFETY CHECK Remodeling & Repairs Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA. Est. 1973 We’re Between Rt.’s 59 & 14 One Block East of the Metra Rail Road Tracks Find Me On Google Robert Edens Attorney Dave & Steve Hollis Complete Auto Detailing Flowers For All Occasions 122 W. Main St., Barrington LEADER HARDWARE & RENTALS &SEWER Dan Benjamin Moore® Weber Grills Salt Delivery Service RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL “24 Hours Seven Days A Week” 847-726-8820 John & Debra McHugh—Parishioners Lic. #058-190455 Stone Hill Center • Routes 22 & 14 • Fox River Grove Parishioner & Senior Citizen Discount 847-639-4431 • Plants and Garden Supplies Domestic & Foreign Used Auto Sales Service & Repair Specialities Include: Dealer Level Repair Capabilities in Mercedes Benz, BMW & GM Vehicles 847-381-6691 FRESH FLOWER MARKET 847-381-7800 888-381-7800 “Serving Fox River Grove, Barrington and Cary” Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH® 250 E. Main St., Barrington 847-358-7411 CARPENTER ANGEL ON CALL GUARDIAN Call me today at (847) 847.2134. Hollis Bros. Service Roger D. Ahlgrim CREATIVE PAINTERS • Containers and Statuary • Home and Garden Accents • Garden Furniture • Pet & Bird Supplies 990 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington • 847-381-5511 Expert Interior & Exterior Painting Drywall Repair Reliable Craftsmanship at Honest Prices 222 N. Plum Grove Rd. Palatine 847-358-9000 Top Buyer of Cars & Trucks Any Condition SAVE WITH Used Auto Parts 847-650-2714 ASK FOR PARISH DISCOUNT! David J. Tabak, OD Optometrist Call 815-338-2800 Open 7 Days to Serve You! Complete Family Eye Care 232 E. Main St. 847-382-2020 Tiger Martial Arts TIRE & AUTO EXPERTS One Financial Place 440 S. LaSalle Street Suite 2930 Chicago Il 60605 (312) 939-8950 847-381-3377 ROUTES 14&59 • BARRINGTON Electronic Trading CME/CBOT NYMEX Eurex/ICE Parish Member 847-772-1543 “Our 30th Year — 2014” 28686 W. NW Hwy. Unit #3, LK Barr. Respect....From The Inside Out! the ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CARPENTRY “Chores By Chip” HANDYMAN SERVICE 847-551-1767 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Cell 224-392-0938 Barrington Area Resident Stonegate Russell S. Pollina, D.D.S., P.C. Diplomate American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Parishioner 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5, Ste. 100, Barrington 847-382-1720 Perfection Unveiled...the wedding of your dreams! The perfect setting for weddings and receptions of all sizes. Gourmet catering and service that is nothing short of perfection. 847-884-7000 512064 St Anne Church (C) 2401 W. Higgins Road (Higgins and Barrington Roads) Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ACE H A R D WA R E • BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT • TORO SNOW BLOWERS • KEY CUTTING • SCREEN AND WINDOW REPAIR 906 S. NORTHWEST HWY, BARRINGTON • WEBER GRILLS • BARRINGTON 847-304-4325 JOHN & NONIE BROWN FAMILY PARISHIONERS SINCE 1989 FISCHER NUTS • PROPANE EXCHANGE + FILL • POPCORN WEEKENDS Joseph M. Lucas & Associates, L.L.C. AT TO R N E Y S AT L AW 847-381-8700 581 Bonner Rd. (at Rt. 12) Wauconda Gourmet Specialties Old World Bakery Tues-Sat 9-6 Sun 10-3 Closed Mon OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL 12:00 847-438-8330 64 N. Old Rand Rd. Lake Zurich (847) 438-7233 PIG ROASTING 62 N. Old Rand Rd Lake Zurich 224 W. Main St. Barrington Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Probate Business Law • Personal Injury & General Legal Matters H.R. STEWART, INC. Plumbing, Heating & Cooling (847) 639-3331 Parishioner Randy Zimmerman, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Stephanie Romer, A.P.N., W.H.N.P. Hanna Conley, A.P.N., A.N.P. Specialists In Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 27750 W. Hwy 22, Ste 120, Barrington 847-277-0500 Law Offices of Robert J. Ross Robert J. Ross 30 Years Experience 847-381-5555 St. Anne’s Parishioner Barrington Pumping Of: Grease Traps Catch Basins Septic Tanks Storm Sewers Sludge 1244 W. Northwest Highway • Palatine, IL 60067 638 Northwest Hwy., Cary 847-516-2223 $15.00 Off On Service Call $50.00 Off On New Furnace Desktop/Laptop Repair Or Air Conditioner Local Maintenance & Support Not Good W/ Other Offers 922 IL RT 22, FRG • Stone Hill Shpg Ctr 500 East N.W. Hwy., Palatine Bob Psenka Catholic Family Owned 847-829-1863 847-359-4500 847-382-9433 Since 1994 512064 St Anne Church (B) Koldon Moving & Storage ILL.CC.3844 847-438-3300 Local * Long Distance * Storage RETIREMENT It’s Never Too Soon to Plan for Retirement. Need a Well-defined “Exit Strategy”? Already Retired? We Should Talk! Bill Karstenson • [email protected] 847-537-9090 27W 982 Commercial Ave., Barrington True Craftsmanship • Flawless Design 847-358-4133 Electric Rodding Sewer Televising Water Jetting Install Sump Pumps Septic Tank Inspection Belknap Auto Body, Inc. Pa r i s h i o n e r 10% OFF Any Catering Order Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. Office in Inverness 557 N. Hough St. 847-842-8500 Dine-In • Take-Out Catering Specializing in Gourmet Bakery and Fine Pastries 710 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington 847-304-8278 (847) 358-5757 Frank Kopesdy Fine Jewelry & Service PETE CONSOLO Your Lake Barrington Shores Realtor REMAX/NOW Broker Manager - Wills & Trusts - Business Law - Karstenson Financial Services WHERE PRIDE IS A PERSONAL COMMITMENT 847-428-4820 FREE ESTIMATES Life Insurance Long Term Care Mutual Funds Variable Annuities Wealth Accumulation Retirement Strategies 847-776-0425 Bill Karstenson, Registered Representative offering investments through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Relax. You’re at Great Clips.® Hair Cuts • Updos • Perms Open 7 Days Deer Park 847-540-0731 2550 Hassell Road (at Barrington Rd.) Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 (847) 752-6444 Parishioner Next to Starbucks Lake Zurich 847-540-7411 Near TJ Maxx & 847-540-0731 Near Oberweis Dairy Honoring the Family & Cherishing Memories Since 1938 Sales • Service • Rentals Water Softeners • Whole House Filters Reverse Osmosis Systems BBB • Major Credit Cards Accepted 847-381-3792 471 S. Rand Rd. LAKE ZURICH Math | Writing | Reading Homework Help | Online Programs Study Skills | College Prep Programs 847-382-7755 SAT/ACT Prep [email protected] State Certified Teachers CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. PIZZA & SANDWICHES DINE-IN • DELIVERY • CARRY-OUT 847-381-6740 101 W. Northwest Hwy First Communion Dresses and Christening Attire 126 W. MAIN STREET BARRINGTON, IL 60010 847.304.1170 Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding Ask for the Parish Discount! Additional Discounts for Senior Citizens 55 Years or Older! 847-705-9054 Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch Entrees Dine In • Take Out • Catering Open 6:30 AM-2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for Special Occasions with any event after 3 PM 847-516-0409 935 Rt. 22 Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC. # PL16019 Just East of Rt. 14 LIC. # 055-012918 We Build More Than Just Homes, We Build Relationships. 115 S. Hough St. Barrington 224-848-4090 Tom Abbatemarco, Parishioner (847) 381-5250 • (Front L to R) Dr. Fister Dr. Gitelis Dr. Kogan Dr. Savino (Back L to R) Dr. Stanley Dr. Alpert Dr. Cannestra Dr. Palmer Dr. Seeds Mention Promo Code SAB for Parishioner Discount Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. • Sports Injury • Arthroscopic surgery • Partial/Total Joint Replacement • Back Pain/Injury • Fracture/Broken Bone Care Anne Groh Beckman, Agent Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.™ CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7 See why State Farm™ insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. 847-382-0050 Great Service, plus discounts of up to 40%. * [email protected] * Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 410 E. Main St., Barrington 512064 St Anne Church (A) • Bone Density Scanning • Digital X-Ray • Casting/Bracing Capabilities • Open MRI • Physical Therapy 847-382-6766 847.364.9070 YOUR PARISH FLORIST 420 W. Northwest Hwy Barrington Barrington • Algonquin • Elgin • Geneva For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Anne Catholic Community 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, Illinois 60010 Parish Office 847.382.5300 847.382.5363 (fax) Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:00-1:00 P.M.) Saturday/Sunday: 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Saint Anne Parish Staff: Pastor Fr. Bernie Pietrzak 847.382.1705 [email protected] Assistant to the Pastor Ms. August Link 847.620.3055 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Fr. Jack Dewes 847.620.3058 Associate Pastors Fr. Tom Bishop 847.620.3060 [email protected] Fr. Chris Ciastoń 847.620.3059 [email protected] Deacon Couples Bob and Helen Brauch Jim and Ellen Condill Bill and Sueann Karstenson Bob and Sue Powers Director, Liturgy and Music Rory Cooney 847.620.3064 [email protected] Georgene Farman 847.620.3066 [email protected] Director, RCIA and Adult Confirmation Sr. Anna Marie Dressler 847.381.5793 [email protected] Director, Adult Education/Pastoral Associate Sr. Lauretta Leipzig 847.381.5452 [email protected] Project Hope Ministry Diane Barrett 847.381.5721 Director, Human Concerns Mary Hoffing 847.382.2148 [email protected] Young at Heart and LaFarge Learning Lorraine Drews 847.381.5721 Business and Operations Manager Margaret Buckstaff 847.620.3054 [email protected] Office Assistant Cathy Faust 847.382.5300 [email protected] Computer Administrator Carol Helmers 847.620.3051 [email protected] Receptionist Carla Stobart 847.382.5300 Marketing, Development and Communications Coordinator Amy Holsworth 847.620.3052 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Sarge Youkhanna 847.620.3078 School Maintenance Dave Rozycki 847.620.3007 GIFT Growing in Faith Together Sacraments 847.756.4051 (fax) Director, Lifelong Faith Formation Mary Jane Kurowski 847.620.3071 [email protected] Associate Director, Children’s Faith Formation Susan Jett 847.620.3067 [email protected] Youth and Young Adult Faith Formation Michael Hugo 847.620.3073 [email protected] Implementation Coordinator Carla Czyzewski 847.620.3069 [email protected] Administrative Assistants Darla Holtz 847.620.3072 [email protected] Marianne Bondi 847.620.3068 [email protected] We believe that the celebration of the sacraments ranks among the most important gifts that we have. We look forward to sharing these celebrations with those who, in some way, are part of our community. Therefore, please note the following: Visitation of the Sick: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or are homebound and would like a visit from a minister of care or a priest, call Mary Hoffing at 847.382.2148. Baptism: Our Baptism ministry is pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. • Two Baptism sessions are required for parents baptizing their 1st child at Saint Anne • Parents who have had a Baptism at another Catholic Church and are now wanting to baptize a child at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism • Parents who have already attended Baptism preparation at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism Saint Anne Parish School 319 E. Franklin Street, 847.381.0311 Mrs. Dawn Kapka, Principal [email protected] Sharing Parish St. Frances of Rome, Cicero, 60804 Fr. Mark Bartosic, Pastor 708.652.2140 Parish Council of Ministries [email protected] 847.620.3057 Bill Graff, Chairperson Susan Doody, Worship Commission Mark Karney, Worship Commission Christine Jodoin, Faith Formation and Education Mary Bottie, Human Concerns Commission Gene Boyle, Human Concerns Commission Jim Condill, Community Life Commission Donna Nobregas, Community Life Commission Andrea Wirt, Community Life Commission Jerry Rodosky, Deanery Representative Jim Young, Office of the Pastor Finance Council [email protected] David Wirt, Chairperson Ron Cobb Sarah Gainer Joe Gurreri JP Hills Andrew Kelleher, Jr. Lisa Koehler Nathan Perry Jack Reinhart School Advisory Board Robin Kelleher, Chairperson Kim D’Amore Hayde Federighi Margaret Graff Christine Jodoin Dawn Kapka Colleen Kozak Danell O’Neill Nathan Perry Fred Rasmussen Mike Ruth Clarion Bulletin Editor Kerry Miller 847.620.3070 [email protected] Information for setting a Baptism date will be given at the meeting or at the time of the interview. Please call the parish office at 847.382.5300 where all scheduling is done. Marriage: To be married at Saint Anne, your preparation process should begin 7 months to one year prior to your wedding date. Please call the parish office to secure a date as soon as possible. Membership at Saint Anne is not a requirement. We look forward to helping you during this time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. First Eucharist and First Reconciliation: These sacraments are typically celebrated in second grade. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call the GIFT office at 847.620.3067 with questions. Confirmation: This sacrament is celebrated in high school. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call 847.620.3072. Reconciliation: Saturdays 9:15 a.m. until all are heard or by appointment. Registration: To enter into our faith community, please attend an information/registration session at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Room, followed by the 11:00 a.m. Mass, on the 1st Sunday of the month. For further information, call the Rectory office at 847.382.5300. * THE NEXT NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING SESSION AND REGISTRATION WILL BE ON SUNDAY, MAY 4TH *
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