The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion Volume 11, No. 33 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Michael Beard, Pastoral Associate July 12, 2015 Jeffrey Joseph, Faith Formation Coordinator Our Parish Mission Liturgy Schedule Led by the Spirit, the Catholic community of Saint Anne strives to live the example of Jesus, who said, “I came so that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Monday-Friday: ₈:₁₅ a.m. Saturday: First Saturday: ₈:₁₅ a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 9:15 a.m. until all are heard Mass of Anticipation: ₅:₁₅ p.m. Sunday: ₇:₁₅, ₉:₀₀, ₁₁:₀₀ a.m., ₅:₁₅ p.m. Saint Anne Catholic Community • 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, IL 60010 • 847.382.5300 • Dear People of Saint Anne, As you can see on the bulletin cover, we welcome two new core staff members to our parish community. Michael Beard and Jeffrey Joseph are two young men who will be assuming two very important ecclesial ministry positions among us. In my mind, they both represent an important future in the life of our Church. In an age of declining vocations in the priesthood and the religious life, Michael and Jeffrey are signs of the Holy Spirit at work in providing a ministerial outreach to serve the religious and spiritual needs of God’s people. Michael Beard is our new Pastoral Associate. He assumes the ministerial roles that Sisters Anna Marie and Lauretta offered us in their combined 90 years. He will be the staff animator for our RCIA program, our Baptism Preparation Ministry (with Deacon Bill Karstenson and his wife Sueanne), the Young Marrieds Outreach and STAGG. Michael is in his late 20s and has undergraduate degrees in Theology and Psychology from Catholic University in Washington. Michael also has a Master of Divinity from the University of Notre Dame—the same degree Fathers Tom, Chris and myself received from Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary when we were ordained priests. In many ways, Michael begins his ministry with us with same credentials of a newly ordained priest. We are the first parish community that he will serve as a full-time parish minister. Michael is engaged and will be married this October to his fiancé, Elizabeth (who is also a Pastoral Associate at Saint Benedict’s Church in Chicago). We are indeed blessed to have found him, and as a core parish staff, we believe that he will become a very important part of our faith community. Jeffrey Joseph is our new Faith Formation Coordinator. Jeffrey comes to us from Saint Alphonsus Church in Prospect Heights where he spent the last three years in a similar role that he will assume among us. Jeffrey was born in Chicago and attended Loyola University where he received his undergraduate degree. Afterwards, Jeffrey attended graduate school at both DePaul University and Boston College where he received his Master’s Degree in Moral Theology. 2 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • Growing up as a Bears, Bulls and Cubs fan, Jeffrey brings many gifts and abilities to use in working alongside Mary Jane Kurowski, our Director of Lifelong Faith Formation. Jeffrey will coordinate the religious formation program for our children and young people who attend the public schools of our parish community. We are indeed blessed by God who led this young man to our parish community. He brings wisdom, knowledge, experience and enthusiasm as he succeeds Sue Jett who left us in her move to Indiana 2 years ago. Over the next few weeks, both Michael and Jeffrey will more fully introduce themselves through letters in the Clarion. In late summer, we will have a more appropriate welcome for them as the new parish year begins. Let us offer a warm welcome to them with the promise of our prayers as they begin their ministry among us. The new Encyclical of Pope Francis on the care of our common home is on our website. I encourage you to read it and reflect upon his words with an open mind and heart. They are certainly quite extraordinary. As you may know, Pope Francis has been on a pastoral visit to his native South America over the past week. I leave you with his remarks to Ecuador’s leaders on the concept of social justice … Sincerely, Father Bernie Pietrzak, Pastor Parents know that all their children are equally loved even though each has his or her own character. But when children refuse to share what they have freely received, this relationship breaks down. The love of their parents helps children to overcome their selfishness, to learn to live with others, to yield and be patient. In the wider life of society, we come to see that “gratuitousness” is not something extra but rather a necessary condition of justice. Who we are and what we have has been given to us so that we can place it at the service of others. Our task is to make it bear fruit in good works. The goods of the earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage. In this way, we move beyond purely economic justice based on commerce toward social justice which upholds the fundamental human right to a dignified life. We cannot bequeath this heritage to them without proper care for the environment, without a sense of gratuitousness born of our contemplation of the created world. (CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE) Among us today are some of our brothers and sisters representing the indigenous peoples of the Equatorial Amazon. That region is one of the “richest areas both in the number of species and in endemic, rare or less protected species … it requires greater protection because of its immense importance for the global ecosystem … it possesses an enormously complex biodiversity which is almost impossible to appreciate fully, yet when [such woodlands] are burned down or leveled for purposes of cultivation, within the space of a few years, countless species are lost and the areas frequently become arid wastelands” (cf. Laudato Si’, 37-38). Ecuador— together with other countries bordering the Amazon—has an opportunity to become a teacher of integral ecology. We received this world as an inheritance from past generations but also as a loan from future generations to whom we will have to return it! Out of the family’s experience of fraternity is born solidarity in society which does not only consist in giving to those in need but in feeling responsible for one another. If we see others as our brothers and sisters, then no one can be left out or set aside. Pope Francis, July 8th, 2015 Office of the Pastor Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for July 5th, 2015 People attending Weekend Liturgies: 1,306 Sunday Offering Envelopes used: 298 Electronic Giving Credit Card/Direct Debit Total for this Sunday Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections Difference Year to Date Collection vs. Budget Year to Date Sunday Year to Date Budget for Sunday Collections Difference Year to Date Collections $22,845.00 $11,934.00 $34,779.00 $40,000.00 -$5,221.00 $34,779.00 $40,000.00 -$5,221.00 Sharing Parish Commitment: $1,305.00 Archdiocesan Required Collections: $ 501.00 Debt Reduction Collections: $ 959.00 Please consider signing up for GIVE CENTRAL during the summer! Visit Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 3 Community Life SENIORS 55+ SOCIAL GROUP Thursday, July 16th, 1:00 p.m.: Coffee and conversation on current events July Schedule—Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.—Poker and Euchre Thursdays, 1:00 p.m., Coffee, conversation and speaker Save the date for our next Music Under the Stars, Friday, August 21st, featuring the Peter Oprisko and his Sinatra-style band. * A blanket and a hoodie were found at the last Music Under the Stars. To claim it, please contact the Parish Office at 847.382.5300. COUPLES BRIDGE GROUP The Saint Anne Couples Bridge Group is looking for couples interested in playing party bridge. Couples gather monthly to play beginning in September and continue through June. Gatherings are suspended during January, February and March. For more information, call Connie and Paul Schnepf at 847.381.3659. 4 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • Community Life THANK YOU TO THE COMMUNITY OF SAINT ANNE As we look back over the days since Sunday, June 28th, we know how greatly we have been blessed by an outstanding community that surrounded us with love and generosity. Thank you to all who shared our joy at the Mass and the reception and everyone whose gifts and congratulations we treasure. Our hearts are very full as we voice a sincere thank you to all who played a part in making our “retirement” celebration so special. Specifically, we want to thank … • • • • • • • • • Father Bernie, Father Tom, Father Chris and Father Jack Andrea and Dave Wirt for organizing and coordinating the preparations and the day Margaret Buckstaff who was responsible for the caterers and beautiful flowers Sarge, Dave, Juan and Andy for their assistance Amy Holsworth and all the photographers Tracy Garcia and Susan Valentino for the beautiful posters Elisa Kendal-Ward for her artistically decorated cake Karen Phillips for the fresh floral arrangement Those who shared their time and efforts on the weekend – Kim D’Amore, Madalene Fuchs, Tracy and Ken Garcia and their sons, Danielle and Rob Kemp, Elisa Kendal-Ward, Margaret and Jeff Lortie and children, Linda Ray, Susan Valentino, and Betsy Thalheimer Thank you, the community of Saint Anne! Sister Anna Marie and Sister Lauretta Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 5 Community Life RETIREMENT CELEBRATION FOR SISTER ANNA MARIE AND SISTER LAURETTA At 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 28th, the Saint Anne Catholic Community celebrated over 90 years of combined service to the parish and retirement of Sister Anna Marie and Sister Lauretta. Fr. Bernie began with a heartwarming tribute to the Sisters, noting that they both began as teachers at Saint Anne School. Sister Lauretta went on to have leadership and guidance roles with the Womenʹs Club, the Adult Education Program, the Baptism Ministry, the Welcoming Ministry and Womenʹs Faith Time. Sister Anna Marie went on to serve as Director of the Saint Anne RCIA Program. Sister Lauretta gave an inspiring reflection on the day’s Gospel, Mark 5:21-43. Mark described two miracles in which Jesus cured gravely ill women with only his touch. In the first, Jesus is perfectly comfortable touching a wealthy religious leader’s daughter. No surprise—he’s healing a “good” person. Then, he healed a woman who was an outcast, ritually unclean, someone the rules say shouldn’t even be touched. His power goes forth to all who believe in him and who reach out in faith to touch him in prayer. 6 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • On behalf of Sister Lauretta and herself, Sister Anna Marie thanked everyone for that same touch seen in service, example, friendship and support. They are so grateful to everyone for their ministry, presence and active part in our parish: the women and men of RCIA, those involved in our adult education groups and programs, everyone with whom they shared liturgies and celebrations, the newcomers and Baptism parents and the school parents and fellow teachers in their early days here. Community Life Sister Anna Marie concluded by saying that throughout the years, Saint Anne always lived what it meant to be co m m unity, a community that values worship, faith formation, helping the poor and celebrations and enjoyment. Fr. Bernie then presented each Sister received a beautiful crystal As One Who Serves award inscribed with words of appreciation for “Her Enduring Witness of Faithfulness, Love and Generous Service to God’s People.” The Mass concluded with a beautiful blessing from the three con-celebrating priests, the parish core staff and the community. Following the liturgy, the Sisters joined the community in the school gym for a beautiful reception.. The people of Saint Anne are truly grateful to Sister Anna Marie and Sister Lauretta for their years of service, support, encouragement and spiritual guidance! To view more photos of the celebration, visit category/media-gallery/. Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 7 Community Life SILENT AUCTION DONATION FORM: We are seeking items for this event with a value in excess of $200.00. We have limited space available and may not be able to display all items received. Donation Item: _____________________________________________________________________ Description: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Special instructions, pictures, cleaning fees, black-out dates, etc.: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Value: $________________________ Donated by: Name or Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________Email: ___________________________________________________ Please RETURN FORM TO: Stacey Niezyniecki at [email protected]. Questions: Call Stacey at 847.323.6395. Deadline for donations: Saturday, August 1st. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Item Received? ________________________ 8 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • DATE: _____________________ Community Life SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendar for the 4th annual Saint Anne Parish Golf outing Thursday, September 24th, at Biltmore Country Club. Golfers of all skill levels welcome! Dinner-only attendees welcome too! Human Concerns THE COMMUNITY MEAL Thursday, July 16th, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Barrington SUMMERTIME SAVINGS Stock up on summer supplies and enjoy the lazy days of July. We have lots of items for easy entertaining, great books to take on your travels and cool clothing and accessories for the hot days ahead! All purchases help local families in crisis through Saint Anne Hope Ministries. Now, all RED TAG and select PURPLE TAG items are just 50% off! House of Hope Resale Heirlooms & Treasures 200 N. Hough St. • Downtown Barrington Wednesday – Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 9 Human Concerns SAINT ANNE SCHOOL STUDENTS DONATE SCHOOL SUPPLIES TO OUR SHARING PARISH, ST. FRANCES OF ROME As Saint Anne students were clearing their desks and lockers at the end of the school year, Sharing Board member Barb Winn coordinated a school supply drive. Many boxes of unused supplies were collected for use at our Sharing Parish school, St. Frances of Rome. School supplies delivered to St. Frances of Rome. Pictured, above: Barb Winn and Aidan King, Sophomore PATHS Student Thanks to student helpers Patrick Schumacher, Michael Schumacher and Aidan King for their assistance and to Margaret Schumacher for driving the supplies down to Cicero. Thanks also to House of Hope for their donation of supplies. A HUGE thank you to Barb Winn for her work on another successful school supply drive! What a great way to help our Sharing Parish! Saint Anne students Patrick Schumacher and Michael Schumacher helped Barb load the school supplies. 10 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • Faith Formation and Education SAINT ANNE PARISH SCHOOL NEWS STUDENT LEADERSHIP COMMISSION The role of the Student Servant Leadership Commission is to give all the students of Saint Anne a voice in how our school is run as we work to develop student leaders. Under the direction of Mr. Bob Olsen, Mr. Andrew Carter, Miss Jill Johnson and Miss Katie Parker, this past yearʹs members worked well together and tirelessly to fulfill their obligations as student servant leaders. The monthly Mak e a Diff erence Day collections resulted in very generous donations to each of the chosen organizations. Their leadership was demonstrated through the creation and facilitation of the Meet Me at the Flagpole prayer service, Sharpen the Saw Week and Catholic Schools Week assemblies. This group of students assisted at the talent show where $200.00 was raised, and the parish food bin was filled with an abundance of items for those in need. The members of the Student Servant Leadership Commission also attended the Feed My Starving Child ren site in Schaumburg and packaged meals for people in Madagascar. They help all of us at Saint Anne Parish School to live out the example of Jesus who came to serve and not be served through their words and actions. We thank this past yearʹs members for their service. President Shiva Neelakantan, Vice-President Anne MacDonald, Secretary Lily Werner, Treasurer Miguel Mercado, Public Relations Directors Ryan Koehler and Madison Wrzos, Room Representatives (Grade 8) Brian Finn, Jack Gainer, Nick McCaulley, Maddie Smith, (Grade 7) Will Graff, Ryan Iannone, Frankie Kmet, Patrick Zerrudo, (Grade 6) Jackie Albrecht, Greg Bowman, John OʹNeill, Jackie Smith, (Grade 5) Mara Janess, Eliza Perry, Mikey Schumacher, Jarrod Skyta, (Grade 4) Evan Coombs, Bridget Daugherty, Kellen Marks, Ava Olczyk, (Grade 3) David Koziol, Paul Pituch, Iza Russe, Kaitlin Taylor. In May, the students of Saint Anne Parish School voted for next yearʹs officers of the Student Leadership Commission. Thirteen students presented their platforms with eloquent and thoughtful speeches. The following students will be officers for the 2015-16 school year: President Miguel Mercado, Vice-President Ryan Iannone, Recording Secretary Madison Wrzos, Treasurer John OʹNeill, Public Relations Directors Emily Nakiganda and Meghan OʹDonoghue. PLAN A VISIT TO OUR PRESCHOOL—GRADE 8 Is there anyone who would like to partner with Saint Anne Parish School to provide in-home preschool daycare for 2 year olds? We offer a nurturing environment with small class sizes. We offer both full and 1/2 day options in kindergarten and preschool. There are multiple options for 1/2 days for 3, 4 and 5 year olds. Extremely flexible and affordable before school care ($10.00/day); after school care ($15.00/day) for all grade levels. Please contact: Nancy Meehan, Early Childhood Director, [email protected] Check out our website and call us today to set up a tour. 847.381.0311 • Dawn Kapka, Principal, [email protected] Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 11 Sharing the Living Story By Clem Aseron (A) Lectionary texts: (B) Bible texts (has verse #): FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR, 2015 (104B) 1st Reading: Amos 7:12-15 Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 Rx = Lord, let us see your kindness and grant us your salvation. 2nd Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 Gospel: Mark 6:7-13 Please refer to (A) and (B) above when I cite verses in the commentary below. Today’s gospel pericope is a continuation of last Sunday (Mark 6:1–6a) during which Mark had shown Jesus acquiring honor by winning the challenge posed at 6:2 by those who heard him dare to teach in the synagogue; they asked, w here d id this man get all this?1 He shows the rejected but honorable2 Jesus moving outside his home village: by going around to the villages in the vicinity teaching (6:6b). Recall also the call by Jesus (1:16ff.) to fishermen to become the first disciples, to leave fishing to become instead fishers of men3 and that Jesus w ent up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him (3:13ff); the Twelve are thus called out, to be apart, to be with Jesus. Only then do they receive authority to go out to preach and to control evil spirits (3:14, 15). In today’s pericope (6:713), Jesus again calls them out, gives them the specific mission of preaching and healing, then sends them out in pairs. Note that Jesus has moved the disciples upward in the cosmic social hierarchy by giving them authority over demons.4 It is they who are now to go out and make a claim to honor by acting above their customary station. Compare the foregoing with the story in today’s Hebrew scripture (Amos 7:12-15) of the rejection of the prophet Amos by Amaziah, the priest of Bethel; note how Amos bests Amaziah’s challenge with his riposte by claiming that it was the Lord who had called him out. Perhaps there is a similar claim to honor in the letter to the Ephesians (1:3-14); for example, compare the claims to honor in the first and fourth scriptures with the claims in the third scripture at v.13. The second scripture (v. the citation at Ps. 85 above) claims honor of the highest sort: I w ill hear w hat God proclaims; the Lord – for he proclaims peace … The Lord himself will give his benefits; our land shall yield its increase; what higher honor can there be than to invoke God? The newly authorized disciples are told to take only the barest of essentials, no provisions. This is a strange instruction to voice since in that culture, it would be a very shameless or display no regard for one’s honor by denying hospitality to a stranger; it was the certain expectation that strangers would be cared for by someone. If Jesus emphasizes that they are to be completely dependent on the hospitality of the hosts, then it must be that it is God who will provide under all kinds of circumstances.5 Note well here that when Mark describes ho w mission is to be undertaken, he uses many more words than when he focuses on the mission itself. This suggests that Mark is interested in telling his readers how one ought to behave on the way.6 This behavior is not asceticism or piety; Jesus has previously rejected false piety at 2:18 ff. It is really about their attitude: missionaries are to be dependent upon God’s provision.7 Therefore, they are to remain wherever the preaching of the gospel is received and welcomed, however humble the accommodations.8 12 Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • Sharing the Living Story Where they are refused hospitality and are not “heard,” they are to move on; but note their counter-challenge.9 There is definitely no overtone of conquest or domination here! It is, as God always is, invitational, not coercive. Apparently, following Jesus means something aside from being pious. The Twelve, after all, were sent out! SO WHAT?? What about us – most of us don’t have church jobs like the staff or are called to be catechists or are part of the ordained, called apart and then sent forth like the first apostles or are called apart and blessed to become celibates dedicated to mission. As members of The Way, yes, as disciples, have we ever felt that Jesus has summoned us; how did we respond? 1 Where did this man get this ability to heal and preach prophetically, he is, after all, one of our very own, the son of Mary, so we know his lineage well; he’s challenging us by stepping beyond his station of a carpenter. 2 Jesus wins the game of challenge/riposte at v.4. 3 Fishers of men: a metaphor for mission told in a context that Simon and companions understood well and which would have also made sense to Mark’s readers. 4 See my notes on the12th Sunday. Each level of the following could control the ones beneath: • “Our” God, the Most High God • • • • “Other” Gods or sons of God* or archangels Non-human persons like angels, spirits, demons (unclean spirits) Humans Creatures lower than humans (* At 3:17, Jesus names James and John, Boanerges which means Sons of Thunder. To the Judean sensibility, thunder always accompanied theophanies.) 5 Compare feeding of the 5000 at v.34ff. and feeding of the 4000 at 8:1ff. 6 The Way, that is, the way of the Lord, see Mk. 12:14 or Acts 9:2 7 Remaining faithful, i.e., in solidarity with God. If humans insist, of course, God will not contravene human will. 8 To seek better accommodations would dishonor the initial host! 9 The act of shaking dust from one’s feet, done publicly, is a great insult and a high challenge to the honor of the people of the town in which the dust is found. It signifies total rejection, an unwillingness to be touched even by the most insignificant thing that might have touched the people of that village. Judean (Jews), upon their return from travel in foreign lands (Samaria or gentile territories), would shake the dust from their feet. Works consulted: Say to this Mo untain by Ched Myers, et al; Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels by Malina and Rohrbaugh; The Catholic Study Bible by Donald Senior, Gen. Ed. Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 13 Saint Anne Catholic Community Ensuring PEACE ~ Ending Domestic Violence 6 WARNING SIGNS INDICATING AN ABUSIVE AND/OR UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: SEXIST ATTITUDE: Does your partner insist that “women should know their place?” INSULTS: Does your partner put you down for your opinions or laugh at what you believe in? Does he/she make you feel stupid, ignorant or incompetent? COMMUNITY OFFERINGS/NEEDS Note: Saint Anne prints the offerings/needs as a service to its parishioners and does not endorse or accept responsibility for them. Personal assistant/companion/caregiver/driver available. Experienced female parishioner with references. Call 847.903.6514. Former BHS & Lake Forest College basketball player looking to help serious players develop their game. Call 847.714.6540. Home needed. Town house, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, in Cook County. School family. Call 224.241.4962. Organizational skills available. Household mess causing you stress? Let me help you organize. Call Caroline at 312.303.2007. PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE: Does your partner make comments such as, “You’re no good?” Does he/she make you feel unable to do anything right or that you can’t get along in the world without his/her help? Painting, carpentry, odd jobs. Call Arturo at 224.730.1312. RIDICULE: Does your partner make fun of you alone or in other people’s presence? Organic/free range/grass-fed steers packaged in individual cuts. Delivery to northwest suburbs. 847.754.5760. BLAMING OTHERS: Does your partner blame others for what he/she does or what happens to him/her? Sitter available. Very dependable, flexible hours. Call Aneta at 630.550.7805. Parishioner referral, Anna, 847.361.0655. EXCESSIVELY CRITICAL OF YOU OR YOUR FAMILY: Does your partner say negative things about you or your family? Home daycare. Call parishioner, Diane, at 847.809.2294. If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, you or someone you know may be a victim of domestic violence. PLEASE CALL: • Mary Hoffing, Human Concerns, 847.382.2148 • 24 Hr. Domestic Violence Hotline, 847.697.2380 • Emergencies, 911 Saint Anne will assist through referral and by offering spiritual, emotional and practical support, as possible. Cleaning available. Call Magdelena at 224.730.1312. Infant care in your home. 40 years experience. Ellen, 847.550.1963. Professional furniture moving. Call Anthony at 224.622.0297. Caregiver/driver/companion available. Experienced male parishioner, FT or PT. Parishioner referrals available. Call 847.224.5345. Babysitter available to clean/care for adults. Irma, 847.382.4762. Math tutor, 6th-12th grade. [email protected], 312.545.9297. Architect/parishioner, Joe, 847.738.1812, [email protected]. Handyman available. $15.00/hr. Call Rosolio at 847.382.4762. Reading/writing specialist. [email protected], 847.382.3592. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE - JULY 18TH-19TH Time Presider Mass Coordinators and Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers 5:15 p.m. Fr. Chris Ciastoń S. Doody, G. Marshall D. Brown, R. Farrell, W. Fischer, R. Kane, B. Mirski, E. Trausch, D. Trausch, J. Tuszynski, A. Tuszynski, NOT FILLED (2) S. Koch Lector D. Foster C. Bergmann J. Schroeder Q. Perry M. Purcell 7:15 a.m. Fr. Tom Bishop A. Aquino A. Wirt D. Tyrpin M. Dehn Z. Green D. Sasser C. Van Bergen 9:00 a.m. Fr. Bernie Pietrzak A. Horwath T. Serpento A. Florian T. Quig T. Sneed T. Hoffman 11:00 a.m. Fr. Jack Dewes 5:15 p.m. Fr. Bernie Pietrzak 14 J. Almdale, D. Guarnieri, J. Jagmin, M. Jagmin, L. Meckert, C. Oefelein S. Bishop, B. Bishop C. Crompton, L. DeGrazia, P. Fasano, J. Freda, K. Gillespie, N. Jorgensen, M. Kantarski, L. Koehler, D. Krout, D. Moran, R. Remback, Jan Sibley, Jeff Sibley, C. Slack, D. Slack, K. Tabak, M. Todd, H. Brauch (CLOTW) E. Kendal-Ward, W. Kolasinski K. Brady, V. Brenneman, M. Carens, S. Carlson, R. Diak T. VanRyne J. Kolasinski -Witek, D. Froehlke, C. Galizia, P. Halle, M. Hamill, R. Kemp, D. Kemp, B. Kesler, J. K. Amatangelo M. Welgat Kolasinski Jr., V. Kostecki, J. Morkes, J. Van der Voort, D. VanNest, S. Lenz (CLOTW) J. Daluga W. Fitzpatrick S. Gorman, L. Wolf S. Boutilier, Kim Darch, A. Fosteras, S. Leiding, G. McCauley, M. Michel, C. Miller, N. Miller, J. OʹShea, N. OʹShea Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • J. Harrington S. Roach C. Burns A. Kasch E. Cramer Miah Cramer Our Weekly Intentions REMEMBER OUR SICK Anthony Ament Diane Augustine Phyllis Babbs Troy and Judy Bac Marcy Barr Laura Beck Michael Betlinski Chuck Brennemann Doris Carey Kyle Carey Walt Casten Baby Jack Cerone Sally Connolly Jay Cooper Susan Cross Lucy Cunningham Faye Dargan Margaret and Mario DiLullo John Dunbar Larry Elliott Barb Fateau Louise Fransen Mary Ann Golden Tom Harman Marie Madeleine Hildebrand Karen Jezierski Joseph Kalita Mary Beth Campbell Kovacs John Lenz Pia LoBrayco Elaine Lunn Mike Manczko Donna Mautner Becky McCoy Theresa McCoy Mary McKeirnan Peter Meyer Virginia Miller Stan Moston Doris Mulvihill Robert Murphy Liam Murtaugh Frank Nuebel Eva Nowakowski Richard O’Brien II Mary Lou O’Brien Andrew O’Connell Suzanna Perr Dennis Peters Dick Plenge Laurie Qualls Stephen and Tom Reinhart Peter Reyther Bob Ross Rick Schaschwary Michelle Schmitt Dominic Sesto John Mark Shaw Orville Stein Theresa Stevens Janet Sullivan Keane Sullivan Urban Thobe James Michael Thompson Will Tobias Fr. Fred Tomzik Thomas Towne Miranda Valles Jack Vaughn Kenneth Villamar Roy Wilkes Carol Youkhanna Virginia Zwolinski UPCOMING MARRIAGES II Cyra-Lou Ortega and Michael Nhim Saturday, July 18th, 11:00 a.m. Carolyn Schaefer and Mark Fischer Saturday, July 18th, 3:00 p.m. Laura Pavin and Jacob Connors RECENT BAPTISMS Libby Anne Desmarais (Olivia and Jordan) Catherine Elizabeth McGuire (Maria and Matt) OUR BELOVED DEAD Ted J. Buczynski, husband o f Helen and father of Ted, Jr., Terry and Cindi; Shirley Humphreys, aunt o f Jo e Wo lfe; Robert Schaefges, father o f Debbie Straw n; Robert Soule, husband o f Shirley Juip MASS INTENTIONS Monday, July 13th, Exo d us 1:8-14, 22; Matthew 10:34-11:1 8:15 a.m. (JD) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Tuesday, July 14th, Exo d us 2:1-15a; Matthew 11:20-24 8:15 a.m. (BP) Andy Pietrzak—Bobbie Hixson Wednesday, July 15th, Exo d us 3:1-6, 9-12; Matthew 11:25-27 8:15 a.m. (CC) People of Saint Anne Thursday, July 16th, Exo d us 3:13-20; Matthew 11:28-30 8:15 a.m. (CC) Mike and Lee Lee Filippelli—The Filippelli Family Friday, July 17th, Exo d us 11:10-12:14; Matthew 12:1-8 8:15 a.m. (TB) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Saturday, July 18th, Je re m iah 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mark 6:30-34 5:15 p.m. (CC) Marcia Brown—The Family John Cronin—The Madigan Family Sunday, July 19th, Je re m iah 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mark 6:30-34 7:15 a.m. (TB) People of Saint Anne Jackie Dierbezk—The Burny Family 9:00 a.m. (BP) Marc Weaver—The Family Harold & Betty Johnson, Special Intention—Bob & Maryann Koncz William Stringfellow—Eileen and Dan Wenstrup John Cronin—Barbara and Ronald Siemon Virginia Willey—Pat Zoeller 11:00 a.m. (JD) Chester Zero—Tom and Cathy Faust Alvina Nuebel—The Madeja Family Angela Pierri DiAnna—Angela Thennisch Ron Lutes—John and Laura Hunter Edward H. Allegretti—The Thornton Family Delores Tricoci—Mary Jo Shafer 5:15 p.m. (BP) Alonso Fuentes—The Dasburg Family Sandra DiCecca—Philip DiCecca PARISH EVENTS Monday, July 13th Tuesday, July 14th, St. Kateri Tekakwitha 7:00 p.m. Rosary 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Wednesday, July 15th, St. Bonaventure Thursday, July 16th 9:15 a.m. Young at Heart Field Trip 1:00 p.m. Seniors Coffee and Conversation 5:00 p.m. Community Meal, Lutheran Church of Atonement Friday, July 17th Saturday, July 18th 9:15 a.m. Reconciliation (BP) Sunday, July 19th, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Summer Mission Appeal 1:00 p.m. Parish Baptisms (TB) 7:00 p.m. Session 2 Baptism Preparation Parish office summer hours on Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saint Anne Church • July 12, 2015 • 15 Serving the St. Anne Community with Dignity and Care Traditional Services & Cremation Options Advanced Planning • Monuments • Aftercare We Accept All Prepaid Funeral Arrangements. 149 W. Main Street Barrington, IL 60010 Do You or Someone You Love Dream of a Life Free From The Chains of Family Fun Day! Saturday, July 11th 11:30 - 1:30 30 DAY Drug & Alcohol Addiction ? 777 Lake Zurich Road, Barrington Call today and Realize the Dream of Addiction Free Living (877) 398-9623 • Facepainting • Games • Raffle • Healthy Snacks Consult local health & Wellness Professionals: • Chiropractic • Dentist • Obgyn • Pediatrician M.J. Miller & Co. Fine Jewelry & Gifts We buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware Substance Abuse Treatment Program Includes: • Individualized Treatment • Group & Family Therapy • Relapse Prevention Skills • Equine Therapy • Holistic Healing • Aftercare Program Enjoy a great day outside with your family! Talk with several local health and wellness professionals! 847.277.2990 Jack & Lisa Davenport Funeral Directors / Owners 847.381.3411 at a FREE COME JOIN MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED • Skin Wellness We Build More Than Just Homes, Professional skin care fusing science, natural botanicals, aromatherapy oils and facial massage techniques. Clinical strength ingredients uniquely customized to deliver results. Renee Diak-Witek 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington 118 Wool Street ~ Barrington ~ 847.525.3640 Founder/Licensed Clinical Esthetician • Parishioner DANIEL BONKOWSKI P & R SPARKLING ROOMS House Cleaning Service in Barrington REALTOR 303 E. Main St., Suite 101 847-609-2267 SERVING NORTHWEST SUBURBS SINCE 2006 We Build Relationships. Tom Abbatemarco, Parishioner Parishioner (847) 381-5250 • 847-382-1514 Mention Promo Code SAB for Parishioner Discount Counseling Psychology Individual, Couples, Families, Groups, Adolescents, Addictions, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Loss,Trauma and In Home Senior Visits 400 East Main, Barrington, IL 60010 • Room Additions & Finished Basements • Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling • Hardwood & Tile Flooring • New Siding & Gutters • Replacement Windows • Roofing (all types) • Painting (interior, exterior & faux) • Complete Trim and Drywall Repair • All HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Needs • Residential & Commercial • Many Parishioner References • Licensed, Bonded & Insured 888-261-2178 [email protected] • frozen yogurt - your way 10% OFF W/AD 115 S. Hough St., Barrington 224-655-7687 TOM SERPENTO President & Parishioner (224) 578-1717 FREE ESTIMATES BANNERS • VEHICLE GRAPHICS MAGNETS • TRADE SHOW DISPLAYS 319 W. Northwest Hwy 224-848-4620 ROOFING / SIDING / GUTTERS / REPAIRS Serving the Northwest Suburbs for over 25 years 512064 St Anne Church (D) 847-949-9180 Storm Damage Experts Free Estimates Fully Insured/Licensed/Bonded For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Lake Zurich Palatine 415 S. Buesching Rd. 201 N. Northwest Hwy Douglas R. Ahlgrim 847-540-8871 Will your money last? With a retirement plan it can. John A. Corey, CFP® Financial Advisor 1250 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 302 Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 847.2134 [email protected] Our 2nd Century of Service Roger D. Ahlgrim 847-358-7411 CARPENTER ANGEL ON CALL GUARDIAN Custom Built Cabinets SAFETY MODIFICATIONS FOR YOUR HOME We Help Prevent Falls! 35 Years Experience 847-602-4013 847-382-5908 FREE HOME SAFETY CHECK Remodeling & Repairs FRESH FLOWER MARKET 847-381-7800 888-381-7800 Flowers For All Occasions 122 W. Main St., Barrington Call me today at (847) 847.2134. Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH® Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA. Specializing in Gourmet Bakery and Fine Pastries 710 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington 847-304-8278 Top Buyer of Cars & Trucks Any Condition Hollis Bros. Service SAVE WITH Used Auto Parts Est. 1973 Call 815-338-2800 250 E. Main St., Barrington We’re Between Rt.’s 59 & 14 One Block East of the Metra Rail Road Tracks Open 7 Days to Serve You! Domestic & Foreign Used Auto Sales Service & Repair Specialities Include: Dealer Level Repair Capabilities in Mercedes Benz, BMW & GM Vehicles 847-381-6691 Dave & Steve Hollis Complete Auto Detailing PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. PUSH ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CARPENTRY “Chores By Chip” HANDYMAN SERVICE 847-551-1767 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Cell 224-392-0938 Barrington Area Resident ................... 24/7 HELP ................... Inc. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 A C EM •B H A R D WA R E B A R R• PI N EG T OF N 847-304-4325 ENJAMIN OORE, CABOT STAINS VALSPAR, ACE PAINTS • TORO MOWERS AND SNOWBLOWERS • CRAFTSMAN TOOLS • KEY DUPLICATION • SCREEN AND WINDOW REPAIR • WEBER GRILLS AND ACCESSORIES ROPANE XCHANGE AND ILL • JONATHAN GREEN, SCOTTS AND ACE LAWN CARE PRODUCTS • FRESH WAVE AIR FRESHNERS • BONA FLOOR CARE PRODUCTS • KAMADO JOE GRILLS 906 S. NORTHWEST HWY, BARRINGTON JOHN & NONIE BROWN FAMILY PARISHIONERS SINCE 1989 FERRARI FURNITURE DOCTOR Joseph M. Lucas & Associates, L.L.C. Facelift Repairs & Refinishing AT TO R N E Y S AT L AW 630-253-1090 DON’T THROW AWAY REALTOR Gourmet Specialties Tues-Sat 9-6 Sun 10-3 Closed Mon 847-224-1024 847-438-8330 PARISHIONER 224 W. Main St. Barrington Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Probate Business Law • Personal Injury & General Legal Matters THE STONEGATE CONFERENCE & BANQUET CENTRE 2401 W. Higgins Rd. Hoffman Estates PIG ROASTING 62 N. Old Rand Rd 847-381-8700 [email protected] 847-884-7000 Lake Zurich Parishioner Randy Zimmerman, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Stephanie Romer, A.P.N., W.H.N.P. Hanna Conley, A.P.N., A.N.P. Specialists In Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 27750 W. Hwy 22, Ste 120, Barrington 847-277-0500 Tiger Martial Arts H.R. STEWART, INC. 847-772-1543 Plumbing, Heating & Cooling “Our 30th Year — 2014” 28686 W. NW Hwy. Unit #3, LK Barr. Respect....From The Inside Out! Frank Kopesdy Fine Jewelry & Service 557 N. Hough St. 847-842-8500 Barrington (847) 639-3331 Law Offices of Robert J. Ross Robert J. Ross 30 Years Experience - Wills & Trusts - Business Law - (847) 358-5757 Pa r i s h i o n e r Office in Inverness True Craftsmanship • Flawless Design 847-358-4133 Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. $15.00 Off On Service Call $50.00 Off On New Furnace Or Air Conditioner Not Good W/ Other Offers 500 East N.W. Hwy., Palatine 1244 W. Northwest Highway • Palatine, IL 60067 Koldon Moving & Storage ILL.CC.3844 847-438-3300 Local * Long Distance * Storage 847-359-4500 RETIREMENT It’s Never Too Soon to Plan for Retirement. Need a Well-defined “Exit Strategy”? Already Retired? We Should Talk! Bill Karstenson • [email protected] Belknap Auto Body, Inc. 847-382-9433 Karstenson Financial Services Life Insurance Long Term Care Mutual Funds Variable Annuities Wealth Accumulation Retirement Strategies Since 1994 847-776-0425 27W 982 Commercial Ave., Barrington Bill Karstenson, Registered Representative offering investments through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC 512064 St Anne Church (B) WHERE PRIDE IS A PERSONAL COMMITMENT 847-428-4820 FREE ESTIMATES For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Open 7 Days Deer Park 847-540-0731 Next to Starbucks 2550 Hassell Road (at Barrington Rd.) Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 (847) 752-6444 Parishioner Lake Zurich 847-540-7411 Near TJ Maxx & 847-540-0731 Near Oberweis Dairy Honoring the Family & Cherishing Memories Since 1938 Sales • Service • Rentals Water Softeners • Whole House Filters Reverse Osmosis Systems BBB • Major Credit Cards Accepted 847-381-3792 CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. TUTORING SERVICES READING SPECIALIST Certified Teacher Barton Reading & Spelling System 847-271-7336 Julie Dongoski [email protected] David J. Tabak, OD Optometrist Complete Family Eye Care 530 N. Hough Street #140 Barrington, IL 60010 847-382-2020 Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding Ask for the Parish Discount! Additional Discounts for Senior Citizens 55 Years or Older! 847-253-9181 847-516-0409 935 Rt. 22 Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC. # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee Saint Margaret Sunday Missal WRIGLEYVIEW ROOFTOP PIZZA & SANDWICHES DINE-IN • DELIVERY • CARRY-OUT ALL CUBS GAMES • CONCERTS ALL INCLUSIVE EAT & DRINK 847-381-6740 1050 W. Waveland Ave. 101 W. Northwest Hwy ★ Billy Joel 8/27 ★ Foo Fighters 8/29 ★ Zack Brown 9/11 ★ AC/DC 9/15 Your ad could be in this space! Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch Entrees Dine In • Take Out • Catering Open 6:30 AM-2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for Special Occasions with any event after 3 PM An ideal companion for personal prayer. Just East of Rt. 14 • Plants and Garden Supplies • Containers and Statuary • Home and Garden Accents • Garden Furniture • Pet & Bird Supplies 990 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington • 847-381-5511 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Desktop/Laptop Repair Local Maintenance & Support 922 IL RT 22, FRG • Stone Hill Shpg Ctr Book Bob Psenka Catholic Family Owned Private 847-829-1863 & Corporate Event 773.362.1050 (Front L to R) Dr. Fister Dr. Gitelis Dr. Kogan Dr. Savino (Back L to R) Dr. Stanley Dr. Alpert Dr. Cannestra Dr. Palmer Dr. Seeds Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. • Sports Injury • Arthroscopic surgery • Partial/Total Joint Replacement • Back Pain/Injury • Fracture/Broken Bone Care Anne Groh Beckman, Agent Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.™ CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7 See why State Farm™ insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. 847-382-0050 Great Service, plus discounts of up to 40%. * [email protected] * Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 410 E. Main St., Barrington 512064 St Anne Church (A) • Bone Density Scanning • Digital X-Ray • Casting/Bracing Capabilities • Open MRI • Physical Therapy 847-382-6766 847.364.9070 YOUR PARISH FLORIST 420 W. Northwest Hwy Barrington Barrington • Algonquin • Elgin • Geneva For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Anne Catholic Community 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, Illinois 60010 Parish Office 847.382.5300 847.382.5363 (fax) Monday - Thursday: 9:00 A.M.—5:00 P.M. Fridays during summer: 9:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. Saturday/Sunday: 9:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M. Saint Anne Parish Staff: Pastor Fr. Bernie Pietrzak 847.382.1705 [email protected] Assistant to the Pastor Ms. August Link 847.620.3055 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Fr. Jack Dewes 847.620.3058 Associate Pastors Fr. Tom Bishop 847.620.3060 [email protected] Fr. Chris Ciastoń 847.620.3059 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Michael Beard 847.620.3070 [email protected] Sr. Anna Marie Dressler 847.381.5793 [email protected] Sr. Lauretta Leipzig 847.381.5452 [email protected] Deacon Couples Jim and Ellen Condill Bill and Sueann Karstenson Bob and Sue Powers Director, Liturgy and Music Rory Cooney 847.620.3064 [email protected] Associate Director, Liturgy and Music Georgene Farman 847.620.3066 [email protected] Director, Human Concerns Mary Hoffing 847.382.2148 mhoffi[email protected] Director of Hope Ministries Marie Jochum 847.381.1159 [email protected] Diane Barrett 847.381.5721 Project Hope Office Manager Business and Operations Manager Margaret Buckstaff 847.620.3054 Office Assistant Cathy Faust 847.382.5300 [email protected] Computer Administrator Carol Helmers 847.620.3051 [email protected] Receptionist Carla Stobart 847.382.5300 Marketing, Development and Communications Coordinator Amy Holsworth 847.620.3052 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Sarge Youkhanna 847.620.3078 School Maintenance Dave Rozycki 847.620.3007 Faith Formation and Education 847.756.4051 (fax) Director, Lifelong Faith Formation Mary Jane Kurowski 847.620.3071 [email protected] Faith Formation Coordinator Jeffrey Joseph 847.620.3067 [email protected] Implementation Coordinator Carla Czyzewski 847.620.3069 [email protected] Administrative Assistants Marianne Bondi 847.620.3068 [email protected] Karen Poglitsch 847.620.3072 [email protected] Youth and Young Adult Minister Michael Hugo 847.620.3073 [email protected] Sacraments We believe that the celebration of the sacraments ranks among the most important gifts that we have. We look forward to sharing these celebrations with those who, in some way, are part of our community. Therefore, please note the following: Visitation of the Sick: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or are homebound and would like a visit from a minister of care or a priest, call Mary Hoffing at 847.382.2148. Baptism: Our Baptism ministry is pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. • Two Baptism sessions are required for parents baptizing their 1st child • Parents who have had a Baptism at another Catholic Church and are now wanting to baptize a child at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism • Parents who have already attended Baptism preparation at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism Saint Anne Parish School 319 E. Franklin Street, 847.381.0311 Mrs. Dawn Kapka, Principal [email protected] Donna Cherwin, Office Manager/ Marketing Director [email protected] Sharing Parish Saint Frances of Rome, Cicero, 60804 Fr. Mark Bartosic, Pastor 708.652.2140 Parish Council of Ministries [email protected] 847.620.3057 Bill Graff, Chairp erso n Susan Doody, Worship Co m missio n Mark Karney, Wo rship Co m missio n Christine Jodoin, Faith Formatio n and Ed ucatio n Susan Zaehler, Faith Fo rmatio n and Ed ucatio n Claire Hamilton, Human Co ncerns Com m issio n Donna Nobregas, Co m munity Life Co m missio n Andrea Wirt, Co mm unity Life Co mmissio n Jerry Rodosky, Deanery Rep resentative Jim Condill, Offi ce o f the Pasto r Jim Young, Office of the Pastor Finance Council [email protected] David Wirt, Chairperso n Ron Cobb Sarah Gainer Joe Gurreri JP Hills Andrew Kelleher, Jr. Lisa Koehler Nathan Perry Jack Reinhart School Advisory Board Margaret Graff, Chairperson Kim D’Amore Hayde Federighi Margaret Graff Christine Jodoin Dawn Kapka Colleen Kozak Nathan Perry Denise Peters Tricia Rasmussen Norm Yustin Clarion Bulletin Editor Kerry Miller 630.278.8807 [email protected] Information for setting a Baptism date will be given at the meeting or at the time of the interview. Please call the parish office at 847.382.5300 where all scheduling is done. Marriage: To be married at Saint Anne, your preparation process should begin 7 months to one year prior to your wedding date. Please call the parish office to secure a date as soon as possible. Membership at Saint Anne is not a requirement. We look forward to helping you during this time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. First Eucharist and First Reconciliation: These sacraments are typically celebrated in second grade. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call the Faith Formation and Education office at 847.620.3067 with questions. Confirmation: This sacrament is celebrated in high school. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call the PATHS office at 847.620.3072. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 9:15 a.m. until all are heard or by appointment. Registration: To enter into our faith community, please attend an information/registration session at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Room, followed by the 11:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month, except on holiday weekends when there are no sessions. For further information, call the Rectory office at 847.382.5300. * THE NEXT NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING SESSION AND REGISTRATION WILL BE ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 2ND *
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