Fox Chase Dance Program - the Fox Chase Dance Program website!
Fox Chase Dance Program - the Fox Chase Dance Program website!
Fox Chase Dance Program LOGO ITEMS ON SALE NOW!!! Looking for holiday gift ideas for your dancers? Take advantage and start your shopping early! We have additional t-shirts, hooded sweat shirts and sweat pants on sale! Orders must be received by November 1st to ensure delivery before our holiday break! Please email [email protected] with any questions! Orders Due by November 1st!!! Please make checks or money orders payable to: Fox Chase Advisory Council Orders will be sent home with dancers in class when items arrive, so please let us know if these orders are a surprise for your dancer! Alternate pick-up arrangements can be made Order Form Fox Chase Dance Program Logo Item Sale Item Description Color Qty. Price Name Address Phone Order total: Method of Payment Check Money Order Heat Pressed Name Total: Total: Name to be Heat-Pressed (OPTIONAL) Signature Subtotal