Ge ng Started with the Unidesk Solu on Partner Program
Ge ng Started with the Unidesk Solu on Partner Program
Ge#ng Started with the Unidesk Solu5on Partner Program Copyright © Unidesk Corpora3on The Unidesk Solu3on Partner (USP) program is designed to enable resellers, system integrators, distributors and service providers to bring simplicity and scale to the management of Windows desktops and applica3ons in the cloud. Our goal is to help you accelerate and profit from end user compu3ng transforma3on. The program is your one stop shop for all things Unidesk. • Maximum financial opportunity • Innova3ve technology • Educa3on and training • Support • Teaming for success Welcome to the USP Program ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on • Sales enablement Proven solu3on – 1,000 customers and MicrosoQ partnership. 2. 1 in 3 channel-‐sourced demos close, 10X infrastructure drag. 3. Gartner has validated layering – and Unidesk is the layering leader. 4. Industry’s best support – we won’t let your customers fail. 5. Target any end user compu3ng environment – on-‐premise today, hybrid cloud tomorrow. 5 Reasons to Partner with Unidesk ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on 1. Open Elite Opportunity Registra3on Incen3ve Yes Yes Product/Maintenance Discount Off List Price Yes Yes NFR Licenses for Internal Use Yes Yes Technical Support Yes Yes “Ask the experts” -‐ Yes MDF -‐ 5% Demand Genera3on Programs Yes Yes Case Study / PR / Webinar Programs Yes Yes Lead Distribu3on -‐ Yes Requirements (Must Sa3sfy 2 of 3) Cumula3ve Sales -‐ $250,000 New Customers per Year -‐ 5 Cer3fica3on -‐ 2 UCPs Program At a Glance ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on Unidesk Solu5on Partners Resources designed to help you iden3fy opportuni3es and close business, easily accessed from the partner portal: • Marke3ng Toolkit Product collateral, white papers, eBooks, email campaigns, compe33ve differen3ators, prospec3ng ques3ons and more! • Inbound Leads The Unidesk website pages “Schedule a Demo” and “Request a Trial” drive inbound leads to our partners • Webinar Franchise Program Every Unidesk corporate webinar starring a Unidesk customer creates hundreds of leads. Market our webinars to your own database with custom registra3on URLs, and receive all the leads you drive aQer the event, automa3cally registered to you. • Pizza Webinar Program • eBook Franchise Program Market our industry leading eBooks to your own database with custom registra3on URLs, and receive all the leads you drive automa3cally registered to you. • 1:1 Demos Our Solu3on Architects are ready to demo Unidesk to your prospects • Co-‐Op MDF Program The more Unidesk you sell, the more marke3ng we can do together! Let’s build joint programs to generate more opportuni3es. Sales & Marke3ng Benefits ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on Partner up with Unidesk and another technology partner or a joint customer! Market this co-‐sponsored webinar and receive all leads as well as promote your business We value partners who are commijed to Unidesk and eager to learn more about how to posi3on, sell and deploy our soQware. We encourage all Unidesk Solu3on Partners to become Unidesk Cer3fied Professionals (UCPs). tes3ng program: • Watch the technical videos and read the documenta3on in the Unidesk Learning Center: • When you are ready to become a UCP, take the online test at: Training and Cer3fica3on ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on Becoming a Unidesk Cer3fied Professional is easy via our online, self-‐paced training and Have ques3ons about the program or a customer opportunity? Contact us: [email protected] Ready to become a Unidesk Solu3on Partner? Join the program:‐and-‐technology-‐alliance-‐partners Want to see who is using Unidesk? hjp://‐stories Already a partner? • Access your USP benefits and tools via the partner portal: hjp://‐partner-‐portal • Reach the Unidesk Support team:‐complete-‐care Resource page ©2014 Unidesk Corpora3on • Register a customer opportunity:‐registra3on