KING HENRY VIII PREPARATORY SCHOOL JOB DESCRIPTION Name: Post: Date: September 2015 Learning Support Assistant A. General Responsibilities 1. To be aware and supportive of the School's ethos, its foundation based on Christian principles and the importance of tolerance and understanding between people of different faiths, cultures and backgrounds. 2. To have due regard for the education of all the pupils in the School in accordance with the School's ethos, as laid down in the Staff Handbook, School Prospectus & Website, and the School's curriculum and policy documents. 3. To share in the corporate responsibility for the well-being and discipline of all the pupils in the School with due regard for the requirements laid down in the Staff Code, Discipline Policy, Child Protection Policy and Pastoral Documents. 4. To acknowledge that the staff (both teaching and support personnel) is a team, which co-operates and is supportive of each other to ensure the smooth running and success of the School, and to take a full part in this team. 5. To help in the planning of lessons, working with teachers in accordance with departmental schemes of work and curriculum documents, taking into account the availability and use of suitable teaching materials and resources. 6. To be ready to work within the Learning Support Team under the leadership and guidance of the Head of Learning Support. 7. To be conscious that King Henry VIII Preparatory School is an independent school and, as such, the content, styles and methods of teaching and learning at the School, and the standards expected of both pupils and staff, will be high and traditional in many areas. To seek to employ the very best aspects of modern teaching practice and resources but decisions to change and adapt to these should be based on experienced professional judgement and careful consideration rather than the latest government initiative. To be aware that the curriculum of an independent school should be broader and different in some aspects from that of a maintained school. 8. To be fully versed in and apply the School’s policies relating to marking children’s work, assessment, record keeping and reporting of pupils’ attainment. 9. To participate in the school staff development programme and be prepared to develop professional and personal skills to achieve agreed targets. 10. To keep up-to-date with current educational ideas within Learning Support and in education generally. To disseminate information and knowledge gained as a result of attending courses, lectures, seminars, etc. 11. To do duties in the School according to the rota drawn up by the Senior Manager with responsibility for each campus. 12. To join in with and be supportive of events and activities taking place within the School. 13. To be available each academic year for two Open Mornings (both on Saturday from 9.30 – 12.30) and one Open Evening or its equivalent. 14. To be prepared to follow the Health and Safety policies laid down by Coventry School Foundation and to take a part in the assessment of risks for activities and in areas where the teacher works and might be required to teach or supervise children. B. Duties specific to Learning Support Assistant 1. To assist in a variety of ways in the daily day-to-day running of the School under the direction of the Head of Learning Support/Deputy Head. 2. To assist teachers by working with children in their classes and to liaise with these teachers regarding planning and special needs provision within lessons. 3. To be familiar and keep up-to-date with current legislation and requirements for the care of the children with whom the Learning Support Assistant works. Learning Support Assistants must have detailed knowledge of the IEPs and special reports on the children in their care. 4. To help to ensure that Schemes of Work for the teaching of children in Years 1 - 6 are followed and to be willing to follow teachers’ lesson plans which require teaching of children with special needs or who need support. To contribute and assist, where asked, in reviews and annual updates of programmes of study. 5. To compile and provide information about the progress of children in the assistant’s care in order that detailed up-to-date records are kept. 6. To be available for departmental meetings when required, some of which will take place after school. 7. To attend regular courses relevant to the post (including all school Inset Days) and to provide feedback to other staff in the Learning Support department. 8. To assist teachers generally in their teaching of children as and when required by the Head of Learning Support and or the Deputy Head responsible for the Swallows campus. Line Manager: Head of Learning Support This job description may be amended at any time after discussion, but in any case will be reviewed annually at each appraisal meeting. Signed……………………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………………………………………………………. Signed…………………………………………………………………………….N. M. Lovell (Headmaster) Date………………………………………………………………………………
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