

Think rich, grow rich!
Dear friends,
Month ago a contest for the best story describing your way with KIPI was announced. We could not imagine to get so much
feedback. Unfortunately we can’t publish all you stories in the newspaper but we’re sure each one deserves to be heard. We’ll
publish them in the next issues. If you got something to share, send your story with the pictures attached to
[email protected]
Now we are excited to announce the winners of the contest. These lucky guys will get four smartphones as prizes. We’re looking
forward for their happy photos to publish them. So, here they are
Nazley Jacobs (published in this issue)
Siyabonga Mqutyulwa (published in this issue)
Petrus Sekwane (published in the first issue)
Andrew Mokoena (published in the first issue)
We wish them to fulfill all their dreams and live happy, healthy and wealthy lives with KIPI. Thanks for your stories. We have also
sent R1000 bonus to the every member whose story was published in the first two issues of the newspaper.
You still don’t know what is our KIPI? This is the community of the successful
people who help each other. You help someone from the community and
other members start to help you. KIPI doesn’t have a center where all the
members' money go – all your donations are spread within community
without the middleman – directly from one member to another.
KIPI doesn’t have a company that rules it, the community members are ruling
themselves, thousands of people get to know about the community from
their friends and share financial help among each other
Top dreams fulfilled with the help of community are buy a car, have a trip
with a family, get an education and buy a house. For example you want to
buy a car which costs R30000 but you’ve got on R5000. Donate R5000 today
and you’ll get your car approximately in 12-15 months. Or you want to make
some renovation in your house and it costs R4000. Donate R1000 and you will
get the funds for renovation in approx. 10 months. Thousands of people
already got this. You can be the next if you join. Read the real stories below to
learn how they did it
To become a member you should
Visit the web site
Fill in the registration form (please do not forget to use your “Invite code”. Find your invitation in the bottom of this page).
Add your bank details, on which you will be getting the financial help from other users.
Create your dream following the prompts in your account area.
You can also ask your guide or the person who has given you this newspaper to help you to become a member and create
your dream.
Remember that after doing this you can become a guide and help people to realize their dreams. This is paid. You’re
getting bonuses from each member underneath you. Learn more about this from other KIPI guides.
Want to join?
Use this invite to get your own account. Feel free to contact the guide if you
are facing any problems with registration
Invite code.
Guide name
All the stories are published “as is” with original grammar and
By Siyabonga Mqutyulwa
Dear KIPI, Since i find out about KIPI community my life has
completely changed , I am a South African and a security
officer with wife and 4 kids therefore my salary was not
enough to support my family i was really straggling I
couldn't even manage to build my own house. As I am
telling you now I got my own house and my kids they carry
lunch and some cash every day to school and I also help my
2 younger sisters who are still at school, on top of that I
also helped more than 58 people to change their lives with
this KIPI community . So thanks so so much about this KIPI
community i am always happy in my life now.
My name is Siyabonga Mqutyulwa
by Nthabiseng Grace Mdakane
My name is Nthabiseng Grace Mdakane, My referral code is
338179632 and i knew and heard about KIPI from my
mom's friend and i didn't trust KIPI before because my
mom and i have been sabotaged by financial scams over
the years .my mom is a single parent since my father was
shot as a police man in year 2000. my mom is a loving mom
and caring one but she has struggled to put me and my 2
siblings in school and provide better for us,i was scared for
my future and i thought that after completing grade 12 i
would just find a job and work at retail like most of my
cousins, but little did i know of an opportunity called KIPI.
My mom and i, investigated KIPI and found more
information on it. I got a job that paid little and i decided to
invest R600 as i didn't trust KIPI then i couldn't risk my
money "i thought then" but after a long term investment i
got R 12000, it was not a lot but by than i had decided to
enroll for my National diploma in Analytical Chemistry. I am
proud to say with KIPI i managed to pay my fees and
complete my Diploma, with that i even decided to further
my Btech studies which is still in progress, i now wear my
white lab coat doing what i love in lab and i also managed
to do my car license code C1.
I now trust KIPI now and have invested more money
because it has helped me. Most of my friends have cars
and I do not have a car yet but WOOOOZAAAA 2017!!!!!!! i
will be driving my 2017 polo or even my new car CASH!!
without any installments because i did a good investment.
Today i am a qualified chemists and i am ready for the
future. I would love to win an I
phone or a Samsung galaxy
6 so that i could show it to my
friends and family who thought
KIPI was a waste of time for
someone my age to gamble
with money. I am excited for
the future. i told my boyfriend i
want an expensive wedding and
he told me he earns a little and
can’t afford my dream, and i
told him KIPI is the way to
invest and be patient. I am
excited for my life 5 years from
now because i have plans with
my money. I might be broke in
my pocket for now but in the
near future i shall reap the
eyes couldn't believe what I saw/read.The more I read the
more I was boosting of excitement.
By Amanda Mbonambi
Hi All! I would like to share my story and I hope that it may
inspire most of you not to give up, but to push forward.
I came from a family that was struggling, and things got so
bad that it was hard to have 3 square meals a day
sometimes. As happy as we were as a family, the stress of
financial struggle put a lot of stress on everyone. My mum
has always been the breadwinner as a single parent and she
tried to make sure were had the basic essentials.
Once I finished my tertiary education I got a job and helped
out at home as my mum became unemployed. It was hard,
but I had to step up. I started seeing the same cycle of
financial difficulty coming upon myself and knew that
something had to change. It was not until 2013 when my
mum told me about KIPI and how it works, and I thought it
couldn't possibly be real. I did my research to find out a bit
more about it and I must admit it sounded too good to be
true, although I couldn't find the catch. I tried it just to see
and it quickly grew on me. My mum fulfilled her dream
beginning of this year and is soon so fulfil her next one. As I
write, I am waiting for mine which is due in less than a
month. I'm so excited!!! I am just grateful for this chance of
having my dream fulfilled. The cycle of financial difficulty
has been BROKEN! I am enjoying life to the max knowing
that KIPI is there to help me fulfil my dreams all the way.
Having recently got married, we plan to use some of the
funds to purchase our
first home and secure
a better future for our
very own family. I'm
so grateful for my
mom having told me
about Kipi, I owe it to
her to make it and
enjoy life. I will be
building her a house
soon with it as well. I
thank God for his
everlasting favor and
blessings and for such
an opportunity to
come my way.
Don't give up!
by Nazley Jacobs
Hi, my name is Nazley Jacobs I'm a single mom and
unemployed.One day while looking through a job
opportunity on a social site called "date club" I stumbled
across an advertisement KIPI.
At first I thought nah another one of those trafficking stuff
blah blah blah. Then as luck had it I saw the same ad but
different context got curious straight to google I went.My
Immediately I went into contact with the person who left
the advert.It was not long enough until I got registered
.Super excited about my first dream and eager to have
None of my dreams have matured yet,but the BEST part
was when I discovered my Bonus from Friends.And in less
than 3months overjoyed I could not resist going on a
shopping spree.
I know R500,00 might not sound a lot to some people, but
to me it felt like I've just received a million rand :).
Since I'm expecting my baby soon it was like a dream come
true.The most essentials I needed for baby I could afford to
buy:Baby bath,face cloth,bar of soap,vaseline,baby
comb&brush set,wet wipes and 3packs of disposible
Truelly blessed by just refering 3 people.I'm lookikg forward
to every given Monday & thursdays that's when I check
how my dreams grow.I would recommend this kipi
community to anyone who are serious about making
Really now, what bank or other institute will let your money
grow so quick in such a short/long period and you can start
up with just a R100,00.Kipi keeps me motivated for the
future in the next 3years I will be buying my own house
with the R100 note I donated.
Kipi rocks, even when you unemployed and your future
looks grim. I'm kipified for life.So a big thank you to the
community who keeps making dreams,and helping in
making a brighter future for all kipians.
From a proud kipian, Nazley Jacobs
P.S Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will
take to accomplish it,the time will pass anyway~motto for