
Think rich, grow rich!
Give and it will back to you!
Good day, my name is Petrus Sekwane and I would like
to share my story with you.
God doesn’t intend for us to struggle financially our
entire lives. There are seasons of struggle, however, that
we all go through. Whether we’re just young and naive,
or we’re a bit older and perhaps undisciplined with our
finances, it’s not uncommon for people to find
themselves in financial distress.
I bought myself a car with Kipi money and am actually
thinking of getting married soon with Kipi money. So it
doesn’t matter where you are a t this point in time, or
how old or young you are. The important thing is that
you get started.
It’s a simple fact that those who plan their lives, their
careers, and their finances go further and end up with
more life and wealth than those who don’t. Sounds like
reason enough to me!!! Here are my picture with the
house am building for my mom.
Petrus Sekwane
I’m not one of the wealthiest members of this
community. Well because what we (my girlfriend Priscilla
and I) have been able to achieve is financial FREEDOM.
We have the freedom to do what we want, when we
want, where we want, and how we want. I don’t have to
work if I don’t want to work, since I've been making
dreams each and every month. I love what I do and
choose not to work because my money worked itself.
We have a wonderful life, free from financial stress. We
are debt free. We have a good money coming in from, separate substantial “wealth
investments” providing passive income, and other
savings equivalent to many years worth of living
expenses at our current lifestyle.
You don’t have to be a multimillionaire to be able to do
this. Neither does it mean living so frugally that you
never do anything. We still travel overseas regularly and
haven’t done without anything.
So how did we achieve this on average incomes while
( helped a lot.
But we were more concerned with accumulating wealth
During past years, our community has been helping its members to get financial freedom and fulfill their dreams. Probably you or your
financial freedom before we reached retirement age,
friends have also fulfilled yours dreams and now you have a chance to share your story with the other members. Send it with some photos
being old. My life has changed
a bigtoway
[email protected]
and get a in
get that
published in the next issues.
I've never thought it will and all because of, Kipi helped a lot of people, becasue
we don't have to wake up early in the morning going to
work but we let money work for us.
Want to join?
Read how to get your own account on the next page. Feel free
to contact your guide if you are facing any problems with registration
Invite code
To become a member you need to:
Visit the web site
Fill in the registration form (please do not forget to use your “Invite
code”. You can find it on the first page of this newspaper or use your
own if you have one).
Add your bank details, on which you will be getting the financial help
from other users.
Create your dream following the prompts in your account area.
You can also ask your guide or the person who has given you this
newspaper to help you to become a member and create your dream.
Remember that after doing this you can become a guide and help people
to realize their dreams. This is paid. You’re getting bonuses from each
member underneath you. Learn more about this from other guides.
You still don’t know what is our community?
Hi, my name is Precious Khoza,
First I heard about the project in 2012. I am of those people who
loves taking risks, so I decided to give Kipi a try. I was introduced
to the community project by my friend in 2012.
From the beginning I never had support from any of my friends.
They've always criticized me and said this was a scheme and I
was gonna lose all my money, but I explained to them that Kipi
is more like a self help plan. In 2013 I filled my dream and
bought my first small car, not new, but I loved it. After the
second year all my friends joined the community and are happy
to be able to help each other reach new possibilities and live life
differently. I never thought I will travel overseas and I did and
Now I bought a brand new Hyundai and looking forward to own
my own place soon.
I am very grateful to our community for new friends and new
This is the community of the successful people who help
each other. You help someone from the community and
other members start to help you.
Our community doesn’t have a center where all the
members' money go – all your donations are spread
among the members without the middleman – directly
from one community member to another.
Our community doesn’t have a company that rules it,
the community members are ruling themselves,
thousands of people get to know about the community
form their friends and share financial help among each
Everyone wants to become a guide as soon as possible. Please follow these simple
guidelines to get a good reputation and grow your downline.
Buy a car
Trip with the family
Get education
Renovate house
Buy home appliances
These are most popular
dreams realized with help of
the community. Which the
one is yours? Join and fulfill it
 You have to learn how Kipi works. Read the FAQ carefully. You can download it from
your account. There you’ll find answers to the TOP questions you may be asked in
 Always help members registered underneath you, because you get bonuses from
 Build the communication and stay keep in touch with your downline. You must be
the first who helps. Remember that Support Team gets lots of tickets every day. You
can save much time if you know the answer and trying to sort the problem yourself.
 Get your own dream first. Remember that your invitation code won’t work until your
dream is confirmed (another member confirmed that he had received your funds).
Want to join?
Read how to get your own account on the next page. Feel free
to contact your guide if you are facing any problems with registration
Invite code
Andrew Mokoena
My name is Andrew Mokoena born in 1960, I live in a
previously disadvantaged area Winterveldt situated north
of Pretoria in 1320 Ndaba Stand. I suffered and struggled
for 12 years as I couldn’t provide for my family. My aunt
was the only person who provides us with food.
Each and every day I was praying to God, to help me find a
job, you know how it feels when a man can’t provide for his
family. I was also afraid that if nothing changes I could lose
my wife and children. Sometimes I would go around my
community asking for jobs and some leftovers just for my
children to sleep with something in their stomach.
By that time I didn’t want to see my children suffer, or go
around asking for food, I was afraid they might end up
being on the street.
One day a community member who was a domestic worker
called me and told me that her boss was looking for a
gardener. I swallowed my pride and accepted the job. I
wasn’t earning much because I was working only 3 days a
week. My fears got to me again as I realised that the job
was temporary and I might go back to the same situation
I started saving money from the little that I was paid and I
also started selling sweet on the train on my way to work
and back. Working as a gardener made me realized that
domestic workers were also struggling because they would
sometimes come and borrow money from me. That’s when
an idea struck my mind and I started a company called
Helping people.
I started Helping people company for domestic workers to
loan money from. As they paid me with interest and I would
save the interests, that’s when my savings got better and
better. After 2 years as a gardener my contract ended
because my boss and his family were relocating to another
province and I couldn’t relocate with them. So I stayed
home and start using my savings for my family. When I
realized that my company also go bankrupt and I will lose
all my clients, I started a
tuck shop. The tuck was a success because people were
supporting me as they know where I come from. From the
tuck shop I also helped old people who were getting grants
with grocery credit.
In 2014 a friend of mine was introduced to Kipi by a Kipi
community member and he came to me and told me about
it. I didn’t believe him and told him that his Kipi story was a
scam. Another one also came to me and tell the same story,
I denied. Until early this year I heard people saying Kipi
members were launching at the community hall near where
I stay. I went there but it was too late because the launch
was over. I then went to the internet cafe ask the guy
who works there to help Google for Kipi. He explained the
very same way that my friends did and he was also inspired.
I then asked him to help me join Kipi and he did.
Here is an interesting part, when he ask me about my
dream I was like wait a minute, I know where I come from
and seeing most of the matriculants at home because of
financial problems they cannot further their education.
That’s when I ask the guy from the internet cafe to tell me
what is needed to start a computer school; the guy was
patient with me and explained everything. I said to him in
life I suffered a lot and seeing so many children at home
without education doesn’t sit me well. I told him to put my
dream on Kipi and my dream was “To build a computer
school”. I want to build a computer school that will benefit
my community especially youth and streets kids, because
most companies require computer literacy.
I still have more dreams to Kipi for my community and I
want to help people who are suffering the way I did and I
hope and trust that with Kipi and its community members
my dreams will be fulfilled. Even though I haven’t reached
my withdrawal period I tell my customers about Kipi. Thank
you Kipi for letting me tell my story.
Nonhlanhla Su' Mkhonza
Paulinah Mdluli
This happened to me. I don't
mean to sound cliché but
this is my story. During the
year 2013 I enrolled in a
private tertiary institution
which is mainly based in the
Technology & Programming.
I was filled with joy and life
had new meaning to me.
Finally I.d be studying
towards my dream career. I
was all fired up. I became an
active student which led to
my election as the schools SRC president. I was an A grader,
highly confident and filled with vigor.
In the mist of the first semester I was told that my financial
aid was pulled. Therefore there was no more money for me
carry on studying. I literally saw my life flash by before my
eyes. I felt that my life had no meaning, I felt that life it self
had let me down. Thoughts of suicide ran in my mind. But I
found no courage in pursuing them.
Then on one odd day I came across some lady on facebook
who told me about Kipi. Without a shadow of doubt, I
immediately browsed and gained more knowledge about
the society. Then I invested. At present I’m doing my third
year in Programming and I was able to buy myself a R5000
Acer laptop which
hugely. And that's all
thanks to the society.
It may seem that the
society has not done
very big change in my
life. But I.m greatly
thankful of the seed
of hope it has
planted in me.
I.m only 21 years old this year. Am I too young for success
no? With the society I know that IL have a better future and
i will be able to raise and maintain my future descendants.
Kipi is my key to a better and brighter future. Kipi =
financial freedom & a better future for all.
I was a university drop out when I first heard about kipi, but
like everyone who hasn't seen kipi perform miracles, I had
my doubts, then a friend of mine set me down and
explained everything to me, I took a chance and joined kipi
with last R2000, my Dream was reached and I could go back
to university, thanks to kipi I am going to fulfill my dream of
being a teacher next year. Guys kipi really changed my life
now I can even provide for my kids with kipi money.
It is amazing just how much money you can make, just by
helping other people fulfill their dreams with kipi, you make
great commission, I love it. Thank you kipi team, you guys
are the givers of hope. KIPI rocks!
Mathapelo Mohale
For the past 16 years as a married woman, I had always
wanted to drive my own car. I struggled and did everything
in my power to own one! I joined one pyramid scheme
which drowned in the sea with my R18000.00. I was so hurt
that I nearly died of heart attack! I however told mysef that
it is not the end of the world! Early last year, a friend of
mine introduced me to KIPI and I hesitated to join but I
later joined. Today I happily drive to work with my very
small car which I love so much. I bought it cash. I have
created other dreams and I am willing to let them grow and
be fulfilled at the amount of two million each! I am going to
be a millionaire one day drive a very huge car! Thanks to
Lesego Masimong
KIPI have changed and touched my life in a different way! I
can now afford things that I thought I won’t afford ever.
Thanks to you, I even preach Kipi. Whenever I go and tell
them —
“If you think it’s a scam,but I get paid.
If it’s too good to be true, I get paid.
If you join me, we both get paid.
If you don't join me, I get paid.
Whenever you decide, I get paid :)”
I love KIPI and!
Want to join?
Read how to get your own account on the next page. Feel free
to contact your guide if you are facing any problems with registration
Invite code