24th April 2015 - Plantation Primary School in Halewood


24th April 2015 - Plantation Primary School in Halewood
Plantation Primary School
[email protected]
Telephone 0151 487 5678
twitter account: @PlantationSch
24th April
Welcome to this week’s newsletter
Stage Silver
Poppy Riley,
Oscar Taylor,
Mason Corkill,
Amanique Sandhill, Ava Van
den Boss, Summer Badrock
Year 2:
Lewis Smith,
Finlay Charlton,
Eccleston, Ronnie
Gaunt, Elliot
Brown, Olivia
Gainey, Elayna
Key Stage 2
Star of the Week
Key Stage 1 Star
of the Week:
Year 3:
Miss Booth Class
Year 1:
Award, Estelle
Teagan Cross,
Allanah Ritchie, Sophie Atherton,
Olivia Schofield,
Adam Cassidy,
Alfie Moore, Lucy
Heidi Hulligan
Attendance Winners:
Foundation: Mrs Ekoku: 100%
Key Stage One: Mr Fillis: 100%
Key Stage Two: Mr Sanders: 100%
Year 4:
Kerry Bailey-Coll,
Caitlin Smith,
Corey Rees, Joe
Spencer, Jodie
Sherlock, Joe
Stratulis, Ruby
St Patrick’s
with 804
Year 5:
house points.
Patrycjia Deka,
Laura Hughes,
Byron Mills,
Kieran King, Lucy
Rose, Makenzie
Year 6:
Jack Meehan,
Ethan Cross, Mr
Houghton Class
Award, Mr Brooks
Class Award
Well done
keep up the
good work.
Summer Weather
Now that the nice weather
seems to be with us, I
would like to remind you
of the need for every child
in Key Stages One and
Two to have their own
named water bottle. In
Nursery and Reception,
children do not need a
water bottle as school
provide water for them.
Please ensure that this is
filled with water only - no
juice or other drinks are
allowed and will be replaced with water by the
class teacher. Please be
sun-aware and apply suncream to your children
before school. You may
also send cream in with
your child to apply it
themselves. Sun hats and
sunglasses are allowed
and encouraged during
this term.
Please ensure that your
child wears appropriate
footwear for school.
Black shoes are acceptable, as are sandals. Boots or trainers
are not to be worn.
There must be no
jewellery worn in
school. The only exceptions are small studs for
those with pierced ears,
or a wristwatch. Please
remove any nail-polish
or temporary tattoos
that your child may be
School Clubs
Please note that the following clubs will run from this week:
Football club –
3:30 – 4:30pm
Yr 5/6
School Choir
3:15 – 4:15pm
Year 2 – Year 6
Tag Rugby
SATs Maths Level 5
Wednesday 8:00am – 8:45am
SATs Mental maths
Wed & Thur 3:30 – 4:30
3:15 – 4:30pm
Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15pm
Yr3 and 4
 Drama Club
Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15pm
Year 4 Maths Club
SATs SPAG group
Friday 8:00am – 8:45am
Yr 5 begins
3:30 – 4:15
3.15 – 4.15pm
Yr 6
 SATs Maths Lvl 6
8:00am – 8:45am
(before school) Key Stage 2 Halewood Swimming
Snacks and Packed
We wish to encourage
healthy choices for snack
time. Please be aware of
the school policy for
snacks. In Foundation
Stage and Key Stage
One, children have milk
and fruit provided by
school and do not need to
bring a snack in. In Key
Stage Two, appropriate
snacks include a piece of
fresh fruit, a plain biscuit
or a piece of toast. Please
do not send in chocolate,
crisps or any sugary
snacks. Also, please remember that we are a nut
-free school and snacks
containing nuts are not
allowed. When sending
packed lunches in, it must
be in a named lunchbox,
no carrier bags please.
Key Dates
Year Five Conwy Centre Residential: Wednesday 29th April to Friday 1st May. This trip will take
place during normal school time, however, if there is any delay in returning back on Friday, we
will inform parents through Parent-Mail.
Sponsored Bounce: Friday 8th May
SATs for Year 6 and Year 2 (Year 2 SATs continue over two weeks): Week beginning Monday
11th May
Nursery Open Events: Friday 15th May and Friday 17th July
Assessment Week for all other groups: Week beginning Monday 18th May
Half-Term: Break up 3.15pm Friday 22nd May, returning to school on Monday 8th June.
School Reports: Friday 10th July
Year Six trip to John Moores University: Wednesday 17th June
Year Six trip to Halewood Academy: Wednesday 1st July
Year Four trip to Blue Planet Aquarium: Friday 3rd July
Key Stage Two Celebration of Achievement Evening: 6.30 pm on Monday 13 th July
Key Stage One Celebration of Achievement Afternoon: 2.30pm on Tuesday 14 th July
Parents Evening: Thursday 16th July
Year Six Play: Wednesday 15th July and Thursday 16th July
Break up for Summer: 2pm Friday 24th July
Sporting Events: Echo
Shield Final Winners
A huge congratulations to
the Year Six football team
who beat Holy Rosary to bring home
the 2015 Liverpool
Echo shield; what an
achievement and a
big feather in the cap
for our school. It was a
hard fought first half but
excellent goals from
Reece Loupe and Thomas Myers took us to 2-0
at half time. Things really
took off in the second
half, with Max Dean scoring a free kick from the
half-way line before scoring from a corner. Goals
from Nick Grogan and
Claudio Mecklenburgh
completed a 6-2 win. Well
done to the team – Con-
nor Robson, Ethan Cross,
Thomas Myers, Owen Allen, Corey Allen, Reece
Loupe, Alex Harper, Max
Dean, Claudio Mecklenburgh, Harry Connolly,
Nick Grogan and Ronnie
Walmsley. Please check
out the feature on the
website for The Liverpool
Collecting Children
from School
lect younger siblings as
long as the class teacher
has been notified by letter
away from the railings
and not to talk to people
who are passing on the
public footpath. Please reiterate this message at
home and encourage
There have been increasing numbers of elder siblings turning up after
school to collect children
at the end of the day.
As has been our previous
policy, we are happy for
on occasios, that children
aged 14 and above col-
Children make use of the
school field during the
Summer Term. We have
spoken to the children
about the need to keep
As ever, do not
hesitate to
contact me if
you have any
concerns about
any aspect of
school life.
Have a great
Mr Beattie
Social Media
The school is keen to use
twitter as a means to
communicate with you all.
Our twitter address is:
@PlantationSch. We are
now up to the 200 followers mark.
It is so important to exercise caution with social
media sites. We continue
to receive complaints
from a number of upset
parents and children regarding inappropriate
messages being sent
online. The complaints
include inappropriate text
messages being sent between pupils by mobile
Holiday Club
Easter Holiday club was a great success with
lots of new friendships being forged. Children
enjoyed puppet-making, basketball and football,
as well as creating their own pizzas. The all-day
‘Frozen’ party was a particular highlight!
We are pleased to let you know that the holiday
club will be running again during the next halfterm.
The club will be available from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30
p.m. It starts after the Bank Holiday Monday on
Tuesday 26th May (excluding Saturdays and
Sundays). The cost for a full day will be £20 and
a half day (8 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. or 1 p.m. – 5.30
p.m.) will be £10. Children will need to bring a
packed lunch and a morning and afternoon
snack and drink dependant on the sessions
they will attend.
Please note that the club will not offer breakfast,
lunch or afternoon snack to the children.
If you would like to book a place please contact
the school office as soon as possible as places
are sure to fill up quickly.
phone. Also, we increasingly are experiencing
large scale fallouts between pupils because of
inappropriate messages
being sent via Facebook,
Instagram, PS network,
XBOX live and Oovoo
and similar.
We ask, as parents, that
you discuss this matter
with your child and review
and monitor their use of
such platforms. Technically, our children are not
old enough to be accessing some of these
sites and are not
appreciating the
damage and upset
caused through the
inappropriate use of
A useful document called
Share Aware was produced very recently in
how to go about this. This
can be downloaded from