

Slovak Embassy
Commercial Section
Box 7183
ElmiaSubcontractor 14-17 November2006
Dear sÍt,
It was very mce talking to you today. We are pleased to give you information about Elmia
Subcontractor 2006. As we talked about - also a small information stand good be a very good
beginning for a faÍt participation. The automobile manufacture in your country is of great interest to
our visitors.
Elmia Subcontractor to ok place for the f1rsttime in 1975 and will be arranged for the 23rd time in
2006. The faÍt is the largest international, specialised faÍt for subcontractors to the engineering
industry in Northern Europe. This means that you have to be a supplier to the engineering industry in
order to exhibit on Elmia Subcontractor. The fair takes place annually.
Elmia Subcontractor 2005 had 1,214 exhibiting companies fmm 31 countries - a record.humber.
Compames from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estoma, Finland, France, Germany,
Great BritaÍll, Greece, Hong Kong/China, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuama,
Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden,
Southkorea, Taiwan, Tmkey and USA represented 25,8 % of the exhibiting compames.
The faÍt had 16,057 professional visitors. Elmia Subcontractor is known for its high calibre visitors,
buyers, production managers, quality engineers, managing directors, researchers etc.
As usual, the interest is great. Already during the on-going faÍt last November we received
applications fmm many exhibitors, and many newcomers have also signed up. Usually the fom
exhibition hal}s are fully booked before the summer.
Basic charge inel. invitation and exhibitor cards:
SEK 4,200:Stand rental per sqm.:
SEK 1,640:Catalogue text and on the Internet and product register: SEK 2,000:- / company
You will fmd extensive information
about the faÍt on www.elmia.se/subcontractor
We are at your service for more information.
Jo:as Ilt::oth
Project manager
Encl. Application form, brochure
Elmia AB
Box 6066
SE-550 06 Jónkóping
Tel +4636 152000
Fax +46 36 164692
Postal address
Tel (dír)IPhone
Tel (vxJI Phone
Var vanlig fyll i for att vi ska kunna
behandla din anmalan.
Please, fill in below so that we can
process your application.
(om annan
an utstallande
lir other
than exhibiting
arganisatlons-eller personnummerlVAT
Inkluderar utstallarkort, inbjudningskort och 1 entrébiljett
till LeverantOrstamman2006.
Includes exhibitor cards and invitat/on cards.
Presentation i katalog och pa Internet inkl produktregister.
Avgiften galler per utstallande loretag.
Presentation In catalogueand on the Internet /nc! productreg/ster.
SEK 1.640:- m'
BreddIW/dth, -
X Djup/Depth, -
Medutstallaredebiteraskataloginforande2.000:- (se ovan).
Co-exhibitorsare debited catalogue entry SEK 2,000 (see above).
(enl bif lista)
JA - vi ar intresseradeav att annonserai MAsSKATALOGEN.
YES - we are interested in advertising in the FAIR CATALOGUE.
JA - vi ar intresseradeav ett forslag pa MONTERBYGGNATION.
YES - we are interested in a proposition of STAND-CONSTRUCTION.
(see enclosedlist)
FAX-+4636 16 46 92
Betalningsvillkor:Grundavgiftenlaktureras separat vid order och avdrages ej frlm monterhyran. Hela monterhyran skall vara inbetald senast 60 dagar fore massans oppnande. Darefter betalningsvillkor enligt orderbekraftelse/faktura. Moms tillkommer pa samtliga kostnader. Utstallarfcirsakring: SEK 950:-. Forsakringen tacker skador
enligt fOrsakringsvillkor som bifogas tillsammans med orderbekraftelsen. Forsakringen debiteras med monterhyran.
Terms o, payment: The basic charge will be invoiced separately and will not be deducted from the stand rental. The stand rental is to be paid 60 days prior to the fair.
Therafter terms of payment according to comfirmation of order/invoice. VATis not added. Exhibition insurance: SEK 950:-. Exhibition insurance covers damage as set
our in the insurance terms and conditions sent to you together with conrirmation of order. Exhibition insurance will be debited with the stand rent.
Vi har tagit del av och forbinder oss att folja Allmanna
Bestammelser(se baksidan)som galler mellan Elmia och
Wehave been informedand undertake to comply with
General Conditions (see back of this formY which shall apply
between Elmia AB and the undersigned client.
Behorig bestallares underskrift/Signature or author/sed orderer
Elmia AB. Box 6066, SE-550 06 Jonkoping, Sweden
Tel +46 36 152000, Fax +46 36164692,
Internet: www.elmia.se
VAT No. SE556354241301
BANKGIRO: 5451-1126
Bank: Swedbank. SE-10534 Stockholm, SWIFT address: SWEDSESS
IBAN: SE26 8000 0008 15054491 8035
governingexhibitorsat Elmia'sFairs
1. GENERALThe following general condilions apply over and aboveIhe lerms conlained in Ihe
specifie agreemenlbelweenIhe Exhlbilor and Elmia AB (Elmia) excepl where a eonlrary, express
agreemenl has been reached belweenIhe parties.
9. TRANSPORTAII Iransport of exhibils 10and fram Ihe site is Ihe responsibility of Ihe Exhibitor.
Bulky items lhal cannol readily be Iransported Ihrough the gangwaysmust be broughl in al leasl
one day earlier Ihan the accessdate nolified by Elmia in accordancewilh poinl 8 above.
2. PROCEDUREFORCONCLUDINGTHE AGREEMENTApplicalion for a sland sile al Ihe fair
shall eilher be made on Elmia's offieial Applicalion Form, which shall be signed by Ihe Exhibilor
and senl 10Elmla, or verbally. Applicalions are binding on Ihe Exhibllor unlil accepled or declined by Elmia in wriling. If Ihe applicalion is accepled, a binding agreemenlshall be deemed10
havebeen reachedfor Ihe hire of a sland sile during Ihe fair al Ihe chargespecified by Elmia on
ils OrderConfirmalion. If Ihere is any discrepancy belween Ihe delails given on Ihe Applicalion
Formand Ihose conlained in Ihe Order Confirmalion, Ihe latter shall prevail unless Ihe Exhibilor
lodgesa written objecllon wilhin 14 days of receipl of Ihe OrderConfirmalion. The Exhibilor shall
be enlilled 10cancel Ihe agreemenl only if nolice Ihereof is submltted to Elmia wilhin Ihe same
14-day period. II is assumedIhat Ihe Exhibitor will have receivedIhe OrderConfirmation no later
than four working days after the dale of posling.
10. REMOVALOF EXHIBITSNo exhibils may be removedfram Ihe exhibilion areaon Ihe fair days
withoul special permission fram Elmia.
3. ALLOCATIONOF STANDSITESSland siles will be allocaled by Elmia or an agencyaulhorized
by Elmia for thal purpose.Any objeclion 10Ihe allocated stand sile musl be submitted 10Elmia
no laler Ihan one week after the nolice of allocalion has been senl to Ihe Exhibilor by Elmia.
Failure by Ihe Exhibilor 10 respondwilhin Ihis lime could resull in Ihe objection not being deall
wilh. Elmia (jncluding ils aulhorized agenls) relains the righl 10 allocate a differenl sile for Ihe
sland to lhal specified on the OrderConfirmation, 10changethe size of Ihe stand, 10close exils
or enlrancesto Ihe site of the fair and Ihe exhibilion halls, and 10modify the buildings in any way
thal il deems expedienl in response10special or unforeseencircumslances. The Exhibilor shall
be enlilled 10cancel the stand renlal agreementwllhin one weekof receipl of nolification of such
a change if his inleresls have been umeasonably prejudiced as a result. Notice to cancel the
agreemenl musl be given in wriling.
AI the end of the fair, Ihe Exhibilor musl remove all his exhiblls and property by the date and
lime nolified by Elmla for that fair. If Ihe Exhlbitor fails 10remove his praperty by the specified
lime, Elmia shall be entilled 10 havethe praperty removedal Ihe expenseof Ihe Exhibilor. The
Exhibilor is also liable 10indemnify Elmia for any loss, damageor cosls incurred as a resull of his
fai lure 10removethe praperty.
11. TRADE FAIRCATALOGUEAND INFORMATIONTO THE THIRD PARTYIf a calalogue is issued for Ihe fair, delails of Ihe Exhibltor will be included free of chargeunless olherwisestaled. The
details for inclusion in Ihe calalogue should be submitted to Elmia on Ihe form pravided. The
nature and exlenl of catalogue enlries are delermined by Elmia, and Elmia also hassole responsibilily for delermining Ihe calalogue layout. Elmia shall not be liable for any errors in ar omissions fram the calalogue. The exhibilor allows thal informalion available aboul him be glven 10
Ihe Ihird partyto Ihe exlenl Ihal,can be considered normal for Ihe trade fair induslry.
12. CONDITIONSOF PAYMENTUnlessspecific conditions of paymenl are givenon Elmia'sOrder
Confirmalion, stand rental agreementor invoice, the agreedsland renlal musl be paid in full wilhoutfurther nolice no laler Ihan two monlhs beforeIhe slart of Ihe fair. The regislralion fee, which
is not deduclible from the sland renlal, shall be paid after receipl of Ihe Order Confirmalion and
in accordancewilh Ihe terms slaled Iherein.
Interest will be charged on lale paymenls al the rale allowed under Swedish law.
Exhibitor may nolify Elmia of any co-exhibilors sharingthe sland. The notification musl be made
in wriling onthe form supplied by Elmia. The Main Exhibilor is responsible10Elmia for Ihe observance of Ihe General Condilions by any co-exhibilor. AII chargeswill be invoiced by Elmia 10Ihe
Main Exhibilor, i.e. evenIhose in respecl of co-exhibitors. The Exhibitor may not assignIhe sland
to another,wholly or in part, wilhoul written permission from Elmla.
Access 10 Ihe alloUed sile is condilional on Ihe Exhibilor's having paid Ihe registralion fee and
sland renlal in full by the specified limes.
5. CONSTRUCTIONOF STANDSThe design and conslruclion of the sland are Ihe responsibilily
of Ihe Exhibilor and must be done in accordance wilh Elmia's inslruclions and any lechnical
direclions. If Ihe Exhibilor inlends 10 erecl a Iwo-story stand, plans of Ihe stand logelher wilh
slrength calculations of Ihe slructure musl be submitted 10 Elmia al leasl two monlhs before Ihe
slart of Ihe fair. Elmia is enlilled to chargefor the tolal floor areaof mullislory slands al Ihe same
rale per square meler as quoled for single-slory slands.
-to p!ace items outside the stand area or to obstruct access to fire equipment, emergency exits,
power distribution units or other equipment or systems in the fair complex.
The corporale information, praducts and servicesdisplayed and presenledon Ihe sland musl not
creale a visual or audible nuisance10adjacent slands, nor creale an Impedimenl or hindrance 10
olher exhibilors or communicalions in the exhibilion hall. The Exhibilor musl keep Ihe sland in
the besl possibleorder and carry oul al his own expenseany impravemenlsrequesled by Elmia.
-to store any gases or fIammable liquids or to use a naked fIame in the exhibition area unless special permission has been obtained from both Elmia and the fire authority.
Throughoul Ihe opening hours of Ihe fair, Ihe sland musl be attended by one or more members
of Ihe Exhibitor's slaff and the exhibils musl be on view. AII praducls exhibited musl be fresh
from Ihe faclory and unused, unlessIhey have been producedexclusively as exhibil ilems or for
viewing. The Exhibitor is not permitted 10display any ilems olher Ihan those specified on the
Application Form or in Ihe calalogue enlry.
Elmia relains Ihe righl 10have removedfrom Ihe sland: a) any ilems Ihe exhibiling of whieh or
manner in which Ihey are displayedconlravenesthe provisionsof Ihe Unfair Compelition leglslation; and b) any ilems deemed inappropriale to Ihe fair's programme.
The direcl sale of exhibited goods or servicesfrom the sland is prahibiled wilhoul wrillen per:
mission from Elmia This reslriclion does not apply to trade literature, such as books, magazines
and olher dala media.
6. LIABILITY AND INSURANCEElmia does not accept any duly of care for the Exhibilor's praperty or being transported 10or from Ihe sland. The Exhibilor is therefore advisedto secure Ihe
insurancehe deems necessary.
The Exhibilor is also solely responsibleduring Ihe fair for any loss or injury incurred by him, his
slaff, Elmia ar a Ihird party lhal resulls fram Ihe action of the Exhibilor or anyoneemployed or
hired by him.
7. SAFETYREGULATIONSThe Exhibilor shall not exhibil explosivesor olher praducls deemed
unsuilable by Elmia for safely reasons.Special permission musl be obtained fram Elmia if Ihe
Exhibilor wishes 10use pressurevesselsduring Ihe fair. AII exhibits must conform to Ihe regulation of Ihe relevanl aulhorities and, where required, must havereceivedapproval from Ihe aulhorilies. The Exhibilor is reminded of his legal responsibililies under Ihe legislation on oecupalional
salety and health in respect of machinery exhibiled (see Swedish Board of Occupalional Safely
and Heallh, Chapler 3, 81h §). Elmia disclaims any liability for loss, damage or injury resulling
from Ihe failure of the Exhibilor 10observeIhe regulatlonsor to obtain the requisite appraval. The
Exhibilor shall be held liable for all costs and damageresulling from such failure.
Demonslrationsof machinery emitting high noise levelsor lhal could cause damage10Ihe ground
shall be confined 10Ihe special demonstralion siles designatedby Elmia. The Exhibilor is responslble for resloring Ihe sile to ils original slale.
8. ACCESSTO THE EXHIBITIONSITE Elmia will issue a separale nolice in goodlime before Ihe
slarl of Ihe fair 10inform the Exhibilor of Ihe dale from which he will be granted accessto Ihe
sile. The Exhibilor musl lake possessionof Ihe allotted sland sile no later Ihan 24 hours before
the fair opens. If he fails to do so, Elmia shall have Ihe righl to dispose of Ihe sile. The sland
musl be madereadyno laler Ihan Iwo hoursbeforeIhe fair opens.The Exhibitor shall nol be enlitled 10lake possessionof Ihe allotted site unlil the sland renlal has been paid.
-to displaysigns or publicizein any other wayin the Elmiafaircomplexany exhibitiontaking
place outside the complex.
-to use anything other than Elmia's standard surface treatment on Elmia's walls and other material unless special permission has been given by Elmia.
-to use any decorating materials that are not approved by the fire-'authority.
-to display
ar distribute
any advertising
-to present
travene ar infringe against marketing
Chamber of Commerce.
the area of the stando
ar marketing
law ar the code of practice
on the stand
on advertising
that con-
laid down
by the
-to use the stand ar exhibition comp!ex to promote po!itica! ar other propaganda that does not
have a direct bearing on the Exhibitor's products ar business.
14. WITHDRAWALFROMTHE AGREEMENTIf Ihe Exhibitor wilhdraws from Ihe agreement10
exhibil at the fair wilhoul receiving Ihe appraval of Elmia, he shall be liable to indemnify Elmia
by an amounl corresponding10the agreedregistralion fee and sland renlal for Ihe sland. If notice 10cancel Ihe agreemenl is glven in wriling to Elmia al leasl six months before Ihe opening
date of Ihe fair, Ihe amounl of Ihe indemnily will be reduced by 50% of the sland rental for the
sland. If the agreementis cancelled, Elmia shall be enlilled to disposeof Ihe sile, reallocale the
stand or make any olher arrangemenl10reduce ils loss, regardlessof whelher Ihe Exhibilor has
paid indemnily or Ihe sland renlal.
15. BREACHOF CONTRACTIf Ihe Exhibilor conlravenesor infringes Ihe agreemenlor the associated GeneralCondilions, other Ihan by canceling Ihe agreemenlas specified in polní 14 above,
and does not immedialely reclify the breach after il has been broughl to his aUention, Elmia has
Ihe righl 10exclude Ihe Exhibilor fram Ihe fair whelher il has opened yet or not. The Exhibitor
shall then be liable 10 pay Ihe full stand rental for Ihe sland logelher wilh compensalionfor any
loss or damage incurred by Elmia. As security againsl Ihe discharge of Ihe liabililies of the
Exhibitor, Elmia shall be enlitled 10seizeany of the Exhibilor's praperty inside Ihe exhibilion area.
16. FORCEMAJEURE In Ihe evenl of war, general mobilizalion, action laken by the government
or olher public aulhorities, 10ckoul,slrike aClion, natural disaster,fire or other circumslance beyond Ihe contral of Elmia, Elmia shall be free to cancel Ihe fair or 10poslpone il unlil Ihe lrauble
has ended. If Ihe fair is cancelled, Ihe Exhibllor shall not be entilled 10 oblain a refund of the
sland renlal for Ihe sland bul will instead be given priority over new exhibilors in Ihe allocalion
of sland siles at Ihe nexl slaging of Ihe fair.
If Elmia is forced for reasonsolher than force majeureto cancel or poslpone Ihe fair, the Exhibilor
will automatically be releasedfrom his obligalions under Ihe agreemenland shall be enlilled 10
receive a refund wilhin 20 days of all monies paid to Elmia for stand renlal or olher services.
However,Elmia shall not be liable 10pay Ihe Exhibitor any compensalion for lossesof any kind
arising from Ihe cancellalion or poslponemenl of Ihe fair.
17. SETTLEMENTOF DISPUTES The agreementbetweenElmia and Ihe Exhibilor shall be governed by Swedish law. The place for performanceof the agreemenl is J6nk6ping, Sweden.Any dispute belween the partles shall be decided by a court of law, in Ihe firsl instance being the
J6nk6ping City Court (Trngsratt).Elmia reserves Ihe righl 10 inslilule proceedings againsl the
Exhibilor in a courl of law in Ihe Exhibilór's home counlry.
Elmla, J6nk6ping, Sweden, version 01:01
Elmia AB, Elmiavagen, Box 6066, SE-550 06 JÓNKÓPING,SWEDEN.
Tel: +4636 152000, Fax: (marknad/market) +46 36 164692 (Iedning/management)+46 36 164696
E-mail: [email protected]: www.elmia.seOrg.nr: 556354-2413