IIT¥pH National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270406 i! EVEN DIDN'T IFYOU THE MAKE CEREMONY... ! ; V; ™ A ^THUR^ body I suiciety with potthcne jar, SAT 25 i %- J ? r ^S«S, PRE-c eP A MARCH sofalatiedo record elephant HTTfTmS B A B ^ A si m M J§ 81 cd launch i'lLTftiil H mm iflni J I HBBB inff^ f! i r L ti f WED 5 APRIL tickets hunters ^ the truth sale on NOW ANU ONLY $13.50! ~\ f & collectors & nifty keen type dog J i I ^T7TTTH?EW5?nWlllWllPIIB3Bll^^^^^Tn^i 1 » !) r FRI \ 7 APRIL I Chester l ' J r WED 1 2 APRIL tickets on sale *- NOW dinosaur with l ? magic jr dirt - J '-i 1 WED 1 0 MAY suicidal tickets on sale soon tendencies ^ with downtime J ...DON'T MISS THE BALL. j 1 National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270407 Putting the back irresponsibility into student undergraduate media Cover: A force for personal growth, or a load bollocks? To find Carvan out, Amber age on the line. Photo: Eddie body Missigan new her features regulars 6 firewalk 4 What do rowers asked on New fire, have in Amber Carvan hot some Agers and However, ultimately proved to she did coals, the chance Canberra A surprising take off her common? new to School and She hesitate. not tempting too shoes investigate to Grammar When Woroni go for a like hell. amount. ran students campus stroll 5 0 woman's a While congratulation, battle for basic Sudanese 1 3 Nawal up with spoke behaviour. and 20 Trek Star And Beam have been way of very strange Farrell as life release eveiyone 2 I'm the of the forever 21 smell my the Hamster Snuffy the adventure, in usual brand a not new sad attempts at at sit Andrew Contributing Editors Entertainment Heidi Nogrady John Robens Helen Amber Peter Director of Garth Matt Liz Rasmussen Sean Sexton Nick Printing National Library of Australia Zwar and Bin all O'Brien Shaw Tower James Michelle Dan the Kirsty Goth Piercey Alex Ooi Helen Dellit Hackett Tom for looking us ANU Rosie Robert Kate Bianca Preller Gary Snodgrass Sarah a a know. student On 30 and To the All phone number Students' Association. the criteria U2 Road. bits chunky It available is contributions verification. of relevance, bits. 2487127 on as soon the Woroni in us As via or should We select interest on a for If We're original letters, with an idea, the Bridge, on inclusion Students' ANU student and number in Woroni based Online You Woroni topicality. of woroni_articles@ Woroni, name, those you. up email articles and and come you located to include from office, contributions send neither of the writers. items news columns, from fortnightly are issue users of Woroni, with millions of other computer Mac WWW from the privacy of your networked or PC. Our address worldwide, contact is For more us. http://student.anu.edu.au/Woroni. information, to to the writers of thanks J'or The editors would like Apologies apologise can access the guest chunky contact Or for Collectors, Live and day, ANU by phone Union, have where? so, do Fred Nile and Julian Clary have in common? Thumbs Meanwhile, Up ramns it up the ABC's janus. is can Uncle usual). politicians If Velveteen, campaign articles, You (as plot Hunters good women's feature with entertainment was Fees student.anu.edu.au. on engineered The politicians. What comedy and miscellaneous let trouble genetically student in Woroni The opinions campus. expressed nor of the Students' nor Association, frequently we'd to contribute to Woroni, like to hear Association. McCawley Mellors Peter Perry Matt Bianca CabinBoy Catherine Silkstone Farrell Contributors Mackerras Martin want Alison Dawson Pat Hyslop Yvette you Mathieson Banks Roger Office Bianca Paul Wagner Granny X Victoria Young Thanks to Surend Dayal, Canweb George Dunford Woroni to thank. is the official of the people we've forgotten Throsby Emptier Victoria Baldwin Bits Assistance Michael Simon Gardiner Seumas Office Still on editors Nigel Snoad Chuin Nee Howe Guy Coates Crawford Marshall Nuttall Heidi Peter Peter Kirsty locations the Chunky of the publication Throsby Corin Mandy Ord Work Jessica Stephen Mandy Corin Web Shaw Coates Jessica Mackerras John Askar Letters Nick Publications Nogrady Stephen Pat Student James Hoaclley McPherson Finger Carvan Baldwin Cooney Michelle Cooper Duncan George Dunford Hennessey My Janina Jankowski Baldwin Ff.rrell Kirsty Peter Mathieson Assistance Technical Addison-Smith Hamish Smell Grosinger Walker Darrell Addison-Smith Nogrady Michael Gilla Duncan Taylor Zwar Consultant Photography Still News Features Art Ruddock Editorial Dempster Peter Manager Advertising 26 my face on uncle brains? chat campus 22 watch capers. Double Do thousand twenty Pearl Jam. International why the No Editor-in-chief He Where meet? and faith guest column all that felt Fringe alone. Who would make Vice-Chancellor? action-packed humour. 25 sex another people 21 safe asks why paved is intentions. third smells the fringe the once, was with hamster returns the plus he finger 16 snuffy and beneath For hell to good consumer 25 Bubbles: sunshine blowing swap cards, the fuss? merchandise. road do church 25 the scoops controversial Woroni state's new disease sweetie it over get 1 to. caption competition we're only human with kick butt, rugger butt while grip else gets rat-arsed. down some Then tells burgers. Cappuccino' buggers a 23 24 The wipe us sweat split investigate of the eve some up a some Kirsty the on me much as sparked and phenomenon picture. it's Coates Jessica is none not you the really nasty out? all judge sucks judge greaseball science a list. The Cox. weird Cricketers where infinitives genera hanging action. all-Australian and Cocks inspiring Osman. 23 Day of Action, compulsory course for mammaries the fighting really storm. thanks 20 boldly splitting the rejigged before, late night TV show. motion still trek star Trek Hassan are Boy, letters. agenda Could Still Star world third Ruddock Kirsty rights. activist the in women 20 of self swoon Arts student an doesn't you're a lazy self with wanker worse indulgent career than Fred prospects Many. Congratulations, you're Being a fees a a activist illegal into fall 3 last cooked 19 work feminists western careers mean students, Woroni that National 1 23 on perform. biteback 8000 age thinking down. turn Sports student sweep ANU Union elections, in Empire State biffo, puts the ANU important, quality and Hamish the $8500 audit, paperboy. galore. Shitflinging news Non-students of . [?] latest the mamillaries, whose column Feel angry? Write us a March 28 at 5pm. If it's not here, sweetie. last issue it's appeared under Deadline letter. not for the next the title issue getouer is it Tuesday in. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270408 news Non-students Union Sports sweep elections Mathieson by Michael Cocking and the We Support won the group comfortably Union ? two-thirds and tions, council days' the four of the posi six run tions, but the important general our Cocking, for or The an in controversy, impropri Mackerras of the with was the 'incredibly and Don involve Hardman Jones, and Grounds. Ross of the ainning partisan Officer Returning of the he Hardman that flyer regarding in consult less sive blow tions, and in a to which one masse after fairness were in in no the single to Start oval Court.' that to criticised location also inside that arguing occurred Start's the back Union consequence, who pay many their opportunity 1995 elections Sit over on a three my face: GSF ordinary did dents not For years, Executive Sports Union have vote.' to the were day period. page 22 healthy first their picked them unaccountable for stamps Officers the of hand reducing rubber than knew extent the which to dents The Council a undergraduates. Events of the the the that is boasts that in kick real this grand Like total interest Grounds), lion Half last don't Osmond, in is being responsible interest Since his For David year, Canberra in the being lower to the he competed in the States. United While there, Empire State Building no ond, and received Run, came sec person up the Empire Osmond State the displays Building in trophy February. National Library of Australia he won for being the second now Tower eyeing race complaining off the which Melbourne 'not promises he is $5000 too David a is a win of bit a election. an been immediately powerbro Start change towards 20. years of the goings-on week and At would take a all well of the who activists, withers that issue the out of build importance from the ground up. campaign least been page Fees the won about. was have a Kick and the fuss all the up paraphenalia of the No does die. not the of how spends student Union Sports is money on agenda. Maybe co picking were to But money next year, Ross? real a commitment to for first acid vealed An place. through the stairwell, and this race, State Empire Building race hold with be received up until Nominations need to deal of climbing 1575 stairs. the pain from lac- stair-running secret have created office too to of his improve David abilities, Black bad.' 'a success: Mountain in re 24 12 April been called August for by 4pm for of Institute position of the Arts representative. The elected representative the bad.' also on vacancy in the mem Board of The Faculties. of the newly the 'biffo.' at be held will student a Nominations 'cramming' by election fill bership the at right the 'biffo' as 'not build-up those who want the to competititors a small door described of cycling in that with or just of the Faculties election travel Competitors the exhaustion For Rialto and described of the start their isn't people to can't apathy a ing Can needs of students accompanied David reward material — David David often tic whatsoever. Stairmaster: is as trip campus Union. their one were ticket the Kick election the campus sport cram to to leading start of the 1385 the how stair-running, have has enjoyed York. scale this in In stair you that, understand this on Sports these com Board and New to first in the bunch cash and air stair-runners or byciney s centrepoint David won a October, last sci to kers book simply runner unassuming debut Sydney last running triumphs stairs ANU obvious advised spent? What world. the use Jones reassure they needn't worry is year students the by run the give have dering what Kick Start mil a was way Students institution any Ross herent third half a and commit of the Sports Union in a half of negative campaigning. sport on become 'po- with lot How even (Buildings Jones a no should student stu payment. not from and the others to That's be. do can dollars. Hardman is student, quiet, one of the fastest — and is that spends other people's money has to be a political issue. sug the is should AN U's vertical ence should suffered campaign people Start He (ProViceChan Selth Philip and Don David GSF concerned is Sports bulk. money from the to of cohesion hangers-on question directly their through You As Execu Jones wants. tive Officer of the Sports Union, he numbers a small of amongst group on this campus. empire builders and dollars campus for Sports of zero few weeks past student teeth new Ross that cellor) resist litical'. undergrads thing two has a multimil and draws almost budget Jones a bit Union Sports million a Can of interest. gest by to the in It dollar half money showing start they might berrans, their lack The interest recent of the Sports Union ing attempts by students in the way which that The really well-to-do subsidising was to affairs backroom students of money. a lot spending He reacted lion undergraduate Start Kick plete allocated. decisions. If Support budget. ment. for stu quo. Councils, We microscope a Union it's of status more taking by Gary in that a team while Union, Sports xecution e Rasmussen effectively Sports nothing to good amazing it twenty years for to challenge the the Comment Council execution. find I Frankly, a in but poor theory, outside voter potential dismal wrestle to attempt Sports Union non-students was a engages (right) on. but recent from 'polling in looks of the control Jon Taylor Start's try, en Kick also sport: Kick Jenny Wells, meets Sport candidate, taken be held elec down vote.' team Politics Nice Australian came to Start have have the mas entire the polling students fax around a lobbying conceded Club Union, 'As student way sporting effective training The Kick of a with by had mo Sport group clubs with greater stage Football Kick dealt is indicted was Mackerras Rules The have acts like individuals.' management Start sporting 'At Jones of the ticket of success. Sports should displayed two Start political group student failure bilised arti fax a a concerned William out an a way its area. polling the factor a skills.' Ross Ross photocopies 'These and no to politician.' costs were.prominantly the simply its misleading. was Enlarged a and material stating is sent MacPherson maintenace in are the We Support because Don Hamish are we clubs, in Woroni, that stating published 'David has given his time to running he likes [the because Sports Union] not 'We Kick cle sport, that the Kick against admirable, of Buildings came Jones recently of David Cocking in support worked We of the group claimed of sports' was 'Although he said alleging elections, Sport minded ticket. disappointed' Weinman Jeremy which un of electoral made by William ment by be contacted not ticket. ended elctions Mackerras Jones could 'politicising student. allegations Start held is general, dergraduate to gave comment. Support either the council, on voters group.' Dr Wheeler, Parsons. — executive Neil is position Chris is and the Treasurer No David is elections of the regula thing was the letter support overwhelming Ross President the Vice-President ety Kick group executive the were positions. The with the polling, three whether the to he 'had that ? three up Sport to with candidate a said . After iMcDermid, Support doubts as vote. picked Ian We captur of the elections, ing approximately stated competition,' Mackerras. . Sport 1995 Sports of display - David will 31 1995. the position on Friday must March 1995. For more nominations, Officer on information concerning the Returning second floor of the contact the Chancelry. lot low gear.' http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270409 biteback and Campus ANU ANU happenings membership membership $35. meeting 12pm in the Bridge Manhattan The Flintstones ///(Tuesday Wine the cork the social Jellybabies, cation the is New House, members its Annual 24. The- lo are not aimed simply bikes taking their are on their meeting The 4:30pm. trans venue Also, be held will For 24 March. information, 2674323 or Chris Trickett Ian call Ernst 2674522. on staff at Liversidge welcome. the Meditation presented are Centre the Counselling in at by every Monday Centre at 1pm. classes Chinmoy Sri the its Book Lifeline Friday 24 Albert Hall be Fair Sheet music available line a Office on 1 V_/i 1V_1 at ridiculous 20 will the need were sale on and (purchaser Not you from or Film The the ANU film group additional better their less The to or Secretary being a Nominations pay. the lish Department vacant. in pigeonhole (AD Hope to the Eng be film The ANU weekly Semes rides for Club members from stu new Research from on-campus that first finishing 'there tremist po unionism, have to t-r\ tv-s Club flio uic fViot- c /?=-/=» ijvc iji mi T uiu left On one all their (in The SAGE next Friday March Union Bridge. 24 ' '' '™ groups tends to Uniori meeting in the slash with for East bering student Timor, riots we will dog arid Finally I would gratulations done so quality the and in in the ing about a certain media mogul with stump his to out interest my con of editorial staff work they have his fat, polo a large in his to playing cricket backside adding probably finger men spread of publications. stable too offer from protruding guys, smell pleasant more duty bound have been feel rumours Woroni Watch doesn't good! Labor President, fan mail Youse mob, like Woroni remem Paris to great It I that stu SA campaigns Haiti, a a is to see refreshing journalism emanating back of the Union building. far. However, tion on like the great some from her! Fee. get just up to for and Service Andrew Barr Students Club also squandering futile on to extremist year's from freeing note, approach ideological this money SA an necessary the reject We However, to in and students. and burn stop administration dent believe enough funding of the Liberals. fight big woolly ex correctness, she could Alternatively, her student like of the General expressing worthwhile services ground me. Students Labor provide that campus'. indicate a middle to scenario and 5.30pm at Hmmm... political level Woroni 'middle politics. have the mad Qfn_ oKr»r i^auvji the occupies of student esteemed con us of being accusing servatives and the far right (read Lib eral us of being a Club) accusing 'constant bedfellow of the leftie Hart to the SA cam support against fees, and to take action and a permanent for space parking is Sat of this the issues on position fucker', 9/3/95 — the first worth read ing in 2 years. 1968 Peter Wibberley ? is that suggests are more likely than their between the diminishes two after year. The O-Week Woroni contained Liftout Clubs viewed article an ADFA and entitled various boys' Canberra Brett The article did of objective based largely rience not on of writer statements for apologises have caused. The fact. ? v'' 'Pubs, which re be article one Kr was the Heaven, Luke askew by this Saily With live HP 1 '^^9 Vv 5-8 Schools DANCE CANBERRA may , Matinee ? 29, Smiles DANCE OUT OF LINE Smith. music by 31 30, Kevin At White. March $22, April 1 2pm ? Studio, House $20 Arts members, Centre $16 conc. 995. performance 8 Vis-a-Vis Gorman & 6 2pm April. Bookings April. ? ' ____ V ? confusion and 8pm personal expe and accordingly car of opinion. Woroni any Heaiey, Daffy, Michelle to purport performed Sue Guide nightclubs. j and Choreographed uhb jH | . Fred Secretary) 111111 Clarification I last of tired 'right-wing she should consider a offcam courses The disparity apparently ?? campus would edition last on branded 1968!). and sick is Mai colleages.' groups i the ground first, report. amongst strongly students 'off-campus to withdraw t; to relation as students.' pus ried holds every (Treasurer Sheena Jack Secretary), the society. Bike Shortus paign bikers Mountain Dow Alan were ing resolved building). on Mountain withdraw states rates failure higher !? Victor March on and Sylvia Mutch (Publicity Officers), and Jenny Davies, Maxine Burrell, Bob Fuderer (Committee). The meet a off-campus a in una them woman about cares Penfold Ms perhaps middle face that you are a second. entity bloody If the in therefore are Lea (who the Woroni, the political being letter may them for up equal truly espe who of marginally lower and marginally achievement academic I elected (Administration Low less Narcissus Presi these Treasurer, workload, marks Remember a man Penfold's crucial, stand to date and to is women of the issues totally com I'm me, this year had are evidence some [ Those held was have not and rights to thought the prospering of hu that first that A Study oft he Aca of On-Campus and Off report, Results Campus Students, i AGM and Functions in ? than according demic dent, 4351. better get to likely courses dents, you interested 281 any SAGE ' On-campus students are Buy you The Society are are payments. perform and If a on a 10. positions see students game prestigious Once College a SAGE enjoy people, of pool. the Refec operates can and new Come Braddon. Street, (President), Group basis. membership, come a member, you without on meet Literary to meal. in stall along, drink mu treated Zwar Heidi call ANU and great be a and care child ? ticket tory be three-course scrumptous your there 34 Mort - sic, will a Club, for in enables women. mutations) rides. Saturday regular ? but Club holds Biking ' shitloads non becomes will only of chocolate Mountain ' member). are for of images existed I members ANU room Tickets Wednesday April for members, and $25 The I cially that for beings. believe man if: sexu raped, of contraception, at ground' hand we ? $20 12. handbook there method puL/iiwauwii -?* will a be the biggest crock of shit that I've read in a while. The average punter only need look at the letters page ? on be not value is human the in addressed and thus conditions em intrinsic Handbook women demand to social ware from The them selves Woroni the ANU for of histori as m Society Easter Ball. be held in the Karmel it anorexic litical be educates to be essential would longer force-fed harassed, ally Alison Life Chocoholics Ball no The of the Women's rtn'nlnrr our issues and ? now there the women's for women Dear cents. also h'AiiKlo LI VUUIV' Vliuugll middle Society are /anr\naK i all sticky. are and [sweet] me. education for ployment. These On (Sit saddens 9/3) unique needs due to undervalued position. their dents Tickets I look There purchase. Enquiries 247 0655. Chocoholics hotw CIV 1 we from men respect and recognition have to convince other women safe take place will and records for /nmon W prehensive Sunday 26 March, 10am from daily. from start \Y handbook Woroni sexuality; St, En over Prices women's a a opportunity believe don't still glamour kittens, portrayed housewives whores or witches, and doomed for their expressing books 90,000 pre-loved for sale including books for children, collecters of memorabilia students; and anyone who enjoys a good book. will Tower, you Perhaps books Bargain need My Face, meditation phone 257 8573. quiries Victoria The fact that cally Free holding Friday March 31 is The Meridian on offroad. all and is friends, next for group at Friday Dear competitive, people who workshop 5:30pm at Union in meeting rides maintenance a 28). 9:30am, centre staff picturesque Canberra ANU. Group March on Meeting The on ANU, and Appreciation for 1995 at at Court. like Jellybabies Society General The March gay, bisexual and gendered students ANU Old Junior urday but + Mystery March 24), (Sunday March lesbian, Bacchus pops in further speakers in you are interested human rights, Amnesty is you. The + films Murder (Friday Richard annual $23, Upcoming Manhattan 26), If meetings. supporting for clude: meeting room. be working on the In Sudan campaigns, costs you're first woman and organising letterwriting for Remember, ter will be Amnesty group weekly every Monday at group will donesia and . community International Amnesty The death to it ? Club 3 National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270410 * ^^KPf ^B ..4 ~ * Wf [?] j^V'^SVR '™ w [?] v^H^^^^HPVPrf' mi~i [?] HHr ~ Mr [?] [?] National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270411 of tiying the comfort for and that burnt but I called dance. firewalk — I form want clap, the Having but cartilage, my words. give face of certain witness all can if me of found they but and I do can the Woroni ! could. complexes, which team out. rejected so finished. arrived due I late to here of the hippy and parents, five preliminary lecture the owner, founder talk was very the proverbial We from the famous but long quite really with plete stories their it is, History is of firewalkers, both way are still sonists are at seen still fairs However, chiatrists. with compete the true select a fire and psy her of these can who kings in were Take named stage example an act bars on oysters by goes his coal this wonder his in a Unfortunately, wonderful well done). mouth, his on His he put and tongue. eighteenth exposed was eighteenth a century very fraud so bang of proof. bit Nonetheless, there are cases where who both London, that gency . charlatans, as quacks the his back case, emerged magnet and zanies, of genuine talent. Girardelli arrived in in are Jo Re for the by covering them as well London in National Library of Australia the roof called is as a in Bruce heat SHC apart fires. Firstly, reduced in from the to ordinary body ashes, is not which at over or you'll me and voices. Sucked contem were burn away. I after a but toilet rather fire in mutants could be the floor f I out the to Listen, came at just said time of I I and hugging don't I could took fall had at exercise all wholeheartedly. I this pull firebabe. the top lost completely in smil hugging, age fervour actually relaxation running turns affirmations joined new professional a person and Colin Betty hands, out and vortex that all holding this dignity the into from would one ensuring we shouting By of I de way. the room, clapping our the way my hands, and the firewalk with three, holding 45 minutes next up and down and all (eg me) while respectively, half quit the semblance of Woden atheletic than greater Secondly, the We and had maybe off; lay then sud a down we on went pit. I this can't begin point. 'NO!'. I I to how the glowing saw spotted clescrbe the Woroni terrified pit of coals photographer I be and and a SHC away by headfirst he to off anything to in this SHC called was When which ing. He was intact in burnt ciga burn not is seen from you a into failed make who dead. burn His his blue flames. when water the the stomach a la The Jo Girardelli was using hot shovels to prove a point. SHC cavity. Chabert? body stomach, out stunt it alight; was issued put was not was for except UK, years ago. derelict house, inside already was which fire or house the in some the to got fireman a vagrant an deaths just didn't room fire a the has set to he the was film arts a enough anomalous. he found rec with body else in the fell uncon fierce fire a human a deceased while sleep That destroy as is fire a which fire a 'explained' the went or ventiliated, body. will be into burn often is fuel to coroners; alight. are ordinary room poorly oxygen destroy Often room an the and the intense the furnishings Thirdly, small the in usual in this with where fire that despite furnishings (compare aimed factors run of groups alongside of be in place come The actual the to of three. groups Colin smiling had return sulky my up into fire. on would ing; talk little face the to heat, rette 1973. several the in failed far scious, including Bleak House martial killing Lee are it human officially history, Dickens' five Many people fears greatest fires. lacking there reaction; of death, cause a unit others John Heylmer, not a had else or practise. decided quite fireworks spontaneous While a vent inbred by shirt action every appearance and allegedly but the air alight. for proud There out quickly). oven seems his with it an it burn to one gave myself this who performing For at lovely Betty the firewalk smiling un- was We peak. stage, their of acts pleasing molten oil, boiling but wax, sealing only nature, it by of (he took crowd long and star joint pulled steak equal and opposite an this intact actually from usual setting In a those Ms and was cook Other the ognised claims Girardelli, lead a was emerged to combustion. of trickery were substanti ated. Best known them amongst the Chabert and incomparable no involved and cen as assistant, disgruntled that who It the burns for house pictures of her however stunt That cel was be manner with reports were masterpiece a Amber inside a with generally oven on just take the walk to den revelation could enough England. around are of wood bibliography its I in Cinderella scared. got which hugging also thesis a divided were with placed lightful bang (and my whim a reached type so. hot fabulous: pretty was iron boiled and an no Englishman who France in red-hot tury an Richardson, ebrated but Chabert, as There word we room was Upon cool irresponsible an entering doing combustible. in peek the X-File wowed quickly hot sealing wax by swilling matches. meat, of peo and Italy in having with group from with and watching climb to than at of the AIS. ceilings main we peek piece the pile, on month excited after quick I what single reverse and scepticism back very plative tried share the quite really Sydney fourth a alight, next went were oil, boiling playing hot iron bars, and red Ar none the really Hospital.' We The punters and fetes. at courts seen Valley it during your and professional, tapdancing through the coals. Fireeat to; for around the metre I of wood, of weirdass my freakout spending once interesting the re ing 'lose Blackburn, 1814 not is and amateur ple: feat unprecedented. totally ers Amber's as break the for Keeping Amazing minute was Seminars. of Optima ad with I down Peter point that Gram psychos, sat the were kids young fire finally and Guru There stood We that was to piece conclusion set was pers) because off tense. servants, women. to the Canberra including public over tried tag, slipping decidly was all, team, of only one in kept it all plastered name sticky but air 23 people rowing mar a but couldn't, get lost to signs given The sweat. about tried enormous got my forehead to it the'' I place. the AIS, at my wacked I It a It These life. the 7 upon asked own nature write our a my request to piece in psy of wood 'unhappiness.' on the confusing on be work a sneaky journalistic a people had written Most biting. external confess must I weren't or started given forces symbology. took I 'negativity' I got alight. we but The Australian on then be placed set nail superfluous all negative graaiitous written, like I this on those it and pit eight flesh. of frantic course all we human my leg. crash would Thankfully, clap may well anything!' all had another. is singing the shit nice. into thing 'yes yes yes conquer Think per first one death this know I and fire off got I of gnaw a write of wood long that to later, to hum myself and hour, pieces the litera fact feet is upon them began I bizarre a rid already which told required into erupted room denial) be walking farenheit: frazzle to in would We fire. (and 1000 degrees at burning was tie. relaxed quite the Blackburn Iierr that dodgy about the intensity cho-sociology all jumping death certain to For myself and coals times fact feeling started had previ chant dance, all easier and of the aware sing, Well, I support before anyone love would if talk the exceedingly were across rain him things whom read through I in the ping business. last moral manouevre of flames. don't I I getting the weather, making people became to humiliation utter the for and night karate the- pit about set incentive: be forced a of the because all along My last would ask to again an until if sure in believe sure Yaxley well called I off. piss I not without fire wearing One as; may invited ture what, you Michael I'm to We to overlook decided jeans has started It' answered. across settled I familiar most T-shirt. walk can cancelled myself. ously been four bugger! Well for to have tell was not it's favourite people I my wardrobe of my oldest, most My prayers believe in everything factor newest my rain. ? on wear? After to . hours the big day. What . Oh God, today's As ever, call. Roger the Cabin Boy suggests http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270412 Amber after the event with Michael with the excitement of it all. Above: Professor John Campbell claims firewalking Sceptical can be explained purely by the laws of physics. Right: Another firewalker tries his luck. Left: relaxes flushed I'm way walking, nomenal noise, chanting it This a like that the hairs was to was also cult rified subconscious It is know simply given going was but to suddenly that had I walked then walk. the top shout out before I to just of the my took foot burn.' I don't remember focused, had burned blisters. of my didn't I had finished. the Betty I almost walking but I the trusty My feet I fainted some didn't coals and thought want the the into me a big believe didn't from the. of them to. I like hell that and that had everyone a National Library of Australia to had attempt inside been began I clo bit about it. Firewalking demands at new where to one's reality that create you don't you expectations, a anything in two it I did to was and make a have to where you don't where you remove new live let a vision, to up any anyone place yourself It's be I done Peter big whinge. be that thought, about it told been fire is degree take to that to bad: now I the time write victim of assault out into the you doesn't same a If have that from is have to hot, to your it , the mean that treatment to I was you a your positive the energy face this the you that of abject you know Award all this Guru come Just we really but joined you applause a gath and evening. gagging it's we groups like like felt bullshit it's did people I planet.' evening not guys but anything cheesy Hollywood of the know, more Academy its experiences 'You us sound have end compare were Optima Seminars 8 weeks in for the 6th tact cause nice really even thing to to Michael mnfirewalks Canberra of full April. time Yaxley . approximately The next They are prepared students. on program 2889537 If you 're is to every scheduled offer interested a 50% con . vic a are will though discount burns, someone save with to the way could the to there if have fire you in this did it At said make to indeed together deci 1 remain if into hear. walked that parents be; fear my surprise crappy conscious substance and think, in takes it a but hey a fire life: don't You mean it made step programming. doesn't it hurt feet coals, my maintain still I all bollocks! holics My first avoid of societal day dole in believe and then I hardened most to for only if how turn and life commitment hard very together it. 1000 sion the even hot coals over idea 100% a Blackburn the failed. to moments. ered master have bloody no enough up big achievement. really tim is softened 13 steps about across at know phenomenon have I honest, of positive walk attempts the unconvering at was cheesy, My agers? new of everyday zones terror. be theorists, you, forced I to. sweaty foot the or physicists do I can article The right? the firewalking Thinking team to are investigative All it. small times the comfort self. I something, on tiny affirmation wanted I Again, because positive believed limitations burned, got I hurting were was actually a that matter It could I behind truth power I yet seemed - cynic just after with didn't my feet I To be perfectly People kept down really ful to step four that So, my catcher, or else mustn't I doco at told I two second one wanky first just rush. sat that first my back complaining firewalk. a who of be had actually I at went group one it- that nor lieved me, euphoric, three went and and felt I adrenalin went photographer hurt hug, decided I failed all of the most than for and going for of the arms me. I'd we revelation: a Colin, plunged 3 minutes about 'til right, the only was more down 'I'm bad, nothing them I On that knew Yes!' been I blisters, deep breaths, waiting noise. foot, you of my firewalk, rest the catcher right fell gave time same second than time When' that had piker, and Yes! we'd split intense an feel I — it. at that it ageism. but all every I looked I step that remember staring ing mate the into and three first shit tremble of 'Yes! mantra that me took costs. right close of Betty avoid In my 'very complete a better a done new to hold embers, something all have their describe the all to the burning at having and had completely I being pit, my jerkily, had told time. for me ter testi realise to imagining grabbed I go a gripping there out body began my to to began give into conscious attempt th e right was diffi very the middle. Michael is it is and This track. on alongside, readers hope, and up one when my mission It to being intense so was but fast walked. found I me. the to experience. spiritual' of the both seems in me Woroni you sceptical to for time now and The Lord expected. ran keep them to trying shouting keep them I between I phe and coals body moving minds. most singed, firewalker battle a and than a their to arms, hands but trance, mony got arms the for of the people was Betty point heat harder explain scene is weren't they it, from hugging turning my their lot a clapping and the on hold to a hard, so runner of bit a was There There sudden, a doing it. that Colin of were people of time! waste All this.' believe was Smiling bloody they couldn't I burning. Flies. a do gonna started just what ' 'well, no — thought — Yaxley, alco were a some else. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270413 [?] Ruddock Hassan Kirsty caught up with Nawal Sudanese 'Yed El Marra' women's organisation, International Women's Day during her to visit Aid Abroad Walk her country which Community in especially Women's (literally Canberra to by the in Africa, women civil on Fist) launch to about Against Want, to talk has been devastated of the founder the Osman, and famine war, fundamentalism. Islamic I I awal born was Province of in South northern She has completed Science Social in University of ploma Save for Oxfam United For known, her for some 'Sudan state Kingdom many so the Children Alexandria Egypt, and in is and It and rich appropriate the North in Africa. is made and in 1991 to un the hand general the largest anti-Islam. in the North, tal South. has It a in live to with traditional services is These issue. international need issues be raised to in- their for and millet of health uses are to to a sorghum from the in people 000 urban issues western that and people, a from pressure that many of economic Sudan as nations are have economic heard. However tinues on- af in witness tention condi they the so country very going is They their human voices con rights voices forced or be can disap to of international the existence what the Sudanese dissenting arrested is believe not have to that that these think, I ignore people not some fundamentalism. their important are Therefore can is it the agenda and heard, the taking do I should of empower sations capi been to pear. has harmed whose in west aid and however west the However governments because is Personally, seriously. be raised. to however government criticisms need need personnel. downturn general in even poor, 30, emphasises out Sudanese of these their walk to 'The government Sudan Government by the water have ternationally. have usually to also they doctor one innocent Women the prepa stones. in and land from access grind The pulling fected get instead response many in work agricultural their storage. Often or propaganda, is their crops. shortage 'The in on 13km There areas. by asking 70% of which people, . large work mill, 'Health Sudan. of desert up savannah tropical start about of Africa, of 26 million population to by to about and grinding for remains homeland information general 1985 of crops homes has play in j walk to the and they role a They usually ration Di a in in 1983-4, from in degree Nawal Fund her seemed Sudan. Agriculture and Ireland Australians, it though Sudan: at Netherlands. worked a Darfur j organi- important because and this they j on bring the to at of the world.' What have found you the is best way to put pres| At areas Sudanese nomic conditions and World danese raging and IMF controlled situation is is not by an effectively activities. tions. poverty poor, and most Its poor eco line. caused the British by the left economic alienating and 1950's, since Su gov with in tions many are the poorest National Library of Australia of the poor, al on a of instance for Often, for other the universality handling imposing countries western the Sudanese on of The privilege allegation human their allegations to groups it is to is not third many very have They situation. say in issue rights of certain in kept used coun It complicated. women will your world use affair, is government? United oppressed kinds these but it is an to been given ful many in is and tend rather Therefore than but better government to pressure, the opportunity restrictions. kinds believe to is organisations government the media What organi non-government aware saying. Nations exert through not outside ficult too is are People from cise ment. is best way the government rights consideration 'The sations. na human their without of differences. 'This tries. issue? criticised are in advice your rights cultural and Sudan is standards 1989 fundamentalist relations human war The policies. democratic Islamic civil in the What countries. 'Women sure j been since Government ernment, western the have Bank has been ? below live has t-een that economic its agricultural mainly existing present, on what ' j rural to These not in of restrictions it have work in it have dif still Sudan without are power organisations terms.' practical exist govern found but they criti to on freedom of clis http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270414 [?] of information and 'There the is yet this we had press, When press. different also is not is Sudan? involves only Sudanese, are are all were The par by the appointed have to dis cussions. able are Sometimes security about people government are more ing areas are in believe there has the government So is it not in and Sudan is very hard that to to in centralised the Now Sudan? 'The Can the North SPLA change nally have their they were also agenda is and the and the communist not the they the rebel between is It forces, end war to suit and fighting National Library of Australia the times. to liberate often Origi the in between African civil views find states, have In the reli such because problems. a under in fight Sudanese of the issue this been 18. of the will the people to Sudan or the giving with the has caused some have believe from that I chance this tend to from would Sudan. family Many people In South. the affected have We African years. the east, espe have there There and Kenya Uganda and does problems by refugees nations, and Ethiopia. the Eritrea from in much very states. of environmental problem, dependent of it, and fore problems economic have all Sudan also You it? and firewood. might are been It them. of experience more We houses our is of are out that concern There disappear. actually kinds we built organisations of the some we in region, our replanting wood, as different region, our time, it trees replanting 'In is use not environmental some to con also on in especially and trees, different on be the best a heavily some to is down vote the kind are Central from some cutting the UN. of Sudan's much It whether domestic our some suffered a the place? 'There power. nations. part help of by been is It face? believe referendum a southern solve Many people in over country personally together separate would People I and refugees What we African the drought also war. lost of the war? the conflict from other Chad, Libya during the not result a in refugees especially in have the war.' government south vary. people referendum, war to women the bring one with children using are many my region has that as refugees Khartoum the situation cially in of children use are in family North war. many to fled from although by there lost I in the family of the 'There re Mus the problem. a result a Are war? on cannot want 'This flict. like the be put agree in solve to as the South. a£ driven the is war sides look it you they the SPLA. and factionalised, the are not the conflict also taking determination accept that between and power the North conflict to hard because of Christians North paint self 'The in Both are Does to war civil just really South. become in about us war government The to explain is of this tragedy should you of in war. way also conflict. dem way.' that there to tried of injustice, sharing majority in the factor large majority in other as have 'The meet, some equal the a a gion. mak concerned are have from independence the result is however religions They as war are not are been not lims and there the So far areas. they able are we areas. decision rural concerned, is Khartoum, onstrations. controlling to the However some free are because rural the meet for fighting factors that sources. two politics. our we want, in the especially things, attend to we interested not discuss however issue Khartoum. like discuss sent areas any interested and about guys don't we are the rural in Down to talk but to meet, are they ethnic Generally 'We ings. I now North. 'The many none. the place supposedly the government there there now freedom only the democracy a elected; This government, the of information, of view, points liament in freedom no working are trees. drought from resistant drought time plants destroyed.' involved with Women's Fist ? cussion — what exactly ^ http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270415 optimum them We hope their to is to therefore situation there of the of come generating and have also family en's that problems the by in security water, on circumcision on We are therefore I in order trip to traditionally have not much and high positions. keep to the all | a you if allowed not j student. a The idea where work to they do is | to A way properly. get them to organisations government also are are dressed is is as dress, the office enter You you women housewives empower of Court the High on judges How if head your j to employed. the university enter all the Islamic wearing allowed not are you restrictions put that so hijab, not are you has government the wear government to in power If women the true, to covered. domi male is women for non such face not j restrictions. wom activities not want are tiying There government, not are work to push 'We do also do in a not social political with in Khartoum, have the dress). welfare. what They do woman, We key posts, with other been women's liked. you they if different was It tortured, in especially as (indigenous to free were you j wear j believe if you the hijab. It is they wear the ginz wear before, Now must you are Muslim a I difficult getting j difficult for and women need we to strug- I hard.' gle Are contact especially especially issues. have have women j capacity. women 'Some women chance. a need you some and given have workshops to are yet they education only women enough, not is aware. gender women women's is there portfolios, 'Feminist to generating ten women in the serious rights. income my on women. ministers to literacy. have discussions a making the of' is do Women who women hygiene, and travel. 'This I lives. needed are out are 'Having dairy time. to I j of those project time Sudan he they said to authorise to Sudan of decision four ever, allow where visa society. the level is growing, from women's main of the needs to food a also exit an instead say that get my brother to from way and f attitudes towards changing circumci- female j sion? or ' 'One faces long this', to relative a 'Unfortunately, task. easy addressed being happen we an not vegetable female and is programs the media growth Islamic according educational Through get change in organisation is bank- planning, had is do cannot male a issues. to 'I nated the include droughts to in order the. Sudan this projects, cereal political them in issues These and said society. and poverty,- combat our women major issue projects, including mobilise in 'Empowering involved. issues, and combat Sudan in women Our in 1988. which Khartoum, organisation women empower discuss to fundamentalism One non-governmental of Sudanese group goal get a is ; by a j Fist ; 'Women's founded with than doing ease women's them a with erated in Non-governmental rica, in rica, and and This not only is work them fully op techni as of the is We but this standard in Af; ated with peace in Af Egypt up to the rural one of the lead hope that will get depends to go of in Su The practice fact daughters. from although the However the law 'Non-government dan? eradicate to ing tion. do We relation that true practice there Generally religion. Of my generation below But in 30's, generation my work- we [ in respected It j not is j with the Muslim awareness of j educa- men. religious all all. where are much is our ours j by at through associated is prac- are women, views and issues, tend forbidden mainly whose towns enforced like for than widely was it from towns near been not practice, Sudan has been 1950's has doctors, this the living It of workshops health to to in organisations the lots along bring those region, their associ been came widespread more In my areas. circumcise law. women in has circumcision civilisation. is It tised, money.' on of literacy chance a to female Sudan, 'In met the in business, organisation our Conference, What in be fully to the have and women Conference. Women's neighbours to in women exchange organisations discuss to Senegal Beijing but provides mill they rather millet, does areas enables the in information ! with. This technology. operators. These women mill these themselves; women and Aid Abroad. sorghum The grinding workloads to ganisations providing grind by hand. access by cians to place it being we * area of Community cooperative a as who Africa, ' the support in are j run Milebeda, others . with mills and raising. circumcised. are us - j grinding built in mill j the than more cir not are ? cumcised.' 60% | such Against organisation 'I If am need we travel. talk to It the hope I I have women. in it needs Sudan, of that as will we can the women that long will I as are keep free 1 am This and powerful very do something. to the around travel still j trust I them. for j j as work to your solidarity difficulties, think chance a change like good is our Because would I women. and given any women. going despite on to the of and you can keep going? to because make to and women is it from come motivated stay sure how conditions, the only is got.' Above: control of the ginning to to gain the sort in Sudan? 'When with result, areas later male security affected in get fice and exit an to from to 'anti- a questioned were I get and with an by has this this yet this time a whole lots of letters. exit had visa. he no and said I was 'About not often week It National Library of Australia to from of to authorising had to take get me They bring a to my father this but illiterate, and left schools have needs still not to Sudan, en's wear that through our literacy rights, including the hijab. Is this 1956, also are there was universities grown, but in much every mills more in has just widespread flogging in was Abroad will one only be made.' to documents in there Now Amnesty International to Nawal ' 's Sunday in Sudan. progress letter were are women change to the British university state 5 me go working are 'When the hardest to 80% of Sudanese programs. travelled going used had even in difficult, was objections. I more have I patience. spent saying he becoming is Africa, with my father Australia satisfied and visa. office, minutes 'com- and we Sudan struggle Europe of being us however police, problems some agency' style the organisa work. our 'Working volving faced we Some. people and influ more women's a They accused organisation'. forces have communities.' face 'western a Nawal Hassan Osman of the Right: After the success Milebada mill, another is under construction at Sinjewa. Photos of Graham Romanes/ courtesy Horizons magazine. be are beginning are and began, the government. markets mill, women of their of difficulties the project munists', to a leadership What tion As in the these develop. respect in ence Around mill. Walk 26th a report of violations of women, who on wom do to Against Want, March go to support and other Sudan, Shepparton, released Australia A broad on 1 995. an Victoria. 257 ivbich All funds the establish education and promote projects of run of by more by the a on walk grinding Women Centre Community contact 44 72 to gel hold happening Resource Aboriginal So is raised ment Aid Community 's Fist in. Aid sponsor book and get walking! not correct? http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270416 Why is this android looking so happy? Is it because he has found another convert to the freaky cult of [?] novels 'Space, you don't for been you know hard-core last fan, run screaming in it's mentioned, it as a simple tions. our spin woman pictures unlikely off that series of seven board: interviews: the last movies, jessica kirsty month, to started nal pilot, argu up by countless coates to sold network, network Even before the Star as spin a $40 off million series in cannot sev of end The so the was due to never the origi picked concept proceeded last bad probably two ratings. the was to and pro bit a As for best described of the popularity be disputed, popu The popular. then only it it's mind-blowingly rather which then, movie, flop. must the with the at 1966, but being axed Trek so always parent seasons first Star Trek in America series. And worse. shown another a get videos, cos com (Paramount Australia in models, cups, the bank). to wasn't it starters, its to duce only makes coffee clock-radios even merchandising figurines, t-shirts, opening can So, what For genera farrell it posters, the way all movie lar? managed two enth moment .What has lead a who many the you've Star Trek. a and games the mention to magazines, be dancing have you're the direction dynasty series, of one television on / or has become cult largest where heading, years? Whether Trekker, weekly Three thirty is puter that's the opposite the hype that the ably National Library of Australia the or avoid where not boardgames, tumes, frontier...' If and spoofs, comics, — the final most current popular http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270417 for few Trek: The its seven all The the '68 dent to are say to willing it, up as any well at 4:00 watch to This am. Trek ers. has It the almost There's fan for has ex half the world can rational of William Series a 'get the is this Shatner, in said (OS), should a re life'. discussions theological it, land: original television were they should can show we Then statement. around without woman. Sure, you'd born there his keep shirt Kirk's on ever nothing Still, and risque, me, those of a the aliens 'How much fashion rating?' habit of running up available picking came really beds. quite PG our when separate all kind It's was expect time (and believe and tights. and a the lack hardly in in slept big or entirely considered lightly) and in leotards today. one Baywatch, series, uniforms used shows there's almost is probably be at couples the women's Trek days sex series. right Star popular look Yet Trek in the for Just got something dedication. enlightened sex. dynasty. married word such death) recent his of this ma chismo. to as these Star with have must Star Roddenberry, and (until creator inspire in much even have and Gene the formulae TV the see sexy ex workings drive warp a to to Hills Beverly flesh even the exactly plain in a;nd Some these people seller women on paraphenalia. face Star millions spend Let's what way for conventions Trek think may Even far. Trekkers producer, follows hardly Actually, grannies. travel Nfing in clubs one even clusively around follow Donovan Jason Hundreds Star its more fans. the would It in than of fans its it. inspires two check kidding, most Original Trek's its dedication religious the that stu wins is bit little in not even evertheless, buildings. TNG mainly because hour just Kirk interview cent (I'm 'Q' series scale network it a literally large worse: gotten taking When cult. only but on each week to is not was marched it's fail stay Trek character Some, maybe Internet). Captain of the original and petitions, but do just probably Star network actually the Tuesday battleground. ratings describe letters without timeslot hardly of the tions rating the last for in Australia the cancellation with protests hate in a to (TNG) Nevertheless, shown television swamped I word real announced they in timeslot, pm Generation seasons. been it's years 11:00 Next Even characters bate implica in the decade this, have would of sexual remained probably exploitation, TNG chaste celi remarkably be a better word. Seven — well — Star — ^ years Left: 'One day, all this will be real estate': Commander Data checks out his investment in the upcoming movie Generations. portfolio Kirk's machismo Right: Captain, my Captain: meets Picard's Sean Connery impression. sultry Facts Impress your ? ; When Captain Shatner) (William Kirk who (Nichelle to kissed in Trek it the was kiss American ? Only Nichols) episode of an interracial first character one the OS pilot episode remained — most Trek recently the role revive VII because produced television, series of Star album, from in the Dr Spock, ? a the main An entirely guage, National Library of Australia created refused movies Star he wasn't Klingon, in stars. available lan was Trivia! the Star Trek offers entirely Elizabeth Stephen appeared Leonard , in is this Right: Hut. Is this (a) Spock (b) a Klingon (c) steroid casualty? Klingon. a Taylor, Lloyd, actually and Hawkings have in ? English what spaceship? foreign Pizza is Above: be to a Whoopi Goldberg are by correspond The only in Christopher ence. ? ever filmed ? a this courses advertisement language is for The language degree language and conversational Klingon 1 your and TNG, university songs new for TreH with grammar complete and syntax. One Ameri can once Christmas including all Nimoy, in being paid enough. ? The cast of TNG ever on from first with by Leonard played and Uhura OS friends knowledge vast Star about . Fun the original Star station. all Trek. visited a space The astronauts asked him for his auto graph. Nimoy, Spock series, has http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270418 than less counters ien). what few every tion Riker but element, mitment. This their But with who its all views, do has still useful young, the rity, a If and it the isn't - — and arguably easily solutions a just all, popular most relevant cially and gion be found rather look sixties Once again get this some effects get and what's Trek the and you mon good — dictable — rational more behind you most Trek the whole holds Not can an Beverly only can another enter answer interesting lies in optimism. its environmental apocalypses we're tainly all enter is In around just a well lot and Troy. character? such silky thighs, zling intellect I'm sure brown hair, tracts of land, huge... and she's tuned into the uni comparable It's this in Mod to respect. would many trekkies know. I ters eyes, a daz Trek? totally. with disagree there. Yes, she has dark tall, Inc. you that? Star yes, els relate Sex lar. But often is the way in each to the charac it's other, simi quite implied. consciousness. versal there some sort sex of that appeal sur a the over and the corner, . person's that Star as of intellectually of appeal. duties of a of evolved entire that unaware In fact I am I life. am on That's still your duties? are work is done? never is that The work the exactly aboard the on Well, Star Trek? Imperial keep the galaxy together? No, I must plead ignorance. to fill the a it's opportunists we've as done a Could you give we are, better me there died, we must I was a admit, stepped but in, mother. a chotherapist ing in sand' the is Well, feels universe. one They are they prise are statement a this is towards 'Heaven how every every in jiving a grain psy be of we think here. issues in Star Trek something is a can we true, we state This to you, questions or not, motto. your be able Internet, you. under their Star Trek, In there's the tel all ten a psychoanalyst and thinks My job who ple at bay. unreality Jike even in analyst. phe your role on the Enterprise? of the Truth. I'm respon believe in it. people to actually be a serious clinical problem for can sucked is he really to make sure are sucked fantasy without in can is a gets psycho that peo continue in serious suffering that you and whether doubt can Enterprise is that are you whether about then it is is it a I truth no ex axy. like job in actually just to you. that of Hitchhiker's Which is you mean by fantasy. The is just the Star Trek series a was very simple. Guide the Gal to My true. all I completely have to know the just truth. as linger sex, real. I What's ask something absolutely is off spin that the fantasy Depends what All is You the truth truths are for you? indivisible. Do you have any hobbies? I our the on the not book, probably Macintosh near a new Victor. Officer where doubt you change your state, and just as enjoyable sex, so a You'll on series, dency So If assure kind. soon for keeping important some of the having writing damage. to that is black little Enterprise electronic what's I'm the evision the free Claus-type istence. true a people to you bridge ing as peo and employees. real Santa a I'm Trek be online will 'Scotty', kind of peo the Starship Enter on book. an it this thing? 'Star fashioned read What's that. Thankyou. the are getting There is now It's sible Klingons, disgruntled talking we're Truth'. Thankyou here? nomenon I in it unamendable are be are by They to there hate most Klingons psychotherapy. ple who want think of to but often influenced are thing imagination. are of policy of your 'better job than God'? and you can Well, you've got a mother, feel how it must feel probably instinctively be who the like ask my permis before your right alt.trekkie. understand I would show, ple or job. a bit life who ex [Victor being beamed moment's no religions. show to you. could to me. television Are the people And, vacuum. all a even disappear see called It from ' Starship the Corps. You know, the who Corps of Psychotherapists, God de we do you see yourself in the whole scheme of things? You seem to live the whole experience, it seems much more than are moment by Zen; 'trekkie people the very doctrines our television know and love influenced are same. the we to book, to How You know multifarious. are just at why you your neck? eyes.'] like old Zen. very We duty aboard the Star psychotherapist But I'm known among my ship Enterprise. to the stars. peers as the psychotherapist Who are your peers? Are they all the char to National Library of Australia and fulfilling of my crew. crew. I'm rush cer the was most a mem mean the ship TV remote-type That's my new Enterprise? Well, in which it psychotherapist a No, they Star you were Trek Enterprise will I very stuff. that psychotherapist acters the of fears future sion; rive speak. What You're Terminator-like a . life, perhaps full a all strange experience woman's a . of escap power is scoop.' hoax, but around standby. won't 'They a get on could aboard tice: to this some are we My com Isn't realm age as ' most chance am I that this back we Enterprise, means plains do with to got something an aerobie wearing This two by information insider Star apparently member of the a special going such the that You Wow. shows But wonderful pre And another do at some boom? the are approached understand I ber of the original Yes was. And responses Has this suspects to the physical, intellectual and emo that you have ordinarily. ail tional of the anyway Victor, read get the escapism. this the you great have I'd and you this Look course, universe. disaster alive, holds you Dianna live why of 'boldly in Farrell Kirsty crack. on Have television Hills my Is special 'Great, listens we question, lately? is advantage and the plotlines, answer likely claiming the crew thought were they makes and you Of that attracts Trek was I attraction picture! most Baywatch ism. the then answers. characters, constant in She's following? Woroni people about could issues which answers reli When Of course, the Internet on about Star it same Deep Space Ask Trekkers weird so or The of rednecks to show? really any of the stuff of the return we people watch back bunch a card Data And Yes, Trekkies Talk (D at a on angle moral correctness iike Some action no popular discussed. age of political an can than Why is room. is huge cult a size life each other. rounds won members crew Without absolute an of Commander cutout dining What into trekkie? a and the portrays that she your favourite a doubt. Is be to I board breakthroughs, of science. but trekkie, be more homosexuality and well, as far ) yourself it relationships have with Hmm. Not Lyon: But no. do have a Stephen occasional involve less philosphical Jn OS preached, late the slightly Such 9 series. is Do you consider that ideals derful B current cannot the is ordinary as the up the colony. in the world place be said for can such issue its solve The the misunderstood blow of the worry then of TNG episodes out slightly Trekkies Talk ( (obviously But TNG for work Oh, and Kirk up. helping won't it popular officers, scientific negotiations, secu problem, meet there correct so formula popularity Sure, jellyfish of the of Trek maybe somewhere. greater of characters main could something there powerful, head Star few security a of many Please!!! standard a politically diplomatic in kill cerebral the makes explained. but battle, space to in a woman Tasha, This by blowing gets lost can you while wonderful, Americans) problem, problem the stuck it with popular about the action. it's And of one attractive are that sex moralism Every and among TNG, minded open women. counselor. a of will, Bible-belt men. we women only the OS so since doctor perhaps the characters women the the mili kidding? and its fic com anal retentive we're thin about say that the incidental are look Just relatively hardly in at a strength their just think roots makes their correct its allusions', the pulp for really al that be reflecting to en never with tidbit a even we we course, room that politically of America. them or sexual of 'romantic the crew, of duty, sense ness. that be said of (of plenty nothing could dedication tary in there's episodes of space regions confirmable crew did been there's Sure, dozen the main among find did half a — and the nether charting — spaceship — a on like masturbation. . . photography. . . http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270419 smelMlnger of the front feine In they who window funny What I pleasant on mean aid that Chaplin in Typie So punters, of the Union releases plans for new 'admin' weren't computers ANU. . . directed so odd What isn't of things, UCan Amoeba Institute announces winner of University judged 'overqualifled' of Technology National Library of Australia for Medal it? 1 comes do you Apparently but like Then if room with But of a said smell aside of bit a reckon I, 'retention rates bums on enrol in get from in it? the money from dur aver your Ask yourself, the quality little puerile A big goes fat to ex nothing a wide journalism the f| four of huh?) and got buffs having exciting word tell me test what the with twice it sug heard family is . your even his because (?!), stronger hell computer of commentary can you I I can out there at has a alot FUCK the a Q!), your idea scrabble of this thought but re of mile (cool hear you F and FUQUA get in typed Now . (it to in social FUQUA do it Sorbent. function, orgasms new back languishing As a final gen raise to I it does computer clothing, paper than Il decorate the as copies intelligent it. it Read statement or toilet when spellcheck out read a covers adhesive Woroni. it. off hang trivial you've as it friendly can any means? it Letters I the ?very had the first Yours time.' good I but attractive, the cartoon range exhib Woroni, recently for this I use sort;to page home: to make sent the got perhaps but of what question little to the Dear why Biology? trumps up it being for key a fall and the ^ have closer after who more one subversive in lectures seats, enough of Stick a it's, to kicking sphincter,, here? -university see alternative interesting for in already SA president our cheap (summer) for So punters, have a' the .front it use should a little want you bloke a and police who people are out occupations. you thing personally amorphous really, by imperative damn members they now ^socially times bods). the by up rather* believe even personally why people' GSF also 'a politics. beloved doesn't many ercise. some Sex'puts age student do Do1 about the year. get sci all Watch you specialists team end come the ANC is swat a, 'worn' gests option Well, beat have up another up ya message ing ANUS. let's .the the option peruse SAS audit to by s essav you from saves the non-pol for That vour spelun? and the link? in -A - Xjl 5billion you bade it, in what. see j tad intelligent? brings army board and into to yet journalists Ex occupation really int: spellcheck? PC. One such What's influence controlling h a on have I rag, investigative formed loony a this in Chancelry. spellcheck. and yet termunaly demos, element Which word students at bloody be to words tells Film, Congress ANC, ANU commie the all friendly why? (unofficially) 18 building for your the growing here's know you real a National (African this: ANU, spellcheck by presented Sports not is Aren't weird was' their ited erates of Silent screwed getting with the caf bet. checks The Phonetics Too potential around- is that the, do? Well cool? You girls? buddy you can fuck people Sound have they sill, So what boring: your factor. some you're SREM big a boys and and, unless what ate become to bitch a are, just the starts assignments, right Contents assist and by rolls midnight mac, FOR FUM AMD PROFIT — Finger CW€CKIN6 — SPtLL really sincerely, found I'm fortune to see the colours not sure what your on publication the back page the 'message in was. . _ Ros Kelly 24 Canberra 98 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270420 T/ic JTlAveniurcs of ij the with Date Irving's System Legal the voice of reason with Brigadier-Colonel I Spanky Mclntyre Dear Spanky, As I am a morally and politically member of the ACT Green ing duck-shooting ' I , to run plan to learn You ; natural the learn pub don't mix? just thing tusks, and js headed ,400 'weighs owners environment don't barrel- both impend workshops for gun of, really think swill lefty mix?' Well; have a at shotgun that quick-smait that the the general fauna natural our and giins down boar? You'd will marijuana-smffirig fauna stared ever asset an impractical/ natural that - and open-learning what about When season. that guns realise lic concerned I am Party, mix, with guns has kilograms, you -a.wild any fearsome two * don't wild .-a I a and young has just up child the Army should in our? cooking Is the soldiers hide. I and out them been with the ing with And Pension layabout surrender subsequent- In and while save by bare .hands, gup days. real us your playing like-minded met out, my to for of hon these to first club a Joke Me oily with people, Off the risk despite the by skull-fucking' with - Stroogs Spanky, I would :- you and dying enemy. Dear all doing origami war went I and capture be like meeting yourselves fighting phone. killed phone of today for get my Veterans' didn't cellular would it of patriotism? call you of the rest were what have day you'd spend damper. opportunities think and damper, conservative too whatever or of meeting -and cellular the Army this of you? And No, far pies, eager to cook you that to do expeditions? people? the likes Do my briefcase Camping, minded am my business my absence. to take such on learning that many I figure bonus how banker I did so I the added with worried suffer possible of You away. merchant be vety different. not lam ' a and duck? a Reserve. Army withmy father, people and However, might a outdoors, like-minded my duck a the'mother mobile to the as trips me And spuds. by and blow upwardly joined camping something ? headbutted back out loye betweeri Spanky, am who - take them to Dear ' been ever pig have for your difference a like recently excited very- to thank in the rock Canberra. to attend band My teenage concert a Pearl f by some am What do you for play- Blanched children X'. 'Generation Where of , to do ? this' to enjoy in It is that young great some good clean you going fun, adults just have likel Where makes in blazes- any sense are* to any man on in National Library of Australia about? trousers. \ - What's ? a the a paddock no legs? difference of bulls full 1 - bettveen sow? One with dog * of None a it. left What do you call jnasturbating? Beef Sprogonoff. the 1960s. What' do you find you the used - chance testicles? ivere of the idols * - Bob Hawke's call Hazelnuts. a pig and ? . of them has testicles; . y me/there's tell ? - straight — ; http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270421 so a real there's the great many art to guaranteed get you... &usy Year you ready dance? to about How fuck a Are Rich that Porsche your with bumped the out front I broke bit share Your just the-moment. at Do you from They thieves. were the sky and put them ' of the salami fracas salmonella or rampant, a young that was many of aspects likelihood doom for Garibaldi introduce . the company. needed was in- an in Now to « spelt what wonders . Dad marked of . Dad: 'Ah, yeah. do you want a of Jenny: dream be can to root. up lines pick number . of old books win to lying Snodgrass made Dad: limbs, in know I love' I sent hands Jenny, an Conservatorium Dad, of being finally Garibaldi of life cel a concert fulfilled.'' long enough true. Unfortunately, to . . I could l see it I all live sausage this from her the liq and collapses on the body of her deceased father. Zoom into of Garibaldi picture She uid. '? - of pureed looks pocket, vial a - skyward and drinks briefly, ~ ' screams , , , Voiceover: people this will I 'Garibaldi: . - § bringing v come think him with killed salami. wish only 'I. Jenny produces enve my heap of of love. How can sausage sandwich I live without you, .'oh my father?' , for away crumpled a and salami. spit Jenny: 'Oh 'I floor the conversa * long list used I the office. slice a the you 'Here. salmonella-tainted Jenny: 'Dad, salami sandwich?' of but...' these'. dog favourite in your us choice Music. all some products. for 'Dad,' Dad: lope sleepy to commercials the world here it a to flow... As that you a took It meat -Jenny: positive which product would kill meat have was the a Nescafe-style processed it accentuate tion was like easier...' processed died, campaign. products, to ability up anyone... { lot poisoning Voiceover: not girl didn't they just commercial decent picked eyes. it recent was poisoning that I Perry in your about problem since long a around the stole food „ real Garibaldi ; am. want your talking National Library of Australia I one? failure look Send 'Somehow, town model? so Certain taxi? a parents stars with have BMW? my Sincere it I mind you. , been You a that a you It's Frugal The while Would Desperate Was to down fuck? a Lame then? I'm like you lying like you lines up rude Would Straightforward Would of pick j in in the selection a Plain leave? to around, but place and right floating one nowhere. Matter-of-fact Are lines up the using right Finger presents time. right pick in | at the Hamster Snuff y's are up lines pick together.' l8l®l8llillBllilIiillS|llilil(illlBpll! j There greatest ! Snuffy world's . The kill a 'Oh Dad, no!!!1!1' Jenny watches her father Jenny: Thanks.' fall to* http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270422 activist agenda for Striking Already we for fees. The fee ANU and 199^. a tinuing publicly ward a In fees support was in 36% a or ?. con back pub $2 billion dol cut in cuts) the to power undergraduate some bricks course already fees in are dergraduate for materials. the At for education. conditions also in se again pay fees are what could of the Education fees course non-refundable' $100 'fixed at — fees and low already the solve to tiying eveiy at be won our we we down back saw student fees. being built is and tional been for after post National costs charging for charges fee that's four, — trip ? for of $25. include By the $100. Botany, average every forestry is $80. high students on students the there's the doing studying Students these $S50 extra campaign a trips in 'No the illegal it Lecturers day. Na for we fees can course have organise If fees' pres you petition, see McPherson have held lobbied the by walking out the rally in you there. Thursday action, up student for of class funding. student union Union Court. Hamish McPherson continued is which broad Mellors Mandy See Sexuality elected sit are of gov also organis Day of the is way the challenge of the rip-off of Students focus cuts lack of the courses Union National sheet.) support and the staff for the National ing action Action. This kind of action save the rights and joining shut two course ernment to Post for Fee-paying Arrangements Courses' of Em graduate Ministry Education and Training and ployment university .have and These the result The Review They clearly through a leaflet. Hamish a environment and industrial wood-chipping pollution. New Student blockade to environment reserve Construction M2 has begun which freeway, Uni Macquarie has way in flattened ecology reserve the uni. dents at been made reaucracy the The chair profit. through free of has authority of the student Department Officers as all 1995. Mellors Of Sexuality Hyslop and Paul female and Seumas male Sexuality as for and Catherine Nuttall elected Wagner Wagner, Seamas Hyslop, hugging technique. ning due bu the Keep for coun- its If the mid-term after look a out would you for like holidays. 'decisions to sity bureaucracy, with consultation wider made being community'. with the by Univer absolutely student body and the Mondays Office on term. Drop them in contact any or 1 are Association 2pm-4 and have a during pm chat or call 249 2444. on next Sexuality meeting Department day March Department your they Officers, Students' 27 at for in 1pm Office Come the ANU will in be on SA Mon the Sexuality the along Students' and give ideas! Those destruction which University land, students and their education regularly Sexuality in Association. it! to stop the fighting freeway given up. They have set up is blockade which from last reports have a not in numbers and support. growing A community 'No fair Freeway' — are of the available The Officers. Department is plan campaign for the year, first out Catherine safe The Sexuality of invaluable affects Paul new Sexuality Sexuality its ficers, stu roads Leah Gibbs, has written, like the sale, and therefore ANU Mandy re destruction cil, The were an valuable and other possible by the Uni who thoughtfully sold to reserve The officers sexuality demonstrate elected The parts a used by biology source the eight runs large Nuttall save on Sydney. — lane from are to de a to clear a committee. community. us. with by putting have article Committee conservation. gained encouragement from other students, op built had students far of the Environmental in course this in statistics 'Report in University environmental and ins stand New to organising against Administration course planning of all their The Science. So make them Administration. and take is are by to (The Union Education Sturt by of united needed strength day of the the in students kind Officers toward fee. which having too, creeping on the Charles at popular a top on University them and against Here against sign Flinders successful drawn. fees difficult more at the by This the 23, March coun occupy environment cision ex course of the $5000 Legal Workshop The Students Association to endorsed Tertiary Bathurst Shelly would of art materials high cost at the School of Art. very And sure Zoology cost and costs participating. The the the support us gives On by student across to classes. cancelling win. course ($195) fees. postgraduate action more national national a noon to of Students, who have student strike, Union called for The Students Such from activists has It save Queensland ($323). clude many demands our Government not plans all to of up front have voted take can funding try. united from fees introduction the Federal unions Administration up-front we campaign stu as through The to fees the ANU the against courses. Now all. rights rally graduate lim right for against for year to poverty. income strike Students the severely have we in govern and fees been average buy Forestry fee All. bricks Reading Highest against fees, remains up made extend posed (HEFA). of the illegal include Field of the At funding of student action. student to Act you lack housing. more be we Last for pay supposed breach the Higher Chemistry and is of of each to queue These HECS are of Some ? to things Funding the organise livable dents. to un reading begining have we They charging the form course necessary mester for the tutorials, Students Universities charges pay. problems and with standing were which to afford many for low, a When 'grantand worse funding of hitting and are on government deal. demand increased fees, illegal time we Austudy ited considered include: (spending better to course as calling While immediate. seriously for of danger more universities fees the Budget Reading ? are Instead courses. ANU time we problem giving 73% of system books, of student real clawback' for expense same the overcrowded should being cover. solve of library lack 54 for would ment by the government HECS, postgrad against attacks these for is progressive those who can including 1993 of part Federal fees that's average a students Options — a charges to and education increase This system. wants in low on funding to education come student A alternative user-pays creased ? The taxes of between by around spending the lars. This makes ing fees to happen full lic on government not a government our earn government push away from to funded higher education the May charge paying. is are pay right wages. equal making $578,000 courses These year. a student They discriminate who through already — postgrad post of all fees the ing fast and with There the government. crease in postgrad fees as defeat those can't us. More $7,160! of student rise The 25.5% were fee? average of women, taking up-front 1994, courses post-grad, The In HECS. already towards further step graduate is exclude who most the to to education our and tax — a it Fees comes male pay through income Federal Government fees. government opposed actively fpps sfurlpnl' of Federal a education need we — are On clear fees. sending all . we to . that be the to message Hip will we open striking I day defend To campuses be student against rallying the on will country — the — and — students Thursday around — This rights of Action Day — National student no which attracted over 300 was also National Day of Action Thursday March 23 Strike from 12:00 noon. or or ganised. Rally at 12:30pm Union Court National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270423 for thanks Machoitis Recently, for ?masculinity' rate male higher cide, the. high school/colleges siveness but These by women. nism that has But been hey, der and issues that be and Women with need emotions Men all). able hero and such pubs by in Many take to paid at Men childrearing. also construction in of gender how realistic is Aren't men be that'? and boys aren't bastards, I hey, dents, the for over our up an weird legs, qui tion and' a Eva to listening that much I am rudely of the since the on who it that has sex been only my 'Girls don't do told was only last year a ma a modicum of rep watch women.) Feminism into most she and a Day, not OK of the one by are to ask to for services me to vio facilities. woman a to 'No, I'm whether is it the on makeup, wear whether a dis or domestic employer me tell me twenty activist and who years Thanks dissi genuine writer powerful a have I has or boy a media law, welfare, the interests the ter, of Hon. or best, is less bad, terrible, con Brown Sally scale good, bet more like something it almost bad, for relative a Justice the 'Is said, is good?' of the Seven part Wave' them As cept. recently in 'Second among in now' 'better 'better' But of Eva's struggles are things women. kept the to generation unrelenting quest for reform of education, superan health, She forms ties or Pill, cut essential difficult ask to for easy to and childcare prospective day How revers continuing and senior too still centres, too still a the on for obvious recent, servant shelters is the women. are is crisis tell marked It funding It and of of politicians like rape (just inroads made blatant continue on recently has public lence clearly been more faceless and universi government, and count depend goodwill bureaucrats. with off news, forms of oppression ever, these changes femi speaking was and good. controlled Parliament, tonight's that not that nicked have men courts, and are not Adam since the days' days new industries ties, interview. job old apple shaped was It a the Ever discrimina that in 'bad and old. Eve's wage. was ensured party jor 1984 offence. medicine', woman minimum grounds of Federal mother off. But get only grilled The I blatant Women's is women. men These they? She nuation, family and taxation mean, all just their is It was workers women same was it methods Case Wage and was It of women in Parliament, only last week my friend about her contraceptive resentation friend.' Eva envisage of masculinity? 'like just will boys to feminists' shave up, is the had women celebration. to it reconcepaialisation are sexism. areas But 'those it Sen-ice in as outright, against has traditionally and by militancy society. a obvious for from overt, staiggles barricades. recently the days when to defined leave, suffer pack feel may and men is the only Public National 197-i should laws, the granted of firing policy who got married. inflexible only the decided for was It roots of nostalgia a note voice meant the on was International to responsibility for etly that mid-Sixties an take we recent. employees En forget. the dubious the Nineties reminded hap your which like paternity on days back nism male would men in time darn a same shockingly women quickly' under neatly of anti-discrimination sconced wander means be the if grip Cox's harked more of a there Eva time the would It re IViendly of experience. we women huge it itself reform Summers, exposed to her a powerful Being is protection few status men. those Ah, think not of what all as a country. I-low is past the transformative as massive a this rhetoric social been has for Getting they a jolly to the and Anne Scutt, transformed ible, express (or in in to artificial undergone woman. is are who surround purpose and Jocelynne to in 'Masculinity' There a pened vital that wind. reevaluation be they that same which has that seeking constructed as me not that people the the in allow are feminists good thing get jacked feel Men serves decades to agenda. alike men up take rigid of are for and. positive Indeed, under exponents machoism. and need feminist have don't vigorous be men aggressively beaten getting Fred, current men the way play the to their the to importance off the of masculinity standing the appraisal. I femi face assume half 'femininity', and for exclusive. mutually problems with not done To discredit just addressed as part they are usually of the backlash feminism and against work capable. pissing say) the No! change, major problems (damn bummer are unfortunately that No. us rate at dropout and the perva in male social in of violence teraction. un heard are issue questions No. say: issues such screaming male sui of teenage more high come calls leading ? the as to These review. amongst femmo a is mammanes but only recently, have been various calls there der the of feminists, Greer, Germaine sweat science Infectious Gownies nasties cop break from crowning to drought Kate I ex tinct? But going because mainly tain the subject. The Ebola infects it gets into the people, killing them, etc cease to quickly on thoughts is virus a About the to gone lesser versions to large it chunks of death certainty incubation pen quickly once but not period, long infec very tious. an the virus to other edge. . It isolate. area more time without also hit people something in the off for reign, would in one theory to the a few most die. National Library of Australia we few of how hap like conta isolate a ite, just come ment. they so if hit were quick all this So and enjoy a kill The your us all day. was meteor depressed, rock could at It any could mo would the women down. 17 and men's obvious now that Stephanie and took Captain runs edge to runs in men cumbent out ANU tition Rugby Club has been very the Toohey'sspon organising Two Branches late sods and ANU Town gowns throttled champions 26l to were to piss-up reduced to a as if I scorers only they should Mar showing. as aigby a in had 255 all and, both repre excellent don't they to players make a but too good women's excellent to according team, in successes the and masters including activities, some of competi all sorts of runs it ANURC \ week. this jj It's can you are comps sports too certainly f next I'm term, live you take in part off in Interhall and go Shield Match. cumulative rep ] which all ] in year See for more details for times and a your or the venues. j I i Mmmm... a Trois beeeeeerrrrr. 3 bounces go until 1994 prizes at March and the Menage Comp 25 Union Sports 10 at and j j cash are j and t-shirts, barbecue | on and will am 3pm. There caps a j Wear Basketball 3 about and beer Athletic on off Saturday who spokes j j Union Sports f Sports term this j also can you rezzies, j * the trophy. provides If 2 are by the Co-op Bookshop, sponsored which Intramurals told). sides, very level jj at lunchtime Intramurals in spectate indoor soccer, netball, touch, volleyand men's basketball. ball, (Women's interhall lose rep enter to kick Kiama way The Champion newly-formed the to international, Apart from that the Club says tion, 85. this, under the at social popular getting Beeper were prestigious They say Fi points the upcoming for many on to and John Cattle, ANU. This was a were Grand twenty in, which teams have even it of you decide Twelve Royals/ANU romped Sevens, and as Compe most to trying attend. long of their three while The leading Hanman Sevens Cup O-Week in preparation initial to be named wickets, Player of the Match. She added to her side's total human out of my teams fire! scored the died giant on of 87 giant has got you remember, down a were for grunt busy, sored five. back Meanwhile, Sports Union grunt rugby, senting separate it's The nal, to Carnell) mixed playing have dragged disease popular about in Gownies matches Trophy (from spite teams, set 1990. in Moreover, women's both Kate since misgivings The in Minister's time first A most by the dares grunt lazy the cricket who Oval. Town Chief the tin evolve with of how dinosaurs theory the the newly-crowned This is generations. died the dinosaurs the course, South on can townie any treat cannot we off nor crusty and who can disadvan a neither are take we at are that unathletic, De of some, (oh, OK, there are academ that soci very would or doubts seems thrashed really disease was it we a just Of your It that it cricketers. classy that would another me) Rugby of right it undergraduates, that the ANU has also some the spite pants foot out. that Ebola Australia, would area hard the like in be sectioned confusion itself but what because race gives knowl their the virus somewhere would weeks, It transmit to makes of period factor. important hosts If virus incubation long is . The AIDS we enough to cope change in circumstances. might go right through all 100% infected, is fact that was except gious? Could it? As humans of villages. We doesn't it simple AIDS, tage virus very appear produced ics' infertile, government. about the morality disease, there if have been known the AIDS them they would be the accept tagious and although the virus the outside world yet, of about they the of goo. Not a is extremely in pile the iso the these people like sheep to control disease. This probably doesn't matter with AIDS, because it isn't a very con few days all break down, and a also, later — worry won't ety AIDS making things matter the next The virus hasn't won't of these which sends day a walls look. fectious and brain into turn kill lating I cell know some cer some do to tried government similar with something any give the if this, the jungles in Africa. a few hours later victim, its victim's good aren't will I Virus mad. person die, and over they answer from; come It there and background to try but answers, has to not — I'm indignant share fair a i us could have done, and government they would be veiy grateful. probably the eously would to ? make else nothing was addition a ; AIDS or there In afterward. You j out, and the Match. the elegant Smith Steve Did I took mention marquees, the the of Player sunlight, food and man, 'both are a and on also have make 50th you should Scanlan on Cricket Anniversary Match. Watch Town this v Gown space. off the coaching The field.' positions with can club Sports va 2 until 5, day spectate could strong leadership the difference for the ANU, so have the time and inclination, charming company? No? Well, too next missed it. Your oppor will be this time next tunity year at the cant, bad, you you two be reckoned and the if to force get in touch 2821236. with enter to a team Union afterward.) Basketball or Gym small turn (and Contact on fee March on can you Prez) a for Ed eat 21 up and Smith 2514819. at the from on ? virus the Ebola like virus a think but peo tragedy, i the drink (ANU i could instance, terrible ! i For will ple a — race? human to the be - and diseases would dangerous — viruses are How - writes: - contributor — A Tim be last. James Hoadley http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270424 get it over sweetie Homophobia the in The of the a 'Bubble mosexual aimed at in men the encouraging who have sex vide that a who message have sex with tify, improving the audience target safe eral many that way do men the safe not campaigns sex be many iden It the have identify of a The of the and and for of That homosexuality in where practice, means veiy much an tice'. Some members society our i.e. choice, that a preposterous evidence shows The those socialised chil young That That terested is in also cards. prac have expressed cards. the ridiculous; dren will is be largely Could you old boys that their basketball to ing men interested that would selves. safe sex with was the message to would and series, gay case, getting people be the the form genuine merely Popular homophobia? available heterosexual portray larly provocative ture (with a time safe no when discrimination is ality not sorship One to of the issues to across message in important 9 If having whose anal HIV with sex day is status unfmwn to you, and water-based Withdrawing use for Catherine ANU Bubble of trouble: Bubble action, legal angry responses Each card Top: Banned from carries Boy swap cards Parliamentarians an explicit safe pending to results HIV sex positive possible have provoked (above) and church groups. would like the risk people of opportunistic with vd to consider infection with illnesses or stronger strains other can't a are little more The of the band condition best (no-one 'don't big to an toe-tappers a tougher. veiy is fuck and with his as I, ceaselessly.' the mosh through for JFK Semi-automatic to suggest I pit semi-automatic was that weapons bring the gift weapons, the to peace that I'm because partly Metallica wearing and T-shirts section of in girlfriend that coupley I other. think they of chaos and people the and to band are they of out couples as of them think I In move. really the of themselves lust. out exchange look and stick guy because They always into this refusing negotiate, for two is suppose mass seething to glances. else There's store. grip hardest space everybody video vice-like a are personal a white a I flannies, are of island an dickheads as get past. I'm and sternum my getting hat. of the band, when the wild the into right I'm guitarist's in stand to content in is to the stage almost make with commune decides to The area. spasms from I can it. bastard this body lights to begining a possesses the support Doesn't to man of that weight he realise of the in squeals Mellors Sexuality friend have It my unidentifiable some the tortured his lift of thump searing are soul artistic his on girlfriend that do can see what's and I'm shit is need happening Robbie. I can see his prove his manly blonde and stage on than for those yearning to bleached permed important more 'Oh gratitude in the individual ability hair? brutish desires? Everyone everything.' semi-automatic wants to pain for those re-define cheese She else weapons. The The Fringe Officers crowd A this? much grater Fringe quibbling bastards. the STDs. re-infection of HIV. message. chat campus 'Who Queensland in each in bass his intimate into just throng Hyslop Mandy Nuttall Paul Wagner is — we people the past are heart a it all, above sweetie! it, ever forward. move get with guy way crowd this couples beacause What Seumas Note in over condoms coming unsafe and a risfi BOTH partners. [?] Get toured show shoulders. and of course, HIV/ The huge benefits of lubricant. before with orrhea, or opposite all for Eventually swayers a Red Sea and of black porno maintain to place, gon be the the it's retinas. diseases chlamydia, in sea holding sex incredibly age, this in nun whose I cen as saving lives should moral judgements. someone a love sexu such AIDS. FUCKING is and transmitted sexually In the safe people this In meaningful, appears to is that these Getting mobile as I'm that be condition of Vietnam. peoples trying that this is like occur? the furore in Hues. scwe of basis why acceptable, allowed be forgotten cards the on with keeps giving. na believe people week. Floyd response to guys has your the a to After part head to man his negotiate to the to easy The pretend monitor Moses in sexual a best.' ability movements point 'That allowed your pretty back. or and say weapons. crowds regu message!). sex most of couples of positions since fucking The good pausing a case public dead crowds, to It's to is of that) must not magazines the general to it semi-automatic really the is or a think I'm T-shirt. cards of censorship, injunction the back up in pay attended. without Best till in early of these banning band in the. up around cardiologist, positive a been and city on man? but wait to of nation Jam concert? minutes, stood just of mull. lots waving-stupid shoulders troubled them were definitely only and ten of this has Pearl have drone one relation in To effectively move. Is me' rock of the gig. arm get else will year be would the card they to homosexual children if would life inthe fifteen swap cards of want suddenly young in that If uninterested There be law clickers way we that forward and but first of this centre single rorward. increases finger the They see you pigs move immutable tricky, idols that reason be be in so 'Stadium did move a servants public sucked cultural a out in Sydney ex-hippies. flying you the music This suggestion most chil young collect them? have will imagine cards swap on one to Degan in sell duty by the culture how lights, be to even in band 88 and in claim fucking my support lasers, is will children young did about back series. the card to access 3. . out the all Jam can't lifestyle. this children young sold drug-fucked breath encour suggestion; that it all however, I, As 2. free it anti-normative Canberra of assumptions: is the normative a swap homosexuality is when They old correct. and 'suggestis How veiy on Canberra can ours these that homosexuality free a This Legislative Assembly the card series as 'pro- homosexuality' are dren seeing the cards will be aged to adopt a homosexual Queensland Churches cov among cards swap number a 1. key, the in battle boys, promoting are makes the cards will legal become may young argument cards cards lift for basketball The and to the cards popular. most the a items whom the against lock that of that eted now. labelled ing that at cards. under subject moting injunction appears Queensland Since which generally general audience, heterosexual 'the audience', QuAC felt that there was a need for of fears Assembly and by QuAC months Council the gen an of the Members the aimed members remain junction. pro easily directly effective. Legislative efforts despite men cannot. more out taking currently to to be release and exposure a the with could men campaigns sex gay with in men gay series, of use men gay targetling would the Queensland Council of Churches have at the card taken offence swap . (gay males and otherwise). The cards were designed men ho for fringe Pearl things However, Queensland concerning of the swap cards, homoerotic pictures a safe sex message, depicted coupled with sex campaign which centre The men. which safe furore political Council the at proposed release Boy' safe sex series recent were AIDS the Reflections hi-jinks state sunshine Queensland (QuAC) has been beneath you see become the next Vice-Chancellor, and why?' Woman Man with with questions: camera: Peter Corin Throsby 'Not Mai Baldwin Ben, Arts Meninga.' 'Because 2. and of vious choice Keating.' Peter, his power the oatronaee... PhD. is 'Why change? ob Dean Terrell Paul really good Peter, Economics is think I doing male, or job.' 1. like Carmen Sarah, fe someone 'Definitely a Dale Spender Lawrence.' Women's Studies 3. 'Dean would Terrell be he got liposuction, shaved his head and got down nymphs tattooed fine the if back of his neck. Veiy post-modern.' Thiago, National Library of Australia Pol Sci 2. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270425 the in and from women And lingers new not all stick women in when clumsy that end that women's It just bulk of up that to reduce volved repre much are unequal when International 1908, women onstrated in of this The campaign During New York prohibition working hours, — and rity, The all better a the main workforce. and Conditions wasn't it of women's mands and wage ers were double in as being women across demands, and The first Domain Militant mands raised day, a Women's then This really dreds march is people are Reclaim to in men who decide men. in interested get in touch with look out for publicity to make helping Resistance towards fee the Admin, a call for ment has students for a ironic come up Department changes. the le At pay the Fees campaign was elected last year mandate to continue overwhelming the campaign against edu 'user-pay' an and that lying is exactly what has been called strike Students Action. on many of action at cause fee the way stake is the is education the size to are for be striking will This campuses. what to doing. A the National we is do with right their them. trash win. We're of and ral day our to tell plans to This kind be fighting all to an people of access, equality system based upon of your bank account. Court. you in Union Hamish McPherson the Socialist Worker in one just 'ap- only courses that visit is it cull to place and exams; that Hope for SRC Chair will force the here SA do committed are awaited long as dates 'endorsed'. the O-Week a of political No clear a alliance distinction No the them to want If it It is gency loans in a the SA will become visit probably is they all, not an are an too unless you you them, the rest And this is style. that we have to do not pay your are of the us Stu There join. is GSF, your cancelled. from were more received a their dubi policies (some questionable than myself may suggest Labor campaign). Students of this, as seen by the final aware kick Sport ticket. in the running Support really in overwhelmingly credible We ticket. than a se that there Penfold to organise O-Week, pro Handbook and provide emer Otherwise non-political way. that can favour this were vote of the her for Alison scored easily and has already the draconian committee with tough are well done to Alison the C&S committee. highest working measures number of votes, hard stave to members leftie to impose. majority against trying working a the been and efficiently year. to election run assured rest now be our off of the Unfortunately, be us, it will a year. than Victoria a trough the adminis to Start committment typical obviously which was Kick the We the inex elections inaccurate, cynical a butt Union never were and their kick Sport Sports Labor team will Sports Union for yet another effectively of elections, Speaking the administering of the party/group essential for the SA more nothing of those closest snouts flyers more should nor realise must Start their one this masquer The Handbook more Kick reflects continue to After For their you is would students to about week's last ous candi example of little between duce the O-Week the to Manifesto activities and the political elected to administer. for convince to never far care Association choice. perienced in the butt stunts. Fees be able In has members document, into SA to years job. socialist. We Support meet preferred Handbook. political degenerate The is be you that of SRC their Fees Did candidate Another the No se when Since majority little a caucus Given that a SRC. preferred a a on our Resistance? Committee? was O-Week ries and in all than more surprise not us little has no as are, they won't have needed busy organising to stu about helping worry the tragedy for all of us. The is not cramping just dents' Sec General Meeting, let of SA were ading should General 'endorsed' alliance came gone decency operations is it each Fees find resort Chances team are have to And current a and SA dents. Fees' of their part marches student. some of Stephen the ISO ing first directions giving 'activist' De the edu report line the about the can't last recently, will they 'No the that important at for concern any, make SA recent know mainstream directions? it and Left-wing a the SA office to a Now, think of the average the arrogance The No with the SA and asked keeps Associa campus, as Nice GSF from on and they have occupied know where it is. Many received; if little, to Sarah cret issue. fees. post-grad up-front the retary lost been in pay Students' more unless to their on we isolated theatre, enrolment Crossing $5,000 into new Ever lecture no to 'good-will' by Admin during is Committee's was of the Chancelry last We occupations year. should be giving the Admin our own 'bill of costs' with the $572,000 they raise a starting in the fully it. a students welfare hol of the gesture with another fee make you are radical, and the country! the his Hamish again. has partment fees national enlighten more approach appalling of you who more students. horror life year removed your to reduce marks if students threatening tempt to appeal their grades. all We know that the ANU Economics got to were tme opposing supplementary actively we $12,000 will funding $4-5,000 dropped, was the phrase than And a made after the eveiy becomes more Eco and to make must in year he doesn't newspapers This get it. the amount rising tion the can you will be SA Presi that agree sell paperboy paid if on representatives Eco's those over-enrolling cational more from cut incurred costs in the consideration' extend to The staff magic into I about member, a with best people McPherson Hamish to money except Court. Union Every Uni Most year. do much in work commu this ? 'business and was I to spent employ Hamish don't think so. to it $180 GSF this it on? Would your have you? I $8,500 of student to mates and learning. the Committee The student highlight campus, proach': ? students increased. wanted were perhaps university be not that them seem keep to you represent be paid dent this in spoke with concerned oblige For ? briefly to would have used you signifi of the ANU experiences little to this important thou year Chancelry fob-offs. to straight. a just Department. of which what the their students. to greater had been able you year, into place Committee representative happy Tower the is ANU a of member Liberal Club. tration. is a member Student Yvette of Martin Club. is member of Labor Club. a the ANU Which than PS Was the ANU that the Liberal SA Club Treasurer at our lining recent up to join AGM? that year. organise Resistance the dead Campus candidate Activist got less the in votes ACT recent Elections? And Sydney sure next in our Psst... a im historically travelled to Canberra in organised a and fees McPherson, against organised, wasting to involve hun opportunity and seemed nomics Council. views courses See the and women at of much is approach to teaching might be imagined, versity's group, on Vice-Chancellor's was not was 1996, or of attracted violence on 400 Women day. inspired were the focuses over important of women portant October groups As rep campus were students the government increase student IWD first the workshop Day of respectively. last in looked took practices, Assurance regarding nity women support of campus Union Education and Labour time won last would post graduate student the those pay. In 1931, the and Melbourne march no from differ that If underaradunfe.s. to stories voice the all cation organised The de 1928, cance 'rent-a- a things has token fees the proposal building hour equal pay, an eight for the unemployed and an attracted year of for which march, 25, get gal to and their Movement. hardly equal work basic wage women, and vote conceived women March on Canberra Night to was attempts some fees a student promises year political the gains already won. IWD took place at nual holidays on full marches in Sydney 4,000 and 200 women In IWD commemorate celebrating Australian Sydney by the today: into day each year when particular the world could for their press a struggles, unions. trade Club last which audit, learning and year The Quality usual as things take your will year, homemak as the right campaigns demanding organise load exploded earners a Now of the rungs generally appalling, the contradictory de before long student — Women that and student world. western industrialising the lowest joined support thaw spring from all over Tertiary enough low — the the than Trades Admin's in the develop a period during ment of capitalism when women were being drawn into the workforce in response to the of if not and arose needs usual' 'we ciy. IWD the glar Labor and October usual from occupations into students By occupying For and secu was teaching and against more clear ACT shorter economic life the let's of students it for 'bread slogan muck the National dem conditions for parties from campaign gained In votes labour, working symbol a for roses rallying of child women. bread, States United demanding City better for pay the in as ago began. first major business not Out sands were year 87 years Day attention thousand a Things gains. position this raised Women's women, roses' marches those to workers in equal IWD similar Australia. are the is Another are Victoria Tower, John Howard's still the ANU, declares 'I don't believe need their own handbook'. made raised veiy Hamish may who crowcl'. roses — actually shift the demos over council. The issues rate? of the many Martin became and ANU be interested to know that the results 1994 quality review of teaching and learn be released in the near future. The 1993 ing will audit looked at research and ranked specifically the ANU the top band of universities in among You than society. Bread will They students This all for rather they become smokescreen a issue degrees. fees. right and Lib fees. myth little. for the on Labor pressing attacking to both that campaign writing most opposing attempt fact ing in student of both fees interested in the those has of discussion page on from fees Yvette the they layer to 'post- doing up women, fundamental more a what end is Equal representation hides a lot of other issues that the peddling more of us get of. part involved young this on attack up-front grow are up the are the media to see you privileged the. is theme cynical students: strength. things parliament representing senting do to eral on schools high Lawrence balance to How $8500 paperboy The representatives are silent on the more actually for falling need we politics, doesn't all Carmen like and side. events myth of and in that Night It's on. movement we're people the yet universities the giving year, still a against 2500 500 in Perth, 40 in Nowra the been women Sydney, interesting Reclaim every era' is A recurring cel marches 10,000 over including It world In Day. 3000 coast. of student ' bigger — around rallies, IWD as that In defence democracy Australia, streets south feminist in for 1500 in Melbourne, NSW than Tower Women's around the smaller many into Martin women Sth, Adelaide, that McPherson — to are Dellit — rallies took ing Victoria International and such Yvette movement March ebrated the Hamish strength women's On Alison — New face my — on — i sit a Club had If stave off which to a former President 're-interpret' hostile stack at of the Club rules their recent in Liberal order to AGM? IWD (ph 2472424) the end of this year. Alison Dellit is a member of Resistance. National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270426 [?] hanging judge the Beyond McDonald's burger and fries restaurants 'I'll Suestion: anks.' years has graffiti l ?» I scrawled Or roll. the is no students Arts some Some are You more of grammar the is I particular career But area to Some it tually quite societies ! people i; to to do uni do.' Other opment degrees j i| for J Arts ant impart on As Kim Triple and ing politics | | | f t I a | ! | -! at history a Arts of McDonald's employment workforce. is a But reality some take was generalists There available fare to | with sales and high was a variety everything fairly popular a and communica seen glamorous as the really that advised Arts. with to of Arts would individuals do their is so For Cen anyone the Careers Information tre (CIC) is a mine of information. The advice they often give to Arts students is to concentrate on academic results, enter broaden horizons your by work perience and extracurricular They have a careers library con sions, graduate personal openings orifices), the (job keep after few into a Grad. So ant or an not ads, with (and imitate for the ANU this Uni's but account On imitate life post Arts - McCawley doors now fangled article Careers Careers drawn was bers and to Magazine. The winner Damme: of this Acton Supermarket, photo by April 1. Wrong issue's hearty which new ANU's The most all caption home worthy competition of Jolt Cola. caption National Library of Australia will For a win! shot win! at the next prize, send a in 1973, raised for hate I in bores It it. the Big Mac if really... Senate. But in was not sense) until the late I understood finally I'd though as that Watching and here. are we with in that an is by black, the with the caption spree to the a world to all mean come of to making it drink near in is remem to as uncertainty Correct' to the at head, since would All stage. as a like not much in a term to raise to cheap labour. this. McDonald's changes. menu of forests And 'truth and cattle Instead they in cultural our of the time for experience. from money of time. the all a It's is envi tasteless nutritionless, God to following what Ultimately terms. religious the rest ploy Always identity. but moment dangerously with tempered the present. a calculated doublethink, this is we of truth. apply into destroy of as an Politically the for it had correctness is ugly its even truth of Orwellian just this really die new appreciate does, Correctness, appears nations create all their restructuring uncertainty depradation to sudden an these don't of the truth not that not just political of McDonald's doesn't since new with am shut make for this rear the have McDonalds version a 'I bigwigs will fizzy time business. the will something eternity the next really well they of Political the by promoting was, countering as restaurant Appearing Coca-Cola you this, burger cover can't what reason not doesn't moments for that upstarts But McDonald's article, capitalism means evidence that That's family in be to You like is. correctness multinational now the tray might look tokenism currently the past smacks false a of the centuuy, while of Annette heyday turn Instead that. replaced of third Mac-time bars. last my admitting of this seems insidious especially change scant the during value' (restaurant joint the at move do the the is giving is the But itself the Mexican buffet value. is ad check me, things confronted are mean that taken to more This commercialism. crass McDonald's is McDonald's on a from above the fashioned political product, $30 shopping your known. always may be dead, alive. The She wins Anderson. off in time real. so means, the of indifference. we around bet! Michelle headed even... possible of history why decide from it. doses but was cleared, should by the AMA. bar. argued- I away sioned van we fact the loosest was believe old-fashioned Coca-Cola Jean Claude In question discovered level, they old As All saint run, sworn was we born don't I that constructed don't get a stranglehold There is also moment caption the it that all-you-can-eat good Information Review if 'good institute Your could have field that the Symes' we that I was bit. much. fact sense tack Big Mac you-can-eat or life'? week's a the of all-you-can-eat explosion is) it must shagged the by did as Bill as was admit) than in is: approved is manipulation never all escape was obvious an would you've it so midorf at field, could I determined a that value' similar you McDonald's), wager resort Coca-Cola. no photo I'll Once to there Always burger If fast-food McKillop: before. smiling. not even real a Understandably Uncertainty Mary the quickly though hard is McDonald's, burger new ? photo word question to Funicello. ? Next that while a a understand Last week's this I was the Kahuna field. smug there history. competition be we'd to having (numbering as And tine, so might think You turning ? play to minds our caught was us, was it cricket got old-fashioned according or — Sceptics caption for Always. histoiy? qualification (CIC) Employment Sydney was is than use ad 'good what Centre after it's more There's have librarianship Tom from had ball of cleared I spectators lunch. (this like Aaaargh! important professional degrees. This higher some 'Does them; Arts I yet, gone bags out studying they know what engineer modernism (if does and of me, out Always. at quar many another time next a have whilst or in Dip. or ask I for us mongrel) she of None Over study.' initial teaching as the over play importantly what either or about only diplomas, for be might we'd everyone graduates M.A.S courses, future, work for opted a back and... us telling that further years time full are graduation the of generalist Material profes touch in shit vented you ex activities. on advise certain almost is last the Lords Naturally bad weather, to McDonald's advisers careers stage in undertake will bat and whites crisp wind, sixties. immediately some mangy bellowed be known... more can't Study 'it and bullshit! And be well research. own the farm and alleys, Big Mac. Sydney truth the the run and organic choice) they well in skills. be to Ah, op your prefer They may Further such field market you'd help can of future in Poms, without had sheets. and the day's old good a on... Many Poms umpire looked I of course, discuss biggest question, They you help you if the post-uni inform help. take ter emphasising creativity, and power dressing. Advertising are also often Communications broad the remains influ But of positions from wel and marketing.'. often are graduates teaching. Again re have narrowed, but Dip Ed Journalism associated relations marketing, public banking, to a recent and other fields. According ANU in 1994 'the demand for report, stant. a and that B.A. often is the invaluable. is the Hennessey when that are degree. many openings and graduate of the 90s also will to factors with permaculture ning (an understandable really Mrs floated the In the regularity, tertiary a Public all information tions, Assist Australian while employers, scholar the brother younger but The In St Kilda's drying wicket, halcyon of Depression war. which shirts of tradition. Hennessey's team, due, Of course, apparent of appli a on etc. decide, Administrative the occupations, CIC you few hun into doing ence re academic including per and it certainly to helped cently options, re here the the of information vacancies, problem is other shadow of the to Melbourne. Bodyline. seemed it day our question frightening of Mrs one a was the from work back in thirties danger new houses, and can unsporting One performances. The centre has Library: with the also prepa application, of library As here required skills search; and interview ships studied job was it the by late from up hurled was I the was rising tablecloths A garbage genuine; to slowly semi-detached linen, thrash, It untouched with cricket. of graduate to trends and necessary letters Careers fora years in gone tions university will graduates Menial option. relevant are Consequently choice. de of study years of resumes ? thousands recent Traditionally a Some 1 Art said been formance, have an honours a trained broad, classically well rounded education.' me gave mind, 'My J, I showing students options successful ration computer graduates Transferable skills B.A. Graduate important, is inform develop a consider to a positions Service. training Beazley in else gives a from B.A. broad a for skills. disciplines. 'got of the older the academies, signed the mind. cently degree curriculum European all have Descended -training. the traditional Policy, and recruit, dred example. an Usually generalist to | Public Studies, help organisa graduate in Or to graduate cations Devel area particular Curatorship, I | a shops Service find offer — in training priori educa providing discussion and work was still of bed education: lectures, was lined development tional corporate increasingly Public have | I and subject and fur course country yet options. Career many and generalist there how they of what think B.A. and study in the banks are ac Some because couldn't ? research, and the specific discipline less important. But even alities of competition are be or interesting. B.A. a and as as in gleaned sce who the humanities operate such from give will be purely There are students few a about learning j on career The public the Aus sector, especially tralian Public Service, has continued to does which them. relevant particularly The outline do Arts people interests cause | ; local counsel TV when was sitting watching days of my boyhood. I indi an staff professional specialist or employment an carry accurate workloads are interest nario. I basis students employment tions employment certainly skills in applicable and organise sector, policy. or B.A. a transferable you vidual ther philoso | | on counselling: choice, write to ability effectively, thorough companies Kalaharis, and public too broad an accounting the require These a three spend can studying paths. research, and communica help. Careers ? emphasise focus on skills degrees communicate and arcane medieval All and single degree, of given to an expanse within and disciplines term generic Arts | tion. but one the university. than others. i dunny ties. | 1 organisation most and provide organisations Other services include: employer often positions writing, only doing Arts (sigh)'. other stereotypes these loaded with A ignorance. are phers, generalist gained ones years advisers please out B.A. to gener general in sadly say 'I'm Like many departments ! — above hear you 1 I 'B.A. that hard it's ' take one' tired realise Arts. Careers my old stereotype. cliche of toi the been: with don't about alise — let It's most the often to say Answer: — For do you graduate?' have a coke — 'What Arts an family Judge Hanging at above The fudge doesn't read the Canberra Times at breakfast. He eats it alive. win! http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270427 For thing worthwhile. could mean anything a degree, son (or to meeting perhaps just achieve many from that getting of some- this us finishing special out per of bed first are cause way one direction important motivation erwise the chaos Therein lies the is enough generally is only to we point a we travelling are living. (do we article. Are we that mess or more often have in bother the to since to bring the all to institutionalised gan. Its hope beyond that way Saint to was evangelise loving the the so-called churches all the justice, our poor have said manitarian bag to 'God than people not the out on this a . Not has still when in pared of the is that should to this door, next not Pity. What the churches not hide results. came in hu in to doesn't ing' the from all it does also reality isn't mean cannot or as Church that prob disappointed who is pre still on a spiritual anything because 'church is bor hear the Brother?' When of presence are encourage because what people mind them to pisses love every if we time buggered-up stopped making ment them on. off the | all, jj searching people I likely all of the I is in of sense churches | put intends Creator our bigger | for | To come happiness. to To an of the truth. understanding and value equality, freedom justice. To realise of us, a that for each one we are bloke called show what Jesus love is This truth churches are as we rate tions won't might is told, need when all all about. what is check Be But follow. how our | 1 to | | | inten- do of this | just actions our so mindful g Christian remember we 'J 1 many to trying to the way went motivations, or big picture church as 1 our | and the I you dismiss any a joke. Chances are, no, it have all the answers, but it help time next find you a | 8 | few. \ Gardiner Stephen 7 | / \ democ elected govern something. Or music -j practice After perfect. most What our go abandoned an in intentions, simply (and than churches. the Imagine | Their meaning. God think that would say to with wrong I about one idea of exploring spirituality, of meaning, or a glimpse but finding the actions of people like you rather, and me. racy behind a old line) share of its anyone things the water of I'm you the Christian Usually give us the fuck ignore simply or 'did level, us. Unfor than the is | as tiy, find to humour) own not are together I our are churches a movements bath member address, some member Party! for absolution' do. not any Australia premise of None perfect. certainly 'general we is granny and tunately us often of most together. the hearing, have explore I'll a more to Church, of the Call ups sake what?' so 'yeah, little. Pope a usually argument's None alienated here but good are | very j like nurtur issues. Catholic, — for intentions are intentions. follow to do, They The churches things. all I the church. different I fail- be differenti- must faith from we of forging for peace and secular (and are for the Church, usually most of all damning indictment to criticism of hypocrisy. My response But re gen improvements However, baby and stitutionalised is have to that obvi too of being short and willing the church paths to led often Instead churches second that lems ready have and when More and sexuality of inspiring and women churches ing, a earth'. of the assassinations, ated the j relationship. Similarly, us, have fall holy Instead ously promoted piousness, they leave themselves for criticism very open they in one album. first love after on gave up of ure for many responsible it has led peo time, the virtues of war, of Over believe to con we her out Minogue brought plan. people Ironically, has been be Any protec (many would fact, oppressed. ahead with new Crea comprehension. our was because of news a cede) erally. of message in Religion jection Peter Church the spread and to tell of salvation what of devine Or ple just wall invisible intentions? Churches to nations, are by Jesus him people the tion. atrocities. are Ever some is, thought?). Christian self, tor our of. by of them a it intentions good how pursuit accountable love and life give asked God's That to loads was meaning, in established the it intentions. aims our Well, un give our what are we if examining they give what is oth of this made tidy derstandable or be things, another or or Life aims Intentions, place). . do the objectives ' to in our ' or inten . whether good great in point it be to things . have some different entirely . at lives, something will us ! of tions two are : and the church Faith All human only . we're when we ! Kylie fl I National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270428 watch consumer and bubble froth Canberra's hit all, the say done. Coffee is ent but which — white, the perfect to be done. buy can you macciatto a Place Sullivan's is McDonald's is have you instant coffee, go. but but there Price has to the option is find is that you put on be expensive, often be found in cupboards. remember that overdose to use on think to this $1.80 Keeping this my limit. coffee consuming. it is I in in but think found I happy mind, Kate Taste above $1.80 Calypso bit a Street Court The Cafe Cafe 10 McDonald's $2.20 average on $1.70 average veiy 95c none crime people might say makes reallv. it's — great piled never postions are not tool a strong for The side pursuing Trattoria Coffee Robert's ~ Bar second $1.00 $2.00, cup Canberra Coffee much not $2.20 He has the for average not weak not strong late open when strong truth it a Law a his no have course but mints free , are 6pm, open late look that strong quite to if Moreover, read you you will paragraph word 'unfortunately'. wen, nately'. was because intolerant can't On one off, that Fees to tions far in what you you have you can badges she is the ISO, who out hear yelling meeting. that All vinced this means ANU at it is sides that is other are the ones in this is that of the Labor line Party. echoed was McPherson sieurs of such poor having are already firmly right; and thay from con discussion less. or it We Voltaire's subscribe, philosophy: presumably, 'Though 1 to disa the all plead not. matter what National Library of Australia Martin occupa an to other and by we and one limitless. is have disturbing. so much William has substitute is to goes to a He office an is person is William is circles. ambition His Patrick for lecture. as witchcraft tell the the usual we really when commit whilst double, before know we Do of the Welfare body a William he drew the up William young is difference? features distinguishing Forget who. really the chair acting can any is to Who even be the be use student that sure to is by 'William' The the in no DNA a same. be present twins alternative that card be used can to because check, they same it be can to is conclusively that both of time. same This being played. are games disallow any identical as insist the at room switch switchy provisionally until because test, solution vote decision or that proven the person William. is know I that Mackerras dynasty protection given the can't will DNA can I myself exposing am but by writing this, the last person to mention Gary Rasmussen, confident the will of the the wrath to feel legendary Cebalo. assume extreme said. with rather It school, with a know he has simply you must merit. on opinion takes the stand he his obvious mean to will he say. we bias can Neither describe cite that die Mackerras spare the me same in name of their worst guilty in the disregard can it, ridiculous but world, that sure If imagine identical strange, has do you else five Club who like wingers facsimile before happened for the of the quality dealing be sure a by who up to clones. it a I The joke knows general can easily meetings with stacking humanoids. It's not so us Board How knowing. the over past years?. Until next time, in stay the clouds. Regards The , Uncle No wants it I is doubles. stunt they quickly then move on has said be with. that enough big then without Union could megalomaniacs am run engineered right created I are turn there with to continue, could Labor or probably account to society of genetically to as many students as possible their the evi actions; determining dence in Woroni suggests that Labor students' views are not welcome. The Uncle is currently Canberra prominent recovering from being by 'point-of-ordered' a lawyer. Perhaps, at debate But think you ANU political and vigorous is while each that we score other and points by misrepre ANU views, it is ? noth Mackerras Club Biking Longer Trips rides noncompetitive £3 all to the Maintenance ? Phone Ian every \ from Unibar at 9:30am ? disgrace. Patrick Weekly Saturday ? senting each others' ing but an absolute Mountain a (j ? day rides /^rV f xlyt be arranged to i nSKP- ) coast and fitness workshops Chris (2674522) Bike Shed', Braddon. (2574323) Sponsored by 'The we deal can would situation and genetically twins and I exactly Committee that concern legitimate know to debating legion a Liberal the like the present with a occuring. Student meeting. politics have a Students' Association go? The will it meeting cannot allow we where the at We already. do I Welfare the William really be to happened. motives. ulterior am has it switchy-switch in ridiculing is ques involve healthy. He as of the open ever says Campaign court will it Martin it an at least one promi Campaigner thinks that forget her When in say. whether guilty', doesn't because you'd expect Labor hack. Well what But take to when But Fees what But best the No not Fees and the point, success is occupation know that I it's The badly. it No nent a missed letters missed tion. if was of this . me her. Both to quite should conservative her at he love with .' they of primary boy made friends teased for being in reminded when girl 'The occupation). alone. lobbying that is a political Not first truth The mes to her attack response to that she goes the (even though she ap their proved of the her be onto seriously. are. her for implication we exactly 'not John and humor- the second The that criminal we Yvette comments consider Mr was government was becomes an exercise inevitably the op scoring points and ridiculing Debate never position. gets right is virtually down to issues; meaning of Woroni, edition he claimed, the blame from Labor are was philoso were, maybe they in the in a means' eloquently shift to a it particu of the good offender Campaign. Martin's all. This that, trouble that before considered about clearly at do only second first They qual I will ensure dismissed last attacked tempt loved Fees political worth they're tion. a your you. I to power facts.' the comments at ridicule the He ously point will manifestation in to will twice. it saw The regard. hardly my justifies Passant. lib 'stupid are too, blameless What the speaks Labor phy and I on liberal a Neither, Resistance accuse certainly because comments member a Passant's is say Martin's disregard disqualify credibility. of relevant ugly old 'end of using C&S revolu and in larly communist lands, your iy thing light read that I is your opinion can be properly Liberal and who Campaign whenever debate the I interest. attack to attempt opinion. vested eve con exists. climate have finance I overwhelmingly climate at ANU. scum' off unrortu what to this wear money eral' an you lefty the No ity of deny side who Club, 'Back mean ciici political You your used the I will I wrong, will referring be part to sider reany i I that see I retribution. gree with what you say, I will defend to the death In your right to say it'. we add the proviso: variably, though, . always meetings. the relevant elected do We infamous print, 'However, at freaks political trick who budget? How who? is their made and seriously, ridiculed or rest, Patrick know similar. so twins, politicians them that gene the remaining union, answer contemporary stunts? who identify after j takes they a was on own Now one the rhar ?ene representative and control can Their knows one been anyone actually In The degree? needs How it? Patrick. William Society Another ANU's article on my O-Week clubs and societies, I referred to Club. I wrote that no the Liberal every careers, student in run he do brother, that is Could Does column campus to essentially vice-chancellor. a over authority the sports and Labor Club. does William that way listens watched megalomania for stones ubiquitous to do still twin know 1995 the Why nobody the a of distinguished line society how and identical refills Centre guest I v much not I a is years control spot as believe that still and power wants is time tee? free ' $2.00 for the stepping become law question The quite write if^creening6 strong good, I gene. in the long latest doing Mama's the in mutates suitable not that, 'committees, spare weak but strong not high do that minions. bearer very yummy chocolate sprinkle often you either got just Mackerras. hot, not identifies it and five in Radman to know I do, going. be elected to attempting Daniel that This possess. certainly attended $2.00 observed me attempting degrees two they inevitably frenzy reminded year campus, Of course, do to have I as watched excent ' Waffles a in have some funny quite and some The Extras the weak around run No .William, The and this of flake. takes it What time. same. an minimal as last editor] around kind some long as Woroni been coming, office, hapless Hennessy average average $1.20 Refectory good, average was regulation Byron possible chairs Sullivan's in for had I I politicians Steve coffee. so I article, fresh Froth that here all student filter, r of buying been thesis, per a may can researching your own be the easiest, Danielimply have [former long kitchen possible didn't flat of how definitely a coffee plunger, ones ones Finally, not they their old at do to sort These parents' cheapest, than cup have the or is Radman su same instant and some stove. but do that the quite good. choose to make are If to the of electric, campus way far cappuccinos, whites with the by you colator ex used the on per All the the quality $6.50, cheaper about costs good in grind you This to shop. close Waffles unfortunate is it and of locations while $3.50 features taste froth, Overall, froth, and cup cup of cof flat black, short black Vienna dash of milk, a a short black, latte, with work is long as find most in more. important number a ANU. gives good The ta capp for price, at the to be not a details capps tras I If be back ones permarket). as so-called and qual amount the on of too all (the beans cappuccino. success froth. I'll ble below but come may should its froth, es many differ the best? This choice, time all, to there Briefly, fee is rough guide after trying when any get that personal a a wasted in available obviously handy to of ity lives .of forms, thought students we and/or — is as night have jobs, the caffeine depends ten course, cappuccino's — at into A — also of and, cream will lights — late who Soon up. and the work of switch? a case switchy — is piling Orientation burn well is now uncle this Is cappuccinos week and over tally of — The third or vlh \^y( * ( j-\~J http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270429 & Collectors De (French horn, tried feremy to well . as as band's daink rowdy, to some Uni The album the where feels everyone just and go with the experiment Production and mixing take care life of a contains its of the finer for tuning the The Live Demons Hunters own. that songs flow. studio have ca fans 'We Tour given the audience. be playing will record.' It will people please of selection a gone in times you think wide look back some them at these songs 'Do , and directions, go and all older our this on material the older live together?'' stuff about for been hasn't six and years of Some tour. played have we the fu for Hunters and Collectors and jamming emerging now, like of the The House there and that thought tralian . influencebands by more sider are he their in their to through have much in stream and The has been Arms' early varied Around and Me the like do produce album that an come from different directions seems to found Your Grail our own will. yet, This means ably never can't just produce stuff like many other, bands. haven't and style we formula a We six were j \ j . | with and 1 hurt I g jj response and from like also are four to 'It'll and has ) about some three or play what's about a bit. just songs, basically fresh and juggle the We feel. doing on maybe sets, derground sound planning acoustic band (who ago sets And We as as far Maybe we'll as Demons Hunters date to made and main- to it | from their un- I 1 while bur until planning are the even that!' a. from haven't form and Col gave far the roots. be record. off have the knew debut popularity, newest years chart j and the Live Flower | Human astounded Hunters after to Palmer of the songs; live give the older songs some different slightly The . Barry band played never it guitarist the joined of alot member, a prob that to reworked and his input will . 'We explains, Jeremy days,' Holy songs, to of Easy through Desert Where Her Heart riffs Is Hunters Throw of styles wailing guitar the balladous con grungy , Say Goodbye, | to were Demon ? seem to ci Talking The Slab and The Way to Go Stranger, Out Tour From produced. where they that | go- of mikes by the headed of of anthems either the 1986 album we touched number you | go play while peosquashed and injured. (off and highest when | but we,. someone hard is it front. couple on getting lectors combination.' list and are a their the Oils | rowdy and Everyone daink, stagedive, Someone is land or like v ; invariably to it. take And change influence different. bit we received popularity crowd. still Everyone words!' directions a stuff want or Frailly), time. that die bands modest the have . the in think any a Pretty . with along Hunters that allow quite from with think I ; don't bonds comes common . . to Jeremy music together. seems the modelled I jump get really around up asked if a Students off, right shows I music. years). Morning is could . and to that think we daunting have changed the face of Aus 'It first 'Breaking Oils and Hunters, had 'peers' of Australian new the with are gigs a shock at the popularity, got quite of the older material the' among We uni crowd. This younger played as INXS of youth I time same Oil, relative of playing to a group, who are and using feeling found liberty of (in the case their pie Austral in finished just Tour' Dry Crowded still the Midnight Enz. Split force a around rock bands as 12 years over just ' ; feel great them, , ian . for have been - up a ing to them ture. ?r is I any were | uni. 'Yeah, and old alike. new the different the on past and directions 'In absolute an Uni's! before, * stiidents, thoughts, a says Jeremy. each song takes on about the upcoming tour, boards), what they will be playing, how they will be playing the prospects of it, playing produce to vvas well.' as way Monash at Campus the night asked Jeremy if campus gigs to free bum', key guitars, cophony, get tied down, varied and full al not tried to has exception. no 'We've Uni stu that us played just j Smith spoke I 5. the at playing Flower, Demon release, proved ninth fun for more Having Caulfield The studio more. bit a by | on dio see their album, It's listening bit a scene touring , 1 p. well. | cover well it'-, got our own have to break own of time as 'made having next the, cover we band! up and re band to say | | H ? Bar in be they will April these, will it , with country 40 days. Among latest oiir ' Tour Their the traversing 30 gigs around Live experimenting in Melbourne and and intellectually. aurally . the music. ourselves challenge audience ? Titled cutting ? . tour. always edge of Australian - Australian begun the at have Hunters recently, been an . other mons more ? just Hunters them Collectors have name ' and our spoonerise ? Just don't . Hunters . | James Dawson | I Theatre Junk Things (Columbia in is of Stone the Arnold Records) Do remember you hit Wood's Helen Wasn't ? Well, is it sound 1_T has a ailU lllUOl U„,T^ this album the words in late two and Wild/lowers Australian Black the played Trek on local McCarthy Dog wonderful that what - no , ..v this no more, tions v is, isn't ''would lend a The little (eg 'it which songs a is a Then the sort one - track that after, buying '' Pulp sider: we stereo car basically sort of sound usually consider to the Fiction a National Library of Australia the seeing a movie e.g. soundtrack. Please Con climactic ?' ???: would Enterprise-D crash scene lands, in which would the you cask red. aspect of this good dramatic in 'Down there been problem tion ots the to this of Fire, ain't. one rule to Sure (Paris , on All movie a all pretty few diehard do, never proving really you'd bad the Trekkies once been more big will that on no on local they? addition a the which doubt sounds of for go way music. to Preller this pack will ape or but then over Romulan is the as Bird the harmoni beam don't again Trekkies the strangest do things. the slimy vermin who soundtrack re my Pulp Fiction it. I know who you are, and you P.S. turn me, a to have that value of-Prey de-cloaking ous rumble of a tractor will this, those to entertainment ominous Chari buy in themselves curious but this like have in you listen Australian musi inci stole to up get with Yep!, to. bought red, wallow as soulful The bonus Texas, have and you album this Peter much The Mission). of them. in been eehh, if minutes of several age is the inclusion of sound effects from the film. This have there an around expressing excep are buy talented truly eehh, cheap cask of a super is so hey? So of intoxication stakes, There's put in yeah, will you natural expect a lot in played vocals go, 'Yeah simple friends that Scat just film. want that most make, for or they're to. a state over movie that An not the soundtracks some wisdom but the ship'? here you'd or dance of : eehh, Pretty budget cians track this eehh think fin true' with lies eehh'. some orchestral the do of sense! to The backing eehh some daink a hear bars. a lot now do album make actually heard as nothing : » feels And again Generaof movie that of the many soundtracks; dental music from movie 'ressy' to be the must Shouting, sounds for on you're in the late (or they make of 'all too gems terbrain's old soundtrack, plain less. itself to last to when or friend's lyrics the tures deal that great the Woolies In fact prefer (Cresendo soundtrack a be that . really wherever played; to your other sense. , isn't say for without any can in of the Records) There friends driving ishing is radio Black stereo car morning) Generations Soundtrack Original Dennis most you songs group shopping drunk late at night released, Churchill's was with hear the the UJ Already singles composition 1994 and Churchill's Star llOLtlitU somewhere. there Wild/lowers Dog. A ? llclVC the wondering if probably 'chocolate cake' had been have been there you are in slipped W1IU had moving The of Crowded /--» wrote album the on other sound well. as tracks just to attraction singing and swaying along to this al In fact bum drunk late at night. the vocals to track six, Wild Man backing Greg a major hand in writing the The three. happy go lucky melodies will have you singing and and single? similar reminiscent is .JLIV-JUDC . excellent excellent truly & Happy Birthday an it album this and of Stone Things single twelve the long') of who, single-handedly, of the nine add moment. made be must the at twenty top Mention & Wood would be punished. ' , Robert Duncan they've the taste http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270430 ..AT*-*-. that are We work ute as recognised band. performance as explain of definition it members in is apparent The influence music. but strong, where to cern, from. the band Rather, on agree they other. that songs they Martin of the that down are influ that the vide show songs Will Find A (Mushroom Love Find music. It on stuff tracks are of sions then buy : expect. So ? it ver For all couple of few with Hits. songs in surprises the one their eyes to a not bit to dance to of those their though, brooding Elvis (before of Dylan she complained 'they're She said squeaky clean!'. who Dylan, these clays. In isn't siastic his if fact, cost bank the card credit Nick Leeson cost tragic fact Brandon terms with drama more the to con bestride Barings. to tion was the which wagon clusively his fake for the family less than The only only of US television a little more has to not of a truck on the election as dies in his car of his eve Lyndon Johnson being shot in Dallas and him and you get Kennedy succeeding the general tone of the incident. While minor this character Brenda in that other sky, Bruce 1984 tered Hills Beverly Pit is still day with moment's oped Griffin life open shakes continue. notice. Stone Grossly with stride ex sending National Library of Australia Donna in the hours twenty-four and sympathy at 'freshmen' (the overdevel ugly like names around to The say. a the the time to gang Then little. anyone the again, else. strum out a stu Bach the one) set, into a a of cover plas buttocks pose across can't I of this cover similar a promi to the worldwide. the in but with struck is help album a conveniently Perhaps placed guitar. with age the famous butt Springsteen like the music which has, accompanies If like you this opportunity one disc, little decidedly gotten it, to if get do not, guitar. able factor in the cool and room,' ' ' take his hits on has very this you. her on partita all ' and soft Springsteen, to you offer woman h relaxed of and folksy rose to is they university background has the with and more The USA which In stores saggy. disappointing. features slow a little best Brothers Blood denim-clad his noticing which this Dan Silkstone The unpredict Valerie, young Brenda's occupying now is equation calculating old and ex-boyfriend. Dylan is the what one she reveals for passes only to. her real, nasty, self Actually, found myself quite her. Lying liking on bed she explained con Dylan's her whole 'I materialism, of theory don't believe I nihilistic in any ' thing'. After both joins of aspects The Peach familiar but enthu a raw plenty To Run Born 's record any, The more. Springsteen part due in they Minnesota big more does Shaw contrived. cisely University Imagine' neither dent for hits Born like colossuses, surprisingly In the sounds so nence can Of Philadelphia does deal and close friend unfortunate leaders. pos sta a quickly, and Brandon's to come of the side too are This ally. rather was, her death meeting the wood-panelled are produced sets the political ? had which the greatest mube found in the Springsteen like Anthony from call 295 1121. here repeated twice these is probably floss. fairy a little Around swoons. friends Brandon instance,' Senate issued or For real. were Brenda that problems Now clean in 1980's slick Springsteen's where his mu the 1980's to show- Streets info, on Preller indulgent, introspection, which proved popular 1993's to James Deanesque he would have to have died in a highway acci dent She had a point years ago. though. The only serious earlier series was whether the self formula with more 1990's paced so this actions fan all are tracks The further Music with as often, Songs with minute last out in house point radio are Bar by The 24, supported and with special one a fan but artist acts. Uni great example of edge of house. delivers tracks. the at gig Three. For Springsteen's Greatest bad album. Anyone who moments a Nick collection navigated and The River all squeaky so a re code zip said, not older inhab when sessing is a FM ei Sundays, after sought to have from local a Too becomes of many and as goes cut you're your are to break style at and original will floor night tries are played welcome a am greatest of you you who polishes Springsteen as compared programmes, BMWs vertible his new other the of the If to did. This album ? of this father's mixes This reasons (Capital, up the March Liquid like Born In help but enjoy tracks The USA and Dancing In The Dark. . summed going different Hits , , 7.30pm) to dancing. EP hold eyes on and add this sic . Beverly take your rest nightclubs writes in accom music they Bin, Doomed, not character new be loners/losers into flaunted. important Hills 90210 the 'successfully Brenda: 90210 Hills Beverly any for to The person production hard edge of a young sexuality the cheeseburgers arid Beyond itants marked new the most last Presley attributes possesses the and at others times at Springsteen nasal lyricism The be the did. to re-open have their on the whose a to guests, of The Whitlams Peter disbelief. Life you sical or up band For is Velveteen the with Velveteen, more suited the experimental people they dance when Generally jumpsuits). to combine these fails band's watching progress music of the local bition refreshing the repetitive at given to the rhythm let when others' long. forget these collection a atheistic on go of all the worth the ranks scene. front capture well the Private pres The audience, Fans of those Love There which, depending on perspective, ther preaches to the converted to called and hits well. as track Way. Unfortunately you're A. Of The Way with do credit not and to Find of the stage ability. to four the demanding all strong technical set stage Whitlams. Bruce This selec- the expected new Most to a version Will with turn-out. disappointing However, the poor sound mix Velveteen's Love In seem close the musical the band's through somewhat anything special. Springsteen and performs good pop-rock to transcend his cho songs but fails sen medium as both Dylan and a ways tention of Vel Bar their Toby did well man catch to with and ence goal big the best is called is A If songs. who my he many is tion for when all of the poten in recordings what to. exactly know Greatest features in new Springsteens affirms c 3 It something to deciding is white is makes you are as (Sony) Devoid beast. which teresting, a tracks This Hits The best of album tial EP song. the you different same Springsteen difficult track to. Find at or if So, this slightly the Greatest Bruce night. a Darren, Looke, Susan Loy Photo: 'Toby. attention pro of Sydney for the markets, is and left: was performance tight, members of the band to enough Will that Bin The at Monday a the stuff would Not to be confused Mix). 2 and track 4 also 1, track good dance is to upstairs played Bobby's love this four identical is is Way a Paul from solid the gigs.' says Canty. The oppor Victoria to Way (The Flux Will band Clockwise equip pretty lucky at the ANU recently and The Whitlams. dance Records) on certainly get Looke was money with in hardly recognisable of The Beatles' Day Trip Darren then Blacklock'.s as showing itself again Paul, Toby and Darren swapped to places to allow Darren sing. Velveteen are shaping up to be a gain real recognition of the ACT. A foothold into veteen Way is discussing can competitive and Melbourne I and accen styles a Overrated-, Dream The it's the melody based. Melodies Bass Culture EMI chance a 'We write been tour outside street, terpretation ex- Velveteen's received; closed set ex obviously band, was the between shift cover, per, impending an with the band have to tunity our of arrangements band. is The only the recognition gaining deserve. 'It's not confirmed providing the bassist, in lyrics. very Love We ment your head.' for responsible get stuck Toby most to. walking that songs yet. can greatly tuated. to way they be songs that peo They're going to can whistle while to people are all band ability for well improvised. an' Song, song to mu more plishment rumours that One going. the It it. becom performance and Love was playing 'We says Paul. adds the daunmer, Melbourne to their comes believe 'I songs are going listen ple can is that' on ing Genies, con music it that that is is their things each ence of Sidewinder where to of the few of little time their ceptionally ac which 9:30pm, renewed vigour to give stilted perimental mu Blacklock. tour , style gives me With. influ their rare the band about talking Darren am differing where more less Homer of those one Rick around' don't great combination a ing enough to drag the band from to talk to me. 'The mu jam session sic isn't talked it's about, played. difficult under falls biguity of the four accom- is Velveteen, from a Quote of Velveteen style ences an than final difficult Penny Drop City, now plished The sic like and spend tually things to — acts is phenomena sical The good around arriving appeared of us'. one single Velveteen 1994. late the all gan ear. and contrib . locally Sidewinder rlanigan, they are to niche product. final gets common . Supporting in their finding the the. other — really eveiy Fyshwick; my mission, most with ANU's Velveteen heroes, Velveteen. to the Canberra scene, only new to to product a. interview an unlikely are in store gain in am I . book to and Wednesday night a — is It agreeable off each ' the Revolution . Here comes Velveteen went Nietzschean fathers their of this probability atic, but with residency in an treasure we can what the fact that dead. The were seemed opening Beverly such things questioning piece smacked vast philosojohy, discuss to on problem to Hills so late of disingenuity. house only wait havoc Valerie like premise in In of cultural the this cliches, impatiently will wreak. Garth start to see Crawford http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270431 Faraway. So Close of the phere B.R Fallon have book or a due read rock is a the to B.P. dead boring. ever, before popular rarely about group with observations of life telling very is this profound, of contemporary At first his unusual self pretentious, a bit more too informal is ing probably But realise and are representing day sationalism few dia self .given to most to might Added writ hospitable, where nice a in can conscious an an The minus and utter the ously crap to of some me pear interested book the by of Fallon's comedy own snapping away Naomi Winona O'Connor, Jam, and Public of U2's chums the pages and interesting in the life completely Bono, read on Enemy that of this timely exposition tales pioneering For book. music, or with enamoured pussycats. Kirsten tralia. Australian the wide dispels and somewhat spread that Lees offensive were women tralia was roic myth research woman a that in suffrage the Lees uses an he of array intelligent Aboriginal them the from frage movement often and which in her finally the criticising could be justifiably what insipid as at this in point useful veiy is women women to that ex- it their | % own ij allowing in participate our today's f heritage f which manner a '{ made for fighting in of struggle often denied some in movement advancement, for | would Certainly, valuable historical an the at i by high use for Women reference. immensely plores up of feminism regarded a vol- the for but Voles level, it elitism, liberal extremely be make unsophisticated students, school Lees even weaknesses little tertiary suf any way, middle-class a won woman in blatant turn, However, 1967. ume separate of struggle rights people vote shies its Aus and intense lengthy, clear is it to fa one. the given need of the tactics in important civil These and structured, legislature an providing on the chapter Australian the saw thorough for struggle the Suffragettes, Lees' from and well is each examining while it book Her Young written both sources, primary those of rock just visual. po needlepoint. that militant British to request do to than their never mous of the centenary in South Aus franchise female (white) high December's last true the adopt Australian movement suffrage lights the is movement known, least yet greatest, of this one — country's woman of dulcetly on with continuing it While having strenuous more and litely without gratis, anything & Unwin) — This franchise, story Lees (Allen Kirsten The Women: ap enlight Victoria Votes for Australian the to Turlington, Sinead within ening throughout provided the subtle one some just is previ by Fallon taken much company, Mullen Jr. Lariy Pearl Ryder, excellent of which constantly in their Campbell, are Brus about with filled most Christy sen entertainment extra this, is unpublished, whilst petty a who receptionist over-zealous book himself, employ. is atmos day with Paso El sprouts. photography, comparative a hotel a alarmingly sels apparent to from cultures; in mix-ups driver, dislike and a the the for taxi is hideously The re a. k. a Beep, or The High is a friend of Happiness, of U2, writes about them as they are from of different experience Fallon, Priest style after that the on make stranger. and indulgent, groovy. we pages swers Inter writing life interview, art. piece road in this an worthy a rich. is rock is. as flippin' of rock gods become book more than they. and sometimes amusing, slightly just it well as filthy of the road like and bunch It on real seem famous alities greatest it them are book, of the world's phenomena, seems de is U2 about how most that change. refreshing one esting, fact entire an performer Fallon's account original he language His I and event time scribing. ? U2: is too | us: I Sarah history. Gilbert j .j otism, gross, and the worst the 2CA top 40 the cinema left ro face I despite my best, intentions did Speechless diced over? me of most Sure, but ward, couldn't but wonder film was but speech- writer, able is as is the and Greater Union Ace saw loved Ventura: a Pet dancing, is world a safer if is not for place Detective facial the with off I comedy initial an dog Hate 'I some guess, if got it's by series to hit men, police and fire stomping dates to of attrac Love 'I culmi all scenes, America you're into the ingre sexual with punctual all strong tan Aspen, the outdrinking a graffitied who man in toi mountains aim of is to their find flight Mary to the Swanson sound best track, that look you The opening credits, a cloud of many through oured balloons and then, is together indication good a My theory come. the spend (Lauren Picket bag and Fences, Well, actly a greatest new life. asset to Rather return start times at Hanging with Lloyd and Harry is and at times stupidly dangerous, tickles the top Dumb and Dumber ics of the need for love, being best entire Along ever, film for tnis speea, the time standing up. down and Starting is ride out with that jokes and scenes The Naked Gun, the audience duced to mas), and team up not America's ever be when the made Lloyd most honest or likely, more lives friends, and illiteracy most ter Rockies. if road clad it in kid's back, rather Carey's bum gruff start afresh, their forget of voice scenes expulsively in in how motorbike a How can funny. and Harry drive to a — speechless... a has a kind of fun, to Rachael Antony that will of ideas cold in watch region unclad at jokes but itself in this then Ventura film are honest the face beyond warp and silliness are this with is many clream power con it to a of lapses get his speed. If laughing your down and dirty, film a hug. Robert Umphelby is it times, expressed so Carey ends double from laugh, and the film whippy good give this Daniels' forever, gaggingly all scenes you Aside providing Dumber and the win Nether Ace but leave almost all laughing the end. For as the audi keep clusion. then and comedy Dumb top script Lloyd's newly one. driving are and they just the brilliance in intro Christ Carey (Lloyd Daniels (Harry Dunne), in the world of staring enough ' shame is dumb. giftedly movie of two Jeff fresh scripted confront awoken tne lasting you Carey's antics with a sudden faced or bout of corny, mind-blowing the way till ence could out old as bit a not As police her made big budgets and computers of Mask, and back looms Carey wild Daniels for extended to willing are kind of you're and you've of a giggle fol if Sunday night sticking they brave characters two kind yeah, col Carey set, head off watching Dumb laugh your Gone and Dumber. are the mistakes will you a better off saving your probably it out for a popcorn and hiring munching, video night at home. So, for their summary, money her. Lloyd to marry Lloyd and Harry think this is a and with not ex thinking plan, lost on lives some eleva of than this eyes, your loved one's could be for you. But otherwise one destined red haired the Holly), from officer in on drawn people into hell you're the open the through of their rest into in and fate by together the mu Unfortunately, of satire and got the urge lowed by an of get of static seeing, use of opiposite two bored multicol sort of what's that is we're ing scenes clever and witty oured balloons, else to of classics. So, pur another result as tor an must banality, stop short embedded cliches it's one yellow, towards one total firmly suburban shopping-mall featuring one floating stuck and well its or stylish the soundtrack for cunning plot dedicated about the destruction seem you're cinematogra balloons great The if to aver a studios. sical speaking, unforgettable ting of good delivery You' across eventually and sizzling followed to MGM insightful scene. looking challenging phy, haunting mise-en-scene, ple bringing these on that National Library of Australia it dialogue seem romantic lets. even pets, doesn't going is rap that then pull snappy You'/ Civic Carey doing now believe Jim and they tion, Dumber the just as pretty the bear for two zilcho is material probably situ about be any chemistry between But duo Julia and. Kevin. dients: Reeves an election romantic have to seems romantic writer and dirty for of the election of it. competent particularly Except due into pretty it's that being which, be part is Speechless I course, much too sense interesting. is insomniacs two some Technically where. predict ro making the whole characterisation. the their through and cute, especially those two between campaign — without guess too quite the and the battle hostile political of Christopher casting a the as as ex-comedy Dumb you Keaton Michael wacko, mantic, less or a When I guess, the in age love affair tle though of be reading I amusing are opposing on discovered candidates, credibility I having Davis lovable more ation for are could heads. everybody's and sometimes on each other to the profession, fly their Initially, then actually they of love, streamers Speechless is just a lit to be that great or predictable Although the idea of a interesting. campaign. that whether Geena piss-take? increasingly down clever, as on surprise). fight preju kind of and to respective straight now true eventually to old sparks start know. just that (surprise, begin Davis neither yet trail, is truth bad movie. a pretty eccentric, fiery, not it's it's help a it's guess, every Hollywood of I odds all against and gooey, how, So, If that grin on my and nauseating embarrassing, win confess this realise teams nating in a public declaration and lots of balloons and falling (Kevin) speech-writers of the other's nor of side Geena Keaton campaign aware bits, this to with mantic-comedy yet have I ; patri subversive features, (!), election despite sticky schmaltzy, soundtrack film insomniac exactly me Although and Michael (Julia) call overtones. - moments bit com and yet, confidence, of stomach-wrenching inspire I 'romantic the US of A. Doesn't from edy' another yet — . can — book comic — . Correspond has suspiciously Baggy'!) The Mmmm. (You — Keaton. War Bob' — Starring ex-Gulf 'Bagdad ent - by Ron Underwood Michael Geena Davis, Greater Union Civic. Directed debonair, as Speech/ess a the truly, Shakespearian. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270432 To Live Starring (Electric who staiggle their small changing Li Zyang Yimou, director from their the has triumphed birth, ble tale in China The civil thanks deavour five he received Chinese by ban year war dent in his of scenes war the provide film. in for social or poignancy is it Instead, March his audience into was a band. and hero. (Ge of the the The relevant where is on The ing blinking and audience into plunged opening the for audience drum a voice Now You do As CD Vis-a-Vis that they Askew, a beyond which song than dull is commercial. and video all ordinary expose they of the character discordant The of it pressive Joy dance is music Ignore gone and it Kevin horribly hope it and flamboyant, 29 goes to artists at times Askew and Margaret the Kerr's book on from of a an ists, caba of the Art Burke. Book'. exhi of diversity women Works by by paintings and fabrics coin exhibition launch of Dr Australian Joan art women National Women's will The exhibition until display Inter an 150 years. The The 'Heritage: mark Australian Preston with Half to the past cides var is include display Frances be on 25 April. century. and display Live runs the over on of energetic are is that O'Brien Day with produced by fea exploration of an eccentric physicality. Wite. work of themes, veneer the eighteenth dancers tale Up celebrating notion ranging moods from spirit the range share their an It epic. human Gallery Women's bition per Askew dancers to historical a is it well be missed. national company col new, a the vulgar extends very The National explor around interpretations, ret patterns The effect Women Hold the Sky projections a explores it centred that parody a as dance slide Visually assist. of one's with and disturb a film. Liz presents dance production. music, askew. which complete together') live ied very conventional dance tures The ACT though, haemor Company Canberra to ourful self. the The spective. formula and bass sounds us Dance contemporary idea of twisting of that moving shouldn't Company a for of case to more sanctioned of disposed daughter Fugui's remains ing and passionate magnificent and its a even him offered Fugui Having Dance the ing stuff. dance 's and make Joy picture single music from im by March 8. April away. You will It state developed and was unable result a Pearen's singu sequencer. lyrics ('Peace lasts forever/ Joy keeps were 7o Live was it Fugui and the doc Pitying rolls. hiccups a of that of the up-' cause making Zyang was work. his called was birth the clearly thus ironic been and he Vis-a-Vis Goth Office offer? we but the demonstration like banal larly Achtung! One is flat simple. $35 for the full year. Yes, you guessed Film Group. And you will enjoy it. These the films are you will attend, till a so MIDI a pure get stuffed. What simple formula Pearen's are sound in Pearen machine wrong. TISM. lot, the daughter. returns is single accompany number, Garbage. Thanks the bad things dur he would choose lives, has produced sterile rather immediately fam Pearen. Unfortunately, in out malnourished, assist rapidly hell buy to really mortal This with glow-mesh bodysuits to a taken alien head-dress its sinners some their on sauntered his in (Mushroom) the Joy by Toni pride tale wanted devil had done TISM them Roader quite heaval; Askew convince it. band sequinned innate Zyang's Pearen the that spite had who doctor, bread in optimism, are a to of selfcon idiots, daig-fucked to of the few bands themselves great. consist bands one aback here humble she provides a of the loss and as Capitalist hungry seven tragic lov If of dickheads. difference most gratulatory are bunch a and comical a devastation Toni be mollycoddled. to are His gives ily, the atti both is of sense surprising appeal of the dry and almost black wit. evident in one of the part a to of the the Leap Forward' his people. a as tor's 1994) feet-stomping hand-clapping then walked frenzy 'Fuck you' the au abruptly offstage. in dience screamed They delight. come when Jaizhen's of Ballarat') people film upon Bar up was severely Li) They worked This exiled of (Gong most humour present to de the film also serves throughout tract the source of the family's suffer that policies ing from the Communist 'Great on its rhaged and died. Much of the re arise. portrayal the film, Mao's is to of the strug furthers moving depiction veiy that Fugui Uni 18, ('Lovely TISM in The a didn't Cannes at film slam-clancing ? in en conflict summmed encore of the survival was endeared ? tude Actor' You beautiful Li's sacrifice TISM TISM's Ge 1945. and torridity the courage of the puppeteer humility wife You) and his resolute Saiturday Jaizhen of the Red Army. not the sweeping is it steadfast of family authorities portrayal Ironically, of foreign coproduc to the dark wit evi on due mainly tions, gles hum this and compassionate endurance this in 'Best awarded its is live hopeful regardless and difficulties that Gong character whom (for Fugui magnificent epics Raise Hoe Reel Lantern and Ju Don were given whom that times, main dramatically gives the tale to statement: powerful in and insight. uniqueness The sympathetic Shadows) Chinese to preserve throughout family . by Zyang Yimou Ge You and Gong of $23 for rate first You will correctly. one every danceahle semester join of them, nitecluh W^kicli us! join gives with music live you no charge? cover or the ANU from now Easter: 8pm Thursday 23 March 8pm Friday 24 March 1.30pm Sunday 26 March 8pm Tuesday 28 March 8pm Thursday 30 March 8pm Saturday 1 April 8pm Tuesday 4 April 8pm Thursday 6 April 8pm Friday 7 April Natural ? ? ? The ... Mary ? 8 April Sunday 9 April 8pm Saturday 1.30 pm 8pm Tuesday 8pm Thursday Look at 11 April 13 April at The Last The Year Fearless ? Wolf ? this of US history), Man Eat Drink Bites, + Triumph When Red, Will of the a Man (our Young Frankenstein \i \ and Garran to + Gallipoli of Living Dangerously + Dead Poets' Society Christmas Before + your (on a Schtonk! + with Forrest the Gump (the Baby Vampire, Loves a Woman, motivation The Mask Proxy, Baraka, Thursday Boomers' Ace Ventura, Three Sample Fiesta our Colours followed ty Go Fish, Eating Gilbert Grape?, The Bines Brothers are (all What's film), witli Niglit start So join a of Sonora taste sounds of tlie Latino America, DJs our Friday Ragga Jump: Canberra's dance band with grooviest Shaha Dub I percussion on at Students 2 for 1 cirinhs pay no before cover charge 10 p.m. until at the all and end of get March I now. Dress anu ikm moon) full semester: before membership. II#' Witness to 8 pm, any screening join up. All films have to pay once, and start at 1:30 You which only except Sunday showings pm. to four that you can see after any film for free. You may bring free of charge up Of course, it is even guests per semester. cheaper if you get your guests to chip in for 'J Wave dress Roads) Ills mJt t§y§p fc§§ Brothers. If for the show) and the Marx you appropriately the following in Semester 2: are the look forward to for Pulp joining year seeing Over Broadway and Nell. Quiz Show, Bullets Fiction, Come to the regular Lecture Theatre venue, the Coombs of Fellows (corner encouraged h$i ^i^ii Rock Woman, The Hudsucker staff + Le Samourai ? coming up Frankenstein Hanging Nightmare ? ? Interview rewriting Reality White what's ? ? Manhattan + Mystery Junior III Shelley's Picnic ? ? + Kika ? ? ? Killers Murder Flintstones Richard ? ? Born Manhattan ? , Directed film National Library of Australia group Upstairs — FranUm rules Street, apply Manilla — TeL 295 8066 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270433 r— Tyryn.TT nil in i urn in1 ii iji Jim i' n ru 1 niiv.JwiTir nnrri Nile mil— nriiiiBMH mubiiw ????hi i irn 1 T-r^rr 1 t-v1 i tgr.i-^m^rn^Trm-v : wjp*u.iwmiiiijj»i»«»vifBW!?* ibwhiiibiii iihiiwih witjymk Clary Julian One lump A friend for wearing Famous Famous dog-collars for wearing dog a like to Hasn't had sex see homosexuals all Would hung to like see well all foi woman 10 years - a ^Hasn't had.sex with collar . a homosexuals hung mother rural in priest of four, round for had been happy pious local father io years in a.woman alt.folklore.urban, friend a invitation, with Santa A Killarney, was the accept because the cook the cided to the day, like a with Dresses stiff a stiffie her in wheelchair a Once / r v * ' * s- - i u *? y \i , -j rode someone in a wheelchair doorbell - Likes upstanding members of the community Likes the community's members upstanding rang, she pectantly could that is-better it to give than to *ls recieve happy either - -- stowed Has ? been never skull-fucked Has denied never the that bowl had a guest stores' Christian, net the ex were retrieved the floor and the in 'her temporarily Then she answered the cleric was the out of her cleavage. 'Milk, of lumps father?' she sion of the not that to trimmed windows his see Christmas glitzy strolled they streets, as a means the at store the through Japanese guide a the sales. depart ritziest the window tour hadn't obviously quite true meaning of Christ In their stunning treated was Santa and the grasped tourist increase to last on dressers to absently. Night As that and surprised aglow with all But thinking, couple a was spray-snow sitting mas. Without sugar. fished he Shinto are that the local explained shops weren't occa fussy and used any old festive am she had any woman to displays December, but mindful crowded ment the window Japanese the a the UK. was most all-night taken on of the shopping centres, the Japanese department hard-sell in themes. woman to obligatory he was session, comparing a delicious slice of devouring homemade Madeira. up his Picking asked his hostess if teacup, the priest inquired eimifn the elec his first enjoying the heart of the was tour It down pie ©Ihlh® erap After those lips. from them ple cleavage. door. Presently, being skull-fucked his cubes sugar - way for works mega-multinational giant, cultural found her see licking Flustered, Knows woman sugar that moment, and through the ^ curtain de decorations. cut-glass smashed. At new been Once.rode kids young table arranged To her horror, the carefully Dresses who friend a freebie company beast in Tokyo. and hell, play merry careering the house and upsetting the around swallows tronics karaoke On Swallows Still soc.culture.japan of friend Japanese The old tea. renowned a invited to least not woman had hostess. Spits sleighed '? the Would of two? soc.culture.british or alt.folklore.urban, Claus in all to his the display, the rare of sight glory nailed — Fred m , — w— 1 —— i MgMBMawMWMBWM— cross. Dead Living alt.folklore.urban A friend of hospital better who on ring his own to ring. To dead finger his laugh ask help him remove the youngsters' would and the ring, to put between a a gullible his stuck horror, the with off come the Avatar would prankster veteran socks with finger and fingers novice day living was severed a nothing workmates new rituals. nasty initiation One of his favourites gold old wily a liked the scare of out lights knew friend a porter than to off. One the lads appar day, though, decided to get their own back a prank of their own. They ently with If this your way, then call the win (last old mature this bowl o' at his staple and it's withheld), age house. good healthy is a too. Don't they'll eat a welcome by the us and name ite growing ' budfull, right?' For his cannabis sine and generally irresponsible tude towards child-rearing, Bill cui fice atti Next wins National Library of Australia tickets of the with a week's to drop sample of your tips. winners Hunters will is uncannily office being Crop who scores tickets cert of her choice. this offer are into best receive and Collectors. the of precise If you. 2487127 on exciting for resembles probably isn't Please confidential. with a photo, a contact number and your favour Or this Clothing and provide them to Pic an what simply you prize so, issue's winner only happy smiley was to So lasts face Ally the Uni can ter don't until replaces Roche, Bar con be shy, the next yours. morgue naked and idea and one lay inside was of them like stripped corpse. the old por he would sit when that the drawer, opened in body drawer vacant a the The you. Wonderful, out pulled and it! Last Submissions Attention it the Cannabis Company. of fibre, tell from T-shirt breakfast 'Plenty the kids' for and 43 year claims that a student, goodness Disorder Deficit it's name : Bill in Woroni out find face happy smiley own a and wail in a ghostly fashion, giv the shock of his life. ing the old porter The others nipped off to find their up quarry ter and slab, ing getting him set minutes several there porter, was It next that the corpse and moaned, no the agitated. free down lying still and buds. However, up. 'Cold of the age sign lad young was to at that him in af-. the on moment rolled 'ere, was Meher Baba Centre [email protected]. This E-Mail address was lauched the Woroni with of 'Love along Street LampPost', of the Avatar Meher letter in office California. Southern seek the spiritual Baba (pictured contact nevolently), address For into a the copy news Baba center those who of Meher guidance be above, smiling the above E-Mail and in the subject field put This provides information Meher Baba and his followers 'subscribe'. about including nouncements. says and and 'I I all: activities meetings, Meher Baba have only repeat 'Love one age God'. it message after age and an himself to give; to one over innit, mate?' http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270434 Thumbs up those filmed actually themselves $100,000 damage homes. Thank you most amusing seen of the with 'Funniest you win inmates. use '? to provide enough still hasn't ij shirt. | rather I singing really be to old how Alf see from old Mr this and Away' Pants with Quite To the ij graffiti | Amusing! | than !| more Chifley There is when blow 'I for Goats' j] people week tained tions is and diseases of his course not for the such plore Bowel and alone let last passage. vans. You as occur baby Breech. labour during out comes feet memorable as in years training clue what to the This first. and was still didn't have Very un by a proto symptoms including and and diarrhoea vomiting it treated went incorrectly arism. pituitary was undetected, and the patient died. Acromegaly Refers gland to top hyperpituit of the over-activity in an nglyfu who n are isn't it? from blood in save the made cellor the excess case, the made 4. his case reputation Malignant invariably He to fatal and considers be as the a one Kurt heart and brain by uncontrollably unfortunate An pressure. which they unable were to patient. in in the the Dr and grazed liver as the was it life with toms and branes, Chan exposure saved some This is death of the certain to about this when, a as of the victim in immune problem stress high with countered and A with students (anyone?) bowel irregular to times it had his in his as Hypothyroidism. of the under-activity Whilst a Dr senator, career and result thyroid Baume of gland. made this based on his observations diagnosis the mail of the man who delivered the external and lems National Library of Australia rate of veiy symptoms slow arise from rate sensitivity and actions. moving metabolic gain, showed who House, hair a the to growth. cold, in classic deep voice Most prob reduced drastically resulting all about used to his Bar has consoled to like and Russell tickets free choice them. us win, send alive) of your pet, to would you (dead picture or to the Uni at If a it. give will be owners but Tapp, of their an or forget Sushi children, by Jeannie [?] 8, in slow See? Woroni. call month's episode? a Will from that Dad: Dad: Already the we Who's this that hegemony and patrifocal 3. Bergstrom make fun sun to so 'in', as correctly) cunningly Kissinger's the fiction it smash able to weight heart the with the fact live in the see author hegemonic denial us can say to scream ten me' of us there?' in that have we 'Already our has game only And that it be who serves not theorem Mr to to did Homer when he put (in state Henry on in he found that spectacles Mr what of Homer's speak What election brainwashed Burns Helper, Little film San was being colleagues can English? the was of class in count final the president? are 'z 0 :TJEg as o§uu.io a of author 'who's intelligibly 'L Joq?l of one question, caught as we the backwash of postmodernity? :uiirej\T we tSU.10§l5ipAtl pUE '9 v -j.iOA\-poio UID.100l|,L tUOJlS-iaSopa ?]/ UIO.llSp.13XT ?£ „ipB3H piclnis c aju iioa iuuoQ ojpH,, 'Z ]U3UI3AO]AJ 'knock answered, can 7. re forgot Which one figures did children toilet? wanted the the name? of his When 5. the for have you played with make declaring never crusty on con society Which patriarchs? not to ity, swer so to direct the him suggestions two parodied? 6. Which constaicts patriarchy of the that brazenly of subservience. knock' in the ta's write deliberately to What 4. The author (a male?) uses engenders. two to devices stylistically entrap firstly, What inhabited the to is telephone? aged damning of is What did Homer say old Dean when he called have oppressed Simpsons 2. Yes. you once all comes piece re you The music piece of classical in the 'Ban and Scratchy' Itchy in (Jamie McGinnlay, Times) Arising week: What 1. used me. Junior a Jamie: Knock. Knock, in me time? day's This Yes. Jamie: a There? Jamie: flict The the local missed concert me? as God', and secondly the tradition of dialogue viving real simulate So we experience. butter'. 10. death, the with Landrover of 'Author en 'bread in me meaning: himself in young, Baume Yes. (childhood), Syndrome. people Dr member wrought interestingly of it his to and old horns remember you Dad: culture lesions and many it referred skin you time? the body common symptoms and colic. habits to of symptoms to thought Sushi's tie years? Dad: remember me forgotten vic increased among levels it is most enough, female university phe the attacks it claims.) family's Will Jamie: relative that is Bowel Irritable 9. a This in reactivity where point by question. unusual is de was it him to owner remember you Will of diagnosis senator, offhand' scribed- Will Jamie: including Lupus Eiytbematosis. a year bmM thousand made sorely fitr by Systemic Chancellor common Baume. of the rear rides of his twelve darlings to unfor hands then rope, Before llti antibiotics. 8. his so his long a mem drugs, a host causing ranging from anaemia and arthritis. Peter (or and in brought possibly and ten little until the at well Tugger symp mucous itself, ex-Senator neighbour's This The this that general ulceration extreme are the and demise and the Chan by the The diagnosis. tims gastroenteroiogist community in a child, but urgent case was saved by the doctor's very of tunate the vocal a was member amusing prank ma Syndrome. Steven-Johnson a nomenon Chancellor, Yak anong These This first the children dogs. Ulcer. performed operation biopsy species from properties. Peptic significant a up from Perforated Sushi respected re a meat infected an to for from be picked also went instead, on is diag was Baume sample of a This liver. liver, when flammation doctor. Hypertension. disease, to features, gallant diagnosis life. patient's leads head our hung. that rich. er... kidney, Hydatid 7. out-of-proportion hands. welt proves cellor. of growth hormone which unusual facial height, large In this sung, ny, Just caused case whose and I young, veiy well... was, was particular with resulting mi those high jor the be passages innocent screa was a with case, the rolling-in-money, 6. respon to truthful The animals the was and it world's is consider I and The that of the one and got the hydatid of parasite ingested Dys This in have mournfully takes move ex Irritable Chancellor normally why do seen: poets nosed where Dysentery. caused infection subsequently 3. ihe 5. we Despite his terror, the babe was delivered Amoebic chronic this ever quick pleasant in have problems do. understand zoan, moving resulting safely. 2. for most during Situation what sible Can A Footling up so Old Auden poets. abscess Amoebic right name? up Auden, H Cobain suck. . can W Beautiful with j 1. To sig we on. lemonade. not remover, new Thumbs Death hemp-driven have offended set retired) has put bubbles a it Ancl may polish someone condi career. as nail As' ob most faint-hearted Syndrome ? enterv ten pleasantries a of and medical medical half down I drink funkiest cum he has encountered that give own ICombi painted Is writing cause, you few cares? out thought of you? gang couldn't the And a our Baume, of the collection a nificant the Peter well very mistake down Most if wtik ndfot watch 'Janus'. given but Chan Professor cum not or anyone that witti ex-Senator cum Mr the multi-talented Gastroenteroiogist Medicine, are read to ram pit the to (thankfully his head 'Two that activist whole your Thumbs To interviewed we own, Thiscellor quiet affronted Ahhhh, (sic). veiy some 'Greenies or pink enjoy I suddenly jj two' Library. a I about whether Most nothing down sitting reading with in it with decipher? little and frankly, crap up is or ideals, to busy you do comments enough cunning Do to 'Hemp 4 Fuel'?Just folks... why? Who one just these Jones. Thumbs and Hill tel called) the turning that Dogs' alcoholic people would it scrawl minutes twenty questions I'd Tight than just better nothing legible what's his perform, 'Home than Kiss, is he button to must men man and take father bored. perpetually have time are This is. of your how see cism and up take to own To people bastard to my learnt old If like Thumbs ugly benchmark is old getting I'd made I dlttd) the programming until entertaining David shower sta Sydney the down sat the found of last I (so since sport When I his every a he/she crap if up down musician | the in visit Jones. The only thing this has achieved in his musical (and that word reservedly) is career, man 1 own programme, Tom ; I a it TV, fctambi This collect to of drama, and Swans. get managed selection comedy hop has Video' the then Here's detention Thumbs To and has worst type while network! a for responsible of Australian component evision, have 1 special What supposed cultural the capture act Home might from I a up ABC. the tion, Angles providing video. the juvenile ing Los article evade committing caught for To doing five takes It to person to news months. in who vandals ultra-intelligent jsy . To — Thumbs 'AuoqdiuAs ? qj9 s^uaAoqwsg y. SJ3MSUV an are http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270435 [?] National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page15270436