Happy Valley Hornet - Happy Valley Elementary School
Happy Valley Hornet - Happy Valley Elementary School
A Happy Valley PTA Publication Happy Valley Hornet February 2011 Happy Valley 2011 Science Fair Friday, February 25 th Now that sign-up forms have been turned in, all participants should be working away at what are sure to be great projects for the Science Fair. Students should also practice presenting their projects using the rubric form that will be sent home with their project boards. All Happy Valley families are invited to come and view the fair Friday night. February 21st Bring projects to your classroom February 25th SCIENCE FAIR 9:45 - Noon Students present their projects to feedback teams Noon—3:30 Classes visit the fair 6:00 7:00 Fair open for viewing (Gym) all students must be accompanied by an adult for the evening events Recognition Ceremony (Cafeteria) All participants will receive an award in one of three categories: outstanding presentation, outstanding effort and outstanding research As usual we can always use volunteers, so if you are available to help out or have any questions please contact Greg McCracken at [email protected] or 647-8990. Kick off Assembly for Science Fair Issue 28, Volume 5 Special points of interest: Feb 18th—21st: Mid Winter Break Feb 21st: Presidents Day Feb 25th: Science Fair Open House and Recognition Ceremony Inside this issue: Principal’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 From Around the School 4-5 School News and Events 6—7 Calendar 8 Page 2 Issue 28, Volume 5 Principal’s Message Dear Families, Martin Luther King Day on January 17th, 2011 is a date that I will always remember. This was not just a day of no school, no snow and almost no rain; it was a day when three community groups joined forces to create the Happy Valley School Community Garden. I don’t know when I have ever felt more proud to be a part of this wonderful community, watching students work alongside staff, members of our neighborhood, and a young committed AmeriCorps crew . It made me realize once again that when we all work together anything is possible. Between the morning and afternoon work groups, over 100 volunteers signed in to help out, and this energetic group of hard workers spanned four generations! There was a true feeling of community as we worked together to lay cardboard and bark for mulch, build the raised beds and fill them with soil. Thank you to these businesses and individuals who donated items which helped to make this year’s MLK Day of Service so successful: Food for the hungry work crew: Mt. Bakery, The Grace Café, Rocket Donuts, The Market at Fairhaven, Sehome Starbucks, Grocery Outlet, Pizza Time, Pizza Pipeline, Bellingham Food Co-op Other project donations: Happy Valley PTA, The Country Store, Bellingham School District, Herb Barker, City Arborist James Luce, WWU Recycle Center, Overhead Door, Parberry’s Northwest Recycling, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Costco Teachers have already begun the work of looking at The New Washington State Science Standards and creating plans for how they will utilize the garden as ―a hands on environmental science kit‖. I have enjoyed watching the numerous field trips to the garden; students have been measuring, looking at environmental factors and beginning to think about what and when to plant. In the bus line I have heard many conversations about whether we should grow lettuce, watermelon, carrots and what about bananas? I can already see many opportunities for learning coming from our garden. A huge thank you to our families, The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) crew, and the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association for helping to make Happy Valley’s dream a reality. If you have an interest in volunteering to help keep our garden ―alive‖ or if you have an interest in helping to research grants or ideas for adding a sign, a garden shed or perhaps gardening tools, please call the office at 676-6420. Karen Tolliver Happy Valley Hornet Page 3 President’s Message Dear Families, There is SO much going on in the world of the PTA right now! For starters, it’s time to think about next year, 2011-2012! We must find board members and committee chairs to ensure the programs our kids enjoy so much will continue seamlessly. Openings include two Presidents, a Record-Keeping Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Vice President of Membership. Does your child enjoy the science fair? Our science fair chair is graduating from Happy Valley and would love to pass on his wisdom to another parent to continue this great tradition! Do you find the student directory useful? The ladies who have put this together the past few years will be moving on as well. Please let me know if you are interested in any of the above positions or could help in any capacity. Our programs only work because our families put forth the time and effort to make things happen! Have you noticed the raised beds behind the fence beyond the bike racks to the left of the portables? This is our Community Science Garden, built with the help of the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association and Americorps volunteers in addition to Happy Valley students, parents, and staff. My third grader has already been out there learning some hands-on science lessons. This is so exciting! Coming up, we have the Science Fair at the end of this month, the Used Book Sale in March, and the Sock Hop in May. And of course the MUSICAL, “School House Rock”, which is going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Please make sure you contact any of the board members to give input or ask questions about PTA stuff. We are happy to listen! Remember you are WELCOME to attend the monthly PTA meetings, held on the first Friday of each month at 9:30 AM in portable D. The latest minutes hang on the bulletin board in the front hallway. Tonya Lockman Greg McCracken Co-Presidents Washington Language Proficiency Test The Washington Language Proficiency Test I ( WLPT-II) is an annual measure of progress in English Language Development (ELD). All students who are part of the State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program are required by state law to be tested annually. The testing window is from February 7th to March 11th. This year the test dates for Happy Valley are Feb. 28 through March 4. The test includes questions in each of the four language areas: listening , speaking, reading and writing. Students who were waived from the program after 2009 will also be tested. Free breakfast will be available to all students on the day they are taking the test. Page 4 Issue 28, Volume 5 From Around the School... Mrs. Knight’s 2nd Grade Class gets Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream” I Have a Dream My Dream for Animals By Isabel Carpenter By Jordan Baron I dream of a world were all people have a nice warm home to be safe from BIG animals. Their houses need to be big and blind people can have dogs to guide while going places. The homes have bedrooms and beds to sleep in every night. That is my big dream! I dream of a world where every animal has a loving, warm home. Where no animals are neglected in any way. Where they can sit by the fire and be adored by children all over the world! Or maybe be a classroom pet or just a plain old house pet! Because every animal deserves a good home! Clean Water to Drink I Have a Dream of… By Hazel Stoyka By Jake Ortega I dream of a world with clean water that everybody can drink from. Right now some people don't have any clean water to drink. First if you want to help, you can try not to use too much water. Second, give away some water. Third, don't dump sodas and other drinks in lakes, seas, and other waters. That’s what you can do to help people who don't have water to drink. I dream of a world where everything is fair. Some people in the world have thousands of dollars and some only have a little bit of money. Some people only have a tent to live in and some people have humongous houses to live in. Some people have lots of equipment to do lots of fun things while some people have no equipment at all. That is why things should be fair. I Have a Dream By Rhea Randhawa I dream of a world where everyone has an education. Where people learn the alphabet, reading, and writing. So some of them can go to Harvard, yale and all of the awesome schools. You might even get scholarships to Yale or Harvard. It doesn't matter both of them are fantastic. I dream of a world where everyone has an education. Water for the World By Camren Burton I dream of a world that has clean, shinny waters. All fish especially guppies, gold fish, and tiger-striped fish should have clean water. What can you do??? When you go swimming, don't throw litter into the lake or don't drop bags into the street! The next day it might blow into the ocean with some crumbs in the bag and it could affect the ocean A LOT! That’s what you can do to help with world. I Have a Dream By Avery Fisher I have a dream of a world where everyone is friends. Where there is no war or fighting where everyone can be peaceful and kind to one another whether black or white. That is my dream for the world. All About Peace By Emily Ma I dream of a world that has peace. I don't want anyone to fight. It will be really sad if people are in a war, because you might die. Some people in their family would be sad. I also want all people to be nice to their friends! I also want all people to be peaceful to others. That’s why I like peace. Happy Valley Hornet Page 5 From Around the School... WHERE DOES THE FUN RUN MONEY GO?????? 2 Last month I wrote about Teacher Grants, the largest PTA expense paid by our Fun Run income. Now it’s Art Literacy, costing $3,300 for labor and materials. You know those art classes with Mrs. Chue your student attends during the school day? They are NOT part of the Bellingham School District’s regular curriculum. This is an amazing program unique to Happy Valley. Years before my time here, someone really smart got together with Mrs. Chue to design and implement an Art Literacy program. Mrs. Chue, who is a professional artist when she’s not supervising our kids on the playground, designs the lessons and coordinates with classroom teachers so all of our students can learn about visual arts. I love to walk down the hallway and see Picasso inspired pictures. I love that my kids are learning about great artists and how to use some of their techniques. This program does rely on parent support to assist with preparation and implementation, and Mrs. Chue welcomes help! This program is made possible by Fun Run income and is a great example of a program which benefits each and every student at Happy Valley. Thank you for your continued support! DONATIONS FROM THE MARKET AT FAIRHAVEN (Formerly known as the Food Pavillion) The Happy Valley PTA just received a check for $238 from the Market at Fairhaven, bringing the total for this year to $751!! This is our share of their Fairhaven Good Neighbors Program, in which customers “vote” with their receipts for the local organization of their choice to receive a donation. When you spend $20 or more, you receive an additional register receipt to drop into a donation box slot against the west wall. Drop your receipt into Happy Valley Elementary PTA’s box and we will continue to receive some great checks! The Happy Valley PTA gives our sincere thanks to the Market at Fairhaven for their generous support. I Dream of a World By Jack Francis I dream of a world where all people have shelter. No one has weapons. Everything is fair. Everyone has a family. Everyone has clean water. Everyone is healthy. Everyone has friends. That’s my dream! World Peace By Robert Bailey I dream of a world where there is no hate and no weapons. No crime and no fear and no bad people in the world. No people would go to jail because all people were nice to others. There would be no street crime in the world. There would only be world peace, because all black and white people can work together all be nice. I dream of a world where all people together to stop hating. Everyone Has Someone Who Cares About Them By Lowen Henoch I dream of a world that everyone has people who care about them. I think everyone in the world should have someone who cares about them. I think everyone should care for one another if they get hurt or if they don't have someone to play with. You can always do something awesome with a friend or a family member. Everyone should care about each other. My Dream Is… By Delano Cao I dream of a world where world peace is everywhere. Peace for animals. People for people. Peace for me, you and everyone. Let your life be filled with peace not with hate. Be peaceful to animals, only eat fruit. What can you do? You can protect endangered animals everywhere. You can also help the homeless, starving, and sick. You can do all these to make my dream for peace come true. Page 6 Issue 28, Volume 5 School News and Events Cont’d... Heads up for Head Lice Head lice is a condition that is common to many school children so it’s a good idea to regularly check your child’s head especially if their head is itching. For best visibility inspect the hair close to the scalp in good light near a window or with a magnification lamp. Here’s some quick facts and information about this pesky critter: Anyone with clean or dirty hair can get head lice Itchy scalp is the most common symptom of having head lice and symptoms may continue after treatment Lice need human blood to live and will die within 24-48 hours if they can’t get a blood meal Nits (eggs) will hatch in about 7 days Lice treatment products help kill and remove lice but you still must physically remove lice and nits by combing or picking them out Don’t panic or re-treat if you see live lice after treatment – remove any lice you find For Treatment: Follow directions of over-the-counter or prescription medication used. Do Not Use a crème rinse, combination shampoo/condition or condition before using lice medication. Do not re-wash hair for 1-2 days after the lice medicine is removed. Nit combs should be used to comb nits and lice from the hair shaft. After treatment check the hair and comb to remove nits and lice every 2-3 days. Continue to check for 2-3 weeks to be sure all lice and nits are gone. Most shampoos require retreatment in 7-10 days. Follow directions on packaging. More information about head lice and treatment can be found on the BSD website at www.bsdnet.org/department/student-health or www.cdc.gov/lice . PLEASE CLAIM YOUR LOST ITEMS There are a lot of great coats, sweaters and sweatshirts in the Lost and Found area in the cafeteria. Stop by and see what great things you can recover for your Happy Valley students. There are also lunch boxes, gloves, hats, and boots, etc. BAKE SALE Mountain School 2011 is kicking off fund raising efforts with a bake sale at the Science Fair. Bring some cash for treats! If you want to contribute a baked good, contact [email protected] or [email protected]. Details forthcoming via room coordinators. Happy Valley Hornet Page 7 School News and Events Cont’d... SCRIP is GREAT!!! Here's how it works: What stores are participating in SCRIP this year? 1) The PTA buys gift cards in bulk at a discount from great stores such as Fred Meyer, The Market, Haggens, and Pizzazza Pizza • Fred Meyer (5% to Happy Valley) 2) You buy a gift card from the PTA for face value (ex- buy a $50 gift card for $50) for a store you will be shopping at anyway; we all need to feed our families! • Haggen (10% to Happy Valley) • The Market at Fairhaven / Cost Cutter (5% to Happy Valley) • Pizzaʼzza Pizza (20% to Happy Valley) • Woodʼs Coffee (7% to Happy Valley) • Launching Success (10% to Happy Valley) - How do I purchase SCRIP cards? 3) The PTA gets a profit of 5, 10, or 15 percent You can purchase SCRIP Cards by stopping bt depending on the store. the Happy Valley front office Monday - Friday – theyʼll have cards available all year! 4) Our kids benefit from fun PTA programs such as assemblies, field trips, art classes, and Questions, call Michele McNamee at 647-6020 or email at [email protected] the science fair! REMINDER Please help keep our children safe as well as passing pedestrians by not double parking on 24th behind parked cars. It gives the opportunity to allow small children to run among cars, making it hard to see them. It also has caused a lot of congestion on 24th st. Please keep this in mind when picking up your children. The next HARVEST OF THE MONTH school lunch will be on February 16th. The cafeteria will serve roasted chicken drumstick, cornbread, and green beans. These special lunches incorporate locally produced food and will happen the third Wednesday of each month. This is a great chance for your kids to eat fresh, new foods and to encourage healthy choices! Page 8 Issue 28, Volume 5 The Happy Valley Hornet is the published communication to the Happy Valley school community. Sponsored by the Happy Valley PTA, its purpose is to promote and provide information related to our PTA, our school and the district. Our thanks to those who took time to contribute to this issue! Happy Valley PTA Officers Co-Presidents: Tonya Lockman [email protected] Greg McCracken [email protected] Co-Vice Presidents: Carolina Olza-Kelsh [email protected] (Membership) Hornet Contact Information: Rachel Williams Coordinator: Jessie Burton (Fundraising) Contact: [email protected] Co-treasurers: [email protected] Jackie Reed [email protected] Photographer: (Record Keeping) Greg McCracken Jen MacGregor Contact: [email protected] [email protected] (Check Writing) Secretary: Samantha Faris [email protected] February 2011 TUESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 4 9:30 PTA Meeting 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 NO SCHOOL MID WINTER BREAK 21 NO SCHOOL Presidents Day 22 23 24 7:00 pm School Board Meeting 25 6:00 pm Science Fair Open House 28 March 2011 1 2 3 4 9:30 PTA Meeting