– a) Esame macroscopico
– a) Esame macroscopico
Diagnostica del paziente nefropatico • Esame delle urine (1) – a) Esame macroscopico 1. Volume VN = 1000 - 1500 ml/die < 100 = Anuria < 500 = oliguria > 1500 - 2000 = poliuria 2. Colore - Aspetto - Giallo paglierino - Rosso - Marrone - Blu - Verde - Torbido - Lattescente - Scuro - Nero - Schiumoso Urocromo Emoglobina Mioglobina Farmaci Blu di metilene Urati, fosfati Pus Porfirine, melanina Proteine, acidi biliari 3. Peso specifico (misura indiretta della capacità renale di concentrazione) VN = 1020 - 1030 False elevazioni : Mezzi di contrasto Glucosio Proteinuria Esame delle urine (3) – b) Esame chimico 1.pH (VN = 4.5 - 8.5) Urine acide: (Dieta iperproteica, riposo notturno, digiuno, chetosi diabetica, TBC renale, acidosi respiratoria, iperuricemia) Urine alcaline: (Dieta ricca di vegetali e/o latte, alcalosi respiratoria, acidosi tubulare, infezioni delle vie urinarie, alcalosi metabolica) 2. Proteine (VN = 50 -150 mg/die) 3. Osmolarità (VN = 600 - 1200 mOsm/l) 4. Na urinario 5. Corpi chetonici (Digiuno, alcolismo, chetosi diabetica) 6. Glicosuria (Difetto tubulare prossimale, diabete) c) Esame microscopico Sedimento urinario Cellule Emazie Leucociti Epiteliali Batteri Valori normali 0 - 3 p.c.m. 0 - 5 p.c.m. 0 - 2 p.c.m. Cilindri Ialini Leucocitari Ematici Granulosi Cerei Broad casts Significato Proteinuria Nefrite interstiziale Proliferazione Degen. epit. tub. Necrosi tub. Atrofia tubulare Cristalli Urati (urine acide) Fosfati (urine alcaline) Ossalati (urine acide) Three urine samples are shown. The one at the left shows a red, cloudy appearance. The one in the center is red but clear. The one on the right is yellow, but cloudy. These are oxalate crystals, which look like little envelopes (or tetrahedrons, depending upon your point of view). Oxalate crystals are common. These "triple phosphate" crystals look like rectangles, or coffin lids if you are feeling depressed. These cystine crystals are shaped like stop signs. Cystine crystals are quite rare. Red blood cells in urine appear as refractile disks. With hypertonicity of the urine, the RBC's begin to have a crenated appearance Note the irregular outlines of many of these RBC's, compared to two relatively normal RBC's at the center left of the right panel. These abnormal RBC's are dysmorphic RBC's. These white blood cells in urine have lobed nuclei and refractile cytoplasmic granules. Oval fat bodies consist of degenerated tubular cells containing abundant lipid, which appears refractile. Under polarized light, oval fat bodies demonstrate the "Maltese cross" appearance. Large polygonal squamous epithelial cells with small nuclei are seen here. Hyaline casts, which appear very pale and slightly refractile, are common findings in urine. Hyaline casts, which appear very pale and slightly refractile, are common findings in urine. This section of renal cortex reveals tubules containing hyaline casts that are bile stained in a patient with hyperbilirubinemia This histologic section at medium power with trichrome stain highlights red blood cells grouping together in tubules to form casts. The tubular epithelium is also damaged, with a foamy appearance, and is the basis for the appearance of oval fat bodies in urine in this case. The presence of this red blood cell cast in on urine microscopic analysis suggests a glomerular or renal tubular injury This white blood cell cast suggests an acute pyelonephritis. This renal tubular cell cast suggests injury to the tubular epithelium. These are granular casts, with a roughly rectangular shape Casts which persist may break down, so that the cells forming it are degenerated into granular debris, as has occurred in this granular cast. This is a broad, waxy cast. Note that the edges are sharp and there are "cracks" in this cast.