NAME LOCATION ABBOT, son of Dr. J. S. Dallas CEMETERY BIRTH DATE child DATE OF DEATH May 22, 1908 CITATION DRC May 28, 1908, p.3, c.3 ADAMS, Frank March of 1881 Capt. Frank Adams of Fort Worth died on the 23d of last month. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.2, c.2. ADAMS, George ca 19 yrs old July of 1884 Bridgeport, Wise County, Tex., July 19, -One George Adams, about 19 years of age, was struck with lightning, while out hauling oats, about 3 o'clock, in the afternoon. He had driven home from the field and had begun to pitch the oats off the wagon to one C. W. Ellis, who was stacking for him. Shortly after they had begun their work a stroke of lightning struck young Adams and instantly killed him and knocked Mr. Ellis off the stack, killing one of the oxen they were working, and setting fire to the oats, and would have burned the dead man, only that the party who was stacking regained his consciousness in time to get the deceased out of the way and loosen the ox that was not killed. The young man that was killed had his clothes split into strings and had his shoes torn open. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 1, 1884, p.1, c.2. ADAMS, Mrs. Ed Roanoke April 8, 1899 MORTUARY. ADAMS-Roanoke, Tex., April 11. -Mrs. Ed Adams died from blood poison Saturday. -Dallas Morning News, April 12, 1899, p.4 ADDISON, Lona IOOF Nov. 19, 1863 Jan.21, 1904 YOUNG LADY DEAD. A Miss Addison, who Had been Visiting a Sister at This Place Died Last Thursday. -Miss Lona Addison, a lady who for several weeks has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William Frazier of this city, died last Thursday on East Sycamore street of consumption. Deceased had been an invalid for several years and came to Texas to improve her health. She was born in Missouri, Nov. 19, 18. Miss Addison was a member of the Catholic church. Interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery Friday afternoon. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1904, p.5, c.3. ADKINS, Susannah Caroline Bailey (Mrs. Little Elm July 7, 1837 Dec. 30, 1899 Thomas R.) AN AGED LADY DEAD. Mrs. Susanah Caroline Adkins, aged 62 years, died at her home near Little Elm December 30, 1899. She was born in Pontatoc, Miss., July 19th, 1837. She was the daughter of Dr. Jas. And Martha Ann Elizey and was married to Thomas R. Adkins August 22, 1861, and came to Texas soon after. To this union there were born nine children - four boys and five girls. She has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for over forty years, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at Little Elm. A host of relatives and sympathizing friends mourn her sad loss. -Denton County News, Jan. 4, 1900, p.8, c.2. AKEN, James Denton Record-Chronicle, June 25, 1908, p.3, c.3 ALEXANDER, E. V. Balch (Mrs. C. E.) June 16, 1908 Garza Sept.6, 1858 Mar. 7, 1895 GARZA ITEMS. GARZA, TEX., March 18, 1895. To The News: Mrs. C. E. Alexander died last week. -Denton County News, March 21, 1895, p.1, c.3. Page 1 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION OBITUARY. GARZA, TEX., March 14, 1895. EDITOR NEWS: Please publish the death of Mrs. E. V. Alexander, wife of C. E. Alexander, who died at her home in Garza on the night of March 7th, 1895. Deceased was the daughter of J. B. and M. A. Balch, who immigrated from Bates county, Mo., to Texas and located in Ellis county, where Mrs. Alexander was born Sept. 6, 1858, afterwards removing to Denton county and locating near Little Elm, where she was married to C. E. Alexander, December 10, 1879, finally locating in Garza in 1888. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her untimely demise, together with a host of relatives and friends who tender their heartfelt condolence to the bereaved ones. In her death her husband has lost a devoted wife, her children an affectionate mother, the community one of its best women and the Christian church one of its most upright and consistent members. -Denton County News, March 21, 1895, p.4, c.2. ALEXANDER, Mrs. Edgar Pilot Point Dec. 15, 1900 MORTUARY. ALEXANDER-Pilot Point, Tex., Dec. 16. -Mrs. Edgar Alexander of Sanger died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. T. Whitley, in this city. Dallas Morning News, Dec. 17, 1900, p.9. ALLEN, A.E. Denton 75 yrs. Old Mar. 22, 1905 THE DEATH OF A. E. ALLEN. OLD TIME RESIDENT OF COUNTY DIES HERE WHILE VISITING RELATIVES. ELMER ALLEN HAD LIVED HERE MANY YEARS AGO. Funeral Held Here Yesterday Morning Under the Auspices of the Masonic Order. >The death of A. E. Allen occurred at 7:00 o'clock Wednesday morning at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. E. B. Peter, on West Oak street, after an illness lasting for several weeks. Mr. Allen, although one of the oldest residents of this county has resided in the state of Washington for nearly twenty years, having left Denton to make his home at Pomeroy, Washington, in the year 1887. >Several weeks ago, as announced in this paper at the time, Mr. Allen came to Denton county on a visit to his relatives, and also with the hopes that the change would be beneficial to his health. The deceased was at the time of his death 76 years and two months old. He was here in the state of Tennessee on February 18, 1800 and was 31 years of age when he came to Texas and settled for a short time in Collin county. later moving to Denton county. He married in December, 1858, to Miss Angelina Howe of McKinney. He was in business in the town of Denton in the early days being a member of the firm of Allen & Carruth, and the old residents of the town and county will remember their dealings with him and the sterling character of the man and citizen. The deceased served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and distinguished himself as a soldier and patriot on the frontier. Heart failure was the cause of death. The following children survive him: Ben F. Allen, of Vernon, Mrs. E. B. Peter of this city, R. E. and Henry Allen, Mesdames Sallie Strain, Minale Hiack, and Jessie Burch of Pomeroy, Washington, and Tom Allen of Spokane, Washington. Mr. Allen was a life-long member of the Masonic order and the funeral yesterday morning was held under the auspices of Stanfield Lodge No. 217 of this city, the Interment being at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, March 24, 1905, p.1, c.3. MORTUARY. ALLEN -Denton, Tex., March 22. -A. E. Allen of Pomeroy, Wash., died here this morning, aged 75 years. He came to this State from Tennessee in 1851, living in Collin, then Wise, and later this county up to 1887, when he moved to Washington, where he had since resided. He married Miss Angeline Howe of McKinney in 1858 and eight children, all grown and living in this State and Washington, survive him. -Dallas Morning News, March 25, 1905, p.11. ALLEN, Charles Fort Worth Feb. 25, 1883 Fort Worth, Feb. 28. -On Sunday, Charles Allen attempted to cross Henrietta creek and drowned. -Wise County Messenger, March 9, 1883, p.1, c.5 Page 2 NAME ALLEN, child of Hugh LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH March of 1885 CITATION Hugh Allen, of Black Creek, buried an infant a few months old one day this week. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.6, c.4. ALLEN, child of Mr. & Mrs. John M. west of Denton 6 yrs. Old Mar. 19, 1899 A Little Child Dead. >The Little five or six year old child of J. M. Allen, who lives west of town, died of meningitis last Sunday. The child was sick only a few hours. Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.5, c.3. Death from Meningitis. Denton, Tex., March 20. -A small child of Squire John Allen, living several miles west of here, died last night of cerebrospinal meningitis, living only six hours after the attack. This makes five deaths that have occurred in Denton county in the past three weeks from the malady. No deaths have occurred in the city of Denton so far. -Dallas Morning News, March 21, 1899, p.8. ALLEN, infant of Sheriff Sept. of 1884 An infant of Sheriff Allen's was buried on last Wednesday. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.5, c.2. ALLEN, Leon, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Aubrey Oak Grove or Belew 4 yrs. Old Sept. 3, 1908 DRC Sept. 10, 1908, p.1, c.3 LAD IS CHOKED TO DEATH. Denton County Boy Swallows Collar Button and Object Lodges in His Throat. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Sept. 3. -The 4-yearold son of Ed Allen was choked to death at Aubrey this forenoon by a collar button getting lodged in his throat. The child returned from an errand to town and when he reached home was unable to talk and almost unable to breath. An incision and inserted tube supplied artificial respiration for two hours while the search for the objectruction was being made, but he died before it could be located. It was afterward recovered through his mouth. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 4, 1908, p.1 Button Kills Child. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Aubrey, Denton Co., Tex., Sept. 4. -The tragic and sudden death of little Leon Allen, son of Mr. And Mrs. Ed Allen, of Aubrey was caused by swallowing a collar button. Physicians operated on the little fellow, but he died. Interment today at Belew at 4 p. m. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 5, 1908, p.6. ALLEN, Rhoda Catherine (Mrs. T. R.) Justin 61 yrs. Old Mar. 10, 1908 DRC Mar. 12, 1908, p.5, c.3 ALLEN, W. E. "Bunk", son of A. E. Pomeroy, WA Pomeroy Nov. 19, 1902 PETER-Denton, Tex., Nov. 20. -Emory B. Peter yesterday evening received a telegram from Pomeroy, Wash., announcing the death at that place yesterday morning of W. E. Allen, a former prominent resident of this city and better known as "Bunk" Allen, a son of A. E. Allen, one of the pioneer business men of this city. He was a brother of Mrs. Peter. The funeral took place at Pomeroy. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 23, 1902, p.27. ALLEN, W. W. Denton Cottonwood Page 3 Oct. 22, 1894 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED - W. W. Allen, who moved with his family to Denton from the Rector neighborhood some three months ago, died at his home on Sycamore street at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon and was taken to Little Elm and buried in old Cottonwood cemetery Tuesday. Consumption was the fatal disease. Deceased leaves a wife and two small children. -Denton County News, Oct. 25, 1894, p.4, c.4 ALLEN, Rev. William Frisco McKinney 78 yrs. Old Aug. 13, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.1, c.6 DRC Aug. 20, 1908, p.1, c.4 ALLISON, Mr. Samuel Porter Denton April 21, 1898 A SAD DEATH. -Mr. S. P. Allison died at his home on West Oak street at 1:40 yesterday morning. Mr. Allison went home Wednesday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock to take some medicine, as he was suffering from a severe headache. His son, Sam, was at home, but Mr. Allison having taken the medicine, lay down to try to sleep off his headache. At noon, Sam went after Mrs. Allison, leaving his father asleep, he thought, and when Mrs. Allison came she found Mr. Allison unconscious. Medical aid was summoned, but in spite of all that could be done, Mr. Allison died, without having ever recovered consciousness. Mr. Allison has been a citizen of Denton ten years, and has been in business all that time. He leaves a splendid records as a citizen, business man, and a Chritistian gentleman. The funeral this morning was largely attended. The universal sorrow for his untimely death, and the esteem in whcih he was held was touchingly manifested. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. W. C. Lattimore and the Rev. J. B. Cole.... (another column follows). -The Chronicle, April 22, 18981, p.4, c.4. ALRED, Miss Mattie, dau. Of G. T. Oct. 14, 1882 Miss Mattie Alred, daughter of G. T. Alred, died last Friday and was buried on Saturday. She was a beautiful and intelligent young lady. -The Denton Monitor, Oct. 20, 1882, p.3, c.5. ALSUP, Mrs. Julia Denton June 23, 1896 Died at her home in this city last Tuesday Mrs. Julia Alsup. The deceased was an estimable Christian lady with many friends who sincerely mourn with the bereaved family. Funeral services were conducted at the Pearl Street Christian church yesterday afternoon by Gen. Gano. -Denton County News, June 26, 1896, p.4, c.3. AMMONS, Sarah (Aunt) Denton 106 yrs. Old Feb. 28, 1906 DEATH AT AGE OF 106. Aged Negress, Slave of Early Days, Dies in Denton. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. >Denton, Tex., March 1. -"Aunt" Sarah Ammons, a negress, died here last night at the advanced age of 106 years. She was brought here from Baltimore as a slave in the early days and was reckoned as the oldest resident of this county. She was a grown woman when the stars fell in 1833 and distinctly remembered the occasion. -Dallas Morning News, March 2, 1906 AMOS, child of Rev. J. F. Aubrey infant Oct. 17, 1891 Child Burned to Death. AUBREY, Denton Co., Tex., Oct. 19. -The infant child of Rev. J. F. Amos, who lives three miles south of town, fell in the fire Saturday evening and was badly burned, from the effects of which it died last night. The father was away from home and the mother was not in the house at the time. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 21, 1891, p.5. Page 4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION ANDERSON, A. A. Denton 35 yrs. Old Feb. 6, 1907 MORTUARY. ANDERSON - Denton, Tex., Feb. 6. -A. A. Anderson, aged about 35, died here this morning. Deceased was a member of the Dallas Lodge, Knights of Pythias and his funeral will be conducted by the local lodge. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 8, 1907, p.9. ANDERSON, A. J. s of Denton Aug. 18, 1905 MORTUARY. ANDERSON-Denton, Tex., Aug. 19. -A. J. Anderson, an old resident of this county,died at his home south of here last night. He had gone to the horse lot to feed when he was attacked by a congestive chill, and after being moved into his home he died within a few minutes. Deceased came here from Missouri and was well known all over the county. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 22, 1905, p.3. ANDERSON, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. F. see Anderson, Mrs. J. F. Eureka Springs, AR Nov. of 1901 ANDERSON, Hans N. Elizabethtown Argyle Feb. 19, 1904 HANS ANDERSON. Well Known Farmer Died at His Home Three Miles South of Town Last Friday. Hans N. Anderson died at his home three miles south of Denton last Friday morning after an illness of several weeks, followed by a stroke of paralysis from which he never rallied. Deceased had been a resident of this county for many years, where he prospered as a farmer. He was at one time a sailor before the mast, having served as a ship's carpenter. The interment was held at the Argyle cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.1, c.4 JUSTIN NEWS. Death of a Swede Resident. - A respectable Swede by the name of Anderson died last week at the home of August Peterson. He was buried at Elizabethtown. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.5, c.5. ANDERSON, Mrs. J. F. Eureka Springs, AR Nov. of 1901 MORTUARY. ANDERSON-Denton, Tex., Nov.7. - A telegram to J. F. Anderson of this city from Eureka Springs, Ark., this morning conveyed the news of the death at that place of his wife and child. No particulars of the deaths were given. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 8, 1901, p.2. ANDERSON, N. (Capt.) Greenville 74 years old Dec. 18, 1903 MORTUARY. ANDERSON-Greenville, Tex., Dec. 19. -Capt. N. Anderson, a pioneer citizen of this city, died at his his home here last night. Deceased was 74 years of age, a member of the Masonic fraternity and a member of Greenville Camp of Confederate Veterans. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 23, 1903, p.6. ANDERSON, William Mingo Itasca 45 yrs. Old Page 5 Mar. 23, 1899 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION WILLIAM ANDERSON KILLED. A Railroad Engine Strikes his Head Crushing It. -Last Thursday night the North bound passenger train, which passes through Denton struck a bridge man by the name of William Anderson, on the head causing his immediate death. It seems that Anderson had been riding a railroad velocipede and was trying to get it off the track but slipped, the pilot of the engine striking him. The engineer of the passenger train stated that he saw the object on the track too late to stop the train. 'Squire R. H. Hobkins viewed the remains Friday morning and rendered his verdict. The remains were brought to Denton and a local undertaker took the remains in charge. A brother of Anderson came up from Itasca Saturday and took the remains to that city for interment. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.1, c.3. WAS KILLED INSTANTLY. William Anderson, a Texas and Pacific Bridgeman, Killed by an Engine. -William Anderson, a member of the Texas and Pacific bridge gang at Mingo, was run into and killed at that place at 11:45 o'clock Thursday night by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas passenger train No. 4. The back of his head was crushed in, his face scarred and his body badly bruised all over, the shock throwing his body nearly 90 feet. The wound in the head caused his death, which was almost instantaneous. Anderson had been to Denton and was returning to his quarters at Mingo on a railroad velocipede. He was only a few hundred feet this side of the station when the engine struck him. The velocipede was torn to pieces. The engineer of No. 4 says he saw Anderson just before he was struck, but as the velocipede was then only about 60 feet away he was unable to stop the train in time to avoid the collison. The remains were picked up and carried to the bridge gang cars, where they were viewed by Squire Hopkins Friday, whose verdict was in accordance with the facts stated above. Anderson was a single man about 45 years of age and had relatives, it is said, in Hillsboro and also at Plano. The remains were brought here Friday evening and turned over to a local undertaker. A brother arrived Saturday morning and took the body to Itasca, where the funeral took place Sunday. -Record and Chronicle, March 30, 1899, p.5, c.1. ANDREWS, Mrs. D. E. McKinney Jan. 20, 1900 MORTUARY. ANDREWS. -McKinney, Tex., Jan. 20. -Mrs. D. E. Andrews died here today. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 21, 1900, p.2. ARLEGE, son of G. L. 5 yrs. Old Oct/Nov 1883 The little five year old son of G. L. Arlege, tax assessor of Montague county, was found dead in a cotton pen near Mr. Arlege's house five miles west of town. Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p.2, c.3. ARMSTRONG, Billy Sept. of 1883 There has been a good deal of fatal sickness among the children here, Billy Armstrong a fine young man died [page torn] -s ago. He [page torn]and had [page torn+ -children… -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 7, 1883, p.2, c.2. ARMSTRONG, Jos. Commissioners' Court. April 2, 1885. -W. Williams allowed $9.25 to goods furnished Mrs. Neely and burial outfit furnished for one Jos. Armstrong. -Wise County Messenger, April 4, 1885, p.7, c.3. ARMSTRONG, Mr. Jack County Page 6 Feb. of 1884 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Weatherford, February 12. -Yesterday evening Mr. James Boyd, a farmer of this county, and his little son were instantly killed by lightning about twelve miles north of this place. Mr. Boyd and his wife, with one child, were in a wagon, while the son was on a horse in the rear. The wife and child were badly stunned and severely burned, while the horses attached to the wagon were both killed, and the wagon badly wrecked. They were on their way to attend the funeral of Mr. Armstrong in Jack county, who was the father of Mrs. Boyd. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.3, c.4. ARMSTRONG, Mrs. Elm Forks July 23, 1893 Died. Mrs. Armstrong of the Elm forks was taken sick last week and died Sunday. Mrs. Armstrong was a consistent member of the Christian church for a number of years, and left several children to mourn her loss. -Denton County News, July 27, 1893, p.2, c.2. ARNOLD, J. A. Denton May 29, 1901 Denton Co. Record 5-30-01; p.5, c.4 ARNOLD, Lee Denton Bell's Chapel 77 yrs. Old Nov. 24, 1898 An Aged Man Dead. Mr. Lee Arnold, who has been sick for several weeks at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Bell in this city, died at about half past ten o'clock last Thursday night. After devotional exercises at the residence, which was conducted by Rev. Hogue, the body was carried to Red Oak in Ellis county, where it was interred by the side of his children at the burying grounds at Bell's Chapel. Had he lived until January he would have been seventy-eight years of age, and as his life had always been one of doing good to others he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. -Denton County News, Dec. 1, 1898, p.5, c.3. MORTUARY. ARNOLD -Denton, Tex., Nov. 25. -L. Arnold died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Bell, at this place to-day, aged 78 years. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 26, 1898, p.3. ARTHUR, J. N. Pilot Point Feb. 13, 1904 Pilot Point Personals. -J. N. Arthur died at his home Saturday evening at 6 p.m. of consumption. He had been confined to his room for several months… Bob Arthur of Denison, Marvin Arthur of Dallas and Miss Winnie Arthur of Goodnight were present at their father's funeral Sunday. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.10, c.4. ARTHUR, J. Whitfield Pilot Point Mar. 1845 Feb. 20, 1904 PILOT POINT DEATHS. J. W. Arthur, an Old and Respected Citizen Recently Died - Two-Year-Old Child Dead Also. -J. W. Arthur, an old and respected citizen died at his home in this city last Saturday evening at 6:15 of lung trouble after an illness of several months. Mr. Arthur had been in declining health for two or three years, but kept up until a few months ago when his case grew more serious and from which he could not rally and passed away quietly at the time of above stated and Pilot Point loses one of its best citizens. J. Whitfield Arthur was born in Callaway county, Mo., in March 1845, came to Pilot Point in 1874 where he continued to reside until his death. He was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Boyd, of Calloway county Mo., in 1855. Their children Robert Arthur of Denison, Marvin of Dallas, and Miss Winnie, all of whom, with their mother, were at the bedside at the time of his death. Mr. Arthur was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was a good man and had a host of friends who regret his death and who deeply sympathize with the bereaved family in their trying hour. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, services being conducted by Rev. A. J. French. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.4, c.4. Page 7 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION ASHBY, Fannie Belle Denton IOOF June 10, 1903 Fannie Belle Ashby, the loving wife of John Ashby of West Oak street died Sunday evening and was buried Monday afternoon in the Odd Fellows cemetery. She was taken away in the prime of life leaving a kind and loving husband and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. H. Morris at the South Methodist church. -Denton County News, June 11, 1903, p.1, c.5 ASHBY, J. L. Denton City Oct. 6, 1894 J. L. Ashby Dead. Mr. J. L. Ashby died at his residence in North Denton Thursday night of inflammation of the bowels. His remains were interred at the city cemetery Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. Mr. Ashby has lived in Denton many years and left a wife and seven children. -Denton County News, Oct. 11, 1894, p.8, c.4. ASHLEY, Mrs. S. A. Aubrey ASHLEY, Mrs. Tom Aubrey Green Valley Mar. 11, 1908 DRC Mar. 12, 1908, p.5, c.2 Mar. 2, 1908 DRC Mar. 5, 1908, p.5, c.4 ATKINS, T. R. Little Elm Little Elm Aug. 11, 1901 MORTUARY. ATKINS. Little Elm, August, 12. -Died on last Monday night, T. R. Atkins, an old and highly honored gentleman, and was buried at Little Elm cemetery. -Denton County Record and Chronicle, Aug. 15, 1901, p.1, c.4. AUSBROOK, Elsie Richardson Jan. 4, 1900 FROM RECTOR. Miss Elsie Ausbrook died at her home near Richardson last Saturday a week ago. Miss Elsie lived in this neighborhood for ? Years and moved from here to Richardson about a year ago. She had many friends in this neighborhood. -Denton County Record and Chronicle, Jan. 18, 1899, p.8, c.3 AUSTIN, Otis M. Mingo 22 yrs. Old Nov. 4, 1905 R&C Nov. 6, 1905, p.1, c.4 * AUTRY, Phoeba Cottonwood April 16, 1888 Cottonwood, April 18th. -Mrs. Phoeba autry, wife of T. J. Autry, died of consumption on the 16th inst. She was followed to her grave by a host of friends. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved husband and relatives. -Wise County Messenger, April 21, 1888, p.3, c.5. AVERY, Mrs. Albert Garza Swisher Feb. 21, 1904 GARZA GLEANINGS. Death of Mrs. Albert Avery Reported. Garza, Feb. 22. -Mrs. Albert Avery of this place died Sunday night from consumption. The interment took place Monday afternoon at the Swisher cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.5, c. 6 Page 8 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION AYERS, Willard Cherokee town Aug. 18, 1880 DENISON, Aug. 13. -United States marshal Willard Ayers of Caddo, Indian Territory, was shot and instantly killed last Wednesday night, by a negro at Cherokee town, in the Chickasaw nation. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 20, 1880, p.4, c.2. AYARS or AYERS, William Denton IOOF 61 yrs. old Sept. 13, 1895 DIED - Mr. William Ayars at the home of his son-in-law, Rev. R. L. Selle, at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning of inflammatory rheumatism, from which he had been suffering about five weeks. Deceased was born in Philadelphia, Penn., April 27th, 1834, and was therefore sixty-one years, four months and eighteen days old. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at 3:30 p.m. Monday. The funeral services were conducted at the Oak Street M. E. Church at 2 p.m. by Presiding Elder H. Webb, of Fort Worth. Mr. Ayars was a consecrated Christian, and had been a member of the Methodist Church from early boyhood. He leaves six children, three sons and three daughters, and to them the friends extend their heart-felt sympathy. -Denton County News, Sept. 19, 1895, p.5, c.1. Mrs. Ida D. Mason and little son, Winnie, of Waco, came to Denton Monday night to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mason's father, Mr. William Ayers, Monday afternoon. They returned home Tuesday on the 3:15 p.m. train. -Denton County News, Sept. 19, 1895, p.4, c.2. BAGGERTY, George G. Weatherford June 2, 1880 WEATHERFORD, June 2. -Mr. George G. Baggerty, editor and proprietor of Weatherford Exponent, died here this morning at 3 o'clock. He had been dangerously ill for some weeks with pneumonia, and his death has beenhourly expected for several days. Mr. Baggerty was a member of the knights of honor, and his widowed mother will receive $2000 from that order. -Paradise Messenger, June 11, 1880, p.3, c.4. "BAILEY" [first name cut off] Wise County 1884/1885 Commissioners Court. Wise County. 1885. The following accounts were paid. [cut off] Avery, for hauling the [missing] Bailey, deceased, a [missing], to cemetery, $1. …Perrin Bros., to coffin for one Bailey, a pauper, $8. W. Williams, to burial clothes for Bailey, a pauper, $6.75. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885, p.4, c.1. BAILEY, Harry Denton IOOF 10 months July, 4, 1895 An Infant at Rest. Harry, the little 10-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bailey, after a painful and continued illness, died Thursday and was buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at 4 p.m. Friday. Rev. Cole conducted the funeral services at the grave. The NEWS joins the people of Denton in tendering sympathy to the sadly bereaved mother and father whose loss can only be appreciated by those who have suffered a similar one. -Denton County News, July 11, 1895, p.8, c.3. BAILEY, Mrs. J. E. Gainesville Denton Nov. 9, 1900 WAS NOT CERTAIN OF DEATH. Burial of a Woman Postponed for Fear She Was Yet Alive. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Nov. 12. -Mrs. J. E. Bailey, who died at Gainesville very suddently Friday night, was buried here yesterday morning. It was at first intended to bury her Saturday afternoon, but there were some indications that she was alive, and it was decided better to postpone the interment until the fact of death was made more certain. The dead woman was possessed of considerable property. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 13, 1900, p.7. Page 9 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BAILEY, Dr. J. S. San Angelo San Angelo 72 yrs. Old June 1, 1907 MORTUARY. BAILEY - San Angelo, Tex., June 2. - Dr. J. S. Bailey, aged 72, died last night. He came here from Bonham one year ago and invested heartily in realty. He also lived at Denton, where his son, John Bailey, ran a paper. Burial will be here, but arrangements await a hearing from his children at Bonham and Austin. Dallas Morning News, June 4, 1907, p.12. MORTUARY. BAILEY-Denton, Tex., Jan. 3.-Word was received here yesterday of the death at San Angelo of Dr. J. S. Bailey, a former resident of this city, and wellknown among newspaper men over the State. He was at one time owner of the Denton News and later associate editor of the Denton Monitor. The interment occurred at San Angelo. -Dallas Morning News, June 6, 1907, p.12. BAILEY, R. P. Mingo 60 yrs. Old Mar. 18, 1899 DRC Mar. 23, 1899, p.1, c.4 BAILY, child of Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Greenwood Sept. 12, 1880 CORRESPONDENCE. Greenwood, Sept. 13. -We are sorry to inform you readers of the death of the darling babe of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Baily, at this place on the 12th inst. At about 10 o'clock P. M. It was a shock to us, we saw it three days prior to its death apparently well - the next thing we heard was the sad news. Mr. Baily is one of our best merchants and esteemed neighbors. Many friends sympathize with them in their bereavement. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 24, 1880, p.1, c.1. BAILY, Grandpa Boonsville Oct. 21, 1880, p.2, c.2 BAILY, John Denton? in 1868 FB Nov. 18, 1868 Indian Affairs. P.S. - Further news, just arrived that two hundred and twenty (Indians) passed on to Denton, killed John Baily, and all kinds of stock. They came up blowing their bugle and carrying a flag. -S.F.Mains. BAIN, Hugh West Texas March of 1901 Denton Co. R&C, March 21, 1901, p.8, c.2 * BAINES, Mary E. Denton City 36 yrs. Old July 1, 1895 DRC July 4, 1895, p.3, c.2 DIED-At the residence of Mr. J. C. Smith, Jr., in Denton Monday night, Mrs. Mary E. Baines, wife of Mr. Doc Baines, aged 36 years. The lady was a sufferer from consumption and had recently come to Denton on a visit from her home in Erath county. Her husband was not there at the time of her death but arrived Tuesday. The interment was in the city cemetery Wednesday morning and the funeral services were conducted at the house by Rev. J. B. Cole. Mr. Baines' father, Mr. W. C. Baines, an early settler in Denton, died in California last week. -Denton County News, July 4, 1895, p.3, c.2. BAINES, W. C. CA June of 1895 see BAINES, Mary E. Page 10 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BAIRD, Mrs. J. M. Little Elm Cottonwood Jan. 22, 1893 An Estimable Lady Dead. Mrs. J. M. Baird, widow of the late Dr. J. M. Baird of Little Elm, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Darnell, in Pilot Point Sunday. Her remains were buried Tuesday in Cottonwood at Little Elm. Mrs. Baird was a lady of strong and brilliant intellect and of an entertaining, courteous and sociable disposition. She lived and died a devoted Christian. -Denton County News, Jan. 26, 1893, p.3, c.4. BAKER, A. F. (Mrs.) Lampasas Jan of 1897 Mrs. A. F. Baker died Monday morning from the effects of fire inhaled at burning of the Southern hotel and other buildings at Lampasas on Saturday morning last. She and one daughter were saved by being carried out by the firemen, and the doctors had hard work to revive her. The daughter's recovery is still in doubt. Denton County News, January 21, 1897, p.1, c.5. BAKER, Andrew T. Dec. 26, 1877 April 16, 1908 DRC April 23, 1908, p.3, c.1, 5&6 BAKER FUNERAL AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., April 18. -The funeral of A. T. Baker, City Attorney, was held yesterday afternoon. The Local Bar Association held a meeting this morning and adopted resolutions on the death and decided to attend in a body. The City Council also attended the funeral this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, April 19, 1908, p.11. BAKER, Birdie Ethel Shiloh Dec. 1893 Aug. 29, 1894 An Infant's Death. Birdie Ethel, the beautiful little 9-months-old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. N. B. Baker, was taken violently ill with congestion of the stomach and bowels Wednesday of last week and died on the next day (Thursday) at 10 a.m. The remains were buried at the Shiloh church Friday afternoon. Rev. D. C. DeWitt conducted the services. -Denton County News, Sept. 6, 1894, p.8, c.2. BAKER, Mrs. Carra Dunbar City April 24, 1895 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leatherwood, of Pottsboro, were in attendance at the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Baker. -Denton County News, April 25, 1895, p.4, c.5. OBITUARY-MRS. CARRA BAKER. -Mrs. Carra Baker died at her father's home in Denton at 7 p.m., Wednesday of consumption, on Thursday afternoon her remains, accompanied by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, were conveyed to the city cemetery and there interred. [unreadable] J. H. Rosecrans, of Dallas, made a touching but hopeful talk concerning the life and death of the departed. Carra Dunbar as a child was obediant to her parents, indulgent to those weaker than herself and comforting to those who were in .... -Denton County News, April 25, 1895, p.5, c.1. BAKER, Elmer Denton Shiloh 4 yrs. old Oct. 15, 1894 SAD DEATH OF A LITTLE BOY. -After an illness of a little more than 24 hours, Elmer, the little 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Baker, died at half past 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Membranous croup was the dreadful malady that so quickly smothered out the young life of one of the brightest children in Denton. The interment was in the burying ground at Shiloh church and the funeral services were held at the grave and conducted by Rev. Moore of Lewisville at 2 p.m. Tuesday. -Denton County News, Oct. 18, 1894, p.4, c.3. BAKER, Infant of Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Denton Sept. of 1894 Page 11 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Only a few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Baker lost their baby and this second bereavement (Elmer Baker) in so short a time is indeed severe. The sympathetic hearts of the people of Denton go out to these parents. -Denton County News, Oct. 18, 1894, p.4, c.3. BAKER, J. T. Aiken July 5, 1892 DIED at his home on Oliver Creek in this county Tuesday of last week with consumption, Mr. J. T. Baker. He was buried by the Denton Knights of Honor Lodge, of which he was a member, on Wednesday at the Aiken graveyard. -Denton County News, July 13, 1892, p.3, c.2. BAKER, Key near Krum 22 yrs. Old Feb. 3, 1903 MORTUARY. BAKER-Denton, Tex., Feb. 4. -Key Baker, aged 22 years, died at his home near Krum yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 8, 1903, p.26. BAKER, Mrs. Laura BAKER, Mrs. Lena Mae IOOF Denton 22 yrs. Old April 25, 1903 DCN April 30, 1903, p.8, c.1 22 yrs. Old April 25, 1903 Denton Co. R&C, May 7, 1903, p.7, c.5 * BAKER, Rance (Mrs. W. J.) near Argyle Argyle 33 yrs. Old July 28, 1897 MORTUARY. BAKER-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., July 28. - Mrs. W. J. (Rance) Baker died near Argyle this morning, aged about 33 years. The interment will take place at Argyle tomorrow morning. The deceased was a sister of Mr. L. Fulton of this place. -Dallas Morning News, July 29, 1897, p.2. Last Wednesday morning Mrs. W. J. Baker died at her home near Argyle. Mrs. Baker was a popular, estimable lady. The NEWS extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband, children and friends. -Denton County News, August 5, 1897, p.7, c.4. BALCH, son of Mr. & Mrs. Perry Little Elm Cottonwood 5 yrs. Old Mar. 22, 1895 KICKED TO DEATH BY A HORSE. -The little 5-year-old son of Perry Balch who lives near Little Elm was fatally kicked by a horse last week. The animal's hoof struck him on the head and crushed his skull. The little sufferer lingered two days but finally died and was buried in Cottonwood cemetery Saturday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 28, 1895, p.4, c.3. BALDWIN, N. C. Pilot Point 46 yrs. Old May of 1898 MORTUARY. BALDWIN-Denton, Tex., May 30. -N. C. Baldwin died at Pilot Point last week of appendicitis, aged 46 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 1, 1898, p.5. BALL, George Mar/Ap of 1884 Texas Topics. Texas lost one of her best citizens by the death of Mr. George Ball, of Galveston. He has left a monument to his memory in the shape of a present to the city of a $75,000 public school house. -Alvord Messenger, April 4, 1884, p.1, c.5. BALL, Robert Henrietta Page 12 22 yrs. Old May/June 1881 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Henrietta, June 6. - Sunday morning early Robert Ball and a friend left Ward's ranch to hunt horses. They crossed the Big Wichita two or three times and then separated. Soon after Ball rode in the river, and his friend saw the horse and rider sink in a deep hole. Neither horse nor rider could swim, and, before assistance could reach him, Ball was drowned. His body was found here Sunday night, and this morning forwarded to his brother in Gainesville. Deceased was 22 years old, and a partner in the SQ herd of cattle, ranging near the Belknap. He was a young man of good character and good promise. His parents live near Whitesboro. Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p.4, c.4. BALL, S. L. Ladonia MORTUARY. BALL -Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 14. -S. L. Ball, who formerly resided in Gainesville, died at Ladonia last Tuesday of pneumonia and the remains were interred there Wednesday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1905, p.4. BALLEW, Ella P. Denton IOOF 18 yrs. Old Sept. 14, 1895 Miss Ella Ballew, who has been so dangerously sick with typhoid fever for more than a month, was yesterday reported no better. -Denton County News, Aug. 22, 1895, p.5, c.1. Miss Ella Ballew is convalescing from a continued case of fever. -Denton County News, Aug. 29, 1895, p.3, c.3. A Young Lady's Death. -Miss Ella P. Ballew, 18-year-old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R. P. Ballew, died at her parents' home in Denton Wednesday night after a continued illness from fever. Her remains were interred at the Odd Fellows Cemetery Thursday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J. B. Cole. Miss Ella was a consecrated Christian young lady, highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. The many friends of the family sincerely sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, Sept. 12, 1895, p.8, c.3 BALLEW, Mrs. George Aubrey 26 yrs. Old May 31, 1898 DMN June 3, 1898, p.5 BALLEW, R. P. Mingo 60 yrs. Old Mar. 15, 1899 MORTUARY. BALLEW-Denton, Tex., March 2. -R. P. Ballew died at his home, northeast of here, Saturday night, .aged about 60 years. The deceased was a federal soldier and was a member of the G. A. R. -Dallas Morning News, March 21, 1899, p.8 R. P. BALLEW DEAD. Mr. R. P. Ballew, one of the best citizens of the county, died at his home near Mingo last Saturday afternoon. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellow's cemetery at this place Sunday afternoon, Dr. W. C. Lattimore conducting the services. Mr. Ballew was born in Alabama about sixty-one years ago, was reared in Missouri, came to Detnon county about twenty-five years ago and has lived since that time near Denton and part of the time in the city. He was a modest , honorable, Christian gentleman, respected by all and loved by those who knew him best, a consistent follower of the Baptist faith and respected citizen. A wife and nine children are left to whom we all extend the tenderest sympathy. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.4, c.4. BALTHROP, Boyd Selma, CA April 1895 KILLED IN CALIFORNIA. -Boyd Balthrop, a former citizen of this county who lived near Lloyd several years ago, was shot and killed at Selma, Cal., his home, last week, by a man by the name of Jordon. It appears that an old feud existed between the two men over an alleged domestic trouble and that it resulted in a scuffle in which Balthrop was shot. Jordan had an examining trial and was refused bail. Balthrop was an uncle by marriage of Messrs. W. B. and Newt. McClurkan of this city and has other relatives in the county. -Denton County News, April 11, 1895, p.8, c.4. Page 13 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BANDY, Iza May IOOF 13 months April 9, 1893 MR. BANDY'S BABY DIES. -Iza May, the little 13-months-old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bandy, died a little after 12 ?.m. Sunday. An older child of Mr. Bandy's had been very sick for two weeks but was improving and the baby had only been ailing two or three days and it was not thought to be dangerously sick until a physician was called in Sunday morning. He pronounced the case a hopeless one and the child died in a few hours. The interment was at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 o'clock Monday morning. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a host of friends in Denton. -Denton County News, April 13, 1893, p.3, c.6. BANKS, Basil Lewisville 1 yr old Dec. 10, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Basil Banks, 4 miles east of Lewisville, Dec. 10, age 1, diptheria. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BANKS, Mrs. T. A. Oct. of 1883 We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Banks, the cherished wife of our friend, T. A. Banks, of Paradise, on one day of last week. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p.3, c.2. BANKSTON, Charley near Denton April of 1900 MORTUARY. BANKSTON -Denton, Tex., April 19. -Charley Bankston, a well-known young farmer living northeast of the city, died this week of pneumonia. Dallas Morning News, April 22, 1900, p.6. BANKSTON, William B. Green Valley 72 yrs. Old Nov. 12, 1904 DCN Nov. 18, 1904, p.5, c.7 DCN Nov. 22, 1904, p.1, c.7 Record & Chronicle, Nov. 21, 1904, p.1, c.6* MORTUARY. BANKSTON -Denton, Tex., Nov. 21. -William Bankston, aged about 72 years, died at his home in the Green Valley neighborhood, near Aubrey, in this county, yesterday evening of paralysis. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 24, 1904, p.3. BANNARD, Adolph W. Corinth Oakland 36 yrs. Old Aug. 27, 1908 BAKER FALLS DEAD ON SIDEWALK. Adolph Bannard Drops While Walking and Life Is Extinct - Heart Failure the Cause. While walking along on Ervay street at Corinth yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, Adolph W. Bannard, aged about 36 years, dropped to the sidewalk. When help came to him he was dead. He was a baker employed at shepp's plant and had seemed in excellent health and was uncomplaining. He had not been in the city a great while, and was preparing to send for his wife and child, who live at or near Denton. The body was conveyed to the undertaking establishment of J. P. Donovan & Co., where it was viewed by Coroner Justice W. M. Edwards. The verdict of the Coroner was "Death was the result of natural causes, probably heart failure." Information was telegraphed to relatives. The funeral will be held from the undertaking parlors of Elm street at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, with interment in Oakland. The wife and child will arrive this morning. Page 14 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Bannard was a member in good standing of the Bakers' and Confectioners' Union, and the funeral will be under the direction of the Dallas local. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 27, 1908, p.3. BANNART, Adolph Sept. 2, 1908 DRC Sept. 3, 1908, p.3, c.2, 4 BARB, E. D. Jan. 1895 RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. -Rev. Pierce, the pastor, will preach the funeral of Mr. E. D. Barb at the M. E. church Sunday. The latter was long a citizen of Denton and member of the Methodist church. -Denton County News, Jan. 31, 1895, p.5, c.2. BARB, Lavergne Denton City 15 month old Feb. 25, 1897 Lavergne, the 15-month's-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Barb, died at their home in this city last Thursday after a short illness of la grippe. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. S. Thomas and the interment was in the city cemetery at 4 p.m. Friday. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.8, c.2. BARBER, son of N. G. near Briar Branch Aug. 29, 1883 A little boy of Mr. N. G. Barber's who lives near Briar Branch, died on Wednesday. -Alvord Messenger, August, 31, 1883, p.3, c.1. BARFIELD, Uncle Jesse Lewisville 81 yrs. Old Jan. 28, 1899 DMN Feb. 1, 1899, p.5 BARGAR, J. H. Collin Co. May of 1895 PILOT POINT ITEMS. DIED-Mr. J. H. Barger died at his home in Collin county Wednesday night very suddenly. He had plowed all the previous day. His wife about midnight discovered he was sick and he died before assistance could be secured. Mr. Barger was the man who was having the new dwelling house built on East Main street. -Denton County News, May 16, 1895, p.3, c.3. BARKER, J. F. Boonsville April of 1883 Boonsville, April 18th, '83. To The Messenger: -Our community was startled on yesterday by the finding of the body of Mr. J. F. Barker, a useful citizen of this community. Mr. Barker beyond a doubt killed himself with a short rifle gun, which was found near his person. No cause is know for the deed. He was in the employ of Mr. T. C. McJunkin, a blacksmith, Mr. Barker being a wood-workman. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.3, c.1. BARKER, Mrs. Nancy Stony Jackson 50 yrs. Old Feb. 27, 1905 MRS. NANCY BARKER DIED NEAR STONY YESTERDAY. Interment Will Be Held at the Jackson Cemetery, Near Krum, at Noon Today. >Mrs. Nancy Barker, aged fifty years died at the family home near Stony in the western part of the county yesterday about noon. Mrs. Barker's death was caused by consumption with which she had suffered for some time. She leaves a husband and several children. The family had resided in that part of the county for three or four years. The funeral services were conducted at the home this morning at 10 o'clock followed by interment at 12 o'clock at the Jackson cemetery near Krum. -Denton County News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.5 Page 15 NAME BARNARD, George LOCATION Waco CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH March 6, 1883 CITATION Waco, March 6. -This morning Major George Barnard died. -Wise County Messenger, March 16, 1883, p.1, c.5. BARNES, infant of Charley Bridgeport infant May 25, 1880 BRIDGEPORT ITEMS. -Charley Barnes' infant died on the 25th ult. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. -Paradise Messenger, June 4, 1880, p.3, c.4. BARNES, Mary Frances Denton Old Alton 16 yrs. Old Feb. 7, 1908 YOUNG LADY DROPS DEAD. Mary Frances Barnes Died Suddenly Friday. Miss Mary Frances Barnes, aged about sixteen years, died suddenly Friday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barnes on Collins street in the south part of the city. Death was due to heart failure it is supposed. Friday, Miss Barnes attended school as usual and was apparently as well as could be when she returned home. The first intimation of her sickness came when a member of the family entered the dining room and found the girl sitting in a chair gasping for breath. Other members of the family who were in the yard were called, but before they could reach the room, the young lady was dead. Deceased was about sixteen years old and had resided in Denton practically all of her life. She was a student in the Denton High school. Funeral services were held Saturday at 12:30 o'clock and the remains taken to Old Alton cemetery for interment. The sudden death of Miss Barnes is the second of the kind to have occurred this week, the other being that of Miss Hayes, a young lady of about the same age and also a student in the high school. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Feb. 13, 1908, p.2, c.1 "BARNETT", see also "Garnett" Pilot Point Nov. of 1880 Pilot Point. Nov. 16, 1880. -A man without friends of money died here last night, from a lick in the face got at a saloon - his name is Barnett - the I. O. O. F. are burying him. -Paradise Messenger, Nov. 26, 1880, p.2, c.1. …More on what I think is Barnett, but now they call him Garnett? -Nov. 26, 1880, p.2, c.5 BARNETT, Jimmy BARNEY, Leon Aubrey 80 yrs. Old Feb. 24, 1904 DCN Feb. 25, 1904, p.10, c.3 3.5 yrs. Old Feb. 22, 1905 DCN Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.5 BARNHILL, Louis Denton 45 yrs. Old Jan. 20, 1902 MORTUARY MATTERS. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. BARNHILL - Denton, Tex., Jan. 23. -Louis Barnhill, aged 45 years, Deputy Constable of precinct No. 1 and an old resident of this county, died at his home in South Denton Monday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 25, 1902, p.6 BARNUM, Franklin Little Elm? March of 1899 Page 16 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION AUBREY ITEMS. -Dr. Frank Pointer, of Bloomfield, passed through Aubrey on his way to Little Elm, to attend the funeral of Franklin Barnum. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.1. BARNUM, Lennie Little Elm March of 1899 LITTLE ELM. -The past week has been the saddest for years in Hilltown. Our little burg has been visited by that terrible disease meningitis. …The death angel visited our midst again and at two o'clock Thursday morning the spirit of Lennie Barnum, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Barnum had flown to the God that gave it. Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.1. BARRADAL, Dr. C. W. June of 1884 Dr. C. W. Barradall, a prominent man of Fort Worth, was shot dead on Tuesday night at his place of business by a drunken man named Charlie Herrin. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.2, c.1. BARRETT, Alex May of 1907 DEATHS AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 20. -The death record of Saturday and yesterday included Alex Barrett of McKinney, who died a few miles east of the city. -Dallas Morning News, May 22, 1907, p.12. BARRICK, Mrs. Perry Feb. of 1883 Mrs. Barrick, wife to Perry Barrick of Garrett's creek died last week. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 16, 1883, p.5, c.2 BARROW, Miss Mattie Rector June 1893 ITEMS FROM RECTOR. Miss Mattie Barrow, who was so sick for several months, passed away some time ago. The relatives and many friends, have the sympathy of all. -Denton County News, June 15, 1893, p.2, c.2. BARTON, George R Fort Worth Aug.12, 1892 A FORT WORTH TRAGEDY. Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 12. -To-night George R. Barton of Quanah, Tex., was shot through the head and killed by George Mayer, a boy 17 years old, who assigns as a reason for the deed that Burton assaulted his little sister. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.1, c.4. BATES, C. C. Claude Mar. 3, 1890 MORTUARY. C. C. BATES. Claude, Tex., March 4. -C. C. Bates, formerly of Denton, Tex., died on his farm near this place yesterday morning. He leaves a family of several children. -Dallas Morning News, March 6, 1890, p.6. BATES, D. N. Pilot Point Nov. 23, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. Deaths. -D. N. Bates, Pilot Point, November 23. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 29, 1886, p.2. BATES, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. W. H) Denton IOOF Dec. 13, 1819 Page 17 June 18, 1900 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION GRANDMA BATES DEAD. -Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bates, more familiarly known to her intimate friends as "Grandma" Bates, died Monday evening at Sanger, in this county, at the residence of her son-in-law, F. M. Ready. She had been ill for a long time. She was 80 years, 5 months and 7 days old. The remains were brought to Denton for interment. Funeral services were held at her late residence, on South Elm street, in this city, at 11 o'clock a.m. Thursday. The interment was at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bates was born in Barron county, Kentucky, December 13, 1819, and was married to the late W. H. Bates December 9, 1837. The young couple moved to Texas in the fall of 1852, and settled near Nacogdoches, but moved from there in the fall of 1853 to Denton county, settling near Bates, in the eastern part of the county, where they lived for many years. They afterwards moved to Denton where her husband, the late W. H. Bates, our postmaster at one time. Deceased had been a member of the M. E. Church, South, since 1850, and had ever been a zealous Christian mother, loved and respected by all who knew her. She was one of the early settlers of Denton county, and had witnessed the long and bitter struggle of the South, the pioneer days of Texas, when the Indian roamed over the prairies, and the later days of peace when the reaper and the plow came to make the country what it is today. Ever and always she was a kind and loving mother and a woman of honor and worth. She leaves nine children to mourn her loss, besides numerous grandchildren-six sons, R. H., C. W. and J. D. Bates, of this city, John H. Bates, who lives in Knox county, James P. Bates, who lives in Armstrong county, and W. E. Bates, who lives in Bates, in this county; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Goode, of this city, Mrs. F. M. Ready, of Sanger, and Mrs. Nancy Ready, of Oklahoma. The NEWS extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives and friends in their great sorrow. -Denton County News, June 21, 1900, p.1, c.4 BATES, infant Pilot Point infant Dec. 9, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Infant Bates, Pilot Point, Dec. 9, inanition. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BATES, Jeff Little Jeff Bates Dead. Jeff, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bates, died last Thursday night after a lingering illness with fevered, aged three years, nine months and one day. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 2:30 p.m. Friday. Denton County Record, Nov. 4, 1897, p.2, c.8. BATES, Minnie (Mrs. J. D.) Denton IOOF July 17, 1892 Mrs. Minnie Bates, the esteemed wife of our deputy postmaster, J. D. Bates died at their residence, in Denton, Sunday morning at 6 o'clock, of child-birth. She was buried at Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 a.m. Monday. Mrs. Bates, a loving and dutiful wife, indulgent mother and a true friend. In her death, not only the relatives but the entire community, keenly feel her loss, and will ever reverence her rememberance. -Denton County News, July 20, 1892, p.2, c.4. BATES, W. H. (Uncle Hub) Denton IOOF 77 yrs. Old Aug. 19, 1892 ANOTHER VETERAN GONE. "Uncle Hub" Bates Yields to the Angel a Destruction and Passes Over the River. -At half-past seven o'clock Friday afternoon, W. H. Bates (Uncle Hub) died at his residence in Denton after a lingering illness. His remains were followed to the Odd Fellows' cemetery Saturday afternoon by a long cortege of mourning friends and relatives. Page 18 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION It is not necessary for us in our feeble use of faculties to pass much eulogy on the life of this good man for he was universally known and as widely respected and honored by the inhabitants of Denton county. He came to Texas in 1852 and settled in Nachodoches county, but the following year he moved to Denton county where he has since lived. Eleven children were born to him, of whom nine and their mother survive him. He has numerous grand children and several great grandchildren. He was 77 years old and had been a member of the Methodist Church 38 years at the time of his death. Before moving to Denton he lived on a farm east of Elm, and during Cleveland's administration served as postmaster of Denton. "Uncle Hub" has kept the faith and fought the good fight and is now reaping his just reward after a long and useful life on this earth. May we have many men of his stamp and character. -Denton County News, Aug. 25, 1892, p.3, c.5. BATIS, child of Mr. & Mrs. N. W. Sanger Krum 6 months old Sept. 26, 1904 The little six-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Batis of Sanger died Monday afternoon and was buried at Krum Tuesday. A number of friends and relatives from here attended. -Denton County News, Sept. 30, 1904, p.2, c.6. BATIS, Mrs. C. M. near Krum Dec. 17, 1907 MORTUARY. BATIS -Denton, Tex., Dec. 18. -Mrs. C. M. Batis, for the last forty years a resident of this county, of which she was a pioneer, died near Krum yesterday and the remains were interred today. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 19, 1907, p.12. BAXTER, Fannie (Mrs. J. B.) Krum Plainview 42 yrs. Old Feb. 11, 1905 KRUM. Mrs. J. B. Baxter Dead. Krum,Feb. 11. -Mrs. J. B. Baxter died Saturday, February 11, at 2 a.m. at her home west of Krum. She had been ill for quite a while with pneumonia. It will be remembered that when the family home burned in the Plainview community last week that she was carried from the burning building while seriously ill. The remains were interred at the Plainview cemetery. And her many friends in this section were grieved to hear her death. -Denton County News, Feb. 14, 1905, p.2, c.5. MORTUARY. BAXTER - Denton, Tex., Feb. 11. - Mrs. Fannie Baxter, wife of J. B. Baxter of Plainview, this county, died this morning. Death was caused by pneumonia. Deceased was about 42 years old and is survived by a husband and nine children. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1905, p.10. BAXTER, John Westley Elizabethtown Aug. 21, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents that Occurred 24 years Ago. The Frontier as our Fathers Found It. DENTON, AUGUST 28, 1869. DIED-At Elizabethtown, Texas, of congestion of the brain, on the 21st of August, 1869, John Westley Baxter, son of Thomas Baxter, Esq., Wellington Square, Ontario, Canada. -Denton County News, Oct. 20, 1892, p.1, c.4. BAXTER, Luthena BAXTER, Mary F. (Mrs. W. P.) IOOF Pilot Point BAXTER, Mrs. W. W. BEAGLE, Mrs. J. A. 22 yrs. Old Bolivar Denton IOOF Page 19 July 3, 1908 DRC July 9, 1908, p.3, c.4 Nov. 2, 1904 DCN Nov. 8, 1904, p.3, c.5 July 8, 1897 DCN July 15, 1897, p.4, c.3 Dec. 9, 1895 DCN Dec. 12, 1895, p.2, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BEAGLE, Mrs. L. A. Denton IOOF Dec. 2, 1895 DEATH FROM MEASLES. -Mrs. J. A. Beagle, living on North Elm street, died Monday night. She had been afflicted with measles and took a relapse which settled on her lungs. She leaves a husband and several children. The funeral took place Tuesday evening at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, Dec. 5, 1895, p.8, c.4. BEAIRD, Texana (Mrs. "Uncle" Tom) s of Denton Feb. 10, 1905 DCN Feb. 14, 1905, p.3, c.7 MORTUARY. BEAIRD - Denton, Tex., Feb. 11. - Mrs. Texana Beaird died at her home six miles south of this city last night of pneumonia. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1905, p.10. BEAL, W. H. July 13, 1884 A bloody tragedy occurred at about 1 o'clock on the morning of July 13th. At that hour two pistol shots rang out on the still air, followed by three more. A few straggling people out on the streets and several patrolmen hastened to the house whence the sounds came, and were shown by the thoroughly aroused and bewildered inmates, to a room in the third story. The door was locked on the inside, but yielded to the heavy pressure of several men, and the eye beheld under the brightly beaming gas, two dead bodies lying side by side, and two feet apart. In the privacy of their room, W. H. Beal, mailing clerk for Sanger Bros., and J. B. Strange, book-keeper for Mitchell & Scruggs, had engaged in a hot dispute, then a scuffle, destructive to tables, chairs, bed clothes and other articles in the room occuppied by them, and then died each from a pistol shot in the region of the heart. Two pistols of 38-callibre lay by the bodies, showing that each man had a weapon. Beal lay naked, save his drawers, in a pool of blood, and Strange divestedof coat and shoes, presented an equally ghastly sight. Both were promising young men under 30 years of age, holding responsible positions in business, and were devoted friends for four years, most of that time roommates. Both were Viriginians. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.3, c.4. BEALE, J. R. PROMINENT CITIZEN OF LLOYD FOUND DEAD IN BED. J. R. Beale Well and Favorably Known Over County Thought to Have Died From Heart Failure. J. R. Beale, a prominent citizen of the Lloyd community and well and favorably known over the entire county was found in his bed Sunday morning after life had expired by members of his family. Death is thought to have resulted from heart failure. He had not been feeling well for several days but was not in a dangerous condition from his illness and a doctor had never been summoned to treat him. His life expired some time between 12 o'clock and daylight when the dead body was found in the bed. >The deceased was 48 years of age last May and is survived by his wife and six children. Mrs. Lillian Patterson of lloyd, Mrs. Ione Cates of Garza, and four boys at home, Robert, George, Jim and Kearby Beale. Mr. Beale was secretary of the Little Elm, Masonic Lodge and was also secretary of the Cottonwood Cemetery Association where the Masonic Lodge of Little Elm conducted the burial services Sunday afternoon. >The funeral services were conducted at the pavillion at the cemetery by Rev. Mr. Sweeney of Fort Worth, who is conducting a meeting at the Christian church there, after which the Masons took charge of the burial services. >People from all parts of the county attended the funeral and burial services and the crowd present was estimated at about 500. Ten automobile loads from Denton were in attendance. Past Grand Master S. M. Bradley conducted the masonic burial service. -The Chronicle, Aug. 25th? of 1897. BEALE, J. W. Weatherford Page 20 Jan. of 1881 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION J. W. Beale, a carpenter that lived on Garrett's Creek last year was arrested some time ago in Parker county on a charge of forgery and confined in jail at Weatherford, where he committed suicide. He wrote an affectionate letter to his wife before committing the fatal deed, charging his misfortunes to the dangerous and devilish seductions of the Demon, Strong Drink. -Paradise Messenger, Jan. 21, 1881, p.3, c.3. BEALE, Robert T. Chico 68 yrs. Old Aug. 20, 1899 MORTUARY. BEALE - Denton, Tex., Aug. 21. -Robert T. Beale, one of the pioneer settlers of Denton county and a prominent citizen of the Little Elm community, in which he lived, died at Chico, Wise county, Sunday, aged 68 years. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 26, 1899, p.4. BEALL, N. A. Roanoke Oct. 29, 1898 MORTUARY. BEALL - Roanoke, Tex., Oct. 29. - N. A. Beall, an old and prominent citizen of Roanoke, died this evening at his home on South Main street, with typhoid fever. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 31, 1898, p.7. BEAN, Mrs. Robert Levi Perryman April 20, 1883 Forestburg, Texas, April 23. -Our little town has the sad news to announce of the death of Mrs. Robt. Bean. She died Friday the 20th inst. about 2 o'clock p.m. and was buried Sunday the 22nd inst. At the Levi Perryman graveyard. Marked respect was shown. There were about two hundred persons present at the grave, a sermon was preached etc. She leaves a husband and three little children to mourn in deep sorrow. Mr. Robert Bean has the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Bean, the deceased, was the beloved sister of the wife of J. D. White, who is known to many of our readers. -Wise County Messenger, May 4, 1883, p.4, c.2. BEARD, Mr. Pilot Point Civil War era N. H. (Hous.) Holt was in Denton Monday. Holt was sent to the penitentiary in 1876 on an indictment against him for killing a man by the name of Beard at Pilot Point during the war … -Denton County News, June 6, 1894, p.5, c.3. BEASLEY, Rissie Denton 28 yrs. Old April 28, 1909 WITNESS IN MABRY CASE DIES. Rissie Beasley Does Not Recover from Altercation. >Rissie Beasley, a negress aged about 28 years, died early yesterday morning at her home in the southern section of the city. She had been ill for about two weeks, having been unable to get about since a recent altercation in which she received a number of wounds. >The body was sent last night by the People's Undertaking Company to Denton for interment. ?Rissie Beasley was a principal witness in the trials in connection with the killing of Earl Mabrey west of the city about a year ago. -Dallas Morning News, April 29, 1909, p.16 BECK, Cletus Andrew, son of Mrs. A.D. Mr. & BECK, Margerate Theresa (Mrs. E. L.) Denton IOOF 1 yr. Old Mar. 8, 1904 DCN Mar. 10, 1904, p.6, c.5 Bolivar 64 yrs. Old May 30, 1904 DCN June 3, 1904, p.1, c.5 Page 21 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BECKETT, Mrs. J. Z. ne of Plano Jan. Of 1897 POISONED BY FRUIT. PLANO, TEX.,Jan. 29. -The NEWS representative learned today that the family of J. Z. Beckett, a farmer, who lives about three miles northeast of Plano, were all poisoned except one of the children, from eating cooked dried peaches for supper last Thursday evening. Mrs. Beckett, the mother, was first taken violently ill, vomiting a great deal after eating supper. The next day the father and four children were taken sick with the same symptoms as Mrs. Beckett, who died yesterday evening and was buried to-day. It seems the children only had a light attack, and Mr. Beckett is said to be recovering and will likely get well. All of the family partook of the fruit except one of the children, who was not taken ill, which led to the belief that they were poisoned from eating the fruit. Denton County News, February 4, 1897, p.3, c.1. BEEBE, child of Mr. in 1880 DIED: a loved infant of the household of Mr. Roland Beebe. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 4, 1880, p.3, c.5 PARADISE. LOCAL NEWS. -A young child of Mr. Beebe's was buried last Sunday. -Paradise Messenger, April 23, 1880, p.3, c.1. BEEKER, Mrs. IOOF Oct. 13, 1908 DRC Oct. 15, 1908, p.3, c.5 BEELER, J. H. Pilot Point Denton Oct. of 1893 J. H. Beeler Dead. >Mr. J. H. Beeler, of Pilot Point, died at his home in that city Tuesday of consumption and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery in this city yesterday afternoon. Mr. Beeler was a druggist by profession and was a long time connected with that business in this city. He married a Miss Ruddell, a daughter of Mr. John L. Ruddell of Denton, and in met was well known and had many friends here. He leaves a wife and two children who have the profound sympathy of many friends in this city and county. -Denton County News, Oct. 19, 1893, p.2, c.3 J. H. BEELER. DENTON, Denton Co., Tex., Oct. 19. -J. H. Beeler died at Pilot Point. Interment took place here. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 21, 1893, p.4. BEJANO, Walter Dallas 9 yrs old Dec. of 1903 Walter Bejano, the 9-year-old son of J. J. Bejano, of Dallas, died at the home of his parents as the result of a wound from a toy pistol. On Christmas night the little fellow shot himself in the hand with the dangerous toy, the wad almost piercing the left hand, its results causing his death. -Denton County news, Jan. 7, 1904, p.2, c.7. BELARACEO, Mr. in 1884 TEXAS TOPICS. An Italian named Belaraceo, who ran a saloon in Austin, had his ears chewed off and afterwards drowned in the river, by seven of his countrymen. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, p.2, c.4. BELEW, Uncle "Dickie" Pilot Point Feb. 10, 1900 Death of an Old Citizen. Pilot Point, Tex., Feb. 10. -Uncle "dickie" Belew, father of Levi Belew, and one of the oldest citizens of this section, died at his home about three and a half miles south of town this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 12, 1900, p.6. BELKENS, child of Mrs. & Mrs. Frank City 3 yrs. old Page 22 Aug. 30, 1898 DCRC Sept. 1, 1898, p.1, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BELL, Calvin Dec. 27, 1883 Calvin Bell, an aged gentleman, who resided four miles south of here died on the 27th of Dec. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 4, 1884, p.2, c.3. BELL, D. M. (Mrs. Allen) Lloyd Oak Grove 58 yrs old Aug. 11, 1894 AN ESTEEMABLE LADY DEAD. -Mrs. D. M. Bell of Lloyd died at her home at 2 p.m. Saturday, after a short illness. Her remains were buried in the Oak Grove cemetery at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Bell was the widow of Mr. Allen Bell, one of the pioneers of Denton county. In disposition she was kindly and retiring, but possessed the sterling qualities of charity, patience and compassion that made all her acquaintances her friends. She was fifty-eight years old and leaves six grown children surviving her, three of whom are married daughters, the others sons, one of whom is R. H. Bell of Denton. These chidlren have indeed lost an ideal mother and the community a shining light. -Denton County News, Aug. 16, 1894, p.5, c.1. BELL, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ira Bell Denton 13 months Nov. 19, 1899 MORTUARY. BELL - Denton, Tex., Nov. 19. - The 13-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bell died this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 22, 1899, p.8. BELL, Jim Waxahachie Waxahachie May 28, 1901 JIM BELL. Jim Bell, of Waxahachie, brother of J. F. Bell, of this city, died at his home in the first named city, Tuesday night and was buried at 4 p.m. yesterday. His death was caused from pneumonia. He was a real estate agent and a prominent citizen of Waxahachie. He was a member of the M. E. Church, South. -Denton County News, May 30, 1901, p.?, c.3 *** BELL, Nancy Gainesville April 27, 1883 Mrs. Nancy Bell, the wife of Rev. Wm. Bell, and mother of R. V. Bell, editor of the Independent, died at Gainesville, April 27th. -Wise County Messenger, May 11, 1883, p.4, c.1. BELL, Olen, son of Mr. & Mrs. Claude Denton IOOF infant Aug. 24, 1899 MORTUARY. BELL-Denton, Tex., Sept. 22. -Olen, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bell, died her this morning. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 24, 1899, p.8. BENNETT, Laura (Mrs. L. W.) Pilot Point BENSON, Mrs. H. IOOF BENSON, Robert BENT, Sam Fort Worth Page 23 April 6, 1856 Feb. 27, 1905 DCN Feb. 28, 1905, p.2, c.7 79 yrs old May 16, 1908 DRC May 21, 1908, p.3, c.4 80 yrs. Old June 19, 1906 R&C June 28, 1906, p.2, c.2 * Feb. 24, 1881 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SPECIALS TO THE NEWS. Fort Worth, Feb. 25. -Last night, in a saloon in the south portion of the city, a man whose name was then unknown, was stabbed and killed by an unknown and as yet unapprehended party. The deceased man's name has since been ascertained to be Sam Bent, and he was formerly employed by contractors Roche and Tierney on the Gulf, colorado and Santa Fe road. No one heard any boisterous language, in fact, nothing was known of until the wounded man rushed into the saloon and exclaiming, "I am killed," fell dead. The officers are on the alert, but no clew as yet. -Paradise Messenger, March 4, 1881, p.3, c.3. BENTLEY, Orville Bolivar 2 yrs old Dec. 13, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Orville Bentley, Bolivar, Dec. 13, age 2, croup. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BERG, Mrs. Henry near Bolivar 46 yrs. Old Jan. 28, 1904 MORTUARY. BERG-Denton, Tex., Jan. 29.-Mrs. Henry Berg, wife of a well-known farmer living near Bolivar, died yesterday, aged 46 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30, 1904, p.9. BERETT, Sallie Pauline BERNARD, Jerry IOOF 15 mo. Old Ponder Mar. 2, 1904 DCN Mar. 3, 1904, p.9, c.6 Feb. 24, 1904 DCN Mar. 3, 1904, p.9, c.4 BERRY, Love Lewisville March of 1897 Negro Drowned. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., March 26. - The body of Love Berry, a negro man, living near Lewisville, was found in Hickory creek yesterday afternoon. >It seems that Berry, in company with another negro named Harris, went fishing yesterday morning, and that in walking across a log to raise a line, the log broke in two, one piece striking him on the head and fracturing his skull so that he was unable to recover himself sufficiently to swim out, and was drowned. Dallas Morning News, March 27, 1897, p.4 BERRY, James E. Denton June 26, 1900 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. BERRY-Denton, Tex., June 27. -James E. Berry died here last night. -Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1900, p.6. BEYETT, Herschell Keith Denton Dec. 5, 1902 MORTUARY. BEYETT-Denton, Tex., Dec. 6. -Herschell Keith Beyett, son of P. J. Beyett of this city, died yesterday of diptheria. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 8, 1902, p.10. BEYETT, Sallie Pauline Denton IOOF Nov. 17, 1902 March 1, 1904 SALLIE PAULINE BEYETT. -Sallie Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Beyett died in this city at 1:10 o'clock yesterday morning after an illness of several days with pneumonia. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The child was 15 months and 15 days old at the time of its death. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.10, c.6. BIGGERSTAFF, Elija Denton Page 24 70 yrs. Old Feb. 7, 1905 DCN Feb. 10, 1905, p.3, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. BIGGERSTAFF-Denton, Tex., Feb. 8. -Elijah Biggerstaff, for the past quarter of a century County Surveyor of this county, and one of the best known residents of the county, died here last evening at his home on South Elm street, aged about 70 years. Pneumonia, with which he had been confined to his bed for the past week or ten days, was the cause of death. The deceased was born in Rutherford County, North Carolina, and came to this county in 1879, settling at Pilot Point. He was appointed County Surveyor to fill an unexpired term early in 1880, was elected to the position in the fall of the same year, moving then to this city, and with the exception of one term of two years during which he was Deputy County Surveyor has served in that office since. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 10, 1905, p.9. BIGGERSTAFF, Thomas Terrell Feb. 19, 1900 MORTUARY. BIGGERSTAFF -Denton, Tex., Feb. 20. -Thomas Biggerstaff died at Terrell yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 23, 1900, p.4. BILLINGSLEY, Arthur Buffalo creek June of 1881 Cleburne, June 10. -Arthur Billingsley, six years old, a son of Mrs. Billingsley, dressmaker, was found dead in Buffalo creek this afternoon. He had been missed since 9 o'clock. There are surmises that he had been fouly dealt with and had been thrown in the creek. -Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p.2, c.3. BILLINGSLEY, Mr. Palo Pinto Co. Sept. 26, 1904 DCN Oct. 4, 1904, p.4, c.2 BISHOP, son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krum 8 yrs. Old Sept. 5, 1895 A Deplorable Accident. -A most deplorable accident occurred a half mile east of Krum last Thursday. Mr. Frank Bishop's little eight-year-old son fell from a wagon load of wheat and the wheel passed over the back of his head and neck. The little boy was conveyed to his parents home west of Krum, but his death occurred soon after the accident. The many friends of the family deeply sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, Sept. 12, 1895, p.8, c.4 BISHOP, Col. W. P. Frankford 60 yrs. Old January of 1901 MORTUARY. BISHOP-Denton, Tex., Jan. 11. -Col. W. P. Bishop, a prominent citizen of Franklin, Dallas County and a veteran of the Civil War, in which he commanded a regiment in the Confederate Army, died at Frankford this week, aged about 60 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 19, 1901, p.7. BISHOP, Ord Ponder IOOF 25 yrs. Old Mar. 18, 1908 BISHOP, Mrs. W.P. DIED - On Thursday, Jan. 10, wife of Col. W. P. Bishop. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.1, c.4 Jan. 10, 1895 DRC Mar. 19, 1908, p.6, c.4 BLACK, Alvis Denton 16 yrs. Old Feb. 24, 1905 MORTUARY. BLACK -Denton, Tex., Feb. 24. - Alvis Black, aged 16 years, died here this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.9. Page 25 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BLACK, F. M. near Roanoke Jan. of 1883 F. M. Black … died last week near Roanoke in Denton county, where he has lately resided. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 2, 1883, p.5, c.2. BLACK, Mrs. Mollie Krum 60 yrs. Old Jan. 24, 1905 DCN Jan. 27, 1905, p.4, c.4 BLACK, Robert DIED OF CATARRHAL BRONCHITIS. The Little two year son, Robert, of T. Black, died Wednesday morning of catarrhal bronchitis, being unable to breathe on account of mucous in the bronchial passages. -Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1898, p.1, c.2. BLACK, Mr. S. M. May of 1884 Mr. S. M. Black and a little boy seven or eight years old were instantly killed by lightning last Friday at the residence of Mr. Ford in the northeast part of the county. Mr. Ford and family were also in the house and all, except a little girl who was sick and lying on a feather bed, were severely shocked but not seriously hurt. The little boy was a relative of Mrs. Ford. Mr. Black was a highly respected citizen and was secretary of the Post Oak Lodge No. 545 A. F. and A. M. [Jacksboro Rural Citizen.] -Alvord Messenger, May 30, 1884, p.2, c.1. BLACKBURN, Mr. Lloyd Oak Grove in 1845 Sept. 23, 1904 Record & Chronicle, Sept. 22, 1904, p.4, c.1 * OAK GROVE ITEMS. OAK GROVE, Tex., Sept. 19. -Mr. Blackburn of Lloyd died last Friday night and was interred at Oak Grove Saturday. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1904, p.4, c.4. BLACKWELL, Joe McKinney 16 years old March 20, 1904 MORTUARY. BLACKWELL - McKinney, Tex., March 21. - Joe Blackwell, 16 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Blackwell, died last night. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. BLACKWELL, Miss Nettie e of Aubrey BLAGG, J. T. e of Denton Oak Grove 16 yrs. Old Sept. 5, 1906 DMN Sept. 7, 1906, p.9 Dec. 5, 1905 DMN Dec. 7, 1905, p.9; Denton County New, Dec. 8, 1905, p.14, c.3 * BLAKENEY, Mrs. Lucy Pearl Dallas Pilot Point 26 yrs. Old June 20, 1906 MRS. M. M. BLAKENEY DEAD. Wife of Well-Known Business Man Passes Away at Her Home. -Mrs. Lucy Pearl Blakeney, wife of M. M. Blakeney of the S. G. Davis Hat Company, died last night at her home in this city after being ill only one day. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nunn of Pilot Point, both deceased. Mrs. Blakeney was 26 years old and had been married five and a half years. She was quite prominent socially. The funeral will be held at Pilot Point, Tex., but complete arrangements for it have not been made. -Dallas Morning News, June 21, 1906, p.14. Page 26 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BLANTON, James W., Dr. Chico Feb. of 1884 Dr. J. W. Blanton, a prominent physician of this county, was buried here to-day with Masonic honors. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.2, c.2. Dr. James Blanton, of Chico died on last Friday morning. That community has indeed lost a good and useful citizen. -Alvord Messenger, p.3, c.3. BLASENOR, Catherine (Mrs. J.F.) Sanger Oct. 7, 1903 DCN Oct. 15, 1903, p.5, c.2 BLEDSOE, Mrs. W. J. Ardmore, OK IOOF Jan. 20, 1908 MRS. BLEDSOE DIES SUDDENLY. Was Daughter of Mrs. A. J. Kittrell of This City-Funeral Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Bledsoe dropped dead Monday of heart failure at her home in Ardmore, Okla. Deceased is a daughter of Mrs. A. J. Kittrell of this city and was reared here. Prior to her death Mrs. Bledsoe had apparently been in the best of health. The details of her death are not known here, the message received merely stating that she died of heart failure. Mrs. Bledsoe was formerly Miss Maude Kittrell and was married to W. J. Bledsoe here about ten or twelve years ago. She is survived by a husband and two children. Her age was about 30 years. The remains will be brought here and the funeral held at the residence of Mrs. A. J. Kittrell on Mulberry street some time tomorrow afternoon. The interment will be at the I.O.O.F. cemetery. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.1, c.1 FUNERAL FOR MRS. BLEDSOE. Arrived here Tuesday on the south. The funeral services were held. The remains of Mrs. W. J. Bledsoe, who died in Ardmore, Okla. Arrived here to-day on the southbound 12:05 train and were conveyed from the station to the home of Mrs. A. J. Kittrell on Mulberry street. The funeral services are to be held that afternoon at 3 o'clock and were be conducted by Rev. Reynolds, pastor of the First Christian church. The interment will be made at the I.O.O.F. cemetery. -Record & Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.1, c.7 BLEWETT, Mrs. Nancy. H. Richardson Dec. 16, 1903 DCN Dec. 17, 1903, p.1, c.7 BLOUNT, Aletha Denton 78 yrs old April of 1899 MORTUARY. BLOUNT - Denton, Tex., April 27. -Mrs. Aletha Blount, relict of the late Judge J. M. Blount, died here at 3 o'clock this morning, aged 78 years. Death resulted from a malignant tumor, aided by other causes. The funeral took place at 5 o'clock this afternoon at the family residence on South Elm street, being conducted by Rev. J. W. Rowlett, and the interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -Dallas Morning News, April 28, 1899, p.4. BLOUNT, James G. Washington in 1881 Gen. James G. Blount, late of the Union army, died in the Washington insane asylum. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 5, 1881, p.2, c.1. BLOUNT, Jessamine Kearby Denton 49 yrs. Old June 28, 1900 MORTUARY. BLOUNT-Denton, Tex., June 28.-Mrs. Jessamine Kearby Blount, a daughter of the late E. P. Kearby, and wife of Dr. James P. Blount, a prominent banker and physician of this city, died at the family home here at 1 o'clock this morning, aged 49 years. The deceased has been dangerously ill and bedridden for the last seven months and her death was not unexpected. She was a sister of Hon. Jerome c. Kearby of Dallas and Hon. J. G. Kearby of Wills Point, Van Zandt County. Surviving her are a husband and three children. -Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1900, p.6. Page 27 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BLOUNT, Jessie M. Denton in 1822 Feb. 22, 1899 AN AGED RESIDENT DEAD. One of the Oldest Citizens of Denton Passes Away Last Night. -After a lingering illness, which had lasted through many months, Judge J. M. Blount quietly passed away at the family residence on South Elm street in this city, last night. Judge Blound had been a resident of Denton for about forty two years and had always been closely identified with the interest of the city, county and state, until on account of his health, he was compelled to retire from active business life. He had been honored by the citizens politically, holding the office of Chief Justice of Denton county in its early days and later being elected to the State Senate. On account of his sterling worth he had always enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all with whom he was connected. He was 77 years of age and leaves his wife and four children besides a large number of grand and great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Masons, which order will probably conduct the funeral rites, and also the Odd Fellows. The interment will take place at the City Cemetery tomorrow morning at ten o'clock after the service at the family residence. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1899, p.1, c.3 JUDGE BLOUNT DEAD. He Died at His Home Last Night - An Old Settler. -Judge J. M. Blount, a pioneer citizen of Denton county, and in his prime one of the prominent men of North Texas, died at his home on South Elm street at 7:55 o'clock last night. He was a few months past 76 years of age. Death was caused by cancer, from which he had suffered for a long time, superinduced by a severe attack of la grippe, which his enfeebled constitution was unable to stand. His second wife and his four living children were with him when the death summons came. Judge J. M. Blount was born in Mississippi in 1822. In 1840 he was marrie to Miss Sophie Caudle and they lived in Mississippi until 1856, when they moved to Texas, settling in Denton county. With Judge Carroll, Judge Welch and others, Judge Blount laid out the city of Denton. He was elected county judge a few years after his arrival in Denton county which position he held for several terms. In 1866, he ran for and was elected to the state senate, but, with the other state officials elected at that time, was removed by the Federal goverment as being inimical to the progress of reconstruction. After that time he also held several minor city and county offices. He was a Royal Arch Mason and a consistent member of the First Baptist church. He was a man well liked by everybody who knew him and was a man whom anybody could implicitly trust and was a good example of the pioneers who are responsible for the development of such a country as this. Surviving him, besides his wife, are four children - Mrs. J C Smith, Keller, Mrs. C W Gears, Mrs. Alvin C Owsley, and Dr. J P Blount of Denton. The burial will take place at the city cemetery to-morrow, Friday morning. -Denton County Record and Chronicle, Feb. 28, 1899, p.8, c.5 MORTUARY. BLOUNT-Denton, Tex., Feb. 23. -Judge J. M. Blount, a pioneer citizen of Denton county, and in his time one of the prominent men of north Texas, died here at 8 o'clock last night, aged 76 years. Death was caused by cancer from which he had suffered for a long time and which was superinduced by an attack of la grippe, which his enfeebled condition was unable to stand. He was born in Mississippi in 1822, was married in 1840 and moved to Texas in 1856, settling in Denton county and being one of those who surveyed and laid out the city of Denton. Afterward he was elected county judge, in which position he served several yearas, and in 1866 was elected to the state senate; but, with the other officers elected at the time, was removed by the federal government as being inimical to the progress of reconstruction. He was also elected to several minor city and county offices. He was a Royal Arch Mason and a Baptist. Surviving him are a wife and four children - Mrs. J. C. Smith of Keller, Mrs. C. W. Geers, Mrs. Alvin C. Owsley and Dr. J. P. Blount of Denton. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 24, 1899, p.5. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and brethren of Stanfield Lodge No. 217 A. F. & A. M., Denton, Texas: BRETHREN - We have been appointed a committee of this lodge to report suitable resolutions upon the death of Hon. J. M. Blount, past master and a member of this lodge, and we beg leave to report the following preamble and resolutions, feeling as we do so that we shall but imperfectly fulfill the duty assigned .... [very lengthy letter] -Denton County News, March 9, 1899, p.1, c.2 Page 28 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION WILL PREACH MEMORIAL SERMON. DENTON, Tex., March 17. -Rev. Walter C. Lattimore will preach a memorial sermon on the life of Judge J. M. Blount, who died here recently at the First Baptist church Sunday, March 26, at 11 a.m. -Dallas Morning News, March 18, 1899, p.8. JESSIE M. BLOUNT. -Jessie M. Blount died at his home on South Elm street, in city of Denton, Texas, on Wednesday, February 22, 1899, aged 78 years. He was born in Carroll county, state of Mississippi, and at the age of eighteen married Miss Sophia Candle, and in the year of 1856, came to Denton county. In about the year 1858 he moved to the town of Denton, where he has ever since resided. He was ever known for his sterling integrity and sturdiness of character. His fellow citizens recognized his worth and elected him to offices of trust. He was Chief Justice (county judge) of Denton county during our late civil war. He served several terms as justice of the peace, and also as recorder for the city of Denton. he served one term as state senator of this senatorial district. James M. Blount dared to do right under every circumstance and condition of life. He was a member of the American Legion of Honor, a Royal Arch Mason and a consistent and consecrated Christian. He gave his soul to Christ in his sixteenth year, and united with the Baptists and about the year 1858 joined the First Baptist church of Denton, to whom he gave the light of his love and counsel for more than forty years. Together with W. G. Wilson, J. B. Brandon, Wm. A. Clark and J. R. McCormick, the first three of whom preceded him to the church triumphant above, he was elected trustee of the First Baptist church of Denton in 1874, which office he held with satisfaction to all up to the time of his death. His life, love, counsel and financial aid did much to build up the cause of Christ not only in the city of Denton and Denton county, cut also, in the great field beyond. He left to survive him his wife, Mrs. Aleta Blount, whom he married in 1869, and four children, Mrs. Lucy C. Smith, Mrs. Louisa S. Geers, Mrs. Sallie M. Owsley and Dr. James P. Blount, and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. -Denton County News, April 6, 1899, p.1, c.2. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas the First Baptist church of Denton has lost in the death of Jesse M. Blount, a valued member the cause of Christ a loyal soldier, his countrymen an upright Christian citizen, and his family a loving husband, father and counselor, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the First Baptist Church of Denton, Texas that we do here and now deplore his loss as a co-worker with us and we do hereby extend to his family and friends our most earnest sympathy in this trying hour; and be it further RESOLVED, that this biographical sketch and these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this church as a memorial to the life and character of our beloved brother, Jesse M. Blount, and that a copy of same be presented to his family. Respectfully submitted, J. R. McCormick, J. W. Underwood, R. W. Terrill, Committee. -Denton County News, April 6, 1899, p.1, c.2 BLOUNT, Mollie Canton 15 yrs. Old Oct 6, 1885 Died. Miss Mollie Blount, daughter of Dr. J. P. Blount, of Canton, VanZandt County died at 10 a.m. yesterday, at the residence of her uncle, Major J. C. Kearby, on Masten street, aged fifteen. Deceased, a charming young lady, was a pupil at the Dalias Female College, and had she lived, would have graduated this year. The remains will be interred to-day in the family burying ground at Denton. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 7, 1885, p.8 BLOUNT, Sophia, (Mrs. J. M.) Denton 47 yrs. Old Feb. 17, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. DENTON, TX., Feb. 18, 1869. … Death of Mrs. Blount - Mrs. Sophia Blount, wife of Judge J. M. Blount, of Denton, died at her residence yesterday morning about two hours before day at the age of forty-seven. She leaves a large family to mourn her loss. -Denton County News, Sept. 1, 1892, p.1, c.3. BLOXOM, child of T. June 1, 1883 Page 29 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION -Two little children, one the infant of the household of Mr. J. A. Gentry and the other of the family of Mr. T. Bloxom, died on Friday of last week. -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.4, c.1 BLYTHE, Mrs. E. A. Decatur May 27, 1907 MORTUARY. BLYTHE-Decatur, Tex., May 29. -Mrs. E. A. Blythe died here May 27. She was the daughter of A. Bishop, who founded Decatur in the early '60s. Dallas Morning News, June 2, 1907, p.4. BOATNER, Dr. J. W. Lewisville Smithfield Sept. 30, 1904 DCN Oct. 4, 1904, p.4, c.2 BOAZ, R. Birdville 1880/1881 Fort Worth. (?) 30. -James Elliston, it is supposed, shot and killed R. Boaz, a blind saloon man, at Birdville last night. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 14, 1881, p.3, c.3 BOBBITT, Miles Denton Tennessee 26 yrs. Old Dec. 6, 1903 SHORT SPECIALS. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Dec. 6. -Miles Bobbitt, brother of Mrs. J. H. Curry died this morning, aged 26 years. The remains were taken to Tennessee this afternoon for interment, accompanied by Rev. Curry. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 7, 1903, p.2 BODENHAMMER, J. near Henrietta Nov. of 1880 A man by the name of J. Bodenhammer has been foully murdered near Henrietta in Clay County. -Paradise Messenger, Nov. 19, 1880, p.3, c.3 BOHANNON, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Aubrey May 27, 1901 AUBREY ITEMS. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bohannon died Monday and was buried at Oak Grove Tuesday. -Denton County News, May 30, 1901, p.6, c.2 *** BOND, Lucy Wise County Jan/Feb 1885 Commissioners Court. … request of payment for … G. H. Crittenden allowed $6.30 for goods furnished for burial of Lucy Bond. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 14, 1885, p.7, c.3. BONE, N. M. near Mansfield Nov. of 1880 Fort Worth. Nov. 6, 1880. -N. M. Bone, who lives near Mansfield was found about five miles from the city this morning frozen to death. Being intoxicated yesterday evening he left the city to return home, and it is supposed he fell out of the wagon and remained lying on the ground during the entire night. -Paradise Messenger, Nov. 12, 1880, p.3, c.3 BONIFIELD, Sarah Gum Feb. 8, 1888 Page 30 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mrs. Sarah Bonifield, the wife of Robt. Bonifield who lives in the Gum neighborhood, died on Wednesday of this week. She was the daughter of James Couch, who was deceased about one year ago. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 11, 1888, p.3, c.1. BOON, Col. Ezekiel Denton IOOF Nov. 22, 1894 Col. Boon Dead. -Col. Ezekiel Boon, living on Oak street, after a protracted illness, died at 7 p.m. Saturday. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 3 p.m. and a funeral service was conducted by Rev. Cole and local singers. Col. Boon was an early settler in Denton county, coming here from eastern Texas in 1855. He was once county surveyor of Jack county. His surviving family consists of Mrs. Boon and two grown daughters. -Denton County News, Nov. 29, 1894, p.9, c.2. BOTHWELL, Howard near Aubrey 7 months Dec. 5, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Howard Bothwell, 7 miles southeast of Aubrey, Dec. 5, age 7 months, pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BOTTORFF, James Thomas IOOF 3 yrs. old July 15, 1892 A Serious Case of Diptheria. The little three-year-old son of County Attorney Bottorff is seriously ill with what doctors term diptheria. He was taken last week and has grown worse and was very bad yesterday. This is the only case in the town or county so far as we have heard and we hope that it will not become prevalent, thought many people are considerably alarmed about the matter and it would be well to take due precautious. -Denton County News, July 13, 1892, p.3, c.3. A LITTLE BOY DIES. Little James Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bottorff whom we reported as being very low with diptheria last week, died of that disease between 3 and 4 o'clock Friday. He was three years, two months and seven days old. His remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 4 p.m. Saturday. To the bereaved parents the NEWS extends itst warmest sympathy. -Denton County News, July 20, 1892, p.3, c.3. BOTTORFF, Welch, son of Judge & Mrs. J. T. Denton IOOF 1 yr. Old Aug. 31, 1895 PERSONALS. The baby of Judge and Mrs. J. T. Bottorff is quite sick. -Denton County News, Aug. 29, 1895, p.7, c.5. DIED-Welch, the bright little one-year-old son of Judge and Mrs. J. T. Bottorff, after a short week's illness, died at their home in Denton at 10:30 a.m. Friday. Funeral services were conducted at the homeby Rev. J. F. Pierce at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. The interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Their many Denton friends profoundly sympathize with the bereaved parents in their sad loss. -Denton County News, Sept. 5, 1895, p.8, c.2. BOURLAND, George near Keller June of 1887 KILLED BY LIGHTNING. A HARVESTER STRUCK IN THE BACK OF THE NECK. ROANOKE, TEX., June 3. -George Bourland was killed by lightning near Keller, this afternoon about 1 o'clock. He had been harvesting oats on Mrs. Wilson's farm in the forenoon and had gone to the house to dinner. After dinner he noticed a shower coming up and started to the field to take the cavas off of his machine, and when he had gone about half the distance the lightning struck him the back of the neck, breaking the bones in both shoulders and tearing his clothes off. When found a few minutes later, he was lying on his face dead. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, June 4, 1887, p.4. Page 31 NAME BOWDEN, dau of Buck LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH March of 1884 CITATION A little girl of Buck Bowden's and a little boy of W. S. Dodd's were buried during the last week. -Alvord Messenger, March 21, 1884, p.3, c.1. BOWEN, Lillie Bolivar 15 yrs. Old May 20, 1899 BOWEN. -A newly heaped mound of earth in the little cemetery at Bolivar marks the last resting place of Lillie Bowen, the fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowen, who, after a severe struggle for existence with pneumonia, departed this life late on Saturday afternoon last, May 20, at her home near Sanger. Monday and Monday night she was very low and not expected to live many hours, but on Thursday there was a change for the better and she gradually improved and hopes were entertained for her ultimate recovery, even to the last, when suddenly without warning death claimed its own and Lillie was no more. A host of relatives and friends followed the remains to the graveside Sunday where, after a few appropriate and comforting remarks by Rev. W. C. Lattimore, of Denton, they were laid to await the sound of Gabriel's trumpet. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.8, c.3 BOWERS, LEE Van Alstyne 9 yrs. Old May of 1899 Lee Bowers, nine years old, while playing with a calf at Van Alstyne, Tex., became entangled in a rope and around the animal's neck and was fatally injured. Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.2, c.5. BOWLING, G. W. Bloomfield 86 yrs. Old Nov. 3, 1895 G. W. Bowling, an aged and respected citizen, died at Mr. Brewer's, his son-in-law, near Bloomfield, Sunday night. He was 86 years old and had been a citizen of that community for 20 or more years. He was a Baptist preacher. -Denton County News, Nov. 7, 1895, p.2, c.4. BOWMAN, Mrs. Feb/Mar of 1884 Local News. Mrs. Bowman, who lives a few miles west of here, was buried on last Sunday. -Alvord Messenger, March 7, 1884, p.3, c.3. BOYD, James n of Weatherford Feb. 11, 1884 Weatherford, February 12. -Yesterday evening Mr. James Boyd, a farmer of this county, and his little son were instantly killed by lightning about twelve miles north of this place. Mr. Boyd and his wife, with one child, were in a wagon, while the son was on a horse in the rear. The wife and child were badly stunned and severely burned, while the horses attached to the wagon were both killed, and the wagon badly wrecked. They were on their way to attend the funeral of Mr. Armstrong in Jack county, who was the father of Mrs. Boyd. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.3, c.4. BOYD, Mrs. G. T. Lewisville Jan. 17, 1900 INSTANTLY KILLED. Mrs. G. T. Boyd, Wife of a Prominent banker Killed by a Mule. -A telephone message received from Lewisville yesterday afternoon - stated that Mrs. G. T. Boyd, the wife of a prominent farmer living two miles southwest of there was kicked about the head by a mule yesterday morning and killed. Further particulars are not known here. G. T. Boyd, the husband of the deceased, is the father of G. ? Boyd a well-known resident of this city. -Denton County Record and Chronicle, Jan. 18, 1900, p.1, c.6. Page 32 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BOYD, Mrs. M. A. Lewisville 37 yrs. old Jan. 17, 1900 MRS. BOYD'S DEATH. Death Came Unexpectedly to Her as She Was Working in the Yard. -Lewisville, Denton Co., Tex., Jan. 18. -Mrs. M. A. Boyd, wife of T. G. Boyd, a prosperous farmer living one and a half miles south of this place, fell dead about 11 o'clock yesterday. Her husband was in bed sick and she had gone into the garden to gather up some wood preparatory to starting a fire to cook dinner and was absent about five minutes, when her mother-in-law walked to the door and made the discovery. She gave the alarm, but when members of the family reached the body life was extinct. Physicians were summoned and made a careful examination and gave it as their opinion that death came from apoplexy, as there were no bruises or marks to be found on the body to indicate any external violence, although it is the opinion of some that she was kicked by a young pet mule in the garden. Deceased was 37 years of age and leaves a husband and five children. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 19, 1900, p.7. BOYD, son of James near Weatherford Feb. 11, 1884 see James Boyd BOYDSTON, Anna Hemming 6 yrs. Old April of 1907 DMN Apr. 29, 1907, p.1 BOYLAN, Arabella Celestine IOOF 8 yrs. old Feb. 7, 1903 DCN Feb. 12, 1903, p.1, c.4 MORTUARY. Boylan. Arabella Celestine, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. A. Boylan, died Saturday morning at the family residence on East Hickory street aged 6 years, 8 months and 7 days. The immediate cause of the death was due to pneumonia, although she suffered some time from an attack of fever. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church, Dr. C. L. Hogue, the pastor, conducting the services. Interment at Odd Fellows' cemetery. Denton County News, Feb. 19,1903, p.1, c.3. BOYLE, Ezra in 1885 Commissioners Court. …Account of W. F. Thomas on coffin for Ezra Boyle held for information… -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p.8, c.2. Commissioners' Court, continued from April 2, 1885. -Account of W. F. Thomason for $6 to coffin for Ezra Boyles, rejected. -Wise County Messenger, April 11, 1885, p.4, c.1. BOYLES, Maggie (Mrs. B.) Argyle near Argyle Mar. 13, 1905 Died at Argyle. Mrs. Maggie Boyles the wife of Boyles, a well known resident of the Argyle community died yesterday morning about three o'clock from lead poisoning. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, the interment was taking place at the cemetery near Argyle. -Denton County News, March 14, 1905, p.1, c.1 BRADFORD, child of Mr. H. H. Chico Feb. of 1883 Mr. H. H. Bradford of the vicinity of Chico, lost a little child last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.3. Page 33 NAME BRADFORD, Louis LOCATION near Chico CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH April of 1884 CITATION Louis Bradford, who resided near Chico, died on last Sunday morning. He was a respected farmer as well as a kind husband and father, and leaves a wife and four small children to mourn his departure. -Alvord Messenger, May 2, 1884, p.3, c.1 BRADFORD, R. H. Pilot Point Feb. 8, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. A List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -R. H. Bradford, Pilot Point, Feburary 8. -Forth Worth Daily Gazette, March 7, 1886, p.13. BRADLEY, Albert Denton IOOF 11 yrs. Old Jan. 29, 1896 A LITTLE BOYS DEATH. Albert, the little 11-year-old son of Judge and Mrs. S. M. Bradley, died at his parents' home in Denton Wednesday afternoon of last week, from the effect of being kicked by a horse while in the barn yard of the family home ten days before, notice of which the NEWS has published. The religious services were conducted at the house by Rev. J. B. Cole and the interment was in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Judge and Mrs. Bradley have the sympathy of a host of friends in Denton and Denton county in this, their great bereavement. -Denton County News, Feb. 6, 1896, p.5, c.2. BRADLEY, Dr. E. G. 76 yrs. Old July 1, 1901 MORTUARY. BRADLEY -Denton, Tex., July 11. -Dr. E. G. Bradley, one of the pioneer settlers of Denton County and a prominent physician of Lewisville, died this week aged 76 years. He came to this county in 1855. -Dallas Morning News, July 12, 1901, p.5. BRADLEY, Timothy IOOF 5 yrs. Old Nov. 8, 1894 DIED OF DIPTHERIA. -Judge and Mrs. S. M. Bradley had the sad misfortune to lose their bright little 5-year-old son, Timothy, last Thursday at 8 p.m., after a short illness from diptheria. The remains were buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 4 p.m. Friday. The funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. J. B. Cole. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their great bereavement. -Denton County News, Nov. 15, 1894, p.8, c.3. BRADLEY, Tom Bolivar 35 yrs. Old Aug. 19, 1898 MORTUARY. BRADLEY - Denton, Tex., Aug. 22. - Mr. Tom Bradley, aged about 35 years, died at Bolivar Friday of typhoid fever. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 23, 1898, p.2. BRADSHAW, Irene 20 yrs. Old Jan. 25, 1905 DCN Jan. 27, 1905, p.3, c.4 BRADSHAW, M. H. 57 yrs. Old March 7, 1901 CITY PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. DEATHS. March 7, M. H. Bradshaw, aged 57 years; appoplexy. -Denton County News, March 14, 1901, p.4, c.1. BRADY, Jack Roanoke July 26, 1897 Page 34 DCN July 29, 1897, p.6, c.1 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BRALEY, J. H. Pilot Point IOOF BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Oct. 13, 1893 CITATION DCN Oct. 14, 1893, p.2, c.3 BRAMLETTE, Mrs. Martin's Branch Oct of 1883 Mrs. Bramlette, the wife of H. M. Bramlette living on Martin's Branch, has lately passed beyond this vale of tears leaving a husband and several children to mourn her departure. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p.3, c.2. BRANNON, Charles P. Dec. 26, 1908 DCN Dec. 31, 1908, p.1, c.5 BRANNON, Mary J. Weatherford May of 1883 Weatherford, May 25. -Our community was greatly shocked and deeply grieved this morning by the report that Mrs. Mary J. Brannon, the estimable, accomplished and loved wife of Maj. P. F. Brannon, had died in this city after a very brief illness. -Wise County Messenger, June 1, 1883, p.4, c.1. BRANNUM, John Denton City 84 yrs. Old Jan. 8, 1897 DIED-Mr. John Brannum, aged 84 years, died at his home in southeast Denton last Friday and was buried with Masonic honors at 2 p.m. Saturday in the city cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Baptist church , had lived in Denton two years and leaves a wife and several grown children. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.9, c.4. BREWER, child of Mrs. & Mrs. Bud Ponder Aiken infant June 26, 1903 PONDER. -The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brewer died last Sunday at eleven o'clock and was buried Monday evening at the Aiken cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the community. -Denton County News, July 2, 1903, p.5, c.3. BREWER, John Ponder Dec. 17, 1904 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. BREWER-Denton, Tex., Dec. 20. -John Brewer, an aged resident of the western part of the county, died Saturday at Ponder of dropsy. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 21, 1904, p.3. BREZBEE, Belle Pilot Point May 13, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. The Gazette's Weekly Record of the Grave and the Gay - Sunshine and Shadow. Deaths. -Miss Belle Brezbee, Pilot Point, May 13. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, May 31, 1886, p.5. BRIDGES, Mr. Bonham City Feb. 11, 1899 DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.8, c.3 BRIDGES, Mollie ca 10 yrs. June of 1881 DIED: Mollie Bridges, a little daughter of Mr. Henry Bridges, on the night of June [unreadable]th. Aged about 10 years. -Paradise Messenger, June 10, 1881, p.3 ,c.1. Page 35 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BRIDGES, son of Allen May 23, 1880 LOCAL NEWS. -A little boy of our neighbor Allen Bridges, died on last Sunday night after an illness of several days. The bereaved parents should remember that their loss is his gain. -Paradise Messenger, May 28, 1880, p.3, c.2. BRIGGS, Jerome Dallas Sept. of 1884 Mrs. Briggs, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. C. Turner at this place, received a telegram on Tuesday at this place, that her husband, Jerome Briggs had died suddenly of heart disease at his home in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Briggs was travelling salesman for R. V. Tompkins & Co., hardware dealers of Dallas. Charley Turner, Mr. Briggs' nephew accompanied her to Dallas. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.5, c.1. BRINKLEY, Frank Lewisville BRISTOW, Vie, (Mrs. W. F.) Lewisville BRISTOW, 2 children of Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Lewisville 7 yrs. Old infants Nov. 3, 1904 DCN Nov. 8, 1904, p.5, c.2 July 2, 1904 DCN July 8, 1904, p.1, c.5 July 1, 1904 DCN July 8, 1904, p.1, c.5 BROCK, Charley Denison Elizabeth Aug. 1, 1895 Charley Brock, of Denison, who made Roanoke his home for many years, died at his residence in Denison last Thursday night, the 1st inst, with congestion. His remains were shipped to Roanoke Saturday morning, and interred at the Elizabeth cemetery Saturday evening by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen of Denison. Rev. A. J. Harris, of Fort Worth preached his funeral in the union church at 1 o'clock, to a very large congregation. The deceased was a son of Dr. E. J. Brock of this place. He leaves a wife, two children and many friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.5, c.4. BROCK, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Krum Jackson school house infant July 14, 1895 An infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brock died at their home west of Krum Sunday morning and was buried at the Jackson school house. -Denton County News, July 18, 1895, p.8, c.1. BROCKMAN, infant of Mr. & Mrs. Henry infant March 10, 1903 March 10th - The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brockman died this morning of pneumonia. -Denton County News, March 19, 1903, p.5, c.5 BROOKS, a farmer named near Pilot Point Dec. 13, 1897 KILLING IN DENTON COUNTY. One Farmer Shoots Another Farmer and Surrenders to the Sheriff. Denton, Tex., Dec. 14. -Just over the line between Denton and Cooke counties, last night, about one and one-half miles from Pilot Point, a farmer named Brooks was shot twice with a pistol and instantly killed. Page 36 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Another farmer named Davis came in and surrendered to Deputy Sheriff Barton of Pilot Point for the crime, and was taken to Gainesville last night and placed in jail there. Davis' version of the killing is that Brooks was drunk, and coming home, drove into his (Davis') yard. He told Brooks (Davis says) to get into his (Brooks') wagon and go home with him. Being refused, Davis says Brooks threatened to make him, drawing his knife and advancing toward him, whereupon Davis went into his house, got a pistol, and coming back, shot Brooks twice, with the result as above stated. After the killing Davis left Brooks' body in the wagon, where it was afterwards found. Davis went to Pilot Point and surrendered. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 15, 1897, p.6. BROOKS, child of Laura see Brooks, Laura Pilot Point Oct. 17, 1905 BROOKS, child (2) of Laura see Brooks, Laura Pilot Point Oct. 17, 1905 BROOKS, Laura Pilot Point Oct. 17, 1905 MOTHER AND CHILDREN. Killed by Collapse of Granary While They Were Asleep. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Pilot Point, Tex., Oct. 18. -Laura Brooks, a negress, with her two children, were killed last night by the collapse of a granary in which they were sleeping about ten miles east of here. -The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 19, 1905, p.9 BROWN, Aleck 47 yrs. Old Oct. 11, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Tex., Oct. 16, 1869. -Aleck Brown of this place died on Monday night at 11 o'clock, in the 47th year of his age. The obsequies were conducted by old Uncle Johnny Lovejoy. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.3. BROWN, Amy Reba IOOF 10 yrs. Old Nov. 21, 1908 DCN Nov. 26, 1908, p.7, c.3 BROWN, Beverly near Poolville May 19, 1883 Weatherford, May 21. -Beverly Brown was shot and killed Saturday evening by Bates Cockburn. The difficulty arose about the slapping of a boy, a brother-in-law of Brown's by Cockburn, some weeks ago. Brown struck Cockburn with a stick, whereupon the latter drew his pistol and fired. Brown died in a few moments. Cockburn fled. The occurrence was near Poolville, twenty miles north of here. -Wise County Messenger, May 25, 1883, p.5, c.5. BROWN, child of Frank Oct. of 1883 A little child of the family of Mr. Frank Brown, a blacksmith of Pella, was buried on Monday. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 12, 1883, p.3, c.1. BROWN, dau. (2) of Jake Walnut Creek infants Sept. of 1881 We are sorry to state that two of the three girl babies recently born in the household of our neighbor Jake Brown died one day last week. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 23, 1881, p.3, c.2. Page 37 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BROWN, son of Hardin April of 1883 A little boy of Mr. Hardin Brown's was buried at Paradise cemetery on last Sunday. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.4, c.1. BROWN, J. W. City 48 yrs. Old Dec. 26, 1895 DIED - Mr. J. W. Brown, who lived about two and a half miles east of town, died Thursday afternoon after an illness of three weeks. Deceased was forty-eight years of age and leaves a wife and six children. His remains were interred in the City cemetery at 4:30 p.m. Friday. -Denton county News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.7, c.2. BROWN, John W. Pilot Point 61 yrs. old Oct. of 1897 MORTUARY. BROWN -Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Oct. 30. -John W. Brown of Pilot Point died the first of this week, aged about 61 years. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 1, 1897, p.3. BROWN, Mr. Pilot Point Feb. of 1867 We take the following items from the McKinney Enquirer of the 23rd: We learn from the Western Star of an unfortunate difficulty at Pilot Point, Denton county. It appears that a man named McGahee was married on Thursday last, and a party went to the house on Monday night to chavivari the newly married couple, when McGahee fired upon them, killing a man named Brown; the party returned fire, killing McGahee and mortally wounding his brother. -Dallas Herald, March 2, 1867, p.2 BROWN, Mrs. near Denton 50 yrs. Old Oct. 19, 1900 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. BROWN -Denton, Tex., Oct. 20. -Mrs. Brown, a widow, living east of the city, died yesterday of heart disease, aged about 50 years. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 22, 1900, p.3. BROWN, Mrs., mother of Whit P. near Mingo 78 yrs. Old June 6, 1902 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. BROWN-Denton, Tex., June 7. -Mrs. Brown, mother of White P. Brown, died near Mingo last night, aged 78 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 8, 1902, p.2. BROWN, Mrs. S. L. Justin BROWN, R. H. Santa Rosa, NM 30 yrs. Old Pilot Point Sept. 16, 1904 R&C, Sept. 17, 1904, p.4, c.5 May 21, 1908 DRC May 28, 1908, p.3, c.2 DRC June 4, 1908, p.5, c.3 BROWN, Rev. Marlin Jan. 14, 1881 Marlin, January 14. -Rev. Mr. Brown, father of W. M. Brown, comptroller, was found dead in his bed, at the Miller House, this morning. -Wise County Messenger, January 21, 1881, p.3, c.4. Page 38 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BROWN, Wm. G. Tioga Pilot Point July 9, 1895 PILOT POINT. From the Post-Mirror. -Wm. G. Brown, father of Dr. Brown of this city, died at Tioga yesterday at 7:30 a.m. His remains will be brought to this place for burial to-day at 11 o'clock. -Denton County News, July 11, 1895, p.2, c.1 BROWN, W. I. 66 yrs. Old Oct. 14, 1908 DRC Oct 15, 1908, p.1, c.6 BRUCE, C. Y. Decatur 24 yrs. old Mar. 19, 1899 MORTUARY. BRUCE. -Decatur, Tex., March 20. -C. Y. Bruce, a young lawyer, and merchant of this place, died last night at the age of 24 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 21, 1899,p.8. BRUCE, J. M. Denton July 13, 1899 MORTUARY. BRUCE -Denton, Tex., July 13. -Ex-City Councilman J. M. Bruce, a prominent citizen of Denton, died here between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning of heart disease. -Dallas Morning News, July 15, 1899, p.8. BRUCE, Jimmie, son of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Denton IOOF 3 mos. Old July 4, 1893 A LITTLE BOY DIES. -Jimmie, the little three-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bruce, died Tuesday afternoon at their home on Hickory street. The little sufferer had been sick a long time with a bowel trouble and with which he was too weak and young to contend. The funeral was conducted at the home yesterday morning by Rev. DuPont after which the remains were taken to the Odd Fellows' cemetery and interred. The bereaved parents have the warm sympathy of many friends. -Denton County News, July 6, 1893, p.3, c.4. BRYAN, Benjamin Denton IOOF England, 1828 Mar. 9, 1897 At the family residence on Hickory street Sunday morning Benjamin Bryan died, after an illness of a few days. Mr. Bryan was born in England in 1828. He was probably one of the oldest printers in the country. The principal part of his life was spent in St. Louis, but he moved to Denton about one year ago. The NEWS extends sympathy to the family. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows cemetery Monday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 11, 1897, p.8, c.2. BRYAN, Jennie Rhome 16 years Aug. 18, 1883 ITEMS FROM AURORA NEWS. DIED-At Rhome, Texas, on Saturday, Aug. 18th, Miss Jennie Bryan, aged about 16 years. -Alvord Messenger, August 31, 1883, p.2, c.2. BRYANT, A. H. R. Pilot Point Mar. 9, 1890 MORTUARY. A. H. R. BRYANT. PILOT POINT, Tex., March 10. -Mrs. A. H. R. Bryant, an old resident of this place, died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, March 11, 1890, p.2. Page 39 NAME BRYANT, Mary Louisa? Louise? LOCATION Pilot Point CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 1 yr old DATE OF DEATH Dec. 9, 1904 CITATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Mary Louisa Bryant, Pilot Point, Dec. 9, age 1, pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BRYANT, Mrs. C. R. Pilot Point 69 yrs. Old Aug. 4, 1895 PILOT POINT ITEMS. Mr. C. R. Bryant died at his home in this city Sunday, August 4, at 8:45 p.m. after an illness of several months and being in feeble health for some years. Mr. Bryant lacked a few days of being 70 years old. He was born in Indiana but came to Texas over 40 years ago and was thus one of the pioneers. Denton County News, Aug. 15, 1895, p.2, c.2. BRYANT, Mrs. Mary A. Pilot Point 80 yrs. Old June of 1900 MORTUARY. BRYANT -Denton, Tex., June 9. -Mrs. Mary A. Bryant died at Pilot Point this week, aged about 80 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 11, 1900, p.2. BRYANT, Tom Denton 34 yrs. Old April 25, 1900 MORTUARY. BRYANT -Denton, Tex., April 26. -Tom Bryant of Benton, Ark., died in the southern part of the city last night of pneumonia, aged about 34 years. His wife's father, also of Benton, Ark., who had arrived only a few days before, died Monday night of brain trouble, aged about 67 years. -Dallas Morning News, April 27, 1900, p.5. BUCHANAN, Mrs. J. T. Celina Nov. 1898 DCN Nov. 17, 1898, p.1, c.1 BUCK, Mrs. Pleasant Grove Jan/Feb of 1884 Two married ladies, Mrs. C. C. Middleton and Mrs. Buck, were buried at Pleasant Grove, near Bobo's gin on last week. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 8, 1884, p.3, c.2. BUEL, David Elmer near Fort Worth Aug of 1884 David Elmer Buel, aged 19, accidentally shot himself through the head near Fort Worth on Tuesday, while examining a revolver, causing his death in about four hours. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, 1884, p.2, c.4. BURCH, Alvis, son of B. F. Black Feb. 24, 1905 DCN Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.2 BURCH, Mrs. Amanda Old Alton 79 yrs. Old July 31, 1903 MORTUARY. BURCH. -Mrs. Amanda Burch, wife of N. A. Burch, died at her home at 7 a.m., July 31, at the ripe old age of 79 . Grandma Burch, as she was familiarly called, was born in Alabama, but raised in Mississippi and came to Texas about forty years ago, having resided in Texas from then until the time of her death. She was beloved by all for her noble qualities and Christian virtues. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church. Rev. B. F. Sizemore of that church preached the funeral at the Old Alton cemetery at 10:00 o'clock last Saturday to a large assembly who had gathered to pay the last sad rites to the one they had learned to love. She leaves an aged husband and five children, besides an untold number of friends to mourn her loss. -Denton County News, Aug. 13, 1903, p.8, c.4. Page 40 NAME LOCATION BURCH, N. A. near Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 79 yrs. Old Feb. 6, 1905 CITATION R&C Feb. 7, 1905, p.1, c.5 * BURFORD, child of D. Lloyd Feb. 1893 LLOYD ITEMS. LLOYD, Tex., Feb. 13. -We are sorry to note that D. Burford lost his little babe last week. His family has the sympathy of the community. -Denton County News, Feb. 16, 1893, p.3, c.3. BURG, Henry Krum Mar. 19, 1904 Death of Henry Burg, a Well Known Farmer. Henry Burg, a prominent farmer four miles north from here was killed during the storm Saturday night by being caught underneath a barn which was overturned by the strong wind. He leaves three daughters alone, their mother having died some three months ago. -Denton County News, March 24, 1904, p.1, c.2. KILLED IN STORM. Henry Burg, a well-known German-American farmer of near Hawkeye in the northwestern part of Denton county, was killed during the wind and hail storm of last Saturday night. Mr. Burg, it seems was building a cow barn on his place and during the storm went out to look after some of his stock, when the barn collapsed, the walls falling on him and crushing him to death. Deceased was 70 years of age. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 24, 1904, p.7, c.3. BURGE, F. W. Denton 83 yrs. Old May 1, 1902 MORTUARY. BURGE - Denton, Tex., May 2. - F. W. Burge, an old resident of this city, died at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon of senility, aged 83 years. -Dallas Morning News, May 6, 1902, p.8. BURGE, Mrs. Krum Feb. 2, 1904 DCN Feb. 4, 1904, p.8, c.3 BURGER, Mrs. Rachel M. Denton Dallas 48 yrs. Old March 21, 1902 MORTUARY. BURGER - Denton, Tex., March 21. - Mrs. Rachel M. Burger of Dallas died here today at the home of J. H. Kirkbride, aged 48 years. The interment will take place in Dallas. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1902, p.7. BURK, Sarah Sunnydale City 35 yrs. Old June 30, 1902 MORTUARY. BURKE - Denton, Tex., June 17. - Mrs. Sarah Burk, wife of William A. Burk, a farmer living near this city, died last night, aged about 30 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 18, 1902, p.11. Mrs. Sarah Burk, aged about thirty-five years, wife of William A. Burk, a farmer of the Sunnydale community, died at their home about five miles southeast of town Monday night and was buried at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the city cemetery. Bright's disease was the cause of death. -Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3. BURGESS, C. M. May of 1883 Page 41 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Wichita Fallas, May 20.-News has reached here of the killing at Henrietta of C. M. Burgess, who killed R. M. Donley last November, by W. R. Curtis, one of the largest stock-men of North Texas. The killing was the result of an old trouble and the difficulty had been espected for some time. Curtis was standing in the postoffice about 2 p.m. to-day, and Burgess, in passing Curtis, whose back was toward the door, ran against him and looked at Curtis, Burgess holding his hand in his pocket as if he intended drawing his pistol. Curtis seeing this and knowing of previous threats, drew his pistol and shot Burgess, who turned and staggered toward the door, Curtis still shooting at him. Burgess fell dead at the door, only about 200 feet from where he killed Donley. There were two other men wounded accidentally, but not supposed to be seriously hurt. Curtis was taken to jail where he sent word to the wounded men that he would pay all their expenses for the time while they were in bed, and if permanently disabled would fully provide for them. -Wise County Messenger, May 25, 1883, p.4, c.2. BURKE, Eugene Terrell Aubrey May 1, 1903 DCN May 7, 1903, p.1, c.5 BURKS, W. I. Roswell, NM June ?, 1900 FORMER TEXAN KILLED IN NEW MEXICO. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., July 6. - News was received at Little Elm this week of the death at Roswell, N. M., of W. I. Burks, a former merchant at that place, and well known in Denton County. The telegram stated that he was shot and instantly killed, but gave no further particulars. -Dallas Morning News, July 6, 1900, p.8. BURLESON, Wm. Crafton Sept. of 1884 Another distressing cotton gin accident happened at Crafton on last Friday. Wm. Burleson, who was serving in the capacity of engineer and ginner while engaged at the stand in Hedgecoke & Games' gin, got his hand and arm caught in the gin saws and before the machinery could be stopped or he be extricated, the flesh of his right arm to his shoulder was torn into shreds, and he was drawn so closely in the machinery that the side of his face and body was also lacerated. He only lived about six hours. Mr. Burleson was a highly esteemed young married man-the son-in-law of Mr. Games. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 19, 1884, p.7, c.1. BURNET, Jerry Feb. of 1904 PONDER ITEMS. -Uncle Jerry Burnett was buried at the old family buring ground just across Denton creek from his home last Thursday evening. Uncle Jerry was well known all over this county he having lived here many years. The old land marks are passing away one by one. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.10, c.4. BURNETT, Fin, son of J. of Drop western Texas 44 yrs. Old Jan. 1899 MORTUARY. BURNETT - Denton, Tex., Jan. 14. - Fin Burnett, son of J. Burnett of Drop, in this county, died recently in western Texas of pneumonia. The deceased was a wealthy cattleman and was about 44 years old. The death was sudden. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 15, 1899, p.9. BURNETTE, P. M. Benjamin Jan. 12, 1899 MORTUARY. BURNETTE - Henrietta, Tex., Jan. 13. - P. M. Burnette, an old settler of this locality, died of pneumonia yesterday. Mr. Burnette was born in Denton county and passed away at his home in Benjamin, Tex. He leaves many friends to mourn his departure for a better world. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 14, 1899, p.8. Page 42 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BURRISS, Jane Denton IOOF Oct. 16, 1894 SUCCUMBED TO CONSUMPTION. -Miss Jane Burriss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burriss, after a long illness from consumption, died at their home on McKinney street in Denton at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 11 a.m. Sunday. The services were conducted at the grave by Rev. J. B. Cole, of whose church the deceased had been a member from childhood, and were very eloquent and impressive. The floral offerings were beautiful and the attendance very large. -Denton County News, Oct. 25, 1894, p.8, c.3. BURRIS, William Kerrville Aug. 21, 1899 MORTUARY. BURRIS - Denton, Tex., Aug. 22. - A telegram received by friends here to-day announced the death at Kerrville last night of William Burris, a former well-known resident of Denton. The interment will take place to-morrow morning. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 26, 1899, p.4. BURRUS, W. C., Jr. McKinney June 10, 1899 LITTLE BABY DEAD. -W. C. Burrus Jr., the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry Burrus, died at the family residence in McKinney last Saturday and was buried Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Burrus are well known in this city and their many friends here sympathize with them in their bereavement. -Denton County News, June 15, 1899, p.1, c.2. BURTON, Eula G. Paris 25 yrs. Old June 27, 1899 MORTUARY. BURTON - Paris, Tex., June 28. - Mrs. Eula G. Burton, wife of Mr. W. G. Burton, died here last night at 11 o'clock. The body was taken to-day to Denton, her former home, for burial. -Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1899, p.4. MORTUARY. BURTON - Paris, Tex., June 28. -Mrs. Eula G. Burton, wife of Mr. W. G. Burton, a daughter of A. E. Graham of this place, died at Paris last night, aged 25 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1899, p.4 BURTON, J. R. Phoenix, AZ IOOF May 25, 1897 DCN June 3, 1897, p.8, c.2 MR. J. R. BURTON DEAD. -A telegram was received in Denton yesterday morning bringing the sad news of the death of Mr. J. R. Burton, at Phoenix, Ariz., where he had been for some months past endeavoring to recuperate his health. Relatives present with him at the time of his death were his son, W. G. Burton and brotherin-law, Mr. Gary, of this city. Mr. Burton was for years one of Denton's business men, and always enjoyed the friendship and the highest esteem of his acquaintances, and his loss as a good citizen and pure Christian gentleman will long be felt. His remains will be brought back to Denton for interment, and will probably reach here Friday or Saturday. -Denton County News, May, 27, 1897, p.1, c.3. "A committee composed of Col. William M. Woods, R. H. Bates, B. Neeley, and P. C. Withers was appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Comrade J. R. Burton." -Denton Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.5, c.6. BURTON, Walter Decatur 35 yrs. Old DRC Oct. 1, 1908, p.3, c.2 BUSCH, Felix Roanoke Sept. 5, 1902 MORTUARY. BUSCH -Roanoke, Tex., Sept. 6. -Felix Busch, a prominent citizen, died here this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 10, 1902, p.7. Page 43 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BUSH, Dr. Justin Elizabeth Dec. 24, 1908 Late Justin News, Justin, Tex., Dec. 28. -Many Justin people attended the funeral of Dr. P. C. Bush at Elizabeth Christmas day. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.5, c.1. BUSH, four members of the William Corsicana Feb. of 1883 Coriscana, Feb. 21. -In this county at Eureka yesterday, four members of the Wm. Bush family died from taking morpine instead of quinine. All were buried in the same grave. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.1, c.3. BUSH, Susie, (Mrs. J. T.) Denton City Aug. 16, 1895 DIED - Mrs. Susie Bush, wife of J. T. Bush, died at her home in south Denton Friday and was buried at the city cemetery Saturday morning. -Denton County News, Aug. 22, 1895, p.5, c.2. BUSH, W. Harvey Lloyd Oak Grove June 15, 1858 Sept. 13, 1898 DCN Sept. 15, 1898, p.4, c.3 DCN Sept. 22, 1898, p.5, c.2 "The death of Harvey Bush of Bartonville, (son of Capt. A. M. Bush), is regretted all over Denton County. He was a good man, and had many friends. Every word said of him, in the write-up of Capt. Ed Bates, in another's column is true. He was of Nature's Nobleman, always courteous and a Christian gentleman in business transactions, as well as at church and Sunday school. -Denton Monitor, Sept. 24, 1898, p.1, c.2 MORTUARY. BUSH-Denton, Tex., Sept. 15. -W. H. Bush, a prominent business man at Bartonville, died at the home of his father, Capt. A. M. Bush, in the eastern part of the county, yesterday of paralysis, aged 38 years. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 17, 1898, p.8. BUSHEY, Mrs. Elizabeth Denton City 67 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1903 DCN Dec. 3, 1903, p.1, c.4 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Elizabeth Bushey, Denton, Dec. 2, age 66, cerebral hemorrhage. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. BUSHEY, Joseph City 69 yrs. Old June 26, 1897 DCN July 1, 1897, p.5, c.2 BUSHEY, Mrs. Joseph Denton 66 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1903 MORTUARY. BUSHEY -Denton, Tex., Dec. 3. -Mrs. Joseph Bushey, an old resident of this city, died at the home of her son, S. A. Bushey, last night of apoplexy, aged 66 years. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 6, 1903, p.5. BUSHY, Mrs. Charles Denton Dec. 21, 1892 DIED in Denton Wednesday at 6:15 a.m., Mrs. Charles Bushy. Her death was caused by consumption. Her husband has the sympathy of all in his sad bereavement. -Denton County News, Dec. 22, 1892, p.3, c.2. BUSTER, Oliver Grap Pilot Point Page 44 1 yr. Old May 18, 1901 DCN May 21, 1908, p.5, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BUSTER, Dr. Orlando El Paso Pilot Point BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH April 25, 1908 CITATION DRC April 30, 1908, p.1, c.6 BUTCHER, Miss Merkle Denton City 14 yrs. Old Oct. 1, 1904 DEATH OF A YOUNG. LADY. Miss Merkle Butcher, daughter of a widow living in the northeastern part of the city, died on last Saturday, after an illness from typhoid fever. Deceased was about 14 years of age and a member of the Oak Street Church. The funeral service was conducted Sunday by Rev. J. J. Richardson, the interment being at the city cemetery. -Denton County News, Oct. 4, 1904, p.1, c.1. BUTTON, Martha S. Denton Co. March of 1875 TEXAS IN BRIEF. -Mrs. Martha S. Button, consort of Thos. Button Esq., of Denton county, died a few days since. -The Dallas Weekly Herald, March 27, 1875, p.1. BUTTRILL, child of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Aubrey child Jan. 23, 1908 NEWS FROM AUBREY. Feb. 3. -The little child of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Buttrill died January 23. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.6 BUTTS, Mrs. Fincher J. Argyle 86 yrs. Old Nov. 8, 1908 DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.3, c.3 DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.5, c.3 BYARS, F. L. East Mound 21 yrs. Old Feb. 4, 1888 East Mound, Feb. 12, 1888. Death has once more visited our neighborhood, and taken from our midst, F. L. Byars, who died Friday the 4th, 1888, in the 21st year of his age. He was one of our best young men, and this community has lost a model young man, the church a devoted member, and the family a dutiful son and brother. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 18, 1888, p.4, c.1. BYRD, M. A. (wife of Major A. J.) Denton Cleburne 64 yrs. Old Jan. 24, 1904 MRS. BYRD'S DEATH. Passed Away at Home on South Elm Street Saturday Night - Remains Were Taken to Old Home in Cleburne Texas. -Mrs. M. A. Byrd, aged 64 years, died Sunday night at the family home on South Elm street in this city, after having been an invalid for the past six years. The remains were taken to Cleburne and were interred Monday afternoon by the side of her husband, the late Major A. J. Byrd, who during his life time was a well known and prominent newspaper man, having established in his life time the Alvarado Bulletin and the Waco Examiner, and having also founded the public schools of the city of Waco. Major Byrd was also a veteran of the Mexican war and an ex-Confederate soldier. Mrs. Byrd was a sister of Brigadier General Parsons of Confederate fame, who is still living. Mrs. Byrd was the mother of 11 children, all of whom are living. She was a consecrated Christian lady, having been a member of the M.E. Church, South up to the time of her death. The remains were taken, or their arrival in Cleburne, to the home of her son, W. H. Byrd, where the funeral service was conducted by Revs. C. E. Brown of Cleburne and T. H. Morris of Denton. An escort of Odd Fellows followed the remains to their last resting place in the cemetery of Cleburne, at which place the family is well known. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1904, p.1, c.6. CADDELL, L. G. Aubrey Bellew 89 yrs. Old Page 45 Mar. 30, 1905 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Death of Mr. Caddell. Aubrey, Texas, April 3 - L. G. Caddell died Thurdsday morning at 3:30. He was 89 years and 6 months old. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss: Francois, Poly, Lisha, Bass and Riley, Caddell, Mrs. Polly Tidmore and Mrs. W. E. Kelley besides a number of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held by Rev. Tally at Belew cemetery Friday evening at 8:30. -Denton County News, March 31, 1905, p.1 CADDELL, Rieley, Jr. Aubrey Bellew 23 yrs. Old Sept. 5, 1898 DCN Sept. 15, 1898, p.5, c.3 CAIN, Mrs. A. J. Parvin 60 yrs. old May 9, 1900 MORTUARY. CAIN -Denton, Tex., May 10. -Mrs. A. J. Cain died near Parvin of pneumonia yesterday, aged 60 years. -Dallas Morning News, May 12, 1900, p.3. CAIN, child of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Oak Grove infant Feb. 13, 1900 OAK GROVE ITEMS. DIED-The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cain, last Tuesday night of whooping cough and pneumonia. -Denton County News, Feb. 15, 1900, p.5, c.4. CALDWELL, T. J. Rockdale Jan. 9, 1881 Rockdale, Texas, Jan. 10. -T. J. Caldwell, president of the Milam County Farmers Alliance, died yesterday evening at his home. The deceased was highly respected by all who knew him. He was quite active in the Farmer's Alliance movement but was no agitator of sectional feeling. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 21, 1888, p.1, c.2. CALDWELL, Willie Pilot Point 2 1/2 yrs. Feb. 21, 1904 Sunday evening at 7 o'clock the death angel visited at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Caldwell and took away their little son Willie, aged 3 years, 7 months, and 6 days. The little one was sick only 24 hours, but suffered intense pain during that time. All was done that could be to restore the little one, but for some reason God willed it otherwise and took little Willie to live with himself. He passed more than peacefully through the shadow (only) of death into the glory beyond. -Pilot Point Post-Signal. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.4, c.4. CALVERT, James Thornton March 14, 1884 Texas Topics. Major James H. Calvert, a veteran who drew a white bean at Mier, died at Thornton on the 14th. -Alvord Messenger, April 4, 1884, p.1, c.5. CALVERT, W. C. 65 yrs. Old April 21, 1881 Weatherford, April 11. - W. C. Calvert, a lawyer of Weatherford, died yesterday aged sixty-five years. -Paradise Messenger, April 22, 1881, p.2, c.2. CALWELL, Mrs. Salt Creek Springtown Feb. of 1886 A Mrs. Calwell died a few days ago on Salt Creek and was buried in The Springtown cemetery. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 13, 1886, p.8, c.2 Page 46 NAME CAMERON, infant dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. P. G. LOCATION Denton CEMETERY City BIRTH DATE 3 months DATE OF DEATH May 26, 1896 CITATION The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Cameron, aged three months and two days, died in this city Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock. The burial was at the city cemetery Tuesday evening, Rev. J. F. Pierce conducting the services. -Denton County News, May 28, 1896, p.8, c.1. CAMP, Dr. E. M. Parkland Hospital Lewisville 35 yrs. Old April 11, 1898 DMN April 13, 1898, p.8 DMN Apr. 15, 1898, p.6 CAMPBELL, A. D. Belton May 23, 1897 Late Saturday afternoon A. D. Campbell was mounting his horse at Belton, when the horse reared and fell on him, injuring his head. He was for a time unconscious, but on restoratives being applied, he recovered consciousness. He grew worse after his arrival at home and died Sunday. -Denton County News, May 27, 1897, p.1, c.1 CAMPBELL, A. P. (Dr.) Parvin Good Hope 38 yrs. Old Aug. 8, 1894 DR. CAMPBELL AT PARVIN DEAD. -Dr. A. P. Campbell, a popular practitioner at Parvin, this county, died last Thursday. Dr. Campbell was reared at Celina in Collin county, but came to Parvin some ten years ago where he built up a paying practice and made a host of warm, personal friends. He was a comparatively young man, being only 38 years old. His family consists of a wife and two interesting children. The remains were interred in the burying grounds at Good Hope church Thursday. -Denton County News, Aug. 16, 1894, p.5, c.1. CAMPBELL, Alexander Dec. 19, 1880 Alexander Campbell a Scotchman, injured in the Dallas and Wichita wreck, about a month ago, died at an early hour Sunday morning. -Wise County Messenger, Dec. 24, 1880, p.2, c.3. CAMPBELL, B. B. DCN June 17, 1897, p.4, c. CAMPBELL, Grandma Gainesville 72 years old MORTUARY. CAMPBELL - Gainesville, Tex., March 18. - Grandma Campbell, aged 72 years, died Thursday morning at the home of her son, Will Campbell. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. CAMPBELL, James Edgar Ft. Worth CAMPBELL, Mr. Lloyd CANTRELL (father & son) Silver Creek IOOF infant Oct. 2, 1908 DCN Oct. 8, 1908, p.3, c.5 The Chronicle, June 11, 1892, p.1, c.3 * Sept. of 1881 Page 47 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Two men named Cantrell, an old man and his son, living on Silver Creek, Parker county, were shot and killed instantly one day this week by a man named Jackson, who lived near. Jackson was also shot, but not killed. He is under arrest. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.3, c.5. CANTRELL, son of Joe near Roanoke 13 yrs. Old July 12, 1906 KILLED BY ACCIDENT. Thirteen-Year-Old Boy Shot Through the Bowels and Dies. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Roanoke, Tex., July 13. -While Will Brothers and a 13year-old boy, the son of Joe Cantrell, living a few miles north of here, were hunting yesterday with a 22-caliber rifle, a cartridge stuck in the barrel and in removing it the gun was discharged, the ball passing through the Cantrell boy's bowels. He died in a few hours and was buried today. -Dallas Morning News, July 14, 1906, p.3. CANTRELL, Mrs. Denton July 17, 1901 MORTUARY. CANTRELL -Denton, Tex., July 18. - Mrs. Cantrell, an old citizen of the southern part of the county, died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, July 19, 1901, p.5. CANTWELL, BUD Sept. 12, 1881 Weatherford, Sept. 12. -Dr. Cantwell and his son, Bud Cantwell, citizens of this county, were killed this morning by A. Cox. It seems Cox was a renter of Dr. Cantwell, and a suit had been the result of a disagreement regarding his crop. This morning Dr. Cantwell, two of his sons and four hired men began gathering corn cultivated by Cox, when the latter forbid them and ordered all hands to leave the field. His order was not obeyed and he went immediately to get arms. Taking his Winchester rifle and a double barreled shotgun borrowed from a neighbor he returned to the field. Bud Cantwell, having a gun, approached him and said he was ready to settle the matter. Cox asked if he wanted to settle it that way? (pointing to Cantwell's gun.) Cantwell replied "yes", and each fired at the other instantly. Cantwell's shot took effect in Cox's head and side of the face, making a severe but not mortal wound. Cox shot twice, striking both times, the last causing death instanter. Dr. Cantwell, the father, rushed to assist his son, when Cox used his Winchester, missing the first fire, but killing at the second. The Cantwells are old citizens, Cox is but lately known. Sheriff Johnson was notified by Cox to come and arrest him, and the Sheriff will bring him tonight. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 23, 1881, p.2, c.2. CANTWELL, DR. Sept. 12, 1881 see Cantwell, Bud CANWELL, child of Mr. & Mrs. Sack Lloyd infant July 25, 1903 DCN July 30, 1903, p.5, c.3 CARAWAY, J. M. Monroe Stony 28 yrs. Old May 27, 1901 DCN May 30, 1901, p.5, c.1 & c.3 * CARDWELL, Mary w of Roanoke June 28, 1895 Page 48 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mrs. Mary Cardwell, wife of P. L. Cardwell, who lives a mile west of Roanoke, died last Friday night with congestion of the bowels. Mrs. Cardwell was an old settler of this community and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, four sons and scores of friends who mourn her loss. -Denton County News, July 4, 1895, p.5, c.5. CARDWELL, P. L. Roanoke June 25, 1903 MORTUARY. CARDWELL -Ronoake, Tex., June 25. - P. L. Cardwell, an old citizen of this place, died very suddenly of paralysis this morning. -Dallas Morning News, June 28, 1903, p.2. CARLISLE, Kitty (Mrs. Ben) Aubrey Bellew Sept. 20, 1904 DCN Sept. 23, 1904, p.2, c.5; R&C Sept. 22, 1904, p.4, c.4 * CARNFER, Millie 110 yrs old in 1884 The oldest inhabitant of Texas, Millie Carnfer, colored, who recently died at the age of 110, was distinguished by the fact that she did not claim to have been General Washington's nurse. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, 1884, p.2, c.4. CARR, J. A. Gainesville July 21, 1894 A NORMAL STUDENT DEAD. -Mr. J. A. Carr, a young man who attended the Normal college in Denton last session and who was stricken with slow fever several weeks ago, died in Gainesville the 21st ult. Mr. Carr was an exemplary young man and had many friends in the college. Some two weeks ago his mother arrived from Throckmorton, their hom, and moved her son to the home of some relatives in Gainesville, where he died. -Denton County News, Aug. 2, 1894, p.8, c.1. CARRICO, Wood Sanger 9 months Sept. of 1904 R&C Sept. 22, 1904, p.1, c.6 * CARRIER, J. H. Denton IOOF Aug. 5, 1835 Dec. 28, 1908 J. H. CARRIER IS DEAD. End Came Sunday Afternoon - Funeral Tuesday. -J. H. Carrier, aged about 73 years, died at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon at his residence at 149 North Locust street. Deceased had suffered with kidney trouble for some time and on Monday, December 21, he was operated upon. Mr. Carrier was born in Garrard county, Kentucky, August 5, 1835, and had lived in Denton for the past nine or ten years. He is survived by three daughters as follows: Mesdames John Halliday, D. H. Fry, and R. Oatman. He was a member of the First Baptist church of Denton and had been identified with the Baptist church for the past fifty years. The funeral services were held at family residence at 3 Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Walter C. Lattimore. The interment was at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.1, c.2. CARROL, Celia J. (Mrs. J. A.) Denton Aug. 23, 1869 Page 49 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents that Occurred 24 years Ago. -DENTON, AUGUST 28, 1869. DIED-Of pulmonary consumption, at her residence in the town of Denton, on Monday night, the 23d inst., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Celia J. Carroll, wife of Major J. A. Carroll. Mrs. Carroll was born in Ozark county, Mo., February 2d, 1842, immigrated to Texas when very young, and on the 28th of December, 1858, was married to Major Carroll. -Denton County News, Oct. 20, 1892, p.1, c.4. CARROLL, Julia Lacy (Mrs. Sidney J.) Sherman Denton Nov. 17, 1904 or Nov. 20, 1904 DCN Nov. 22, 1904, p.1, c.6; R&C Nov. 21, 1904, p.1, c.4 * MORTUARY. CARROLL -Denton, Tex., Nov. 21. -The funeral of Mrs. Sydney J. Carroll, who died yesterday in St. Vincent's Hospital at Sherman, was held here this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 24, 1904, p.3. CARROLL, Leo Denton IOOF 9 months June 9, 1895 AN INFANT DEAD. Leo, the little 9-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Carroll, died at their home on Oak street in Denton about 12 o'clock Monday night of cholera infantum. Interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The people of Denton sincerely sympathize with the bereaved. -Denton County News, June 13, 1895, p.4, c.2. CARRUTH, child of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roanoke Medlin Mar. 18, 1908 DRC Mar. 19, 1908, p.6, c.3 CARRUTH, Lon A. DIED [unreadable] ROANOKE. -Mr. L. A. Carruth, stepson of Mrs. J. W. [M.? Unreadable] Roanoke, died at his home [unreadable] near the latter town last Friday and was buried by the local K?[unreadable] in the Odd Fellows' cemetery in Denton Saturday. Mr. Carruth was principally reared in Denton where he had many friends , was 35 years old, and had been an intense sufferer from cancer for some time. He leaves a devoted young wife to whom he had been married only about one year and to whom the public extends sincere sympathy. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, supplement p.1, c.2. Mr. Lon Carruth, step son of Mrs. J. W. Medlin, died at the latter's residence one mile east of Roanoke last Thursday at 10 a.m. Mr. Carruth was afflicated with a cancer, which ultimately caused his death. This entire community condole with the bereaved wife and relatives. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.5, c.1. CARTER, David Jackson CARTER, Ed. J. IOOF Nov. 11, 1908 DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.1, c.6 Nov. 18, 1908 DCN Nov. 19, 1908, p.3, c.4 CARTER, Erv Little Elm Cottonwood Jan. 8, 1897 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. LITTLE ELM ITEMS. Little Elm, Jan. 12. -The remains of Erv Carter were interred in Cottonwood cemetery Friday. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.5, c.1. CARTER, Frank Denton 18 yrs. Old Page 50 Aug. 15, 1894 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A YOUNG MAN DEAD. -Frank Carter, the 18-year-old son of Mr. Joe Carter, living near the Alliance mill, died at 2 o'clock yesterday monring after a lengthy spell of sickness caused by an abscess of the bowels. -Denton County News, Aug. 16, 1894, p.8, c.1. CARTER, Joe C. (Captain) Henrietta City 68 yrs. Old Sept. 8, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.1, c.6, CAPTAIN JOE CARTER DIES. Denton, Texas, Sept. 9 - News was received here yesterday afternoon of the death of Captain Joe C. Carter, an old resident of this county, who for the past few years has lived at Henrietta, where his death occurred. Captain Carter was sheriff of Denton county in the early frontier days and was also an ex-Confederate soldier, having served in Madison's regiment and Hendrix' company, of which W. C. Wright of this city was also a member. > The remains arrived here today on the southbound passenger at 12 o'clock and the interment was held at the city cemetery. Deceased has a number of relatives living in this county. -Fort Worth Telegram, Sept. 9, 1904, p.1 CARTER, Mrs. Lucy Anderson near Lewisville 70 yrs. Old Nov. 18, 1908 DMN Nov. 20, 1908, p.11 CARY, Alice near Sunset 18 yrs old June of 1884 A young lady about 18 years of old committed suicide about two miles west of Sunset last Saturday by the name of Alice Cary. She climbed through a scuttle hole in the ceiling and tied the rope to the rafters and then dropped through and hung herself. She was buried last Sunday. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.3, c.4. CASON, Jonah May 14, 1883 Denison, May 15. -A desperado named Jonah Cason, who has been a terror in his neighborhood, near Delaware Bend, in Cook county, was killed yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal Morrison and posse, who were trying to arrest him. Cason fired from the brush at Constable Cutter, one of the officers, but missed his aim, when Cutter returned the fire with fatal results. Two others were with Cason, but escaped, being badly wounded. -Wise County Messenger, May 25, 1883, p.1, c.2. CATE, dau. of Lee near Lewisville child Jan. of 1906 DMN Feb. 2, 1906, p.7 CATE, Mrs. James Morgan Minter's Chapel Sept. 24, 1908 Grapevine, Texas. Mrs. James Cate, former resident of Minter's Chapel, died at her home on Thursday and her remains were brought to Grapevine on Friday morning and interred at Minter's Chapel cemetery. The Fort Worth Telegram, Sept. 27, 1908, p.6 CATES, Bobbie May 12, 1881 Decatur Tribune Gleanings: Bobbie, a little son of R. G. and Lizzie Cates died on the 12th inst. -Paradise Messenger, May 27, 1881, p.2, c.3. CATHY, W. C. Dublin CAUDLE, William M. Holford Prairie 76 yrs. Old Dec. 1903 Nov. 7, 1892 Page 51 DCN Dec. 24, 1903, p.8, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents that Occurred 28 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. DENTON, TEXAS, Dec. 4, 1869. OBITUARY-Died, on the 7th of November at the residence of his father, on Holford Prairie, Denton county, of pneumonia, Mr. William M. Caudle, in his 34th year, son of Morgan and Elizabeth Caudle. -Denton County News, Nov. 24, 1892, p.1, c.3. CAUSEY, dau. Of S. E. Aug. 11, 1884 Blossom Prairie, Tex., Aug. 11. -Mr. S. E. Causey, living near here gave his little daughter a dose of morphine this morning for quinine, from the effects of which she died this afternoon. It was too late to counteract the effects when the mistake was discovered. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, 1884, p.6, c.3. CAZZELL, G. C. east of Denton 26 yrs. Old Jan. 21, 1899 MORTUARY. CAZZELL -Denton, Tex., Jan. 24. -G. C. Cazzell, a young man living five miles east of Denton, died Sunday night of pneumonia, aged 26 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 25, 1900, p.5. CEICIL, Baylor Greenwood March 22?, 1881 Baylor Ceicil was attacked with a slight chill, at Greenwood on Monday, and died on Tuesday. He was a brother of Tyndall Ceicil, so famous in the annals of Wise county for a number of years past. [Decatur Tribune] -Paradise Messenger, March 25, 1881, p.2, 4. CHADDICK, W. T. near Whitewright 1903 or 1904 Last winter W. T. Chaddick, a saddler, whose home was at Plano, was found mysteriously murdered in a cellar near Whitewright. Detectives have just placed four men under arrest, charged with the crime. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.2, c.1. CHAMBERS, AL s of Lebanon Rowletts 35 yrs old June of 1899 A MAN SUICIDES. Uses a Pistol for the Destruction of His Life - Attempts to Take the Life of Another. -New reached this town Monday of the suicide of Al Chambers, whose home is south of Lebanon, just across the Collin county line, the killing having occurred early Sunday morning. It seems that Saturday Chambers, who is a man about 35 years of age, and whose mother lived with him became despondent and tried to pursuade his mother to let him killer her and then kill himself as life was not worth living. The mother dissuaded him from the act and he went off and nothing more was thought of the matter until early Sunday morning when Chambers entered his aged mother's room flourishing a .38 calibre pistol and declaring that their end was near. He then shot twice at his mother but both shots missed, and she took refuge behind his back, calling all the time for help. Chambers continued shooting over his shoulder until five shots in all were fired, fortunately all of which missed the mark. A hired man rushed into the room about this time and Chambers sent the remaining bullet crashing through his brain, killing himself almost instantly. Despondency is the sole cause of the trouble though what caused him to be despondent has not been found out as he was in good circumstances, owning a good black land farm and other property, beside having money in a bank at McKinney. The interment of the man's remains after an inquest was held at the Rowletts cemetery in the afternoon. -Denton County News, June 15, 1899, p.1, c.4. CHAMBERS, Laura A. IOOF Mar. 10, 1899 Page 52 DCN Mar. 16, 1899, p.3, c.2 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CHAMPION, Mrs. E. G. Decatur March 23, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Mrs. E. G. Champion, Decatur, March 23. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, April 12, 1886, p.3. CHANCE, Mrs. (mother of S. G. Raley) Pilot Point 71 yrs. Old July 13, 1902 MORTUARY. CHANCE-Denton, Tex., July 14. - Mrs. Chance, mother of Mrs. S. G. Raley of this city, died at Pilot Point yesterday afternoon, aged 71 years. She was one of the earliest settlers of the county, having come to the State in 1841, living almost continuously at Pilot Point for the last sixty years. -Dallas Morning News, July 15, 1902, p.9. CHANCE, Rev. Newton Shawnee, O.T. CHANDLER, Miss Emma Lewisville 66 yrs. Old Bridges Sept. 1898 DCN Sept. 8, 1898, p.7, c.3 Jan. 7, 1903 Denton Co. R&C, Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * CHANDLER, Mr. e of Denton elderly Mar. 21, 1895 SUICIDE. -An aged man by the name of Chandler, who lived on the Ruddell place a mile east of town, took twenty-five grains of morphine Wednesday of last week and died Thursday. Being subject to epileptic fits was the cause of the act. -Denton County News, March 29, 1895, p.8, c.4. CHANDLER, William City June 16, 1904 DCN June 21, 1904, p.5, c.4 CHAPMAN, James S. Denton March 20, 1906 MORTUARY. CHAPMAN - Denton, Tex., March 20. - James S. Chapman, for forty years a resident of Denton and Denton County, died at his home here this morning. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1906, p.14. CHAPMAN, son of 4 yrs old Sept. of 1883 A horrible accident occurred a few miles from this place on Thursday morning of last week. Mr. Chapman was building a stable or crib, and while he and another gentleman were carrying a log a little four year old boy of Mr. Chapman's was following near, the father spoke to the child telling it to stay away, but unknown to its father it still followed and when the log was thrown to the ground it fell on the child, killing it instantly. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 14, 1883, p.2, c.2. CHAPPELL, Ada Little Elm child Page 53 Jan. 26, 1905 DCN Feb. 8, 1905, p.4, c.3 NAME CHAPPELL, Mrs. E. W. LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Dec. of 1900 CITATION DMN Dec. 9, 1900, p.4 CHAPPELL, Henry Denton 3 yrs. Old June 5, 1895 CHILD CHOKED TO DEATH ON BREAD. -A deplorable accident occurred at the home of Tom Chappell, on McKinney street, Tuesday night about 8 o'clock. Mr. Chappell's three-year-old boy, Henry, while sitting on a pallet and eating bread and in apparently good health, was suddenly strangled to death. Every effort was made to resuscitate the little one, but to not effect. The remains were buried in the city cemetery yesterday afternoon. -Denton County News, June 6, 1895, p.1, c.5. CHAPPELL, infant of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Denton 2 months Aug. 8, 1895 DIED - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chappell on Elm street Tuesday night, their two months old infant. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.8, c.2. CHARLES, Mrs. Salomon Sanger Sanger 80 yrs. Old June 28, 1903 On Monday, June 28, all that was mortal of Mrs. Charles, wife of Salomon Charles, was laid to rest in Sanger cemetery. Mrs. Charles was almost eight years old, but she was as bright and cheerful she hardly realized her age. She joined the Baptist church in her early lie and was a member when she died. She was first married to Mr. Witt and to them was given several children, all of whom are dead but one. Oro (?) Witt of Oklahoma. She was married to Mr. Charles about seventeen years ago and he still lives to mourn her loss. Her illness was short, owing to her advanced age. -Denton County News, July 2, 1903, p.5, c.4. CHESLEY, Henry Cheyenne March 18, 1888 Clarendon, Tex., March 19. -A freight train was wrecked on the Fort Worth and Denver at Cheyenne last night. A brakeman (Henry Chesley) and a stockman were killed and three others injured. -Wise County Messenger, March 24, 1888, p.3, c.5. CHIEVES, child of Mr. J. D. N. near Boonville Feb. of 1881 A little child of Mr. J. D. N. Chieves died last week near Boonville. It was at first believed to have the mumps, but afterwards to have died with the spotted fever. Probably it was scarlet fever, since numerous cases are reported in adjoining counties. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 25, 1881, p.3, c.3. CHILDERS, Gip (son of J. C.) Willow Springs CHILDS, J. Henry Cemetery Hill 16 yrs. Old Aug. 1892 DCN Sept. 15, 1892, p.2, c.3 IOOF 30 yrs. Old June 13, 1908 DRC June 25, 1908, p.1, c.2 DCN Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.3 CHINN, J. M. Krum 79 yrs. Old Feb. 9, 1903 CHISM, J. M. near Krum 79 yrs. Old Feb. 8, 1903 Page 54 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. Chism. >J. M. Chism, a pioneer of Denton county, died at his home near Krum on the 8th at the age of 79 years. He had resided in the county about half a century and was well and favorably known to many of the old citizens. Rev. Chisum of Thorp Springs and Dr. Chism of Graham attended the funeral. -Denton County News, Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.3 CHISM - Denton, Tex., Feb. 9. -J. M. Chism, a prominent resident and pioneer settler of this county, died near Krum yesterday, aged 79 years. Rev. Chism of Thorp Springs and Dr. Chism of Graham were here to attend the funeral. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 14, 1903, p.4 CHLOE, Will H. CHOATE, S. J. nw of Denton Weston 33 yrs. Old Jan. 29, 1902 Denton Co. R&C, Feb. 6, 1902, p.1, c.5 38 yrs. Old March of 1902 DMN Mar. 10, 1902, p.6 CHOWNING, V. J. Garza Jan. 1897 The NEWS is told that Mr. U. J. Chowning, an old and highly respected citizen of the Garza community, died at his home the early part of last week from pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1897, p.8, c.2. CHRISTAL, Buster Stony Christal school house Nov. 6, 1892 BUSTER, CHRISTAL. The - year old son of J. H. Christal of Stony, died at 5 o'clock Sunday morning. He was buried at Christal school house Monday afternoon. Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.3, c.1. CHRISTAL, Fred Denton August 25, 1887 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of the Marriage and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. -Fred Christal, Denton, August 25. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, September 2, 1887, p.4. CHRISTAL, Ida Denton IOOF 38 yrs. Old Feb. 19, 1897 The Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.11, c.3* Mrs. Ida Christal, widow of the late Teed Christal, died at her home in this city last Friday morning of consumption. The funeral services were held at the First Baptist church at 2 p.m. and were conducted by Rev. J. B. Cole. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Two sons and other relatives survive the deceased. Mrs. Christal was an excellent Christian lady, popular with all her acquaintances and her many friends sorrow at their loss, and extend their kindest sympathies to the greatly bereaved relatives. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1897, p.8, c. 2. Denton IOOF 2 yrs. Old June 7, 1897 DMN Feb. 20, 1897, p.5 CHRISTAL, Maggie Page 55 The Chronicle, June 11, 1897, p.1, c.4 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION "Maggie, the bright little girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Christal, died in this City at 7:45, June 7, 1897, at the age of two years, two months, and two days. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn, the 8th, in the prescence of hosts of mourning friends and relatives. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Sam McKelvey of the Primitive Baptist Church. The child was bright and beautiful and it was hard to give it up. Heaven is reached through no other channel than that of death, and to reach its prescence we must travel through the sepulchre. The Monitor, with many friends of the parents, extends its deepest sympathy. -The Denton Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.8, c.3. CHRISTAL, Peter M. Denton 25 yrs. Old Mar. 1, 1902 MORTUARY. CHRISTAL -Denton, Tex., March 3. -Peter M. Christal, a member of one of the most prominent families of the county, died here Saturday, aged 25 years. Consumption was the cause of death. -Dallas Morning News, March 6, 1902, p.8. CHRISTAL, Stephen in 1887 The NEWS made a mistake last week in writing up the accidental killing of Willie Christal. We should have said Stephen Christal, his father, died in 1887, instead of last year, as we reported it. -Denton County News, June 1, 1892, p.3, c.2. CHRISTAL, Willie IOOF June 1892 Willie Christal Buried. The remains of Willie Christal, who was killed in the Cotton Belt wreck, arrived in Denton via Fort Worth on the nine o'clock train Monday night. He was buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at ten a.m. yesterday. A large procession of mourning relatives and friends attended the burial. -Denton County News, June 15, 1892, p.3, c.3. LIST OF DEAD AND WOUNDED. Further Details from the Cotton Belt Wreck Near Goodman, Ark. PINE BLUFF, Ark., May 22. - The government steamer, Wichita, this morning brought here the bodies of the persons killed in the cotton belt wreck near Goodman night before last. The names of the dead, as officially given, are as follows: Mrs. Octavee Anderson, Amarillo, Texas; William Christal, Denton, Texas… The Sunday Inter Ocean, May 23, 1892, p.2. CHURCH, James 17 yrs. Old Sept. 30, 1883 James Church, aged 17 years, died on the 30th ult. After only a few hours illness, with what was pronounced the black jaundice. The bereaved family have the sympathies of the community. -Alvord Messenger, October 5, 1883, p.3, c.1 CHURCH, Mr. Henrietta Feb. 3, 1883 Henrietta, February 3. -Mr. Church died from small-pox at his residence in the city this evening. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9, 1883, p.4, c.3. CHURCH, Walter John May 11, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.6 * "CHURCHWELL" circa 1883 Cleburne, May 25. -Simpson, for the killing of Churchwell, was sentenced to two years to-day. The sentence seemed light, as Simpsons only provocation was abusive language. -Wise County Messenger, June 1, 1883, p.4, c.1. Page 56 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CLAIBORN, Mrs. W. H. (suicide) near Lewisville April 3, 1906 DMN April 5, 1906, p.1 CLAIBORN, W. H. near Lewisville early 1906 DMN April 5, 1906, p.1 CLARDY, N. S. Denton IOOF 65 yrs. Old Sept. 26, 1893 MR. N. S. CLARDY DEAD. -Mr. N. S. Clardy, after a serious illness of several days, died at his home on West Hickory street at a quarter after 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Deceased was a Texas pioneer, was sixty-five years old and a consistent member of the local Baptist church. His remains were buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. Cole. Five children survive him, one of his sons being present surveyor of Collin county. Denton County News, Sept. 28, 1893, p.3, c.5. CLARDY, Mrs. Fort Worth May 21, 1906 R&C May 24, 1906, p.4, c.5 * CLARDY, Mrs. N. S. Denton Jan. 19, 1886 Denton, Jan.20 - Mrs. N. S. Clardy died at her home in this city yesterday and was to-day followed to the grave by a long procession of mourning friends. Dallas Morning News, Oct. 21, 1886, p.3 CLARK, Fannie Rector 70 yrs. Old Jan. 19, 1905 DCN Jan. 24, 1905, p.5, c.6 CLARK, Mrs. Fannie Thornton Yoakum IOOF Jan. 23, 1895 MRS. FANNIE CLARK DEAD. -A telegram from Yoakum, Tex., yesterday morning brought the sad intelligence that Mrs. Fannie Clark, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Thornton, died on that morning. Mrs. Clark lived in Denton from her early girlhood until her marriage to Mr. Clark four years ago. Her deceased husband was named Million and she is better known in Denton by that name. Besides her parents in Denton, and sister, only her husband survives her. The funeral services were held at the Hickory street Christian church at 1 p.m. yesterday and the interment was at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The family have the sympathy of a host of friends. -Denton County News, Jan. 24, 1895, p.6, c.3 CLARK, J. M. (Major) Denton Oct. 10, 1886 DEATH OF MAJOR J. M. CLARK OF DENTON. DENTON, Oct. 11. -Major J. M. Clark, formerly Tax Assessor of this county, and present City Assessor and Collector, died at his residence here at 10:30 o'clock last night, and was buried to-day. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 12, 1886, p.3. CLARK, MARY Houston Jan. 22, 1883 At Houston, on Monday night, January 22, an old widow lady, Mary Clar, known as Grandma Clark, who was cared for by the Ladies' Aid association of the Episcopal church, and who had been in feeble health for five or six years, was completely incinerated into a shapeless mass in a fire which broke out and completely consumed her residence. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9, 1883, p.2, c.1. Page 57 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CLARK, Mary 37 yrs. Dec. 21, 1904 DCN Dec. 23, 1904, p.1, c.6 MORTUARY. CLARK-Denton, Tex., Dec. 21. -Miss Mary Clark, aged 37 years, died this morning of pneumonia. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 1904, p.13. CLARK, Mrs. Peter Little Elm Feb. 13, 1906 MORTUARY. CLARK-Denton, Tex., Feb. 13. -Mrs. Peter Clark died this morning at her home in Little Elm, this county, of blood poisoning. Several days ago Mrs. Clark had two teeth extracted and later blood poisoning set in. Deceased was born and reared in this county. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1906, p.12. CLARK, Sam May 14, 1881 Sam Clark, formerly local editor of the Gainesville Register, died on the 14th instant of consumption. -Paradise Messenger, May 27, 1881, p.2, c.1. CLARK, W. T. Mangum sometime in 1897 DMN May 18, 1897, p.2 Capt. W. T. Clark, father of Mesdames R. H. Hoffman and Jesse Chinn, and for years one of Denton's most highly esteemed citizens, died at Mangum, Texas, recently. -Denton County News, May 20, 1897, p.8, c.5. CLARY, Jesse Navarro county 83 yrs old April 22, 1883 Corsicana, April 23. -Mr. Jesse Clary, for a great number of years a resident of Navarro county, and a Texan since 1836, died at his residence in this county yesterday, at the advanced age of 83 years. He was a veteran of the Texas revolution, and a member of the Veteran association, but has at all times refused to receive the pensions and land certificates offered by Texas to her veterans. His wife survives him. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.4, c.5 CLAYTON, Ella Turner (Mrs. J.O.) IOOF Mar. 23, 1908 DRC Mar. 26, 1908, p.1, c.4 CLAYTON, Jake south of Denton 21 yrs. Old Aug. 9, 1897 MORTUARY. CLAYTON-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Aug. 10. -Jake Clayton, living several miles south of town, died yesterday of slow fever, aged 21 years. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 14, 1897, p.7. CLAYWELL, S. A. Denton CLEAVELAND, W. H. Denton IOOF Page 58 67 yrs. Old Jan. 9, 1905 DCN Jan. 10, 1905, p.1, c.4 DMN Jan. 12, 1905, p.13 April of 1833 Dec. 2, 1905 DCN Dec. 8, 1905, p.22, c.3 * NAME CLEVELAND, Mrs. J. G. LOCATION Roanoke CLIFTON, Mrs. G. W. CLINE, Mrs. near Denton CLOE, Jas. Denton CEMETERY Medlin BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Mar. 1899 Pilot Point 53 yrs. Old Oct. 19, 1904 DMN Oct. 20, 1904, p.7 26 yrs. Old Jan. 6, 1901 DMN Jan. 10, 1901, p.3 25 yrs. Old Mar. 31, 1898 DMN Apr. 2, 1898, p.3 Denton CITATION DCN Mar. 9, 1899, p.6, c.2 DMN Mar. 4, 1899, p.3 DMN Mar. 7, 1899, p.2 CLYMER, James P. 18 yrs. Old Dec. 24, 1887 DIED: on Saturday, Dec. 24, 1887, at one o'clock p.m., James P. Clymer, aged 18 years. The deceased lived near East Mound with a widowed mother and three sisters. He was universally respected and leaves a sad household and a host of mourning friends and relatives. His body was interred at the East Mound cemetery on Christmas day. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 7, 1888, p.3, c.1. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT for James P. Clymer … -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 14, 1888, p.1, c.3. COBB, Carl S. Denton IOOF 20 yrs. Old Nov. 23, 1903 DMN Nov. 28, 1903, p.11 Carl S. Cobb died at the residence of his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cobb, last Monday afternoon at 4:35 aged twenty. The funeral was held at the family residence on South Elm Street at 3 o'clock Tuesday. Interment at IOOF cemetery. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.1, c.3. The public schools were dismissed Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral of Carl Cobb. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.5, c.3. COBB, Mrs. H. C. Lewisville Sept. 24, 1891 DMN Sept. 26, 1891, p.1 COBB, J. W. April 6, 1880 STATE NEWS. Mr. J. W. Cobb … of Clay county… died April 6, 1880. -Paradise Messenger, April 23, 1880, p.4, c.3. COBER, Uncle John W. Denton 78 yrs. Old Feb. 23, 1905 PASSING OF A PIONEER. DEATH OF A JOHN W. COBER OCCURRED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON FROM PNEUMONIA. FATHER OF MRS. W. C. WRIGHT OF DENTON. Had Been a Resident of Denton County for Over Half a Century - Masonic Burial. -John W. Gober, one of the original pioneers of this section of the state and for a half a century and over a resident and highly respected citizen of Denton county, died at his home on West Hickory street in this city yesterday afternoon at 3:40 o'clock, after an illness lasting for several weeks from pneumonia. Mr. Gober at the time of his death was 78 years, 11 months and 9 days old. Six children survive the deceased, all of whom were present at his death except one, Mrs. Curry of El Dorado, O. T. who was unable to reach Denton. Among the children who survive the deceased is Mrs. W. C. Wright of this city. There are also a large number of grandchildren and other relatives. Page 59 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The funeral arrangements which were announced this morning have been set for this afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be held at the residence on West Hickory street. Mr. Gober had been a lifelong member of the Masonic lodge, being it is said one of the few living charter members of the Stanfield Lodge No. 317 of this city, under whose auspices the funeral services will be conducted. -Denton County News, Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.2. MORTUARY. COBER -Denton, Tex., Feb. 24. -Uncle John W. Cober died here last night, aged 78 years. He was a pioneer of this part of the State and an exConfederate veteran. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.9. COBERLEY, E. Little Elm Mar. 1899 E. COBERLY PASSES AWAY. -E. Coberly, who has for years resided near Little Elm, died at the family residence last Monday and was buried at the cemetery at Little Elm at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. With the death of Mr. Coberly the eastern part of Denton county has lost one of the best citizens which it has ever had, having lived there ever since he came to Denton county in its infancy. He made many friends and had the rare quality of retaining them. He was about eighty years of age and leaves a number of near relatives besides the host of friends who will miss and mourn for him. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.5, c. 4. LITTLE ELM ITEMS. One of our oldest and respected citizens, Mr. Coberly, died yesterday and will be buried here this evening. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.8, c.2. COBERLY, Floyd Denton Little Elm 35 yrs. Old Feb. 22, 1897 JAILER COBERLY MURDERED. By a Desperate Negro Prisoner. Three Negroes Out. But Are Returned to Their Cells After a Short Chase by the Officers. The Murderer Taken to Fort Worth for Safety. -Floyd Coberly, jailer of the county, and an honorable and peaceable citizen, is dead, the victim of a brutal and desperate black prisoner. George Henry, the negro, is in the Fort Worth jail for safe keeping and under indictment for murder in the first degree. The particulars of the murder, as gathered by the NEWS reporter, are as follows: At about 11:30 a.m., Jailer Coberly went to upper row of jail cells, which are used for negro prisoners, to gather up the dishes. The white prisoners, confined in the lower cells, immediately under the negro quarters, heard noise above of a blow and a fall, and saw Mr. Coberly fall from the upper gallery to the lower floor. He was unconscious when he fell, but was followed by George Henry, a negro prisoner, who dealt him two blows on the head with a stick of wood. After hitting the prostrate man Henry went to the uper cells and immediately came down accompanied by two other negro prisoners, Arthur Gilmore and Will Miller. They went out into the jail office, but Henry returned with a pistol and placed it at Coberly's side as if he intended to shoot him. The white prisoners begged him not to shoot and told him the man was already dead. He turned and went out and all three negroes escaped through the office, down stairs and out of a north window. It is thought that when Mr. Coberly threw the lever to lock the cell doors, while he was in the upper corridor, that Henry left his door slightly open and the bolt failed to catch his lock, and when the jailer stepped in he struck him on the head with a stick of wood, and either knocked or threw him to the floor below. .... Mr. Coberly had only been appointed jailer a little more than a week before his tragic death. When appointed he lived at Little Elm, at which place and vicinity he had lived a number of years. He was held in the highest esteem by the people of that community as a peacable, lawabiding citizen of strict integrity and sterling worth. Deceased was about thirty-five years old and leaves an aged father, four brothers and a sister, all married, and a majority of whom live in the eastern part of the county. Tuesday the remains of the deceased were removed to the Odd Fellows' hall, being a member of that order, and remained there until about 7 p.m., when relatives and friends started to Little Elm, where the interment took place yesterday under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1897, p.1, c.2. LITTLE ELM ITEMS. LITTLE ELM, March 2, '97. -The funeral of Floyd Coberly was largely attended by the people from the surrounding country and neighboring towns. -Denton County News, March 4, p.5, c.2. Page 60 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The interment of the remains of the late Floyd Coberly in Cottonwood Cemetery at Little Elm last Wednesday afternoon was attended by a very large crowd of people estimated to number about 1,000. The funeral was under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. Besides the members of the lodge at Little Elm the lodges of the order from Lewisville, Denton, Rector and Lone Elm were all well represented. The sad death of Mr. Coberly brought sorrow to the hearts of the people in his home community, and their universal expression was that by it they had lost a good neighbor and warm friend and Denton county an upright and useful citizen. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.8, c.2. COBERN, Viola Argyle COBLE, Richard Roanoke Graham 18 months Dec. 17, 1908 DCN Dec. 24, 1908, p.5, c.3 Feb. 18, 1899 DMN Feb. 23, 1899, p.5 COCANOUGHER, Mr. near Bolivar in 1870 SPENCE HOLDER ACQUITTED. Spence Holder was tried and acquitted in district court last week for the killing of an old man by the name of Cocanougher near Bolivar in 1870. At the time of the killing Spence was 19 years old, and for twenty-four years he was absent from the county without being apprehended, but came back a few weeks ago and voluntarily surrendered. The trial was an interesting one. A majority of Denton's noblest lawyers were employed on one or the other side of the case…During the trial several of Denton's oldest pioneers, and Holder's father, mother, sisters and wife attended as witnesses and friends. The jurty brought in a verdict of acquittal in about two hours after the case was delivered to it. Denton County News, Supplement, Oct. 4, 1894, p.1, c.3. COCKRELL, Miss Louise Denton Dallas Dec. 8, 1900 DMN Dec. 10, 1900, p.8 COFFEE, Laura (Mrs. B. C.) Slidell Plainview Dec. 1, 1901 Denton Co. R&C Dec. 5, 1901, p.?, c.3 COFFEY, Veda Denton City 20 yrs. Old Feb. 11, 1905 DMN Feb. 12, 1905, p.22 FOUND DEAD IN HER BED. MISS VEDA COFFEY DIED SOME TIME IN EARLY HOURS OF SATURDAY MORNING. BODY WAS DISCOVERED WHEN LIFE WAS GONE. Young Lady Was Twenty Years of Age - Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coffey of this Place. Last Saturday morning at an early hour the remains of Miss Veda Coffey, the 20-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coffey, were found her room at the family home south of the city, she having evidently passed quietly away just before being discovered by relatives in her bed with the face turned to the pillow. > The deceased, it is said, was suject to epileptic troubles which may have been the cause of her sudden and most unexpected death. For several days, her parents say, she had been complaining of feeling rather bad, but it was not thought that anything of a serious nature was wrong, so she had been up and around the home the evening before in her usual cheerful mood. Her smaller sister occupied the same bed as she and the little girl did not know of her death until she was awakened by the family when they discovered her sister's death the following morning. Upon discovering the girl in that condition a physician was hastily summoned, but to no purpose, as she had evidently been dead only a few minutes when found, it was evidently a death without struggle, no agony or alarm being heard by the family who were in the room adjoining. >The interment and funeral were held Sunday and the former being held at the city cemetery. The parents and relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of the community. -Denton County News, Feb. 14, 1905, p.2, c. 5. Page 61 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION COKER, Mr. Denton in 1868 The Pilot Point Vedette contains the following: We learn from some persons just (illegible) from Denton, that a man by the name of Coker was killed near that place by a man by the name of Donaldson. It seems that they both left town good friends, but being intoxicated, they got up a quarrel which resulted in the shooting of Coker by Donaldson, wounding him from which he died. We understand that the latter gave himself up to the civil authorities. -DAR, Oct. 1868, p.2 COLE, E. D. Pilot Point May 20, 1895 Dr. Cole Dead. -Dr. E. D. Cole, for several months past a resident of this city, died at Tioga at 6 a.m. Monday, and was buried in the Pilot Point cemetery at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning. Dr. Cole was born in Tennessee in 1862 and came to Texas in '83. In the same year he joined the Baptist church and has since been a zealous member. In 1898 he graduated from the Memphis medical college and located in Southern Texas where he remained until a few months ago when he moved to Denton. Deceased was married nearly five years ago and Mrs. Cole and a little 3-year-old daughter survive him. Also two sisters and two brothers, one of the latter being Rev. J. B. Cole of this city. >Dr. Cole had been in bad health a long time from a liver trouble and his death was not unexpected, though it fell no less heavily and sadly upon relatives and friends. -Denton County News, May 23, 1895, p.4, c.2 COLE, Jacob Krum IOOF 78 yrs. Old Aug. 12, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.3, c.6 COLE, Mr. Pilot Point 19 yrs. Old Mar. 30, 1895 DIED AT PILOT POINT. -The 19-year-old brother of Rev. J. B. and Dr. Cole of this city, died at the home of his mother in Pilot Point Saturday and was buried Sunday. Deceased had been a consumptive for several years. His brothers from Denton attended the funeral. -Denton County News, April 4, 1895, p.7, c.1. COLE, Mrs. Alice, wife of T. A. 35 yrs. Old Sept. of 1902 MORTUARY. COLE-Denton, Tex., Sept. 16. -Mrs. Alice Cole, wife of T. A. Cole, a business man and merchant of Navo, died last week, aged about 35 years. Dallas Morning News, Sept. 17, 1902, p.9. COLEMAN, Ed Corinth COLEMAN, George W. Henrietta 35 yrs. Old Sept. 13, 1908 DRC Sept. 17, 1908, p.1, c.2 Mar. 18, 1899 DMN Mar. 24, 1899, p.5 COLEMAN, Jim March of 1885 Jim Coleman, an Ethiopian of this city, shuffled off this mortal coil on last Tuesday. It was broadly hinted by some parties that his death may have resulted from the too ferocious use of a spade in the hands of his better half sometimes previous to his demise, as he is said not to have been up from the time of the "spading" until his death. If this be true, it was a little game in which spades were trump. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.7, c.2. COLEMAN, Mrs. John Garza Page 62 19 yrs. Old Aug. 1, 1897 DMN Aug. 4, 1897, p.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION COLLIER, Col. John Pilot Point Pilot Point ca 65 yrs. April 20, 1901 IOOF 26 yrs. Old May 21, 1896 DCN May 28, 1896, p.6, c.3 Nov. of 1903 DMN Nov. 26, 1903, p.9 (on a scrap of paper, no page#, c.2) MORTUARY. Col. John Collier. -Colonel John Collier, an old resident of Denton county and a prominent member of the bar, died at his home in Pilot Point Saturday, aged about sixty-five years. The deceased came to this county in 1867 or '68, settling at Pilot Point, where he has since lived. He was a gallant soldier, serving during the four years. The Denton bar met Saturday and appointed a committee to attend the funeral which took place at Pilot Point Sunday afternoon. Denton County Record, April 25, 1901, p.?, c.2 *** COLLINS, George COLLINS, Mrs. H. D. Sanger COLLINS, Minnie Belle Sanger 33 Nov. 20, 1903 SANGER. -Mrs. Minnie Belle Collins died Saturday morning and was buried Sunday at 12 o'clock, funeral services conducted by Rev. H D Heath assisted by Revs Love and Mallard. She had been sick about two years and was confined to her bed several months before death came, she was 33 years, 5 months and 14 days old, and leaves a husband and three children who have the sympathy of all the community in this their great bereavement. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.8, c.2. COLLINS, Mrs. Nannie S. Riverside, CA COLLINS, Nannie COLLINS, Robert M. (Col.) Decatur 51 yrs. Old Jan. 29, 1899 DRC Feb. 29, 1899, p.7, c.5 DMN Feb. 22, 1899, p.10 IOOF 3 months June 26, 1897 DCN July 1, 1897, p.5, c.2 Decatur 61 yrs. old Dec. 10, 1898 COL. R. M. COLLINS DEAD. -After a short illness Colonel R. M. Collins died in the city of San Antonio about the noon hour last Saturday and was buried at Decatur, his home, Monday afternoon. Although there had been warning given of his serious illness, the news of his death was a shock to his many friends in this and other counties of the state. Col. Collins has been identified with the histories of Denton and Wise counties for many years. He came to Wise county when only 13 years of age and has lived in that county and this nearly all the time since. Col. Collins was well known as a newspaper man and author. He was author of the "Unwritten History of the War Between the States" which gained a wide reputation and sale and several other books. The deceased left a wife and five children. He was 61 years old and a native of Tennessee. He belonged to several orders and carried $2000.000 insurance in the Woodmen of the World. There are a host of friends who join in the mourning of the bereaved family. -Denton County News, Dec. 15, 1898, p.1, c.3. Page 63 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DENTON, TEX., Dec. 12, 1898 - I have just heard, with profound sorrow, of the death of Mr. R. M. Collins, formerly of this city. He was my special friend and a gentleman in every sense of the word. I mourn his death as I do that of all old soldier friends. He has preceded me only a short time in joining the silent majority, peace be to his ashes. I loved him like a brother and tender my heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. J. T. Cartwright. -Denton County News, Dec. 15, 1898, p.5, c.5 COLLINS, Tom City Jan. 15, 1899 DCN Jan. 19, 1899, p.1, c.5 COLLINS, Will Denton 26 yrs. Old May 18, 1901 DMN May 21, 1901, p.5 COLLINS, William F. Denton ca. 30 yrs. May 18, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.5 * COLLINSWORTH, dau. Of Len see Collinsworth, Len w of Plano 11 yrs. Old May of 1895 COLLINSWORTH, I. B. w of Plano May 19, 1895 SMALLPOX FATALITY. PLANO, Tex., May 19. -I. B. Collinsworth, a farmer living about five miles west of Plano, died with smallpox this evening. His brother died with the same disease about ten days ago. There are four more new cases in this same neighborhood. -Denton County News, May 23, 1895, p.1, c.3. COLLINSWORTH, Len w of Plano May 12, 1895 ONE DEATH NEAR PLANO. PLANO, Tex., May 12. -Len Collinsworth, a prosperous farmer living five miles west of Plano, died with small pox to-day. His 11-yearold daughter died with the same disease about two weeks ago. -Denton County News, May 16, 1895, p.8, c.4. COLVIN, Pete July 15, 1893 PETE COLVIN DIES VERY SUDDENLY. -Pete Colvin, the young man wounded by J. M. Davidson in the melon patch east of Elm, died very suddenly Saturday morning. He got along nicely from the start and a week from the time of the shooting was up and a great many of the wounds had entirely healed. A day or so before his death he had come to visit his aunt, Mrs. Rebekah Reed, who lives four miles south of Denton on the Grapevine road. On Saturday morning Colvin arose early and seemed to be in unusual good spirits. He was washing his face preparatory to eating breakfast when suddenly he placed his hand on his left side, complained of a cramping there, groaned once and expired. The NEWS reporter had a talk with Dr. Carpenter of Little Elm who attended Colvin while confined to his bed and it is his opinion that death did not result from his wounds, but must have been heart failure. -Denton County News, July 20, 1893, p.3, c.4. COLWELL, Thomas Salt Creek Nov. 25, 1880 -We are pained to record the sudden death of Thomas Colwell a worthy citizen of Salt Creek. On Thursday of last week he was taken with a congestive chill and died in a few hours. He leaves a wife and a large family of children to mourn his absence. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.3, c.2. Page 64 NAME COMBS, Mrs. LOCATION Alvord CEMETERY Bells BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Feb. of 1885 CITATION The wife of Mr. Combs, a resident of Alvord, died on last Saturday morning and her remains were taken by railway on the Sunday evening train to Bells, in Grayson county, where her aged father resides. The sympathy of the community is extended to the afflicted husband and family. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 21, 1885, p.6, c.1. COMEGYS, Ed Personal Mention. Word was received here yesterday of the death of Mr. Ed Comegys. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.10, c.4. COMSTOCK, Marsh Decatur Oct. 27, 1885 Decatur, Oct. 29. - There was a sad tragedy a few miles west of Decatur on Tuesday. Thomas Comstock killed his father, Marsh Comstock. It seems there was some misunderstanding about the division of the cotton crop some time before. Mr. Comstock was sitting at the supper table eating his supper. There was also a lady, by the name of Williams, a neighbor, sitting at the table at the time. Tom Comstock came to the door, and without speaking a word, commenced firing, and continued until he emptied his pistol, shooting his father four times. >THE NEWS reporter has used every means in his power to get the full particulars, but up to date has been unable to get anything definite further than the above. Young Comstock is still at large. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 30, 1885, p.2. CONNELL, Black near Fort Worth May 23, 1870 Col. John M. Stemmons informs us that Mr. Black Connell, of Elizabethtown, Denton county, was instantly killed, near Fort Worth, on Monday evening last. He was running his horse after an ox; the ox jumped a ravine, its hind feet coming down in the ravine, causing the ox to fall back. Mr. Connell, being close up, his horse made the jump also, and lit upon the ox, throwing Mr. C. and killing him as above stated. -Dallas Herald, May 28, 1870, p.2. CONNELLY, Mrs. S. R. Lloyd 25 yrs. Old Feb. 22, 1905 DEATH OF MRS. CONNELY. -Mrs. Connelly, wife of Dr. S. E. Connelly, well known practicing physician of the Lloyd community, died at the family home near that place and was interred last Tuesday. Mrs. Conneclly was about 35 years of age. -Denton County News, Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.2. CONNOLLY, F. B. Marshall April of 1881 Marshall, April 18. -F. B. Connolly, editor of the Messenger, died after 38 hours sickness, and war buried Sunday morning, with services in the Baptist church. Deceased was a nephew of Gen. A. T. Hawthorne, of this city, who with his wife gave him every attention. The sad occasion cast a gloom over the entire community. -Paradise Messenger, April 18, 1881, p.4, c.4. CONWELL, Anne Neosho, MO IOOF 69 yrs. Old Page 65 May 22, 1896 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A Respected Lady Dead. -Mrs. Anne Conwell, mother of Mr. A. L. Conwell of Denton, died at the home of her relatives in Neosho, Mo., last Friday, and was brought to Denton last Sunday and buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 5 p.m., Rev. J. F. Pierce conducting the service. Deceased was sixty-nine years old and was highly respected by her numerous acquaintances in Denton where she lived until within the past few months and where her husband died four years ago. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the community. -Denton County News, May 28, 1896, p.5, c.3. CONWELL, David Denton IOOF 66 yrs. Old July 29, 1892 DIED - In Denton at his son's residence at 10 o'clock Friday morning of a complication of chronic diseases, Mr. David Conwell. Mr. Conwell was sixty-six years old and had been in bad health for some time. His daughters, Mrs. Robeson of Carthage, Mo., and Mrs. Hutchison of Kansas City, Mo., were at his bedside during his last hours. He also leaves a wife and two sons, all of whom are now residents of Denton. Mr. Conwell was a gentleman highly esteemed by all who knew him for his kindness, generosity and the many good traits that made up his character. His remains were buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 9:30 Saturday morning. To the saddened and bereaved family the NEWS, with many of the citizens of Denton extends its warmest sympathy. -Denton County News, July 27, 1892, p.3, c.4. COOK, A. W. Pilot Point 70 yrs. old July 1, 1899 DMN July 5, 1899, p.5 COOK, Charlotte (Mrs.) Springfield, MO 70 yrs. Old May 7, 1894 Mrs. Charlotte Cook, mother of Mr. Harvey Cook of Denton, who left here last November to visit her son near Springfield, Mo, was taken sick a few days ago with an old heart trouble and died Saturday. Mrs. Cook was 70 years of age and was a member of the Denton Cumberland Presbyterian church, which denomination she joined more than forty years ago. She leaves four children , three of whom are in Texas. -Denton County News, May 10, 1894, p.8, c.2. COOK, Frances (Mrs. W. M.) Aubrey COOK, Henry near Roanoke in 1811? May 8, 1906 R&C May 24, 1906, p.2, c.3 June 11, 1901 DMN June 16, 1901, p.6 COOK, Jack s of Gainesville April 14, 1881 Gainesville, April 14. -Jack Cook, a laborer of this place, was murdered to-day 2 miles south of town, at the widow Kelley's den, by two unknown men. Cause: Whiskey and bad women. The murderers are still at large, with officers in pursuit. -Paradise Messenger, April 22, 1881, p.2, c.2. COOK, Jake Denton Feb. 5, 1870 [EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Texas, Feb. 12, 1870] -Jake Cook of this place, died last Saturday night very suddenly and unexpectedly of congestion of the brain. -Denton County News, Dec. 22, 1892, p.1, c.6. COOK, Joe Denton IOOF 1 yr. Old Page 66 June 11, 1896 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED - Baby Joe, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cook, died at their home in Denton the 11th inst., after a continued illness from brain fever. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery the 12th inst., Rev. L. A. Dunlap conducting the funeral services. -Denton County News, June 26, 1896, p.5, c.4 COOK, John Denton City Feb. 22, 1893 DIED-at his son's residence on Elm street in south Denton yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, Mr. John Cook. Deceased was very old and had been an invalid for some time. His remains were buried at the city cemetery yesterday at 4 p.m. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1893, p.3, c.6. COOK, Mrs. Margaret T. Sanger Bolivar 81 yrs. Old COOKE, Mrs. W. H. Clarendon Clarendon COOKE, Dr. William H. Clarendon Dec. 22, 1831 Dec. 1, 1896 DCN Dec. 10, 1896, p.1, c.3 Sept. 4, 1908 DRC Sept. 10, 1908, p.3, c.3 March 17, 1907 DMN March 19, 1907, p.5 COOPER, Kate Pilot Point June 29, 1904 DCN July 5, 1904, p.1, c.6 HAPPENINGS OF PAST SEVERAL DAYS TOLD IN BRIEF NEWS SPECIALS. MISS KATE COOPER, A PILOT POINT GIRL, DIED VERY SUDDENLY. Pilot Point, Tex., July 1. (Special)-The people of the town of Pilot Point were shocked on last Wednesday morning when they were informed of the death of Miss Kate Cooper, one of the most estimable girls of the little city, who died suddenly at her home there. Miss Cooper had been complaining slightly for several days, but nothing serious was thought of her condition, as she had been up town on Tuesday and on the morning of her death. Hence, her death came as a COOPER, R. W. Gainesville MORTUARY. COOPER -Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 14. -R. W. Cooper, an old and respected citizen of this county, died a few days ago at his home near Rosston, some twenty miles west of Gainesville. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1905, p.4. COPE, T. S. Ponder COPENHAVER, Col. C. near Pilot Point Aiken 60 yrs. Old Nov. 28, 1908 DCN Dec. 3, 1908, p.2, c.5 DCN Dec. 3, 1908, p.3, c.6 Dec. 26, 1902 DMN Dec. 28, 1902, p.24 COPLEN, John Oak Grove Sept. 18, 1904 OAK GROVE ITEMS. OAK GROVE, Tex., Sept. 19. -Mr. John Coplen died last Sunday morning or typhoid fever. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1904, p.4, c.4. Page 67 NAME COPLEY, John M. LOCATION Denton CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE Feb. 1844 DATE OF DEATH Feb. 3, 1900 CITATION DCRC Feb. 8, 1900, p.7, c.5 DMN Feb. 9, 1900, p.5 CORBETT, Infant infant Dec of 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Deaths. Infant Corbett, 8 miles of Garza, Dec. 16? 19? (hard to read), cause, inanition. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. [inanition - 1) an exhausted condition resulting from lack of food and water or a defent in assimilation; starvation. -Mosby's Medical Dictionary] CORNWELL, Wm. Elmo COSTEN, Nannie (Mrs. M. C.) Stony COTNER, Mrs. S. C. Decatur 3 yrs. old Dec. 7, 1904 DCN Dec. 13, 1904, p.5, c.2 68 yrs. Old May 18, 1906 R&C May 24, 1906, p.5, c.3 Jan. 27, 1904 DMN Dec. 30, 1904, p.9 COUCH, Wm. Bridgeport April 4, 1880 Correspondence. Bridgeport, April 6th. It grives us to announce the death of Wm. Couch, which occurred on Sunday last. He leaves a wife and one son quite dependent; she is a very feeble woman and her son is subject to epilepsy. The deceased was attacked about three weeks ago with a very severe case of pneumonia, and the direful disease soon brought him to the grave. The bereft have the sympathies of our community. -Paradise Messenger, April 9, 1880, p.2, c.4. COWAN, A. S. Eureka Springs, AR IOOF 54 yrs. Old COWAN, Child of Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Aug. 21, 1904 DCN Aug. 23, 1904, p.1, c.7 July 18, 1904 DCN July 22, 1904, p.4, c.5 COWAN, Cloyd Lewisville Smith 3 yrs. old June 11, 1899 NEWS AT LEWISVILLE. Death of a Three-Year-Old Child. Died, Cloyd Cowan, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cowan, died here Wednesday at 6:30 a.m., and was buried Thursday morning at the Smith cemetery. We extend condolence to the bereaved. -Denton County News, June 15, 1899, p.2, c.2. COWAN, William Henrietta Aug. of 1881 Henrietta, Aug. 9. -News reached this place Friday of the killing on Wednesday last, of Wm. Cowan, a cowboy, working for Ikard Brothers, by Jas. Williams, also a cowboy working for Waggoner & Son. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 19, 1881, p.2, c.3. COX, Caleb ("Uncle") near Lewisville on his farm Page 68 80 yrs. old Dec. 6, 1889 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CALEB COX. LEWISVILLE, Tex., Dec. 7. -Caleb Cox, after an illness of seven weeks, died in this city yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, aged 80 years. "Uncle Caleb," as he was familiarly called, was an honest man, a good citizen and a consistent member of the Baptist church. He leaves quite a large family, scattered almost all over the state. His wife, Mrs. Sallie Cox, died just three days before the old man, aged 64 years. They were buried on their old farm, seven or eight miles northwest of this place. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 8, 1889, p.18. COX, H. S. 27 yrs old May 17, 1884 TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas our worthy brother H. S. Cox, aged 27 years departed this life on May 17th, 1884, we submit the following resolutions of respect to the deceased who was a worthy member of the Farmers' Alliance of Indian Creek Lodge, deceased was a good neighbor, sober and industrious and a member of the Baptist Church. Resolved, that we deplore the loss of our worthy Brother, and tender to his bereaved family, our sincere sympathy in their sad affliction. Resolved, that these resolutions be published in the Alvord Messenger, Texas Farmers' Alliance & Rural Citizen, a copy of the same be furnished the wife of the deceased. H.E. Skaggs, E. A. Dawson, M. Hoyton, Com. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 1, 1884, p.1, c.2. HARRY, Cox Dallas Jan of 1897 Harry Cox, a switchman, was run over and killed by an engine in the Katy yards at Dallas late Saturday night. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.1, c.2. COX, J. N. near Denton IOOF 66 yrs. Old July 9, 1899 DMN July 12, 1899, p.2 COX, Miss June 9, 1881 Henrietta, June 11.-On the evening of the 9th the family of W. B. Hutchinson, of Archer City, was returning from a visit to friends in Montague county, when a thunderstorm caught them at the head of Post Oak creek. W. B. Hutchinson's father, mother, sister and a Miss Cox, of Newport, accompanied Hutchinson and children. About 5 o'clock the wagon was struck with lightning, the shock killing Lizzie Hutchinson and Miss Cox and seriously stunning Mrs. Hutchinson. The old gentleman and one of the children were stunned but soon recovered. The part was moved to the residence of Mr. Cobb, where assistance was given. At last accounts it was feared Mrs. H. could not not recover. -Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p.3, c.4. COX, Mrs. Sallie (Caleb) see Cox, Caleb near Lewisville on their farm 64 yrs. Old Dec. 3, 1889 COZBY, John H. Coppell Flower Mound ca. 31 yrs. Dec. 4, 1901 DCR Dec. 5, 1901, n.p., c.3 CRAFT, Sr., Frank Quicy, IL Quincy, IL 67 yrs. Old Oct. 3, 1897 DIED IN ILLINOIS. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Oct. 4. -Frank Craft to-day received a telegram from Quincy, Ill., announcing the death at that place yesterday of his father, Frank Craft, Sr. The deceased was about 67 years old and left a family of sons, all of whom are grown. The interment takes place at Quincy. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 5, 1897, p.5. CRAFT, "Grandma" Lewisville Page 69 Feb. 3, 1908 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION NEWS FROM LEWISVILLE. Lewisville, Tex., Feb. 8. -"Grandma" Craft died at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. C. Brannon Monday afternoon. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.7 CRAFTON, Russel (Capt.) Paradise Messenger, Oct. 20, 1880, p.1, c.3 CRAWFORD, Mrs. Harry St. Louis in 1895 INTERESTING ITEMS FROM AUBREY. AUBREY, TEX., Feb. 18, 1895. Dr. Crawford received a telegram Sunday from St. Louis announcing the death of Mrs. Harry Crawford, who died of pneumonia. -Denton County News, Feb. 21, 1895, p.1, c.4. CRAWFORD, Mrs. John (Dora) Bonham Flower Mound Mar. 3, 1904 DCN Mar. 10, 1904, p.10, c.4 DIED AT BONHAM. Mother of W. P. Crawford Died Yesterday - Remains Will Arrive in Denton this Afternoon. -Mrs. Crawford mother of W. P. Crawford of Bonham, died at that place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from an attack of la grippe and pneumonia. The remains will arrive in Denton this afternoon at 3:15 and will be taken to the home of A. E. Graham, until tomorrow morning. The interment will be held at Flower Mound cemetery near Lewisville. Deceased was the wife of John Crawford, formerly a well known resident of the southern part of the county. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.1, c.4. CRAWFORD, Mrs. Nancy Bridgeport 70 yrs. Old Dec. 1898 DMN Dec. 25, 1898, p.7 CREBER, Jarnell Gainesville Coalgate, I. T. MORTUARY. CREBER - Gainesville, Tex., March 21. - Mrs. Jarnell Creber, who was brought here some days ago from Coalgate, I. T., and placed in the sanitarium for treatment, died Friday night. The remains were shipped to Coalgate Saturday. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. CREEKMORE, Mr. CREST, Walter W. Mingo Garza Dec. 3, 1903 DCR&C Jan. 8, 1903, p.1, c.4 Aug. 3, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.5, c.5 CREWS, J. A. Denton Oct. 14, 1895 EXECUTION MONDAY. J.Q.A. Crews Paid the Death Penalty on the Gallows in Denton Monday. COOL AND SMILING TO THE LAST. ... A large crowd, estimated by many to number 10,000 people, some of whom were from Cooke and other counties, was in Denton Monday. the occasion of the unusually large assembly was the execution by law of J. Q. A. Crews. Crews spent his last night on earth in the calmest possible manner, conversing quietly with his guards till 12 o'clock, then he retired and slept peacefully till near sunrise. (very lengthy article) ... J. Q. A. Crews was 43 years old, was born in Dunklin county, Mo., and came to Texas in 1885. the execution was as well and humanely arranged as could have been asked, showing that Sheriff Hawkins tried to do his duty in the matter... -Denton County News, Oct. 17, 1895, p.6, c.1. Page 70 NAME CREWS, "Uncle" Andy LOCATION Lewisville CRISS, Mrs. E. A. CROCKER, John CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 84 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Mar. 24, 1908 IOOF 67 yrs. Old Oct. 26, 1898 DCN Oct 27, 1898, p.1, c.5 June 27, 1904 DMN July 5, 1904, p.11 Lewisville CROFFORD, Miss E.R.O. 72 yrs. Old Oct. 2, 1903 CITATION DRC Mar. 26, 1908, p.1, c.5 DRC April 2, 1908, p.4, c.4 DMN Mar. 27, 1908, p.3 DCN Oct. 5, 1903, p.3, c.5 CROOK, Homer Montague county 19 yrs old Feb of 1884 On last Saturday night just after dark, some men, said to be Denton county officers, came to the house of Mr. Crook, who lives about 6 miles north from here, in the edge of Montague county, and enquired for a son of Mr. Crook's, who, it is said, was wanted in Rockwall county. But not finding him they secreted themselves near the house when directly Homer Crook, a younger son than the one they were looking for, went out to feed his horse and was shot dead. He was only nineteen years old. -April 11, 1884, p.3, c.3. CROOKER, Bertie Pearl Bowers Austin 22 yrs. Old Oct. of 1893 A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN DEAD. AUSTIN, TEX., Oct. 15. - Mrs. Bertie Pearl Crooker, wife of Ed L. Crooker, and daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Tom Bowers, died this afternoon at 3 o'clock. She was a beautiful woman, and loved by all who knew her. She was twenty-two years of age and was married less than a year ago. Her infant son was buried on Saturday. Mrs. Crooker's funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon. The above will be sad intelligence to many people in Denton, as Miss Pearl Bowers spent a goodly number of the bright joyous days of her life in Denton and was an esteemed favorite among the young people of this city. We know we but echo the sentiments of a large number of Denton's people when we say that the NEWS sincerely, sympathizes with the family in its sad loss of a bright and dear member. -Denton County News, Oct. 19, 1893, p.3, c.6. CROOKER, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ed L. see CROOKER, Bertie Pearl Bowers CROUT, W. W. infant Garza 60 yrs. Old Oct. 14?, 1893 Aug. 4, 1908 DRC Aug. 6, 1908, p.1, c.2 CROWDER, Fay Denton City 4 months Aug. 22, 1895 DIED-Fay, little 4-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crowder died Thursday afternoon. The interment was in the City Cemetery at 9:30 Friday morning. Rev. J. F. Pierce conducted the funeral services. -Denton County News, Aug. 29, 1895, p.8, c.2. CROWDER, Lou 8 months Page 71 June 14, 1904 DCN June 17, 1904, p.1, c.2 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CROWDER, Nancy Baird IOOF 39 yrs. Old Feb. 3, 1908 MRS. CROWDER DEAD. Died at Baird Friday of Pneumonia - Brought Here. >Mrs. Nancy Crowder, mother of C.L.M. Crowder of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gabe Smatr at Baird, Friday of pneumonia. The deceased was aged 39 years, 11 months, and 7 days. >The remains arrived here that night on the 9:55 train and were conveyed to the residence of C.L.M. Crowder, at No. 59 South Elm, at which place the funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services were conducted by Revs. Lattimore of the Baptist church and Pierce of the M. E. church, South, after which the remains were interred at the I.O.O.F. cemetery. >Mrs. Nancy Crowder was born in Moore county, North Carolina, February 23, 1818. She came to Texas in 1876, settling in the southern part of Denton county , near Bartonville, and has since resided in this county. >Mrs. Crowder was married in West Tennessee, and six children born of the union are living, four boys and two girls. >Deceased was a member of the M. E. church, South. >Mrs. Crowder has been making her home with her son, C.L.M. Crowder of this city, but had gone for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Smart, at Baird, and it was while there she contracted pneumonia, which caused her death. The Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.7, c.5. CROWDER, R. A. Roff, I. T. IOOF 53 yrs. Old June 7, 1903 R. A. Crowder of Roff, Indian Territory, died of Lagrippe at the residence of his son, L. P. Crowder, Sunday afternoon at a few minutes before five o'clock and was buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery Monday afternoon. Rev. T. H. Morris conducting the funeral service. >Mr. Crowder was nearing his 54th birthday and came to this state from Tennessee some 13 or 14 years ago. >He had lived a consistent Christian life for over fifty years and was honored and loved by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and five children, three sons and two daughters, besides a host of friends to mourn his loss. >The News extends sympathy to the bereaved family in this their time of sad bereavement. -Denton County News, June 11, 1903, p.1, c.5 CROXDALE, W. J. Grapevine Jan. 13, 1903 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. CROXDALE -Grapevine, Tex., Jan. 14. - W. J. Croxdale died very suddenly yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 17, 1903, p.8. CRUCE, Mrs. H. F. Paradise? Oct. 8, 1880 Mrs. H. F. Cruce departed this life on the 8th, with the typhoid fever. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 29, 1880, p.4, c.1 CRUTCHER, Jessie March 6, 1894 OTHER DEATHS. Denton, Texas. March 7. -Miss Jessie Crutcher died last night. -The Houston Daily Post, March 9, 1894, p.4. CRUTCHFIELD, George Parvin Oct. 2, 1894 TWO NEGROES KILLED. In a Fight Among Themselves Near Parvin, In This County. Will Mitchell Shoots to Death Jim and George Crutchfield, and is in Turn Mortally Wounded. -One of the most bloody, beligerant and exterminating fights ever heard of occurred in this county, 18 miles northeast of Denton near Parvin Tuesday morning. Jim Crutchfield, Sr., is an old negro who is more energetic and reliable than most of his race and through the exercise of these faculties has bought, improved and stocked a good farm on which he has reared a large family, among whom are Jim, George and Ollie, three grown sons. Page 72 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Will Mitchell is another negro who lives in the neighborhood, and whose horse had recently been getting young Jim Crutchfield's cotton patch. At 8 o'clock Tuesday morning Jim and George Crutchfield met Mitchell near their home and asked him to keep his horse out of the cotton. Mitchell replied that if they wanted him out they could keep him out themselves. It is stated that the Crutchfield's made a demonstration of some kind, and then Mitchell drew a pistol and fired at Jim striking him squarely in the heart. He then turned the pistol on George and fired twice, the first ball penetrating his breast near the heart and the second going through his bowels. Mitchell started to walk away, but George Crutchfield had cralwed to the dead body of his brother Jim and secured his pistol with which he shot Mitchell squarely through the bowels. George expired in only a few minutes, and Ollie Crutchfield, who had heard the shooting, came up to the scene and was fired on by the now prostrate Mitchell whose aim was bad from the loss of blood, or there might have been three instead of two Crutchfield boys dead. Constable Fry, who went to the scene of the shooting, left there late Tuesday night and said that Mitchell was very low and was not expected to live. LATER-News came from the scene of the shooting at 2 p.m. yesterday that Mitchell was dead. -Denton County News, Oct. 4, 1894, p.1, c.3. CRUTCHFIELD, Jim see Crutchfield, George Parvin CULLUM, Mrs. J. W. Argyle Oct. 2, 1894 70 yrs. Old Nov. 19, 1908 DCN Nov. 26, 1908, p.2, c.5 CULWELL, William March of 1885 Wm. Culwell, an old citizen of Garrett's creek, died last week and was buried by the Farmer's Alliance. -Wise County Messenger, March 21, 1885, p.7, c.2. CUNDIFF, Major W. H. Decatur 78 yrs. Old March of 1901 MAJOR CUNDIFF. News was received in Denton this week of the death of Major W. H. Cundiff at Decatur, Wise county. He was 78 years of age and had lived in Texas for fifty years. He was a large land owner, both in Denton and Wise counties. He was a genial, courtesous gentleman and one who had many friends. He was a visitor to this city at different times and was well known here. -Denton County News, March 28, 1901, p.8, c.1. CUNNINGHAM, Angelina (Angie) San Antonio IOOF 31 yrs old Jan. 9, 1897 MORTUARY. CUNNINGHAM - Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Jan. 12.-Mrs. Angelina Cunningham, wife of George A. Cunningham, deceased, who died in San Antonio yesterday, was brought here for interment to-day and buried at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.6 DIED IN SAN ANTONIO. -Mrs. Angie Cunningham, widow of the late George H. Cunningham, formerly of this city, died in San Antonio Saturday of la grippe. Her remains, accompanied by Mr. J. W. Cunningham, of this city and two brothers, Messrs. W. and L. Giddens of Mexico, arrived in Denton Tuesday at noon and were conveyed to the M. E. church , South, of which deceased was a member, where the pastor, Rev. Thomas, conducted the services. Deceased was 31 years old and leaves one child, a little daughter. She was highly esteemed in Denton where she lived a number of years. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.8, c.2. CUNNINGHAM, child of Sept. of 1883 Mr. Cunningham, a leading merchant of Alvord, buried his youngest child on last Saturday evening. It was the first death that has occurred in our village. Alvord Messenger, Sept. 21, 1883, p.3, c.2. Page 73 NAME LOCATION CUNNINGHAM, Reitha Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 1.5 yrs. CUNNINGHAM, W. N. Eagle Pass -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.3 DATE OF DEATH June 14, 1907 CITATION R&C June 26, 1907, p.4, c.7 March 9th, 1893 CURBO, Mrs. Will Aubrey Key cemetery Sept. 26, 1900 Aubrey Items. -Mrs. Will Curbo died at her mother's home here last Saturday morning and was buried at Key cemetery Sunday Morning. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.2, c.4. CURLEY, Mrs. Steve Ardmore, I. T. 60 yrs. Old Mar. 3, 1902 MORTUARY. CURLEY -Denton, Tex., March 4. -Mrs. Steve Curley, wife of a former well known resident of this city, died yesterday morning at Ardmore, I. T., of paralysis, aged about 60 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 6, 1902, p.8. CURTIS, H. F. Overton Denton County News, July 20, 1892, p.1, c.3 July 13, 1892 CUSTIS, Malinda C. Nov. 24, 1880 Died on Wednesday, Nov. 24th A. D. 1880, Mrs. Malinda C. Custis, aged 46 years, five months and two days. Mrs. Custis is the affectionate wife of our esteemed neighbor, G. W. Custis, an d is known as a kind and affectionate mother, an amiable wife and a Christian lady. She has for many years been a member of the Baptist church. She leaves a husband and several children and grand-children to mourn her departure. "Where immortal spirits reigns, there we shall meet again." Paradise Messenger, Nov. 26, 1880, p.3, c.3. DABBS, Henry Denton 53 yrs. Old June 14, 1898 DMN June 15, 1898, p.12 DABNEY, Buford DIED-At his home, near Decatur, Wise county, Buford Dabney, aged eighty-five years and twenty-eight days. Deceased was the father of Mrs. W. J. Brown, of our DAGGETT, Captain E. M. 1810 Aprl 19, 1883 Fort Worth, April 19th. -Captain E. M. Daggett, one of our wealthiest and best citizens, died this morning at 7 o'clock of apoplectic paralysis. With means and influence, he was public spirited and was among the men who secured railroads for this city. He was a captain of the regulators in Shelby county in 1845, and was also a captain during the war of 1848. He was in the legislature two terms, and was chairman of the Greenback Executive Committee and their candidate for Congress in 1878. He was born near Niagara Falls, in Canada, in 1810, came to Texas in 1837 and to Fort Worth in 1852. His last signature was a draft for charity. Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.1, c.4. DALE, M. A. Pilot Point Page 74 Dec. 22, 1895 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION THE DEATH ROLL. M. A. DALE - Pilot Point, Texas. December 22. -M. A. Dale, merchant, died this morning. -The Houston Daily Post, Dec. 25, 1895, p.2. DALTON, Mr. M. A. Respected Citizen Dead. At his home about three miles southwest of Denton Monday night, Mr. M. A. Dalton died. Mr. Dalton was one of our county's best citizens and leaves a family and many friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, Oct. 1, 1896, p.1, c.5. DALTON, Mrs. M. A. Cook cemetery Aug. 2, 1897 DIED-At her home three miles southwest of Denton. Mrs. M. A. Dalton died last Monday morning after an illness of some time with consumption. The remains were interred at the Cook cemetery on Hickory creek Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was an estimable Christian lady and leaves three children and numerous warm friends to mourn her loss. -Denton County News, August 5, 1897, section 2, p.5, c.2. DALTON, Sam s of Denton Nevado, Mo. Jan. 25, 1893 RUN OVER. And Mangled by a Train South of Denton Last Week. -The north-bound M., K. and T. passenger train run over and killed a man about six miles south of Denton at 2 p.m. Wednesday of last week. By letters on the man's person it was found that his name was Sam Dalton and that his parents lived at Nevada, Mo. It was also learned from a service card in his coat pocket that he had worked on the section between Greenville and Dallas. When the engineer first saw Dalton he was lying fairly across the track, the train was going at a high rate of speed; and it was impossible to stop the train. His body was mangled in a horrible manner. Officers from Denton went to the place of the accident on a handcar and brought the body to Denton. Sheriff Mars telegraphed the sheriff at Nevada, Mo., asking what disposal to make of the body, and an answer was received to have it embalmed and ship it to that place. The body was prepared by Undertaker Schmitz and was sent to Missouri Friday. -Denton County News, Feb. 2, 1893, p.3, c.3. DANIEL, Mrs. Levi Feb. 7, 1897 DCN Feb. 11, 1897, p.1, c.3 DANIEL, Vera 18 yrs. Old Jan. 22, 1908 DIED WHILE ON A TRAIN. YOUNG LADY STUDENT OF NORMAL COLLEGE DIED WHILE EN ROUTE TO HER HOME. Miss Vera Daniel, 18 years old, a girl student at the State Normal at Denton, died on a Katy train yesterday, twelve miles north of Fort Worth, while en route to her home in Wylie. She was accompanied by her parents and a physician. Death was caused by la grippe. The body was sent to Wylie to-day for burial. Miss Daniels, whose death is spoken of above, was a student of the Normal college and has been making her home since entering school here with Mrs. John L. Davidson on West Oak street. She was taken sick last Saturday night and gradually grew worse, until it was thought best to move her to her home. Her father and mother were sent for and were accompanying her home when death occurred. A local physician was also with Miss Daniels. The cause of death is said to have been heart failure instead of la grippe as stated in the dispatch. -Denton Record Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.1, c.3. DANIELS, Mrs. Thomas March of 1897 Page 75 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The Dallas News of Monday gives this account of a very singular death: "A year ago last Friday Thomas Daniels, died. Interment took place at the Cox burial ground. Yesterday the widow, Mrs. Thomas Daniels, attended a funeral and visited the Cox graveyard. While the services were taking place Mrs. Daniels stepped a short distance away and halted at the grave of her husband. Ten seconds later she was dead, having fallen over the mound and dying without a struggle." -Denton County News, March 11, 1897, p.1, c.3. DARNALL, Baird 4 yrs. old Nov. 11, 1900 MORTUARY. DARNALL - Pilot Point, Tex., Nov. 11. -Baird Darnall, son of J. S. Darnall, died here this month of scarlet fever. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 12, 1900, p.7. MORTUARY. DARNALL - Denton, Tex., Nov. 14. -The 4-year-old son of J. S. Darnall, a prominent resident of Pilot Point, died this week of scarlet fever. The disease is reported to be prevalent in several section of the northern part of the county. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 15, 1900, p.7. DARNELL, James Presley Pilot Point Feb. 28, 1899 DEATH AT PILOT POINT. James Presley Darnell, son of Mr. J. T. Darnell, of Pilot Point, and a very popular young man of that city, died at his home Tuesday morning. Mr. Darnell had many Denton friends who extend to the relatives their sympathy in this time of bereavement. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.8, c.3. DARON, A. M. Pilot Point July 10, 1901 MORTUARY. DARON - Pilot Point, Tex., July 11. -A. M. Daron, an old settler of this county, died here yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, July 21, 1901, p.5. DAUGHERTY, Charles Richard IOOF 1 yr. Old Nov. 30, 1903 DCN Dec. 3, 1903, p.1, c.4 DAVIDSON, dau. Of James 6 yrs. Old Jan. 31, 1904 MORTUARY. DAVIDSON - Denton, Tex., Feb. 1. - The 6-year-old daughter of James Davidson died yesterday in the eastern part of the county of meningitis. Dallas Morning News, Feb. 4, 1904, p.4. DAVIDSON, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Milam Gribble Springs infant Mar. 26, 1899 MILAM ITEMS. -The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davidson passed away quietly at 9 p.m. Sunday and was buried at the Gribble Spring cemetery Monday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.2. DAVIDSON, O. D. w of Denton IOOF Feb. 12, 1897 Mr. O. D. Davidson, brother of John L. Davidson of this city, and who lived three and a half miles west of town, died at his home Friday evening of pneumonia, and was buried Saturday at 4 p.m. in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Rev. A. B. C. Dinwiddie, pastor of the C. P. church, of which deceased was a member, conducted the funeral services at the grave. A wife and six children, besides other relatives, survive the deceased, and to them the people of Denton extend their warmest sympathy in their great loss. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.2. Page 76 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. DAVIDSON-Denton, Denton County, Tex., Feb.13.-O. D. Davidson died there last night. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1897, p.6 DAVIDSON, Pearl Garza Swisher 6 yrs. Old Jan. 30, 1904 DCN Feb. 4, 1904, p.8, c.3 DAVIDSON, Wilkes Denton 65 yrs old in 1883 DEATHS IN TEXAS. -In Denton, Wilkes Davidson, (unreadable) sixty-five years. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 7, 1883, p.4. DAVIDSON, Wilkes Monroe Wise County Denton 41 yrs. Old April 13, 1903 DMN April 17, 1903, p.7 DAVIS, dau. Of Mr. Black Jack Grove in 1870 The Gilmer Sentinel learns that a fire occurred in Black Jack Grove, near Denton, in which a man named Davis and his youngest child, a girl of three or four years, were burnt to death: the body of each being almost entirely consumed. It is thought the old man was intoxicated, as he was seen going home late in the evening somewhat under the influence of liquor. -Galveston Tri-Weekly News, March 18, 1870. DAVIS, dau. Of Wm. south of Denton DAVIS, Edgar Allison Aubrey DAVIS, Ella Reynolds (Mrs. W. D.) Roanoke DAVIS, George Prairie Mound IOOF 13 yrs. Old Mar. 4, 1899 DMN Mar. 8, 1899, p.8 27 yrs. Old May 13, 1900 DMN May 19, 1900, p.5 Aug. 7, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.1, c.5 DCN Aug. 13, 1908, p.3, c.4 DCN Aug. 13, 1908, p.5, c.4 DMN Aug. 8, 1908, p.7 Sept. 16, 1908 DRC Sept. 17, 1908, p.5, c.1 DAVIS, Jack Aubrey Sept. 13, 1886 Denton, September 8. -At Aubrey, a little town on the Missouri-Pacific railway, 12 miles north of here, about 9 o'clock Monday, a difficulty arose between a white man by the name of Hardin and a negro by the name of Jack Davis, in which the negro was shot three times in the bowels, from the effects of which he died. The negro was boasting that he believed the Aubrey precinct would elect a negro constable, and the white man, resenting this impudence, got into the difficulty with the results stated. Hardin has skipped. -Wise County Messenger, Sept. 18, 1886, p.7, c.1 DAVIS, Jacky DAVIS, Julia (Mrs. J. W.) Plainview Page 77 Aug. 1892 DCN Sept. 8, 1892, p.4, c.5 Oct. 5, 1908 DRC Oct. 8, 1908, p.6, c.7 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DAVIS, Mr. Black Jack Grove in 1870 GTWN March 18, 1870 The Gilmer Sentinel learns that a fire occurred in Black Jack Grove, near Denton, in which a man named Davis and his youngest child, a girl of three or four years, were burnt to death: the body of each being almost entirely consumed. It is thought the old man was intoxicated, as he was seen going home late in the evening somewhat under the influence of liquor. -Galveston Tri-Weekly News, March 18, 1870. DAVIS, Mrs. Dan Argyle Dec. 3, 1894 ON THE SICK LIST. -Mrs. Davis is sick with fever a the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Bass, on East Oak street. -Denton County News, Nov. 8, 1894, p.8, c.2. ARGYLE, TEX., Dec. 4.-Mrs. Dan Davis died Monday morning. -Denton County News, Dec. 6, 1894, p.1, c.6. DAVIS, Mrs. E. E. Elgin 66 yrs old Feb 10, 1897 KILLED BY A COW. ELGIN, TEX., Feb. 11. -Last evening Mrs. E. E. Davis, aged 66 years, was accidentally killed by a cow she was milking. She had fed her cow and milked the animal and went to empty her cup near the head of the cow, when the cow threw her head towards her, and the point of her horn struck her in the stomach and threw her against the barn, and she only lived a few moments. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.2, c.2. DAVIS, Mrs. J. W. Tarrant county March of 1885 The wife of J. W. Davis of Alvord, departed this life on last Sunday evening. Her body was conveyed to the residence of her parents in Tarrant county for interment. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.7, c.3. DAVIS, Mrs. Joe near Bolivar Jan 29, 1897 BOLIVAR ITEMS. Bolivar, Feb. 2, 1897. -January 29 Mrs. Joe Davis, near Bolivar, died of pneumonia, Mrs. Davis' son is very sick now of the same disease. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.5, c.1. DAVIS, Prince Argyle 23 yrs. Old in 1905 DAVIS, Sarah (Mrs. T. G. C.) near Denton 82 yrs. Old Aug. of 1900 R&C Nov. 3, 1905, p.3, c.4 * DMN Aug. 28, 1900, p.4 DAVIS, son of Mike s of Union Grove July of 1881 Decatur Tribune items: A son of Mr. Mike Davis residing on Ash creek ten miles south of Union Grove, who was hunting the other day, used the breech of his gun in pulling down some grapes, which caused it to go off, discharging the whole load of buck-shot in his breast, killing him instantly. During the funeral the next day as a moving wagon passed, a little child fell out and was run over by the wheel, resulting in instant death. -Paradise Messenger, July 29, 1881, p.4, c.3. DAVIS, son of Wm. near Pilot Point DAVIS, Tom E. San Antonio 3 yrs. old Denton County Page 78 Jan. 1898 March 31, 1907 DMN Jan. 23, 1898, p.21 DMN April 1, 1907, p.3 NAME LOCATION DAVIS, Tom W. DAVIS, "Uncle" George Argyle CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION City 29 yrs. Old Feb. 6, 1904 DCN Feb. 11, 1904, p.5, c.2 Argyle 74 yrs. Old Sept. 14, 1908 DRC Sept. 17, 1908, p.1, c.2 DAVISON, A. J. April of 1885 A. J. Davison, a man about fifty years of age, a consistent Christian, who has long lived in the vicinity of Chico, we are told died on last Monday night. -Wise County Messenger, April 18, 1885, p.8, c.2. DAWSON, Mr. Henry H. Denton DAWSON, Mrs. Mattie Montgomery Denton IOOF in his 50's Feb. 21, 1899 DCN Feb. 28, 1899, p.8, c.5 DMN Feb. 22, 1899, p.8 H. H. Dawson Dead. >H. H. Dawson, who was for a number of years a prominent business man of Denton, but who has been managing the business in this state for the Winship Machine and Gin Co., at Dallas, died at his home in this city about the noon hour Tuesday. >He was struck very suddenly Tuesday morning with apoplexy and never regained consciousness. >Deceased was over 56 years of age and leaves his wife and four children to survive him. His death coming so suddenly, was a shock to his many friends, not only in Denton, but all over the state and they join the mourning relatives in their grief. >The interment will be at the Odd Fellow's cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1899, p.4, c.2 32 yrs. Old Aug. 11, 1905 R&C Aug. 12, 1905, p.1, c.5 * DAWSON, Willie, son of Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Denton 14 yrs. Old Sept. 15, 1897 DMN Sept. 19, 1897, p.23 DAWSON-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Sept. 16.-Willie Dawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dawson, died here last night of heart trouble aged 14 years. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 19, 1897, p.23. DAY, Gardner Stony 18 yrs. Old Mar. 5, 1905 DCN Mar. 7, 1905, p.1, c.5 DAY, Mr. February 21, 1905 Dallas, May 16. -At Canton yesterday a verdict of murder in the first degree and sentence to prison for life was rendered against Rev. Henry Smith, a Baptist preacher, who was tried for killing Deputy Sheriff Day, of Henderson county, in December, 1879. At the time of the killing Smith and the Owens brothers were under arrest for cattle stealing. -Wise County Messenger, May 25, 1883, p.1, c.5. DEAL, child of Mr. Aug of 1884 Weatherford, Aug. 6. -A little child of Mr. Deal, living in the north part of this county, died Monday from the effects of morphine administered by its parents as quinine, through a mistake. Mr. Deal sent to the druggist at Poolville for a bottle of quinine, and he sent the morphine by mistake, which, however, was plainly labeled morphine. Without noticing the label, the morphine was given the child with fatal results. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.5, c.3. Page 79 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DEATS, Mr. Aubrey Mar. 4, 1895 SPRING HILL ITEMS. AUBREY, Tex., March 4, 1895. TO THE NEWS: Once again we are reminded that we must die. Mr. Deats who has been staying at Mr. Simpson's died this morning. We have not as yet learned the cause of his death. -Denton County News, March 7, 1895, supplement, p.1, c.2. DEAVENPORT, Thomas C. Denton DEBOW, Mrs. Anna Dallas DECKER, Dud Lewisville 26 yrs. Old Pilot Point March 9, 1906 R&C March 12, 1906, p.4, c.1 * Nov. 28, 1905 DMN Nov. 30, 1905, p.5 DELAP, Will Gainesville Aug. 2, 1884 Gainesville, Aug. 4. -Night before last while Will Delap was coupling cars on the railway in this city, he was caught between the drawheads and crushed so severly that he died at 12 o'clock the same night. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.5, c.3. DENNIS, Newton Jasper Grapevine Jan. 27, 1906 Record of Deaths. Newton Jasper Dennis, 62, Jan. 27, Grapevine, Texas; heart trouble. The Fort Worth Telegram, Feb. 13, 1906, p.3 DENNISON, son of Thomas s of Marble Falls 5 yrs old March of 1897 KILLED BY A KICK. MARBLE FALLS, TEX., March 11. -The 5-year-old son of Thomas Dennison, living five miles south of here, was kicked by a horse above the temple Sunday and died this morning. -Denton County News, -March 18, 1897, p.2, c.1. DENSON, King Denton City Feb. 25, 1899 KING DENSON DEAD. King Denson, who was confined in the county jail awaiting trial for cutting Guy Peyton, died in the county jail at about 4 o'clock last Saturday morning. He was found unconscious by his cellmates about 2 o'clock and medical assistance was called but to no avail. His death is attributed to heart trouble brought by being deprived of his liquor. He was buried Sunday at the city cemetery, the county defraying the expenses. -Denton County New, March 2, 1899, p.8, c.2. DENTON, Ash N.,Dr. (son of John B. Denton) Austin DENTON, Mr. Collinsville DERUM, infant of Page 80 March 15, 1905 DCN Mar. 28, 1901, p.2, c.4 22 yrs. Old Oct. 9, 1904 R&C Oct. 10, 1904, p.1, c.4 * 3 weeks Dec. of 1883 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION PILOT POINT. December 10. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Derum last Saturday lost their young babe, about three weeks of age. They went yesterday to Denison to bury it. Mr. Derum is station agent here. Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 11, 1883, p.2. DESHONG, son of Mr. east of Denton DEUSON, King 3 yrs. old City DEVASHER, D. E. Drop Aiken 35 yrs. old DEWITT, Rev. D. C. Hillsboro Hillsboro May 20, 1902 DMN May 22, 1902, p.3 Feb. 25, 1899 DCN Mar. 2, 1899, p.8, c.2 Sept. 5, 1898 DCN Sept. 8, 1898, p.8, c.4 Jan. 2, 1907 DMN Jan. 4, 1907, p.7 DICKERSON, Silas in 1830 Dec. 21, 1880 IN MEMORIAM. DIED, on the 21st of Dec. A. D. 1880, our esteemed citizen and neighbor, SILAS DICKERSON, Of Congestive chill, in the 50th year of his age. The deceased was born in Scott county, Indiana, A. D. 1830, which place was his home principally until the year 1857, when he moved to Illinois, where by means of close labor and economy he become the owner of good property that is yet vested in his name, but which he left about four years ago and came to this state, where he has since resided. As a husband, he was kind and indulgent; as a father, firm and affectionate, and as a citizen and neighbor, he was upright, honest and obliging. To his grief-stricken companion and sons and daughters we tender the sympathies of a saddened community, believing that the ways of the Lord are sometimes hidden, and that He worketh all things for good. -Wise County Messenger, Dec. 24, 1880, p.3, c.2. DICKSON, A. R. (Rev.) in 1880 Rev. A. R. Dickson [torn part] the Methodist church, a resident of Denton county, died at the advanced age of [torn page] score and ten years. -Paradise Messenger, April 16, 1880, p.2, c.5. DICKSON, C. C. Denton Jan 14, 1886 Altar and Tomb. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -C. C. Dickson, Denton, January 14. -Forth Worth Daily Gazette, January 25, 1886, p.2. DINKINS, S. T. Bostonville 35 yrs. old Aug. 1, 1897 DMN Aug. 4, 1897, p.3 DIXON, Nancy n of Decatur March 1, 1885 LOCALS. Mrs. Nancy Dixon, the esteemed wife of Thos. Dixon, who lives about three miles north of Decatur, died on last Sunday night of pneumonia. -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p.1, c.3. DOBBINS, Miles 87 yrs. Old Page 81 Dec. 6, 1903 DCN Dec. 10, 1903, p.5, c.2 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DODD, son of W. S. March of 1884 A little girl of Buck Bowden's and a little boy of W. S. Dodd's were buried during the last week. -Alvord Messenger, March 21, 1884, p.3, c.1. DODSON, "Aunt" Polly Stony 70 yrs. Old DOGGETT, Willard N. Justin 65 yrs. Old DOLGENER, Helwig near Denton 4 yrs. Old June 26, 1904 DCN July 1, 1904, p.4, c.3 R&C Nov. 3, 1905, p.3, c.4 * Nov. 5, 1905 R&C Nov. 6, 1905, p.1, c.4 * DONALD, Mrs. Levi Pecan Creek Feb. 7, 1897 Drowned in Pecan Creek. The wife of Levi Donald, a colored man, living a few miles east of town, was found drowned in Pecan creek, near her home, Sunday morning. She left the house Saturday afternoon to go to the well near the house and not returning a search was made for her which resulted in finding her body as above stated. -Denton County News, Feb. 11, 1897, p.1, c.3 NEGRO WOMAN DROWNED. She Was Missing from Home and Was Found in a Creek. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Feb. 7.-The wife of Levi Donald, a respected negro, living several miles east of here, was found drowned in Pecan creek this morning. The last seen of her was yesterday afternoon going toward the creek. Not appearing at dark yesterday evening, a search was instituted, with the above result. >The water in which she was found was only about three feet deep. A justice of the peace held an inquest over the body this morning, and seeing no marks of violence, decided that the deceased came to her death by drowning. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 8, 1897, p.4. DONNELLY, Dr. Cedar Hill Tennessee Jan/Feb. of 1897 Hugh Donnelly, of this city, received a telegram Sunday, stating that his brother, Dr. Donnelly, had died suddenly at Cedar Hill, Tex. Mr. Donnelly, accompanied by Sidney Gibson, took the first train for Cedar Hill, and later, he accompanied his brother's body to Tennessee, their old home for burial. Hugh has been in the employ of Parker & Bell for sometime, and has many friends here who sympathize with him in his bereavement. -Denton County News, Feb. 11, 1897, p.8, c.2. DORAN, Capt. A. M. near Pilot Point 68 yrs. old July of 1901 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. DORAN -Denton, Tex., July 13. -Capt. A. M. Doran, a pioneer settler and ex-Confederate, died at his home near Pilot Point this week, aged 68 years. -Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1901, p.6. DORRIS, infant of Dr. W. E. Roanoke Jan. 7, 1893 ROANOKE RIPPLES. The infant babe of Dr. W. E. Dorris of this place, died Saturday morning and was buried Sunday; the burial was well attended by the many friends of the Dr. and wife. -Denton County News, Jan. 12, 1893, p.2, c.5. DORRIS, Mrs. Claude Roanoke 22 yrs. Old Page 82 Mar. 28, 1905 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SAD DEATH AT ROANOKE. Mrs. Dorris Dies after Much Suffering From Consumption. Roanoke, Texas, April 1 - Mrs. Dorris, wife of Claude Dorris, died at the home of Dr. Dorris here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dorris had been confined to her bed for four months with consumption. She was moved from her home in Venus to Dr. Dorris in this place about a month ago. She continued to grow worse until the end which came at last at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon. >Mrs. Dorris was about 23 years of age, and leaves a husband and two children a father and mother and several brothers and sisters besides a multitude of friends to mourn her loss. All her relatives are in Missouri, except one sister who didn't arrive at her bedside until after death came. >The funeral took place Wednesday evening at the Medlin cemetery. Dr. Simms conducted the services which were simple and beautiful. -Denton County News, April 1, 1905, p.1, c.3 DORSETT, W. Shep Roanoke Bonham June 15, 1897 DMN June 16, 1897, p.1 DOSS, Aubrey Tennessee March 19, 1904 MORTUARY. DOSS - Greenville, Tex., March 20. Aubrey Doss, of this city received new of the death of his sister, Miss Annie Doss, which occurred at her home in Tennessee yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. DOTSON, dau. of Jack near Justin 4 yrs. old Dec. 28, 1908 DMN Dec. 30, 1908, p.5 KILLED BY A MULE. LITTLE DAUGHTER OF JACK DOTSON OF JUSTIN KICKED TO DEATH BY A MULE. -The four-year-old daughter of Jack Dotson of near Justin, this county, was kicked by a mule Monday and died a short time afterwards from the effects of the injury. The mule's hoof struck the little child in the head, crushing the skull. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.7, c.4. DOUGLAS, George County Poor Farm County Poor Farm 68 yrs. Old Feb. 1, 1908 DIED ON POOR FARM. George Douglas, Aged 68, Died Saturday Morning. >George Douglas, an inmate of the County Poor Farm, died there early Saturday morning, aged 68 years. Death was caused by asthma from which the deceased had been suffereing. >The interment took place on the Poor Farm Saturday afternoon. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.6, c.4. DOUGLAS, G. W. CLIPPINGS. Dr. G. W. Douglas of Dallas died on the 7th. -Paradise Messenger, March 18, 1881, p.3, c.5. March 7, 1881 DOWNEY, Dan w of Wichita Falls March 11, 1885 Wichita Falls, March 12. -A fearful accident occurred about 6 o'clock last evening, 9 miles west of here, in a cut of the extension of the Fort Worth & Denver railway, that caused the instant death of Dan Downey, Pat Swan and Tom McCoy. They were blasting rock in the cut and squibbed the hole, and, after waiting the usual time, began charging the blast. After they had used nearly three kegs of powder, Downey ordered the fourth, but as McMurray started with it, Downey called to him not to bring it, as they had enough, and instantly the explosion took place. Swan and McCoy were blown 250 feet in opposite directions, and Downey 200 feet. The heads of McCoy and Swan were blown off, and all were, very much disfigured. -Wise County Messenger, March 21, 1885, p.1, c.2. Page 83 NAME DOWNS, infant LOCATION near Sanger CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DOYLE, Fannie DATE OF DEATH CITATION R&C Nov. 4, 1905, p.4, c.3 * Feb. 4, 1900 DCRC Feb. 8, 1900, p.1, c.6 DRAIN, Mrs. A. H. Weatcomb, WA 83 yrs. Old Sept. 2, 1904 DCN Sept. 13, 1904, p.1, c.6 DRAKE, Col. J. F. Pilot Point 83 yrs. Old Feb. 24, 1898 DMN Feb. 26, 1898, p.5 and Mar. 2, 1898, p.3 DRAKE, William Feb. of 1897 While William Drake was returning home from Guthrie, Okla., Saturday, he fell from the wagon and a wheel passed over his head, crushing him to death. Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.3. DREW, Mr. near Crafton April of 1884 A young man by the name of Drew, who was living with his uncle, Smith Drew, near Crafton, while in his uncle's yard about 11 o'clock at night, was fired on by a posse of men thought to be about six in number. Drew receiving a mortal wound in the neck from which he died on last Monday morning. The assaulting party are unknown, but it is whispered that they were probably persons who had lost horses and that suspicions had centered around the Drew family. Be that as it may, human life is too precious to be taken so wantonly, and we must deprecate such instances of lawlessness. -Alvord Messenger, April 11, 1884, p.3, c.3. DUDLEY, Austin Garza Swisher 59 yrs. Old Nov. 11, 1892 DIED-Austin Dudley, aged 59 years, died at his home near Garza Friday and was buried at Swisher's graveyard Saturday. The deceased was born in Illinois and came with his father, Butler Dudley, to Texas in 1846 and settled near Office Branch in the southern part of the county. At the age of twenty-five he married Miss Lucinda Purnell and to them four boys were born, all of whom survive him. Mr. Dudley had lived the life of a consistent christian, having been an ardent member of the Baptist church for many years. -Denton County News, Nov. 17, 1892, p.2, c.5. DUDLEY, W. R. Cemetery Hill Cemetery Hill Feb. 25, 1897 We are sorry to chronicle the death of W. R. dudley of this neighborhood who died Thursday, February 25, 1897 with heart trouble. He was quite old and had lived in this neighborhood for nearly forty years. He was a useful citizen and good neighbor. He was buried at Cemetery Hill Friday at 11 a.m. in the prescence of a very large crowd of friends and relatives. He leaves a wife, four daughters, one son, one brother and other relatives to mourn his death. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.5, c.1 CEMETERY HILL ITEMS. March 2, 1897. -W. R. Dudley died at his home Thursday morning, Feb. 25. Mr. Dudley had been a resident of this vicinity for over forty years, and was well and favorably known all over Denton county. In his death we lose an honorable and useful citizen. The burial at Cemetery Hill on Friday was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Rev. R. B. Morgan conducted the funeral services. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.5, c.2. Page 84 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. George Coin and wife, of Lewisville, will reside with his sister, Mrs. W. R. Dudley, and take charge of the late Mr. Dudley's business. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.5, c.1. DUFF, Mr. Eagle Pass April of 1899 Eagle Pass, Tex., May 23. -About a month ago a stranger giving his name as duff was shot and killed at 9 o'clock at night on one of the main streets of this city. When last seen he was in company with two boys, also strangers. Sheriff Dow's vigilance has been rewarded, for yesterday afternoon he reached this city, having the two boys in charge. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.2, c.4. DUFFIE, T. E. DUGAN, Mrs. Laura IOOF Krum 26 yrs. Old Feb. 11, 1899 DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.5, c.5 Oct. 22, 1908 DCN Oct. 22, 1908, p.3, c.6 DUKE, John W. Feb. 1885 John W. Duke, a saloon keeper of Fort Worth, died on Sunday morning. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 7, 1885, p.6, c.1. DUKE, Sam S. DUNAVAN, Mrs. Eliza G. IOOF 82 yrs. Old April 23, 1904 DCN April 26, 1904, p.1, c.7 DCN April 29, 1904, p.4, c.2 Oct. 28, 1896 DCN Nov. 5, 1896, p.8, c.3 DUNBAR, Mrs. Bertha Denton ca. 25 yrs. Old Aug. 17, 1898 DCN Aug. 18, 1898, p.8, c.1 MORTUARY. DUNBAR-Denton, Tex., -Aug. 18. - Mrs. Bertha Dunbar died suddenly on West Hickory street last night, aged about 25 years. The deceased had relatives in Leon, who were telegraphed in regard to the disposition of the remains, but they have not yet been heard from. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 19, 1898, p.10. DUNBAR, W. P. Denton City Aug. 20, 1895 MR. W. P. DUNBAR DIES OF HEART FAILURE. Mr. W. P. Dunbar, aged 67 years, a well known and highly respected citizen of Denton, was found dead in bed at his home this city Thursday morning of last week. Deceased had been complaining during the summer from a hurting in his chest though he had kept at work in his shoe shop during the whole time and in fact worked there the day before his death, consequently his sudden demise from heart failure was a sad shock to all. Deceased had lived in Denton the past twelve years and none could number more friends among their acquaintances, proportionately, than he. He was a true friend, kind husband and father, and zealous christian, having been a member of the Christian church for many years. His funeral was conducted by Eld. F. G. Roberts at the grave in the city cemetery at 6:30 p.m., Thursday. To the wife and children who survive the deceased the profound sympathy of the people of Denton is extended. -Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.1, c.5. DUNCAN, son of Mr. R. H. Denton young Page 85 Oct. 10, 1885 DMN Oct. 12, 1885, p.2 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DUNHAM, H. Argyle July 26, 1897 FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. A Thresher Engine Explodes in Denton County With Fatal Results. The boiler of Horton Bros' thresher engine exploded while at work on a farm several miles southwest of Argyle Monday morning, and killed the engineer, who was at the time feeding the seperator. Mr. H. Dunham, a citizen of the community, was so badly injured by the explosion that he died within a few hours. Others badly injured were, Will Keith, arm broken and scalded; Mr. Botts, ankle crushed; Mr. Krumbaugh, leg broken in four places. Several others whose names we did not get, were scalded and bruised, though not seriously, it is hoped. -Denton County News, July 29, 1897, p.1, c.5. ROANOKE ITEMS. ROANOKE, July 27. -A serious accident occurred three miles northwest of town Monday morning about 9 o'clock at Mr. Horton's threshing machine. The boiler exploded killing two persons instantly and four are badly wounded. Those who were killed are Jack Brady, of Hill county and H. Dunham, who resides near Argyle. The wounded are two Mr. Hortons, Will Keith and another whose name could not be learned. The head of the boiler was blown out, tearing the separator all to pieces. The engine was turned upside down and torn apart. The latest reports are that two of the wounded will die. Several others are wounded but not seriously. -Denton County News, July 29, 1897, p.8, c.1. DUNHAM, J. M. 45 yrs. old Oct. 9, 1900 DMN Oct. 11, 1900, p.7 DUNHAM, Mr. Roanoke Oct. 9, 1892 ROANOKE RIPPLES. Roanoke, Tex., Oct. 11. -Our friend Mr. Dunbar died Saturday morning at 5 o'clock, living two weeks in continual pain; he leaves a mother, brother, sister and a host of friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, Oct. 13, 1892, p.2, c.3. DUNN, child of Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DUNN, dau. Of E. F. ne of Denton 4 yrs. old April 11, 1908 DRC April 16, 1908, p.4, c.4 Jan. 14, 1905 DMN Jan. 17, 1905, p.4 DUNN, Lew near Crafton April of 1884 On last Tuesday afternoon, Lew Dunn of the vicinity of Crafton, while stooping in a crib door to reach some ears of corn dropped a loaded revolver, one barrel of which was discharged, the deadly missile taking effect in his breast. He died about sundown the same evening. He and several others had been arrested and were held under bond charged with complicity in the Smith shooting scrape a few days before. -Alvord Messenger, April 11, 1884, p.3, c.2. DURBIN, Mrs. Warren Lewisville 67 yrs. Old June of 1907 DMN June 12, 1907, p.13 DURHAM, A. R. (Rufe) w of Denton 59 yrs. Old April 12, 1903 DMN April 17, 1903, p.7 infant Oct. 22, 1908 DRC Oct. 22, 1908, p.3, c.4 DURHAM, child of Mrs. & Mrs. George Aiken DURHAM, James Jones school house Page 86 Feb. of 1884 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Local News. James Durham was buried at the Jones school house on last Sunday. He leaves a wife and child to mourn his departure. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.3, c.1 DURHAM, Mrs. Georgia A. 59 yrs. old Nov. 30, 1903 MORTUARY. DURHAM -Denton, Tex., Dec. 1. - Mrs. Georgia A. Durham, relict of the late A. R. Durham, a prominent resident of this city, died yesterday, aged 59 years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Willis. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 6, 1903, p.5. DURHAM, Mrs. J. W. Denton IOOF 27 yrs. Old Feb. 18, 1893 DIED-at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. E. Black, in Denton Saturday, Mrs. Durham, wife of Mr. J. W. Durham. Deceased was twenty-seven years old, and leaves a husband four small children who will keenly feel the loss of her loving care through this life. Her remains were buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday at 3 p.m., the last sad rites being conducted by Rev. Dupont of the Baptist church. Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1893, p.3, c.6. DYCHE, Dollie Aubrey Ballew? Feb. 16, 1904 RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Pupils of the Intermediate Department of the Aubrey schools (?) on Death of Dollie Dyche. -Aubrey, Texas, Feb. 22, 1904. -As it has pleased God in his divine wisdom to remove from our midst our beloved pupil and fellow worker, Dollie Dyche, we, the teacher and pupils of the intermediate department of the Aubrey school do hereby adopt the following resolutions of respect. Her willing compliance with the duties and requirements of school life, and her bright, cheerful disposition made her a favorite with both teachers and pupils. We shall sadly miss her from our classes. But her Christian life insures us that she is waiting for the other members of her grade in the bright beyond... (Signed) Maggie Howe, Lucy Stogner, Teachers, and pupils of intermediate department, Aubrey school. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.4, c.4. DEATH AT AUBREY. Miss Dollie Dyche Died Last Tuesday Night of Scarlet Fever - Other News Items. -Miss Dollie Dyche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dyche died Tuesday night at her home here. The cause of her death was scarlet fever. She was buried Wednesday at Ballew (sp?) county. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.10, c.4. EADS, Capt. James Roanoke IOOF 61 yrs. old Sept. 11, 1894 County Treasurer Eads Dead. Capt. James Eads, for the past four years treasurer of Denton county and for forty-six years, a resident of the same, passed quietly from this life to the great beyond at 6 o'clock Saturday morning. Deceased had been in bad health for two or three years and for several weeks had not been able to attend to the business of his office, but it was not thought that he was in danger of immediate death, and when the announcement was made it was a shock to the entire city. >Mrs. Eads (nee Haynes), a son and four daughters survive him. Rev. D. C. DeWitt of the C. P. church, of which Capt. Eads has long been a consistent member, preached the funeral services at the tabernacle at 3 p.m. Sunday, after which the remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery. As evidence of the high esteem in which Capt. Eads was held hundreds of friends attended the last respectful rights that could be paid him. -Denton County News, Sept. 6, 1894, p.8, c.2. Page 87 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. CAPT. JAMES EADS. Denton, Tex., Sept. 1.-Capt. James Eads, county treasurer of Denton county, and an old Texan, died this morning. He was 61 years of age, was a Missourian by birth and came to this county forty-six years ago, and settled in the southern portion of the county near what is now known as Roanoke. In 1852 he removed to the county seat, which place was then Alton, and remained there until 1857, when Denton was made the county seat he removed here and was engaged as a clerk in a dry goods house, and shortly afterward embarked in business here for himself and afterward removed to Elizabeth in the southern corner of the county, and there was a merchant for several years, from which place he removed back to Roanoke and there was a merchant. His health failing him, he disposed of his business and went to California in 1887, but came back the following year. He served as county commissioner one term ten years ago. In 1890, he was elected county treasurer; was re-elected in 1892, and in the recent primaries was declared the nominee of the democratic party for re-election. He was married in 1871 to Miss Alice Haynes, the daughter of Rev. John Haynes. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 2, 1894, p.12. EARLY, dau. Of B. F. near Waketon 17 yrs. Old Feb. of 1900 FOUND DEAD IN A TANK. Denton, Tex., Feb. 22. -The body of the 17-year-old daughter of B. F. Early was found drowned in a tank near her father's house near Waketon, fourteen miles southeast of here, yesterday afternoon. She disappeared from home and her long absence alarmed her family, when the search was instituted, with the above result. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 23, 1900, p.3. A GIRL SUICIDED. Denton, Texas. February 22. -The 17-year-old daughter of B. F. Early, a well known farmer living near Waketon, in this county, committed suicide by drowning herself in a tank on her father's place. No cause is assigned for the rash act and nothing is known of it until her prolonged absence caused a search to be instituted. The tank was very shallow. -Fort Worthy Daily Gazette, Feb. 23, 1900, p.3. "EASLEY" Paradise 70 yrs. Old April 28, 1883 A Texas Veteran by the name of Easley died at the residence of Dr. M. W. Matthews, in Paradise, on last Saturday morning. He was 70 years old. He was taken sick about one week previous to his death and stopped with Elder Matthews, who was an old acquaintance, as he was journeying in a wagon with two daughters to Thorp Springs to see a son. He lived latterly somewhere on the Red river. -Wise County Messenger, May 4, 1883, p.5, c.3. EASLEY, Singleton L. Atlanta, GA Dallas 25 yrs. Old Oct. 7, 1903 DR&C Oct. 9, 1903, p.1, c.7 * EASTERLING, Rev. W. F. Montague IOOF Jan. 17, 1895 Rev. Easterling Dead. Rev. W. F. Easterling, the immediate predecessor of Rev. Pierce as the pastor of the Denton M. E. church south, died at his home in Montague last Thursday, and his remains were brought to Denton on the 1 p.m. train Friday. The funeral services were conducted at the church by Rev. Powers of Dallas, and the interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Rev. Easterling was an able preacher, standing high in the estimation of his denomination, and was much liked by those whom he served as pastor. A wife and two children survive him. -Denton County News, Jan.24, 1895, p.9, c.4. MORTUARY. AN AGED MINISTER. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Jan. 18. -Rev. W. F. Easterling, the aged minister who died at Montague, Tex., Wednesday, was buried here to-day. He had been a preacher thirty-six years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 20, 1895, p.10. EATON, George S. Fort Worth Aug. of 1884 Page 88 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Geo. S. Eaton, of the Fort Worth Murphy-Eaton case, died last week in that city of typhoid fever. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 29, 1884, p.4, c.2. ECHOLS, Tom Bolivar 23 yrs. Old EDDINS, Tom San Antonio -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.2 Oct. 17, 1897 Denton Co.Record Oct. 28, 1897, p.4, c.6 * March 9th, 1893 EDDLEMAN, Charley near Weatherford 10 yrs old Feb. of 1904 FOUR VICTIMS IN TWO DAYS. Weatherford: There is an epidemic of pneumonia and la grippe in this county, such as was never seen here before, Tuesday and Wednesday four deaths were reported - Mrs. Wiggins, aged 55, her son, Bill Wiggins, aged 30; Mrs. McCarty, an aged lady, all residing here, and Charley Eddleman, aged 10, son of James Eddleman, six miles south of town. In some families there are as many as three and four members ill. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.6. EDDLEMAN, Dr. Pilot Point 80 yrs. old Nov. 13, 1904 DIED AT PILOT POINT. Dr. Eddleman, an Old Resident is Dead at Pilot Point. >Dr. Eddleman, an old resident of his county died at his home in the town of Pilot Point last Sunday afternoon. Deceased came to Denton county at an early day, settling in Pilot Point, where he has long since resided. Rev. F. L. Young, pastor of the Pearl Street Church of Christ in this city conducted the funeral services. A large family of children survive the deceased. -Denton County News, Nov. 15, 1904, p.1, c.2 MORTUARY. EDDLEMAN-Denton, Tex., Nov., 14. -Dr. Eddleman of Pilot Point, aged 80 years, and for the past fifty-four years a resident of this county, died at his home yesterday afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 18, 1904, p.10 EDMISTON, Alf. near old Glasco 56 yrs old May of 1884 It is with great regret we chronicle the death of Alf. Edmiston, aged 56 years, who departed this life at the home of his only child, a daughter, near old Glasco, on last Sunday night. The beloved wife of the deceased died about one month ago. He was an honest and respected man, and his death is regretted by his neighbors. -Alvord Messenger, May 16, 1884, p.3, c.1. EDMUNDS, "Uncle Johnnie" near Argyle 75 yrs. old Dec. 20, 1904 MORTUARY. EDMUNDS -Denton, Tex., Dec. 21. -"Uncle Johnnie" Edmunds fell over dead while out in the yard picking up chips at his home near Argyle yesterday. Heart failure was the cause of death. He was 75 years old. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 1904, p.13. EDWARDS, Elizabeth Cunningham (Mrs. James R.) EDWARDS, Frank P. IOOF Slidell Page 89 54 yrs. Old Sept. 23, 1908 DRC Oct. 1, 1908, p.3, c.2, 4 41 yrs. Old Feb. 16, 1900 DCRC Feb. 22, 1900, p.3, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION EDWARDS, Henry Pilot Point 16 yrs. Old May 8, 1895 ACCIDENTALLY SHOT AT PILOT POINT. -It was reported in Denton yesterday afternoon that a young man by the name of Edwards died in Pilot Point at 9 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) morning from the effects of an accidental gun shot he received Tuesday afternoon. It seems that he and some other young men had started on a hunting expedition in a wagon and that the hammer of a small Winchester was caught on something and the gun discharged with the above fatal result. Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.1, c.4. PILOT POINT ITEMS. -The funeral of Henry Edwards, who died from the accidental shot he received while going hunting Tuesday, took place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. W. F. Cunningham conducting the services at which there was a large attendance. Henry was 16 years old last December. -Denton County News, May 16, 1895, p.3, c.3. EDWARDS, Lem Lem Edwards murdered in 1879 by son-in-law…. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 16, 1883, p.5, c.4 in 1879 EDWARDS, Lizzie March 12, 1881 Decatur Tribune items of last week: Little Lizzie Edwards the beloved daughter of Judge A. Edwards died on the 12th inst. of scarlet fever. -Paradise Messenger, March 25, 1881, p.2, c.2. EDWARDS, Mr. Long Prairie? Dec. of 1868 *EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY+ December 12th, 1868 …Near the same place (Long Prairie, near Denton creek), a billet of wood fell upon the head of a Mr. Edwards while working in a well, instantly killing him. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.1, c.3. EDWARDS, Mr. Pilot Point May 8, 1895 ACCIDENTALLY SHOT AT PILOT POINT. It was reported in Denton yesterday afternoon that a young man by the name of Edwards died in Pilot Point at 9 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) morning from the effects of an accidental gun shot he received Tuesday afternoon. It seems that he and some other young men had started on a hunting expedition in a wagon and that the hammer of a small Winchester was caught on something and the gun discharged with the above fatal result. Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.1, c.3. EDWARDS, Mrs. IOOF Feb. 5, 1899 DCN Feb. 9, 1899, p.4, c.2 EDWARDS, Mrs. W. A. south of Denton 50 yrs. Old Feb. 5, 1899 MORTUARY. EDWARDS-Denton, Tex., Feb. 6. -Mrs. W. A. Edwards, wife of a farmer living four miles south of town, died Sunday after a lingering illness, aged 50 years. She was an old settler of Denton county. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 7, 1899, p.6 EDWARDS, W. A. south of Denton 63 yrs. Old Dec. 19, 1901 MORTUARY. EDWARDS-Denton, Tex., Dec. 20. -W. A. Edwards, an old settler and well-known citizen living southeast of the city, died last night, aged 63 years. Dallas Morning News, Dec. 21, 1901, p.2 Page 90 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION EGAN, Armie B. IOOF 22 yrs. Old April 11, 1876 April 12, 1876 (scrapbook) DEPARTED. Armie B. Egan, aged 22 years, and brother of the Sheriff of the county, departed this life on Tuesday night last, the 11th of April, 1876, and was buried at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery on Wednesday evening. A long funeral cortege followed the remains to their last resting place. The services at the tomb were conducted by Rev. J. C. Smith who was assisted by Rev. W. S. May. The scene at the grave, especially as the aged parents and other relatives took their last leave of the deceased, was painfully solemn indeed, and all the assembly seemed sadly affected. The tears and sobs of grief as the corpse descended into the grave, and the chilling thud of the clods upon the coffin were productive of such mental pain that the spectators began to began to disperse in their unwillingness to longer endure the anguish of the sad scene. >Armie was a fine-looking and promising young man; always affable, generous and kind, and never out of humor. His death, at the threshold of manhood, is a grave loss, and we mingle our tears with those of the sorrowing family. -Scrapbook, paper unknown, April 12, 1876. EGAN, Mrs. Nancy IOOF 82 yrs. Old July 24, 1898 MRS. NANCY EGAN'S DEATH. Monday morning, Mrs. Nancy A. Egan was sitting in a chair at her home with her son, G. B. Egan, five miles west of Denton and about 9 o'clock one of the family addressed her and receiving no answer went to her and found that, while sitting there, she had quietly died. Mrs. Egan was 82 years, 8 months, and 11 days old. The body was interred in the family lot in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, Rev. Ligon conducting the services at the grave. Her death closed the life of one of Denton county's oldest settlers, she and her husband having settled on that place in 1859. This was just two years after the city of Denton was laid out. She leaves seven children surviving her, three of whom are in California, one in Missouri and three to this county. Mrs. Egan's life was one of loving devotion to her children and friends and she will be sadly missed from her place in the family. She was a member of the Christian church and through her life in word and deed exemplified her profession to Christianity. She is not dead but only called to awaken into a life of now usefuleness beyond the tomb. Denton County News, July 28, 1898, p.4, c.3. ELDER, Frank P. ELDRIDGE, Mrs. M. M. Stony ELLIOTT, Gus Denton 29 yrs. Old Nov. 7, 1904 DCN Nov. 8, 1904, p.5, c.2 July 20, 1908 DRC July 23, 1908, p.1, c.2 Aug. 8, 1892 DCN Aug. 11, 1892, p.3, c.3 ELLIOTT, Ilus Denton Gainesville 29 yrs. Old Aug. 1892 Ilus Elliott Dead. Ilus Elliott, a nephew of Mrs. Dr. Inge, died at 11 o'clock Monday night of hemorhage of the lungs at Dr. Inge's residence in Denton. Mr. Elliott had been a consumptive for a number of years and his death was not unexpected. He was about 29 years old, was a quiet unpretentious, and well-liked young man well known to the people of Denton, and had many friends and few enemies among them. His remains were sent to Gainesville on the 2:18 train Monday for interment at that place by the side of his mother. He was an only child. -Denton County News, Aug. 25, 1892 ELLIOTT, Mrs. C. Pilot Point sometime in 1892 Two Burials. Pilot Point, Denton Co., Tex., Oct. 22. - The remains of Mrs. C. Elliott of Henrietta will be interred near this place to-day. Remains expected in on the 11 o'clock train. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 24, 1892, p.4, c.5 Page 91 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION ELLIS, Mrs. Lewisville Dec. 31, 1902 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. ELLIS-Greenville, Tex., Jan. 1.-Relatives here received news of the death of Mrs. Ellis, which occurred at Lewisville, Denton County, yesterday morning. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 2, 1903, p.8 ELMORE, Dr. Alexander Marion Dallas Pilot Point Aug. 20, 1837 June 20, 1908 DMN June 21, 1908, p.38 DEATH OF DR. A. M. ELMORE. Prominent Texan and Veteran Confederate Surgeon Reaches End of Useful Life. >Ripe in years, rounded in character, large in experience and broad in his love of his fellow men, Dr. Alexander Marion Elmore passed quietly away early yesterday morning at his home on Thomas avenue. At the time there were by his bedside his wife and his six living children. News of his death brought expressions of sorrow from hundreds of friends in this city and at Pilot Point, and from the State in which his childhood was passed. >Missouri was his native State and he was born in the eastern part of the State of Aug. 20, 1837. His early education was obtained in the town of his birth. At the age of fifteen he came with his father and mother to Texas and helped them to build their home on Red River near the present town of Gainesville. At that time it was a wild frontier place and the opportunities for even a young man to obtain an education were measured by his efforts and determination. >Early in life he determined to become a physician, and being of studious inclination he read at home many of the medical books. Gifted with strong mental powers he understood readily and his memory was always wonderfully retentive. He was well qualifed later to enter a class under the tutorship of Dr. McKenzie of Paris, Tex., whose reputation as an educator was large. Finishing the course at Paris, a short course brought a diploma in medicine from the St. Louis College of Medicine. >For some years he practiced. When the Civil War began he enlisted promptly in the Confederate Army and was assigned at once to the hospital corps of physicians and surgeons. His skill in caring for the sick and wounded of the Confederacy won him great renown. After the war, with his fortunes ruined he began anew the practice of medicine. >On Jan. 1, 1862, ELMORE, Mr. J. F. Pilot Point 70 yrs. Old April 26, 1901 MORTUARY. ELMORE - Pilot Point, Tex., April 27. -Mr. J. F. Elmore, one of the pioneer settlers, died yesterday at his home in this city, aged 70 years. -Dallas Morning News, April 30, 1901, p.7. ELSASSOR, Kate Sanger Sanger Oct. 28, 1903 DCN Nov. 5, 1903, p.1, c.4 ELSEA, Emma Roanoke 12 yrs. Old Nov. 1894 Emma, the little 12-year-old daughter of Mr. M. V. Elsea, living near Roanoke, died last week of slow fever. The truly bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends in their sad loss. -Denton County News, Nov. 29, 1894, p.4, c.3 ELSWORTH, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Denton City infant Feb. 16,1895 The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth, residing in East Denton, died of brain trouble last Saturday and was buried Sunday at the city cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 21, 1895, p.8, c.2. EMBRY, Bettie Sept. 25, 1883 Bettie, a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Embry, residents of Decatur, died on the 25th of last month. Our sympathies extend to the bereaved parents, for indeed "a light has gone out in their household." -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 5, 1883, p.3, c.1. Page 92 NAME LOCATION EMBRY, Mrs. Dr. Chico CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Sept/Oct of 1884 Chico, Texas., Oct. 1st., 1884. Dear Editor: I arrived here on Sunday night, and find very kind hospitable people around Chico! I was called home yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dr. Embry, who died on last Sunday at 12 o'clock. She is the last save one little girl, of the Embry family at Paradise. The bereaved relatives have our sympathy. BFH. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 11, 1884, p.1, c.2. The personal property of the Embry estate was sold last Saturday at a fair price. J. C. Phillips bought the cattle at $15.05 per head. J. Ferguson purchased the most of the corn. D. Shean took in the hogs and the spoons. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 31, 1884, p.4, c.2. EMORY, dau. Of John Pilot Point 4 yrs. Old July 1, 1908 ERVIN, J. C. near Newport March 13, 1884 J. C. Ervin, long a resident of Chico, died near Newport on the 13th inst. His remains were brought to Chico and interred. -Alvord Messenger, March 28, 1884, p.3, c.2. ERWIN, Albert Jr. April 8, 1905 ERWIN, Don Pilot Point -Denton County News, Nov. 19, 1896, p.2, c.1 17 months R&C April 10, 1905, p.1, c.3 * Nov. 13, 1896 ERWIN, Jonathan W. March 1, 1834 Nov. 23, 1895 RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. …Bro. Erwin was born in Murray county, Tenn., March 1st, 1834, and came to Texas in 1854 and settled in Dallas county, and after living there a few years moved to Collin county where he lived several years, them moved to Denton county, settling near Little Elm, where he spent half his life, loved and respected by all who knew him. He married Miss Elizabeth Dudley in august, 1860, and to them were born seven children of whom four are still living. Bro. Erwin was a consistent church member, living a Christian's life in the fullest sense of the word.... - Denton County News, Dec. 19, 1895, p.4, c.2 Resolutions of Respect ….Comrade Johnathan W. Erwin was born March 1st, 1834, in Murray county, Tenn. He came to Texas in 1854. He and William and Joseph Kindrick - all young men - left their homes in Tennessee on horseback to seek their fortunes in the Southwest. The Kindricks stopped in Caddo parish, La. Johnathan W. Erwin came on to Texas and stopped in Upshur county, where he remained two years engaged in farming ... Shortly after the war J. W. Erwin removed to Denton county and purchased the land where he resided at the time of his death. He was always a good and fairly prosperous farmer, liking and taking great pride in his occupation. He leaves a wife and four children surviving him; to-wit: Mrs. Elizabeth Erwin, who resides on the homestead near Little Elm; Albert Erwin, editor of the DENTON COUNTY NEWS, 26 years of age and married; Lemuel L. Erwin, aged 20, resides at home with his mother; Robert A., aged 17, and J. Field Erwin, aged 14, both of whom live with their mother. ...Denton County News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.3, c.3. ERWIN, John W. Little Elm Littl Elm Nov. 29, 1895 Page 93 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION -DEATH NOTICE. -Mr. John W. Erwin, the father of the editor of this paper, died suddenly at his home near Little Elm last Friday night of heart disease. Deceased came to Texas from Tennessee in 1854, and has resided continuosly in this state since, passing the last thirty years of his life on his home place near Little Elm. He was a Confederate soldier in the war between the states, a member of Co. D, 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers, and served till the close of the war. He was buried Sunday at Little Elm cemetery. Religious services were conducted at the residence of Elds. Clark and Roberts of the Christian church of which he had long been a member, after which the remains were taken charge of by the Odd Fellows and interred according to the rites of that institution. The darkest hours passed and greates losses sustained by a child in this life is that of an indulgent, loving parent whose daily walk and conduct has ever been an exemplification of uprightness, integrity and sterling worth, and the loss can only be realized when personally experienced. -Denton County News, Dec. 5, 1895, p.3, c.2 ERWIN, Mrs. Lewis Jan. of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. The wife of Lewis Erwin was buried on last Sunday evening. An infant child of the same was consigned to the grave a few days previous. Paradise Messenger, Feb. 4, 1881, p.3, c.2. ESTILL, Mrs. Fannie Grapevine 83 yrs. Old April of 1908 Dies at 83 Years - Mrs. Fannie Estill of Grapevine is Dead - Special to the Telegram Grapevine, Texas, April 6. - Mrs. Fannie Estill died here. She was 83 years old and mother of Charles Estill, a prominent business man of this place. The Fort Worth Telegram, April 6, 1908, p.7 ETTER, Emma Walnut creek May 18, 1881 DIED: On Walnut creek on the 18th of the present month, Emma Etter who had suffered for near two years with scrofula on the side of her neck. Miss Etter had just entered the ago of womanhood and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. -Paradise Messenger, May 27, 1881, p.3, c.3. Correspondence. Walnut creek, May 3. - Miss Emma Etter, who has been sick so long died last Monday. -Paradise Messenger, June 3, 1881, p.2, c.4. ETTER, Nelson Denton creek Feb. 17, 1884 Dispatches. Denton, Feb. 18. - An officer went last night to the home of Nelson Etter, colored, on Denton creek, about sixteen miles west of this place, to arrest his two sons, charged with breaking open a house and cutting wire fences. The resisted arrest and Nelson, the father of the boys was killed. Young Nelson was arrested and is now in jail. The other made his escape. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.3, c.3. EUBANKS, Mr. Denton 64 yrs. Old July 14, 1898 DMN July 16, 1898, p.3 MORTUARY. EUBANKS -Denton, Tex., July 15. -A gentleman named Eubanks, living on South Elm street, died at his home last night, aged 64 years. -Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1898, p.3 EVANS, J. T. sw of Denton Graham July 24, 1894 Page 94 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MR. J. T. EVANS DEAD. -On Tuesday of last week Mr. J. T. Evans died at his home four miles southwest of Detnon after a two weeks' illness. Mr. Evans had long been a citizen of Denton county and was one of her best and most popular residents. Nine children survive the deceased, one of whom is Mrs. W. F. Jarrell. His remains were interred in the Graham graveyard near Argyle, Wednesday afternoon. -Denton County News, Aug. 2, 1894, p.5, c.2 EVANS, Mrs. East Mound Jan. of 1883 Mrs. Evans, the wife of Mr. Evans, lately from Tarrant county, was buried at the East Mound last week. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 2, 1883, p.5, c.2. EVANS, Mrs. E. J. Pilot Point 62 yrs. Old Mar. 19, 1899 MORTUARY. EVANS.-Pilot Point, Tex., March 20. -Mrs. E. J. Evans, an old citizen of this place, died at her home yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, March 21, 1899, p. 8. EVANS, Mrs. Grace Pilot Point 29 yrs. Old March of 1898 DMN Mar. 27, 1898, p.22 EVANS, Mrs. Jess near Lloyd Nov. 21, 1904 MORTUARY. EVANS -Denton, Tex., Nov. 21. -Mrs. Jess Evans died this morning at her home near Lloyd, this county. Blood poisoning was the cause of death. Dallas Morning News, Nov. 24, 1904, p.3. EVANS, Mrs. John T. Denton Graham 62 yrs. Old EVERETT, Mrs. B. A. w of Denton Jackson school house cemetery July 11, 1898 DMN July 14, 1898, p.4 July 14, 1892 DIED-Mrs. Everett, wife of B. A. Everett living seven miles west of Denton, died at her residence, of blood poisoning Thursday night. Her one week-old baby, seven other children and husband are left to mourn her sad loss. The burial services were conducted by Rev. S. G. Christal and her remains were buried in Jackson school house cemetery at 3 p.m. Friday. The bereaved family have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community. -Denton County News, July 20, 1892, p.3, c.2. EWAN, John City -Denton County News, March 5, 1903, p.8, c.5 64 yrs. Old Feb. 26, 1903 EWELL, child of Mrs. Denton City infant Jan. 11, 1903 EWING, Ruby Jane (?) Denton IOOF 4 yrs. Old Feb. 1, 1903 Page 95 D. C. Record Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Ruby Jane, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ewing, died at the family residence on North Locust street last Sunday morning after an illness of several weeks, aged 4 years, four months, and twenty days. The funeral services were held Monday evening at 3:30 o'clock at the family residence conducted by Dr. N. C. Latimore, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The News together with many friends of the family, extend condolences in this sad loss and wish for a happy reunion in the world to come. -Denton County News, Feb. 5, 1903, p.1, c.4. EWTON, Mr. n or Weatherford July of 1884 Weatherford, August 2. -Last Tuesday a man named Ewton, who lives three miles north of Weatherford, committed suicide by stabbing himself in the throat with a butcher knife. The cause is not known. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his untimely end. While his family was attending his funeral their house was robbed, together with other houses in the neighborhood. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.8, c.1. EYTHE, Prof. L. Denton Oct. 29, 1906 EZEL, Mrs. R. H. Aubrey -Denton County News, Aug. 26, 1904, p.8, c.3 Aug. 25, 1904 DMN Oct. 30, 1906, p.2 FAGAN, F. A. Garza 60 yrs. Old July 9, 1895 SUICIDED BY HANGING. -Mr. R. T. Fagan, a farmer sixty years old, committed suicide by hanging, a mile north of Garza Tuesday of last week. He at breakfast at 6 o'clock and immediately afterwards left home carrying a rope. Not returning when his family thought he should they instituted search and found his body, with life extinct, hanging from a tree in the woods a quarter of a mile from home. 'Squire Terry, of Lewisville, held an inquest over the body, which developed the facts as above stated. -Denton County News, July 18, 1895, p.5, c.2. FAIN, J. A. Denton Gribble Springs 62? Yrs old Feb. 17, 1904 J. A. FAIN DEAD. An Old and Highly Respected Citizen Died Yesterday - Funeral Will Be Held Today. -J. A. Fain, Sr., died at his home on Bernard street in this city yesterday afternoon after an illness from lagrippe lasting for some time, coupled with heart paralysis. Mr. Fain was an old resident of this county and was 62 (text hard to read) years old at the time of his death. He leaves several children. The funeral services will be held today at 10 o'clock and the interment will be at the Gribble Spring cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.1, c.1. FAIN, J. A. Coleman Mar. 26, 1908 DRC Mar. 26, 1908, p.6, c.5 FAIRFAX, Major in 1884 The death of Major Fairfax caused a general feeling of regret to prevade the community yesterday. He was an old resident of Fort Worth and was the original proprietor of the hotel now called the Pickwick. He went with John Turner to Mexico and engaged in mining. His health gradually failed however the seeds of consumption having taken stronghold of him, and he came from recently to die. [Gazette] -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.2, c.2 Page 96 NAME FANGMAN, Mr. LOCATION Pilot Point FANNING, John Roanoke FARGUSON, Mrs. S. A. Lewisville CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE Oct. 29, 1843 DATE OF DEATH March 7, 1907 CITATION DMN Mar. 8, 1907, p.8 Nov. 5, 1901 DMN Nov. 7, 1901, p.5 August 1892 CHR Aug. 13, 1892, p.5, c.2 *DMN Oct. 28, 1906, p.9 The funeral of Mrs. S. A. Farguson, whose death was chronicled in our last issue, took place Saturday morning at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. The remains were brought up the night before by train from Lewisville, Mrs. Farguson having died at the residence of her brother, ex-Sheriff Sparks, near that town. >At the grave Rev. W. F. Easterling preached the funeral discourse. Mrs. Farguson was born in McNaire county Tenn., Oct. 29, 1843, and was married in 1871 to Mr. Farguson. Of the union two children were born, but both died in infancy. Mrs. Farguson had lived in Denton county for sixteen years. -The Chronicle, Aug. 13, 1892, p.5, c.2. FARINGTON, O. C. near Rector 24 yrs. Old July of 1898 MORTUARY. FARINGTON-Denton, Tex., July 15. -O. C. Farington, a well known member of a prominent family in the eastern part of Denton county, died at his home near Rector this week, aged 24 years. -Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1898, p.3 FARRIS, A. Mae (Mrs. C. E.) Denton IOOF 25 yrs. Old Mar. 21, 1904 DCN Mar. 24, 1904, p.10, c.4 MORTUARY. FARRIS - Denton, Tex., March 21. - Mrs. A. Mae Farris of Fort Worth, died here this morning, aged 25 years, of consumption. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Harris of this city. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. FARRIS, Frank St. Paul, MN Denton July 12, 1908 DRC July 16, 1908, p.3, c.1 DRC July 23, 1908, p.3, c.2 DMN July 14, 1908, p.13 FARRIS, Mrs. W. G. Krum 45 yrs. old Mar. 23, 1899 MRS. G. W. FARRIS DEAD. -After an illness extending through nearly two years Mrs. G. W. Farris died at her home near this city last Thursday afternoon and was buried at Krum cemetery on Friday afternoon, Rev. T. F. Charlton, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of this city, of which church Mrs. Farris died at her home near this city last Thursday afternoon and was buried at Krum cemetery on Friday afternoon, Rev. T. F. Charlton, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of this city, of which church Mrs. Farris was a member, conducting the services. Mrs. Farris had been sick many months and throughout her entire illness showed her christian character to have been of the strongest. She leaves her husband and four children besides her many friends who will miss her and cherish her memory. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.1, c.1. Mrs. W. G. Farris Dead. Mrs. W. G. Farris, the wife of a well known farmer living six miles northwest of Krum, died last Thursday night, aged about 35 years. Death was caused by consumption. Mrs. Farris had been sick for months and had just returned from a six months trip with her husband to Mexico for the benefit of her health. Seeing the end approaching, Mr. Farris brought her home. The interment took place at Krum cemetery. Rev. F. J. Charlton of Denton officiating at the services. -Record and Chronicle, March 30, 1899, p.5, c.1. Page 97 NAME LOCATION FARRIS, W. N. Mingo CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Nov. 15, 1908 CITATION DCN Nov. 19, 1908, p.1, c.3 FARRIS, W. P. Elida, NM Dec. 1903 FROM KRUM. -Farris has returned from Elida, N.M. where he had been attending the bedside of his son, W. P. Farris, who died there some three weeks ago of consumption. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1904, p.1, c.6. FARRIS, Will WILL FARRIS KILLED. -Will Farris, who once lived at Roanoke, was killed for trying to escape from the penitentiary at Rusk Tuesday. Farris was sent to the FAY, Mrs. Paul Denton Feb. 6, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departeded Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Mrs. Paul Fay, Denton, February 6. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, March 7, 1886, p.12. FAY, PAUL City May 17, 1904 DCN May 20, 1904, p.1, c.5 FAZEL, dau. Of Mr. Denton, Tex., July 20. - A five-year-old girl of Mr. Fazel, living about three miles east of this city, died Saturday night from morphine administered by her mother through mistake, instead of quinine. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, July 21, 1885, p.5. FEASTER, child of Mr. & Mrs. John Garza infant FELLOWS, child of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bates Jan. of 1903 Sept. 25, 1901 D. Co. Recor Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * DCR Sept. 26, 1901, p.5, c.1 * FELLOWS, Harry Paris Nov. of 1898 Paris, Tex., May 20. -Jim Saunders, formerly a street car driver here, was found guilty of murder in the first degree and given a life sentence by the jury in the district court. He killed Harry Fellows in this city last November. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.2, c.6. FENDLEY, Mrs. Thos. Jan. of 1881 An Audubon correspondent to the Alvord Budget says, "We feel sad to chronicle the death of Mrs. Thos. Fendley, who died at her fathers, J. I. Miller's, home on last Sunday morning. She had been married scarecly twelve months. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 28, 1888, p.3, c.5. FERGUSON, John s of Denton Page 98 Jan. 2, 1888 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Denton, Texas, Jan. 2. -Mr. John Ferguson, a farmer living about fourteen miles south of this place was shot and killed last night while sitting by his own fireside with his family by an unknown part. The bloody assassin, under cover of darkness, deliberately walked up to his window and shot him through the window with a shotgun, six buckshot taking effect. The deed was committed at 8 o'clock last night and Mr. Ferguson died this morning at 3 o'clock. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 7, 1888, p.3, c.5. FERGUSON, Julia Hogg (Mrs. H. C.) IOOF 1839 Feb. 22, 1895 MRS. JULIA FERGUSON. >Mrs. Julia Ferguson, wife of Judge H. C. Ferguson, died at their home in this city at 5 o'clock Saturday morning of typhoid fever. Mrs. Ferguson, whose maiden name was Hogg, was born in Alabama in 1839 and with her parents moved to Texas in 1840 settling in Cherokee county. She was twice married, the first time to Dr. W. W. McDugald who died in 1871; and the second time to Judge H. C. Ferguson in December 1878. Of the final one child survives her, Mr. J. W. McDugald a practicing attorney of , and of the last, two children, Brownlee and Bismark Ferguson, aged respectfully 22 and 20 years. Besides her husband and three sons, two brothers and a sister survive deceased, viz. Hon. John Hogg of Decatur, Ex-Governor James S. Hogg of Austin and the sister, Mrs. M. F. Davis of San Marcas. mrs. Ferguson had an extensie acquaintance throughout this portion of Texas especially and she indeed had many friends who will mourn her death. Deceased had long been a member of the C. P. church and the funeral services were conducted at the home by her local pastor, Rev. L. A. Dunlap and the interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery where a large crowd assembled to pay the last respects to a departed but esteemed friend. Denton County News, Feb. 27, 1896, p.4, c.3 FERGUSON, John H. Stony 77 yrs. Old FERGUSON, Mrs. I. D. FERGUSON, Mr. S. Lewisville Flower Mound July 1, 1898 DCRC July 7, 1898, p.5, c.3 Mar. 20, 1857 Nov. 18, 1898 DCN Nov. 27, 1898, p.3, c.1 89 yrs. Old Dec. 14, 1904 DCN Dec. 27, 1904, p.2, c.3 FERGUSON, Mrs. S. A. (see also Farguson, Aug. 5, 1892 Mrs. S. A.) DIED - In Lewisville last Friday after a long illness, Mrs. S. A. Ferguson. Her remains were interred at Denton in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. While her many friends know that she is better off in escaping from her bed of misery, yet all regret to lose her from their midst, and to her bereaved relatives extend the warm hand of sympathy. Denton County News, Aug. 11, 1892, p.3, c.4 FINCH, W. Y. near Argyle 80 yrs. Old July 14, 1899 MORTUARY. FINCH-Denton, Tex., July 19. -W. Y. Finch, for the past twenty-five years a resident of this county, died near Argyle, south of here, Monday night, aged about 80 years. -Dallas Morning News, July 20, 1899, p.3 FINCHER, Ruth Prairie Mound FINLEY, Joseph Page 99 5 yrs. Old Nov. 26, 1898 21 yrs old Jan. 29, 1893 DCN Dec. 1, 1898, p.4, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Joseph Finley, 21-year-old son of W. H. Finley of Little Elm, died at his father's home Sunday afternoon. Deceased first contracted pneumonia and relapsed and took blood poison from which he died. -Denton County News, Feb. 2, 1893, p.3, c.1. FINLEY, Mrs. Lena B. Denton 23 years old May 21, 1900 MORTUARY. Special to the News. FINLEY-Denton, Tex., May 22. - Mrs. Lena B. Finley, a daughter of T. E. Taylor, a citizen of this place, died here yesterday afternoon, aged 23 years. Dallas Morning News, May 24, 1900, p.2 FINLEY, Louis Krum 32 yrs. Old Dec. of 1898 MORTUARY. FINLEY-Denton, Tex., Dec. 10. -Louis Finley died at Krum of consumption, aged 32 years. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 11, 1898, p.12. FISHER, Prather Bowie 22 months May 20, 1895 DIED-In Bowie, Montague county, on May 20th, of congestion, Prather, infant son of W. H. and Emma A. Fisher, aged 22 months and 5 days. -Denton County News, June 20, 1895, p.8, c.2. FISHER, Virginia Pilot Point 10 yrs. Old June 11, 1908 DRC June 18, 1908, p.4, c.3 FITZGERALD, Mrs. East Mound March of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. -Mrs. Fitzgerald an elderly lady who resided on Rush creek near the East Mound was buried one day on the first of this week. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.3, c.2. FITZWATER, Fannie Wise County? Dec. 1, 1880 DIED. ON THE 1ST DAY OF DEC. A. D. 1880, FANNIE FITZWATER. -Death has again visited the household circles of our community, and being no respector of persons: has taken from the old and the young, the loved presence of one of the purest and best of earth to transplant in the fields of Heaven. We tender our kindest sympathies and the sympathies of the community to the afflicted parents and little brothers and sisters of the departed one, remembering that their loss is her eternal gain. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.3, c.2. FLEISHMAN, Laura Carr (Mrs. W. H.) Hearne 40 yrs. Old Oct. 17, 1897 DCR Oct. 28, 1897, p.1, c.7 FLIPPEN, J. H. Henrietta Feb. 11, 1884 Henrieta, Feb. 11. - J. H. Flippen, one of our most esteemed citizens, attempted suicide this evening about one o'clock, by taking a very large dose of laudanum. Dr. Ferris was sent for, and could do nothing for him and he "is not expected to live through the night." Dissipation is supposed to be the cause. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.3, c.4. FLOWERS, Mrs. Mary near Pilot Point 75 yrs. old Page 100 April 13, 1894 DMN April 15, 1894, p.7 NAME FLOYD, Uncle Bob LOCATION near Lloyd CEMETERY Lloyd BIRTH DATE 66 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Sept. 3, 1899 CITATION DMN Sept. 5, 1899, p.9 FLOYD, Charlie 44 yrs old June 10, 1895 Charlie, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Floyd, died Monday and was buried Tuesday. -Denton County News, June 13, 1895, p.5, c.1. FLOYD, Helen A. Lewisville 55 yrs old Dec. 8, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Helen A. Floyd, Lewisville, Dec. 8, age 55, consumption. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. FLOYD, William Greenwood young man Sept. 1898 DMN Sept. 23, 1898, p.1 FLUTING, Mrs. Arlington April of 1883 At Arlington, this morning, when Henry Fluting and his wife were in their wagon driving two horses, the horses ran off. Mrs. Fluting was thrown out, and in falling struck a stump. She died in an hour. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.4, c.5. FLYNN, son of Mr. & Mrs. A. IOOF 18 months Sept. 9, 1908 DRC Sept. 10, 1908, p.3, c.7 FOLLES, George Bellew 25 yrs. Old Aug. 26, 1898 DCN Sept. 1, 1898, p.5, c.4 38 yrs. Old Aug. 6, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.3, c.4 FOLLOWELL, J. J. Krum FOLWKES, Addie Pilot Point 16 yrs old Feb. of 1884 PILOT POINT, February 15. -Miss Addie, the esteemed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Folwkes, died Monday morning after a nine days' illness of typhoid fever, aged 16 years. The funeral service on Tuesday was conducted by Dr. W. G. Conner. -Forth Worth Daily Gazette, Feb. 16, 1884, p.2. FORBES, Bob Rector FORBES, James T. FORD, Dr. J. T. Decatur 35 yrs. old May 14, 1899 DMN May 16, 1899, p.2 35 yrs. old Feb. 12, 1905 DMN Feb. 13, 1905, p.7 June 27, 1904 DCN July 5, 1904, p.1, c.6 FORD, son of Major J. B. Decatur 13 yrs. Old Feb. of 1884 A son of Major J. B. Ford, aged 13 years died at his home in Decatur last week. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.3, c.1. FOSTER, Mrs. Henry Roanoke Sept. 10, 1899 Page 101 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Death in Denton County. Denton, Tex., Sept. 11. - Three new cases of smallpox were reported to-day from the smallpox camp southeast of Argyle, and one death, Mrs. Henry Foster, on whom the disease first broke out, dying last night. Owing to the distance from this place no uneasiness is felt here. /Roanoke, Tex., Sept. 11. Mrs. Henry Foster, who has previously been reported as having smallpox died at her home, eight miles northeast of here this morning with that disease. Dallas Morning News, Sept. 12, 1899, p.3 FOSTER, son of Jack Long Prairie ca 12 yrs. Old Nov/Dec of 1868 [EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY] December 12, 1868. --A little boy, about twelve years of age, son of Jack Foster, of Long Prairie, near Lewisville, was thrown from a horse and instantly killed. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.1, c.2. FOUTS, child of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Trinity Mills Cemetery Hill infant June 14, 1895 CEMETERY HILL ITEMS. TRINITY MILLS, TEX., June 17. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fouts died Saturday and was buried at Cemetery Hill Sunday. -Denton County News, June 20, 1895, p.1, c.3. FOUTS, Mrs. A. J. IOOF Oct. 31, 1903 DCN Nov. 5, 1903, p.1, c.3 FOUTS, Mrs. Fred Cemetery Hill June 1895 News from the Southeast Corner. CEMETERY HILL, June 17. -We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. Fred Fouts. She was a good woman and liked by all. Mr. Fouts has the writer's deepest sympathy in his bereavement. "Verginny" -Denton County News, June 20, 1895, p.8, c.3. FOWLER, J. N. Denton Oct. 16, 1885 DMN Oct. 17, 1885, p.2 FOWLER, Mrs. Joe near Pella August of 1883 Mrs. Fowler, the wife of Joe Fowler living near Pella, was buried on Monday evening. -Alvord Messenger, August 31, 1883, p.3, c.1. FOWLKES, J. J. Dallas City Sept. 21, 1834 May 22, 1908 FOX, Mrs. T. D. Lloyd 59 yrs. Old Oct/Nov of 1904 FOX, Paul Denton ca 70 yrs. May 17, 1904 DRC June 4, 1908, p.5, c.3 DMN May 24, 1908, p.34 DMN Nov. 7, 1904, p.9 R&C May 17, 1904, p.1, c.5 * FOY, Dr. 1896/1897 Roanoke, Jan. 12. -Col. H. F. Foy, a former esteemed citizen of Roanoke, from Baird, spent Sunday in town. He was on his return from Dallas where he had been to attend the funeral of his oldest brother, Dr. Foy. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.5, c.1. Page 102 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION FRAMPTON, George Milam creek June of 1899 HUGHES CASE ON TRIAL. Attracting Considerable Attention - Time Spent on Selecting a Jury. -The case of State vs. Nathan Hughes charged with the murder of his partner, George Frampton in June, 1899, was called in the district court Monday. A motion for continuance by the defense was overruled and the task of getting a jury began. Monday and a part of tuesday were spent selecting the following jurors; N. P. Johnson, E. J. Witt, W. P. Green (Stony), H. S. Sexton, E. T. Broun, J. T. Tatum, J. T. Madewell, D. J. Bogdell, E. F. Neal, J. M. Solomon, S. A. Bailey, John Hayes. Several witnesses had been examined up to the last night, but the only material new evidence introduced by the state was that of chas. Roark, who swore he heard a man he believes was the prisoner say he would kill the ______ _______ old____ _____, referring to an old man witness had also seen, his description tallied with that of the man found murdered in Milam creek. There promises to be a hot legal fight. Hughes was sentenced once to 25 years, it will be recalled, but got a new trial on a writ of error. The case will probably continue through the week. -Denton County Record, Sept. 26, 1901, p.1 *** FRANCIS, James A. Rusk 70 yrs. Old March 25, 1881 Rusk, March 25. -Hon. James A. Franics, a venerable citizen of this county, aged seventy years, died to-day at his residence in this city. Mr. Francis was an industrious, well to-do farmer, and had many friends and no enemies. He served with distinction in the Sixth, Eighth and Tenth Legislatures of Texas. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.2, c.3. FRANKS, Mr. M. F. Denton IOOF Mar. 3, 1897 DIED-Mr. M. F. Franks died at his home in this city Wednesday of last week. The interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery Thursday afternoon. Rev. O. S. Thomas of the M. E. church, South conducted the religious services, and the Knights of Honor also conducted their funeral services, deceased being a member of both bodies. A wife and three children survive deceased, who was a kind husband and father, an upright citizen and a Christian gentleman. -Denton County News, March 11, 1897, p.8, c.2. FRANKS, Mrs. Denton Mar. 9, 1898 MORTUARY. FRANKS - Denton, Denton Co., Tex., March 10. - Mrs. Franks, living on Hickory street, died last night. -Dallas Morning News, March 11, 1898, p.6. FRASHER, Lee Argyle FRAZIER, Lee Shiloh 22 yrs. Old May 2, 1903 Shiloh 22 yrs. Old April 25, 1903 DCR&C, May 7, 1903, p.1, c.6 DCN May 7, 1903, p.1, c.5 FRAZIER, Ora Feb. of 1888 Ora Frazier, the cherished little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Frazier died at about noon on last Monday. She was a sweet child, and the household pet. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 25, 1888, p.3, c.3. FREED, Mrs. Will Lewisville FREEMAN, Cynthia R. near Argyle Feb. 26, 1908 IOOF Page 103 89 yrs. Old July 4, 1894 R & C Feb. 27, 1908, p.6, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION An Aged Lady's Death. -Mrs. Cynthia R. Freeman, mother of Mrs. Dr. Stewart, of Argyle, died at the latter's home Monday and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery in Denton Tuesday. Deceased was 89 years old and had long been a member of the Methodist church. Rev. Webster of Argyle conducted the funeral services. -Denton County News, July 5, 1894, p.8, c.4 Mrs. Freeman. Denton, Tex., July 4.-Mrs. Freeman, mother of Dr. D. M. Stewart, who resides near Argyle, in this county, died. Her age was 89. -Dallas Morning News, July 6, 1894, p.3. FREEMAN, Ella near Argyle May 1, 1902 MORTUARY. FREEMAN - Denton, Tex., May 2. - Miss Ella Freeman died near Argyle yesterday of appendicitis. -Dallas Morning News, May 6, 1902, p.8. FREEMAN, James near Texarkana Feb. of 1897 James Freeman was run over Saturday by a log train near the Texarkana platform and instantly killed. He was caught while crossing the track. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.3. FREEMAN, Robert? FRENCH, Andrew DCN 9-22-1892, p.3, c.1 Alvord March of 1885 Andrew French was buried at Alvord on last Saturday. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his departure. -Wise County Messenger, March 14, 1885, p.1, c.2. FRENCH, John Pilot Point Nov. 16, 1892 Killing at Pilot Point Last Night. News has just been received here that a drunken row during the democratic ratiication in Pilot Point last night resulted in the killing of John French by a drunk man by the name of Walter Vowel. >French lived in town and is a young man of excellent character, and when it was learned that he had been killed a crowd gathered with the intention of hanging him, but sheriff Mars arrested Vowel and hid him out and lodged him in the Denton jail this morning. The artery of French's left arm was severed and he bled to death. -Denton County News, Nov. 17, 1892, p.3, c.5. JOHN FRENCH KILLED. Pilot Point, Tex., Nov. 17. -After the speaking last night a number of participants in the evening's demonstration indulged freely in whisky. Knives were displayed and some one stuck a blade in John French's arm, severing the main artery, from which he bled to death in a few hours. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 18, 1892, p.1. THE PILOT POINT KILLING. Vowel's Trial Held and Amount of Bail Named. -A few copies of the NEWS were sent out last week before the intelligence was received. For the benefict of those readers we re-print a report of the affair that Vowell's examining trial has been held and his bond fixed at $2,500 which he has so far failed to give: Page 104 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION "On Wednesday night about 10 o'clock, after the crowd had dispersed from the ratification a sad affair occurred in the saloon at the northwest corner of the square in which a young man, John French, was killed. A number of young men some of them drinking, were in the saloon scuffling and boasting. A collision ensued between John French and Walter Vowell, in which French was stabbed in the left arm with a knife, severing an artery. Vowel was at once arrested by Deputy Sheriff Spangler. French was taken to the drug store of Dr. Ragland, who in a very few moments stopped the flow of blood. Other physicians were sent for and the artery tied, but the loss of blood before reaching the drug store was so great the patient sank rapidly and died in about two hours. Vowel whose home is near Mustang this county, was turned over to Sheriff mars, who was in the city and taken to Denton on the 6:28 morning train and placed in jail. The dead body of John French was taken to his parents home in the south part of town, who were not aware of the sad fate of their son until his body arrived. The burial took place at 8 p.m., yesterday at the Old Cemetery in the prescence of a large number of friends of the family. -Denton County News, Nov. 28, 1892, p.3, c.3. FRENCH, Miss Mamie Pilot Point Pilot Point Jan. 13, 1904 TWO DEATHS REPORTED. Miss Mamie French and Uncle Andy Miller of Pilot Point are Both Dead - Both were Well Known. -A cloud of sorrow enveloped our entire community Wednesday morning when the word went out that Miss Mamie French was dead and all hearts hear in sympathy with the bereaved parents and family and many expressions of regret were heard that this estimable young lady had passed from among us. Miss Mamie was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. J. French. >During her brief residence in our city she had won many warm personal friends and the sympathy and interest of every one in the suffering she had endured from ill health. The cause of her death was lung trouble the result of a severe case of grip. Everything was done that medical advice could suggest to restore her health, but xshe gradually declined passing quietly and peacefully away at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning, being conscious upto almost the last moment. The funeral service was held Thursday morning at the C. P. church at 10 o'clock conducted by Revs. McConnell of Whitesboro and Curry, of Denton and her remains followed to their last resting place in Pilot Point cemetery by a large concourse of sympathising friends. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1904, p.5, c. 2 FRISBIE or FRISBY, Mr. near Sunset Sept./Oct. of 1883 A stranger in the town of Sunset borrowed a shot gun late yesterday evening and going into a cotton field near, killed a man by the name of Frisby, without any provocation as yet known. Frisby was in Alvord several times not long since, and claimed to have been but recently married. His wife was stopping at the Simmons' hotel while he was passing to and from our town, but he never ate there, was in the company of his wife but little and it was observed by some that he acted quite strangely. The stranger as he started to the field remarked that he was going to kill a man, and when he came back declared that he had killed him. -LATER: The stranger did not borrow a shot gun but used a pistol and did not return to town but made his escape and is not yet arrested. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 5, 1883, p.4, c.4. -J. D. Jackson, a school teacher of this county, gave us a brief call on Tuesday. He says that Frank Frisbie, who was murdered last week near Sunset, was at one time a student of his and that he was a civil quiet young man, not disposed to be quarrelsome. It is said that the man who so foully murdered Frank Frisbie last week is from Hutto, Williamson county. His name is J. T. Womack, and he is described as being heavy set, six feet high, blue eyes, black mustache, light complexion and wore a light sack coat and pants. In going to Sunset to execute his murderous purpose, he got off the train at this place and hired a $90 horse from Mr. Ellis, which has not been returned. The thief and murderer is yet at large. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 12, 1883, p.3, c.3. FRITZLEN, E. K. Denton IOOF Page 105 Mar. 16, 1893 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MR. E. K. FRITZLEN DEAD. Our readers will doubltess remember the notice the NEWS gave of Mr. E. K. Fritzlen's departure for Philadelphia several weeks ago where he went for medical treatment. Thursday his Denton friends were shocked at receiving a telegram that he had died that day in the above named city. His body accompanied by Mrs. Fritzlen arrived at 5:20 p.m. Monday and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 10 a.m. Tuesday. The funeral was conducted by both the Knights of Honor and Knights of Pythias local lodges, he being a member of each order. Deceased was a longtime business man of Denton and left some valuable property yet in this city. He had only one child, Clifford, a son about 18 years old who is now living in Davenport, Neb., but who was present at the funeral. -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.3, c.4. FROST, Mrs. Catherine w of Denton near Garland 77 yrs. Old May 2, 1895 DIED-Mrs. Catherine Frost, aged 77 years, died at the home of her son-in-law, D. W. Skiles, nine miles west of Denton Thursday afternoon. The remains were expressed from Denton to near Garland, Dallas county, Friday for interment. -Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.8, c.2. FRY, (Emma White) n of Denton City 45 yrs. old July 8, 1893 Mrs. D. H. Fry, who has been sick for a long time, is still unimproved. -Denton County News, July 6, 1893, p.3, c.3. MRS. D. H. FRY DEAD. -Mrs. D. H. Fry died at her home one and a half miles north of town at 7:30 Saturday morning. Mrs. Fry had been in bad health for a long time and last winter contracted a case of la grippe which terminated in a lung trouble, the latter being the immediate cuase of her death. The maiden name of Mrs. Fry was Emma White and she was born in Illinois, though with her father's family she came to Texas when she was only a little girl. She was forty five years old last February and leaves a husband and eight children, five boys and three girls, to mourn her irreparable loss. Mrs. Fry was a member of the M. E. church and under its auspices was buried at the city cemetery at 11 a.m. Sunday. A long concourse of sympathetic friends attended the last sad rites with the family. -Denton County News, July 13, 1893, p.3, c.4. FRY, Joe M. IOOF 68 yrs. Old May 30, 1908 DRC June 4, 1908, p.3, c.2 FRY, Leila Maude Denton City 6 months April 17, 1893 A LITTLE BABY'S DEATH. -Leila Maude, the little 6-months-old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fry, died at their home in Denton at 10 o'clock Monday morning. The little one had suffered nearly two weeks and the disease terminated in a brain trouble. The interment was at the city cemetery at 3 p.m. Tuesday and the services were conducted by Rev. Pierce. The sorely bereaved father and mother have the sincere sympathy of the NEWS and a host of friends in this, their saddest hour. Denton County News, April 20, 1893, p.3, c.4. FRY, R. D. Seattle, WA Feb. 24, 1898 DMN Mar. 4, 1898, p.5, c.3 FRY, Mrs. Rebecca Denton 78.5 yrs. Old April, 18, 1893 AN OLD LADY DIES SUDDENLY. -Mrs. Rebecca Fry, a seventy-eight years and six months old, died at about 9:30 Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fry, though in some measure an invalid for the past two years, was apparently as well Tuesday as she had been for a long time and ate a reasonably hearty supper. She retired early and at 9 o'clock aroused an attendant and told her she was sick and wanted a physician. Dr. Lipscomb was immediately sent for, bud had only gotten in the house when she expired. The doctor attributed the sudden death to a general failure and debility which often occurs in old age. Page 106 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Deceased was the widow of L. M. Fry, who came from Tennessee to Denton in 1849 and where he lived until his death. Mrs. Fry was the mother of thirteen children, ten boys and three girls, nine of whom, all boys, are yet living. Of these, nine, Thos. T., D. H., Alex, J. F. and W. S. live at Denton. The other four live in Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri and Texas. -Denton County News, April 20, 1893, p.2, c.3. FRY, Thomas T. Old Alton 70 yrs. Old Aug. 7, 1903 PASSING OF A VETERAN. -Denton: Thomas T. Fry, an old veteran and one of the most prominent old timers in Denton county, died at his home near Old Alton a few miles south of the city, Friday last. Mr. Fry was a brother of W. S. Fry, city marshal of Denton. The remains were interred in the Olt Alton cemetery Saturday afternoon, the funeral oration being delivered by Rev. S. K. Hallam of the Hickroy Street Christian church, Denton. -Denton County News, Aug. 13, 1903, p.6, c.1. FRY. Thomas T. Fry, one of the pioneers of this county, died at his home about four miles south of Denton last Friday, having nearly reached his three score and ten, the allotted age of man. It being one of his last requests to be buried by Confederate veterans, the local camp here went to his home, took charge of his remains and laid him to rest in the cemetery at Old Alton. The services were conducted by Rev. S. K. Hallam of the Christian church of West Hickory street. The deceased was a brother of Marshal W. S. Fry of this city. -Denton County News, Aug. 13, 1903, p.8, c.3. FRY, Lizzie B. (Mrs. W. S.) IOOF 31 yrs. Old July 4, 1898 DCRC July 7, 1898, p.5, c.3 FUCHS, Henry J. Houston Jan of 1897 At Houston, last week, Henry J. Fuchs was accidentally shot in the head by a playmate and died from the wound. They were playing at the time with a rusty old pistol which had been snapped hundreds of times before. -Denton County News, Jan. 21, 1897, p.1, c.5. FULLER, George Ponder 25 yrs. Old FULLER, James R. Sanger 79 yrs. Old Deaths. James. R. Fuller, Sanger, age 79 years, December 8. -Denton County News, Jan. 3, 1905, p.1, c.1. April 11, 1908 DRC April 16, 1908, p.1, c.1 Dec. 8, 1904 FULLER, R. A. Bolivar Sept. of 1887 Denton, Feb. 8. -The case of the state of Texas against S. L. Lovelace, who is charged together with his brother with the killing of R. A. Fuller, near Boliver, in Sep., last was submitted to the jury at 2 p.m. , to-day, and Dick Lovelace, who is a son-in-law of Fuller, was released under a $1500 bond. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 11, 1888, p.3, c.5. FULLINGIM, Arch Oct. of 1883 Arch Fullingim, who lived on Catlett north of Decatur, died on Tuesday night of last week. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p.3, c.2. FULTON, D. R. Oklahoma City IOOF Feb. 25, 1904 Page 107 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION D. R. FULTON DEAD. Father of L. Fulton Died at the Home of Relatives in Oklahoma City Last Thursday Night. -D. R. Fulton, a former resident of this county and father of L. Fulton of this city died in Oklahoma City last Thursday. The remains having been brought to Denton for interment. Deceased came to Denton in 1876 from the state of Ohio, and was 84 years old. Four sons and one daughter survive him. The interment was held at the Odd Fellows cemetery in this city last Saturday morning attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.7, c.2. FULTON, Dorothy (Mrs. D. R) City 73 yrs. Old Sept. 24, 1898 DMN Sept. 27, 1898, p.4 MRS. DOROTHY R. FULTON DEAD. Mrs. Dorothy R. Fulton, wife of D. R. Fulton, died at the home of her son, L. Fulton, last Saturday, at the ripe age of 73 years. She was born in Kentucky, and came to Texas in 1876. All the living children, five sons and three daughters were present. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. L. Hogue at 4:30 o'clock p.m. sunday. She was a member of the Christian church of forty-five years' standing. The remains were interred in the city cemetery. -Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1898, p.8, c.4. FULTON, Jeff Mar. 1, 1893 Mr. Jeff Fulton Dies Suddenly. We learn this morning that Mr. Jeff Fulton died after retiring at 11 o'clock last night. He went home from town at 9 p.m. and was apparently in good health. Apoplexy is thought to have been the cause. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1893, p.4, c.4. Mr. Fulton's Funeral. -Mr. Jeff Fulton, who died so suddenly last Wednesday night, a short account of which appeared in the NEWS, was buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery Saturday afternoon by the Knights of Honor, he having been a member of that order. His brother, Dr. Fulton of St. Louis, Mo, was present. Mr. Fulton's life was insured for $4,000 as follows: Mutual Reserve, $2,000; Knights of Honor, $1,000, and New York life insurance company, $1,000. -Denton County News, March 2, 1893, p.3, c.6. FULTON, Mr. & Mrs. (and family?) A STRANGE AND INFECTIVE DISEASE. IT SPREADS LIKE WILD FIRE. Its Fatality to a Portion of Wise County. By W. W. S. -About the 1st of November, '82, in the family of Frank Fulton, living on Denton creek, about 9 miles northeast of Decatur, Texas, a strange disease took effect. Mr. Fulton and wife were first taken; it being rather a slight attack, a doctor was not summoned. They proceeded with their daily business, and the disease gradually grew worse, they consulted their friends but with not avail; doctors could give them no relief. Soon others were similarly affected, but no relief to them could be given, -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.1, c.3. FURBY, Mrs. James Lloyd March 18, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Mrs. James Furby, Lloyd, March 18. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, April 12, 1886, p.3. GAITHER, Robert W. Denton City Aug. 23, 1892 Page 108 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Died in Denton at 9 o'clock Tuesday night of congestion of the stomach and bowels, Robert W. Gaither. Mr. Gaither came to Denton in the early part of last winter and married the daughter of Mr. D. P. Roberts. He was for awhile in the employ of the water works company, but for the past three months has been deputy city marshal. Just before he was stricken to his bed he chewed up and nearly swallowed half a beer glass, which feat his associates say he frequently did,and many think this brought on the congestion. His remains were buried at the City cemetery at 4 p.m. yesterday. A brother from Collin county was present at his death. He also has a brother in Waxahachie. -Denton County News, Aug. 25, 1892, p.3, c.3. GAITHRIGHT, Thomas El Paso Dec. of 1907 DMN Dec. 8, 1907, p.3 GALE, Mollie Stony July 28, 1898 DCRC Aug. 18, 1898, p.4, c.5 GALLAHER, dau. Of Wellborn 11 yrs old Feb. 10, 1897 KILLED BY CAVING EARTH. WELLBORN, Texas, Feb. 11.- Yesterday morning the 11-year-old daughter of a man named Gallaher was crushed to death by a caving bank of the river. It seems that his children had dug a play house under the bank a distance of some feet and when the children went down to the river for water that morning, this little girl ran and jumped into the play house, which gave way and caved in on her, crushing her to death. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.2, c.3. GALLOWAY, Mrs. John Sanger Dec. 26, 1908 GALLOWAY, William Blevins Feb. 20, 1904 DCN Dec. 31, 1908, p.1, c.5 FATAL AFFRAY AT BLEVINS. -Marlin: William Galloway was shot and killed Saturday at Blevins, a small village about twenty-three miles west of Marlin, on the line of Fallas and Bell Counties. The weapon used was a 28-caliber pistol. Several shots were fired, three or four of which, it is said, took effect in the body of deceased. Wallace Franck surrendered to a citizen who held him as a prisoner until the sheriff arrived. Both were young unmarried men. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.8, c.1. GAMBILL, B. F. Bolivar Feb. 10, 1908 B. F. GAMBILL DEAD. DIED YESTERDAY AT HIS HOME IN BOLIVAR - FATHER OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. -B. F. Gambill, one of the old settlers of the county, died Monday at Bolivar in the northwestern part of the county. Death was caused by a cancer which attacked his face about three years ago. For the past year deceased had been unable to leave bed the greater part of the time and has been gradually failing. It was known several days ago that he would not last long. >Mr. Gambill came to Denton county from near Van Alstyne about thirty years ago and has lived the greater part of his time in and around Bolivar. About a year ago he came to the home of his son here and remained there until during the past two or three months. He is survived by three children: Will Gambill of Sanger, Mrs. Joe Shelton of Pilot Point, and County Attorney Joe S. Gambill of this city. >The funeral services and interment were held today. ...cont'd p.5 B. F. Gambill, father of County Attorney Gambill, and W.F. Gambill, died at the residence of his son, W.F. Gambill Monday, from cancer. The remains were interred in Bolivar today with Masonic honor. -Record and Chronicle, Feb. 13, 1908, p.1, c.2 & p.5, c.6. Page 109 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH GANO, F. M. Feb. 25, 1881 F. M. Gano, the father of Gen. Gano of Dallas died on the 12th inst. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 25, 1881, p.2, c.5. CITATION GANT, Mrs. Agnes Old Alton Mar. 17, 1844 July 31, 1903 MORTUARY. GANT. -Mrs. Agnes Gant died July 31, 1903, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hyde four miles south of town and was buried August 1st at the Old Alton cemetery, the burial services being conducted by Mr. J. M. Rayzor of this city who is an old friend of the family. mrs. Gant whose maiden name was Vaughn was born in North Carolina, March 17, 1844, and moved from thereto Tennessee where her husband, E. S. Gant, died and was laid to rest at the Hermitage nearly nineteen years ago. Some four years since she moved to Texas and made her home with her only child Mrs. H. F. Hyde. Mrs. Gant was a consistent member of the M. E. church, south, and had made many friends in this county who will ever remember her. -Denton County News, Aug. 13, 1903, p.8, c.4. GANT, G. W. Feb. of 1884 G. W. Gant, a man whom fortune had not favored died in this place on last Sunday, leaving a wife and several children to battle with life in its harshest phases. Many good people of our town rendered him while sick great assistance in the way of attention and care, which makes us justly feel proud of our neighbors. We remember the saying and believe it, that "Bread thrown upon the waters will return". His brother, J. J. Gant, attended his last hours with a heart full of grief and gratitude requests us to state, for him, his lasting and sincere obligations to the citizens of Alvord for their unpaid kindness in waiting on and supplying the wants of his deceased brother. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 8, 1884, p.3, c.2. GARDNER, Jno. F. Denton 1884? DENTON. Jno. F. Gardner Shot and Mortally Wounded by Leo. Schmitt. Denton, February 8.-Jno. F. Gardner was shot this evening at 6 o'clock by Mr. Leo Schmitt. The man Gardner was drunk and fired several shots into Schmitt's house, when Schmitt seized his shotgun and shot him in the face and head. Gardner is not yet dead, but cannot live long. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Feb. 9, 1884, p.2. GARLICK, son of John Aubrey 3 yrs. Old June 6, 1897 A. Collins, living at Green Valley, eight miles north-east of Denton, was in the city Monday. We learn from him that the three-year-old child of John Garlick of Aubrey, died Sunday morning. It had been ill only three or four days, and its deaths was a surprise. We hear this child was remarkable for intelligence beyond its years. It could talk intelligently before it was a year old. -Denton Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.5, c.4. "GARNETT" see "Barnett" Pilot Point GARNETT, E. W. Denton Nov. of 1880 49 yrs. Old Page 110 June 5, 1907 DMN June 7, 1907, p.3 NAME GARNETT, Col. H. T. LOCATION near Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE Glenwood cemetery 76-77 yrs. Old (Houston) DATE OF DEATH May 27, 1892 CITATION Death of Col. Garnett. Col. H. T. Garnett died at his home four miles from Denton Friday. He was 76 years old and had been an invalid for several years. He leaves three sons, Mose Garnett, of Houston, J. H. Garnett, of Gainesville and Ed Garnett, of Denton. His remains were taken to Houston for interment Saturday. Col. Garnett was in his younger days a distinguished lawyer. He had been living in Denton county about twelve years and had a host of friends here. -Denton County News, June 1, 1892, p.3, c.4. LINES IN MEMORY OF COL. H. T. GARNETT, who departed this life May 27, 1892, at his residence four miles north of Denton, in the 77th year of his age interment taking place in Glenwood cemetery, Houston. Colonel Garnett first saw the light of day in Fayette county, Kentucky ... very lengthy memorial article follows. -Denton County News, June 22, 1892, p.2, c.4 GARRETT, Lady named July of 1884 A lady named Garrett, living near Rhome, died from the bite of a tarantula, not long since. -Alvord Messenger, July 18, 1884, p.5, c.3. GARRETT, Linda Knoxville, TN Sept/Oct. of 1894 A SAD ROMANCE. IS THE LIFE OF BEAUTIFUL LINDA MILLER, FORMERLY A DENTON SCHOOL GIRL. -Sunday's papers contained a dispatch from Knoxville, Ten., giving the account of the suicide of Mrs. Linda Garrett, nee Miller. A little inquiry at once developed the fact that the suicide once lived and was well known in Denton. In fact the writer attended the same school with her in this city ten years ago last spring and summer and remembers well her personal appearance then and that she was an apt musical student. Just before or about the time this family came to Denton Mrs. Miller, Linda's Mother, married ...Denton County News, Oct. 25, 1894, p.1, c.5. GARRETT, R. T. Feb. of 1886 R. T. Garrett who killed Clay Davis last Dec. was taken from the jail at Paris, TX and hanged by a mob on last Tuesday morning. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 13, 1886, p.8, c.2. GARRISON, Anna Bolivar Aug. 7, 1900 MORTUARY. Garrison. Bolivar, August 12. -Aunt Anna Garrison died at the home of her brother, north east Bolivar last Wednesday night. Paralysis and old was cause of death. -Denton County Record and Chronicle, Aug. 15, 1901, p.2, .4. GARRISON, Garland 19 yrs. Old Jan. 13, 1905 DCN Jan. 20, 1905, p.3, c.5 GARRISON, Heck near Vernon Feb. of 1885 The third man that has been murdered near Vernon in the last few weeks was killed in a saloon at that place last week. His name was Heck Garrison. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 28, 1885, p.8, c.1. Page 111 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION GARRISON, J. A. Feb. 17, 18885 J. A. GARRISON. At a meeting of the Foster Farmers' Alliance, No. 222, Feb. 24, 1885, in Wise county, Texas, the following resolutions were unaninmously adopted. Whereas it has pleased Almight God in His providence to remove from our midst by death on the 17th of Feb., A. D. 1885, our esteemed brother, J. A. Garrison: 1st. Therefore be it resolved by the Foster Farmers' Alliance, No. 222, that in the death of Bro. Garrison, the Foster Alliance has lost a worthy member and president. 2d. Resolved that as we bow in humble submission to the will of the Most High we extend to the family of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy in this their bereavement. 3d. Resolved that the members of this Alliance wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days. 4th. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be tendered the WISE-COUNTY MESSENGER and Decatur Post for publication, and a copy be furnished the family of the deceased, and that the above resolutions be spread upon the record of this Alliance: Com. J. R. Forgy, Jas. M. Thompson, Isaac Clark. -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p1, c.4. GARRISON, James Roy Argyle Shiloh 21 yrs. Old Aug. of 1897 INQUEST DECIDES THAT GARRISON SUICIDED. Squire T. E. Wood of Justin was here Monday and reported that the inquest held by him Saturday over the body of James Roy Garrison, 21-year-old son of W. B. Garrison, who was found dead with his throat cut southeast of Argyle Saturday morning, decided that it was a case of suicide. Squire Wood examined five witnesses in regard to the particulars and said there was no doubt about it having been suicide. >The funeral services of John Roy Garrison, son of W. B. Garison of two miles, southeast of Argyle, were conducted at the church house at Shiloh, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock after which interment was made in the Shiloh cemetery. The deceased was 21 years of age at the time of his death, the cause of which was given to the Sheriff Saturday morning as suicide. Young Garrison was found in the yard of his father about daylight Sunday morning with his throat cut and a razor lying by his side. >Two brothers of the deceased, H. G. Garrison and Hardy Garrison live in Denton. H. G. Garrison, went to the home near Argyle Saturday morning and Hardy Garison who had gone to Galveston with the W. O. W. team was notified by wire and returned in time for the funeral and burial services Sunday afternoon at Shiloh. -The Chronicle, August 25th?, 1897 GARRISON, Jas. Feb. 27, 1885 Jas. Garrison, a brother of J. A. Garrison, a notice of whose death appears in these columns, died also on Friday night of last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p.4, c.1. Garrison, John Feb. of 1885 John Garrison, who resided in the country between Alvord and Pella was buried on Wednesday. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 21, 1885, p.6, c.2. GARRISON, John Roy Argyle 21 yrs. Old Sept. 16, 1899 GARRISON, William A. nw of Denton 78 yrs. Old Oct. of 1904 DMN Oct. 18, 1904, p.10 GAYNON, Mike J. Denton 57 yrs. Old Feb. 14, 1903 DMN Feb. 20, 1903, p.2 GAYNOR, Mike Garza 59 yrs. Old Feb. 13, 1903 Page 112 DCR&C Sept. 21, 1899, p.3, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Gaynor. Mike Gaynor, a prominent farmer of the Garza community, died at his home Friday, Feb. 18, aged 59 years. -Denton County News, Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.3. GEE, Tom South Texas May of 1903 DCR&C May 7, 1903, p.1, c.6 GENTRY, child of Mr. J. A. June 1, 1883 Two little children, one the infant of the household of Mr. J. A. Gentry and the other of the family of Mr. T. Bloxom, died on Friday of last week. -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.4, c.1. GENTRY, Mrs. June 7, 1881 Decatur Tribune gleanings: DIED on the morning of the 7th, Mrs. Gentry. -Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p.2, c.2. GEORGE, Bessie Galveston 14 yrs old Feb. of 1904 A BIRLS HORRIBLE DEATH. Galveston: Thursday night at 6:30 o'clock Bessie George, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. George, was fatally burned. The little girl was dressed in light, flimsy clothing and cotton batting, and was about to leave the house to accompany her father to the opera house, where she was to lead the march in the winter scene in the World's Fair entertainment, when the accident occurred. She died before midnight. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.5 GEORGE, Mona 3 months Dec. 10, 1903 DCN Dec. 17, 1903, p.8, c.3 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Mona George, Roanoke, age 3 months, pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. GEORGE, Col. O. C. GEORGE, Mrs. T. J. Aug. 31, 1838 Green Valley Mar. 6, 1908 DRC Mar. 12, 1908, p.1, c.7 July of 1900 DMN July 28, 1900, p.8 GERLACH, Mr. Green Valley 47 yrs. Old Feb. 1895 …living at Aubrey, Denton County, his life. Gerlach got on the train at the lower depot and rode up to East Dallas. As the train was running out in the yards he attempted to jump off when it is supposed his foot caught in the step and he was thrown under the wheel and the back of his head crushed. He died almost instantly. Justice Skelton viewed the remains. He found $1.65 in the pocket of the deceased and some letters by which he was identified. The body was taken to Loudermilk & Miller's undertaking establishment and embalmed. They hold the body awaiting instructions from the family. Deceased was about 47 years old and wore a black beard. He leaves a wife and eight children. Mr. Gerlach lived on the Stiff farm in the Green Valley neighborhood where he moved from Dallas last year. He was well-to-do and the head of a large family. His sudden death is deeply deplored by his acquaintances. -Denton County News, Feb. 21, 1895, p.5, c.2. GERLACH, Alva 3 yrs. old Page 113 Dec. 14, 1903 DCN Dec. 17, 1903, p.4, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Alva Gerlach, Denton, Dec. 15, age 3, quinsy. -Denton County News, Jan. 4, 1904, p.1, c.1. [Quinsy - peritonsillar abscess: An abscess formed usually above and behind the tonsil, due to extension of infection beyond the tonsillar capsule. Also called quinsy. -The American Heritage Medical Dictionary]. We wish to extend thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who were so good to us during our recent bereavements, assuring them of our sincere love and appreciation. We are indeed very grateful and will ever hold their kindness in our memory. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerlach. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.3. GERMANY, W. G. City June 21, 1908 DRC June 28, 1908, p.1, c.2 GIBBON, Mr. Mar. 24, 1896 DCN Mar. 26, 1896, p.4, c.3 GIBSON, child of Mr. & Mrs. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson died on last Friday. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 18, 1881, p.3, c.2. Feb. 11, 1881 GIBSON, child of Morgan Feb. 15, 1896 Little Elm Cottonwood GIBSON, Ike Denton September of 1891 ….Given Two Years, the white boy, Arthur Estes, who killed the negro boy, Ike Gibson, last September, was found guilty. -Dallas Morning News, March 27, 1892, p.1, c.5. ---and brother of Ike Gibson who was killed in Denton a few years ago in a fight with a white boy…. -Denton County News, May 31, 1894, p.8, c.5. GIBSON, James near Paradise Sept. of 1884 James Gibson, a respected citizen of the vicinity of Paradise, was buried on Tuesday of last week. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.5, c.3. GIBSON, Jessie LOCAL NEWS. Jessie Gibson died yesterday evening. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9, 1883, p.5, c.3. Feb. of 1883 GIBSON, Mr. Feb. of 1884 Mr. Gibson, a respected citizen, living near the lower Paradise bridge over the Trinity River, died last week. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 19, 1884, p.3, c.2. GIBSON, Mrs. Aug. Of 1880 MRS. Gibson was buried yesterday at the graveyard on Paradise Prairie. She had only lately come to this country and was living with her son James Gibson. A mother is the dearest boon of earth, hence our sympathies go out to those who have lost a mother. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 20, 1880, p.3, c.3. GIBSON, Mrs. Kincaid Savoy Page 114 Jan. 12, 1903 DCR&C Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.4 NAME LOCATION GIBSON, Mrs. S. K. near Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 50 yrs. Old Dec. 19, 1900 CITATION DMN Dec. 22, 1900, p.7 GIBSON, Mrs. T. E. Little Elm June 30, 1896 Mrs. Gibson, wife of T. E. Gibson, living in the southern part of the city, died at their home, Tuesday night of congestion. The remains were conveyed to Little Elm yesterday for burial. Besides her husband the deceased leaves two children. -Denton County News, July 2, 1896, p.5, c.4. GIBSON, son of Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Denton Cottonwood 16 months Aug. 10, 1896 DCN Aug. 20, 1896, p.4, c.4 GIBSON, son of Widow near Paris 6 yrs old Feb of 1904 The six-year-old son of Widow Gibson, twelve miles southeast of Paris, was instantly killed by falling from a pile of wood, a large stick rolling across him and breaking his neck. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.1. GIDCUMBE, Thomas Denton IOOF 70 yrs. Old May 26, 1894 DIED-Mr. Thomas Gidcumbe, aged seventy years, after a short illness died at his home on Bolivar street at 6 p.m. Thursday. Mr. Gidcumbe came from South Texas to Denton a few months ago. His second wife and their four children survive him as well as his several children by his first marriage, one of whom is B. Gidcumbe of this city. The remains of the deceased were buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 3 p.m. Friday, Rev. Selle conducting a short ceremony at the grave. Denton County News, May 31, 1894, p.8, c.2. GIDDENS, Miss Lizzie Denton IOOF Nov. 25, 1895 DIED-Miss Lizzie Giddens, sister of Mesdames E. C. and W. P. Brown, died at the home of Mr. E. C. Brown on Hickory street at 1 p.m. Monday after a three weeks illness from typhoid fever. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Rev. J. F. Pierce, of the Methodist church South, of which the young lady was a member, conducted the services. Miss Giddens' home is with her parents in Alabama, but she came to Denton on a visit the first of the year. -Denton County News, Nov. 28, 1895, p.8, c.2. GIDDINGS, Alvin near Denton Stony Jan. 6, 1901 DMN Jan. 8, 1901, p.8 "GILL" Wise County Winter of 1882/1883 -We understand the Grand Jury has found a bill of murder in the first degree against the parties heretofore charged with the murder of Gill at this place last Winter. The parties are held under arrest. -Wise County Messenger, May 4, 1883, p.5, c.2. GILLESPIE, Robert D. Denton IOOF Feb. 25, 1899 DMN Feb. 28, 1899, p.2 & p.8 AN AGED GENTLEMAN DEAD. Robert D. Gillespie, who, for many years, has lived in Denton, died at the home of his daughter in Dallas last Saturday. The remains were brought to Denton Sunday and the services were held at the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 10 o'clock on Monday, Rev. F. T. Charlton conducting the services, after which the interment was made at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Page 115 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. Gillespie had lived in Texas for many years, all the latter part of his life having been a sufferer from paralysis for a long time and had not been able to engage in active life. He leaves his wife and several children who have the sympathy of their many friends. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.5, c.3. GLOVER, J. J. near Garvin March 19, 1888 Mr. J. J. Glover, formerly a member of the Eureka Lodge No. 371, A. F. & A. M., died near Garvin Monday night and was buried Tuesday with Masonic honors. Several of the Eureka Lodge members attending [Springtown Pilot]. -Wise County Messenger, March 24, 1888, p.2, c.2 Resolutions by Garvin Missionary Society, M. E. Church, in memory of Brother J. J. Glover, an earnest and effectual member of our society…. -Wise County Messenger, March 24, 1888, p.3, c.5. GOBER, G. W. Amarillo Oct. 7, 1895 Mr. G. W. Gober, formerly of this county, died at his home in Amarillo, Texas, Monday, the 7th inst., from cancer of the stomach. His many friends in this county will regret to hear of his demise. -Denton County News, Oct. 17, 1895, p.1, c.4. GOBER, Jailer? Little Elm Feb. of 1897 Quite a number of Denton people attended the funeral of Jailer? Jailen? Gober at Little Elm yesterday. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1897, p.9, c.1. GOBER, John W. Denton GOLDEN, Claude Pilot Point GOLLDRIDGE, Will Almagorda, NM 78 yrs. Old Old Hall Feb. 23, 1905 DCN Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.3 Dec. 6, 1903 DCN Dec. 10, 1903, p.5, c.5 Nov. 20, 1904 DCN Nov. 25, 1904, p.4, c.3 GOLSTON, Mr. Clear creek Dec. 27, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred in Denton County 23 Years Ago. -Jan. 8, 1870. A man by the name of Golston, a new comer, was called to his door on Clear creek, Denton county, last Monday, and killed with a double-barrelled shot gun in the hands of a Mr. Sawyer, who, it is said had taken offense at Golston's statement that "that there was a number of cow and hog thieves in his neighborhood." Sawyer is still at large. -Denton County News, Dec. 1, 1892, p.1, c.5. GONZALEZ, Pete Mingo A Mexican named Pete Gonzales died at Mingo Monday morning after being ill for some time with pneumonia. He was about 35 years of age, and had been suffering with the disease several days prior to his death. The funeral was held Tuesday and the remains cared for. -Denton County News, Jan. 6, 1905, p.2, c.3. GOODMAN, Tommie Lou Pilot Point City 3 yrs. old Page 116 Jan. 17, 1908 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Pilot Point Post Signal. Pilot Point, Tex., Tommie Lou, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Goodman, near Gunter, died last Friday of membranous croup and was brought here Saturday and buried in the City cemetery. -Record & Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.7, c.3. GORDON, Adam April or May of 1880 ITEMS FROM DECATUR. -Adam Gordon died on last Monday night, after a short illness of a few hours, he worked on the farm until 12 o'clock and was a corpse by 2 o'clock at night. He died of cholera morbus. -Paradise Messenger, May 4, 1880, p.3, c.3. GORDON, dau. Of T. R. Pinkerton 10 yrs old Feb. of 1904 TWO CHILDREN INCINERATED. Haskell: About 10 a.m. Friday the barn of Dr. J. B. Ragan at Pinkerton, in this county, was destroyed by fire. When it was about burned up the bodies of Leah, the 4-year-old daughter of Dr. Ragan, and the 10-year-old daughter of T. R. Gordon were discovered. The children were missed during the fire, and it is supposed must have started the fire that burned them. The bodies were badly charred and burned. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.5. GORDON, Mrs. Early s of Gordon Feb. of 1897 BURNED TO DEATH. GORDON, TEX., March 2. -News has just reached here of the horrible death by burning of Mrs. Early Gordon about fifteen miles south of Gordon. She was standing by the fire when the wind from an open door blew her apron into the fire. She did not notice her apron on fire till she had gone to shut the door. She tried to break the apron strings, but they were new and refused to give way. She ran to the lot back of the house, where her husband was. Her clothes burned entirely off before the fire could be extinguished. This occurred Sunday morning, but she lived till yesterday. -Denton County News, March 11, 1897, p.2, c.2. GORDON, J. A. Krebs, I.T. City 21 yrs old Aug. 21, 1894 KILLED BY THE CARS. J. A. Gordon of Krebs, I. T., Horribly Mangled in the Denton Texas Yesterday Morning. -About 12:30 Tuesday night south-bound freight train No. 203 ran over and terribly mangled the body of J. A. Gordon in the T. & P. and M., K. & T. yards between the passenger and freight depots. From A. W. Dean, a companion who was traveling with Gordon, the NEWS learned about the following particulars of the killing: Gordon, the unfortunate man, was about 21 years old, was reared in Arkansas, but his parents now live at Krebs, I. T., from which point he and Dean had started to Corryell county, Texas, particularly in search of farm work and incidentally to visit some of Gordon's relatives. They succeesed in beating their way to Denton on freights arriving here some time Tuesday, where they waited until the 11:45 M., K. & T. north-bound passenger came in, and meant to ride the first freight that went out to Fort Worth. Dean says that they took their stations by the side of the track as train No. 203 began to move out, Gordon catching on to the first car and he the next. He made the step safely and just as he climbed to the top of his box he saw Gordon being dragged and mangled by the wheels of the car just behind his. He had no way of signaling the train to stop and none of the crew saw the accident. The train ran on out of the yard and while it was climbing the hill south of town he jumped off and returned to Gordon and found him dead. Both his legs were almost served, his left arm crushed to pieces and his entrails and liver were protruding. Help was summoned and the body was placed in the freight depot. The officers telegraphed Gordon's parents who are both living at Krebs as to what disposal to make of his body. Dean, Gordon's companion is a young man about 25 years old and greatly shocked by the accident. -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.1, c.3. Page 117 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION J. A. GORDON BURIED IN DENTON. -J. A. Gordon, the young man run over and killed by a freight train in Denton Tuesday night of last week was buried in the city graveyard Wednesday afternoon at the expense of the county. Young Gordon had taught school and held a first-grade certificate issued by the state of Texas. Denton County News, Aug. 30, 1894, p.5, c.2. GORE, J. L. Corinth 40 yrs. Old April 14, 1908 FOUND DEAD NEAR DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., April 18. -J. L. Gore, a farmer living near Corinth, this county, was found near his home april 16 with a bullet hole in his forehead. He left home with a traget rifle to shoot a bird and nothing more was seen of him until dead body was found. -Dallas Morning News, April 19, 1908, p.11. GOSSETT, Mrs. Allen Krum April 14, 1904 DCN April 19, 1904, p.5, c.1 DEATH AT KRUM. Mrs. Gossett, wife of Allen Gossett, a well known blacksmith living at Krum, died at the family home in that place last Thursday, of typhoid fever. Deceased was 61? years of age, and was buried Thursday afternoon at the Jackson cemetery, south of the town of Krum. -Denton County News, April 19, 1904, p.5, c.1. GOUGH, Ellis Little Elm Cottonwood 13 yrs. Old July 18, 1894 A SAD ACCIDENT. A Little Boy Killed by Being Thrown From a Cart. -Little Ellis Gough, aged 13 years, was fatally hurt three miles east of Little Elm, his home, last Thursday. Ellis had taken a Miss Wolf in her home near Rockhill in a cart and was returning to Little Elm when the deplorable accident occurred. No one knows just how it happened, as there were no eyewitnesses, but the general supposition is that the horse became frightened at a hayrake on the roadside and began running and kicking and kicked Ellis off the cart. He was found by a passer-by unconsious, his skull fractured and his body badly bruised. He was taken home and lived until Thursday, but was never rational. He died in great pain. His remains were buried at Cotton Wood cemetery Friday. J. S. Gough is his brother and Mesdames Drs. Rogers and Carpenter, of Little Elm, his sisters. Ellis was a gentlemanly little fellow and his death is deeply deplored by the entire community. --Denton County News, July 26, 1894, p.8, c.4. GRABBE, Mrs. S. 68 yrs. Old Jan. 16, 1904 MORTUARY. GRABBE -Denton, Tex., Jan. 17. -Mrs. S. Grabbe, an old resident of the western part of the county, died last night, aged 68 years. The death was sudden. -Dallas Morning News, January 18, 1904, p.11. GRADY, Captain Denton Dec. of 1883 DENTON. Death of Captain Grady-A Fatal Dose of Morphine. Denton, December 5. -Captain Grady, who was found yesterday in insensible condition from an overdose of morphine, has since died. He made an attempt at suicide with a razor one year ago, but failed. He leaves a wife and six children. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 6, 1883, p.2. GRADY, Mrs. F. A. IOOF 50 yrs. Old Page 118 Aug. 22, 1896 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED. Mrs. F. A. Grady, aged 50 years, died at her home one and a half miles east of the city Saturday and her remains were interred in the Odd Fellow's cemetery at 10 a.m., Sunday, Rev. J. B. Cole conducting the religious services at the grave. Mrs. Grady had long lived in this community and was a highly respected Christian lady. Several children survive her, and to these of their many friends who are fully aware that they have sustained a great loss by the death of their mother. Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.1, c.5. GRAFTON, Alma Mary Ethel IOOF 2 months June 3, 1895 DIED-Alma Mary, the 2-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Grafton, died at the home of Mr. Grafton's sister, Mrs. A. T. Fitzgerald, at Ethel, Grayson county, Texas, Monday afternoon. The interment was at the Odd Fellows cemetery Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. DeWitt conducted the services at the grave. -Denton County News, June 6, 1895, p.4, c.2 GRAFTON, Charles P. Denton GRAFTON, Mrs. Charles P. Denton June 8, 1895 IOOF DMN June 9, 1895, p.9, c.5 June 7, 1895 MRS. C. P. GRAFTON DEAD. -Mrs. Charles P. Grafton, after a severe illness of ten weeks, died at her home in Denton at 10 o'clock Friday night. The funeral services were conducted at the home at 3:30 p.m. Saturday by Rev. D. C. DeWitt and the interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. Mrs. Grafton left a husband and three little children besides other relatives and many friends to mourn her sad demise. Her little two-months-old babe preceded her to the grave only a few days. Deceased had been a member, and a zealous one, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, for a number of years and died without a doubt as to her future welfare. She was an affectionate mother and wife and high in the esteem of all acquaintances. -Denton County News, June 13, 1895, p.5, c.2. GRAFTON, William R. (Rev.) Sherman Sherman 40 yrs. Old June 29, 1902 Rev. William A. Grafton, a former Denton resident, but for the past several years pastor of the Cherry Street Cumberland Presbyterian church at Sherman, died at his home in that city Sunday morning, aged forty years. Rev. Grafton had never regained consciousness since he received the paralytic stroke while pronouncing the benediction in his pulpit on the preceding sunday, mention of which appeared in the Record and Chronicle last week. The deceased, who was a son of Rev. D. R. Grafton, for many years pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church here, spent his boyhood days in this city and had many friends and acquaintances who sympathize with his bereaved family. The interment was held at the Sherman cemetery at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. A wife and three small sons, besides an aged mother and three brothers are left to mourn his death. -Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3. GRAHAM, Bertha Denton IOOF 10 yrs. Old Oct. 11, 1894 A SAD DEATH. -Bertha, the bright, beautiful little 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graham, after a lingering illness of some weeks, died at noon Friday. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 a.m. Saturday and the funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. F. Pierce, were held at the grave. Bertha was much loved by both her young and old acquaintances and was one of the fairest young flowers that ever grew in Denton. Her bereaved parents and sisters have the profound sympathy of the entire community. -Denton County News, Oct. 18, 1894, p.8, c.3. Page 119 NAME GRAHAM, Bud LOCATION near Farmersville CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH May of 1883 CITATION McKinney, May 7. -Bud Graham, a young man, was found dead beside the road near Farmersville, this morning. He was bleeding at the mouth. Cause of death unknown. -Wise County Messenger, May 11, 1883, p.5, c.4. GRAHAM, Mrs. A. E. IOOF GRANT, child of Mr. & Mrs. Claude GRANT, child of Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Denton GRANT, Laura IOOF Mar. 12, 1908 DRC Mar. 12, 1908, p.1, c.5 DRC Mar. 19, 1908, p.6, c.2 infant Aug. 12, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.3, c.1 infant May 16, 1904 R&C May 16, 1904, p.1, c.3 2 yrs. Old Mar. 15, 1904 DCN Mar. 17, 1904, p.1, c.3 GRANT, Mary Little Elm Nov. 23, 1898 DCN Nov. 24, 1898, p.1, c.5 MORTUARY. GRANT -Denton, Tex., Nov. 25. -Miss Mary Grant of Concord. Tenn., died at the residence of her brother, W. C. Grant, at Little Elm Wednesday. Dallas Morning News, Nov. 26, 1898, p.3. GRANT, Orville Morristown? Aug. 5, 1881 Morristown, Aug. 6. -Mr. Orville Grant, brother of Gen. Grant, and who has for some time been an inmate of the State Asylum for the insane, died yesterday. Paradise Messenger, Aug. 12, 1881, p.3, c.5. GRAVES, child of Mr. & Mrs. M. Argyle July 1895 Argyle Items. Argyle, July 30, 1895. M. Graves' little child died last week, and at this writing Mrs. Graves is very sick. -Denton County News, August 1, 1895, p1., c.3. GRAVES, Mrs. Melissa Jan/Feb of 1888 Alvord, Budget Items. John and Joe Beyett went to Melissa, Collin county, Wednesday to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Graves, who died that morning. Wise County Messenger, Feb. 11, 1888, p.1, c.3. GRAVES, Will near Roanoke Finley, OH Page 120 Nov. of 1894 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED WHILE OUT FISHING. -G. W. Hodge, Frank Burns and Will Graves composed a fishing party from Fort Worth which came up to Denton creek near Roanoke to indulge in the interesting sport of hooking the finny tribe. Graves was sick when he left Fort Worth, but thought the trip would improve his health. Instead, however, he grew worse and on Saturday morning died in the wagon while his friends were hitching up preparatory to returning home. Justice Byas held an inquest and rendered a verdict about in accordance with the above. Graves' remains were taken to Fort Worth and from there shipped to relatives in Finley, Ohio. -Denton County News, Nov. 15, 1894, p.5, c.4. GRAY, Ab 35 yrs. Old Dec. of 1896 A HORRIBLE DEATH. AB GRAY, A YOUNG MAN, KILLED BY A HORSE. He Was Hitching Up a Team Preparatory to Going to Town, When One of the Horses Kicked Him, Crushing His Skull. Sherman, Tex., Dec. 16. -Ab Gray, a young farmer who was raised in this county, but who has lately made his home in Denton county, met a horrible death at the home of his wife's mother, Mrs. Emeline Hardeshell, eight miles southwest of town, yesterday. He was hitching up a team preparatory to starting to Denton county for his household effects, which he intended bringing back to this county, when one of the horses viciously kicked him, the shodden hoof striking the unfortunate young man on the head, crushing the skull and producing death in a few minutes. The deceased was about 35 years old. -The Ferris Wheel, Dec. 19, 1896, p.2, c.2. GRAY, Charles near Grapevine Gray. G. W. Gordon 22 yrs. Old May of 1880 Paradise Messenger, May 14, 1880, p.4, c.3 June of 1881 Gordon, June 13. -G. W. Gray, one of the brakemen, while attempting to get on the train, fell under it and was instantly killed. -Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p3,c.4. GRAY, Mary (Mrs. Matthew) GRAY, Lizzie June 23, 1904 McKinney? DCN June 28, 1904, p.4, c.4 Feb. of 1884 McKinney, Feb. 9. - Miss Lizzie Gray died last night from pneumonia. She was the only sister of Judge J. L. Gray, who died one week ago. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.2, c.2. GRAY, son of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sanger Sanger 4 yrs. old Mar. 23, 1908 GRAY, W. N. Denton IOOF 57 yrs. Old Sept. 2, 1894 Page 121 DRC Mar. 26, 1908, p.1, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. Gray Dead. Mr. W. N. Gray died on Sand street at 1 p.m. Sunday and was buried at 1 p.m. Monday in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. Gray and family came from Kansas City, Mo., to Denton several years ago and have since lived in and about the city. He has been a hopeless consumptive invalid for years and all knew that his death was not far off. Mrs. Gray, son and daughter, Charley and Leona, survive him. Deceased was 57 years, 8 months, and 7 days old, and had been a member of the Baptist church for a number of years. Rev. Ward conducted the services. -Denton County News, Sept. 6, 1894, p.8, c.2. GREAMEAN, Josephine (see also Gremen) Sherman 17 yrs. Old July 20, 1892 DCN July 27, 1892, p.1, c.2 GREE?, W. N. (paper was torn) Paradise April 10, 1888 LOCALS. W. N. Gree- of Paradise was among our esteemed visitors on Tuesday. He had the great misfortune to lose his cherished companion, with whom he had lived so pleasantly for eighteen years, on the 6th of last month. Mother and wife are the dearest names on earth... -Wise County Messenger, April 14, 1888, p.4, c.1. GREEN, Anna (Mrs. Willis) Denton born in 1813 Feb. 15, 1895 Mrs. Anna Green aged 82 years, died at the residence of W. P. Green, of this place, Feb. 15, 1895. Mrs. Green was born in Rutherford county Tenn. In 1813, from there she moved to Holmes county Miss., where she was married to Willis Green in 1833. Her husband died in 1873. In 1882 she came to Texas and lived with her brother, T. M. Smith, at Lewisville, until his death in 1887. Since that time she has been living with her nephew, W. P. Green, of this place. Mrs. Green was a devoted Christian and was loved and respected by all who knew her. -Denton County News, Feb. 28, 1895, p.5, c.3. GREEN, B. E. Fort Worth IOOF May 31, 1908 DRC June 4, 1908, p.1, c.5 & p.3, c.1 GREEN, D. J. near Justin Mary 14, 1906 Spinal Column Was Broken. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 14. -D. J. Green was run down and killed by a Santa Fe passenger train about one mile north of Justin, this county, this morning. Mr. Green was returning to Justin from the home of his son and was crossing the bridge over Oliver Creek when struck by the engine. The spinal column was broken, both arms and the right leg broken, hip bones broken and the chest crushed in. He had lived at Justin for several years and worked as an optician. -Dallas Morning News, May 15, 1906, p.10. GREEN, Ella (Mrs. Phineas) Stony 60 yrs. Old June 21, 1898 MORTUARY. GREEN-Denton, Tex., June 23. -Mrs. Ella Green, wife of Phineas Green, a well-to-do farmer living near Stony, died Tuesday, aged 60 years. -Dallas Morning News, June 24, 1898, p.7. GREEN, Ida Mingo GREEN, J. H. Rhome Cooper 40 yrs. Old Page 122 Dec. 24, 1908 Feb. 2, 1888 DCN Dec. 31, 1908, p.8, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Rhome, Tex., Feb. 2. -Mr. J. H. Green, an aged and highly respected citizen, formerly of Grapevine prairie, but who has resided for the last two and a half years two miles south of this place, died this evening. He has been lingering for several months. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 11, 1888, p.2, c.4. GREEN, Jack Sanger GREEN, Mrs. Polly Ann near Stony Duck Creek 73 yrs. Old April 21, 1908 DRC April 23, 1908, p.4, c.5 Nov. of 1903 DMN Nov. 25, 1903, p.4 GREEN, Mrs. W. P. Denton Roanoke 54 yrs. Old April 20, 1904 MRS. W. P. GREEN Well-Known Resident of the County Passes Away at the Family Home in Denton Wednesday. -Mrs. W. P. Green, an old resident of this county died at the family residence on West Hickory street Wednesday afternoon after an illness of eleven weeks. She had resided in Denton county about thirty years, and leaves six children and her husband. She was 54 years of age and had been a member of the M. E. church, South, for many years. The funeral services were conducted at the residence in this city by Rev. T. H. Morris Wednesday afternoon and the remains shipped to Roanoke for interment. -Denton County News, April 22, 1904, p.1, c.2. GREEN, Polly Ann near Stony ca 73 yrs. Nov. ? Of 1903 GREEN - Denton, Tex., Nov. 21. -Mrs. Polly Ann Green, aged 73 years, and an old resident of the western part of the county, died at the home of her son, W. P. Green, near Stony. Several children, all grown, survive her. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 25, 1903, p.4. GREENLEE, B. E. Denton IOOF born in 1821 Sept. 17, 1897 MAJOR GREENLEE'S DEATH. Denton, Tex., Sept. 17. - Major B. E. Greenlee, a member of an old and prominent family here to-day, aged 76 years. The deceased was born in South Carolina in 1821, moving when a young man to Mississippi. In 1850 he settled in Arkansas and in 1866 moved to Texas, settling at this place, then a rough border town. Since then he has lived here. Major Greenlee also served in the confederate army with distinction. Surviving him are four children, all of whom are grown, C. M., B. E., and Robert Greenlee and Mrs. C. A. Williams. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 18, 1897, p.2. GREENLEE, Ethel Hasseltine Denton IOOF 14 months old May 6, 1894 SAD DEATHS OF TWO BABIES. GREENLEE. -Ethel Hasseltine, the beautiful fourteen-months-old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Greenlee, died at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The little sufferer had been sick eleven days, the trouble being a dysentery peculiar to infants, and which it was not strong enough to wear away. The interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. Monday. The services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Cole, assisted by a male quartette. -May 10, 1894, p.8, c.5. Page 123 NAME GREENLEE, Mrs. B. E. LOCATION Denton CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE born in 1830 CITATION DMN Feb. 16, 1897, p.6 DMN Feb. 20, 1897, p.5 MRS. GREENLEE DEAD. -Monday morning after a long illness, Mrs. B. E. Greenlee died at the family home. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, Rev. O. S. Thomas conducting the religious services. The news of Mrs. Greenlee's death was received with genuine sorrow by her numerous friends. She was an early resident of Denton, an estimable lady, an earnest Christian, and a member of the M. E. Church South. She leaves a husband and four children - Mrs. C. A. Williams and three sons. -Denton County News, p.1, c.4. GREENLEE, Mrs. B. R. GREER, Mrs. Dora Krum Plainview DATE OF DEATH Feb. 15, 1897 Nov. 5, 1908 DCN Nov. 5, 1908, p.3, c.2 Mar. 1, 1908 DRC Mar. 5, 1908, p.6, c.6 GREER, John Thomas school Feb. 3, 1888 house John Greer, a highly respected citizen of the Gum neighborhood, died on the 3d inst., and was buried at the Thomas school house. He leaves a wife and four children. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 11, 1888, p.3, c.1. GREGORY, John B. Sunset? 67 yrs old Jan of 1897 FELL FROM A TREE. SUNSET, Tex., Jan. 29. -Yesterday John B. Gregory, a man about 67 years old, and an old Confederate soldier, was killed by falling out of a tree. He climbed a tree to cut the top off, and by some unknown cause he fell and was killed almost instantly. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, p.6, c.2. GREGORY, Mr. Dec. of 1868 [EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY] December 12, 1868. Near Denton creek, in the same neighborhood, about the same time, a young man by the name of Gregory accidentally shot and killed himself with a pistol, while slaughtering hogs. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1868, p.1, c.2 GREGORY, O. R. Aubrey GREMEN, Josephine (see also GREAMEAN) Sherman Bellew 17 yrs. Old June 6, 1903 DCN June 11, 1903, p.5, c.2 July 20, 1892 DCN July 27, 1892, p.1, c.2 GRIBBLE, Mary Briar Jan. 4, 1888 Briar, Jan. 11, 1888. -Miss Mary Gribble, daughter of Mrs. J. G. Hebr, died on the 4th inst. Of typhoid fever. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 21, 1888, p.4, c.1. GRIFFIN, Bob Mingo Page 124 Feb. 11, 1905 DCN Feb. 14, 1905, p.3, c.7 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION NEGRO KILLED AT DENTON. Another Negro Surrenders Claiming Self-Defense. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Feb. 11. -Bob Griffin was shot and killed shortly before noon today at a wood camp near Mingo, this county, by Jim Roberts, who later gave himself up to the officers. Roberts alleges self-defense. An inquest was held by Justice of the Peace McCormick. The first that was known of the occurrence was when Roberts entered the store at Mingo and told of the killing, and asked that the officers be notified. He was later brought here and placed in jail. Both parties are negroes. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 12, 1905. GRIFFIN, H. H. Sept. 12, 1908 DRC Sept. 17, 1908, p.1, c.3 & p.2, c.1 GRIFFIN, Horace M. Sept. 10, 1908 DRC Sept. 17, 1908, p.3, c.6 GRIFFIN, Lou Cleburne May of 1899 Cleburne, Texas, May 23. -In blasting a ditch in which to lay sewer pipe, Lou Griffin was accidentally killed. He had laid two sticks of dynamite and only one exploded. He went down to rearrange the remaining one and just as he was bending over it the charge exploded, tearing one side of his face away and crushing his skull. He lived for several hours. The deceased was a hard-working man and leaves a family of several children. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.2, c.4. GRIFFITH, infant of Mr. & Mrs. Dan Roanoke Medlin 4 weeks July 6, 1895 see Griffith, Mrs. Dan GRIFFITH, Mrs. Dan Roanoke July 5, 1895 DMN June 5, 1902, p.2 Mrs. Dan Griffeth, who has been sick for many weeks, died at her home in Roanoke last Friday night. Saturday night her infant babe, four weeks old, died. They were buried in the same coffin at Medlin graveyard Sunday morning. Mrs. Griffeth was an estimable Christian lady, and left many friends, who extend their sincere condolence to the bereaved family. -Denton County News, July 11, 1895, p.5, c.4. GRIFFITTS, Captain Joseph IOOF 70 yrs. Old GRISHAM, Lillar (Mrs. T. A.) Hall Aug. 22, 1866 Page 125 Jan. 6, 1904 Mar. 14, 1899 DCN Jan. 14, 1904, p.5, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. Lillar, the wife of T. A. Grisham, died at the family home on March 14, and was buried at the Hall cemetery, the services having been conducted by Rev. N. B. Baker of Grapevine and Rev. J. J. Moore of Lewsiville. The deceased was born August 22, 1866, and married T. A. Grisham on November 30, 1884. She leaves a husband, five children and a host of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Nothing more could be said of any person than could truthfully be said of her. She was a christian at home and abroad. The husband has lost the brightest jewel of his life, the children, a loving, affectionate mother, the church one of its best members and the community, one of its best friends. While we bow in humble submission to the will of Him that doeth all things well, we realize that our loss is her gain. May the blessing of God be upon the bereaved husband and the children. May the Holy Spirit lead them out on fields of usefulness so that when the death angel comes and reaches for them they can say as mother said, "I'll be at rest." -W. T. Minor. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.1, c.4. GRUNLEY, dau. of John south of Pilot Point 9 years old Aug. 20?, 1896 PILOT POINT ITEMS. (From the Post-Mirror) A tenant house of F. E. Tobin's farm south of town, six miles, occupied by John Grunley (colored) burned Wednesday evening about 5 o'clock, and a colored girl, 9 years old, was so badly bunred that she died at 2 o'clock the next morning. The fire was caused by the explosion of an oil can from which the girl was pouring oil to start a fire. Grunley's wife was also badly burned. The house and contents were a total loss. -Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.6, c.1. GUFFRIE, Mrs. Wise County 1884/1885 Commissioners Court. Wise County *unreadable+ 1885. The following accounts were rejected. … Geo. Barclay, for digging graves of C. E. Lewis and Mrs. Guffrie, $6.00. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885, p.4, c.1. GUTHRIE, Mrs. Emily P near Argyle Sept. 15, 1897 DMN Sept. 19, 1897, p.23 GWIN, Jerry May 3 or April 26, 1880 We are sorry to announce that our neighbor Jerry Gwinn, who has suffered for some time past with consumption died on last Monday morning. He leaves an aged mother and a family to mourn his loss. Mr. Gwinn was a hardworking honest citizen and will be sadly missed. -Paradise Messenger, May 21, 1880, p.3, c.3 GWIN, child of Mr. Gwin Wise co. Feb/Mar of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. -An infant of the household of Mr. John Gwinn was buried day before yesterday. -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.3, c.1. HAGAN, Sheriff Loyal Valley July of 1892 DCN July 27, 1892, p.4, c.3 HAGGARD, Miss Alice near Denton 18 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1900 DMN Dec. 7, 1900, p.7 HAGGARD-Denton, Tex., Dec. 3. -Miss Alice Haggard, aged 18 years died south of the city last night of typhoid fever. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 7, 1900, p.7. Page 126 NAME HALCOMB, Sarah LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH March 29, 1885 CITATION Mrs. Sarah Halcomb of Willow Point died on the 29th of last month. -Wise County Messenger, April 11, 1885, p.6, c.3. HALE, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Pilot Point HALE, Stephen B. San Nicholas, P. I. 9 yrs. Old Aug. 13, 1908 in 1900 DRC Aug. 20, 1908, p.1, c.5 DMN June 24, 1900, p.8 HALE, T. Missouri 70 yrs. Old April 28, 1881 T. Hale, a gentleman 70 years old, who was here last year, but returned to Missouri, died on the 28th of last month. He has several children and grand-children living near here. -Paradise Messenger, May 20, 1881, p.3, c.3. HALEY, Jack Montague county May 26, 1884 John Tanner shot and mortally wounded Jack Haley at Red River station in Montague county on the 26th. -Alvord Messenger, May 30, 1884, p.2, c.1. HALEY, Mrs. White's Prairie Crafton Aug. of 1881 Mrs. Haley, the mother-in-law of Mr. Chas. Thompson, died at White's Prairie last Sunday and was buried at Crafton on Monday. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 2, 1881, p.2, c.3. HALFORD, Col. W. Pilot Point HALL, Jim see Welch, Gilbert Denton 69 yrs. Old July 1, 1899 Aug. 20, 1895 DMN July 5, 1899, p.5 DCN Aug. 22, 1895, p.5, c.3 HALL, Mrs. Aubrey Dec. 27, 1892 ITEMS FROM AUBREY. On the 27th ult., Mrs. Hall, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Catlett's mother, died at the residence of Mr. Catlett. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1893, p.2, c.4. HALL, Mrs. Abe McKinney in 1822 July/Aug of 1902 MORTUARY. HALL -McKinney, Tex., Aug. 2. - Mrs. Abe Hall, aged 80, died at her home three miles north of McKinney, after a brief illness. The deceased's maiden name was Rudolph. She was born in Tennessee in 1822 and emigrated here in 1852 with her husband, Abraham Hall, who survives her. They lived continuously on the place they settled and have reared a large family. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 1902, p.23. HALL, Martha Jones (Mrs. Aubrey Jan. 12, 1826 Page 127 Nov. 8, 1904 Aubrey Herald, Nov. 18, 1904, p.4, c.3 NAME HALL, Modena LOCATION Argyle HALL, Norma (Mrs. Ben) Argyle CEMETERY City BIRTH DATE 5 months DATE OF DEATH July 7, 1904 CITATION DCN July 12, 1904, p.4, c.3 18 yrs. Old May 29, 1904 DCN May 31, 1904, p.8, c.5 HALL, Peter Paradise 1884/1885 Peter Hall, the aged father of Prof. Hall, of Paradise, and who has for many years been well known in the south part of this county, recently departed this life at his son's residence in Paradise. Truly a good and useful man has entered into everlasting life. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885, p.5, c.3. HALL, W. David Justin Prairie Mound 45 yrs. old Aug. 18, 1908 DRC Aug. 20, 1908, p.8, c.5 DMN Aug. 21, 1908, p.5 HALL, Mollie Lacy (Mrs. W. D.) Fort Worth 45 yrs. old Aug. 6, 1894 MRS. HALL DEAD. -Mrs. W. D. Hall, of Ft. Worth, died at her home in that city at 5:40 Monday morning. Mrs. Hall was 45 years old and had formerly lived in Denton, her maiden name being Mollie Lacy. She was a sister of Mr. W. J. Lacy and Mrs. P. C. Withers. She had been a sufferer from Bright's disease for a long time, and her death was expected. A husband and two children survive her. -Denton County News, Aug. 9, 1894, p.4, c.4. HAMILTON, Rev. Newton Chico Feb. 10, 1834 June 24, 1884 OBITUARY. -Rev. Newton Hamilton was born Feb. 10th, A.D. 1834, and died at Chico, Wise county, Texas, June 24th, A. D. 1884. He joined the Methodist church at seventeen years of age and was licensed to preach on the Richland Circuit, Tennessee Conference, Aug. 8th, 1858, was ordained Deacon 1865 by Bishop Soule and was ordained Elder by Bishop McTyire in 1866. Our community has lost a good man, and a good preacher. He was conscious of his approaching dissolution and said to his devoted wife, the day he died, "I am not afraid to die." May God's blessing rest upon his family. T. W. Morton. -Alvord Messenger, July 4, 1884, p.2, c.1. HAMMOCK, Miss Pet Stony 18 yrs. Old June 1, 1898 DMN June 3, 1898, p.5 HAMMOCK, Mrs. T. G. Stony Feb. 13, 1840 June 30, 1898 DCRC July 7, 1898, p.5, c.3 HAMMONTREE, Jesse s of Alvord 25 yrs old Dec. 25, 1883 DIED. At the residence of his mother, four miles south of Alvord, on the 25th of Dec. 1883, JESSE HAMMONTREE, aged 25 yearas. He emigrated from Missouri to Wise Co. in 1875, and by his modest deportment and industrious habits had established himself in the estimation of all who knew him as being one of our noblest young men. His widowed mother and sister have the sympathy of this entire community. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 4, 1884, p.2, c.4. HAMNER, James Feb. 8, 1863 Page 128 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Tribute of Respect. >Your Committee appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of this Lodge in regard to the death of Bro. JAMES HAMNER , who departed this life on the 8th inst., submit the following: >Again has an impressive warning come to teach us all that "in the midst of life there we are in death." But a few short weeks ago he bid as fair for long life and usefulness as any of us. But, alas! he is gone. His seat here is vacant; his voice is to be heard on earth no more. >Resolved, that by the death of Bro. HAMNER, our community has lost one of its best citizens; Pilot PointLodge one of her best members, and that his bereaved family have been deprived of a kind and devoted husband, and a fond and indulgent father. >Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to an all-wise Providence, we deeply sympathize with his bereaved family in their irreparable loss. Resolved, that as a mark of respect, the Lodge Room be draped in mourning, and that the members wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. >Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge, and published to the Houston Telegraph; and that a copy of them be presented to Mrs. HAMNER, with the assurance that this lodge fully recognizes the high claims she holds upon it as the widow of a worthy Master Mason. -F.D. Piner, R. W. Eddleman, A. Gorenah. February 14th, 1863. -The Tri-Weekly Telegraph [Houston], March 9, 1863, p.1 HAMPTON, Charles Dallas Oct. 31, 1893 WAS INSTANTLY KILLED. Horrible Fate of Charles Hampton at the Trinity Oil Mills. >Charles Hampton, a young farmer from Denton county, fell into the elevator of the Trinity oil mills in South Dallas yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock and was instantly ground to pieces. The body was not discovered for some minutes after. >To a NEWS reporter the officials of the mill made the following statement: "Hampton came to the mill with two loads of seed to sell and we bought them. He walked out of the office and was never seen again till his horribly mangled body was found in the elevator. We suppose that the dead man must have walked around the building and fallen into the elevator by accident. We heard no cries and therefore death must have been almost instantaneous. One leg was torn completely from the trunk and carried to the top of the building, while the body was ground and mashed into a pulpy mass of flesh and clothing. As soon as the body was discovered the machinery was stopped and the remains gathered up. The elevator is on the side of the mill next the railroad on the opposite side from the wagon entrance and we exert every means in our power to keep people away from there. The deceased has a mother-in-law, Mrs. Kearns, who lives at Carrollton, Dallas county, and relatives in Denton county." -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 1, 1893, p.5. HAMPTON, Don Sanger Sanger April 30, 1896 SANGER ITEMS. SANGER, Tex., May 11. -Died on April 30, 1896, of food poisoning, little Don, son of M. F. and Lena Hampton. The remains were buried on May 1st at the Sanger cemetery, attended by a large concourse of friends. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow. -Denton County News, May 14, 1896, p.5, c.2. HAMPTON, Hardin Denton HANCOCK, Mrs. (D. R. or DR.) Pilot Point HANKINS, Major D. R. Dallas Prairie Mound Greenville 77 yrs. Old Jan. 16, 1831 Dec. 23, 1904 DMN Dec. 26, 1904, p.9 May 17, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.5, c.5 * Aug. 26, 1906 DMN Aug. 27, 1906, p.3 HANCOCK, W. S. New York Feb. of 1886 GEN. HANCOCK DEAD. -Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock died at his residence in New York on last Tuesday. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 13, 1886, p.8, c.2 HANKS, Josie Page 129 8 yrs old April of 1884 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION JOSIE HANKS, a bright and cherished little eight year old daughter of Commissioner J. H. Hanks, after twenty-three days of patient suffering calmly breathed her last on yesterday evening. The children are released from school to-day and all friends are requested to attend the burial services at the new cemetery at two o'clock this afternoon - being the first interment therein and thus so sweetly dedicated as the apparent home of the loved. -Alvord Messenger, April 18, 1884, p.3, c.2. HANN, Dr. E. L. HANN, Mr. Edmond L. Denton ca 35 yrs. Old Oct. 4, 1904 DCN Oct. 14, 1904, p.11, c.1 Oct. 11, 1904 R&C Oct. 11, 1904, p.1, c.4 & Oct. 12, 1904, p.1, c.4 * HANN, Mrs. Edmund L. Denton Aug. 20, 1905 MORTUARY. HANN - Denton, Tex., Aug. 20. -Mrs. Edmund L. Hann died here this morning. She was the widow of Dr. Hann, who died about a year ago, and was the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. H. H. Dawson, one of the oldest families in this place. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 22, 1905, p.3. Mrs. Edmund L. Hann Dead. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Aug. 22. -Mrs. Edmund L. Hann died in this city Sunday from nervous prostration brought about by the death of her husband, which occurred several months ago, since when she has been confined to her bed. Deceased was the daughter of the late Col. H. H. Dawson, one of the pioneer residents of this city, and was the sister of A. G. Dawson of Fort Worth and Henry Dawson of Paris. Funeral services were held today. Dallas Morning News, Aug. 23, 1905, p.6. HANN, John Feb/Mar of 1884 Capt. John Hann, a well-known lawyer of Fort Worth, died this week. -Alvord Messenger, March 7, 1884, p.3, c.3. HANSARD, Shell near Garza January of 1901 DMN Jan. 29, 1901, p.3 HARBERS, Arnold D. Bryan Feb. of 1897 At Bryan, Tex., last Saturday, Arnold D. Harbers, a machinist, while riding a horse, was thrown and kicked and trampled to death by the animal which had become frightened unmanageable. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.3. HARD, Miss Rector HARDWICK, Mrs. Jim Justin HARDWICKE, Jack Pilot Point Bethel 22 yrs. Old Sept. 1894 DCN Sept. 6, 1894, p.1, c.4 Sept. 19, 1904 R&C Sept. 22, 1904, p.3, c.4 Sept. 21, 1894 DMN Sept. 23, 1894, p.12, c.4 HARE, Mr. Denton Feb. 23, 1900 HARE-Denton, Tex., Feb. 26.-Mr. Hare, an old gentleman living in the northern part of the city, died last night of consumption. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 27, 1900, p.8. Page 130 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION HARMER, Eli N Bexar county Feb. 23, 1904 Eli N. Harmer, aged twenty-eight, a San Antonio barber, shot his wife, aged twenty-four, four times Tuesday morning. He then shot himself. Both are dead. Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.3, c.7. HARMER, Norah Bexar county 24 yrs old Feb. 23, 1904 Eli N. Harmer, aged twenty-eight, a San Antonio barber, shot his wife, aged twenty-four, four times Tuesday morning. He then shot himself. Both are dead. Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.3, c.7. HARMON, James Bethel Church Feb/March of 1883 Local News. -James Harmon was buried at the Bethel church, northwest of here last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 9, 1883, p.5, c.1 HARMONSON, J. Justin Jan. 3, 1897 MORTUARY. HARMONSON-Denton, Tex., Jan. 4. - J. Harmonson, a well known citizen of this county, died yesterday of pneumonia at his home, near Justin, yesterday, aged about 35 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 5, 1897, p.4. ROANOKE ITEMS. ROANOKE, Jan. 5. -The sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Harmonson, of Justin, reached here Sunday evening. He died at his home Sunday morning of pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1897, p.5, c.1. HARMONSON, Mrs. Peter May 5, 1895 see HARMONSON, PETER HARMONSON, Peter 30 yrs. Old May 5, 1895 A TERRIBLE DROWNING. THREE EXCELLENT PEOPLE MET DEATH IN DENTON CREEK SUNDAY - BODIES RECOVERED. -One of the saddest accidents in the history of the county occurred at the crossing in Mr. P. Harmonson's pasture on Denton Creek Sunday morning. Peter Harmonson and wife, and little Miss Belle Taylor aged 10 or 12 years were all drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Harmonson and ?-months-old baby boy and the little girl started to Denton Sunday morning in a two-horse buggy. They intended to spend the remainder of Sunday and Sunday night with Sheriff Hawkins family and attend to some business Monday and return home. Mr. Harmonson lived only a quarter of a mile on the other side of the creek and when he drove off the house he asked Joe Smith, who was working on the farm, to come to the creek and see them safely across. The creek was up a little from the rain of the previous day, but was not past fording. Page 131 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The buggy reached this side of the creek in safety, but in coming up the bank which was wet and slippery, the horses slipped and Mr. Harmonson urged them forward and the single trees broke. This released the team from the vehicle and it ran back down the bank. Mr. Harmonson jumped out and grabbed the tongue and pushed the buggy to the opposite side of the creek where the front of the bed dipped under, and Mrs. Harmonson becoming scared jumped into the water and Mr. Harmonson went to her rescue, at the same time calling to Mr. Smith to catch the ?. As Smith jumped into the water the carriage was upturned by the swift current and the little Taylor girl was then washed out. When last seen Mr. and Mrs. Harmonson were struggling in deep water and had hold of each others arms. Smith jumped in and caught the grip and at the same time felt something strike his side. He reached down and brought up Mrs. Harmonson's baby and the ?up he turned the latter loose and waded ashore where he the baby to lie. Mr. Smith summoned help as soon as possible and the search for the bodies began. Search continued all day Sunday without fail. Monday about noon Mrs. Harmonson's body was found about 200 yards below the ?d and at 3 p.m. Mr. Harmonson and the little Taylor girl's bodies were also found near where Mrs. Harmonson's was taken up. ?n the grip which Smith caught ? was compelled to drop in order to save the baby, it is re?ted there was thought to be $40 silver and from $4,000 to ?000 notes and deeds. There was also another grip and so far ? grips have not been recovered. The horses were not drowned and the buggy was saved. Mr. Harmonson was about thirty years old, a well-to-do and ?bly respected citizen. He was ? Of the late Z. J. Harmonson, of the early settlers of our county. Several years ago Mr. Peterson married a Mrs. Mot? a most estimable young lady. Their only living child was the one saved from drowning. Little Bell Taylor was the daughter of Mrs. Taylor who lived near Justin and the grand-daughter of 'Squire Selby, or Roanoke. This sad and fatal accident has elecited the sympathy of the entire people of Denton county. -Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.5, c.1. Mr. Peter Harmonson, his wife and the 11 year old daughter of Mrs. Taylor, of Justin, who were all drowned Sunday morning in Denton creek were found Monday evening. The creek banks were lined with people all day Sunday and until 3 o'clock Monday evening when the bodies were found about 300 yards below where the accident occurred. The sad affair has cast a gloom over this entire community. Mr. Harmonson has been living in this county many years, and to know him is to be his friend. The little girl is a grand-daughter of 'Squire Selby who lives in Roanoke. -Denton County News, May 9, p.5. c.3. Rev. Perry Harmonson, of Jacksboro, Tex., preached at the union church at this place last Monday night to one of the largest congregations that has convened in Roanoke for many months. Mr. Harmonson is a brother of Peter Harmonson, who was drowned in Denton creek a few days ago. The sermon was one of the most earnest and effective sermons we have ever heard. -Denton County News, May 16, 1895,p.5, c.4. HARMONSON, Mrs. Peter see Harmonson, Peter May 5, 1895 HARMONSON, W. P. Colorado Springs HARP, Mrs. J. G. HARRINGTON, William Justin DCN May 9, 1895, p.5, c.1 August of 1907 DMN Aug. 15, 1907, p.3 Justin Sept. 19, 1908 DRC Sept. 26, 1908, p.5, c.1 6 m. east of Denton Jan. 25, 1890 Page 132 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION YOUNG MAN DROWNED. DENTON, TEX., Jan. 26. - William Harrington, a young man highly respected and well known in this country, was drowned yesterday afternoon in the Elm river about six miles east of this city. He had charge of the large pasture belonging to Mr. C. W. Guild of Dallas, and was out with some parties having the fences repaired, and as he was very weak, having just recovered from a spell of sickness, it is supposed he went to the bank to get a drink of water, and the bank being steep, staggered and fell into the water, which at this place is about nine feet deep. A search was made for the body and it was found today about 10 o'clock near where is appeared he had fallen into the water. Mr. Harrington had a good farm four miles from Denton. He was unmarried, but leaves a widowed mother and sister to mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of the entire communtiy. -Decatur News, Jan. 30, 1890, p.1, c.3. HARRIS, Capt. A. B. Lawton, OK Denton Mar. 28, 1902 DMN Apr. 2, 1902, p.10 HARRIS, C. S. Roanoke Nov. 1883 Roanoke, November 29. -With sadness, we chronicle the death of Mr. C. S. Harris, which occurred at his residence, one and a half miles east from Roanoke, on last Sunday morning, about 10 o'clock. He was severely attacked by congestion of the brain on Saturday morning, and all that could be done by anxious friends and physicians failed to detain him. In his death, we lose a worthy and much-beloved citizen. He was buried with Masonic honors, being S. W. of the lodge at this place. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 1, 1883, p.5. HARRIS, Mrs. A. B. Dallas City Dec. 30, 1898 AGED LADY DEAD. SHE DEPARTS THIS LIFE AT DALLAS AND IS BURIED IN DENTON. The wife of Captain A. B. Harris, who resided at this place for fifteen years prior to 1890, died at Dallas last Friday of typhoid fever and her remains were interred at the City cemetery in Denton Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harris was seventy-two years old and the aged couple were preparing to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. A husband and several children survive her, two of whom - Mrs. Richards and Loyal Harris - reside at Cleburne and Miss Tom Harris, who remains at home with her father to comfort him in his declining years, also another son, Rim Harris, who had just returned from the war. Mr. Harris and children have many friends in Denton who extend to them the hand of condolence in this their saddest of afflictions. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1899, p.6, c.3. HARRIS, Mrs. A. M. near Little Elm 79 yrs. Old Oct. of 1907 DMN Oct. 25, 1907, p.3 HARRIS, C. S. e of Roanoke Nov of 1883 DENTON COUNTY. Personal and Local from Roanoke, November 29. -With sadness we chronicle the death of Mr. C. S. Harris, which occurred at his residence, one and a half miles east from Roanoke, on last Sunday morning, about 10 o'clock. He was severely attacked by congestion of the brain on Saturday morning, and all that could be done by anxious friends and physicians failed to detain him. In his death we lose a worthy and much-beloved citizen. He was buried with Masonic honors, being S. W. of the lodge at his place. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 1, 1883, p.5. HARRIS, Charles G. Dallas May 17, 1904 Page 133 R&C May 17, 1904, p.4, c.2 NAME HARRIS, Cora (Mrs. John) LOCATION Waketon CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Dec. 1898 CITATION DCN Nov. 24, 1898, p.3, c.3 DCN Dec. 15, 1898, p.8, c.3 HARRIS, Ollie Denton City 7 yrs. Old Mar. 29, 1893 Ollie, a little seven year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. James Harris living on south Elm street, died last Wednesday and was buried in the City cemetery. -Denton County News, April 6, 1893, p.3, c.1. HARRIS, Mrs. Will Fort Worth May 9, 1901 DMN May 13, 1901, p.7 HARRISON, child of Mr. & Mrs. Denton City 6 months Aug. 21, 1892 DIED in Denton 12 o'clock Sunday night at the home of Mrs. Estes, of bowel trouble, the little 6 months old babe of Mr. Harrison, a railroad man. The baby's mother has been bedfast several weeks with typhoid fever and as she was unable to take care of it, it was taken by Mr. Estes and kept until death relieved it. Previous to this time the father had a very severe spell of fever, and the combined misfortunes left the family in almost destitute circumstances. But the charitable citizens of Denton came to the rescue, circulated a petition and buried the little one in the City cemetery Monday afternoon. The mother was no better yesterday. Denton County News, Aug. 25, 1892, p.3, c.3. HARRISON, child of Thomas Jan. of 1884 A child of Thomas Harrison's was buried last week. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 25, 1884, p.3, c.2. [also in this issue: "several cases of pneumonia are reported, and the whooping-cough is said to have broken out in the country." HARRISON, Mrs. Mrs. Harrison the aged mother of John Harrison, of this city, died on Tuesday evening of this week. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 17, 1885, p.3, c.1. DIED: Mrs. M. E. Harrison died Jan. 13th, A. D. 1885, disease, consumption, aged fifty-nine years. Deceased was a Christian for 45 years in the Master's cause and died in the triumph of a living faith. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 17, 1885, p.3, c.2. HART, Miss Rector Bethel Aug.? Of 1894 Rector Items. Rector, Tex., Sept. 1. -Death has once more visited the people of the Rector neighborhood and taken from our midst another of our friends, Miss Hart, stepdaughter of Mr. Staley, who lives three and one-half miles northeast of here. The remains were buried at Bethel in the prescence of a large number of friends. -Denton County News, Sept. 6, 1894, p.1, c. 4. HARVEY, J. D. May 18, 1884 Page 134 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The citizens of Sunset have lost an estimable neighbor and fellow-citizen in the person of J. D. Harvey, who died on Sunday evening, May 18th. He was not in business at present but expected to engage in merchandising soon. His death is universally regretted by all who knew him. He seemed conscious of his approaching fate several days before his death, calmly arranged his earthly matters, then expressed himself as having no fear to die. -Alvord Messenger, May 30, 1884, p.3, c.2. HARVEY, J. H. P. July of 1884 J. H. P. Harvey, an old citizen of this county who has long lived near Pella, and the aged father of the well-known Dr. Harvey of Sunset, was buried with masonic honors on the evening of July 4th. -Alvord Messenger, July 11, 1884, p.5, c.2. HARVEY, twin girls of Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Corinth City infants Jan. 7, 1903 DCR&C Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.1* HARWELL, A. M. Corinth Shiloh 57 yrs. Old May 1, 1895 Mr. A. M. Harwell, aged 57 years, whose home was at Corinth, died Wednesday of last week and was buried at Shiloh Thursday. A wife and six children survive Mr. Harwell. -Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.4, c.4. HARWELL, Will L. HASEL, J. M. City Stony Feb. 6, 1899 DCN Feb. 9, 1899, p.4, c.2 May 1, 1904 DCN April 7, 1904, p.1, c.5 HASKEW, John Tishamingo, I. T. Jan of 1885 Bowie, Jan. 19. -News reached here this morning that John Haskew, one of the prisoners who broke jail at Montague some time since, and formerly marshal at this place, was killed a day or two since, and the remainder of the party, including the Clark brothers and the notorious Jim Crowley, were captured by a squad of militia. The report is borne out by a telegram received to-day at Montague, direct from Tishamingo, I. T., to the same effect. Haskew alone resisted capture, with the result stated, the others surrendering without fight. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 24, 1885, p.4, c.1. HATFIELD, Mrs. Eliza (of Courtney, I.T.) Denton Gainesville Feb. 5, 1899 MORTUARY. HATFIELD -Denton, Tex., Feb. 7. -Mrs. Eliza Hatfield of Courtney, I. T., who was here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. N. P. Stanley, died Sunday night of nervous prostration, brought on by la grippe. The remains were taken to Gainesville yesterday for interment beside the body of her son, who was killed recently in a railroad wreck, whose death, it is thought, aided the disease to which the mother succumbed. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 9, 1899, p.8. HAWK, Elder James Chinn's Chapel HAWKINS, Frank Krum HAWKINS, Mrs. H. E. Cooper Creek Page 135 Jan. 5, 1909 DCRC Jan. 7, 1909, p.6, c.3 2 yrs. Old Dec. 4, 1904 DCN Dec. 9, 1904 31 yrs. Old Oct. 8, 1903 DRC Oct. 9, 1903, p.1, c.7 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION HAWKINS, Mrs. G. W. T. Grapevine Jan. 6, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Mrs. G. W. T. Hawkins, Grapevine, January 6. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, January 18, 1886, p.2. HAWKINS, Mrs. M. E. Denton March 15, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. -Mrs. M. E. Hawkins, Denton, March 15. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, April 12, 1886, p.3. HAWKINS, Mrs. Robert Little Elm March 25, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Mrs. Robert Hawkins, Little Elm, March 25. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, April 12, 1886, p.3. HAWKINS, Peter, son of J. H. near Bates Zion 24 yrs. Old Jan. 7, 1899 MORTUARY. HAWKINS-Denton, Tex., Jan. 8. -Peter Hawkins, youngest son of J. H. Hawkins, one of the pioneer settlers of Denton County, died at his father's home near Bates, in the eastern part of this county, at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, aged 24 years. Pneumonia was the cause of his death. The burial took place at the Zion Cemetery, the family burial place, today. The deceased was a brother of Sheriff Sam Hawkins of this county. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 9, 1900, p.4 HAWKINS, Samuel IOOF 19 months Oct. 11, 1896 DCN Oct. 15, 1896, p.5, c.3 HAYDEN, Mrs. Pilot Point April of 1905 SANGER SAYINGS. The Womans Home Mission held memorial services at the M. E. Church Sunday night in honor of Mrs. Hayden of Pilot Point and Mrs. Varley of Collinsville, both deceased. -Denton County News, April 14, 1905, p.5. HAYE, Jimmie 9 months March 4, 1901 CITY PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. DEATHS. March 4, Jimmie Haye, age 9 mo.; catarrhal fever. -Denton County News, March 14, 1901, p.4, c.1. HAYES, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Little Elm in 1898 HAWKINS COMMUNITY ITEMS. LITTLE ELM, TEX., Oct. 11. Mesdames Deb and Docia Martin left hurriedly to attend the funeral of Mr. Hayes' little girl, near Stewart creek. -Denton County News, Oct. 13, 1898, p.5, c. 5 HAYES, Sr., James Lewisville 65 yrs. old Page 136 Feb. 14, 1906 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. HAYES-Lewisville, Tex., Feb. 14. -James Hayes Sr., aged about 65 years, died at his home in Lewisville at 8 o'clock this moring after an illness of about two years. Mr. Hayes had been in the hardware business here for many years and was one of the best citizens. He leaves a wife and six children, three of whom are married, viz.: James Hayes Jr., assistant cashier in the bank here; Arthur Hayes, who runs the hardware business, and Mrs. Ethel Elbert. Allen Hayes, who is a grown man, also in the bank, and Bert and Neta, aged 13 and 10 years, respectively. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1906, p.12. Hayes, John Pilot Point Dec. 10, 1880 PILOT POINT. This evening John Hayes, while riding through a storm some six miles northeast from town, was, together with his horse, instantly killed by lightning. Mr. Hayes' body was frightfully burned, his clothing consumed and saddle torn into shreds. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 10, 1880, p.1, c.2. HAYES, Lutie Lea Denton IOOF 16 yrs. Old Feb. 12, 1908 HEART FAILURE CAUSED DEATH. LUTIE LEA HAYES DIED SUDDENLY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Was Sick Less Than Twenty Minutes - Funeral Services This Afternoon. Miss Luttie Hayes, aged about 16 years and a daughter of the late R. L. Hayes died Wednesday night about 11:30 o'clock of heart failure at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Craddock on West Oak street. >Wednesday Miss Hayes went to school and Wednesday night was studying in the family room until shortly before 10 o'clock when she went upstairs and retired. About 11 o'clock members of the family heard her moaning and sobbing and on going to her room fund the girl critically ill. A physician was summoned, but death occurred before the doctor arrived. Only about twenty minutes elapsed between the time that her sickness was first known and the time of her death. >The father of the girl expired a few weeks ago and his death was also due to heart trouble, the end having come, however, more suddenly even than that of his daughter. >The funeral services were held at the Craddock home Wednesday at 4 o'clock and the remains were interred at the IOOF cemetery. -Record &Chronicle, Feb. 13, 1908, p.6, c.2. HAYES, R. L. Jan. of 1908 DMN Feb. 7, 1908, p.10 HAYHURST, S. K. J. ne of Denton Gribble Springs 76 yrs. Old Oct. 18, 1902 Mortuary. Hayhurst - Denton, Tex., Oct. 20. - S. K. J. Hayhurst, one of the pioneer settlers of Denton County, died at his home northeast of the city, Saturday night, aged 76 years. He came to Denton County before the war and had lived in the home where he died for the past forty-two years. The interment took place at the Gribble Springs cemetery yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 22, 1902, p.8. HAYNES, Rev. John Denton IOOF Jan. 28, 1798 May 1, 1895 PILOT POINT ITEMS. -R. B. Haynes returned Thursday from Denton and reports his father, Rev. John Haynes, much better. It is hoped he may live out his 100 years. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1894, p.7, c.1. REV. JOHN HAYNES. Rev. John Haynes, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Mounts, in Denton last Wednesday night at 12 o'clock, was buried at 5 p.m. Thursday. Rev. DeWitt being sick Rev. J. H. Cunningham, of Pilot Point, conducted the services at the C. P. church at 4 p.m. The church was appropriately decorated, some good vocal music was rendered and Rev. Cunningham made a feeling, but hopeful talk. After the church services were closed the Masonic order took charge of the remains and conveyed them to the Odd Fellows cemetery and there conducted the funeral services. "Grandpa" Haynes, as he was familiarly called, was born in North Carolina, Jan. 28, 1798, and consequently was past 97 years old. He moved to Tennessee with his parents in 1814, where he resided until he reached manhood and married Miss Catherine Bell, Sept. 8, 1821. Miss Bell was a daughter of Rev. Robert Bell, who was the first missionary to the Indians in Mississippi. Page 137 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Rev. Haynes moved from Tennessee to Mississippi and remained there a number of years, but came to Texas in 1860 and settled in Denton county. To Rev. and Mrs. Haynes were born seven children, one boy and six girls. Five of the children are alive and attended the funeral. Deceased became a member of the church in his 20th year and a minister ten years later. He labored for the Cause until feeble health overtook him, but attended services regularly until only a short time before his death. He was an abstainer from whiskey and tobacco and to this fact we learn he attributed one cause of the lengevity of life. "Grandpa" Haynes was a true friend and neighbor and a consistent Christian, and those who knew him well in life are better for having associated with him. -Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.4, c.2. HAYNES, Major R. B. Gainesville Pilot Point aged Oct. 4, 1899 DMN Oct. 6, 1899, p.7 HAYNES, Mrs. R. B. Gainesville Pilot Point 68 yrs. Old Aug. 6, 1900 Mortuary. HAYNES - Gainesville, Tex., Aug. 7. - Mrs. Haynes, aged 68 years, one of the pioneers of Cooke and Denton Counties, a widow of the late Major R. B. Haynes, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chaffin, in this city last night. The remains were interred today at Pilot Point. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 8, 1900, p.2. HAYNES, R. H. Crafton? April 17, 1888 Crafton, March 21. -Brother R. H. Haynes, one of our local ministers, died Saturday the seventeenth at 4 o'clock. The old soldier departed in the full triumph of faith. We will miss him in church. -Wise County Messenger, April 21, 1888, p.1, c.3. HAYS, Colonel Jack near Piedmont in 1817 May 5, 1883 A NOTABLE DEATH. Colonel Jack Hays, The Texas Ranger, Gone Over the River. -Saturday afternoon Colonel Jack Hays, the Texan ranger, died at his residence near Piedmont. He had been sick for a long while, and his death was not unexpected. Colonel John Coffer Hays was a native of Wilson county, Tenn., where he was born in 1817. He was bred on a farm, but at the early age of 18 years he struck out for Texas and enlisted under General Sam Houston. When Texas was made independent by Houston, the rangers were organized. Afterward, when the state was admitted to the Union, a small regular army was organized from this welltried band, and Coloney Hays was placed in command. At the outbreak of the Mexican war he led the rangers, who did very effective work, especially at the battle of Monterey. ...-Wise County Messenger, May 11, 1883, p.3, c.1. HEALD, Joel A. (Dr.) Denton City 78 yrs. Old May 29, 1901 DR. JOEL A. HEALD. Dr. Joel A. Heald, a Mexican war veteran, passed away at 1:40 o'clock yesterday morning, at his room in the May Building. He was 78 years of age and was an uncle of W. T. Woolridge of this city. He was formerly in the restaurant business in this city, but on account of age and ill health had not been in business here for some time. The interment was at the city cemetery at 5:15 yesterday afternoon. -Denton County News, May 30, 1901, p.6, c.3 *** HEARD, Cornelius S. Sanger 53 yrs old Page 138 Dec. 15, 1903 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Cornelius H. Heard, Sanger, Dec. 15, age 53, apoplexy. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. HEATH, Jesse Sept. 21, 1892 Struck and Killed. Last evening Jesse Heath striked in town afoot from the Union stock yards hotel, where he was employed as a cook. He was caught on the Santa Fe bridge over the Trinity, by a train, where he was struck by the engine and hauled to the ground so badly mangled that he soon died. He was horribly cut in the right side and was completely dis-emboweled. The patrol wagon was sent out, but the man was in such fearful condition the willing but unskilled hands present could not even raise him to the wagon to bring him to town. >Medical aid was called as soon as possible, but he was beyond human aid. >Heath had been married but was parted from his wife, who now lives on Jackson street in this city. Heath's people live at or near Boonville in Wise county. -Denton County News, Sept. 22, 1892, p.1, c.7. HEDGECOKE/HEDGECOXE, M. 63 yrs old in 1883 Death of an Old Citizen. Pilot Point, November 18. -Mr. M. Hedgecoke, a pioneer of Texas, has passed away. He (cut off) from North Carolina (cut off) -kins county thirty years age (cut off) thirteen years was a citizen (cut off) -Point. He was in the grocery (cut off) until about two years ago (cut off) failing health compelled him (cut off). He had suffered greatly (cut off) effects of rheumatism, and (cut off) which occurred last evening (cut off) unexpected. He was a (cut off) leading member of the Bapti-(cut off) in this city, and was very (cut off) -teemed in the community. (cut off) sixty-three years of age, and (cut off) large circle of relatives to (cut off) departure. Rev. J. B. Ca-(cut off) the funeral services this evening. -Fort Worth Gazette, Nov. 19, 1883, p.2. HELM, Mrs. Martha poor farm 102 years old One Hundred and Two Years Old. Special to the News. Denton, Tex., May 15. - Mrs. Martha Helm died Saturday at the county poor farm of this county at the advanced age of 102 years. She had many relatives in this county and had made her home here for twenty-five years. -Dallas Morning News, May 17, 1905, p.11. HELMS, L. R. Shiloh 67 yrs. Old June 16, 1908 DRC June 18, 1908, p.1, c.7 HEMBREE, Ned Denton Nov. 3, 1892 DENTON HAS ANOTHER KILLING. Ned Hembry, City Scavenger, Killed in Stiff's Wine Cellar. -Less than a month later, a half a block away from when Jim Lee, the Chinese laundry man was murdered, a negro by the name of Hembree was killed at half-past ten o'clock last Thursday... (very lengthy article) -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.3, c.2 see also HEMBRY, Ned HEMBREY, infant of Denton infant Jan. of 1904 CHILD FOUND DEAD. Residents of Negro Quarters in Southeast Part of Town Made a Gruesome Discovery. -The dead body of a one-year-old infant was discovered in the home of Myra Hembrey, a negro woman who resides in the Freedmantown district in the southeastern part of the city last week. Page 139 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The child had apparently been dead for several hours, and Squire R. H. Hopkins, who held an inquest over the body stated in his verdict that the child had come to its death from starvation and neglect. The mother of the child is said to be partially demented and irresponsible. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1904, p.5, c.2. Denton Nov. 3, 1893 HEMBRY, Ned NED HEMBRY'S SLAYER CAUGHT. -Last November Ned Hembry, a negro and scavenger of the city, was killed and dragged out of the old post-office building then occupied as a wine house. John Scaggs, another negro, was arrested as the slayer, but after twenty-four hours silence John and another negro swore that a white man by the name of Roper had done the deed, and as Roper suddenly disappeared the grand jury found a bill accordingly. Saturday, Sheriff Mars came in from Waco having Roper in charge and he is now in jail awaiting his trial. -Denton County News, July 20, 1893, p.3, c.7. HENDERSON, Easter Denton Aug. 28, 1903 ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING AT DENTON. Negress Mortally Wounded Through Premature Discharge of Pistol. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Aug. 29. -Easter Henderson, a negress, was mortally wounded here late yesterday afternoon and there is no hope for her recovery. >The shooting was accidental, George Cole, a negro man, knocking against a pistol under his pillow and discharging it, the ball entering her temple. -The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 30, 1903 HENDERSON, Mrs. J. E. Sanger Nov. 29, 1893 Mortuary. Mrs. J. E. Henderson Sanger, Denton County, Tex., Nov.29. - Mrs. J. E. Henderson died to-day. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 1, 1893, p.6. HENDERSON, John Denton Mustang 55 yrs. Old July 16, 1895 DIED-Mr. John Henderson, aged 55 years, died at the home of his son-in-law, Rev. C. M. Shuffler, in Denton at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Deceased had been in bad health for several years. He was an old citizen of this county and leaves several married children, also a brother, Mr. Newt Henderson, at Aubrey. He was a zealous Christian and his death was a triumphant one. Mr. Henderson's body was conveyed to Mustang yesterday where it will be buried beside other members of his family. -Denton County News, July 18, 1895, p.5, c.2. HENDERSON, Mat. near Grapevine 18 yrs. Old May of 1880 Paradise Messenger, May 14, 1880, p.4, c.3. HENDERSON, Minnie Eckles (Mrs. J. E.) Denton Davis 22 yrs. Old Feb. 10, 1900 DMN Feb. 16, 1900, 3 DEATH OF MRS. HENDERSON. Mrs. Minnie Henderson, wife of Mr. J. E. Henderson, a well known resident of Denton, passed away Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Henderson had been ill with a pulmonary affection for a long time and her death was not unexpected, although a great sufferer, she was ever cheerful, and bore with great fortitude her sufferings. >Services were held at the family residence on North Bolivar street, at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. C. M. Harless offication. The interment was the Davis cemetery, 15 miles north of Denton. >Mrs. Henderson had been a faithful member of the M. E. church, South, for a number of years. She was the daughter of Mr. E. J. Eckles, of Sanger. She was born in Lamar county, Texas, and was 22 years, 10 months, and 16 days old. The NEWS extends sympathy to the bereaved husband. -Denton County News, Feb. 15, 1900, p.4, c.3. Page 140 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY HENDERSON, Pat Pilot Point Mustang HENDLEY, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. BIRTH DATE infant DATE OF DEATH CITATION Oct. 21, 1904 DCN Oct. 25, 1904, p.5, c.2 July 12, 1904 DCN July 19, 1904, p.4, c.4 HENDRICKS, W. W. Russet, I. T. Feb. 15, 1901 N. A. Thomas, who lives near Bartonville, was in the city Tuesday. He had just returned from Russet, I. T., where he attended the funeral of his son-in-law, W. W. Hendricks, who was shot on Feb. 13 by a drunken Indian and died on Feb. 15. He left a wife and four children who returned with Mr. Thomas to Denton county. Hendricks had lived in the Territory about three years, going there from this county, in which he had spent most of his life. -Denton County News, March 14, 1901, p.1, c.5. HENDRIX, Bud Vineyard City Sept. 9, 1884 Vineyard City, Jack Co., Tex., Sept. 11th, 1884. Our town was thrown into considerale excitement on the evening of the 9th. Mr. John Read shot and killed Bud Hendrix. Hendrix had some slighty talk about a young lady, who was boarding here from Wise county, which caused a little row some two weeks ago. Some one wrote Mr. Hendrix a note to leave Jack county, which made Hendrix mad, and on the 9th Hendrix went to Mr. Read's and asked Mr. Read if he knew anthing about the note. Read said he did not. Hendrix said some of the citizens had threatened to run him off, but he would make it d_d hot for them, and drew his pistol. Read got up and went and got his shot gun and come to the door. Hendrix backed off from the door with his pistol presented. Read came to the door the second time when Hendrix fired but missed him, then Read fired and killed Hendrix. Four shots took effect, one in the right arm, two in the right side and one in the forehead just above the right eye killing him instantly. Read had a preliminary trial yesterday and was placed under a bond of $2?00. We hop it will stop here. Wishing the MESSENGER success, we remain, etc. W. D. Swanson. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 19, 1884, p.6, c.3. HENDRIX, child of Mr. Garza July 1898 DCRC July 16, 1898, p.5, c.3 HENDRIX, Levina Lewisville Dec. 4, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Levina Hendrix, Lewisville, Dec. 4, age 73?, paralysis of the heart. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. HENN, Antone "Tony" Denton TONY IS DEAD. One of Denton's Oldest Landmarks Passes Away a Victim of Old Age and La Grippe - Was 75 Years Old. "Tony" is dead. One of the most unique characters that ever resided in the town of Denton passed away Monday night at the home of George Miles in this city. Since the time whereof a memory of man remains not in the contrary. "Tony" had walked the streets of Denton existing on pension received from the government for service in the war of Mexico and in the federal army during the civil war. He was well known to every man, woman, and child in Denton up to a year or so ago, when he gave up his life of wandering around the town and became a recluse spending his last days with Mr. Miles, to whom he ? ? Uncle John Ewan, who had contributed to his support up to the time of his own death a few months ago. Page 141 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION There are many interesting stories connected with the life of 'Tony,' who had lived a little more than man's alloted three score years and ten. He was always of a conservative turn of ? And seldom spoke of his past life, never than to the happenings of the ? of Denton. One of stories? which has been vouched for by a number of citizens is to the affect that ? fifteen? years ago Tony walked all the way to Little Rock, Ark, and ? on account of a joke perpetrated him by Denton parties. He bitterly resented the joker, but on returning home persued the even ? of his, ? for the balance of life, attending strictly to his own affairs. Peace ?? -Denton County News, 03-24-1904, p.1, c.1. TONEY'S MONEY. He Left About Five Hundred Dollars in the Bank Which He Had Agreed to Leave to George Miles. The property of Antone Henn, better known in Denton as "Tony," amounted to about $500, which sum, with the exemption of the expense of his burial and the court fees in settling up the estate will go to George Miles, who cared for him during the last year of his life. Judge S. M. Bvradley, who has had the matter in hand for adjustments states that there will probably not be over $350? Left after all indebtedness is settled, which amount is all that Mr. Miles will receive for having cared for Tony. It was generally believed that Tony left a great deal of money, and the above are the actual facts. -Denton County News, March 31, 1904, p.1, c.1. HENSLEY, Geo. W. 47 yrs old April 24, 1884 TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas our worthy brother, Geo. W. Hensley, departed this life on the 24th day of April, A. D., 1884, we submit the following resolutions of respect to the deceased; who was aged 47 years, a kind father and husband, and a worthy member of the Farmers' Alliance, holding an honored position therein; Resolved that we deplore the loss of our worthy brother and tender to his bereaved family our sincere sympathy in their sad affliction. Resolved that the members of the Alvord Alliance wear the usual bade of mourning for the period of thirty days. Resolved that these resolution be published in the Alvord Messenger, The Texas Farmers' Alliance and Rural Citizens, also that a copy of the same be furnished the wife of deceased, Wm. Forster, N. G. Barber, J. T. Thompson, Com. -Alvord Messenger, May 9, 1884, p.2, c.1. HENSLEY, Male Collinsville 24 yrs. Old Oct. 9, 1904 R&C Oct. 10, 1904, p.1, c.4* HENSLEY, Mr. Jones school house April of 1884 The obituary of Mr. Hensley, Sec. of the Alliance at this place, will appear next week. He was buried at the Jones' school house with Alliance honors, near fifty members participating. -Alvord Messenger, May 2, 1884, p.3, c.3. HERBERT, Hon. C. L. Ardmore, I. T. HERD, C. B. Sanger HERNDON, Grandma Helen Denton 47 yrs. Old 85 yrs. Old Oct. 8, 1905 DMN Oct. 9, 1905, p.7 Dec. 1903 DCN Dec. 24, 1903, p.8, c.3 Sept. 17, 1890 DMN Sept. 18, 1890, p.1, 6 HERNDON, Mrs. William Denton May 16, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. The Gazette's Weekly Record of the Grave and the Gay - Sunshine and Shadow. Deaths. -Mrs. William Herndon, Denton, May 16. -Fort Worth Page Daily Gazettte, May 31, 1886, p.5. 142 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION HERROD, John Hickory Creek 76 yrs. Old July 3, 1898 DCRC July 7, 1898, p.8, c.5 Dallas Morning News: MORTUARY. HERROD -Denton, Tex., July 5. -John Herrod died south of here yesterday, aged 75 years. The deceased, who was a negro, was the oldest ex-slave in Denton county who came here as a slave, and was also among the pioneer arrivals in Denton county, having come here with his master in 1852 and lived here continuosly since. The old negro was of the now almost gone antebellum type, polite and affable to his superiors always, and well thought of by his white neighbors. -Dallas Morning News, July 7, 1898, p.10. HERRON, Green Archer Co. Oct.? Of 1895 ROANOKE, Tex., Oct. 15, 1895. The sad news of the death of Green Herron, nephew of S. F. Reynolds, was received here last Friday. He had resided in Archer county of late where he died. He leaves a brother and sister here besides many other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, Oct. 17, 1895, p.1, c.2. HICKMAN, A. J. Roanoke March 18, 1900 DMN March 20, 1900, p.5 HICKS, child of Jim Lewisville 2 yrs. Old Feb. 26, 1905 CHILD DIED FROM SWALLOWING A RIVET. Infant of Jim Hicks Died Sunday Afternoon at Lewisville. >J. C. Brannon Jr., who was here yesterday attending district court brought the news of the sudden death of the sudden death of the little two-year-old child of Jim Hicks at Lewisville Sunday afternoon. The child's parents had come over to Lewisville Sunday morning to spend the day with relatives in town, when in some manner the child got hold of a rivet and swallowed it. Before medical assistance could be secured, the child was dead. Its death occurred at 2:00 in the afternoon Sunday. -Denton County News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.4. HICKS, Howard near Cleburne February of 1904 DEATH OF HOWARD HICKS. -Mrs. Lee Brown received word last Saturday of the death of her father, Howard Hicks, whose home was about a mile from Cleburne. Mr. Hicks has been very sick for quite a while and his death was not unexpected. Mrs. Brown left Saturday to be present at the funeral. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.7, c.3. HICKS, John W. near Waketon near Waketon HICKS, John W. 74 yrs. Old Feb. 14, 1899 DMN Feb. 16, 1899, p.5 73 yrs. Old Feb. 12, 1899 DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.1, c.1 & p.5, c.4 HIGGINS, Mr. Decatur? Aug/Sept of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. The old man named Higgins who took poison last week in Decatur is dead. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 9, 1881, p.2, c.1. HIGGINS, Phil Garza March 16, 1901 Page 143 DCR&C March 21, 1901, p.8, c.2 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION HIGHLAND, Joe Decatur ca 70 yrs old Feb. 11, 1884 Decatur, Feb. 12. -About 8:30 o'clock last night Sam Rockwall, a stone mason by trade, acting as deputy marshal, shot Joe Highland, a cook, three times, killing him instantly. The facts as elicited at the coroner's investigation show that Rockwall had been drinking during the day that day. About 8 o'clock he called at Highland's residence to see a Mrs. Weisman, who was there. Rockwall and Highland had some words when Rockwall drew two six-shooters and wanted Highland to take one and fight him, which he refused to do, but ordered Rockwall to leave the house. As he did not go, Highland went to one of the neighbors, and after telling them about his trouble, asked ...when Rockwall drew two six-shooters and wanted Highland to take one and fight him, which he refused to do, but ordered Rockwall to leave the house. As he did not go, Highland went to one of the neighbors, and after telling them about his trouble asked for a gun. They had no firearms, and advised him to go and report the matter to the sheriff, and have Rockwall arrested. Highland started for town, going by his house, when opposite, he called to his wife asking what his (Rockwall's) name was. Mrs. Highland came out and told him and also said he had just left. Highland started for town, saying he would report him to the sheriff. About five minutes afterwards, three shots were heard. Rockwall went to jail and gave himself up, saying he had killed a man in self defense and showed some slight cuts on his outside coat. Highland's body was found about 150 yards from his house, with two bullet holes in his breast, one in the back of his head, with a small Barlow knife in his hand which had the appearance of having been put there by Rockwall. This idea was strengthened by finding Highland's knife in his pocket unopened. Highland was about seventy years old and leaves a wife and two children. Rockwall has a family. His wife gave birth to a child yesterday. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p. 3, c.3. HIGHTOWER, E. C. (Rev.) Ponder Acton April 24, 1901 MORTUARY. Rev. E. C. Hightower. -PONDER, April 28. -Rev. E. C. Hightower of Ozona died at the home of his borther, Rev. A. P. Hightower, last Wednesday. The body was shipped to Acton Thursday for interment. He had been in feeble health for some time and went to Marlin a month ago, but his condition grew worse and his brother went after him. -Denton County Record, April 25, 1901, p.?, c.2 *** HILDEBRANDT, child of Mr. & Mrs. Denton June 13, 1899 GERMAN BABY DIES. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt, a respected German family living in the north part of town, died last Tuesday afternoon and was buried yesterday afternoon. -Denton County News, June 15, 1899, p.4, c.3. HILGERS, Frederick William Denton 3 yrs. Old Jan. 30, 1893 DCN Feb. 2, 1893, p.3, c.2 HILL, Mrs. D. L. 60 yrs. Old April 19, 1900 MORTUARY. HILL -Denton, Tex., April 20. -Mrs. D. L. Hill died here yesterday of heart trouble, aged about 50 years. She was the wife of D. L. Hill of this city and mother-in-law of County Clerk Edward F. Zumwalt. -Dallas Morning News, April 22, 1900, p.6. HILL, infant of Mr. & Mrs. Henry HILL, Hannibal Cottonwood Parvin Cottonwood Page 144 infant Feb. 1899 Oct. 5, 1895 DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.5, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION It is reported that Capt. Hannibal Hill, father of Attorney F. F. Hill of this city, and a prominent citizen of the Parvin community, is now quite sick at his home. Denton County News, Sept. 5, 1895, p.8, c.3. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. LITTLE ELM, TEXAS. Sept. 24. - The remains of Mr. Hannibal Hill was interred at the Cottonwood cemetery at this place last Sunday. He was an esteemed citizen and one in whom the community will sustain a great loss. The burial services were conducted by the I.O.O.F. lodge of which he was a member and was witnessed by a very large number of friends. -Denton County News, Oct. 10, 1895, p.4, c.3. HILL, Henry, Sr. Lewisville Cottonwood May 24, 1894 We learn from Mr. T. C. McCormick that Mr. H. Hill, of Lewisville is gradually getting weaker. He had a pain just under his heart Monday and seems to have no hopes of his recovery since. He called his grandchildren to his bedside and gave them good advice, capable of making men and women of them, if carried out. Denton County News, May 3, 1894, p.1, c.5. MR. H. HILL, SR., DYING. -F. F. Hill received a telegram from a relative at Lewisville Monday stating that the former's uncle, Mr. Henry Hill, who has been sick several momths, was thought to be dying. The nephew at once left for his uncle's bedside and so far we have been unable to get news from the sufferer. -Denton County News, May 17, 1894, p.4, c.2. MR. HENRY HILL DEAD. -Mr. Henry Hill, Sr., who has been a sufferer for several months from a complication of diseases of mind and body, died at his home five miles east of Lewisville Tuesday. His remains were buried in the Cottonwood cemetery at Little Elm, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hill was one of Denton's pioneer merchants. He leaves a wife, a son, Henry, Jr., of Lewisville, and several grandchildren. -Denton County News, May 31, 1894, p.8, c.2. HILL, Lieutenant Clear Creek in 1870 HDU May 31, 1870, p.2 DEATH OF LIEUT. HILL - The Denton Monitor informs us that Lieut. Hill started for Fort Worth, sent his escort ahead, and followed with his servant. The escort crossed Clear Creek, but when Lieut. Hill came it was swollen. He plunged in, the horse rolled over, he struck for the bank with his saddlebags, and would have reached it, but some movers standing on the bank, induced him to seize a little branch. He did so, but as soon as he seized the twig, he disappeared, and was never seen again. HILLIARD, Will near Denton 21 yrs. Old July/Aug. of 1900 DMN Aug. 3, 1900, p.2 HITCHCOCK, Col. A. J. Denton Aug. 25, 1887 THE DENTON FIRE. Three Persons Arrested Charged as Incendiaries and as Having Caused the Death of Col. Hitchcock-Great Feeling Prevails. Denton, Tex., Aug. 26. -The fire and tragic death which occurred here yesterday morning is still the all-absorbing topic. New developments have served to convince the people that it was the work of an incendiary, and it is believed by some that Col. Hitchcock was murdered before being burned in the building, but this belief seems to have very little foundation. Marshal W.S. Fry, who has been very active and persevering in making up the case, arrested three men on the charge of arson and murder last night. J. T. Gideumb, R. R. Fain and S. W. Keating, the parties are all brothers-in-law. Fain is the proprietor of the hotel, Keeting the former proprietor and Gideumb, who boarded at the house, was carrying on an implement business in one of the rooms below. Fain and Gideumb have both made statements since their arrest which, taken together, are said to implicate all three of the parties. The examining trial has progressed rather slowly to-day, nothing being done except to take the voluntary statement of Gideumb, which is withheld from publication until the trial is over. The investigation will be resumed to-morrow and will be continued till the matter is sifted of every material fact. Page 145 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The excitement runs high, and strong talk of lynching has been freely indulged in on the streets. Excited crowds could be seen all day gathered in knots about the square discussing the probable motive, etc., of Col. Hitchcock's death, and it is believed that should it become known that he was first murdered the guilty parties would certainly be visited with speedy justice at the hands of his numerous friends. All seems to be quiet to-night. The parties charged are well guarded in the jail. Dr. Rowell of Louisville, a relative of the deceased, arrived here this morning and other relatives are expected soon. The funeral and memorial service will take place at the Baptist Church at 11 o'clock next Sunday. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 27, 1887. BURNED TO DEATH IN A HOTEL. DENTON, Texas, Aug. 26 - Fire was discovered yesterday in the kitchen of the James Hotel, a two-story brick structure. The proprietor, seeing the flames were beyond control, had the guests aroused. Col. A. J. Hitchcock, a Texas veteran, was awakened and started from his room, but lost his way and ran into the flames. After a long search his charred body was found in the ruins to-night. He was one of the survivors of the Fannin massacre at Goliad in March, 1837. He was 73 years of age, a native of Georgia, and leaves a large estate. The total loss by fire was $10,000, partly covered by insurance. -New York Times, Aug. 27, 1887, p.3 HITTSON, Mr. Pilot Point in 1869 The Gainesville Vedette of the 10th gives some particulars of an affair already mentioned in the News. >Last Tuesday, at Pilot Point, a man by the name of Hittson was shot dead on the public square by a boy named W. C. Hudson. Whisky, we are informed was at the bottom of it all. Twelve months ago Hudson was a very promising youth, and everybody thought that he would make a man of himself, but how sad the change! He was a member of the Pilot Point Lodge of Good Templars, but withdrew from the lodge and commenced drinking, and up to the time of his killing Hittson, who was a man old enought for his father, was an annoyance and peace disturber to the place. Such is alway the end of the desperado and outlaw. -Galveston Tri-Weedly News, July 23, 1869, p.1. HOBSON, Mrs. Gray HODGES, C. B. (Rev.) Old Alton Nocona 24 yrs. Old May 13, 1908 DRC Mar. 19, 1908, p.6, c.5 Dec. 18, 1901 DCR&C, Dec. 5, 1901, p.?, c.3 HODGES, E. D. Aubrey Dec. 31, 1892 ITEMS FROM AUBREY. On the 31st ult., E. D. Hodges, a prominent farmer and well known in the county, died after a two weeks illness. The father and brothers of the deceased came from different points and attended the funeral services which were conducted by Rev. E. S. Haynes of Pilot Point. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1893, p.2, c.4. In the notice of the late Mr. E. D. Hodge's death in last week's NEWS, the printer made it read that his estate was worth $250,000. It should have been $25,000. Denton County News, Jan. 12, 1893, p.2, c.5. HODGES, Mrs. Samuel Aubrey Blue School House April 18, 1898 DIED AT AUBREY. On last Monday evening Mrs. Samuel Hodges died at Aubrey. Mrs. Hodgeswas the daughter of Mr. W. L. Lanford, and was an earnest and zealous member of the Baptist church at Aubrey. She was well thought of by all. The interment took place at the Blue School house Tuesday, the services being conducted by Elder J. B. Cole. -The Chronicle, April 22, 1898, p.4, c.7. Page 146 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION HOFFMAN, Mrs. Claud Dallas Aug. 13, 1895 It was reported in Denton yesterday that Mrs. Claud Hoffman died in Dallas Tuesday after a lingering illness of some weeks. The many friends of the family in Denton will regret to hear of Claud's sad affliction. -Denton County News, Aug. 15, 1895, p.4, c.3. HOFFMAN, Martha (Mrs. John) Collinsville 53 yrs. Old August 1898 DMN Sept. 3, 1898, p.3 HOFFMAN, Mrs. Mattie J. Bolivar 43 yrs. Old Feb. 19, 1904 DCN Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.6 HOGAN, Frank Roanoke April 8, 1902 DMN April 12, 1902, p.7 HOGAN, Mike Belden July 20, 1982 DCN July 27, 1892, p.1, c.1 HOGG, Annie Denton Nov. 4, 1892 DEATH OF MRS. A. E. HOGG. -One of the best known and most highly esteemed ladies in Denton county died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Kelso, in Denton at 5:20 p.m. Friday. Mrs. Hogg had been ill many months and her recovery had long been dispaired of. Her husband was the late Judge Thos. E. Hogg, brother of Gov. Hogg, who died in Denton about thirteen years ago. Since her husband's death Mrs. Hogg has led an acitve life and has educated as many children as any one teacher in Denton county. She was the mother of four daughters and one son, two of the former being dead. The surviving children are all living in Denton. Mrs. Hogg died the happy and triumphant death of a christian having long been an ardent member of the Baptist church under the auspices of which her funeral was conducted. She was buried Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock the services being held at the church. Here a beautiful scene took place which evidenced the deep devotion that the deceased's pupils had for her. A large body of little girls marched around the coffin and distributed flowers on it singing the notes of a beautiful song. Mrs. A. E. Hogg is at rest. She has traveled the long journey and will never more suffer the trials of this world, but her name is cherished by hosts of friends who extend the warmest sympathy to the bereaved ones. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.3, c.4. HOGG, Mrs. J. S. Austin Oct. 4, 1895 Mrs. Hogg, wife Ex-Governor J. S. Hogg, died in Pueblo, Colo., Friday night where she went some months ago in the hope of recuperating her health. Her remains were at once conveyed to Austin where they were interred Monday. Mrs. Hogg, says an Austin correspondent, was a talented, social little lady, very popular and whose hospitality, it is said, was never exceeded by any lady of the governor's mansion. The bereaved family received messages of condolence from hundreds of friends from different parts of the nation. -Denton County News, Oct. 10, 1895, p.4, c.1. HOGG, Thomas E. (Capt.) Denton Feb. 7, 1875 Captain Thomas E. Hogg, formerly of Cherokee county, the editor and poet, is reported to have been killed at Denton on the 7th instant, by a Dutchman named Toney. We should regret to have this news confirmed, for a purer and braver or more peaceable man than Captain Hogg was not to be found in the state. No particulars of the sad affair are given, but it is probable a good man has been killed without provocation. -Dallas Weekly Herald, Feb. 20, 1875, p.1. Page 147 NAME LOCATION HOGG, Thomas E. Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Sept. 28, 1880 STATE NEWS. Denton, Sept. 28. -Thomas E. Hogg, attorney for the Texas and Pacific, and a gentleman of literary attainment, died to-day at his residence of typhoid fever. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 8, 1880, p.1, c.3. Rusk, Sept. 30. -The death of Thos. E. Hogg, of Denton, as stated in the news of the 28th inst., was received with profound sorrow by this people. Capt. Hogg was reared here. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 8, 1880, p.4, c.1 HOGUE, Rev. Chas. Lehman Denton Dec. 29, 1906 Chas. Lehman Hogue was born and reared in Lebanon, Ky., where his honored father, Rev. A. A. Hogue, was pastor of the Presbyterian church for twenty-six years, and died in Denton, Texas, December 29, 1906. The funeral services were conducted in the First Presbyterian church, by Rev. Frank Wright, of Dallas. >Dr. Hogue graduated at Center College in the A. B. course in 1869, and entered Union Theological Seminary three years later, graduating in 1872, having acquired a marked knowledge of Hebrew. He was licensed to preach by Transylvania Presybtery the same fall, taking up mission work in Louisville, out of which developed the Third Presbyterian church. He was ordained by Louisville Presbytery and afterwards held important charges in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Texas. (the rest of this lengthy obit is in the vertical file under "People") -Christian Observer, Feb. 13, 1907. HOGUE, Mrs. Mary Roanoke Mar. or Apr. 1899 MORE DEATHS FROM MENINGITIS. Denton, Tex., April 6. -Two more deaths, one at Aubrey and one at Roanoke, are reported from meningitis, in both instances death coming suddenly. The deaths are Mrs. Reed at Aubrey and Mrs. Hary Hogue at Roanoke. -Dallas Morning News, April 7, 1899, p.8. HOLBACK, Mr. near Clear Creek Jan? of 1875 An old man named Holback, well known to the old settlers of Denton county, was found dead on the prairie, near Clear creek, frozen stiff, last week. The Monitor says that Holback was the first white man that ever settled in Denton county. -Dallas Weekly Herald, Jan. 23, 1875, p.3. HOLCOMB, G. W. near Lloyd July 3, 1895 DEATH BY MORPHINE. -G. W. Holcomb, a farmer and stockraiser, who lived eleven miles east of Denton, and two miles south of Lloyd, died on Wednesday of last week from a large dose of morphine administered by himself. The morphine was taken about 6:30 in the morning, and as soon as his family found he had taken it they summoned two physicians, but nothing could be done to revive him. It is not known exactly what caused the deceased to take the fatal dose, as we are told there was no written statement left. Deceased was frequently called Dr. Holcomb, being a veterinary surgeon. He came to Denton county in1878 from Michigan. Denton County News, July 11,1895, p.5, c.1. HOLDER, child of Aubrey Cottonwood infant Feb. 26, 1899 Mr. & Mrs. Holder were saddened by the death of their little baby Sunday. The remains were interred in Cottonwood cemetery Monday. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.5, c.1. HOLFORD, M. (Rev.) Elizabethtown Oct/Nov. of 1869 Page 148 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Tex., Nov. 6, 1869. -Rev. M. Holford of Elizabethtown is dead. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.3. HOLFORD, Mrs. Col. Willis Pilot Point Sept. 30, 1900 DMN Oct. 2, 1900, p.9 HOLLAND, A. A. Overton Feb. 5, 1885 Overton, Feb. 6. -A negro school teacher, named A. A. Holland, came over from Henderson yesterday evening and got on a spree. Last night in wandering about he lay down on the railroad track about half a mile south of here , and was run over by the cars and killed. He held a first-class certificate and had formerly been one of the board of school examiners in Panola county. When found he had on his person $50 and a gold watch. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 14, 1885, p.4, c.1. HOLLAND, J. K. HOLLAR, Lee (Prof.) IOOF Feb. 1, 1840 Ponder May 23, 1908 DRC May 28, 1908, p.3, c.6 DRC June 6, 1908, p.7, c.1 Sept. 24, 1901 DCR Sept. 26, 1904, p.5, c.4 * HOLLAR, child of Mr. & Mrs. Lish Spring Hill infant Sept. 25, 1900 Spring Hill Items. September 26. -Death has visited our community again. Mr. Lish Hollar's baby died yesterday. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.2, c.2. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mrs. Tracy McDonald May 24, 1908 DRC June 6, 1908, p.5, c.4 HOLLY, A. D. Sunset July 31, 1884 Sunset, Aug. 1. - A fatal shooting affray occurred here last night about 10 o'clock, by which A. D. Holly came to his death by two pistol shots fired by the hands of T. H. Lee. Mr. Holly was sitting in front of his saloon in company with Mr. V. T. Burris when Lee rode up and fired two shots without speaking a word, and then rode off a short distance and fired again and made his escape. He was pursued for a short distance but without success. The supposition is that he has escaped to the Nation. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.1, c.2. The murder of A. D. Holly at Sunset on the night of July 31st was a deplorable occurrence, which is directly attributable to drinking ardent spirits and quarrelling. Both the murdered man and his murderer were known as desperate characters who were often arraigned in our courts for violations of the civil law. Between Tom Lee, the murderer, and his victim there had long existed a feeling of bitterness brought about by previous rows and difficulties. The law will scarcely find any justification for this murder, but public sentiment will not become indignant as it would had a quiet harmless citizen been ruthlessly shot down. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.4, c.3. HOLMAN, E. P. April 13, 1887 Page 149 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION LEWISVILLE GRIST. LEWISVILLE, Tex., April 13.-E. P. Holman, mail carrier between Lewisville and Bartonville, was thrown from his buggy to-day and kicked in the face and head by his horse, and will die from his wounds. -Dallas Morning News, April 14, 1887, p.6. HOLMES, Miss Ida S. Aubrey Jan. 12, 1896 Oct. 13, 1904 Aubrey Herald, Nov. 18, 1904, p.1, c.4 & P.5, c.1 * HOLMES, Miss Ida Aubrey Belew 18 yrs. Old Nov. 13, 1904 DCN Nov. 15, 1904, p.1, c.4 MORTUARY. HOLMES-Denton, Tex., Nov. 14.-Miss Ida Holmes of Aubrey died yesterday of typhoid fever, aged 18 years. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 18, 1904, p.10. HOLMES, Mrs. Wm. H. Little Elm Cottonwood HOLMES, William Little Elm Little Elm 53 yrs. Old Mar. 4, 1897 DCN Mar. 12, 1897, p.1, c.3 DCN Mar. 19, 1897, p.8, c.4 Sept. 3, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.5, c.5 HOLSTEAD, W. L. Denton IOOF 40 yrs. Old Aug. 7, 1895 DIED - Mr. W. L. Holstead died at his home in Denton early yesterday morning of brain trouble. Mr. Holstead was operated upon several weeks ago for appendicitis, and had entirely recovered from that trouble when the other disease proved fatal. Deceased was about forty years old, and came to Denton, from Ruston, Louisiana about two years ago. He was a celebrated citizen and a zealous member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Mrs. Holstead, for whom the people deeply sympathise, survives him. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.5, c.3. HOLT, Jim T. Mingo HONEYCUTT, Dr. J. B. Glasgow, KY about 50 Feb. 15, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.1, c.1 Dec. of 1907 DMN Dec. 23, 1907, p.9 HOOD, Millie Lloyd Oak Grove 18 yrs. Old Jan. 27, 1895 DIED-Miss Millie Hood, aged 18 years, died at the home of her parents near Lloyd at 9 o'clock Sunday night and was buried at the Oak Grove Cemetery Tuesday morning. Pneumonia was the fatal disease. -Denton County News, Jan. 31, 1895, p.8, c.2. HOOKER, H. H. Denton IOOF 76 yrs. Old Page 150 Aug. 23, 1896 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION OLD CITIZEN DEAD. After a short illness Mr. H. H. Hooker died at his home on Mulberry street, this city, at about 6 o'clock Sunday morning, August 22nd. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellow's cemetery at 6 p.m., the same day with religious services at the grave, Rev. J. B. Cole officiating. Mr. Hooker was one of the best known and most respected citizens of Denton county. He had been living in this county about eighteen years, during the greater part of the time engaged in business in Denton, and was seventy-six years of age. He leaves a wife who receives the sympathy of a host of friends. -Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.8, c.4. PERSONALS. J. R. Greer of Rector, was in Denton Sunday attending the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Hooker. -Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.8, c.5. HOOKS, son of B. W. Red River Co Feb. of 1904 While a little son of B. W. Hooks, a farmer and merchant at Towson, Red River County, was standing in front of the fire Wednesday morning dressing, his gown was ignited and he was fatally burned. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.1, c.1. HOOTEN, child of Mr. & Mrs. Sam City 10 months Feb. 8, 1908 DRC Feb. 13, 1908, p.7, c.3 HOPKINS, John S. IOOF 19 yrs. Old Jan. 1, 1896 John S. Hopkins, the 19-year-old son of 'Squire R. H. Hopkins, died at his parents' home about two and a-half miles south of town, Wednesday morning of last week after an illness of nearly four weeks. Funeral services were conducted at the home and the interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. Thursday. Denton County News, Jan. 9, 1896, p.4, c.4. HOPKINS, Porter J. Slidell 12 yrs. Old HORNBY, Henry Sept. 23, 1908 DRC Sept. 24, 1908, p.3, c.5 Feb. of 1897 KILLED BY A TRAIN. SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 25. -Henry Hornby, aged 75, an Englishman, was run down and killed this morning by a freight train on the International while walking along its tracks about five miles from city. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.2, c.2. HORTON, John Hall county Belew Nov. 24, 1908 DCN Dec. 3, 1908, p.8, c.4 HOSKINS, B. J. Bowie IOOF April 30, 1883 DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN. DENTON, April 30. -[Special.]-Rev. B. J. Hoskins, an old and respected citizen of this county, died this morning at Bowie, in Montague county. His remains will be brought here for interment in the Odd Fellow's Cemetery. -The Dallas Weekly Herald, May 3, 1883, p.7. HOSKINS, Maud 6 yrs. Old July 8, 1893 DCN July 27, 1893, p.2, c.2 Cemetery Hill Items. Died-On Saturday, July 8, Maud, the little six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoskins. -Denton County News, July 27, 1893, p.2, c.2. HOSKINS, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. S. H. Page 151 infant Feb. 17, 1900 DCRC Feb. 22, 1900, p.3, c.5 NAME LOCATION HOTTON, H. B. Wakefield CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION March of 1901 DCR&C, March 21, 1901, p.8, c.2* HOUGH, Mrs. Dave south of Denton 74 yrs. Old Feb. 1899 DMN Feb. 22, 1899, p.10 An Aged Lady Dead. >The early settlers of Denton county are rapidly passing away, several of them having died during the past few weeks. Mrs. Dave Hough, who was over seventy years of age and who came to this county when comparatively young, died at her home south of Denton last Saturday and was buried Sunday afternoon. She had many friends who will miss her. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1899, p.8, c.2. HOUK, Lillian 18 yrs. Old Feb. 16, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.1, c.4 HOUSDEN, Mrs. Sanger Belew Feb. 18, 1908 Mrs. Housden died at her home herre February 19 of pneumonia. Interment at Ballew cemetery, Tuesday afternoon. -Recprd & Chronicle, Feb. 13, 1908, p.5, c.6. HOUSE, Mrs. A. Denton March 18, 1907 HOWARD, Boon Old man Boon Howard died from congestion of the bowels. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.1, c.4. Aug/Sept 1881 HOWARD, Desmond Mar. 11, 1904 10 yrs. Old DMN March 20, 1907, p.14 DCN Mar. 17, 1904, p.10, c.4 HOWARD, Dr. E. Sanger Bolivar 72 yrs. Old Sept. 7, 1897 DMN Sept. 10, 1897, p.7 MORTUARY. HOWARD-Sanger, Tex., Sept. 7 - Dr. E. Howard died here to-day at the age of 72, and will be buried at Bolivar to-morrow by the Bolivar lodge, No.418, A., F. and A. M., of which he was a charter member. -Dallas Morning News HOWE, Bart Denton HOWE, Nora Roanoke HOWE, Mrs. W. W. Stevenson, AL 55 yrs. Old June 9, 1902 DMN June 15, 1902, p.24 July of 1908 DRC July 30, 1908, p.3, c.3 Apr. 30, 1908 DRC Apr. 30, 1908, p.3, c.6 HOWELL, Grandmother Bowie 1819 Mar. 1904 DCN Mar. 24, p.1, c.4 "Grandma" Howell Dead. News was received in Denton last week of the death of "Grandmother" Howell, of Bowie, who formerly resided in Denton. Mrs. Howell was the mother of ? J. Howell, the jeweler, who resided in Denton many years ago and who lives now at Bristow, I. T. Deceased was born in 1819 and was therefore nearing the century mark. Page 152 NAME LOCATION HOWERTON, Mrs. Chico CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Ap/Mar of 1884 Local News. Mrs. Howerton, of Chico, died on Thursday night of last week. -Alvord Messenger, March 7, 1884, p.3, c.1 HOWSER, child of Dr. S. D. Aubrey November of 1900 MORTUARY. *listed under DARNALL+ Denton, Texas., Nov. 14. -…died this week of scarlet fever. The disease is reported to be prevalent in several section of the northern part of the county, and Dr. S. D. Howser of Aubrey lost two of his young children of it only a few days apart, while another member of his family is in a dangerous condition. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 15, 1900, p.7. HOWSER, child (2) of Dr. S. D. see Howser, child of Dr. S. D. Aubrey November of 1900 HOWSET, Tom Spring Hill Items. Spring Hill, Tex., Dec. 9. -DIED - Saturday night, Mr. Tom Howset. -Denton County News, Dec. 12, 1895, p.5, c.2. HUBBARD, J. C. April/May of 1881 Mr. J. C. Hubbard of Tarrant county, a prominent member of the Farmers' Association died lat week. -Paradise Messenger, May 6, 1881, p.2, c.2. HUBBARD, J. W. Alvord Jan 31, 1885 -J. W. Hubbard, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Alvord, was buried on last Saturday in the newly made cemetery of that village with the civic honors of masonry. The brethren of the Farmers' Alliance, of which he was an honored member, also manifested their respect and sincere regret by joining in a funeral procession. Alvord and vicinity have lost a useful man, his companion a kind husband and his children a good father. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 7, 1885, p.7, c.2. MEMORIAL. At a stated meeting of Alvord Alliance, No. 151, the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted. Whereas the Allwise and Supreme Ruler of the Universe and all beings in His great wisdom has removed by death from our fellowship our beloved brother, J. W. Hubbard, whose death occurred at his residence in Alvord, Wise county, Texas, Jan. 31, 1885. Therefore, resolved that we as members of Alvord Alliance, No. 151, bow in humble submission to the divine will of Almighty God, and remember with charity his widow and children, that these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Alliance and a copy furnished the Rural Citizen, WISE COUNTY MESSSENGER and Decatur Weekly Post for publication, and that the usual badge of mourning be worn for 30 days. Com. John M. Thompson, W. P. Wright, J. E. Cochran. -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p.4, c.1. HUBBLE, Mrs. Annie Lewisville HUDDLESTON, Mrs. Wyle (see also Suddleston) Aubrey Dec. 16, 1908 19 years old Page 153 Aug. of 1898 DCN Dec. 24, 1908, p.5, c.1 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. HUDDLESTON-Denton, Tex., Aug. 22. - Mrs. Wylie Huddleston died at Aubrey this week of typhoid fever, aged 19 years. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 23, 1898, p.2. HUDGINS, Mrs. L. Aubrey May of 1895 Henry Lanford went to Aubrey Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. L. Hudgins, his grandmother. -Denton County News, June 6, 1895, p.5, c.3. HUDSON, Anna K. (Mrs.) Denton Collinsville 44 yrs. Old HUDSON, Mr. Jan. 8, 1903 DCR&C Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * Dec. of 1883 PILOT POINT, December 10. -The inquest over the remains of Mr. Hudson, who was found dead in camp Saturday morning, was conducted to-day, and the verdict rendered that his death was from natural causes unknown to the jury. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 11, 1883, p.2. HUDSON, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. infant Mar. 29, 1905 DCN Mar. 31, 1905, p.5, c.6 HUDSON, Mrs. S. O. Lewisville 26 yrs. Old Apr. 6, 1898 MORTUARY. HUDSON - Denton, Denton Co., Tex., April 7. - Mrs. S. O. Hudson died at Lewisville last week, aged 26 years. -Dallas Morning News, April 8, 1898, p.5. HUFF, H. C. Pilot Point 88 yrs. Old Jan/Feb. of 1908 Post-Signal. >J. L. Watson, mail carrier on route No. 3, reports the death of the oldest man on his route - H. C. Huff, who was 88 years old. He lived two miles northwest of Bloomfield. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.7, c.7. HUFF, Nancy J. (Mrs.) Paradise? Oct. 2, 1880 Mrs. Nancy J. Huff, the amiable wife of our esteemed friend, Harvey Huff, died on the 2d inst. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved husband. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 15, 1880, p.3, c.3 HUFFER, Young (son of George T.) Lewisville April 6, 1899 GARZA ITEMS. James Hendrix received word Sunday that his grandson, George Huffer, is very low with meningitis at the rail(?) hospital in Sedalia, Mo. Most of (?) Garza people know Mr. Huffer (?) join his grand-parents in their anxious (?) his recovery. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.8, c.1. MORTUARY. HUFFER-Lewisville, Tex., April 11. -Young Huffer, son of George T. Huffer, died on the 6th instant. -Dallas Morning News, April 12, 1899, p.4. HUFFORD, Jerry Frisco HUGGINS, Robbie Garza Little Elm Page 154 Aug. 23, 1908 10 yrs. Old Feb. 16, 1895 DRC Aug. 27, 1908, p.5, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Huggins' 10-year-old son, Robbie, died Saturday at their home south of Garza, apendicitis being the fatal trouble. -Denton County News, Feb. 21, 1895, p.8, c.2. HULEN, DeGraffenried Gainesville 4 yrs. Old Jan. 17, 1900 MORTUARY. HULEN-Gainesville. Tex., Jan. 16. -DeGraffenried, the little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hulen, died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1900, p.11. HULETT, Mrs. A. B. Lewisville HULETT, Fred Denton HUMES, H. Little Elm 24 yrs. Old Nov. 7, 1903 DCN Nov. 12, 1903, p.5, c.2 Dec. 26, 1902 DCR&C, Jan .8, 1903, p.4, c.4 October of 1903 HUMPHREYS, wife of George Sunset The wife of George Humphreys, of Sunset, died on the first of last week. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 5, c.2. HUNT, Judge C. Judge C. Hunt of Dallas died last night of pneumonia. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 2, 1882, p.4, c.3 DCN Nov. 5, 1903, p.3, c.2 Aug. of 1884 Jan/Feb. of 1883 HUNT, Mr. Terrell Dec. 30, 1885 DECATUR. DEC. 31. -Mr. Hunt, a citizen of this city, died at Terrell yesterday, where he was confined in the asylum. He was a clever gentleman, and his many friends regret to learn the sad intelligence. Mrs. Hunt, wife of deceased, is one of the most successful teachers in the city schools, and her many friends sympathize with her in her sore affliction. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 1, 1886, p.2. HUNT, Sam Queen City? March of 1897 NEGRO KILLED. QUEEN CITY, TEX., March 10. -Sam Hunt, a negro for whom a warrant had been issued for theft, resisted arrest yesterday and was shot by the constable's posse and instantly killed. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.2, c.1. HUNTER, Ed Aubrey April 19, 1895 DCN April 25, 1895, p.1, c.2 SPRING HILL ITEMS. SPRING HILL, April 22. -Mr. Ed Hunter, who lived near Aubrey, died Friday morning of consumption. His remains were buried at the Ballew school house on Saturday. We extend to the family our sympathy, in their troubles, and would say to weep not more than possible, for we believe he has gone to rest. Mr Hunter was once one of Spring Hill's young men. -Denton County News, April 25, 1895, p.1, c.2. HUNTER, son of T. R. Whitewright HUSKEY, child of Henry Denton County Belew Mar. 10, 1904 7 yrs. Old Page 155 March 14, 1901 DCN Mar. 17, 1904, p.10, c.4 DCR&C, March 21, 1901, p.8, c.1 * NAME LOCATION HUTCHESON, David CEMETERY BIRTH DATE City DATE OF DEATH Feb. 9, 1899 CITATION DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.4, c.5 HUTCHINSON, Lizzie June 9, 1881 Henrietta, June 11.-On the evening of the 9th the family of W. B. Hutchinson, of Archer City, was returning from a visit to friends in Montague county, when a thunderstorm caught them at the head of Post Oak creek. W. B. Hutchinson's father, mother, sister and a Miss Cox, of Newport, accompanied Hutchinson and children. About 5 o'clock the wagon was struck with lightning, the shock killing Lizzie Hutchinson and Miss Cox and seriously stunning Mrs. Hutchinson. The old gentleman and one of the children were stunned but soon recovered. The part was moved to the residence of Mr. Cobb, where assistance was given. At last accounts it was feared Mrs. H. could not not recover. -Paradise Messenger, June 17, 1881, p.3, c.4. HUTTO, Dr. late 1884 Dr. Hutto, a dentist, who once attempted to be a farmer on the Trinity, near Paradise, and who has latterly lived at Archer City died a few months ago. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 28, 1885, p.5, c.1. HUTTON, Mrs. N. A. Navo June 7, 1908 DRC June 11, 1908, p.1, c.6 HYLAND, Mr. 70 yrs old in early 1884 Decatur, May 24. -Sam Rockhold, who while acting as city marshal several months ago, killed old man Hyland, 70 years of age, by shooting him three times, was yesterday found guilty of murder in the second degree and his punishment assessed at 25 years in the penitentiary. Last night he got some morphine and whisky, and made an attempt at suicide, but the quantity was two small to do the work. -Alvord Messenger, May 30, 1884, p.2, c.1. INGRAM, Mary McKinney July 11, 1902 MORTUARY. INGRAM. -McKinney, Tex., July 11. - Miss Mary Ingram died here today. -Dallas Morning News, July 15, 1902, p.9. IVEY, B. C. Denton Nov. 25, 1856 Oct. 10, 1904 R&C Oct. 10, 1904, p.1, c.4 * JACKSON, A. H. Vineyard City May of 1883 Early last Saturday morning Eld. A. H. Jackson, after an illness of only five days, died of pneumonia and congestion of the stomach, at his residence in Vineyard City. He leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his loss. They have the sympathy of many friends. Eld. Jackson was the first Baptist preachers, that we have any knowledge of, who settled in this county. He was a zealous worker for his church, and as a citizen was highly respected by those who knew him. [Jacksboro Rural Citizen] -Wise County Messenger, May 18, 1883, p.4, c.1. JACKSON, Carroll Parvin May 15, 1894 Page 156 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MR. CARROLL JACKSON DEAD. -Mr. Carroll Jackson, of Parvin, after a lingering illness of several weeks, died at his home Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jackson had long been a citizen of this county and by industry and enterprise had accumulated a good fortune. He leaves a wife and several grown children, his son, M. B. Jackson being Parvin's present postmaster. -Denton County News, May 24, 1894, p.4, c.3. JACKSON, Dora Lafferty Spring Hill Sept. 22, 1900 Spring Hill Items. Sept. 26. -Mrs. Brice Jackson, formerly Miss Dora Lafferty, died Saturday. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.2, c.2. JACKSON, Esther (Mrs. Marshal) 38 yrs. Old Feb. 19, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.3, c.4 JACKON, infant of Mr. & Mrs. B. M. Parvin Good Hope Aug. 9, 1894 The infant of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Jackson of Parvin, died Thursday and was buried at Good Hope church Friday. -Denton County News, Aug. 16, 1894, p.4, c.3. JACKSON, John, Sr. Carrollton 70 yrs. Old July 17, 1904 A PROMINENT FARMER DIES AT CARROLLTON. HEAD OF THE JACKSON FAMILY DIES AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY. CARROLLTON, TEX., July 17. -Special. -John Jackson, Sr., one of the most prosperous and prominent farmers of this end of Dallas county, died at his home two miles north of this place this afternoon, after less than 24 hours' illness, at the ripe old age of 70 years. He was one of the early settlers and owned considerable property. He is survived by a wife and six grown sons. He was extremely active for a man of his age and superintended his large farm. The Mr. Jackson referred to in the above special was a near relative of former county commissioner W. N. Jackson who is well known in Denton. The Jackson family is one of the oldest and perhaps the largest family in this part of the state, they having come to this country from England at an early date. The Jackson family reunions have of recent years been an event to which hundreds have looked forward. -Denton County News, July 22, 1904, p.5, c.4. JACKSON, William Denton Mar. 16, 1893 MR. WILLIAM JACKSON VERY ILL. Mr. William Jackson is very low with typhoid fever at his home in North Denton. -Denton County News, March 16, 1893,p.3, c.5. LATER. As we go to press we learn that Mr. Jackson is dead. He was a brother of Mrs. Ben A. Key and also of Frank Jackson, noted in the history of Denton county. Mr. Jackson was a highly respected citizien, and leaves a large family who will greatly feel his loss. -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.3, c.5 JAGOE, Locke Casa Blanco, CA May of 1897 MORTUARY. JAGOE -Denton, Tex., May 18. - News reached here last night of the death at Casa Blanco, Cal., of Locke Jagoe, a brother to Hon. J. N. and W. M. Jago, and at one time a resident of this place. -Dallas Morning News, May 20, 1897, p.8. JAMES, Ella May Denton 12 yrs. Old Page 157 Dec. 14, 1902 DR&C Jan. 8, 1903, p.4, c.4 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION JAMES, Mary (Mrs.) near Sanger 84 yrs. Old Dec. 28, 1894 SANGER DEPARTMENT. DIED-Five miles east of Sanger, Dec. 28, 1894, Mrs. Mary James, of Paralysis, at the age of eighty-four years. -Denton County News, Jan. JAMES, Mrs. W. R. Denton Royal, LA JENNINGS, Dan nearly 60 Aug. 27, 1907 DMN Aug. 29, 1907, p.10 Feb. of 1883 JENNINGS, Mrs. Feb. of 1883 Mrs. Jennings, wife of Dan Jennings, whose death we noted last week, only survived her husband a few days. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.1 JERNIGAN, A. J. Dec. 31. 1897 TREASURER DEAD. AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 31. -At 9:45 o'clock this morning A. J. Jernigan, county treasurer, was found in his private office so badly wounded from a pistol shot that he died at 2 o'clock this afternoon. He was a very popular man and had served as county treasurer several terms. He leaves a wife and five children. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1897, p.7, c.2. JERROD, Mrs. s of Quinlan Jan. 27, 1897 BURNED TO DEATH. QUINLAN, Tex., Jan. 28. -Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Jerrod, a young married woman living about two miles south of Quinlan, was burned to death by her clothing catching on fire. She was entirely alone at the time, and when the neighbors, attracted by her screams, arrived, they found her lying on the frozen ground some distance from the house with every vistage of clothing burned from her body. She died six hours later. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.3, c.2. JETER, Sam Bartonville Sept. of 1900 Bartonville news, Sept. 26. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jeter's baby was buried today. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.5, c.4. JOHNSON, infant of W. O. Pilot Point Pilot Point infant in 1908 News from Pilot Point. Pilot Point, Tex., Feb. 4. -The infant of W. O. Johnson of Council Hills, Okla. Was brought here for burial last Monday. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.5. JOHNSON, J. M. (Capt.) Denton July 9, 1893 Page 158 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CAPT. J. M. JOHNSON DEAD. -After an illness of about two weeks Capt. J. M. Johnson, familiarly called "Uncle Jimmie," died at 7:30 Sunday morning. Deceased was well known in Denton county, having been one of her best citizens since long before the war, and for the last twenty-two years a resident of the city of Denton. He was about sixty-one years old and died of lung trouble. His family, consisting of wife two daughters and one son, was neither present at his death or funeral, as they were either in the Panhandle or Indian territory, and remote from any railroad, so much so that they could not get any word of his illness or death, thought letters were written them every day last week and they were telegraphed Sunday. Though his family was not present during his illness he was taken the best of care of by the Masonic fraternity, a nurse being employed to stay with him constantly. He was buried Monday afternoon by that order, he having long been connected with that fraternity. He was also a member of the Baptist church. -Denton County News, July 13, 1893, p.3, c.3. JOHNSON, J. T. (Professor) Ardmore, I. T. Jan. 23, 1900 PROF. JOHNSON'S DEATH. McKinney, Tex., Jan. 24. -The readers of The News here were shocked this morning upon reading the dispatch from Ardmore stating that Prof. J. T. Johnson dropped dead of heart disease yesterday. The deceased was for several years superintendent of the public schools of McKinney and one of the most prominent educators of this section. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 25, 1900, p.6. JOHNSON, James M. Pilot Point Dec. 1, 1883 DEATHS IN TEXAS. -In Pilot Point, December 1, James M. Johnson. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 12, 1883, p.5. JOHNSON, Lacy near Lewisville Aug. 18, 1897 AN ACCIDENTAL KILLING. Denton, Tex., Aug. 19. - News reached here this evening of the accidental killing, near Lewisville yesterday evening, of Lacy Johnson, a well-known young man of that place. He in company with a younger brother and another boy, while out hunting about two and one-half miles east of that place, all carrying loaded shotguns, attempted to get into a passing wagon. The elder Johnson's gun, the barrel of which was close to his head, caught in some way and went off, the discharge tearing his head to pieces and scattering his blood and brains over the other occupants of the vehicle. His young wife, whom he had married but a short time before, fainted when the news of her husband's tragic death was broken to her, and is reported to be in a precarious condition. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 20, 1897, p.5. JOHNSON, Lucy Clay IOOF July 19, 1893 Mrs. Lucy Johnson, who has been quite sick for the past two months, at the residence of her uncle d. Head's is very low, and is not expected to live through the following week. -Denton County News, July 20, 1893, p.3, c.3. DIED-Just as we go to press we learn that Mrs. Lucy Clay Johnson died this p.m. (Wednesday) at her uncle's residence. Interment to-day at I.O.O.F. cemetery. Denton County News, July 20, 1893, p.3, c.4. JOHNSON, Major Denton Little Elm LITTLE ELM. The remains of Major Johnson were brought here from Denton Thursday and buried. Quite a number of relatives and friends accompanied and were at the funeral. He formerly resided at his place. -Denton County News, Feb. 14, 1905, p.2, c.3. Page 159 NAME JOHNSON, Nathan "Uncle" LOCATION JOHNSON, R. New (Capt.) Pilot Point JOHNSON, Sallie (Mrs.) Pilot Point CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE 79 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH June 1, 1903 CITATION DCN June 4, 1903, p.1, c.7 DMN June 3, 1903, p.3 65 yrs. Old Sept. 16, 1901 DMN Sept. 19, 1901, p.7 May 16, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.5, c.5 * JOHNSON, Sarah F. (Mrs. James) Ryan, I.T. IOOF May 1, 1894 MRS. JAMES JOHNSON DEAD. -Mrs. Sarah F. Johnson, widow of the late James Johnson, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nannie Griffith, at Ryan, I. T., Monday. Her remains were shipped to Denton and buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 2 p.m. Tuesday. The funeral services were conducted in the Baptist church of which denomination Mrs. Johnson had long been a member, by Rev. Cole. Mrs. Johnson had been in bad health for several years and the news of her death, though sad, was not a surprise to her many Denton friends. Deceased leaves three children, a married daughter Mrs. Griffith, and single children, Bettie, a daughter and Jimmie, a son. They were all present at the funeral. -Denton County News, May 3, 1894, p.4, c.3. JOHNSON, William Wm. Johnson, a brother of Tobe Johnson of Fort Worth, died from the effects of an overdose of laudunum on the 11th inst. 1885, p.2, c.1. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 17, JONES, Allen Garza Swisher Dec. 7, 1894 AN OLD TIMER GONE. -Mr. Allen Jones, an early settler in Denton county, died at his home near Garza Friday night and his remains were buried in the Swisher graveyard Saturday. Mr. Jones was universally respected and esteemed by his acquaintances. -Denton County News, Dec. 13, 1894, p.5, c.2. JONES, B. F. April 21, 1884 B. F. Jones, a brother of Hon. Wash Jones, and a member of the legislature died on the 21st. -Alvord Messenger, April 25, 1884, p.3, c.4. JONES, C. T. S. Sanger Dec. 10, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -C. T. S. Jones, Sanger, Dec. 10, heart failure. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. JONES, Charley March of 1885 Page 160 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Charley Jones, English Charley, as he was frequently called, died very suddenly on Wednesday night of this week. For 10 years we have known the deceased to be an honest, trustworthy person, but a desire to make a living led him into the temptations of a strong drink which at last overcame him. This reminds us that we should spread the pall of forgetfulness over the weakness of the dead and work more earnestly for the living. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.7, c.2. JONES, child of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur infant JONES, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Chinn's Chapel JONES, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. A. JONES, Daniel E. infant Denton 66 yrs. Old May 30, 1904 DCN May 31, 1904, p.1, c.3 Dec. 24, 1903 DCN Dec. 31, 1903, p.1, c.2 March 18, 1903 DCN March 19, 1903, p.8, c.5 Mar. 16, 1901 DCR&C March 21, 1901, p.8, c.1 * MORTUARY. JONES-Denton, Tex., March 18. -D. E. Jones, an old resident of this place, died suddenly Saturday night, aged 66 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 19, 1901, p.3. JONES, Della Denton City 2 yrs. Old Aug. 20, 1895 DIED - Della, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones, who live in East Denton, died Tuesday night at 10 o'clock of a complication of diseases. The funeral services were held by Rev. J. B. Cole at the grave. Interment at the City cemetery Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. -Denton County News, Aug. 22, 1895, p.1, c.5 JONES, Ella Denton City 9 months old Sept. 4, 1894 DIED - Ella, one of the 9-months-old twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who live in the northeastern part of town, died Tuesday afternoon and was buried in the city cemetery yesterday at 3 p.m. -Denton County News, Sept. 6, 1894, p.1, c.4. JONES, Fannie n of Denton Nov. 16, 1870 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents that Occurred 23 Years Ago. DENTON, December 25, 1870. DIED-At the residence of her husband, ten miles north of Denton on the 16th inst. Mrs. Fannie Jones, wife of J. D. Jones, late of Alabama. Her death was occasioned by a burn received by her bed catching fire. -Denton County News, Dec. 1, 1892, p.1, c.5. JONES, Grace Fort Worth IOOF Page 161 3 yrs. Old Oct. 7, 1899 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION CHILD DIED. Grace, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jones of Fort Worth, formerly of Denton, died Saturday night and was brought here for interment the religious services over the body being held at the home of A. D. Turner. The remains were buried at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -Denton County News, Oct. 12, 1899, p.4, c.2. JONES, Hettis Vernon 1884/1885 STARTLING NEWS. Prominent Men Arrested for Bold Offences. Special to Dallas Herald. Wichita Falls, March 13. -Yesterday the rangers arrested 19 persons in Vernon, Wilbarger county, and four at Wichita Falls, accused of the assassination of Ray Morrison and Hettis Jones, killed at Vernon during the last few months. The parties arrested have been considered among the best men in Wilbarger county. Among the number arrested are B. Wilson Edgell, editor and proprietor of the Vernon Guard; G. E. Douglass, sheriff of Wilbarger county; John Davidson, deputy sheriff; A. T. Boger, ex-sheriff; James Wilson, a cattle man; Thomas Gibson, foreman of the W. B. Worsham ranch, and a host of others. They are now under guard at Vernon. The rangers claim that they have positive evidence against all of the parties as having been implicated in the killings. They claim that the parties arrested formed an organization to kill the parties who have been killed, and several others. They claim that they have in their possession the list and the oath of the members of the organization, and they had what they termed a death list containing the name of the parties who had been assassinated, they marked the word "killed." It seems that Sergeant Grimes and Capt. Schmitt, of the ranger force, have been working on the cases some time. They sent detectives there and had them learn about the organization and take the oath, and by that means they claim to have all the evidence in their possession. Nothing has ever created such an excitement in this section. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.2, c.3. JONES, John B. Austin July 19, 1881 Austin, July 19. -Adjutant General John B. Jones died at 4 o'clock this morning, after a long and painful illness. -Paradise Messenger, July 29, 1881, p.2, c.3. JONES, Laura Denton 17 yrs. Old June 4, 1886 A DEATH AT DENTON. DENTON, June 5. - Miss Laura Jones, aged 17 years, and the daughter of J. E. Jones, died of measles last night and was buried to-day. Dallas Morning News, June 6, 1886, p.3. JONES, Lee June of 1884 Lee Jones, a young man who came to this neighborhood from Arkansas a few months ago, died very suddenly with a congestive chill on last Tuesday evening. He had been employed by Milton Covington, at whose residence he was living. He held a demit from an Arkansas society called The Agricultural Wheel. -Alvord Messenger, July 4, 1884, p.3, c.3. JONES, Mose Shreveport Feb. of 1904 Mose Jones was killed and Chas. Young badly injured in a collision with a motor car at Shreveport. The men were driving a delivery wagon when the horse swerved, causing the car to crash into the vehicle, smashing it and killing Jones instantly. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.1. Page 162 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION JONES, Mrs. near Krum Bolivar Jan. 14, 1895 DIED-Mrs. Jones living near Krum Monday morning. Her remains were buried at Bolivar. A husband and six children survive the deceased lady. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.8, c.2. JONES, Mr. Haskell Feb. of 1904 News from Sanger, February 23. -T. H. Jones has gone to Haskell called there by the sudden death of his father. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.5, c.4. JONES, Mary E. King (Mrs. D. E.) IOOF 77 yrs. Old May 30, 1908 DRC June 4, 1908, p.3, c.4 JONES, Mrs. F. C. Sherman Pilot Point Dec. 7, 1898 MORTUARY. JONES-Pilot Point, Tex., Dec. 8. -Mrs. F. C. Jones, an old resident of this place, died last night at her daughter's, Mrs. Dr. Lankford, in Sherman, Tex., at 11 o'clock. Her remains will arrive here on the 4:02 Texas and Pacific train this evening and will be buried in the cemetery at this place to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Dallas Morning News, Dec. 9, 1898, p.3. JONES, Robert, son of S. S. JONES, S. F. P. Mr. & Mrs. Denton Sept. 29, 1902 Sanger Dec. 1903 DMN Oct. 2, 1902, p.8 DCN Dec. 24, 1903, p.8, c.3 JONES, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Dalton 11 days May 11, 1903 MORTUARY. JONES. W. L. Jones' baby girl, aged 11 days, died Monday and was buried Tuesday at the Dalton cemetery on Hickory Creek. -Denton County News, May 14, 1903, p.8, c.4. JONES, Red Feb. of 1884 Red Jones of Jackson county, suicided with a shotgun last week. Ill health is supposed to be the cause. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 29, 1884, p.1, c.5 JONES, W. F. Wood county Mar/April of 1881 Our neighbor, A. J. Jones, informed us a few days since that he was just in receipt of a letter from his brother's family in Wood county bearing the sad news of his brother, W. F. Jones' death after a severe spell of sickness. -Paradise Messenger, April 8, 1881, p.3, c..4. JORDAN, Lela A. (Mrs. J. G.) 35 yrs. Old Page 163 April 23, 1901 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. Mrs. Lela A. Jordan, wife of J. G. Jordan, a prominent resident and builder of Denton, died at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning of heart trouble complicated with other causes. She was 35 years old and with her family had been living here several years. She married fifteen years ago, her husband and five children - the oldest thirteen years, the youngest two and a half - surviving her. The interment took place a the Odd Fellows' cemetery yesterday, following funeral services at 9:30. -Denton County Record, April 25, 1901, p.?, c.2. *** JUDY, Mrs. A. S. Lewisville 38 yrs. Old June 24, 1903 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. JUDY -Lewisville, Tex., June 25. -Mrs. A. S. Judy, who lived two miles west of Louisville, died last night, aged about 38 years. Dallas Morning News, June 28, 1903, p.2. JULIAN, Rev. F. C. JUSTUS, James Denton 35 yrs. Old Oct. 31, 1894 Nov. 1, 1894, p.8, c.2 Jan. 18, 1903 DMN Jan. 21, 1903, p.6 KAIN, Mrs. H. Denton Dallas Oct. 15, 1898 MORTUARY. KAIN -Denton, Tex., Oct. 15. -Mrs. H. Kain died here at 11 o'clock a.m. to-day. The remains were taken to Dallas this afternoon for interment. Dallas Morning News, Oct. 11, 1898, p.2. KALTREUTHER, Mrs. Jacob sw of Denton April 9, 1903 DROPPED DEAD. Mrs. Mary Kalthreuther, a German Woman Dies Suddenly. -Mrs. Mary Kalthreuther, who lives with her family about three and one-half miles south of town, dropped dead at her home this morning. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss. Heart failure is the supposed cause of her death. -Denton County News, April 9, 1903, p.8, c.4. KANADY, Mary IOOF 5 yrs. Old March 14, 1903 MORTUARY. Kanaday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kanady have the sympathy of a large number of friends in their sad bereavement caused by the death of their beloved son and daughter, both of which occurred last week. Roy, the 7-year-old son died Thursday and was buried at the Odd Fellows' cemetery Friday and Mary, the 5year-old daughter was called away Saturday at 12 noon, and the remains were interred Sunday morning. The News extends condolences. -Denton County News, KANADY, Roy IOOF 7 yrs. Old March 12, 1903 MORTUARY. Kanaday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kanady have the sympathy of a large number of friends in their sad bereavement caused by the death of their beloved son and daughter, both of which occurred last week. Roy the 7-year-old son died Thursday and was buried at the Odd Fellows's cemetery Friday. The News extends condolences. -Denton County News, March 19, 1903, p.1, c.2. KANE, Phillip Krum KAPPS, Isam Fort Worth 16 yrs. Old Page 164 June 27, 1906 R&C June 28, 1906, p.4, c.2 * May 7, 1880 Paradise Messenger, May 14, 1880, p.2, c.4. NAME LOCATION KARNES, Mrs. Bettie CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Argyle 70 yrs. Old Jan. 18, 1903 DMN Jan. 21, 1903, p.6 KARNES, son of Mr. & Mrs. N. A. Justin infant Nov. 15, 1904 DCN Nov. 18, 1904, p.4, c.4 KAYS, J. N. near Pilot Point 93 yrs. Old Jan. 4, 1898 CITATION DMN Jan. 10, 1898, p.5 KEALY, Joseph Lewisville 70 yrs. Old May 22, 1894 Mr. Joseph Kealy, brother of our friend 'Squire J. N. Kealy, died at the latter's home in Lewisville Monday. Deceased was 70 years old and came to Lewisville from Kimble county some four months ago. -Denton County News, May 24, 1894, p.8, c.2. KEARBY, Dr. E. P. Emory Feb. 14, 1897 DR. KEARBY DEAD. -Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Blound are in Emory, Tex., attending the funeral of Mrs. Blount's father, Dr. E. P. Kearby, who died near that place Tuesday morning. Dr. Kearby lived in Denton county from 1859 to 1870 and has spent considerable time here since. He had many warm friends here who sincerely regret to hear of his death and sympathize with the family. He leaves three children, Mrs. Dr. Blount, of Denton; Hon. Jerome C. Kearby, of Dallas and Hon. J. Gallatin Kearby, of Wills Point. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.5. KELLAR, Mr. Decatur Feb. 24, 1883 LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Kellar died in town last Saturday night. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.1. KELLEY, Lynard Sycamore KELLY, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. M. infant March 9, 1904 DMN March 16, 1904, p.4 June 26, 1906 R&C June 28, 1906, p.2, c.2 * KELSEY, child of C. K. Paradise 7-8 mo's Sept. of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. A little child of our friend C. K. Kelsey, some seven or eight months old, died last week of flux. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.3, c.1. KENDALL, McKinney July 12, 1902 MORTUARY. KENDALL - McKinney, Tex., July 12. -Mrs. J. P. Kendall died here today. -Dallas Morning News, July 15, 1902, p.9. KENDALL, J. S. Denton Honey Grove KENDALL, Miss Virdie Pilot Point City 55 yrs. Old Oct. 7, 1906 sometime in 1892 Page 165 DMN Oct. 8, 1906, p.7 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Two Burials. PILOT POINT, Denton, Co., Tex., Oct. 22. -The remains of Miss Virdie Kendall arrived here yesterday from Ardmore, I. T., and were interred in the city cemetery. Miss Virdie was raised at this place. The remains were accompan by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kendall and many relatives from Ardmore and Gainesville. Capt. W. A. Kendall, uncle of the deceased and president of the deaf and dumb asylum at Austin, was in attendance at the burial and funeral. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 24, 1892, p.4, c.5 KENDALL, W. A. Denton IOOF 30 yrs. Old May 11, 1903 BURNED TO DEATH. W. A. Kendall Died of Burns Caused by Explosion of Gasoline Lamp on Last Saturday Evening. -Last Saturday about six o'clock W. A. Kendall, who owned a restaurant and barber shop in the Exchange bank block, East Hickory street, was burned to death by the explosion of a gasoline lamp. The lamp, a swinging one, exploded just as Kendall started to take it down to fill it, entirely enveloping him in flames. At first it was thought he was not badly burned, but it developed later that he was burned internally, and he only lived 48 hours after the accident, dying at the residence of J. J. Moore on east Mulberry street. Deceased was 30 years of age and unmarried and had no near relatives here. The interment took place Tuesday in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, a Unitarian minister from Dallas conducting the funeral services. -Denton County News, May 14, 1903, p.1, c.6. KENNEDY, Alice Marc of 1885 Miss Alice Kennedy, of the vicinity of Aurora, died on last Sunday night. -Wise County Messenger, March 21, 1885, p.7, c.2. KENT, Clydie Roanoke Elizabethtown 7 yrs. Old Oct. 12, 1893 Clydie, the little seven-year-old daughter of Mr. M. Kent, of this place, died Thursday of epilepsy and was buried at the old Elizabethtown burying ground. Denton County News, Oct. 19, 1893, p.2, c.4. KERR, J. W. Bowie 1887 or 1888 Bowie, Feb. 24. -The trial of J. W. Irvine, for the killing of captain J. W. Kerry of our city, was called in the District court this term. The jury rendered a verdict of manslaughter and assessed his punishment at five years in the penitentiary. The defendant gave notice of appeal. -Wise County Messenger, March 3, 1888, p.1, c.3. KEY, Jessie (Miss) Lloyd KEY, John M. Oak Grove KEY, Nellie May Page 166 Sept. 27, 1906 R&C, Sept. 28, 1906, p.4, c.3 * 68 yrs. Old June 30, 1908 DRC July 9, 1908, p.3, c.2 8 months June 1899 DCRC June 15, 1899, p.8, c.3 NAME KIBBE, Mrs. G. LOCATION Gainesville CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH July 10, 1904 CITATION DCN July 12, 1904, p.4, c.3 KIDD, Ella (Mrs. James) Little Elm Cottonwood 35 yrs. Old Aug. 27, 1894 LITTLE ELM ITEMS. LITTLE ELM, TEX., Aug. 29. -Mrs. Ella Kidd, wife of Mr. James Kidd, living three miles south of Little Elm, died at her home Monday afternoon of consumption, and was buried in the old Cottonwood cemetery Tuesday, Rev. Wm. Allen conducting the services. Deceased was 35 years old, was born in Kentucky in 1859, came to Texas in 1887, and joined the Christian church when fifteen years of age. A husband and three children survive her. -Denton County News, Aug. 30, 1894, p.1, c.5. KILE, Earl Denton KILLETT, Lola (dau. of H. P.) Dallas KIMBROUGH, Mrs J. E. Denton 21 yrs. Old Nov/Dec of 1904 DCN Dec. 2, 1904, p.1, c.7 Oct. 12, 1903 DMN Oct. 13, 1903, p.12 38 yrs. Old Jan. 19, 1901 DMN Jan. 20, 1901, p.2 2 yrs. old Sept. 5, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.8, c.4 Lewisville KINDRED, Mary KING, H. C. A. (Judge) Caldwell Nov. 23, 1880 Caldwell, Nov. 23. - Judge H. C. A. King, for 42 years a resident of Burleson county, died at his residence near Caldwell, this morning. Deceased had held the office of chief justice of the county, and two years ago was unanimously nominated for Representative in the Legislature by a Democratic convention, but declined. He was universally respected, and his death is lamented by all. Judge King was 61 years of age, and was a brother of Hon. Rufus F. King, well known throughout Texas. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.1, c.3. KING, J. S. Jan. of 1883 Mr. J. S. King… died at Wright's Restaurant on Thrusday night last week. He was a resident of Parker county…. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 26, 1883, p.5, c.3. KING, J. W. (Prof.) Bartonville KING, James H. Pilot Point Nov. 26, 1870 May 12, 2006 R&C May 12, 1906, p.1, c.5 * May 16, 1906 R&C May 24, 1906, p.5, c.6 * KING, John H. (Capt.) Pilot Point 1836 May 16, 1906 CAPT. KING DIES SUDDENLY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Pilot Point, Tex., May 17. -Capt. John H. King died suddenly while sitting in his chair talking to his wife last night about 9 o'clock at his home in this city. Page 167 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Capt. King was born in Gilmer County, Georgia, in 1836. He was Captain of a company in the Thirty-Sixth Infantry of the Confederate Army, where he served with distinction. He was a member of the Constitutional convention held in Georgia after the close of the war, and took an active part in the political affairs of his State. He came to Texas thirty-six years ago and resided in and near Pilot Point, Tex., for the last thirty years. He leaves a widow and several children, all grown. -Dallas Morning News, May 18, 1906, p.12. KING, John H. (Capt.) Pilot Point ca 70 yrs. Old Oct. 1, 1908 R&C Oct. 2, 1908, p.4, c.5 * KING, John M. (Capt.) Pilot Point May 23, 1906 R&C May 24, 1906, p.5, c.6 * KING, Mrs. Lee Garza Aug. 6, 1897 DCN Aug. 12, 1897, p.8, c.3 KING, R. D. Oaxaco, Mexico August of 1903 DCN Aug. 20, 1903, p.5, c.3 KING, Virgie A. Texarkana August of 1905 R&C Aug. 12, 1905, p.1, c.5 * KINKAID, Mrs. W. S. Lewsivlle May 11, 1896 LEWISVILLE ITEMS. LEWISVILLE, May 12th. -Mrs. W. S. Kinkaid died last night after a long illness. -Denton County News, May 15, 1896, p.1, c.3. KINNINBRUGH, child of Mr. and Mrs. Jan. of 1881 Items from the Decatur Democrat of last week. "A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Kinnibrugh died." -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 14, 1881, p.3, c.3. KINNIN, Capt. J. A. Denton IOOF 60 yrs. Old Feb. 2, 1893 DEATH OF CAPT. J. A. KINNIN. -Capt. J. A. Kinnin died in Denton Thursday morning at the residence of P. W. Pitman. He had long been in bad health having previously been stricken with paralysis, and died of a complication of diseases. He was over 60 years of age, and was once superintendent of the county poor farm. He also served in that capacity for Dallas county five years. His remains were buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery Thursday afternoon. -Denton County News, Feb. 9, 1893, p.3, c.2. KINSEY, Mrs. Marie E. Vernon Decatur Sept. 20, 1859 Dec. 23, 1883 Obituary. -Mrs. Mary E. Kinsey died at her home in Vernon, Wilbarger county, on the 23rd of December, 1883 and was buried at Decatur on the 26th of December. This most estimable Christian young lady and loving young wife was the daughter of Dr. J. C. Riffe, formerly of Kentucky, now living at Audubon, Wise county, Texas. She was born in Kentucky September 20, 1859, and became a member of the Christian church at the age of thirteen, was married November 27, 1882, to Mr. C. G. Klusey of Montague, a young man, highly esteemed by all who know him. His fair young wife taken so suddenly from him, had no superior in those moral an intellectual qualities which form the perfect woman. [Ft. Worth Gazette]. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 4, 1884, p.2, c.4. Page 168 NAME LOCATION KIRKPATRICK, Robert Shawnee, OK CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Jan/Feb. 1897 NEWS BRIEFED. Robert Kirkpatrick, a brakeman was crushed to death by falling under the cars while switching at Shawnee, Okla., Saturday night. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.1, c.3. KIRN, Frank 29 yrs. Old Aug. 18, 1905 DMN Aug. 20, 1905, p.22 KISSINGER, A. J. Sanger Feb. 7, 1908 NEWS FROM SANGER. >Sanger, Feb. 11. -A. J. Kissinger, an aged and respected citizen of this place, died Friday morning and the remains were carried to Walnut Grove, Collin County, for burial. Mr. Kissinger had been sick for several weeks. He leaves a wife and several children behind. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 13, 1908, p.5, c.6. KLIENSCHMIT, Mrs. n of Denton City 61 yrs. Old Aug. 19, 1894 DIED-Mrs. Kleinschmit, a German lady living six miles north of town and aged 61 years, died Sunday afternoon. Her remains were buried in the city cemetery Monday. She had recently moved here from Missouri where her husband died two years ago. The children who survive her will inherit about 900 acres of Denton county land. -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.8, c.1. KLINGENBERG, Miss Annie Denton 53 yrs. Old Dec. 1898 MORTUARY. KLINGENBERG-Denton, Tex., Dec. 7. - Miss Annie Klingenberg, formerly of Dallas, died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. M. Ganzer, north of town, this week; aged 53 years and 8 months. The death was caused by Bright's disease. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 9, 1898, p.3. KNIGHT, Altha Garza Feb. 10, 1900 GARZA ITEMS. Little Altha Knight, step-daughter of Robert Bragg, was burned to death Saturday morning while trying to kindle a fire with coal oil. This makes the second sad accident of this kind here in the past six months. -Denton County News, Feb. 15, 1900, p.5, c.3. KNIGHT, Mrs. Jack ne of Denton KNOX, Bonnie Baldwin (Mrs. Ben) San Antonio 30 yrs. Old IOOF April of 1902 DMN May 4, 1902, p.5 Aug. 23, 1903 DCN Aug. 27, 1903, p.8, c.5 KNOX, Bowman Willow Point 34 yrs old Sept of 1884 Bowman Knox, a respected citizen aged 34 years, died at Willow Point last week. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 3, 1884, p.5, c.2. KNOX, J. S. Decatur March 22, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -J. S. Knox, Decatur, March 22. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, April 12, 1886, p.3. Page 169 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION KNOX, Mrs. J. P. Bolivar 40 yrs. Old Dec. 4, 1900 DMN Dec. 7, 1900, p.7 KNOX-Denton, Tex., Dec. 5. -Mrs. J. P. Knox, wife of Dr. J. P. Knox, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Bolivar, this county, died at her home late yesterday evening of fever, aged about 40 years. Mrs. Knox was a daughter of the late J. M. Herod, one of the earliest settlers of Denton County, and a sister of Mrs. A. E. Graham of this city. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 7, 1900, p.7. KOINER, Pearl Krum 3 yrs. Old DIED-Pearl, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Koiner of Krum, died at their home Saturday afternoon and was buried in this city at 11 o'clock Sunday. Congestion was the fatal disease. -Denton County News, Aug. 29, 1895, p.5, c.5 KOINER, Silas IOOF 80 yrs. Old June 21, 1908 DRC June 25, 1908, p.1, c.3 KOKER, Mr. Denton county in 1868 Texas Items. "We understand that one Donnelson, who killed a Mr. Koker somtime since in Denton county, and had been lodged in jail here for safe keeping, was forcibly taken from the officer who was conveying him to Denton to stand his trial, by a party of armed men, four or five in number in Elm Fork bottom. The resuers, it is supposed, were friends of Donnelson. - McKinney Messenger, Oct.16.; -Flake's Bulletin, Oct. 25, 1868. KOWSKY, Mr. Dwara Denton IOOF Jan. 24, 1883 Jan. 21, 1883 Death of Dwara Kowsky. Sketch of a Citizen of Denton Who Belonged to the Polish Nobility. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. DENTON, Jan. 22 - The remains of Mr. Dwara Kowsky, who died here yesterday, were interred to-day in the I.O.O. F. cemetery, Mr. Kowsky was born in Warsaw, Poland, Jan.24, 1833. His father, who was a Polish county and a prominent General in the army, was captured by the Russians and banished to Siberia, and his vaste estates confiscated by the Russian government and he never permitted to return to Poland. So untiring were they in the persecution of him and his that the mother smuggled her son Dwara out of the country at a very tender age, and a temporary asylum was foud for him at Berlin, remaining herself and daughter in Warsaw. Bereft of both father and son, the mother and daughter did not survive long, but ere her death she sent her son to New York City, where he was educated befitting the rank in which he was born, and in 1849, boy though he was, he joined the gold hunters of California , where he amassed in time large fortune by mining and a gained a reputation as one of the most reliable mining experts on the coast. The hardships of the life, however, brought on asthma, and accompanied by his physician and nurse, he traveled over this countryand crossed the ocean five times seeking relief. Finally he improved in health so as it permit to enter business, and he located in Philadelphia, Pa., where in a business point of view he was successful, but having a relapse of his asthmatic troubles he came to Denton in 1877, where he married, in 1879, Mrs. Nannie E. Welch, relict of the late Col. Otis G. Welch . He has resided here since, saving on an occasional trip to Mexico, where, in conjunction with his son-in-law, Judge William J. Austin, he had large mining interests, and indeed it was while looking after these interests that he was taken ill with rheumatism in El Paso and arrived at home eight or ten days ago. What was thought at first only to be a slight illness has carried off a kind and affectionate husband - an honest, energetic business man. The family has the sympathy of a large circle of friends. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 23, 1886, p.3, c.2. KURTZ, Emily Gainesville 80 yrs. Old Jan. 12, 1903 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. KURTZ -Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 13. -Mrs. Emily Kurtz, aged 80 years, wife of Elijah Kurtz, one of the oldest residents in Gainesville, died last night. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 17, 1903, p.8. Page 170 NAME LOCATION KYLE, Earl Cooper KYLE, Dr. H. L. CEMETERY Pilot Point BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION 21 yrs. Old Nov. 2, 1904 DCN Nov. 8, 1904, p.5, c.6 52 yrs. Old Feb. 6, 1899 DMN Feb. 8, 1899, p.7 LACEY, Bertha La Po re (Mrs. W. J.) Denton IOOF 42 yrs. Old Mar. 19, 1903 MORTUARY. Lacey. Mrs. Bertha La Po re Lacey, wife of Alderman W. J. Lacey, died at the family residence of Bolivar street this morning at 12:30, after an illness of three weeks, aged 42 years. The funeral services will be at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Her husband and seven children, four sons and three daughters, survive her. -Denton County News, March 19, 1903, p.1, c.3. LACY, mother of Col. C. C. Denton 90 yrs. Old April 1, 1870 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Denton, Sat., April 2, 1870. -As we go to press we hear that Mrs. Lacy, about 90 years of age, mother of Col. C. C. Lacy, died last night. She was one of the best women in this country. -Denton County News, Jan. 19, 1893, p.1, c.3. The mother of Col. C. C. Lacy, age 90 years, died on the 1st inst. -Houston Daily News, April 13, 1870, p.2. LACY, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. C. C.) LACY, Mrs. Sarah E. Fort Worth City 82 yrs. Old Feb. 13, 1905 DCN Feb. 14, 1905, p.1, c.4 Denton 82 yrs. Old Feb. 13, 1905 DMN Feb. 14, 1905, p.7 LACY, W. H. B. 75 yrs old Mar/April 1885 W. H. B. Lacy, who lived three miles north of Crockett, died recently at the age of 75 years. He was a thirty years' resident of the place where his eyes closed to wake no more on earth, and was respected as a man who lived and died without an enemy. -Wise County Messenger, April 11, 1885, p.2, c.1. LAIRD, Francis W. It is with feelings of deep regret we announce the death of Francis W. Laird, which sad occurrence befell his cherished family and numerous friends at his home in Bridgeport on Monday, April 6th, 1885. Mr. Laird, though yet in the prime of manhood, was an early settler of Wise county. He had been ill but a brief time before his demise. At the time of his death he was engaged in merchandising in the village of Bridgeport, and we understand was by his upright business succeeding in building a prosperous trade. But the greatest meed of respect given him is, he lived and died a Christian. His wife is the eldest daughter of James Mann, who died less than two years ago, and the sister of Sheriff Mann. To the five fatherless children and the bereaved wife the sincere sympathies of a host of saddened friends are extended. -Wise County Messenger, April 11, 1885, p.6, c.2. LAIRD, Mrs. S. E. Pilot Point May 13, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. The Gazette's Weekly Record of the Grave and the Gay - Sunshine and Shadow. Deaths. -Mrs. S. E. Laird, Pilot Point, May 13. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, May 31, 1886, p.5. Page 171 NAME LALA, Eli LOCATION Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 17 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Jan. 20, 1902 CITATION DCR&C Feb. 6, 1902, p.1, c.5 * LAMBACH, Charlie YOUNG MAN RUN OVER BY SANTA FE TRAIN. Charlie Lambach Loses His Leg on Railroad. Sanger, March 22. - Charles Lambach was run over by a northbound Santa Fe Excursion train Sunday night about two miles north of here. He was carried to Gainesville where his leg was amputated. He was nearly home when hurt. Later-The man mentioned above, Charles Lambach died last night and is being buried at this writing at the Gribble Springs cemetery. ?? Went to Gainesville last night and returned this afternoon with the remains. -Denton County News, March 24, 1905, p.1, c.3. LAMBERT, Charley Sanger Gribble Springs Mar. 23, 1905 DCN Mar. 24, 1905, p.1, c.3 LAMBERT, Velma Cleburn 1903/1904 At Cleburne Miss Velma Lambert, 16?8? (number unclear) years of age, was perhaps fatally shot with a target gun. The young lady was passing along the street when the shot was fired, the ball entering the back and passing entirely through the body. The shooting is claimed to have been purely accidental. -Denton County News, January 7, 1904, p.2, c.7. LAMBERTH, Harold, son of Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Bolivar Bolivar infant LAMBRIGHT, Sallie Floyd (Mrs. L. D.) Feb. 20, 1905 DCN Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.6 April 20, 1904 DCN April 26, 1904, p.4, c.4 LANCASTER, Mr. Elizabethtown 20 or 21 yrs. Old June 11, 1870 A young man, about 20 or 21 years of age, from Alabama, by the name of Lancaster, came to Elizabethtown, Denton county, about three weeks ago as a hireling with a drove of cattle from Bell county, Texas, was taken sick, and having no money, his expenses were paid by the good citizens of that town. On Saturday, June 11th, he died, and was decently interred. Exchanges, please copy. [Denton Monitor] -The Houston Daily Union, Sept. 10, 1870, p.2 LANE, child of Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Denton 2 months Feb. 24, 1905 Little Child Died. The two months old child of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lane died Friday at the family home on Pearl street. The child had suffered a great deal from pneumonia. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon. -Denton County News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.7. LANE, Bob Bonham Sept. of 1884 Page 172 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Bob Lane, of Bonham, while resisting arrest, was shot and mortally wounded by Marshal Thornton and Sheriff Blair. Lane was in the city drunk, and about 3 o'clock passed along the street occasionally yelling. He immediately mounted his horse and rode out on the square, where he drew a large army pistol and fired into the air and thence rode down the west side of the square, firing the second shot and yelling. The officers were on the alert. Marshal Thornton procured a shotgun, and together with Sheriff Blair, demanded of Lane to stop, whereupon Lane turned upon him and fired, Thornton returned the fire. About this time Blair told him to hold up. Lane turned on him, but fired, Thornton returned the fire. About this time Blair told him to hold up. Lane turned on him, but fired at Thornton the second shot, and Lane fell from his horse mortally wounded, about thirty bullets having struck him. His left arm was shot to pieces. Some ten or twelve bullets passed through his body from the oeft to the right side. The streets were crowded at that time and it is a great wonder some one else was not shot. The windows in Dabney's hardware store were broken. Lane was a desperate man. He lost a leg in the Confederate army. Whisky has proved his ruin. He remarked before the shooting that he wanted some one to kill him. He has lived in the county from boyhood and at one time stood high. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 26, 2008, p.3, c.4. LANE, Sallie E. (Mrs. S. J.) Denton 52 yrs. Old March 5, 1903 MORTUARY. LANE-Denton, Tex., March 6. - Mrs. Sallie E. Lane, aged 52 years, wife of S. J. Lane, died in South Denton last night. -Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1903, p.5. LANE, Mrs. Sarah (Sally) E. 52 yrs. Old Mar. 5, 1903 DCN Mar. 19, 1903, p.1, c.5 MORTUARY. Lane. Mrs. Sallie E. Lane died at her home in this city on March 5th after a long illness of lung trouble. Deceased was 52 years of age, and leaves a family and a number of friends to mourn her death. -Denton County News, March 12, 1903, p.1, c.5. LANE, Nellie (Mrs. W. L.) Argyle Graham Feb. 19, 1893 DIED. -Mrs. Nellie Lane, wife of W. L. Lane, died at her home near Argyle Feb. 19. She leaves a husband and two small children, and many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. The remains were interred in the old Graham cemetery. Rev. J. C. Smith conducted the funeral services. -Denton County News, March 9, 1893, p.3, c.6. LANEY, Mrs. Aubrey Belew Feb. 25, 1908 R&C Feb. 27, 1908, p.5, c.5 LANFORD, child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry infant May 20, 1895 DIED. -The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lanford died last Monday, and was buried the following day at Blue school house. -Denton County News, May 23, 1895, p.5, c.3. LANFORD, Mattie Texico, NM LANGLEY, R. W. Ponder Aug. 6, 1908 Aiken 64 yrs. Old March 1, 1903 DRC Aug. 6, 1908, p.1, c.6 DCN March 5, 1903, p.8, c.5 LANHAM, Mrs. 86 yrs. Old April 19, 1900 MORTUARY. LANHAM -Denton, Tex., April 19. -Mrs. Lanham, mother of a large and prominent family in Denton County, died at 8 o'clock this morning, aged 86 years. She was born in Kentucky and with her husband and family came to this county in 1870. -Dallas Morning News, April 22, 1900, p.6. Page 173 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION LANHAM, P. G. Denton Cooper Creek old May 30, 1886 DMN June 1, 1886, p.1, c.2 DEATH OF A GOOD CITIZEN OF DENTON COUNTY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. DENTON, May 31. -P. G. Lanham, an old and influential citizen, died very suddenly of neuralgia of the heart yesterday evening at his residence, five miles northeast of the city. The deceased was well known throughout this portion of the county. He was a native of Kentucky and had lived in Texas about sixteen years. The funeral took place this evening at the Cooper Creek Cemetery, near his late residence. Many persons from the city attended, amonth whom were a number of the business men of the place. -Dallas Morning News, June 1, 1886, p.1. LARKIN, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Trinity Mills LARSON, Lula 24 yrs. Old Nov. 22, 1898 DCN Nov. 24, 1898, p.3, c.3 April 28, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.6 * LARSON, Mr. Bosque Co. Sept. of 1881 Last week a young man named Larson died in the Norwegian settlement in Bosque county from the bite of a tarantula on the finger last September. The poison seems to have lurked in his system ever since. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 4, 1881, p2, c.4. LATHAM, Elizabeth Linden 70 yrs old March of 1897 LADY BURNED TO DEATH. LINDEN, TEX., March 17. -John T. Latham, who lives about five miles east of here, came to town this morning and reported that yesterday evening his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Latham, while endeavoring to make a fire in the stove, accidentally set her clothin on fire and she burned to death before assistance could arrive. She was 70 years old. -Denton County News, March 25, 1897, p.3, c.1. LATTIMORE, Samuel Saliers IOOF LATTIMORE, William Freeman LAVINDER, Chas. Aubrey Oak Grove LAW, W. R. LAWSON, Bertha Aubrey Belew 8 yrs. Old Feb. 19, 1900 DCRC Feb. 22, 1900, p.3, c.5 14 months old July 17, 1904 DCN July 19, 1904, p.1, c.6 Aug. 17, 1903 DCN Aug. 20, 1903, p.5, c.2 April 25, 1891 DMN April 23, 1891, p.5 May 7, 1908 DRC May 14, 1908, p.5, c.5 LAYFIELD, Mrs. J. D. Justin Prairie Mound Feb. 13, 1904 Justin, Feb. 16. -Bowed down with sorrow and grief, J. D. Layfield followed the hearse to the cemetery last Friday evening to lay away his faithful wife and loving child. His heart is sad, having lost four of his happy family in the past few days from the effects of the fire which destroyed his home a few days ago. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.1, c.7. Page 174 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mrs. J. D. Layfield and her five-years-old daughter, who were burned at the residence fire, a week before lingered till Thursday, making four deaths as a result of this fire. -Denton County New, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.5. LAYFIELD, child of J. D. Justin Prairie Mound Feb. 2, 1904 DCN Feb. 4, 1904, p.1, c.7 DCN Feb. 11, 1904, p.5 LAYFIELD, second child of J. D. Justin Prairie Mound Feb. 2, 1904 DCN Feb. 4, 1904, p.1, c.7 DCN Feb. 11, 1904, p.5 LAYFIELD, dau. of J. D. Justin Prairie Mound 5 yrs. Old Feb. 13, 1904 Justin, Feb. 16. -Bowed down with sorrow and grief, J. D. Layfield followed the hearse to the cemetery last Friday evening to lay away his faithful wife and loving child. His heart is sad, having lost four of his happy family in the past few days from the effects of the fire which destroyed his home a few days ago. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.1, c.7. Mrs. J. D. Layfield and her five-years-old daughter, who were burned at the residence fire, a week before lingered till Thursday, making four deaths as a result of this fire. -Denton County New, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.5. LEACH, S. M. Denton Columbus, MS 30 yrs. Old Nov. 27, 1892 DIED-S. M. Leach, aged thirty years, brother of Mrs. McReynolds, the wife of Professor McReynolds who is teaching in the Denton city schools, at the later's home in Denton Saturday night, a little after 11 o'clock. Mr. Leach was lately from Columbus, Miss., where his remains were shipped Sunday for interment. Typhoid fever was the disease from which the young man died. -Dec. 1, 1892, p.3, c.1. LEE, Frank Roanoke LEE, Lula Belle (Mrs. A. G.) Denton ca 34 yrs. Old June 19, 1900 DMN June 21, 1900, p.9 June 24, 1906 R&C June 25, 1906, p.1, c.3 * LEE, Tom near Van Alstyne June 21, 1884 Sherman, June 21. -Tom Lee was killed by the cars two miles south of Van Alstyne to-day. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.1, c.2. LEE, Winnie May of 1884 Mrs. Winnie Lee, an old lady living near the mouth of Sandy, was thrown from a wagon and instantly killed during this month. -Alvord Messenger, May 30, 1884, p.3, c.1. LEEPER, John April 11, 1884 Henrietta, April 12. -A shooting affray between Paschal Leonard and John Leeper occurred yesterday morning, near Taylor's store, about 18 miles northwest of here, resulting in the death of Leeper and slightly wounding Leonard. The trouble seems to have been caused by family matters. -Alvord Messenger, April 18, 1884, p.3, c.3. Page 175 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION LESTER, Mrs. Susie 33 yrs. Old March 10, 1903 MORTUARY. Lester. Mrs. Susie Lester, age 83 years, died at her home ten miles west of Denton on March 10th. Consumption was the cause of death. -Denton County News, March 12, 1903, p.1, c.5. LEUTY, J. C. Justin 30 yrs. Old Sept. 24, 1904 R&C Sept. 22, 1904, p.3, c.5 * DEATH OF J. C. LEUTY. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ?tor went to Justin Sunday morning, where they were called by a message Saturday night announcing the death of J. C. Leuty of that place, which occurred about 8 o'clock Saturday night. Mr. Leuty was injured last week by a horse which he was riding, running away with him, running against a barbed wire fence in such a manner as to lacerate the flesh on his leg horribly, in one place cutting to the bone. He was carried to the home of his brother, Clyde Leuty, where all the attention loving hands and medical science could give failed to save his life. Deceased was about ?? Years of age and had been married not quite two years, his wife being formerly Miss Lizzie ?, a sister of W. L. Hunter of Sanger. Only one child survives Mr. Leuty, a boy that was born last Saturday morning about 11 o'clock, less than twelve hours prior to the death of its father. The Justin community was deeply shocked by the deplorable accident, and the grief-stricken relatives have the sincere sympathy of all. -Sanger Courier. Denton County News, Sept. 27., 1904, p.4, c.3. LEUTY, child of Mrs. J. C. Pilot Point Nov. 13, 1904 DCN Nov. 18, 1904, p.2, c.4 LEWALLEN, Mrs. Elisabeth April 9, 1884 MRS. ELISABETH LEWALLEN, the wife of Jonathan Lewallen whose death was noticed in these columns last week, died on the 9th inst., leaving four little children without father of mother and without a home. Three of the little ones are girls of one birth, who are now three years old. Thomas Harrison, of this place has kindly taken the little homeless ones under his care and protection. All charitably minded persons have here a noble opportunity to bestow worthy gifts. -April 18, 1884, p.3, c.3. LEWALLEN, Jonathan April 1, 1884 JONATHAN LEWALLEN, on April 1st, 1884. He was a respected citizen and had long lived in this county, but now he is called away and leaves a wife and four little children to mourn his depature and battle with the stern realities of life unaided by a husband and a father's care. Three of the little ones are three year old girls, Delia, Celia and Melia, who annually look for birthday gifts on the same day. The wife, a sister-in-law of our neighbor, Thos. Harrison; was lying very low at last accounts. -Alvord Messenger, April 11, 1884, p.3, c.3. LEWIS, "Brother" Anderson Stony 70 yrs old March of 1897 Since our last writing Bro. Anderson Lewis has died. He was a member of the Baptist church, was 70 years of age, and had lived here on his farm for forty-five years. He was one of Denton county's best men. In the days of the Indians they called him "Good white man," and they never molested him at any time. He leaves one son, John Lewis, and one daughter, Mrs. Polk Tanner, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.4, c.2. LEWIS, C. E. Wise Co 1884/1885 Page 176 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Commissioners Court. Wise Co. [unreadable] 1885. -The following accounts were rejected. W. A. Avery to hauling body of C. E. Lewis, deceased, to city cemetery, $1.00. Geo. Barclay, for digging graves of C. E. Lewis and Mrs. Guffrie, $6.00. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885. LEWIS, Prof. S. O. Tempe, AZ Magnolia, AR July of 1905 DMN Aug. 2, 1905, p.4 LILLIARD, Blake Decatur March? Of 1903 KILLING AT DECATUR. Blake Lillard Stabbed to Death-Several Arrests Made. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Decatur, Tex., March 7. -Blake Lillard, a member of a prominent family in the town, was stabbed to death this afternoon about 6 o'clock. >Wes Heln, City Marshal, and his two sons, Rufus and Claude, are under arrest. -Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1903, p.5. LINDSEY, Eva near Paradise Jan. 27, 1883 …Mrs. Eva Lindsey died January 27, 1883 in the vicinity of Paradise…. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 2, 1883, p.4, c.3. LINERMAN, Willie Garza 8 yrs. Old April 9, 1895 BOY ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Near Garza Friday-A Target Gun Did the Work. -Willie, the 8-year-old son of Pete Linerman living two miles east of Garza, was accidentally killed Friday last in their dwelling house. It appears that the little fellow was playing with other children in the room and that in some way a target rifle was accidentally discharged resulting in the instant death of Willie. The bullet struck him in the forehead and pierced his brain. The accident is deeply deplored by all. Mr. Pete Linerman is a son of the tailor who worked in Denton a number of years and who was familiarly known as "Dad" Linerman. -Denton County News, April 11, 1895, p.6, c.1. LINTHICUM, Mrs. Elizabeth Garza Garza Nov. 19, 1903 (mother of W. R. Allen) ANOTHER PIONEER GONE. Mrs. Elizabeth Linthicum of Garza, mother of W. K. Allen of this city, died at her home on last Thursday, aged 83? (not readable). Mrs. Linthicum was an old resident of Texas, having moved to Texas in 1834? (not readable) and lived here ever since (unreadable) years. She was one of the first persons (not readable) ... in Texas ..... was a citizen of Mexico, then of the Republic of Texas, and the United States, and of the Confederate states. The funeral was had in Garza Friday. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.5, c.4. MORTUARY. LINTHICUM - Denton, Tex., Nov. 20. -Mrs. Linthicum, mother of W. R. Allen, a prominent resident of this city, died at her home at Garza after a lingering illness. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 25, 1903, p.4. LIPES, Ethel Grace Denton City 3 yrs. Old Sept. 13, 1892 DIED - in Denton, Tuesday, Ethel Grace, the little three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lipes. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock; interment at the City cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the NEWS in their sad loss. -Denton County News, Sept. 15, 1892, p.2, c.4. LITTLE, Walter H. Page 177 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Denton, Tex., July 20. -Mr. Walter H. Little, a young lawyer from North Georgia, member of the firm of Denton & Little, died at 9:30 this morning of typhoid fever. He will be buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery to-morrow at 10 a.m. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, July 21, 1885, p.5. LITTRELL, Elsie Nena Denton City 9 yrs. Old Jan. 31, 1903 MORTUARY. Elisie Nena Littrell died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Littrell on Prairie street Saturday, aged 9 years, four months and 18 (?hard to read) days. Death was caused by a complication of pneumonia, fever and heart failure. Interment was at the city cemetery Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, Feb. 5, 1903, p.1, c.4. LIVELY, Ed. in 1875 Dallas, Oct. 23. -Sheriff Smith leaves for Fort Smith, Ark., to-morrow, to bring back James Wilson, alias Madison, who killed Ed. Lively, in this county, in 1875, and escaped from jail in 1878 and was arrested at McAllister, I. T., recently. He is in jail at Fort Smith. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p.2, c.2. LIVELY, Patrick E. Denton LIVELY, P. T. LIVINGSTONE, Shelby M. Denton LLOYD, Willie Greenwood 53 yrs. Old Oct. 22, 1898 DMN Oct. 25, 1898, p.6 IOOF 53 yrs. Old Oct. 22, 1898 DCN Oct. 27, 1898, p.1, c.1 IOOF 63 yrs. Old May 1899 14 yrs. Old Sept. 17, 1898 DMN May 13, 1899, p.6 DCN Sept. 22, 1898, p.7, c.2 LOBDELL, Lottie M. IOOF 9 yrs. Old Oct. 22, 1899 LOTTIE LOBDELL DEAD. -Lottie M. Lobdell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lobdel, died Sunday morning at 7:30 after a few week's illness; aged, 9 years, 2 months and 24 days. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. -Denton County News, October 26, 1899, p.3, c.1. LOLLAR, Aunty Millie Denton 62 yrs. Old Feb. 1899 DMN Feb. 22, 1899, p.10 LONDON, J. M. Fort Worth IOOF May 11, 1903 MORTUARY. LONDON. J. M. London, formerly a resident of Little Elm, died of paralysis of the heart Monday night at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. S. H. Dunn of Ft. Worth. Funeral services were held at the residence of Mrs. Dunn by the pastor of the First United Methodist Church, South. He was interred in Oakwood cemetery. Deceased leaves eleven children, five daughters and six sons, besides a host of friends to mourn his death. he had been a sufferer from heart disease for the past eight years. He lingered five days from the paralytic stroke, when the Master called him home. The News extends sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family in their sad loss. -Denton County News, May 14, 1903, p.8, c.3. LONDON, Mrs. James M. Little Elm Bethel April 14, 1895 Page 178 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mrs. James M. London died at her home two miles south of Little Elm Sunday after a week's illness from a complication of measles and heart disease. The remains were buried at Bethel Monday. Deceased was an estimable, Christian lady and leaves a husband and eight children, who will be sorely afflicted because of her loss. -Denton County News, April 18, 1895, p.8, c.2. LONG, H. F. Toyah July 19, 1894 DMN July 21, 1894, p.3 MORTUARY. H. F. LONG. Pilot Point, Denton Co., Tex., July 20. - H. F. Long, formerly of this place, died yesterday at Toyah, Tex. -Dallas Morning News, July 21, 1894, p.3. LONG, J. A. Tucson, AZ IOOF 29 yrs. Old Jan. 3, 1899 JOE LONG DEAD. A PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN OF DENTON DIED AT TUCSON, ARIZONA. Very few, if any, death which have claimed the citizens of this city, have caused more sorrow than that of Joe Long, who died in Tucson, Arizona last Tuesday. Leo Long, a brother of the deceased and D. R. Long his father, and Mrs. Long were at the bedside when he died and will accompany the remains to this city where the interment will take place at the Odd Fellows cemetery next Saturday, the hour not having been set. The body will arrive on the night train Friday. Mr. Long was a young man, being 29 years of age, and was a very promising and at the same time a successful business man having acquired quite an amount of this worlds goods also acquiring the friendship of all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Long was a member of several orders and will be missed amonth their members as well as in the ranks of our business men. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1899, p.8, c.1. MORTUARY. LONG -Denton, Tex., Jan. 4. -A telegram received by relatives here last night announces the death yesterday afternoon of consumption at Tucson, Ariz., of J. A. Long, a prominent and wealthy young citizen of this place, who had gone thither for the benefit of his health. He wife, his father and his brother, Dr. Lee Long, of this city, were in attendance at the time of his death. The body will be embalmed and brought here for interment in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, being due to arrive here Friday morning or Friday night. The deceased was a director in several business organizations here. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 5, 1899, p.6. LONG, J. T. IOOF LONG, Joe Tucson, AZ LONG, William Eugene Denton March 14, 1896 IOOF DCN March 19, 1896, p.8, c.3 29 yrs. Old Jan. 3, 1899 DCN Jan. 5, 1899, p.3, c.1 19 yrs. Old Jan. 4, 1903 DCR&C Jan. 8, 1903, p.4, c.4 * LOOPER, Jimmie Aubrey Jan. 1, 1893 ITEMS FROM AUBREY. Jimmie, the little son of J. W. Looper, died on Jan. 1st of brain fever. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1893, p.2, c.4. LOOPER, Mrs. Willie Mae Aubrey LOVE, Herbert H. near Wheelock Belew April 25, 1908 April of 1884 Page 179 DRC April 30, 1908, p.3, c.6 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Dispatches. Franklin, Tex., April 28. -Another Texas veteran has passed away. Captain Gilbert H. Love, for 50 years, a resident of Robertson county, and a devoted Christian gentlemen, died Sunday morning at his home near Wheelock, and was buried to-day with Masonic honors. -Alvord Messenger, May 2, 1884, p.3, c.4. LOVEJOY, Jno. L. Denton, Sept. 7. -Mr. Jno. L. Lovejoy Sr., died in this city yesterday morning at the age of 84 years. He was one of the first settlers in Denton county, and an Indian fighter and frontiersman, did notable work for civilization in Texas. He was buried today beside his wife, who preceded him but a few short months. -Wise County Messenger, Sept. 12, 1885, p.5, c.2. LOVEJOY, Phoebe Aaron Sept. of 1884 *taken from obituary of John Lemuel Lovejoy+ …in the year 1824, he was happily married to Miss Phoebe Aaron, with whom he lived until a little over twelve months ago, when his wife went on before to heaven. -Wise County Messenger, Sept. 25, 1885 LOVEJOY, Rev. William C. 80 yrs. Old Feb. 8, 1904 DCN Feb. 11, 1904, p.1, c.6 LOVELACE, R. E. Aubrey Feb. 27, 1889 MURDERED IN HIS HOME. A Man Sitting by His Hearthstone Shot Down by an Unknown Assassin. AUBREY, Tex., Feb. 28. -Last evening about nine o'clock R. E. Lovelace was shot and almost instantly killed by some unknown assassin. His family had retired for the night, and Mr. Lovelace was sitting in front of the fire in the same room when some one fired a shot through the window, striking him in the back and coming out in the front. He lived about one hour. The alarm was given and officers notified who responded at once. But up to this time, owning to the excessive rain, no trace of the murderer has been discovered save a few tracks. Mr. Lovelace was under indictment, on a charge of the murder of R. A. Fuller, his father-in-law, who was killed in an altercation near Bolivar in this county a year and a half ago. / ANOTHER ACCOUNT. PILOT POINT, Tex., Feb. 28. -Dick Lovelace, residing a half a mile west of Aubrey, this county, was most foully murdered last night at about 9 o'clock. the facts as ascertained by THE NEWS correspondent are as follows: Lovelacce was sitting near a table reading when a shotgun was fired through the window in the rear of him, which took effect in the back of his neck and passed entirely through, coming out below his chin. He sprang to his feet, exclaiming, "The Fullers are killing me," and expired. Lovelace is the man charged with killing his father-in-law, Fuller, near Bolivar about a year ago, and for which he has been on trial. No one has been arrested, but every effort is being made to ferret out the perpetrator of this fearful crime. -The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 7, 1889. LOVING, Mrs. Denton Oct. 11, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Tex., Oct. 16, 1869. -We understand that the wife of Rev. Mr. Loving of this county died last Monday. -DCN Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.2. LOVING, Rev. Joe near Bartonville Medlin 93 yrs. Old Page 180 June 19, 1902 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DEATH OF REMARKABLE PREACHER. Fought Indians in Texas and Went Through Civil War. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., June 20. -Rev. Joe Loving, one of the oldest preachers in Texas and one of the oldest men in Denton county, died near Bartonville yesterday, aged 93 years. He was a Primitive Baptist preacher, who came to this country when the Comanches were making their raids, away back in the 40s; went through the Civil War with several of his own sons in Company G, Eighteenth Texas, and it is recited of him that never in all his life did he take one dose of medicien. The funeral took place at the Medlin cemetery. -Dallas Morning News, June 21, 1902, p.5. LUCAS, W. L. (Dr.) Corinth Shiloh 34 yrs. Old Aug. 12, 1895 DIED-Dr. W. L. Lucas of Corinth died at his home at 4 o'clock Tuesday monring from typhoid fever. Deceased was about 34 years old and came to Corinth six years ago where he has been in continuous practice of his profession since. He was highly esteemed by his acquaintances and they all express sympathy for the bereaved wife and children who survive him. Funeral services were held in the church at Corinth Tuesday at 2 p.m., after which the remains were interred in the Shiloh cemetery. Dr. Lucas was a member of the M. E. church. -Denton County News, Aug. 15, 1895, p.7, c.3. LUSK, Bessie Sanger Sanger infant Sept. 27, 1908 DCN Oct. 1, 1908, p.5, c.2 LUSK, Robert Newton July 4, 1836 July 18, 1892 Passed by the Masons of Lewisville in Honor of an Old Citizen. >At a regular communication of Denton Lodge No. 201, A., F. and A. M., at Lewisville, Aug. 6, 1892, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe to remove from our midst our late brother, Robt. Newton Lusk, and whereas, it is but just that we give a worthy recognition of his many virtues. >Brother Lusk was born in Monroe county, Tenn., July 4, 1836. He professed religion at eleven years of age, was an elder in the C. P. Church twenty-six years. He moved to Denton county in 1852 and joined the Masonic fraternity at Stanfield Lodge No. 217, in 1863. On July 18, 1892, the scythe of death severed the brittle thread of life and the spirit went to God who gave it; Resolved By Denton Lodge No. 201, A. F. and A. M., that while we bow to the will of the Most Holy, we do not the less mourn the loss of our brother who has been taken from us. -The Chronicle, Aug. 13, 1892, p.6. LYMAN, son of (Lyman could be first or last 9 mi SE of Denton 8 yrs. Old April 6, 1895 name) ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., April 8. -The 6-year-old son of a man named Lyman accidentally killed his 8-year-old brother Saturday at their home, nine miles southeast of here. The older boy was lying on a bed and his brother was playing with a 32-caliber target rifle, when the rifle was discharged, producing instant death. -Dallas Morning News, April 9, 1895, p.3. LYNCH, Charles/Charley Green Valley Green Valley 38 yrs. Old Jan. 13, 1905 DCN Jan. 17, 1905, p.1, c.5 MORTUARY. LYNCH -Denton, Tex., Jan. 14. -Charley Lynch, aged 38 years, died yesterday afternoon north of the city of tuberculosis and was buried this afternoon at the Green Valley Cemetery. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1905, p.4. LYNCH, J. B. Page 181 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. J. B. Lynch Dead. After a lingering illness of consumption, Mr. J. B. Lynch died at his home in Denton at five minutes past 8 o'clock Friday evening. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemeter at 4 o'clock Saturday, the funeral services being held at the Baptist church and conducted by Rev. F. L. DuPont. >Mr. Lynch had been a resident of Denton several years, and was, before confinement to his bed, one of the most active business men, being at one time a member of the city council. He was an active and devoted member of the Baptist church, a loving husband and a true friend. The NEWS, in common with a host of friends, extending the hand of sympathy. -Denton County News, Sept. 22, 1892, p.3, c.2. MADDEN, Helen Crafton Sept. of 1884 A very sad accident occurred at Crafton last Monday which resulted in the death of Mrs. D. N. Madden of that place. A cow jumped with a board fastened over her eyes had jumped into the yard, and Mrs. Madden aided by a dog was trying to drive her out. The cow while running at full speed ran against Mrs. Madden, striking her in the breast producing internal injuries from which she died in about two hours.-Sunset Shield. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.4, c.3. Mrs. Madden, who was run against by a cow blinded with a board over its face and knocked down so severely as to cause her death in about one hour, was the wife of D. N. Madden, one of the first settlers of Crafton. An immense concourse of people were out at the burial, which was conducted with the honors of the Farmers' Alliance. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.5, c.1. OBITUARY. Mrs. Helen Madden, wife of D. N. Madden, was born in Lawrence county, S. C., on the 9th day of April, 1847. She was married to D. N. Madden on the 9th day of Oct., 1866, and departed this life by accident Sept. 1st., 1884. When quite young she professed religion and joined the church then known as the "New School Presbyterian Church." She moved with her husband to Crafton, Wise county, Texas, some years ago, and finding no church of her own joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church, in which she continued faithful until death called her from labor to her reward. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn because she is not, and many, many friends are sad and feel that they have sustained a great loss. How true the saying: "Life is uncertain and death is sure." We are admonished that we should ever be ready, "For in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Weep not husband and dear children as those who have no hope, for your loss is her eternal gain. T. W. Morton. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 12, 1884, p.5, c.3. MAGILL, Mentor Green Denton IOOF 21 months June 17, 1900 BABY DEAD. Menter Green, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Magill, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, aged 1 year, 8 months and 29 days. Menter was a lovable child and his loss is felt severely by the bereaved parents. Funeral services were held at the family residence, on North Bolivar street at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, conducted by Rev. F. T. Charlton of the C. P. church. The interment was at the Off Fellows' cemetery. -Denton County News, June 21, 1900, p.1, c.1 MAHON, Dessie Aubrey 2.5 months June 22, 1906 MALONE, dau. Of C. N. Quinlan 5 months Jan. 20, 1900 Page 182 R&C June 28, 1906, p.2, c.2 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. MALONE -McKinney, Tex., Jan. 20. - The 5-months-old infant of C. N. Malone of this city died today at Quinlan, Hunt County. The child was a niece of Mrs. D. E. Andrews, who also died here early this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 21, 1900, p.2. MALONE, M. E. Pilot Point MALONE, Mattie Winford (Mrs. J. W.) 55 yrs. Old Feb. of 1908 R&C Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.5 April of 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.1, c.3 * MANLEY, Mr. Henry in 1883 Mr. Henry Manley, a veteran of the war of 1812, was buried in Montague last Sunday, age 99 yrs., 8 months, and 11 days. -Wise County Messenger, March 9, 1883, p.4, c.2. MANN, Mrs. Mae Pilot Point March of 1901 DCR&C March 21, 1901, p.8, c.1 * MANN, Mrs. Wm. Rush Creek Dec. 19, 1880 "GONE HOME" We regret to learn that the wife of Wm. Mann of Rush creek departed this life on last Sunday night. Mrs. Mann was a loved daughter of Milton Perkins of Salt creek, and her presence will be sadly missed by her husband and cherished little ones, all her kindred and many friends, but their loss is her eternal gain. -Wise County Messenger, Dec. 24, 1880, p.3, c.4. MANNING, HENRY April 16, 1881 James W. Manning, a former resident of this vicinity but now of Fort Worth, was up last week. He says they have had hard luck since going to the Fort, having nearly all been sick with the measles and other complaints. His brother Henry died on the 16th of last month of pneumonia fever. -Paradise Messenger, May 6, 1881, p.3, c.3. MANNING, P. H. Fort Worth? April 15, 1881 Mr. P. H. Manning died very suddenly, in this city, on the 15th instant. He has many friends in Wise county who will be grieved to hear this [Fort Worth Age of Progress]. -Paradise Messenger, May 6, 1881, p.2, c.3. MANOUS, Mrs. Sig near Denton Nov. 5, 1905 R&C Nov. 6, 1905, p.1, c.4 * MARKS, Mr. near Weston 75 yrs. Old July 5, 1895 PILOT POINT. From the Post-Mirror. -Word has been received that the old gentleman, Mr. Marks, who was recently thrown from his buggy near J. F. Elmore's, died last Friday at his home, near Weston, from the effects of the injuries received. He was seventy-five years old. -Denton County News, July 11, 1895, p.2, c.1. Page 183 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MARS, J. G. Dallas Denton 45 yrs. Old Sept. 2, 1901 MORTUARY MATTERS. J. G. Mars, aged 45 years, died yesterday morning at the corner of Hall and Bryan streets. The body was shipped to Denton for burial. Dallas Morning News, Sept. 3, 1901, p.10. MARSEE, infant of Wm. April 6, 1880 PARADISE. LOCAL NEWS. The infant of Wm. Marsee died last Tuesday. -Paradise Messenger, April 9, 1880, p.3, c.1. MARSH, J. P. Argyle Graham 65 yrs. Old Dec. 15, 1908 DCN Dec. 16, 1908, p.1, c.3 FOUND DEAD IN ROOM. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Dec. 17. -The body of J. P. Marsh, aged about 65 years, was found in his room near Argyle last evening. Heart failure is supposed to have been the cause of death. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 18, 1908, p.11. MARSH, Richard Dallas 10 yrs. Old Jan. of 1897 SIXTEEN ARE DEAD. VICTIMS OF THE ORPHANS' HOME FIRE INCREASE. Several More May Yet Die from Their Injuries - Heartrending Scenes Were Witnessed - List of the Dead and Injured, Visit Texas. -Dallas, Tex., Jan. 17. -The fullness of the horror of the fire at the Buckner Orphans' Home Friday night was not discovered and fully realized until daylight. The fire, which commenced about 10 o'clock at night, and raged until the boys' dormitory was destroyed, did not cool enough for a search for bodies in the ashes until about 3 o'clock in the morning. At that time it was thought that only five children had been burned to death. When the ashes had cooled enough to admit of a search scores of sympathizing friends and neighbors began the sad task of finding bodies of the five who, it was known, had perished. The search had hardly been instituted when the terrible truth that there were more than five bodies in the ashes appeared. The search continued until dawn, when fifteen bodies had been found. The names and home of the dead are as follows: Oscar Jackson, aged 13, Dallas county; Birdie Britton, aged 13, Dallas county; Marvin Britton, Milton Britton (twins), aged 10, Dallas county; Carlos Jones, aged 5, Hunt county; Willie Richards, aged 8, Collin county; Grover cleveland Yarborough, aged 13, Smith county; Preston Cribbs, aged 13, Smith county; Presston Cribbs, aged 13, ..... Richard Marsh, aged 10, Denton county.... -The Ferris Wheel, Jan. 23, 1897, p.2, c.4. MARSHALL, Mr. May of 1896 Mr. Henry Selz, while returning from his farm near Bloomfield, found old Mr. Marshall lying in the road near Isle du Bois bridge in an unconscious condition. His horse and cart were found near. Mr. Marshall had a spinal disease and it is thought he had a spasm and fell from the cart. He was taken to his home near French Well and died in a short time. -Denton County News, May 28, 1896, p.3, c.3. MARSHALL, Mrs. R. H. June 18, 1908 MARTIN Hog-branch An old gentleman named Martin died on Hog-branch. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 22, 1880, p.3, c.3 Page 184 Oct. of 1880 DRC June 18, 1908, p.1, c.4 NAME MARTIN, Mrs. LOCATION MARTIN, J. F. Roanoke CEMETERY McCurley BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Feb. 11, 1899 CITATION DCN Feb. 16, 1899, p.5, c.4 Aug. 25, 1903 DCN Sept. 3, 1903, p.5, c.1 MARTIN, J. L. J. L. Martin, of Henrietta, committed suicide on Sunday night last by taking morphine. Strong drink caused it. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 31, 1884, p.5, c.2. MARTIN, Jacob Pilot Point August 21, 1887 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of Marriage and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. -Jacob Martin, Pilot Point, August 21. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Sept. 2, 1887, p.4. MARTIN, Lenora F. Denton 87 yrs. old July 22, 1892 DEATH OF MRS. MARTIN. Mrs. Lenora F. Martin, mother of Dr. Martin, pastor of the O. S. Presbyterian church in Denton, died at the latter's residence at (?) a.m. Friday. She was a resident of Charleston, S. C., was 87 years old and a model Christian lady. The funeral service was held at the O. S. Presbyterian church on South Elm street at 10 o'clock Saturday, and was conducted by Rev. Dr. John S. Moore of Sherman. The bereaved relatives have the condolence of the entire city. -Denton County News, July 27, 1892, p.2, c.7 MARTIN, Mrs. M. Roanoke Dove May 19, 1904 DCN May 20, 1904, p.1, c.6 MARTIN, Noah 12 yrs. Old Aug. 14, 1894 On Tuesday, August 14, at the residence of his father Mr. David Martin, Noah Martin aged 12 years, died. He had been ill about a month from typhoid fever. Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.1, c.2. MARTIN, Robert near Texarkana March of 1897 NEGRO CREMATED. TEXARKANA, TEX., March 12. -Robert Martin, an aged negro, living alone on his farm ten miles from here, was cremated yesterday in his cabin. He had returned to his shanty at noon to prepare dinner, when he discovered the building to be on fire on the inside. In his effort to extinguish the flames he was overcome and falling upon the floor, he was soon enveloped by the fire. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.2, c.1. MASON, Albert Justin Medlin 19 yrs. Old MASSEY, A. W. Dallas Oakland Sept. 18, 1844 March 20, 1899 Oct. 21, 1908 DRC March 23, 1899, p.8, c.1 DMN Oct. 22, 1908, p.11 MASSEY, Fannie (Mrs. J. R.) Denton abt. 60 yrs. Old Feb. 5, 1899 DCN Feb. 9, 1899, p.1, c.5 MORTUARY. MASSEY-Denton, Tex., Feb. 6. -Mrs. Fannie Massey, wife of J. R. Massey, died here Saturday, aged about 60 years. The interment took place yesterday afternoon. The deceased for forty years had been a member of the Page Primitive Baptist church. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 7, 1899, p.6. 185 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH MASSIE, Fannie (Mrs. J. R.) Denton IOOF 71 yrs. Old Feb. 4, 1899 MASTERS, Mrs. G. C. Denton IOOF CITATION DCN Feb. 9, 1899, p.1, c.5 Sept. 13, 1895 A CARD OF THANKS. I take this method to express my heart felt thanks to the kind friends who so faithfully stood by us during the sickness and death of my wife. Words can only feebly express my gratitude for your constant care of my dear wife, and i know if she had lived she would have shown her appreciation of your kindness. But she is gone and I will try as but I can to show my gratefulness by lending a helping hand to any of you who may fall into trouble. Finally I pray to God to bless you all and lead you in paths of peace. most heartily your stricken friend, G. C. Masters. -Denton County News, Sept. 19, 1895, p.8, c.2. A LADY'S SAD DEATH. Mrs. G. C. Masters, died at her home in Denton early Saturday morning after an illness of several days. The interment was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at 5 o'clock P. M., and the funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. J. B. Cole. Deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist church, a loving mother and wife and highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. Besides parents and other near relatives, she leaves a husband and three little children, and to them the people of Denton extend sincere sympathy because of their sad and irreparable loss. -Denton County News, Sept. 19, 1895, p.8, c.4. MATTHEWS, Grandpa in 1804 Feb. of 1893 Grandpa Matthews died a short time ago at the residence of his son, J. H. Matthews. He was born in 1804. He was a devoted christian and a member of the Christian church. He was the father of 14 children and his offspring number over 200. He was an old timer of Denton county and has gone to a better home in heaven. A. L. L. -Denton County News, Feb. 9, 1893, p.2, c.4. MATTHEWSON, Mrs. D. A. near Bartonville 33 yrs. Old Feb. 23, 1900 MATHEWSON-Denton, Tex., Feb, 24. - Mrs. D. A. Mathewson, the wife of a well-known farmer living near Bartonville, died last night, aged 33 years. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 27, 1900, p.8. MAXWELL, Frank (suicide) east of Denton July 27, 1897 DMN July 29, 1897, p.7 SUICIDE. A man named Frank Maxwell committed suicide at his home on J. W. Cunningham's place, four miles east of Denton, Tuesday afternoon by shooting himself in the head with a target rifle. The evidence at the coroner's inquest before Esquire Hopkins Wednesday was that he and his wife were unable to get along together. He came to Denton Tuesday morning and while he was away his wife took their baby and went to her mother's home. He tried to induce her to return home and being unable to do so committed the rash act which ended his life. -Denton County News, July 29, 1897, p.1, c.1. MAXWELL, son of Jim Sanger MAYES, Fannie (Aunt) Denton child Oct. 16, 1904 May of 1900 Page 186 DCN Oct. 21, 1904, p.8, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DEATH OF AN OLD NEGRESS. Came to Denton County When Texas Was an Independent Republic. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 17. -Aunt Fannie Mayes, probably the oldest woman in Denton County, succumbed to illness at her home in this city during the present week. Neither she nor any one else knew how old she was exactly, and her age at the time of her death can be computed only approximately. She was brought to Denton County by her master in 1841, fifty-nine years ago, when Texas was a republic unto itself. At that time she was a fully grown negress, the mother of several children. Thirty years ago-this is one clew to her age-her third daughter died, being the mother at the time of several almost grown children. Her youngest child, a negro man, lives here now and is about 40 years old, and from these facts it is estimated that she was nearly if not quite, 103 years old when she died. Aunt Fannie distinctly remembered the falling of the stars in 1836, being at the time a middle-aged woman. The Dallas Morning News, May 18, 1900, p.7. MAYES, Mrs. William P. Holdenville, I. T. Denton Sept. of 1903 DMN Oct. 1, 1903, p.7 MAYFIELD, infant of Mr. J. H. Denton Roanoke 7 months June 4, 1893 DIED-The little seven-months-old infant of Mr. J. H. Mayfield, living in the eastern part of town, died of congestion of the brain Sunday. The remains were taken to Roanoke on the early train Monday for interment at that place. -Denton County News, June 8, 1893, p.3, c.2. MAYFIELD, Maggie Roanoke Aug. 28, 1896 DCN Sept. 3, 1896, p.5, c.2 MAYS, baby of Norman Dallas IOOF 3 months old June 25, 1893 CHILD DEAD. -The three-months-old child of Norman Mays died at Dallas Sunday and was buried at the Odd Fellows cemetery, in this city at 3 p.m. Monday. Mr. Mays and family have many friends in Denton county who sympathize with them in their bereavement. -Denton County News, June 22, 1893, p.3, c.4. MAYS, Rev. Aubrey Belew March 22, 1908 DRC March 26, 1908, p.1, c.7 MCADAMS, Alice MILAM AND GRIBBLE SPRINGS. John Skiles received word last week of the death of his sister, Mrs. Alice McAdams, who lived in the Oklahoma Territory. She was an ex-resident of this place and has a number of friends to mourn her death. -Denton County News, Feb. 15, 1900, p.5, c.4. MCBRIDE, Mrs. Isaac Feb. 11, 1881 Died on Feb. 11. Mrs. McBride the good wife of our neighbor Isaac McBride. The deceased was known as a kind neighbor, a faithful wife, and an affectionate mother. She has long been a consistent member of the Baptist church. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 18, 1881, p.3, c.2. MCCLAIN, Susan P. Page 187 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OF FINAL ACCOUNT. The State of Texas, To the Sheriff or any Constable of Denton County-Greeting: H. E. Eldgridge, guardian of the estate of Susan P. McClain, a person of unsound mind, having filed in our county court his final account of the condition of the estate of said Susan P. McClain, together with an application to be discharged from said guardianship. You're hereby commanded, that by publication of this write for twenty days next after the date of this writ in a newspaper regularly published in the county of Denton you give due notice to all persons interested in the account for final settlement of said estate, to file their objection thereto, if any they have, on or before the April term, 1899, of said county court, commencing and to be holden at the court house of said county, in the city of Denton, Texas, on the third Monday in April, A. D. 1899, when said account and application will be considered by said court. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.5, c.1. MCCARTHY, John Kerrville Belew Jan. of 1905 DCN Jan. 31, 1905, p.1, c.3 MCCARTY, Dr. Roanoke 92 yrs. Old Jan. 13, 1903 MORTUARY. McCARTY - Roanoke, Tex., Jan. 14. -Dr. McCarty, who practiced medicine in this vicinity before the war, died near here last night of old age, being 92 years old. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 17, 1903, p.8. MCCARTY, Jim near Chico Sept. 11, 1884 A horrible accident occurred at Metcalf & Hollister's steam gin, 4 miles southeast of Chico, on Thursday, Sept. 11th. Jim McCarty, the engineer and Mr. Hollister were standing near the front of the boiler, and had started the engine or were just in the act of starting it when the boiler and furnace off, projecting a sliver of iron into McCarty's body, causing death in two hours, and ejecting such a volume of scalding water and steam over Mr. Hollister that his life is in danger. It was a 12horse power engine with the steam chest and engine attached to the boiler, and so powerful was the explosion that the boiler and engine was lifted from its place and set back near 50 feet, displacing part of the supports from under the gin room and causing the gin stand and Mr. Metcalf, who was standing by the stand, to fall through the floor on the ground within a few feet of where the rent boiler rested, but luckily he was not hurt. The machinery is an irreparable wreck and the building badly damaged. On the next day the mangled remains of James McCarty was buried in the cemetery on Booth's Prairie. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 19, 1884, p.7, c.2. MCCARTY, Mrs. Weatherford Feb. of 1904 FOUR VICTIMS IN TWO DAYS. Weatherford: There is an epidemic of pneumonia and la grippe in this county, such as was never seen here before, Tuesday and Wednesday four deaths were reported - Mrs. Wiggins, aged 55, her son, Bill Wiggins, aged 30; Mrs. McCarty, an aged lady, all residing here, and Charley Eddleman, aged 10, son of James Eddleman, six miles south of town. In some families there are as many as three and four members ill. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.6. MCCASKEY, son of Charles West of county 15 yrs. Old May of 1904 R&C May 16, 1904, p.1, c.5 * McCLARY, Joe Krum 11 yrs. Old Nov. 5, 1905 R&C Nov. 6, 1905, p.1, c.4* Page 188 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MCCLAVE, Mrs. J. E. Lewisville Aug. 17, 1893 KILLED BY A RUNAWAY TEAM. LEWISVILLE, Denton Co., Tex., Aug. 18. - Mrs. J. E. McClave killed last night by a runaway team. The team belonged to J. Furguson. On getting in the wagon Mr. Furguson reached for the lines, which had become detached from their fastening, and the horses ran. Mrs. Furguson, who was in the vehicle, was badly injured from a fall she received by jumping out. This same team caused the death of Mr. Furguson's daughter about four years ago. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 19, 1893, p.3. MCCLINTOCK, Mrs. R. L. Aubrey Oak Grove July 23, 1908 DRC July 30, 1908, p.5, c.4 McCLURE, infant of John Jan. of 1881 The infant child of John McClure sen. that was left motherless a few weeks since died on last Saturday night at the residence of Mr. A. N. Wood. The little one has only gone to meet its mother. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 14, 1881, p.3, c.2 McCLURE, H. A. E. (Mrs.) Dec. 6, 1881 IN MEMORIAM. -Died on Monday, Dec. 6th A. D. 1880, Mrs. H. A. E. McClure, aged 37 years, 6 months and 23 days, wife of John McClure Sen. Mrs. McClure was born in Laurel county, Kentuck, in the year 1843, and came to Mo. With her parents about the year 1856, from there to this state in 1858. the writer of this notice has heard her relate, while in her last sickness, some of the trying scenes and cruel experiences of her life here during the late war. She was a faithful wife and a patient mother, and for several years past has been a devoted member of the Christian Church, and in her dying hours she besought her relatives and friends about her bedside to have malice toward none. She leaves a husband and several small children to bewail her absence. May the Lord in his mercy temper the cold charities of this world to them, as He tempers the storm to the shorn lamb. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 10, 1881, p.3, c.3. McCORMICK, child of Mr. & Mrs. George Plainview infant May 26, 1901 DCR&C May 30, 1901, p.1, c.3 * MCCORMICK, George Oct/Nov of 1892 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. DENTON, Texas, Oct. 23, 1869. -Old Uncle George McCormick is dead. He was a good man and is in Heaven. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.2. MCCLURKAN, Earl City child Oct. 7, 1899 EARL McCLURKAN DEAD. Earl McClurkan, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McClurkan died Saturday night and was buried at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the City cemetery. -Denton County News, Oct. 12, 1899, p.4, c.2. MCCLURKAN, Lorena Denton City 18 months Jan. 1, 1896 DIED - Lorena, the little 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. McClurkan, died at their home in Denton at 8 p.m. Wednesday of last week after an illness of two weeks. The funeral services were held at the Oak street M. E. church at 3 p.m. Thursday and the interment was in the city cemetery at 4 p.m. -Denton County News, Jan. 9, 1896, p.7, c.2 Page 189 NAME MCCLURKEN, Rev. W. H. LOCATION Frisco MCCOMBS, Mrs. George MCCONKEY, child of Mr. & Mrs. Charles CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 48 yrs. Old Flower Mound Brownwood IOOF 4 months old DATE OF DEATH March 30, 1908 CITATION DRC April 2, 1908, p.1, c.3 April 7, 1897 DCN April 8, 1897, p.4, c.2 Feb. 16, 1908 R & C Feb. 20, 1908, p.6, c.6 MCCONNELL, Minerva (Aunt) Justin Aiken Feb. 7, 1906 Old Negress Dead. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Justin, Tex., Feb. 7. -Old Aunt Minerva McConnell, colored, a centenarian, who has lived in this neighborhood almost since the first settlement of the county, died today at the home of her son-in-law, Lon McCarty, four miles west of Justin. Aunt Minerva was a household word with all the Reynolds and Harminson children, the oldest settlers of the west end of Denton County, quite a number of whom went this evening to attend her funeral at the Aiken Cemetery. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 8, 1906, p.11. MCCONNELL, widow of Alf Denton Jan. 28, 1900 Burned to a Crisp. Denton, Tex., Jan. 29. -The widow of Alf McConnell, colored, suffered a miserable death at the county poor farm, of which she was an inmate, yesterday, her body being in the fire by which the house in which she lived was consumed. >The woman is said to have been slightly deranged for a number of years, but, as her aberration was of an innocent kind and considered incurable, she was sent out to the poor farm to spend the remainder of her days, a small house separated from the other buildings on the place being given her for her exclusive use. >About 11 o'clock yesterday morning flames were discovered coming from the house, and, fanned by the stiff norther blowing, the fire had enveloped the entire structure before the men on the place could get to the scene. Sleet and snow were falling also, which made the work doubly hard, and the house was almost entirely consumed before the fire was got under sufficient control for any of the men to venture in. The negress was found charred and burned all over and life was extinct when the body was taken out into the open air. >The cause of the fire is not known, unless it caught from the stove inside. The pecuniary loss is small. -The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30, 1900, p.8. MCCOOK, Mrs. Laura Ponder IOOF Jan. 11, 1904 MRS. LAURA E. McCOOK DEAD. Passed Away Suddenly Monday Morning at Her Home. -The entire town of Denton was shocked Monday morning to hear the sad news of the death of Mrs. Laura Ponder McCook, which occurred suddenly at 8 o'clock at the family residence on Sycamore street. Mrs. McCook had been slightly ill for about six weeks. The funeral services were held at the family residence Tuesday afternoon by Dr. W. C. Lattimore, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1904, p.1, c.7. MCCORMICK, Bert near Denton IOOF 25 yrs. Old Aug. 1, 1895 Young Man Dead. Bert, the 25-year-old son of 'Squire and Mrs. Wm. McCormick, died at his parents' home, a mile southwest of Denton, at 1 o'clock Thursday morning. Bert was an industrious young man, ever attentive to his own affairs, and possessed of many good traits of character. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery Thursday afternoon. Elder Alsup conducted the services. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.8, c.3. MCCORMICK, Capt. J. R. Oaxaca, Mex. Oaxaca, Mex. Page 190 Sept.10, 1907 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DEATH OF CAPT. J. R. McCORMICK. Former Denton County Clerk Expires at Oaxaca, Mexico. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Sept. 13. -Capt. J. R. McCormick, former County Clerk of this county is dead at Oaxaca, Mex., where he had been in the employ of a mining company for the past several years. He died Tuesday, but owing to the telegraphers' strike no word was received until yesterday, announcing that he was dying. This message is supposed to have been sent Monday night. Mail advices today are that death occurred the following morning. Surviving him here are his wife, one son, Home. W. L. McCormick, and a daughter, Mrs. J. A. Sanders. W. F. McCormick, another son, lives at Aubrey, Edgar McCormick in California and Ross McCormick in Fort Worth. Another son, Inge McCormick, was with him in Oaxaca and failing to receive word from here, the body was interred there. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 14, 1907, p.9. McCORMICK, George (Uncle) in Oct. of 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Tex., Oct. 23, 1869. -Old Uncle George McCormick is dead. He was a good man and is in Heaven. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.3. MCCORMICK, Mary (Mrs. J. M.) March 4, 1893 DCN March 16, 1893, p.4, c.4 MCCORMICK, Miss Mary Francis near Denton 65 yrs. Old July of 1901 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. McCORMICK -Denton, Tex., July 13. -Miss Mary Francis McCormick, an old settler of this county, died south of town last week, aged 65 years. -Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1901, p.6. MCCORMICK, Myrtle Denton City 3 months old Aug. 24, 1895 DIED-Myrtle, the 3-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inge McCormick died at their home on Oak street early Saturday morning after a few days' illness. The remains were buried in the City Cemetery at 6 p.m. Saturday. Rev. J. B. Cole conducted the services at the grave. -Denton County News, Aug. 29, 1895, p.8, c.2. MCCORMICK, T. C. IOOF March 17, 1861 March 4, 1896 DCN March 5, 1896, p.8, c.3 DCN March 19, 1896, p.8 MCCOWAN, Mr. in 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents that Occurred 24 years Ago. -DENTON, TEX., May 22, 1869. -McCowan, the man that killed Mr. Edwards, in this county, has recently himself been killed. -Denton County News, Oct. 1892, p.1, c.3. MCCOY, Tom w of Wichita Falls March 11, 1885 Page 191 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Wichita Falls, March 12. -A fearful accident occurred about 6 o'clock last evening, 9 miles west of here, in a cut of the extension of the Fort Worth & Denver railway, that caused the instant death of Dan Downey, Pat Swan and Tom McCoy. They were blasting rock in the cut and squibbed the hole, and, after waiting the usual time, began charging the blast. After they had used nearly three kegs of powder, Downey ordered the fourth, but as McMurray started with it, Downey called to him not to bring it, as they had enough, and instantly the explosion took place. Swan and McCoy were blown 250 feet in opposite directions, and Downey 200 feet. The heads of McCoy and Swan were blown off, and all were, very much disfigured. -Wise County Messenger, March 21, 1885, p.1, c.2. MCCRAW, J. R. near Ponder 3 yrs. Old Nov. 14, 1900 DMN Nov. 15, 1900, p.7 MCCRAY, Frank Denton IOOF child Dec. 26, 1904 LITTLE FRANK MCCRAY DIED MONDAY NIGHT. Eldest Child of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCray of This City. -The death of little Frank McCray, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCray which occurred Monday night is one of the saddest items we have had to record in several months. Little Frank was a bright boy on whom the affection of his parents, relatives and friends were alike centered. On several days he had been hovering on the brink of death, and yet his taking away fell as a swift and terrible blow to all. The funeral which was held on Tuesday afternoon was a sad and tearful one and the procession which followed the body to the grave moved in sorrow. The interment was held in the Odd Fellows' cemetery after the funeral services which were held at the home on North Elm street by the family pastor, Elder S. K. Hallam. The jewelry storey of Mr. McCray and the drug store of J. F. Raley were closed all day Tuesday. -Denton County News, Dec. 30, 1904, p.3, c.5. MCCRAY, P. E. Huron, SD MCCULLOUGH, Mrs. J. W. Argyle MCDANIEL, Miss Aubrey MCDANIEL, Mrs. Garza 63 yrs. Old July 27, 1908 DRC July 30, 1908, p.1, c.4 Nov. 19, 1908 DCN Nov. 26, 1908, p.5, c.2 Oct. 2, 1908 Garza Aug. 17, 1896 DRC Oct. 8, 1908, p.6, c.4 DCN Aug. 20, 1896, p.5, c.1 MCDANIEL, child of Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Pilot Point City infant July 4, 1895 PILOT POINT. From the Post-Mirror. -The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDaniel died early Thursday morning. The burial took place yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the city cemetery, services conducted by Rev. W. F. Cunningham. -Denton County News, July 11, 1895, p.2, c.1. MCDONALD, Charles F. Rockport March of 1902 DMN Mar. 15, 1902, p.6 MCDONALD, Dr. Dr. McDonald was fatally injured by a freight train at Hutto. He only lived about two hours after the accident. -Wise County Messenger, July 10, 1886, p.8, c.2. Page 192 NAME MCDONALD, Henry LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION 1897 Henry McDonald, near Edgar, and a 9-year-old girl at Waco, were accidentally killed by firearms carelessly handled by others. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.1, c.5. Henry McDonald, living near Edgar, Tex., was accidentally killed Saturday evening by a friend. He had just returned from town. As he stepped upon the gallery his friend, who was handling a target gun, accidentally let it go off, the ball striking him near the heart, causing instant death. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.1, c.5 (cont'd) MCDONALD, Tom Denton 30 yrs. Old June 25, 1907 DMN June 28, 1907, p.12 MCDOUGALD, Rev. A. C. Aubrey Wilson's Chapel 1894? 1895? AN AGED MINISTER DIES. -Rev. A. C. McDouglad, one of the oldest ministers and citizens of Denton county, died at his home in Aubrey at 11 o'clock Sunday night aftera long illness. Deceased leaves as relatives here only his second wife and a cousin, Dr. Edwards, of this city. His first wife and only child by her died a number of years ago. Rev. McDouglad had labored long and faithfully in the M. E. church and has been prominent in its councils and conferences for years. His remains were interred at Wilson's Chapel near Aubrey Monday. -Denton County News, Nov. 8, 1894, p.8, c.4. Rev. R. M. Suffler, R. M. Powers, J. F. Pierce and A. R. Sellers, of Denton, attended the funeral of Rev. A. C. McDugold at Aubrey Monday. -Denton County News, Nov. 8, 1894, p.5, c.3. CRISP LOCALS FROM AUBREY. AUBREY, TEX., March 19. -The funeral services of the late Rev. A. C. McDougald will be preached at the M. E. church next Sunday, March 24. -Denton County News, March 21, 1895, p.4, c.4. MCDOWELL, Dr. J. O. Argyle Prairie Mound 74 yrs. Old Aug. 17, 1896 DCN Aug. 20, 1896, p.8, c.3 MCDOWELL, John Roanoke Elizabethtown Dec. 9, 1894 John McDowell, who received an injury a few weeks ago by falling from a house-top, is lingering now between life and death. The doctors entertain no hope for his recovery. -Denton County News, Dec. 6, 1894, p.2, c.2. Mr. John McDowell died last Wednesday evening from a bruise he received a few months ago and was buried at the old Elizabethtown cemetery Thursday. Denton County News, Dec. 13, 1894, p.2, c.1. MCDOWELL, Mary Starkville, MS June 11, 1896 DIED-At Starkville, Miss., on June 11th, Mrs. Mary D. McDowell, formerly of this place. Mrs. McDowell made her home with her cousin, Mrs. Walden in Denton until quite recently, and has many warm friends here who will truly mourn to learn of her death. -Denton County News, June 26, 1896, p.5, c.4. MCDOWELL, MR. & MRS. w of Aurora Sept. of 1884 McDowell is the name of the man and wife, whom we mentioned last week as having died west of Aurora, through mistaking morphine for quinine. They leave two little children, both girls. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 19, 1884, p.7, c.3. Page 193 NAME MCELHANNON, J. F. (suicide) LOCATION Prosper CEMETERY Zion BIRTH DATE 23 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Sept. of 1907 CITATION DMN Sept. 21, 1907, p.9 MCELROY, son of Mr. Clay county 2 yrs. Old March of 1881 A little two year-old son of Mr. McElroy, living in Clay county, fell in a spring and was drowned. -Paradise Messenger, March 25, 1881, p.2, c.4. MCENALLY, T. F. Lewisville Hall Dec. of 1907 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. MCENALLY - Lewisville, Denton Co., Tex. Dec. 21. - T. F. McEnally was buried at Hall Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Odd Fellows conducted the services. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 1907, p.8. MCGAHEE, Mr. Pilot Point Feb. of 1867 We take the following items from the McKinney Enquirer of the 23rd: >We learn from the Western Star of an unfortunate difficulty at Pilot Point, Denton county. It appears that a man named McGahee was married on Thursday last, and a party went to the house on Monday night to chavivari the newly married couple, when McGahee fired upon them, killing a man named Brown; the party returned fire, killing McGahee and mortally wounding his brother. -Dallas Herald, March 2, 1867, p.2. MCGAHEE, bro. of Mr. see Mr. MCGAHEE Pilot Point MCGAUGHEY, Miss Emma MCGAUGHEY, J. S. Texola, OK Feb. of 1867 DH March 2, 1867, p.2 July 27, 1904 DCN July 29, 1904, p.4, c.3 July 6, 1908 DRC July 9, 1908, p.8, c.4 McGEE, Mr. Lick Branch Dec. 17, 1880 STATE NEWS. Jacksboro, Dec. 18. -A fatal affray occurred at a late hour last night, at Lick Branch, fifteen miles northeast of Jacksboro. An altercation arose whilst attending a country dance, between a man styled Dock Pills and his brother-in-law, named McGee, and was brought to a close by McGee, who suddenly grasped a knife and stabbed Pills in the throat inflicting a wound from which Pills soon afterward expired. McGee left the house after committing the murder, followed by a brother of the murdrered man named Pete Pills. This morning McGee wass found dead about one hundred yards from his house, his skull broken by a blow from a swingle-tree, which was lying beside him. It is alleged that when Pete Pills left the house in which the dance was held, he carried with him the swingletree, which was found by the body of McGee. Tidings of the affray reached Jacksboro at 3 o'clock this morning. Sheriff King, with his shooting-irons, was quickly in the saddle, facing a freezing norther, en route to the scene of the murder. Where he arrested Pete Pills, who is now in jail here, charged with the murder of McGee. The parties concerned were prosperous farmers and leave families. -Wise County Messenger, Dec. 24, 1880, p.3, c.4. MCGINITIE, Edward Carl Page 194 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Little Child Dead. Edward Carl, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McGintie, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of A. E. McGintie on South Locust street, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Denton County News, March 24, 1904, p.1, c.5. MCGINTY, Rev. 2 miles from Denton 24 yrs. Old March 5, 1905 DMN Feb. 24, 1891, p. 6, c. 4 MCGRAHAM, Mrs. March of 1885 Mrs. McGraham, a lady of Fort Worth, 72 years old, died on last Sunday. She was a grandmother of Mrs. Bird of this city. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.6, c.4. MCGRATTON, John near Weatherford Sept. 17, 1881 On last Saturday, Mr. John McGratton, residing about three miles from town, at his father's residence committed suicide, by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. [Weatherford Herald] -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 23, 1881, p.2, c.4. MCGRAW, child of City infant Aug. 5, 1898 DCN Aug. 11, 1898, p.8, c.1 MCINTOSH, dau. Of Mr. 6 yrs. Old May of 1883 Local News. -A little six year old daughter of Mr. McIntosh's was buried on Wednesday evening of this week. -Wise County Messenger, June 1, 1883, p.5, c.4. MCINTYRE, Eld. William near Denton 80 yrs. Old unclear, possibly Sept. 8, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.1, c.7 DCN Sept. 16, 1904, p.1, c.5 MCKENZIE, Hugh IOOF Nov. 7, 1895 A RESPECTED CITIZEN GONE. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. Hugh McKenzie died at his home in this city. Mr. McKenzie had been a citizen of Denton county since 1856, nearly 40 years, and had twice filled the responsible office of county treasurer to the satisfaction of his constituents. He spent the greater part of his time as a resident in Denton county near Lewisville, moving to Denton in 1866 where he has since lived. Mrs. McKenzie and five children survive deceased. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery Friday afternoon. The funeral sevices were conducted by Rev. J. B. Cole at the grave by the Odd Fellows lodge of which the deceased was a member at his native home in Mississippi before he came to Texas and he assisted in organizing the first lodge of that order in this county in 1857. Sul Ross camp, the local Confederate organization, also marched in a body to the grave and paid its last repsects to an honored member. "Uncle" Hugh McKenzie, as he was familiarly known, was a loyal citizen, a true friend and an affectionate husband and father and demise is universally regretted by all his qcquaintances. Denton County News, Nov. 14, 1895, p.4, c.2. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Sul Ross Camp, No. 129, of Denton, at a called meeting passed the following resolutions of respect on their deceased member, Mr. Hugh McKenzie: Page 195 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION WHEREAS, It has pleased Almight God in His infinite wisdom to call our beloved comrade, Hugh McKenzie, from our midst to pass over the river to rest under the shade of the trees in the bivouac of the dead; and in token of respect for our deceased comrade we wish to commend his virtues to the living by giving a short sketch of his life and acts while living. Our deceased comrade, Hugh McKenzie, lived to be 63 years old; was born in North Carolina, raised in Carrollton, Carroll county, Mississippi; came to Texas in 1856; enlisted in the Confederate army in December, 1861; captured at Arkansas Post and carried to Camp Douglass, Illinois; he was then exchanged at City Point, Va.; then transferred to the army of Tennessee; elected orderly sergeant; participated all through the Tennessee campaign; prompted to Sergeant-Major at dalton Ga.; slightly wounded at the battle of Chicamauga, in the Missionary Ridge battle and in all the engagements that his command was in the Georgia campagin; under Johnston to Atlanta, Ga., at which place he was seriously wounded on the 21st day of July, 1864, which wound forever disabled him as a soldier. Brave and courageous, always at his post of duty, and always ready to obey orders without a murmur. As a citizen, his virtues appeared equally as prominent. He was twice elected county treasurer of the county. He was an efficient, painstaking officer, scrupulously honest, cheerful and accomodating. As a neighbor his chief object was to better his fellow man, and if any difficulty arose he always appeared as peace-maker. In our camp he was always in the front rank of duty. May we all try to imitate his virtues.... -Denton County News, Nov. 14, 1895, p.4, c. 3. Lewisville I. O. O. F. Resolutions of Respect. LEWISVILLE, TEX., Nov. 4, 1895. To the officers and members of the Lewisville Lodge, No. 224, I.O.O.F.: We, your committee, appointed to draft resolutions relative to the death of Bro. H. M. McKenzie, who departed this life at the town of Denton, on the 31st day of October, 1895, and whose remains were bureid there with I.O.O.F. honors by our brother lodge of that place, would respectfully submit the following resolutions: RESOLVED, 1st. Whereas it has pleased an all wise Providence to remove from our midst the well-beloved and worthy brother, H. M. McKenzie, therefore let each of the members of the Lewisville Lodge, No. 224, I. O. O. F. wear a badge of mourning and that our hall be draped according to the custom in memory of him who has gone. 2nd. That in the death of Bro. McKenzie this lodge has lost one of its oldest and best members, his family a devoted husband and father and the county one of its oldest and most respected citizens. 3rd. Resolved further that we extend our heart-felt thanks to the Denton Lodge, No. 82, I.O.O.F., for the kind and faithful way in which they waited on our deceased brother during his illness and for the noble way in which they laid the remains of the old veteran in its last resting place. 4th. That the sympathies of this lodge be extended to the bereaved family; and that they be furnished with a copy of these resolutions. 5th. And also that a copy be furnished the leading county paper with a request to publish same (other papers please copy) and also that it will be spread on our minutes. All of which respectfully submitted. -Wm. Crawford, J. N. Kealy, Jas. Hayes - Committee. -Denton County News, Nov. 14, 1895, p.5, c.3. MCKENZIE, Hugh Paris 18 yrs. Old Aug. 13, 1904 DCN Aug. 19, 1904, p.5, c.1 MCKINNIE, B. R. Edgefield, TN Feb. 24, 1881 SPECIALS TO THE NEWS. Nashville, Feb. 24. -B. R. McKinnie died this morning at his residence in Edgefield. He was the oldest editor in the state. -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.2, c.3. MCKINNEY, Una Goldthwaite 10 yrs old Page 196 March of 1897 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Una, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. McKinney of Goldthwaite, Tex., died Friday in awful agony from the effects of eating crow poisoning, which she mistook for wild onion. -Denton County News, March 11, 1897, p.1, c.3. MCKNIGHT, Jas. P. Denton 82 yrs. Old March 14, 1901 DCR&C March 21, 1901, p.8, c.1* MCLAUGHLIN, James Lewisville March of 1881 Lewisville, Texas, March 11. -James McLaughlin formerly a Pulman car conductor from St. Louis on the Iron Mountain and Pacific road was run over and killed while coupling cars at this place on Dallas and Wichita road. His home is Topeka, Kansas. -Paradise Messenger, May 20, 1881, p.2, c.3. McMakin, A. A. Dec. 14, 1902 MORTUARY. McMAKIN - Denton, Tex., Dec. 15. -A. A. McMakin, one of the oldest citizens of the Double Oaks community, died last night, aged about 75 years. He was a Georgian, an ex-Confederate and a prominent resident. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 18, 1902, p.10. MCMATH, Myrtle Elizabeth se of Denton 21 yrs. Old May 10, 1904 DCN May 13, 1904, p.1, c.3 BURNED TO DEATH. Miss McMath Dies from Burns and Mother is Badly Injured. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 11. -Miss Myrtle MacMath, daughter of J. S. McMath, a prominent farmer living southeast of the city, was fatally burned yesterday, dying last night. Her mother, to whom she ran in her fright, is also in critical condition from the burns and the shock, and may not recover. Miss McMath was out where the washing was being done, and got too close to the fire under the wash kettle. Her skirts, it is supposed, were blown into the fire and ignited. She was terribly burned, all her clothes being burned off her, and her mother, to whom she ran, was seriously burned about the arms, all the skin from which has since peel off. -Dallas Morning News, May 12, 1904, p.9. MCNATT, Mrs. Ivy Burns Mustang Belew Oct. 17, 1903 DCN Oct. 22, 1903, p.1, c.4 MCNEIL, B. F. Aubrey March 12, 1898 A Veteran of the Mexican War. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., March 12. - B. F. McNeil, an account of whose death at Aubrey appeared in The News to-day, besides being a pioneer settler, was a veteran of the Mexican War. The Dallas Morning News, March 13, 1898, p.24. MCNEIL, Mrs. F. M. near Bartonville aged Sept. 4, 1907 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. MCNEILL -Denton, Tex., Sept. 5. -Mrs. F. M. McNeill, an old resident of the southern part of the county and for seventy years a resident of this county, died near Bartonville yesterday of fever, coupled with old age. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 6, 1907, p.13. MCNEIL, George Schaffer MCNICOL, C. J. child Sanger 69 yrs. Old Page 197 Nov. 15, 1903 Oct. 1898 DCN Nov. 19, 1903, p.5, c.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. M'CNICOL-Denton, Tex., Oct. 18. - C. J. McNicol died at Sanger last week of heart trouble, aged 69 years. - Dallas Morning News, Oct. 20, 1898, p.2. MCNIEL, Josie (Mrs. Homer) e of Denton Shiloh Dec. 1, 1894 MRS. HOMER MCNIEL DEAD. -Mrs. Josie McNiel, wife of Homer McNiel, after a severe illness of four days, died at their home five miles east of Denton last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. McNiel was the step daughter of Mr. W. H. Sperry and she and Mr. McNiel were married about five years ago. Besides her husband two children survive her. Her remains were buried at Shiloh Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, Dec. 6, 1894, p.5, c.3. MCNITZKY, August Denton 54 yrs. Old Sept. 26, 1902 SUDDEN DEATH AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Sept. 27. -August McNitzky, for many years a familiar figure in this city, died at his home on South Elm street last night, aged 54 years. He was a native of Germany, but came to the United States when only a boy and settled in Denton, about twenty-seven years ago. His death was very sudden and was due, it is thought, to an apopletic stroke, as he had been in apparently the best of health only a few minutes before. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 28, 1902, p.25. McREYNOLDS, Ethel Bernice Fort Worth MCREYNOLDS, Mattie Layuna Hill IOOF 1.5 yrs old IOOF Oct. 15, 1865 MEADOR, Scott MEADOWS, Cooper Rector MEANS, Bennie Decatur 26 yrs. Old Jan. 7, 1903 DCR Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5* Feb. 16, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.1, c.2 Dec. 4, 1896 DCN Dec. 10, 1896, p.5, c.4 Nov. 11, 1904 R&C Nov. 21, 1904, p.4, c.3 * August 25, 1887 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of the Marriage and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. Miss Bennie Means, Decatur, August 25. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Sept. 2, 1887, p.4. MEDDOCK, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Aubrey infant Feb. of 1904 Lewisville Items, February 16. -An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J A Meddock died a few days ago with pneumonia. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.10, c.5. MEDILL, Samuel J. Quincy, IL Mr. Samuel J. Medill died at Quincy Illinois on Feb. 20. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.4, c.1. Page 198 Feb. 20, 1883 NAME MEDLIN, Will O. LOCATION near Roanoke CEMETERY Medlin BIRTH DATE 83 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Feb. 19, 1900 CITATION DCRC Feb. 22, 1900, p.1, c.4 MORTUARY. MEDLIN-Roanoke, Tex., Feb. 20. -Mr. Will O. Medlin, a prominent citizen of Roanoke, died Monday evening, after an illness of only a few days. Dallas Morning News, Feb. 23, 1900, p.4. MORTUARY. MEDLIN -Denton, Tex., Feb. 20. -Will O. Medlin, a member of the Medlin family, one of the earliest families to arrive in Denton County and since that time among the most prominent, died at his home near Roanoke last night, aged about 59 years. His death occurred within a half mile of the place on which his father, Charles Medlin, settled when he came to Texas fifty-three years ago. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 23, 1900, p.4 (continuation of above obituary). MEEKER, Josephine Washington Jan.-Feb. of 1883 Josephine C. Meeker died of pneumonia Saturday at Washington …further details of her life, including captivity by Indians…. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9, 1883, p.3, c.1. MEILLINGER, Rev. Father Francis Xavier Sept. 7, 1907 MORTUARY. MEILLINGER -Denton, Tex., Sept. 9. -Rev. Father Francis Xavier Meillinger, pastor of the St. Thomas Catholic Church of Pilot Point, died Saturday evening after a brief illness. He had been pastor for the St. Thomas Church for the past twelve years. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning, and prominent Catholics from several points in North Texas are expected to attend. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 11, 1907, p.11. MENASCO, Mrs. D. G. Pilot Point MENASCO, Mrs. M. L. Spring Hill MERCER, Gracie 75 yrs. Old Belew IOOF 4 yrs. Old Feb. 18, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.1, c.6 Aug. 7, 1894 DCN Aug. 16, 1894, p.4, c.2 Feb. 14, 1908 R & C Feb. 20, 1908, p.6, c.3 MERCER, J. J. Denton IOOF 63 yrs. Old Jan. 14, 1899 MORTUARY. MERCER -Denton, Tex., Jan. 16. -J. J. Mercer, an old confederate soldier and for twenty years a resident of Denton county, died here Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness, aged 63 years. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery yesterday afternoon in charge of Sul Ross camp of United Confederate Veterans, of which he was a member. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1899, p.5. Mercer, Mr. James A. Denton Cottonwood 64 yrs. Old Dec. 30, 1894 DIED-Mr. James A. Mercer, after a short illness, died at his home on McKinney street at 11 a.m. Sunday. His remains were taken to Little Elm and buried Monday afternoon in Cottonwood cemetery. Mr. Mercer was 64 years old, came to Denton county from Mississippi a number of years ago and settled near Little Elm. He leaves a wife, four daughters and two small sons, all of whom live in Denton except Mrs. Thomas Shaw of Leonard and Mrs. M. F. Brashears of Little Elm. Deceased had long been a member of the Promitive Baptist church. -Denton County News, Jan. 3, 1895, p.4, c.4. Page 199 NAME MERCER, Mrs. James LOCATION Little Elm CEMETERY Cottonwood BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Nov. 16, 1896 CITATION DCN Nov. 26, 1896, p.8, c.3 MEREDITH, Charlie May 30, 1881 Whitesboro, May 31. -A terrible shooting affray is the report today, in which three men fell to rise no more. John Thomas, foreman on Red River shot and killed yesterday Deputy Sheriff Night, and Sam and Charlie Meredith. The coffins are being supplied from Whitesboro. -Paradise Messenger, June 10, 1881, p.2, c.3. MEREDITH, Sam May 30, 1881 Whitesboro, May 31. -A terrible shooting affray is the report today, in which three men fell to rise no more. John Thomas, foreman on Red River shot and killed yesterday Deputy Sheriff Night, and Sam and Charlie Meredith. The coffins are being supplied from Whitesboro. -Paradise Messenger, June 10, 1881, p.2, c.3. MERINA, Francisco MERRELL, Mrs. Eli City 6 yrs. Old Prairie Mound March 19, 1908 July 14, 1893 DRC March 26, 1908, p.6, c.4 DCN July 20, 1893, p.2, c.2 MERRELL, infant of Mr. & Mrs. T. V. 10 months Jan. 8, 1907 BABY WILL DIE OF BURNS. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Jan. 8. - The 10-month-old baby of T. V. Merrell this morning crawled into the open fireplace and was so badly burned that death will result. The mother had gone to the field to take Mr. Murrell some water when the accident occurred. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 9, 1907, p.2. MERRETT, Mrs. John Grapevine Grapevine Aug. 19, 1894 Mrs. John Merrett, daughter of 'Squire I. P. Sublett of Denton, died at her home at Grapevine Sunday and was buried in the cemetery at that place Monday. This esteemable lady leaves a husband and children. -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.8, c.1. METCALF, Mr. Paradise Prairie March of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. A young man, the son of Mr. Metcalf of this neighborhood was buried on last Tuesday at the Paradise Prairie cemetery. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.3, c.2. MICKALEK, Edward Pilot Point Oct. 19, 1904 DCN Oct. 25, 1904, p.5, c.3 MIDDLETON, Mrs. C. C. Pleasant Grove Jan/Feb of 1884 Two married ladies, Mrs. C. C. Middleton and Mrs. Buck, were buried at Pleasant Grove, near Bobo's gin on last week. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 8, 1884, p.3, c.2. "MILLER" April 18, 1883 Page 200 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Sherman, April 18. -Miller, the man shot by Butler Carpenter, died this morning at 5 o'clock. An autopsy was held and two bullets found. They were so battered that it can not be ascertained whether they are of the same caliber or not. Miller charged that he was fired on by both of the Carpenters, while Carpenters say only one of them did any of the shooting, and some weight will be given to the balls being the same size, as he claims that he was struck by each, and if of different calibers, this will be sustantiated. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.1, c.4. MILLER, son of Mountain Springs boy May 1898 KICKED TO DEATH BY A HORSE. Denton, Tex., May 14. - A boy named Miller, living near Mountain Springs, was kicked to death by a horse this week. He was thrown off the horse, his feet catching in the reins and he was dragged across field, striking rocks and stumps. He was dead when found. -Dallas Morning News, May 15, 1898, p.22. MILLER, Andy (Uncle) Pilot Point Jan. 13, 1904 DCN Jan. 14, 1904, p.5, c.2 TWO DEATHS REPORTED. Miss Mamie French and Uncle Andy Miller of Pilot Point are Both Dead - Both were Well Know. - Last night at 6:45 at his home, Uncle Andy Miller died very suddenly. He had just finished eating supper and upon rising from the table he fell dead. Uncle Andy was about 76 years old and has lived in Pilot Point about 40 years, and for many years was one of our business men, but his health failing, he retired. He leaves a wife and six or seven children, all of whom are grown. Funeral service will be held tomorrow morning at the residence, after which the remains will be interred with Masonic honors - Pilot Point Post Signal. Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1904, p.5, c.2. MILLER, Annie 12 yrs. Old Aug. 22, 1893 DCN Aug. 24, 1893, p.3, c.6 MILLER, Charley Boonsville Feb. 22, 1883 Charley Miller of Boonsville was buried on Thursday last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.2. MILLER, Donald Roanoke March 13, 1908 DRC March 19, 1908, p.1, c.7 & p.3, c.2 MILLER, Hannah Gainesville Dec of 1895 COLORED WOMAN KILLED. Greenville, Texas, December 5. -Hannah Miller, colored, 45 years of age, was accidentally shot and instantly killed by Ben Pearce. Pearce came into the house occupied by Hannah and was in the act of taking a pistol from his clothing when Hannah reached out her hand and asked him what he had in his pocket. As she did so he remarked: "Look out, you'll get shot." At that instant the gun was discharged and Hannah fell to the floor and never spoke again. The ball entered at the nose. The house was full of colored people at the time the accident occurred. -The Houston Daily Post, Dec. 6, 1895, p.2. MILLER, James F. Denton MILLER, Ross Lewisville MILLER, Samuel 23 yrs. Old Flower Mound Page 201 Dec. 26, 1902 DCR&C Jan. 8, 1903, p.4, c.4 * Jan. 8, 1904 DCN Jan. 14, 1904, p.8, c.5 Feb. 23, 1899 DCN March 2, 1899, p.5, c.1 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION We are sad to note the death of Samuel, son of Rev. Miller, on Feb. 22. The remains were carried to McKinney for interment. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.5, c.1. MILLICAN, H. L. Gainesville MILLICAN, Noyle Graham (Mrs. L. T.) 70 yrs. Old Feb. 3, 1908 R & C Feb. 6, 1908, p.1, c.3 Sept. 4, 1880 Feb. 16, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.1, c.3 & p.3, c.2 MILLIKEN, M. H. Lewisville 50 yrs. Old Nov. 1898 MORTUARY. MILLIKEN-Denton, Tex., a prominent resident and ex-merchant of Lewisville, died at that place this week, aged 50 years. The body was interred with Masonic honors. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 26, 1898, p.3. MILLION, Harvey MILLION, Perry Denton 2 yrs. Old Dec. 27, 1903 DCN Dec. 31, 1903, p.1, c.2 83 yrs. old May 12, 1904 DCN May 13, 1904, p.1, .5 DMN May 15, 1904, p.23 MILLS, Mrs. Will Canyon City 34 yrs. Old Apr. 13, 1902 MORTUARY. MILLS - Denton, Tex., Apri. 14. -Mrs. Will Mills, wife of a former resident of this county, died at Canyon City yesterday suddenly, aged 34 years. Dallas Morning News, April 17, 1902, p.11. MINER, Rufus Lewisville March 1898 MORTUARY. MINER - Denton, Denton Co., Tex., March 9. - Rufus Miner, a well-known citizen of Lewisville, died at that place last week. -Dallas Morning News, March 11, 1898, p.6. MINNERLY, Mamie Drop IOOF 17 yrs. Old Page 202 Oct. 7, 1898 DCN Oct. 13, 1898, p.1, c.2 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. MISS MAMIE MINNERLY WAS KILLED AND MRS. S. A. LOBDELL SUSTAINED SERIOUS INJURIES. A fatal accident occurred last Friday afternoon at 1:50 p.m. as Mrs. S. A. Lobdell and her niece, Miss Mamie Minnerly, were driving along a lane about a mile and a half north of Drop, where they both lived. They were on their way to Denton, and when they came to where the road was washed out, and being on a down grade, too, they buggy ran against the horse, frightening the animal and causing it to run. Mrs. Lobdell, who was driving, being unable to stop the horse, which was now going at a high rate of speed, Miss Minnerly tried to get hold of the lines, but in her excitement caught only one line. pulling the animal into the wire fence on the roadside. The buggy wheel struck the post with such force that both ladies were thrown forward. The post broke and the left fore wheel ran throught the fence, between the two top wires and the bottom ones. Mrs. Lobdell was thrown over the fence, but her right foot being caught in the spokes of the revolving wheel, which dragged her and twisted her limb in such a manner as to crush the outer bone (fibula) just above the ankle, and to break the inner bone (tibia) in two places, besides splitting it. Miss Minnerly was thrown with her right side and arm across the two top wires, which had become twisted together, and dragged to the next post where the buggy caught and stopped, the crossbar of the shafts breaking and liberating the horse, which ran a short distance and stopped. Miss Minnerly, besides being dragged eighteen or twenty feet on the barbed wires, which cut and tore her body terribly and nearly severing her right arm, was caught between the wheel and the post, injuring her internally. Although medical aid was quickly at hand, but little could be done, and the young lady, after a few minutes' consciouness, lived only about twenty minutes. Miss Minnerly was the only daughter of Mrs. Lucy Minnerly, and was seventeen years old. She was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery, at Denton, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Lobdell is the wife of S. A. Lobdell, a prominent citizen of Drop, and until recently, for several years, a business man and resident of Denton. Her condition at last accounts was somewhat improved. -Denton County News, Oct. 13, 1898, p.1, c.2. MINTER, Mrs. M. J. Aurora March of 1885 Mrs. M. J. Minter, for several years a resident of Aurora, died on last Sunday night. She leaves two sons and a daughter to mourn her loss. -Wise County Messenger, April 4, 1885, p.7, c.3. MINTON, Mrs. J. T. Lewisville Feb. 1, 1903 MORTUARY. MINTON - Lewisville, Tex., Feb. 2. - Mrs. J. T. Minton, wife of J. T. Minton, agent for the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company at this place, died at their home in Lewisville yesterday evening after several months' illness. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 5, 1903, p.8. MORTUARY. MINTON - Detnon, Tex., Feb. 5. - Mrs. J. T. Minton, wife of a resident of Lewisville, died at her home this week. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 7, 1903, p.9. MINTON, Mrs. Martha Annie 55 yrs. Old Nov. 15, 1908 DCN Nov. 19, 1908, p.1, c.6 MITCHELL, Mrs. Rev. James W. Bartonville Chinn's Chapel 50 yrs. Old July 27, 1901 BARTONVILLE. August 6. Mrs. Rev. James W. Mitchell died the 27th ult., and was buried at Chinn's Chapel. Mrs. Mitchell was a good Christian woman, loved and respected by all who knew her. She was about 50 years of age and leaves a husband and a large family to mourn her. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1901, p.5, c.3 Page 203 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MITCHELL, Laura March of 1895 Mrs. Laura Mitchel, of this vicinity died last Sunday morning and was buried yesterday. -Denton County News, March 14, 1895, p.1, c.3. MITCHELL, Martha Belton Bastrop April of 1883 Bastrop, April 23. -The sad news was received to-day of the death of one of the oldest veterans in the State, Mrs. Martha Mitchell, who was in Belton attending the annual meeting of the Texas Veteran association. Her remains will be brought to this place for interment in the city cemetery. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.4, c.5. MITCHELL, Mary Amanda (Mrs.) MITCHELL, Will see Crutchfield, George 41 yrs. Old Parvin May 15, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.6 * Oct. 3, 1894 MOFFITT, W. E. Pilot Point City 58 yrs. Old March 27, 1899 MORTUARY. MOFFITT -Denton, Tex., March 25. - W. E. Moffitt, a well-known citizen of Pilot Point, died at that place this week, aged 53 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 27, 1899, p.7. W. E. MOFFIT DEAD. -After an illness extending over a week, Mr. W. E. Moffitt died Monday evening about 4 o'clock and his remains were interred in the city cemetery Tuesday evening about the same time, funeral services having been conducted at the residence an hour previous by Rev. J. W. Chalk assisted by Rev. Hardie, of Greenville. The real cause of his demise was kidney trouble. He was 53 years old at the time of his death and leaves a wife and six children, two boys and four girls, to mourn his departure. He was a member in good standing of the A. O. U. W., in which organization he carried $2,000 life insurance. Mr. Moffitt was not a member of any of the religious denominations of this town, but was a Universalist in belief, and lived up to the teachings of his church. (-Pilot Point Post-Signal). Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.4. MONDAY, Ed s of Denton March 24, 1895 Mr. Ed Monday, an old settler in the county, died at his home five miles south of Denton March 24. -Denton County News, April 11, 1895, p.8, c.1. MONEY, Will Decatur Shiloh Dec. 17, 1908 DCN Dec. 24, 1908, p.1, c.4 MONTGOMERY, Jeff Bloomfield Union May 10, 1904 DCN May 17, 1904, p.1, c.4 MONTGOMERY, Ms. near East Mound Dec. 6,1880 LOCAL NEWS. We are told that an old lady by the name of Montgomery, aged 98 years, died on last Monday, at Mr. Ray's near the East Mound. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 10, 1880, p.3, c.2. MONTS, Emily W. Denton 61 yrs. Old Page 204 Sept. of 1867 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION OBITUARY. DIED at the residence of her son Wm. H. Monts, in the town of Denton, Texas, September 1867, of Dropsy of the heart, Mrs. EmILY W. MONTS, aged 61 years. Mrs. Mounts was a daughter of John Z. Noble of Eastern Virginia, and closely related on her mother's side to the Alexander and Washington families of that State. -Marrying at an early age, she settled in Brooke county, West Virginia, and there remained until the year 1843, when she removed with her family to DesMoine county, Iowa. Residing there until 1846 she again removed to Hopkins county, Kentucky, and from thence in the fall of 1855 emigrated to Texas. While in Iowa a domestic affliction cast the care, education and support of a large and helpless family of children upon her individual exertions, seven of whom still live to mourn her loss and bless her memory. From early childhood, she has been a consistent, pious and worthy member of the Cumberland and Presbyterian church and after years of excruciating suffering, borne with christian fortitude, she calmly fell asleep in full confidence of a glorious resurrection beyond the grave. Loved and respected by all who knew her the grief of her children for her loss finds a sympathic cord in many a heart. W. -Dallas Herald, Oct. 5, 1867, p.2. MOODY, Emma Pilot Point 3 yrs. Old June 22, 1904 DCN June 24, 1904, p.1, c.5 DCN June 28, 1904, p.1, c.6 MOON, F. M. s of Denton City 47 yrs. Old April 30, 1895 Mr. F. M. Moon, aged 47 years, died at his home one and a half miles south of town at 12 o'clock Tuesday of la grippe. His remains were buried in the city cemetery at 4 p.m. yesterday. Deceased had lived in Denton for the past ten years and leaves a wife and six children. -Denton County News, May 2, 1895, p.8, c.4. MOORE, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey 3 yrs. Old in 1903 DCN April 16, 1903, p.6, c.6 MOORE, E. T. 1882/1883 … in memorial of Mr. E. T. Moore, county attorney of Travis county … -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 26, 1883, p.2, c.4. MOORE, Dr. J. F., Sr. Tyler 74 yrs old Dr. J. F. Moore, Sr., aged seventy-four years, one of the most learned physicians of that section of the state died at Tyler Wednesday night, pneumonia causing his death. He leaves a wife and large family. The remains were shipped to Meridian, Miss. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.2, c.1. MOORE, Martin Olin Lewisville 6 months Nov/Dec of 1904 DCN Dec. 2, 1904, p.1, c.7 MOORE, Mr. Decatur June 5, 1883 A man by the name of Moore died at the Decatur hotel on Tuesday morning. He was a relative of Mr. Prigmore, the proprietor of the hotel and we understand was in charge of the Star wagon yard. -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.5, c.2. MOORE, Mrs. Mary near Bartonville May of 1907 DEATHS AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 20. -The death record of Saturday and yesterday included Mrs. Mary Moore of near Bartonville. Dallas Morning News, May 22, 1907, p.12. Page 205 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MOORE, Mrs. T. D. Slidell Slidell 38 yrs. Old Aug. 23, 1908 DRC Aug. 27, 1908, p.6, c.2 MOORE, R. B. Sanger 23 yrs. Old Sept. 7, 1904 DCN Sept. 6, 1904, p.1, c.6 MOORE, Robert F., Judge Fort Worth 52 yrs old Judge Robert F. Moore died Friday morning at Rosen Inn, in North Fort Worth. Judge Moore was 52 years old at time of his death. For the last few months he has been running the Rosen Inn, in North Fort Worth. -Denton County News, Nov. 25, 1903, p.2, c.1. MOORE, Whitehead ACCIDENTAL KILLING. Aubrey, Denton, Co., Tex., March 30. -News has been received here of the accidental shooting and killing of Whitehead Moore by a neighbor about nine miles east of here. Both men are heads of families and are highly respected. -The Dallas Morning News, March 31, 1897, p.6. MOORE, Dr. Wm. & father Parvin Jan of 1897 DOUBLE FUNERAL. MCKINNEY, TEX., Jan. 19. -The news reached here to-day of a double funeral of a father and son which occurred Sunday at Parvin, in the extreme western part of this county . The parties were Dr. Wm. Moore, a prominent physician, and his old father. The doctor died rather suddenly Saturday morning and the shock occasioned by his death hastened the death of the aged father. -Denton County News, Jan. 21, 1897, p.1, c.5. MOORE, Wm. M. near Paradise Jan/Feb of 1884 Wm. M. Moore, who has lived for several years near Paradise, was buried since our last issue. He was a respected citizen and is quite a loss to that part of our county. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 8, 1884, p.3, c.1. MORALES, Martina San Antonio 104 yrs. Old Aug/Sept of 1883 Texas Topics. -Mrs. Martina Morales died at San Antonio at the advanced age of 104 years. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 7, 1883, p.1, c.5. MOREHEAD, Mrs. Lenora City May 18, 1904 DCN May 20, 1904, p.1, c.3 MORGAN, John near Pilot Point 83 yrs. Old January 1898 MORTUARY. MORGAN -Denton, Denton co., Tex., Jan. 6. - John Morgan, one of the old residents of this county, died at the home of his son, near Pilot Point, this week, aged 83 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 7, 1898, p.6. MORGAN, Joseph Denton in 1829 Page 206 Dec. 19, 1907 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION FUNERAL OF JOSEPH MORGAN. Many Friends Attend the Services at Carrollton. -The funeral of Joseph Morgan, who died at Denton Thursday, took place yesterday, at Carrollton. A large number of the friends of the family attended. The deceased, who was born in England in 1829, came to Denton County in 1856, and resided in Denton and Dallas Counties the rest of his life. Three children survive him, Mrs. L. P. Smith of Whitesboro, Hamlin Morgan, a Denton County farmer, and Rev. J. J. Morgan, formerly pastor of the Oak Lawn Methodist church, now president of the North Texas Training School at Terrell. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 1907, p.4. MORGAN, Mrs. Margaret Pilot Point 85 yrs. Old Dec. of 1901 MORTUARY. MORGAN -Denton, Tex., Dec. 25. -Mrs. Margaret Morgan died at Pilot Point this week, aged 85 years. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 26, 1901, p.9. MORGAN, Mrs. Mary Jane Roanoke 60 yrs. Old April 1, 1903 MORTUARY. MORGAN - Roanoke, Tex., April 1. -Mrs. Mary Jane Morgan, aged 60 years, died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, April 6, 1903, p.3. MORGAN, W. C. Pilot Point July 15, 1904 DCN July 19, 1904, p.4, c.3 MORRIS, E. R. Seymour June 10, 1880 GRAHAM, June 11. -E. R. Morris, county judge of Baylor county, was shot and instantly killed in the court-house in Seymour, Baylor county, yesterday, by W. A. Taylor, a saloon-keeper in town. -Paradise Messenger, June 18, 1880, p.3, c.5. MORRIS, James near Greenwood Jan or Feb 1883 James Morris, died last week … teaching in public schools of this county for the past ten or twelve years … buried near Greenwood. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9,1883, p.5, c.2. MORRIS, Jewett Denton Lloyd 6 months Aug. 20, 1894 AN INFANT DEAD. -Jewett, the little 6-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris, died in Denton Monday afternoon and was buried at Lloyd Tuesday. Mrs. Morris is a daughter of Mr. B. F. Taylor and lives just across the street from his residence on McKinney avenue. -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.5, c.5. MORRIS, W. M. 58 yrs. old Oct. 9, 1908 DCN Oct. 15, 1908, p.1, c.1 MORRIS, William T. Denton IOOF Feb. 6, 1905 DEATH OF W. T. MORRIS. William T. Morris, a resident of Denton county for a number of years died at his home on West Sycamore street at 10:45 o'clock Monday morning. The funeral services were held this morning at 10 o'clock, followed by interment at the Odd Fellow's cemetery. Deceased came to his death from blood poisoning. He leaves a family to whom the News extends sincere sympathy. -Denton County News, Feb. 7, 1905, p.1, c.4 Page 207 NAME MORRISON, Ray LOCATION Vernon CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 1884/1885 CITATION STARTLING NEWS. Prominent Men Arrested for Bold Offences. Special to Dallas Herald. Wichita Falls, March 13. -Yesterday the rangers arrested 19 persons in Vernon, Wilbarger county, and four at Wichita Falls, accused of the assassination of Ray Morrison and Hettis Jones, killed at Vernon during the last few months. The parties arrested have been considered among the best men in Wilbarger county. Among the number arrested are B. Wilson Edgell, editor and proprietor of the Vernon Guard; G. E. Douglass, sheriff of Wilbarger county; John Davidson, deputy sheriff; A. T. Boger, ex-sheriff; James Wilson, a cattle man; Thomas Gibson, foreman of the W. B. Worsham ranch, and a host of others. They are now under guard at Vernon. The rangers claim that they have positive evidence against all of the parties as having been implicated in the killings. They claim that the parties arrested formed an organization to kill the parties who have been killed, and several others. They claim that they have in their possession the list and the oath of the members of the organization, and they had what they termed a death list containing the name of the parties who had been assassinated, they marked the word "killed." It seems that Sergeant Grimes and Capt. Schmitt, of the ranger force, have been working on the cases some time. They sent detectives there and had them learn about the organization and take the oath, and by that means they claim to have all the evidence in their possession. Nothing has ever created such an excitement in this section. -Wise County Messenger, March 28, 1885, p.2, c.3. MORROW, Jonathan Little Elm Feb. 14, 1867 KILLED BY LIGHTNING. - On Thursday morning, the 14th inst., Jonathan Morrow living on Little Elm, about six miles west of the Rodgers settlement, was killed instantly by lightning. He was out among his stock and on foot at the time. -Dallas Herald, March 2, 1867, p.2. MOSLEY, M. L. near Balm Jan. of 1903 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. MOSLEY- Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 15. -M. L. Mosley, aged 65 years, residing near Balm, died last night. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 17, 1903, p.8. MOSS, Jennie near Pleasant Hill Aug. 5, 1881 It is not often we are asked to chronicle a more terrible accident than occurred in the southern part of this county near the Pleasant Hill school house on last Saturday morning. Miss Jennie Moss in an attempt to start a flame in the stove with kerosene oil exposed the oil too near the slumbering fire already there, when the oil become ignited, the flame caught in her clothing and burned them off her almost entirely. No one was near to assist her. But a gentleman who heard her cries for help came too late to save her life. She died in the evening of the same day. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 12, 1881, p.3, c.3. MOTT, Lucretia Philadelphia 87 yrs. Old Nov/Dec. of 1880 Lucretia Mott, eminent as a philanthropist and reformer, and as a preacher in the Society of Friends, died at her home near Philadelphia, a few days ago, aged 87. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.2, c.5. MOUNTS, Emily W. (see Monts, Emily W.) Page 208 NAME MOUNTS, infant of Mr. & Mrs. R. N. LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 3 months DATE OF DEATH June 5, 1893 CITATION CHILD DEAD. -The three-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Mounts died Monday night. Mrs. Mounts is very low and not expected to live. -Denton County News, June 8, 1893, p.3, c.3. MOUNTS, William Henry Denton 1.5 yrs. Old Oct. 13, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Tex., Oct. 16, 1869. -Died at Denton, on the 13th inst., William Henry Mounts, aged one year, six months and one day. -Denton County News, Oct. 18, 1893, p.1, c.3. MUCKLEROY, V. H. Terrell Kaufman 47 yrs old Feb.25, 1904 MRS. MUCKLEROY. Death of an Esteemed Lady at Terrell Saturday Afternoon - Son Resides in This City. Terrell, Tex., Feb. 28. -Mrs. J. D. Muckleroy died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Hardin, in this city yesterday afternoon at 5:45 o'clock of nervous prostration and heart trouble, after a week's illness, aged 47 years. Deceased leaves a son who resides in Denton and two brothers, J. D. and Dr. G. W. Gray and a sister, Mrs. Joe Hardin of this city. The remains were shipped to Kaufman this morning where the funeral was held under the auspices of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of which deceased was a member, Rev. W. E. Graham conducting the funeral exercises, which were held at 11 o'clock, after which the remains were interred in the Kaufman cemetery. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.7, c.3. MUENCH, Mrs. Wilhemina Denton 75 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1900 MUENCH-Denton, Tex., Dec. 3.-Mrs. Wilhelmina Muench died at the home of N. K. Weaver in this city last night, aged 75 years and 3 months. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 7, 1900, p.7. MULINAX, Mrs. S. A. Shiloh 60 yrs old Jan. 18, 1897 At the home of her son, Robt. Mulinax, on North Locust street last Monday night, Mrs. S. A. Mulinax died of pneumonia. The remains were interred at Shiloh Wednesday. Mrs. Mulinax was sixty years of age and highly respected by her friends of whom she leaves a large number. -Denton County News, Jan. 21, 1897, p.8, c.2. MULKEY, Annie Laura s of Denton IOOF Feb. 23, 1904 MRS. MULKEY. Wife of W. D. Mulkey and Daughter of Wm. H. Pierce, Died Tuesday - Interred at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Mrs. Annie Laura Mulkey, wife of W. D. Mulkey, a well known farmer living two miles south of Denton, died Tuesday after a brief illness. The funeral services were held at the family home at 10 o'clock yesterday morning followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Deceased was a daughter of Wm. H. Pierce, a well known resident of this city. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.1, c.3. MULLINS, Lawrence 10 yrs. Old Page 209 Nov. 27, 1908 DRC Dec. 3, 1908, p.8, c.4 NAME MULLINS, "Aunt" Tennie (Mrs. Jasper) LOCATION Aubrey MUNSKY, Paul CEMETERY Belew BIRTH DATE 60 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH March 20, 1908 CITATION DRC March 26, 1908, p.1, c.7 & p.6, c.4 City 11 yrs. Old March 13, 1908 DRC March 19, 1908, p.6, c.7 MURPHY, Dick Sanger City ca 45 yrs Dec. of 1908 DICK MURPHY DEAD. End Came Saturday at Sanger-Remains Brought Here. -Dick Murphy, deaf and dumb son of the late Henderson Murphy, died Saturday near Sanger after a long illness of dropsy and other complications. Deceased was about 45 years old and had lived in Denton for a number of years. His removal to Sanger occurred three or four years ago. The remains were brought to Denton Sunday and interred at the city cemetery. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.1, c.3. MURPHY, Henderson (Tobe) Denton City 37 yrs. Old Jan. 21, 1895 HENDERSON MURPHY, JR., DEAD. -Mr. Henderson (Tobe) Murphy Jr., died of dropsy in Denton Monday morning at the home of his parents on North Locust street in the old Dr. Ross dwelling. Mr. Murphy was 37 years old and was born at Alton when that place was the county seat of Denton county, his father being one of our pioneer citizens. The family have recently moved to Denton from Sanger. The deceased was buried in the City Cemetery Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Denton County News, Jan. 24, 1895, p.6, c.3. MURPHY, Mrs. Henderson City 71 yrs. Old Dec. 6, 1896 DCN Dec. 10, 1896, p.5, c.2 MURPHY, Jess Sanger 33 yrs. Old March 25, 1899 DCRC Mar. 30, 1899, p.5, c.4 SANGER ITEMS. -Jess Murphy, a well known person in and around Sanger for a number of years, died Monday night the 27th from an attack of erysipelas in the head. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.1. MURPHY, John Denton City 46 yrs. Old March 18, 1904 John Murphy Dead. John Murphy, the first white child ever born in the town of Denton, died last Friday morning after an illness lasting through several months. Deceased was forty-six years old at the time of death and had lived in Denton nearly all of his life. He was a son of Henderson Murphy, one of the original pioneers of Denton county. John Murphy first saw the light of day in the old Murphy Hotel, which sstood on the corner of the public square where the drug store of O. M. Curtis is now located. The funeral took place Saturday morning at the City Cemetery, the remains were followed to their last resting place by a host of friends. He leaves three brothers, two of whom are residents of this place. -Denton County News, March 24, 1904, p.1, c.3. MORTUARY. MURPHY - Denton, Tex., March 18. - John Murphy, the first white child born in the city of Denton, died here this morning of dropsy, aged 46 years. He was a son of the late Henderson Murphy, a pioneer of Texas, and was born in the Murphy Hotel, which stood where the Inge Block now stands. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. MURPHY, W. A. (Dr.) Gainesville Page 210 36 yrs. Old April 26, 1901 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. MURPHY - Gainesville, Tex., April 27. - Dr. W. A. Murphy, aged 36 years, died last night at 6 o'clock of consumption. -Dallas Morning News, April 30, 1901, p.7. MURRAY, THOMAS A. McKinney Sept. of 1884 Col. Thomas A. Murray, a prominent man of Collin county died last week at McKinney. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 3, 1884, p.4, c.2. MYERS, child of R.L.B. Roanoke MYERS, Helen A. (Mrs.) Denton MYERS, J. F. (Capt.) w of Denton Medlin 14 months Nov. 3, 1898 DCN Nov. 10, 1898, p.6, c.3 45 yrs. Old April 18, 1903 DCR&C May 7, 1903, p.7, c.5 * IOOF April 6, 1904 CAPTAIN MYERS. Another Well Known Citizen Died Very Suddenly Yesterday Morning at His Home Three Miles West of Town. Captain J. F. Myers, a well known resident living some three miles west of town died very suddenly early yesterday morning of heart disease. Captain Myers had been in town on Tuesday, to all appearances sound and well, but when discovered at 2:30 o'clock the following morning was in the last stages of the struggles between life and death. Deceased was a pioneer resident of this county and during his residence in this section had contributed largely to its development and prosperity. He was also well known in many parts of the state as a well contractor and was said to have been one of the best posted men on well drilling in Texas. A wife and six children survive him. The funeral services will take place at the First Baptist church today, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -Denton County News, April 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. Funeral Was Postponed. Owing to the absence of a son, Ollie, the funeral of Captain J. F. Myers was postponed until Friday of last week. It was announced in the News that the funeral would be held at the First Baptist church Thursday afternoon. -Denton County News, April 4, 1904, p.4, c.3. MYERS, Luther Denton 16 yrs. Old April 1899 MORTUARY. MYERS-Denton, Tex., April 22 -Luther Myers, aged 16 years, died at his home five miles northeast of here, this week, of typhoid fever. -Dallas Morning News, April 24, 1899, p.3. MYERS, Mrs. Amos Denton IOOF sometime in 1892 MORTUARY. Mrs. Amos Myers. DENTON, Tex. Jan. 24. -Mrs. Amos Myers, who had lived in Denton county for nearly forty years, was buried at the Odd Fellows' cemetery to-day. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 25, 1892, p.5., c.3. MYERS, Mrs. G. F. Carrollton July 17, 1901 MORTUARY. MYERS -Carrollton, Tex., July 18. -Mrs. G. F. Myers of this place died here yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, July 19, 1901, p.5. MYERS, R. L. B. Roanoke Medlin Page 211 49 yrs. Old Nov. 3, 1898 DCN Nov. 10, 1898, p.6, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION NANCE, Gordia J. Bolivar Jan.5, 1887 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of the Marriages and Deaths in Texas. Deaths- Gordia J. Nance. Bolivar, January 5. -Forth Worth Daily Gazette, January 12, 1887, p.2. NANCE, son of J. D. Sanger Sanger 18 months May 6, 1896 SANGER ITEMS. SANGER, May 11. - The eighteen months-old son of Mr. J. D. Nance died on last Wednesday of dysentery and was buried in the Sanger cemetery. A large concourse of friends and relatives attended the funeral services which were held by Rev. B. S. Gay, pastor of the Baptist church. We extend to them our sincere sympathy. -Denton County News, May 14, 1896, p.5, c.2. NANCE, W. J. Bolivar Feb. 17, 1894 MORTUARY. W. J. NANCE. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Feb. 17. -W. J. Nance died at Bolivar this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 19, 1894, p.7, c.3. NEACE, Mrs. C. C. Roanoke March 16, 1902 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. NEACE - Roanoke, Tex., March 18. -Mrs. C. C. Neace died here Sunday. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1902, p.7. NEECE, Mel near Chillicothe Feb. of 1897 Near Chillicothe, Tex., last Friday, Mel Neece was accidentally shot and died that night. He was plowing and carried a target gun on his plow for killing jack rabbits, which are very numerous, and it is supposed the gun slipped with fatal effect. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1897, p.4, c.4. NEELY, Fred Denton IOOF 16 yrs. Old April 8, 1903 DROWNED IN HICKORY. Fred Neely, Aged 16 Years, Drowned in Hickory Creek Late Yesterday Evening. -About 6:30 yesterday evening, in company with several other boys who were swimming in Hickory creek, Fred, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Neely, prominent residents of Denton, was drowned. Yesterday morning Messers. A. S. Cowan, Henry Caddell, and Elbert Scroggins, Claud Menter, Carl Cowan and the unfortunate boy, went out to Hickory creek fishing. In the eveningthe boys went in swimming while Messrs Caddell and Cowan went further up the creek to catch minnows. It appears that Fred was "diving" andThe thefuneral last time he went became fastened tangled in thatstreet werethis on the bottom and could not loose.Interment When heat failed to rise some cemetery. of his services willdown take place at the familyorresidence onsome Westroots Hickory (Thursday) afternoon at 4get o'clock. the Odd Fellows -Denton County News, April 9, 1903, p.1, c.4. NEELY, Ullman about 4 yrs Feb. of 1884 Ullman, a little boy of Robt. Neely's about four years old, who was accidentally badly burned while out in the field with his father, died on Friday morning of last week. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 15, 1884, p.3, c.1. Page 212 NAME LOCATION NELL, Leona Hemming NELMS, Sarah A. Willow Point CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 7 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH April of 1907 CITATION DMN Apr. 29, 1907, p.1 May 23, 1884 Mrs. Sarah A. Nelms, the wife of Dr. J. M. Nelms, who recently lived at Willow Point in this county; died at her home in Jacksboro on the morning of May the 23d. -Alvord Messenger, June 6, 1884, p.3, c.1. NELSON, Mrs. McKinney McKinney, March 9. -Mrs. Nelson died today. -Wise County Messenger, March 16, 1883, p.1, c.5. NELSON, Mrs. near Mustang NELSON, Etta (Mrs. Charles) Little Elm Zion March 9, 1883 Jan. 2, 1898 DMN Jan. 10, 1898, p.5 July 31, 1898 DCN Aug. 18, 1898, p.7, c.2 NELSON, George W. Denton 76 yrs. Old Feb. 2, 1904 MORTUARY. NELSON -Denton, Tex., Feb. 3. -George W. Nelson died here yesterday, aged 76 years. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 4, 1904, p.4. NELSON, Mrs. Jim Argyle NEWBERRY, J. C. Pilot Point 60 yrs. Old Oct. 25, 1906 DMN Oct. 28, 1906, p.9 Feb. 28, 1898 DMN Mar. 2, 1898, p.3 NEWMAN, child of S. S. Sunset June of 1884 A little child of S. S. Newman died at Sunset on last Saturday of whooping cough. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.3, c.1. NEWTON, Mrs. N. H. Shiloh May 11, 1904 DCN May 13, 1904, p.5, c.3 NICHOLS April of 1907 DMN April 28, 1907, p.1 NICHOLS Nov. 1883 An elderly man by the name of Nichols died in this neighborhood on last Saturday night. It is said he predicted the Sunday before last that he would be buried on last Sunday. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 16, 1883, p.3, c.1. NICHOLS, Fayette NICOLDS, Mrs. E. M. Krum July 11, 1904 IOOF April of 1815 Page 213 Jan. 4, 1896 DCN July 15, 1904, p.8, c.1 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION AN ESTEEMED LADY DEAD. Mrs. E. M. Nicolds, mother of Mrs. E. B. Keyte, died at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Keyte Saturday night. Her remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 a.m. Tuesday. The religious services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Powers and Dr. C. C. Woods, of the M. E. church South. Mrs. Nicolds was born in Kentucky in April, 1815, and was therefore in her 81st year. When only five years old she, with her parents, moved to Missouri. She was married in that state to Capt. John F. Nicolds who settled in Glasgow, Mo. To them were born twelve children, seven of whom - three sons and four daughters - are still living. Mrs. Nicolds spent her winters with her daughter, Mrs. Keyte, in Denton of late years, and was highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. She had been a consistent and consecrated member of the Methodist church since her childhood and trusted implicitly in the power and love of the Redeemer for her great and priceless reward. -Denton County News, Jan. 9, 1896, p.4, c.3. NIGHT, Mr. May 31, 1881 Whitesboro, May 31. -A terrible shooting affray is the report today, in which three men fell to rise no more. John Thomas, foreman on Red River shot and killed yesterday Deputy Sheriff Night, and Sam and Charlie Meredith. The coffins are being supplied from Whitesboro. -Paradise Messenger, June 10, 1881, p.2, c.3. NIX, Tommy Altus 12 yrs. Old Feb. 27, 1895 KILLED HIS BROTHER. Altus, Tex., Feb. 27.-Tommy, the 12-year-old son of W. E. Nix was accidentally shot and instantly killed by his 17-year-old brother, Omar, at home , two miles north of here, this morning. The two boys were in a room alone playing with a shot gun supposed to be empty. The younger boy took the barrel of the gun was discharged, causing instant death. -Denton County News, March 7, 1895, p.3, c.1. NOBLE, Rev. J. S. Pilot Point NOFTSINGER, LUCIEN M. NORTHER, Dr. Collin County 73 yrs. Old May 25, 1886 DMN May 27, 1886, p.6 Gainesville April of 1880 Paradise Messenger, May 4, 1880, p.3, c.5 Timber creek Oct. 27, 1869 EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. - Denton, Texas, Nov. 6, 1869. -MAN KILLED. We regret to learn that Dr. Norther was killed on Wednesday, the 27th of October, by Marshall McKinney of Lewisville. It seems they had been carrying weapons for each other a long time. The Doctor drove his oxen down to Timber creek to water them, when McKinney confronted him and demanded a settlement. One word brought on another until McKinney fired upon him, putting 24 buckshot in his bread and abdomen. -Denton County News, Nov. 10, 1892, p.1, c.2 NORWOOD, Mrs. Wise County NOWLIN, Mrs. W. G. Lewisville 65 yrs. Old Old Hall Page 214 Feb. 25, 1899 DMN Mar. 2, 1899, p.4 Jan. 21, 1905 DCN Jan. 31, 1905, p.3, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH OATES, Mattie Walnut creek Feb. 27, 1883 Mrs. Mattie Oates died last Tuesday night on Walnut creek. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.2. OATES, Maude CITATION May 27, 1883 Gleaned from the Aurora News of last week: Baby Maud, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Oates, died last Sunday, May 27, 1883. -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.1, c.2. OATMAN, George (Captain) Denton IOOF June 10, 1886 Denton, June 10. -Mr. George Oatman, a citizen of this place and well known over North Texas, died at his residence here this evening at 5 o'clock. The deceased was one of our most enterprising citizens, and his death is very much regretted by all. -Wise County Messenger, p.9, c.5 Denton, June 11. -The largest funeral procession ever witnessed in Denton sadly followed the remains of Capt. George Oatman to their last resting place in the Odd Fellows' cemetery this evening at 4 o'clock. Every business house in the city was closed from 4 p.m. till night in respect to the occasion. The firemen turned out in uniform. The city council, of which he was a member, acted as pallbearers. -Wise County Messenger, June 19, 1886, p.2, c.2. OATS, Miss Sue in 1869 A correspondent from the Monitor, writing from Decatur, gives an account of a sad accidenton the 30th ult.: >Miss Sue Oats, in the prime and gaiety of youth, enjoying the pleasures of life to hope's fullest fruition, on her return from a nuptial feast, fell from her horse and was killed almost instantly. The party had stopped at the house of a neighbor, and when invited to remain to remain until the next day she replied, "I am going home this evening." She started, in company with a male friend, full of mirth and joy. Riding at a rapid gait, and making a sudden turn in the road, her saddle turned to the right, throwing her on top of a stump. She survived probably half an hour, and did "go home" - not that home to which she had alluded, but to that where none "are given in marriage, " and where accidents do not happen. - The Galveston Tri-Weekly News, July 23, 1869, p.1. OBENCHAIN, Mattie in 1883 PILOT POINT, November 4. - A very interesting service was held this morning at the M. E. Church, the anniversary of the Woman's Missionary society, a portion of which was in memory of Mrs. Mattie Obenchain, late secretary of the society. The railing surrounding the altar, the pulpit, the organ and a chair were beautifully decorated with flowers and mourning. The house was densely crowded, when Dr. J. H. Johnson opened by reading the sixty-second chapter of Isaiah and prayer, followed by a song, the "Watchman," led by Miss Lou Covent with Miss Lula Collier at the organ. The president of the society, Miss Minnie Baird, presented resolutions following, with an address, which was a fitting tribute to their late secretary, after which the Rev. A. J. Worley of Whitesboro was introduced and entertained the large audience for an hour....Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 5, 1883, p.2. O'BRIEN, Jack San Antonio Mar 10, 1893 -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.6 ODENEAL, Robert Page 215 1 yr. Old Aug. 13, 1904 DCN Aug. 16, 1904, p.8, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH OLSON, L. F. Mineral Wells Lewisville 23 yrs. Old Oct. 8, 1902 18 yrs. Old Dec. 13, 1902 DMN Dec. 15, 1902, p.10 May 24, 1901 DCR&C May 30, 1901, p.1, c.3 * July 13, 1908 DRC July 16, 1908, p.5, c.3 &6 near Lewisville Feb. of 1902 DMN Feb. 27, 1902, p.6 Jones Feb. 2, 1908 OPITZ, Mrs. P. F. ORR, Cora Little Elm ORR, Mary Lloyd ORRICK, Mrs. OVERSTREET, John E. Pilot Point Cottonwood 20 yrs. Old CITATION DMN Oct. 11, 1902, p.9 Post-Signal. John E. Overstreet, an old settler in this county, died Sunday at the home of Clarence Brewer near Hemming, of pneumonia, and was buried Monday afternoon in the Jones cemetery. He was an old soldier and claimed to have been at one time a member of Quantrell's band. He was on the pension roll and received his last pension check on Sunday a few hours before his death. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.6, c.7. OWEN, Lucanda Hogg (Mrs. W.H.H.) Houston IOOF Aug. 8, 1867 Aug. 7, 1892 DM Aug. 13, 1892, p.6, c.4 A SAD DEATH. News reached Denton Monday morning that Mrs. Lue Owen had died at her home in Houston of congestion. Mrs. Owen is Mrs. A. E. Hogg's daughter and is well known in Denton. …The remains were buried at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning.. . . -Denton County News, Aug. 11, 1892, p.2, c.3. (parts of paper unreadable) …OWEN DEAD. …The Interment at Denton. ….young wife of Mr. …. Of the railway postal .., with headquarters at Houston, and daughter of Mrs. A. E. and the late Thomas E. Hogg, of Denton, died in the former city at eleven p. m. Sunday night. The disease was congestion of the bowels and stomach. She was taken violently sick at about eleven o'clock Sunday morning, but had been in failing health since last fall. >The reamins were brought to Denton by the husband, reaching here by the 7:10 a. m. train Tuesday. The funeral took place from the residence of the deceased's mother Tuesday morning. The remains were taken to the First Baptist church, of which Mrs. Owen was for a long time a member, where the pastor, Rev. F. L. DuPont, preached the funeral discourse. The interment was at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. > Mrs. Owen was born August 8, 1867, at Rusk, Texas. She came with her parents to Denton in about 1872, when she married Mr. Owen, after which time she resided at Houston. >Mrs. Owen leaves one daughter, Velma, aged two and one-half years; a mother, two sisters and a brother. -The Chronicle, Aug. 13, 1892, p.6. OWEN, Mrs. Will Mrs. Owen, widow of the late Will Owen, died at her residence, four miles east of Roanoke, last Sunday evening with paralysis. Mrs. Owen was an estimable Christian lady. She leaves eight children, many friends and relations to mourn her departure. -Denton County News, Aug. 15, 1895, p.4, c.4. OWEN, Ras near Roanoke Page 216 Jan. 4, 1893 DCN Jan. 12, 1893, p.2, c.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION ROANOKE RIPPLES. Last Wednesday night, Mr. Ras Owen living four miles west of this place, died with pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 12, 1893, p.2, c.5. OWEN, W. H. near Roanoke Jan. 5, 1893 ROANOKE RIPPLES. … Thursday night, his (Ras Owen) father W. H. Owen died of the same disease (pneumonia). W. H. Owen was one of Denton county's old settlers, and beliked by everybody. The family have the heart felt sympathy of the entire community; no two men in the county have more friends. -Denton County News, Jan. 12, 1893, p.2, c.5. OWENS, child of Dallas 21 months March of 1897 NEWS BRIEFED. -A little child of J. E. Owens, at Dallas, aged 21 months, was drowned in a tub of water Monday. -Denton County News, March 25, 1897, p.1, c.1. OWENS, Effie Denton Oct. 27, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazett'e Record of Marriages and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. -Miss Effie Owens, Denton, October 27. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 1, 1886, p.2. OWENS, Joe Price OWENS, Mrs. William Little Elm child near Roanoke Dec. 26, 1903 DCN Dec. 31, 1903, p.1, c.2 April 9, 1900 DMN April 10, 1900, p.6 OWENS, R. Jan. of 1885 Denton, Jan. 24. -B. F. Paschall, who shot R. Owens, on the 13th instant, was upon the death of Mr. Owens, [unreadable] he is wealthy and has many wealthy friends, put in jail. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 31, 1885, p.4, c.1 OWSLEY, Mrs. Henry OWSLEY, Mrs. Dr. Louisiana Denton Aug. 21, 1830 OZMENT, Clint Dec. 23, 1904 DCN Dec. 23, 1904, p.1, c.3 DCN Jan. 10, 1905, p.4, c.3 Dec. 23, 1904 DMN Dec. 26, 1904, p.9 Oct/Nov of 1883 Clint Ozment, whom we published last week as being badly hurt by a stroke on the head, died a week ago last evening from the effects of the stroke, which is believed to have been a kick by the horse which he was riding at the time. He was perhaps thrown from the horse. He was alone when hurt and never become able to tell how he got hurt! -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 9, 1883, p.3, c.3. Page 217 NAME PACE, Mrs. LOCATION Denton PADDOCK, Mrs. Louisa El Reno, OK CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 65 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH April 1899 ca 67 yrs. CITATION DMN Apr. 13, 1899, p.4 July 28, 1901 MILAM AND GRIBBLE SPRINGS. August 6. J. A. Paddock returned last Saturday from El Reno, Okla., where he went in response to a telegram stating that his mother, Mrs. Louisa Paddock, was very sick. She died Sunday, July 28, 1901, and was buried July 30. She was about 67 years old. She had been a member of the Baptist church for 50 years. She leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn her death. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1901, p.5, c.3. PAIN, Marshal Pilot Point July of 1891 PAPSONS, Horatio Sour Lake Aug/Sept of 1883 DMN July 12, 1891, p.12 Texas Topics. -Horatio Papsons was killed by lightning at Sour Lake. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 14, 1883, p.1, c.5 PARISH, Enoch Brown's Schoolhouse ca. 75 yrs. Old PARKER, B. Dec. 27, 1904 R&C Dec. 28, 1904, p.4, c.2 * July 15, 1904 DCN July 19, 1904, p.1, c.5 PARKER, Emily s of San Antonio April 14, 1881 San Antonio, April 15. -Mrs. John Simmons, her four year old son and her mother-in-law, Emily Parker, were murdered yesterday, eight miles south of this city, by the husband of Mrs. Simmons. -Paradise Messenger, April 22, 1881, p.3, c.4. PARKER, Harry, son of W. M. Denton 6 yrs. Old PARKER, Isaac Aug. 27, 1905 1793 DMN Aug. 28, 1905, p.7 May of 1883 The Weatherford News chronicles the death of another old pioneer, once well known throughout the settled portion of Texas, but who had lived so long as to be scarcely known to the present generation-Isaac Parker, from whom the county of Parker takes its name. He was just ninety years and one week old. He was a member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas and afterward served several sessions in the legislature. He came to Texas in 1833, and with a few others, mostly his kins-people, afterward established a fort on the Trinity. The Indians massacred a number of people and captured his neice, then a child, who was not recovered until a grown woman, with an Indian husband, and when she barely remembered enough of her native tongue to give her own name. -Wise County Messenger, May 18, 1883, p.1, c.4. PARKER, Klondyke, son of W. M. Denton PARKER, Mary A. (Mrs. W. S.) San Antonio 8 yrs. Old San Antonio Page 218 Aug. 26, 1905 June 1, 1893 DMN Aug. 27, 1905, p.9 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MRS. W. S. PARKER DEAD. -News was received here this week of the death of Mrs. Mary A. Parker, wife of W. S. Parker, and for a long time a citizen of Denton. Her death occurred at San Antonio last Thursday at 3 p.m. and she was buried in that city the following day. Her death was not unexpected as she had long been an invalid. -Denton County News, June 8, 1893, p.3, c.5. PARKER, Mrs. J. L. Denton Cottonwood 33 yrs. Old Oct. 28, 1895 ROANOKE ITEMS. ROANOKE, TEX., Oct. 28, 1895. The enterment of the remains of Mrs. J. L. Parker took place at Cottonwood cemetery Tuesday afternoon and was attended by her many friends. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved husband and children. -Denton County News, Oct. 31, 1895, p.1, c.3. DIED-Mrs. Parker, wife of Mr. J. L. Parker and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mercer, all of Denton, died at her home in this city Monday morning after a severe illness of about a week. The remains were followed by relatives and friends to Little Elm Tuesday morning, where they were interred in the Cottonwood cemetery. Mrs. Parker was 33 years old at the time of her death. Besides husband, parents and other relatives, six children are left to mourn her sad demise. Mrs. Parker was highly esteemed by all her acquaintances, and the bereaved have the sympathy of their many friends. -Denton County News, Nov. 7, 1895, p.8, c.3. PARKER, Rosa (Mrs. James) Lloyd Oak Grove 59 yrs. Old March 11, 1904 PARKER, son of J. L. Denton Little Elm 7 months Nov. 13, 1895 DCN March 17, 1904, p.7, c.3 DMN March 16, 1904, p.4 DIED-The 7 months-old infant son of Mr. J. L. parker died in this city early yesterday morning. It was announced that interment of the remains would be at Little Elm where its mother was buried Tuesday of last week. -Denton County News, Nov. 14, 1895, p.8, c.2. PARKER, Stover Denton IOOF 1 yr. Old May 10, 1896 LITTLE CHILD DEAD. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Parker's infant son, Stover, aged one year, one month and ten days, died at their home in Denton at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, after an illness of several days. The remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 5 p.m. Sunday, Elder F. G. Roberts of the Christian church officiating. The bereaved family has the sympathy of their many Denton friends in their sad affliction. -Denton County News, May 14, 1896, p.8, c.4. LITTLE ELM ITEMS. -The families of Messrs. Stov?er, Robertson and Smith went to Denton Sunday to attend the burial of Mr. Parker's child. -Denton County News, May 14, 1896, p.5, c.3. PARKER, Will Jan/Feb of 1897 Will Parker, while digging a well ten miles southwest of Rockdale, Texas, was overtaken by damp and died before he could be rescued. His body was finally rescued on Saturday by means of grabhooks, after remaining in the well thirty-six hours. -Denton County News, Feb. 11, 1897, p.1, c.4. KILLED BY WELL DAMP. TANGLEWOOD, TEXAS, Feb. 5. - W. H. Parker, while digging a well was overcome by damp and fell into the pit. The body has not yet been recovered. -Denton County News, Feb. 11, 1897, p.2, c.1. Page 219 NAME LOCATION PARKESON, Dan P. Denton CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 45 yrs. Old Feb. 24, 1899 CITATION Dan P. Parkeson, died last Friday in this city after a short siege of pneumonia. Deceased was about 45 years old and leaves three children in very poor circumstances. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.4, c.3. PARKEY, I. C. Tombstone, AZ Sept. 21, 1900 MORTUARY. PARKEY -Denton, Tex., Sept. 22. -M. G. Parkey received a telegram today from Tombstone, Ariz., announcing the death near there yesterday of his brother, I. C. Parkey, formerly a resident of Denton County. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 24, 1900, p.4. PARKEY, J. C. Florence, AZ Florence, AZ 50 yrs. Old Sept. 21, 1900 Green Parkey received the sad intelligence Saturday of the death of his brother J. C. Parkey on Friday, 21st inst, at Florence, Ariz. The remains were interred at that place. Deceased was about 50 yearsa old and was at one time a citizen of Denton county. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.1, c.1. PARKS, RILEY in 1899 ? SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Sept. 15. -John Patterson, a negro, was arrested at Denison yesterday and brought here to jail. Patterson is charged with the murder of Riley Parks, another negro, which is alleged to have occurred in this county about six years ago. He was remanded to jail without bail. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 18, 1905, p.3. PARKS, Rolly near Aubrey PARNELL, Mrs. Foncia Indian Territory PARR, E. P. Denton PARR, Zeno near Justin 21 yrs. Old July of 1898 March of 1901 IOOF 83 yrs. Old Feb. 7, 1899 78 yrs. Old March 3, 1903 DMN July 21, 1898, p.3 DCR&C, March 21, 1901, p.8, c.1 * DCRC Feb. 9, 1899, p.1, c.7 & p.4, c.4 MORTUARY. PARR-Denton, Tex., Feb. 8. -Mrs. E. P. Parr, who came to Texas in the early 40s, died at the home of her son, J. C. Parr, south of town, yesterday at the advanced age of 83 years. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows cemetery this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 9, 1899, p.8. MORTUARY. PARR-Denton, Tex., March 4. -Zeno Parr, a pioneer resident of this county, died near Justin yesterday morning, aged 78 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1903, p.5. Page 220 NAME PARSONS, Mrs. Nancy A. LOCATION Denton PASCHAL, Frank San Antonio CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 101 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH April 1899 CITATION DMN Apr. 28, 1899, p.9 Feb. 13, 1884 Dispatches. San Antonio, February 13. -Frank Paschal, a Texas veteran and hero, died at his home her this morning. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.2, c.1. PASCHALL, Newt near Winslow, AZ June 1899 PASCHALL, P. F. 80 yrs. Old June of 1901 DMN July 2, 1899, p.5 DMN June 22, 1901, p.10 PASCHALL, Perry E. Denton Cisco 8 yrs. Old March 1899 DMN Mar. 31, 1899, p.8 PERRY PASCHALL DEAD. -Perry, the little nephew of B. F. Paschall of this city, died at the residence of the latter on north Locust street yesterday afternoon. He had been suffering from an attack of menengitis for several days. The body was taken to Cisco this morning and the interment will take place there. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.4, c.2. PASELY, Homer Denton 19 yrs. Old Jan. 4, 1903 PATTERSON, Mrs. Charlotte B. Roanoke 76 yrs. Old Sept. 27, 1901 68 yrs. Old March 23, 1904 PATTERSON, Mrs. Lucinda E. IOOF DCR&C, Jan. 8, 1903, p.1, c.4 * DMN Sept. 30, 1901, p.6 DCN March 30, 1904, p.7, c.3 PATTERSON, Mattie Lewisville 50? 59? Yrs. Dec. 28, 1904 Deaths. Mattie Patterson, Lewisville, age 59 Years, December 28. -Denton County News, Jan. 3, 1905, p.1, c.1. PATTON, Mr. March of 1884 Barney L. Richey, an old citizen of Parker county, was appointed Co. Clerk in place of Patton, deceased. -Alvord Messenger, April 4, 1884, p.3, c.4. PATY, J. M. Shiloh 43 yrs. Old Aug. 26, 1896 DCN Sept. 3, 1896, p.8, c.2 PAYNE, Mrs. Indian Territory Hackberry July 23, 1893 Died. Mrs. Payne, of the Territory, who came down on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Cherry of Rector, was taken sick and died Sunday night, and was buried near Hackberry school house. -Denton County News, July 27, 1893, p.2, c.2. PAYNE, Simeon H. Pilot Point Page 221 23 yrs old April of 1884 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Simeon Payne, a young man of Audubon, died with meningytis on Tuesday night of this week. -April 18, 1884, p.3, c.2. CITATION Death has visited our little town and taken from us, Simeon H. Payne, son of W. M. Payne. He was just budding into manhood, his age being twenty-three. Died of cerebritis. His suffering, which was intense; was only of four days duration. His parents left on the 16th with the body for Pilot Point, where the funeral was to take place. We tender the bereaved family our deepest sympathy, and especially dear little Stella, who will ever cherish fond recollection of "poor Bud," and Mrs. Watson, of Pilot Point, sister of the deceased, who perhaps did not know of the illness of her brother, until the hack bearing the corpse of the one she loved stopped at her door. Umbr-Ella. -Alvord Messenger, April 25, 1884, p.2, c.1. PEACOCK, Isaac Little Elm City Sept. 23, 1898 AN OLD RESIDENT DEAD. Mr. Isaac Peacock, an old resident of Little Elm, died Friday night. His remains were intered in the City cemetery Saturday evening. Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1898, p.8, c.2. PEACOCK, Mrs. Tom 57 yrs. Old April 22, 1908 DRC April 23, 1908, p.1, c.6 PEAK, Carrol M. Dr. Carrol M. Peak, an old citizen of Fort Worth, died last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 7, 1885, p.1, c.2. PEARLEY, Wm. Mar/Ap of 1884 Texas Topics. Wm. Pearley, an old darkey of Guadalupe county, was fatally wounded one night last week. He was making a raid on a meat house and was shot by a little boy, who discovered him. -Alvord Messenger, April 4, 1884, p.1, c.5. PEARSON, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. e of Denton infant Jan. 22, 1908 Baby Smothered to Death. Child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pearson Found Dead in Bed Thursday. One of the most terrible accidents that has ever been written in the annals of Denton county brought death Wednesday night to the day old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pearson, who live about four and a half miles east of the city. According to reports received here, next morning the little one smothered to death in bed that night. At the time that the father retired the child was as well as could be apparently, but next morning when efforts were made to arouse the baby, it was found to be dead. When its death occurred was not known. It is supposed that during the night the child became stifled by the bed covering. The Pearsons live on the Dee Price place in the vicinity of Trinity church. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.2, c.3. PEARSON, E. T. E. T. Pearson, a respected member of the Baptist church, died at his brother's residence on the morning of the 23d inst. His body was laid to rest at the Wright school house. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 26, p.5, c.2. PEARSON, Mamie M. (Mrs. J. M.) w of Denton Plainview Page 222 32 yrs. Old Dec. 30, 1908 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MRS. PEARSON DIED WEDNESDAY. -Mrs. Mamie M. Pearson, the wife of J. M. Pearson, died Wednesday night at 9 o'clock at the family home west of Denton. She had been sick for some time. Deceased was about 32 years old and is survived by a husband and one or two children. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and the remains interred at the Plainview cemetery. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.7, c.4. "PEASE" August of 1883 -r Pease died at {torn page} a long illness, {missing text} evening. His {missing part} to Austin {missing part} during Monday {unreadable} -day the body {unreadable}. -Alvord Messenger, August 31, 1883, p.2, c.1. PEIPLEMAN, Willie (see also Piperman) Aubrey Sept. 12, 1894 Willie Peipleman, the boy who was accidentally shot near Aubrey the 11th inst., died last Thursday morning. -Denton County News, Sept. 20, 1894, p.8, c.1. PELLEMS, Mrs. Pilot Point Dec. 6, 1889 A LADY KILLED. PILOT POINT, Tex., Dec. 7. -Mrs. Pellems, the mother-in-law of Mr. Carr of this place, fell down the cellar steps yesterday, causing instant death. She was quite an aged lady and in good circumstances. She was formerly of Collin county, from near Celina. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 8, 1889, p.4. PENDEGHAST, B. H. near Atoka April of 1884 Charley Farrington, of Denton, was in to see us yesterday, from whom we learned that B. H. Penderghast, who once edited the Advance Guard in Decatur, died near Atoka in the Indian Nation about two months ago. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.3, c.1. PERKINS, Mrs. Joshua near Chico April/May of 1883 -An old lady, the wife of Joshua Perkins, was drowned one day last week on a small creek near Chico. It is said she was fishing alone, and it is supposed accidentally fell into the water in a fit of smothering, to which she was subject. Her husband heard her cry but did not reach her in time to save her life. They were old settlers in this county. -Wise County Messenger, May 4, 1883, p.5, c.3. PERKINS, Raymond Mustang 1 yr. old PERRY, Bill 60 yrs. Old PERRY, George in 1905 Jan. 9, 1907 R&C Nov. 3, 1905, p.3, c.4 * DMN Jan. 10, 1907, p.8 Feb. of 1884 George Perry a little boy of John Perry died Tuesday evening from an accidental hurt at school producing effusion of blood in the brain. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.3, c.1. Page 223 NAME LOCATION PERRY, George CEMETERY BIRTH DATE Elizabethtown DATE OF DEATH CITATION March 21, 1895 George Perry, who has been sick with the pneumonia for the past four weeks, died last Thursday and was buried at the old Elizabethtown graveyard. -Denton County News, March 28, 1895, p.5, c.4. PERRY, John Pilot Point March 24, 1906 DMN Mar. 27, 1906, p.3 KILLED BY TRAIN. John Perry Is Run Over at Pilot Point. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Pilot Point, Tex., March 26. -John Perry, a laborer, who had lived here for the last fifteen years, was run over and killed by a freight train about 12:30 o'clock Saturday night. It seems that Perry was crossing the tracks just ahead of an approaching freight train, which was pulling in, downgrade, from the south. At the place where he attempted to cross there are three tracks and he evidently became bewildered and stepped on the wrong track just ahead of the engine. He was dragged over 200 yards and his body was literally cut to pieces. He leaves a widow and several children. -Dallas Morning News, March 27, 1906, p.3. PERRYMAN, Robert Denton Forrestburg 27 yrs. Old Jan. 22, 1908 ROBERT PERRYMAN IS DEAD. DEATH OCCURRED AT 8:30 THIS MORNING AT HOME OF HIS SISTER. Robert Perryman, aged about 27 years, died Wednesday at 8:30 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Henry B. Cadell in the west part of Denton. Pneumonia was the cause of death. Deceased came to Denton about ten or twelve days ago to visit his sister and on the day following his arrival here was taken down with pneumonia. During the past day or two it is known that there was no chance for his recovery. Mr. Perryman's home was in Forrestburg, but for the past several years he has been in Mexico. About a month ago he returned to Forrestburg to visit relatives and afterwards came here to see his sister. His father and sister arrived here from Forrestburg Tuesday night. The remains were this afternoon shipped to Forrestburg for interment. -Denton Record Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.1., c.4. PETER, John Wesley Sanger PETER, Mrs. Roanoke PETERS, Andrew Denton Sanger 91 yrs. Old Palo Pinto co. 97 yrs. Old Jan. 14, 1904 DCN Jan. 21, 1904, p.1, c.6 June 19, 1907 R&C June 26, 1907, p.3, c.5 * Aug. 6, 1901 ANDREW PETERS. Andrew Peters, father of Mrs. W. G.(?) Evans, of this city, died Tuesday, August 6, at the Evans residence on West Oak street, at the age of 97 years. He was found dead in his room by members of the family. The cause of death was old age. The remains were taken to Palo Pinto county for interment. Denton County News, Aug. 15, 1901, p.8,c..1 PETERS, infant of S. L. Sanger infant Nov. 21,1894 Sanger Items. SANGER, TEXAS, Nov. 20. -S. L. Peters' infant child died last night. -Denton County News, Nov. 22, 1894, p.1, c.5. PETERSON, Cullen near Caldwell Feb/Mar of 1893 Page 224 NAME LOCATION -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.5 PETERSON, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. CEMETERY Justin BIRTH DATE 3 months DATE OF DEATH May 1, 1903 CITATION DCR&C, May 7, 1903, p.1, c.6 * PETERSON, "GRANDMA" Justin 80 yrs. Old Dec. 26, 1908 LATE JUSTIN NEWS, Justin, Tex., Dec. 28. -Grandma Peterson died at the home of her son, A. J. Peterson, one mile west of Justin, Sunday night. She was about 80 years old and is the mother of J. A. Peterson. She came to this county from Sweden many years ago. -Denton Record-Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1908, p.5, c.1. PETTY, child of Oliver City July 10, 1893 DIED-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Petty died Monday and was buried Tuesday morning at the City cemetery. -Denton County News, July 13, 1893, p.3, c.2. PHELPS, Mr. Jan/Feb. of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. A man by the name of Phelps, the brother-in-law of Geo. Edwards, died at the residence of Mr. Edwards a few days since. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his departure. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 4, 1881, p.3, c.2. PHILLIPS, Doc Pilot Point Aug. 7, 1895 Negro Fatally Cut. Doc Phillips, a negro, was found last Saturday night near Aubrey with a wound caused by a knife stab. The negro had been discharged from the chain gang and was returning home. He claimed that he fell asleep near the railroad track and was awakened by two men stabbing him, but did not recognize them. The negro has since died. -Pilot Point Post Mirror. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.8, c.4. PHILLIPS, Minty Aubrey 11 yrs. Old Jan. 8, 1897 G. B. Phillips, of the Aubrey community, lost his little daughter, Minty, aged 11 years, last Friday. Her death was caused by pneumonia. He has had a son quite sick with the same disease, but he is recovering. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.8, c.1. PHILLIPS, W. R. Pilot Point 40 yrs. Old Jan. 19, 1895 MORTUARY. W. R. PHILLIPS. Pilot Point, Denton Co., Tex., Jan. 19. - W. R. Phillips, a business man here for the past fifteen years, aged 40 years, died today. Dallas Morning News, Jan. 20, 1895, p.10. PHILPOT, Ross Pilot Point June 3, 1895 Page 225 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION KILLING AT PILOT POINT. -Ross Philpot, colored, was shot and killed in Pilot Point Monday night while on the sidewalk in front of a saloon. Only one shot was fired and the ball entered his abdomen. Another negro is charged with the killing and as yet has not been apprehended. The accused had not been in Pilot Point long and it is claimed that his home is in Fort Worth. Denton officers arrested a negro Tuesday morning on the south-bound passenger train who partly answered the description, but he proved himself not the one wanted and was released. -Denton County News, June 6, 1895, p.1, c.4. PHINIZY, Mrs. P. W., dau. Of John A. Hann Roswell, NM PHINIZY, Mrs. Clara Hann IOOF PHINNEY, child of Mr. & Mrs. Otis Pilot Point PHINNEY, Ruthie (Mrs. Ila) Pilot Point Aug. of 1908 DMN Aug. 19, 1908, p.3 21 yrs. Old Aug. 19, 1908 DRC Aug. 20, 1908, p.1, c.4 & p.4, c.5 infant Feb. 28, 1908 DRC March 5, 1908, p.5, c.2 May 26, 1895 PILOT POINT NEWS. Died-Mrs. Ruthie, wife of Ila Phinne, died at their home in this place Monday night, at 10:10 o'clock, of consumption. -Denton County News, May 30, 1895, p.2, c.3. PICKEL, J. M. Sweetwater, TN 74 yrs. Old April 26, 1895 Pilot Point Items. -A telegram was received last Friday by J. M. and Sam Pickel that their father, J. H. Pickel, of Sweetwater, Tenn., was dangerously hurt by his team running away and throwing him a plow. Sam left on the next train for Tennessee, but his father died before he reached there. Mr. Pickel was 74 years old. Denton County News, May 2, 1895, p.7, c.4. PILOT POINT NEWS. Sam Pickel returned Sunday from Sweetwater, Tenn., where he was called by the death of his father. He reports times in Tennessee about as they are in Texas. -Denton County News, May 30, 1895, p.2, c.3. PIERCE, Cuvier Denton IOOF 10 months May 17, 1899 An Infant Dead. Cuvier, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B Pierce, died Friday, aged 10 months and 11 days. Intercolitis caused the death. The funeral services took place at the family home on West Sycamore street at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning and the interment at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 10 o'clock in the presence of a crowd of friends and relatives of the family. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.5, c.2. PIERCE, William Ernest Denton June 16, 1905 PILLS, Dock Lick Branch Dec. 17?, 1881 see McGee, Mr. Page 226 R&C June 19, 1905, p.4, c.3 & June 16, 1905, p.4, c.4 * NAME PINER, Judge Finis E. LOCATION Denton PINER, J. W. Honey Grove CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE Dec. 4, 1837 DATE OF DEATH Dec. 13, 1900 CITATION DMN Dec. 14, 1900, p.7 March of 1881 The Rev. J. W. Piner, a popular Methodist minister, died at his home in Honey Grove, Fannin county last week. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.2, c.1. PINER, Walter Denton IOOF Aug. 18, 1873 April 2, 1896 YOUNG MAN DROWNED. Walter Piner Meets With a Sad Fate While Fishing in Milam Creek. -The people of Denton were never more shocked than on last Thursday afternoon when it was reported that Walter Piner was drowned in Milam creek, five miles north of town. The news was brought in by Lou Grafton. Immediately, a large crowd left for the scene, one among the first being a brother of the deceased, Dr. Frank Piner. On arriving at the creek they found several of the neighboring farmers, who had been informed of the drowning by mr. Grafton before leaving for town, at work dragging the creek, but with no result. These were joined by the party from Denton, several going into the water. The body was soon found by Tom clark in about eight or nine feet of water and only a few feet from where Walter is supposed to have fallen in. As soon as possible, the body was conveyed to the ffamily residence, friends going ahead to break the terrible news to the unsuspecting mother and family. Judge Piner was absent on a business trip and was informed at Dallas, by a telegram, of his loss. He did not reach home until 11 p.m. The facts, as best we can gather are as follows: On Wednesday afternoon Walter Piner and Lou Grafton went out to Milam creek for a fishing trip remaining over the night. They had good sport and a very enjoyable time but about 12 o'clock they separated to look at their set books which was the last ever seen of Walter alive. It was not very long until Grafton went to search for his companion but could see or hear nothing of him, but found his hat floating on the water. He gave the alarm to aWhile neighboring house, Mr. Hayhurst's, then went the himself, thought the was veryhis cold, making searchleads by wading diving for halfof the actual particulars of his drowning will into never bewater known, an examination ofweather the banks where body was found to the and conclusion thatabout in theaact going down a steep bank to where some hooks were set he must have tripped on a root, fell headlong into the water and lost consciousness. He was a fine swimmer and his drowning so close to the bank is an evidence that he must have been stunned by the fall. Walter Piner, youngest son of Judge and Mrs. F. E. Piner, was born in Denton, August 18, 1873, and was nearly 23 years old at the time of his death. He was raised to manhood among our people and it can be truly said that no young man in the town was more universally popular. He had an exceptionally bright and active mind, impulsive and warm hearted; polite to every one. He was highly accomplished and educated, having graduated in the Denton High School and received the A. B., degree from the North Texas Normal College. He, after finishing his course, had been a constant and retentive reader in most branches of science and literature. But the best thing we can say of him is that he was a true Christian. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, part of the time serving in the ministry, but lately had turned his attention to law, studying under his father, with every prospect of splendid success in his chosen profession. The interment took place Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Odd Fellow's cemetery, services conducted at the grave by Rev. J. F. Pierce who made some very touching and consoling remarks. The funeral procession was one of the largest ever seen in Denton. The NEWS joins in sincere sympathy with the bereaved family but they mourn not as those without hope. The father who looked so proudly forward to the young man which was to sustain him in his work in ages, the mother who so fond of her bright manly son; the brothers and sisters whose more than companion he had been, can all look through the dark clouds now overshadowing and see that their loss is the gain of their beloved one. -Denton County News, April 9, 1896, p.5, c.3. Page 227 NAME PIPERMAN, Willie (see also Peipleman) LOCATION se of Aubrey CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Sept. 20, 1894 CITATION AUBREY ITEMS. AUBREY, Tex., Sept. 11. -On Sunday afternoon, two and one-half miles southeast of Aubrey, Will Lamb, while handling the "unloaded" pistol, shot Willie Piperman through the bowels. At this writing, the wounded boy is still alive. The boys are aged 15 and 12, respectively. -Denton County News, Sept. 13, 1894, Supplement, p.8, c.4. PIRTLE, O. young man Dec. of 1900 DMN Dec. 20, 1900, p.3 PITMAN, child 8 months Feb. 14, 1900 DCN Feb. 15, 1900, p.8, c.3 31 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1903 DCN Dec. 3, 1903, p.1, c.4 PITMAN, Cornelia Joe PITTCOCK, Chris IOOF Denton Chinn's Chapel Nov. 22, 1895 Chris Pittcock, living in East Denton, died Friday last of typhoid fever. He had but recently moved to that part of town and had been sick several weeks. He was buried at Chinn's Chapel. -Denton County News, Nov. 28, 1895, p.4, c.3. PITTMAN, Cornelia Denton 22 yrs old Dec. 10, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Cornelia Pittman, Denton, Dec. 10, age 22, paralysis. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. PITTMAN, Col. R. W. Nashville, TN PITTMAN, Mrs. S. J. Denton 65 yrs. Old May 16, 1900 IOOF 74 yrs. Old Aug. 30, 1895 DMN May 19, 1900, p.5 DIED-Mrs. S. J. Pittman, aged 74 years at the home of a relative in the southwestern part of the county early Friday morning. Her remains were brought to Denton and interred in the Odd Fellow's cemetery at 10 a.m. Saturday. Rev. J. B. Cole of the Baptist church, and of which denomination deceased had long been a consistent member, conducted the services at the grave. Several children survive the deceased lady, one of whom is Mr. P. W. Pittman of this city. -Denton County News, Sept. 15, 1895, p.8, c.2. PITTS, Mrs. Dick (see Pitts, Tidia) Pilot Point Dec. 19, 1907 Negress Accidentally Killed. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Dec. 19. -The wife of Dick Pitts, a negro living in the north end of Pilot Point, had the top of her head blown off by the accidental discharge of a shotgun this forenoon. She and a negro boy named Tom Rolls, aged 13, were alone in the house, and according to Rolls' story the gun was accidentally discharged, the load striking the woman in the forehead. Death was practically instantaneous. The negro boy was brought here this afternoon and jailed. -The Dallas Morning News, Dec. 20, 1907, p.10. Page 228 NAME PITTS, Tidia (see Pitts, Mrs. Dick) LOCATION Pilot Point CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Dec. 19, 1907 CITATION NEGRESS IS KILLED. Boy Arrested Says Shooting at Pilot Point Accidental. Special to the Telegram. PILOT POINT, Texas, Dec. 21. -A negress, Tiddia Pitts, was shot and instantly killed here this morning. Tom Rolls, a negro boy about 15 years old, was arrested. He stated after the shooting that it was accidental and that he was playing with a gun which he thought was unloaded. -The Fort Worth Telegram, Dec. 22, 1907, sect.2, p.2. PLEDGER, Melvin Cook county Dec. 14, 1883 A young man named Frank Baker shot and killed Melvin Pledger at Woodbine, Cook county Christmas eve. It was an affray at a country dance. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 4, 1884, p.2, c.4. POCKRUS, Mary (Mrs. Frank) Mangum, OK POE, Mrs. Lizzie J. Denton May of 1904 IOOF March 7, 1877 DCN May 13, 1904, p.1, c.6 April 9, 1899 MRS. POE DEAD. Mrs. Lizzie J. Poe, wife of Mayor Poe, passed away at the family home on South Locust street last Sunday evening. The funeral service was conducted at the home on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Dr. W. C. Lattimore. The remains, accompanied by a large concourse of sympathetic friends were taken to the Odd Fellows cemetery and interred. During the funeral services, the business men of the city closed their houses, thus showing their respect for the family. Mrs. Poe was born March 7, 1857 and on November 25, 1875, was married to Oliver P. Poe, moving to Denton county, Janurary 23, 1876. For several years the family remained on the farm and moved to the town of Denton in March 1881. Since that time she has lived among the people of Denton and won to herself and family a great number of friends, who deeply sympathize with the husband and children in the loss of their devoted wife and mother. Mrs. Poe was a devoted Christian and an honored member of the Baptist congregation. She had been in bad health for some time and since the death of her little son the first of the year has been gradually sinking off the end. She was the mother of five children, three of whom, two daughters and one son are living. The NEWS joins with other friends in extending to the bereaved family their deepest sympathy in this time of darkness and sorrow but feels that all can look through faith to the happy reunion in the land that knows no parting, death or sorrow. -Denton County News, April 13, 1899, p.1, c.2. POE, Richard Ben Denton IOOF 6 yrs old Jan. 2, 1899 SCARLET FEVER RETURNS. Since the illness and death of the little child of Mayor Poe of scarlet Fever there have been many wild reports about there being other cases in the city. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1899, p.3, c.1. A LITTLE BOY DEAD. Richard Ben, the little six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Poe, died on South Locust street at 1:40 last Monday afternoon and was buried Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, Jan. 5, 1899, p.3, c.1. POHL, Henry Caldwell July 28, 1892 Page 229 DCN Aug. 3, 1892, p.4, c.2 NAME POLAND, Mrs. LOCATION Denton CEMETERY City BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH April 7, 1899 CITATION MRS. POLAND, living in the eastern part of the city, died at the family home last Friday. The remains were interred at the City Cemetery Sunday, Rev. J. W. Rowlett conducting the religious services. The deceased was an excellent Christian lady and leaves many friends to sympathize with the husband and family in their loss. -Denton County News, April 13, 1899, p.1, c.1. POLING, W. L. Denton City 23 yrs. Old June 1, 1895 DIED-Mr. W. L. Poling after a lingering illness died at the home of C. P. Scripture in Denton last Friday and was buried in the city cemetery Saturday afternoon. Rev. R. L. Selle conducted the services at the grave. Deceased was a single man 23 1-2 years old and came here in January from Panhandle City to join his brother, Mr. Purcell Poling. Their parents live in Oklahoma. Deceased was a member of the M. E. church south. -Denton County News, June 6, 1895, p.4, c.2. POLLARD, Sam PONDER, Camille Denton IOOF 26 yrs. Old Sept. 15, 1900 20 months June 22, 1892 DMN Sept. 18, 1900, p.6 DIED -In Denton Wednesday night June 22nd, 1892, Camille, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ponder, aged one year, eight months and fourteen days. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 5 o'clock p.m. Thursday. The family have the sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. Denton County News, June 29, 1892, p.3, c.2. POPE, Mrs. Rector Cottonwood March 10, 1895 LITTLE ELM ITEMS. LITTLE ELM, TEXAS, MAR. 12. -The remains of Mrs. Pope, of Rector, were interred at the Cottonwood cemetery Sunday. -Denton County News, March 14, 1895, p.1, c.4. PORTER, Addison Chinn's Chapel PORTER, Anne (Miss) PORTER, John A. Roanoke PORTER, Mrs. John Q. Hood County PORTER, Nancy (Mrs. J. T.) Bartonville ca. 65 yrs. sometime in 1899 DCN March 16, 1899, p.8, c.4 April 28, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.2, c.2 * June 18, 1907 R&C June 26, 1907, p.4, c.4 * Jan. of 1904 60 yrs. Old DCN Jan. 21, 1904, p.1, c.1 Feb. 11, 1905 MORTUARY. PORTER-Denton, Tex., Feb. 12. - Mrs. Nancy Porter, wife of J. T. Porter of Bartonville, this county, died last night. Deceased was 60 years old and was the mother of ten children, all of whom survive her. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 15, 1905, p.10. PORTER, Sherman Page 230 5 weeks old April 5, 1908 DRC April 9, 1908, p.1, c.3 NAME LOCATION PORTER, T. J. CEMETERY BIRTH DATE Denton DATE OF DEATH CITATION Dec. Of 1907 MORTUARY. PORTER-Denton, Tex., Dec. 18. -The remains of T. J. Porter, a former resident of this city, were interred here today under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 19, 1907, p.12. PORTER, W. A. Cresson Cresson 77 yrs. Old PORTMAN, C. R. Dallas Lewisville PORTMAN, Jesse near Letot Lewisville 19 yrs. Old May 22, 1901 DCN May 30, 1901, p.3, c.2 * Feb. 9, 1907 DMN Feb. 14, 1907, p.12 Jan. 17, 1904 DCN Jan. 21, 1904, p.1, c.3 DMN Jan. 19, 1904, p.4 Jan. 9, 1908 DMN Jan. 12, 1908, p.23 POTTER, J. R. Stony POTTER, John S. Little Elm 28 yrs. Old July 21, 1904 DCN July 22, 1904, p.1, c.4 Prairie Mound 50 yrs. Old April 7, 1908 DRC April 9, 1908, p.4, c.2 DRC April 23, 1908, p.8, c.4 DMN April 7, 1908, p.12 POTTS, W. P. Argyle POTTS, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Argyle POWELL, Mrs. James Powell Grapevine infant March 2, 1908 DRC March 5, 1908, p.5, c.2 Sept. 16, 1892 MORTUARY. Mrs. James Powell. GRAPEVINE, Tex., Sept. 19. -Mrs. James Powell died on the 16th instant. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 22, 1892, p.2. POWELL, T. J. Denton McKinney 56 yrs old Jan. 6, 1904 T. J. Powell, aged 56 years, died on West Oak street yesterday morning. The remains were shipped to McKinney for interment. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.7, c.1. POWELL, W. C. Lewisville 69 yrs. Old Sept. 14, 1902 MORTUARY. POWELL -Lewisville, Tex., Sept. 15. - W. C. Powell, aged 69 years, died here last night. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 17, 1902, p.9. POWERS, Mr. 1865-1876 Page 231 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION N. H. (Hous.) Holt was in Denton Monday. Holt was sent to the penitentiary in 1876 for an indictment against him for killing a man by the name of Beard at Pilot Point during the war, and also for killing a man by the name of Powers after the war. In the former case he was given a term for life and in the latter a term of five years. He had served exactly eighteen years when he was pardoned by the governor. -Denton County News, June 7, 1894, p.5, c.3. POWLEDGE, Clarence Pilot Point PREWITT, J. H. Keller PREWITT, John near Garvin child May 14, 1893 DCN May 18, 1893, p.2, c.3 Nov. 20, 1902 DMN Nov. 24, 1902, p.7 Nov. 1883 Z. T. Loftis shot John Prewitt, killing him instantly, near Garvin on Wednesday morning. They quarrelled about Prewitt's horse getting into Loftis' field. Loftis gave himself up claiming that Prewitt fired first. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 30, 1883, p.3, c.4. PRICE, Ida near Roanoke Argyle Aug. 4, 1894 YOUNG LADY GROUND TO ATOMS. By a Freight Train Near Roanoke, Saturday Morning. -Miss Ida, the 17-year-old daughter of Ben Price, a section man who lives at Argyle, was killed by freight train No. 110 eleven miles south of Denton and three miles north of Roanoke about 3:30 o'clock Saturday morning. The train was north-bound and arrived at Denton at 4 o'clock and those on the train did not know until then that their train had dispatched a human life to another world. But while waiting here Engineer Flood, while oiling and looking over the engine, discovered on the pilot blood, brains, long hair and part of a woman's under garment. Sheriff Mars happened to be at the depot at the time and telegraphed south to ascertain where the killing had occurred. The answer came that another freight coming north had found the remains of a girl on the trestle across Denton Creek three miles north of Roanoke . About 5 o'clock the Price family at Argyle arose and found that Miss Ida was not in bed or anywhere about home. It seems that she was subject to attacks of dementation and when in that condition wanted to leave home. The day before she was taken ill and during the night while in this condition is supposed to have quietly left her bed, and dressed only in her night clothes, started walking on the railroad track in an attempt to reach the home of her uncle at Keller. There is a curve in the road about where Miss Price was killed and it is supposed that she did not see the train and stepped from the side of the track on the rails for the purpose of crossing the creek when she was struck by the pilot. The remains were buried near Argyle. -Denton County News, Aug. 9, 1894, p.8, c.1. PRICE, John Denton Feb. 7, 1970 Page 232 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION [EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY. Incidents That Occurred 23 Years Ago. The Frontier as Our Fathers Found It. Denton, Texas, Feb. 12, 1970.] -John Price of the town of Denton, died last Monday night, after an illness of one day, of strangulation, resulting, we are told, from cold. -Denton County News, Dec. 22, 1892, p.1, c.6. PRICE, John Denton Lloyd 31 yrs. Old Feb. 18, 1893 DIED-At his mother's home in East Denton at 3 p.m. Saturday, John Price. Deceased was about 34 years of age, and an honest industrious and unpretentious young man; kind and accomodating to his neighbors and a true friend to his friends. Can we say this much of everybody? The remains were buried at Lloyd beside his father and other relatives Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, Feb. 23, 1893, p.3, c.6. PRICHARD, Jeff D. McKinney Jan. 9, 1900 MORTUARY. PRICHARD-McKinney, Tex., Jan. 9. - Jeff D. Prichard, a young man, died here last night. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 10, 1900, p.6. PRIGMORE, Mrs. Denton 60 yrs. Old PRISKETT, Eugene infant July/Aug of 1900 DMN Aug. 3, 1900, p.2 Feb. of 1888 DIED: Little Eugene, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Preskitt, of bilious fever after a brief illness. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 18, 1888, p.3, c.3. PRITCHARD, Joe P. (son of Mr. & Mrs. S. A.) Denton IOOF 17 months Jan. 25, 1904 PRITCHARD, son of Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Denton Dalton 4 months May 1, 1895 DCN Jan. 28, 1904, p.1, c.5 AN INFANT DEAD IN BED. The 4-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pritchard who live near the Alliance Mill was found to be dead when the parents awoke yesterday morning, though the body was warm and it had probably not been dead more than an hour. The infant was sleeping with its parents and was in good health at bedtime. It is thought heart failure was the trouble. The remains were buried at 4 p.m. yesterday in the Dalton graveyard, four miles southwest of town. -Denton County News, May 2, 1895, p.5, c.1. PRITCHETT, Mr. July of 1895 KILLED BY LIGHTNING. -It is reported from across the line in Cook county, that on Tuesday of last week during a rain lightning struck and killed Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett, husband and wife, and their two horses. The report says the deceased and their youngest child were on their way from their home in the country to Gainesville when a storm came upon them with the above terrible results. When found, the baby was in the rear end of the wagon unhurt. Deceased left a large family of children. -Denton County News, Aug. 1, 1895, p.8, c.4. PRITCHETT, Mrs. Page 233 July of 1895 NAME see PRITCHETT, Mr. LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION PRITCHETT, Mrs. Jan. of 1885 Mrs. Pritchett, an aged lady died in the city on Wednesday morning. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885, p.5, c.1. PROTHO, Mrs. Anna Denton July 18, 1905 MORTUARY. PROTHO -Denton, Tex., July 19. -Mrs. Anna Protho, a visitor in the city from Longview, dropped dead yesterday while at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. G. Scott. Heart failure is given as the cause of death. -Dallas Morning News, July 21, 1905, p.5. PUGH, child of Drop PUGH, A. F. Denton Nov. 22, 1908 IOOF 48 yrs. Old DCN Nov. 26, 1908, p.5, c.3 Oct. 21, 1895 DIED. -Mr. A. F. Pugh died at his home in Denton about 8 o'clock Monday morning after an illness of some ten days. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at noon Tuesday and the funeral services were conducted at the home on North Elm Street by Dr. Ball. Deceased was about 43 years old and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Mr. Pugh and family moved to Denton from Pilot Point several months ago. -Denton County News, Oct. 24, 1895, p.8, c.2. PULLIAM, child of H. B. Little Elm Cottonwood March of 1899 LITTLE ELM ITEMS. H. E. Pulliam's child died of meningitis and was buried at Cottonwood cemetery last week. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.8, c.2. PURVIS, Mrs. G. H. Aubrey Oak Grove 29 yrs. Old Dec. 1, 1898 MORTUARY. PURVIS -Denton, Tex., Dec. 2. -Mrs. G. H. Purvis, died at Aubrey yesterday of stomach troubles, aged 29 years. The interment was held at the family burying ground at the Oak Grove cemetery. Rev. J. B. Cole conducted the ceremony. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 3, 1898, p.3. QUEAL, Vince Denton IOOF 2 yrs. Old The infant of Rev. Selle is quite sick with summer complaint. -Denton County News, July 6, 1893, p.3, c.3. Page 234 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION REV. SELLE'S BABY DIES. -Vince Queal, the bright little two-year-old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Selle, who had been sick several days with a bowel trouble, suddenly took a change for the worse Thursday and died at 1 o'clock Friday morning, the direct cause being congestion of the brain. The funeral services were conducted at the Oak Street Methodist church by Dr. D. C. Ridgeway, of Fort Worth, assisted by the pastors of the city. The Doctor's talk was the most appropriate and beautiful we ever heard on a like occasion. The interment was at the Odd Fellows cemetery. The loss of their beautiful, sweet and only child to the parents is indeed great, and they have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their great bereavement. -Denton County News, July 13, 1893, p.3, c.3. QUISENBERRY, Mrs. S. C. MRS. QUISENBERRY DEAD. Plainview Feb. 13, 1900 Mrs. S. C. Quisenberry, formerly a citizen of Denton, died Tuesday night and was buried at Plainview cemetery yesterday evening at RABURNS, Charley Jan. 15, 1893 Our town was startled at the news of Charley Raburns, sudden death, Sunday night. Charley was one of the largest strongest looking young men in our country, the cause was heart trouble. -Denton County News, Jan. 19, 1893, p.2, c.4. RAGAN, Leah Pinkerton 4 yrs old Feb. of 1904 TWO CHILDREN INCINERATED. Haskell: About 10 a.m. Friday the barn of Dr. J. B. Ragan at Pinkerton, in this county, was destroyed by fire. When it was about burned up the bodies of Leah, the 4-year-old daughter of Dr. Ragan, and the 10-year-old daughter of T. R. Gordon were discovered. The children were missed during the fire, and it is supposed must have started the fire that burned them. The bodies were badly charred and burned. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.5. RAGLAND, Miss Cecil Austin Sept. 16, 1894 Miss Cecil Ragland, the accomplished daughter of Dr. Ragland of Pilot Point, died in the deaf and dumb institute at Austin Sunday. She was one of the faculty. Denton County News, Sept. 20, 1894, p.8, c.1. RAGSDALE, 'Grandma' Paradise 90 yrs. Old Nov. 19, 1908 DCN Nov. 26, 1908, p.2, c.5 RAGSDALE (RAGESTALE), J. T. & wife Grapevine May 7, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. The Gazette's Weekly Record of the Grave and the Gay - Sunshine and Shadow. Deaths. -J. T. Ragestale (sp?) and his wife, Grapevine, May 7. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, May 31, 1886 ,p.5. RAGSDALE, Hon. R. Lee Denton 39 yrs. Old Page 235 Jan. 27, 1902 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. RAGSDALE-Denton, Tex., Jan. 27. -Hon. R. Lee Ragsdale, one of the best known lawyers in this section of the State, county chairman of the Democratic party and former member of the Legislature from this county, died here this afternoon after a brief illness, aged 39 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 28, 1902, p.7. RAIBORN, Mich Roanoke 85 yrs. old Sept. 25, 1892 DCN Sept. 29, 1892, p.1, c.6 Uncle Mich Raiborn died Sunday morning last, leaving a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was in his eighty-fifth year. -Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1892, p.1, c.6. RAINES, Miss Lee Denton Chinn's Chapel Nov. 17, 1895 DIED-Miss Lee Rains, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raines, died at their home in this city Sunday afternoon after an illness of two weeks. The remains were buried at Chinn's Chapel cemetery Monday afternoon. -Denton County News, Nov. 21, 1895, p.8, c.2 RAINES, Mary C. Haynes (Mrs. G. W.) June 15, 1903 RAINS, Gen. Kaufman co. RAINS, John M. Stratford RAINS, Will Aubrey Belew RALSTON, Calvin Cline Indian Territory IOOF DRC June 18, 1908, p.3, c.6 Paradise Messenger, June 25, 1880, p.1, c.3 4 yrs. Old Sept. of 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.5, c.5 Aug. 7, 1904 DCN Aug. 12, 1904, p.1, c.1 Oct. 27, 1892 DROWNED IN A POOL! In the Nation and Buried in Denton Sunday. -Calvin Cline, the little four year-old son of Rev. C. J. Ralston, at one time pastor of the O. S. Presbyterian church in Denton, but now president of the Armstrong academy in Indian Territory, fell in a pool of water near the academy last Thursday and was drowned. He was rescued by a little Indian boy but not until life was extinct. His remains were brought to Denton accompanied by parents and brother Sunday, and intered in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 3 pm., the funeral services being conducted at the Presbyterian church by Dr. Martin. Rev. Ralston returned home Monday, but Mrs. Ralston and son will remain in Denton this week. -Denton County News, Nov. 3, 1892, p.6, c.3. RAMSDALE, Geo. F. Paradise April 17, 1884 Geo F. Ramsdale, an old citizen of this county and a Texas Veteran, died at his home in Paradise on the 17th inst., -Alvord Messenger, April 25, 1884, p.3, c.1 Page 236 NAME RAMSDELL, G. A. LOCATION Nashua, NH CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Nov. 16, 1900 CITATION MORTUARY. RAMSDELL-Denton, Tex., Nov. 17. -Postmaster Charles T. Ramsdell today received word of the death yesterday at Nashua, N. H., of his father, G. A. Ramsdell, for four years Governor of that State. The death was sudden, Gov. Ramsdell being in good health up to Thursday, when a small blood vessel at the base of the brain burst, from which death resulted. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 20, 1900, p.7. RANEY, Mrs. Mary Bloomfield RATHBONE, Margaret Denton June 27, 1904 IOOF 68 yrs. Old DCN June 28, 1904, p.1, c.6 June 27, 1899 MORTUARY. RATHBONE - Denton, Tex., June 27. -Mrs. Margaret Rathbone, wife of James Rathbone, died here at 2 o'clock this morning, aged 68. She was born in Garrett county, Kentucky, and came to Denton county in 1879. The interment took place at the Odd Fellows' cemetery this afternoon. -Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1899, p.4. RATLEDGE, Thomas 4 yrs. Old Aug. 15, 1894 DIED-On Wednesday evening, August 15, the 4-year-old daughter of Thomas Ratledge, after an illness of only a few days. -Denton County News, August 23, 1894, p.1, c.1. RAWLINGS, Fannie (Aunt) June 4, 1899 "Aunt" Fannie Rawlings Dead. "Aunt" Fannie Rawlings, a fine ante-bellum negro, and the wife of "Uncle" Zach Rawlings, the courthouse janiter and one of the most respected negroes in Denton county, died Sunday night of some brain trouble. She was buried Monday afternoon. She herself was honored and respected by all the white people who knew her and her funeral was attended by many white friends of herself and husband, a number of the county officials attending. -Record and Chronicle, June 8, 1899, p.5, c.5. REACOR, Luke McKinney July 25, 1903 READ, John DCN July 30, 1903, p.1, c.4 Feb. 19, 1884 Departed this life on Tuesday, Feb. 19th, A.D. 1884, John Read. The deceased though not an old man, was an old citizen of this county, being the son of O. H. Read, who made his home where he now lives over 25 years ago. He has best chased by wild Indians near the spot where he breathed his last. He leaves a wife, the daughter of Rev. John Ferguson, and five little children to mourn his departure. He was a hard-working honest man, and that is the greatest tribute that can be paid to the memory of any man. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 29, 1884, p.3, c.2. READY, Ella (Mrs. Jeff) Sanger Nov. 11, 1904 Page 237 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MRS. JEFF READY RECENTLY DECEASED. Account of Her Sad Death as Given by the Sanger Paper. It becomes our painful duty today to chronicle the death of Mrs. Jeff Ready, who died at the home of Squire F. M. Ready and wife, at 7 o'clock this morning after an illness of only a very few days. Deceased was formerly Miss Ella Millican a most popular young lady of Sanger and was married to Jeff Ready about a year ago. She was taken sick last Tuesday and from the start her recovery has been seriously doubted,though the very best that medical science and loving friends and relatives could do for her were exerted constantly. Mrs. Ready was well liked by all who knew her for her loud cheerful disposition, and her sad death is deplored by the entire community. Funeral services take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the family residence with interment at Sanger cemetery. To the relatives of the deceased, and especially to the young husband, mother and sister, the Courier extends its sincere sympathy in their time of bereavement. -Courier. -Denton County News, Nov. 18, 1904, p.1, c.6 & p.3, c.5. READY, son of Smith Jan of 1893 SANGER NOTES. DIED OF HIS INJURIES. -Smith Ready's son, who was hurt by a horse falling on him while running a wolf last week, died of his injuries. -Denton County News, Jan. 19, 1893, p.3, c.5. RECTOR, Mrs. Isabelle MCKINNEY, TEX. Dec. 30. -Mrs. Isabelle Rector died here at 4:30 o'clock this morning at the advanced age of 91. The deceased was born near Crab Orchard, Rockcastle County, KY., Sept. 10, 1808, her maiden name being Atkins. At the age of 4 she removed with her parents to Missouri, where she married Charles Rector at Boonville, that State Oct. 11, 1828, and continued to reside there till 1875, when they moved to Texas and settled in West Collin. Later they resided at Little Elm, Denton Co., where the husband died Dec. 21, 1880. >The funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. today at the residence of the deceased's son-in-law, ex-County Treasurer Leo Talkington, but the interment will not take place until the same time tomorrow and will be made in the family burying ground at Bethel, seventeen miles west of McKinney. -Denton County News, Jan. 4, 1900, p.6, c.2. RECTOR, Ned Carpenter's Ranch 16 yrs. Old March of 1899 MORTUARY. RECTOR -Decatur, Tex., March 20. -Ned Rector, aged 16 years, died at Carpenter's ranch, this county. -Dallas Morning News, March 21, 1899, p. 8. REDDING, Caleb Lloyd Jan. of 1897 Lloyd Items. Lloyd, January 19. -Caleb Redding, who died one day last week, was buried with Masonic honors in the cemetery at upper Oak Grove church. -Jan. 21, 1897, p.5, c.1. REDDING, child of Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd 7 months Jan. 1, 1895 LLOYD, TEX., Jan. 1.-Doc Redding's child, six or seven months old, was found dead in the bed this morning. It was well as usual yesterday. Dr. Burford was sent for, but the child was dead when he arrived. Cause of death unknown. -Denton County News, Jan. 3, 1895, p.1, c.4. REDDING, Mr. s of Aubrey Oak Grove Page 238 Jan of 1897 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION 'Squire Button and Dr. Rogers attended the Masonic funeral of Bro. Redding at Oak Grove today. -Denton County News, January 14, 1897, p.5, c.1. We learn that an old gentleman by the name of Redding, who lived five miles south of Aubrey, died early this week. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.8, c.1. REED, Dr. I. S. Walnut Creek? Sept. of 1881 Walnut Creek, Sept. 17. -Our cousin, Dr. I. S. Reed, died recently from too frquent use of pen and ink. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 23, 1881, p. 2, c.4. REED, Mrs. Aubrey April 5, 1899 AUBREY ITEMS. Mrs. Reed, an aged lady of this place, died suddenly Wednesday morning. She was supposed to have died of paralysis and meningitis combined. -Denton County News, April 6, 1899, p.5, c.3. MORE DEATHS FROM MENINGITIS. Denton, Tex., April 6. -Two more deaths, one at Aubrey and one at Roanoke, are reported from meningitis, in both instances death coming suddenly. The deaths are Mrs. Reed at Aubrey and Mrs. Hary Hogue at Roanoke. -Dallas Morning News, April 7, 1899, p.8. REED, B. A. Sanger 60 yrs. Old March of 1899 MORTUARY. REED-Denton, Tex., March 9. - B. A. Reed died at Sanger this week , aged 60 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 10, 1899, p.4. REEVE, son of N. A. Sept. of 1884 N. A. Reeve's little boy was buried on last Tuesday. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 3, 1884, p.5, c.1. REEVES, Mrs. S. N. Alvord Aug. of 1884 The wife of our neighbor, S. N. Reeves, died very suddenly on Wednesday evening and was interred in the Alvord cemetery yesterday afternoon. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved husband and motherless little ones. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, 1884, p.7, c.3. REILLY, Marie Dallas RENFRO, Charles RENFRO, F. M. Gainesville 13 yrs. Old May 31, 1908 DRC June 4, 1908, p.1, c.4 28 yrs. Old Aug. 6, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.3, c.6 Jan. 17, 1900 MORTUARY. RENFRO-Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 16. -F. M. Renfro, an aged citizen, who has resided in Cooke County since 1878, died yesterday and was buried today. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1900, p.11. REYNOLDS, Capt. John C. Graham May of 1903 Page 239 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MORTUARY. REYNOLDS -Graham, Tex., May 11. -Capt. John C. Reynolds died at his home in the northern part of the county last week. He was a large and successful raiser of fine stock, and especially of horses. Many of his horses established his ranch in the eyes of the turf world. He raised George Miller Reducer and other race horses of high record. Mr Reynolds was prominently identified with the growth of this county from its organization, coming here from Denton many years since. -Dallas Morning News, May 14, 1903, p.2. REYNOLDS, Ed Justin May of 1908 REYNOLDS, Ed. Roanoke May of 1896 DMN May 21, 1908, p.2 Cyclone Echoes. The condition of the matters connected with the recent cyclone in Denton county have not matorially changed since our last issue except that other contributions have been received and the immediately pressing necessities of the sufferers have been relieved. >Of those wounded, one death has occurred since our last issue. Mr. Ed. Reynolds, who was injured at Justin, died at Roanoke Thursday, making a total of four deaths in the county resulting from the storm. Denton County News, May 28, 1896, p.8, c.2 REYNOLDS, John C. Young Co. 4-May-03 REYNOLDS, Samuel F. Roanoke Sept. 6, 1832 Oct. 27, 1908 RHEA, W. A. (Capt.) McKinney Feb. 24, 1833 March 26, 1906 DCR&C May 7, 1903, p.1, c.6 * DRC Oct. 29, 1908, p.1, c.7 DCN Nov. 5, 1908, p.5, c.1 DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.1, c.7 DEATH OF CAPT. RHEA. One of the Pioneer Citizens of Collin County Dies at McKinney. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. McKinney, Tex., March 26. -Capt. W. A. Rhea, a man honored and loved by all who knew him, and a gallant veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in this city at 3 o'clock this morning, and in his death McKinney and Collin County loses one of their best citizens, and whose demise will be universally regretted. Capt. Rhea was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., Feb. 24, 1833, and with his parents came to Texas in 1855. Two years later he with his brother, J. C. Rhea, entered into a partnership for the purpose of erecting and operating machinery at the place now known as Rhea Mills, ten miles northwest of this city, where they afterward put in corn and flouring mills, carding machines, cotton gins, etc. He served in the Texas Legislature in 1864 and was commissioned Adjustant by Gov. Murrah and aided Gen. John S. Griffith in organizing the State troops. Capt. Rhea is survived by a widow and six children as follows: Joseph F. Rhea of Lawn, Tex.; Attorney William Alex Rhea of Dallas, Lawrence J. Rhea of the Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Cliff Emerson, Miss Mary and John Edwin Rhea of this city. -Dallas Morning News, March 27, 1906, p.13. RHINE, Mrs. E. RICHARDS, A. Albert Jackson 75 yrs. Old Ponder Page 240 March 25, 1908 DRC March 26, 1908, p.1, c.7 DRC April 2, 1908, p.4, c.3 Nov. 18, 1904 DCN Nov. 22, 1904, p.1, c.7 R&C Dec. 30, 1904, p.4, c.5 * NAME LOCATION INJURED IN A RUNAWAY HERE. Richards was Trying to Stop A CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A. A. RICHARDS DIED EARLY THIS MORNING. Young Man Injured Last Week by a Runaway dies of Injuries. A. A. Richards the young man who was struck by a runaway horse last week is in a very dangerous condition and it is feared that he may not recover. It was thought for a while that he was getting much better but for the past day or two it seems that he has been sinking. INJURIES PROVE FATAL. Young Man Who Tries To Stop Runaway Is Dead. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Nov.18 - A. A. Richards , the young lawyer who was hurt here on Friday, Nov. 11, while trying to stop a runaway, died of this morning of injuries sustained at the time of the accident. Deceased was about 23 years old and was born in Columbia, Ky. , from which place he removed to Dallas County, TX in 1891, from which place he came to Denton during the year 1896. - Dallas Morning News MONUMENT TO RICHARDS. REV. WALTER C. LATTIMORE MAKES A VERY TIMELY, APPROPRIATE SUGGESTION. FAMILY OF RICHARDS AGREES TO SUGGESTION. A Fitting Shaft in Memory of Heroic Young Man Who Gave His Life for Another. >Rev. Walter C. Lattimore writes the following letter a RICHARDS, Arthur Nov. of 1904 DCN Nov. 22, 1904, p.1, c.7 & p.2, c.2 RICHARDSON, child of Wm. Nov. 1883 An infant of the family of Wm. Richardson was buried on last Sunday. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 23, 1883, p2., c.3. RICHARDSON, S. B. Continued from last week's Commissioners' Court (April 2, 1885). April 11, 1885, p.4, c.1 RIDDLE, Charles Cornelius Denton RIDDLE, child Krum RIDDLE, Miss Josie Denton Mar? of 1885 Account of B. M. Waits on burial outfit for S. J. Richardson rejected. -Wise County Messenger, June 12, 1879 October 10, 1904 Jan. 11, 1905 22 yrs. Old R&C Oct. 10, 1904, p.1, c.4 * DCN Jan. 20, 1905, p.3, c.4 Jan. 9, 1899 MORTUARY. RIDDLE -Denton, Tex., Jan. 10. -Miss Josie Riddle, the only daughter of Mrs. Susan A. Riddle, died at 6:40 o'clock last night at the family home, aged 22 years 3 months and 23 days. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 11, 1900, p.3. RIDING, William Bluford RIEGER, R.T. Old Alton n of Decatur 16 yrs. Old Oct. 9, 1903 DCN Oct. 15, 1903, p.5, c.4 Jan. 25?, 1888 Wise County Locals: Judge R. T. Rieger, an old and highly respected citizen of this county, died at his farm home, a few miles north of Decatur, on Wednesday of last week of paralysis. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 28, 1888, p.3, c.4. Page 241 NAME LOCATION RIGGS, Mrs. Honeywell, KS CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Dec/Jan 1900 MRS. RIGGS DEAD. News received in Denton Monitor of the death of Mrs. Riggs, mother of Prof. J. A. Sanders, at the home of her son, Mr. Richard Sanders, at Honeywell, Kansas. Prof. Sanders was summoned to his mother's bedside last Saturday. Mrs. Riggs lived in Denton quite awhile and made many friends who will regret to learn of her death. -Denton County News, Jan. 4, 1900, p.1, c.3. RILEY, Mrs. Walker Garza RINEY, Mrs. Pilot Point June 2, 1908 DRC June 4, 1908, p.5, c.2 March 21, 1895 TOOK HER OWN LIFE. PILOT POINT, Tex., March 21. -Mrs. Riney, the wife of a man who recently moved here from Collin county and the mother of eight children, committed suicide by shooting herself with a revolver. Particulars not known. -Denton County News, March 28, 1895, p.2, c.1. RINEY, J. R. w of Denton Nov. 8, 1894 DIED-Mr. J. R. Riney, who lived on the Hatch ranch two miles west of town, died Thursday night after a three weeks' illness. Softening of the brain was the disease. -Denton County News, Nov. 15, 1894, p.8, c.3. RING, child of Oct. of 1883 A little child, of the family of Mr. Ring, living near here was buried on last Friday. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 2, 1883, p3., c.1. RIPPETOE, A. H. Brenham April 24, 1881 Brenham, April 25. -Dr. A. H. Rippetoe died yesterday. He was a Mexican war veteran, from Alabama, and settled here in 1849. -Paradise Messenger, April 29, 1881, p.3, c.4. ROACH, E. T. ROARK, Bertha Frisco IOOF 56 yrs. Old Jan. 11, 1903 11 yrs. Old Oct. 16, 1896 DCR Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * LITTLE GIRL DEAD. Bertha, the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roark, died at the family residence on last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock after a short illness with typhoid fever. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery on Saturday. Rev. J. L. Freeman officiating. The bereaved family have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their loved one. -Denton County News, Oct. 22, 1896, p.9, c.3. ROARK, J. M. (Capt.) 65 yrs. Old Page 242 April 24, 1901 DCR April 25, 1901, p.8, c.2 * NAME "ROBERTS" LOCATION Wise County CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 1884/1885 CITATION Commissioners Court. Wise Co. 1885. The following accounts were paid. J. W. Embry, J. P., for holding inquest over body of one Roberts, deceased, $5. … Dr. J. A. Embry, to post mortem examination of one Roberts, deceased, $10. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 10, 1885, p.4, c.1 ROBERTS, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. John ?ton 6 yrs. Old Oct. 16, 1893 BURNED TO DEATH. -Monday morning of last week a little 6-year-old daughter of Mr. John Roberts, living near [paper torn] -ton, in the southern paper torn] county, was burned *torn+ … seems that she … *rest of paper gone+. -Denton County News, October 26, 1893, p.3, c.2. ROBERTS, Mrs. Blue March of 1884 We note from the Decatur Tribune that Mrs. Blue Roberts died last week. -Alvord Messenger, March 14, 1884, p.3, c.3. ROBERTS, S. Morton Denton Mexico, MO Feb. 25, 1904 S. MORTON ROBERTS. Well Known and Popular Young Business Man Died Last Thursday - Remains Shipped to Missouri. -S. Morton Roberts of the firm of Roberts & Elder. Proprietors of the Denton Steam Laundry, died at the home of W. B. McClurken on West Hickory street Thursday morning of last week, after only a brief illness from pneumonia and measles. The home of the deceased was in Mexico, Mo., previous to his removal to Denton some time ago, and the remains, accompanied by the father of the young man were shipped to that place Thursday afternoon. During Mr. Roberts' brief residence in this city, he had, by his quiet unassuming manners and open, honest methods in business, won a lot of friends who were all deeply grieved at his untimely death. The laundry was closed Thursday on accounty of the sad occasion. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.7, c.3. ROBERTS. W. B. Denton June 22, 1886 SHE KILLED HER TRADUCER. A Texas Woman's Revenge for Alleged Slanderous Boasts. >Mrs. G. G. Lyles, wife of a saloon owner of Denton, Texas, a handsome blonde but 22 years of age, created a sensation by shooting ex-Deputy Sheriff W. B. Roberts, killing him instantly. About 3 o'clock the afternoon of June 22nd, Mrs. Lyles deliberately walked up to Ball & Poe's livery stable on the public square, where Roberts was chatting with the town idlers gathered there, and put two balls in his neck and one in his head. Two more shots were fired at him but without effect. They were not needed, as Roberts was already dying. Mrs. Lyles, having got her man cooly turned away and walked off. >Her demeanor was that of a person who had decided to do a thing and having done it was satisfied, but her bloody work was not a mad freak nor the result of sudden anger. She had prepared a statement in writing to the effect that Roberts had lied in boasting of too much intimacy with her, and armed with this and a freshly loaded pistol she sought Roberts the first opportunity she had. She gave him warning by twice requesting him to sign the Instrument in writing. She was calm and firm and remarked that he had better do what was safe for him and sign the paper. He refused with the result stated. >The fact that Roberts has a young wife and two children and that Mrs. Lyles has two children, throws more startling interest around the shooting. Mrs. Lyles refuses to talk except to say that the traducer of her good name had timely warning to make reparation. -National Police Gazette; July 10, 1886. ROBERTSON, Mrs. H. M. Denton Cottonwood Page 243 Dec. 26, 1895 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION The remains of Mrs. H. Robertson were interred at Cottonwood cemetery last Thursday. Mr. Robertson and family have the sympathy of this community in his affliction. -Denton County News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.1, c.3 Mrs. H. M. Robertson died at her home on Elm street in Denton Wednesday morning of last week from pneumonia. Her remains, accompanied by relatives and friends, were taken to Little Elm Thursday and laid to rest in Cottonwood cemetery. Besides mother and brothers deceased left a husband and three children, all of whom have the warmest sympathy of their many friends in this, their saddest loss. -Denton County News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.4, c.2. Mrs. H. M. Robertson has a slight attack of pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.7, c.5. ROBERTSON, Joe Amarillo Little Elm Feb. 26, 1904 JOE ROBERTSON. Well Known Former Resident Died Last Week at Amarillo - Remains Brought to this County for Interment. - A large delegation of the Woodmen of the World met the remains of Joe Robertson, which came in Saturday night over the north bound M. K. & T., from Amarillo, Texas. Deceased was a son of A. Wayne Robertson, a well known resident of the eastern part of the county and his death was caused from pneumonia and lagrippe. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and leaves a wife and one child. The body was taken to the home of Mrs. Ella Hawkins on North Locust street, where it remained over night, and Sunday morning accompanied by a number of relatives and a number of the members of the local camp Woodmen of the World was taken to Little Elm for interment. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.7, c.2. ROBERTSON, Martha (Mrs.) near Little Elm 48 yrs. Old Oct. 6, 1900 MORTUARY. ROBERTSON -Denton, Tex., Oct. 6. -Mrs. Martha Roberson, wife of A. W. Robertson, one of the prominent farmers of the eastern part of the county, died at her home near Little Elm this morning, aged 48 years. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 9, 1900, p.6. ROBINSON, Carick Denton 16 yrs old Dec. 6, 1883 DEATHS IN TEXAS. -In Denton, December 6, Carick Robinson, aged 16 years. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 12, 1883, p.5. ROBINSON, David near Pilot Point April of 1900 MAN DIED OF GLANDERS. Bitten by a Horse While Administering Medicine to It. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., April 30. -David Robinson died near Pilot Point last week from the effects of a bite by a horse afflicted with glanders. He was administering medicine to the animal, when it bit him. Soon afterward he developed a disease, the indications of which were identically the same as those of glanders in horses, and died in agony. Sores broke out all over his body and it is supposed that he contracted glanders from the horse's bite. -Dallas Morning News, May 1, 1900, p.10. ROBINSON, Frank L. IOOF April 5, 1904 ROBINSON, Lydia Ann Sand Hill DCN April 7, 1904, p.1, c.3 March of 1881 Decatur Democrat Items of last week: Mrs. Lydia Ann Robinson, wife of Mac Robinson, was buried at Sand Hill. -Paradise Messenger, March 18, 1881, p.4, c.4. ROCHESTER, Miss Gussie Denton City Page 244 15 years March 25, 1899 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A YOUNG LADY DEAD. -Miss Gussie Rochester died at the family residence on Sycamore street in this city last Saturday afternoon and was buried at the City cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. R. L. Selle conducting the servics. Miss Gussie was about fifteen years of age and among those with whom she associated, she was an acknowledged favorite. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.4, c.3. RODERICK, child of Mr. & Mrs. R. M. 1 week old RODGERS, Sallie (Mrs. J. W.) RODGERS, Wm. near Jeffries Feb. 26, 1905 DCN Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.7 Oct. 27, 1899 DCN Nov. 9, 1899, p.4, c.1 April of 1884 Wm. Rodgers, a highly respected member of the Farmers' Alliance, who lived near Jeffries, died on last Monday morning after a severe illness of about 65 days. Alvord Messenger, May 2, 1884, p.3, c.2. ROGERS, Mrs. Brice 50 yrs. Old Sept. 19, 1908 DRC Sept. 24, 1908, p.3, c.3 ROGERS, Mrs. W. H. Chico June of 1884 Mrs. Rogers, the wife of W. H. Rogers, deceased a few weeks since, died at Chico on Tuesday of last week. -Alvord Messenger, June 20, 1884, p.3, c.3. ROGERS, W. H. May/June of 1884 Mrs. Rogers, the wife of W. H. Rogers, deceased a few weeks since, died at Chico on Tuesday of last week. -Alvord Messenger, June 20, 1884, p.3, c.3. RORER, son of Jas. Pilot Point Pilot Point 6 yrs. Old Nov. of 1897 KILLED BY AN UNRULY TEAM. Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Nov. 26. -A runaway accident occurred near Pilot Point last week in which one life was lost. Jos. Rorer's team ran away and threw Rorer out, slightly injuring him. Further down the road Rorer's little 6-year-old boy was in the middle of the road playing, and being unable to get out of the way was run over by the maddened horses and almost instantly killed, living only about five minutes after the accident. The child was buried at Pilot Point. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 27, 1897, p.5. Near Pilot Point one day last week a runaway occurred which resulted in the loss of one life. Jas Rorer's team ran away and threw him out. A little further down his six year old boy was playing in the middle of the road and being unable to get out of the way was run over by the frightened team and almost instantly killed. The boy was buried at Pilot Point. -Legal Tender, Dec. 2, 1897, p.1, c.2. ROSE, child of Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson farm infant Dec. 14, 1894 The infant of Mr. Wm. Rose, living on the Wilson farm a few miles north of town, died Friday of diptheria. We understand that it was a well defined case. Denton County News, Dec. 20, 1894, p.8, c.1. Page 245 NAME ROSE, Elma LOCATION Little Elm CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 16 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Sept. 21, 1901 CITATION MORTUARY. ROSE. -Miss Elma Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roe Rose of near Little Elm died Saturday morning of typhoid fever, aged 16 years. -Denton County Record, Sept. 20, 1901, p.1, c.2. *** ROSS, Kate Musgrove (Mrs.O.) St. Paul's Sanitarium Pilot Point Aug. 5 or 6th, 1908 DRC Aug. 6, 1908, p.1, c.6 DMN Aug. 5, 1908, p.3 & Aug. 6, 1908, p.14 ROUSE, Willie Jan. of 1884 Willie Rouse, the little nephew of York Calloway of Gainesville, recently fell into a pot of boiling lard and was instantly killed. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 25, 1884, p.3, c.3. ROWLETT, Katie Nov. of 1883 Katie, a child of E. M. Rowlett's aged two years, was buried on last Tuesday. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 23, 1883, p.3, c.4. RUCKNER, Jack Lamar Co. Jan. of 1903 RUDD, Bettie DCR&C Jan. 15, 1903, p.6, c.5 * Feb. 17, 1885 Bettie Rudd was born March 10, 1881, and died Feb. 17, 1885. Her mother preceded her a year to the Spirit Land, so the mother and child are together over there. Bereaved father and friends look forward to the Resurection Day for consolation. M. W. Shearer. -Wise County Messenger, March 14, 1885, p.8, c.3. RUDDELL, Frances E. Denton IOOF 29 yrs. Old March 15, 1897 DIED - At her home in Denton Monday night after a continued illness, Mrs. Francis E. Ruddell, aged 29 years, wife of W. C. Ruddell. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and the services were conducted by S. D. Perkinson, pastor of the Hickory street Christian church. Deceased leaves a husband and three children besides other relatives to mourn her loss. Mrs. Ruddell was held in high esteem by her acquaintances as an excellent Christian lady. Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.4, c.3. RUSH, Annie near Mingo 5 yrs. Old Oct. 5, 1894 Little Girl Fatally Burned. The fatal practice of kindling fires with kerosene has claimed another victim. Mr. Rush is a farmer living near Mingo, six miles northeast of Denton. Friday afternoon he came to town to sell cotton and left his family, consisting of wife and two little daughters, at home. Mrs. Rush and the younger daughter remained in the cotton patch until late, while Annie, aged five, went to the house to start a fire, went to the house to start a fire in the cook stove. For this purpose she used coal oil which she spilled on her dress. In striking a match the dress was ignited and the little girl was burned so badly that she died during the night. -Denton County News, Oct. 11, 1894, p.8, c.2. Page 246 NAME LOCATION RUSSELL, Abner Post Oak CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Dec. 16, 1880 [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS] Jacksboro, December 10. -Intelligence has just been received at this point of the murder of Mr. Abner Russell and the serious, if not fatal, wounding of Mr. John Russell, of the firm of Russell Bros. of Post Oak, a town twelve miles north of Jacksboro. About sunset last evening, six men entered the store of Russell Bros., and, having selected for purchase about $200 worth of goods, invited Mr. Abner Russell outside his store. He complied, when, upon his stepping out of the door, he was immediately fired upon and killed. The murderer returned and shot Mr. John Russell, seriously wounding him. The murderers have not been arrested, but a party of citizens are on their trail. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 17, 1880, p.2, c.2. RUSSELL, child of Henry Coppell 18 months June 13, 1894 Henry Russell, living near Coppell, had a child 18 months old killed Wednesday evening by its little 5-year-old brother. The children were playing when the older took a gun and pointed it at the younger one; the load was discharged, piercing the heart and killing the child almost instantly. -Denton County News, June 14, 1894, p.3, c.3. RUSSELL, D. M. Denton RUTLEDGE, Mr. & children near Audubon 65 yrs. Old April 26, 1905 DCR&C May 7, 1903, p.7, c.5 * Feb/Mar of 1884 It is said that two of the children of the Rutledge family, near Audubon, were buried before the sick mother knew they were dead. …continued on column 2: We understand that a family named Rutledge living east of Audobon, consisting of a husband, wife and five children have all died with the measles, except the wife and mother, who it is also feared may not recover. -Alvord Messenger, March 7, 1884, p.3, c.1 & c.2. RUTLEDGE, Wm. Flat Rock Feb. of 1888 Flat Rock, Feb. 7, 1888. Death has again entered our community. Mr. Wm. Rutledge died after an illness of many weeks, in which he suffered greatly. His sickness and death was caused by an abscess. He leaves a wife and one little boy to mourn his loss. Mr. Rutledge was a kind and affectionate husband and father, an obliging and sympathetic friend and neighbor, a man that the entire community will miss and mourn the loss. Although not a church member, he always acted in a straight-forward, Christian-like way, always honest and upright in all dealings with his fellow-men. In him we have lost a good neighbor and Texas a good citizen, and we, in behalf of the entire community, offer to the bereaved wife our heartfelt sympathy. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 7, 1888, p.3, c.3. RYAN, Rolla Groveton Boerne Jan. 8, 1888 Trinity, Texas, Jan. 9. -Rolla Ryan, after playing at this place last week, went to Groveton, where he was taken sick and died there yesterday. His remains were brought to this place today and sent to Boerne, Texas, for interment. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 14, 1888, p.3, c.2. RYAN, William Pilot Point Feb. of 1895 Page 247 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MR. WM. RYAN DEAD. -Mr. Wm. Ryan, a wealthy business man and prominent in the local politics of Pilot Point, died at his home in that city Tuesday of Bright's disease of the kidneys. -Denton County News, Feb. 21, 1895, p.1, c.5. SALING, Ernest Stony 20 yrs. Old Jan. 20, 1896 DCN Jan. 23, 1896, p.8, c.4 DCN Jan. 30, 1896, p.5, c.3 SALING, J. S. Stony 70 yrs. Old June 27, 1904 DCN July 1, 1904, p.8, c.5 SALING, Mrs. S. A. Stony 43 yrs. Old Jan. 21, 1896 DCN Jan. 30, 1896, p.5, c.3 SALMON, J. W. Pilot Point Dec. of 1904 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. SALMON -Pilot Point, Tex., Dec. 17. -J. W. Salmon died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 21, 1904, p.3. SALMONS, John W. Pilot Point 45 yrs. Old Dec. 16th or 23rd, 1904 DCN Dec. 27, 1904, p.2, c.3 SALMONS, May Pilot Point 14 yrs. Old Nov. 6, 1904 DCN Nov. 8, 1904, p.3, c.5 SALMONS, Vivian Pilot Point child Jan. 1, 1905 DCN Jan. 6, 1905, p.4, c.3 SAMMONDS, Mrs. Little Elm July of 1899 LITTLE ELM ITEMS. The funeral services of Mrs. Sammonds, who died here last July of small pox, will be held at this place on the third Sunday in this month by Rev. Faulkner, of Wylie. -Denton County News, Nov. 9, 1899, p.5, c.3. SAMPLES, Robert Double Oak May 1897 MYSTERIOUS MURDER. Body of Robert Samples Found in the Woods. Last Friday afternoon, Newt Hurst discovered the partially decomposed body of a man in the woods about six miles northeast of Roanoke and two and a half miles west of the Double Oak school house. The body proved to be that of Robert Samples who lived in the Double Oak community, about two miles from the place where it was found. A gun shot wound and appearances about the locality indicated that the man had been killed. An inquest by Esquire Selby, of Roanoke, returned a verdict that deceased had been killed by unkown parties. A man by the name of Davis was placed in jail here Sunday charged with the killing. Davis was sub-renting from Samples some land and the last seen of Samples he was in charge of Davis and other parties, who had arrested him for the alleged stealing of some harness. They claim that he escaped in the night. -Denton County News, June 10, 1897, p.4, c.2. Page 248 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A Most Grewsome Mystery. A Dead Man Found and the Inquest Verdict Was That He Had Been Murdered. Denton, Denton Col, Tex., June 5.-What on its face appears to be a mysterious and diabolical murder, has come to light near Roanoke, about eighteen miles south of here, and was reported here to-day. In looking for some horses yesterday afternoon Newt Hurst, a farmer, found in a secluded spot the body of a man, which was afterwards identified as that of Robert Samples, a well digger. The body had evidently lain there for some time, as the head was almost bare and other parts of the body had been torn away and eaten by buzzards, which were still flying overhead about. The last seen of Samples was May 27. When found the body was lying under a tree, on the limbs of which, directly overhead, were marks as if a rope had been drawn roughly across them. Nearby were wagon or buggy tracks, from the stopping place of which a heavy body had been dragged, and about thirty or forty yards still further away was found a pool of blood that had been covered up with dirt. In the right breast was a large hole and the entire skull was almost entirely denuded of flesh by decomposition and the buzzards. The clothes were nearly torn off the body and the hat lay nearby. 'Squire Selby at Roanoke held an inquest, the verdict being that deceased had been killed by parties to him unknown. The authorities here have been notified and are working on the matter to-day. The people in the community in which the deed was done are much worked up over the matter. - Dallas Morning News, June 6, 1897, p.1 DEAD MAN FOUND. On Friday eve a dead man was found by Newton Hurst in the woods two and a half miles west of Double Oaks in this county. The body was partially decomposed, and was id'd as that of Robert Samples, of that place. Evidence showed that the man had been murdered, and the verdict of the coroner's inquest was to that effect. A man named Davis is in jail charged with the murder. The last seen of Samples, Davis had him under arrest, for the alleged theft of a bridle. Davis says the man escaped while he slept. -Denton Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.8, c.3. SAMS (2 brothers) Hill county Feb/Mar of 1881 A couple of brothers by the name of Sams were murdered in Hill county last week. The fiends cut the throats of their victims, disembowled them, and poured a can of oil over them to burn them. The murderers have not been captured. -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.3, c.5. SAMS, Mrs. M. V. Denton City Jan. 16, 1896 DCN Jan. 23, 1896, p.8, c.2 SAMS, infant of Walter J. Oct. 13, 1882 The infant of Walter J. Sams died last Friday and was buried on Saturday. -The Denton Monitor, Oct. 20, 1882, p.3, c.5. SANDERS, Mr. J. M. Argyle Alvord 87 yrs. Old Jan. 10, 1904 MRS. SANDERS DEAD. Wife of J. M. Sanders of Argyle Died Last Sunday of Consumption. -Mrs. J. M. Sanders of Argyle, died last Sunday morning at 4 o'clock of consumption, aged 37 years. The remains were shipped to Alvord, Wise county for interment. She leaves a husband and three children. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1904, p.1, c.6. SANDERS, Jas. SARGENT, Mrs. March of 1902 Little Elm Cottonwood Page 249 July 1897 DMN Mar. 10, 1902, p.6 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION LITTLE ELM ITEMS. Mrs. Sargent, one of the pioneer settlers and a highly esteemed lady of this community, died and was buried at Cottonwood cemetery Friday the 23rd inst. She had long been a sufferer from that dread disease, cancer, but bore her affliction with patient, Christian fortitude. A noble life well spent! She leaves several children, all grown, to mourn the loss of a loving mother. May God comfort them in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, July 29, 1897, p.8, c.2. SARTIN, Jesse Bolivar 79 yrs. Old July 24, 1899 DMN July 28, 1899, p.10 SAVAGE, Grandma near Lewisville 87 yrs. Old Dec. of 1898 DMN Dec. 21, 1898, p.8 SAWYER, J. B. (Capt.) Denton IOOF 83 years old J. B. SAWYER DIES FROM MORPHINE POISON. Capt. J. B. Sawyer, long a citizen of Denton and well known to most of our people, died at his room in the May Hotel at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Deceased was discovered late Friday evening in his room in a dangerous condition and physicians who were summoned decided that a deadly drug had been taken by him. Every effort was made to save Capt. Sawyer's life, but he only revived once and then only long enough to say that he believed he had taken some morphine. The deceased was in many ways an eccentric though aggreeable and ever congenial character. He was born in New Hampshire 83 years ago, came to Texas in an early day and to Denton in 1869. He had recently become penniless and had frequently intimated that he would end his own life, and his death was not a surprise to many. He was a Mason and was buried by the members of the Denton lodge in the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, Jan. 31, 1895, p.5, c.2. SAYERS, James near Bolivar SAYLES, Lucy Walker Martin's Branch 45 yrs. Old Dec. 1899 DMN Dec. 11, 1899, p.7 Nov. of 1883 Mrs. Lucy Walker Sayles, a daughter of an early judge of Wise county, died at her home on Martin's Branch last week. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 23, 1883, p.3, c.5. SCHAFFER, Jeff Galveston 21 yrs old March of 1897 KILLED BY A CISTERN. GALVESTON, TEX., March 11. -Jeff Schaffer, a negro 21 years old, was assisting in raising a cistern on Avenue N to-day, when the supports gave way and the cistern fell on him. The body was mashed almost beyond recognition, death resulting instantly. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.7, c.3. SCHMIEDINGER, Fred Denton SCHMITZ, Sr., John Mendota, IL 38 yrs. Old Page 250 Feb. 16, 1903 DMN Feb. 20, 1903, p.2 Jan. 7, 1899 DMN Jan. 11, 1899, p.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY SCHNEIDER, Fred Denton City BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Feb. 16, 1903 Schneider. Fred Schneider, after only a week's illlness with pneumonia, died at the City Hotel Monday. Interment in city cemetery Monday. -Denton County News, Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.4. SCHOEMAKER, inf. of Mr. & Mrs. Bud near Krum infant March of 1902 CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., March 13. - The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Shoemaker, living near Krum, was so badly burned this week that death resulted yesterday. The child was alone in a room near an open fire when a spark flew out, igniting its clothes. -Dallas Morning News, March 14, 1902, p.5. SCHOPPAUL, Mrs. near Argyle Sept. 30, 1899 ANOTHER SMALLPOX DEATH. Denton, Tex., Oct. 2. - Miss Schoppaul, one of the patients in the pesthouse, near Argyle, died of smallpox Saturday night. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 4, 1899, p.4. SCHULTE, infant of Mrs. Ernest Faribault, MN SCHWEER, Fred E. St. Louis SCHWEER, Henry H. St. Louis Jan .of 1895 Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.2, c.2 16 yrs. Old Jan. of 1899 DCRC Jan. 22, 1899, p.4, c.3 79 yrs. Old Mar. 4, 1902 MORTUARY. SCHWEER-Denton, Tex., March 5. -Henry H. Schweer, an old resident of St. Louis, and father of Cashier H. F. Schweer of the First National Bank of this city, died in St. Louis yesterday, aged 79 years. -Dallas Morning News, March 6, 1902, p.8. SCHWEER, Roland A. Denton IOOF 25 yrs old Feb. of 1904 ROLAND A SCHWEER. WELL KNOWN DENTON YOUNG MAN DIED VERY SUDDENLY ON LAST TUESDAY MORNING. HAD ATTENDED AN ENTERTAINMENT. Banking Institutions of the City Closed - His Death Came as a Shock to the Community. -Roland A. Schweer, second son of H. F. Schweer, a well-known young man of this city died very suddenly at the family home on West Oak street Tuesday morning. Deceased had attended the valentine party given at the Elk's hall the night before and had remained up until very late, apparently enjoying the best of health. He returned home about 12 o'clock, and was taken sick about an hour later, dying between 6 and 7 o'clock. His death came as a great shock to the town as well as to his own immediate relatives. Roland Allen Schweer was twenty-five years, twelve days old at the time of his death, and had spent the greater part of his life in Denton where he had numberless friends. The three banks of the city closed their doors promptly on receiving the news of his death and the sympathy of the entire city goes out to his relatives in their hour of affliction. Funeral services were concluded from the residence yesterday afternoon, the special order of Elias? of which he was a charter member, attending in a body. The interment was at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.1, c.1. Page 251 NAME SCOGGINS, Eugene LOCATION CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE 6 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH July 22, 1895 CITATION Eugene, the little seven or eight-year-old son of Mrs. Scoggins, who has been very sick for several days, is not much improved. -Denton County News, July 18, 1895, p.8, c.1. LITTLE BOY DEAD. -Eugene, the little 6-year-old son of Mrs. Kate Scoggins, after a painful illness of several days, died at their residence on North Elm Street at 6 o'clock Monday morning. The interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 5 p.m. Monday afternoon, and the services were conducted at home at 4 p.m. by Rev. J. F. Pierce. Deceased's father was the late Rev. Mr. Scoggins of Henrietta. The mother has the sympathy of all in this, her second sad bereavement within a few months. -Denton County News, July 25, 1895, p.8, c.4. SCOGGINS, Rev. J. D. Henrietta March 19, 1895 REV. SCOGGINS DEAD. -Rev. J. D. Scoggins, son-in-law of Mrs. J. E. Grant of this city and pastor of the M. E. church at Henrietta, died in the latter city Tuesday of last week. The fatal trouble was congestion of the brain and the deceased only lingered three days from the time he was first stricken. Rev. Scoggins was a zealous and earnest minister, and for eight years he and his family lived in Mexico where he did missionary work, only retreating from there when his health compelled him to do so. A wife and five children survive him, and to them and the Denton relatives is given the condolence of their acquaintances. -Denton County News, March 29, 1895, p.8, c.3. SCOTT, Grandma Justin SCOTT, Jewel IOOF 18 yrs. Old Feb. of 1899 DCRC Feb. 28, 1899, p.8, c.2 July 20, 1908 DRC July 23, 1908, p.1, c.2 SCOTT, John Mar. of 1883 John Scott, one of the oldest citizens of Collin county, died this week. -Wise County Messenger, March 9, 1883, p.5, c.5. SCOTT, Mrs. Nancy Denton City over 70 Dec. 17th, 1903 DCN Dec. 24, 1903, p.5, c.3 DMN Dec. 23, 1903, p.6 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Nancy Scott, Denton, age 76, Dec. 17, paralysis. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. SCRIMSHIRE, Annie M. in 1828 April 24, 1880 Mrs. Scrimshire the consort of our neighbor W. B. Scrimshire, left the turmoils of this lower life, to enter the higher life where peace and joy fill the realms of heaven on last Tuesday. She was known as an affectionate wife and a consistent member of the Methodist church. The bereaved household have our warmest heartfelt sympathy, and should not forget that in heaven the righteous shall behold each other again where they will live forever in peace and happiness around the throne of god. -Paradise Messenger, May 28, 1880, p.3, c.4. Page 252 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION IN MEMORIAM. Past across the stormy sea of Life, into the sweet haven of Rest, after a journey of fity two years, Annie M. Scrimshire, who fell a victim to the grim monster Death, on the 24th of April A.D. 1880. Sister Scrimshire was born in South Carolina A.D. 1828. She joined the M.E.C.S. at the age of fourteen years and has lived an exemplary and consistent life for thirty eight years, amid the troubles and storms of life in this wilderness of temptation, bereavement and disappointment, but having that abiding faith anchored by the strong anchor of Hope tot that sweet haven of Rest. She goes to take possession of the starry crown, and leaves behind a devoted affectionate companion, and loving affectionate children to mourn a loss of companion and mother who has gone to the Paradise of God. Weep not dear ones our loss is her gain, then can you not say with the poet "Oh, there is some one waiting and watching me," yes watching for you, where we are all fast tending. -Paradise Messenger, May 28, 1880, p.4, c.2. SCROGGINS, Miss Mary Denton Gribble Springs 16 yrs. old Sept. 3, 1897 Mortuary. Scroggins - Denton, Denton Co., TX , Sept. 6, - Miss Mary Scroggins, aged 16 years, died last Friday at Mr. S. K. Hayhurst's, on Clear creek. The interment took place Saturday at the Gribble Springs cemetery. - Dallas Morning News, Sept. 7, 1897, p.6. SCROGGS, Budd Jacksboro? February of 1881 Jacksboro, June 17. Two young men, brothers, Frank and Will Kerby were arrested here to-day, charged with the murder of Budd Scroggs, of Dallas county, last February….(more) -Paradise Messenger, June 24, 1881, p.2, c.3. SCRUGGS, C. C. Oct. of 1883 Denton, Oct. 11. -The Hon. C. C. Scruggs, county judge of Denton county, died this evening. Some days ago he had his arm badly injured in a gin and had to have it amputated, from the effects of which he died. He has been judge of this county for several years past and has been a good officer and has enjoyed the confidence and respect of the people generally. He was a leading and active member of the Baptist church. At a meeting of the bar of this place this evening suitable resolutions of respect were unanimously adopted. He will be buried to-morrow with Masonic honors. -Alvord Messenger, Oct. 19, 1883, p.2, c.2. SEAMAN, Walter n of Abbott Jan 27/28, 1897 A RAILROAD MAN KILLED. HILLSBORO, TEX., Jan. 28. -Walter Seaman, a fireman on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, was killed one mile north of Abbott by a fire box explosion at 1:45 this morning. He was in front of the fire box door breaking coal preparatory to putting some coal in the fire box when suddenly, without warning, there was a violent concussion, which blew off the door of the fire box and hurled Seaman violently against the coal and water tank. This was followed by a dense volume of steam and smoke, putting out the fire. The engineer, Charley Dunlin, who was up on his side of the cab, escaped injury, as did Head Brakeman C. S. Edmons, who was up on the fireman's side. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.3, c.3. SEBASTIAN, Lee SEBASTIAN, Will Denton City Pilot Point Page 253 boy Sept. 2, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.5, c.4 May of 1899 DMN May 14, 1899, p.9 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SELBY, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J. Roanoke infant Sept. 16, 1896 ROANOKE ITEMS. ROANOKE, Sept. 22. TO THE NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. J. Selby buried an infant daughter last Thursday evening. They have the sympathy of many friends in their affliction. -Denton County News, Sept. 24, 1896, p.5, c.2. SELBY, dau. Of John 10 or 12 yrs. Nov. of 1883 The little daughter of John Selby, ten or twelve years old, died on last Monday evening after an illness of fifteen days. -Alvord Messenger, Nov. 23, 1883, p.3, c.5. SELBY, H. B. Roanoke Oct. 7, 1834 March 25, 1897 DCN April 1, 1897, p.3, c.1 SELBY, John Justin 50 yrs. Old April 4, 1904 DCN April 7, 1904, p.1, c.6 SELBY, Mrs. R. A. Argyle Sept. 6, 1906 DMN Sept. 11, 1906, p.8 July 7, 1893 DCN July 13, 1893, p.3, c.4 DCN July 29, 1893, p.3, c.4 May of 1896 DCN May 28, 1896, p.3, c.3 May 27, 1897 The Chronicle June 11, 1897, p.5, c.5 * SELLE, Vincie Queal Hillsboro IOOF SELZ, Henry Pilot Point SEMPLE, R. E. L. Bartonville SETTLES, Mrs. John Denton 2 yrs. Old 30 yrs. Old Corinth Dec. 25, 1895 DIED-Mrs. John Settles died at her home in East Denton Wednesday morning of last week. Her remains Her remains were interred in the cemetery near Corinth Thursday. Deceased leaves a husband and three small children to mourn their sad loss. Also other relatives and a number of friends in Denton and vicinity. Denton County News, Jan. 2, 1896, p.4, c.2. SEWELL, child of City infant Feb. 27, 1899 AN INFANT DIED. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell died in West Denton, last Monday and was buried in the City cemetery Tuesday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 2, 1899, p.4, c.2. SHAHAN, Lillie Lynchberry Cottonwood Page 254 17 yrs. Old Nov. 2, 1899 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION YOUNG LADY'S DEATH AT LYNCHBURG. Miss Lillie Shaham, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shaham, of Lynchburg southeast of Denton, died of typhoid fever Thursday evening. She was seventeen years old, the interment taking place Friday at the Cottonwood cemetery at Little Elm. -Denton County News, Nov. 9, 1899, p.4, c.2. SHANKER, Mrs. Decatur April 25, 1883 Mrs. Shanker died at about 1 o'clock on Wednesday, another victim to the measles, her sister, Mrs. Vance, having died some days before. Mr. Stanton, and his wife who is still another sister to Mrs. Vance, have lost all their little ones, four in number. These families have indeed been severely visited by the ruthless hand of death. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.5, c.3. SHANNON, Mrs. John near Pella June of 1884 Mrs. Shannon, the wife of John Shannon, who lives near Pella, died on Monday of this week. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.3, c.1. SHARMACHER, Mrs. F. Roanoke SHAW, child of Mr. & Mrs. Otto Pilot Point City infant Nov. 10, 1895 DCN Nov. 12, 1895, p.8, c.3 Jan. 31, 1905 DCN Feb. 3, 1905, p.3, c.3 LITTLE CHILD DEAD. Farris? Parris, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shaw, died at their home last Friday night and was buried at the city cemetery Saturday afternoon, services conducted by Elder J. P. Adcock. -Denton County News, Feb. 7, 1905, p.1, c.4. SHAW, E. A. Denton IOOF 54 yrs. Old Jan. 24, 1897 Mrs. E. A. Shaw, wife of W. A. Shaw, 54 years of age, died at their home in Denton Sunday afternoon of la grippe. The funeral services were held at the residence at 3 p.m. Monday and were conducted by Rev. S. A. Beauchamp. The interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Deceased was a consecrated Christian lady, having long been a member of the Baptist church, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her husband who survives her has the profound sympathy of a host of friends in his sad loss. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1897, p.5, c.2. "Mr. W. A. Shaw requests the NEWS to express his thanks to the many kind friends in the city who so faithfully attended Mrs. Shaw in her last illness and did all in their power to alleviate her suffering." -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1897, p5, c.4 SHAW, Mrs. W. M. Denton March 16, 1897 Mrs. W. M. Shaw, wife of Mr. Shaw who is a member of the force employed in erecting the new court house, died at her home in this city Tuesday after a continued illness. A husband and three children survive deceased. She was a consistent member of the Christian church and highly esteemed by the acquaintances she had made in Denton. The funeral was conducted by Eld. Perkinson yesterday afternoon. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.4, c.3. SHELBOURAS, Mrs. Estelle Sanger Page 255 Feb. 6, 1908 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION NEWS FROM SANGER. Sanger, Tex., Jan. 28. -Mrs. Estelle Shelbourne died this afternoon at 2 o'clock of tuberculosis. Mrs. Shelbourne has lived here about (unreadable) years and was loved by all. She was (unreadable). She was a member of the Baptist church and a great worker in it. She being organist and Sunday school teacher as long as her health permitted. She was ambitious and energetic. She leaves a mother, two sisters and two brothers, husband and three little girls. She was conscious to the end and left all assurance that "all is well." The funeral will be held at the church to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Revs. Seagraves and Fletcher conducting the services. -Record and Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.3, c.2. SHELBOURNE, Dr. S. B. Lebanon 78 yrs. Old June 7, 1895 Dr. S. B. Shelbourne, a pioneer citizen, and prominent physician of Collin county and father of Dr. E. W. Shelbourne of Sanger died at his home at Lebanon Friday aged 78 years. -Denton County News, June 13, 1895, p.1, c.4. SHELTON, Rev. C. B. Denton IOOF 80 yrs. Old Nov. 11, 1895 AGED MINISTER PASSED AWAY. Died-Rev. C. B. Shelton died at his home in Denton early Monday morning after an illness of some ten days. Deceased was eighty years old and came to Denton in 1873. Several years ago he moved to Dallas where he remained until recently when he returned to Denton and bought a home and moved here. Rev. Shelton ahd been a member of the M. E. Church since early manhood and was licensed to preach by that church some fort years ago. Mrs. Shelton and five children, two sons and three daughters, survive him. Mrs. Paisley and Mrs. A. F. Evers, of Denton, are two of the daughters. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cole. Rev. Shelton had many friends in Denton who are sorrowed by his loss, and extend to the bereaved family their warm sympathy. -Denton County News, Nov. 14, 1895, p.8, c.3. SHELTON, "Uncle" Jimmie Pilot Point SHELTOR, Edmund Bastrop City May 1, 1904 DCN May 6, 1904, p.4, c.2 Bastrop, Nov. 22. -Last Saturday night, at a cannon firing and general jollification over the election of Col. Jones, Edmund Sheltor, a colored boy, 18 years of age, received serious and probably fatal injuries at the cannon's mouth. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.1, c.3. SHEPARD, Audra May Fort Worth Bolivar 1.5 yrs. Old June 26, 1902 Audra May shepard, aged one year, five months and twenty-one days, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Shepard, formerly well known residents of this county but now of Fort Worth, died in that city Thursday and was buried Friday at the Bolivar cemetery in this county. Measles was the cause of death. Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3. SHEPHERD, Sallie (Mrs. L.) Denton Old Alton 73 yrs. Old Dec. 4, 1898 MORTUARY. SHEPHERD-Denton, Tex., Dec. -Mrs. Sallie Shepherd, wife of L. Shepherd, died here Sunday of slow fever, aged 73 years. The deceased had been married to her present husband, who, with four children, survives her, four months longer than fifty years. The interment took place at the old Alton cemetery. Dallas Morning News, Dec. 9, 1898, p.3. Page 256 NAME LOCATION SHERRELL, Miss Annie Lewisville CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION April 21, 1895 DIED AT LEWISVILLE. LEWISVILLE, TEX., April 22. -Miss Annie Sherrell died at the family home in Lewisville at midnight last night after only a few hours' sickness. Miss Annie attended Sunday school yesterday morning, though complained of not feeling well. At about 5 o'clock p.m. she was taken with convulsions which ended in death. Her mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jacobsen, who are among our most respected citizens, have the sympathy of the entire town in this, their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, April 25, 1895, p.4, c.4. SHERRELL, child of Edwin SHERRILL, E. T. IOOF south of Denton three days Dec. 19, 1904 50 yrs. Old Sept. 7, 1897 DCN Dec. 20, 1904, p.1, c.2 MORTUARY. SHERRILL - Denton, Denton County, Tex., Sept. 8 - E. T. Sherrill died at his home south of town yesterday evening of consumption; aged about 50 years. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 10, 1897, p.7. SHERWOOD, infant of Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Gainesville infant Jan. 13, 1900 MORTUARY. SHERWOOD -Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 16. - The infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Sherwood died Saturday and was buried Sunday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1900, p.11. SHIELD, Carrie Bexar county 19 yrs old Feb. 20, 1904 PREFERRED DEATH TO SEPARATION. San Antonio: Mrs. Carrie Shield, wife of Fred Shielf, of the Gaskill Carnival Company, committed suicide in the presence of her husband Sunday. She sealed a letter to her brother saying that her death was preferable to a prospective separation from her husband , and swallowed a large dose of chloroform before any one could interfere. Deceased was 19 years of age and was married to Shield at Fort Worth a year ago. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.8, c.1. SHIFFLET, "Grandma" Stony Plainview 70 yrs. Old Jan. 25, 1904 "GRANDMA" SHIFLETT. OLD RESIDENT OF DENTON COUNTY DIED AT HER HOME NEAR STONY. FUNERAL HELD AT PLAINVIEW. Yesterday Afternoon, Attended by a Large Concourse of Relatives and Friends. Grandma Shifflett, aged about seventy years, died at her home near Stony Monday, the funeral and the interment being held yesterday afternoon at Plainview cemetery five miles west of Krum at 4:30 o'clock, Rev. Walter C. Lattimore preaching the funeral sermon. Mrs. Shifflett was born in Virginia, coming to Texas with her husband in 1877, and settling in Denton county where she had since resided. She was the mother of fourteen children, nine of whom survive her, including Frank Shifflett, well known resident of the town of Krum. Deceased had been a member of the Baptist church since 18??. Her funeral was largely attended. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1904, p.1, c. 4. Page 257 NAME SHIFFLET, child of Mr. & Mrs. H. LOCATION Krum CEMETERY SHIFFLETT, Mrs. Herman Ponder Jackson SHIFLETT, Hasting Krum BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Feb. 24, 1905 CITATION DCN Feb. 28, 1905, p.1, c.2 April 6, 1904 DCN April 7, 1904, p.7, c.2 & 3 Oct. 19, 1906 DMN Oct. 21, 1906, p.30 SHINDLER, Mary Dana DEATH OF MRS. SHINDLER. -Mrs. Mary Dana Shindler, so well known to Greenbackers throughout the country, is dead. She was in every sense a grand and noble woman. Her memory justly deserves the following tribute which we find in Pomeroy's Democrat: The large majority of our readers remember Mrs. Mary Dana Shindler, the pure-hearted poet, the progressive woman and the clear thinker who saw in the Greenback principle the way to legally and honestly convert a great public curse into a wide-spread blessing. She, whose writings often appeared in our columns, and were as interesting and eagerly read, on the 9th ult., passed on from earth to spirit life from her home in Galveston, Texas, leaving a large number of relatives and admiring friends in every State and Territory of the Union to mourn her absence and revere her memory. ...-Wise County County, Aprl 27, 1983, p.3, c.1 SHIPLEY, "Grandma" Krum Jan. 26, 1904 MORTUARY. SHIPLEY-Denton, Tex., Jan. 27. -"Grandma" Shipley, an old resident of the Krum community, died yesterday and was buried today. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30, 1904, p.9. SHIPP, J. B. Lewisville 55 yrs. Old Feb. 9, 1905 MORTUARY. SHIPP-Denton, Tex., Feb. 10.-J. B. Shipp, an old resident of the southeastern part of the county, died yesterday at Lewisville. He was about 55 years old. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 11, 1905, p.10. SHIRMAN, Jesse Aubrey SHOCKLEY, Alex Sanger Belew 21 yrs. Old Feb. 8, 1905 DCN Feb. 14, 1905, p.1, c.2&3 July 19, 1905 MORTUARY. SHOCKLEY -Denton, Tex., July 20. -News was received here this morning of the death of Alex Shockley, which occurred yesterday at Sanger, in this county. Death came very suddenly and was due to heart failure. -Dallas Morning News, July 21, 1905, p.5. SHOEMAKER, Dollie Decatur May 21, 1881 Little Dollie, a loved and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Shoemaker of Decatur departed this life on the 21st. -Paradise Messenger, May 27, 1881, p.3, c.2. Page 258 NAME SHORT, J. Y. LOCATION Gainesville CEMETERY Bolivar SHOWALTER, Prof. J. D. Little Elm Cottonwood BIRTH DATE 75 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Nov. 10, 1908 CITATION DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.3, c.4 & p.5, c.6 DCN Nov. 19, 1908, p.3, c.6 Oct. 28, 1894 PROF. SHOWALTER DEAD. -Prof. J. D. Showalter, of Little Elm, after a spell of fever lasting nearly 100 days, died at 1 o'clock Sunday morning. His remains were buried in the Cottonwood burying grounds at 5 p.m. Sunday. The Little Elm I. O. O. F. lodge assisted by the Rector lodge of the same order conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Showalter (nee McNiel) and two small children survive the deceased. Prof. Showalter came to Denton county from West Virginia some eight years ago, has taught several times in the public schools and in 1892 made a very creditable race for district clerk. -Denton County News, Nov. 1, 1894, p.8, c.2. SHRIVERS, J. M. Gilmer Feb. of 1904 Brakeman J. M. Shrivers of Greenville, who was working with a Katy work train at Gilmer, was killed at that place. He was knocked from the top of the caboose by being struck, while passing under a bridge, by a piece of the timber. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.1. SHROCK, "Granma" Little Elm SHUFFERT, Eunice City SIDDON, Mrs. A. J. (Mary) Sanger SIDDONS, child of Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Pilot Point SIGLER, Jacob Denton 87 yrs. Old June 29, 1908 DRC July 2, 1908, p.1, c.3 2 yrs. Old Dec. 22, 1903 DCN Dec. 24, 1903, p.1, c.3 Oct. 8, 1904 DCN Oct. 21, 1904, p.8, c.3 Nov. 15, 1904 DCN Nov. 18, 1904, p.2, c.4 8 months Nov. 22, 1892 Jacob Sigler, son of (unreadable) Sigler, died of slow fever at home in Denton at 1 p.m. and was buried at (unreadable) Chapel Tuesday afternoon. He leaves a wife and two children. -Denton County News, Nov. 24, 1892, p.3, c.1. SILES, John W. Gainesville March 16, 1883 Gainesville, March 16. -John W. Siles, a saddler, who worked in the shop of Melton & Guthrie, committed suicide this morning about 2 o'clock by shooting himself through the head with a forty four caliber pistol. He died instantly. No cause for the rash act is known. He was a young man, sober and industrious, and liked by all who knew him. He married an estimable young lady here about a year ago. His wife is the daughter of Mr. Latimer the founder of the Dallas Herald. LATER-It now appears Mr. Siles was owing some small debts, and mental despondency was the cause of his rash act. -Wise County Messenger, March 23, 1883, p.1, c.5. Page 259 NAME SIMMONS, Carrie King (Mrs. T. J.) LOCATION CEMETERY Pilot Point SIMMONS, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. James BIRTH DATE Nov. 2, 1838 2 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Feb. 15, 1908 CITATION DRC Feb. 22, 1908, p.2, c.5 & p.6, c.5 Jan. 3, 1895 Cemetery-Items DIED-On Thursday, Jan. 3, the little two-year-old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. James Simmons. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.1, c.4. SIMMONS, Ed Decatur Jan. 30, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Ed Simmons, Decatur, January 30. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, February 12, 1886, p.4. SIMMONS, J. A. Bonham 57 yrs. Old May 18, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.5 * SIMMONS, James H. May 6, 1883 James H. Simmons, a respected citizen of this place, was buried at the city cemetery on last Sunday. -Wise County Messenger, May 11, 1883, p.5, c.1. SIMMONS, Mrs. J. A. Bartonville 25 yrs. Old April of 1902 MORTUARY. SIMMONS - Denton, Tex., April 15. - Mrs. J. A. Simmons Jr. died at Bartonville this week, aged about 25 years. -Dallas Morning News, April 17, 1902, p.11. MORTUARY. SIMMONS - Denton, Tex., April 12. - Mrs. J. A. Simmons, the wife of a young farmer living north of the city, died yesterday, aged about 25 years. Dallas Mornning News, April 17, 1902, p.11. SIMMONS, Mrs. John s of San Antonio April 14, 1881 San Antonio, April 15. -Mrs. John Simmons, her four year old son and her mother-in-law, Emily Parker, were murdered yesterday, eight miles south of this city, by the husband of Mrs. Simmons. -Paradise Messenger, April 22, 1881, p.3, c.4. SIMMONS, Roy SIMMONS, son of John see Mrs. John Simmons s of San Antonio 15 yrs. Old March 14, 1904 6 yrs. Old April 14, 1881 DMN March 16, 1904, p.4 SIMMONS, Will Decatur Jan. 30, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. Deaths. -Ed Simmons, Decatur, January 30. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, February 12, 1886, p.4. Page 260 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SIMON, Somania Denton 1 yr old Feb of 1904 Local News. Somania, the one year old child of a family of Greeks named Simon, died last Wednesday in the western part of the city of peritonitis. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.10, c.3. SIMPSON, John Denton County Aug. of 1869 James Taylor, who is charged with the killing of John Simpson, in this county, about three weeks ago, has been arrested by the Sheriff of Denton county, B. E. Greenlee, and brought to this county, and delivered to the Sheriff. -Galveston Tri-Weekly News, Oct. 8, 1869, p.2. SIMS, Mrs. M. M. SIMS, Mrs. S. M. 79 yrs. Old Monroe, LA Oct. 16, 1901 DMN Oct. 28, 1901, p.6 March of 1904 MORTUARY. SIMS - McKinney, Tex., March 19. -News has been received of the death of Mrs. S. M. Sims at her home at Monroe, La. She was the mother of W. H. Sims, agent of Wells-Fargo Express Company at this place, and had friends at Grapevine and Dallas. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. SIPPER, child of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pilot Point 14 months July 30, 1895 The 14-months-old child of Mr. Joseph Sipper, who lives three miles northeast of town, met with a fearful death Wednesday by being scalded. The mother had poured boiling water into a pan on the floor and as she turned to put the kettle back on the stove the child fell into the pan and swalled sufficient of the boiling water to cause death in a short time. -Denton County News, Aug. 8, 1895, p.2, c.5. SKAGGS, Mattie (Mrs. Nathan) Denton SKAGGS, Thomas Cooper Creek SKINNER, Charley near Aubrey Cooper Creek Feb. 16, 1906 R&C Feb. 17, 1906, p.1, c.6 * April 14, 1897 DCN April 22, 1897, p.8, c.2 January of 1887 BIG DAMAGE SUIT ON TRIAL. DENTON, TEX., JULY 28.-The case of Kate Skinner et al. vs. the Missouri Pacific Railway for damages for negligently killing her husband, Charley Skinner, last January near Aubrey, in this county, is on trial on the District Court to-day. The is for $100,000. Both sides are well represented and the fight is hot. The case will perhaps consume most of the day to-morrow. -Dallas Morning News, July 29, 1887, p.5. SKINNER, D. M. (or B. M.) IOOF July 19, 1893 DIED-Mr. D. M. Skinner, whom the NEWS reported as being very sick last week of disintery, died Wednesday night and was buried Thursday at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, July 27, 1893, p.3, c.3. Page 261 NAME LOCATION SKYLES, child of J. W. Decatur CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION June of 1883 Decatur. -J. W. Skyles lost his 7 months child with the flux. They have our most tender sympathies. -Wise County Messenger, June 8, 1883, p.4, c.1. SLATON, Sanford Bellew 77 yrs. Old Sept. 26, 1904 DEATH OF MR. SLATON RESIDENT OF AUBREY. Father of County Treasurer Died Last Monday. Sanford Slaton, father of W. J. Slaton, county treasurer of Denton county, died at Aubrey in this county last Monday at 10:10 o'clock of dropsy of the heart. Mr. Slaton was at the time of his death 77 years of age. He was a native of the state of North Carolina, having lived in texas since 1880. Mr. Slaton had been suffering with the disease since the first of February, this year, and up to a few weeks ago it was hoped that he would recover, but a sudden relapse destroyed all hopes, and his death resulted Monday morning. Two children survive him, one a daughter and the other a son, the latter a resident of Denton, who is well known and highly esteemed. The interment took place at the Bellew cemetery near Aubrey in the presence of a large concourse of mourning relatives and friends. The News extends sympathy to those bereaved. -Denton County News, Sept. 30, 1904, p.2, c.4. SLAYTON, S. Aubrey SLEIGHT, W. M. 75 yrs. Old Sept. 26, 1904 DMN Sept. 29, 1904, p.12 Denton June 23, 1906 R&C June 25, 1906, p.1, c.3 * SLOAN, H. C. Roanoke Dec. 20, 1900 DMN Dec. 22, 1900, p.7 SMITH, A. H. Decatur May 28, 1907 MORTUARY. SMITH-Decatur, Tex., May 29. -A. H. Smith died her yesterday. Mr. Smith came here from Palo Pinto County some years ago. He was the father of S. P. and C. H. Smith, who were formerly in the lumber business here and at Boyd. -Dallas Morning News, June 2, 1907, p.4. SMITH, Cal Pilot Point May 9, 1904 DCN May 10, 1904, p.1, c.3 DMN May 11, 1904, p.5 SMITH, Charles Paradise Aug. 1881 Charles Smith, a Swedish tailor, suicided here on Saturday by taking morphine. He had been drinking to excess for some days previous to his self-destruction. Paradise Messenger, Sept. 2, 1881, p.2, c.4. SMITH, Eddie Little Elm 5 yrs. Old March 22, 1899 DCRC Mar. 28, 1899, p.1, c.6 LITTLE ELM ITEMS. We are sorry to note that Eddie, Mr. Smith's little son, has meningitis. -Denton County News, March 23, 1899, p.3, c.2. LITTLE ELM. -The past week has been the saddest for years in Hilltown. Our little burg has been visited by that terrible disease meningitis. At about 10 o'clock last Wednesday, Eddie, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith passed away. -Denton County News, March 30, 1899, p.8, c.1. Page 262 NAME SMITH, Emory LOCATION near Greenwood CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH 1883 of 1884 CITATION Emory Smith, a prominent lawyer of Denton and a brother of Dr. Smith who was killed near Greenwood over a year ago, attended district court this week. Judge Carroll, of Denton, was also here and assisted Lovejoy, Patterson and Smith in the defense of Ed Johnson, whose trial has occupied most of the time of the court during the week. -Wise County Messenger, March 14, 1885, p.5, c.2. SMITH, Ephraim May 1871 It is said that Ephraim Smith, living either in Denton or edge of Wise or Parker county, with his wife and child, were killed a few days ago, and the child roasted and eaten by the devils. -Galveston Tri-Weekly News, June 2, 1871, p.3. SMITH, F. W. Feb. of 1884 Denton, Feb. 26. - A report reached here this morning of the sudden death of Dr. F. W. Smith, of Greenwood, Wise county, and brother of E. C. Smith, an attorney of this place. Dr. Smith in company with a constable and others of Greenwood, started in pursuit of some horse thieves, and arriving at their den told them to consider themselves under arrest. Immediately upon hearing this the thieves uttered dreadful curses, drew their pistols and began firing, killing two of the posse's horses and causing them to retreat, but before getting out of shooting distance, one John B. Wilson, an ex-convict, obtained a Winchester rifle and renewed the firing, resulting in the death of Dr. Smith. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 28, 1884, p.3, c.3. SMITH, child of Ephraim see Ephraim Smith May 1871 SMITH, wife of Ephraim see Ephraim Smith May 1871 SMITH, George Denton 1883 DEATHS IN TEXAS. In Denton, George Smith, (unreadable), twenty-six years. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Dec. 7, 1883, p.4. SMITH, Hardin T. Lewisville April 19, 1903 MORTUARY. SMITH-Lewisville, Tex., April 20. -Hardin T. Smith of Lewisville died Saturday night and was buried yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, April 21, 1903, p.5. SMITH, Helen Ardmore, I. T. IOOF July 14, 1907 FUNERAL AT DENTON. Mrs. Smith's Death at Ardmore Is Result of Pneumonia. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., July 15. -The remains of Mrs. Helen Smith, who died at Ardmore, I. T., yesterday morning, where she was visiting her daughter, Miss Helen Smith, were brought here this morning for interment at the I.O.O.F. Cemetery. The cause of death was pneumonia, with which she was attacked Thursday night. -Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1907, p.7. Page 263 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE SMITH, Ida (Mrs.) SMITH, Ida May DATE OF DEATH May 15, 1901 Cleburne CITATION DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.6 * May 25, 1883 Cleburne, May 25. -Ida May, daughter of Hon. Tilman Smith, died to-day at 3:30 o'clock. -Wise County Messenger, June 1, 1883, p.4, c.1. SMITH, J. D. Dallas Dec. of 1880 Mr. J. D. Smith a prominent dallas book-keeper committed suicide at the Crutchfield Hospital in Dallas last week. Morphine did it. -Wise County Messenger, Dec. 24, 1880, p.2, c.4. SMITH, J. D. Sanger SMITH, J. G. SMITH, J. R. IOOF Colorado Springs, CO May 10, 1904 DCN May 20, 1904, p.1, c.6 Dec. 21, 1904 DCN Dec. 23, 1904, p.1, c.3 May 3, 1900 MORTUARY. SMITH -Roanoke, Tex., May 7. -J. R. Smith died at the hospital in Colorado Springs, Colo., Wednesday. His family reside here. He has been SMITH, J. T. Decatur April of 1883 Mr. J. T. Smith, a citizen of this city, was buried on Wednesday. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.5, c.4. SMITH, John Allen Gano Denton 62 yrs. Old Dec. 21, 1904 MORTUARY. SMITH -Denton, Tex., Dec. 21. - John Allen Gano Smith, aged 62 years, was found dead in his bed at his home in North Denton this morning. Heart trouble is supposed to have been the cause of his death. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 22, 1904, p.13. SMITH, John Bateman TN? Feb. 23, 1881 SPECIALS TO THE NEWS. John Bateman Smith, editor of the Pulaski Citizen, died last night. -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.2, c.3. SMITH, Lod (brother of Dick) Denton SMITH, Lotta Denton City 10 months SMITH, Mrs. Abe Sept. 8, 1904 DCN Sept. 9, 1904, p.5, c.3 Dec. 3, 1901 DCR&C Dec. 5, 1901, p.?, c.3 * May of 1907 Page 264 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DEATHS AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., May 20. -The death record of Saturday and yesterday included Mrs. Abe Smith, formerly of near Frisco, Collin County. -Dallas Morning News, May 22, 1907, p.12. SMITH, Mrs. Adam near Lewisville SMITH, Mrs. J. M. near Bolivar Jan. 29, 1909 24 yrs. Old DMN Jan. 30, 1909, p.6 May 23, 1897 MORTUARY. SMITH-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., May 24. -Mrs. J. M. Smith, the wife of a well known young farmer, near Bolivar, died yesterday, aged 24, years. Dallas Morning News, May 25, 1897, p.5. SMITH, Mrs. John Bolivar May 21, 1897 BOLIVAR ITEMS. -We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. John Smith. Her spirit winged its flight to its eternal home Saturday night, May 21. Mrs. Smith was a Christian lady and member of the Baptist church at this place. She has many mourning friends to sympathize with the bereft husband. -Denton County News, May 27, 1897, p.5, c.1. SMITH, Mrs. John C. Roanoke Mar. 29, 1902 DMN Apr. 2, 1902, p.10 SMITH, Mrs. Justin Justin July 31, 1896 DCN Aug. 6, 1896, p.5, c.2 SMITH, Mrs. M. near Garza May 29, 1902 DMN May 31, 1902, p.9 SMITH, Mrs. M. M. Corinth April 21, 1904 DCN April 26, 1904, p.1, c.7 SMITH, Mrs. Morgan near Roanoke SMITH, Miss Myrtle Green Valley 83 yrs. Old IOOF 50 yrs. Old Feb. of 1902 21 yrs. Old Jan. 11, 1904 DMN Feb.3, 1902, p.2 NORMAL STUDENT DEAD. -Miss Myrtle Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Smith of the Green Valley community in this county, died at the residence of D. W. Brown on West Hickory street in this city Monday at 7:30 p.m., after an illness of about a week from pneumonia. Deceased was 21 years, 9 months and 23 days old at the time of her death and had been attending the state normal college at this place for some time. Funeral services were conducted in the college chapel Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and Revs. G. F. Boyd, J. H. Curry and T. H. Morris, assisted in a brief talk by President J. S. Kendall, conducted the sad services in the midst of her friends and class mates. The work of the college was suspended for the day and the students and faculty attended the interment which was held at the Odd Fellows' cemetery, in a body. The floral offerings were very beautiful. Miss Smith was a member of the Methodist church at Wesley Chapel in this county and was regarded as one of the brightest students of her class. Members of her class acted as pallbearers at the funeral. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, p.1, c.7. Page 265 NAME LOCATION SMITH, Rosa Lee SMITH, S. L. CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Jackson 34 yrs. Old May 17, 1908 DRC May 21, 1908, p.3, c.2 Aug. 17, 1901 DMN Aug. 20, 1901, p.9 Ryan, I. T. SMITH, W. F. CITATION Feb. of 1884 News has just reached here that while John Gage, constable of precinct 6, and a posse were attempting to arrest a set of horse thieves near Greenwood in this county, this morning, Dr. W. F. Smith, one of the posse, formerly of Denton, was shot through the bowels and mortally wounded. Two horses of the sheriff's posse were killed. It is thought some others of the posse were wounded. One of the thieves was shot through the breast, but escaped. The people are out enmasse in pursuit of the thieves. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 29, 1884, p.2, c.2. SMITHERS, Frank Denton ca 30 yrs. July 5, 1886 Denton, July 6. - Frank Smithers, a carpenter here, committed suicide last night by taking morphine. No cause is assigned for the act. He had been at work within a few hours of the time of taking the drug. He was a native of Kentucky, about thirty years old, and unmarried. He has two brothers living here. A note was found from him directed to his brothers, bidding them adieu and asking them not to bury him until he was dead, and stated that he had taken twelve grains of morphine. Wise County Messenger, July 10, 1886, p.8, c.2. SONE, Mary F. Pilot Point SONE, Sarah H. (Mrs. L. D.) 64 yrs. Old Oct. 20, 1898 DCN Oct. 27, 1898, p.5, c.5 Oct. 13, 1896 DCN Oct. 15, 1896, p.5, c.5 PERSONALS. Lem Sone, of Dickens City, Tex., arrived in Denton last week to visit his mother who was very sick. -Denton County News, Aug. 27, 1896, p.8, c.5. SORREL, Gen G. Mozley near Roanoke 64 yrs. Old Aug. 10, 1901 DMN Aug. 12, 1901, p.1 SORROW, George W. Sanger 16 yrs. Old Sept. of 1904 R&C Sept. 22, 1904, p.1, c.6 * 16 yrs. Old Sept. 23, 1904 SORROWS, George Sanger GEORGE SORROWS DIES. George Sorrows, 16 years of age, died at the home of his parents, W. S. Sorrows and wife, about three miles of town last Friday evening after an illness of some weeks of typhoid fever. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church last Satursday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. D. Heath, followed by internment at Sanger cemetery. A large crowd of friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place. Page 266 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Deceased was well known as a bright, energetic boy, and his untimely death was deplored by all. The bereaved parents and other relatives have the deep sympathy of the entire community. -Sanger Courier. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1904, p.4, c.4 SOUTHERN, Mrs. Oak Grove Sherman Oct. of 1899 SPARKMAN, Lewis Alvord Lewis Sparkman died at Alvord yesterday. -Wise County Messenger, March 3, 1888, p.3, c.3. SPARKS, "Uncle" Jimmy ("Grandpa") Rector 80 yrs. Old SPARKS, Nicholas McKinney 75 yrs. Old DCN Oct. 26, 1899, p.5, c.5 March 2, 1888 Feb. of 1905 DCN Feb. 10, 1905, p.2, c.5 MORTUARY. SPARKS - McKinney, Tex., March 21. -Nicholas Sparks, aged 75 years, died Saturday night at his home, five miles east of McKinney. Death due to cancer. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. SPARKS, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Gribble Springs infant SPARKS, Wm. Lewisville Dec. 4, 1893 DMN Dec. 7, 1893, p.5 SPEAR, Phi? (part of name cut off) near Roanoke April of 1900 DMN April 10, 1900, p.6 SPICER, Dumah Sanger 7 yrs. Old Feb. 3, 1905 DCN Feb. 7, 1905, p.2, c.4 SPLAWN, C. C. ne of Denton 40 years old Oct. of 1902 DMN Oct. 19, 1902, p.23 SPOONSMORE, inf. of Mr. & Mrs. John Cleburne infant Feb. 23, 1904 Sanger June 25, 1902 DCR&C July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3 * Pilot Point News. -The little infant of Mr. And Mrs. John Spoonsmore died in Cleburne Tuesday of pneumonia, and was buried here Wednesday at the city cemetery. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.5, c. 5. SPRANGLER, Boby Stony child March 17, 1895 STONY ITEMS. Little Boby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sprangler, died Sunday night. -Denton County News, March 21, 1895, p.1, c.2. SPRATT, Dr. A. C. Roanoke 74 yrs. Old Page 267 Oct. 2, 1904 DMN Oct. 4, 1904, p.4 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SPROUSS, Mrs. J. A. P. Jan. 5, 1900 MORTUARY. SPROUSS-Denton, Tex., Jan. 5. -Mrs. J. A. P. Sprouss died here this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 6, 1900, p.8. SPRUCE, J. C. Parker co. Oxford Springs Feb/March of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. A highly respected young man by the name of J. C. Spruce, a nephew of A. J. Bailey, died at Mr. Nelson's on Walnut creek in Parker county last Sunday with the meningitis that he had taken at Ft. Worth a few days previous. He was buried at Oxford Springs. -Paradise Messenger, March 18, 1881, p.3, c.2. SPRUILL, Dr. D. S. J. Pilot Point SPRUILL, S. J. Pilot Point SPURNELL, Mrs. A. G. Farmersville STAFFORD, child of Mrs. Nassir Gribble Springs STAFFORD, Mrs. Nassir Gribble Springs STAGNER, J. B. near Roanoke Masonic Gribble Springs STALLINGS, George Jackson STALLINGS, Mrs. Henry Jackson school house July 11, 1886 DMN July 13, 1886, p.2 June 3, 1908 DRC June 3, 1908, p.7, c.2 March 4, 1908 DCN March 5, 1908, p.6, c.4 infant May 13, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.5, c.4 * Sept. 23, 1870 May 10, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.5, c.4 * Oct. 11, 1899 DMN Oct. 14, 1899, p.3 DMN Oct. 20, 1899, p.5 Feb. 14, 1908 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.6, c.4 18 yrs. Old June 19, 1894 DIED-Mrs. Henry Stallings, living on Hickory creek, four miles from town, died of consumption Tuesday night. The remains were buried at Jackson's school house Wednesday at 5 p.m. Deceased leaves a husband and five children. -Denton County News, June 21, 1894, p.1, c.1. STALLINGS, J. W. Dallas STANDIFER, Dr. se of Paradise Lewisville 30 yrs. Old Dec. 2, 1900 DMN Dec. 3, 1900, p.8 Aug. 1, 1881 LOCAL NEWS. We understand that Dr. Standifer, one of the oldest settlers of Northwest Texas died on last Monday. He lived about 8 miles south east of here, and was universally respected by all who knew him. -Paradise Messenger, Aug. 5, 1881, p.3, c.2. STANLEY, Homer Pilot Point Aug. 7, 1908 Page 268 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.5, c.3 NAME STANLEY, John Bowden LOCATION Argyle CEMETERY Argyle BIRTH DATE Feb. 24, 1827 STANTON, child (1) of Mr. & Mrs. DATE OF DEATH Feb. 21, 1905 CITATION DCN Feb. 24, 1905, p.1, c.3 in 1883 Mrs. Shanker died at about 1 o'clock on Wednesday, another victim to the measles, her sister, Mrs. Vance, having died some days before. Mr. Stanton, and his wife who is still another sister to Mrs. Vance, have lost all their little ones, four in number. These families have indeed been severely visited by the ruthless hand of death. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.5, c.3. STANTON, child (2) of Mr. & Mrs. in 1883 see Stanton, child (1) STANTON, child (3) of Mr. & Mrs. see Stanton, child (1) in 1883 STANTON, child (4) of Mr. & Mrs. see Stanton, child (1) in 1883 STAPLES, Capt. J. M. Denton 70 yrs. Old June 4, 1892 DEATH. Captain J. M. Staples, aged 75 years and 3 months, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Graham on North Locust street in Denton, last Saturday morning at ten o'clock of heart failure. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, Sunday last, at 4 p.m. -Denton County News, June 8, 1892, p.2, c.4 STAPLES, Mrs. W. H. Denton 68 yrs. Old May 27, 1902 STAPP, Maude Justin 17 yrs. Old in 1905 R&C Nov. 13, 1905, p.3, c.4 * STARLING, William Linden Lewisville Feb. 27, 1904 DCN March 10, 1904, p.1, c.3 Flower Mound Oct. 20, 1881 DMN May 28, 1902, p.7 Lewisville, March 1. -Mr. Starling, who has been attending the Normal at Denton, is very sick with pneumonia at his home west of here. His father died Saturday and was buried Sunday afternoon at Flower Mound cemetery in the presence of one of the largest crowds ever seen there. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.5, c.4. STARR, Hiram STARR, W. C. 84 yrs. Old Page 269 April of 1902 Feb. 1, 1888 DMN May 4, 1902, p.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Weatherford, Feb. 1. -After several weeks of severe illness, Mr. W. C. Starr, who has for some time been engaged in the saddlery business in Decatur, Texas, and a brother of Messrs. A. F. and L. F. Starr of this city, died at the residence of Mr. L. F. in this city, at 9 o'clock this morning. His funeral will take place here to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The deceased was a very bright young business man, and his death is a great loss to this community. The entire city deeply sympathizes with the bereft family in the sad taking off of this member of their family. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 7, 1888, p.3, c.5. STATLER, Annie (Mrs. J. B.) Aubrey Pilot Point June 9, 1894 FROM AUBREY. DEATH OF AN ESTEEMED LADY. Aubrey, Texas, June 12, 1894. -Mrs. J. B. Statler, after an illness of three weeks, died of typhoid fever on the 9th inst. at 7: 30 p.m. The remains were interred in the Pilot Point cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Eld. J. D. Ballard. In the death of Mrs. Annie Statler our community has lost a noble woman, the church an exemplary woman, the church an exemplary christian and her family a devoted wife and mother. She leaves a husband and three grown children, yet feeling their need of her aid and advice in all things whatsoever they undertook to do. May they receive comfort from the Divine Author of our joys and sorrows and ever strive to emulate the worthy example of her whom to know was to love. Mrs. Pope, sister of Mrs. Statler, who visited her during her illness left this morning for her home at England, Texas. Eld. S. J. Anderson, of Greenville; Tom Anderson, of Valley View, and Jason Anderson, of Clarksville, attended the funeral obsequies of their sister, Mrs. Statler. -Denton County News, June 14, 1894, p.1, c.2. STATZER, Marcus Denton May 14, 1899 SUDDEN DEATH. Marcus Statzer Expires on a Texas and Pacific Train. Denotn, Tex., May 14. - Marcus Statzer, who had the appearance of a consumptive, died on Texas and Pacific passenger train No. 32 between this place and Argyle this morning. His death was sudden. Statzer was unaccompanied by any one and his identity was not known until developed at the inquest held by Esquire Hopkins this afternoon. The body war turned over to a local undertaker, who will hold it until some of the dead man's relatives, who have been notified by wire, can be heard from. The deceased, his ticket showed, was traveling from Amarillo to Bonham. Papers were found on him at the inquest which gave the address of relatives at Trenton and Ely, Tex. -Dallas Morning News, May 15, 1899, p.2. STEGALL, Otho Denton IOOF 1 yr. Old March 18, 1904 "Little Otho Stegall, the one-year-old daughter of Mrs. Otho Stegall, died Friday morning at the residence of W. R. Stegall on Bolivar street. The internment was held at the Odd Fellows cemetery Friday afternoon, attended by a large number of relatives and friends." -Denton County News, March 24, 1904, p.7, c.2. STEPHENS, Lee Feb. of 1884 LEE STEPHENS, a youth and the sonof Galley Stephens, of Garrett's creek, died a few days since; Lee, once a student of ours, was a good boy and will be sadly missed by his youthful companions. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.3, c.2 Page 270 NAME STEPHENS, Mrs. John LOCATION near Bolivar CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Mar. 5, 1902 CITATION DMN Mar. 10, 1902, p.6 STEPHENSON, J. H. 78 yrs old Jan/Feb of 1904 News has been received of the death of J. H. Stephenson, an aged and highly respected farmer of the Mountain Peak County, Ellis County. He was seventy-eight years old and had been in ill health several months. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.1. STEPP, Sarah June of 1884 Mrs. Sarah Stepp, the wife of George L. Stepp, of this vicinity, died on Friday night of last week. -Alvord Messenger, June 27, 1884, p.3, c.1. STEWART, Dr. Thomas STIFF, Mrs. Eva L. Decatur 77 yrs. Old Bolivar June/July 1899 DMN July 5, 1899, p.5 Aug. 16, 1894 Mrs. Eva L. Stiff. Denton, Tex., Feb. 2. -Mrs. Eva L. Stiff, wife of Houston Stiff, died. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 5, 1894, p.5. STIMSON (Stinson?), Eliza (Mrs. S. H.) Bolivar Aug. 16, 1894 Bolivar, TX-Aug.20- "Death has once more cast a gloom over our little city. Mrs. Eliza Stinson, wife of S. H. Stimson, died of consumption Thursday, August 16. In the death of Mrs. Stinson, Bolivar lost one of its time-honored ladies and the whole community mourns her loss." -Denton County News, Feb. 5, 1894, p.5, c.3. STONE, Allie May Denton IOOF 4 months Aug. 21, 1894 "An Infant's Death" "Allie May, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stone, aged 4 months and 17 days, died Tuesday night. It was interred in the Odd Fellow's cemetery at 4 p.m. yesterday. The funeral services were conducted at the home of Rev. Pierce." -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1894, p.1, c.1. STOUDY, Mrs. March of 1881 LOCAL NEWS. -A daughter of Rev. J. H. Miller, the wife of Mr. Stoudy who lives near Springtown died this week. -Paradise Messenger, April 1, 1881, p.3, c.2. STOVER, child of Mr. & Mrs. Will Bridges infant Feb. 22, 1897 An infant child of Will Stover and wife died Feb. 22 and was buried at Bridges' graveyard. -Denton County News, March 4, 1897, p.5, c.2. STOVER, Rev. J. M. near Corinth Aug. 24, 1894 Rev. J. M. Stover, a Free-Will Baptist minister, died at his home near Corinth Friday afternoon. -Denton County News, Aug. 30, 1894, p.4, c.2 Page 271 NAME STOVER, J. S. LOCATION e of Denton CEMETERY Bridges BIRTH DATE 48 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH CITATION Mr. J. S. Stover, a respected citizen living east of town died on Friday of last week at the home of Mr. Frank Stinchcomb. He had been sick only a week with pneumonia. His remains were interred at Bridges cemetery in the prescence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. He was 48 years of age and a single man. -Denton County News, May 6, 1904, p.1, c.4 STRADLING, W. H. Stony 76 yrs. Old Oct. 29, 1903 W. H. Stradling, aged 76, died at Stony, Thursday, October 29. Mr. Stradling was an old resident of Bolivar and later, of Stony. Two sons and one daughter survive him. -Denton County News, Nov. 5, 1903, p.3, c.2. STRANGE, J. B. July 13, 1884 A bloody tragedy occurred at about 1 o'clock on the morning of July 13th. At that hour two pistol shots rang out on the still air, followed by three more. A few straggling people out on the streets and several patrolmen hastened to the house whence the sounds came, and were shown by the thoroughly aroused and bewildered inmates, to a room in the third story. The door was locked on the inside, but yielded to the heavy pressure of several men, and the eye beheld under the brightly beaming gas, two dead bodies lying side by side, and two feet apart. In the privacy of their room, W. H. Beal, mailing clerk for Sanger Bros., and J. B. Strange, book-keeper for Mitchell & Scruggs, had engaged in a hot dispute, then a scuffle, destructive to tables, chairs, bed clothes and other articles in the room occuppied by them, and then died each from a pistol shot in the region of the heart. Two pistols of 38-callibre lay by the bodies, showing that each man had a weapon. Beal lay naked, save his drawers, in a pool of blood, and Strange divestedof coat and shoes, presented an equally ghastly sight. Both were promising young men under 30 years of age, holding responsible positions in business, and were devoted friends for four years, most of that time roommates. Both were Viriginians. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 8, 1884, p.3, c.4. STREET, Ethel Denton Dec. 26, 1904 R&C Dec. 27, 1904, p.1, c.4 * ETHER STREET SHOT AND KILLED AT 7:30 LAST NIGHT IN LIPSCOMB BLOCK. Ether Street, a well known young man of this city, was shot and killed at the old "Frosty joine" corner in the Lipscomb block on South Elm street at 7:30 o'clock last night, and Houston Hold, eldest son of J. F. Holt, is alleged to have fired the three or four shots that ended his life... -Denton County News, Dec. 21, 1904, p.1, c.3. STREET, son of Mr. Argyle Shiloh in 1904 The corpse of Mr. Street's little son arrived here Wednesday afternoon and was taken to Shiloh cemetery for interment. -Denton County News, July 5, 1904, p.1, c.1. STREET, W. H. Denton IOOF 71 yrs. Old Page 272 June 19, 1904 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION ANOTHER AGED VETERAN PASSES OVER THE RIVER. W. H. Street Died at His Home on South Elm Street Sunday. -W. H. Street, an old resident of Denton and Denton County and an ex-Confederate soldier, died at his home on South Elm street this city, Sunday afternoon at 2:10 after an illness lasting for several months. Deceased was 71 years, 10 months, and 9 days old at the time of his death and leaves a wife and children. There is also a brother and a sister surviving him, the latter being Mrs. Boone, who until recently resided in Denton, but whose home is now in the Indian Territory, and who was unable to arrive in Denton before his death occurred. A touching story connected with the last illness of this aged veteran was that during his last illness he was closely attended by a comrade whom he carried wounded and bleeding off the battlefield on his own back and assisted him in the brush to prevent his capture from the enemy. Other comrades also stood by him in his last hours. The funeral services were held at the residence at the corner of South and Davenport streets yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. T. H. Morris, pastor of the M. E. Church South, in charge. The interment followed thereafter at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, June 21, 1904, p.1, c.3. STRINGER, Cora Margurite Denton City 16 months June 22, 1892 DIED -In Denton last Wednesday of dysentery, Cora Margurite, one of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stringer's 16 months-old twin infants. It was buried the next day at the City cemetery. -Denton County News, June 29, 1892, p.3, c.2. STRINGER, Mrs. J. E. Denton City Oct. 24, 1896 Mrs. Stringer, wife of Mrs. J. E. Stringer, of this city, died at her home Saturday night after a continued illness. The remains were interred at the city cemetery at 3 p.m. Sunday, S. H. Smith conducting the services. A husband and five children survive deceased, and they have the sympathy of the community in the loss they have sustained of a lovable and indulgent wife and mother, and she will be missed by all acquaintances as she was an excellent lady in every respect. -Denton County News, Oct. 29, 1896, p.8, c.3. STRONG, Clinton Quanah July 22, 1896 Mr. B. H. Deavenport went to Quanah last week in response to information that his nephew, Clinton Strong, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Strong, formerly of this city, was quite ill. Clinton died on Wednesday and Mr. Deavenport remained for the funeral. The Denton friends of family extend sympathy. Denton County News, July 30, 1896, p.8, c.2. STROTHERS, A. K. Dallas Feb. 19, 1881 A wealthy cattle-man by the name of A. R. Strothers was found dead near the T&P depot in Dallas, on the night of the 19th inst., supposed to have been murdered. He has a racnh near Belle Plain, in Callahan county, but resided in Ennis. Latest: It is ascertained that he committed suicide. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 25, 1881, p.3, c.4. STROUD, Mr. L. L. Denton IOOF 73? Years Page 273 Sept. 20, 1892 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED - at 3:30 o'clock last Tuesday afternoon at his residence in West Denton, Mr. L. L. Stroud, aged 73? Years and six months. Mr. Stroud has resided in Denton county for twenty-seven years and was well and favorably known all over the county as "Grandfather" Stroud. His occupation was that of a farmer for a number of years, but had recently moved to town, being too old to follow his occupation. His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Denton County News, Sept. 22, 1892, p.3, c.7. MORTUARY. L. L. Stroud. DENTON, Tex., Sept. 21. -L. L. Stroud, a resident of Denton county for over thirty years, died yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 22, 1892, p.2. STROUD, Mrs. Permelia Denton 86 yrs. Old STROUD, Samantha Mar. 13, 1899 DMN Mar. 17, 1899, p.6 April of 1884 The funeral of Samantha Stroud, the wife of W. D. Stroud, was preached at Annis Chapel in the south part of the county last Sunday by Eld. Wm. Price. -Alvord Messenger, May 2, 1884, p.3, c.1. STROUD, Tom Denton 48 years old May 7, 1899 "Mr. J. S. Stover, a respected citizen living east of town died on Friday of last week at the home of Mr. Frank Stinchcomb. He had been sick only a week with pneumnia. His remains were interred at Bridges cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. He was 48 years of age and a single man." -Dallas Morning News, May 9, 1899, p.2. STUMP, inf. Dau. of Mr. and Mrs. James Denton Nov. 4, 1894 DIED-The two weeks-old babe of Mr. and Mrs. James Stump in South Denton at 6 o'clock Sunday morning. The remains were interred in the City cemetery at 5 p.m. -Denton County News, Nov. 8, 1894, p.4, c.3. SUBLETT, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. E. G. ON THE SICK LIST. -The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sublett is convalescent from an attack of fever. -Denton County News, Nov. 8, 1894, p.8, c.2. SUBLETT, I. P. Lewisville elderly Nov. 30, 1899 DMN Dec. 2, 1899, p.8 SUDDLESTON, Mrs. Wylie see Huddleston, Mrs. Wylie Aubrey 19 yrs. Old August 1898 DMN Aug. 23, 1898, p.2 SULLIVAN, Bart Sanger June of 1896 "Mr. Bart Sullivan, an old and respected citizen of this county, died at his home in Sanger one night last week of apoplexy." p.8, c.2. Page 274 -Denton County News, July 2, 1896, NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SULLIVAN, C. W. Denton Tyson 32 yrs. Old Jan. 4, 1896 C. W. Sullivan, aged 32 years, died in Denton Saturday at 4:30 p.m. from pneumonia. He was buried at Tyson graveyard in Cooke county Sunday. He leaves a wife and five children. Deceased moved to Denton from the Territory during last month and is a son of 'Squire J. H. Sullivan, of Sanger, and a brother of J. R. Sullivan, or Denton. -Denton County News, Jan. 9, 1896, p.4, c.4. SULLIVAN, Emeline May 2, 1901 DCN May 23, 1901, p.8, c.6 * SULLIVAN, Lawrence Galveston March of 1897 NEWS BRIEFED. -A boy named Lawrence Sullivan was drowned in the bay at Galveston Monday. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.1, c.1. SULLIVAN, Margaret (Mrs. C. C.) Denton Shiloh 56 yrs. Old May 26, 1901 DCR&C May 30, 1901, p.6, c.3* MORTUARY. MRS. C. C. SULLIVAN. -Margaret, wife of C. C. Sullivan, of this city died at the family residence east Sunday evening, the 26th inst., at 2:15 o'clock. She had been sick for about three weeks, and her death was caused primarily from inflammatory rheumatism. The interment was at Shiloh cemetery, six miles southeast of Denton, Monday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. McKelvy. Mrs. Sullivan was 56 years and two months old. She was born in Marion county, Alabama, but principally raised in Mississippi. She was married to Mr. Sullivan February 15th, 1866, and this union three children survive, Mrs. F. B. Pierce and Ben Sullivan of this city, and Mrs. B. F. Wilkerson, of Antlers, I. T. Mrs. Sullivan was a kind and loving woman, and one who had many friends in Denton and Denton county. The NEWS extends sympathy to the bereaved ones. -The Denton County News, May 30, 1901, p.1, c.4 *** SULLIVAN, Mary Sanger Dec. 17, 1868 "Mrs. Mary Sullivan Died At Sanger", "Account of Death of Estimable Lady From Courier", >Mrs. Mary Sullivan, wife of J. J. Sullivan, died at the family residence in East Sanger last night at 11:45 from an abscess of the lungs after an illness of about ten days. >Mrs. Sullivan was born in Virginia, December 17, 1868. All of her fathers family have passed away except two sisters and a brother. Deceased leaves five children by her first husband and two by her last husband. >The funeral took place from the family residence this morning at half past ten followed by interment at the Fairview or Tyson cemetery, about 7 miles northeast of Sanger. >Bro. C.F. Boyd conducted the funeral services. >To loss, the wife and mother is the greatest loss that can befall a home, and in their hour of extreme distress the many warm friends of the family will join us in extending to the husband, children, and relatives of deceased the sincere sympathy. - Courier. -Denton County News, Aug. 23, 1904, p.8, c.6 SULLIVAN, Maude Allen (Mrs. Ben F.) Texico, NM SULLIVAN, MRS. J. J. Denton SUMMERS, George P. Dallas Sanger Aubrey Page 275 April 22, 1908 DRC April 30, 1908, p.5, c.3 37 yrs. Old May of 1901 DMN 13, 1901, p.7 28 yrs. Old Oct. 11, 1900 DMN Oct. 12, 1900, p.10 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SUMMERVILLE, H. Y. IOOF Sept. 25, 1856 Feb. 1899 "Resolution of Respect" >To the officers and members of Cottonwood Lodge No.156 I.O.O.F. Your committee appointed to draft resolutions in memory of our deceased brother, H. Y. Summerville respectfully after the following. >We find that Brother Summerville was born in Missouri on 25 of September 1856, and came to Texas in 1864 to Denton county in 1880. >Married Mrs. Mollie Sublett December 9th, 1884, and was initiated into the I.O.O.F. by your lodge on the 30th of April 1895. >Departed this life on February , 1899. >Whereas it has pleased the Almighty Creator to remove from our earthly fellowship our beloved brother, be it: Resolved that we sincerely mourn his death, and that we extend our sympathy to his bereaved family. >May we ever be impressed by the lesson that the solemn admonition of his followed. >We witnessed that the advice of the skilled physician, the attention of kind neighbors and Brothers, the tears and affections of a devoted companion, could not stay the hand of the Death Angel. >Then let us be prepared to give up this life, for we know not the day, nor the hour we may be called upon to surrender it. >Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes, a copy sent to the bereaved family, and a copy be sent to the Denton County News for publication. J.B. Portman, I.M. Cox, M. T. Fortson, Committee. Approved by the action of Lodge, February 25th, 1899. -Denton County News, March 9, 1899, p.1, c.3. SURRA, Mrs. Chas. ca. 45 yrs. May 30, 1898 MORTUARY. SURRA-Denton, Tex., May 31. -Mrs. Chas. Surra, the wife of a farmer living eight miles south of town, died suddenly last night. She was about 45 years old. -Dallas Morning News, June 1, 1898, p.5. SUTHERLAND, Mrs. J. Roanoke Sept. 24, 1896 Roanoke Items "Mrs. J. Sutherland died of consumption at her home in Roanoke Saturday morning. She leaves a husband to mourn her loss. Mr. Sutherland has the sympathy of the entire community in this his hour of affliction and distress." -Denton County News, Oct. 1, 1896, p.7, c.1. SUTTON, Charles Elizabethtown Nov/Dec of 1892 *EARLY DAYS IN DENTON COUNTY+ December 26th, 1868 …We understand that Charles Sutton, of Elizabethtown, was mortally wounded in the head with a fence stake last week by Mr. Black. It is said the white mule was the cause of the difficulty, not politics. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.1, c.3. SUTTON, E. W. Krum SWAN, Pat w of Wichita Falls 45 yrs. Old Aug. 17, 1908 DRC Aug. 20, 1908, p.8, c.4 March 11, 1885 Wichita Falls, March 12. -A fearful accident occurred about 6 o'clock last evening, 9 miles west of here, in a cut of the extension of the Fort Worth & Denver railway, that caused the instant death of Dan Downey, Pat Swan and Tom McCoy. They were blasting rock in the cut and squibbed the hole, and, after waiting the usual time, began charging the blast. After they had used nearly three kegs of powder, Downey ordered the fourth, but as McMurray started with it, Downey called to him not to bring it, as they had enough, and instantly the explosion took place. Swan and McCoy were blown 250 feet in opposite directions, and Downey 200 feet. The heads of McCoy and Swan were blown off, and all were, very much disfigured. -Wise County Messenger, March 21, 1885, p.1, c.2. Page 276 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION SWEDEN, Joseph 10 or 12 yrs. Sept. of 1883 Joseph, a ten or twelve year old son of Mr. Sweden, who lives near here, died on last Tuesday morning. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 14, 1883, p.2, c.1 SWEDEN, Mrs. Jan. of 1884 LOCAL NEWS. -Mrs. Sweden the wife of one of our citizens died on last Saturday night. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 25, 1884, p.3, c.1. SWISHER, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Garza SWITZER, Mrs. S. J. Denton City infant May 25, 1908 55 yrs. Old Aug. 8, 1897 DRC June 4, 1908, p.5, c.3 Mrs. Switzer Dead. Mrs. S. J. Switzer died at her home in Southeast Denton at 1 a.m. Tuesday after a tedious illness of about two months. Mrs. Switzer, her husband and children came to Denton from Iowa City, Iowa, ten years ago. She was fifty years old and was the mother of eight children all of whom survive her, but two of whom, a married son and daughter, are now living in Iowa. Her daughter has arrived and her son is expected at any time. Her interment will be in the city cemetery this afternoon. -Denton County News, May 17, 1894, p.5, c.1 MORTUARY. SWITZER-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Aug. 9.-Mrs. S. J. Switzer died here Saturday, aged 55 years. The interment took place at Old Alton yesterday. - TABOR, Elizabeth (Mrs. S. B.) Denton IOOF 61 yrs. Old March 9, 1903 DCN March 12, 1903, p.1,c.5 DCN March 19, 1903, p.1, c.5 DMN March 15, 1903, p.4 MORTUARY. Tabor. >Mrs. Elizabeth Tabor, aged 61 years four months and two days, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Rayzor, last Monday night at 8 o'clock. The remains were interred Tuesday afternoon in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Her husband, S. B. Tabor, three sons and two daughters survive her. Mrs. Tabor was a true Christian, a kind mother and a devoted wife, and while the loss to those whom she left is great, her reward above will be such as awaits those who faithfully bear their cross and follow His teachings. The News extends sympathy to the bereaved ones. Denton County News. TABOR, Mrs. George R. Austin April 30, 1904 Page 277 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Sad Death of Mrs. Tabor. Wife of State Health Officer Tabor Died Last Saturday In City of Austin. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams. Deceased was Raised in this City and Had Many Dear Friends Here. Leaves Two Children. >A message which was received in Denton Saturday afternoon announced to the relativess and friends residing in Denton the death of Mrs. George R. Tabor, wife of State Health Officer Tabor, of Austin. The news came as a shock, as Mrs. Tabor had been ill only a few days and her condition had not been considered very serious until Friday afternoon when in response to information received here her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Williams, left to attend her bedside. > The deceased was a daughter of one of the oldest families in Denton county, and was reared in the town of Denton, where here lovely character and charming personality had won for her a host of friends, who are deeply grieved to hear of her death. She was married to Dr. Tabor in 1892 and two children are left besides the devoted husband and father to mourn her untimely loss. >W. W. and Bula Williams, brothers, and Mrs. W. C. Edwards, a sister, left Saturday to be present at the funeral which will be held in the state capital. - Denton County News, May 3, 1904, p.8, c.3. Talbot, Perry T. (Dr.) Marville, MO TALIAFERRO, son of Mr. & Mrs. L. I. near Denton TALIAFERRO, child of Mr. & Mrs. W. A. City Sat. night Paradise Messenger, Oct. 8, 1880, p.4, c.2 child Feb. 16, 1906 R&C Feb. 17, 1906, p.1, c.6 * infant Aug. 8, 1894 DIED - The infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taliafero, yesterday morning. It was buried in the city cemetery in the afternoon. Denton County News, Aug. 9, 1894, p.5, c.2. TALLY, Laura (*) Dallas TANNAHILL, Jeff Denton Lewisville 28 yrs. Old March 8, 1897 DMN March 9, 1897, p.8 May 7, 1895 Jeff Tannahill, colored, died Tuesday of consumption. Jeff was one of Denton's most respected colored citizens. -Denton County News, May 9, 1895, p.4, c.4. TAYLOR, Ann E. "Annie" (Mrs. R. W.) Denton IOOF Oct. 22, 1896 DCN Oct. 29, 1896, p.5, c.4 DCN Nov. 12, 1896, p.5, c.3 TAYLOR, Belle see HARMONSON, PETER 10 yrs. Old May 5, 1895 TAYLOR, Ben F. 73 yrs. Old Oct. 5, 1908 DCN Oct. 8, 1908, p.1, c.1 80 yrs. Old Aug. of 1900 DMN Aug. 28, 1900, p.4 TAYLOR, Mrs. Catherine near Denton Page 278 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY TAYLOR, Gus Denton City BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Nov. 16, 1903 Mr. Gus Taylor died at his home near the brick yard Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock and was buried Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the city cemetery. He leaves a family who have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their loss. -Denton County News, Nov. 19, 1903, p.5, c.4. TAYLOR, Herbert City 6 months March 31, 1905 Death of Infant. Herbert, the infant child of Frank Taylor, died Friday morning. The funeral services and interment were held that afternoon at the city cemetery. The little child was about six months old. -Denton County News, April 4, 1905, p.1, c.5. TAYLOR, Joe Pilot Point 14 yrs old May of 1909 NECK WAS BROKEN. Boy at Pilot Point, Stumbles and Breaks His Neck. PILOT POINT, May 20. -Joe Taylor, 14 years old, son of W. R. Taylor, living three miles south of town, was instantly killed in a peculiar manner. He was squirrel hunting with some companions when their two dogs began fighting. Joe ran to separate them and in so doing stumbled, fell and broke his neck, causing instant death. -Record and Chronicle, May 27, 1909, p.3, c.5. TAYLOR, Lizzie Aubrey Aug. 13, 1892 LIZZIE TAYLOR. Young Lady Suicides. Miss Lizzie Taylor Dies From Morphine Poisoning-No Cause Known. >Miss Lizzie Taylor, the 20-year-old daughter of Mr. M. R. Taylor, a prominent citizen and prosperous farmer of this county, living two miles east of Aubrey, suicided at her father's home Saturday. >She went to Aubrey Thursday, and bought ten cents worth of morphine from the Powledge Drug Company, and returned home the same day, but did not take the deadly drug till late Friday evening. She lived until Saturday morning, but did and would not divulge why she wished to die. >Miss Lizzie had always been highly esteemed by all her acquaintances, and there is considerable mystery why she committed the rash act. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.4, c.3. TAYLOR, Miss Sallie, dau. of M. R. Pilot Point 25 yrs. Old Aug. 6, 1892 CHR Aug. 13, 1892, p.5, c.3 TAYLOR, Mrs. D. H. W. Greenville Oct. 25, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of the Marriages and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. Mrs. D. H. W. Taylor, Greenville, October 25. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 1, 1886, p.2. TAYLOR, Mrs. Susan Krum TAYLOR, Mrs. R. S. Denton 56 yrs. Old IOOF Sept. 21, 1908 Feb. 21, 1896 Page 279 DRC Sept. 24, 1908, p.1, c.3 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MRS. R. S. TAYLOR . After a continued illness, Mrs. Taylor, the estimable wife of Mr. R. S. Taylor, of this city, died at their home on Oak Street at o'clock last Friday morning. Besides other relatives and a host of friends Mrs. Taylor leaves a husband and little daughter, aged 10 years, to mourn her sad demise. Deceased was a consistent Christian, having been a member of the Baptist church for over twenty-six years. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church by Rev. J.B. Cole and J. T. Jenkins at 4 p.m. Friday and the interment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The NEWS extends sympathy to the bereaved in this, their great loss. - Denton County News, Feb. 27, 1896, p.4, c.3. TAYLOR, Mrs. William G. TAYLOR, Sam J. Jan. 20, 1878 Austin 53 yrs. Old DRC June 11, 1908, p.1, c.4 Oct. 26, 1895 DIED-Mr. Sam J. Taylor, father of Mrs. J. S. Terry, of this city, died at the Soldiers' Home in Austin last Saturday of paralysis. He was formerly a citizen of Denton, moving to Austin about five years ago. Mr. Taylor was about 53 years old and had many friends in Denton. -Denton County News, Oct. 31, 1895, p.8, c.2. TAYLOR, Virgil Big Elm creek Taylor June of 1899 DROWNED IN BIG ELM. Sudden Disappearance of Virgil Taylor Is Explained. Denton, Tex., June 20. -Last Saturday night Virgil Taylor, a young man, 20 years old, living with his brother-in-law, James Tidmore, on the other side of Big Elm creek, disappeared. He had been to Denton Saturday afternoon and after attending to whatever business he had, started home in company with one of two other young men from the neighborhood in which he lived. On this side of the creek the other boys separated from Taylor and he continued his way. That was the last seen of him until yesterday afternoon when a party that had organized to look for him found his dead body, bloated and swollen, in Big Elm creek, 300 yards below where he had intended to cross. The body was in a fearful state decomposition had set in and his features were blackened and swollen beyond all recognition. The clothes were soggy and mud-stained and the cuticle had begun to peel off his hands. The body was found entangled in a pile of drift at the water's edge. The upper part from the breastts upward was exposed; the lower part, held by a riding spur caught in the brush, was beneath the water. There is not supposed to have been any fould play or violence connected with the finding of the body. In fact, it is now recalled that before separating from his companions he was repeatedly warned of the high water-Big Elm at the time was half bank-full - and it was suggested that he go home by way of the McKinney road bride, three miles below. He persisted in making the attempt, however, and yesterday at the Castleberry crossing the tracks of his horse where he had been forced into the raging flood were found. From this it is supposed that the beast, plunging into water twelve of fifteen feet deep, which was going like a millrace, was unable to cope with the swift current and gave up the current. On his failure to come home Taylor's friend's and relatives organized the searching party Sunday morning and found the body as above stated at about 6:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The news of the find reached here at 2 o'clock this morning and, as it was at first reported that it was another case of murder, at 6:30 Sheriff Hawkins, Marshal Fry and the News representative left for the scene, eight or ten miles east of town. When they arrived the body was lying in the water covered with a sheet, but it was afterward taken out and put in a box, the coffin being too small. In the pockets were found a small sum of money and and several other small articles. 'Squire Hopkins and others arrived later. The justice held an inquest over the body, returning a verdict of accidental drowning. Taylor was a prominent young fellow in his neighborhood and was in fairly good circumstances. The funeral was to have taken place this afternoon at the Taylor cemetery, near Lloyd. -Dallas Morning News, June 21, 1899 Page 280 NAME LOCATION TAYLOR, W. P. Little Elm CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION 60 yrs. Old LITTLE ELM ITEMS. MAY 25. -We are sorry to note that W. P. Taylor is thought to be dangerously sick. -Denton County News, May 27, 1897, p.5, c.2. Mr. W. P. Taylor, a merchant and prominent citizen of Little Elm, died at his home Tuesday after a continued illness. He was about sixty years of age, and had been a citizen of Denton county for a number of years. -Denton County News, June 3, 1897, p.5, c.4 "...The same committee was appointed to draft resolutions in regard to the death of their comrade, W. P. Taylor, who died at Little Elm recently. " -Denton Monitor, June 12, 1897, p.5, c.6 TAYLOR, William Hayes Krum 2 yrs. Old TEAGUE, Sallie Baker (Mrs. M. B.) TEASTER, child of Mr. & Mrs. John Garza TEMPLE, Mrs. J. J. Lewisville infant Sept. 25, 1908 DRC Oct. 1, 1908, p.3, c.5 Oct. 3, 1908 DCN Oct. 8, 1908, p.1,c.7 Jan. of 1903 DCR Jan. 15, 1903, p.3, c.5 * March 18, 1903 DMN March 20, 1903, p.3 TEMPLETON, Miss near Tanglewood Jan. of 1897 BURNED TO DEATH. TANGLEWOOD, Tex., Jan. 7. -Miss Templeton, while burning brush on her father's farm, two miles from here, was burned to death by here clothing catching fire yesterday. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.2, c.2. TENNIS, Mrs. J. H. Denton TENNIS, Rufus Denton June 13, 1902 City 21 yrs. Old DMN June 16, 1902, p.2 DCR&C June 19, 1902, p.1, c.5* June 16, 1894 DIED - at the home of his parents on Sycamore street Saturday night, Rufus Tennis. Deceased was twenty-one years old and died of consumption. The remains were buried in the city cemetery Sunday. -Denton County News, June 21, 1894, p.8, c.2. TENNIS, Mrs. S. C. Denton City 75 yrs. Old June 26, 1902 Mrs. S. C. Tennis, aged seventy-five years, wife of J. H. Tennis, died at her home on McKinney street Thursday and was buried Friday at the City cemetery. Brights disease, from which deceased had been suffering several months, was the cause of death. -Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3. TERRELL, Sallie (Mrs. J. P.) Decatur Page 281 Dec. 20, 1898 DMN Dec. 21, 1898, p.8 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY TERRILL, Anne E. Denton IOOF BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Oct. 22, 1896 "An Estimable Lady at Rest" After a continued illness Mrs. Ann E. Terrill, wife of Mr. R. W. Terrill of this city, peacefully passed away at the family home on Oak street in this city at 10 o'clock last Thursday evening. The funeral services were held at the home and conducted by Rev. J. B. Cole, at the conclusion of which the remains, followed by a large concourse of friends, were conveyed to the Odd Fellows' cemetery and interred. Mrs. Terrill through life was ever the same kind neighbor and friend, indulgent wife, and mother and devout Christian. She had long been connected with the Baptist Church and was one of its most faithful member. By her death her husband and six children who survive her sustain an irreparable loss, but they have the assurance that their loss is her eternal gain, and that the rich rewards which the Divine One has promised those faithful to him were awaiting her. -Denton County News, Oct. 29, 1896, p.5, c.4. A flower on the grave of Mrs. Annie Terrill, deceased Oct. 22, 1896 *poem follows+ … from Maggie L. Chapman. -Denton County News, Nov. 12, 1896, p.5, c.3. TERRILL, R. W. Artesia, NM TERRY, Barney TERRY, Mrs. IOOF IOOF 10 yrs. old near Paradise June 8, 1908 DRC June 11, 1908, p.1, c.7 DRC June 18, 1908, p.3, c.2 June 28, 1908 DRC July 2, 1908, p.3, c.4 Sept. 9, 1881 An aged lady, Mrs. Terry, living some four or five miles south east of here died on last Friday evening. She was the mother-in-law of our neighbor, N. M. Crenshaw, with whom many of our readers are acquainted. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.3, c.2. TERRY, Mrs. Clabern Feb. 4, 1883 Mrs. Terry, the wife of Clabern Terry, Post-master at Paradise, died last Saturday night. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 9, 1883, p.5, c.2. TERRY, W. M. IOOF DEATH OF W. M. TERRY OCCURRED TUESDAY. A Former Business Man THATCHER, Charles 63 yrs. Old Aiken Nov. 22, 1904 DCN Nov. 25, 1904, p.1, c.4 Oct. 12, 1893 DIED. Mr. Charles Thatcher, living south of town on Denton creek, died Monday of last week of heart disease. Deceased was buried at the Aikens graveyard, Rev. William Wilson conducting the last sad rites. The wife and remaining child have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, Oct. 12, 1893, p.3, c.2. THATCHER, Mrs. L. A. near Stony Page 282 75 yrs. Old January of 1901 DMN Jan. 19, 1901, p.7 NAME LOCATION THATCHER, W. C. Sanger CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION April 4, 1904 W. C. Thatcher, a well-known citizen of Sanger, died Monday at 3 o'clock p.m., and was buried today by Woodmen of the World, Valley View and other delegations. The funeral was one of the largest attended of any that ever occurred in Sanger. -Denton County News, April 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. THEDFORD, Mr. Corinth Shiloh 66 yrs. Old Aug. 5, 1892 DIED-At his home, near Corinth, Friday morning, the 5th inst., old Mr. Thedford, aged 66 years. He was buried at Shiloh Sunday morning. His funeral was preaching by Rev. Hawk. -Denton County News, Aug. 11, 1892, p.3, c.3. THETFORD, J. B. Corinth Shiloh Aug. 1892 J. B. Thetford Dead. Mr. J. B. Thetford, for a long time postmaster and storekeeper at Corinth, seven miles east of Denton, died of consumption last week. He was buried at the Shiloh graveyard. -The Chronicle, Aug. 13, 1892, p.5, c.2 THOMAS, Boss Mingo Green Valley Jan/Feb. 1908 NEWS FROM GREEN VALLEY, Feb. 4. -Boss Thomas who died at Mingo last week was buried at Green Valley. -Record & Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.7. THOMAS, child of Mr. & Mrs. R. S. 2 yrs. Old Feb. 24, 1905 Died of Scarlet Fever. -The two-year-old child of Mr. R. S. Thomas, in the eastern part of the county died of scarlet fever last Friday after having been ill for some time. The funeral took place Saturday. -Denton County News, Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.7. THOMAS, Ira Little Elm 40 years old Jan. 24, 1900 MORTUARY. THOMAS -Denton, Tex., Jan. 24. - Ira Thomas, an old settler and a prominent citizen of the eastern part of the county died this morning at his home near Little Elm of consumption, aged about 40 years. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 26, 1900, p.2. THOMAS, J. W. Tioga in Pilot Point 47 yrs. old July 12, 1903 MORTUARY. Thomas. Dr. J. W. Thomas of Tioga died at that place last Sunday evening at 6:00 o'clock and was buried Monday in the cemetery at Pilot Point. Dr. Thomas was a member of the Christian church and was loved by all who knew him. He was forty-seven years of age and leaves a wife and five children, besides a host of friends to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, July 16, 1903, p.1, c.5. THOMAS, Jasper N. Green Valley Page 283 31 yrs. Old May 19, 1904 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Death of J. N. Thomas. J. N. Thomas died at his home northeast of Denton last Thursday after an illness of some time of typhoid fever. Deceased was thirty-one years of age and lived on the Crouch place. The interment took place at Green Valley. -Denton County News 5-24-1904, p.1, c.3. JASPER THOMAS. Account of the Death of a Well-Known Young Man Who Died Last Week-He Had Many Friends >Jasper Thomas, a young man about 30 years of age died at the home of Mr. Crouch, about 6 miles north of Denton. Mr. Thomas has lived in that section of the county for some time. He left the state of Arkansas about fifteen years ago and has been separated from all of his relatives. He stated before his death that his mother died when he was quite a small boy. He also stated that he had a half brother in Hunt county, some seven or eight years ago but knows nothing of his present whereabouts. Mr. Thomas was well known and had gained the love and friendship of the entire community, though he died without the sympathy of father, mother, brother or sister. However, he had the undivided sympathy of many friends who stood by him till the last and they intend to create a monument over his grave at their own expense. The remains were interred at Green Valley cemetery, about ten miles of Denton. A FRIEND. -Denton County News, 5-27-1904, p.1, c.4. THOMAS, Lela Pilot Point 5 yrs. old Jan. of 1895 DIED-Lela, the little daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R. T. Thomas, died this morning after an illness of only a few days. She was about five years old. Whether the disease was diptheria, as reported, or not, we are at this writing unable to state. It is supposed to be membranous croup. -Denton County News, Jan. 17, 1895, p.2, c.4. THOMAS, son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lewisville child Sept. 25, 1900 Lewisville News, Sept. 26. -The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas died Tuesday afternoon with scarlet fever. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.5, c.3 THOMAS, W. I. Little Elm Little Elm Jan. 24, 1900 Resolutions of Respect. Little Elm, Tex., Feb. 1st. 1900. "To the officers and members of Phoenix Lodge, No. 359, I.O.O.F.: >Whereas, it has pleased the Grand Master of the universe to remove from our midst our most worthy and beloved brother W. I. Thomas, who was taken from among us on the 24th day of January, 1900 and, >Whereas, in the death of Brother W. I. Thomas this lodge has sustained an effective loss, the church a devoted member and the country a faithful and loyal citizen and his family a true father and husband therefore, >Be it resolved that while we must submit to the will of Him who doeth all things well that we will bury the imperfections of our departed brother beneath the clods that rest upon his bosom, and, >Resolved that we will cherish a lively recolection of the noble and generous character of our worthy brother who was consigned to his last resting place at Little Elm, Texas, and, >Resolved that we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days and that a copy of these resolutions be given the DENTON COUNTY NEWS and Texas Odd Fellows for publication and a copy be furnished the family of deceased brother and a copy be spread on these minutes and a page be left blank in the record book of this lodge in memory of our deceased brother. Fraternally yours. I.S. ROGERS, PIKE MARTIN, T. J. BRASHERS. Committee." -Denton County News, Feb. 15, 1900, p.8, c.4. THOMASON, Will Justin May 21, 1899 Page 284 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A SAD SUICIDE. Will Thomason, a Prominent Young Farmer, Shot Himself in the Temple. Justin, Texas, May 23. -Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. Will Thomason committed suicide by shooting himself in the right temple with a 38-calibre, Harrington & Richardson pistol. He had come to Justin that evening and bought some cartridges; and on his return home he stopped at the residence of Lee Smith a few minutes, and in conversation with Miss Cora Smith, he told her he would kill himself and displayed his pistol. He was found in the road this morning about half way between Mr. Smith's and his home. An inquest being held and several witnesses examined, it was agreed that deceased came to his death by shooting himself. The news of young Thomason's sad death reached here Tuesday. The deceased was a well known citizen of the community in which he lived and was a member of a prominent family. No known cause has been assigned to account for his rash act, but he is said to have been despondent for several days and on Sunday last he remarked to his mother that he was tired of living. His body was found lying a a pasture one-fourth of a mile from the home of his mother, with whom he lived, by a a neighbor, John Steff, and the body was taken to his mother's home, where the inquest was held, the verdict being as given in the Justin dispatch above. The pistol with which death is supposed to have been produced was found lying four feet away from his body. Two empty shells in the cylinder were mute evidences as to whence death had come, although only one of the bullets has been found - the one in his brain. The death was a sad one and is a hard blowto his family. -Denton County Record, May 25, 1899, p.1, c.5. THOMPSON, dau. Of near Grapevine 3 yr old 1903 or 1904 The three-year-old daughter of Mr. Thompson, living near Grapevine, was so badly burned while playing around some burning stumps in the field, that she died in a few hours. A brother was badly burned trying to save her. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.2, c.1. THOMPSON, dau. Of Mr. Joseph se of Dallas Jan. of 1897 DEATH BY FIRE. DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 8. -The 5-year-old daughter of Mr. Joseph Thompson, residing on the Dowdy farm, four miles southeast of the city, was burned to death Thursday evening. The child was in the act of placing a few sticks of wood in the large open fire place when her dress became ignited. She was enveloped in flames before assistance reached her and died a few hours after enduring terrible agony. -Denton County News, Jan. 14, 1897, p.2, c.2. THOMPSON, Edward Dallas April 28, 1881 Edward Thompson was accidentally drowned in the Trinity at Dallas on the 28th of last month. -Paradise Messenger, May 6, 1881, p.2, c.2. THOMPSON, Ethel Feb. of 1904 Fell From a Horse and Was Killed. WACO: Ethel Thompson, while riding horseback in company with another young woman, was instantly killed Wednesday night. The fire wagon was moving rapidly to answer an alarm and the horse becoming unmanageable got in the way and was struck. In falling the young woman's head struck a rail on the Houston and Texas Central Railroad track, crushing her skull. She came here from North Texas four years ago. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1904, p.3, c.3. THOMPSON, F. M. Bald Knob Page 285 April 8, 1888 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Alvord Budget Locals. Died on last Sunday night, (the 1st inst.) Mr. F. M. Thompson. His remains were buried next at Bald Knob grave yard with Masonic honors. -Wise County Messenger, April 14, 1888, p.1, c.5. THOMPSON, Gentry THOMPSON, Mrs. Joseph May 2, 1907 Mingo DMN May 5, 1907, p.10 Feb. 17, 1903 Thompson. Mrs. Joseph Thompson died at her home near Mingo, Tuesday, Feb. 17th, after several days illness with pneumonia. -Denton County News, Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.3. THOMS, Boss Mingo Feb. of 1908 THURMAN, D. B. Lewisville Sept. of 1982 RCC Feb. 6, 1908, p.5, c.7 CORPSE DANGLING IN HIS STABLE. Lewisville, Sept. 9. -D. B. Thurman was found dead this morning hanging from a rafter in his barn. Deceased was a farmer, living south of town on the line of the Dallas and Wichita railroad. He leaves a family of three children. It is supposed that he took his own life. -Denton County News, Sept. 15, 1892, p.1, c.6. TIDWELL, Mr. S. S. (a lunatic) Denton 70 yrs. Old October 1890 DMN Oct. 5, 1890, p.12 TILGHAM, child of Mr. & Mrs. Feb.? Of 1881 Items from the Decatur Democrat of last week. -A little child of Mrs. And Mr. Tilgham died. -Paradise Messenger, Feb. 11, 1881, p.2, c.1. TILGHMAN, dau of Mr. & Mrs. May 24, 1884 Mr. and Mrs. Tilghman mourn the loss of one of their household, a swee little girl, who was laid away by sorrowing friends, in the silent city of the dead, on the 24th of May. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, sanctify this sad dispensation for the sore hearts of the sorrowing parents. [-Decatur Post.] -Alvord Messenger, June 13, 1884, p.2, c.3. TIPTON, L. D. Pilot Point TISCHLER, dau. Of Joe s of Tioga May 8, 1908 8 yrs. Old DRC May 14, 1908, p.7, c.1 May 16, 1895 LITTLE GIRL BURNED TO DEATH. TIOGA, Texas, May 17. -Yesterday while near the stove a little daughter of Joe Tischler, living two miles South of here was so horribly burned by her clothes taking fire that she died this morning in great agony. She was 8 years old. -May 23, 1895, p.2, c.5. Page 286 NAME LOCATION TOLAN, John near Roanoke TOMBERLIN, Mrs. Mary Pilot Point CEMETERY BIRTH DATE 63 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH CITATION Jan. of 1908 DMN Jan. 9, 1908, p.9 Sept. of 1898 DMN Sept. 19, 1898, p.3 TOMLIN, Gus June of 1896 A patient named Gus Tomlin died in the county hospital this week of brain trouble. -Denton County News, June 26, 1896, p.1, c.3. TOMPKINS, George W. Mallard TOMPKINS, Ida nw of Weatherford Pilot Point May 2, 1908 18 yrs. Old DRC May 14, 1908, p.7, c.1 Sept. of 1883 Weatherford, Sept. 11. -Miss Ida Tompkins, the eighteen-year-old daughter of old uncle Johnnie Tompkins, a farmer living eight miles northwest of Weatherford, took strychnine night before last through mistake, thinking she was taking quinine. When the mistake was discovered it was too late to save her and she died soon after. -Alvord Messenger, Sept. 14, 1883, p.2, c.4. TONY (no first /last name mentioned) Denton 75 yrs. Old March of 1904 TONY, Howard near Roanoke April of 1902 TOWNLEY, Richard Valley Mills June 24, 1903 DCN March 24, 1904, p.1, c.1 DMN April 9, 1902, p.2 AUBREY. -Mrs. D. B. Lanford received the sad news of the death of her father, Robert Townly, who died at Valley Mills, Texas, June 24th. -Denton County News, July 2, 1903, p.5, c.3 TRAVIS, Roy Lee Denton IOOF 11 months June 16, 1902 Roy Lee Travis, aged eleven months, infant son of J. H. Travis, died at the latter's home in South Denton Monday evening and was buried Tuesday at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Bowel trouble was the cause of death. -Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4, c.3. TRIGG, Miss San Marcos Aug of 1884 Miss Trigg, a lovely young daughter of Dr. Trigg, of San Marcos, lost her life last week at the hands of her brother, twelve years of age, who was playing with a loaded pistol. -Alvord Messenger, Aug. 15, 1884, p.2, c.4. TRIMBLE, Annie Pilot Point May 25, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. List of the Recently Wedded and Departed Throughout the Lone Star State. The Gazette's Weekly Record of the Grave and the Gay - Sunshine and Shadow. Deaths. -Mrs. Annie Trimble, Pilot Point, May 25. -Fort WorthPage Daily 287 Gazette, May 31, 1886, p.5. NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH TRIPP, W. M. Aubrey Belew 66 yrs. Old March 11, 1905 CITATION AUBREY. Aubrey, Mar. 12. -We very much regret the death of Mr. W. M. Tripp who died at his home in this city last Saturday. The deceased, who had been afflicted by paralysis, sustained another stroke Wednesday from which he never recovered. He was buried at the Belew cemetery Sunday by the Masonic order. He was 66 years of age and leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. -Denton County News, March 14, 1905, p.1, c.2. TRUE , Sr., W. E. Denton Cottonwood 51 yrs. Old Jan. 24, 1897 The remains of Mr. W. E. True, Sr., were brought out from Denton Monday and buried in Cottonwood cemetery. For several years he was a resident of this place, but for the past year he had lived in Denton. His family has our sympathy. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1897, p.5, c.1. Mr. W. E. True died of pneumonia at his home, near the Alliance mill, Sunday. His remains were conveyed to Little Elm Monday, and interred in the cemetery at that place. Deceased was 51 years old, and leaves a wife and two children. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1897, p.8, c.2. TUCKER, Mrs. Sallie A. Denton Rockwall 85 yrs. Old March 18, 1904 MORTUARY. TUCKER - Denton, Tex., March 18. -Mrs. Sallie A. Tucker, aged 85 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Moore, on West Hickory street this morning. The remains were taken to Rockwall for interment. -Dallas Morning News, March 22, 1904, p.10. TURNER, Edna Justin TURNER, Hiram Denton Aikers October of 1899 35 yrs. Old DMN Oct. 14, 1899, p.3 March 6, 1893 DIED-At the home of his brother-in-law, W. T. Price, in East Denton Monday afternoon of pneumonia, Hiram Turner, aged about 35 years. Deceased leaves a wife and two children. He was buried at Oak Grove Tuesday. -Denton County News, March 2, 1893, p.2, c.4. TURNER, J. W. Lloyd ca 30 yrs. May 28, 1886 Denton, May 29. -J. W. Turner was accidentally killed fifteen miles west of here on Spauling's Ranch yesterday evening by his horse falling on him, while running after cattle. It is supposed that the horse after falling, rolled on him inflicting internal injuries, from which he died in about an hour. The deceased was a widower, thirty years old, without any family, and had lived in the neighborhood of Lloyd, in this county, for a number of years. -Wise County Messenger, June 5, 1886, p.6, c.2. TURNER, Jodie May Aubrey Oak Grove 14 yrs. Old Dec. 7, 1895 DIED-Jodie May Turner aged about fourteen years, died at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. L. Zumwalt, in Aubrey Saturday after a protracted illness from typhoid fever. The interment was in the Oak Grove cemetery near Lloyd Sunday afternoon. -Denton County News, Dec. 12, 1895, p.8, c.3 Page 288 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY TURNER, Mrs. W. J. Garza Chinn Chapel BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION 28-Feb-04 DEATH AT GARZA. Mrs. W. J. Turner Passed Away Sunday After Two Weeks' Illness- - Interment Held Monday. -Mrs. W. J. Turner died at her home in Garza Sunday at 6:45 a.m. after an illness of about two weeks, measles and pneumonia being the cause of her death. The funeral services were conducted by Elder R. McMurray of Denton, the remains were interred at the Chinn Chapel Cemetery today at 2 p.m. She leaves a husband, four daughters and other relatives to mourn her death. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.1, c.5. TURNIPSEED, Valesia F. Grapevine 32 yrs. Old Jan. 9, 1906 Record of Deaths. Valesia F. Turnipseed, 32, died Jan. 9, Grapevine, Texas; consumption. -Fort Worth Telegram, Feb. 13, 1906, p.3. TURPEN, John W. Shiloh 23 yrs. Old June 9, 1903 John W. Turpen, aged 23 years, died Monday of typhoid fever and was buried at the Shiloh cemetery. -Denton County News, June 11, 1903, p.1, c.5. TURPEN, Mellinda (Mrs. John B.) Denton IOOF 36 yrs. Old Feb. 1, 1897 On last Monday night at her home in the southern part of Denton, Mrs. Malinda Turpen, wife of J. B. Turpen, died after an illness of five weeks with the grippe. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 4 p.m. Thursday, Rev. J. B. Cole conducting the religious services at the grave. Mrs. Turpen was 36 years of age and had lived in Denton since 1886. She was an earnest Christian and had been a member of the Baptist church for twenty-two years. Her many friends extend sympathy to the family. -Denton County News, Feb. 4, 1897, p.8, c.2. MORTUARY. TURPEN-Denton, Denton Co., Tex., Feb. 2.-Mrs. Mellinda Turpen, wife of John B. Turpen, died here to-day of la grippe with complications, aged about 35 years. -Dallas Morning News, Feb. 5, 1897, p.6. TURPIN, son of Mr. & Mrs. Joe infant May of 1907 DEATHS AT DENTON. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. -Denton, Tex., May 20. -The death record of Saturday and yesterday included Infant Turpin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turpen. -Dallas Morning News, May 22, 1907, p.12. UNDERWOOD, Columbus Bolivar UNDERWOOD, Mit (brother of J. W.) Roscoe 30 yrs. Old Denton June of 1901 DMN June 16, 1901, p.6 Nov. 14, 1904 MORTUARY. UNDERWOOD-Denton, Tex., Nov. 15.-A telegram received here this morning from J. W. Underwood at Roscoe, Nolan County, contains the information that his brother, Mit Underwood, died there Monday and would be brought here for burial. Mit Underwood was a former resident of this place, but was away for some time. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 18, 1904, p.10. UNDERWOOD, Witt Rosco IOOF Page 289 47 yrs. old Nov. 14, 1904 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED AT ROSCO. Mr. Witt Underwood, brother of J. W. Underwood, died at Rosco, Texas, and his remains will arrive here tomorrow over the Texas & Pacific. The interment will be held at the Odd Fellows' cemetery. -DCN Nov. 15, 1904, p.1, c.2. BROUGHT TO DENTON FOR INTERMENT. Remains of Mr. Underwood Whose Death Occurred at Roscoe. The remains of W. N. Underwood, brother of J. W. Underwood of this place, arrived in Denton over the Texas and Pacific Wednesday morning from Roscoe, Texas, where his death occurred Monday. Immediately upon their arrival the remains were taken in charge by a local undertaker and borne to the Odd Fellows' cemetery where they were interred in the prescence of a large gathering of friends and relatives. Deceased was forty-seven years of age and a wife and five children survive him. -Denton County News, Nov. 18, 1904, p.3, c.4. UNDERWOOD, W. P. Aug. 7, 1868 Sudden Death. - On Friday of last week, W. P. Underwood, formerly of Denton county, but resident during this year near this town was traveling westward in a buggy, and near Towns' Store, 9 miles west was overtaken by some ailment and fell out of his buggy. He either recovered and got in the buggy again, or was assisted in it, and supplied with a drink of brandy, by some acquaintance who met him at the time. >Parting, Underwood got but a little way, before he was seen to fall out again, and the buggy ran over him. He received assistance and was removed to a house, but soon after died. We have not learned what an examination of the case developed; but suppose he must have been suffering from sunstroke, or possibly disease of the heart. He leaves a widowed mother without any other protector here. -Clarksville Standard, 8th; -Dallas Herald, Aug. 15, 1868, p.3, c.3. UNGER, Rev. I Denton Wabash, IN 27 yrs. Old April 29, 1895 Rev. I. Unger, of Wabash, Ind., died at the home of Mr. L. F. Holcomb, his boarding house, on McKinney street Monday night of consumption. Deceased, together with his wife and two children, came to Denton from Indiana some two weeks ago in the hope of recuperating his health. His remains were embalmed Tuesday and shipped to his home in Indiana on the midnight train. Deceased was about 27 years old and a minister in the Congregationalist church. -Denton County News, May 2, 1895, p.8, c.4. UPCHURCH, Mrs. John Clarksville April of 1898 Woman Burned to Death. Clarksville, April 21. -News has reached us here of the terrible fate of Mrs. John Upchurch, living on Shawnee prairie, about twenty-five miles south west of Clarksville. While Mrs. Upchurch was washing and making a fire, her clothing caught fire, and all efforts to extinguish the flames, which rapidly enveloped her, were unavailing. She was roasted alive, the arms and legs were burned to a crisp and a portion of the body being blistered and burnt beyond recognition. She survived after midnight. -The Chronicle [Denton], April 22, 1898, p.3, c.7. VAN, Dr. Denton Dec. 22, 1904 VANCE, child of Mr. & Mrs. Wise Co. April of 1883 see Vance, Mrs. Wise Co. Page 290 DMN Dec. 26, 1904, p.9 NAME VANCE, Mrs. LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH April of 1883 CITATION Mrs. Vance died with the measles last Saturday night. She was the bereaved mother of a child that died with the measles several days before. -Wise County Messenger, April 27, 1883, p.5, c.2. VANDERSLICE, Mrs. J. A. Pilot Point 60 yrs. Old April 7, 1895 Pilot Point Items. From the Post-Mirror. Mrs. J. A. Vanderslice dropped dead at her home a few miles south of Pilot Point, last Sunday while preparing dinner. She was about 60 years old and among the first settlers of this section. She was buried Monday at the old cemetery. -Denton County News, April 11, 1895, p.7, c.2. VAN FLEET, Mrs. Lewisville Lewisville 70 yrs. Old June of 1901 VANN, Rachael E. (Mrs.) Denton City 64 yrs. Old June 17, 1900 DMN June 27, 1901, p.8 DMN June 19, 1900, p.4 AGED LADY DEAD. Mrs. Rachael E. Vann, an aged and respected lady, died Monday morning at her home on East McKinney street. She was 64 years, 3 months and 10 days old. The interment was at the City cemetery at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. -Denton County News, June 21, 1900, p.1, c.4. VAN RICE, Mr. Cambridge Jan. of 1881 CLIPPINGS. Mr. Van Rice, one of the parties engaged in the shooting at Cambridge last Tuesday night, has since died of his wounds. -Henrietta Journal. Paradise Messenger, Jan. 21, 1881, p.2, c.2 VAN VLECK, Lillie Bell Denton IOOF 2 yrs. Old Dec. 12, 1895 DIED - Lillie Bell, the little two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Van Vleck, died at their home on Mulberry street Thursday night of membranous croup. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. Saturday, Eld. F. G. Roberts conducting the religious ceremony. The acquaintances of the bereaved parents sympathize with them in their sad loss. -Denton County News, Dec. 19, 1895, p.8, c.2. VAUGHAN, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Lum Denton 2 yrs. Old Aug. 13, 1892 A SAD ACCIDENT . -The little two year old daughter of Mr. Lum Vaughan was killed at his home in North Denton at 5 p.m. Saturday. It seems that the little child was playing on the porch and that a large dog was chained to a post that supported the porch. For some reason the dog launched against his chain and jerked out the post, the porch fell and the timbers crushed the little one's head, killing it almost instantly. Its remains were buried Sunday. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.2, c.3. VAUGHAN, Mrs. Will nw of Denton Sept/Oct 1904 Page 291 DMN Oct. 4, 1904, p.10 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY VAUGHN, Charlie Sanger Sanger BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION April of 1905 Burial of Chas. Vaughn. Sanger, April 13, -The remains of Mr. Charlie Vaughn were laid away to rest in the Sanger cemetery Friday evening, by a large procession of friends. Mr. Vaughn was an estimable young man and had only been married about three months to Miss Corda LaGear who survives him. >To his young wife and relatives we extend sympathy. -Denton County News, April 14, 1905, p.5, c.3. VENABLE, D. G. Denison March 17, 1881 Denison, March 17. -Judge D. G. Venable, a prominent citizen of this city, was accidentally killed today by being thrown under the wheels of a loaded wagon. Paradise Messenger, March 25, 1881, p.2, c.3. VENTERS, Mollie (Mrs. S. A.) Terrell Denton March 22, 1904 DEATH OF MRS. VENTERS. DENTON, TEX., March 23. -Mrs. Mollie Venters, relict of the late Judge S. A. Venters, in his lifetime one of the prominent pioneers of North Texas, died at Terrell yesterday and the remains were brought here for interment tomorrow. Judge Venters, her husband, was Justice of the Peace, County Clerk, County Judge and Representative in the Legislature during the early days and all the old-timers through this section of the State will remember him, as he obtained before his death a State-wide reputation. The funeral will take place from the residence of her niece, Mrs. Sam Hawkins. -Dallas Morning News, March 24, 1904, p.10. VENTERS, S. A. Denton March of 1881 DENTON, TEXAS, March 14, 1881. -Hon. S. A. Venters died at his home, in this county, on Saturday, and was buried here by the Odd Fellows yesterday. Judge Venters was an old and prominent citizen of this county. He moved here when a youth, in 1849; was for many years connected as clerk with the land district clerk of the District Court, chief justice of the county and twice a member of the Legislature, and as a member of the last Legislature rendered valuable service to his people and State. Judge Venters was well thought of by all the officers of the State, and all respected his ability and information. He was the best legislator the county ever had. He leaves a wife and two chidlren surviving him. -Galveston Daily News, March 17, 1881, p.7. MESSENGER GLEANINGS. The Hon. S. A. Venters of Denton county is dead. -Paradise Messenger, March 25, 1881, p.2, c.1 VICKERY, Mrs. Lou Mingo Cooper Creek June 6, 1903 MORTUARY. Vickery. Mrs. Lou Vickery, wife of A. J. Vickery, died of consumption at her home near Mingo last Saturday and was buried in the cemetery at Cooper Sunday. -Denton County News, June 11, 1903, p.1, c.5. VIVIAN, Mrs. Little Elm Feb. of 1897 Mrs. Vivian, a highly respected widow lady, who had lived at Little Elm a number of years, died at her home at that place last week of pneumonia. -Denton County News, Feb. 11, 1897, p.4, c.3. WADE, Sallie Pilot Point Page 292 Nov. 23, 1886 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH ALTAR AND TOMB. Deaths. -Miss Sallie Wade, Pilot Point, November 23. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 28, 1886, p.2. WADE, Tom Sunset CITATION Feb. of 1884 Local News. -We learn that a man named Tom Wade became intoxicated at Sunset, and in being carried home in a wagon died. -Alvord Messenger, Feb. 22, 1884, p.3, c.1. WAEHR, Orpha (see also, WOEHR) Denton Sept. 28, 1898 DIED OF DYPTHERIA. Orpha Waehr died of dyptheria at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, four miles southeast of Denton, after an illness of eight days. She was visiting here, her parents living in the state of Washington. -Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1898, p.8, c.4. WAGONER, Emma WAIDE, Mrs. David Bolivar WAIDE, J. M., Sr. Bolivar 12 yrs.old Feb. 14, 1908 30 yrs. Old November 1, 1989 DRC Feb. 20, 1908, p.7, c.5 DMN Nov. 16, 1898, p.6 March 11, 1897 The NEWS learns from citizens of Bolivar that Mr. J. M. Waide Sr., of that community died at his home last Saturday morning after a continued illness. Mr. Waide was one of the early settlers in Denton county, being here when it was occasionally visited by wild Indians. Deceased was held in high esteem by his acquaintances as a respected citizen and upright man. Several children survive him. -Denton County News, March 18, 1897, p.4, c.3. WAINSCOTT, Mrs. Frisco May 31, 1908 WAKEFIELD, Mrs. H. F. Waketon May 16, 1895 DRC June 4, 1908, p.6, c.1 MRS. H. F. Wakefield Dead. LEWISVILLE, Tex., May 17. -The people of Lewisville were very much shocked this morning to hear of the death of Mrs. H. F. Wakefield, who died at her home at Waketon, six miles west of here last night. She was the wife of Mr. H. F. Wakefield, one of Denton county's most prosperous and respected citizens. She was a most excellent lady. -Denton County News, May 23, 1895, p.1, c.1. WALKER, Bill Calvert WALKER, child of A. W. Pilot Point infant Page 293 April 16, 1880 Paradise Messenger, May 4, 1880, p.4, c.1 Feb. 22, 1908 R&C Feb. 27, 1908, p.6, c.2 NAME WALKER, George W. LOCATION Denton CEMETERY Plainview BIRTH DATE 28 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Jan. 27, 1905 CITATION DMN Jan. 29, 1905, p.29 G. W. Walker Died In Denton Yesterday. Estimable Young Man Died at the Home of W. G. Young on North Elm Street. >G. W. Walker died at the home of Mr. W. G. Young on North Elm street at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after an illness of several days with pneumonia and the burial was announced to take place at Plainview in the western part of the county today about noon. Deceased was nearly 24 years of age at the time of his death and left a wife and three small children, his wife being a daughter of W. N. Yearby, a well known citizen of this place. >He was raised in Johnson county, but came to Denton county about six years ago. His mother and four brothers also survive him.. The News extends sympathy to the bereaved family. -Denton County News, Jan. 27, 1905. FUNERAL PROCESSION ENROUTE TO PLAINVIEW. Bearing the Remains of George Walker Who Died Here Thursday Afternoon. A Funeral Procession. Kru, Jan. 31. -A funeral procession also bearing the remains of George Walker, who died in Denton last Thursday afternoon passed through Krum on its way to Plainview cemetery several miles west of here. Deceased had many friends in this section who heard of his death with sadness. -Denton County News, Feb. 3, 1905, p. 3, c.6. WALKER, J. M. near Lewisville April 12, 1887 LEWISVILLE GRIST. LEWISVILLE, TEX., April 13. -J. M. Walker while digging a well near here yesterday evening received fatal injuries from the fall of a box of heavy rock, resulting in his death early this morning. -Dallas Morning News, April 14, 1887, p.6. WALKER, Jessie 9 months March 10, 1901 CITY PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. DEATHS. March 10, Jessie Walker, aged 9 mo.; catarrhal fever. -Denton County News, March 14, 1901, p.4, c.1 WALKER, Mat. April 4, 1880 Mat. Walker an old and highly respected citizen of this county, departed this life on the 4th inst. Mr. Walker has for many years resided in this county and his numerous friends will deeply regret his sudden departure to the "Land o'leal." -Paradise Messenger, April 9, 1880, p.3, c.3. WALKER, Robert Pilot Point WALLACE, Mr. Sanger WALLACE, J. J. (Prof.) WALLACE, Mrs. John N. Pilot Point 3 yrs. Old Feb. 29, 1908 DRC March 5, 1908, p.3, c.7 March 7, 1904 DCN March 10, 1904, p.10, c.4 City Feb. 13, 1905 DCN Feb. 14, 1905, p.1, c.4 City Sept. 26, 1900 Mrs. J. D. Wallace of Pilot Point, while starting a fire Tuesday morning with coal oil, was burned to death. She died at one o'clock. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.1, c.3 Page 294 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Pilot Point News, Sept. 26. -Mrs. John Wallace was burned to death yesterday evening. She was starting a fire with coal oil and her clothes caught fire. She will be buried in the city cemetery today. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.5, c.1 WALTERS, Walter Fort Worth 23 yrs old June 8, 1884 Walter Walters, a young man 23 years of age, was drowned at Fort Worth on the 8th of June, while in the river bathing. Wlaters was in the employ of the Santa Fe railroad company, and was to have returned to his former home, at Ann Arbor, Michigan on the 15th inst., to be married to a young lady of that place. -Alvord Messenger, July 4, 1884, p.3, c.4. WAMPLER, Dave Jan of 1897 Mr. Dave Wampler, a highly respectable citizen of Weatherford, was found dead Sunday afternoon about dusk, lying on the Texas and Pacific railway track. The manner of his death is a mystery. He had no railroad ticket or money on his person when found. -Denton County News, January 21, 1897, p.1, c.4. WARD, Euphrasie Denton City 32 yrs. Old June/July of 1902 Euphrasia Ward, aged thirty-two years, wife of V. Ward, died at their home two miles east of the city Wednesday and was buried Thursday at the city cemetery. Brian trouble was the cause of death. -Denton County Record & Chronicle, July 3, 1902, p.4,c.3. WARD, Mrs. Denton 25 yrs. Old June 12, 1902 MORTUARY. WARD-Denton, Tex., June 13. -Mrs. Ward, aged 25 years, died last night of fever. -Dallas Morning News, June 16, 1902, p.2. WARD, Reuben S. Denton Sept. 7, 1891 DMN Sept. 9, 1891, p.5, c.4 WARE, James McKinney Nov. 1, 1886 ALTAR AND TOMB. The Gazette's Record of the Marriages and Deaths in Texas. Deaths. James Ware, McKinney, October 28. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 1, 1886, p.2. WARREN, D. R. Pilot Point WARREN, I. S. Sanger September of 1901 DMN Sept. 12, 1901, p.10 Mustang Sept. of 1901 DMN Sept. 21, 1901, p.3 FROM MUSTANG. Sept. 23. -The remains of I. S. Warrant, who has lately resided in Sanger were buried in the cemetery at this place. -Denton County Record, Sept. 26, 1901, p.5, c.1 *** Page 295 NAME WARREN, W. B. LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Sept. of 1883 CITATION W. B. Warren, of the vicinity of Audubon, died on last Friday evening of consumption. -Sept. 21, 1883, p.3, c.1. WASHBURN, child of Mr. & Mrs. Liberty June 26, 1902 WATERS, Jessie Denison Aug. of 1892 DCR&C July 3, 1902, p.5, c.4 * A COLORED MURDERER. Denison, Tex., Aug. 12. -For the past twelve hours officers have been on a still hunt for Jim Chiles, a well-known colored tough and crap shooter. This evening he was coming out of a house on Woodard street. Officer John Preston arrested and placed him in jail. Officers have secured good evidence against the prisoner as being one of the murderers of Jessie Waters, colored, who was found in the Central yards yesterday with her throat cut from ear to ear. An accomplice has skipped to the Indian Territory closely followed by two deputies. -Denton County News, Aug. 18, 1892, p.1, c.4. WATKINS, George near Texarkana March 7, 1893 -drowned… -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.3. WATKINS, Joseph near Texarkana March 7, 1893 -son of George Watkins, drowned ….-Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.1, c.3 WATKINS, Mr. I.T. July of 1884 Denison, August 1. -Mrs. Watkins has offered $3,000 reward for the apprehension of Wasson and Lewis who killed her husband Tuesday in the nation. Deputy United States Marshal Mershon and a large posse have gone in pursuit of Wasson and Lewis. -Alvord Messenger, August 8, 1884, p.1, c.2. WATKINS, Monroe Nelson graveyard Feb. 14, 1883 LOCAL NEWS. -A young man by the name of Monroe Watkins died at W. A. Pool's residence near the Star Wagon yard on Wednesday morning remains were brought to Nelson graveyard in Parker County. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 16, 1883, p.5, c.1. WATRUS, Ben Brenham 78 yrs old March 5, 1884 Texas Topics. Ben Watrus, 78 years old and first colored representative, died in Brenham on the 5th inst. -Alvord Messenger, April 4, 1884, p.1, c.5. WATSON, W. R. Denton WEATHERS, Francis A. (Miss) Denton 70 yrs. Old IOOF Nov. 4, 1901 Dec. 1, 1892 Page 296 DMN Nov. 7, 1901, p.5 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED-In Denton on last Thursday, at the residence of Mr. W. C. Sledge, Miss Francis A. Weathers. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery on Friday, at 2 p.m. -Denton County News, Dec. 8, 1892, p.2, c.5. WEAVER, Fred near Heidenheimer Jan/Feb of 1904 Temple: Fred Weaver, the 19-year-old son of Will Weaver, a well-known farmer living close to Heidenheimer, was handling a target rifle while seated around the fire with the family. Pointing the gun at his sister, his father told him not to do so. The boy replied that the gun was unloaded, in attempting to look through the barrel, a cartridge was exploded and a ball entered the boy's right eye, penetrating the brain and causing instant death. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.2. WEAVER, R. M. Lloyd April 11, 1905 Death at Lloyd. -Mr. R. M. Weaver, an aged citizen of the Lloyd community, died at his home near that place last Tuesday. He was only sick a few days before his death which, resulted from blood poisoning. -Denton County News, April 14, 1905, p.1, c.4. WEAVER, Wm. H. Douglas April 12, 1884 We clip the following from Houston Post, and will add that Mr. Weaver is a brother of Judge Weaver of this place, who received notice of his brother's death on last Sunday morning. "In memory of Mr. Wm. H. Weaver, a prominent and useful citizen of Nacogdoches, Tex., who departed this life at Douglas, Tex., at the residence of his son, Geo. H. Weaver, on the 12th of April, 1884, being 64 years old and upward, at the time of his death. He has gone, and with his departure from us went a most noble man, being well known in Eastern Texas as an old and successful merchant. He has left behind, wife, sons, daughters and grandchildren, who mourn at the loss of their devoted father. Mr. Weaver lived and died an honest man. may his slumbers be sweet and his dear companion feel consolation to know that there will be another meeting, where friends will never be called away again. May god help the afflicted family and friends to bear with the loss of their father. A FRIEND. " -Alvord Messenger, April 25, 1884, p.2, c.2. WEBB, Jim I.T. May/June of 1884 Gainesville, June 17. -News has reached the city of the shooting of Jim Webb in the Indian Territory while resisting arrest. Web was wanted for killing a negro, and was being pursued by Marshal Mershon and posse, who found him in the vicinity of the Arbuckle mountains. Being overtaken he drew his revolver and emptied it at his pursuers. One of the latter returned the fire, shooting Webb in body. He died in a short time. -Alvord Messenger, June 20, 1884, p.2, c.2. WEBB, Raymond J. Denton Dec. 25, 1905 WEBSTER, J. T. Childress Feb. of 1897 Page 297 DMN NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A MAN DROWNED. CHILDRESS, TEX., Feb. 18. - A serious accident occurred here last night resulting in the death of J. T. Webster. He saddled his horse about 7:30 o'clock yesterday evening, informed his wife that he was going to water his horse and go after the mail, and rode off. Failing to return home at his usual time, Mrs. Webster became alarmed and about midnight aroused the neighbors, whereupon searching parties started out. They soon found the horse with the saddle turned under him. Later a saddle blanket was found near the town tank, which appeared to have been recently used, and about daylight this morning the body was found floating in the tank. -Denton County News, Feb. 25, 1897, p.2, c.2. WEEKS, Mrs. J. M. Pilot Point June 2, 1893 PILOT POINT NEWS ITEMS. Pilot Point, Tex., June 6. -Mrs. Weeks, wife of J. M. Weeks, died Friday morning and was buried Saturday. She had been a resident of Pilot Point for a number of years. She leaves a host of friends. -Denton County News, June 22, 1893, p.2, c.3. WEIMAR, Rubert Fort Worth May 10, 1883 Fort Worth, May 10. -Just after 12 o'clock last night Rubert Weimar, a German tailor, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. Nine months ago Weimar was a well-known citizen here. Since then he has lived in San Antonio. He returned here last Sunday with the avowed purpose of killing himself where he was best known. Since his arrival here he has continued uder the influence of whiskey. Domestic trouble, he delcared was his reason for wanting to die. Wise County Messenger, May 18, 1883, p.1, c.3. WEIMAR, son of Harry July of 1884 Harry Weimer and wife, of Abilene, went fishing recently, and during the temporary absence of the mother, Harry went to sleep with the baby in his arms, and the child falling into the creek and was drowned. -Alvord Messenger, July 18, 1884, p.3, c.1. WEISHLOCHER, child of Mr. and Mrs. Bartonville Shiloh Sept. of 1900 George Bartonville News, Sept. 26. -The baby of Mr. and Mrs. George Weishlocher died a few days ago and buried at Shiloh. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.5, c.4. WELCH, Capt. F. H. Anna 72 yrs old Feb. 22, 1904 Capt. F. H. Welch, aged seventy-two years, one of Collin County's pioneer and most highly respected citizens, died Monday of pneumonia. -Denton County News, March 3, 1904, p.3, c.7. WELCH, Gilbert Denton Aug. 18, 1895 Page 298 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Gilbert Welch, colored, a brother of Harrison Welch, died at his home in north Denton Sunday evening, at five o'clock, of dysentery. His father-in-law, Jim Hall, also died of the same disease Tuesday evening in the same house. The disease was a peculiarly acute form of dysentery and is considered contagious and the household effects have been ordered burned. -Denton County News, Aug. 22, 1895, p.5, c.3. WELLS, Finis A. nw of Decatur WELLS, Mrs. Harry east of Denton 56 yrs. Old Jan. of 1904 DMN Jan. 30, 1904, p.9 Dec. 1898 MORTUARY. WELLS-Denton, Tex., Dec. 6. - Mrs. Harry Wells, living east of here, died this week of stomach trouble. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 9, 1898, p.3. WELLS, M. A. Bates WELSCHLOCHER, child of George Bartonville 78 yrs. Old Shiloh infant Feb. 1900 Sept. of 1900 DCRC Feb. 22, 1900, p.7, c.2 DCN Sept. 27, 1900, p.1, c.3 * WEST, Rev. F. Dec. 22, 1883 Rev. F. West, the founder of West's Academy near Chico, died on the 22d of last month. -Alvord Messenger, Jan. 4, 1884, p.2, c.3. WEST, James ("Uncle") Roanoke Dec. 2, 1894 Uncle James West, one of Texas' old veterans, died at his home five miles east of this place last Friday. Uncle Jim lived on the place where he died between 40 and 50 years. He built the old Lonesome Dove church, one of the first, if not the first church house built in Tarrant county. He leaves a large and respected family, the majority of whom live in Tarrant county. 'Squire West, of Grapevine, is his oldest son. -Denton County News, Dec. 6, 1894, p.2, c.2. WETSEL, Louie J? Denton Des Moines, IO WHARTON, J. B. Aubrey Belew WHAYNE, M. T. e of Denton IOOF Nov. 11, 1907 DMN Nov. 14, 1907, p.10 78 yrs. Old Aug. 20, 1908 DRC Aug. 27, 1908, p.5, c.3 27 yrs. July 18, 1895 DIED-Mr. M. T. Whayne, aged 27 years, and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whayne, died at the home of his parents a mile east of town Thursday morning of typhoid fever. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 5 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Beauchamp. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, July 25, 1895, p.8, c.4 Page 299 NAME WHAYNE, Mrs. J. D. LOCATION Ardmore CEMETERY IOOF BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Aug. 17, 1895 CITATION Mrs. J. D. Whayne Dead. Mrs. J. D. Whayne died suddenly of heart disease at Ardmore Saturday morning at 8 o'clock, at the residence of her son, James Whayne. Mrs. Whayne went to Ardmore a short time after the death of her son, Mert, which occurred in this city about two weeks ago. She had intended coming home Saturday, and had arisen at 3 o'clock to prepare for the journey when she was stricken down. Her remains were brought to Denton Saturday night and interred at the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. B. Cole conducted the funeral services at her home in east Denton. -Denton County News, Aug. 22, 1895, p.8, c.4. WHEELER, Bruce Roanoke Medlin April 19, 1895 Bruce Wheeler, a well-respected and well-known citizen of this county, died last Friday at his residence 1 1-2 miles north of Roanoke with consumption. He was buried Saturday at the Medlin grave yard. Rev. Bourland of Keller, preached the funeral. -Denton County News, April 25, 1895, p.5, c.3. WHEELER, Mrs. Bruce Roanoke WHEELER, child of Sanger WHEELER, Sam Sanger Jan. 9, 1901 DMN Jan. 13, 1901, p.8 1 yr. old Oct. 24, 1906 R&C Nov. 8, 1906, p.6B, c.3 * 14 yrs. Old June 2, 1893 A SAD ACCIDENT. Young Sam Wheeler Dies from an Accidental Wound. -Last Friday morning Ed. Stansberry and Sam Wheeler, the former seventeen and the latter fourteen years old, were playing with an old pistol at Sanger, when it was discharged. The ball struck young Wheeler in the left side, came in contact with a rib over the heart, glanced downward and came out at the hip. At first it was not thought that the wound would be necessarily fatal, but Monday he grew worse and Dr. Inge was called in. The little fellow died at 12 o'clock Monday night, just as Dr. Inge arrived. Sam was a son of Tom Wheeler and grandson of W. J. Wheeler, of Denton. The affair is greatly deplored here. The Stansberry boy, who held the pistol when it was discharged was placed in jail on a charge of carrying a pistol or pistols, as it is claimed there are several bills of indictment against him. However we understand that the shooting of young Wheeler was entirely accidental. Stansberry has filled bond and been released. -Denton County News, June 8, 1893, p.3, c.4. WHEELER, W. M., son of W. J. Hillsboro WHEELER, Will Sanger 30 yrs. Old Feb. of 1905 March of 1893 -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.3, c.4. WHIT, Lucretia Denton Pagetown Page 300 9 yrs. Old June 30, 1894 DCN Feb. 28, 1905, p.4, c.3. DMN Feb. 28, 1905, p.9 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Died - Lucretia, the invalid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Whit, died at their home in Denton, Saturday morning and was buried in the Pagetown graveyard four miles south of town Saturday afternoon. Lucretia was nine years old. -Denton County News, July 5, 1894, p.8, c.2 WHITE, A. P. WHITE, Cassie April 7, 1897 McKinney Pecan Grove DCN April 15, 1897, p. 5, c.5 Oct. 3, 1897 MORTUARY. WHITE-McKinney, Tex., Oct. 4.. -Mrs. Cassie White died in this city yesterday, after a long illness, and was buried to-day in Pecan Grove cemetery. Dallas Morning News, Oct. 5, 1897, p.9. WHITE, child of J. D. Paradise Aug/Sept. of 1881 A little child of our neighbor J. D. White of Paradise, was buried on last Friday evening. It is said that misfortunes never come singly, Mrs. And Mr. White have suffered a sad exemplification of that saying, their only remaining little one having died on last Saturday evening. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 9, 1881, p.2, c.3. WHITE, Francis M. Edna in 1811 March of 1897 Hon. Francis M. White died at Edna, Texas, Monday night. He was born in Tennessee in 1811, came to Texas in 1831 and fought for Texas independence, was a member of the constitutional convention of 1845, twice elected commissioner of the general land office and several times member of the legislature. -Denton County News, March 25, 1897, p.1, c.2. WHITE, Miss San Gabriel July 12, 1892 Miss White died on July 12, 1892 - near San Gabriel …. Lengthy article -Denton County News, July 20, 1892, p.1, c.4 WHITE, son of Mr. & Mrs. George Bolivar infant Sept. 12, 1895 The infant child of Mr. And Mrs. George White, recently from Bolivar, died at their home on Hickory street in Denton Thursday. The interment was near Bolivar Friday. -Denton County News, Sept. 19, 1895, p.5, c. 5. WHITEFIELD, Mrs. Lilla Harris Edmond, OK City 26 yrs. Old July 31, 1902 MORTUARY. WHITEFIELD - Denton, Tex., Aug. 2. -Mrs. Lilla Harris Whitefield, aged 26 years, died at Edmond, Ok., day before yesterday and was buried here at the city cemetery yesterday. -Dallas Morning News, Aug. 3, 1902, p.23. Page 301 NAME WHITLEY, T. J. (suicide) LOCATION Pilot Point CEMETERY Pilot Point BIRTH DATE 50 yrs. Old DATE OF DEATH Jan. 17, 1908 CITATION Death of J. T. Whitley. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Pilot Point, Tex., Jan. 17. - J. T. Whitley, a prominent merchant of this place, shot himself today. He died almost instantly. He leaves a widow and large family of children. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1908, p.7. J. T. WHITLEY KILLS HIMSELF. A PROMINENT MERCHANT OF PILOT POINT SENDS BULLET THROUGH HIS BRAINS. FINANCIAL REVERSES CAUSE. (unreadable) Bundle of Letters Addressed to Wife Beside the Body. J.T. Whitley, a prominent grocery merchant of Pilot Point, killed himself Friday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock by sending a bullet from a 38-caliber revolver crashing through his brain. Whitley's body was found lying on a bed in his room at the family residence, with blood streaming from a wound in his right temple. Members of the family, who were in the house and heard the shot rushed to the room, only to find the man in death's throes. Death was almost instanteous, the only signs of life visible when Financial reverses is supposed to be the cause of the deed. For years deceased had beenone of the most prominent merchants of the place, and was doing a fine business, but lately things had gone bad with him, and last week he filed a deed of trust to secure some indebtedness. Information received from Pilot Point was that members of the family yesterday noticed that Mr. Whitley was acting strangely and that they had kept a close eye, fearing that he might attempt to do himself violence. On the bed beside the body was found the pistol from which the fatal shot was fired and a bunchof letters, addressed to his wife and other intimate parties. The contents of the letters have not been made public. It is believed, however, that the letters told of his financial troubles and of the intended action. J. T. Whitley was about 50 years old and had lived in and around Pilot Point for the past twenty-five or thirty years. For the last ten or twelve years he has been in business in Pilot Point and was looked upon as one of the best citizens of the town. He is survived by a wife and family. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 4 o'clock and the remains interred at the Pilot Point cemetery. -Denton Record Chronicle, Jan. 23, 1908, p.1. c.1 WHITLOCK, Jesse May of 1883 Jesse Whitlock, an old-time citizen of Garrett's creek, in this county, who had moved to near Ft. Smith, in Arkansas, died a few days since. -Wise County Messenger, May 25, 1883, p.5, c.2. WHITTEN, Dr. Wm. H. Chicago Pilot Point? about 45 yrs. Nov. 12, 1899 WHORTON, child of Frank/Franz Aurora Aug/Sept. 1881 Frank? Franz? Whorton of Aurora lost a child from congestive chill. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.1, c.4. WIGGINS, Bill Weatherford 30 yrs old Page 302 Feb. of 1904 DMN Nov. 13, 1899, p.1 and Nov. 14, 1899, p.8 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION FOUR VICTIMS IN TWO DAYS. Weatherford: There is an epidemic of pneumonia and la grippe in this county, such as was never seen here before, Tuesday and Wednesday four deaths were reported - Mrs. Wiggins, aged 55, her son, Bill Wiggins, aged 30; Mrs. McCarty, an aged lady, all residing here, and Charley Eddleman, aged 10, son of James Eddleman, six miles south of town. In some families there are as many as three and four members ill. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.6. WIGGINS, Mrs. Weatherford 55 yrs old Feb. of 1904 FOUR VICTIMS IN TWO DAYS. Weatherford: There is an epidemic of pneumonia and la grippe in this county, such as was never seen here before, Tuesday and Wednesday four deaths were reported - Mrs. Wiggins, aged 55, her son, Bill Wiggins, aged 30; Mrs. McCarty, an aged lady, all residing here, and Charley Eddleman, aged 10, son of James Eddleman, six miles south of town. In some families there are as many as three and four members ill. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.6. WIGGINS, Sue April of 1885 Mrs. Sue E. Wiggins, wife of John Wiggins of Alvord, died on Monday of last week leaving two little girls, a husband and a large circle of friends to mourn her departure. -Wise County Messenger, April 11, 1885, p.6, c.1. WIGGS, B. C. Denton City Nov. 15, 1892 DIED-Mr. B. C. Wiggs, section foreman at the depot, died at 7 p.m. Tuesday of a peculiar brain trouble. He had only been confined to his bed twenty-three hours when he died, though he had been complaining several days from a sprained back, which he hurt lifting. >Mr. Wiggs leaves a wife and two small children. At the time of his death he was a member of the Denton Baptist church. He was to have been buried yesterday afternoon in the City cemetery. -Denton County News, Nov. 17, 1892, p.3, c.5. WIGGS, Carrie Denton IOOF 18 months Sept. 27, 1896 DIED-Carrie, the 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wiggs, after a continued illness of several months, died at their home in Denton at 12 o'clock Saturday night. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. L. Freeman conducting the ceremonies. -Denton County News, Oct. 1, 1896, p.4, c.5. The 18-months-old daughter of Mr. Z. Wiggs, died last Sunday morning, and was buried in the Odd Fellows' cemetery in the presence of mourning relatives and friends. -The Denton Monitor, Oct. 3, 1896, p.1, c.4. WIGGS, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Z. Denton IOOF infant Feb. 16, 1903 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wiggs has been quite sick for the past week. -Denton County News, July 5, p.1, c.4 MORTUARY. Wiggs. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wiggs died at the family residence on McKinney street Monday night. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery Tuesday. -Denton County News, Feb. 16, 1903, p.8, c.3Page 303 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Wiggs. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wiggs, died at the family residence on McKinney street Monday night. The remains were interred at the Odd Fellows' cemetery Tuesday. -Denton County News, Feb. 19, 1903, p.8, c.3. WILBURN, Mrs. Tom Pilot Point May 17, 1893 PILOT POINT NEWS ITEMS. Pilot Point Texas, June 6. -Died, Saturday the 17th inst., Mrs. Tom Wilburn. She was buried Sunday at the Old cemetery. -Denton County News, June 22, 1893, p.2, c.3. WILCOXON, Mrs. Gordon Sanger WILCOXSON, Mrs. near Bartonville WILDER, child Sanger January of 1901 DMN Jan. 19, 1901, p.7 73 yrs. Old Aug. 28, 1900 DMN Aug. 31, 1900, p.8 1.5 yrs. Old in 1905 R&C Nov. 4, 1905, p.4, c.3 * WILEMAN, Mrs. S. K. Denton May 7, 1903 Mrs. S. K. Wileman died last Thursday of typhoid fever and was buried in the cemetery here Friday. -Denton County News, May 14, 1903, p.8, c.5. WILKERSON, Jr., Thomas Nov. 25, 1880 A little child of our neighbor Thomas Wilkerson Jun. died yesterday morning, after an illness of several days. "Little hearts…*poem+." -Paradise Messenger, Nov. 26, 1880, p.3, c.2. WILKINS, H. Hemming WILKINS, Hugh WILKINSON, dau. Of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aiken se of Denton infant April of 1907 DMN Apr. 29, 1907, p.1 3 yrs. Old Feb. 9, 1908 DRC Feb. 13, 1908, p.7, c.3 3 yrs. Old July 27, 1896 A LITTLE GIRL DIES FROM AN ACCIDENTAL GUN-SHOT WOUND. -A most deplorable accident occurred Monday about three miles southeast of Denton which resulted in the death of the little three-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilkinson. The latter, with her little girl, were visiting at the home of Mr. Jack Grady, Mrs. Wilkinson's father, and during the day, the little six-year-old son of Mr. Grady picked up a 22 caliber target rifle and aimed it at the well. Just as the trigger was pulled the little girl came in range of the gun. The ball entered her forehead and passed entirely through and out at the back of the head. Medical attention was at once summoned and all that could be done for her recovery was done, but the wound was in such a vital place that the little sufferer only lingered until 2 o'clock Tuesday morning and passed away. The bereaved parents and other relatives have the sympathy of all their sad affliction. -Denton County News, July 30, 1896, p.8, c.4. Page 304 NAME WILKINSON, "Uncle" Jack LOCATION near Drop CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH May of 1892 CITATION DIED. "Uncle Jack" Wilkinson, an old and respected citizen of Denton county, died at the home of his son near Drop last week. "Uncle Jack" was well known to many people of Denton county who will be sad to hear of his death. -Denton County News, June 1, 1892, p.3, c.3 WILLEY, Etta March of 1885 Died, March 29, 1885, Ettie, daughter of Wm. And Catherine Willey, of the Pella community. Burial on last Monday at the Pella graveyard. -Wise County Messenger, April 4, 1885, p.4, c.2. WILLIAM, Col. W. A. Greenville East Mount May 11, 1908 DMN May 13, 1908, p.7 WILLIAMS, Charles Dallas? March 3, 1881 SPECIALS TO THE NEWS. Dallas, March 3. -Charles Williams was found a corpse in his bed this morning. -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.2, c.3. WILLIAMS, Charles Gainesville 26 yrs. Old Jan. 15, 1903 MORTUARY. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. WILLIAMS -Gainesville, Tex., Jan. 15. -Charles Williams, aged 26 years, died this morning. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 17, WILLIAMS, child of James A child of Parson James Williams died on last Saturday night. -Alvord Messenger, April 11, 1884, p.3, c.1. April of 1884 WILLIAMS, child of Jim Frisco Little Elm Aug. 20, 1908 WILLIAMS, child of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Aubrey Aubrey 9 months DRC Aug. 27, 1908, p.5, c.4 Jan. of 1895 Spring Hill Items. AUBREY, TEX., Jan. 22. -Death has once more visited our community and took from the family circle of Mr. Sam Williams a nine months-old babe. The body was buried at Aubrey. -Denton County News, Jan. 24, 1895, p.1, c.5. WILLIAMS, Frank Kingsland, AR ca. 20 yrs. July of 1897 RAISED IN DENTON COUNTY. -The Fordyce (Ark.) Forum reports the killing of a young man named Frank Williams at Kingsland, Ark., Monday of last week. He was riding between two box cars and fell under the train. His leg was crushed so bad that amputation was necessary and he died from the shock and loss of blood. The paper gives this description: "Williams was about 20 years old and nicely dressed. He was in hard luck and was making his way to Texas, where he hoped to get employment. He said that he was raised in Bartonville, Denton county, Texas, and that his parents were dead. The good people of our town contributed enought to give him a nice burial and was buried Tuesday morning in the cemtery. -Denton County News, July 29, 1897, p.4, c.2. WILLIAMS, Guy w of Denton City 4 yrs. Old Page 305 Sept. 6, 1893 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION DIED-Guy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams, aged four and a half years, died at their home four miles west of the city at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, after an eleven days siege of tonsiletus. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. De Witt at the home yesterday afternoon and the remains were buried in the city cemetery at 5 p.m. The bereaved parents have the sincere sympathy of the NEWS in this sad affliction. -Denton County News, Denton County news, Sept. 7, 1893, p.3, c.2. WILLIAMS, Hannah St. Louis Dec. 25, 1887 Mrs. Hannah, the aged and esteemed wife of the elder Williams, a merchant of our city, died on Christmas, and her remains were sent to St. Louis for burial. Wise County Messenger, Jan. 7, 1888, p.3, c.5. WILLIAMS, J. T. Aubrey Ballew 55 yrs. Old DEATH OF PROMINENT CITIZEN OF AUBREY. Obituary of J. T. Williams Written for The News. Jan. 10, 1905 Once more the Death Angel has visited our community and taken from us our friend and relative J. T. Williams. Though Mr. Williams had been sick for a number of years, having been under the care of a doctor almost continuously for three or four years, his death at this stage of his sickness was a surprise to us all. During the last three weeks his general condition had so improved that we had hoped for his recovery. The writer and others had visited him on the day of his death and he was cheerful and talkative. He read a great deal that day having read several chapters of the Bible. We were with him about two hours before death came and were greatly shocked when the news of his sudden death reached us. At early bedtime he said to his devoted wife: "I feel a little drowsy and if you will bathe my feet I believe I will go to bed a little early tonight. She bathed his feet and helped him to bed as she had often done before. Hardly had she gotten the cover fixed before she noticed a change had taken place and being alone she ran in her stocking feet to Mr. J. H. Goods who lives about one hundred yards away for help. He passed away before anyone could get there. Mr. Williams was a devoted Christian and a member of the Mustang Baptist church. He was 55 years of age, and leaves a wife, two daughters, two sisters and two brothers to mourn his loss. Both daughters are married. The two daughters, a brother and the wife were all of the family that were able to attend the funeral. A brother and sister live in Denton and another brother and sister live in Missouri. He died January 10, 1905, and was buried on Sunday afterward at the Ballew cemetery. It is hard to give him up but we must submit to the will of the One who doeth all things well. May God's richest blessings rest upon the bereaved ones. -Frank Boner. -Denton County News, Jan. 20, 1905, p.2, c.4. WILLIAMS, James Ardmore, I.T. IOOF 40 or 49 yrs. Old DCN June 10, 1897, p.1, c.2 Denton Monitor June 12, 1897, p.1, c.3 * DCN June 24, 1897, p.5, c.3 The Chronicle June 11, 1897, p.8, c.1 * JAMES WILLIAMS KILLED. Shot on the Street at Ardmore by a Republican Politician. ARDMORE, I.T., June 7. -Clarencce E. Douglas, republican policitician and aspirant for a place on the Dawes commission, shot and instantly killed James Williams, editor of the Daily Chronicle, this morning at 9:25. Page 306 June 7, 1897 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION It is supposed the shooting was a result of the publication of a humorous article in Sunday's Chronicle, containing allusion to Douglas. The men met in the middle of Main street, Douglas approached Williams, a few words passed and Douglas shot twice, both shots passing through Williams' heart, one shot being fired after Mr. Williams fell. Williams was unarmed. Douglas was arrested immediately after the killing and lodged in jail, pending his preliminary hearing on June. 9. James Williams was 40 years old. He was a well-known newspaper man here and in norther Texas. He was editor and proprietor of the Chronicle at Denton, Texas, a number of years and established the Chronicle here last summer. Great excitement prevails because of the prominence of the parties to the tragedy. Mr. Williams' body will be buried at Denton on the 8th instant, under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias, of which order he was a member. He was a man of wide acquaintance and had many friends in the Indian Territory and Texas. He was a member of the Texas Press association, and was particularly well known in that fraternity. The above report of the killing of Mr. James Williams at Ardmore was published in Tuesday's daily papers. The first news of the killing of Mr. Williams reached Denton Monday morning by telegram to his father, Mr. C. A. Williams, and was indeed a great shock to all, causing universal sorrow in this city, where he had made his home so long and was so familiarly known and highly esteemed. WILLIAMS, Jas. D. (Gov.) Indiana Nov. 20, 1880 Indianaplis, Ind., Nov. 20. -Gov. Jas. D. Williams died to-day. -Paradise Messenger, Dec. 3, 1880, p.2, c.5. WILLIAMS, Laura Stony Plainview April 13, 1904 DEATH OF A YOUNG LADY. Laura Williams, daughter of Wilson Williams of near Stony died at that place on Wednesday afternoon after a protracted illness from consumption. The funeral services and interment were held at Plainview cemetery Thursday attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends of the deceased. -Denton County News, April 19, 1904, p.5, c.2. WILLIAMS, Lizzie (Mrs. Thomas) Lloyd WILLIAMS, Lizzie Pilot Point Jan. 15, 1811 Feb. 18, 1897 DCN Feb. 20, 1897, p.5, c.1 DCN March 19, 1897, p.4, c.3 Jan. 23, 1909 Negress Killed in Pilot Point. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Pilot Point, Tex., Jan. 23. -Lizzie Williams, a negress, was shot and killed in the negro section of this city last night. No arrest has been made. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24, 1909, p.25. WILLIAMS, Mary (Mrs.) Aubrey Ballew May 27, 1901 Page 307 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION AUBREY ITEMS. Mrs. Mary Williams, of near this place, died at her home Monday and was buried at Ballew cemetery Tuesday. -Denton County News, May 30, 1901, p.6, c.2 *** WILLIAMS, Matt Pilot Point City May 20, 1904 FROM PILOT POINT. Death of Matt Williams, a Highly Respected Business Man of the Town, Occurred last Friday. Mr. Matt Williams died at his home Friday morning at 8 o'clock. He had been confined to his room for almost a year. When his death was announced the entire town was grieved as he was one of the most honored and respected business men of the town. Funeral services took place at the Central Christian church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock and the remains were then laid to rest in the city cemetery. Dr. and Mrs. Copenhaver of Aubrey, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Paris attended the funeral of Mr. Williams Saturday. c.2. WILLIAMS, Mollie -Denton County News, May 27, 1904, p.6, March of 1884 On last Tuesday morning Mollie Williams was in the field assisting in burning cotton stalks or grass, when her clothing caught fire and were entirely consumed with the unrelenting flames. She lingered in extreme suffering until about 1 o'clock of the succeeding night. It is not often an acciden more horrible than the death of Miss Mollie Williams occurs. She was the daughter of R. A. Williams, who lives near Audubon, just at the years of womanhood being sixteen. A younger daughter had her hand severely burned in attempting to save her sister. Death is fearful in its mildest form, but to visit the home circle in fire is more fearful still. Alvord Messenger, March 14, 1884, p.3, c.2. WILLIAMS, Robert Denton IOOF 17 months old May 6, 1894 Robert, the little seventeen-months-old boy of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams, after only a few hours serious illness died at their home on South Sand street Sunday night and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. Monday. Elder Ed. Ewell and Rev. DeWitt conducted the services. Dysentery was the fatal disease. Denton County News, May 10, 1894, p.10, c.5. WILLIAMS, T. W., Hon. Jacksoboro 73 yrs. Old March 1, 1883 Jacksboro, March 1. -Hon. T. W. Williams died today aged 73 years. -Wise County Messenger, March 9, 1883, p.5, c.5 WILLIAMS, Walter Corinth WILLIAMSON, Dr. Morelas, Mexico Old Alton 40 yrs. Aug. 9, 1908 DRC Aug. 13, 1908, p.3,c.5 Jan. of 1883 …Dr. Williamson… well-known in western Texas … practicing in Morelas, Mexico … murdered there by unknown parties one night…. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 26, 1883, p.2, c.1 Page 308 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE WILLIAMSON, Geo. Sunset Geo. Williamson of Sunset was buried one day last week. -Wise County Messenger, March 2, 1883, p.5, c.1. DATE OF DEATH CITATION Feb. of 1883 WILLIE, Susie Justin 6 yrs. Old in 1905 WILLIS, Mrs. north Denton Co. 60 yrs. Old Jan. of 1898 WILSON, Grandma Roanoke R&C Nov. 3, 1905, p.3, c.4 * DMN Jan. 29, 1898, p.6 April 10, 1899 MORTUARY. WILSON-Roanoke, Tex., April 11. -Grandma Wilson, who has lived here for years and seen two generations gathered in by the reaper, passed to her reward yesterday. She was loved and respected by all. -Dallas Morning News, April 12, 1899, p.4. WILSON, Henry H. Prairie Mound 61 yrs. Old September of 1902 MORTUARY. WILSON-Denton, Tex., Sept. 14. -Henry H. Wilson, aged 61 years, an old resident of the Prairie Mound community, died last week. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 17, 1902, p.9. WILSON, James near Pilot Point 70 yrs. Old Jan. 25, 1898 DMN Jan. 29, 1898, p.6 WILSON, Mary Drop 88 yrs old Dec. 15, 1903 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. DEATHS. -Mary Wilson, Drop, Dec. 15, age 88, old age and pneumonia. -Denton County News, Jan. 7, 1904, p.1, c.1. WILSON, Mrs. Drop 83 yrs. Old Dec. 16, 1903 MORTUARY. WILSON -Denton, Tex., ,Dec. 17. - Mrs. Wilson, mother of J. I. Wilson, a wealthy farmer of the Drop community, died last night, aged 83 years. She was an early settler of this county. -Dallas Morning News, Dec. 19, 1903, p.10. WILSON, Mrs. A. Bolivar WILSON, Mrs. A. M. Sanger Bolivar 70 yrs. Old Nov. 30, 1901 DCR Dec. 5, 1901, p.?, c.5 * Nov.27, 1895 Mortuary. Mrs. A. M. Wilson. Sanger, Denton, County, Tex., Nov. 28 - Mrs. A. M. Wilson died last night. She leaves a husband and three children. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 30, 1895, p.10. WILSON, Mrs. Andy Sanger Pilot Point Page 309 Dec. 4, 1895 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Pilot Point Items. Condensed from the Post-Mirror. The remains of Mrs. Andy Wilson who died at Sanger of typhoid fever were buried at this place Thursday. The deceased was a sister of Mayes, of Green Valley neighborhood. -Denton County News, Dec. 12, 1895, p.6, c.1. WILSON, Mrs. F. T. Sanger WILSON, Mrs. J. B. Sanger 76 yrs. Old Nov. 11, 1908 DCN Nov. 12, 1908, p.5, c.1 & Sherman Feb. 10, 1908 R & C Feb. 13, 1908, p.1, c.2 WILSON, Mrs. Pearl White Childress Oct. of 1908 DRC Oct. 22, 1908, p.5, c.1 WILSON, Sam T., son of William near Sanger Feb. of 1902 DMN Feb. 27, 1902, p.6 WILSON, W. C. D. (Daws) near Krum Sept. 27, 1901 DMN Sept. 30, 1901, p.6 WILSON, William near Sanger Feb. of 1902 DMN Feb. 27, 1902, p.6 WILSON, Dr. T. R. Pilot Point July 21, 1900 DMN July 23, 1900, p.2 WINDLE, Mrs. Louisa Argyle 53 yrs. Old Medlin 37 yrs. Old Jan. 28, 1905 DEATH AT ROANOKE. ROANOKE, Jan. 31. - Special. - The death of Mrs. Lou Wendell occurred near here last Friday morning. Mrs. Wendell's home was several miles northeast of the town of Roanoke, where she had resided for a long time. The cause of her death was thought to have been congestion of the stomach. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon being attended by many from this place. The interment was at the Medlin cemetery. -Denton County news, Feb. 3, 1905, p.3, c.5. DEATH OF MRS. WINDLE. ARGYLE. Jan. 30.-Special.-Mrs. Louisa Windle, who lived five miles north of this place, died Saturday morning, January 28, and was buried at the Medlin cemetery Sunday afternoon. She was a member of the Baptist church of Roanoke, was a kind and affectionate mother and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was 37 years of age and was born near Fort Smith, Ark. She leaves two children, J. H. Windle and Mrs. Beulah Story, both of near Roanoke. -Denton County News, Feb. 7, 1905, p.2, c.6. WINDSOR, Sr., Capt. Wm. Oct. of 1884 GAINESVILLE. Funeral of Capt. Windsor. Gainesville, Tex., Oct. 31. -The funeral services of Capt. Wm. Windsor, Sr., were held at the residence of his son, Wm. Windsor, at 2 p.m. this evening. The services were conducted by the Rev. F. N. Atkin of Denison. The deceased was followed to his last resting place by a large number of friends and Gainesville Lodge No. 210 G. F. and A. M. -Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Nov. 1, 1884, p.2. Page 310 NAME WINES, Boyd LOCATION Denton CEMETERY IOOF WING, Jim Denton City BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH Sept. 16, 1902 CITATION DMN Sept. 19, 1902, p.3 Sept. 20, 1892 FOULLY MURDERED. A Chinese Laundreyman's Head Crushed While at Work in His Laundry. Some one or ones perpetrated a heinous, mysterious and certainly unprevoked murder in Denton Monday night or Tuesday morning. >Tom Bentley, a young man who works at the Alliance Mill started to work at a few minutes before 7 o'clock Tuesday morning and as he had some shirts at the chinese laundry, he concluded to go by and get them. the laundrey is in an old law office that once stood at the southeast corner of the square, but which was some years ago moved on the vacant lot on the south side of East Oak street, belonging to Mrs. Nannie Kowalty. For several years it has been occupied by chinamen, and for the past few months by Jim Wing. >when Bentley arrived the front door was closed but not fastened. He knocked a few times, but the Chinaman did not respond. He went to the window on the west side of the door and saw him lying on the floor, but thought that he was asleep. He again knocked on the door but to no avail. He then pushed upon the door and saw that Jim Wing's head, was in a pool of blood. Bentley hastened to the square, spread the alarm and a number of people were soon on hand, among them a NEWS reporter. The Chinaman was lying on his back, his head under a shelf that contains bundles of laundered cloths, a slipper was on his right foot while his left slipper was lying in the center of the floor. A lamp was still burning over his ironing table, by the side of which he had fallen. On this table was his account book and clothes, checks. His book was open, a pencil was on it and some loose checks were also near. >His skull was crushed in three places, once over the left temple, once on top and once on the back. A car coupling pin covered with fresh rust was on the floor and the general supposition is the wound were made with this. >The first and general belief was that he was murdered and then robbed, but further investigation seems to have upset this theory, as $189.00 was found in the house. Nothing was tumbled up, his pockets were not turned or other signs of robbery visable. The money was found in a box on his bed, excepting some small pieces he kept in a dish near his work table convenient for change. >Dr. Edwards, who examined the body says he could not have been dead more than two hours before Bentley found him. But who killed him and forand what purpose an unsolved mystery. Some think it was a difficulty over washing, but the coupling pin20th, must1892, have Squire McCormire held an inquest rendered theare following decision: "That the deceased JiminWing came to hisadeath about 5 as o'clock a.m., Sept. from three blows on the head inflicted by some unknown party." Chi Chung and Jim Lee, the former a cousin and the latter a brother of the deceased, arrived in Denton yesterday and took charge of the remains. >Chi Chung says that one of the four loose checks has no bundle in the house to match it and that there is 35 cents due on the missing bundle. He thinks it likely that the owner of this bundle and the deceased got into difficulty about the clothes and thereby hangs the tale. The remains were to have been shipped to Dallas last night for burial. >At time of going to press (6 p.m. yesterday) no arrests have been made and the officers disclaim having any trace of a clew to the perpetrator of the deed. -Denton County News, Sept. 22, 1892, p3. c.3. BURIAL OF A CHINAMAN. Jim Wing Interred With Celestial Ceremonies. -All that was mortal of Jim Wing was laid to rest last evening in the city cemetery. Jim was a Chinaman who was killed in his laundry shop at Denton by unknown hands last Tuesday night. His cousin, Chy Chang, who lives in Dallas, had his remains shipped here for interment. Undertaker Linskie prepared the body for burial and incased it in a neat coffin. ... very lengthy article describing the funeral follows...Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1892, p.1, c.3. WINSDALE, Thomas Denton City June 24, 1896 Suicide. Last Wednesday afternoon, a stone-cutter named Thomas Winsdale committed suicide by jumping head foremost from the second story window of the Powell House. The deceased had been suffering with cramps for a day or two, and it is supposed that the intense pain caused him to committ the rash act. His remains were interred in the city cemetery. Deceased has relatives in Henrietta where he formerly lived. -Denton County News, July 2, 1896, p.8, c.3. Page 311 NAME LOCATION WINTER, child of Bud Alvord CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION Jan of 1885 LOCALS. Bud Winter, of Alvord, buried a little child this week. -Wise County Messenger, Jan. 24, 1885, p.5, c.1. WINTER, James W. near Big Foot 88 yrs old James W. Winter, known throughout Frio and adjoining counties as Uncle Jimmy Winters, died at his home near Big Foot, in Frio county, Monday. He was in his 88th year. He was a veteran of the Texas Revolution and a San Jacinto soldier. -Denton County News, Nov. 26, 1903, p.2, c.1. WISE, Rev. D. Roanoke WITCHER, Emily (Mrs. H. R.) Denton Sept. 19, 1902 IOOF 53 yrs. Old DMN Sept. 22, 1902, p.3 March 10, 1893 DIED-Mrs. Emily Witcher, wife of H. R. Witcher, aged 53 years at home in Denton Friday at 8:30, of apoplexy. Mrs. Witcher had not been affected with apoplexy before and her death was a great surprise. She was the mother of twelve chidlren, six of whom, all boys and husband are still living. She was a member of the Baptist church and her funeral was preached at the church by Rev. Dupont at 11 o'clock Sunday, after which her remains were conveyed to the Odd Fellows cemetery for interment. -Denton County News, March 16, 1893, p.3, c.3. WITHERS, Edgar Allen Denton City 33 yrs. old June 10, 1903 Edgar Allen Withers, aged 33, son of John Allen Withers of this city died at the residence of his father on east Oak street, Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock after a protracted illness from consumption. Deceased leaves a wife and two small children. The remains were interred in the City cemetery at 10:30 this morning. Denton County News, June 11, 1903, p.1, c.5. WITHERS, Mrs. Edgar A. Denton City 20 1/2 yrs. Old April 27, 1895 MRS. EDGAR WITHERS DEAD. Mrs. Edgar A. Withers, aged 20 years and 6 months, died of la grippe in Denton Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bonta who live near Krum. Mrs. Withers was an affectionate wife and mother, a kind friend and devoted christian and will be sorely missed by all her acquaintances. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. R. L. Selle at the Oak street M. E. church at 4 p.m. Sunday, after which the remains, followed by a long procession, were conveyed to the City cemetery and there interred. Deceased leaves a motherless child and comfortless husband, parents and brother and sister who the tenderest sympathy of Denton's people in their sad bereavement. -Denton County News, May 2, 1895, p.5, c.3. WITHERS, Henrietta Denton City 4 months Oct. 18, 1894 AN INFANT'S DEATH. Henrietta, the little 4 months-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Withers, died at 7 p.m. Last Thursday of congestion and was buried Friday at 4 p.m. at the city cemetery. Rev. R. L. Selle conducting the funeral exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Withers have the sympathy of a host of friends in and about the city. Denton County News, Oct. 25, 1894, p.5, c.1. Page 312 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE WITT, Lucretia Denton Denton County News, July 5, 1894, p.8, c.2. Pagetown 9 yrs. Old June 30, 1894 WITT, Mittie Oak Grove Nov. 28, 1894 June 19, 1894 Navo DATE OF DEATH CITATION A YOUNG LADY DIES. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Witt. Miss Mittie was born in Denton county, Texas, near Lloyd, November 26, 1876, and died of heart disease at the family residence near Navo, June 19 at 3:30 p.m. The remains were interred in the Upper Oak Grove cemetery. The burial services were conducted by Rev. Amos, a Baptist minister. Sister Mittie Witt was a true and noble young lady in all respects and to know her was to love her. -Denton County News, June 28, 1894, p.1, c.3 Miss Mittie Witt, daughter of Mr. Doc Witt, died at their residence near Elm Ridge last Tuesday night of heart trouble. She was one of Elm Ridge's most beloved girls and will be missed by her many friends. Her remains were buried in the Oak Grove graveyard. -Denton County News, July 5, 1894, p.7, c.1. WOEHR, Orpha (see also WAEHR) 5 yrs. Old OBITUARY. Little Orpha Woehr, aged 5 years, 11 months, and 24 days, died with diptheria at the home of her grandparents, J. N. and M. E. Gamble. She was the little daughter of C. F. and Ella Woehr, of Pampa, Wash., and with her mother had been visiting here since May and was preparing to return home to her father when her death angel saw fit to remove her to a better and brighter home then any here on earth. She was the jewel of her home here, loved by all who knew her. And while we mourn her as lost to us here on earth we realize that it is her gain in heaven and that she is a bright jewel there and that "Those Beautiful Beckoning Hands" are calling the dear ones to a better home, where there will be no more sad parting but all will be joy and peace forever. Let us all strive to meet the dear little one there. -Denton County News, Oct. 13, 1898, p.4, c.3. WOLF, Mrs. Walter Denton County News, Dec. 10, 1896, p.8, c.1 City Dec. 5, 1896 WOLFSON, son of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. infant May 25, 1908 DRC May 28, 1908, p.1, c.4 & p.3, c.3. WOOD, A. N. near Paradise A. N. Wood, of the vicinity of Paradise died last Tuesday. -Wise County Messenger, Feb. 16, 1883, p.5, c.1. Feb. 13, 1883 WOOD, H. A. Near Denton May 17, 1904 R&C May 17, 1904, p.1, c.6 * WOODS, dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Bartonville Sept. 21, 1908 DRC Sept. 24, 1908, p.1, c.7 ca. 65 yrs. Page 313 NAME LOCATION WOODS, Mrs. Fannie CEMETERY BIRTH DATE Wright School House DATE OF DEATH CITATION Apr/May of 1884 Mrs. Fannie Woods, the cherished wife of our neighbor, Clint Woods, was buried at the Wright school house on last Tuesday. -Alvord Messenger, May 9, 1884, p.3, c.3. WOODS, Mrs. Monrey Argyle 24 yrs. Old Jan. 18, 1902 MORTUARY MATTERS. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. WOODS - Denton, Tex., Jan. 23.- Mrs. Monrey Woods, aged 24 years, wife of J. W. Woods of Argyle, died at that place Saturday. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 25, 1902, p.6. WOODWARD, Capt. S. J. Antelope (Jack Co.) IOOF sometime in 1893 Capt. S. J. Woodward Dead. Capt. S. J. Woodward, whom the NEWS reported last week as being very low at Hot Springs, Ark., with Bright's disease, died in that city Sunday morning, his remains arriving on the 5:10 p.m. train Monday, where they were taken in charge by the Knights of Honor's local lodge, escorted to the Odd Fellows' cemetery and buried, the religious ceremony being conducted by Rev. DuPont. Deaceased was once, from the time of his citizenship in Denton, which began about 1880, and up to the time of his moving to Antelope, one of Denton's largest and most enterprising businessmen. His family, with the exception of Will and Mrs. J. O. McCormick, residents of Denton, are living in Antelope, but were all present at the funeral. The NEWS in unity with a large number of friends of deceased in Denton, extends the sincerest sympathy to the sadly bereaved. -Denton County News, June 29, 1893, p.3, c.5. PROMPTLY PAID. Mrs. Mary A. Woodward received $5000 from C. F. Witherspoon, treasurer of Denton County No. 571, of the American Legion of Honor, on Tuesday on account of the death of her husband, the late Captain Samuel F. Woodward who was a member of said order. -Denton County News, Sept. 7, 1893, p.2, c.3. WOODWARD, Mrs. W. F. (Jimmie) Antelope IOOF May 6, 1896 DEATH OF MRS. W. F. WOODWARD. Mrs. Jimmie Woodward, wife of W. F. Woodward, died at their home in Antelope, Texas, last Wednesday of neuralgia of the heart and her remains were conveyed to Denton Thursday and interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at 4 p.m. The funeral was from the residence of J. E. Koonce on Hickroy street and the services were conducted by Rev. E. Ward of the Baptist church of which Mrs. Woodward had been a faithful member. Deceased leaves a husband and little daughter, and numerous other relatives, to mourn her sad demise. All the bereaved have the sympathy of their many friends in Denton. -Denton County News, May 14, 1896, p.8, c.4. WOODWARD, Sallie Denton IOOF 21 yrs. Old Oct. 19, 1898 MORTUARY. WOODWARD. Denton, Tex., Oct. 19. - Miss Sallie Woodward, a daughter of Mrs. S. J. Woodward, and a member of a promising family of Antelope Tex., died here at 5 o'clock this morning of consumption at the residence of her sister, Mrs. James O. McCormick, aged 21 years. The interment will take place at the family burying ground at the Odd Fellows' cemetery here at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 20, 1898, p.2. Page 314 NAME LOCATION Denton County News, Oct. 20, 1898, p.4, c.4 WOODY, child of Mr. & Mrs. CEMETERY Pilot Point BIRTH DATE infant DATE OF DEATH CITATION June 1, 1895 Rev. R. L. Sells was called to Pilot Point Monday by telegram to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Woody's baby, which died Sunday night. -Denton County News, June 13, 1895, p.1, c.4. WORDLOW, Marguerite WORLEY, Mrs. Martha S. Oak Grove Decatur 4 1/2 yrs. Dec. 1, 1908 72 yrs. Old Nov. 18, 1904 DCN Dec. 3, 1908, p.1, c.5 MORTUARY. WORLEY -Decatur, Tex., Nov. 21. -Mrs. Martha S. Worley of Boonville, Tex., in the northern part of this county, died on Friday, Nov. 18, at the age of 72 years. -Dallas Morning News, Nov. 24, 1904, p.3. WORTH, Jeff Jan/Feb of 1904 SHOT RESISTING ARREST. -Mineola: Sheriff W. J. Ray and Constable W. H. Willingham went to a negro house to arrest a negro by the name of Jeff Worth, who was wanted at Taylor. Worth knocked the sheriff down and ran. Constable Willingham pursued the negro. He turned and fired two shots through the constable's coat at close range. The constable returned the fire, shooting Worth through the heart, killing his instantly. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.3. WRIGHT, child of Mr. & Mrs. J. Bridgeport City, Pilot Point infant Sept. 22, 1900 Pilot Point News, Sept. 26. -The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright died at Bridgeport, Texas, Saturday and was buried here Sunday. -Denton County News, Sept. 27, 1900, p.5. WRIGHT, dau. Of R. W. near Bolivar Feb/Mar of 1881 The little 2 year old girl of our friend R. W. Wright, near Bolivar died on last Sunday night. She fell into the fireplace, about three weeks since, and it was from the effects of the terrible burn that she died. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in this trying affliction. [from the Denton Monitor] -Paradise Messenger, March 11, 1881, p.2, c.5. WRIGHT, W. C. Denton WROTEN, Annie Maude Denton IOOF Page 315 Feb. 29, 1837 May 22, 1906 21 yrs. Dec. 30, 1904 R&C May 24, 1906, p.3, c.5 * NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION MISS MAUDE WROTEN DIED LAST FRIDAY. Daughter of Mrs. F. D Wroten a Victim of Typhoid. After an illness covering a period of several weeks, Miss Annie Maude Wroten, daughter of Mrs. Fannie D. Wroten of this city passed away Friday night at 7 o'clock at the age of 21 years and 11 months. Miss Wroten had resided in the town of Denton for about two years, her mother having moved to this city from Forney. During the greater part of this time she had been an employee in the dry goods establishment of C. A. Williams and by her gentleness and sweet disposition had won a host of warm friends who were pained at her untimely death. She suffered for a portion of the time of her illness with typhoid, which, however, was supplemented by other complications and troubles. Around her death bed were gathered a number of her relatives including mesdames L. L. Fry and Worth S. Ray, misses Ella and Willie Wroten, her mother Mrs. F. D. Wroten and Mrs. W. H. Wroten of Terrell. The funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the residence of L. L. Fry, by Rev. Joseph H. Curry of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of which congregation deceased was a member. Rev. Curry was assisted by Rev. John M. ? of the Oak Street M. E. Church. Mrs. Woltscha assisted by the members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church choir sang. The interment was at 4 o'clock at the Odd Fellows cemetery. -Denton County News, Jan. 1904, p.1. WYLIE, Mrs. Bettie Pilot Point 41 yrs. Old Sept. of 1900 MORTUARY. WYLIE -Denton, Tex., Sept. 22. -Mrs. Bettie Wylie, wife of Dr. T. N. H. Wylie, a physician of Pilot Point, died this week at her home in that place, aged about 41 years. -Dallas Morning News, Sept. 24, 1900, p.4. WYNNE, Amelia Gainesville April 25, 1902 MORTUARY. WYNNE - Greenville, Tex., April 26. -Mrs. Amelia Wynne died last night at the home of her father, Dr. J. W. Garnett, from the effects of being seriously burned by her clothing catching on fire several days ago. -Dallas Morning News, April 30, 1901, p.7. YANCY, Mr. Arnold Roanoke Oct. 20, 1900 MORTUARY. YANCY -Roanoke, Tex., Oct. 20. -Mr. Arnold Yancy, a young man of this place, died today of typhoid fever. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 24, 1900, p.5. YEAGLEY, WILLIAM RUDDELL IOOF 19 months Sept. 24, 1898 A LITTLE BOY'S DEATH. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeagley's little son, William Ruddell Yeagley, died Saturday monring, after suffering with brain fever for twelve days. The child was nineteen months old, and was buried at the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Rowlett conducted the funeral ceremony. The NEWS extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents and friends. -Denton County News, Sept. 29, 1898, p.8, c.3. YEARBY, dau. Of Sam Denton Cooper Creek Page 316 9 yrs. Old May 22, 1893 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION A LITTLE GIRLS DIES. A little nine-year-old daughter of Mr. Sam Yearby, who lives south of the ice factory, died of typhoid fever at 3:30 o'clock Monday morning. Funeral services were conducted at the residence of Rev. DeWitt and the remains were interred at Cooper creek school house Monday afternoon. -Denton County News, May 25, 1893, p.3, c.5. YEARBY, infant of Will e of Denton 3 months old A CHILD POISONED. -Through mistake a three-month's-old sick infant of Will Yearby, who lives three miles east of town, was given morphine instead of medicine one day last week. The mistake was shortly discovered and a physician was at once summoned, but the terrible drug had done its deadly work before its effects could be reacted. -Denton County News, July 13, 1893, p.3, c.6. YEATTS, Mrs. C. C. Denton 27 yrs. Old Oct. 28, 1901 MORTUARY. YEATTS -Denton, Tex., Oct. 28. -Mrs. Yeatts, wife of C. C. Yeatts of the Planters gin here and lately from Collin County, died at her home in the southwestern part of the city this morning, aged 27 years. -Dallas Morning News, Oct. 31, 1901, p.8. YOAKUM, Mike ne of Bonham Jan of 1897 INSTANTLY KILLED. BONHAM, TEX., Jan. 14. -Mike Yoakum met instant death in the woods northeast of the city today. He went out to cut timber to be used in the repair of the church and a limb broke from a falling tree and struck Yoakum [missing rest of paper]. -Denton County News, January 21, 1897, p.2, c.5. YOUNG, Houston Decatur Sweetwater Jan. 17, 1904 MORTUARY. YOUNG -Decatur, Tex., Jan. 17. -Houston Young died here today. He was a member of the Decatur Rifles Company A, Fourth United Sates Volunteer Guard, which company buried him in Sweetwater Cemetery with military honors. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1904, p.11. YOUNG, Martha Gribble Springs family cemetery 73 yrs. Old Jan. 26, 1904 DEATH OF A PIONEER. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Denton, Tex., Jan. 26. -Mrs. Martha A. Young, a pioneer of this county, to which she came in July 1846, died at her home on Clear Creek, where she had lived for the past thirty-seven years, this morning, aged 72 years. Old age was the principal cause of death. The deceased came to this county the first year here continuosly since. Three children, all grown, survive her. They are Mrs. H. Griffin of Oklahoma, Joe A. Young of this county and Mrs. W. T. Johnson of this city. -Dallas Morning News, Jan. 27, 1904, p3. AGED LADY DEAD. Aunt Martha Young an Old Resident of the Gribble Springs Community Died Tuesday - Buried Yesterday. Aunt Martha Young, aged 73 years, an old resident of the Gribble Springs community north of Denton, died Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock. The cause of her death is said to have been brought on by old age. Deceased had been a resident of this county since 1846, and leaves three children, Joe Young of Gribble Springs, Mrs. T. W. Johnson of Denton and Mrs. Harrison Griffin of the Indian Territory. The funeral services and the interment were held yesterday at the family cemetery near Gribble Springs. -Denton County News, Jan. 28, 1904, p.1, c.2. Page 317 NAME LOCATION CEMETERY BIRTH DATE DATE OF DEATH CITATION YOUNG, Mrs. John near Deport Feb. of 1904 Mrs. John Young, the wife of a farmer near Deport, was found dead in bed Wednesday morning. She was sleeping with her babe, a month old. Her husband was awakened a little before daylight by hearing the baby crying. Noticing that the mother paid no attention to its cries, he went to the bed and discovered that she was dead. -Denton County News, Feb. 18, 1904, p.2, c.1. YOUNGBLOOD, Harvey in 1880 Mr. J. B. Barnes has filed an application, which will be heard in the Probate court on the 3d of May next, for the guardianship of the estates of the minor heirs of Harvey Youngblood, deceased. -Paradise Messenger, April 23, 1880, p.3, c.3. YOUNGBLOOD, Mrs. Alvord Chico Feb of 1888 Mrs. Youngblood, the beloved companion of T. J. Youngblood, a well and a respectably known business man of Alvord, was buried at Chico on Wednesday of this week. -Wise County Messenger, March 3, 1888, p.3, c.2. YOUNGBLOOD, Oran Chico Aug. 24, 1881 Decatur Tribune Items of Last Week: On last night (August 24th), died little Oran, second son of T. J Youngblood and wife, from the effects of a fire burn, which sad accident happened Monday the 15th of August. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 16, 1881, p.1, c.4. Mr. Thos. Youngblood of Chico has a little child to get so severely burned that it has since died. -Paradise Messenger, Sept. 2, 1881, p.4, c.3. ZEIGLER, Frankie Stony IOOF Nov. 2, 1899 The remains of little Frankie Zeigler were interred at the Odd Fellows cemetery here Monday morning. She died at the famil home near Stony, Sunday. -Denton County News, Nov. 9, 1899, p.6, c.3. ZEIGLER, child of Prof. A child of Prof. Zeigler died. -Paradise Messenger, Oct. 8, 1880, p.3, c.3 Sept/Oct of 1880 Page 318