Growing strong


Growing strong
Interview with Massimiliano Messina,
Chief Operating Officer of Vivarte
Growing strong
28, Avenue de Flandre
75019 Paris
Caroll – an invitation to indulge in modern fashion
Naf Naf – French fashion that is elegant
and wearable
ket leader when it comes to shoes
instance in Paris, Lyon, Marseille
oll and Kookaï and the opening of
made up by export. “In Spain, our
today’s market this is more
shoes and
and is long-established in unique
and Bordeaux. When the founder’s
an André shop in Japan, the com-
shoe brand Merkal is very strong,”
important than ever. We want
leather goods
downtown locations through its
sons Albert and Jérôme followed
pany changed its name to Vivarte
says Mr. Messina. “We are very
to increase sales and profit-
– these have
André shoe store chain. Due to
in their father’s footsteps, they
in 2001. After years of continual
happy with the market situation in
ability. However, we do not
always been
the development of an extensive
further pushed the company’s
success, Vivarte eventually faced
Spain and are going to continue
want to grow at any price but
network of suburban footwear and
expansive development. In 1960,
serious problems. “The company
to invest there. However, to date
in a healthy and sustainable
clothing outlets, it has gained a
three production plants and 150
was deeply affected by the eco-
we have no plans to strengthen
way. Working with a portfolio
pioneering reputation.
shops underpinned the company’s
nomic crisis and needed to close
our international presence. First of
of 14 different brands is a
prominent market position. In the
down many shops,” explains Mas-
all, we want to concentrate on the
complex, global project. But
The company’s roots date back
1980s, André continued acquir-
similiano Messina, Chief Operating
French market.”
we are going to install modern
to 1894, when Albert Lévy estab-
ing carefully selected brands and
Officer. “Due to fierce competition,
lished a shoe factory in Nancy. His
additionally created the Halle aux
sales dropped significantly, and
Vivarte is sure that the focus on
are confident of regaining our
shoes were elegant and affordable
chaussures and the Halle aux
in 2014 major restructuring was
core competences will help to
former strength. As soon as
Caroll, Naf Naf, Kookaï,
– a concept that soon paid off.
Vêtements in 1984 – a milestone
unavoidable. I am a member of
consolidate the business. André
our new collections are pre-
Chevignon and others. The
Since 1904, many André shops
in the company’s history. After the
the new management team which
is a well-established shoe brand
sented in the shops, which
have opened their doors – for
integration of brands such as Car-
works on new business strategies.
in France; Caroll is performing
will be within the next couple
We think carefully about where we
well.; Kookaï had some difficulties
of months, we will see if our
want to go and how to achieve our
recently but will be reorganized.
concept is successful. How-
goals. Luckily, we have well-estab-
“With our brands we focus on ac-
ever, as explained, we focus
lished brands, loyal customers and
tive women and their families,”
on sustainability, and we are
fundamental know-how and exper-
states Mr. Messina. “We offer
aware that this needs time.
tise. Our main goal is to develop
affordable prices and can count
Everyone is doing his best
long-term, sustainable solutions
on confident and loyal custom-
to lead Vivarte into a bright
and not temporary ones.”
ers. Now, it is up to us to further
future. Our strong brands and
strengthen the DNA of our brands
the exceptional creativity of
Today, Vivarte has 18,000 employ-
and to lure back customers that
the entire group build a solid
ees and a turnover of 2.5 billion
have left. We are known for offer-
basis to face upcoming chal-
EUR. Around 5% of sales are
ing quality for a good price – in
Vivarte’s main
Over many years,
the company has
gained an excellent
reputation all over
France with well-known
brands such as André,
company is the French mar-
Besson Aubière – the perfect shoe for every occasion and
Kookaï – a brand on its way to former
fields of activity.
Vivarte focuses on active women looking for stylish clothes
and shoes
structures and processes and
André – a well-known French shoe brand catering
for the most glitzy and glamorous moments
Women and men will find the perfect André shoes
It is a hard, fast-paced but energetic and creative
business – the fashion industry. Fast fashion is the
latest trend, expressing that clothing collections
are based on the most recent fashion trends presented at Fashion Weeks around the globe. In this
fiercely competitive market, traditional values can
make the difference. Vivarte is one of France’s leading
fashion retailers. Currently undergoing major restructuring, the company now places a strong focus on its
strengths – the DNA of its well-known brands.
 +33 1 44723001
 +33 1 40050937