May 2010 - Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox
May 2010 - Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox
The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS · 60714 — PHONE (847) 647-8880 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) MAY—JUNE 2010 Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11 WHEN THE DAY of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. And they were amazed and wondered, saying, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontos and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God." WORSHIP SCHEDULE MAY/JUNE 2010 SACRAMENTS AND BLESSINGS BLESSINGS OF INFANTS—Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, imitating Christ who was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call the church office to arrange this blessing. Sunday, May 16—The Holy Fathers 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School * (Last Day of Sunday School) 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy BAPTISMS—Please call the church office to schedule Baptisms. Plan ahead!—there are some days when Baptisms are not performed. Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent and that a child is supposed to be given but one name when he or she is baptized. Friday, May 21—Ss. Constantine and Helen 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Saturday, May 22—Saturday of the Souls (ΨΥΧΟΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΝ) 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Sunday, May 23—Sunday of PENTECOST 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy WEDDINGS—Please arrange an appointment with Fr. Dean at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. Sunday, May 30—Sunday of All Saints (Των ΑΓΙΩΝ ΠΑΝΤΩΝ) 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy CONFESSION—Confessions are arranged by appointment. Please call the church office to schedule Confession. Sunday, June 6— 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Sunday, June 13— 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy OUR SISTER COMMUNITIES of Ss. Constantine and Helen (Palos Hills, Rockford, Milwaukee, and Merrillville) invite you to Vespers on Thursday evening, May 20th, and Divine Liturgy on Friday, May 21st, in honor of the Feastday of Ss. Constantine and Helen. (Liturgy WILL BE celebrated at St. Haralambos on May 21st.) OUR SISTER COMMUNITY of The Holy Trinity in Chicago invites you to Vespers on Sunday evening, May 23rd, and Divine Liturgy on Monday, May 24, in honor of the Feastday of The Holy Spirit. (Liturgy will NOT be celebrated at St. Haralambos on May 24th.) MINISTRY TO PERSONS WHO ARE SICK— Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) should contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. Please inform the church office if your loved one is hospitalized! Most hospitals no longer inform us when they receive patients from our parish. MEMORIAL SERVICES—Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Customarily, these services are offered at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and at 3 years. When three years have passed, the departed are more properly remembered on the Saturdays of the Souls. DID YOU KNOW?... 2010 STEWARDSHIP & TITHING FIGHTING the GOOD FIGHT of the FAITH As of March 30, 2010 308 stewards have committed $172,913.00 Have you become a 2010 Steward yet? OUR 2010 BIG GREEK FOOD FeSt will take place July 16-18 this summer. Mark your calendar! Please consider planning your vacation before or after our Fest; we need everyone's help! 2 OUR CHURCH’S TEACHING ABOUT CREMATION The New Testament teaches that the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The body is further sanctified by the incarnation of Christ—God becoming Man in the body. Consistent with this teaching, the body is an integral part of the whole person, and the Church teaches and expects the resurrection from the dead of the body and the soul, when God’s Kingdom comes in its fullness. The Church considers cremation to be the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made, and insists that the body be buried for the natural process to take place. As the denial of the resurrection, in cases where there is intention for the body of a deceased person to be cremated, a church funeral is not allowed, either in the church, or the Funeral home or any other place. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva are not allowed, since the significance between the “kernel of wheat” and the “body” has been intentionally destroyed. HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 PHONE: 847/647-8880 From Father Dean May 2010 Dear Friends and Fellow Stewards, With the month of May, all our energy turns to the events following Pascha, and the events surrounding the end of the school year. Graduations, parties, cookouts, Junior Olympics and our Memorial Day Picnic give us so much to be grateful for! The Great Feast of Pentecost will be celebrated on Sunday, May 23. This is one of the most important celebrations in the life of our Church! When Jesus ascended into the heavens 40 days after Pascha, he promised his followers that he would not abandon them, but that he would send the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter (Παράκλητος) to guide and sanctify them. On Pentecost, we kneel and ask the same Spirit to descend on us! Our GOYA Dinner Dance will also take place that evening; please give our GOYANS your support. Graduation time! Our GSL will have its End of the Year Program on Saturday, May 22. Our Preschool’s Graduation Program will take place on Friday, June 4, and our Afternoon Greek School Graduation and Party will take place on June 6. Mark your calendar! The Annual Junior Olympics will take place May 29-30 at Ss. Constantine and Helen in Palos Hills, and we expect to have a huge participation from the young people of St. Haralambos! Plan to be there and to cheer for our young athletes! We all look forward to our annual Memorial Day Picnic, taking place on Monday, May 31. Pack your family and your picnic basket and join us for a great day in the park! PLEASE NOTE: this year, our picnic will take place at CROWLEY PARK in Glenview! Before we know it, it will be time for our annual Big Greek Food Fest. Plenty of help will be needed. We are so grateful to those parishioners who schedule their summer vacation around the Festival so that they can be able to help. This is greatly appreciated! Chairmanships are being created; if you would like to offer your help, please let me know! Let us be grateful to God, and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities that lay ahead! Fr. Dean PS: By the way, our Visions newsletter is in need of sponsors! If you can help us by sponsoring an ad in this newsletter, please call the church office! 3 HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NILES, ILLINOIS Proistamenos……….…….Fr. Constantine P. Botsis Synefimerios...…......……Fr. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Pastoral Assistant.......….. Deacon John G. Suhayda Chanter……………...........…….…..Nick Harisiadis Parish Council Officers President……………….……. George Anastasiadis Vice President……..........………..… Nick Andrews Treasurer……………...........……… George Houpis Secretary…………..........…Evangelos Anastasiadis Budget Committee Chairman.....George Conopeotis Building & Grounds Chairman……. …...….Michael Pontikes and Theodoros Karabatsos Decor Committee Chairman........Stephan Aliferakis Finance Committee Chairman.......George Kotsionis Phase III Chairman………….................Pete Zouras School Board Chairman..........…........…John Pierce Stewardship Com Chairman...Dr. Thomas Bournias Philoptochos President...……............Ritsa Bazianos PTA Co-Presidents (Afternoon School)…. ..Linda Politis and Pauline Sarantopoulos PTA President (Preschool)….....…Joanne Kereakes Greek School Principal........... Mrs. Anastasia Liapi GSL Director….......Mrs. Evangelia Vlahou-Khouri Preschool Director…...…......Mrs. Stacey Chiampas Sunday School Director...Presvytera Georgia Botsis Athletic Director……...….…...…… David Loomos Scoutmasters….. ….John Melonides and George Alpogianis YAL President……........…………...Patricia Grivas GOYA President…........................... George Adams Book Store Manager…...........……Jolynn Ruggerio Web Page …….....…………...……John Melonides Office Staff……… ….Barbara Skaouris and Alexandra Grivas IN THIS ISSUE: Letter from our Priest (pg 2) Parish Announcements (pg 4) Ανακοινώσεις (pg 5) Memorial Day Picnic (pg 7) Golf Outing (pg 7) Our 2010 Stewards (pg 8-9) Calendar (pg 10) DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ORTHODOX CHURCH? The Orthodox Church traces its origin to the Day of Pentecost, 50 days after Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Holy Disciples. If you are interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith, feel free to call the church office. Ongoing classes are offered! A program for adults who are not baptized or baptized but not Orthodox is also offered. Please call Fr. Chris Kerkeres (847-647-8880) if you have questions or would like to attend! COMMUNITY NEWS AND ACTIVITIES 2010 STEWARDSHIP & TITHING: “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF OUR FAITH” OLD FASHIONED PICNIC! On Memorial Day, May 31st, the families of the Saint Haralambos Sunday School, Greek Schools, Youth Night, Junior GOYA, GOYA, YAL, PTA and Philoptochos will be having an Old Fashioned Picnic at Crowley Park in Glenview. There will be oldfashioned games, sports, fun, and fellowship! Bring your Picnic Baskets – barbecue grills will be provided! Let’s all get together this Memorial Day and have fun as one big family! STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING IN 2010— This year, we have chosen the image of David slaying Goliath for our 2010 Stewardship Program, to remind us that Christian life is a struggle. As David fought for the faith, we recognize that pursuing excellence, morality, virtue and sanctification is a struggle, and that conscientious, sacrificial Stewardship is a part of our spiritual quest for salvation. NEW LOCATION! PLEASE NOTE—OUR PICNIC WILL BE AT CROWLEY PARK THIS YEAR! We are grateful that more and more stewards understand that our stewardship giving should be proportional giving as we gradually begin the path to tithing. Tithing is the Biblical standard of 10% for supporting God’s work, and reminds us that the stewardship of our material goods is linked to our Christian struggle. PRE-REGISTRATION has begun for the 2009-10 Greek School and GSL year! Register early to guarantee that your children will have a place in Greek School. Registration forms are available in the church office. OUTSTANDING GREEK SCHOOL TUITIONS—All tuitions should be paid in full by now! If you still have an out standing balance, it must be paid before graduation! God considers us worthy of the many blessings we receive from Him; let us be not only worthy receivers, but worthy givers! GREEK SCHOOL GRADUATION AND DINNER DANCE Our Annual Afternoon School End of the Year Program will take place on Sunday, June 6th at 4:00 pm at LAKEVIEW BANQUETS (IN THE GLEN), 2400 Chestnut Avenue in Glenview. Everyone is invited to attend both the Graduation and the School Dinner Dance which follows. The donation is only $25 for adults, and $15 for children ages 5-11. Please call the church office to make your reservations! CAMP FANARI!! Our Metropolis of Chicago Summer Camp Fanari will take place this summer during the week of June 20-26 at Green Lake, Wisconsin, and APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Capacity is limited; first come, first served. Send in your application early! JR. OLYMPICS will be on May 29-30! We are looking forward to an exciting Olympics weekend! Plan to attend and cheer for our St. Haralambos athletes! EARLY BIRD DRAWING JUNE 20!!! – Raffle tickets for our Greek Food Fest are now available, and our First Prize will be a new 2011 AUDI A4 Sedan or a new Harley Davidson or $20,000 cash! There will be a special "Early Bird Drawing" from the $100 Raffle Books that have been turned in on Sunday, June 20; the prize is $1,000 cash! Purchase your Raffle Book today, so you can qualify for the Early Bird Drawing! the BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES will take place July 16-18 this Summer and planning has already begun. Of course, we will need much help, and we are always looking for new ideas and new people to get involved! Please talk to our chairpersons, George Anastasiadis, Tom Andrews, Bill Bozikis, Angelo Anastasiadis, Demetra Lamprinakos, Anthony Rizos, Antonios Brillakis, Fr. Chrysanthos or Father Dean if you would like to offer your help. LOOKING AHEAD…. ST. HARALAMBOS GOLF OUTING will take place on Monday, June 21st at Indian Lakes Golf Course in Bloomingdale, IL. Register by June 11! 4 ΕΝΟΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΟ ΠΙΚ-ΝΙΚ! Οι οικογένειες του Αγίου Χαραλάμπους: Κατηχητικού, Ελληνικού Σχολείου, Youth Night, Jr. GOYA, GOYA, YAL, PTA και Φιλοπτώχου θα έχουν ένα παραδοσιακό πικ-νικ εις το Crowley Park εις Glenview τo Memorial Day, 25 Μαίου. Θα διασκεδάσουμε με παιχνίδια, διάφορα σπορτς και καλή παρέα! Φέρτε μαζί σας τα φαγητά σας-διατίθενται ψησταριές! Aς συναντηθούμε όλοι το Memorial Day δια να έχουμε την ευκαιρία να διασκεδάσουμε σαν μια μεγάλη οικογένεια! STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING — ΤΟΝ ΑΓΩΝΑ ΤΟΝ ΚΑΛΟΝ ΔΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΙΣΤΙΝ ΜΑΣ Δια το πρόγραμμα του 2010 Stewardship διαλέξαμε την εικόνα του Δαβίβ να πολεμάει τον Γολιάθ, δια να μας υπενθυμίζει ότι η Χριστιανική ζωή είναι ένας αγώνας. Βλέποντας τον αγώνα του Δαβίδ δια την πίστην του στον Έναν Θεόν, αναγνωρίζουμε ότι είναι αγώνας το να επιδιώκουμε την καλλιτέρευση, την αρετή, την ηθική, και τον καθαγιασμό, και ότι το Ευσυνείδητο Stewardship είναι μέρος της πνευματικής μας αναζήτησης δια την σωτηρία. ΝΕΑ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΣΙΑ! ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΥΜΕ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΤΕ-ΤΟ ΕΦΕΤΕΙΝΟ ΠΙΚΝΙΚ ΜΑΣ ΘΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΤΟ CROWLEY PARK ! Είμεθα ευγνώμονες που όλο και περισσότεροι stewards αντιλαμβάνονται ότι η προσφορά μας προς το Stewardship πρέπει να είναι ανάλογη με τα αγαθά που μας έχει δώσει ο Θεός, καθώς ξεκινάμε βαθμιαία το μονοπάτι του “Δέκατου”. Το “Δέκατο” (10%) είναι η κανονική προσφορά του καθενός ανθρώπου, όπως περιγράγει η Παλαιά Διαθήκη, δια την υποστήριξη του έργου του Θεού, και μας θυμίζει ότι το Stewardship των υλικών αγαθών μας συνδέεται με τον Χριστιανικό μας αγώνα. ΟΙ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΔΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 2010 -11 έχουν αρχίσει δια τα σχολεία του Απογευματινού και GSL. Γράψτε εγκαίρως τα παιδιά σας δια να έχουν μια θέση στο Ελληνικό Σχολείο. Έντυπα εγγραφής διατίθενται στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. ΑΠΛΗΡΩΤΑ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΡΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟΥ Ολα τα δίδακτρα έπρεπε να έχουν εξοφληθεί μέχρι τώρα! Εαν χρωστάτε ακόμη κάποι υπόλοιπο, πρέπει να εξοφληθεί πριν την αποφοίτηση των μαθητών. Ο Θεός μας θεωρεί άξιους των άφθονων ευλογιών που μας δίνει¨ ας γίνουμε άξιοι όχι μόνον να λαμβάνουμε αλλά άξιοι και να δίνουμε! ΑΠΟΦΟΙΤΗΣΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟΥ--Το ετήσιο πρόγραμμα Αποφοίτησης του Απογευματινού Σχολείου μας θα λάβει χώραν την Κυριακή, 6 Ιουνίου, στίς 4:00 μ.μ. εις LAKEVIEW BANQUETS (IN THE GLEN), 2400 Chestnut Avenue Glenview. Προσκαλούνται όλοι να παρακολουθήσουν την Αποφοίτηση και να συμμετέχουν στον Ετήσιο Χορό που θα ακολουθήσει. Η δωρεά είναι μόνον $25 δια τους μεγάλους και $15 δια τα παιδιά 5-11 ετών. Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας! 20 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ Η ΠΡΟΚΛΗΡΩΣΗ!!-Διατίθενται λαχεία προς πώλησιν και ο πρώτος λαχνός είναι ένα καινούργιο 2011 Audi A4 Sedan ή μία μηχανή καινούργια Harley Davidson ή 20.000 μετρητά! Θα γίνη μία «Προκλήρωση» την 20η Ιουνίου όλων των λαχείων αξίας $100 που θα έχουν πωληθεί μέχρι την Κυριακή αυτή. Ο πρώτος λαχνός γιά την προκλήρωση είναι $1,000! Αγοράστε τα λαχεία σας σήμερα, δια να μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στην προκλήρωση! JUNIOR OLYMPICS-θα λάβουν χώραν την 29-30 Mαίου! Περιμένουμε με μεγάλη ανυπομονησία το συναρπαστικό σαββατοκύριακο των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων! Σχεδιάστε να παρευρεθείτε και να χειροκροτήσετε τους αθλητές του Αγίου Χαραλάμπους! TO “GOLF OUTING” ΤΟΥ ΑΓ. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ θα λάβει χώραν το καλοκαίρι, την 21ην Ιουνίου εις Indian Lakes Golf Course εις Bloomingdale. Γραφθείτε! ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΤΟΥ 2010--Το Φεστιβάλ της Κοινότητάς μας για το 2010 θα λάβει χώραν εις τις 16-18 Ιουλίου, και οι ετοιμασίες άρχισαν. Θα χρειαστούμε βοήθεια εις τον προγραμματισμόν, και πάντα ενδιαφερόμαστε για νέες ιδέες και καινούργιους εθελοντές! Εαν έχετε την ευχαρίστησιν να βοηθήσετε, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε εις τους υπεύθυνους George Anastasiadis, Bill Bozikis, Tom Andrews, Niki Tziavaras, Demetria Lamprinakos, Angelo Anastasiadis, Antonios Brillakis, Anthony Rizos, π. Χρύσανθο ή στον π. Κωνσταντίνο. 5 YOU ARE INVITED TO THE SAINT HARALAMBOS “OLD FASHIONED FAMILY PICNIC” Monday, May 31st– 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm CROWLEY PARK (New location!) 700 Huber Lane in Glenview Bring your food to cook on the grill. We’ll supply the grill! We can play: Bocci, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, and much more! SEE YOU THERE! ST HARALAMBOS 2010 ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Monday, June 21, 2010 Indian Lakes Golf Course Bloomingdale, Illinois 7:00 am—Registration 8:00 am sharp—SHOTGUN START! $135/person Green Fees, Sandwich and Beverage, Power Cart, Blind Bogey, Dinner Buffet Other prizes and gifts Including $25,000 cash! Make reservations by June 11! Please call church office 847-647-8880. 6 SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH I N V I T E S Y O U T O THE BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES JULY 16, 17 & 18, 2010 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS - PHONE (847) 647-8880 AUTHENTIC GREEK FOOD GREEK PASTRIES ROASTED LAMB FESTIVAL DANCERS IMPORTED GREEK WINES GREEK TAVERNA LOUKOUMATHES COOKING CLASSES RAFFLE! FIRST PRIZE: a LUXURIOUS NEW 2011 AUDI A4 SEDAN A NEW HARLEY DAVIDSON OR $20,000 ! SECOND PRIZE: $ 2000 FOURTH PRIZE: $ 500 THIRD PRIZE: FIFTH PRIZE: 7 $ 1000 $ 500 OR “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF OUR FAITH” STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING IN 2010— We have chosen the image of David slaying Goliath for our 2010 Stewardship Program. Against all odds, David faced the enemy and, having deep faith, he prevailed! Let us pray to have such faith that we can be generous to our church even in difficult times, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver! Heartfelt and conscientious Stewardship ensures that our church will be strong and able to minister to the needs of our children and friends, as well as all who turn to the Church for blessings, help and guidance. Our Stewardship is not so much a reflection on the Church, but a reflection on ourselves as givers. Stewardship is an expression of our love and appreciation to God for the many blessings we receive. In return, let us become not only worthy takers but worthy givers! We are so grateful to the following stewards and spouses for their Stewardship support in 2010: Dr. & Mrs. Tom Adams Ms. Athanasia Albans Ms. Theodora Aleck Mr. & Mrs. George Analitis Mr. Alexander Analitis Mr. George Anastasiadis Mr. Evangelos Anastasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Stratis Anastasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Andrews Mr. John Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Tom Andrews Mr. Andy Andrews Mr. Telly Andrews Mrs. Mary Andria Mr. & Mrs. Bill Andros Mr. & Mrs. John Anton Mrs. Ourania Antoniades Mr. & Mrs Peter J. Antonopoulos Mrs. Voula Apithis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Apostolakides Mr. & Mrs. John Apostolou Ms. Cindy D. Arhos Mr. & Mrs. George Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Geo Arvanitis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Asimacopoulos Dr. Voula Asimacopoulos & Fam Mrs. Dina Assimakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tony Athans Mrs. Angie Bambulas Dr. & Dr. Chris Baboulas Mr. Anestis Baharopoulos Mrs. Sophy Bairaktaris Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Bakas Ms. Maria Ballas Mrs. Athena Balodimas Dr. & Mrs. Spiro Barlas Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Barron Mrs. Ritsa Bazianos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Baziotes Mr. & Mrs. Christ Becharas Mr. & Mrs. Ted Befas Mrs. Zoe Belias Ms. Joann Bellos Mr. John Bentevis Mr. & Mrs. Jose Berrios Mrs. Katherine Bestolarides Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bjorklund Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bildires Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Bilissis Ms. Eugenia Bliamblias Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Botsis Fr. & Presvytera Dean Botsis Mr. & Mrs Antonios Boulamatsis Ms. Theodora Boundroukas Mrs. Anastasia Bourkas Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Bournias Mrs. Maria Boyle Mr. & Mrs. William Brahos Mr. & Mrs. Antonios Brillakis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brotsos Mrs. Konstantina Bulyaki Mrs. Angela Caldes Mrs. Vicky P. Callas Mr. & Mrs. George Callas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Castellucci Mr. George Chiamopoulos Mr. Chris Christides Ms. Eleftheria Chronopoulos Mrs. Thalia Chrysanthakes Mr. & Mrs. Sam Conis Mr. & Mrs. Geo Conopoeotis Mr. & Mrs. Geo Coologeorgen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Costas Mr. & Mrs. Basil T. Courialis Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Couris Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Couris Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Couris Mr. & Mrs. John Dagres The Dagrizikos Family Ms. Mary Dalakas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dalamangas Mr. & Mrs. Leo Danielides Mr. & Mrs Theo Daskalopoulos Mr. Nick Deamantopulos Mr. & Mrs. Alex Dehnert Mr. & Mrs. John Deligiannis Mr. & Mrs. John Demakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Demeropulos Mr. & Mrs. Christ Demopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Demeros Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Demertzis Mr. Peter C. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dimitriou Mr. & Mrs Angelo Dimitropoulos Mrs. Gloria D. Dimoutsikos Mr. & Mrs. David Dobbs Mrs. Athina Dossas Mrs. Fanny Drivalas Mr. & Mrs. John Drivas Mr. & Mrs. Aris Drivas Mr. & Mrs. Marko Duni Mr. & Mrs. John Dussias Mr. & Mrs. George Eliopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Evangelinos Mr. Steve Fanady Mr. & Mrs. James Farmakis Mrs. Kula Farsalas Mrs. Foteini Fasoi Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Fatta Mr. & Mrs. John Frake Mrs. Trisevgeni Frentzas Mrs. Frances Futris Dr. & Mrs. George Futris Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Garbis Ms. Dionaura Elena Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Gdoutos Mr. & Mrs. John Georgatsos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Georgopoulos Mrs. Athina Gerros Mrs. Anastasia Gevrekis Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Gevrekis Mr. & Mrs. George Gianaris Mr. & Mrs. Panos Giannakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Giannopoulos Mr. George Giolas Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Gloria Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Goudes Mrs. Olga Goumas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Govas Mr. & Mrs. James Govis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Govis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Grapsas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grivas Mr. & Mrs. George Halkias Dr. & Mrs. Dimitri Haralampopoulos Mr. Nikos Hareas Mr. & Mrs. John Harty Mrs. Loula Hasapis Mr & Mrs Dimitrios Hatzigiannis Mr. & Mrs. Dino Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Houpis 8 Mr. George D. Houpis Ms. Krystal Ioannou Mr. Elias Ionas Mrs. Eleftheria Izvinko Mrs. Maria Palamidis-Jeoffre Mr. & Mrs. John Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Christ Kakaletris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kalodimos Mrs. Potoula Kalogeras Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kalogeros Ms. Koula Kalogeros Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kalogris Mr & Mrs Eleftherios Kalotihos Mr. & Dr. Konstantinos Kanaloupitis Mrs. Kiki Kanavoutsis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kanelos Mr. Angelo P. Kanellopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kanellopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Karabatsos Mr. & Mrs. George Karahalios Mrs. Martha Karakitsos Mr. & Mrs. James Karambelas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karampelas Mr. & Mrs. James Karellas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kareotes Mr. & Mrs. Spilios Karidas Mrs. Lee Karnezis Dr. & Mrs. Louis Karras Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kartsistaris Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katris Mrs. Eleni Katris Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katsikas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kereakes Fr. & Presvytera Chrysanthos Kerkeres Mr. & Mrs. Norman Khouri Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Kikes Mr. & Mrs. Ted Kiriazopoulos Mr. Gus Kokenes Mrs. Veneta Kokenes Mrs. Demetra Kokinis Mr. & Mrs. George Kokkines Mrs. Marianna X. Koliopoulos Mrs. Dia Konstantaras Mrs. Ange Konstantine Mrs. Afrodite Konstantos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos CONTINUED-NEXT PAGE Mrs. Vickey Kontos Mr. & Mrs. George Koronios Mr. & Mrs. John Kotsanis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kougias Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kouimelis Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Koukounaras Mr. & Mrs. John Koularmanis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Koumarelas Mr. & Mrs. Pete Koupas Mrs. Irene Kovatchis Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kozonis Miss Georgia Kozonis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lamprinakos Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Langis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanzourakis Ms. Lori Lappas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Laskaris Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lemperis Mrs. Christina Liakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Prokopios Liapis Ms. Irene Limnios Mrs. Maria Hatzinakos Litsas Mr. & Mrs. Stratos Litsogiannis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Livaditis Mr. & Mrs. David Loomos Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Loutrianakis Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lygiros Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Lygiros Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch Mr. Athanasios Magoulas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Maillis Mr. & Mrs. George Malkos Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mallidis Mr. & Mrs. Louis Manis Mr. William Manolis Mrs. Bill Mantis Mrs. Stamatia Mantzos Mrs. Roula Mareskes Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Maris Mr. & Mrs. John Markos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Marquisos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Matsoukas Mrs. Barbara Matthopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mazur Mr. & Mrs. John Μegremis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Megremis Mr. Constantine Megremis Mr. & Mrs. John Michaels Ms. Christine N. Mitchel Mr. & Mrs. Diamante Mitsakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Morikis Mr. & Mrs. George Morikis Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mourtokokis Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Moutzouros Mr. & Mrs. Jim Moutzouros Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murphy Mr. Michael Nale Mrs. Athena Nanos Mrs. Maria Nezis Dr. Arthur G. Nikelly Ms. Eva Nikellys Mr. Demosthenes Nikolopoulos Mr. & Mrs. James O’ Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ochonicki Mr. & Mrs. Frank Paganis Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Panagiotaros Mr. & Mrs. Elias Panomitros Mr. John Panopoulos Ms. Myranda Panopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Panos Mr. & Mrs. Petros Papadatos Mr. & Mrs. Socrates Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Geo Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Papagiannis Mr. & Mrs. Tony Papas Ms. Angie Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William G. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Sam Parmakis Mrs. Helen Parrish Mr. & Mrs. William Patsilivas Mrs. Helen Paulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Petruleas Mrs. Katherine Philis Mrs. Sophia Politis Mr. Mike Politis Mr. & Mrs. Andy Politis Mr. & Mrs. Percy Pollard Mr. Dino Poulakos Ms. Margarita Poulakos Mrs. Venetia Poulakos Mr. & Mrs. Mike Poulakos Mrs. Antonia Poulos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Prassinos Mr. & Mrs. George Printzis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. John Prodromos Mr & Mrs Michael Protofanousis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Radaios Mr. Peter Remos Mr. & Mrs. Telly Rentzelos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Rentzelos Mr. & Mrs. George Rizos Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Roiniotis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roumeliotis Dr. & Dr. Howard Rosenzweig Mr. & Mrs. George Roumeliotis Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ruggerio Mr. & Mrs. Steve Salameh Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios Santos Mrs. Pauline Sarantopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sarantopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Sarolas Mrs. Mary Ann Scordas Mrs. Irene Sealepis Mr. & Mrs. Dale Senensky Mrs. Pitsa Serigos Mrs. Kathy Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Petros Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sikoral Mrs. Betty Simos Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Skaouris Mr. & Mrs. John Skordalos Mr. & Mrs. George Skoubis Mr. & Mrs. Dan Skoubis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Skoufis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Soteropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Souleles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Spanos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Spears Mr. & Mrs. Demetre Stamatakos Mrs. Angeliki Stephenson Mrs. Maria Stompanato Fr. & Diaconisa John Suhayda Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tabrizi Mrs. Argie Koutsikos Tafreshing Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Talaganis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tasiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Art Tavoularis Mr. & Mrs. George Thanos Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Theodoropoulos Mr. Anastasios Theodoropoulos Ms. Anna Theodosis Mrs. Georgiana Theoharis Mr. Demos Therios Mr. & Mrs. Evdoxios Toliopoulos Mrs. Bertha Tomaras Dr. & Dr. Mike Toto Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tourlis Mr. Angelo J. Tsagalis Mr. & Mrs. James Tsagalis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsaganos Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tsatsakis Mr. & Mrs. John Tsichlis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Tsilipetros Mr. Tommy Tsilipetros Mrs. Eleni Tsirbas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tziavaras Mr & Mrs Constantine Tziavaras Mr. & Mrs. John Tzortzis Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tzotzolis Mr. & Mrs. Gus Tzotzolis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Vaselopulos Dr. & Mrs. Peter Vaselopulos Mr. Philip Vaselopulos Mrs. Popi Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Vasilarakis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Velis Mrs. Sophia Venetsanakos Mr. & Mrs. Savva Vetas Mr. Michael Vettes Mrs. Vivian Vickas Mrs. Kaliroi Vlahiotis Mr. & Mrs. John Vlahos Mr. Nick Voules Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vranas Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Xourias Mrs. Angeline Yutakis Mrs. Argero Zaverdas Mr. & Mrs. Tom Zavos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Zemenides Mr. & Mrs. Steve Zook Mrs. Helen Zouras Have you become a 2010 Steward yet? VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL! “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” PLAN TO SIGN UP FOR THIS YEAR'S VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon during the week of June 21-25, from ages 4 years old to 6th grade at St Haralambos. There will be interesting crafts, Bible stories, activities, snacks and lots of fun! Teachers are needed! To volunteer, please call the church office (847/647-8880). This summer program is immensely popular! Watch for more information. Don’t let your children miss out! 9 May 2010 16 SUNDAY 17 18 19 20 of THE HOLY FATHERS 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy FRENCH TOAST 7:00pm-Food Fest Meeting 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm—Bible Study 7:30 pm—Parish Council Mtg. 23 24 25 26 6:00 pm—GOYA Dinner Dance 30 ALL SAINTS 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 22 Ss Constantine and Helen 8:30 -Orthros and Liturgy Saturday of the Souls 8:30 -Orthros and Liturgy 11:30 am—GSL End of Year Program 27 28 THE HOLY SPIRIT PENTECOST SUNDAY 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 21 5:30—Family Night 7:30—GOYA 29 JUNIOR OLYMPICS 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:00pm-Food Fest Meeting 7:30 pm—Bible Study 4:30 pm—Greek School 31 MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC Crowley Park in Glenview June 2010 1 2 3 4 5 10:30 pm— Preschool End of Year Program 6 7 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm—Bible Study 7:30 pm— Philoptochos Monthly Mtg 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 4:30 pm—Greek School 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 6:30—School Board Mtg 4:00—Afternoon School Graduation and Party 7:00pm-Food Fest Meeting 13 14 15 16 7:00pm-Food Fest Meeting 7:30 pm—Bible Study 7:30 pm—Parish Council Mtg. 7:30 pm—Bible Study 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 10 For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0194 4c mss PRSRT STD HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE NILES, IL 60714-4503 US POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT #5654 Address Service Requested THE BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES JULY 16-18, 2010 OR A NEW HARLEY DAVIDSON OR $20,000! SECOND PRIZE: $ 2000 FOURTH PRIZE: $ 500 THIRD PRIZE: $ 1000 FIFTH PRIZE: $ 500 EarlY BIRD DRAWING -- SUNDAY, JUNE 20 -- WIN $1000! (Only Books of Five Tickets are eligible for the Early Bird Drawing.) Book of Five Tickets--$100 Single ticket $25 Do you have your tickets yet? 12