Armageddon Ransomware pdf-


Armageddon Ransomware pdf-
Armageddon Ransomware | How To Remove
It From Your System
Another ransomware prevails the European Markets, Armageddon ransomware.
Steps for removing the malware are listed below
Armageddon Ransomware-
It is a ransomware that has attacked the digital world recently and continues to
extort money from innocent people with less knowledge on computers. It is a
highly risky infection which was first spotted by S!Ri (siri_urz), a twitter user.
Upon its penetration into the System, it encrypts most of the files in the user’s
computer system by using the RSA-2048 Encryption Algorithm. Though it does
not change the file extensions still the data is encrypted and a pop-up message is
displayed seeking the ransom amount to be paid.
For gaining the ransomware encryption, the victims have to buy a decryption key
from the developers of that malware. The decryption key for every encryption is
different. This makes it hard to decrypt every time it attacks. So, the only way to
free your computer is to uninstall Armageddon ransomware.
It uses RSA-2048. This encryption algorithm is asymmetric, so, it is difficult to
decrypt it. The algorithm has a tendency to generate two decryption keys; private
and public. The keys are stored in a secured server. This server is controlled by the
developers who make sure that the server is difficult to locate or hack. All this
camouflage makes it easier for the developers to blackmail the victims.
The ransom is around EURO 100 that too has to be made in BTC (Bitcoins- a
digital currency). Paying the ransom is not a solution as the victims might be
scammed. The developers start ignoring victims after the ransom has been paid.
It is evident as of now, that the RSA cryptography can’t be decrypted by any tool.
But, Don’t Worry! We are here to help you, to eliminate Armageddon
Threat Summary
Operating System
Encryption Algorithm
Ransomware, crypto-virus
File encryption
Threat Behavior
Armageddon ransomware encryption resembles many other ransomware that
prevailed in the past decade. Each of the ransomware is designed to encrypt the
files of your system. This encryption is done using AES or RAS cryptography
usually. So recovering the files is impossible. The means via which it usually
enters your system can be spam mails, locker apps, third-party cracked versions of
software and updates.
After penetrating your system it encrypts your files using RSA cryptography. This
encryption bars the user from opening his/her files. This encryption can be
unlocked only with the help of the developers. This can be deduced after reading
the message that pops up on your window every time you try to open an encrypted
file. The message also mentions a ransom amount of EURO 100 to be paid to the
developers by way of BTC (Bitcoins).
How did it infect your PC?
Distribution TechniquesThis type of encryption ransomware attacks the system as soon it gets a safe
passage to your computer. This passage is the download and installations of thirdparty software, spam mails, fake software updates, malicious web-pages and many
other sources. All these techniques exhibit same behavior somehow. By the
moment you click on or download any of the infections means listed above, a
process will run in the background. The background process involves the
cryptographic encryptions that modify the set of programs and encrypt your
How to prevent your system from getting infected?
To prevent your system from getting infected you need to keep some simple
instructions in mind and if possible, follow them on a regular basis.
• You must keep your operating system updated so that the hackers can’t
infect it easily. Older operating systems are easy to target and penetrate.
• Keep a backup of your important files and maintain it regularly in an
external Hard Drive or on cloud. Keeping a data-backup will help you to
restore your system anytime to original settings and then you can retrieve
your data.
• Avoid clicking on spam mails, fake updates etc. as these might provide a
passage to ransomware. You must also avoid downloading third-party
software or cracked versions.
• You must purchase a good Antivirus that will help you to protect your PC
from such threats. To protect your system there are many anti-virus software
like Hitman Pro and Vipre that not only stops the ransomware from infecting
your computer whereas it also stops it from even entering the codes of your
Keep the applications and software on your PC updated in order to avoid any
attacks. As the versions that are old are easily hack-able and the updated version
are acquainted with programs that allows it to ignore potential threats on its own.
How to remove ransomware?