How To Remove Malicious .Roldat ransomware


How To Remove Malicious .Roldat ransomware
How To Remove Malicious .Roldat Ransomware?
Understanding the malicious .roldat Virus
A new variant of STOP ransomware has recently been discovered by the Security
Experts, the developers named it ‘Roldat Ransomware’. The malicious software is
created to trouble the users by encrypting their important files. Once, it infiltrates
the system, entire data and files are hijacked. Eventually, it locked the targeted
files with its unique extension – “.roldat”. Hackers have a strong financial motive
behind this encryption. The destructive software targets the files, which are
commonly found in any system these days. Such as documents, images & even
backup files.
Upon successful infiltration, it creates a text file – ‘_readme.txt’ in each folder
having .roldat file. This text file is nothing but the ransom demanding note!
Hackers demand hefty ransom in the form of Bitcoins, to restore data. The ransom
demanding file pop-up automatically whenever you try to open .roldat file.
We recommend you to remove this malicious software ASAP. Thinking about the
effective removal steps? Below are the easiest steps on how to remove .roldat virus
from your system.
Threat Summary
Targeted OS
Targeted Bowser
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
Distribution Technique
Roldat ransomware is a newly discovered threat for computer users. Alike other
ransomware-type files, roldat virus uses common tactics of distribution.
One of the easiest ways by which, .roldat land on your system is, via spam
campaigns. In such attack campaigns, cyber criminals send an e-mail with
malicious attachments. The e-mail is made to appear legitimate however, it is a
spam attack on you. The attachments are usually in word documents, PDF or zip
files. This is the second major reason, why user does not hesitate before opening
these attachments. First is that, the subject line of such e-mails, made them appear
legitimate. Once, you open this attachment, the malicious file triggers the
ransomware payload and infects your system with roldat extension virus. Apart
from the malicious advertisements, developers insert hyperlinks in the content of email. These links redirects the user to some untrustworthy sites.
Usually, when you open the attached file/link, it asks for the permission to run the
scripts. This script is nothing but the ‘macros’, through which the infection
Threat Behavior of .roldat Virus
The moment this ransomware gains access of your system, it results in malicious
modifications. Since the algorithm used is same as the infamous STOP
ransomware, the ultimate aim of roldat ransomware is to encrypt data.
In order to successfully encrypt the files, the malicious ransomware uses strong
algorithms such as AES, RSA and Salsa20. Once, the files are infected by roldat
extension virus, it generates a unique key to decrypt file. Furthermore, it appends
‘.roldat’ extension to the file name, which makes it unusable.
Once, it makes itself comfortable in your system, it scans every inch of your
computer to locate the targeted files. .roldat STOP ransomware looks for the files
which are most commonly found in most of the PCs. Documents, Databases,
Images, Videos, Music and Backups are a few targeted files.
At the end, .roldat ransomware drops a ransom demanding file, which aims at
extorting money from the victim users. Roldat ransomware asks for hefty amount
of ransom in exchange of the private key. Sum equal to $980 (in bitcoins) is
demanded to decrypt your locked files. Moreover, you can avail a discount of
50% in the ransom amount, only if you contact the hackers within 72 hours of the
.roldat attack. The price will be reduced to $490 (in bitcoins). However, paying
the asked ransom amount does not ensure .roldat file recovery. Hence, instead of
funding the cyber criminals, focus to remove .roldat ransomware.
Keep in mind, paying the ransom is not the only way out! In fact, it encourages
cyber crooks to initiate a new ransomware project. Hence, here are a few possible
solutions to delete .roldat file virus. Scroll down for easy and simple steps to
remove .roldat extension:
Removal guidelines for .roldat Virus
STEP A: Reboot your system to safe mode
STEP B: Remove the malicious files in Configuration Settings
STEP C: Delete the suspicious file from Command Prompt
STEP D: Restore system Files & Folders
Tips to prevent your system from .roldat Virus