2011 Annual Report - Lutheran Child and Family Services Of Illinois
2011 Annual Report - Lutheran Child and Family Services Of Illinois
The Faces of LCFS ANNUAL REPORT 2011 LCFS 2011 ANNUAL REPORT Mission Statement In response to Christ’s love, Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois attracts, develops, mobilizes and provides resources to improve the well-being of children, individuals, families, congregations and communities. Table of Contents 3 BOARD CHAIR AND PRESIDENT & CEO MESSAGE 4 CHILD PLACEMENT SERVICES 6 YOUTH RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 8 CLINICAL SERVICES 10 COMMUNITY SERVICES 1 2 ADVOCACY & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT 14 ADVANCING OUR MISSION 1 6 LCFS FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1 7 VOLUNTEER AND STAFF LEADERSHIP 20 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 35 2012 CALENDAR OF EVENTS All photographs in this publication are of actual LCFS stakeholders. Front cover: A gathering of LCFS staff and board members BOARD CHAIR AND PRESIDENT & CEO message “As our Heavenly Father has in Christ freely come to our aid, we also ought freely to help our neighbor through our body and its works, and each one should become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christs to one another and Christ may be the same in all, that is, that we may be truly Christians.” – MARTIN LUTHER THE FACE IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT DISTINGUISH ONE person from another. So it is important to reflect on the face we present. What differentiates us? What characteristics make us unique? Martin Luther’s call for us to be “little Christs” is a call to action that is at the heart of what LCFS does. Being “little Christs” means we must be grounded in Christian values, which equip and strengthen us so we can face the challenging times about us, ensuring the well-being of the children, individuals, families and communities we serve. We must then go and face the future head on. There are too many people in our state… in our cities… next door… who need a helping hand to be able to cope with life’s challenges and to meet their day-to-day needs. Actively addressing these concerns is a hallmark of the work done through LCFS; work that is inspired by your generous support. Please take a few moments to read through this annual report to see how the faces of LCFS, both those who help and are being helped, are able to positively face the future. Anthony Stephens Gene L. Svebakken, MSW, ACSW BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIR PRESIDENT & CEO (right, photo opposite page) (left, photo opposite page) LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 3 CHILD PLACEMENT SERVICES THE FACE OF love MOST OF US HAVE HAD TO BE AWAY FROM HOME for an extended period of time at some point in our lives. We eventually return home and settle back into some sort of routine. But what would you do if you had to leave home due to circumstances outside of your control with no return in sight? Many of the foster children served by LCFS regularly face this type of situation. Fortunately that is tempered by foster parents who open their homes and hearts to provide muchneeded measures of love for these youth. Nicole Woodfork (photo opposite page) is one of those foster parents. Together with her husband James, they provide a home for a year-old girl, who has lived with them since she was seven days old. They are the face of love, care and concern for their foster daughter, and according to Nicole, provide, “Someone (she) can rely on and develop a bond with.” 4 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Foster parenting is not an easy job; each child brings challenges stemming from an often difficult life. But foster parents are that loving face, which can help a foster child build a stronger sense of self and live a happy and productive life. And as Nicole noted, being a foster parent is “definitely fulfilling,” enriching the foster parents’ lives through the child’s presence and the satisfaction of knowing you played a positive influence in a child’s life. Foster parents may often be unsung heroes, but that doesn’t lessen their importance as faces of love and as faces of LCFS. IN FISCAL YEAR 2011, LCFS • Supervised the care of 1064 foster children • Helped 206 foster children achieve permanency/positive outcome through family reunification (118), adoption (75), guardianships (6) and emancipation (7) • Counseled 94 birthparents in making parenting decisions • Helped build families through LCFS’ Adoption Program and Lifelink International Adoption, with 109 domestic and 151 international adoptions Children can never have too many people love them. – ANONYMOUS LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 5 YOUTH RESIDENTIAL SERVICES THE FACE OF compassion THE FACE OF A CHILD IS A CANVAS OF EMOTION. Children learn from those emotions – happiness, wonder, fear, sadness. But for some children who have experienced severe trauma in their lives, those emotions become frightening and overpowering. That is why the compassionate and dedicated staff at Lutherbrook like Nicole Eskenazy (left, photo opposite page) are so crucial to helping these youth heal and return to a family living environment. When Tia (not her real name) came to Lutherbrook she experienced bouts of depression. Nicole talked to Tia about her interests and decided to enroll her in a hip-hop dance class. At first Tia (right, photo opposite page) was very shy and embarrassed about dancing in front of others, but by the end of the class, her self esteem had grown to the point where she was excited to dance in the final stage performance in front of Lutherbrook staff, parents and other youth. Nicole worked as a therapist at Lutherbrook until her recent promotion to transition coordinator. Part of her duties included connecting the youth at Lutherbrook with community activities and programs. These programs serve to motivate the youth, giving them something to look forward to and teaching them new skills. Nicole explained that, “These special programs allow the youth to go into the community, make new friends and help them build their self-esteem.” According to Nicole, “it is amazing to watch the youth grow and learn how to cope with life’s challenges… to know that you were a part of that is very rewarding.” 6 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G IN FISCAL YEAR 2011, LCFS • Provided 24-hour-a-day residential services for 70 children and youth at Lutherbrook/Collins and 69 youth at Southern Thirty Adolescent Center • Served 38 youth in the STAC foster care program • Provided special education services to 82 students at Lutherbrook Academy To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives. – DENIS WAITLEY LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 7 CLINICAL SERVICES THE FACE OF empathy THE FACES OF THOSE WHO RECEIVE HELP from our clinical services staff are as numerous as the problems those individuals face. That’s why the skill and compassion of therapists like Lamont Boswell (photo opposite page) are such a critical component of the services LCFS offers. Lamont has worked as a licensed therapist for more than 12 years. While most of his clients are teens in the Regenerations program, those he sees range from young children to adults, including children in foster care as well as parents adjusting to the return of their children from care. Most of Lamont’s clients have experienced multiple traumatic events over a long period of time. LCFS’ Clinical Services team stresses a holistic approach to their care. Lamont noted, “Mental health is just as important as physical health.” That includes helping clients make sense of their lives and ultimately recognizing their own resilience and strength; 8 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G helping them to dream again and realize that things can be different and assisting them with the development of life-long coping strategies. Lamont finds it rewarding when he sees progress in someone he’s working with – hope increases and that person is able to move forward. These changes are evident in the life of James (not his real name), a teen Lamont is working with who struggled at home and in school when he entered a new foster care arrangement with a relative. With the help of some very structured therapy, things have been steadily improving for James at home and school. According to Lamont, “having a safe, consistent place to work through life’s struggles is important for our clients and their wellness.” Thank you for your support, which helps provide this “face of LCFS” for those who need this important care. IN FISCAL YEAR 2011, LCFS • Provided individual, family and marital counseling (including Children First and Men Challenging Violence) to 708 individuals and families • Provided 6,860 hours of counseling services to 370 cases involving children in foster care • Through information and referral, helped 213 individuals and families make informed decisions and received 3,495 other inquiries All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – WALT DISNEY LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 9 COMMUNITY SERVICES THE FACE OF hunger HUNGER HAS MANY FACES – the girl coming home from school, hoping to be surrounded by the aroma of her favorite meal, only to be greeted instead by a cold stove and empty refrigerator; the parent who regularly skips meals so her children can eat and those who humbly stand in line at the food distribution center. Belinda (not their real names) and the inability to make rental payments has the potential to force them out of their apartment. Luz and Belinda visit the Little Village site on a weekly basis to help make ends meet. Felipe has also helped volunteers distribute food to others in similar need of assistance. LCFS operates four food and clothing distribution sites (Little Village, Chicago Uptown Ministry, Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood and downstate Hardin). One of the busier sites is in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, where site Coordinator Christina Quintana (center, photo opposite page) noted several hundred people are served each week. The food they receive doesn’t absolve Luz (right, photo opposite page) and Felipe of their parental responsibilities, but does assist them in maintaining the health and well-being of their family. They are greeted by the kind faces of the volunteers who package and distribute the food each week for as many hours as it takes to assist everyone in line. The non-judgmental approach of the volunteers to their work also provides a measure of respect to those they serve in a society where that type of respect is often sorely lacking. Your generous support helps LCFS operate these sites, where recipients don’t receive handouts, but rather a helping hand as they face life’s daily challenges. Unemployment is a concern for Luz, her husband Felipe and their daughter 10 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G IN FISCAL YEAR 2011, LCFS • Distributed food and clothing to an average of 558 families per week • Strengthened 718 at-risk families (including those needing housing) through 11,531 hours of homebased services • Helped 33 individuals and had sessions with 3 groups through the Fathers’ Center • Provided educational and recreational services to 14 elementary and middle school students at Chicago Uptown Ministry • Provided crisis intervention and community outreach to nearly 1,000 individuals at Chicago Uptown Ministry • Welcomed 1,313 campers and 634 day campers at Camp Wartburg God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. – MATTHEW 5:6 NLT LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 11 ADVOCACY & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT THE FACE OF advocacy THE FACES OF LCFS INCLUDE ADVOCATES telling the stories of clients - who have succeeded against the odds – to legislators, congregations and friends. This activity promotes public policy that ensures that children and families receive effective and timely services. Eighty-five stakeholders in the LCFS mission met at the Annual Stakeholders’ Gathering to focus on action for Children and Youth in a Time of Economic Crisis. The stakeholders learned from Policy Outreach Director Dawn Melchiorre of Voices for Illinois Children, who encouraged LCFS to be bold, to focus on prevention and strengthening families, to find the excluded and to connect them to services and to engage congregations. We also recognized Rev. Dan Schwick of Lutheran Social Services of Illinois as an outstanding child advocate. LCFS staff and board members gathered with advocates from Lutheran agencies across Illinois for Lutheran Day in Springfield, educating legislators and taking part in the end-of-day prayer service in the Capitol rotunda. Lutheran Day 12 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G is a collaboration among eight Lutheran Social Ministry Organizations to show unified support for policies that help the common good. Advocates heard from Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, State Senator Michael Frerichs and others. LCFS’ Darrin Holt and Beverly Jones educated advocates about state-funded child welfare services, from the perspective of the youth. LCFS board member Rev. Dr. Willie P. Stallworth, Sr. led the prayer service in the Capitol rotunda, reminding participants of the need to pray and do for those in need and to respect government, which is of God. We recognized Illinois Secretary of Human Services Michelle Saddler for her commitment to those in need by presenting her with the Paul Simon Courage in Public Service Award. Throughout the General Assembly session, LCFS communicated with sixteen key legislative leaders who represent our service sites, sharing stories of success and community needs. We collaborated closely with our partners: the Child Care Association of Illinois, Illinois Partners for Human Services and the Responsible Budget Coalition. ADVOCACY AT LCFS RESULTED IN: • A shared vision for the future: to be bold, focus on prevention, strengthen families and find the excluded • Actions to meet, educate and influence elected officials • Helpful connections between people, associations and institutions: in stakeholder gatherings, Lutheran Day, community program councils, community forums and foster parent assemblies • Increased power to care for others l to r: Director of Chicago Uptown Ministry Emily Jackson, Director of Children and Family Services Beverly Jones and Director of Church and Civic Engagement Dave Roth at Lutheran Day Law and worldly government are a great gift of God to mankind. – MARTIN LUTHER LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 13 ADVANCING OUR MISSION THE FACES OF our supporters WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO witness the graciousness of our generous supporters firsthand. We haven’t been able to meet everyone face-to-face, but for those whom we have met, those qualities of graciousness and generosity are evident in their faces – those looks of interest, concern and compassion as we discuss the needs of those we serve and what can be done to help. What we see in those faces provides hope, not only to us, but to all of those whom together we help. Indeed, the face of LCFS is seen in communities across Illinois through: • The congregation that collects toys for foster children at Christmas time… • The business that underwrites an LCFS event, ensuring that agency funds can go to much-needed programs throughout the state… 14 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G • The youth who organizes a coat drive to help provide winter warmth to the homeless… • The committee member who donates his/her time, talents and resources to help ensure successful LCFS events... • The individual who stretches his/her paycheck a little further in order to help others… • The foundation whose grant helps LCFS successfully recruit foster parents… It’s not an easy task, being the face of assistance in a needy world, but it is an endlessly rewarding one for those gracious and compassionate friends of LCFS who give generously of their time and money. Thank you for all you do. HOW LCFS STEWARDS OUR RESOURCES 88 cents out of every dollar goes directly to programs and clients. Support Services 12.4% Program Services 87.6% l to r: Annual Fund Manger Sean Riesenbeck, Eagle Scout and coat drive organizer Karl Ulm and Director of Community Services DeBorah Al-Waraqi sort through donated coats. The LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you… – NUMBERS 6:25 LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 15 LCFS FINANCIAL STATEMENT Consolidated statement of activities for fiscal year ended June 30, 2011 Unrestricted Revenue Contributions, net Legacies and bequests Contributions by associated congregations $849,310 58,183 150,620 177,776 In-Kind Contributions from food depositories 14,734 Other revenue Program service fees Program grants Thrift shop income Miscellaneous Release of net assets arising from satisfaction of restrictions UNRESTRICTED REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS 21,857,455 5,354,430 204,615 416,365 37,153 297,388 29,418,028 Operating Expenses Program Services 26,673,133 Supporting Services* Management and general 2,967,523 Fundraising 631,225 Thrift shop 178,320 3,777,068 OPERATING EXPENSES Decrease in unrestricted net assets before other changes in net assets Contributions 4% Other Changes In Net Assets United Way organizations Fees and grants from government agencies Unrestricted Revenue 30,450,201 (1,032,173) Net investment gain Net pension adjustments $773,833 1,160,883 1,934,716 Increase in unrestricted net assets 902,543 Net Increase in temporarily and permanently restricted net assets 473,683 Increase in net assets Thrift Shop Income 2% Program Grants 1% Allocations From Federated Funding Organizations 1% Program Service Fees 18% 1,376,226 Net Assets Beginning of year END OF YEAR 5,530,182 $6,906,408 *Supporting Services are 12.4 percent of total expenses. Fees and Grants from This financial statement was abstracted from the Organization’s June 30, 2011 consolidated financial statements, which were audited by McGladrey & Pullen LLP. Because the information does not include all the disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, it does not purport to present the Organization’s consolidated financial condition or results of operations. Copies of the audited consolidated financial statements are available upon written request to Lynn Murakami, LCFS Chief Financial Officer, 7620 W. Madison St., River Forest, IL 60305, or available online at www.lcfs.org, within the “About LCFS” section. Government Agencies 74% Operating Expenses Residential Treatment Foster Care 39% Centers 28% Supporting Services 12% Home-based Services 4% Community Services 2% Adoption Services and Family Counseling & Pregnancy Counseling 7% Family Life Education 1% Camp Wartburg 5% 16 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Lifelink 2% VOLUNTEER AND STAFF leadership LCFS Board of Trustees Robert W. Fick PRESIDENT AND CEO Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger Rev. Timothy Scharr Glenda J. Liner LCFS Foundation Board Joel T. May PRESIDENT AND CEO Decorative Specialties Sales Co. (retired) Gene L. Svebakken, MSW, ACSW St. John Lutheran Church, Mattoon Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois Chicago Board of Education President and CEO CHAIR Anthony T. Stephens Heritage Realty Group VICE CHAIRS Don B. Cochran I.B.M. (retired) William Everson Commonwealth Edison (retired) Rev. Wray Offermann St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Decatur Brenna M. Woodley Bundles of Joy Jones Day Law Firm Candace Mueller Illinois Board of Higher Education Rev. Dr. Willie P. Stallworth, Sr. Unity Lutheran Church, East St. Louis HONORARY MEMBERS Arlene R. Avischious Homemaker & Volunteer Carolyn Becker Children of Peace School Rev. Reuben C. Baerwald Rev. Robert Rogers English District Southern Illinois District—President Gene L. Svebakken, MSW, ACSW Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois CHAIR Melvin Faulkner Tenneco, Inc. VICE-PRESIDENT Paul Karl, CPA SECRETARY MEMBERS Jesse E. Matheny, Jr. Rev. Dr. Paul Bacon Bethesda Lutheran Church, Chicago DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES B. J. Chakiris Rev. Reuben C. Baerwald Jill M. Chapman Rev. Peter Glock B.J. Chakiris Corp Office Max Northern Illinois District Jeffrey Jacobs Atlantic Trust Rev. Dr. F. Dean Lueking Pastor Emeritus Ralph A. Morris Acxiom Corporation J.R. Davidsmeyer Caterpillar, Inc. (retired) Decorative Specialties Sales Co. (retired) VICE CHAIR Melvin Faulkner Illinois Road Contractors (retired) Robert W. Fick Schiff Hardin, LLP Nicor (retired) Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration & CFO/ Corporate Treasurer Tenneco, Inc. Volunteer Donald Lohrentz Northern Illinois District—LCMS (retired) SECRETARY MEMBERS Marian E. Fick Raymond Mueller Navistar, Inc. (retired) David A. Schlesselman Edward J. Schoenbaum State of Illinois (retired) Anthony T. Stephens Heritage Realty Group HONORARY MEMBERS Theodore Arey The Nolan Agency, Inc. David Hardt Hardt Electric, Inc. Dorothy Hildebrandt Volunteer Jesse E. Matheny, Jr. Caterpillar, Inc. (retired) Central Illinois District LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 17 VOLUNTEER AND STAFF LEADERSHIP LCFS Corporate Officers John Mohl, BA Gene L. Svebakken, MSW, ACSW Deloris Moreland, M. Ed. President and CEO Paul Karl, CPA Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration & CFO/Corporate Treasurer Susan Stephens, MSW, LCSW, ACSW Vice President for Organizational Development & Chief Organizational Development Officer/ Corporate Secretary Michael Bertrand, MSW, LCSW Vice President/Chief Program Officer Camp Wartburg Board of Directors Deanne Wells Southern Thirty Adolescent Center Officers Morris Visitor Publications Sara Newton, MSSW Wayne Collmeyer Camp Wartburg Northern Illinois Director of Child Welfare Mark Paladino, MS, SPHR Human Resources Pat Radley, MSW Lifelink International Adoption David J. Roth, AM Advocacy and Civic Engagement LCFS Program Directors Louie Zaino, MSW, LCSW DeBorah Al-Waraqi, AM, MSW Lutherbrook Guild Community Service Doug Cablk, BA Information Systems Dr. Deborah Conn Principal—Lutherbrook Academy Brenton Diers, AM, LCSW, ACSW Executive Director—Lutherbrook Child and Adolescent Center Kathleen Henke, MSW, LCSW Central Illinois Services Robin Hensley, MS Regional Vice President Downstate Region La Nell S. Hill, MSW, ACSW Adoption Lutherbrook Child and Adolescent Center Josie Kish President Linda Tkachenko Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary Roberta Maziar Chairman Waterloo Schools Superintendent (retired) Ron Turley Vice-Chairman I.B.M. (retired) Frank Rudolph Secretary Scott AFB Contractor Wayne Price Treasurer LC-MS Foundation Members Cindy Auld Kaskaskia College Don Cochran I.B.M. (retired) Lifelink International Adoption Board Of Directors Officers Michael Bertrand President Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois Susan Stephens Secretary Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois Paul Karl Board Treasurer Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois Members B.J. Chakiris LCFS Auxiliary Brian Hanger Loyola University Chicago Jerry Jenson St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mattoon Dorothy Kaestner Gene Svebakken Loretta Platter President Sonny Mack Vice President Phyllis Breese Process Concepts Retired Military LC-MS Foundation/KFUO Open Emily Jackson, MSW Secretary Rev. Kendra Nolde Beverly Jones, MSW Treasurer 18 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois B.J. Chakiris Corp Gateway EDI, LLC Membership Chair Children and Family Services Paul Karl Secretary Darrin Holt, MS Ed. Chicago Uptown Ministry Ethan Woods Karen George Don Lutz Southern Illinois Director of Child Welfare Lutheran High School North (retired) Helen Gabrielson Edward Gumz Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger Ex-Officio Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Gethsemane Lutheran Church Bill Stock Microfinish Co., Inc. UPS employees volunteered to help clean up the Lutherbrook campus. LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 19 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS HONOR ROLL OF donors The following lists reflect total giving during the fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011). President’s Club VANGUARDS $10,000 OR MORE Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fick Dr. James M. and Mrs. Janice L. Velayas Mr. and Mrs. David E. Zyer WITNESSES $5,000 TO $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Claussner Mrs. Sue Ebert Mr. and Mrs. James P. Grusecki Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Kolschowsky Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Matheny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. May Mrs. Harriet Schwake Mr. Michael Sorenson Brenna and Robert Woodley SUSTAINERS $1,000 TO $4,999 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Aberson Kim and Michael Almgren Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arey Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Ashbrook Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Aurelio Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bacon 20 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Julie and Lamont Barrientos Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bauer Mrs. Carolyn and Rev. Donald Becker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Blessing Miss Ruth L. Born Ms. Ruth E. Bruch Mr. Marc Bushman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Case Ms. Jill M. Chapman and Mr. Richard Allen Ms. Lori Chassee and Mr. Jerry Dolan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Chaveriat Mrs. Doris Christopher Ms. Julie A. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Ciro Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cribbs Ms. Vicki DalSanto and Mr. John Dombrowski Mr. J. R. Davidsmeyer Mr. Brenton Diers and Ms. Colleen Dreyer Drivers of UPS Tim and Dagmar Dunn Ms. Sheila R. Dunteman Ms. Verna J. Ehlers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Emry Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Epstein Mr. and Mrs. William E. Everson Mr. and Mrs. Maury Ferchen Ms. Ardeanna Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Flight Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frantzis Ms. M. Ambie-Rose Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garner Mr. Donald Giehler Mr. Stephen Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Gorski Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Grcevic Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Grote Mr. and Mrs. Eldor R. Hadler Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hardt David and Mary Alice Helms Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hensley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hildebrandt Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Hill Ms. Holly Hirst and Mr. Tom Bearrows Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jungermann Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Karl Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey L. King Mr. David Kistenbroker and Ms. Cynthia Heusing David and Janice Kleiner Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Koetke Mr. and Mrs. Zachary A. Larson Rev. and Mrs. Walter A. Ledogar Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lohrentz Mrs. Ruth K. Mank Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Milroy Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mutryn Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Nagel Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Offermann Mr. and Mrs. Les V. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pavelec Rev. and Mrs. Willard Pierce Ms. Lucy Piotrowski Nicholas and Jacqueline Raino Mr. and Mrs. David Roth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Sande Mrs. Dolores M. Schlesselman Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Schooley Kelley and Paul Schueler Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David T. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Stephens Susan and Larry Stephens Mr. Christopher J. Stoll Ms. Monika Strak Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Svebakken Rev. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tews Chris and Jean Thomas Mrs. Marian V. Tiedt Mr. Daniel D. Tiemann Ms. Katherine Toth and Mr. Matt Hoppe David and Carolyn Utech Mr. Jerry Vainisi Rev. and Mrs. David Walker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wassmann Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Wendling Mr. and Mrs. James P. Zeller BUILDERS $500 TO $999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. C. Brant Ahrens Dr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anker Mr. L.C. Ayres, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bahe Mr. Everett Balkcom Michael and Jeanne Bemi Mr. Jeffrey K. Bloomquist Mr. Scott Bohbrink Ms. Barbara A. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown Mr. and Mrs. David L. Buchheit Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Bull Mr. Paul Bushman Mr. and Mrs. George K. Busse Mr. Edwin C. Bussert Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Vito Claps Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Crement Karen and Charles Crook Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. DaDan Mrs. Eileen C. D’Ambrose Mrs. Polly DeAngulo and Mr. Juan Roberto Mrs. Shirley Dieringer Donald and Shirley Diersen Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Eberhardt Ms. Emily Eilers Ms. Christine M. Erickson Mr. Melvin Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fellendorf, Jr. Mr. Rob W. Fick Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Forgue Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gehrt Joe and Mary Beth Grunstad Mr. Mike Hammer Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hass Mr. and Mrs. Don Henke Gene and Betty Hill Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hoff Diana and Robert Jackson Phillip and Beatriz Jiménez Mrs. Florence E. Johnson Ms. Elaine E. Kietzer Chris and Ramona Koetke Mr. Martin Kopatz Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Krieser Mr. and Mrs. David Lambke Ms. Laurie E. Lawton Mr. and Mrs. Kalin Liefer Mrs. Jean Marcordes Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Martin Donna and Michael McCaleb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Meier Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Meissner Dr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow Mr. James K. Muhlenbruch Monika and Terry Nash Rev. and Mrs. Wray Offermann Mrs. Mary H. Olson Mr. Mark and Dr. Laura Orvidas Mrs. Laura Lou Prange Mr. Pat Presta and Mrs. Fran Presta Mr. and Mrs. Seymoure S. Pritikin Lyle and Joyce Proksch Mrs. Marion H. Puscheck Mr. Paul L. Rehmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reinke Mr. Jeffrey Roa Mr. and Mrs. John M. Roberts Mrs. Corrine W. Rommel Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Rommelman Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Salvino Mrs. Margaret D. Sauer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Schlesselman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmeling Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy V. Schultz Mr. Dale R. Schumacher Rev. Daniel J. Schwick and Rev. Kathie Bender Schwich Mr. Paul D. Soderholm and Rev. Carol Vassallo-Soderholm Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Staniec Mr. and Mrs. John Tritt Mrs. Tina M. Tromiczak Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wallen Mr. and Mrs. James B. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Weber Ms. Carrie Weed Edward and Sara White Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Zimmer Dr. and Mrs. R. Allan Zimmer Timothy and Ada Elena Zingelman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Zitlow CAREGIVERS $250 TO $499 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Gary Achepohl Mrs. Lois S. Anderman Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott Anderson Mr. Gerald Anderson Mrs. Linda Anderson Mrs. Valerie Anderson Sharon and Mark Andrus Dan and Karen Artmann Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Balgeman Rev. and Mrs. Phoenix Barnes Mr. Paul Behnke Ms. Judith K. Beisser Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Bertels Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bimler Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Denver Bitner Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Black Ms. Carol Bloemke Ms. Mary A. Borchardt Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Bouman Mrs. Georgia Bradach Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brazier Mr. and Mrs. William W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. John M. Browning Mrs. Nancy Bruni Mr. Douglas E. Cablk Mrs. Julia Carpenter Mr. Terry L. Carter Mr. Richard Castle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chakiris Ms. Catherine A. Chapman Mrs. Lorry Christensen Ms. Joy Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Cochran Kent and Susan Cook Mr. Charles Crosby Mr. Ryan Danks Mrs. Jeanne E. Davik Stephanie and Brent Davingman Ms. Noelle E. Deville Mr. and Mrs. Blair Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty Mr. Kenneth A. Domroese Jonathan and Pam Drews Rev. David Estes Mrs. Barbara J. Etter Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fagerberg Erin and Trevor Ferguson Harry and Lola Fike Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Evan Fitzgerald Mrs. Susan Ford and Mr. Scott McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Dean G. Galanopoulos Steven and Jean Gallo Steven and Susan Gartner Conni and James Geraghty LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 21 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Geringer Rev. and Mrs. Dan P. Gilbert Mr. Erich G. Gloff Beth and Martin Good Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert F. Graese Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Grant Rev. Gloria Grasse-Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Grcevic Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Greco Kendall and Jeremy Grigg Ms. Colleen Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Hass Rev. and Mrs. Paul R. Heckmann Mark and Natalie Hendricks Ms. Joyce Henricks Mrs. Barbara Himley Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Holstein Ms. Linda M. Honour Ms. Leni Howard Ms. Marianne Hummerich Rev. and Mrs. James Ilten Roger and Robbin Jaklin Mr. Craig L. Jannusch Dr. and Mrs. Tyran Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Jokisch Mr. Jared Kaplan and Ms. Maridee Quanbeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Klco Mr. and Mrs. Scott Komperda Mrs. Joan M. Korinek Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kroll Ms. Ann Krupp Mrs. Dolores Kruse Carrie and Mark Kuberski Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lange Mr. Robert C. Lange Ruth and Herbert Laubenstein Rev. Robert Lesher and Ms. Ann Winter Lesher Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Lewandowski Mr. Elmer J. Liefer Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lizzadro 22 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Sara and Anthony LoCoco Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lorch, Jr. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. F. Dean Lueking Mr. Michael Mannella Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Marty Mel and Sharon Marwitz Judy and John Mason Mr. David McCool Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGovern Jim and Amy McGrail Mr. John Metivier Mr. George D. Miller Ms. Laura Mishlove and Mr. Jonathan Crossland Mr. Mark L. Moehring Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mortensen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moser Ms. Candace Mueller and Mr. David P. Racine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson Ms. Josephine Nocula Mr. Joseph Norvell Ms. Carol Jean Nusko Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Pasker Mr. and Mrs. William Pavelec Mr. and Mrs. William P. Philipp Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Mark Putbrese Catherine and Emile Rago Ms. Karen Raino Frederick and Carol Rakowsky Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Rauch Mrs. Sydell C. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Arvie Reinhardt Rick and Carol Rickenbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Riedl Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Riesenbeck Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rinker Denis and Barbara Rogers Mr. Harry Rogers Ms. Pauline Rohrer Mrs. Susan Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roth Lisa and Brad Sampson Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Schalk Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schubkegel Barbara and Ralph Schweihs Mrs. Irene L. Seim Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne E. Selk, Jr. Ms. Sheila Simon and Mr. Perry Knop Mr. John Soderstrom Mary and Bill Sowers Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Springer Mr. Troy Stanton Mr. Clarence Stoll Rev. and Mrs. James Stuenkel Mrs. Elizabeth J. Tank Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tellefsen III Inga and Jon Theeke Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thiel Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Totter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Ulrich Ms. Abigail Valentine Mr. and Mrs. John Vinopal Mr. Paul Vinopal and Ms. Patricia Ginnis Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Voight Mr. and Mrs. Don Voth Robert and Doris Wahls Linda and Mark Warner Mr. Jon D. Weerts Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Welt Karen and Virgil Wendt Ms. Lauren Wilkie Mrs. Edna Wilson Mr. Harold Wittke Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wittmann Mr. Robert R. Wott Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wyatt Rev. Peter Zadeik, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Zoellick STEWARDS $100 TO $249 Anonymous Stephen and Phyllis Ade Ms. Laurie Ahrendt Mr. Justin Aillon Raymond and Nancy Albert Mr. H. Timothy Allwardt Mrs. Tonya Almond Mrs. Mildred Amschler Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Andreen Ms. Pauline Anunciacion Mr. and Mrs. David W. Arey Mr. Matthew Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Ascher Raymond and Arlene Avischious Rev. and Mrs. Reuben C. Baerwald Mr. John Bankhurst Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Banks Mr. and Mrs. David Banta Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Batzer Mrs. Pollie Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Baumgaertner Mr. and Mrs. William R. Becker Rev. William C. Beckmann Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Berg Mrs. Marilyn A. Bergmann Dr. and Mrs. Allen C. Bernthal Mrs. Lieselotte N. Betterman Mr. Vernon Beyer Ms. Gail Biehler Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Bilek Dr. and Mrs. Kidanu Birhanu Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Biship James and Laura Bittman Mr. Victor F. Bittner Harold and Mary Bixen Mrs. Barbara A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bloch Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Block Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Boudro Susan and John Bowman Rev. Dr. Paul and Mrs. Deloris Bramstedt Ms. Marilyn Breiding Mrs. Suzette C. Brien Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brinkmann Dr. Ruth Ann Brinkmann Rev. and Mrs. Mark J. Brockhoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Buchbinder Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Buechsenschuetz Ms. Dianne Buettner Ms. Patricia Buford Mr. Marco Burgs Michael and Robin Burke Ms. Carole Burston Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Busse Wallace and Dolores Busse Mrs. Vivian Butler Mrs. Christine Capozzoli Mr. Reg Carls Mr. Roberto Cepeda Mrs. Erica M. Chandrasekhar Mr. Donald Chassee Mrs. Leticia Chehayber Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Childers, Jr. Roy and Mary Catherine Chomko Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Christensen Mr. James M. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Christians Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Cisco Ms. Susan Coburn Mrs. Laverne M. Cohen Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Contraveos Ms. Jennifer Contreras Mr. Erick Cortez Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cosentino The Crandall Family Ms. Stephanie Cropp Ms. Lois Czech Dr. M. Susan Dawson Carol and Jon DeGraff Mr. Roger Delott and Ms. Tina Gianopoulos Mr. Bruce DeMent Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Devermann Mr. and Mrs. Jayson DeVries Mr. and Mrs. Ruoff H. Dhuse Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Diamond Mr. Arthur J. Diers Ms. Judith Diers Mr. and Mrs. R. Samuel Dix Mrs. Joyce H. Dobratz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dohse Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dorn Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dorn Ms. Jennifer Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. John Draheim Ms. Natalie J. Dudek Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Duensing Rev. and Mrs. Leroy Eckert Mrs. Mary Ann Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Eddy Mrs. Virginia M. Edgerton Mrs. Jeanette Eells Rich Mr. John Ellis and Mrs. Kathy Lange-Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ron Erickson Mr. and Ms. Robert W. Erlandson Mr. and Mrs. William Ewald Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Ey Mr. and Mrs. Holger G. Fack Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Fanter Dick and Gloria Faro Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Morton Fink Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Fischer Barbara and Damian Fitzsimons Ms. Sherri J. Foos Mr. and Mrs. Jim Framke Mr. and Mrs. Randal N. Freise Mr. Gregory L. Frey Mrs. Ruth Fromm Harvey and Shirley Fuchs Dave and Karen Funke Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gallman Mr. Jose Gamboa Mrs. Helen T. Gammel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gannaway Leo and Nancy Garrison Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Gaytan Rev. Kenety Gee and Mrs. Victoria Collins-Gee Mr. Roderick Gehrke Mr. Jay S. Geller and Ms. Catherine E. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Richard George, Jr. Mrs. Marion Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Geske Ms. Tracy Giffen Mr. Robert Giovannetti Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Glawe Ms. Jill N. Goebel Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Goeres Ms. Edwina Golec Mrs. Margaret Goliak Mr. David G. Graupner Mr. Jonathan Graves Linda and Richard Green Ms. Milena Green-Fykes and Mr. Art Fykes Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Greiman Gordon and Lois Grimm Mr. David H. Groenier Ms. Louise R. Grund Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haak Ms. Sharon J. Hahn Mrs. JoAnn M. Hall Ms. Gretchen Hameister Ms. Edna Hammel Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Hannibal Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Harless Rev. and Mrs. Richard Harre Mr. Scott Harrington Mrs. Tara P. Hartmann Mr. Bruce A. Hasher Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hassakis Mr. Phil D. Hausken Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Heidlauf Mrs. Doris Heine Ms. Alberta L. Heinike Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Heinitz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hemminghaus Ms. Gabrielle Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendricks Mrs. Muriel Henning Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heppe Vernon and Cara Herbener Ms. Patricia M. Herendeen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hermsmeyer Ms. Linda E. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heye Ms. Stephanie Heyse Ms. Annette L. Hill Kevin and Susan Hingle Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hinrichs Ms. Dawn Hinz Mrs. Marjorie Hoehn Donald and Sandra Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Holke Dr. Richard Holloway Mrs. Susan L. Holtz Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Holzhauer Mr. Erik Homan Mr. Robert Homan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huang Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Huelskoetter LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 23 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Husemoller Mr. A. Dale Huston Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hyssong Ms. Emily Jackson Quennel Jackson Mrs. Jennifer R. Jackson Luth and Mr. Dave Luth Ms. Joni Jacobsen Mr. Donald H. James and Mrs. Julianne Webster-James Ms. Debra J. Janacek-Nelson Mr. Jack Jans Mrs. Sue Jenneman Ms. Harriette Tatter Jersild Mrs. Ada C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. and Mrs. S. Greg Johnson Ms. Beverly W. Jones and Mr. Jerry Norman Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jung Mrs. Rota Kallstrom Mrs. Jeongok Kang Ms. Barbara Karg Mrs. Julia Q. Karmeier Ms. Mildred Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaufmann Mr. Thomas Kay Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keller Mr. Robert Keller Mrs. Ruth H. Kirchoff Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Kirk Mr. Jay C. Kiser, Jr. Cheri and Michael Kisly Mr. and Mrs. Ron Klco Ross and Joanne Klicker Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Klingbeil Mr. James W. Kloss Ms. Gail L. Klotz Mrs. Lorraine M. Klotz 24 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Mr. Terry Klotz Mrs. Bessie H. Klouda Ms. Joy E. Klues Lora and Thomas Kmieciak Mr. Mark G. Knoblauch Neil and Joan Koebernick Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Koenemann Mrs. Muriel F. Koester Mrs. Geraldine Kolstedt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koopman Mr. Paul H. Koschmann Mr. Wallace C. Krentz Rev. and Mrs. Richard L. Krenzke Mr. Walter A. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Tod A. Kruse Ms. Dawn Kuerschner Dr. Joseph Lagattuta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaGrippe Ms. Gail Swantko Lamont Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lams Mr. and Mrs. Dirk B. Landis Ms. Annette Lane Mr. John LaRocca Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Laseke, Jr. Ms. Mary Lassila Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Latzke Ms. Pam Laubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Lauber Mr. Fred A. Laue Mr. and Mrs. Donald Layne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazarus Mrs. Virginia M. Lehenbauer Ms. Ulrike Leib Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lenning Mrs. Patsy G. Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Leo Mr. Brinsley Lewis Mr. Jose Leyva Willie Lickett James and Debra Linday Mr. Mark Lindeman Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lindeman Miss Glenda J. Liner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lopez Mr. Mark J. Lucht Dr. Wayne Lucht Ms. Kari Lydon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macek Ms. Laura Madsen Ms. Molly Malek Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Margold Mr. James Marinier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Marion Ms. Esther Marquardt Mr. Gumaro Marquez Oscar and Catherine Marquis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marten Mr. Blake Martin Rev. and Mrs. Wayne S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Massat Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. May Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mazanek Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Mazurk Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McCue Ms. Joan McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Roger McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. McIntyre Rev. and Mrs. Donald B. McKelvey Ms. Nancy McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meier Mr. Freddy Merza Mr. Larry Mescha Mrs. Marian H. Mesenbrink Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Meyer Mr. Christopher L. Michaels and Mrs. Denise A. Plankis Michaels Mr. William Miehlich Mr. David A. Mielke Mr. Richard F. Miessler Ms. Gretchen L. Miles Mr. Herbert T. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David R. Milling Mr. and Mrs. James Minasola Mr. Kirk Minckler and Ms. Kelly Hupfeld Ms. Arlene Miner Don and Stacy Mitchell Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Modahl Mrs. Norma R. Moderow Mr. and Mrs. David J. Moeller Mrs. Andrea R. Mohl Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mohrenweiser Mr. and Mrs. Kim Moline Ms. Nancy E. Montelbano Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Moorman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Morrison Ms. Laura M. Morrissy Dr. Del and Dorleen Mueller Mr. Melvin W. Mueller Robert R. and Julie A. Mueller Stacey and Stephen Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V. Mues Mr. and Mrs. John Mullens, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullens, Jr. Ms. Janet L. Muller Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch Mr. Scott Murphy Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Nafzger Mr. Eric Naughton Mr. Matt Negrusz Ms. Ilse Niedballa and Miss Edith Niedballa Mrs. Cornelia Niedringhaus Ms. Donna Niedringhaus Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Niehus Mr. Keith Niemitalo Beca and Don Nix Ms. Anita Noel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. James O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. John R. Olsen Mr. Jon Osten Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ott Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Otto Mr. and Mrs. James C. Owens Mrs. Mary Papp Mr. and Mrs. Mike Parilla Jennifer and Paul Pasche Mr. Nicholas P. Pasowicz Mr. and Mrs. Barry Peckhart Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Pedersen Jonathan and Michelle Penny Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Person Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Pfortmiller Mr. Nicholas Pietrobon Ms. Judith M. Pippenger Ms. Betty L. Pohlman Mr. and Mrs. Randy Polit Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pope Mr. and Mrs. David L. Powell Mr. Jack R. Powell Mrs. E. Jean Prange Ms. Carolyn Presley Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Pronske Frank and Mary Pruismann Mr. James E. Pryor Ms. Martha A. Psaromatis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raack Sylvia and Robert Rabe Mr. Douglas Raines Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Rakers Mr. and Mrs. Jon F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Reh Ms. Judith A. Reinhardt Paul and Roxanne Reith Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Renken Mr. and Mrs. J. Weldon Renken Mrs. Edna V. Rice Mr. Lionel Richardson Jo and Ray Richner Mrs. Joanne Rick Glenn and Marilyn Rittmueller Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rodenburg, Jr. Mrs. Loretta S. Rodenburg Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rohlfing Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rolf Mr. William Rolf Ms. Joyce Roller Ms. Lois M. Roschke Ms. Ashley Ross Mrs. Marilyn Rotermund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Rubel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rueter Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Rundio, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rush Mr. and Mrs. J. William Sakash Mr. and Mrs. Philip Salvador Mrs. Eldora Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sanders Jennifer and Kenneth Sankot Mr. Christopher Santaniello Dr. Belkis Santos Ms. Carol A. Scanlan Mr. Joseph Schagemann Melissa and Ken Scheble Mr. Robert P. Schlaf Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Schlak Mr. and Mrs. James Schlegel Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Clark Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Dale Schoenbeck Mrs. Susan Schoenfuhs Mr. Raymond J. Schranz Ms. Carleen L. Schreder and Mr. Ralph Musicant Ms. Beth Schreiber Ms. Patricia A. Schrenk Mr. Aaron L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schueler Ms. Stephanie D. Schueler Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Schuette Mr. Edward M. Schulz Robert and Diane Schwarzkopf Mr. Otto Schwefel Ms. Kathy Schwochow Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Don Seehausen Mr. Tyler Sellergren Kenneth and Jill Shiner Miss Martha Sichau Mrs. Annette T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Smith Ms. Marcia E. Smith Mrs. Karen M. Souden Mrs. Olive W. Spannaus Marc and Karen Sperber Mr. Lamar Stapleton Skip Starr Ms. Kimberly Stefani Paul and Louise Steinbach Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steinbauer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stepuncik Rev. and Mrs. Scott E. Stiegemeyer Ms. Audrey E. Stoltz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Storm Chris and Capri Strieter Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Strull Ms. Helena Sugano and Mr. Ruben Peralta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Hans Svebakken Mr. Gary A. Swanson Mrs. Jean M. Sweeney Mr. Earl Syers Joseph and Caroline Tecson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Tews Ms. Dee A. Thake and Mr. David A. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. George F. Thies, Jr. Katy and Chris Thomas Ms. Andrea Thompson Gary and Donna Thouvenin Mrs. Karen Toborg Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Toborg Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Toepke Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tolomei Kemchath Toum Mr. and Mrs. William R. Trecka Mr. and Mrs. Frank Troost Mr. Paul L. Troyke Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Uteg Mr. James E. Valentine and Ms. Charlotte Heeg Mr. and Mrs. William H. Van Hoesen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Hoveln Mr. Douglas VanTress Mrs. Joan J. Veller Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Vinopal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Voigt Mr. and Mrs. William J. Vollmer Mr. Dale Von Behrens Michal Wachala Mr. Eugene Wachholz Mr. Joseph Wadz, Jr. Mrs. Muriel J. Wagenecht Mrs. Ann Wagner Mr. and Mrs. David R. Walden Mr. Christopher Wallgren Mr. and Mrs. David J. Walz John and Donna Walz Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ward Ms. Regina R. Washington Ms. Jennifer Webb Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weber Mrs. Alma Weigand Mr. John Wesolowicz Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Wesson Mr. and Mrs. Russ Westby Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Terry Whipple Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Whisler LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 25 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wieduwilt Mr. Matthew Wiese Ms. Ingrid Wieser Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Wilkening Mr. and Mrs. James H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Wilson George and Lillian Winkelman Ms. Carolyn E. Winter Ms. Gretchen A. Winter and Mr. James Brown Robert and Denise Wirth The Wojtowicz Family Paul and Marianna Wolters Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wright Ms. Kathleen Wrobel Ms. Elizabeth L. Yost Ms. Gladys C. Young Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Young Mr. Melvin B. Zuehlke Firms and Foundations $100 OR MORE Anonymous A-1 Air Compressor Corp., Addison Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Campaign, Princeton, NJ AIF Inc., Addison Allstate Giving Campaign, Norfolk, VA American Business Club, Springfield Amperage Electrical Supply, Roselle Asphalt-Stone Co., Jacksonville Assurance Agency, Schaumburg Athens State Bank, Athens Babco of Springfield, Inc., Springfield Bank & Trust Company, Farmersville Bank of America, N.A., Princeton, NJ Becker & Son Funeral Home, Mount Olive Stephen W. Bedford, State Farm Insurance, Chatham 26 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Boesdorfer Trucking Inc., Pleasant Plains Bracing Systems, Inc., Bloomingdale B’s Bags, Glenview Paul Buchbinder Productions Inc., Oak Park Joseph M. Burbick D.D.S. Ltd, Oak Park Burke Sound & Communications Inc., Elgin Busse Car Wash, Mt Prospect C & C Event Planning and Management, Chicago Caputo’s New Farm Produce, Addison Carpet Weavers, Springfield The Cary Company, Addison Catalina Fleet 21 Chicago Region, Bensenville Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria Central Illinois Security, Inc., Springfield Century 21 Lullo, Addison JPMorgan Chase Bank, Chicago Chaveriat Foundation, Lake Forest Chicago Community Foundation, Chicago The Christopher Family Foundation, Western Springs Coman & Anderson, P.C., Lisle Concordia Cemetery, Forest Park Cosentino & Associates, Ltd., Bloomingdale Luisa De Roo Interior Architecture, Inc., Woodstock Diamond Headache Clinic, Chicago Theodore Eckert Foundation, Niles Eclipse Mailing Services, Schaumburg Edward Jones, Lemont Euclid Insurance Services, Inc, Itasca Famous Liquors, Highland Park Federated Funeral Directors of America, Springfield Flexaco Inc., Roselle Flood Brothers Disposal Co., Oakbrook Terrace Forest Park National Bank & Trust Co., Forest Park Friedrichs Funeral Home, Inc., Mount Prospect Law Offices of Galanopoulos & Galgan, Elmhurst Geneva Mortgage Corporation, Springfield Glens Painting and Decorating, La Grange Highlands Green View Nursery, Springfield Hardin Christian Care & Counseling, Hardin Harris Bank, Rolling Meadows Harris Bank N.A. -- Roselle, Roselle Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C., Mount Vernon Heartland Business Systems, Downers Grove Hickory Point Bank, Springfield Hoyne Savings Bank, Chicago Humes Funeral Home, Addison Invesco Distributors, Inc., Houston, TX Itasca Bank & Trust Co., Itasca K & M Printing Company, Inc., Schaumburg K.L. Electric Co., Inc., Addison Kingsway Logistics, Inc., Addison Kitchen Supply Company, Forest Park Koehler Electric Company, Inc., Roselle The Koester Group, Inc., Broadview Lambruschi Family Foundation, Glenview Lausen Chiropractic, Springfield Legal Files Software, Inc., Springfield Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation, Lincolnshire John & Anne Lichner Foundation, Palatine Lofendo’s Flowers, Villa Park Lutheran Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Wheaton Marle Research, LLC, Aurora, CO Mathis, Marifian & Richter Foundation, Belleville McBride Kelley Baurer Design, Chicago McCutchan Properties, Athens The McDonald Group, Chicago Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ Mott & Henning Funeral Home, Athens Mutual of America, Westchester Nagel & Associates, Oak Brook National Headache Foundation, Chicago Neuman Bakery Specialities, Inc., Addison New Frontiers Foundation, Northbrook Nicholas Farms, Litchfield Nite Owl Prints, LLC, Downers Grove Noland Sales Corporation, Wood Dale Orangeflux Design, Inc., Wheaton Oxford Bank and Trust, Oak Brook PNC Bank, Springfield Prairie Eye and LASIK Center, Ltd., Springfield Presta Construction, Inc., Bloomingdale The PrivateBank and Trust Co, Chicago Quality Fabricators, Inc., Addison Ralph F. Tellefsen Insurance Agency, Elmhurst Red Bud Industries, Red Bud Riveredge Hospital, Forest Park Row, Inc., Addison RTE St. Charles, Inc., Saint Charles George & Arlene Rusch Memorial Foundation, River Forest Safeway Inc., Pleasanton, CA Sam’s Club Store #6358, Northlake Sam’s Club Store #6485, Tinley Park Sam’s Club Store #8148, Streamwood Sam’s Club Store #8215, Springfield Sentry Seasonings, Inc., Park Ridge SFH Company LLC, Downers Grove Sherman Chiropractic and Laser Center, Sherman Sportco, Naperville Staab Funeral Home, Springfield Staub Anderson Green LLC, Chicago STR Partners LLC, Chicago Levi Strauss Foundation, San Francisco, CA Streamwood Behavioral Health Systems, Streamwood Target, Minneapolis, MN Thomas Tile & Carpet Supply Co., Inc., Addison The Thompson Family Foundation, Edwards, CO Thompson Rental Station, Inc., Bensenville The Thorek Memorial Foundation, Chicago Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Downers Grove Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation, Appleton, WI Eugene Tkalitch & Associates, Ltd., Chicago Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess, LLP, Bolingbrook United Airlines Employee Giving Campaign, Washington, DC US Bank, Springfield Wal-Mart Store # 3602, Springfield Wal-Mart Store #1556, Orland Hills Wal-Mart Store #2215, Darien Wells Fargo Advisors, Mount Vernon Woodlawn Engineering Co., Inc., Addison The Zucaro Family Foundation, Inc., Barrington Civic and Social Service Organizations $100 OR MORE Addison Police Department, Addison Decatur Adult Transition Center, Decatur Hoffman Volunteer Fire Department, Hoffman Kiwanis Club of Addison, Addison Kiwanis Club of Forest Park, Forest Park Ladies of the Elks, Elmhurst Lutheran Senior Services at Concordia Village, Saint Louis, MO Mayor’s Community Benefit Ball, Addison Mt. Vernon Gun & Sportman’s Club, Mount Vernon Citizens for Donald E. Puchalski, Addison Quincy Noon Kiwanis Club, Quincy Rotary Club of Addison, Addison Rotary Club of Elmhurst, Elmhurst Women’s Club of Addison, Addison Congregations and Church Organizations $100 OR MORE Atonement Lutheran Church, Springfield Auxiliary of LCFS, Hanover Park Bethany Lutheran Church, Chicago Bethel Lutheran Church, Gurnee Bethesda Lutheran Church, Chicago Bethesda Lutheran School, Chicago Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Altamont Bethlehem Lutheran Ladies Aid, Altamont Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Chicago Bethlehem Lutheran Church, West Dundee Bethlehem Lutheran Women’s Guild, West Dundee Calvary Lutheran Church, Elgin Calvary Service Guild, Elgin Calvary Lutheran Church, Wood Dale Central DuPage County Chapter of Thrivent, Warrenville Central-South Chicago Chapter of Thrivent, Chicago Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park Christ Lutheran Dorcas Society, Mason City Christus Victor Lutheran Church, Elk Grove Village Community of Christ, Mount Vernon Community of Faith Lutheran Church, Spring Grove Concordia Circle, Winfield Emmaus Lutheran Church, Dorsey English District LCMS, Farmington, MI Epiphany Lutheran Church, Carbondale Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights Women of Faith, Arlington Heights Faith Lutheran Church, Chicago Faith Lutheran Church, Mount Vernon First Immanuel Lutheran Church, Chicago First St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Chicago Friends of Chicago Uptown Ministry, Island Lake Church of the Good Shepherd, Clayton Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Collinsville Grace Lutheran Church, Evanston Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest Greater Naperville Chapter of Thrivent, Crest Hill Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Golden Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Renault Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Waterloo Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Elk Grove Village Holy Trinity Women’s Guild, Burbank Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid, Altamont Immanuel Lutheran Church, Batavia Immanuel Lutheran Church, Broadlands Immanuel Lutheran Church, Des Plaines Immanuel Lutheran Church, Downers Grove Immanuel Lutheran Church, East Dundee Immanuel Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Immanuel Lutheran Church Women’s League, Glenview Immanuel Lutheran Church, Okawville Immanuel Lutheran Church of Augsburg, Shobonier King of Glory Lutheran Church, Elgin Lake-Cook County Chapter of Thrivent, Buffalo Grove LCMS Foundation, Saint Louis, MO Living Christ Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights Luther Memorial Women of the ELCA, Chicago Luther Village Spiritual Enrichment Foundation, Arlington Heights Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Hillside Mayfair Lutheran Church, Chicago Messiah Lutheran Church, Carlyle Messiah Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Franklin Park North Cook County-Chicago Chapter of Thrivent, Chicago North Shore Lutheran Church, Lake Forest Northeast DuPage County Chapter of Thrivent, Addison Northeast Kane Co Chapter of Thrivent, West Dundee Northwest Cook County Chapter of Thrivent, Rolling Meadows Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bloomington Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Prospect Heights Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights Peace Lutheran Church, Lombard Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Chicago Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Addison Ravenswood Presbyterian Church, Chicago Redeemer Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Redeemer Women’s Guild, Elmhurst Salem Lutheran Church, Homewood South Cook Co Chapter of Thrivent, Evergreen Park Southeast DuPage Co Chapter of Thrivent, Burr Ridge St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Park Ridge St. Andrews Lutheran School, Park Ridge Women of St. Andrews, Park Ridge St. James Lutheran Church, Quincy St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vandalia St. James Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA, Western Springs St. John Lutheran Church, Algonquin St. John Lutheran Church, Baldwin St. John Lutheran Church, Bath St. John Lutheran Church, Champaign St. John Lutheran Women’s League, Chester St. John Lutheran Church, Darien St. John Lutheran Church, Lombard St. John Lutheran School, Lombard St. John Lutheran Church, Nashville St. John Lutheran Church, New Berlin LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 27 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS St. John Lutheran Church, Niles Lutheran Church of St. John, Quincy St. John Lutheran Church, Schaumburg St. John Lutheran Church, Sparta Ladies Aid of the Church of St. John, Sycamore St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wilmette Women of St. John’s, Wilmette St. Mark Lutheran Church, Saint Charles St. Mark’s Women’s Guild, Saint Charles St. Mark Lutheran Church, Steeleville St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Barrington St. Matthew Lutheran Church Ladies Aid, Hawthorn Woods St. Michael Lutheran Church, Chicago St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, La Grange Park St. Paul Lutheran Church, Addison St. Paul Lutheran Church, Altamont St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Decatur St. Paul Lutheran Ladies Aid, Havana St. Paul Lutheran Church, Matteson St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect St. Paul Lutheran Church, Oak Lawn St. Paul Lutheran School, Oak Lawn St. Paul Lutheran Academy, Skokie St. Paul Lutheran Church, Shobonier St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Strasburg St. Paul Lutheran Ladies Aid, Strasburg St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, Steeleville St. Paul Lutheran Sunday School, Troy St. Paul Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Troy St. Paul Lutheran Ladies Aid, Wood River St. Peter Lutheran Church, Dorsey St. Peter Lutheran Church, Emden St. Peter Lutheran Church, Forest Park St. Peter Ladies Aid, Hampshire St. Peter Lutheran Church, Joliet Sts. Peter & Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Riverside 28 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G St. Philip Lutheran Church, Chicago St. Salvator Lutheran Church, Venedy The Church, Lombard Trinity Lutheran Church, Auburn Trinity Lutheran Church, Bloomington Trinity Lutheran Church, Burr Ridge Trinity Lutheran Church Companionship Guild, Decatur Trinity Dorcas Society, Edwardsville Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid, Edwardsville Trinity Lutheran Church, Herscher Trinity Lutheran Church, Hoyleton Trinity Lutheran Church, Iuka Trinity Lutheran Church, Millstadt Trinity Lutheran Church, Nashville Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle Trinity Lutheran Church, Taylorville Trinity Lutheran Church, Villa Park Trinity Lutheran Church, Worden West Cook Co Chicago Chapter of Thrivent, Chicago Zion Lutheran Church, Bunker Hill Zion Lutheran Church, Chestnut Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid, Litchfield Zion Lutheran Church, Naperville Zion Lutheran Church, Norridge In-Kind Donors Donations VALUED AT $100 OR MORE ORGANIZATIONS AAA, Addison Abt Electronics, Glenview K. Amato, Chicago American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village American Legion Auxiliary 11th District, Batavia AMF Strike ‘N Spare West, Springfield AniMeals Pet Food Pantry, Chicago The Ark Inc., Chicago Arlington Park Racecourse, Arlington Heights Arun’s Thai Restaurant, Chicago Balmoral Woods Country Club, Crete Best Friends Diamonds and Gems, Chicago Bethesda Lutheran Church, Chicago Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Chicago BJ Grand Salon, Springfield Bloomingdale Golf Club/Catering With Elegance, Bloomingdale Brigantine Gallery, Downers Grove Bundles of Joy, Chicago Busy Hands, Grayslake Chatham Fields Lutheran Church, Chicago Chicago Architecture Foundation, Chicago Chicago Cubs Community Relations, Chicago Chicago Fire, Bridgeview Chicago White Sox, Chicago Chicago Wolves, Glenview Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Freeburg Cigars for Aficianados, Springfield CircEsteem, Chicago Clarion Hotel, Elmhurst Clipper Ship Gallery, La Grange Connoisseur Wines, Niles Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant, Wheeling Court Theatre, Chicago Dave & Buster’s, Addison Davita Lincoln Park Dialysis, Chicago Deborah Davis Day Spa, Elmhurst The DeSoto House Hotel, Galena Dominick’s, Lincolnwood Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca Eclipse Mailing Services, Schaumburg Edgewood Golf Course, Auburn enzee boutique, Elmhurst Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights Faith Lutheran Church, Marshfield, WI Faith Lutheran Church, O Fallon Farmers’ Guest House, Galena First St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Chicago Frame Warehouse, Oak Park General Reinsurance, Chicago The Gideons International, Palatine Glasses, Ltd., Chicago Grace Lutheran Church, Evanston Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Villa Park Holly Stein Jewelry, Breckenridge, CO Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Renault Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Waterloo Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Elk Grove Village Hope Lutheran Church, Hillside Illinois Department of Corrections Employees, Chicago Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago Immanuel Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church, Des Plaines Immanuel Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Infant, Inc., Winnetka Jevitz Chiropractic Clinic, Elmhurst Jewel-Osco an Albertson’s Company, Itasca Knowles Electronics, LLC, Itasca Kraft Foods, Addison Lake Shore Golf Course, Taylorville Larry Roesch Auto Group, Bensenville Le Belle Creole, Gurnee Loro Auto Works, Oak Park Loyola Oakbrook Terrace Primary Care Center, Oakbrook Terrace LTD Commodities, Inc., Bannockburn Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Hillside LWML Greater Chicago Zone, Villa Park Lynfred Winery, Roselle Marriott Fairfield Inn, Springfield Medieval Times, Schaumburg Meijer, Springfield Messiah Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Metropolis Coffee Company, Chicago Michael’s Driving School, Addison Morton’s The Steakhouse, Chicago North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe North Shore Lutheran Church, Lake Forest Northwest Athletic Club, Itasca Norwood Park Lutheran Church, Chicago Oceanique, Evanston Olive Garden, Bloomingdale Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Prospect Heights The Pampered Chef, Addison Parto Naderi Creation de Beaute, Chicago Piper Glen Golf Club, Springfield Pleasant Company, Middleton, WI Pluester Quality Meat Co., Batchtown Polly Heaters Inc., Franklin Park Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Addison Radio Flyer, Inc., Chicago Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church, Chicago Redeemer Lutheran Church, Elmhurst Roesch’s Gym, Springfield Ruffled Feathers Golf Club, Lemont Sentinel Technologies, Downers Grove Shaw’s Crab House, Chicago Shelly’s Hair Salon and Spa, Itasca Six Flags Great America, Gurnee Smart Jewelers, Lincolnwood South Fox Valley Zone, Aurora St. Andrew Lutheran School, Park Ridge St. George Episcopal Church, Belleville St. John Dorcas Society, Chicago St. John Lutheran Church, Darien St. John Lutheran Church, La Grange St. John Lutheran School, Lombard St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wilmette St. Joseph Catholic Church, Wilmette St. Paul Lutheran Church, Evanston St. Paul Lutheran Church, Melrose Park St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect St. Paul Lutheran Church, Thornton St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wood River St. Peter Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights State Farm Insurance, Addison Sweet Miss Givings, Chicago The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest, Oak Park Theatre of Western Springs, Western Sprgs Tom James, Downers Grove Tommy Bahama, Chicago Trinity Lutheran Church, Burr Ridge Trinity Ladies Aid, New Athens Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle Tripar International, Roselle Tru, Chicago Truefitt & Hill, Chicago Two Fish Art Glass, Forest Park Ukandu Mission, Addison Viking Cooking School, Glenview Walt Disney World Co., Lake Buena Vista, FL The Waverton Hotel, Elmhurst Whole Foods, Chicago Willett’s Winery & Cellar, Manito Wines for Humanity, Elk Grove Village Xochimilco Mexican Restaurant, Springfield Zanies Comedy Club, Chicago Zion Lutheran Church, Mascoutah INDIVIDUALS Mrs. Helen Agne Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anro Ms. Yvonne Auer Mr. and Mrs. Craig Aukamp Ms. Margene Baudino Mr. Larry Bauer Ms. Eunice Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Behnke Ms. Amy Beyer Arline Boehm Estate Mr. Scott Borchers Mr. Patrick Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Buese Ms. Kimberly R. Burris Mr. and Mrs. Gale Burzynski Ms. Jill Byal Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chitwood Ms. Julie A. Christopher Ms. Diane Coppotelli Ms. Richelle K. Cross Ms. Dortha Cunningham Mr. Christopher J. Darr Mr. Dustin Diedrich Carmen DiSilvestro Ms. Ellen Driscoll Mrs. Joanna Eden Mr. Melvin Faulkner The Feigley Family Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frantzis Ms. Carole Fredeking Ms. Norma Fredericksen Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gallagher Mr. Eliodoro Galvez Mr. Alfred K. Gaultney Ms. Kate S. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Randall Geiser Ms. Jenifer Giger Mr. Frederick Glimp and Ms. M. Beth McGuire Glimp Sharon and David Goetsch Beth and Martin Good Mr. and Mrs. Todd Gorney Ms. Linda A. Graunke Mr. Marcus Hardy Ms. Tonya Heffelbower Mr. and Mrs. Don Henke Mrs. Muriel Henning Ms. Barbara Hill Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hilpert Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hinton Ms. Debbie Hinze Ms. Elaine Hoernis Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hutchings Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson Mr. and Ms. Ken Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Kern Kerry Knipp Ms. Mary Krawczyk Mr. and Mrs. David Lees Ms. Susan Lindeman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Littwin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lobenhofer Sara and Anthony LoCoco Mr. and Mrs. Philip Loethen Ms. Natalie J. Long Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luther Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Maack Ms. Kathy Mamo Ms. Kerma McCain Mr. William L. McCartney Mr. Jeff McElroy Ms. Janel Mueller Ms. Elia Nikitas Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Offermann Ms. Wendy O’Neal Ms. Patricia Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. John Petkas Ms. Rebecca Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. QuiBelle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reitz Ms. Valerie Renaud Mr. John E. Richardson, Jr. Mr. Billy Roberson Ms. Stacey Rockett Mr. David Roscow Ms. Deborah Ruxton Ms. Marsha Sasse Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Schatz Mr. and Mrs. JP Schmid Mr. Mark Schneider Kelley and Paul Schueler LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 29 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Ms. Pauline Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Shriver Ms. Dorothy Silkwood Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Singh Mr. Mike Smith Ms. Peggy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith Mr. and Mrs. Don Snellenberger Ms. Doris Stein Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Striegel Ms. Camilla Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Templeton Mr. and Mrs. Otto Teske Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas Jami Thoms Ms. Thelma Thurnau Mr. and Mrs. Bob Twenhafel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Unverfehrt Mr. William Ted Urban Ms. Cheryl VanDerSteeg Ms. Amelita Vandine Mr. Paul Vinopal and Ms. Patricia Ginnis Ms. Judy Waeltz Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weis Ms. Cindy Welch Dr. Charles C. Wood Brenna and Robert Woodley Ms. Lula Wren Mr. James Wuebbels Mr. Edward Zaloudek 30 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Shepherd Society Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arey Raymond and Arlene Avischious Mrs. Barbara A. Black Mrs. Hilma E. Boesenberg Miss Ruth L. Born Ms. Barbara A. Bowman Mrs. Ruth Busse Mrs. BJ Chakiris Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chakiris Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Cochran Ms. Doris A. Cowman Mrs. Eileen C. D’Ambrose Mr. J. R. Davidsmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dehning Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Doerr Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fikeys Mrs. Ruth Fromm Steven and Susan Gartner Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Grcevic Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hardt Mr. Bruce A. Hasher Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hass Ms. Linda S. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hildebrandt Miss Concordia Hoffmann Ms. Julie Irelan Mrs. Carmen Kaesmeyer Ms. Barbara Karg Dr. Marlyn Lawrentz Miss Glenda J. Liner Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Lohrentz Ms. Bess A. Ludik Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Meissner Mrs. Charlotte Mojden Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Morris Mr. Raymond A. Mueller Dr. and Mrs. Riemond Rippel Mrs. Dolores M. Schlesselman Judge and Mrs. Edward J. Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. John R. Stodden Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Svebakken Dr. James M. and Mrs. Janice L. Velayas Foundation Grants Anonymous: Chicago Uptown Ministry food distribution The Christopher Family Foundation: Chicago Uptown Ministry integration and initiative Siegfried and Marjorie Claussner Foundation: Chicago Uptown Ministry Lutheran Disaster Response: Long-term recovery efforts in Northern Illinois Lerner Family Foundation: Foster parent recruitment statewide PNC Financial Services Group: Ways to Work program Ways to Work, Wal-Mart grant for Ways to Work program The Webb Foundation: General Support Lutheran Disaster Response Northern Illinois Flood Recovery United Way United Way of Adams County, Quincy United Way of Boone County, Belvidere United Way of Central Illinois, Springfield United Way of Greater St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Bequests, Legacies and Trusts Arthur and Armilda Day Laura Kersten Lora M. Klemm Vera Palechek Mrs. Helen M. Ropke Lucille Vatthauer Mildred Vatthauer Camp Wartburg HIGHER GROUND $500 OR MORE Gary and Gloria Behm Loren and Chris Bodendieck Renato and Bette Cataldo Barry Cervantes Stephen Clark Don and Judy Cochran Wayne and Linda Collmeyer John and Geraldine Eggerding First National Bank of Waterloo Gary and Marsha Fulton Roland and Dixie Gantt Ron and Mary Lou Harper Robert and Wilma Heller Gary and Cheryl Hemmer Steven Hendry Ronald and Karen Hindman Larry and Grace Hoffman William and Kim Holtgrieve Gerald and Sherrill Jenson Dorothy Kaestner Paul and Kelly Karl Donald and Glenda Klingsick Erick and Theresa Larson Kalin and Kathy Liefer Don Lutz Brian and Cindy McNew Robert and Sheryl Metzger John and Andrea Mohl Kimberly Nail Cal and Carol Neeman Robert and Esther Negwer Scott and Jennifer Negwer Donald and Jane Prahlow William Purcell Red Bud Industries Andrea Roettger William E. Schmidt Charitable Foundation Wilbert H. Schnepel Dale and Brenda Tate Craig and Dawn Thorburg James and Arlene Thorburg John and Sally Thorburg Phyllis Tirmenstein Ron and Cheryl Turley Kenneth and Joan Voges Mark and Lauri Weis Deanne Wells George and Noreen Ziebold CHURCHES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND BUSINESSES America Legion Aux. Unit 0365 Collinsville American Legion 485 Aux, Dupo Boeing Employees Community Fund Central St. Charles County Thrivent Chapter Charles L. Crane Agency Custom Floors and More Inc. David C. King Investments Dobbs Tire and Auto Centers Edwardsville American Legion Auxiliary Evans Charitable Trust F.O.E. Auxiliary 3059 Sparta First National Bank of Waterloo Gilbert Electric Harrisonville Telephone Company Holy Cross Ladies Aid Holy Cross Lutheran Church Holy Cross Lutheran School Immanuel Lutheran Church Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid Immanuel Lutheran Preschool Kitchen Solutions, Inc. Lantern Restaurant Lutheran Church Missouri Synod LWML-Southern IL District Messiah Lutheran School Midland States Bank of Waterloo Mid-North St. Louis Co. Thrivent Chapter Mid-South St. Louis Thrivent Chapter Monroe County IL Thrivent Chapter No. St. Clair Co. Thrivent Chapter #30652 North St. Louis Co. Thrivent Chapter Optimist Club of Freeburg Optimist Club of Waterloo Our Lord’s Lutheran Church Our Redeemer Lutheran–LWML R and W Sales and Services R.P. Lumber Red Bud Industries Reliable Sanitation Service, Inc. Republic Times Roger’s Redi-Mix, Inc. Roma Pizza Shell Co. Schneider Quality Meats Scott Credit Union South Madison County Thrivent Chapter South St. Clair Co. Thrivent Chapter South St. Louis Thrivent Chapter St. John’s Evening Guild St. John’s Lutheran School St. Louis Shippers St. Mark Lutheran School St. Paul’s Lutheran Men’s Club State Bank of Waterloo Stein Automotive, Inc. SYSCO The Fulton Group LLC The Riding Center, Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Timothy Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran School Trinity Lutheran Youth Fellowship Trinity Mary Martha Mission Society Valmeyer Lions Club VFW Aux. Post 7980 Millstadt, IL VFW Auxiliary Post 1117 Caseyville, IL VFW Ladies Aux Post 2859 Wood River VFW Ladies Aux Post 6504 Waterloo Walmart Washington County, IL Thrivent Chapter Waterloo Lions Club Waterloo Lodge 27 I. O. of Odd Fellows Waterloo Rotary Club West St. Louis Co. Thrivent Chapter William E. Schmidt Charitable Foundation Zion Lutheran Church INDIVIDUALS Mark Altadonna Willard and Ruth Ann Arbeiter Cliff and Donna Ascher Ron and Cindy Auld Arlene Baum Carl and Betty Becker Marcia Behrendt Helen Bisaga David and Christine Bivens Chuck and Carol Blazicek Julia Blevins Charles and Marilyn Bollmeier Douglas Bradshaw Paul and Deloris Bramstedt Esther Brandt Abigail Breyer Jean Buettner Richard Buettner Dianne Buettner Ralph Buettner David and Ruth Bush Charles and June Campbell Chris Carlson Thomas and Elaine Carr Philip and Barbara Cassidy Renato and Bette Cataldo LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 31 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Barry Cervantes Fontaine Chapman Robert and Linda Chlebowski Stephen Clark Don and Judy Cochran Wayne and Linda Collmeyer Carolyn F. Ratz Cooper Matt and Jackie Crews David and Jean Dawson Madonna Degener Roger and Barbara Dierberg Joanne Dillman John F. Dodge Earl Downs Max Eakin Lee and Karen Eggemeyer John and Geraldine Eggerding Ronald and Maureen Elfrink David and Kathy Endorf Reid Evans Thomas Forsyth Gary and Marsha Fulton Sarah Funderburk David and Karen Funke Eric and Linda Funke Bruce and Cheryl Gabrian Steve and Amy Gamache Roland and Dixie Gantt John Garleb Jeannette Gerber Eldon and Gretchen Gleichman Virgil Goetting Barbara Goldschmidt Caroline Gooch Kim Gossett Jerry Grant Katherine Gross Elaine Guebert Tammy Hagely Tom Hagen 32 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G Nelda Hanebutt Roland Hanebutt Brian and Nicole Hanger Dean and Linda Harbison Wayne Hargrave Steve and Jan Harmon James Harmon Loren Harms Ronald Harper Judith Hartung Mark Haubein Bill and Becky Hauk Robert and Wilma Heller Jim and Marilyn Helton Gary and Cheryl Hemmer Steven Hendry Don and Kathy Henke Ronald and Karen Hindman Larry and Grace Hoffman Robert and Joan Hoffmann Julia Hoffmann Joyce Hollrah Bill and Kim Holtgrieve Jay and Mary Ellen Huetsch Brian Illig Allen and Pamela Jacobs Jerry and Sherri Jenson Angelique Jones Dylan Jung Ray and Jenny Jung Dorothy Kaestner Paul and Kelly Karl Diana Karlen Judith Karnuth William and Bonnie Keel Mark Keel Robert Kienitz Donald and Glenda Klingsick William Koenigstein Alan and Joan Koepke Frank Kohler Herman and Esther Koldehoff Alvin and Jacquelin Kollmann Tom Kopatz Stephen Krenz Ed Kueker Wayne and Ida Lampe Erick and Theresa Larson Steve Laur Betsy Layfield James Ledebuhr Paul and Betsy Liberatore Norbert and Ruby Liefer Elmer Liefer H. Edward and Melba Liefer Robert List Dennis Little John Lottes Vernon and Jane Lucht Michael and Michelle Luhr Dennnis Lutz Don Lutz Shawn MacFarlane Sarah Manley Dorothy Mansholt Mick and Carol Markway Shelby Marra Pearl May Peter McDonnell Brian and Cindy McNew Kelly Mees Richard and Mary Mehring Mildred Lee Menke Robert Metzger Gerald Miller Larry Moeller Robyn Moeller Lary and Mary Mohl John and Andrea Mohl Herb and Faith Mueller James Muhlenbruch Mike Murakami Frank Nagel Guy and Kathy Nagel Kim Nail Rex and Cindy Nail Cal and Carol Neeman Bob and Esther Negwer Scott and Jennifer Negwer Bob and Evelyn Niermann Kendra Nolde Arlene Notter Cindy Novara Laurie O’Brien Arlin and Marian Obst Glenn and Marilyn Offermann Roger Osthoff Dorothy Papenberg Rhonda Patrick James Payton Milton Perko Dale and Alice Peters Ed and Bonnie Piel Rachel Pinnon Dennis and Kay Plozizka Bob and Linda Polansky Betty Poore Don and Jane Prahlow James Preston Wayne and Helen Price James and Carol Probst Frank Pruismann Allison Raders Rodney and Dawn Rathmann Mary Lou Redshaw Christen Reinert Daniel and Joyce Reitz Kim Restoff Brandon Roberts Andrea Roettger Dan and Mickey Roth Frank and Kathy Rudolph Earl and Dorothy Ruez Blake and Sandy Rundell Thomas and Barbara Russo Edwin and Bernice Salger Jeff and Mary Beth Sandcork Timothy Scace Perry and Lynn Schlemmer Tim and Laurie Schlueter Bill and Kay Schmidt Lester and Carol Schneider Wilbert Schnepel John and Connie Schoenecker Tim Schoenecker Louise Schroer Dale Schutt Jimi and Connie Seboldt James and Teresa Shank Howard and Norma Shive Butch and Laurie Sparwasser Gary and Cathy Spieler Oscar and Irene Stamm Roger and Marilyn Stegmann Bill and Karen Stock Phyllis Story Christine Stratmann Wally and Martha Streuter Robert and Virginia Strong Gus Stuart Georgine Sutter Gene and Carole Svebakken Lauren Tate Dale and Brenda Tate Russ and Laurie Thompson Tim and Theresa Thorburg Craig and Dawn Thorburg Jim and Arlene Thorburg John and Sally Thorburg Jason Thorburg Larry and Christie Tietjen Steve Tirmenstein Phyllis Tirmenstein Jeff and Christy Tomlinson Chad and Brenda Trunkhill Ron and Cheryl Turley Terry Umpenour James and Marjorie Viehland Kevin Voges Kenneth and Joan Voges Thomas Voges Andre and Marie Voges Wolfgang Von Dressler Richard and Shirley Waite Terry Walther Charlotte Walther Robert and Myrtle Weis Mark and Lauri Weis Donald Welge Deanne Wells Nicholas Wells Nancy Wessel Glenn and Barbara White Randy and Dana Wilson Daniel Wingbermuehle Curtiss and Linda Wittbracht Roy Wittman Monty Wolf Don and Marge Woolard Tom and Marie Wren George and Noreen Ziebold Doris Zschiegner Right: Camp Wartburg staff member takes campers on a nature walk. Next page: Noland Sales Corporation team at the 2011 Lutherbrook Bowl-A-Rama. LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 33 34 | L E A R N M O R E AT W W W.LC F S.O R G 2012 CALENDAR OF JANUARY 26 FEBRUARY 11 FEBRUARY 12 MARCH 10 APRIL 17 Annual Gathering of Stakeholders Lutherbrook Bowl-A-Rama Lutherbrook Bowl-A-Rama Chicago Uptown Ministry Fashion Show Lutherbrook Guild Breakfast APRIL 25 APRIL 29 MAY 8 MAY 21 JUNE 4 President & CEO: Gene L. Svebakken, MSW, ACSW Editors: David Bakker & Sara LoCoco Design: Orangeflux events Lutheran Day Camp Wartburg Chicken Dinner Auxiliary Annual Meeting and Luncheon Camp Wartburg John Mohl Memorial Golf Outing Central IL Golf “Fore” Kids Outing 7620 Madsion Street River Forest, IL 60305 800-363-5237 www.lcfs.org JUNE 5 JUNE 8 JUNE 9 JUNE 17 AUGUST 25 Northern IL Golf “Fore” Kids Outing Lutherbrook Academy Graduation Father of the Year Event Jazz Psalms Celebration Camp Wartburg Dinner and Auction OCTOBER 13 OCTOBER 20 DECEMBER 1 Lifelink Korean Reception (tentative) Harvest Gala Lifelink Snackin’ with Santa Back cover: Korean foster mother reunites with one of her foster children at the Lifelink International Adoption Korean Reception. www.facebook.com/LCFSIL LCFS is a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. LC F S 2011 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 35 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage 7620 Madison Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | www.lcfs.org PAID Schaumburg, IL Permit #101