Winter/Spring 2016 - Wesleyan Senior Living


Winter/Spring 2016 - Wesleyan Senior Living
More Choice. More Freedom. Better Living.
Our Donor Issue
In This Issue
• From the Desk of the
CEO (pg. 2)
• Our Mission (pg. 2)
• Kristen’s Comments (pg. 3)
• Foundation Facts (pg. 3)
• 2015 Donors (pg. 5-19)
Churches and Related
Organizations (pg. 5)
Estate Gifts (pg. 5)
Gifts Designated For:
Adult Day Care – Day Away (pg. 5)
Arts and Crafts (pg. 5)
Beacon House (pg. 6)
Chaplain’s Fund (pg. 6)
Health Care – 4th Floor (pg. 6)
Health Care Activities (pg. 6)
Mobile Meals (pg. 6)
Patio Homes Garden (pg. 6)
Rose Garden (pg. 6)
Village Center (pg. 6)
Meadows Woodshop (pg. 6)
Village Grounds (pg. 6)
Unrestricted Gifts for the Life Care Fund
(pgs. 6-8, 10-12)
Gifts by Appeal:
Associate Appeal (pgs. 8-9)
Associate Appreciation Christmas Fund
(pgs. 9-10)
Christmas (pgs. 10-11)
Mother’s and Father’s Day (pgs. 11-12)
Glenn Miller Orchestra “Swingin’ Into
Spring!” Gala (pgs. 12-13)
21st Annual Golf Classic (pg. 13)
Gifts to Endowed Funds:
Charitable Care Endowment (pg. 13)
Mary Lilly Society Members (pg. 13)
To Honor and Remember:
In Honor Of (pgs. 14-15)
In Memory Of (pgs. 15-19)
• 22nd Annual – Golf Classic (pg. 20)
Marian Van Valkenburg, Resident of our Village Park apartments since 2005, enjoys painting in our Masterpiece Studio.
Debra Cihla
Wesleyan Senior Living
Wesleyan Senior Living is a vibrant,
engaged retirement community. We
serve older adults by providing them an
environment to age successfully. But what
do we do outside our physical walls to help
serve older adults and how do we engage
the external community?
One of our outstanding outreach programs
to older adults in the community is our
rehabilitation/skilled unit in healthcare.
Not only do we provide for our own
Residents, but also for those in the
community in need of therapy services.
Our Mission:
To provide an
environment for older
adults to experience
the fullness of life,
encouraging them to age
successfully by growing
socially, intellectually,
physically, and spiritually
with the care and support
of a Christian community.
This can range from physical therapy for
hip, knee or shoulder replacements to
increasing the patient’s stamina. We offer
speech therapy for those that may have
had a stroke or other ailments that may
affect their ability to swallow or speak.
Occupational therapy focuses on fine
motor skills and self-care.
Educational offerings are available to
people in our local community. Our
“Through the Eyes of an Artist” series
is very popular and educational as our
Residents and community members learn
about different artists such as Monet,
Picasso, Renoir, and DeVinci. “Life Long
Learning” programming is available on
our campus through Lorain County
Community College on a wide range of
topics of interest to older adults.
The Masterpiece Lifestyle Center is
open to area seniors to participate in our
wellness programming which includes
swimming, exercise, and nutritional
offerings. Members may participate in
many of the activities at our community.
Our Mobile Meals program provides
nutritional hot meals seven days a week
at a reasonable price to seniors that are
Our Residents oversee food and clothing
drives for local charities that help to
support those in need from the area.
Toiletries collected for St. Andrews
Episcopal Church help to support
homeless shelters in the community.
Residents also raise funds for the Salvation
Army to support many community
initiatives. Medical equipment and
supplies that we can no longer use are
donated yearly to homeless shelters and
other organizations.
The Neighborhood Alliance “Linden
at Wesleyan” school is located on our
campus and provides subsidized care for
young children to receive early childhood
education. It is a wonderful outreach as
it provides intergenerational education
programming to children and Residents.
Our outreach to the community helps
people to understand and know us as
an organization. It helps people in the
community see us as their neighbor and a
valuable addition to the community. As
an organization it is important that we
give back to the community of which we
are a part.
Resident and
retired Associate
Doug Schmittgen
plays Santa at the
annual Associate
Christmas party
Residents and Associates participated in our first annual Ugly-Festive
Sweater Day
K R I S T E N ’ S
Kristen Jones
Vice President of Development and Church Relations,
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation
Benjamin Franklin once said, “The
good that men may do separately is
small compared with what they may do
collectively.” As we reflect on another
year, it’s an honor to recognize those who
have collectively made our achievements
We are grateful for the support of
community partners who collaborate
with us to deliver vital services, and for
the commitment of our amazing staff
and their dedication and professionalism.
Together we’ve cared for older adults who
are so busy and active that they literally
run circles around us, and we’ve also cared
for those with the most fragile health
Our volunteers provided thousands
of hours of their time to ensure that
our organization thrives – that service
translating to a quarter million dollars in
manpower. Our Mobile Meals program
has provided hundreds of hot, nutritious
meals, as well as daily companionship,
to the home-bound of Elyria. And
most significantly, our Life Care Fund
supported more than 200 Residents who
have outlived their financial resources,
amounting to millions in charitable care.
All of this, and much more, could not
have been accomplished this year without
the support of our dedicated contributors.
Despite a lagging economy and challenges
in national healthcare delivery, we’ve seen
both the number of donors and amount of
contributions steadily rise.
If you attended an event such as our Glenn
Miller Orchestra concert, or our annual
Golf Classic, we hope you enjoyed your
time with us, knowing that those dollars
went far beyond entertainment. If you
were touched by the care we provide to
older adults, we thank you for entrusting
that important mission to us. If you
remembered a loved one with fondness
and wished to honor them, we join with
you in that remembrance. Perhaps you saw
a need in our community, and felt called
to action to help us with that effort.
Whatever your reasons may be, your
support has been important to us this
year. There is an ever-increasing need for
charitable care, but your dollars also help
us provide the physical, social, intellectual,
and spiritual elements that are so
important to the healthy aging process.
As you read the hundreds of names listed
on the following pages, we hope you’ll join
us in our appreciation of these generous
donors. If your name is not currently a
part of our Honor Roll of Donors, we
hope that you will join us in securing a
mission of service that is now 120 years in
the making.
Together we will continue to make a
tremendous impact on this community.
Thank you for making this possible.
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation Facts
How did we do in 2015? And how do we stack up against national trends?
WSLF’s increase in overall giving* from
2014 to 2015 (*excludes estate gifts,
bequests and planned giving vehicles)
National average increase in overall giving
from 2014 to 2015
National average (decrease) in overall
giving for Human Services organizations from 2014 to 2015
WSLF increase in overall giving* in 10
years (2006 through 2015)
9.2% .6%
WSLF’s increase in the number of donors
from 2014 to 2015
WSLF’s increase in online giving dollars
from 2014 to 2015
National average increase in online giving
dollars from 2014 to 2015
WSLF’s percentage of overall donations
received online in 2015
National average percentage of overall
donations received online in 2015
* National averages cited from “The Chronicle of Philanthropy” News and Analysis – February 2, 2016
Bowlers –
Art Fritinger
Members of the Wesleyan Meadows bowling team –
Roger Holmes, Peter Crowell, Fred Klag and Jack Elliott
Wesleyan Meadows Bowlers
– Ed Oleksiak
2015 Honor Roll of Donors
Wesleyan Senior Living is able to provide care for all of our
Residents because of the gifts given by individuals, churches and
organizations who care about improving the quality of life for older
adults. The monetary gifts listed in this issue of “The Messenger”
were received between January 1, 2015, and December 31,
2015. The entire Wesleyan Senior Living family thanks you for
your support.
Many faith communities contribute
to our mission of benevolent care
through missions-related funding, as
well as special gifts and offerings. Gifts
from these communities also reflect
specific answers to needs within our
spiritual programming and Chaplain’s
initiatives. In addition to the monetary
contributors listed here, many faith
communities give of their time and
talent in serving our community through
volunteerism. In their giving, faith
communities are a real and present
example of the love of God, in action.
Alliance: Union Avenue United Methodist
Bellaire: First UMC Delta Alpha Class
Birmingham United Methodist Church
Cleveland: Saint Matthew United Methodist
Estate Gifts
These persons
remembered us in their
legacy plans, and have
supported us through
bequests and planned
giving opportunities.
East Ohio Conference of the UMC
Elyria First United Methodist Church
Elyria: Community United Methodist Church
Huron United Methodist Church
Gifts Designated
Designated funds are contributed gifts
that are set aside from the general
fund for a specific purpose. For
example, a donor might choose to
make a contribution to help support a
particular area or capital need within
our community.
Almost any area of our continuum
can be specifically supported by these
designated gifts. They often help fund
additional activities or needs that are
not covered through a department’s
annual operating budget, and they are
vitally important to helping us continue
to enhance the quality of life of our
Impact Church International
Kent First United Methodist Church
Lakewood United Methodist Church
Mentor Plains United Methodist Women
Mt. Gilead: Trinity United Methodist Church
Navarre: Otterbein United Methodist Church
New Matamoras United Methodist Church
New Philadelphia: Otterbein United Methodist
North Ridgeville: Fields United Methodist
Ms. Anita Buchanan Graham and Mr. Barry
Mrs. Judy Dostall
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dusky
Ms. Cindy Hadley
Mrs. Roni S. Mehling
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Ms. Lisa Pintner
St. Clairsville: Thoburn United Methodist Church
Mr. Andrew Ries
Tiffin: Harmony United Methodist Church
Ms. Lesley Scott-Gullion
Uhrichsville: First United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson
Unity Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. Scott T. Trolio
Westlake United Methodist Church
Westlake United Methodist Women
Ms. Barbara E. Bennett
The Agnes Crook Trust
The Phyllis Crook Trust
The Estate of Lois P. Kleefeld
The Merkle Foundation
The John W. Murbach Trust
The Robert L. Swanker Trust
The Estate of Donna E. Uehlein
Dick Lehto painting in our
Masterpiece Studio
(Continued on pg. 6)
(Continued from pg. 5)
Ms. Anita Buchanan Graham and
Mr. Barry Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Reed
Mrs. Judy Dostall
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dusky
Ms. Cindy Hadley
Mrs. Roni S. Mehling
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Ms. Lisa Pintner
Mr. Andrew Ries
Ms. Lesley Scott-Gullion
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hemminger
Mrs. Polly Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Reed
Mr. Andrew Ries
Mrs. Helen J. Stilgenbauer
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson
Mr. Scott T. Trolio
Ms. Shelley J. Bohl
Mrs. Michele Cold-Assaf and Mr.
Richard Assaf
Mrs. D. Juanita Cooperrider
Mr. Gary Cooperrider
David-Babcock Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. Wilmot Irish
Ms. Kristen A. Jones
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Mr. Ned R. Stull*
Wesleyan Village Associates’
Elyria Rotary Club
Elyria Sunrise Rotary Club
Ms. Nicole Knorr
Ms. Paige O’Connell
Ohio Department of Transportation
Mrs. Cindy Sturgell
Gifts For Life
Care Fund
Unrestricted gifts are very
important gifts to Wesleyan
Senior Living. They give us the
ultimate flexibility—to seize
opportunities and address
unforeseen challenges as they
arise. Most importantly, they
allow us to provide charitable
care for those who have
depleted their own financial
resources through no fault of
their own.
Ms. Linda Adams
Mr. Richard M. Adams
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Jay and Anna Allen Ruoff
Alliance: Union Avenue United
Methodist Church
Mr. John D. Alsup
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Altfeld
Mr. Stephen Zhitnik
Mrs. Helen Lou Amos
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson
Mrs. Maud W. Andre de la Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown
Ms. Trish Anson
Mrs. Michele Cold-Assaf and Mr.
Richard Assaf
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Aquilla
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rogan
Mrs. Wilda M. Ashcraft
Mike and Peggy Aten
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Ashcraft
Ms. May Austin
George and Betty Bailey
Mr. Robert B. Barnes
Mrs. Charlene Bauer
Mrs. Phyllis Calhoun
Mrs. Rose K. Beall
Ms. Nancy Dowdell
Mrs. Ursel L. Beaton
Ms. Kathy Elswick
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beck
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Mrs. Barbara J. Berry
The Mark and Susan Mathes
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bird
Ms. Ann M. Bittner
Ms. Emily Reighley
Miss Sandra L. Bittner
Mr. Andrew Ries
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Ms. Shelley J. Bohl
Ms. Linda Clifton
Ms. Kathleen M. Keys
Anna Bowman Hurt and
Carlyn Kessler of the
Cleveland Cello Quartet
Ms. Margaret Boswell
Ms. Susan Bowers
Mrs. Anna L. Brady
Richard and Carol Branting
Ed and Barb Brewster
Neil and Pat Bright
Ms. Britney Brown
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Ms. Jean Brown Barr
Leonard and Karen Budd
Mrs. Phyllis Budd
Mrs. Phyllis A. Bullock
Mrs. Sara Burneson
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Burr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burrer
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Butcher
Claudia and Patrick Campbell
Mrs. Janet L. Campbell-Kuhl
Mrs. Joyce E. Carley
Ms. Claire Carmen
Mrs. Kim Carmen
Mary Sue and Bill Carter
Earl and Alice Chambers
Rev. Dr. Walter S. Chisholm
Mrs. Debra Cihla
William and Glenda Clark
Cleveland: Saint Matthew United
Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Coletti
Mr. Lawrence A. Collart
Mrs. Alice M. Conant
Robert and Jane Coniam
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Mr. Gary Cooperrider
Ms. Elizabeth Cortez
Edgar and Mary Anna Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coulis
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Craciun
Mr. John Croft, Jr.
Peter and Tina Crowell
Dennis and Arleen Cruise
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Darland
Rev. Ronald D. Dauphin
Ms. Estell Dean
Ms. Mona DeAngelo
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Demo
Mrs. Barbara Denis
Mrs. Jeanine P. Donaldson
Mrs. Jane G. Dowdell
Ms. Julia Dowling
Rev. and Mrs. H. Daniel Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Durack
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dusky
(Continued on pg. 7)
(Continued from pg. 6)
East Ohio Conference of the
United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Haywood
Mentor Plains United Methodist
Mr. William C. Ehrman
Mr. Mark J. Wallace and Mrs.
Marcia R. Hazelton-Wallace
Tom and Betty Elliot
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Elliott
Dr. Rick Hetsko
Mrs. Mary Ann Moir
Elyria: Community United
Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mrs. Miriam C. Moore
Elyria: First United Methodist
Mrs. Mary Hight
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hiltabiddle
Mrs. Katie Ezell
Mrs. Constance Morilak
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Holland
The Faulisi Family
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Holmes
Ms. Judith Feagin
Gary and Lauryl Hoose
Mr. Danny Fedeli
Ms. Lynn C. Hoose
The Fernandis Family
Ms. Therese Meyer
Ms. Erin Moore
Ms. Ann Mowery
Barb Mueller and Bob
Rudolph shop at the jewelry
Mt. Gilead: Trinity United
Methodist Church
Mrs. Jane D. Horkay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kovacs
Ms. Erica Fields
Mr. David Houser
Ms. Cindy Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Hubbard
Mr. William J. Kovacs and Mrs.
Nancy Olsen
Navarre: Otterbein United
Methodist Church
Barbara and Bill Musolf
Ms. Martha L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kress
Gordon and Vernie Nethercut
Rev. and Mrs. Richard K.
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Ms. Charlene E. Firestone
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hubbard
Mrs. Beulah H. Fisher
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hubler
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Huron United Methodist Church
Mr. David E. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ignatz
Mrs. Marilyn F. Fletcher
Dr. Magnolia Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Foote
Mr. Robert W. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Frank
Ms. Anita Franken
Lakewood United Methodist
Mrs. Meg Nieberding
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus B. Johnson
Ms. LaQuisha Johnson
Mrs. Barbara J. Fricke
Dick and Eleanore Lehto
Mrs. Margret Johnston
North Ridgeville: Fields United
Methodist Church
Art and Janice Fritinger
Mrs. Lorraine Leshnak
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jokela
Mrs. Gloria S. Lloyd
Mr. J. Kenneth Nowak
Ms. Judith Fulkerson
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mrs. Phyllis M. Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Ms. Endia Lofton
Mrs. Jaclyn A. Nuhn
Mrs. Lois E. Gambish
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr. Joel
L. Schmittgen
Ms. Letha M. Jones
Dalt and Peggy Love
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Oleksiak
Mr. Stanley C. Gault
Ms. Kitty Kadas
Mrs. Prudence A. Love
Ms. Andrea Orosz
Mrs. Theresa Gebhardt
Mr. William G. Kairat
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lynn
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Ms. Tina Gendics
Mrs. Katie Kasper
Mr. James R. MacCluskie
Ms. Ellen R. Otis
Mrs. Marilyn Gerhardinger
Ms. Kim Kauffman
Ms. Lisa Mahone
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Palomaki
Mrs. Donna M. Gibbons
Mr. Jay Keefer
Mrs. Polly Maier
The Panchumarti Family
Mrs. Judith A. Gill
Mrs. Fran K. Gilles
Denver and Barb Kelly
Mrs. Felicia N. Manubay
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gleason
Mrs. Gretel F. Kelsey
Mrs. Ruth Glessner
Kent First United Methodist Church
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Mr. Arthur H. Ketchum
Ms. Cierra Goldsmith
Ms. Amy A. Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goode
Ms. Virginia S. Kienly
The Mark and Susan Mathes
Ms. Britny Gossett
Mr. and Mrs. Jim King
Mrs. Janine Mawson
Mrs. Lynne W. Pierce
Ms. Carla Graham
Mrs. Joann M. King
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Mayne
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Mrs. Judy Hachtel
Ms. Amanda Klein
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pongracz
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Hagerty
Ms. Julia Kleinholz
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas McDonald
Mrs. Eileen Post
Mrs. Judith J. Hallgren and Mr.
Bernard Crowley
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Mrs. Judith E. McDonald
Ms. Evelyn Prince
Roger and Cindy Klinect
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Frank and Carole Klingshirn
Mr. and Mrs. David F. McFarland
John and Betty Raber
Mr. James H. Hardin
Mr. Dave Knapp
Mrs. Roni S. Mehling
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rand
Mrs. Audrey Harris
Mrs. Rita Koberna
Mr. and Mrs. Vary H. Mengle
Mrs. Mary Rawlings
Ms. Deborah A. Hashier
Ms. Nancy Kortemeyer
Joe and Jo Ann Kuchta
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kunkel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Denzil O. LaFaber
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Marlow
Ms. Barb Marshall
Mr. Keith Martin
Russ and Ellen Martin
New Matamoras United Methodist
New Philadelphia: Otterbein
United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Penn
Mrs. Lenora Phillips
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
(Continued on pg. 8)
(Continued from pg. 7)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rearick, Jr.
Mrs. Margarita T. Whatley
Mrs. Diane Coletti
Mrs. Mildred Redon
Ms. Maria E. White
Ms. Elizabeth Cortez
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mrs. Violet R. Whitmore
Mr. John Croft, Jr.
Ken and Beth Repeta
Mrs. Virginia Wile
Ms. Estell Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L. Reynolds
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Mrs. Judy Dostall
Mr. Andrew Ries
Mr. Elton H. Wilkinson
Mrs. Cathy Dusky
Mrs. Toby J. Rieth
Mrs. Claudette O. Williams
Ms. Kathy Elswick
Ms. Pamela Riter
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Williams
Ms. Katie Ezell
Mr. Matthew Ritz
Ms. Elaine Willis
Ms. Erica Fields
Mrs. Jean L. Wingate
Ms. Cindy Finnegan
The Wozolik Family
Ms. Tina Gendics
Mrs. Veda A. Wright
Mrs. Donna M. Gibbons
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Mrs. Fran K. Gilles
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
Ms. Cierra Goldsmith
Mrs. Laurene F. Young
Mr. Michael Goode
Mrs. Dorothy I. Zahars
Ms. Britny Gossett
Mrs. Helen M. Zych
Ms. Carla Graham
Ms. Cindy Hadley
Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Rochon
Michael and Marydale Rogan
Mrs. Dorothy Rottari
Mr. Robert L. Rudolph
Ms. Shatavia Sanders
Mrs. Nancy Sapp
Ms. Holly Sauker
Mr. Jeffrey P. Sawders
Mr. and Mrs. Weston B. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schrull
Mr. Anthony Scolaro
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scolaro
Ms. Patricia Scott
Mrs. MaryAlice W. Seaholts
Jean and Bob Sheldon
Ms. Barbara Sheller
Fat Tuesday Paczkis with
Carol Gibb and Dick Parks
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor
Mrs. Joyce Thaler
Ms. Joy Thistlethwaite
Mr. Gary B. Thompson
Rev. and Mrs. Arnett Thornton
Tiffin: Harmony United Methodist
Mrs. Anna Tobias
Miss Marian R. Tompkins
Susan and Ed Toolis
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Trimmer
Mr. and Mrs. James Troxtell
Rev. George F. Shiltz
Uhrichsville United Methodist
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Ms. Kathleen Van Meter
Mrs. Shirley Shubert
Mr. Frederick Van Valkenburg
Mrs. Ann Sidun
Mr. Joe VanHorn
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
James and Lizbeth Vargo
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sigworth
Ms. Sarah Vradenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smigelski
Mrs. Anna J. Wadsworth
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Miss Rose E. Wagner
Mr. Robert T. Smith
Mrs. Judy Wakefield
Ms. Julie Soto
Mrs. Robert J. Walbom
Janet and Warren Sowers
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Waldock
Ms. Rose Bayonne Soxman
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill E. Ward
Ms. Leslie Sperber
Mrs. Karen Warkall
St. Clairsville: Thoburn United
Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin T. and Martha
L. Wason
Mrs. Grace Steffen
Ms. Sherie Watson
Mrs. Nancy G. Stein
Mr. John Weber
Rick and Sherry Stetson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Stevens
Mrs. Helen Weimer
Mrs. Jane T. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strauss
Ms. Julie West
Ms. Anna Strawderman
Mr. Walter J. Westermann
Ms. Alexis Strock
Westlake United Methodist Church
Michael and Julia Stuneck
Westlake United Methodist
Ms. Deborah A. Hashier
Gifts by
Mr. James Edward Hollars
Ms. Katie Kasper
The Associate Appeal is a
chance for our employees to
support our mission of care.
No one is closer to the needs
of our community than those
who see them day-to-day,
and who directly serve our
Residents and know them
personally. Associates can
choose to support our Life
Care Fund, or any department
or program of their choice.
Often, a department will work
together to create funding for a
need that they would like to see
Ms. Trish Anson
Ms. May Austin
Mrs. Charlene Bauer
Ms. Shelley J. Bohl
Rev. Neil Bright
Mr. Bob Brown
Ms. Britney Brown
Ms. Anita Buchanan Graham
Mrs. Phyllis Calhoun
Ms. Deanna Cammalleri
Mrs. Kim Carmen
Ms. Claire Carmen
Mrs. Debra Cihla
Ms. LaQuisha Johnson
Ms. Kristen A. Jones
Ms. Kitty Kadas
Ms. Kim Kauffman
Ms. Amanda Klein
Ms. Julia Kleinholz
Mrs. Agnes Klimkowicz
Mr. Dave Knapp
Ms. Nicole Knorr
Ms. Endia Lofton
Ms. Lisa Mahone
Ms. Barb Marshall
Mr. Keith Martin
Ms. Janine Mawson
Mrs. Roni S. Mehling
Ms. Therese Meyer
Ms. Martha L. Nelson
Mrs. Meg Nieberding
Ms. Paige O’Connell
Mrs. Eileen Post
Ms. Emily Reighley
Ms. Pamela Riter
Mr. Matthew Ritz
Ms. Shatavia Sanders
Ms. Holly Sauker
Ms. Patricia Scott
Ms. Lesley Scott-Gullion
Ms. Julie Soto
(Continued on pg. 9)
(Continued from pg. 8)
Ms. Leslie Sperber
Mrs. Mavis Brown
Mr. Randall Brown
John R. Jacklitch* and Lila M.
Bartniski Jacklitch
Mrs. Dolores A. Morgan
Ms. Anna Strawderman
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Mrs. JoAnn Jocke
Shig and Barb Nakanishi
Mrs. Cindy Sturgell
Mrs. Sara Burneson
Mrs. Arlene Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Norton
Ms. Joy Thistlethwaite
George and Diana Butcher
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mr. J. Kenneth Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cantrell
Ms. Jeanette R. Justin
Ms. Kathleen Van Meter
Earl and Alice Chambers
Denver and Barb Kelly
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Ms. Sandy Vancs
William and Glenda Clark
Mrs. Gretel F. Kelsey
Mr. Richard S. O’Connell
Mr. Joe VanHorn
Mr. and Mrs. Max Clyde
Ms. Doris Kiesel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Oleksiak
Mrs. Judy Wakefield
Mr. Al Collart
Mr. Gerald R. Kindle
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Wesleyan Village Associates’
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Mr. and Mrs. Jim King
Mrs. D. Juanita Cooperrider
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klag
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Mrs. Margarita T. Whatley
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coulis
Mr. Dave Knapp
Mrs. Kathleen Penfound
Ms. Maria E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Craciun
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kovacs
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Penn
Mrs. Nancy L. Davis
Eleanor and Joseph Kraps
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peritch
Mrs. Ruby Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kress
Mrs. Phyllis J. Pfeiffer
Ron and Cathie Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Krupar
Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips
Mrs. Jane G. Dowdell
Mrs. Norma F. Leatherman
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Mrs. Mae Drage
Dick and Eleanore Lehto
Miss Rachael A. Pierce
Ms. Karen Drasler
Mr. and Mrs. David Livelsberger
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Durack
Mrs. Phyllis M. Lodge
Mrs. Mildred Redon
Mr. William C. Ehrman
Dalt and Peggy Love
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Elliott
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lynn
Mrs. Pat Renker
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Eppler
Mr. James R. MacCluskie
Ken and Beth Repeta
Mrs. Karen S. Faulkner
Mrs. Polly Maier
Mr. Andrew Ries
Ms. Bernice Ann Ferry
Mrs. Marion K. Malone
Mrs. Dorothy Rottari
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Mrs. Ruth A. Mattey
Mr. Robert L. Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flegge
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Mr. Jeffrey P. Sawders
Mrs. Marilyn F. Fletcher
Mrs. Betty McCully
Mrs. Sarah H. Scheufler
Mrs. Barbara J. Fricke
Mrs. Judith E. McDonald
Mr. Anthony Scolaro
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Art and Janice Fritinger
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mr. Richard Sellers
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack McKee
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Jay and Anna Allen Ruoff
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gallagher
Mrs. Lenore J. McNutt
Mrs. Marlene Shook
Ms. Barbara Almas
Mr. and Mrs. James Geer
Elmer L. and Nancy M. Meyers
Mrs. Shirley Shubert
Mr. John D. Alsup
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Luis Alvarado
Mrs. Marilyn K. Glor
Miss Frances M. Miller
Bob and Peggy Skerda
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Mrs. Joan Moore
Ms. Sandy Skerda
Mrs. Ella Marie Archer
Ms. Saundra L. Golding
Ms. Karen Moore
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Mike and Peggy Aten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Ms. Rose Bayonne Soxman
George and Betty Bailey
Dr. Phyllis Gorfain and Dr. Bruce
Mr. Robert B. Barnes
Paul and Deb Gorman
Mrs. Grace Steffen
Mrs. Ursel L. Beaton
Ms. Virginia M. Gregory
Mrs. Helen J. Stilgenbauer
Mrs. Shirley B. Beck
Mrs. Phyllis R. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strauss
Mrs. Sara L. Bennett
Mrs. Judith J. Hallgren and Mr.
Bernard Crowley
Mr. Jake Sustarsic
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
Miss Sylvia C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Holland
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor
Ms. Alexis Strock
Miss Marian R. Tompkins
Each autumn, the Residents
and friends of our communities
express their appreciation
for kind and caring attention
given by our loyal staff. It is our
custom that Residents cannot
tip Associates, so this annual
gift is a special opportunity to
thank them for their service.
The funds are pooled together
and used only for the purpose
of purchasing for grocery
gift cards at Thanksgiving, a
holiday party for all Associates,
and small monetary gifts for
non-Executive staff.
Ms. Ann M. Bittner
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Mr. Arthur G. Botz
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling E. Bradley
Richard and Carol Branting
Mr. Harry H. Bratton
Mr. Henry W. Hoop
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hubler
Mrs. Barbara A. Mueller
Mrs. Beverly Sperry
Mr. Tony Sustarsic
Marie Fulthorpe and Shirley
Shubert at the Wesleyan
Meadows Christmas party
Mr. and Mrs. James Traxler
Mrs. Betty J. Turk
(Continued on pg. 10)
(Continued from pg. 9)
Mrs. Marian R. Van Valkenburg
Mrs. Maud W. Andre de la Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Darland
Gary and Lauryl Hoose
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin T. and Martha
L. Wason
Anonymous (3)
Rev. Ronald D. Dauphin
Ms. Lynn C. Hoose
John and Joanne Aquilla
Ms. Mona DeAngelo
Mrs. Jane D. Horkay
Alan and Karen Wehman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Demo
Mr. David Houser
Mrs. Jean Weingartner
Mrs. Wilda M. Ashcraft
Mrs. Barbara Denis
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Hubbard
Ms. Julie West
Mike and Peggy Aten
Mrs. Jane G. Dowdell
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hubbard
Mrs. Dana L. Weston
George and Betty Bailey
Miss Nancy Dowdell
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hubler
Mrs. Violet R. Whitmore
Mr. Robert B. Barnes
Ms. Julia Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ignatz
Mrs. Virginia Wile
Mrs. Rose K. Beall
Rev. and Mrs. H. Daniel Drew
Dr. Magnolia Jackson
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Mrs. Ursel L. Beaton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Durack
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus B. Johnson
Mrs. Claudette O. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beck
Tom and Betty Elliot
Mrs. Margret Johnston
Ed* and Jean Willis
Mrs. Barbara J. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jokela
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bird
Ms. Judith Feagin
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Ms. Ann M. Bittner
Mr. Danny Fedeli
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
Miss Sandra L. Bittner
Ms. Charlene E. Firestone
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr. Joel
L. Schmittgen
Mrs. Laurene F. Young
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Mrs. Beulah H. Fisher
Ms. Letha M. Jones
Robert* and Helen Zych
Ms. Margaret Boswell
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Mr. William G. Kairat
Ms. Susan Bowers
Mrs. Marilyn F. Fletcher
Mr. Jay Keefer
Mrs. Anna L. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Foote
Denver and Barb Kelly
Richard and Carol Branting
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Frank
Mrs. Gretel F. Kelsey
Ed and Barb Brewster
Ms. Anita Franken
Mr. Arthur H. Ketchum
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Ms. Karen Lynch Frederick
Ms. Amy A. Kidder
Ms. Jean Brown Barr
Mrs. Barbara J. Fricke
Mr. and Mrs. Jim King
Leonard and Karen Budd
Art and Janice Fritinger
Mrs. Joann M. King
Mrs. Phyllis Budd
Ms. Judith Fulkerson
Roger and Cindy Klinect
Mrs. Phyllis A. Bullock
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Frank and Carole Klingshirn
Mrs. Sara Burneson
Mrs. Lois E. Gambish
Mrs. Rita Koberna
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Burr, Jr.
Mr. Stanley C. Gault
Ms. Nancy Kortemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burrer
Mrs. Theresa Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kovacs
George and Diana Butcher
Mrs. Marilyn Gerhardinger
Claudia and Patrick Campbell
Mrs. Judith A. Gill
Mr. William J. Kovacs and Mrs.
Nancy Olsen
Mrs. Janet L. Campbell-Kuhl
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gleason
Mrs. Joyce E. Carley
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Rev. and Mrs. Richard K.
Mary Sue and Bill Carter
Mrs. Judy Hachtel
Joe and Jo Ann Kuchta
Earl and Alice Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Hagerty
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kunkel, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Walter S. Chisholm
Mrs. Judith J. Hallgren and Mr.
Bernard Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. Denzil O. LaFaber
Our annual Christmas appeal
is our largest and most
comprehensive of the year.
Residents who have depleted
their personal resources are
assisted by our Life Care Fund.
Each year, 200 individuals are
served in some capacity by this
benevolent fund, which is at the
heart of our mission. Hundreds
of angel ornaments adorn our
Christmas trees, each naming
loved ones who have been
honored by gifts.
Ms. Linda Adams
Mr. Rich Adams
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Jay and Anna Allen Ruoff
Mr. John D. Alsup
William and Glenda Clark
Dick and Eleanore Lehto
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Altfeld
Mrs. Michele Cold-Assaf and Mr.
Richard Assaf
Mrs. Helen Lou Amos
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Coletti
Mrs. Audrey Harris
Mr. Lawrence A. Collart
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Haywood
Mrs. Alice M. Conant
Robert and Jane Coniam
Mr. Mark J. Wallace and Mrs.
Marcia R. Hazelton-Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lynn
Mrs. D. Juanita Cooperrider
Dr. Rick Hetsko
Mr. James R. MacCluskie
Mr. Gary Cooperrider
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mrs. Polly Maier
Mrs. Mary Hight
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hiltabiddle
Russ and Ellen Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Mayne
Edgar and Mary Anna Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kress
Toby, a Resident of Beacon
House and our companion
dog, qualifies to be a Resident
in “Dog Years”
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coulis
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Craciun
Peter and Tina Crowell
Dennis and Arleen Cruise
Mr. James H. Hardin
Dr. and Mrs. Roger
Mrs. Lorraine Leshnak
Mrs. Gloria S. Lloyd
Mrs. Phyllis M. Lodge
Dalt and Peggy Love
Mrs. Prudence A. Love
Mrs. Felicia N. Manubay
(Continued on pg. 11)
(Continued from pg. 10)
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Ms. Sarah Vradenburg
Ms. Susan E. Adams
Dr. Douglas McDonald
Mrs. Anna J. Wadsworth
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mrs. Judith E. McDonald
Miss Rose E. Wagner
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mrs. Robert J. Walbom
Jay and Anna Allen Ruoff
Mr. and Mrs. David F. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Waldock
Ms. Barbara Almas
Mr. and Mrs. Vary H. Mengle
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill E. Ward
Mr. John D. Alsup
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Mrs. Karen Warkall
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Luis Alvarado
Mrs. Mary Ann Moir
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin T. and Martha
L. Wason
Mrs. Helen Lou Amos
Ms. Sherie Watson
Mr. John Weber
John and Joanne Aquilla
Ms. Ann Mowery
Mr. Robert L. Rudolph
Ms. Julie West
George and Betty Bailey
Barbara and Bill Musolf
Mrs. Nancy Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weil
C. J. and Linda Balmaseda
Gordon and Vernie Nethercut
Mr. Jeffrey P. Sawders
Mrs. Helen Weimer
Jerry and Pat Bendik
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Mr. and Mrs. Weston B. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wendling
Ms. Ann M. Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schrull
Mr. Walter J. Westermann
Mrs. Carol Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent
Mr. Anthony Scolaro
Mrs. Violet R. Whitmore
David and Bonnie Blank
Mrs. Jaclyn A. Nuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scolaro
Mrs. Virginia Wile
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Oleksiak
Mrs. MaryAlice W. Seaholts
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Ms. Andrea Orosz
Jean and Bob Sheldon
Mr. Elton H. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bogus
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Ms. Barbara Sheller
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Williams
Ms. Susan Bowers
Ms. Ellen R. Otis
Rev. George F. Shiltz
Mrs. Claudette O. Williams
Richard and Carol Branting
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Palomaki
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Ms. Elaine Willis
Neil and Pat Bright
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley Shubert
Mrs. Jean L. Wingate
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Mrs. Ann Sidun
Mrs. Veda A. Wright
Charles and Carolyn Bruce
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Peck
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peiffer
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sigworth
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
Leonard and Karen Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smigelski
Mrs. Laurene F. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Burr, Jr.
Mrs. Lenora Phillips
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Mrs. Dorothy I. Zahars
Mrs. Joyce E. Carley
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Mr. Robert T. Smith
Mrs. Helen M. Zych
Earl and Alice Chambers
Mrs. Lynne W. Pierce
Janet and Warren Sowers
William and Glenda Clark
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Ms. Rose Bayonne Soxman
Ms. Lisa Pintner
Mrs. Grace Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pongracz
Mrs. Nancy G. Stein
Ms. Evelyn Prince
Rick and Sherry Stetson
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Raber
Mrs. Jane T. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rand
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strauss
Mrs. Mary Rawlings
Michael and Julia Stuneck
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rearick, Jr.
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Mrs. Mildred Redon
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mrs. Joyce Thaler
Ken and Beth Repeta
Mr. Gary B. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L. Reynolds
Rev. and Mrs. Arnett Thornton
Mr. Andrew Ries
Susan and Ed Toolis
Mrs. Toby J. Rieth
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Trimble
Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Trimmer
Like our Christmas appeal,
our Mother’s and Father’s Day
appeal also supports our Life
Care Fund. About 50% of our
Residents in healthcare are
supported by this Fund, and the
gap in government healthcare
reimbursement keeps growing.
Even those who have planned
for a comfortable savings to
provide for their later years,
are sometimes caught unaware
with mounting medical bills.
In our history, we have never
asked an individual to leave our
community because of a lack of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Rochon
Mr. and Mrs. James Troxtell
Ms. Linda Adams
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gary M.
Michael and Marydale Rogan
Mr. Frederick Van Valkenburg
Mr. Rich Adams
Carol and John* Gibb
Mrs. Dorothy Rottari
James and Lizbeth Vargo
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Mrs. Ruth Glessner
Mrs. Miriam C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Felicia Manubay, an RN and
a retired Associate, enjoys
volunteering in the Little Store
Mrs. Constance Morilak
Sheila and Herb André de la Porte
Mrs. Alice M. Conant
Robert and Jane Coniam
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Mrs. D. Juanita Cooperrider
Mr. Gary Cooperrider
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coulis
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Craciun
Mr. David C. Crawford
Rev. Ronald D. Dauphin
Tom and Betty Elliot
Ms. Charlene E. Firestone
Mrs. Marilyn F. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Foote
Mrs. Barbara J. Fricke
Ms. Judith Fulkerson
(Continued on pg. 12)
(Continued from pg. 11)
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Mrs. Gwendolyn Peterson*
Mrs. Veda A. Wright
Rev. R. Edwin Crabtree
Mr. John G. Green
Mrs. Lenora Phillips
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Elek & Noss, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Ms. Susan L. Wurster
Elyria City Schools
Mrs. Audrey Harris
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Mrs. Dorothy I. Zahars
Mr. Mark J. Wallace and Mrs.
Marcia R. Hazelton-Wallace
Mrs. Eileen Post
Elyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co.,
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
Mrs. Consuelo Puffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hiltabiddle
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Holland
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mr. Henry W. Hoop
Ken and Beth Repeta
Ms. Lynn C. Hoose
Mr. Andrew Ries
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robinson
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr. Joel
L. Schmittgen
Miss Karen S. Robinson
Ms. Letha M. Jones
Denver and Barb Kelly
Mrs. Gretel F. Kelsey
Mr. Arthur H. Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Jim King
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klag
Roger and Cindy Klinect
Sandy and Craig Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kovacs
Mr. William J. Kovacs and Mrs.
Nancy Olsen
Joe and Jo Ann Kuchta
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kunkel, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria S. Lloyd
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Loufman
Mrs. Prudence A. Love
Ms. Rowena Luke
Mrs. Louise Maclay
Mrs. Polly Maier
Russ and Ellen Martin
Mrs. Ruth A. Mattey
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Mrs. Susan Morton
Barbara and Bill Musolf
Lanny and Kathy Navarro
Mr. J. Kenneth Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Oleksiak
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Bob and Kate Parker
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peritch
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Priest
Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson
Michael and Marydale Rogan
Mrs. Arlene J. Sahr
Alan and Debbi Scheufler
Mrs. Sarah H. Scheufler
Mr. and Mrs. Weston B. Schmitt
In May 2015, our Foundation
hosted a gala extravaganza
featuring the world famous
Glenn Miller Orchestra. With
a sold-out crowd of more than
800, and a festive dinner held
for our generous sponsors prior
to the concert, this first-time
event was a truly remarkable
and glorious occasion. We will
look forward to welcoming
the Orchestra again, in the
foreseeable future!
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schrull
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Altfeld
Mr. Anthony Scolaro
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scolaro
The Fedeli Group
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Bengt Gerborg
Heidelberg Distributing Company
HW & Co.
Dr. Magnolia Jackson
Jaworski Physical Therapy, Inc.
Lorain County Community
College/LCCC Foundation
Mr. Donald Lynch*
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lynn
Russ and Ellen Martin
Ms. Mary Jane Matts and Mr.
Ralph Slifcak
Dr. Douglas McDonald
Mercy Health
Bendix Commercial Vehicle
Systems, LLC
Metal Marker Manufacturing
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheffield
Rev. George F. and Barbara*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
David and Bonnie Blank
Morrison Community Living
Bodnar Printing Company
Neil and Pat Bright
The Nordson Corporation
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
North Coast Sales
Buckeye Community Bank
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Mrs. Ann Sidun
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Ms. Linda S. Slusser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smigelski
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Ron and Susan Spooner
The Chronicle-Telegram
Debra and Steve Cihla
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mittler
NPL HomeCare, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Coletti
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Mr. Rollyn L. Storey
Community Foundation of Lorain
Howard* and Lynne Pierce
Michael and Julia Stuneck
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Mrs. Grace Steffen
Dick and Kay Swartz
The Family of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Niel and Anne Sween
Michael and Marydale Rogan
Mrs. Maria Taubler
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Select Medical Rehabilitation
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Susan and Ed Toolis
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Trimble
Mr. Scott Smith
James and Lizbeth Vargo
Ms. Margaret Thoren
Mrs. Karen Warkall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Watson
University Hospitals - Elyria
Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weil
Ms. Elizabeth K. Werner
Mrs. Helen Weimer
Hundreds of Generous Audience
Mr. Walter J. Westermann
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Mrs. Keri Winkler
Judy Shepherd, a welcoming
volunteer in our Little Store
(Continued on pg. 13)
(Continued from pg. 12)
Our Golf Classic has been
going strong for 21 years. This
occasion is a great day of golf,
dining, prizes, and friendship
held at the Elyria Country
Club. Look for the “Save the
Date” information on our back
cover, and we look forward
to welcoming you to our
22nd Annual Golf Classic on
Monday, July 18, 2016.
Alco Manufacturing Corporation
Mr. Bill Ash
Birmingham United Methodist
Blue Technologies, Inc.
Bodnar Printing Company
The Brickman Group
Cabot Institute For Labor
Elan Salon Group
The Fedeli Group
HealthPRO Rehabilitation
Huntington National Bank
HW & Co.
ICP, Inc.
Ideal Home Health Care
Jaworski Physical Therapy, Inc.
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Lakeside Chautauqua
Liberty Textile Company
Lifecare Ambulance, Inc.
Link-age Solutions
Lucas Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Mercy Health
Mobilex USA
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Morrison Community Living
Nick Abraham Elyria Ford Auto
North Coast Sales
NPL HomeCare, Inc.
Ohio Secure Shred
Orlando Baking Company
Pennylane Printing
Howard* and Lynne Pierce
Premier Produce Co. LLC
Select Medical Rehabilitation
Skilled Care Pharmacy
Slager Painting
Speed Exterminating Co.
Staging by Marydale LLC
Sysco Food Service
University Hospitals - Elyria
Medical Center
BC Ziegler & Company
Gifts To
information on how you might
become a member, please
contact our Foundation office.
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Anonymous Friends ♦
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Baumgartner ♦
Nell Taylor, Sally Bennett,
Laurie Young, and Betty Durack
play bridge in the Wesleyan
Meadows community room
Mr. and Mrs. H. Keith Beery
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Penn
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Mrs. Elizabeth Glymph Pfaff
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Bogart
Mr. John M. Pfaff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Branting
Ms. Margaret Poe
Mrs. Wilda M. Ashcraft
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
An endowed fund is a
permanent, self-sustaining
source of funding, in which the
assets are carefully invested.
Each year, a portion of the
value of the fund is paid out
to support the fund’s purpose,
and any earnings in excess
of this distribution are used to
build the fund’s market value. In
this way, an endowment fund
can grow and provide support
for its designated purpose in
perpetuity. Sometimes these are
outright gifts, or they can also
be charitable giving vehicles,
such as a gift annuity or trust
which pays a lifetime income to
the donor. Please contact our
Foundation office if you would
like more information on this
type of legacy giving!
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Reed
Mrs. Helen Charnes-Schaefer
Mr. Andrew J. Ries ♦
Mr. Ray V. Chathams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rogan
Rev. Dr. Walter S. Chisholm
Mr. Robert L. Rudolph
Mrs. Debra Cihla ♦
Mrs. Arlene J. Sahr
Rev. R. Edwin Crabtree
Mrs. Muriel Saur
Rev. Ronald D. Dauphin
Mrs. Sarah H. Scheufler
Ms. Julia Dowling
Mrs. Bertina A. Schwartz
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Mrs. Shirley Shubert
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Mrs. Donna M. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold F. Swan
Dr. Phyllis Gorfain and Dr. Bruce
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alva W. Taylor
Mrs. June Holtz
Russell and Barbara Reed
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin T. and Martha
L. Wason
Mr. Wilmot Irish ♦
Mr. Andrew Ries
Mrs. Ruth E. Watts
Mrs. Carolyn Jensen
Elmer L. and Nancy M. Meyers
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mrs. Laurene F. Young
Mr. William G. Kairat
Mrs. Sandra Zaebst
Mrs. Mary T. Hagesfeld
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
2015 Mary
Lilly Society
Mr. William B. Kirchner
a group of generous and
forward-thinking contributors
whose future legacy or
“planned” gifts help to provide
future support for the older
adults we serve. Named after
our founder, these future estate
gifts of any size may be in the
form of bequests, charitable
annuities or trusts, insurance
proceeds, or other estate
gifts. If you would like more
The Mary Lilly Society is
Mrs. Dottie M. Klimczak
Ms. Janice C. Linden
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Toth
Mrs. Doris J. Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Jan D. Van Galen
♦ new members in 2015
Ms. Rowena Luke
We sadly note the passing of the
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lynn
Mr. Andrew Allan
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Russell E. Martin
Mr. John Gibb
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Mrs. Lois Kleefeld
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mr. John Murbach
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and Nancy
M. Meyers ♦
Mrs. Gwendolyn Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Shigeo Nakanishi
Mrs. Nell Rudolph
Mrs. Donna Uehlein
Mr. J. Kenneth Nowak
Mrs. Janet L. Nurenberg
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
To Honor and Remember
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation received gifts between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2015,
which remembered or honored individuals important to the donor. Listed below are these special gifts.
The person that is NOT Bolded is the donor, and the person Bolded is the honoree.
Remembering or honoring
those we care about is a
tangible way of thanking
someone for making a
difference in your life. These
memorial or honor gifts
may express concern for
bereaved family members
or they may honor a special
occasion such as a birthday
or anniversary. Certainly,
these gifts are a lasting
tribute for loved ones that
will be appreciated for years
to come.
Emily Baskin
Mr. Andrew Ries
Glenda Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and Nancy M. Meyers
Cierra Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Beacon House
Mr. and Mrs. James Geer
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Mr. Richard Sellers
Ms. Julie West
John Croft
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Craciun
Paul V. Gorman
George and Betty Bailey
Robert* and Helen Zych
Day Away
Mrs. Nancy L. Davis
Florence Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beck
Mrs. Betty J. Turk
Joseph J. Begley
Ms. Barbara Almas
In Honor of
Ruth E. Adams
Ms. Linda Adams
Ms. Susan E. Adams
Mr. Rich Adams
Angel Alvarado
Mrs. Elsie Alvarado
Trish Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling E. Bradley
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Wilda M. Ashcraft
Rev. and Mrs. H. Daniel Drew
Mr. and Mrs. James Traxler
Ruth E. Blank
David and Bonnie Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Blank
Ed and Barb Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Trimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Williams
William L. and Carolyn
Mr. and Mrs. Vary H. Mengle
Sue Carter
Dr. William H. Carter
Children & Grandchildren
Joe and Jo Ann Kuchta
Mrs. Constance Morilak
Jane Coniam-Sidwell
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Dorothy Bailey
Mrs. Miriam C. Moore
Jean M. De Colibus
Ms. Lesley Scott-Gullion
Dave Diaz
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Mrs. Dolores A. Morgan
Shirley Dickson
Ken and Beth Repeta
John and Betty Dzonko
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus B. Johnson
Jim and Judy Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Ashcraft
Esther G. Ellis
Richard and Carol Branting
LaDawn Etzler
Mr. Randall Brown
Deborah A. Hashier
Mr. Andrew Ries
Healthcare Associates - 2nd
Ken and Beth Repeta
Healthcare Associates - 3rd
Ms. Julie West
Ed Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Allan and Sue Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Holland
June Holtz
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Palomaki
Jane D. Horkay
Ms. Margaret Boswell
Mrs. Mary Hight
John and Teresa Jachym
Mrs. Eileen Post
Family Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Joan O. Jones
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr.
Joel L. Schmittgen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G.
Bob and Kate Parker
Jane Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Elizabeth M. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Carolyn R. Keefer
Mr. Jay Keefer
Mrs. Ann Sidun
Betty Strauss, Sarah Scheufler, Don Strauss, and Ruby Decker
enjoying their weekly Bridge game
(Continued on pg. 15)
(Continued from pg. 14)
Naim Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Emily Reighley
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Elizabeth M. Kovacs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kovacs
Joe and Eleanor I. Kraps
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norris
Jack and Joan Schmittgen
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and
Mr. Joel L. Schmittgen
Dalton D. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Jim King
Daniel and Nellie Baker
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Ms. Virginia S. Kienly
The Wozolik Family
Catherine D. Montgomery
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Jim and Marie Aten
Mike and Peggy Aten
The Fernandis Family
The Panchumarti family
Christine A. Bailey
George and Betty Bailey
Latiegrea McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Roni S. Mehling
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Rev. and Mrs. H. Daniel Drew
Richard T. Sidwell’s 95th
The Faulisi Family
Raymond Ashcraft
Mrs. Wilda M. Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Vary H. Mengle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McKee’s 70th Wedding
Mr. Wilmot Irish
Mary Lilly Society
Mr. J. Kenneth Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Barbara A. Wurster
Ms. Susan L. Wurster
Sarah H. Scheufler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scheufler
Robert and Myrna Lindquist
Sandy and Craig Koontz
John and Helen Aquilla
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Aquilla
Rose Room Associates
Mrs. Barbara A. Mueller
Mr. William J. Kovacs and
Mrs. Nancy Olsen
Ed* and Jean Willis’ 61st
Elaine Willis
Ms. Erin Moore
Richard T. Sidwell
Robert and Jane Coniam
Robert T. Smith
Ms. Susan Bowers
Tayler Morgan Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. and
Nancy M. Meyers
Jack Tabor
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Lawrence Boatright plays the
organ in Taft Lounge. He has
been volunteering at Wesleyan
Village for over 16 years
Diane Barnes
Mr. Robert B. Barnes
In Memory Of
Esther Barr
Ms. Anita Franken
Clarence and Madge
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Sween
Beth Ann Barres
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Wanita W. Bathory
Mrs. Helen Weimer
Clyde and Rebecca Adams
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Donald R. Adams
Ms. Linda Adams
Ms. Susan E. Adams
Orra and Gertrude Bauer
Mrs. Shirley Wilging
David Clark Beall
Mrs. Rose K. Beall
Marian R. Van Valkenburg
Mr. Frederick Van Valkenburg
Dr. Joseph H. Albrecht
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Ken Nealer
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
Judy Wakefield
Alva and Evelyn Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Wesleyan Meadows
Bill and Marty McFadden
Andrew Allan
Mrs. Phyllis W. Allan
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Clifford and Ella Benson
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
G. Rorick S. Amos
Mrs. Helen Lou Amos
George and Dorothy Biemel
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Demo
Robert and Marilou
Ms. Margaret Anne McCloud
Meg Nieberding
Mrs. Dolores A. Morgan
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Parks, Jr.
Pam Owen
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Margaret West
Ms. Julie West
Bob and Shirley Peritch
Ms. Judith Fulkerson
Wesleyan Village Associates
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mildred Redon
Mrs. Beulah H. Fisher
Ed* and Jean Willis
Susan and Ed Toolis
Jock Beaton
Mrs. Gretel F. Kelsey
Jerry and Florence Bendik
Jerry and Pat Bendik
Ms. Kathleen M. Keys
Ruth and Grove Amos
G. Rorick* and Helen Lou Amos
Marjorie Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Denzil O.
Dar Bierman
Mr. Andrew Ries
William A. Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strauss
(Continued on pg. 16)
(Continued from pg. 15)
Ida Binns
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robinson
Henry Burneson
Mrs. Sara Burneson
Charles and Alice Bittner
Miss Sandra L. Bittner
Elizabeth Burneson
Ms. Letha M. Jones
Robert L. and Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Balmaseda
Esther and Lester H. Burr, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Burr, Jr.
Thomas E. Blank
David and Bonnie Blank
Don and Virgene Buss
Mrs. Theresa Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Blank
Mrs. Ruth E. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Trimmer
William Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Williams
Fred Cary
Denver and Barb Kelly
Truman and Nancy Crowell
Peter and Tina Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L.
Earl and Alice Chambers
Donald and Florence Crozier
Mrs. Karen Warkall
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Ed and Barb Brewster
Florence Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cruise
Doris L. Boner
Mrs. Phyllis A. Bullock
Dan Boyd
Mrs. Polly Maier
Veryl S. Brandt
Mr. Rollyn L. Storey
Ralph and Kathryn
Barbara and Bill Musolf
Edith Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Priest
Philip and Ethel Briard
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Reber and Maxine Bright
Neil and Pat Bright
Stella M. Brincka
Mrs. Maria Taubler
Norman R. Brown
Ms. Jean Brown Barr
Henry and Phyllis Budd
Leonard and Karen Budd
Mrs. Joyce E. Carley
Linda Chando
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wendling
Ruth Florence Christy
Denver and Barb Kelly
Chaplain Beth McKee at Sunday Brunch with her parents Donna
and Jack McKee
Carol Crawford
Mr. David C. Crawford
Marna Eppler
David-Babcock Funeral Home,
Elizabeth H. Darland
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mr. William C. Ehrman
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alva W.
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill E. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin T. and
Martha L. Wason
John S. Ewing
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Sophia Fagiolette
Mrs. Lorraine Leshnak
Thad Chuderski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Elizabeth B. Dawley
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Family and Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kress
David Dickson
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Robert C. Fawcett
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Donald Dickson
Ken and Beth Repeta
Jane and James Feeney
Claudia and Patrick Campbell
Phyllis J. Dively
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Bill Fitch
Mrs. Mary Jane Fitch
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Myron and Esther Cohen
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Charles W. Conant
Mrs. Alice M. Conant
Cameron B. Conant
Mrs. Alice M. Conant
Myron T. Cooperrider
Mrs. D. Juanita Cooperrider
Mr. Gary Cooperrider
Russell Doan
Mr. John Weber
Ms. Mona DeAngelo
Helen L. Cory
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hemminger
Mrs. Phyllis Budd
Rev. Lois D. Tashjian
Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Michael and Julia Stuneck
E. Dean Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Frank
Dick Dowdell
Mrs. Jane G. Dowdell
John Dunn
Mr. Andrew Ries
Albert “Bob” Dusky
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. and
Sharon L. Ross
Ms. Mary Sebano
William N. Fletcher
Mrs. Marilyn F. Fletcher
Nathan and Laura Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W.
Ralph and Betty Foreid
Jerry and Pat Bendik
Marian and Arthur Foss
Mrs. Polly Maier
(Continued on pg. 17)
(Continued from pg. 16)
Grace C. Gahn
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hemminger
John W. Gibb
Tom and Joan Cochran
Dorothy J. Hanger
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Blank
Bob and Betty Holtkamp
Roger and Cindy Klinect
Ruth M. Keep
Mrs. Jean L. Wingate
Ed and Barb Brewster
Vivian M. Hook
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Marian I. Kelly
Mrs. Susan Morton
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Dorothy Chailland Hardin
Mr. James H. Hardin
DMS Management Solutions
Mrs. Marie Fulthorpe
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
Peter Harkacz
Ms. Monica Hollohazy
Ms. Jane A. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maynard
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr.
Joel L. Schmittgen
Ken and Marian Hoose
Ms. Lynn C. Hoose
Horace and Agnes Ketchum
Mr. Arthur H. Ketchum
Ms. Laura Nelson
Marian E. HooseGary and
Lauryl Hoose
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ling
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Ms. Lynn C. Hoose
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kress
James D. Harris
Mrs. Audrey Harris
Edward and Rose Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Aquilla
Ms. Eleanor Minshall
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Roger Hartsel
Mrs. Nancy Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Tom and Mary Kay Reilly
Jay and Anna Allen Ruoff
Mr. Jeffrey P. Sawders
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor
Helen K. Gibson
Mrs. Keri Winkler
Russell Gleason
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gleason
Mary A. Hazelton
Mr. Mark J. Wallace and Mrs.
Marcia R. Hazelton-Wallace
George H. Hecock
Jean and Bob Sheldon
Margaret and Joe Hudak
Mrs. Mary Rawlings
Rev. and Mrs. Foster Jenne
Rev. George and Barbara*
Nelle W. Jensen
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Florence Klimkowicz
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr.
Joel L. Schmittgen
Robert Klimkowicz
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Ms. Nancy Kortemeyer
Ann and Ed Knipper
Rick and Sherry Stetson
David H. Jones
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Chris and Lena Goelz
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Earl and Helen Hiltabiddle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Marian M. Jones
Ms. Letha M. Jones
Ellis and Erna Hoag
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Katherine M. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burrer
Harry and Charlene
Ms. Sherie Watson
Russell J. Hachtel
Mrs. Judy Hachtel
Lois P. Kleefeld
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Ruth I. Green
Mr. John G. Green
Marian and Lewis
G. Rorick* and Helen Lou Amos
Mr. and Mrs. David F.
Dorothy Klag
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klag
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Marge Goelz
Mr. Ralph R. Goelz
Hettie Johnson
Mrs. Barbara J. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Earl and Alice Chambers
Rose Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Aquilla
Morris and Miriam Hoffert
Mrs. Anna J. Wadsworth
Peggy A. Hoffman-Greene
Douglas and Rhonda
Mr. and Mrs. John Kadas
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Mary M. Kairat
Mr. William G. Kairat
Ms. Linda L. Docktor
Agnes M. Kostalnick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Dawn Langin
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Charles and Nettie Lee
John and Betty Raber
Claude and Inez Lewellen
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David M.
Jim and Linda Haffner
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hall
Mrs. Sarah H. Scheufler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kitcko
Mr. Peter P. Sefcik
Mary Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Ms. Lillian J. Shull
Eva Magdalene Hamlin
Denver and Barb Kelly
Gary Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Holmes
Judy McDonald, Jeffrey
Sawders, and Hugh Knapp
prepare for a Christmas party
at Wesleyan Meadows
Ruth S. Link
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
(Continued on pg.18)
(Continued from pg. 17)
Philip J. Lodge
Mrs. Phyllis M. Lodge
John D. Love
Mrs. Prudence A. Love
Matilda A. Moir
Mrs. Mary Ann Moir
Ron and Mary Ober
Russ and Ellen Martin
Barbara A. Provoznik
Ms. Bernice Ann Ferry
Lee and Marion Mosso
Mrs. Barbara Denis
Gerald and Clare Ogilvy
Mrs. Joan O. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Bob and
Peggy Skerda
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Wehman
Loved Ones
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Palomaki
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pongracz
Donald L. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bogus
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Ms. Karen Lynch Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Meyers
Donald and Margaret Lynch
Ms. Evelyn Prince
Forest Maier
Mrs. Polly Maier
John W. Murbach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Burton “Bob” Ostrov
Mrs. Janet Ostrov
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and
Mr. Joel L. Schmittgen
Parents and Brother
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Durack
Walter and Laura Purdey
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
Vernita C. Nail
Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent
Mr. John D. Alsup
Mary Rhea
Charles and Carolyn Bruce
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Brown
Anthony Naples
Mr. Robert Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Buck
George and Diana Butcher
Gus Ries
Mrs. Rose M. Pierce
Edgar and Mary Anna Cotter
Ms. Charlene E. Firestone
Bill Rieth
Mrs. Toby J. Rieth
Ms. Florence I. Brletic
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Durisek
Mr. George Fundak
Judy and Jerry Gillett
Mr. and Mrs. John Homenik
Hattie B. Mansperger
Dale E. & Bernice E.
Mansperger Foundation
Ruth B. Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Marlow
Charles and Helen Maxwell
Rev. and Mrs. Richard T. Swartz
Elizabeth and William T.
Mrs. Louise Maclay
Jack McDonald
Mrs. Judith E. McDonald
William C. and Marcella
Bill and Marty McFadden
Mrs. Lenora Phillips
Lawrence and Margaret
Mrs. Barbara J. Fricke
Art and Janice Fritinger
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Hagerty
Duane and Dorothy
Miss Karen S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. August Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Darl L. Hendricks
John* and Carol Gibb
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Holland
Richard Rottari
Mrs. Dorothy Rottari
Joe and Jo Ann Kuchta
Mr. and Mrs. John Nevins
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Robert and Violet Rowles
Mrs. Margret Johnston
Russell and Barbara Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nevins
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sigworth
Maybelle C. Rowley
Mrs. Robert J. Walbom
Ralph Newby
Ms. Jean Brown Barr
Harold and Mary Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Crowell
Mrs. Barbara A. Wurster
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. Arlene J. Sahr
Robert H. Nuhn
Mrs. Jaclyn A. Nuhn
Ralph and Rebecca Phelps
Bill and Marty McFadden
F. Howard Pierce
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr.
Joel L. Schmittgen
Carol “Nell” Rudolph
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Don Sahr
Mrs. Arlene J. Sahr
Richard “Rick” Sahr
Mrs. Arlene J. Sahr
Mrs. Lynne W. Pierce
Ida A. Miller
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Frederick L. Saur
Ms. Jean Brown Barr
Kathryn R. Poe
Ms. Sarah Vradenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Margaret Potyrala
Mr. and Mrs. John Homenik
D High and Mary Ryan
Ms. Rowena Luke
Mrs. Phillip “Bernie” Puffer
Mrs. Consuelo Puffer
Lloyd and Mary Powers
Mike and Peggy Aten
Ellie and Gerry Reynolds share
a crossword puzzle in the
Wesleyan Meadows library
Elton and Margaret Schibley
Mrs. Lois E. Gambish
Hazel Schmitkons
Gordon and Vernie Nethercut
Elaine Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Weston B. Schmitt
(Continued on pg. 19)
(Continued from pg. 18)
Cynthia Sellman
George and Betty Bailey
Lester F. Sheffield
Neil and Pat Bright
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and
Mr. Joel L. Schmittgen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheffield
Arthur and Gladys Shilan
Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Barbara Shiltz
Rev. George F. Shiltz
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Shiltz
Rev. George and
Barbara* Shiltz
Goldie B. Stevens
Mrs. Dorothy I. Zahars
Clarence and Catherine L.
Van Niel
James and Lizbeth Vargo
Richard J. Stewart
Mrs. Jane T. Stewart
Ned R. Stull
Ms. Shelley J. Bohl
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and
Mr. Joel L. Schmittgen
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Sutton
Kirk and Patricia Nevins
Randy and Julia Swaim
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Spooner
Ted and Laura Swartz
Rev. and Mrs. Richard T. Swartz
David E. Shipp
Mrs. Blanche Shipp
Ethel Swayze
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klag
V. Jane M. Sidwell
Robert and Jane Coniam
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Rochon
JJ and Opal Swisher
Mrs. Ruth E. Adams
Mr. Richard T. Sidwell
Walter and Anne Szlempa
Ms. Barbara Sheller
Ella Mae Slusser
Ms. Linda S. Slusser
Dorothy M. Smith
Mrs. Donna Dickson
James R. Thaler
Mrs. Joyce Thaler
Zoltan “Andy” Vince
Agnes and Keith Klimkowicz
Margaret R. Vradenburg
Ms. Sarah Vradenburg
James Watson
Ms. Sherie Watson
Hazel J. Winchell
Mrs. Helen J. Stilgenbauer
Dorothy Wintermute
Rev. and Mrs. H. Daniel Drew
Mrs. Rita Koberna
Jean L. Weiler
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G.
Lois E. Wendell
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Burr, Jr.
Barbara “Sue” Young
Mrs. Donna Dickson
Mrs. Betty J. Ross
Shirley Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wendling
Keith Wurster
Ms. Susan L. Wurster
Vincent Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooperider
Janet Westermann
Mr. Walter J. Westermann
Mrs. Laurene F. Young
Spencer West
Ms. Julie West
Phyllis Zhitnik
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Stephen Zhitnik
Walter L. Weston
Mrs. Dana L. Weston
Maryel V. Smith
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Dorothea L. Thompson
Mr. Gary B. Thompson
Unity Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Soeffker
Mrs. Sophie S. Albrecht
Joseph J. Trelay
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Karl and Margaret Wilging
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Robert A. Zych
Mrs. Olga Hogrefe
Roberta Whitworth
Robert and Jane Coniam
Ms. Marlene Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zych
Mrs. Helen M. Zych
Robert Wilging
Mrs. Shirley Wilging*
Daniel D. Stacho
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Cheryl Lynne Steele
Mrs. Mildred Redon
Donna E. Uehlein
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gleason
Ed Steffen
Mrs. Grace Steffen
George and Dorothy Updike
Mrs. Janet L. Campbell-Kuhl
Clara Jean Stevens
Mrs. Dorothy I. Zahars
Mrs. Jane R. Philpott
Gertrude Wirscham
Ms. Kristen A. Jones and Mr.
Joel L. Schmittgen
Lorraine H. Smith
Ms. Susan Bowers
George and Gladys Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Theresa M. Webber
Mrs. Carol Blackburn
Walter B. and Gladys
Mrs. Gloria S. Lloyd
Ed Willis
Mrs. Carol J. Gibb
William Wilhoit
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Reed
Leslie and Betty Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Purdey
We have made every
effort to compile and
print a donor list that is
complete and accurate.
If you find an error or
omission, please call
the Foundation Office
at (440) 284-9204
so we can correct our
PERMIT # 467
More Choices. More Freedom. Better Living.
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation
807 West Ave.
Elyria, OH 44035
(440) 284-9204
A Masterpiece Living partner:
“Successful Aging in Action”
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Our services…
If you would like more information regarding our
programs, please call
(440) 284-9371:
• Assisted Living Apartments
• Beacon House
• Independent Living Homes and Apartments
• Long Term Care Center
• Skilled Rehabilitation Center
The Messenger, a publication of Wesleyan Senior
Living Foundation, is distributed three times per
year. Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation generates
resources to support and enrich the quality of life
for residents at Wesleyan Senior Living – now and
in the future.
Have you been enjoying the photos
throughout this publication? Be the first
to see new photos and activities happening
each and every day at Wesleyan Village and
Wesleyan Meadows by “liking” our Wesleyan
Senior Living page on Facebook!
Find out why so many call this the “Golf Outing of the Year!”
Wesleyan Senior Living’s
22nd Annual
Charitable Golf Classic
Monday, July 18, 2016
Elyria Country Club
Lunch, Dinner, Open Bar, Gifts, Prizes
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
For more information – please call the
WSL Foundation office at (440) 284-9204
or email to [email protected]