El bombero - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
El bombero - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
LESSON 4 TEACHER’S GUIDE El bombero by Jacob Walker Fountas-Pinnell Level C Informational Text Selection Summary A fire fighter shows the clothes worn when fighting fires. ISBN-13:978-0-547-04217-6 ISBN-10:0-547-04217-5 K_019673_LR1_4BL_FIR_CVR.indd 1 Number of Words: 17 4/3/08 12:57:49 PM Characteristics of the Text Genre Text Structure Content Themes and Ideas Language and Literary Features Sentence Complexity Vocabulary Words Illustrations Book and Print Features • Informational Text • First-person narrative describing four items of clothing used to fight fires • Fire fighter doesn’t introduce self until the last page. • Fire fighting clothes • Fire fighters need special clothing to keep them safe. • Simple repetitive language • First-person narrator • Repetitive sentence pattern, changing only one or two words on each page • Three- or four- word sentences • Simple sentence structure: Yo uso este ___. • Words relating to clothing: casco, abrigo, botas, guantes • High-frequency words: y • Photographs that support the text • Five pages, with one line of text and one photograph on each page • Photographs with labels: casco, abrigo, botas, guantes, bombero • Large print and good spacing between words © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-31969-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format. K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 1 1/23/10 2:08:10 AM El bombero by Jacob Walker Build Background Read the title to children and talk with them about what they see in the cover picture. Ask them what they know about fire fighters. Then ask: ¿Qué hacen los bomberos? ¿Por qué necesitan usar ropa especial? Introduce the Text Guide children through the text, noting important ideas, and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary. Explain important text features, such as the repetition of the phrase Yo uso este. Here are some suggestions: Page 2: Explain that in this book a fire fighter tells about all the special things worn on the job. Explain that the pictures in the book have labels to name things. Suggested language: Vayan a la página 2. El rótulo de esta foto dice casco. Señalen el rótulo. El bombero dice: Yo uso este casco. Digan uso. Uso comienza con el sonido u. Encuentren la palabra uso y pongan el dedo debajo de la primera letra, u. Page 3: En la siguiente página, el bombero dice: y este abrigo. Digan la palabra y. Y es una palabra pequeña, sólo tiene una letra. Encuentren la palabra y y pongan el dedo debajo de ella. Page 4: Remind children that they can use information in the pictures to help them read. En la página 4, pueden ver una foto de un par de botas. ¿Qué creen que dirá el bombero en esta página? Page 5: Y ahora, ¿qué dirá el bombero? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo para descubrir las cosas que usa un bombero para trabajar. Words to Know y Kindergarten 2 Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 2 1/23/10 2:08:11 AM Read Now have children read El bombero softly while pointing under each word. Observe children as they read. Respond to the Text Personal Response Ask children to share their personal responses to the book. Begin by asking what they liked best about the book, or what they found interesting. Suggested language: ¿Qué observan sobre la ropa que usa un bombero? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, make sure children understand these teaching points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text • A fire fighter needs special clothes to fight fires. • Fire fighters need special clothing to keep them safe when they are fighting fires. • The writer uses the same sentence pattern on each page. • A fire fighter wears a hat, coat, boots, and gloves. • The author doesn’t show who is talking until the last page. • Labels in the photos tell the names of the clothes. © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Choices for Support Concepts of Print Practice early reading behaviors such as reading from left to right and understanding that you say one word for one group of letters when you read. Phonemic Awareness and Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and sounds, using one of the following activities: • Listening Game Have children listen for words that begin with the same sound. Have children raise their hands if the words begin with the same sound, and keep their hands in their laps if the beginning sound is different. Say pairs of words, for example: casco and asco, abrigo and abrir, botas and botes, guantes and antes, bombero and sombrero, etc. • Blend the Sounds Say words sound by sound and ask children to say the words. Begin with /k //a //s//k //o/. What is the word? (casco) Continue with these words: /e/ /s/ /t / e / (este), /b/ /o/ /t / /a/ /s/ (botas), /g/ /u/ /a/ /n/ /t / /e/ /s/ (guantes), /s/ /o/ /i/ (soy). • Tracing Letters Materials: magnetic or cardboard letters or letter cards. Have children choose a letter, say the name, and trace the letter. Kindergarten 3 Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 3 1/23/10 2:08:11 AM Writing About Reading Critical Thinking Read the directions for children on Hoja reproducible 4.2 and guide them in answering the questions. Responding Read aloud the questions at the back of the book and help children complete the activities. Target Comprehension Skill Text and Graphic Features Remind children to think about how the words work with the photographs. Model how the words go with the photos. Think Aloud En la página 6, las palabras y la foto me hablan acerca del bombero. Las palabras dicen: ¡Soy un bombero! El rótulo dice: bombero. La foto muestra a un bombero listo para apagar un incendio. Sé que este es el bombero que estuvo hablando en el libro porque veo toda la ropa que se puso para estar listo para trabajar. Practice the Skill Have children choose another page in the book and tell how the words go with the photo. Writing Prompt Read aloud the following prompt. Have children draw and write their response, using the writing prompt on page 6. Draw a picture of a fire fighter at work. Write about what the fire fighter is doing. Kindergarten 4 Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 4 1/23/10 2:08:12 AM Responder Características textuales y gráficas Este libro se trata de un bombero. Escoge dos fotos. Explica cómo las fotos y las palabras te dan información sobre el bombero. DESTREZA CLAVE ¡A platicar! El texto y el mundo ¿Qué trabajos ayudan a las personas de la comunidad? Haz un dibujo de un trabajo que ayuda a la gente. Habla sobre tu dibujo. Lección 4 Nombre HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 4.2 Fecha Piénsalo 7 El bombero Piénsalo Los niños miran las ilustraciones y encierran en un círculo la que responde a la pregunta. 1. ¿Qué otra cosa necesita el bombero? K_042176_LR1_4BL_BOMBER_L04.indd7 7 12/9/09 8:23:41 AM Los niños piensan en el trabajo que quieren hacer cuando sean grandes. Luego, hacen un dibujo de algo que necesitarían para ese trabajo. 2. Lea las instrucciones a los niños. Piénsalo © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 04_K_352862RTXSAN_BLM4-2_L04.indd 4 Kindergarten 5 4 Kindergarten, Unidad 1: Caras amistosas 8/18/09 9:23:39 PM Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 5 1/23/10 2:08:13 AM Nombre Fecha El bombero Haz un dibujo de un bombero en su trabajo. Escribe acerca de lo que está haciendo el bombero. Kindergarten 6 Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 6 1/23/10 2:08:16 AM Lección 4 Nombre Fecha HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 4.2 Piénsalo El bombero Piénsalo Los niños miran las ilustraciones y encierran en un círculo la que responde a la pregunta. 1. ¿Qué otra cosa necesita el bombero? Los niños piensan en el trabajo que quieren hacer cuando sean grandes. Luego, hacen un dibujo de algo que necesitarían para ese trabajo. 2. Kindergarten 7 Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 7 1/23/10 2:08:19 AM Lección 4 Estudiante HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 4.5 Fecha El bombero El bombero Registro de lectura NIVEL C page Selection Text 2-3 Yo uso este casco y este abrigo. 4-5 Yo uso estas botas y estos guantes. 6 ¡Soy un bombero! Comments: Errors Self-Corrections Accuracy Rate Self-Correction Rate (# words read correctly/17 × 100) (# errors + # Self-Corrections/ Self-Corrections) % lobo Repeated word, sentence, or phrase ® Omission — lobo lobo Kindergarten 0 0 1 8 Code Error Substitution lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo 0 Insertion el 1 Word told T lobo lobo 1 1415810 ✓ Behavior Error 9 7 805 4 7 3 1 9 6 9 8 Read word correctly Code 90000 Behavior ISBN-13: 978-0-547-31969-8 ISBN-10: 0-547-31969-X 1: Lesson 4: El bombero © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company K_319698_BL_LRTG_L04_FireFighter_SPA.indd 8 1/23/10 2:08:20 AM
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