Church of Saint Barnabas
Church of Saint Barnabas
Church of Saint Barnabas 409 East 241st Street, Bronx, New York 10470 Tel: (718) 324-1478 Fax: (718)324-1479 Website: Email: [email protected] Served By: Rev. Msgr. Edward M. Barry, Pastor Rev. Benjamin Mariasoosai, Parochial Vicar Deacon Vincent I. Laurato Deacon Cornelius Manning (Retired) Seminarian Mark DeYoung Weekend Assistant: Rev. Kevin O’Reilly The Celebration of the Eucharist THE LORD’S DAY High School Chapel: Saturday Evening 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Main Church: Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:45 AM & 5:00 PM High School Chapel: Sunday 8:45 AM, (Italian) 10:30 AM, 1:00 PM WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE: Main Church: Monday - Friday 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM 7:00 PM (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) Main Church: Saturday 8:30 AM, & 12 noon RECONCILIATION: Monday thru Saturday after the 8:30 AM, Mass (Main Church) Saturdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Lower Church) First Saturday of the Month for walking disabled 4:00 PM (High School Chapel) St. Barnabas Elementary School St. Barnabas High School 413 East 241st St., Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 324-1088 425 East 240th St, Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 325-8800 Mr. Gregory Viceroy, Principal Sr. Joan Faraone, Principal St. Barnabas CCD 413 East 241st St., Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 324-0865 Ms. Sharon Traditi, Coordinator Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated every Sunday at a 1:00 PM ceremony in the Main Church. Parents must be registered members of the parish as well as regularly attend Mass here. A Baptismal class is required prior to arranging the Baptism. Classes take place normally on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month in the Elementary School Library. Registration for the class is not required. Marriage Engaged couples must make an appointment with the priest you want to perform your marriage at least six months to a year in advance. That priest will guide you through all preparation. Diocesan regulations require a marriage preparation program for all couples. Rosary Recited: Every day after the 8:00 AM Mass Adoration: Every Friday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM First Friday 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick: Anytime by request. Communal Anointing in the Fall. Parish Registration We welcome all new members of our parish family. Please register at the rectory office. We want to know and serve you and hope you become an active part of our parish community. Bulletin: All articles for the Sunday Bulletin must be received at the Rectory no later than 3:00 PM on Monday, for the following Sunday’s bulletin. Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 LENT 2016 St. Barnabas is pleased to announce a new seven-week program called DISCOVERING CHRIST. The program is designed to help participants enter into, or renew, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to experience the love of God the Father, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as God’s children. The program will begin at 2:30p.m. on Sunday, January 31st 2016 followed by six Sundays during the Lenten Season. Each session will be approximately two hours beginning with a light dinner and will end with a small group discussion. Parishioners, friends and relatives are encouraged to save these Sundays. For more information on this program, please visit To volunteer and be part of this exciting journey, please call Camille Cullen at 917-684-6711 or Joan Cummings at 914-441-2454 Tithing & Stewardship WEEKLY GOAL $18,000 August 16th Assumption $12,481.78 $ 4,077.15 Thank you for your contributions Priest On Duty With no replacement for Fr. Gormley yet and with Fr. Benjamin returning to India for the rest of the summer, you are left with Fr. Alex and Monsignor Barry at the rectory to help you. We ask your understanding if there is a delay in meeting your needs. Do you know about e-giving to the parish E-giving is short hand for electronic giving. It is a method of sending your weekly donation to the parish via electronics rather than the traditional weekly offertory envelope. (If you use E-Z Pass you know what it is). You can register online or the parish can give you a form to authorize the parish to withdraw donations directly from your bank account or credit card which in turn gets deposited directly into the church account. Advantages are many. Two easy ways to register 1. You simply go to and follow the prompts to register yourself 2. You can pick up a registration form at the rectory office and we can do it for you. THE RECTORY OFFICE WILL OPEN AT 9:00AM DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST Baptismal Instruction Classes Parents wishing to have their children baptized at Saint Barnabas must attend one of the classes that are held normally on the second and fourth Monday of each month prior to arranging the child’s baptism. The classes are held in the Elementary School Library at 8:00pm. No registration necessary. th The next class for August will be held on Monday, August 24 WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE The new Weekday Mass Schedule will stay in effect throughout the remainder of the year: Monday through Friday - 6:30am and 8:30am with evening Mass at 7:00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday National 54 Day Rosary Novena Bread and Wine Memorials All 60 daily Masses in one month All 9 Sabbath weekend Masses in one week Four Sabbath weekend Masses in one month All 15 daily Masses in one week One Sabbath Weekend Mass in one week $100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 15.00 The Archdiocese of New York will participate in the National 54 Day Rosary Novena for Family and Marriage sponsored by the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate. It will launch on August 15 and conclude on October 7th. This effort is to help bring spiritual renewal in the nation through the intercession of our lady of the rosary. For information go to Sanctuary Lamp Memorial Weekly $10.00 The Corona Self-Help Center in Queens offers its services to anyone who feels they have a drug addiction. Services are free of charge. Call Jonathan or Alfredo at 718 458-0108. CCD REGISTRATION 2015-2016 Place: High School Cafeteria Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm) The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal would like to thank everyone for their generous donations to the food drive. May God bless you all for your generosity. Radio Listening: You may want to tune into 1460AM on Thursdays from 1pm – 3pm where you can hear a9 shows that defend the Right To Life, especially the unborn. 914 636-0110 is WVOX’s call in number Forms can be obtained in the vestibule today or you can download a copy on our website at Please direct all questions to the Religious Education office at 718 324-0865. Please return the completed form with payment to the Religious Education office or to the rectory office with Religious Education clearly marked on it. We ask if you are paying in cash to please have the right amount. Be sure to obtain a receipt for the form The Religious Education Class times are as follows: Wednesday Wednesday Sunday 2:15 to 3:45pm Grades 1 through 5 4:45 to 6:15pm Grades 1 through 8 8:45 to 10:15am Grades 1 through 8 Contact Program Director Mrs. Traditi FREE IMMIGRATION CLINIC For those applying for Citizen and DACA Saturday, August 29th 10:00am to 4:00pm At the San Damiano Hall of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi 129 W. 31st street, New York Pre-Registration is required. Please call 212 736-8500 ext 305/377 Email [email protected] EUCHARISTIC VIGIL Come Let Us Adore Him For the Holiness of Priests and Holy Vocations Friday, August 28th 7:00pm – 7:00am Our Lady of Shkodra, Hartsdale (Our Lady of Good Counsel) 7:00pm Mass – Celebrant Rev. John Edison 7:00am Benediction and Mass – Celebrant Rev. Peter Popaj, Pastor MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, August 24 6:30 Elizabeth Brosnan 8:30 Ellen Kehr TUESDAY, August 25 6:30 Frederick Oliver 8:30 Patricia Henriksson 7:00 Robert O’Leary WEDNESDAY, August 26 6:30 Susan Sliva-Paige 8:30 Jean A. Burke and Mary Elizabeth Guckian 7:00 Henry & Hull Families THURSDAY, August 27 6:30 Flora & Mary Smith 8:30 John Kelly 7:00 Maureen Gilbride (9th ANN) FRIDAY, August 28 6:30 8:30 Patrick Looney SATURDAY, August 29 8:30 Catherine Pelio and Mortiner Brown 12:00 John P. Kelly sr. and Mary O’Rourke 5:00 John Finn & Joan Meehan 7:00 Edith & John Triunfo The Saint Barnabas Music Ministry is looking for new choir members for the 2015-2016 season. Rehearsals begin on Thursday, September 17th in the choir room, which is located on the second floor of the Considine Center. The rehearsal schedule is as follows: THURSDAYS CHERUB CHOIR (K-2nd grade) 3:00-3:30pm ANGEL CHOIR (3rd grade and up) 3:30-4:30pm TEEN CHOIR (by audition only) 4:30-5:30pm ADULT CHOIR (meets generally every other week) 7:30-9pm Sign-up sheets are available in the rectory, at the St. Barnabas Elementary and High Schools, or at the first rehearsal. Please contact: Shana Mahoney, choir director, for more information: [email protected] or (212)960-3314 SAINT BARNABASELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUMMER HOURS Daily Operation 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Want to be a Catholic? Do you know someone who wants to become Catholic? Please recommend persons to Deacon Laurato or Msgr. Barry or any of the priests or staff members in the parish. They will be invited to join our RCIA program. Give us a name, address or phone number and we will be in touch with them. Already Catholic, but not confirmed nor received your First Communion? The RCIA program is for you as well. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an easy-going, but structured process where people can learn what it means to be Catholic and living out that faith. Classes begin Sunday, September 20th at 10:00 AM in the Considine Center, Room 1-6. We will continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the Fall, Winter and Spring and culminate with the reception of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. For more information please see the brochure that will be available in the rack in the back of the Church. Since this is a process and not everyone is at the same place in their journey of faith, it is important that one make all the classes once one is enrolled in the program. If you have any questions please feel free to call Deacon Laurato at 718-324-1478 [ext.37] or Msgr. Barry at 718-324-1478. Registrations still being accepted for Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, UPK, Kindergarten and Grades 1-7 718-324-1088 School Re-Opens September 9, 2015 SAINT BARNABAS HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 7:45AM - 3:15 PM Registration is still being accepted for September 2015 Call: 718-325-8800 To learn more about SBHS Rosary For Priests Every Thursday following the 7:00pm Mass in the Main Church, several parishioners gather together to pray the Rosary for priests. Please consider joining them in supporting our priests through Our Lady’s Rosary. PRAY THE ROSARY Please join fellow parishioners on Mondays at 6:30pm during the months of May through October to pray the Rosary for our nation, community and respect for all human life. They meet at Our Lady’s Grotto at the Considine Center. All are invited and welcome to participate. Annual Street Festival Saturday, September 19th – 10am till dusk - Food Court, Games, Rides, Raffles, Entertainment and much more………. For further information call Jim Neilis at 718 324-6690 RAFFLE TICKET INFORMATION A NEW GRAND PRIZE THIS YEAR- $5000 You can return your raffle tickets to the collection basket or to the rectory office Please Note: Only submit the part of your ticket that has your name, address & telephone number. The other part of the ticket (which lists the prizes) is your receipt. The drawing will take place at the Block Party This is a BLACK-OUT date. All parish facilities and all parish resources are dedicated to this date. CHANGE FOR FLEA MARKET The Flea Market will be separate from the Street Festival this year. The Flea Market will be held in the Spring. Items will NOT be accepted now. New dates will be posted in the Spring. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SHIFTS: Early 11:00am – 2:30pm Late 2:30pm – 6:00pm NAME:__________________________________________ TELEPHONE (_____) _______-_________ CHECK OFF Coordinator of all Booth Workers Early Shift Late Shift __________ __________ Game Booth Ticket Sales Early Shift Late Shift __________ __________ Set up “L” Yard Game Booth Worker Early Shift Late Shift __________ __________ Clean up “L” Yard _________ Raffle Sales Early Shift Late Shift __________ __________ __________ Food Court Workers should call Roger Murphy at 914 471-2672 OR Jim Neilis at (718) 324-6690 FREE DIABETES WORKSHOPS Introduction to Managing Diabetes Family members, caregivers and walk-ins are welcome. This fall’s “40 Days for Life” campaign will be held September 23rd – November 1st “40 Days for Life is a peaceful, highly-focused, nondenominational initiative that focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and educational outreach with the goal of protecting mothers and their children from abortion. Since 2008 at least 10,331 unborn children have been saved from abortion during “40 Days for Life” campaigns, and 60 abortions facilities have closed. To learn more visit: For more information about participating in the “40 days for Life” campaigns in the Archdiocese, contact: Jill Gadwood 949 280-9494 [email protected] You Can Help Heal Your Marriage Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, September 11th, 2015 at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington. Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help ADVERTISING If you would like advertise in our bulletin please contact our printing company: Bon Venture 800 364-0684. Our Parish Information is just a click away. Log on to Please LIKE us on FACEBOOK and keep informed on our upcoming events St. Barnabas Church (Bronx, N.Y.) Saint Barnabas CCD Bronx, New York Prayer Requests For The Sick & Endangered Please submit names of all those who are in need of prayer, cut this box out and return to the rectory office. Name:__________________________________________________ Due to limited space, we can only publish for 2 weeks Vincent Cerchiara No registration required Montefore Medical Group – Bronx East Wednesday, September 9 4:00pm – 6:00pm Thursday, October 29 10:00am – 12noon Tuesday, November 10 12noon – 2:00pm Montefore Medical Group – Grand Concourse Thursday, September 10 10:00am – 12noon Thursday, October 8 10:00am – 12noon Thursday, November 12 4:00pm – 6:00pm Yonkers Public Library Friday, September 25 1:00pm – 3:00pm Montefore Medical Group – Cross County Friday, October 9 2:00pm – 4:00pm Co-op City Community Center Monday, September 21 1:00pm – 3:00pm Thursday, October 15 4:00pm – 6:00pm Monday, November 16 10:00am – 12noon Questions? Call 1-700-MD-MONTE (1-800-636-6683) It is time to take action! The plight of Christians around the world, especially in the Middle East, has become a major catastrophe. Massive numbers of Christians are being subjected to violence, displacement, and even death, explicitly because of their faith. Yet there is little attention being paid in the West, and few governments are saying anything in response. However far away, we are still impacted by the sufferings of our fellow Christians; we are all one human family. Catholic social teaching calls us to stand in solidarity. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity; it is the land of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It’s time to take action! For information, see 2015 Columbus Day Mass Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Monday, October 12, 2015 at 9:30am For tickets email – [email protected] at 9:15am, the Cathedral will be opened to non-ticket holders The Pastoral Care Department at Saint Joseph’s Nursing Home is looking for volunteers to help transport their Nursing Home residents to and from Sunday Mass in the chapel within the facility. If you are able to help please contact Sister Ellen O’Connor at 914 378-7648. Rest In Peace Let us pray for our deceased parishioners, benefactors, relatives, members of the Armed forces, for those who are most forgotten and for those who recently died especially: Lucia Iodice, Marta G. Apelis, Richard Garofolo and Charles Fusaro BANNS OF MARRIAGE For the First Time: Matthew Berman and Heather Zampino Paul Kalus and Julia Zhang THE HERITAGE SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Gift Certificates · Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Available · Saturday & Sunday Brunch · Late Night Menu - 7 Days Until 2am · Live Music - Friday, Saturday & Sunday · Traditional Irish Music Every Sunday Evening · Newly Renovated Party Room "Heritage Speakeasy" Available For All Occasions P 914-776-7532 · F 914-776-9223 960 M C L EAN A VENUE · Y ONKERS , NY 10704 [email protected] · Give your assets to your Family, not the Government! Elder Law and Estate Planning Liam J. McLaughlin Attorney at Law, CPA McLaughlin & Zerafa, LLP M Anna Artuso's Pastry Shop Glass 969 McLean Ave., Yonkers • 914-776-1141 Mirror 969 McLean Ave, Yonkers • 914-776-1141 • Wedding Cakes • Pastry & Cookie Trays • Cupcakes Wedding Cakes • Pastry & Cookie Trays • Cupcakes 4433 White Plains Road Sports Bar & Grill "Best Irish Coffee This Side of The Shannon" SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & SUNDAY BRUNCH 890 McLean Avenue Yonkers, NY 10704 Catering For Up To 400 People Weddings, Showers, Christenings, Benefits, Retirements, Memorial Events, Birthday Parties (Sweet 16's) NIS DEN EY RIL er Own Anita Vetrano Vice Pres./Branch Mgr. Sudsational Laundry Let us clean it for you Free pickup and delivery Try us once and you will be hooked! Patrick Callahan (347) 701-2934 • (646) 500-4628 T 914.237.3100 F 914-237-5647 [email protected] theupsstorelocal.com2522 UPS SHIPPING · MAILBOX SERVICES PACKING SERVICES · DIGITAL PRINTING COPYING AND FINISHING SERVICES PACKAGING & MOVING SUPPLIES FREIGHT SERVICES · OFFICE SUPPLIES FAX SERVICES · NOTARY SERVICES (718) 324-7100 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30AM-7PM SATURDAY 9:30AM-4PM · SUNDAY CLOSED 941 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS, NY 10704 Scan this code with your QR reader to be directed to our store web site. 4331 K ATONAH A VENUE , B RONX , NY · F AX (718) 231-2274 · [email protected] 300 Kimball Ave., Yonkers, NY (914) 237-3600 New Patient Exam • Exam SPECIAL $29.00 718-325-7356 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT W. Shawn Nealis, Pharmacist / Owner / Notary Public LOTTO · MONEYGRAM · ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED 50% OFF GREETING CARDS Anthony C. Mangiaracina, R.Ph. Pharmacist & Owner Photography • Wedding • Communion • Rehearsal Dinner • Bridal Shower • Engagement • Graduation • Confirmation • Baby Shower DENTIST John Constantine, D.D.S. 300 Kimball Avenue Yonkers, N.Y. COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM -OR- SHOP @ HOME SERVICE! Dr. Laarni A. Abanto Dr. Anthony J. Danilow Jordan 914-772-6955 • 914-613-7458 R I L E Y ' S C A R P E T Kimball Pediatric COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • UNION BONDED • CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 718-231-7765 Free Estimat Dentistry es Fully Insured W W W . R I L E Y S C A R P E T . C O M BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE GENERAL DENTISTRY 4300 Katonah Ave., Bronx FREE!! EXPIRES 9/30/15 914-423-1234 4349 KATONAH AVENUE · BRONX, NEW YORK 10470 Member PAINT 3 ROOMS SMALLEST ROOM IS 840 Midland Avenue • Yonkers COUNTRY BANK 914-776-2946 Open 7 Days A Week 365 Days Of The Year Painting · Handyman · Installation Specialist Since 1986 914-803-6640 Licensed & Insured · PAINTIT LTD. LIVE MUSIC • CATERING AVAILABLE Watch games on The BIG SCREEN & 7 HD TV's Free Initial Consultation: (914) 358-6700 BAR & CATERERS 718-324-1234 NO JOB TOO SMALL Glenrowan Wills & Trusts · Elder Law · Guardianships Estate Administration and Litigation Real Estate · Corporate Transactional Business Succession Planning RORY DOLAN'S RESTAURANT, Custom Mirrors Table Tops Insulated Units James Riordan 914-237-3600 New Patient Exam • Cleaning • Fluoride * For Children 16 and Under Special $6500 • Exam • Cleaning • X-Rays 914-237-8821 FREE DELIVERY PERSONALIZED SERVICE P 718-944-0862 · [email protected] · F 718-944-0864 4295 Katonah Avenue · Bronx, NY 10470 since 1896 Full Prescription Services · Medical Supplies & Bandages · DME · Over-The-Counter Products · Vitamins & Supplements Lotto, Cards & Candy · Shipping Services · Free Pick-Up & Delivery · Curbside Pick-Up & More! FIND US ON FACEBOOK ... E-Mail: [email protected] · Web: 973 M C L E A N A V E N U E (C O R N E R O F M A R T H A A V E N U E ) Y O N K E R S , NY ACE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Serving The Tri-State Vicinity For Over 15 Years Installation & Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 718-543-0912 · 914-969-6459 062E (EM) - St. Barnabas Church, Bronx Van Cortlandt Dental Care DIANA GABRIEL, D.D.S. for MCLEAN TEETH Call Barbara today: 914-237-1922 928 McLean Avenue (Corner of Kimball) • Yonkers FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL:800-364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. inside Deli City Catering F.M.G. AUTO CENTER, Inc. St. Patrick's Home Boar's Head Cold Cuts · Wedges 3ft or 6ft Complete Auto Body Work & Painting Salads, Beverages and More! Cristofaro Brothers FREE DELIVERY 914-376-9446 (914) 237-7392 645 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS, NY 10705 All Work Guaranteed (914) 237-7677 806-810 McLean Avenue • Yonkers C. COMMISSO & SONS CONTRACTORS 899 McLean Avenue Yonkers, New York 10704 (914) 237-5800 Independently Owned & Operated Since 1894 Water & Sewer Line Excavating Drainage • Drywell • Grading • Paving Pipe Locating • Sewer Line Inspection Family Owned & Operated - 3rd Generation YONKERS, NY 914-776-2718 Expressions Flower Shop "Turning Those Special Moments Into Beautiful Memories" 843 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS, NY · 914-237-3900 Your Full Service Neighborhood Florist 988 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY Fourth Generation Since 1925 980 McLean Avenue Serving Westchester & The Bronx PROVIDENCE REST Macintosh Support 718-931-3000 Weill Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry Sadness, lack of pleasure, loss of energy, worry, and sleeplessness are just some of the characteristics of depression. Although effective treatments exist, these problems often remain undiagnosed and untreated. CARE · COMPASSION · COMMUNITY JOSEPH A. MARRA Attorney At Law • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Elder Law • Wills, Trusts, Estates Criminal • Corporate • Matrimonial Complimentary Initial Consultation 909 Midland Ave., Yonkers, NY (914) 964-6806 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A FREE CONFIDENTIAL DEPRESSION SCREENING CALL (914) 997-4331 or (800) NYP-1902 FREE services are available for eligible depressed individuals over age 60 who meet criteria for our depression treatment research studies. Weill Cornell Medical College Since 1986 ~ INTERNAL MEDICINE ~ NOW LOCATED AT: 1019 YONKERS AVE., YONKERS, NY 10704 914-457-9140 Short-term Rehabilitation • Long-term Care Palliative Care • Memory Support Unit Wound Care Management • Physical, Occupational & Speech therapy, Spiritual Care and many Other Services -Contact Admissions Office- 66 Van Cortlandt Park South, Bronx, N.Y. 10463 T: 718-519-2800 • F: 718-304-1817 Website: "Commercial Parking" Lighted & Fenced Lot Open 24 Hours - 7 Days 800 McLean Ave., Yonkers Jack Collins Sr. & Jr. • Brakes • Tune-Ups • Batteries • Exhausts Call Jack 914-237-1604 WOODLAWN IRISH Join a brotherhood of Irish Catholic Men who celebrate Irish History and Culture, and support Freedom for All Ireland and Immigration Reform. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS BRONX COUNTY · DIVISION 5 · WOODLAWN · P.O. BOX 225 · BRONX, NY 10470 [email protected] John Cipollina DDS Your Community Orthodontist • treating Children and Adults • reasonable fees (clear or metal) • all insurances processed • serving St. Barnabas for over 10 yrs. Call For a Free Consultation (914) 969-0303 687 Yonkers Avenue RAY ROOTER Sewer & DraiN Cleaning 10% OFF PARISH DISCOUNT 914-237-4545 MORIARTY'S Bar Restaurant & Irish & American Cuisine 10% Discount on Sunday Brunch with this Bulletin Private Party Space Available! Live Music Every Weekend! 984-986 Mclean Ave. Yonkers, NY 10704 Bar: 914-237-9840 · Rest.: 914-776-2859 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? Call Tony Murphy 914-471-0992 Your Neighborhood Specialist Houlihan Lawrence FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR 914-237-4224 · PH /FAX: 914-237-0657 Joe 1014 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY 10704 NYS Inspection Station Mike Quality Hot & Cold Catering Cold Cuts · Cheeses · Fresh Breads & Imported Grocery Since 1986 914-237-2389 Fax 914-237-0362 914-776-2000 Manuel G. Tejera, M.D. [email protected] Award Winning Fresh Mozzarella 10% OFF ON ORDERS FAX 914-776-6627 (718) 994-9559 718-324-3039 Fax 718-324-7741 [email protected] Bagels · Bakery · Deli · Grill 943 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS System Setup and Training Wiring and Network Installations (914) 237-1686 Carmelite Sisters serving the aged since 1931 LUCY SULLIVAN, LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON 347-210-1596 • [email protected] CUTS IRISH BUTCHERS EMERALD ISLE IMMIGRATION CENTER LINDAS PIZZERIA PRIME The Very Best of Irish Meats & Goods In America H I S Immigration Attorney on Staff & Counseling Services Available & RESTAURANT M · H D · C, R ·, GB & W· T PA 4275 Katonah Ave., Bronx (Woodlawn), NY 10470 21 Bloomingdale Road · White Plains, N.Y. 10605 Evening Hours By Appointment McLean Avenue Bagel Cafe DR. ROSALIND B. ABEL DR. BRUCE D. ABEL Podiatrists - Foot Specialists (914) 237-2511 • (800) 544-4401 Adult Day Health Care With Transportation Out-Patient Rehab Center Short Term / Subacute Rehab Respite Care · Skilled Nursing Child Day Care For more information call us or visit our website at: FULLY INSURED for the Aged and Infirm "Where it all began" CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS FREE DELIVERY 12:00-10:00PM · OPEN 7 DAYS 718-324-7388 For All Your Insurance Needs Contact: Geraldine & Noel McGovern G&N McGovern Insurance Agency Inc. Tel: 914-803-1300 · Fax: 914-803-1600 850 MCLEAN AVENUE · SUITE D · YONKERS, NY 10704 Under New Management and Ownership OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ORDER ONLINE Aisling Irish Community Center 990 McLean Ave. · Yonkers, NY 10704 · 914-237-5121 • For upcoming events and other information, follow us on TEACHER FOR ELA Valentino's Available For One-On-One Tutoring Certified NYS · Permanent Certifications Eng. 7-12 · Full Registration By The General Teaching Council of Scotland · Fordham University Graduate · Master & 15 In Secondary Ed 7-12 Support & Prep For: Essay Writing & The Writing Process · SAT's · Critical Reading Development · Study Skills · English Homework · Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening · Proofreading, Editing & Review ~ PARISHIONER OF ST. BARNABAS ~ Call Ms. Lu Marano @ 914-522-6026 062E (EM) - St. Barnabas Church, Bronx Restaurant "New York Times Critics Choice" 914-776-6731 914-776-6770 132 Bronx River Road, Yonkers F 718-324-5655 ~ MON.-FRI. 9AM-8PM · SAT. 8AM-6PM · SUN. 10AM-4PM ~ 4336 K ATONAH A VENUE · B RONX , NY 10470 4338 KATONAH AVENUE · BRONX/WOODLAWN, NY 10470 [email protected] 1016 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY 10704 We provide the following programs & services to the local community and beyond: Counseling; weekly senior program including FREE weekly lunch and group activities at the center, outreach services and home visits; legal & immigration referrals; employment & accommodation referrals; classes in Irish language, dance & music; computer classes; yoga, boot camp, karate for kids; acting classes for children; moms & tots program; TAIW defensive driving course; weekly AA meeting; Irish Volunteers for the Homeless. OMEMADE RISH AUSAGES ASHERS LACK HITE UDDING EATS OT INNERS ATERING ROCERIES AKE WAY BRENDAN STAPLETON 718-324-9262 925 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY · 914-237-1238 Mon-Sat 6am-10pm • Sun 7am-10pm • Free Delivery 7am-9:30pm Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner • Wine and Beer Available THE BARRISTERS BUILDING 832 MCLEAN AVENUE RIENAS & BROWN WEALTH MANAGEMENT A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services Inc. Ron Rienas & Josh Brown, CAS© Financial Advisors T: 914-237-5500 TUFFY & ASSOCIATES Accounting & Taxation Services For Individuals, Corporations and Not for Profit Organizations Paul Tuffy Managing Director [email protected] & LinkedIn T: 914-237-3232 Rienas & Brown Wealth Management and Tuffy and Associates are not affiliated. FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL:800-364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. outside
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