Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014 Tithing & Stewardship August 10th $12,320.38 Latin America & $4,350.49 Catholic Home Missions Thank you for your contributions Do you know about e-giving to the parish E-giving is short hand for electronic giving. It is a method of sending your weekly donation to the parish via electronics rather than the traditional weekly offertory envelope. (If you use E-Z Pass you know what it is). You can register online or the parish can give you a form to authorize the parish to withdraw donations directly from your bank account or credit card which in turn gets deposited directly into the church account. Advantages are many. Two easy ways to register 1. You simply go to and follow the prompts to register yourself 2. You can pick up a registration form at the rectory office and we can do it for you. Rosary For Priests Every Thursday following the 7:00pm Mass in the Main Church, several parishioners gather together to pray the Rosary for priests. Please consider joining them in supporting our priests through Our Lady’s Rosary. PRAY THE ROSARY Please join fellow parishioners on Mondays at 6:30pm during the months of May through October to pray the Rosary for our nation, community and respect for all human life. They meet at Our Lady’s Grotto at the Considine Center. All are invited and welcome to participate. METRO CARD BUS – The Metro Card Bus will be in front of the Woodlawn Heights Library (238th Street and th Katonah Avenue) on Friday, August 29 between the hours of 10am and 12noon. SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING: Requirement for all persons in contact with children If you are a volunteer or a part-time worker who works with children you are required to take Safer Places Training otherwise you will not be allowed to take part in the programs for which you have applied. This applies to coaches, catechists, playgroup, cafeteria workers, scout leaders, etc. Full time workers with children have stricter requirements and should see their supervisor to make arrangements for the appropriate training. Safe Environment Training: Date: Thursday, September 11th Location: Elementary School Library Time: 7:30pm Catechist Update- Thank you to those who came forward to teach CCD classes. There are two openings left for a Sunday 6th grade class and a Wednesday 2nd grade class. To volunteer as a Catechist or receive more information please contact the CCD office at 718-324-0865. PRO-LIFE CORNER “The fundamental human right, the presupposition of every other right, is the right to life itself. This is true of life from the moment of conception until its natural end. Abortion, consequently, cannot be a human right -- it is the very opposite. It is a deep wound in society." - Pope Benedict XVI Right of Christian Initiation of Adults Want to be a Catholic? Do you know someone who wants to become Catholic? Please recommend persons to Deacon Laurato or Msgr. Barry or any of the priests or staff members in the parish. They will be invited to join our RCIA program. Give us a name, address or phone number and we will be in touch with them. Already Catholic, but not confirmed nor received your First Communion? The RCIA program is for you as well. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an easy-going, but structured process where people can learn what it means to be Catholic and living out that faith. Classes begin Sunday, September 7th at 10:00 AM in the Considine Center, Room 1-6. We will continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the Fall, Winter and Spring and culminate with the reception of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. For more information please see the brochure that will be available in the rack in the back of the Church. Since this is a process and not everyone is at the same place in their journey of faith, it is important that one make all the classes once one is enrolled in the program. If you have any questions please feel free to call Deacon Laurato at 718-324-1478 [ext.37] or Msgr. Barry at 718-324-1478. Divina Reflection: Today’s Gospel is Matthew 15:21-28. Which groups of people do you have the hardest time imagining will be saved? What can you do to help them be saved? Lectio Divina uses scripture to help you find Jesus in your life today. Contact Helen McCullagh 914-237-1595 for more information. Sessions begin Sunday morning from 9-10:15am, September 7th in the Considine Center. Consider that while your children are attending CCD, you can be strengthening your faith too! MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, August 18 6:30 Edith R. Slattery th 8:30 Kathleen Pettit (16 ANN) and The Intentions of John Cunningham TUESDAY, August 19 6:30 Bernadette Callahan 8:30 Brendan Bumbery (Hardy) rd 7:00 Marie Cassidy (3 ANN) WEDNESDAY, August 20 th 6:30 Kevin Gallagher (4 ANN) 8:30 Vincent Kennedy 7:00 John Hagan THURSDAY, August 21 6:30 Intentions of Rev. Michael James O’Shea OFM Cap. 8:30 Diane Brennan 7:00 Nan & Patsy McHale FRIDAY, August 22 6:30 Mary McIntrye 8:30 Guiseppe Arlia & Angela and Gerald Moore SATURDAY, August 23 8:30 Peter McElvaney & James McNally 12:00 Willie John, Tony & Patrick McGarvey (Lower Ch) 5:00 Joan Meehan 7:00 Annie Nancy Flynn (1st ANN) Lectio WEDNESDAY EVENINGSS Relax, play the game, and you just might hit the jackpot…. Place: Saint Barnabas High School Cafeteria Time: 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm) Refreshments available Parish Start Dates in the “Fall” Daily Mass Schedule Regular schedule resumes Tuesday, September 3rd High School Orientation for Classes September 3rd, 4th & 5th Please call the High School for further info Elementary School Friday, September 5th C.C.D. Sunday September 7th Wednesday, September 10th Re-opening of Facilities For Organizations Monday, September 8th Parish Council Monday, September 15th Ages 18 and over The Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Program is seeking faithful and competent married couples to help us in presenting our Pre-Cana classes. Updating and streamlining our Pre-Cana class content and presenter training is one of the first steps in our short-term plan of improving marriage preparation. The commitment is flexible, updated training is provided, and the experience is very rewarding. call Dr. Kathy Wither at 646 794-3186, or email her at [email protected] Our Parish Information is just a click away. Log on to Please LIKE us on FACEBOOK and keep informed on our upcoming events St. Barnabas Church (Bronx, N.Y.) Saint Barnabas CCD Bronx, New York Annual Street Festival & Flea Market in conjunction with The McLean Avenue Merchants Festival on Saturday, September 13th – 10am till dusk - Food Court, Games, Rides, Raffles, Sports Events, Entertainment and much more………. Call and leave a message at the rectory 718 324-1478 for: Jim Neilis for Rides Roger Murphy for Food Court Chris Sheridan for Flea Market Jon Buhs for Setup and Cleanup REQUEST TO PARISHIONER FOR BLOCK FESTIVAL HELP The following areas are opportunities for parishioners to come to the aide of our annual block Festival. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Donations of cases of soda or water – drop off Considine Center Donations of items for Flea Market Selling Raffle Tickets after Masses Set-up of tables the night beforehand and morning of Festival Take-down of tables the evening of the festival Sponsor a game booth for $200 Monitor garbage pails throughout the day Donate baked goods for desert table the night before or morning of festival. Donated items will be accepted on the following dates/times ONLY in the Considine Center Not accepted: Clothes, shoes, glasses or single dishes. Tuesday, September 2nd Thursday, September 4th Sunday, September 7th Tuesday, September 9th 2:00pm – 4:00pm 2:00pm – 4:00pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm 2:00pm – 4:00pm PLEASE DO NOT BRING FLEAMARKET ITEMS TO THE RECTORY VOLUNTEER HELP If you can lend a hand please submit your name and telephone number to the rectory office I can help with item #_______________________________ Name: _________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ PLEASE HELP DISTRIBUTE TICKETS AMONG YOUR ACQUAINTANCES (AND STRANGERS TOO) OBTAIN SOME FROM YOUR USHER AS YOU LEAVE TODAY Raffle tickets can be returned to the collection basket or rectory office. Only submit the part of your ticket that has your name, address and telephone number. The other part of the ticket (which lists the prizes) is your receipt. The drawing will take place at the Block Party EUCHARISTIC VIGIL Baptismal Instruction Classes Parents wishing to have their children baptized at Saint Barnabas must attend one of the classes that are held normally on the second and fourth Monday of each month prior to arranging the child’s baptism. The classes are held in the Elementary School Library at 8:00pm. No registration necessary. The next class for August will be held on th Monday, August 25 Grave Decoration Service If you can’t visit your loved one’s grave, let Roland Productions Grave Care decorate your loved one’s grave on your behalf. Holiday decorations, fresh-cut floral bouquets, planting of annuals, weeding and sprucing up the grave area. Before and After photos sent to you. $50 per single visit and decoration service. 4- and 10- visit annual decoration discount plans available. Serving cemeteries in the Bronx, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess. All graves cared for with respect, compassion, dignity and reverence. For holidays, special times, - or any time at all. You can contact them by calling 845 475-6041. Website: FREE COUNSELING AND SUPPORT from the Catholic Home Bureau for needy women who are pregnant. Call 718 228-1515 ext 110. Rest In Peace Let us pray for our deceased parishioners, benefactors, relatives, members of the Armed forces, for those who are most forgotten and for those who recently died especially: Catherine (Kitty) Sullivan, Susan Lannon, and Daniel (Danny) Norton. For the Holiness of Priests and Holy Vocations August 22nd 7:00pm – 7:00am Our Lady of Shkodra (Hartsdale) 7:00 Mass – Celebrant Rev. Peter Philominraj S.D.B. 7:00am Benediction – Celebrant Rev. Peter Popaj, Pastor THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome into the Roman Catholic Church and our parish community the following children who were recently baptized here at St. Barnabas: Rosalia Luz Cuesta, daughter of Danny & Norma Eileen S. Kelly, daughter of Robert & Yulia Banns Of Marriage For the First Time: Niamh McLaughlin and Mark Mangino For the Third Time: Gizelka David –West and Patrick Flynn Jessica Perrotta and Christopher O’Leary Mary Kate Delaney and John O’Brien Dana Zadorozny and John Corrigan The Sacrament of Marriage We rejoice and wish lasting happiness to the following couple who recently celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage here at St. Barnabas Jerome Donnelly and Mairead Montague PLEASE PRAY FOR….. Please submit names of all those who are in need of prayer, cut this box out and return to the rectory office. Name:_______________________________________ Due to limited space, we can only publish for 2 weeks Terry Robinson John Henighan Nathaniel Minon Stephanie Hernandez HOBBY LOBBY SUPREME COURT CASE – PART 2: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Last week’s bulletin introduced the two issues involved in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case. The companies involved objected – on religious grounds – to the government mandate to provide insurance coverage for artificial contraception that could cause fetuses to be aborted, such as the IUD. As discussed in last week’s article, artificial contraception is contrary to Catholic religion and one should never cooperate in the immoral activities of another person. At its heart, the issue presented to the Supreme Court was what does it mean to practice religion in the United States. Is the free exercise of religion limited to one’s personal beliefs exercised in a house of worship or temple? Are we allowed to live our lives in accordance with our religious beliefs or may the government place restrictions upon how we live out those beliefs outside of religious services? Does the exercise of religion apply to each person or merely religious institutions? The Supreme Court ruled that the contraception mandate would violate the religious beliefs of the owners of the companies. The Court did not base its decision upon the Constitution but upon a federal statute called the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.” In this statute, Congress provided that the U.S. government may not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability unless the Government “demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. The Supreme Court found that under this standard (1) the contraception mandate would violate the companies’ religious beliefs, (2) the government did not adopt the least restrictive means of providing comprehensive health care. The Supreme Court did not extensively analyze whether the government had a compelling interest in providing insurance coverage for abortion-causing contraception. The Court did recognize that the people had a right to practice their religion outside of church services, which is extremely important, but such right is not absolute. The Court ruled for the companies because the government could have achieved its interests in other ways that would not have burdened the exercise of religion. KEY POINTS TO CONSIDER 1. This case was not about whether women would have access to contraception. The issue was whether a person could object to the provision of the contraception on religious grounds. In this case, the court recognized such a right. This case was whether in the United States a person could practice his or her beliefs. 2. The Supreme Court’s decision was narrowly drawn. An issue that is still being litigated in the courts is whether religious organizations, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor and Priests for Life, may refuse to provide coverage of contraception in their health insurance plans. The religious institutions do not want to participate in an immoral activity. The cases have not yet been decided. 3. The Hobby Lobby case goes to the heart of the free exercise of religion even if the Supreme Court refused to consider the case under the First Amendment. Do we, as a society or culture, permit someone to engage in their religious beliefs or do we force people to comply with government mandates? The beliefs may seem strange to us, but aren’t they entitled to them. How would we react if the government required the Catholic Church to perform marriage between a same-sex couple or required a priest to violate the seal of Confession? 4. St. Faustina prayed for her beloved country, Poland, asking the Lord to have mercy upon Poland. (Diary Paragraph 39). Our own beloved country commits many offenses against God. We MUST pray for our country, state, city, borough, neighborhood, Church, family and self. 5. In Humane Vitae, Pope Paul VI warned of the consequences that could occur if artificial contraception were to be widely accepted. He stated “Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection. Finally, careful consideration should be given to the danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law.” To reflect upon the developments of the past fifty years, is to see the Holy Father’s wisdom. He warned against marital infidelity, sexual activity in the young, decline in respect for women, and government intrusion into private life. It is time to consider Humanae Vitae anew. Fr. Brendan Gormley THE HERITAGE SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Gift Certificates · Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Available · Saturday & Sunday Brunch · Late Night Menu - 7 Days Until 2am · Live Music - Friday, Saturday & Sunday · Traditional Irish Music Every Sunday Evening · Newly Renovated Party Room "Heritage Speakeasy" Available For All Occasions M AT H T U T O R I N G M Elementary ~ High School Highly experienced Math teacher & chairperson Phone: 914-523-0692 • email: [email protected] P 914-776-7532 · F 914-776-9223 960 M C L EAN A VENUE · Y ONKERS , NY 10704 Liam J. McLaughlin Attorney at Law, CPA McLaughlin & Zerafa, LLP Glenrowan Sports Bar & Grill "Best Irish Coffee This Side of The Shannon" SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & SUNDAY BRUNCH 1 Wartburg Pl. • Mt. 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C O M 4331 K ATONAH A VENUE , B RONX , NY · F AX (718) 231-2274 · [email protected] Anthony Hamawi Finance Manager DENTIST John Constantine, D.D.S. 300 Kimball Avenue Yonkers, N.Y. COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM -OR- SHOP @ HOME SERVICE! 300 Kimball Ave., Yonkers, NY (914) 237-3600 New Patient Exam • Exam BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE GENERAL DENTISTRY 914-237-3600 New Patient Exam Special $6500 WESTCHESTER JEWELRY SPECIAL $29.00 Dr. Laarni A. Abanto Dr. Anthony J. 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Elder Law and Estate Planning Glass Mirror Custom Mirrors Table Tops Insulated Units James Riordan WE BUY GOLD & DIAMONDS ANNIVERSARY DIAMOND BANDS & ENGAGEMENT RINGS · EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIR ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES · BILLY PISA, JEWELRY MANUFACTURER • Cleaning • Fluoride * For Children 16 and Under GIA CERTIFIED DIAMONDS 914-776-0800 • 966 MCLEAN AVENUE, YONKERS • TUESDAY-SATURDAY 10AM-6PM • Exam • Cleaning • X-Rays TURN YOUR GOLD INTO CA$H!!! EXTRA 10% W/THIS COUPON ACE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Serving The Tri-State Vicinity For Over 15 Years Installation & Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 718-543-0912 · 914-969-6459 062E (EM) - St. Barnabas Church, Bronx FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL:800-364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. inside AUTO REPAIR SPECIALIST Hughes Motors Corp. FOREIGN · DOMESTIC Complete Automotive Repairs Mechanical · Electrical · Oil Change Wheel Alignment · Express Service New York State Inspection 914-237-1571 DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM YONKERS 493 CENTRAL PARK AVENUE · YONKERS RACEWAY F.M.G. AUTO CENTER, Inc. St. Patrick's Home Complete Auto Body Work & Painting Cristofaro Brothers All Work Guaranteed (914) 237-7392 (914) 237-7677 806-810 McLean Avenue • Yonkers C. COMMISSO & SONS CONTRACTORS 899 McLean Avenue Yonkers, New York 10704 (914) 237-5800 Independently Owned & Operated Since 1894 Water & Sewer Line Excavating Drainage • Drywell • Grading • Paving Pipe Locating • Sewer Line Inspection Family Owned & Operated - 3rd Generation YONKERS, NY 914-776-2718 Expressions Flower Shop "Turning Those Special Moments Into Beautiful Memories" 843 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS, NY · 914-237-3900 Your Full Service Neighborhood Florist DR. ROSALIND B. ABEL DR. BRUCE D. ABEL Podiatrists - Foot Specialists 988 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY Fourth Generation (914) 237-1686 Since 1925 980 McLean Avenue • treating Children and Adults • reasonable fees (clear or metal) • all insurances processed • serving St. Barnabas for over 10 yrs. Call For a Free Consultation (914) 969-0303 687 Yonkers Avenue JOSEPH A. MARRA Attorney At Law • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Elder Law • Wills, Trusts, Estates Criminal • Corporate • Matrimonial Complimentary Initial Consultation 909 Midland Ave., Yonkers, NY (914) 964-6806 Evening Hours By Appointment Macintosh Support System Setup and Training Wiring and Network Installations FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR 914-237-4224 · PH /FAX: 914-237-0657 1014 McLean Avenue · Yonkers, NY 10704 Joe NYS Inspection Station Mike (718) 994-9559 [email protected] Arthur L. Gallagher ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ALL LEGAL MATTERS · PERSONAL INJURY · MALPRACTICE · CIVIL RIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 4284 VIREO AVENUE 718-710-3351 FREE CONSULTATION BRONX, N.Y. 10470 EMERALD ISLE IMMIGRATION CENTER Immigration Attorney on Staff & Counseling Services Available 4275 Katonah Ave., Bronx (Woodlawn), NY 10470 718-324-3039 Fax 718-324-7741 [email protected] Aisling Irish Community Center 990 McLean Ave. · Yonkers, NY 10704 · 914-237-5121 • We provide the following programs & services to the local community and beyond: Counseling; weekly senior program including FREE weekly lunch and group activities at the center, outreach services and home visits; legal & immigration referrals; employment & accommodation referrals; classes in Irish language, dance & music; computer classes; yoga, boot camp, karate for kids; acting classes for children; moms & tots program; TAIW defensive driving course; weekly AA meeting; Irish Volunteers for the Homeless. Short-term Rehabilitation • Long-term Care Palliative Care • Memory Support Unit Wound Care Management • Physical, Occupational & Speech therapy, Spiritual Care and many Other Services -Contact Admissions Office- 66 Van Cortlandt Park South, Bronx, N.Y. 10463 T: 718-519-2800 • F: 718-304-1817 Website: "Commercial Parking" Lighted & Fenced Lot Open 24 Hours - 7 Days 800 McLean Ave., Yonkers Jack Collins Sr. & Jr. • Brakes • Tune-Ups • Batteries • Exhausts Call Jack 914-237-1604 Join a brotherhood of Irish Catholic Men who celebrate Irish History and Culture, and support Freedom for All Ireland and Immigration Reform. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS BRONX COUNTY · DIVISION 5 · WOODLAWN · P.O. BOX 225 · BRONX, NY 10470 [email protected] Serving Westchester & The Bronx Your Community Orthodontist Carmelite Sisters serving the aged since 1931 WOODLAWN IRISH (914) 237-2511 • (800) 544-4401 John Cipollina DDS FULLY INSURED for the Aged and Infirm "Where it all began" MORIARTY'S Bar Restaurant & Irish & American Cuisine 10% Discount on Sunday Brunch with this Bulletin Private Party Space Available! Live Music Every Weekend! 984-986 Mclean Ave. Yonkers, NY 10704 Bar: 914-237-9840 · Rest.: 914-776-2859 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? Call Tony Murphy 914-471-0992 Your Neighborhood Specialist Houlihan Lawrence LUCY SULLIVAN, LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON 347-210-1596 • [email protected] In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. For upcoming events and other information, follow us on AVAILABLE Scan Here: NOW! or visit: Manuel G. Tejera, M.D. WELCOME TO EILEEN'S COUNTRY KITCHEN FEATURING EXCELLENT COUNTRY STYLE COOKING FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY New Catering Menu ~ INTERNAL MEDICINE ~ NOW LOCATED AT: 1019 YONKERS AVE., YONKERS, NY 10704 914-457-9140 Heavenly Bodies "where heaven meets earth" (above Kelly's Pub, 2nd Floor) Eileen's Country Kitchen BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER - FREE DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6:00 AM-12 MIDNIGHT PH: 914-776-2001 · FAX: 914-776-1042 964 MCLEAN AVENUE · YONKERS, NY 10704 PROVIDENCE REST Valentino's FULL SERVICE SPA & SALON UNISEX N.Y.S. License Hair • Nails • Electrolysis • Massage Facials • Body Wraps • Waxing 914-668-2125 942 McLean Avenue 062E (EM) - St. Barnabas Church, Bronx 718-931-3000 Restaurant "New York Times Critics Choice" 914-776-6731 914-776-6770 132 Bronx River Road, Yonkers CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS A Woodlawn Resident for Over 20 Years! Elizabeth Brosnan, ERA Insite Realty 646-321-0838 [email protected] "Specializing in the Bronx and Southern Westchester" Adult Day Health Care With Transportation Out-Patient Rehab Center Short Term / Subacute Rehab Respite Care · Skilled Nursing Child Day Care For more information call us or visit our website at: CARE · COMPASSION · COMMUNITY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL:800-364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. outside
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