Inside this issue - Murray State University


Inside this issue - Murray State University
Inside this issue:
OCtObe r 2009
Dear Friends:
As you open this edition of our magazine, you will notice a
distinct change. That change is taking place all over our campuses as
Some of you are aware that we have recently introduced a new
brand for Murray State University. As part of this “re-branding”
campaign you will see an updated and refreshed Murray State logo
and tagline for new applications in our print, television and other
advertising. Very soon, you will also notice exciting changes to
our Murray State presence on the Internet. This branding process
will help us communicate our message of unique excellence more
consistently, credibly and effectively.
For those of you who follow other colleges and universities, you
know that branding efforts are now widespread across the nation
among both public and private higher education institutions. As
the competition for students and funding increases, it is important
that we have a concise, tangible way to highlight our mission and
everything that MSU has to offer. Corporations have known the
power of a meaningful brand for years. This new branding was not
something done in haste or without careful thought. We began this
process last March by facilitating multiple focus groups to validate
possible brand messages and — to a striking extent — participants
voiced a consistent picture of Murray State University. These focus
groups included many stakeholders and represented faculty, staff,
administrators, current students and prospective students.
The following themes came out powerfully from these
groups: 1) special factors that attract individuals to Murray State,
2) highlights of the student experience, 3) aspects of the university
that distinguish it from many others and engender pride in the
process, 4) examples of great teaching and learning, 5) MSU’s vision
and mission, and 6) examples of exciting programs and initiatives
underway on the campuses. Following this work, our branding team gathered reactions to
many possible logos and tagline options from members of the same
groups. Finally, creative work was revised and refined in response to
all of the feedback received. That work was circulated back to our
internal branding team for feedback and final decisions. I want to take
the opportunity here to thank the members of our team: Catherine
Sivills (University Communications), Jim Carter (Institutional
Advancement), Dr. Bonnie Higginson (Provost’s Office), Shawn Smee
(Office of Recruitment), Dr. Brian Van Horn (Continuing Education),
Bob Jackson (Development) and Josh Jacobs (President’s Office).
Our new tagline, Your World to Explore, became a favorite among
the groups and emerged as representative of what we want MSU
students to experience when they engage with us. We wanted an
“active” tagline that distilled our mission into a memorable statement
and focused on the importance of a Murray State education as a
life-changing enterprise — as it was for so many of you reading this
With regard to our new mark, the ivied “Murray” mark used for
general brand messaging will be replaced by the new shield motif
— one that suggests the single most important brand message
that we heard — academic quality. Because of the use of shields
throughout our university’s history, this mark has built-in equity,
or instant meaning, particularly for those who know Murray State
University. Our traditional historical shield will remain for formal
events, occasions and purposes. The Racer “M” will continue to be
used for Athletics.
The success of this new brand is dependent in part upon all of
you as MSU alumni who act as our great ambassadors — not just
for carrying the brand message forward but for telling the wonderful
story about Murray State University. During this effort, we want
to be good stewards of the tax, tuition and gift dollars that we are
entrusted with. We are not pitching stock supplies (e.g., stationery,
cards, signage, etc.) but, instead, we will use up existing stock and
then replace it with the new mark and tagline as new orders are
placed. The MSU Bookstore, though, is already in the process of
ordering new “gear” that I’m sure many of you will want to have! Also in this issue, we officially invite you to participate in a
venture of tremendous importance: Hold Thy Banner High: The
Campaign for the Students of Murray State University. With
an initial goal of $60 million, this campaign is the largest in our
university’s history and has the potential to transform Murray State.
This campaign will help us better serve our students … now and for
the future. I am thrilled to be a part of what will be a record-setting
campaign — confident in its success, certain of its impact, and
grateful to our many thousands of loyal alumni and friends for the
generosity I know they will show.
Thank you all for your terrific support of Murray State University.
As our alums, we want you to have even more to be proud about
every time you think of your alma mater.
Randy J. Dunn, President
• personal learning
• practical learning
• warmth and belonging
• from undergrad research
to study abroad
The Magazine of Murray State University
Through quality academics, a close community and a world of new experiences, Murray State
prepares its students to go anywhere they want and to achieve the success they seek.
• across Kentucky or
around the world
• head-to-head with
the best
is published by
University Communications
• life-long dreams
• possibilities just discovered
Jim Carter
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Catherine Sivills
Assistant Vice President for Communications
Public Information Officer
Hello alumni and friends This is our message map! Through a thoughtful process of facilitating focus groups
among our many constituencies, this map was developed as a means to define what
Murray State is all about. From there, we created our new branding (updated shield and
our new tagline, Your World to Explore). Our entire University Communications Team
will do the work to implement the brand — all we are asking of you is to help us promote
the brand. I know each of you have a unique Murray State story to tell so, don’t be shy,
share your story with a high school student in your hometown or a good friend who never
finished that degree! It is no secret that Murray State University is an amazing place! Help
us spread the word!
Catherine Frazier Sivills (’94, ‘02)
AVP for Communications
Pictured below are the staff of the University Communications Team from left: Shasta O’Neal, Joe Haynes (’85), Chris
Haynes (’06, ’08), Stan Marinoff, Michael Inman, Mindy Wagner (’93), Charley Allen (’03), Tony Powell (’92, ’09),
Jayme Gordon (’05), Sherry McClain (’78, ’96), Catherine Sivills (’94, ’02), Gisela Sallee, Tobie Johnson (’08), Linda
Pierce (’78, ’90), Janet Hudgins (’79), Glenna Hurst, Donna Wilson, Gary Hasiak, Larry Szeszol, Melissa Shown (’93),
Joe Anderson, Karon Johnson. Not pictured: Jeremy McKeel, Frank Hawkins
Green Effort
Your World to Explore
Teaching and Learning
Class Notes
Distinguished Alumni
In Memory 32
Magazine Contributors
Editor.................................................Sherry McClain
Writers ............................................. Sherry McClain
Patti Jones
Teri LaJeunesse
Jayme Gordon
Photographers.............................Camerawork USA Inc.
MSU staff
Kelsh/Wilson Design
Design/Layout..............................................Linda Pierce
Melissa Shown
The magazine is printed at Gateway Press
and mailed at the
Louisville, Ky., Post Office - Third Class Permit.
Murray State University endorses the intent of all federal and state
laws created to prohibit discrimination. Murray State University does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, religion, age, veteran status, or disability in
employment, admissions, or the provision of services and provides,
upon request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids
and services necessary to afford individuals with disabilities equal
access to participate in all programs and activities.
Working for a
greener world
urray State University’s “green” effort began in earnest when President Randy
Dunn signed the Talloires Declaration in 2007. Although MSU had been using
alternative fuel in cars, trucks and equipment, the declaration represented a big
stride with MSU becoming the first Kentucky university to join colleges around the globe in a
commitment to becoming a better steward of the environment for the community, the state
and the world.
The university was recognized from
Some easy recycling tips for you
Sierra as “a college with a bright idea” on
to explore in your world include:
how to save money and the environment by
Recycling is great, but re-using is
replacing individually packaged condiments,
even better. Use those empty plastic
milk and yogurt with bulk dispensers on
containers for storage.
A natural follow-up to that was the start
Turn the lights out when you
of a composting project and stepped-up
leave the room.
recycling of aluminum and plastics.
The newest green initiatives on campus
Cook with the lid on, saving
were launched this summer. The university
time and energy.
replaced old trucks with four low-speed
Make sure your attic is well insulated.
electric vehicles (GEMs) for use by facilities
management. The cute, but hardworking
Turn off the water when brushing
GEMs save on maintenance costs and are
your teeth.
easy on the sidewalks and safe around
campus pedestrians.
Fix water leaks no matter how small.
And, a new way of handling the disposal
Plan your route when running errands
of waste material takes the treasure out
to save gas.
of the trash at MSU. It reduces the cost of
removing waste from campus and takes
Go online and search “easy eco tips”
anything that can be recycled that hasn’t
for more ideas and turn that computer
already been removed out of the trash,
monitor off afterwards.
saving money and the world by using less
landfill space.
Hilary Martin (B.S. 2003) heads up
“green” marketing at ShopToEarth. An
eco-enthusiast and former vice president of
the earth-friendly fundraising organization
Growkids, Martin is responsible for
an upcoming Eco-Wellness Summit
in Orlando, Fla., as well as marketing
ShopToEarth seminars, company
communications, leadership training,
streamlining media tools for the network
and more.
“I am passionate about raising
environmental awareness and educating
people on how to live a healthy, sustainable
lifestyle,” says Martin.
Hillary Spain (B.S. 2004, M.S. 2007)
is a team member with BioDimensions
in Memphis, Tenn., a firm dedicated to
helping farmers compete in the global
economy by developing alternative crops
as well as other projects.
Recently, Spain met with a group of
Dartmouth students about their Big Green
Bus Project — their way of demonstrating
the possibilities of biofuels in the U.S. The
students collected restaurant grease along
the way to fuel the bus.
So, how does the future for biofuels
look? “The potential is there for these
crops,” Spain says. “There are some
challenges and barriers … technologies
have not been perfected, but research is
Did you know?
Racer Routes, a partnership
between MSU and the city of
Murray, offers free rides to
MSU students, faculty and
staff around campus and the
town. Sustainability, safety
and service — that’s what it’s
all about.
A very personal battle for General Graham
Maj. Gen. Mark Graham, a 1977 (B.A.)
Murray State University alumnus and 2008
MSU Distinguished Alumnus, is doing his
best to make a difference in the world of
American soldiers and their families, hoping
that what happened to Graham and his wife,
Carol, won’t happen to others.
The Grahams lost both of their sons
within an eight-month period. Younger son,
Kevin, committed suicide in 2003 when he
was a senior ROTC student at the University
of Kentucky. Though Kevin suffered from
depression, no one realized he was suicidal.
In early 2004, older son, Jeffrey, died from a
roadside bomb in Iraq.
At that point, Mark thought seriously
about leaving the Army, but decided to stay
to help spread the message that getting
treatment for depression is not a weakness,
but a sign of strength. To make it okay in the
Army to recognize mental illness. To save
young men and women from the “other”
enemy. It is Mark’s continued work to
reduce the Army suicide rate that led to his
nomination by United States Secretary of
Defense Robert Gates for TIME magazine’s
100 Most Influential People.
“I feel humbled and honored that
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates would
consider me for something of this stature,”
said Graham.
“It is still beyond my comprehension
that we have lost both of our amazing
sons, but it gives me a renewed purpose
to continue serving our great nation and
our soldiers who are America’s sons and
daughters,” says Graham.
The commanding general at Fort
Carson, Colo., Graham is responsible for
more than 18,000 active duty soldiers
and over 250,000 U.S. Army Reserve and
National Guard members.
Carol Shroat Graham is also a Murray
State graduate (1976 B.A., 1977 M.S.). Mark
and Carol have a daughter, Melanie.
Sroda explores English
across the Middle East
English as a foreign language? To many
in the world it is. But, Dr. Sue Sroda helps
break down language barriers by traveling
in the Middle East — Qatar, Oman, Bahrain,
Iraq and Saudi Arabia — to train educators
there to teach English to their pupils.
Sroda, a member of the English faculty
at MSU, is an instructor in the university’s
Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages program.
There’s no doubt she’s popular with
her Middle Eastern students. In Saudi
Arabia at the Princess Nora Bint Abdul
Rahman University (the first university in
that country for women only), her students
not only wished the workshops were
longer, but expressed a desire for “Dr. Sue”
to teach full time at their school.
“The experiences have always been
fun for me,” Sroda says. “Teachers are
teachers, no matter where you are and we
join together to help students learn. The
university (MSU) is always very supportive
of these opportunities for faculty.”
“Smiling” in The Gambia
Pa Lamin Sarr (M.B.A. 2006), CEO
of Smiling Coast Tours, is opening up
his world, The Gambia on the west
coast of Africa, to Americans. In July,
10 Americans began an adventure that
embraced learning as a part of the
experience through Sarr’s company.
The travelers participated in
lectures at the University of The
Gambia, visited Cachically Crocodile
Pool in Bakau and went on excursions to
places of interest including the village
of Juffureh, a former French-dominated
slave trading post popularized by
author Alex Haley when he traced his
Roots back to this typical Mandinka
Exploring a Learning Commons
A space that brings together the services needed
for students to succeed academically
MSU Libraries Information. Where you are, we are.
One of the most visited
locations on campus,
the libraries at Murray State
are a vibrant component
of campus life,
demonstrated by last year’s
record-breaking use.
nvisioned for Murray State University’s library, Learning Commons are high-tech
classrooms, written and oral communications assistance, computer technical support,
and printing and copying services, but most of all, the creation of an atmosphere in
which students feel comfortable engaging in learning activities.
Today’s totally plugged in students — posting, linking, texting and tweeting — these
students have never lived in a world without Internet and they consider emailing “snail
mail.” MSU’s Waterfield Library understands the needs of an “information in an instant”
generation and is committed to providing an environment in which students can flourish
and explore the world. But, here are the facts.
Learning is a collaborative effort with students being prepared to work in team-based
and global environments. A recent college study indicates that 45 to 55 percent of student
learning activities outside of the classroom take place in a university library’s group spots. A
modern academic library should be an ideal place for both collaborative and solo learning.
Recent fact-finding surveys at Murray State discovered that students understand the
value of a library that meets their needs. More than 60 percent of students who visit the
Waterfield Library for an hour or more say there is too little workspace for group study.
Nearly three-quarters note that space for individual work is too limited as well. Additionally,
a library should include high tech, modular classrooms that can be reconfigured and
equipped to meet a variety of teaching needs.
Waterfield Library, which began as the Student Union in 1959, cannot grow to
accommodate the needs of today’s students and professors, and finds itself limited by
structural, electrical and weight-bearing limitations. With only one 20-person classroom,
numerous requests for classroom space cannot be met. The price of re-purposing the
library to address these issues is cost-prohibitive. The solution is a new building.
What can you do?
You can show your support of a new library for Murray State in many ways. Contact Adam
Murray, interim dean of university libraries ([email protected]) with letters
of support. Or you can support the university libraries through monetary donations. Also, if
you live in Kentucky, write your state legislator expressing your interest in a new library at
Murray State. Visit to give online or for more
Library numbers for 2008-09
379,227 Waterfield visitors
Computer lab – 6,812 unique logins
(total of 178,649 actual logins),
21,638 laptop check-outs
23,110 books and other
media were checked out
Interlibrary loan requests
increased by 1,019
9,847 research questions answered
by reference librarians (in person
and by telephone, email and online
914,722 online database searches
Nearly 400,000 website visits from
more than 130 countries
Katie and Shasta join the world
on a Washington exploration
Katie DeCillo (left) and
Shasta O’Neal in D.C.
Kate Hughes Reed and Palmer
Kate’s a keeper
Kate Hughes Reed (B.S. 2003) grew up on a farm with horses
and beef cattle, but she’s graduated to more exotic animals now.
She’s making her mark on the world as a keeper for ungulates —
giraffes, zebras, antelopes, camels — at the St. Louis Zoo (Mo.).
Reed spends her days watching over the animals, cleaning
their habitats, feeding them and being ever-alert to any change in
behavior that could signify stress or a possible illness.
A college internship at the St. Louis Zoo opened the door to her
career, Reed says. “It was, ‘Wow! This is it.’ Before that I wasn’t sure
what I wanted to do.”
Through her work, Reed recognizes a common misconception
about zoos. “We aren’t here trying to breed new species. We are
trying to preserve the animals that have been in this world a long
time — those species the world has created.”
And not just the animals in the zoo, she notes. They work with
communities in Africa in areas that are the natural homes of many
ungulates. “The program is aimed at not only saving those animals,
but helping the communities,” Reed says. One such project is a
school that was built specifically for girls in Africa.
Currently, her zoo duties include bottle feeding baby gazelle,
Palmer. His mom was a bit old for childrearing so the keepers are
taking on the job of nourishment to make sure he survives.
But, it’s all in a day’s work for Reed. Saving the world, one
ungulate at a time.
Courtesy of Suzanne Boyle, Belleville (Ill.) News-Democrat
To read more about Kate’s work, go online
Did you know?
Murray State was a Twitter “tweet” this summer
as one of the most popular searches on
for the week, keeping company with tax hikes, credit
cards, annuities, taxes, tax increases, 429 plans and
Cobra. By the way, you can follow MSU on Twitter at
urray State student Katie DeCillo joined an estimated
1.8 million people in Washington, D.C., to become the
eyes and ears of MSU during the celebration of President
Barack Obama’s inauguration. DeCillo, a junior electronic
media major from Murray, along with Shasta O’Neal,
broadcast media specialist from Murray State’s Electronic
Media Services office, took in the sights and sounds of the
nation’s capitol, reporting on events as they happened.
DeCillo and O’Neal blended the inauguration of the
United States’ first African-American president with the
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial and the birthday of President
George Washington. The duo worked together to post daily
video blogs featuring DeCillo and fed news stories back to
local television stations.
They attended the Kentucky on the Potomac party
and the Bluegrass Ball, and made stops at the Lincoln
Memorial, the Washington Monument and the Inaugural
Parade. Check out the D.C. duo online at
MSU kept it presidential with historian Richard Norton
Smith giving the 2009 Presidential Lecture in Lovett
Auditorium. Smith,
who serves as
the ABC News
presidential historian,
spoke on “A. Lincoln at
200: The Measure of
All Presidents.”
Murray State Athletics claimed the inaugural Ohio Valley Conference Commissioner’s (OVC) Cup for the 2008-09 school year.
The Racers turned in first-place OVC finishes during the school year in women’s soccer, women’s basketball and women’s golf. MSU
had second place finishes in women’s cross country, men’s golf and baseball. Nine MSU teams placed third place or higher.
The award, previously divided into the Men’s and Women’s All-Sports trophies, is a symbol of overall athletic excellence in conferencesponsored championships.
MSU gets top U.S.News 2010 America’s Best
Colleges rankings for 19th consecutive year
nce again Murray
State finds itself
ranked among the top
public universities in
the nation. U.S.News &
World Report’s 2010
edition of America’s
Best Colleges,
recognized MSU
for the 19th
year in the Best
UniversitiesMaster’s South, which includes
both private and public schools. This is the
fifth consecutive year Murray State has
ranked in the top 20.
The newest rankings include Murray
as seventh in the Top Public UniversityMaster’s/South division. The university has
appeared in the top 10 of that category for
the past several years.
“This recognition allows us another
accepted way to see how we measure up
against national competition,” said Dr.
Randy J. Dunn, president of Murray State
University. “This ranking remains a point of
pride for MSU and we know that it positions
us next to other outstanding colleges and
universities — which in turn requires us
to continually improve our efforts toward
excellence in teaching and learning.”
Other recent honors include:
• One of 150 Great Colleges to Work For® by
The Chronicle of Higher Education.
• A “Military Friendly School” by G.I.Jobs.
• “Top 50 Best Buys in Online
Business Schools” for its B.S. distance
learning programs in business and
telecommunications systems management
Junior agricultural education
major, Kirby O’Donoghue, is eyeing
elected office for the future. Her
profile was raised by appearing
on the cover of Kentucky’s “2009
Women’s Report” with former Gov.
Martha Layne Collins and State Sen.
Katie Stine.
O’Donoghue was chosen as an
example of an outstanding young
female leader.
Did you know?
Murray State student Jordan James found success in the National Kitchen and Bath Association
(NKBA) competition for bathroom design. Nearly 700 students from across the country submitted
entries from NKBA-accredited schools. In a field that considers a design score in the 80s very good,
James wowed the judges with a near-perfect 97.
James, who is from Dawson Springs, Ky., graduated with a B.S. in May. The interior design program at
MSU has 60-plus students enrolled.
Murray State alum designs
Angels and Demons movie poster
contributed by Becca
Owsley, The NewsEnterprise.)
Anglers Tippett and Campisano
“This is a huge step toward my goal
of establishing a career as a bass
tournament pro.” – Kalem Tippett
Angling for a title
Murray State University slipped past the University of North
Texas to win college bass fishing’s premier event to claim the 2009
BoatU.S. Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship. Catching the
title in near perfect weather conditions, Murray State joins past
champions North Carolina State (2006), Texas A&M University
(2007) and University of Arkansas (2008) as winners of the event.
“Murray State’s win is very impressive considering this is the
largest field we’ve ever had. Over 140 teams from more than 70
schools registered this year. They’re going to be great champions
and ambassadors for collegiate bass fishing,” says Wade
Middleton, tournament director.
The event was held at Lake Lewisville, Texas, with top
collegiate bass anglers, sponsors and leading industry professionals
in attendance.
Murray’s Kalem Tippett and Vincent Campisano two-day total
of 36.16 pounds won with less than a pound to spare.
MSU will host the National Guard FLW College Fishing Central
Division Regional Championship Oct. 31 – Nov. 2. Teams will be
competing on Kentucky Lake for a top award of $50,000.
urray State
and Elizabethtown,
Ky., native Alex
Griendling explored
the worlds of
angels, religious
zealotry and secret
organizations as the
principal designer of
the movie poster for
Ron Howard’s film,
Angels and Demons,
which opened in
theatres May 15.
Before receiving his Alex Griendling standing at Sunset and Vine in
Los Angeles in front of the Angels and Demons
degree, Griendling
had the opportunity movie poster he designed. to intern at Interlink
Film Graphic Design in Los Angeles. During that time, he
worked on a teaser poster for Death Sentence starring Kevin
Alex’s father, artist Rich Griendling, is beaming at his son’s
success. “I’m very pleased to see his hard work at Murray
State result in getting him his dream job right out of college,
and I’m quite impressed by what he has accomplished on a
professional level in such a short time,” Rich says.
For Alex, the movie business has proven hectic and
stressful, but a lot of fun. “I love movies but don’t have the
skill to make them,” Griendling said. “Most times, posters and
trailers are the first things people see from a new film, so while
I might not be able to make movies, I can try to make them
look good by designing a good first impression.
“It’s always cool to work on a project that has a lot of hype
and excitement surrounding it,” Griendling said. “This, along
with the fact that movie greats like Brian Grazer, Tom Hanks
and Ron Howard are all attached to the project, makes it
exciting not just from a designer’s point of view, but also from
a movie fan’s point of view.” 97
Making it in the pro world
Finding worldly success
The Murray State athletic program has a rich history of
winning conference championships. That athletic success has led
to 52 Racer student-athletes earning a spot on a professional
team after their collegiate playing days were over. A total
of 38 football players have played in the NFL, five men’s
basketball players went on to the NBA, four women’s golfers
have played professionally, the baseball team currently has
four who have played and one who was drafted in 2009,
and the women’s basketball team had their first player
earn a spot on a preseason team in the WNBA.
Some of the more recognizable names of
Murray State players in the pros include
Popeye Jones (MBB), Kirk Rueter
(baseball), and Reggie Swinton (FB).
The most recent Murray State
students to go on to play professionally
are Daniel Calhoun (St. Louis Cardinals),
Ashley Hayes (the Connecticut Sun) and Nathan Williams
(the UFL to play for New York).
In the 1980s, the men’s tennis teams
at Murray State dominated the Ohio Valley
Conference, claiming the tournament
championship from 1980 to 1989. Now,
more than 25 years later, several members
of those rosters are continuing to strive for
success in their professional lives.
Dr. Tomas Hult (1988-89) is currently
the acting associate dean of Global
Initiatives at Michigan State University.
The two-time All-OVC honoree is also
the director for the International Business
Center, the executive director for the
Academy of International Business, editor
of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, and a professor of marketing,
international business and strategic
Mats Ljungman (1980-83), a threetime All-OVC selection, has made a
name for himself in the academic world.
Ljungman is an associate professor of
radiation oncology and environmental
health sciences at the University of
Michigan. He is in charge of the Ljungman
Lab, which is currently working on four
projects that focus on cellular responses by
DNA-damaging agents.
After Dr. Paul Austin (1986-87)
left Murray State he went on to medical
school at the University of Kentucky
and now is a pediatric urology and fetal
urology specialist at St. Louis Children’s
Hospital. In August 2008, the three-time
All-OVC selection was recognized as a
“Best Doctor” by St. Louis Magazine. Austin
has also been named a diplomate of the
American Board of Urology, a distinction
that has been bestowed on less than 150
practicing physicians in the U.S.
Murray State basketball fans are
invited to attend Racer Fan Jam,
Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7 p.m. at the
Regional Special Events Center to meet
the Racer men’s and women’s teams.
Ashley Hayes
Did you know?
If you asked fans to name the biggest rivalry of
men’s basketball in the Ohio Valley Conference, most
would say Murray State and Austin Peay.
The intense rivalry will be in the spotlight Jan. 9,
2010, when the Racers travel to Clarksville, Tenn., to
face Austin Peay in a game to air on ESPN2.
The contest begins at 5 p.m. Earlier in the day, the
MSU women’s team will tip off at 2 p.m. against the
Lady Govs.
The second meeting of the season between MSU
and APSU takes place in MSU’s Regional Special Events
Center on Feb. 6.
Dedicated to finding a cure for cancer
Former Murray State women’s tennis player Maureen
Rankine has used her skill on the tennis court as a professional
tennis instructor for over 15 years, but one of her greatest
accomplishments is the founding of Tennis ABC (Against Breast
Tennis ABC (
was started in 1996 and is the only tennis
organization that is dedicated to helping
promote awareness of breast cancer and raise
funds for research.
Former Racer Melissa Collins
Former Racer honored by the White
House for Excellence in Teaching
Catch the Racers in action!
NewWave Communications will broadcast
eight “live” Racer road games throughout
the basketball season into 55,000 homes.
Check your local listings.
Racer fans can now catch The Racer Report
on WSIL-TV at noon on Saturdays.
Not every student-athlete can go on to play professionally, but
all of them have a chance to use the skills that they learn on the
court and in the classroom at Murray State to become successful
in their careers. For Melissa Collins, a former Racer women’s
basketball player, that success has turned into a Presidential Award
for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching by the White
Collins, who donned a navy and gold uniform from 1994-96,
is a second-grade teacher at John P. Freeman Optional School in
Memphis, Tenn. Collins graduated from Murray State in 1999 with a degree in
elementary education.
Basketball fans, check it out! The Regional
Special Events Center is now sporting a
new floor (the old one will be refurbished
for volleyball in Racer Arena), new OVC
banners and two video boards standing 10
feet tall and spanning 18 feet wide.
Austen Lane.
Sat, Oct 17
Sat, Oct 24
Sat, Oct 31
Sat, Nov 07
Sat, Nov 14
Sat, Nov 21
Sat, Nov 28
*Conference Game
Tennessee State *
UT Martin *
Eastern Illinois (Halloween Fun) *
Austin Peay (Senior Day) *
Southeast Missouri *
Tennessee Tech *
FCS Playoffs Opening Round
at Nashville, Tenn.
at Martin, Tenn.
Stewart Stadium
Stewart Stadium
at Cape Girardeau, Mo.
at Cookeville, Tenn.
at TBA
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
MSU Contributes to Quality
Television Programming
Throughout State and Nation
Richmond College
The newly constructed James H.
A viewer comment on Night of Stars
Richmond College at MSU is now
• “I just finished watching the Murray State Wind
Ensemble, along with the Kruger Brothers. What a
wonderful program. Delightful and unique. I was just
captured by the music and the wonderful orchestration.
Thank you for continually putting good programs on.”
open for students. It replaces the old
Richmond building, named in honor
of Murray State’s third president,
which was constructed in 1960. The
new Richmond is the second facility
built that is specifically designed
to support the residential college
concept at Murray State.
Murray State University and Kentucky Educational Television
(KET) frequently partner to present quality programming for both a
Kentucky and a national audience. The university’s winter program,
Holidays at Murray State, which is produced for KET has also been
nationally syndicated.
The most recent production to go nationwide as a result of the
cooperation between MSU and KET is Night of Stars, featuring the
internationally known bluegrass artists, the Kruger Brothers and the
MSU Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Dennis Johnson.
The concert was filmed and edited by the MSU electronic media
services staff and distributed across the country through the
National Educational Television Association. Following the June
airings of Night of Stars, comments coming into The Kentucky
Network validated the worth of the MSU-KET partnership.
In passing some of the viewer comments on to MSU President
Randy Dunn, Malcolm Wall, executive director of The Kentucky
Network said, “This small sample is testament to a much larger
universe of viewers who don’t take the time to call. Therefore,
you can assume a very large, widely
dispersed and enthusiastic viewership
of the program MSU shares with KET.
Murray State and KET can benefit when
we partner …”
To finally be able to take advantage of this great
opportunity is a wonderful gift for the students.
Did you know?
MSU Roundabout U now airs
on WSIL in Southern Illinois
Sundays, 10 a.m.
Flip this store!
The MSU Bookstore is out to sell its shop
— to Murray State students. A major
remodel is underway to make the store
more appealing and useful for students and
other visitors.
For starters, students will remember
depositing their backpacks in the cubbies
as they entered the store. No more.
Students can keep their things with them
as they shop in the store. Customer service
has been moved where the jewelry counter
was for a more convenient location and
the art and supply departments now flow
together, making it easier and quicker for
students to find the items they need.
After 28 years, the store needed a
facelift. It now has better lighting and is
being organized into a more inviting place.
The staff is eager for students and alumni
to drop in and see the store’s makeover.
MSU makes harmony in the Carnegie
The MSU Concert Choir and members of the University Chorale will be singing in
Carnegie Hall on Jan. 18, 2010. Invited for the past 12 years to sing in Carnegie, this is
the first time scheduling has been possible for choir members and Dr. Bradley Almquist,
director and a faculty member in the department of music.
“Carnegie Hall is one of the performance icons for the classical music world. To
finally be able to take advantage of this great opportunity is a wonderful gift for the
students. The invitations represent a recognition by the greater choral music community
of the excellence in teaching and performance that happens at Murray State every day,”
Almquist says.
These two fight disease
wherever it lurks
Two Murray State graduates are deep in the fight against
diseases. States away from one another, they use their skills and
knowledge to head off the bad stuff where they find it.
Nicole Holtgrefe (B.A. psychology, 2001) is the director of
preparedness and client services for the St. Louis (Mo.) area chapter
of the American Red Cross. Since the whisperings of a possible
swine flu (H1N1) pandemic started making the rounds earlier this
year, Holtgrefe has been sharing her insights into preparing for and
lessening the effects of the virus.
Now that experts are saying an outbreak appears to be
unavoidable, prevention efforts are being stepped up. Holtgrefe
is ensuring that a flyer is making the rounds that explains what a
pandemic is, the differences between the seasonal flu and H1N1, and
proactive steps to take to reduce the spread of pandemic flu. She has
blogged and spoken with media about a possible pandemic and what
people can do to protect themselves.
Holtgrefe also has an M.A. in sociology from Southern Illinois
Melissa Graves (B.I.S. natural science, 2007/M.S. agriculture,
2008) is aiding in the diagnosis of Montana’s plant problems in
the Schutter Diagnostic Lab at Montana State University as a part
of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) team. Graves, one of the
newest members of the team, works in weed identification and has
experience in both plant identification and teaching.
The team uses IPM practices in county demonstration plot and
monitoring to predict disease, and works to improve weed, insect
and disease management for Montana producers and homeowners.
Graves works with the owners of rangeland, cropland and homes to
not only identify plants, but to quickly spot invasive species that need
to be stopped.
Ever aware of the environment, Graves notes that the IPM team
explores all available options before making a recommendation. The
team’s preference, she notes, is not to use herbicide if anything else
will work to control unwanted plants.
Graves is beginning work on a Ph.D. in weed science at Montana.
Making it through Kentucky’s “Ice Age”
WKMS, Murray State’s National Public Radio station, has been recognized as the source of accurate, up-todate information for western Kentucky during the state’s history-making ice storm in January 2009. Staffers shared
information on shelters and power outages as well as the availability of gasoline, bottled water, kerosene heaters and
more with listeners, becoming the voice in the storm.
The university’s website also functioned as an information source, keeping students’ parents in the loop on
services being offered for students. Murray State’s new state-of-the-art university public safety office became the
hub of emergency operations for the school, the city and Calloway County.
Murray’s role in the aftermath of the storm was publicly recognized by Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear during a
visit to the WKMS studios.
BVC receives funding
for facility study
MSU’s Breathitt Veterinary Center
(BVC) in Hopkinsville, Ky., received
$300,000 in state funds for a feasibility
study to analyze the effects of replacing
or renovating the center. The grant was
given through the Kentucky Agricultural
Development Board, which is chaired by
Gov. Steve Beshear.
“I am committed to creating
opportunities that will make Kentucky’s
agricultural community stronger,” Beshear
says. “Projects funded by the Kentucky
Agricultural Development Board, such as
this one, play an integral role in achieving
this goal.”
The funds awarded will support a
feasibility study to consider the construction
of a new facility versus renovation of the
existing facility to allow the center to meet
its mission in a safe, secure environment.
Additionally, U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning
(R-Ky.) recently announced a $95,000 grant
for the BVC to purchase state-of-the-art
diagnostic equipment and expand testing
capability there.
The first priority of the Breathitt
Veterinary Center is to provide rapid,
accurate diagnostic data that enables
veterinarians to make appropriate treatment
decisions, thereby assisting in the reduction
of suffering by animals, preserving and
expanding animal production industries, and
training animal health technologists.
Center for TSM “Best in the Nation” again
The Center for Telecommunications Systems Management at Murray State continued
to demonstrate its nationally recognized quality by earning the Best Graduate Program
Award for its Program of Distinction for the third consecutive year from the International
Telecommunications Education and Research Association.
The program also has a leading role in three projects through the Department of
Homeland Security.
• Incident Management and Decision Support System (two years/$1.1 million) – The project
will deliver a web-enabled software suite to collect, share and process data and events as
they occur, providing situation awareness at the local emergency management and incident
management levels.
• Portable Community Infrastructure Resiliency System (one year/$100,000) – This system
consists of a compact, lightweight power converter equipped with a communications and
control hub that can be rapidly deployed in response to a crisis in the nation’s electrical
energy infrastructure.
• Incident Management and Decision Support System-Health (two years/$1.7 million)
This will add the functionality required to collect, process and visualize public health
information and use it to aid in planning an effective response to potential medical and public
health emergencies.
Did you know?
Murray State will be one of three host campuses for the
Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) for the next
three years.
High school juniors apply for GSP, competing with others
from across the state for a select number
of slots. The students chosen attend the
program free during the summer before
their senior year. Hosting GSP means
that approximately 400 of Kentucky’s
highest achieving students will spend
five weeks on Murray State’s campus.
Murray State will also continue to host its own successful
Commonwealth Honors Academy, which is open to students
from Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
For additional information on the
Governor’s Scholars Program go online
at Information on
Murray State’s Commonwealth Honors
Academy can be found at
a n d
A world of humans and machines
Eli Hooten envisions a world of humanmachine teaming in disaster relief and other
emergency situations. A 2009 graduate
of Murray State, Hooten has teamed his
smarts, hard work and vision for his selection
out of 2,000 applicants for a prestigious
National Defense Science and Engineering
Graduate Fellowship. A mere 10 percent gets
chosen by numerous big-name entities —
the Department of Defense and the U.S. Air
Force, Army and Navy among them.
… but I feel that you can
dig a little deeper at MSU,
really discover a wealth of
opportunity available to any student who is willing to work
hard and look in the right
Distinguished Principal
Stephanie Sullivan, principal of Graves
County (Ky.) Central Elementary School,
has been named Kentucky’s 2009 National
Distinguished Principal. Sullivan holds a
bachelor’s degree (’90), a master’s degree
(’94) and specialist certification from
MSU. The award
is presented in
Washington, D.C.,
by the National
of Elementary
School Principals
and the U.S.
Department of
Hooten, an engineering physics and
math major at Murray, is now at Vanderbilt
University in Nashville, Tenn., working on a
Ph.D. in computer science with a $31,000
per year stipend.
“I feel the future will bring the need for
human beings to develop more complex
machinery to help us complete tasks,”
Hooten says. “Whether these tasks are on a
small scale, such as assistance in the home,
or a grand scale, like space exploration and
emergency response, human beings will
Health Matters at MSU
Dr. Roger Weis, director of American
Humanics at MSU has designed a program
that allows faculty members to incorporate
healthy lifestyle tips for students into
their classes. After two years of pilot
testing, student and faculty response is
overwhelmingly positive.
Health Matters for Students includes
brief health education presentations that
focus on subjects such as substance
abuse, depression, nutrition and weight
continue to develop machines to assist
Bicentennial Man? Well, maybe not that
yet, but Hooten believes that as machines
get smarter and more capable, it will be
necessary to pursue methods that facilitate
efficient and reliable interactions between
man and machine.
“Murray State offered me a great
deal of opportunities throughout my time
there,” Hooten notes. “I think that is what I
appreciate most about it. Murray is a small
campus … not a Harvard or MIT … but I
feel that you can dig a little deeper at MSU,
really discover a wealth of opportunity
available to any student who is willing to
work hard and look in the right places.”
He values his Murray opportunities.
“Some projects I participated in, such as the
Moonbuggy, went on to compete and
perform admirably at national competitions,”
he says. “I cannot overstate the importance
of these kinds of experiences at MSU.”
Eli Hooten (’09)
management, and other core concepts
related to health and wellness.
Health Matters for Students has
also found an audience among college
campuses across the United States. The
program is being distributed by MSU
through a grant
from the Kellogg
Foundation, with
plans to extend
it to even more
campuses in 2010.
Clicking through
the world
Increasing business exposure, building
relationships and creating an incredible
opportunity to be responsive to clients and
markets now requires a knowledge of social
media. Now students at Murray State have
the opportunity to enroll in a class taught by
Dr. Glynn Mangold that brings marketing and
social media together.
In a world where Facebook and
MySpace rule, Mangold is keeping students
at the forefront of technology. His students
participate by working on interactive
assignments such as the development of a
promotional plan for an existing organization,
and creating podcasts, YouTube videos, team
reports and more for a hands-on learning
College of business faculty Dr. Fred
Miller, Dr. Timothy Johnston, Dr. Terry
Holmes, Sam McNeely, Dr. Joy Roach
and Dr. Brenda Sheets collaborate with
Mangold in the creation of the social media
classroom platform.
Visit the class blog for more insight
into social media:
Helping homeless kids
explore their world
For Chuck Geschke, bringing
homeless kids in from the streets often
amounts to a waiting game in which the
soft-spoken former river guide starts by
taking them sleeping bags and hygiene
supplies and trying to build trust.
Since many kids don’t seek help
or know where to go, Geschke spends
much of his time combing the Bend,
Ore., area for homeless youths and
trying to build enough trust to bring
them into a shelter.
One of the most important aspects
of working with homeless kids is
building their self-esteem, Geschke said.
“That’s the hardest part for them, to
realize that they can do it on their own
… I always just tell them the same thing,
‘When I was your age, if someone had
told me I was getting a college degree, I
would have laughed at them.’”
Geschke did graduate from college
– a B.S. from Murray State University in
“I just got caught up in this thing,”
Geschke said of his work. “It feels good,
so I do it.”
Courtesy of Hillary Borrud, The Bulletin
To read the rest of Chuck Geschke’s
story, go online at www.murraystate.
Real genius
Dr. Joy L. Navan, professor of educational studies, leadership
and counseling at Murray State, met 14-year-old University of
Kentucky graduate Kelsey Ladt in 2000. Vicki and Ric Ladt of
Paducah, Ky., contacted Navan at MSU’s Center for Gifted Studies
when Kelsey was just five years old.
Through the center, Navan worked with Kelsey, who is
profoundly gifted, her parents and her schools to develop an
educational plan. The youngster had earned a community college
associate degree by the time she was 11.
Currently, Kelsey is an intern in research at the National Institute of Health. She plans to
work there for two years before starting her Ph.D.
Did you know?
Three Murray State faculty members were recognized
by the Louisville (Ky.) Defender as African-American
Achievers as a part of Black History in America.
They are Dr. Donald Adongo, assistant professor,
mathematics and statistics; Dr. Brian Clardy, assistant
professor, history; and Dr. Debbie Owens, associate
professor, journalism and mass communications.
Dr. Donald Adongo
Dr. Brian Clardy
Dr. Debbie Owens
To our alumni and friends:
his is an exciting time in the life of Murray State
University as we prepare to launch the most
ambitious comprehensive campaign in the history of
MSU – Hold Thy Banner High: The Campaign for the
Students of Murray State University.
This campaign with a goal of $60 million will allow
us to fund exciting new programs and initiatives, but
most importantly, nearly 50 percent of this campaign
goal will go toward student academic scholarships and
scholarships to assist with study abroad opportunities.
As state appropriated funding declines, it is now
vitally important that we ask our alumni and friends for
additional support as we continue to advance this great
institution. This university has met every challenge
ever placed in front of it and I know we will meet this
new challenge, too.
In addition, the university welcomes gifts in all sizes
and forms – from those made outright, to gifts that
are payable over several years, and more complicated
donations such as real estate and gifts earmarked as
a part of estate planning. Please call us – we can help
you find the most tax advantageous way to make a gift,
large or small, and assist you in your own way to leave
a lasting mark on this great institution.
Lastly, as one alumnus paraphrased the Bible when
speaking to our commitment to MSU, “We are reaping
from vines we did not tend, sitting in the shade of trees
we did not plant. Now the burden is on us to prepare
for those who are coming after us.”
Again, thank you for all that you do for Murray
State University.
Bob Jackson
Associate Vice President
and Campaign Director
[email protected]
BB&T $1 Million gift
BB&T Foundation has made a $1 million commitment to
Murray State University. The gift, payable over 10 years, will fund
the BB&T Center for Free Enterprise and Organizational Democracy
in the college of business and public affairs.
The gift from BB&T will be used to support faculty research
and student scholarship, including an annual student research
competition and graduate research assistantships. The BB&T
Center also will host a bi-annual Speaker Series, which aims to
bring influential business leaders from around the world to Murray
to address issues related to the national and international economy.
The first lecture is planned for 2010.
“We believe there needs to be a deeper understanding of the
morality of capitalism and its causal relationship to economic wellbeing,” said BB&T Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John A.
Allison. “Our contribution will help Murray State University provide
students a hands-on perspective on capitalism and free markets,
a better understanding of our economy and an enhanced ability to
make meaningful contributions to the world.“
Hutson Scholarship established
The Dan C. Hutson II Scholarship has been established at
Murray State University by a generous gift from Cindy Hutson and
the Hutson Company and matching money through the university’s
“Bucks for Brains” program. This $200,000 fund will provide
scholarships for students from farming-related backgrounds to
further their educations at MSU in agriculture, business or other
approved majors. They are available to qualified residents in all 18
counties of MSU’s service region in Kentucky and Montgomery,
Stewart and Robertson counties in Tennessee.
Dan C. Hutson II was one of MSU’s most successful business
school graduates. He owned and managed several multi-state
agribusinesses over a 30-year career. He started his first business,
Hutson’s Ag Service Inc., while still a student at MSU. In addition,
he successfully managed a third-generation family business,
Hutson Chemical Company Inc. and founded Hutson Company,
which at the time of his death was the fourth largest John Deere
agency in the United States.
Dedication at science complex in September
he newly completed Jesse D. Jones
Hall, which houses chemistry, was
dedicated on Sept. 16. The building features
a science library and computer lab named
for Jones’ late grandmother Hattie Mayme
Ross. A 1964 MSU alumnus, Jones and his
wife, Deborah, of Baton Rouge, La., have
pledged $500,000 to establish a scholarship
endowment in the college of science,
engineering and technology (CSET) in
addition to almost $57,000 for the science
library. These gifts will be matched through
the Commonwealth University Excellence
Trust Fund Endowment Matching Funds
Program “Bucks for Brains.”
A Marshall County, Ky., native and
retired Albemarle Corp. executive, Jones
was the major contributor of the Jesse L.
Jones Family Clock Tower in the new MSU
science complex, named for his late father.
Since 2005, he has given and pledged more
than $3.6 million dedicated to scholarships,
faculty awards and the clock tower
construction to the Murray State CSET.
Through Jones’ recent endowment
in support of the Murray State CSET, the
Jesse D. Jones Scholars Program in the
CSET has emerged. The largest scholarship
endowment in the CSET to date, this
program will complement the MSU Program
of Distinction- Telecommunications Systems
Management, the Dr. Hugh L. & Mrs. Hontas
K. Houston Endowed Professorship, the
Anna S. Brown & Ruth B. Logan Endowed
Chair in Pre-Medicine, and the Dr. Alfred
Wolfson Center for Environmental Studies
and Research and Endowed Chair.
Jones continues to work with MSU
President Randy Dunn and the MSU office
of development with ongoing projects
Did you know?
Over 30 years ago, the building that would become Waterfield Library was
renovated from a student center. During all those years, gate counts of
the building have been recorded, but these figures culminated in a single
record-breaking day: 3,165 visitors passed through Waterfield Library on
September 9, 2009.
Such use demonstrates the need for a new library to provide the level of
services appropriate for a modern academic library, including a “Learning
Commons” to bring together the services students need to succeed
academically. To learn more about the new library or existing library
services, visit or become a fan of the University
Libraries on Facebook.
and planned gifts. “Mr. Jones’ vision for
the college of science, engineering and
technology is coming to life,” says Dunn.
“With the addition of Jesse D. Jones Hall, the
Hattie Mayme Ross Science Library and the
Jones Scholars Program, our students will
have a number of wonderful new advantages
to prepare them for success in the sciences
and beyond.”
Porter gift for
MSU libraries
The recently dedicated Lana Garner
Porter and Dr. Michael Porter Coffee
Lounge and Wireless Computer Lab is
opening up the world for MSU students
at Waterfield Library.
The Porters, both Murray State
alumni, have made gifts designated for
the MSU Libraries for the past several
years. They believe libraries are the
cornerstone of any education and credit
Murray State as a critical contributor to
their own professional success.
Lana, a 2002 Murray State
Distinguished Alumnus recipient, is a
member of the MSU Foundation board
of trustees. She holds a B.S. (1965) and
M.A.T. (1972) from Murray. Michael
earned his B.S. (1964) and M.S. (1969)
at MSU.
A graduate of Salem Community
High School, Lana has established
a scholarship fund through Salem
Community’s foundation named for her
parents Marion and Belva Garner to
provide a scholarship for a female Salem
Community student.
Science Complex
Cox named the Logan Endowed Chair in Pre-Medicine
Endowment gift from Tom and Jo Logan
Dr. Tom Logan of Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery in Evansville, Ind., and his wife,
Jo, have established the Anna S. Brown and Ruth B. Logan Endowed Chair in Pre-Medicine at
MSU. Dr Ricky Cox, in the MSU department of chemistry, is the first professor to be named
to the position. The endowment is named for Dr. and Mrs. Logan’s mothers.
Tom is a 1961 MSU alumnus; Jo is a 1962 MSU alumna.
“I am both humbled and thrilled to be named the Anna S. Brown and Ruth B. Logan
Endowed Chair in Pre-Medicine,” says Cox. “Involving students in biomedical research
and nurturing the pre-med program at Murray State will allow me to work with some of
the brightest students in our region and the country. I look forward to this challenge and
opportunity to positively contribute to the lives of students and the health of the region.”
Cox is actively involved in the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology at MSU
and developing and publishing new technology-based teaching methods. He has published
numerous papers with his research students in the areas of protein biochemistry and
antibiotic resistance. Cox received a Regents Award for Teaching Excellence and was
named the Outstanding College or University Teacher by the Kentucky Academy of
Science. He was selected for the Dr. Karl F. Hussung Outstanding Professor in Chemistry
Award in 2008.
Logan is a member of the MSU board of trustees and is a 1987 MSU Distinguished
Alumnus recipient. “Murray State was very good to Jo and me,” says Logan. “We believe in
giving back, and feel indebted to MSU. This university has produced many great physicians
in our area who have contributed a great deal to medicine.”
The Logans chose to honor their mothers for the sacrifices both ladies made for them
to attend Murray State. Logan adds, “There is no such thing as a self-made man.”
The first annual
Taste of the Arts
Dinner and Auction
Murray State’s college of humanities
and fine arts raised $15,000 for student
scholarships with its first Taste of the Arts
Dinner and Auction. Guests were treated
to student performances, delectable dining
and an amazing selection of items for bid.
Bidders were vying for gift baskets,
student art, and certificates and
merchandise from local vendors in a silent
auction, while live auction items included
vacations, works from well-known artists
and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to be
an MSU basketball coach or band leader.
art auction, I felt as
though I contributed
to the scholarship
program to help other
art students.
Auction organizers were grateful
for the alumni support of the event and
particularly grateful to Don Kennedy who
not only gave two pieces of beautiful art
to the auction, but also three paintings for
display across campus.
Printmaking student David Honaker
said, “The scholarship helped make it
possible for me to buy art materials and
gave me some freedom to not worry so
much about expenses.”
Shannon Eberts, a painting student,
who benefited from the scholarship like
Honaker, also likes to give back. “By
donating work to the department’s art
auction, I felt as though I contributed to
the scholarship program to help other art
Plans for a 2010 auction are underway.
The Campaign for the
Students of Murray State University
Dr. Howell Clark devoted most of his professional life to the university as a professor of chemistry and has continued to give of himself in
retirement. He and his wife have established the Howell and Rebecca Clark Chemistry Scholarship. Pictured with the Clarks are two award
recipients — Brooke Kieffner-Elrod, a 2007 graduate who is now pursuing a high school chemistry teaching career, and Corey Read, a 2009
graduate who has begun graduate study in chemistry at the University of South Carolina.
Did you know?
Your generous support of Murray State students
can continue after your lifetime through a gift in
your will. By leaving a legacy to the university, you
can make a top-quality education at MSU possible
for many students through funding for scholarships,
programs and more.
Everyone should have a will so they are assured
that their legacy is used according to their wishes
– for loved ones, special bequests and charitable
giving. Charitable giving, such as a legacy for
MSU, is easy, tax-wise and revocable should your
circumstances change. It ís also a way to know that
you are making life better for those who come after
you by providing them with the means to attain a
life-changing education.
For information on leaving a legacy to Murray State,
contact the MSU office of development:
Bob Jackson – Phone: (270) 809-3033
Email: [email protected]
Paul Radke – Phone: (270) 809-3940
Email: [email protected]
Rainey T. Wells Society
One-time gifts $250,000 and above
Agilent Technologies
Anonymous (4)
Laura K. Anderson Estate
Mr. Robert Divine
Esther O. Drexler Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Evans
Harris and Virginia Farley Estate
Estate of Gyndel E. Garnett
Dwayne and Janice Hale
HCA: The Healthcare Company
IBM Corporation
Drs. Don and Roberta Miller
Ralph Mills Foundation
OPNET Technologies Inc.
Mr. Hal Riddle (deceased)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shroat
Dick and Jan Weaver
William E. Wilson Estate
Cumulative and/or documented
deferred gifts totaling $500,000
and above
Anonymous (4)
Mr. Blackie Benson
Jeffrey J. Clarke Estate
Mr. Harry Crisp II
Martha Dell Deweese Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duncan IV
Jeanne and Roy English
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan
L. D. Miller Trust
Pepsi MidAmerica
Mabel Garrett Pullen Estate
Anna Rock Estate
Dr. Johny Russell
Laura Shacklett Smith Estate
Southern Cattle Company
Sprint PCS
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Theo Tuck
US Smokeless Tobacco
UST Inc.
Gift Totals
President’s Club
President’s Club $3,707,889
Other Gifts Total Gifts $151,736
$100,000 - $249,999,999
Mr. Benson Blackie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Churchill Jr.
Mr. Harry L. Crisp II
Estate of Gyndel E. Garnett
Estate of Harold Dean Willis
Mrs. Cindy M. Hutson
Hutson Ag Equipment Inc.-Mayfield
$50,000 - $99,999
J. Rogers Badgett Sr. Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Flener
Microsoft Corporation
UST Inc.
$10,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (2)
Charles and Charolyne Agnew
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Alexander
Barbara Cochran Breazeale Estate
20 22
BASF Corporation
Briggs and Stratton / Murray
C A Jones Inc.
Jim and Sue Cash
Commonwealth Biomedical Research
Dairyman’s Supply Co. Inc.
Donald and Jacqueline Easley
Mr. Eric S. Easley
Kenny and Kathy Ferrand
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Hamilton
Janet Henry and Vernon Moore
Dr. Bonnie and Mr. Cliff Higginson
Inter Health Nutraceuticals Inc.
L. D. Miller Trust
M C S R Holdings LLC
Midway Trailer Sales
Mignon Doran Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Morgan
MSU Rowing Team
The Murray Bank
NewWave Communications
Orange County United Way
Paducah Bank and Trust Company
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Lana and Michael Porter Foundation
Progressive Radiation Oncology PLLC
Mr. Billy and Mrs. Sylvia Puckett
Raymond B. Preston Family
Mrs. Sina Richardson
South Eastern Book Company
Taylor Bus Sales Inc.
Mr. James Squires and
Mrs. Karen Jones-Squires
W. L. Lyons Brown Foundation
Mrs Donna and Mr. Ed Walpole III
Drs. Dick and Jan Weaver
Western Kentucky Regional
Prevention Center
Dr. William R. Wilson
Mrs. Mary Lou Witter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Wolf
$1,000 - $9,999
3M Foundation Inc.
A and F Warehousing
Acoustic Design Inc.
Bill and Genevieve Adams
Mr. Chip Adams
Mr. Clint B. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Adkins III
Aebersold Charitable Lead Trust
Ag Connections Inc.
Charles and Charolyne Agnew
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Akridge
Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Akridge
Paul W. and Jull R. Akridge
Mr. Lance Akridge
Albemarle Corporation
All About Wireless
Allegro Fine Foods Inc.
Allen Auto Sales Inc.
Allergy and Asthma Clinic of West Ky.
Dr. Bradley L. Almquist
Dr. Marvin D. Almquist
American Society of Safety Engineers
America’s Mattress
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Anderson
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Mr. Ronald K. Arant
Dr. Dwight and Mrs. Judith Armstrong
Mr. Wendell and Mrs. Joan Arnold
Mr. Edd Asbridge
AT&T - External and Legislative Affairs
AT&T Foundation - Matching
Mr. Philip D. Back
Mrs. Lisa F. Bacon
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Vickie Baker
Bank of America Corporation
Ms. Michelle M. Barber
Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jane Barnett
Mrs. Dorothy A. Barrow
James M. Crawford and
Ruth H. Baxter
BB&T - Murray
Bechtel Group Foundation
Betsy Ross Foundation Inc.
Big Apple Cafe Inc.
Bill Adams Construction Co.
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Jeannie Billington
Blalock-Coleman and
York Funeral Home Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Blume
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bobo
Boeing Company
Mr. Howard and Mrs. Rhonda Boone
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Leslie Boone
Mrs. Margaret Boone
Boone’s Inc.-Laundry and Cleaners
Curtis and Connie Boyd
Bradley Book Company
Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Brandon
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Dr. Gary and Mrs. Betty Brockway
Mr. Marion and Mrs. Ann Brown
Dr. Cathryn Christopher and
Mr. William Brown
William and Suzanne Brown
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Pamela Bruce
Mr. Wade P. Bruce
Dr. Gary L. Brummer
Mr. Robert G. Burton
Mr. Bud and Mrs. Kimberly Byars
Calloway County HomeMakers
Calvert City Pharmacy
Ms. Paula K. Canaday
Capitol Solutions LLC
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Debbie Carter
Dr. Don and
Mrs. Martha Chamberlain
Mr. Boone F. Chambers
James E. and Marina L. Chaney
Mr. Don Cherry
Christopher and Mangold PLLC
City of Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Howell R. Clark
Dr. Ruth E. Cole
Community Financial Services Bank
Community Foundation
of West Kentucky
Computer Services Inc.
Mrs. Molly Forsee Cooke
Ms. Kaycee Cooper
Copy Plus Inc.
Mrs. Jill Courtney
Dr. Arvin and Mrs. Martha Crafton
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Wege Crigler
Howard and Meg Crittenden
Mr. Howard R. Crittenden Jr.
Joseph Cruse and
Tracey Hosman-Cruse
Mrs. Madolyn E. Crysler
Danny and Judy Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Constantine W. Curris
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Deborah Daniel
Dan’s Men’s Clothing
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Genet Davenport
Dayton Foundation
Deloitte and Touche
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Judy Denton
David V. and Linda J. DeVoss
Diligence Technologies Inc.
Mr. Frank J. Dinuzzo III
Discount Tobacco City
and Lottery Inc.
Dr. Robert H. Divine
Divine Foundation Inc.
Mr. John G. Donan Jr.
Donan Engineering Company Inc.
Mr. Michael L. Donohoo
Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenn Doran
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Susan Doran
Mr. Harold and Mrs. Kelly Doran
Doran Foundation Inc.
Dr. Craig and Mrs. Lynn Dowdy
Dr. David and Mrs. Lydia Drutz
Mr. Danny S. Duncan
Jerry B. and Karen R. Duncan
Dr. Renae Duncan
and Dr. Kit W. Wesler
Drs. Randy and Ronda Dunn
Dr. David and Mrs. Katherine Durr
Dwain Taylor Chevrolet-GMC Inc.Toyota of Murray
Sid and Melissa Easley
Mr. Charles L. and Mrs. Kate Eldridge
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
Ernst and Young Foundation
Ernst and Young LLP
Mr. Otis and Mrs. Barbara Erwin
Dr. Marti R. Erwin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Etherton
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Connie Evans
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Farm Credit Services of Mid-America
Mr. Frank Fazi
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Mary Feddeler
Federal Materials Co. Inc.
Dr. Terry Strieter and
Ms. Sara Fineman
First National Bank Of Mayfield
Dr. Robin and Mrs. Kamille Floyd
William and Betty Floyd
Dr. H.W. and Mrs. Beverly Ford
Mr. Harold and Mrs. Wanda Ford
Dr. Scott and Mrs. Hope Foster
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jane Fox
Dr. James and Mrs. Norma Frank
Dr. Jane Freeman Wells
Joe and Mary Fuhrmann
Mr. John and Mrs. Jan Fuqua
Dr. James and Mrs. Kay Gantt
Ms. Virginia C. Gantt
Dr. Gene and Mrs. Roberta Garfield
GE Employees Community Fund
Genevieve R Travis Living Trust
Gibson’s Discount Pharmacy
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Lillian Gierhart
Mr. David and Mrs. Jeanna Glisson
Ms. Betty L. Gore
Dr. Benjamin J. Greco
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Traci Green
Ross and Betty T Griffith
Jack and Susan Grove
Mr. Glenn and Ms. Cindy Grubbs
Guardian Healthcare Providers Inc.
Ms. Martha L. Guier
Ms. Cheryl H. Hall
Dr. Jo Ann Hammons
Hard Chrome Enterprises Inc.
Barry and Debra Hardison
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Krystal Harris
Harris Painter Ready Inc.
Dr. James C. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Van Haverstock
Haverstock Bell and Pitman
Attorneys At Law
Haverstock Insurance Agency State Auto Insurance
Mr. Christopher M. Hayden
Mr. Bryan T. Haywood
Bob and Nita Head
Rep. Melvin and Mrs. Rita Henley
Heritage Bank
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Pat Hodges
Dr. Dwight C. Holliday
Mr. Ken Holloway
Mr. Randall and Mrs. Deborah House
Dr. Hugh L. Houston III
Mr. and Mrs. Venable M. Houts Jr.
Howard D Happy Company
Mr. Jason G. Howell
Drs. Robert and Joyce Hughes
Hultman Signs
Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Lanette Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hurt
Dr. Karl and Mrs. Sarah Hussung
Imes-Miller Funeral Home
Innovative Printing and Graphics Inc.
International Telecommunications
Investors Heritage Life Insurance Co.
J. H. Churchill Funeral Home
Bob and Karen Jackson
Jae Enterprises Inc.
Jim Smith Contracting
John C. Quertermous Trust
John Clark Construction Inc.
John R. and
Eleanor R. Mitchell Foundation
Dr. Charles and
Mrs. Marlene Johnson
Mr. Mitchell P. Johnston
Darren A. and Danette R. Jones
Mrs. Patti Jones
Mrs. Millicent E. Kadner
Mrs. June M. Kelley
Drs. Huong and Sean Kelly
Kentucky Lake Oil Co. Inc.
Kentucky Teachers’
Retirement System
Mr. William E. Kerrick
Mr. James R. Kevil
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Loarna Key
Mr. Jeffery L. King
Kit-Mo Rental and Supply
Kiwanis Club of Murray
Dr. David and Mrs. Dorothy Kraemer
Kroger - Murray
KRW Consulting
Ky Machine and Engineering Co.
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Michele Lamb
Mrs. Melissa A. Lamb
Alan D. and Catherine Lanier
Lap Surgery Group PC
Mr. Leslie Lilienthal Jr.
Mr. John A. Litchfield Jr.
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Kate Lochte
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Donna Logan
Kathy and George E. Long II
Mr. Wells Lovett
Mrs. Judith and Dr. William F. Lyle III
Ms. Anita F. Lynn
Dr. Richard A. Lyons Sr.
Macy’s Inc.
Mrs. Jackie C. and Dr. Tom S. Maddox Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey Y. Majors
Majors Transit Inc.
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Janet Maley
Mr. James M. Marsh
Mr. Daniel B. Quick and
Ms. Toni Martinazzi
Massac Rental Inc.
Hugh G. and Sarah H. Massey
Massey BP LLC
Mathis and Gill Farms
Mrs. Lydia C. May
Dr. Jerry W. and Mrs. Janice C. Mayes
Mayes Rental and Investment LLC
Terry and Janice McClard
Ms. Ellen McCluggage
Gene R. and Billie Jean McDonald
Dr. Robert H. McGaughey III
McKeel Equipment Co. - Murray
Mr. Michael F. McKinney
Dr. Bonnie and Mr. Samuel McNeely
McNutt Insurance Inc.
Drs. Charles and Alice Mercer
Midwest Ear Nose and
Throat Surgery PSC
Ms. Becky G. Miller
Dr. Dan M. and Mrs Laura L. Miller
Dr. Frank and Mrs. Patricia Miller
Dr. Fred L. and Mrs. Linda Miller
Dr. Tim and Mrs. Patricia Miller
Mr. Richard and Dr. Viola Miller
Dr. Marvin and Mrs. Eunice Mills
Darrell and Peggy Mitchell
Ms. Linda Mitchell
Ms. Joanne L. Moore
Mr. Ronnie C. Moore
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. KoKo Morris
MSU Block and Bridle Club
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Murphey
Murray Calloway Economic
Development Corp.
Murray Civic Music Association
Murray Electric System
Murray Insurance Agency
Murray Lumber Co. Inc.
Murray Mold and Die Inc.
Murray Oncology Associates
Murray Rotary Club
Murray Supply Company
Murray-Calloway County Hospital
Nationwide Insurance
Kevin R. and Indya L. Newell
Mr. Marty and Mrs. Teresa Nichols
Rickie L. and Patricia A. Nimmo
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Mrs. Peg K. Norris
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Dr. George C. and
Mrs. Patricia S. Oakley
Mr. Terrence J. Orr
Joe and Karen Owen
Paducah Bank Shares Inc.
Tony L. and Danette C. Page
Panhellenic Council
Mr. Clint and Mrs. Carla Parish
Parker Ford Lincoln Mercury Inc.
David A. and Carol B. Parks
Scott and Kelli Burkeen Parsons
Mr. Kerry C. Paschall
Mr. Terry L. Paschall
Paschall Truck Lines
Mrs. Judith and Dr. William F. Payne Jr.
Michael S. and Patricia A. Peek
Peel and Holland Financial Group
Pella Corporation
Pepsi MidAmerica
Mr. Gordon Perry
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Pilgrim
Pinnacle Inc.
Robert and Marilyn Pirtle
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Laura Pitman
Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Martha Pitman
Dr. Peggy T. Pittman-Munke
David W. and Anita M. Poynor
Mr. William C. P’Pool
Mr. Laurento and
Mrs. Patricia Pregliasco
Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Monica Price
Primary Care Medical Center Inc.
Pro Wash of Murray
J. Ronald and Karen M. Pryor
Ms. Ann M. Puckett
Mr. Bennie A. Purcell
Putnam County Community
Foundation Inc.
Radiology Associates of Murray
Drs. Jim and Betty Railey
Scott A. and Andrea Ralls
Randy Thornton Co. Inc.
Raney and Harris Construction
Dr. Judy L. Ratliff
Bill and Jan Rayburn
Mrs. Maxa A. Read
Charles E. and Becki B. Reed
Regions Bank - Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Richey Jr.
Robert G. Burton
Charitable Foundation
Roof Brothers Wine and Spirits
Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Barbara Rose
Dr. Winfield H. Rose
William R. and Alice Rouse
Dr. Kathy A. Rowlett
Drs. Jim and Holly Rudolph
Lisa L. and Rob Rudolph Jr.
Rudolph’s Inc.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lita Rushing
Mrs. Denise R. Rutherford
Mr. William J. Ryan
Safety Training and Environmental
Protection LLC
Sam Underwood Construction
Dr. Jason and Mrs. Jennifer Sammons
Dr. Steven and
Mrs. Jean Schneiderman
Dr. Roger C. Schoenfeldt
Mr. Philip R. Schooley
Mr. Arlie H. Scott
Heath E. and Heather R. Scott
Security Benefit Group of Companies
Scott A. and Patricia W. Seiber
Mr. Mark K. Shapiro
Mr. Danny Shea
Andrew and Brenda Shipp
Mr. Kyle S. Shirley
Mr. Harold M. Shoemaker
Mr. John B. Siemanowski
Simple Truths LLC
Sirloin Stockade
Mrs. Amanda L. Sittig
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Catherine Sivills
Mrs. Ann J. Smith
Ms. Helen L. Smith
James and Helen Smith
Ms. Mary E. Smith
Dr. Mikel D. Smith
Dr. Michel A. Snyder
Donald W. and Carolyn L. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Sparks Jr.
Steve and Sheila Spiceland
Dr. Deborah R. Stairs
Rob M. and Kathleen A. Stanfa
Dr. James W. Stanley
Mark and Paula Stanley
Alan C. and Doris Stout
Dr. Richard H. and Mrs. Lynn H. Stout
Ms. Jeanette B. Street
Larry and Susan Suiter
Summit Food Services Inc.
Mr. Mike Swayda
Donald R. and Linda Swearingen
Mr. Nick A. Swift
Mr. Robert Swift
Swift Rental Properties
T. Rowe Price Associates
Foundation Inc.
Dr. Vishwas and Mrs. Susan Talwalkar
Mrs. Becky A. Taylor
Gary and Peggy Taylor
Dr. Randy and Mrs. Lee Ann Taylor
Mr. Roy M. Taylor III
Taylor Lease Inc.
Taylor Motors Inc.
Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc.
Dr. Wayne A. Tervo
The Law Offices of Jason G. Howell
Mr. Donald E. Thomas Jr.
Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton
Jimmy and Alonna Tosh
Tosh Farms
Drs. Martin and Patsy Tracy
David and Vickie Travis
Ms. Robbie N. Trevathan
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Marsha Tucker
Dr. Steven R. Tucker
TVA - Knoxville TN
Kevin M. and Mary B. Uhls
Mrs. Susan J. Underwood
U.S. Bank
Van Wall Group
Vanderbilt Chemical Corporation
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Vanguard Contractors
Dr. Glen and Mrs. Joy VanLoon
Mrs. Stacia E. Vetter
Vick Etheridge Enterprise
Vulcan Materials
Vulcan Materials Co. Employees
George E. and Joy S. Waldrop
Mr. Mark E. Waldrop
Mr. Ralph T. Waldrop, Sr.
COL Bobbie and Mrs. Sylvia H. Waller
Wal-Mart / Murray
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Jennifer Wann
Mr. Harry L. Waterfield II
Yancey and Jean Watkins
Terry L. and Joe Ann Weatherford
Mr. Robert A. Wedding
Mr. Richard T. Weiss
West Kentucky Surgical Inc.
West Ky. Rural Telephone
Cooperative Corp.
Western Ky. Insurance Agency
of Murray Inc.
Dr. Peter W. and Mrs. Beryl Whaley
Dr. William and Mrs. Cheryl Whitaker
Mr. David B. Wilcox
COL (Ret.) William M. and
COL (Ret.) Barbara E. Wilder
Mr. Terry Wilkinson
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
John and Kristin Williams
Dr. John W. and
Mrs. Martha D. Williams
Ms. Joyce Williams
Ms. Ashley M. Willis
James and Pat Wilson
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Angela Winkler
Mrs. Bonnie A. Womack-Carter
Womack-Carter Options LLC
Mr. Marvin D. Woody
Ron and Mary Ann Wright
Mrs. Norma L. Wuster
Dr. John M. and Mrs. Myra A. Yates
Dr. Leslie Yates
John and Martha Yezerski
Brent and Jan F. Yonts
York Properties LLC
Mr. Bart Young
Mr. William R. Young
$100 - 999
A Dog in the Garden
Abbott Fund
ABC Cleaning
Ms. Lydia A. Aberli
Mr. Jose and Mrs. Elizabeth Abiles
Mr. Larry Abrams
Larry and Anne Adams
Ms. Anne Adams
Hon. James and Mrs. Betty Adams
Mr. Blake A. Adams
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Marilu Adams
Mrs. Dorothy S. Adams
Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Vonnie Adams
Ms. Margaret H. Adams
Mr. Randall and Mrs. Sara Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Adams
Winston and Joan Adams
Steven and Carmen Adams Schulz
Mick and Mary Addison-Lamb
Mr. Howard M. Adkins
Mrs. Melinda M. Adkins
Mrs. Rebecca D. Adkins-White
Miss. Katie J. Adkisson
Mr. Cyrus Afzali
Agri-Power Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ahrens
Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
Alcoa Foundation
Ms. Karen Alderdice
Ms. Linda Alderdice
Tommy and Annette Alexander
Mr. Stuart and Mrs. Dana Alexander
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Donna Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Alexander
Lynn Alexander
Ricky and Kathy Alexander
Mr. Jeffery S. Allardin
Mr. George R. Allbritten
Dr. William Allbritten and
Dr. Rose Bogal-Allbritten
Carney and Pat Allen
Mr. Jeffrey L. Allen
Ms. Jean C. Allison
Ms. Laura L. Allison
Ms. Sylvia S. Almendinger
Dr. Gerald D. Alton
Dr. Suzanne Alton
Mr. Lewis Alvarado
American Airlines Political
Action Committee
American International Group Inc.
American Metal Finishers Inc.
American Museum of Natural History
Mr. Vernon and
Mrs. Brenda Anderson
Jerry L. and Sherry M. Anderson
Mr. Kirk D. Anderson
Ms. Louise Anderson
Marlin and Rochelle Anderson
Dr. Thayle and
Mrs. Patricia C. Anderson
Mr. Kiran K. Andhavarapu
Vincent J. and Verbal F. Angelico
Mr. Solomon R. Antony
Mrs. Rainey B. Apperson
Mr. Clifford R. Applegate
Sharon and Steve Arant
Arkema Inc. Foundation
Dr. Darryl and Mrs. Kay Armstrong
Mr. David L. Armstrong
Jeffrey D. and Sharon L. Armstrong
Ms. Mary B. Armstrong
Ms. Jan R. Arnold
Ms. Jane Arnold
M E and Ruth Arnold
Mrs. Margaret M. Arnold
John C. and Linda F. Asbell
Darryl and Karen Aschim
Mrs. Alma Ashby and
Mr. Bobby C. Owen
Association Management Group LLC
ATandT - Evansville
Mr. Lawrence G. Atkins
Mr. Bernard C. Au
Dr. Clegg and Mrs. Faye Austin
Cpt. Michael A. Austin
Ms. Joan B. Avery
AXA Foundation
B and C Farms
Mr. Eric R. Babillis
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Diane Bach
Arthur and Anna Bailey
Steve A. and Karen W. Bailey
Stuart R. and Sandra K. Bain
Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Amy Baker
Mrs. Christine E. Baker
Mrs. Delores H. Baker
Mr. Don C. Baker
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Janelle Baker
Mr. Gary A. Baker
Mrs. Kimberly S. Baker
Mr. Rick Baker
Mr. Roger D. Baker
Dr. Sonya Baker and Mr. Michael Fazio
John and Cathy Balbach
Dr. Dwain Baldridge
David and Gayle Balentine
Ball State University Foundation
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Rebecca Ballard
Mrs. Lanita F. Ballard
Mr. Robert P. Banks
Ms. Stacie L. Banks
Henry F. and Peggy J. Barbour
Dr. Danny A. Barefield
Don P. and Doreen F. Barger
Mrs. Sheila K. Barger
Mrs. Autumn L. Barker
Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Marilyn Barksdale
Mr. J. E. Barlow
Mr. Todd Barlow
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Beverly Barnes
James and Cindy Barnett
Mr. Joseph L. Barnett
Ron and Shawna Barnett
Mr. Ralph E. Barnwell Jr.
Mr. Steve Baron
Mrs. Melissa J. Barrett
Mr. John D. Bartee Sr.
Mary Jo Bartholomy
Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Jennifer Bartlett
Ms. Linda K. Bartnik
Ms. Jayne M. Barton
Basil Smith Realty
Michael L. and Janice K. Basile
Mr. Robert J. Bassett
Wallace and Jane Bateman
Mrs. Kay G. Bates
Dr. Martin F. Battle
Terry and Jean Baughn
Ms. Vicky Baugus
Mr. Jerome M. Baumann
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Jennifer Baumer
Dr. Thomas E. Baumgarten
James R. and Phyllis A. Baurer
Dr. Charlotte L. Beahan
Dr. Judy A. Bean
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Beard
Beard Farms
Mrs. Jeni L. Beasley
Drs. Mark and Laura Beaty
Ms. Jeanne Beaver
Dr. Ann C. Beck
James L and Bettye J Beck
Miss. Jessica R. Beckham
Ms. Carol A. Behringer
Mr. John A. Behringer
J Brad and Karen Belcher
Mrs. Arthurene G. Bell
Mrs. Beth A. Bell
Mrs. Debbie J. Bell
Gail and Betty Bell
Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Terry Bell
Mrs. Karen E. Bell
Dr. Stephen C. Bell
Mr. Vencent and Mrs. Vanessa Bell
Dr. Wayne Bell and
Ms. Debra Burgess
Jack and Elizabeth Belote
David W. and Crystal D. Belt
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Paula Belt
Mr. Percy K. Belt
Beltline Electric Company Inc.
Mr. William J. Benak
Verne and Rita Bendorf
Benefit Planners
Kenneth and Kimberly Benjamin
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Jean Bennett
Mr. Jarrod T. Bennett
Bennett Machine and Tool
Mr. Wayne and
Mrs. Cleta Benningfield
Drs. David and Suzanne Benseler
Benson Sporting Goods
Ray L. and Cathy L. Benton
Mrs. Claire Benton
Mr. Joseph W. Berkenkopf
Francis A and Judith E Bertini
Ms. Beth Beshear
Dr. Albert H. Beth
Mrs. Teresa K. Betts
Mr. Philip and Mrs. Catherine Grout
Ms. Rebecca L. Biggs
Drs. William and Wanda Bigham
Bikes and Moore
Bill Ford Interiors Inc.
Mason and Wilma Billington
Rob and Stefani Billington
Dr. Bailey and Mrs. Patricia Binford
Mr. Wesley Bishop
Dr. Randall F. and Mrs. Kimberly Black
Mr. Tim E. Black
David and Anne Blackburn
Joe D. and Deborah J. Blagg
Mr. David L. Blaine
Susan and Gary Blaine
Ms. Sue Blakely
Thomas M. and Wendy L. Blakely
Mrs. Stacey A. Blankenship
Mrs. Josie L. Blasdel
Frank and Peggy Block
Dr. Elizabeth G. Blodgett
Ms. Debra D. Bloomingburg
BLT Poultry Trading Inc.
Blue Bell Foundation
Mrs. Marilyn Blum
Darron and Chaney S. Boatright
Ms. Janet K. Boddy
Cathy and Richard Boer
Mrs. Perri M. Bohrman
Miss. Natalie K. Boldrick
Michael and Katharina Boles
Dr. Duane and Mrs. Evelyn S. Bolin
Mr. Benjamin R. Bolinger
Col. Jim Bolton
Mr. Michael B. Bond
Mrs. Becky Bondurant
Mr. James and Sonda Bone
Mr. Charles Bonner
Dr. James and Mrs. Pamela Booth
Dr. Ted Borodofsky Jr.
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Sherrie M. Borowiak
Mr. Brad and Mrs. Corrine Borton
Mrs. Lois P. Bosshardt
Dr. Carlton and Mrs. Jacquelin Bostic
Ms. Melanie A. Boston
Mr. David Boswell
Mrs. Carolyn Y. Bouldin
Mr. Berryman L. and
Mrs. Barbara S. Bourne
Mrs. Patricia A. Bourne
Mr. Steven R. Bourne
Robert and Elizabeth Bourque
Miss. Jenny L. Bowden
Mr. James C. Bowes Jr.
Mrs. Joan L. Bowker
Mr. Michael S. and
Mrs. Mary Bowman
Miss. Kara D. Boyd
Mr. Roger and Mrs. Leah Boyd
Mr. Steve M. Boyd
Mr. Tony W. Boyd
Mr. William T. Boyd
Mrs. Erna F. Boykin
BP Foundation Inc.
Mr. Jeremy B. Bradley
Mr. Kent S. Bradley
Lewis and Rosemary Bradley
Mr. Matthew Bradley
Mr. Bob W. Brame
Philip and Kay Bramson
Mr. Max H. and
Mrs. Barbara G. Brandon
Ms. Janice L. Brandon
Ms. Jeannie Brandstetter
Herbert and Mary Brandt
Mrs. Dorothy Brannon
Dr. Tony and Mrs. Lisa Brannon
Mr. Tim D. Brannon
Mrs. Emily C. Branscum
Maj Gen-R. Bobby F. Brashears
Mrs. Denise R. Brazzell
Edward and Allene Bridges
Mr. Andy and Mrs. Nadia Brigham
Brigham Hardware Inc.
Ms. Catherine A. Bright
Mr. Larry J. Brinker
Bristol Broadcasting
Ms. Molly J. Britt
Mrs. Rene H. Brittain
Mr. Leon H. Britton Jr.
Mrs. Marcia G. Broadbent
Mr. Bruce and
Mrs. Mary Brockenborough
Tab and Beth Brockman
Mr. Tim E. Brockwell
Brockwell Technologies Inc.
Dr. Judy Brookhiser
Bill and Brenda Brooks
Carole and Martin Brooks
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Sara Brooks
Mr. Dan Brooks
Ltc. James J. Brooks
Mr. Steve W. Brooks
Dr. Corky and Mrs. Mary Broughton
Ms. Audrey Brown
Dr. Margaret and Mr. Barry Brown
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Becky Brown
Ms. Beverly T. Brown
Ms. Carole S. Brown
Charlie C. and Joan T. Brown
Ms. Debby J. Brown
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Ellie Brown
Judge. Jerry A. Brown
Ms. Julia D. Brown
Kevin and Caroline Brown
Mr. William and Mrs. Kristy Brown
Mr. Loman D. Brown
Mrs. Mary F. Brown
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sara Brown
Mr. Michael P. Brown
Ms. Patricia L. Brown
Paul and Cathy Brown
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Stephanie Brown
Ms. Susan E. Brown
Dr. Ted Brown
John A and Jane Brue
Mr. Ernest H. Brumbaugh
Mr. Garry G. Brumm
Mike and Pat Brunn
Hogan and Linda Bryan
Mr. Phil Bryan Jr.
Mr. Elton D. Bryant
David and Jennifer Bryson
Drs. Ron and Catherine Buck
Robert and Elizabeth Buckalew
Mr. Buddy and
Mrs. Betty Buckingham
Mr. David and
Mrs. Dianne Buckingham
Dr. Larry E. Buckman
William and Sally Buford
Mr. and Mrs. Andy T. Buhler Sr.
Miss. Sarah L. Bullock
Mrs. Roberta G. Bumgardner
Dr. Patrick and Ms. Kate Burba
Mrs. Judith B. Burch
Mrs. Tammy L. Burch
Ronald and Marina Burchett
Ms. Mary L. Burchett
Burdette United Methodist Church
Robert and Suzanne Burgess
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Wendy Burgess
Mr. Modesto W. Burgos
Mrs. Louise P. Burkhart
Mr. B J Burnett
Mr. Charles A. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Burns
Mr. Kim H. Burns
Mrs. Barbara J. Burrage
Mr. Jim and Mr. David Burress
Mr. Arthur L. Burrows Jr.
Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Charlotte Burton
Dr. Charles J. Bussey
Mr. Craig A. Butler
Ms. Tracy Butler
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Cindy Butterbaugh
John and Barbara Bux
George and Sarah Byars
Mr. Robert G. Bye
Mr. Austin D. Byers
Dr. Charles W. Byers
Mr. Gary Byers
Tom and Anna Bynum
Ms. Rita Byrd
Dr. Robert D. Byrd
Dr. James M. Byrn
Mr. Joe W. Cable
Gary D. and Kathy G. Cadd
Daryl and Karen Cain
Mr. Kyron L. Cain
Mr. Jeffrey W. Caldwell
Mr. Sean and Mrs. Jennifer Caldwell
Mr. William and Mrs. Brenda Call
Mrs. Ann Callcott
Mrs. Lori Callihan
Calloway County High School
Beta Club
Calloway County Public Library
Ms. Kristy A. Calman
Ms. Bettye E. Calvert
Mr. Roger E. Cammon
Mr. James R. Camp
Mrs. Kim Campbell
Mr. Ronald J. Campbell
Mrs. Kaye E. Cantrell
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Caroline Cappock
Mrs. Charlene Carbone
Kendall and Israel Cardenas
Charles Howard and Sue Cardwell
Greg and Karla Carlile
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jan Carlton
Carmi Veterinary Clinic
Mr. Herbert D. Carmichael Jr.
Bryan and Laurie Carner
Dr. Stephanie A. Carpenter
Ms. Ann D. Carr
MAJ (Ret) David and
Mrs. Donna Carr
Lewis and Susan Carr
Mr. David Carrico
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Deborah Carrico
Mr. Edward J. Carroll
Mr. Monte B. Carroll
Carroll Hayden Appraisals
Barry and Ami Carson
Dr. Giles M. Carter
Joe and Pam Cartwright
Keith and Debbie Cartwright
Mrs. Kimberly S. Casebeer
Ms. Melba W. Casey
Mr. Neil B. Casey
Merritt and Lori Cash
Ralph and Betty Cash
Mrs. Martha J. Casher
Mr. Joe L. Cate
Mr. Heath M. Cates
Mr. Richard A. Catignani
Mr. Breck Cayce
Mr. Jack Cecil
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Doris Cella
Mrs. Kathy L. Cessna
Mrs. Diana M. Chambers
Happy and Skip Chambers
Mr. Spencer D. Chambers
Woody and Paula Chambers
Dr. Jeffery and Mrs. Linda Chandler
Mr. Tommy W. Chandler
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Sue Chaney
Lynda and Joseph Chaney Jr.
Mrs. Margaret W. Chaney
Dr. Larry and Mrs. Jane Chapman
Charitable Auto Resources Inc.
Mr. Lewis R. Cheaney
Cheap Tractor Parts
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Kimberly Chelin
Don and Brenda Cherry
Ms. Catherine G. Cherry
Rep. Michael and Mrs. Dixie Cherry
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Beverly Chesney
Mr. John V. Chiarmonte
Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Keitha Chism
City National Bank of Metropolis
Mrs. Sue E. Claggett
Thomas and Marjorie Clanahan
Ms. Pamela Clancy
Dr. Brian K. Clardy
Mr. James and Mrs. Abby Clark
Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Julia Clark
Ms. Gina R. Clark
Mr. Joe E. Clark
Rodney D and Terrie B Clark
Bob and Joyce Clay
Mr. Glen I. Clayton
Rick and Karen Clement
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Cindy Clemson
Mrs. Karen F. Clendenning
Dr. John and Mrs. Andrea Cleveland
Mr. Quentin and Mrs. Jennifer Cline
Mr. James C. Clinger
Dr. Kenneth W. Cloern
Dr. Owen and Mrs. Laura Clopton
Dr. Barbara M. Cobb
Mr. Gary W. Cobb
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Teri Cobb
Michael and April Cochran
Dr. Richard Cocke Jr.
Ms. Tina A. Coffelt
Mr. Morris Coffman
Mr. Donald M. Cohen
Dr. Michael and
Mrs. Katharine Cohen
Robert and Linda Cole
Mr. Prentice H. Cole
Mrs. Nesha L. Coleman
Mr. Richard F. Coleman
Mr. Kerry E. Colley
Mrs. Malinda S. Collier
Mrs. Roseanne E. Collier
Mrs. Marissa L. Collins
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Deborah Collis
Peter and Edna Collom
Ronald C. and Peggy A. Colson
Dr. David S. Colvin
Community Foundation
of Louisville Inc.
Cindy and Buddy Compton
Steve and Paula Compton
Comsult Associates LLC
Connected Nation
Ms. Robin C. Conover
Larry and Ellen Contri
Mr. Donald G. Cook II
Mr. George Cook
Mr. James and Mrs. Louise Cook
John Cook
Mr. Randall C. Coomes
Mr. Barry D. Cooper
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Cheryl Cooper
Cliff and Lisa Cope
Mr. James E. Copeland
Dr. Jane V. Corbett
Mrs. Linda A. Corbett
Ms. Maura L. Corley
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Jennifer Cornelison
Ms. Gale B. Cornelison
Mr. Jerry R. Corners
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Joyce Cornman
Countryside Manufactured
Homes Inc.
County Personnel Services
John and Sandy Countzler
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Amy Court
Dennis and Julie Courtney
Covenant Medical LLC
Mr. Mike C. Cowen
Ms. Kimberly Cowherd and
Mr. Judson Browning
Steven and Laurie Cox
Mr. Tim Cox
Mr. Howard Coy
Ms. Lori W. Crafton
Ms. Mayna C. Craggs
Everett and Carolyn Craig
Mrs. Lori A. Crane
Ms. Jo Crass
Donald R. and Bernice B. Crawford
Ms. Marilyn G. Crawford
Ms. Susan K. Crawford
Creative Design
Creative Marketing
Mrs. Judith B. Creech
Ms. Karen Creighton
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Jane Cremer
John and Julia Crenshaw
Mr. David M. and Mrs. Gina Crider
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Deborah Crider
Ms. Jayne C. Crisp
Dr. Blanton O. Croft
Mr. Robert D. Croft
Mr. Bob Cronin
Mrs. Cynthia M. Cronin
Crop Production Services Inc.
- California
John and Edith Crosby
Robert and Summer Cross
Mrs. Carrie E. Crouch
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Cherl Crouch
Ms. Sharon A. Crouch
Mr. Michael G. Crouse
Ronald and Sheila Crouse
Mr. Richard B. Crowder Jr.
Mr. Mark A. Crowley
Mr. Royce and Mrs. Betty Cruce
Dr. William and Mrs. Vanessa Crump
Mr. Ed Ford and Dr. Vicki Crumpton
Gary and Margrit Crutchfield
Crye-Leike Realty Services Murray
Bret and Susan Cude
Jordan Culp
Kenneth and Janis Culwell
Ronald and Rose Cumbee
Mr. Elmer Cummings
Ben and Janine Cundiff
Mrs. Deborah R. Cunningham
Ms. Edna K. Cunningham
Mr. Kevin and
Mrs. Emily Cunningham
Mr. Joseph J. Cunningham
Mrs. Trisha D. Cunningham
Dr. E W and Dr. Mary Cupp
Mr. Charles W. Curry
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Lori Curry
Rev. Judith M. and Mr. Robert D. Curry
Ms. Shirley A. Curry
Mr. Gene E. Curtiss
Robert and Margaret A. Curtsinger
Robert and Margaret A. Curtsinger
Jason E. and Tina R. Cybulski
Dairy Queen of Murray
William L. and Ellen Dale
Mr. John and Mrs. Marsha Dale
Ms. Jean S. Dallas
Mr. Gary G. Dambro
Dr. David J. Daniel
Mrs. Dianna W. Daniel
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Debi Danielson
Dr. David and Mrs. Patricia Darnall
Gary and Diana Darnell
Mr. John and Mrs. Peggy Daughaday
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Stevie Daugherty
Marty and Sue Davenport
Dr. Thomas W. Davidson
Daviess County Republican
Women’s Club
Mr. Brad and Mrs. Laura Davis
Mr. Brad D. Davis
Dr. James and Mrs. Carla Davis
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Carolyn Davis
Mrs. Heather D. Davis
Ms. Joyce P. Davis
Mrs. Sandra M. Davis
Ms. Sandra G. Davis
Mrs. Charlotte A. Day
Dewey and Robin Dean
Richard and Linda Dean
Sam and Connie DeCourcey
Mr. Randy K. DeHart
Dennis and Theresa Delaney
Mr. Willie A. DeLoach
Mrs. Mary Kathryn DeLodder
Mr. Mark C. Denham
E W and Tara Dennison
Mr. David Denton
Mr. Thomas S. Denton
John and June Depp
Ms. Lisa C. DeRenard
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Anne DeRousse
Dr. Leon G. Devlin
Dr. Melvin W. Deweese
Mr. Emery J. DeWitt
Mr. Joe Dick
Mrs. Dana O. Dickey
Mr. Jeff Diggs
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Sheri L Dikin
Mr. Kenneth E. Dillingham
John F. and Alice T. Dillon
Dr. Chris and Mrs. Helen Dimas
Mr. James and
Ms. Elizabeth Dimitrious
Mr. Patrick Dittforth
Seth and Kimberly Dixon
C R and Beryl Dodds
Mr. John E. Doerge
Mr. John and Mrs. Judy Donahoe
Mr. William D. Donan
Mr. Matt Donkin
Mrs. Joy S. Donner
Mr. Mark K. Donohoo
Mr. Randy T. Doores
Dr. Thomas Doran Jr.
Mr. Neal and
Mrs. Deborah Dornbusch
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Joy Doron
Mrs. Claire E. Dorris
Ms. Jessie W. Dortch
Jo and Nat Dortch Jr.
Ms. Alice J. Doss
Gregory and Lori Doss
Richard J. Doughterty and
Robin Taffler
Cdr. Scott and Mrs. Helen Douglas
Mr. William and
Mrs. Maronda Dowdy
Mr. Justin W. Downs
John and Terrye Doyle
Mrs. Sarah H. Drake
Mrs. Jeffre L. Dreyer
Dr. Dwayne Driskill
Mr. Joe Dry
Ms. Jacklyn K. Dudley
Dr. Sally A. Duford
Billy R. and Sharon K. Duke
Duke Energy Foundation
Mr. Ed Dukes
Col. Stanley and Dr. Judy Dulin
Mr. Stan P. Dunagan
Mr. David R. Dunaway
Mrs. Christina M. Dunbar
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Pamela Duncan
Mr. Thomas N. Duncan
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Susan Dunman
Robert and Suzanne Dunn
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Laura Durbin
Mr. Thomas M. Durbin
Mrs. Barbara S. Durrett
Robert and Mavis Duthie
Larry A. and Tammy V. Duvall
William and Mary Dyer
Gerald and Elaine Dysert
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Laura L Dziekonski
Mr. James A. Eakle
Mr. Haywood W. Eason Jr.
Dr. Coy L. Eaton
Dr. Warren and Mrs. Laurie Edminster
Educational Foundation
of Alpha Gamma Rho
Mr. Gene and Mrs. Ann Edwards
Dr. Brenda K. Edwards
Mr. Donald K. Edwards
Dale H. Willis and Paula A. Edwards
Mrs. Saundra S. Edwards
Steven and Sandra Ehrhardt
Mr. Charles A. Ehrsam Jr.
Mr. Craig S. Eichelman
Eisai Inc.
Charles and Margaret Elder
Mr. Sam and Mrs. Jill Ellington
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Cynthia Elliott
Mrs. Laurie M. Ellis
Dale and Wendy Elrod
Mrs. Sharon Ely
Mr. Bill Emerson
Mrs. Celeste J. Emerson
Mr. Jeffrey J. Emerson
Mr. Riley E. Emery
Mr. Douglas G. Engelhardt
Mr. Larry A. and Mrs. Jo Beth England
Enix Jewelers
Mr. Marshall L. Enoch
Mr. Jeremy B. Erdmann
Ericsson Inc.
Ms. Alsinia D. Ervin
Bruce and Kay Erwin
John H. and Pamela W. Espey
Larry and Brenda Estes
Mrs. Jane B. Etheridge
Mrs. Jennifer Etherton
Mrs. Jene Evans
Joe and Sharon Evans
Mr. Joel and Mrs. Joyce Evans
Dr. John B. Evans III
Mrs. Gail L. Eveland
Mr. Kent and
Mrs. Maureen Eversmeyer
Mr. Danny P. Evitts
Mr. Tom Ewing
Dennis A and Beverly J Ezell
Bobby and Jeanette Fain
Mrs. Gene F. Falls
Mrs. Beth N. Falwell
Family Chiropractic Health Center
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Janet Farmer
Mrs. Kathleen Farrell
Mrs. Teckla Farrell
Mr. Buddy and Mrs. Mary Jo Farris
Farris Grain Co Inc.
Ms. Myra Fassett
Ms. Landine Faulkner
Mrs. Mary R. Faulkner
Mrs. Sue M. Fenske
Mr. Allard L. Fenwick
Mrs. Leslie P. Ferguson
Phillip and Carolyn Ferrell
Andres and Liliana Ferreyra
Mrs. Kathleen M. Ferriell
Mr. Alan S. Fetting
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Roger L. Fields
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Belinda Finch
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Jo Ann Finch
Mr. George R. Finley
Mr. Lanny G. Finley
Harold E and Carol S Finn
Mr. Sean and Mrs. Melody Finnegan
Mr. Daniel Fioranelli
Fire Safe Hood Cleaning
First District Retired
Teachers Association
First Kentucky Bank
Mrs. Amanda M. Fischer
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Kathleen Fisher
Donald L. and Mary S. Fishman
Mr. Richard L. Fitchie
Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Doris Fite
Dr. Kelly and Mrs. Frances Fitzgerald
Ray and Margaret Fizer
Mr. Donald R. Fleming
Mr. John J. Fleming
Mrs. Kathie D. Fleming
Mr. Tim Flesch
Ms. Maurita Fletcher
LTC (Ret) Eugene and
Mrs. Anne Flood
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Betsy Flynn
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Jeannette Flynn
Mr. Terry A. Flynn
Mr. Dean and Mrs. Susan Fogg
Pat Foglio
Charles and Retta Folsom
Edward D. Folz Jr. and Bonnie Young
Food Giant Employees
Dr. John D. Foote
Mr. Charles D. Forberg
H.L. and Norma Ford
Mr. Joe and Mrs. Kim Ford
Dr. Arlene Hall and Mr. Randy Ford
Dr. Rhonda Sullivan-Ford and
Mr. Winston Ford
Dr. Terry H. Foreman
Dr. Corey B. Forester
Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Angie Foster
Mr. Joel and Mrs. Brenda Foster
Dr. Timothy S. Foster
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Ann Foust
Mr. Stuart L. Fowler
Mr. George Fox
Ronald and Janella Fox
Randy and Tina Fox
Ms. Ann Fraley
Dr. Nancey and Mr. William France
Mr. Paul C. Franchini
Mr. Barry L. Franklin
Mr. David A. Franklin
Ms. Doris Franklin
Mr. Frank L. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Franklin
Mr. Michael N. Fraser
Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Brenda Frazier
Dr. Don Frazier
Eric D. and Christy L. Frederick
Mr. Jonathan Freed
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Ellen Freeland
Mrs. Mary A. Freels
Mr. Michael H. Freels
Col. Bob and Mrs. TC Freeman
Mrs. Georgia Freeman
Mrs. Nelta H. Freeman
Copper and Gold Inc.
John and Anita Freer
Mr. Andrew B. French
Dr. David and Mrs. Tonia French
Mr. Ronald L. French
Ms. Susan W. French
Ed and Elma Freudenthal
Joe B. and Beverly P. Fridy
Mr. L J Frizzell
Dr. Claire A. Fuller
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Jo Ann Fuller
Terry and Nada Fuqua
Harry and Jeanette Furches
Mr. William and Ms. Leigh Shelton
Ms. Peggy J. Furgerson
Dr. Heather M. Furlong
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Annie Futrell
Ms. Beulah B. Futrell
Bobby and Judy Futrell
Michael and Pamela Futrell
Ms. Roberta J. Galli
Mr. Rodney M. Gallimore
Dr. Abraham D. Galloway
Mrs. Leslie D. Galovich
Dr. James E. Gamble
Mr. Garth Gamblin
Brook Gant
Dr. Vernon and Mrs. Dolores Gantt
Gap Inc.
Paul and Marcia Garatt
Mr. Mike Gardner
Gregg and Cathy L. Garland
Mr. R. Marshall Garland
Ms. Teresa Garland
Mrs. Bethany L. Garmon
Mr. James T. Garnett Jr.
David and Sylvia Garrison
Harold M. and Paula H. Garrison
Ms. Cathryn Garrott
Dr. Stephen C. Garrott
Mrs. Sonia A. Garth
Ms. Brenda J. Gates
Dr. Cynthia J. Gayman
Dr and Mrs. Gordon G. Gehring
Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Lindsay Geib
Robert and Barbara Geis
Gemini Marine Electronics
Ms. Susan Gentle
David and Dale Gentner
Phyllis and Johnnie Gentry Jr.
Genworth Foundation
Georgia Power Co Foundation Inc.
Mr. Alan Gibbs
Mr. Charles D. Gibbs
Don and Jeanette Gibbs
Mrs. Janice A. Gibbs
Ms. Phyllis D. Gibbs
Darrell and Dianne Gibson
Jerry and Karen Gibson
Marshall and Gay Nell Gibson
Mr. Robert Gibson
Mrs. Ronda D. Gibson
Mrs. Kathryn R. Gieneart
Stanley and Nancy Giesler
Mrs. Bonnie Giffin
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Billie Giles
Dr. Howard Giles
Mr. John T. Gill
Mr. Steve G. Gilliam
Fred and Barbara Gillum
Mrs. Judy G. Gilmore
Mr. Dennis F. Gimmel
Dr. Millie M. Gimmel
Ms. Jill L. Giordano
Mrs. Nancy A. Girardot
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Sandy Gish
Mr. Bobby S. Glass
Mr. Gary L. Glass
Robert and Jean Glatte
Hutch and Suzanne Goad
Gobbell Enterprises
Mr. Edwin and Mrs. Maxine Goebel
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Goebel
Golightly and Long LLC
Mrs. Kathy S. Goodacre
Dr. Lyndon S. Goode
Mr. Carey F. Goodman
Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Molly Goodman
Mr. Jay S. Gorban
Mrs. Cindy L. Gordon
Jack and Molly Gordon
Ms. Joyce A. Gordon
Dr. Marshall Gordon
Mr. Alan N. Gosser
Mr. Patrick C. Gossum
James and Linda Gould
Mr. Michael Gowen
Andy and Cheryl Graham
Dr. Brenda J. Graham
David and Rosemary Graham
Mr. Alvie L. Grant
CPT (Ret) Richard and
Mrs. Elyse Grant
Mrs. Mildred A. Grasty
Ralph and Peggy Graves
Mrs. Gail Gray
Howard and Dora Gray
Ms. Janet L. Gray
Ms. Jean Gray
Mr. Randy Gray
Rev. Wendell D. Gray
Mr. Eric L. Greaser
Jeff and Jenny Green
Mr. Lee Green
Dr. Robert and
Mrs. Carole (Emma) Green
Ms. Sharon L. Green
Michael and Joy Greene
Randy and Heather Greene
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Tammy Greenwell
Mr. Gregory M. Greer
Mr. Steven B. Greer
Greer and Greer Attorneys
Mrs. Phyllis J. Greif
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Candice Griffin
Ms. Darby L. Griffin
Gordon and Jane Griffin
Dr. John and Mrs. Vicki Griffin
Jerry and Reba Griffith
Mrs. Mary Bess Griffith
Mr. Marc N. Gritton
Dr. Edwin L. Grogan
Mrs. Gay Grogan
Jean and Robert Gross Jr.
Gordon and Marge Grote
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Leigh Groves
GRW Engineers Inc.
Mrs. Susan S. Guess
Mr. David A. Guier
Jerry and Kay Gupton
Mr. Larry R. Gurley
Dr. Jon and Mrs. Lynne Gustafson
Mr. Michael S. Guthrie
Dr. Peter F. Murphy and
Ms. Sarah Gutwirth
Carroll and Sallie Guy
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Jill Guy
William and Vanessa Guyette
James and Anne Gwinn
Mr. Robert W. Hack
Mr. Miles and Mrs. Patricia Hacker
Mr. Paul Hafer
Mr. Gregory D. Hagan
Mr. Luke P. Hagan
Bruce and Doreen Hahn
Ms. Barbara J. Haley
Mrs. Dorisanna S. Hall
Ms. Jane P. Hall
Dr. W.P. and Mrs. Jane J. Hall
Mrs. Peggy L. Hall
Mr. Samuel T. Hall
Mr. Sherman Hall
Mr. John R. Halsell IV
Kenneth L. Hamm
Ms. Barbara C. Hammond
Justin and Sidonie Hancock
Rowland and Susan Hancock
Dr. Gary E. Hanning
Robert and Virginia Harbison
Randall and Kimberly Hardesty
Gareth and Dulcie Hardin
Mrs. Katherine M. Hardy
Mr. Sam R. Hardy
Gordon D and Juanita A Hargrove
Kenneth and Dianna Hargrove
Mr. James R. Harkrider
Mr. Michael W. Harlan
Mrs. Carole G. Harned
Jon and Renee Harned
Ms. Ramona Harold
Harold Brannon Trust
Mrs. Anita C. Harper
Mrs. Nancy L. Harper
Rabon and Joyce Harper
Reginald and Gay Harper
Dr. Jeannie D. Harrington
Virgil M. and Anna Ruth Harris
Mr. Derek P. Harris
Dr. Donald E. Harris
Mr. Scott A. Harris
Dr. Stuart Harris
Harris Real Estate and Auction
Dr. Dan and Mrs. Jacquelyn Harrison
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Jennifer Harrison
Mr. Todd Harrison
John and Sharon Hart
Dr. William G. and
Mrs. Susan Wilburn Hart
Harvest Foundation Inc.
Mr. Morris L. Harvey
Ms. Betty L. Hassell
Dr. Michael Waag and
Dr. Yoko Hatakeyama
Mr. Brooks Hatcher
Michael and Jackie Hatcher
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hatley
Mr. Todd and Mrs. Angie Hatton
Ronald and Mary Haugen
Mr. Gary R. Haverstock
Mrs. Angie K. Hawkins
Gary and Lisa Hawkins
Mr. Timothy C. Hawkins
Hawkins Research Inc.
Ms. Anita T. Haws
Mr. James V. Hay
Mr. Carroll W. Hayden
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Kristie Hayden
Larry and Suzanne Hayden
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Lisa Hayden
George and Marla Haynes
Raymond and Kay Hays
Ms. Peg Hays
Hazel High School Friends
James and Lynn Hazelrigg
Mr. Franklin and Mrs. Nancy Hazzard
Mr. Dennis E. Headley
Mrs. Shari Heathcott
Mr. Russell T. Heaton
Heaton Marathon
Mr. Joe D. Hedges
Don and Kim Heine
Mr. John R. Heiss
Robert and Jane Heltzel
Mr. Edward A. Hely
Mr. Donald W. Henderson
Mr. Ray E. Henderson
Henderson Realty Investors Ltd
Dr. Susan Hendricks and
Dr. David White
Mr. Donald F. Hendrix
Mr. James and Mrs. Phyllis Hendrix
Ms. Tara N. Hendrix
Ms. Ann O. Henry
Henry A. Petter Supply Company
Herb Hays Furniture
Mr. Woody and Mrs. Donna Herndon
Mr. Jay E. Herndon
John and Connie Herndon
John and Debra Herrenbruck
Mr. James R. Hertenstein
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Diane Hesley
David and Jean Hessing
Mr. Donald E. Hetherington
Paul and Melissa Hetrick
Mrs. Emily J. Hext
Mr. Timothy L. Hickerson
Mrs. Nancy R. Hickman
Mr. Steven E. Hicks
Mr. Bruce S. Higbee
Ms. Elizabeth C. Higgins
Mrs. Kathryn J. Higgins
Mrs. Diana L. Hightower
Ms. Cathy M. Hill
Mr. Charles G. Hill Jr.
Mr. Dennis A. Hill
Mrs. Jayne E. Hill
Mr. Jimmy U. Hill
Tommie D. and Judith B. Hill
COL (Ret) Leo Hill
Ms. Paula B. Hill
Mr. Stephen G. Hill
Mr. Todd E. Hill
Hill Electric
Ms. Joyce D. Hillebrand
Mrs. Laura H. Hirt
Ricky and Debbie Hixon
Mr. Brian A. Hobbs
Mr. David H. Hobbs
Mr. Gabe D. Hobbs
Mr. Stephen E. Hobbs
William and Kathy Hodge
Mr. John C. Hodge Jr.
Ms. Lula B. Hodges
Mr. George R. Hodulik Jr.
Dr. Brenda J. Hoffman
Mr. Donald R. Hogg
Charles M. and Anne W. Hoke
Mr. Bradley D. Holbrook
Dr. Thomas and
Dr. Elizabeth Holcomb
Mike and Carol Holden
Mr. Claude A. Holeman
Mr. Harry L. Holliday
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Holman
Holman Heart Clinic Staff
Mrs. Connie M. Holt
Ms. Daisy D. Holt
Mr. Herb and Mrs. Maurelle Holt
Dr. Kenneth R. Holzknecht
Dr. T. O. Honaas
Mr. Delbert and Mrs. Quava Honchul
Honeywell International Inc.
Ms. Peggy J. Hook
Douglas and Elizabeth Hooks
Dr. Janice Hooks
Ms. Linnie B. Hooks
Dr. Stacy Hooks
James and Judy Hooper
Maj. Don W. Hoover
Dr. Taylor H. Hoover
Mr. Bobby D. Hopgood
Mr. George and Mrs. Tina M Hopkins
Richard A. and Marty E. Hopkins
Warren and Sally Hopkins
Mr. Howell and Ms. Geneva Hopson
Ms. Jean Hopson
Mr. David and Mrs. Marilyn Hornback
Ms. Jennifer Hottell
Traversfeld and Denise Houck
Aldean and Janet Hough
Mrs. Amberly W. Houk
Mr. Charles Houston and
Ms. Annazette McCane
Mr. Travis and Mrs. Kyla Houston
Mrs. Amber J. Howard
Mr. Robert T. Howard
Ms. Becky A. Howe
Mr. David and Mrs. Mica Howe
Howe and Melton LLP
Van and Marta Hoy
Mrs. Marcia S. Hubbard
Haynes and Lynda Hubbs
Mr. Bryan E. Huddleston
Dr. James and Mrs. Lorri Hudson
Mr. Lemuel and Mrs. Jessie Hudson
Mr. John I. Hudson
Ms. Virginia W. Hudson
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Regina Hudspeth
Mr. Jim D. Hudspeth
Ms. Julie D. Huff
Ms. Nancy P. Huffstutter
Ms. Karen L. Hughart
Thomas and Bonnie Hughbanks
Bobby and Deana Hughes
Dean and Kelly Hughes
Mr. Glenn D. Hughes
Ms. Janna L. Hughes
Mrs. Lisa S. Hughes
Mr. Vincent M. Hughes
Dr. Chuck and Mrs. Paula Hulick
Mrs. Cynthia K. Hull
Ms. Mary C. Hull
Mr. Robert C. Hulse
Mrs. Mary A. Humphries
Benny and Darlene Hunt
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Beth Hunt
Mr. Cletis O. Hunt
Mr. Gerald L. Hunt
Ms. Lillian K. Hunt
O L and Bernice Hunt
Dr. Philip G. Hunt
Mr. Derek W. Hunter
Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Tawnya Hunter
Mr. Trent and Mrs. Amanda Hurley
Bill and Gayla Hurter
Bob and Katherine Hussey
Mr. Randy Hutchinson
Mr. Robert S. Huth Jr.
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Ginny Hutson
Mr. Ronnie and Mrs. Sue Hutson
IBM Corporation
Image Promotions Marketing
Mr. Jerry Impervento
Independent Charities of America
Mr. Rick R. Inman
International Business Seminars
Mr. Bob E. Irvan
Kendall and Patsy Irwin
Mrs. Carolyn V. Isenhower
Mr. John Isidor and
Ms. Sandy Kaltman
Mr. Dubravko Ivansic
J. T. Lee Jeweler Inc.
Dr. Adam P. Jackanicz
Mr. John F. Jackle
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Jane Jackson
Mr. Edward D. Jackson
Ms. Jane Ann Jackson
Ms. Jennifer C. Jackson
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Karen Jackson
Mrs. Karen M. Jackson
Mr. Kent A. Jackson
Lee A. and Kristina D. Jackson
Ms. Lana K. Jackson
Jackson Purchase Ag
Credit Association
Mr. Craig A. Jacobs
Dr. Keith J. Jacoby
Mr. William A. Jaggers
Mr. David W. James
Mr. Joe Pat James
Pat Jarvis
Jazzy Dancer Inc.
Ms. Arlene Jenks
Einar and Shirley Jenstrom
Mr. Bradley D. Jesop
Dr. Debra C. Jeter
Dr. Larry and Mrs. Victoria Jetton
Michael J and Barbara Jeude
Ms. Margaret Jobes
John Deere U S Ag
Alan and Elizabeth Johnson
Mrs. Alice K. Johnson
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Mary Johnson
Ms. Betty Johnson
Mr. Buddy Johnson
Mrs. Christine Johnson
Dr. Daniel Johnson
Dr. Darrell and Mrs. Tia Jo Johnson
Mrs. Diana O. Johnson
Dr. Mike and Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
Mr. Ernie L. Johnson
Dr. James and Mrs. Theda Johnson
Ken and Madelyn Johnson
Kenneth and Brenda Johnson
Michael and Marcia Johnson
Mr. Michael J. Johnson
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Myra Johnson
Mrs. Shirley T Johnson
Mr. Stuart L. Johnson
Ms. Susie Johnson
Johnson Controls Foundation
Ms. Linda F. Johnsonius
Edward and Katherine Johnstone
Kenneth B. Jolly and Debora R. Jolly
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Bonnie Jones
Daniel L. and Carla L. Jones
Mrs. Cheryl M. Jones
Dr. Conrad and Mrs. Evelyn L. Jones
Dr. Derek Y. Jones
Mr. Jack G. Jones
Mrs. Jacquelyn H. Jones
Mrs. Jan A Jones
Mrs. Janet M. Jones
Mr. Jerry M. Jones
Lynn Jones
Mr. Michael E. Jones
Mr. Michael Jones
Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Nancy Jones
Phillip D and Derenda Jones
Mr. Richard E. Jones
Dr. Kent and Mrs. Terri Jones
Thomas and Vicki Jones
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Sandra Jordan
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Vickie Jost
JRC Environmental
Dr. David L. Kaelin
Kaelin Dental Group
Mrs. Katherine Kaigler
Mr. John C. Kalfas
Ms. Pat Kalicki
Mrs. Nancy C. Kalm
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Kathy Kanowsky
Mr. George and Mrs. Terry Karnavas
Mr. Robert E. Kassing
Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Jodie Kaster
Bill and Carol Kaszubski
Kathleen and George P. Kaufmann Jr.
Mrs. Elaine K. Kaye
Dr. Barbara Kearney
Dan and Margaret Keel
Robert and Julia Keith
Ms. Victoria Keith
Mrs. Alichia A. Keller
Mr. David A. Keller
Mr. Heath Keller
Michael and Paula Keller
Mr. Randal Keller
Donny and Chase Kelley
Keith and Robin Kelly
Prue and Linda Kelly
Thomas and Melinda Kelly
Ms. Marla K. Kelsch
Mrs. Monica E. Kelsey
Mr. Hal T. Kemp
Michael and Vicki Kemp
Mrs. Mera D. Kennedy
Kentucky Data Link
Kentucky Farm Bureau Henderson
Kentucky FFA Foundation Inc.
Kentucky Lake Sails Inc.
Mr. Roger D. Kephart
Dr. Kenneth H. Kerrick
Mrs. Sally L. Kesterson
Mr. Jarad N. Key
Mr. Johnny M. Key
Mr. Nelson Key
Ms. Nikki Key
Ms. Nancy M. Kiernan
Mrs. Marcia A. Kight
Mr. David Kimbell
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Jan Kind
Dr. John and Dr. Kennita Kind
David R. and Cindi M. King
Dr. Rodney A. King
Mr. Stephen King
Mr. Danny W. Kingins
Kenny and Karen Kingins
Mr. Stephen R. Kinney
Mr. George W. Kipphut
Mr. Jimmie H. Kirby
Mr. Louis F. Kirchhoff Jr.
Mr. Bill R. Kirk
Mr. Dale and Mrs. Terri Kirk
Ms. Janet B. Kirk
Mr. Larry G. Kirk
Mr. Grady and Mrs. Cheryl Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Kathryn D. Kisner
Mr. Tim A. Kissel
David and Barbara Klamer
Mrs. Connie J. Klipsch
Mr. Donald J. Klukan
Mr. Bracie and Mrs. Mary Knight
Mr. Donald E. Knight
Shane and Amy Knotts
Dan and Debra Knowles
Michael and Patty Koch
Dr. Alice J. Koenecke
Mrs. Christine N. Koenig
John Billy and Peggy Koonsman
Mr. William and Mrs. Kathy Kopperud
Dr. Johan H. Koren
Mr. Roger K. Korte
Mr. Bob D. Kotheimer
Ms. Mina H. Kouklan
Dr. Edward R. Kovach
Ms. Jacqueline Kralovic
Mr. Thomas H. Kraper
John and Frances Kraus
Ms. Laura Kraut
Mr. James M. Krejci
Mr. Jimmy Kubach
Mr. Ryan W. Kuhn
Mr. Paul G. Kustera
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Tabby Kute
Mr. Barry C. LaBeef
James and Mary Lacey
Mr. Brian Laczko
Mr. Jason K. Lafser
Mr. Michael Lahm
Lakeland Spring Water Co.
Charles and Molly Lamb
Lamberts Cafe
Mr. Ricky A. Lamkin
Mr. Danny T. Lampkins
Mr. David and Mrs. Teri Lampkins
Mr. Wayne A. Lander
Dr. Ann L. Landini
Mr. Denny and Mrs. Diana Lane
Mr. George and Mrs. Lynn Lane
Stephen and Barbara Lane
Mr. Vanna Lanh
Mrs. Dawn V. Lanham
Dr. Michael T. Lanier
Kenneth and Kim Lanigan
Mr. Robert Lanigan
Mr. Donald G. Lankin
Ms. Eva D. Lantrip
Mr. Charles L. Larimer
Capt. John W. LaRue Sr.
Ms. Linda Lasco
Sans and Roberta Lassiter
Ms. Elaine F. Lassner
Philip E and Lynn Latham
Mrs. Pat Latimer
Dr. Lowell D. Latto
Mrs. Mary L. Lavery
Mr. Daniel A. Lavit
Law Office of Warren K Hopkins
Mr. Bob Lawrence
Douglas and Stacey Lawson
Mr. Joseph M. Leberman
MAJ (Ret) William and
Mrs. Barbara Lee
Mrs. Barbara Peterson Lee
Bobby Ann Lee and Bill Palmer
Mrs. Tammy R. Lee
Mr. William A. Lee
Henry and Sarah Leedom
Mr. Don and Mrs. Martha Leet
Mrs. Doris J. Lefebvre
Richard and Susan Lefebvre
Mr. George R. Lefler
Mrs. Alison B. Legrone
Mr. Ronald W. Leiser
Dr. Carol A. Leja-Larcher
Mrs. Margo Leneave
Charles and Deanna Leonard
Mr. Chris Leonard
Mrs. Marsha N. Leonard
Mr. Scott and
Mrs. Mary Lewandowski
Ms. Martha J. Lewis
Mrs. Patsy C. Lewis
Dr. Scott J. Lewis and
Dr. Maeve McCarthy
Lexis Nexis
Mr. Dale D. Leys
Mr. Jack W. Lichtenberg
Life Care Management LLC
Mrs. Sharon S. Lillie
Mr. Howard Lindner
Dr. Tristan and Mrs. Jane Lineberry
Odie and Faye Lingle
Mr. Jimmy R. Link
William and Paula Lisowsky
Terrence and Judith Little
Ms. Mary J. Littleton
Mr. Philip and Mrs. Alice Livers
Mr. Joseph A. Livingston
Darren and Karen Llewellyn
Ms. Terri A. Loddick
Mr. Bennie J. Logan
Dr. William A. Logan II
Dr. Bommanna and
Mrs. Kalaiselvi Loganathan
Mr. Donald R. Logsdon
Mr. Marty A. Lombardi
Mr. James H. Long Sr.
Dr. James H. Long Jr.
Mrs. Georgann Lookofsky
Dr. Mary E. Losch
Dr. Tom Lough
Mr. Harold L. Loughary
James and Cheryll Love
Dr. and Mrs. Jon Love
Mr. Don and Mrs. Nancy Lovett
Mrs. Sarah W. Lovett
Mr. Jerry D. Lowery
Mrs. Betty H. Lowry
Ms. Janice V. Lowry
Keith and Rita Lowry
Lubrizol Foundation
Mr. Timothy G. Lusk
Mrs. Amy K. Luttrell
Mr. David G. Luttrell
Mr. Wendell and Mrs. Wanda Lynch
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Betty Lyons
Mr. Crawford D. Lyons
Mr. David B. Lyons
Dr. Robert P. Lyons
Mrs. Jane Mabry-Walker
Macallen Chemical Inc.
Mr. Joseph A. Maciaszek
Mr. Carl Mack
Jarvis A and Phyllis A Maclin
Ms. Ayn E. Maddox
Mrs. Fannie L. Maddux
Dr. Greg and Mrs. Karen Maddux
T. L. and Yvonne Maddux
Mr. Kurt J. Mahler
Mrs. Glema Mahr
Mrs. Tonia Mailow
Mrs. Loretta I. Maldaner
Mr. Luis A. Maldonado
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Gena Maley
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Vickie Maley
Dr. Mark and
Mrs. Barbara Malinauskas
Drs. Glynn and Melissa Mangold
Jim and Mary Manion
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Cathy Manning
Mr. Joe Manning
Mrs. Neta C. Manske
Mr. Edward Mantle Jr.
Sheree B. and Robert W. Mantooth Jr.
Mr. William E. Marcum
Mr. Sherrell Marginet
Marketwise Solutions Inc.
Ben and Mary Marks
Ms. Alison Marshall
Carl and Katherine Marshall
Tommy and Olivia B. Marshall
Ms. Virginia L. Marshall
Dan and Gladys Martin
Dr. David F. and Mrs. JoAnn Martin
Mr. Herbert Martin
Ms. Mabel F. Martin
Robert K. and Shirley C. Martin
Ms. Sharon A. Martin
Ms. Eileen Mason
Mr. Keith Mason
Dick and Jean Massamore
Dr. Sal and Mrs. Frances Matarazzo
Dr. John and Mrs. Sally Mateja
Ms. Ann M. Matejcek
Mr. Tom O. Mathews Jr.
Mrs. Robin R. Mathias
Mr. Burley R. Mathis
Mr. Dale G. Mathis
Dr. Gilbert L. Mathis
Trevor J. and Lori L. Mathis
Ms. Sabrina Mathis
Mrs. Hazel M. Matthai
Mr. Paul J. Matthai
Ms. Kathleen R. Matthews
Daniel and Sarah Mattingly
Mrs. Dana M. Maxwell
Mr. Michael L. Maxwell
John and Jerilyn May
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Tamra May
Drs. Brent and Julie Mayabb
Mrs. Karen A. Mayer
Mr. Greg Mayes
Dr. Pete Mayfield IV
Mayfield Printing Inc.
Mayfield Veterinary Clinic
Mr. John W. Mayhugh
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Connie Maynord
Mr. Ron N. Mays
Mr. Kenneth Maziarka
Mrs. Darlene Mazzone
Michael and Karen McBee
Marty A. and Miranda McBride
Mr. Dale and Mrs. Melanie McCallon
Mrs. Dorothy McCann
Mr. Michael McCarver
Bobby H. and Mattie C. McClain
Mrs. Debbie F. McClain
Mr. Richard L. McClain
COL (Ret) Lucretia M. McClenney
Mr. Richie J. McClerkin
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Carol McClure
Rev. Phillip W. McClure Sr.
Mr. Kenneth A. McCool
Don and Betty McCord
Mr. Lewis E. McCormick Jr.
Mr. Dean and Mrs. Mitzi McCoy
John and Janet McCracken
Ms. LaDonna J. McCuan
Steve and Cathy McCuan
Mrs. Beth McCuiston
Mrs. Lila A. McCuiston
Mr. Mickey McCuiston
Mr. Steven and
Mrs. Patricia McCuiston
Mr. Steve C. McDaniel
Dean and Cindy McDermott
Paul E. and Brenda M. McDonald
Mr. Jerry McDonald
Mr. John and
Mrs. Christina McDougal
Mr. Bobby McDowell
Tom P. McElrath
Mr. J. C. McElroy
Mr. William J. McElroy III
Dr. Edward G. McFarland
Darrel and Karin McFerron
Ms. Angelina McGaw
Mrs. Donna McGee
Mr. B. C. McGinnis III
Dr. Ronald K. McGregor
Mrs. Nancy C. McGuire
Harry and Kathy McKendree
Charlie D. and Mary Lynn McKenney
Mr. Keith and Mrs. Becky McKinney
Mr. Terry O. McKinney
Mr. Charles E. McKinnis Jr.
Mrs. Karen M. McLaughlin
Mr. William E. McLean
Mr. Michael F. McMahon
Mrs. Susan J. McMichael-Guerra
Mr. Jimmy S. McMillan
Mr. John and Mrs. Penny McMillen
David and Pat McMullin
Mr. Dan A. McNamara
Mrs. Sue McNeary
Ms. Anne T. McNeilly
Mr. James and Mrs. Frances McPeake
Bobby and Wanda McWherter
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Penelope Meade
Mr. John M. Mearns Jr.
Mr. Thomas W. Mecum
Dr. Treva E. Medbery
Mrs. Linda S. Medley
Mr. Vincent and Mrs. Mary Medlock
Mr. Tod D. Megibow
Walter W. and Patti Mehr
Mr. Michael W. Meier
Dr. Ross and Mrs. Sharion Meloan
Eddie and Regina Melton
Mr. Ricky L. Melton
Dr. Tammy J. Melton
Mr. Roger D. Melugin
Memphis Funeral Home
Mr. Jesus and Dr. Shirley Menendez
Merck and Company Inc.
Linuel D. and Judith C. Meredith
Mr. Kenneth Meredith
Drs. Stephen and Sharon Merker
Merrill Lynch and Company Inc.
Mrs. Michelle Merwin
Mr. Sean Mestan
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Miss. Katrina Meyer
Mrs. Sharlene E. Miclot
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. Bob A. Middleton
Mrs. Patricia D. Miksch
Mr. Brian D. Milbrath
Dr. Martin I. and Mrs. Velvet Milkman
Mr. Ambrus C. Miller Jr.
Mrs. Barbara F. Miller
Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Becky Miller
Bobby and Laurie Miller
Mr. Chris Miller
Mr. James K. Miller
Joe and Cindy Miller
Ms. Juanita C. Miller
Mrs. Kathryn L. Miller
Mr. Mark W. Miller
Ms. Merry E. Miller
Michael and Janet Miller
Mr. Mickey D. Miller
Dr. Robert B. Miller
Mrs. Sandra E. Miller
Mrs. Shelia A. Miller
Rev. William B. Miller
Mrs. Shannon L. Miller-Bannon
Ms. Ann H. Mills
Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ann Mills
James D and Elizabeth Mills
Mr. Roger D. Miniard
Dr. Christopher and
Mrs. Elaine Mitchell
Mr. James T. Mitchell
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Jerri Mjos
Mr. Robert G. Mobley
Mr. Richard H. Monagle
Ms. Angela H. Montague
Mike and Mary Moode
Mrs. Kathleen B. Moon
Mrs. Beth C. Moore
Mr. Gary R. Moore
Mrs. Grace A. Moore
Ms. Linda J. Moore
Ms. Nancy D. Moore
Tim and Barbara Moore
Mr. Timothy E. Moore
Dr. Edgar B. Morgan Sr.
Mrs. Grace and Dr. Edgar Morgan Jr.
Dr. Janice M. Morgan
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Jeanie Morgan
Morgan Stanley Company
Mr. Andy Morris
Mrs. Cathy S. Morris
Danny and Meredith Morris
Kay W. and Douglas H. Morris II
Dr. Jeffrey T. Morris
Morris and Hislope Funeral Home
Dr. Roy W. Morrow
Mr. Frank S. Morski
Mr. Fred C. Morton
Dr. Theodore R. Mosch
Mr. David A. Moss
Mrs. Doris E. Moss
COL (Ret) Ira and Mrs. Frances Moss
Mr. John L. Moss
Mount Moriah Missionary
Baptist Church
Mr. Corey R. Mouser
MSU Collegiate FFA
MSU Department of OSH Faculty
Mr. William H. Mulligan Jr.
Mrs. Stacy E. Murdock
Daniel J and Jane B Murphey
Mrs. Mandy A. Murphey-Brown
Mrs. Beth S. Murphy
William D. and Sarah W. Murphy
William and Marie Murphy
Mr. David L. Murray
Mr. Gordon D. Murray Jr.
Murray Woman’s Clinic
Mike and Julie Muscarella
Dr. Oliver and Mrs. Fugen Muscio
Ms. Penny Muse
LTC (Ret) Marcia B. Muzinich
John and Peggy Myers
Paul and Linda Myhill
Dr. Ginny Richerson and
Dr. Paul Naberezny
Mr. David K Nakashige
Mrs. Joyce Nall
Mrs. Leigh Nanney
Dr. Burl L. Naugle
Mr. Robert and Dr. Joy Navan
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Donna Neary
Ms. Doris L. Neeley
Richard Parker and Ann Neelon
Nellen/Jones Advertising
and Public Relations
Mr. William and Mrs. Amy Nelson
Mrs. Christi L. Nelson
Mr. Jeff C. Nelson
Dr. Joan L. Nelson
Mr. John W. Nelson
Mr. Kim L. Nelson
Ms. Terri L. Nemethy
Jody and Bethany Nesler
Mr. Kenneth Neuhausel
Monty and Melissa Newcomb
Mr. Burton L. Nichol
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Susan Nichols
Mr. Richard W. Nichols
David and Stacey Nickell
Mr. Steven R. Nizick
Ms. Debra L. Noble
Phillip and Mildred Noel
Dr. Christopher E. Noonan
Dr. Jacqueline A. Noonan
William and Joyce North
Dr. Wade A. Northington
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Mr. Thomas J. Norton
Mr. Jeffrey G. Norvell
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Amanda Oakley
Mrs. Robin S. Oakley
Mr. Kim H. Oatman
Timothy A. and Karen L. Oberst
Dr. Joseph M. and
Mrs. Ella K. O’Bryan
Tommy and Rebecca Ogle
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Gail Ohren
Mr. William J. Oldham
Mr. Nathan K. Oliver
Dr. William R. Oliver
Ms. Frances S. Olson
Mr. Dana and Mrs. Judith O’Nan
One Source Nutrition LLC
One to One Marketing Inc.
Mr. Doug and Mrs. Carol Ormay
Dr. James P. O’Rourke
Mr. Jimmy D. Orr
Mr. Ronald P. Orr
Ms. Robin B. Orvino
Mr. Edward K. Osborne
Mr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Stephanie Nutter Osborne
Mr. Glen Otey
Ms. Vivian B. Outen
Dr. David and Mrs. Candi Outland
Mr. Charles D. Outland
Mrs. Sue U. Overbey
Mr. Mitchum L. Owen
Mr. Steve L. Owen
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Carolyn Owens
Mr. Fred H. Owens
Mrs. Mary K. Oyama
Paducah Primary Care PSC
Mr. Derek E. Pahl
Edward and Pat Paine
Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Jacque Pallone
Mr. Chris G. Palmer
Dr. Keyla N. Palmer
Mrs. Martha M. Paridy
Ms. Diane Paris
Mr. Reid and Mrs. Barbara G Parish
Dr. Frederic C. Park III
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Mitzi Parker
Mr. David A. Parker
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Lori Parker
Mr. Richard D. Parker Jr.
Mrs. Michelle L. Parker-Clark
Ms. Crystal B. Parks
Mr. James and Mrs. Shirley Parks
Dr. Sandra W. Parks
Parkway Chrysler Inc.
Jonathan and Jennifer Parrent
Mr. Monty F. Parrish
Barry and Melissa Paschall
Mr. Charles D. Paschall
Dr. William N. Pasco
Mr. Jerry Pasek
Dr. Jerry S. Patey
Dr. George and Mrs. Phillis Patmor
Mr. George A. Patterson
Dr. Lynn G. Patterson
Mr. Larry and Dr. Tena Payne
Dr. Pearl and Mr. William Payne Jr.
Mr. Blaine E. Peck
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
Tom and Carla Peltier
Mr. Stephen and
Mrs. Melinda Pember
Mr. Robert F. Pendlebury
Sen. Joey and Ms. Diane Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott Pendleton
Mr. Bill Perkins
Mrs. Katie L. Perkins
Mrs. Wendy C. Perkins
Dr. Michael B. Perlow
Mrs. Matlene A. Perry
Mr. Robert R. Perry Jr.
Mrs. Susan B. Perry
Lee and Laura Peters
Mr. Louie Peters
Ms. Janice L. Peterson
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Wanda
Richard and Cynthia Petrea
Dr. Gail A. Petreikis
Mr. Claude Petrie Jr.
Mrs. Nancy D. Pettibone
George and Elaine Pettit
James and Nancy Petty
PG and E Corporation
Ms. Kathleen F. Phelan
Mr. Bruce E. Phillips
Mrs. Cathy H. Phillips
Dr. Joe Phillips
Odell and Ruth Phillips
Ms. Sarah M. Phillips
Robert and Susan Phipps
Michael D. and Kathie B. Pierce
Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Pioneer Industrial Corporation
Michael and Robin Pipkin
John and Patsy Pitchford
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Patsy Pittman
Mr. Jason Pittman
LTC (Ret) Beryl K. Pixley
Mrs. Sheri L. Plain
Mr. Tom L. Plain
Drs. David and Jacquetta Hill Plath
Mr. John M. Pollpeter
Mrs. Carolyn A. Pool
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Rebecca Pool
Mr. David Porter
John and Ruth Porter
Mr. Paul E. Porter
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Vicky Porter
Ms. Jeanette B. Posey
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Marian Posey
Stuart and Donna Poston
Mr. George M. Potts III
Mr. Jamie D. Potts
Taddy G. and Mildred W. Potts
Potts and Company PC
Ms. Bessie L. Powers
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Shelah Powers
Mr. William E. Powers
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lynn Pratt
Mr. Carl F. Prestfeldt Jr.
Mr. Daniel G. Prevette
Ms. Elaine Price
Mr. Kent and Mrs. Julie Price
Tom and Sondra Price
Mr. Bill and Mrs. June Priest
Mr. Steven J. Priest
Dr. Joe N. Prince
Mr. Randy D. Prince
Dr. Teri Prince and Mr. Thomas Grantz
Printing Services and Supplies
Prizer Point Marina and Resort LLC
Procter and Gamble Company
Providence Do It Best Home Center
and Rental
Dr. Michael Prudent
Jon and Bonny Prudhomme
Dr. Roy L. Pruett
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pruitte Jr.
Gerry J. and Lisa J. Puckett
Pulaski Funeral Home
Mrs. Terrie L. Pung
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Jacqueline Purcell
Dr. Ken and Mrs. Lynda Purcell
Mr. Mel Purcell
Purchase Area Communications
Purchase Area Tennis Association
Mr. Wells and Mrs. Betty Jo Purdom
Ms. Catherine Purdom
Mr. John and Mrs. Sherry Purdom
Mr. James D. Pursley
Quad Communications Inc.
Ms. Ella M. Quertermous
Mr. H B Quinn
Leslie and Joan Radford
Dr. Victor S. Raj
Paul and Virginia Randolph
Timothy and Jo Francis Ranval
Ms. Jody J. Raskind
Ronnie G. and Debbie D. Ray
Mr. John J. Ray
Mrs. Maxene M. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rayburn
Dr. Jay Rayburn II
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Coach Johnny and
Mrs. Carolyn Reagan
Miss. Bekah D. Reddick
Larry J. and Ginger L. Reddick
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Christine Reed
Mr. Richard L. Reed
Mr. Phillip S. Reese
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Kate Reeves
Dr. Roger Reichmuth
Mrs. Cynthia Reichmuth
Mr. Glenn D. Reid
Kell and Barbara Reimann
Ms. Gayle A. Reising
Mr. Dennis L. Reiter
Charles and Deloris Render
Mr. Leonard H. Rentz
Mr. Jerome P. Ressetar
Armando and Carolyn Reyes
Mr. Shawn and
Mrs. Kimberly Reynolds
Mrs. Marsha P. Reynolds
Mr. Kendall J. Rezabek
Mary J. and George Rhenberg IV
Jerry P. and Judith A. Rhoads
Allan and Johanna Rhodes
Vincent and Claudia Ricci
Mr. Andy and Mrs. Gerri Rice
Dr. Charles A. Rice Jr.
Mr. George A. Rice
Mr. James R. Rice
Dr. Pam L. Rice
Mr. Richard M. Rice
Mrs. Lois F. Richard
Ms. Martha P. Richard
Fred and Margaret Richter
Mrs. Vicki L. Rickard
James R. and Sarah Ricketts
Mr. Jimmy Rickman
Mr. Tom Rickman
Mr. Chesley Riddle Jr.
Miss. Lori L. Ridgeway
Mark and Tammie Riggins
Mr. Alfred D. Riley
Donna T. and Jesse L. Riley Jr.
Doug and Jeanne B. Rippel
Mrs. Wanda S. Riseman
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Lucy Ritter
Dr. Joy L. Roach
Lindsay C and Pauline Roach
David and Carolyn Roberts
Mr. Dick Roberts
Ms. Elizabeth Roberts
Dr. Gerald F. Roberts
Mr. Hugh L. Roberts
Mrs. Jennifer L. Roberts
Ms. Susan W. Roberts
Ms. Tracy L. Roberts
Dr. Charles S. Robertson Jr.
Mr. Charles and
Mrs. Roberta Robertson
Dr. Don E. and
Mrs Jeanie H. Robertson
Mr. Greg Robertson
Janie and George Robertson
Ms. Mary Amanda Robertson
Mr. Timothy and
Mrs. Rhonda Robinette
Dr. Mark P. Robinson
Mrs. Sue Robinson
Robinson Farms
Barton and Regina Robison
Mark and Gay Robison
Mrs. Cynthia F. Rodgers
Mr. Robert W. Rodgers Jr.
Mrs. Laura A. Roethle
Charles and Virginia Rogers
Mr. Don R. Rogers
Donald K. and Virginia D. Rogers
MAJ (Ret) Floyd and Donna Rogers
Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Sandra Rogers
Max Rogers
Mr. W. E. Rogers III
Dr. William S. Rogers Jr.
Rogers Veterinary Clinic
Rolling Hills Garden Center LLC
Romaine Insurance Incorporated
Mr. Richard R. Roof
Dr. Jack and Mrs. Janice Rose
Mr. Jereme E. Rose
Dr. John F. Rose
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Roseman
Charles and Anne Ross
Mr. Haskell J. Ross Jr.
Mr. Michael Ross
Drs. Robert and Shawn Ross
Ms. Tressa A. Ross
Kenny A. and Beverly N. Roth
Jennie and Tom Rottinghaus
Robert and Helen Roulston
Mr. James R. Roush
Mrs. Kristi Y. Rowan
Mr. Matt Rudy
John and Gayle Rufli
Mrs. Judy T. Rupert
Ms. Naomi L. Rushton
Mr. John and Mrs. Debra Russell
Mr. William R. Russell Jr.
Dr. Karen A. Russo
Dr. Mark C. Rusten
Mr. Morgan D. Ryan Jr.
Ms. Susan L. Ryan
Ms. Kathy Saddler
Mr. James E. Sadley
Nassir Saghafi MD
Mr. Timothy V. Saltsman
Mrs. Sarah E. Sandage
Mr. Doc Sanders
Mr. Donald E. Sanders
Mr. Michael D. Sanders
Joe and Kathy Sanger
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Karen Sargent
Mr. Harold L. Sasse
Paul and Sandra Sasso
Ms. Mary S. Saunooke
Robert and Debra Scales
Cathy and Clifford Scarbrough
Mr. David A. Scarpino
Ms. Carole M. Scates
Mark and Julia Schaberg
Dr. Richard Schafer
David and Stephanie Schall
Dr. Gene and
Mrs. Priscilla Schanbacher
Dr. Paul W. Schaper
Mrs. Karon G. Schindler
Mr. Walter E. Schlemmer
Mr. Richard B. Schmalzbauer
Mr. Carl D. Schmidt
Mrs. Therese A. Schmidt
Douglas and Ashley Schnittker
Scholarship Foundation
Randal and Gerry Scholes
Mr. Gregory T. Schorr
Dr. Peggy E. Schrock
Edward and Mary Schultz
Mr. James R. Schurr Sr.
Jay and Betty Schwall
Mr. William F. Schweri II
Mr. Eddie and
Mrs. Virginia Schwettman
Edwina and Henry S. Schwier Jr.
Scitor Corporation
Mr. Bobby Scott
Mr. Dan R. Scott
Ms. Dorothy M. Scott
Mr. Gary W. Scott
Ms. Jill R. Scott
Dr. Kerri D. Scott
Ms. Linda G. Scott
Dr. Richard J. Scott
Mrs. Tresenda J. Scott
Scripps Howard Foundation
Ms. Donna C. Seaford
Mr. Charles F. Seavers
Dr. Robert A. and
Mrs. Deborah C. Seay
Eddie and Mary Seay
Mr. Roger D. Seay
Ms. Kay D. Sedler
Mrs. Suzanne J. Seeley
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Suzanne Seibel
Mr. Greg Seiner
Ben and Carolyn Self
Steven and Donna Seltzer
Dr. Ed and Mrs Cecile M. Settle
Mr. Sean and Mrs. Clyce Shanahan
Shane Lee Inc.
Dr. Stephen B. Shanklin
Mr. Robert L. Shapiro
Mr. James R. Sharber
Mr. John and Mrs. Vicki Sharber
Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Carolyn Sharpe
Daniel and Lynn Sheehy
Jason R. and Ellis L. Shelby
Mr. Heath Shelton
Phillip and Jean Shelton
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Rita Shelton
Dr. William C. Shelton Sr.
Mrs. Melony A. Shemberger
Mrs. Phyllis E. Shemluck
Mr. Fred Shepard
Ms. Charlyne S. Shepherd
Dr. Eric Shields
Ted and Kee Shields
Mr. Rodney M. Shinall
Mrs. Mary E. Shipley
Mrs. Frankie W. Shoaf
Mrs. Laurie J. Shook
Mr. Monte Shouse
Ms. Margery T. Shown
Mr. John D. Shroat
Mr. Nelson E. Shroat
Edwin and Janis Shultz
Mrs. Linda A. Shultz
Mrs. Elaine P. Shurley
Mr. Bart Siciliano Jr.
Dr. Bert and Mrs. Sharon Siebold
Sigma Alpha Agriculture
Sorority MSU
Sigma Alpha Iota
Mr. Ronnie B. Sills
Ms. Roberta F. Simanowitz
Thomas E. and Margaret P. Simmons
Dr. Patricia and Mr. Steve Simmons
Mr. Steven G. Simmons
Ms. Deborah Simon
Roger and Randa Simpson
Mr. Bobby L. Sims
John and Carolyn Sims
Mrs. Aimee R. Singleton
Ms. Pamela E. Singleton
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Barbara Sivley
Ms. Betty L. Skidmore
Dr and Mrs. Jon A. Skillman
Skillman and Associates
Family Eye Care
Rev. Bernard E. Slate
Mr. Nathan A. Slaton
Mr. James and Mrs. Cherry Sleadd
Mr. Michael L. Smiley
Mr. Andy W. Smith
Mr. Basil E. Smith Sr.
Dr. Bruce L. Smith
Mrs. Carol E. Smith
Mrs. Dawn R. Smith
Dennis L. and Julia L. Smith
Dewayne and Becky Smith
Mr. James H. Smith
Ms. Jeanne Smith
Samuel L. and Judith W. Smith
Mr. Lynwood Smith
Ray and Martha Smith
Dr. Mary P. Smith
Mr. Mitchell L. Smith
Mr. Quent S. Smith
Rev. Richard Smith
Richard R. and Sue C. Smith
Mr. Stephen E. Smith Jr.
Mr. Wally Smith
Mr. David Smotherman
Dr. John C. Snider
Mr. Ross L. Snider
Will and Marcy Snodgrass
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Jen Snow
Ms. Beverly R. Solomon
Mr. Joel L. and
Dr. Mittie D. Southerland
Southern Komfort Resort
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
Southwoods Recreation Inc.
Mr. Jackson Sowell
Mr. John B. Spangler Jr.
David and Nancy Sparks
Mrs. Dorothy D. Sparks
Mrs. Karlyn Spencer
S’portable Scoreboards Inc.
Dr. Sue Sroda
Mrs. Jenna L. Stafford
Mr. James and Mrs. Judy Stahler
Mr. Doug and Mrs. Mary Stanley
Mr. John E. Stanley
Stanley and Son
Mr. Timothy C. Stark
Mr. Kelly N. Starks
Mrs. Brenda R. Starr
State Farm Companies Foundation
State Farm Insurance Co - Murray
William R. and
Julianne W. Staudacher
Dr. Matthew T. Stedelin
Dr. William M. Steely
Thomas and Cheryl Steiner
Mr. James R. Stephens
Mr. Eugene B. Steuber
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Patience Stevens
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Vicki Valentine
Mrs. Jayne A. Steverson
Dr. Chad and Mrs. Betty Stewart
COL (Ret) and Mrs. R. C. Stewart
Roy B and Michele R Stewart
Mr. Dwayne L. Stice
LCDR Raymond and Mrs. Brandi Stiff
Bill and Doris Stilwell
Mr. Bradley D. Stine
Mr. Johnnie G. Stockdale
Mr. Milton Stokes
Mrs. Genevieve S. Stolldorf
Mr. Sidney P. Stone
Mrs. Staci L. Stone
Mr. Greg D. Story
Story Farms
Mrs. Whitni C. Stratemeyer
Ms. Beth E. Stribling
Ms. Nellie B. Strickland
Mr. Steven and Dr. Paige Stroud
Mr. David J. Strub
Mr. Eugene R. Stubbs
Mr. James M. Stuerzenberger
Mr. Clyde and Mrs. Dafayne Stunson
Dr. Shannon and Mr. James Stutler
Mrs. Ruby C. Suffill
Mr. Gary D. Suiter
Gearl and Jeanette Suiter
Ms. Betty W. Sullivan
Charles and Janice Sutton
Mrs. Kelly S. Swartz
Mr. William U. Swatzell
Swedish Match North America Inc.
Jerome and Laurie Swick
R. P. and M. R. Sympson
Synopsys Inc.
Taco Bell
Tacticon Research Corporation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
North America Inc.
Ron and Constance Talent
Mr. Harvey Tanner
Mr. Richard Tanner
Mrs. Ann W. Tarter
Charles and Retha Tarter
Dr. Kelly S. Tate
Mr. Alan W. Taylor
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Beverly Taylor
Mr. Tim and Mrs. Christine Taylor
Elisha and Delpha Taylor
Mr. Jeff S. Taylor
SFC Michael and Mrs. Laura Taylor
Linda and Brian Taylor
Dr. Ralph W. Taylor
Mr. Roy J. Taylor
Mr. Rumsey Taylor Jr.
Dr. Virginia S. Taylor
Taylor H Hoover DMD LLC
tcSportz Inc
Randall and Laura Teague
Teamwork Marketing and
Promotions LLC
Teledyne Technologies Inc.
Clarence and Joyce Temple
Teresa Garland Construction
Texas Instruments
Samuel D. and Gale M. Tharpe
The Cleveland Foundation
The Crittenden Press Inc.
The Dow Chemical Foundation
The Jackson Purchase
Historical Society
The Reliance Group
The Trophy Case LLC
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Katherine Thile
Mr. George D. Thomas
Mrs. Jennifer A. Thomas
Mr. Joe D. Thomas
Mr. Joe L. Thomas
Mr. Kenneth W. Thomas
Mrs. Pamela H. Thomas
James and Sylvia Thomason
Mrs. Jana J. Thomasson
Albert K and Cathy L Thompson
Baker and Kathy Thompson
Ms. Dorothy A. Thompson
Mr. James and Mrs. Ina Thompson
Ms. Pamela S. Thompson
Ms. Viola Thompson
Mrs. Virginia Thomson
Miss. Elizabeth L. Thornberry
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Susan Thornhill
Ms. Carnese C. Thorpe
Mr. Bruce Thurmond
Mr. Michael T. Thurston
Joe Wayne and Katherine Thweatt
Mr. Russell and Mrs. Kristen Tilford
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Tilker
Ms. Geraldine E. Tilley
Mrs. Janice F. Tilley
Dr. Lou D. Tillson
Ms. Toni L. Tilton
Dr. Tom and Mrs. Kathy Timmons
Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Shelley Todd
Harold and Nancy Tolley
Ms. Maureen R. Tomblinson
Michael and Margaret Toms
Mr. Andy G. Torok
Mrs. Marilou G. Torre
Mr. Jonathan R. Tosh
Wayne and Nancy Tosh
Dr. Derek S. Towery
Mr. Art Travis
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Denise Travis
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Sheila Travis
Tom and Rebecca Travis
Mrs. Lisa W. Trent
Mrs. Margaret Trevathan
Mr. Justin M. Trewolla
Ms. Jane Trigg
Richard and Ann Trimble
Rev. Jim E. Trimble
Trinity Energy and Infrastructure
Group LLC
Triple Oaks Farms
Ms. Yvonne R. Triplett
Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Judith Troester
Mr. Jamie W. Troutman
Mr. Dan Trovillion
Mr. Timothy Trovillion
Jimmy R. and Cynthia H. Tubbs
Mrs. Jennifer D. Tucker
Dr. John M. Tudor
Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Turner
Mr. Glenn C. Turner
Mr. James A. Turner
Mr. Jan and Mrs. Mildred Turner
Ms. Jane Turner
Ms. Jo N. Turner
Bryan Warner and Cadelia Turpin
Douglas and Tina Tutt
John and Patricia Tveite
Mr. Keith A. Tyner
U S Bancorp
Mrs. Ashley D. Underhill
Mr. Tilford L. Underwood
Unitarian Universalist Church
United Fund Drive of Calvert City
United Systems and Software Inc.
Mr. William J. Unyi
Mr. Roger A. Upchurch
UPS Foundation
Mrs. Mary Ann Upshaw
Mr. John and Mrs. Bentley Utgaard
Mike and Karol Utley
Mrs. Karen E. Utz
Drs. Brian and Laurel Van Horn
Peter and Karen Van Nort
Mr. Mark C. Van Sluyters
Mrs. Amy B. Vance
Mr. Darrell Vance
Mr. Tommy Vance
Ms. Jill Vandeloo
Mr. Ernest J. VandeZande
Mr. Dan VanHooser
Mr. Phil and Mrs. Susan VanHooser
Mr. Ronald J. Vaughan
Jack and Edna Vaughn
Thomas and Frances Vaughn
Ms. Margaret B. Vaughn
Mrs. Molly A. Vaughn
Chip and Peggy Veal
Verizon Foundation
Mrs. Wanda J. Vickery
Vicky Muzzall Tax Services
Henry and Mary Viles
Orazio and Diane Villanova
Dr. John and Mrs. Sharon Vincent
Dale and Nancy Viniard
Mr. Mancil and Mrs. Anne Vinson
Dr. Carey T. and Mrs Tracey Vinson
Mr. Mark C. Vinson
Mr. Tom Vinson
Dr. Jacque and Mrs. Jean Voegeli
Mr. Richard and
Mrs. Deanna Vonnahme
Wachovia Corp
Bruce and Jamie Wade
Mr. David G. Wade
Mr. Chad R. Wadlington
Mr. Derrick and Mrs. Kathy Waggoner
Mr. Ray Wagner
Tim and Christine Wagner
Mrs. Niki R. Waldridge
Mrs. Margie and
Dr. Charles Waldrop Jr.
Gregory and Nancy Waldrop
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Lori Waldrop
Mr. Tom Waldrop
Danny and Carolyn Walker
Ms. Debra E. Walker
Ms. Mary Ellen Walker
Mrs. Pam Walker
Mr. Russ E. Walker
Dr. Celia J. Wall
Ms. Penny L. Wallace
Mrs. Susan L. Wallace
Mr. James P. Waller
Thomas G. and Belinda H. Wallis
Mrs. Ellen Walsh
Ms. Suzanne M. Walston
Mrs. Patricia H. Walters
Walter’s Family Pharmacy Inc.
Harry T and Sally Ward
Mr. James L. Ward
Marshall and Pamela Ward
Dr. Stephanie Wardlaw
Ms. Georgena L. Ware
Mr. Stu and Mrs. Raina Warren
Ms. Robyn L. Warren
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Jennifer Washburn
Mr. Barton A. Washer
Washington Post Inc.
Mr. David K. Wasson
Marvin and Corinne Wastell
Mr. Billy and Mrs. Peggy Watkins
Mr. Donald L. Watkins
Dr. Scott A. Watkins
Mr. Stephen O. Watkins
Mr. Derrick and Mrs. Amy Watson
Dr. Carolyn S. Watson
David J. and Lesa J. Watson
Mr. Edward F. Watson
Dr. Mark J. Wattier
Ms. Becky L. Watts
Mrs. Marguerite E. Watzek
Dr. Bobbie and Mr. John Weatherly
Mr. Lloyd and
Mrs. Kathryn Weatherly
Mr. James A. Weaver
Ms. Yvonne M. Weaver
Mr. Franklin and Mrs. Christine Webb
Dr. Neil and Mrs. Joan Weber
Ms. Mary H. Wegmann
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Jackie Weiland
Mr. Ricky A. Weisman
Mr. Gerald J. Weitzen
Christopher and Pam Weixler
Reverends Mark and Karen Welch
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Anne Wells
Fred W. and Sharon M. Wells
Mr. Tommy D. Wells
Wells Electric
Mr. Gill Welsch
Ms. Dorothy M. Wendt
Miss. Natalie L. Wendt
Mrs. Bertha W. Wenzel
Ronny and Cindy Werner
Werner Racing Stables LLC
West Ky Rural Electric Coop Corp
Mrs. Jane Weston
Ronald and Marcia Westphal
Mr. Robert P. Westpheling III
Mr. Michael S. Wetherholt
Ms. Debra J. Weyerbacher
Mr. Gerald L. Whalen
Mr. Aaron A. Whitaker
Ms. Harriett Whitaker
Lee and Danielle White
Mrs. Patricia T. White
Mrs. Sandi L. White
Mr. Ben Whiteaker
Dennis and Eileen Whitehead
Dr. Howard H. Whiteman
Ms. Betsy A. Whitfield
Ms. Donna F. Whitfield
Ms. Mary C. Whitfield
Ms. Christy D. Whiting
Mr. Barry R. Whitledge
Mr. Mark C. Whitlow
Mr. Jeremy and
Mrs. Stephanie Whitmore
Russ and Donna Whittington
COL (Ret) Paul and Mrs. Glyna Wice
Robert and Lynn Widman
Mrs. Dawn Wilburn Goo
James L. and Joanna A. Wilder
Dr. Bill W. Wiles
Thomas H. and Margaret S. Wilkins
COL (Ret) William D. Willet
William A Jaggers Plumbing
and Heating
J.C. and Anna Williams
Ms. Beth S. Williams
Bob and Marge Williams
Chuck and Twilla Williams
Ms. Helen Williams
Mr. Jerry D. Williams
John A. and Vivian G. Williams
Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Sandra Williams
Mrs. Nancy S. Williams
Dr. Ted N. Williams
Mr. Todd Williams
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Williams Jr.
Mrs. Laura Willoughby
Mrs. Carolyn M. Wills
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Gina Wilmurth
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Amy Wilson
Mr. Kim and Dr. Brenda Wilson
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Cinda Wilson
Ms. Connie R. Wilson
Mr. David B. Wilson
Mr. Don Wilson
Mr. Ed and Mrs. Sandra Wilson
Lyndon and Teresa Wilson
Mr. Philip J. Wilson Jr.
Mr. Robert G. Wilson
Randall and Carolyn Winchester
Ms. Lynn S. Winkel
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Shirley Winters
Alvin and Mary Wise
Michael Nagel and Carol Withrow
Mrs. Karie A. Wohlgemuts
Dr. Ken H. and Mrs. Deanna J. Wolf
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Kathy Wolfe
Mrs. Valerie J. Wolfe
Mrs. Angela Wolterstorff
Mr. Bernard Wood
Joe and Joyce Wood
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Woodall Jr.
Mr. Clarence A. Woodall III
Woodmen of The World Lodge 138
Mrs. Jennifer C. Woodrow
Mr. Dennis Woods
Ms. Elizabeth Woods
Mr. Gene B. Woods
Mr. Walter R. Woods
Mr. Norman L. Woodward
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Cheryl Woody
Christopher and Mary Wooldridge
Mr. Ted D. Work
Todd and Jamie Worrell
Mr. Chad and Dr. Tracey Wortham
Mr. Eddy and Mrs. Cathy Wright
Larry and Gail Wright
Mr. Michael Wright
Rodney and Sydney Wright
Mr. William S. Wright
Wright Implement of Owensboro LLC
Mr. Zhiqiang Wu
Dr. Ronald L. Wuest
Norman and Pamela Wurgler
Mr. James L. Wurtz
Mrs. Kimberly Wyatt
Mr. Michael E. Wyatt
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Jennifer Wylie
Forrest and Christine Wynne
Ms. Barbara Wysock
Ms. Caroline M. Yaffe
Mr. Michael A. Yaffe
Ms. Beverly J. Yancey
Mrs. Melody A. Yarborough
Col. Michelle F. Yarborough
Dr. Carol A. Yarbro
Ms. Aviva Yasgur
Billy and Emmalene Yates
Mrs. Angela M. Yearry
Mr. Skip and Mrs. Pat Yeomans
Mr. Samuel D. York
Dr. Burton and Mrs. Cathy Young
Diane and John Young Jr.
Ms. Dianne A. Young
Ms. Emily M. Young
Mrs. Molly Young
Mrs. Suzann L. Yovich
Mr. Zheng Yu
Mr. Michael A. Yusko
Kenneth and Cynthia Zabel
Mr. Anthony M. Zaleski
Dr. Laurene E. Zaporozhetz
Rick R. and Janet C. Zeiher
Mrs. Linda J. Ziemba
Dr. James and Mrs. Adri Zieren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zimmer
Dr. Edmund and
Mrs. Mary Beth Zimmerer
Mrs. Cathy S. Zion
James and May Zumwalt
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Olivia Ann Zunkel
John Wesley Carr Society
Recognizing 20 or more years
of consistent giving
Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
Dr. William Allbritten and
Dr. Rose Bogal-Allbritten
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Anderson
Mrs. Rainey B. Apperson
M. E. and Ruth Arnold
John C. and Linda F. Asbell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Back
Alan and Connie Baker
Mr. Don C. Baker
Henry F. and Peggy J. Barbour
Dr. Charlotte L. Beahan
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Jean Bennett
Big Apple Cafe Inc.
Bob and Jeannie Billington
Mr. Benson Blackie
Frank and Peggy Block
Mrs. Margaret Boone
Ms. Eurless Boughton
Max H. and Barbara G. Brandon
Dr. Tony and Mrs. Lisa Brannon
Edward and Allene Bridges
Mr. Marion and Mrs. Ann Brown
Mike and Pat Brunn
Buddy and Betty Buckingham
Mr. Albert Budlong
William and Cereta Burch
Billie Burton and William Benriter
Mr. and Mrs. Austin D. Byers
Ms. Bettye E. Calvert
Ms. Ann D. Carr
Jim and Debbie Carter
Joe and Pam Cartwright
Ms. Melba W. Casey
Jim and Sue Cash
Alvin and Betsy Choate
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Churchill Jr.
Rick and Karen Clement
Michael and April Cochran
Dr. Michael and
Mrs. Katharine Cohen
Dr. Ruth E. Cole
Ronald C. and Peggy A. Colson
Larry and Ellen Contri
Mr. George Cook
Ms. Maura L. Corley
Donald R. and Bernice B. Crawford
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Carolyn Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dick
John F. and Alice T. Dillon
Toy and June Dooley
Dr. John Dressler
Mr. Newman E. Dunagan
Sid and Melissa Easley
Charles L. and Kate Eldridge
Otis and Barbara Erwin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Etherton
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Janet Farmer
Mrs. Teckla Farrell
Buddy and Mary Jo Farris
Mr. Frank Fazi
Ms. Jo B. Fielder
Dr. Terry Strieter and
Ms. Sara Fineman
Donald and Kathie D. Fleming
Charles and Retta Folsom
Dr. Terry H. Foreman
Ronnie and Janella Fox
Dr. James and Mrs. Norma Frank
Ms. Doris Franklin
Harry and Jeanette Furches
Mr. R. Marshall Garland
David and Dale Gentner
Ms. Joyce A. Gordon
David and Rosemary Graham
Mr. Kent and Mrs. Diana K. Hale
Jules and Patsy Harcourt
Terry and Ruth Harrell
Virgil M. and Anna Ruth Harris
Dr. James C. Hart
John and Sharon Hart
Mr. Walter J. Hartsfield
Ronald and Mary Haugen
Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Hazle
Dale and Susan Heflin
Dr. Bonnie and Mr. Cliff Higginson
Ms. Paula B. Hill
Bud and Kathy Hodge
Mr. Claude A. Holeman
Ms. Linnie B. Hooks
Randall and Elizabeth Hopkins
Mrs. Amber J. Howard
Robert and Marcia S. Hubbard
John and Louise Hughart
Ms. Janna L. Hughes
Gerald and Mary A. Humphries
Dr. Karl and Mrs. Sarah Hussung
Charles and Mildred Jackson
Bob and Karen Jackson
Alan and Elizabeth Johnson
Don and Gwen Johnson
Edward and Katherine Johnstone
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Bonnie Jones
Michael and Carol Jones
Mrs. Patti M. Jones
Patti J. and Tim Karn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kassing
Ms. Mary K. Kelly
Thomas and Melinda Kelly
Mr. James R. Kevil
James and Rosina Kinder
Mr. Ricky A. Lamkin
Ms. Jean F. Lindsey
Dr. Tristan and Mrs. Jane Lineberry
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Kate Lochte
Mrs. Glema Mahr
Jim and Mary Manion
Mr. James M. Marsh
Tommy and Olivia B. Marshall
Dan and Gladys Martin
Quentin and Madolyn Martin
Robert K. and Shirley C. Martin
Dr. Sal and Mrs. Frances Matarazzo
Mrs. Terri D. Matthews
Ms. Kathryne M. McCullough
Dr. Robert H. McGaughey III
Charlie D. and Mary Lynn McKenney
David and Pat McMullin
Ms. Norma R. Meier
Dr. Ross and Mrs. Sharion Meloan
Joseph and Jean Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrus C. Miller Jr.
Dr. Dan M. and Mrs Laura L. Miller
Dr. Fred L. and Mrs. Linda Miller
Joe and Cindy Miller
Michael A. and Jean M. Miller
Dr. Tim and Mrs. Patricia Miller
Dr. Viola and Mr. Richard Miller
James and Imogene H. Monroe
John and Alice Moore
Jerry and KoKo Morris
William D. and Sarah W. Murphy
Murray-Calloway Co. Hospital
Paul and Linda Myhill
Dr. Ginny Richerson and
Dr. Paul Naberezny
William and Christabel Nichols
Rickie L. and Patricia A. Nimmo
Dr. George C. and
Mrs. Patricia S. Oakley
Parker Ford Lincoln Mercury Inc.
Mr. Jerry Pasek
Mrs. Judith and
Dr. William F. Payne Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perry
James and Nancy Petty
Mr. Bruce E. Phillips
Kenneth and Vera Phillips
Odell and Ruth Phillips
Robert and Marilyn Pirtle
Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Martha Pitman
John and Ruth Porter
Ms. Jeanette B. Posey
Stuart and Donna Poston
Bill J. and Jan W. Rayburn
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rayburn
Larry J. and Ginger L. Reddick
Sidney and Martha Reeves
Dr. Roger Reichmuth
Dane and Dee Reynolds
Ms. Anna L. Riadon
Drs. Robert and Shawn Ross
William R. and Alice Rouse
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Rowlett
Rudolph’s Inc.
Nassir Saghafi M.D.
Jon and Adelia L. Sams
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Sasse
Mrs. Carolyn M. Schmidt-Golfin
Dr. Steven and
Mrs. Jean Schneiderman
Dr. Richard J. Scott
Scott A. and Patricia W. Seiber
Steven and Donna Seltzer
Mrs. Maggie Selvidge
Ms. Doris W. Seney
Ms. Charlyne S. Shepherd
Dr. Mary P. Smith
William R. and
Julianne W. Staudacher
Dr. Chad and Mrs. Betty Stewart
Dwight and Ruth Stokes
Herman and Geraldine D. Stone
Alan C. and Doris Stout
Gearl and Jeanette Suiter
Ms. Barbara L. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Taylor
James and Barbara Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Taylor
Taylor Bus Sales Inc.
Maj. (Ret.) and
Mrs. Thomas L. Thorp Jr.
Drs. Martin and Patsy Tracy
Tom and Rebecca Travis
Clarence and Lisa W. Trent
Mrs. Margaret Trevathan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Tucker
Richard H. and Mary Elizabeth Usher
Mr. Kenneth J. Verderese
Mrs. Marcia L. Viets
Henry and Mary Viles
Ms. Ida L. Vinson
Mancil and Anne Vinson
Dr. Michael Waag and
Dr. Yoko Hatakeyama
Terry L. and Joe Ann Weatherford
Bobbie and John Weatherly
Mrs. Bertha W. Wenzel
Dr. Kit W. Wesler and Dr. Renae
Mr. Ben Whiteaker
Mr. Mark C. Whitlow
Dale H. Willis and Paula A. Edwards
Dr. William R. Wilson
Randall and Carolyn Winchester
Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Woodall III
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Wuest
Ms. Caroline M. Yaffe
John M. and Myra A. Yates
John and Martha Yezerski
Dr. Burton and Mrs. Cathy Young
2008 Heritage Society
Established to recognize individuals
who are providing for MSU’s future
through a bequest, charitable gift
annuity, life insurance policy or
charitable trust.
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Beulah M. Ashbrook
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Bell
Ms. Mary Alice M. Bighinatti
Mr. Benson Blackie
Dr. Carlton and Mrs. Jacquelin Bostic
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowker
Ms. Wanda J. Calhoun
Jim and Sue Cash
Ms. Mildred M. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Churchill Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Howell R. Clark
Dr. Ruth E. Cole
LTC (Ret.) Wendy S. Collins
Mr. David Cornelius
Ms. Beatrice J. Cornwell
Mrs. Madolyn E. Crysler
Mr. Robert W. Darnell
Col. and Mrs. Michael R. Denington
Dr. Robert H. Divine
Mr. Joseph and Dr. Ella Evens
Dr. Kelly and Mrs. Frances Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Gage
Mr. Michael S. Guthrie
Janet Henry and Vernon Moore
Ms. Mae P. Henry
Mr. B. J. Hodge
Dr. Betsy Howton
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson
Ms. Hilda R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Jones
Ms. Janet B. Kirk
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Michele Lamb
Trish Hightower Lambden
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan
Dr. Jean I. Lorrah
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowry
Mrs. Doris E. Luna
Dr. Robert H. McGaughey III
Mr. Michael F. McKinney
Mr. Bernard R. Meinert Jr
Mr. Eric P. Miller
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Betsy Miller
Drs. Don and Roberta Miller
Mr. Bill B. Morgan
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. KoKo Morris
Ms. Jessie Munday-Jackson
Mr. George T. Murphey
Mrs. Peg K. Norris
Mr. Rex Paschall
Mr. Claude Petrie Jr.
Mrs. Debra A. Poole Pierce
Mr. Paul E. Porter
David W. and Anita M. Poynor
Mrs. Nancy J. Procell
Mr. Jeffrey A. Pugh
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Wells Ray
Mr. Hal Riddle +
Dan and Barbara Roberts
Ms. Marjorie R. Roehm
Jennie and Tom Rottinghaus
Dr. Johny B. Russell
Dr. Robert G. Satterfield
Dr. Hal Seaton
Ms. Doris W. Seney
Rev. J. Samuel Shelby
Jerry and Betsy R. Shroat
Dr. Brinda Smith
Dr. Bruce L. Smith
Mrs. Gigi K. Smith
Mrs. Sandra W. Spalding
Don W. and Carolyn L. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomas
Drs. Martin and Patsy Tracy
David and Vickie Travis
Tom and Theo Tuck
Drs. Tom and Lisa Read Vanarsdel
Mr. Michael Waldrop
Mr. Ralph T. Waldrop, Sr.
Ms. Rosemary M. Wallace
Ms. Genevieve Warren
Mr. S. Rayburn and
Mrs. Nancy Watkins
Mr. John F. West
Dr. Peter W. and Mrs. Beryl Whaley
Mrs. Betty W. Whitehead
Cols. (Ret.) Bill and Barbara Wilder
Mr. Dean Willis +
Dr. George M. Wyatt
Ms. Beverly J. Yancey
Alan and Rhonda Zacharias
+ deceased
The recognition extended to those who
appear in the Honor Roll of Contributors
is one small way to express gratitude to
those who generously contribute to Murray
State University through the Murray State
University Foundation and the RACER Club.
We are sincerely grateful for these vital
gifts of private support.
Each entry has been carefully reviewed
and every effort has been made to ensure
that it is accurate and complete. The listings are for contributions received between
Jan. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2008. Matched
gifts received by Dec. 31, 2008, have been
credited to the original donor in calculating
membership in the President’s Club.
If there are errors or omissions, please
accept our apologies and contact the
development and alumni affairs office by
phone (270-809-3001 or 877-282-0033)
or email ([email protected]) so we
may make the correction.
Look for more class notes online
David Long ’75 B.S. accounting, is president of OMS
International, an evangelical, interdenominational mission that
ministers in more than 40 countries. There are more than 7,000
OMS-related churches with a combined membership in excess of
one million people.
Long’s affiliation with OMS began in
1995 when he served as a missionary
in Macau, China and Hong Kong. He
helped established the United Wesleyan
Graduate Institute seminary in Hong
Kong. He has traveled extensively
throughout Africa, India, Russia and
China. In 2007, he spoke to more than
100,000 people in Seoul, Korea, at the
Olympic Stadium.
Prior to working with OMS, the
Benton, Ky., native was an attorney/partner with Wyatt, Tarrant
and Combs in Lexington, Ky. Long lives in Greenwood, Ind.
Dr. Henry Earl Jones ’61 B.S. chemistry
and biology, and a 1990 Distinguished
Alumnus, was recently presented with
the Oregon Vintner of the Year Award.
The award is presented to individuals
who have demonstrated significant
achievements in building the Oregon
wine industry and establishing its
worldwide reputation.
Jones is a co-founder, owner
and operator of Abacela Winery in
Roseburg, Ore. Abacela cultivates
more than 60 acres and has an annual
production of 10,000-plus cases of wine.
Wine Enthusiast magazine awarded 95 out of 100 points to
Abacela’s 2005 South Face Reserve Syrah and designated it an
Editor’s Choice. From a historical perspective, 95 point wines are
rare. Wine Enthusiast and Wine Spectator, two highly respected
magazines among vintners, have tasted approximately 10,000
Oregon wines of which they rated only 20 wines from just 12
Oregon wineries at 95 points or higher.
Jones has served as a director on the Oregon Wine Board,
Oregon Winegrowers Association, Umpqua Valley Winegrowers
Association and the Southern Oregon Winery Association.
At MSU he was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity. Jones established the Clay and Treva Jones Memorial
Scholarship at MSU in memory of his parents.
Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton ’69 B.A. speech
communication and English, ’71 M.A.
speech communication, joined educators
from 19 nations in Jordan to present
information on postsecondary schools.
The delegation, led by Glenn
Cummings, newly appointed deputy
assistant secretary of the U.S.
Department of Education, promoted
community colleges as a way to drive
global economic revitalization.
Thornton served on panels
addressing the topic “Multiple Missions, Multiple Models: An
Introduction to Community Colleges in the United States and
Student Transitions Toward Success.”
The forum was a joint effort of the Education Department’s
Office of Vocational and Adult Education along with the Middle
East Partnership Initiative at the U.S. State Department and the
U.S. Agency for International Department.
Thornton is president of Cuyahoga Community College and a
1987 MSU Distinguished Alumnus. A former Miss Murray State,
she was co-grand marshal of the 2005 Homecoming Parade.
Bill Garibay ’88 B.S. occupational safety and health, was
recognized as the 2008 Hispanic Business Entrepreneur of the Year
(EOY) in the Green Company Category
at the Hispanic Business Magazine EOY®
Awards Gala in Los Angeles.
Garibay is founder and president
of ES&H Inc., an award-winning small,
Disadvantaged Business Entity that
provides environmental, safety and
health, construction, disaster response,
engineering and training services. The
business is located in Knoxville, Tenn.
The annual EOY® Awards Gala
honors courageous and determined
Hispanic entrepreneurs who take the lead
in innovation and inspire change. More
than 750 leaders, including honorees and
alumni of EOY, attended the conference.
The Green Company Category is a new category for the
EOY Awards. This special recognition is given to the company
that strives to create a better environment while bringing a new
consciousness and focus to American business.
As a student, Garibay was a Racer cheerleader and member of
the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Provinces of Night, a new movie starring, produced and adapted for screen by Murray State alumnus W. Earl
Brown, began production on April 15 in Wilmington, N.C. A project three years in the making , the film is based on the
novel of the same name by acclaimed author William Gay (The Long Home, I Hate to See That Evening Sun Go Down).
Provinces of Night tells the story of the Bloodworths, a rural Tennessee family whose existence is mired in upheaval
and self-destruction. Directed by MSU alumnus Shane D. Taylor, the film’s executive producer is fellow MSU alum
Corky Taylor. The cast includes Kris Kristofferson, Val Kilmer, Dwight Yoakam and Hilary Duff.
Brown received his bachelor’s degree in theatre in 1986 from Murray State. A tremendous MSU supporter, he has
previously returned to campus to participate in acting workshops with the MSU theatre department.
2009 Distinguished
Alumnus Award
SU’s accounting honors
society Beta Alpha Psi has
selected David M. Dill for the 2009
Outstanding Accounting Alumnus
Award. This award is given to
graduates who have distinguished
themselves in the field of accounting
and/or business, and have helped
the college, department or chapter
in some significant way. Dill is the executive vice
president and chief operating officer
for LifePoint Hospitals Inc., a leading hospital company focused
on providing healthcare services in non-urban communities.
He previously served as executive vice president and chief
financial officer. Prior to joining LifePoint, Dill held executive positions with
Fresenius Medical Care North America and the East Division
of Fresenius Medical Care Services. He is also a director of
Psychiatric Solutions, a behavioral health services company. An honors graduate, Dill received his bachelor’s degree in
accounting from MSU in 1990 and entered public accounting
with Deloitte & Touche in Nashville, Tenn.
He met his wife, Ashley, a 1989 MSU graduate, while at
Murray State. They have one daughter Evanne, 13, and a son,
Watson, 9. He serves on the board of Kids Across America. Dill
and his family live in Old Hickory, Tenn.
urray State alumnus Tom Rickman explored the world
of Tourette Syndrome as the screenwriter of his second
Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, Front of the Class, which aired on
The movie was based on the true story of
Brad Cohen, motivational speaker and awardwinning teacher and author living with Tourette
Syndrome. Inspired by Cohen’s book, Front
of the Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me
the Teacher I Never Had, the movie tells the
inspirational story of how Cohen defied the
odds to become a teacher.
Rickman, an Emmy- and Oscar-nominated screenwriter, has
a writing studio at his home in Encino, Calif. A charter trustee
of Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute, Rickman mentors
hopeful writers/directors at Sundance
and internationally, and founded his
own screenwriting workshop at the
Squaw Valley Writer’s Conference
near Lake Tahoe, Calif.
A native of Sharpe, Ky., Rickman
received his bachelor’s degree in
English from MSU in 1965 and his
master’s degree in English from the
University of Illinois, ChampaignUrbana. He is a 1981 MSU
Distinguished Alumnus recipient.
The Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor
given by the Murray State University Alumni Association,
is presented to recognize the service of outstanding
alumni who have held responsible positions and made
significant contributions to their professions on the
national, state and local levels.
ichael S. Hamilton,
1975 summa cum
laude graduate
of Murray State with a
B.S. in accounting, is a
certified public accountant
in California and Kentucky.
Partner and Chief Learning
and Development Officer of
the Americas with Ernst &
Young LLP, he is a graduate
of the Ernst & Young Harvard
Strategic Leadership Program,
the Ernst & Young Kellogg Executive Development Program
and the KPMG Harvard Executive Development Program.
He leads Ernst & Young’s learning and development
organization in its mission to support the 41,000 people
of the Americas in realizing their potential and making a
difference for their clients and in their communities. Each
year, the Americas deliver over 5,000 classroom sessions
and deploy a variety of executive development programs for
the benefit of its professionals. Ernst & Young was one of six
inaugural inductees into Training magazine’s Top 10 Hall of
Before assuming this post, Hamilton served the firm
in a number of positions and in initiatives to support the
development of the firm’s people including the Diversity Task
Force and Gender Equity Committee.
He has been referenced in industry publications and
in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and USA
Today, as well as newspapers in Chicago, Miami and Los
Angeles. He is a member of the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, a fellow of the American
College of Forensic Examiners, and was selected as Who’s
Who in Health Care in Los Angeles and Who’s Who Among
Young Business Leaders.
A member of Alpha Chi Honor Society while a student,
Hamilton maintains a close relationship with the MSU
accounting department.
He currently resides in Orange County, Calif., with his
wife of 34 years, Janet Hamilton. They have two daughters,
Sara and Stephanie.
33 31
I n M emor y
William “Bill” Bonham died Feb. 16. He was an assistant professor
of speech communication at Murray State from 1962 to 1969 and
also directed the Thoroughbred Hour and served as an adviser to
Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Harvey Elder ’55 B.A. mathematics and history, ’57 M.A.E. died
July 23. A professor in the mathematics department at Murray
State from 1957 until his retirement in 1998, he received the 1988
Distinguished Professor Award from the MSU Alumni Association
of which he was a life member.
J. Ruble Crutchfield ’42 B.S. history/agricultural science died Dec.
25, 2008. He was a retired teacher and lived in Waterloo, Ill.
Hal Riddle ’42 B.S. business administration died June 17. A 1975
Distinguished Alumnus of Murray State University, Hal was a
celebrated film and television character actor for more than
50 years, appearing in numerous movies and television shows
including The Fugitive, Little House on the Prairie, The Waltons and
Days of Our Lives. In 2001, he was named the first recipient of
the College of Humanities and Fine Arts Distinguished Alumnus
Award. That same year, he donated his private collection of
Hollywood movie memorabilia to Murray State. The collection
includes personal letters from legendary stars including Anthony
Perkins, Harpo Marx and President Ronald Reagan; autographed
pictures from Clark Gable, Bette Davis and others; and original
movie posters from classic films including Gone With the Wind and
From Here to Eternity. The Hal Riddle Hollywood Movie Memorabilia
Collection is housed in Wrather Museum on MSU’s campus. Riddle
also served as grand marshal of the 1972 Homecoming Parade and
was a guest director of a summer theatre at the university during
the 1970s.
Guy Gardner ’47 B.S. history died March 4. He was a former
football player and “M” Club member at Murray State. He was a
retired educator and lived in Kenosha, Wis.
Ruth Elenora Vannerson McCain ’47 B.A. business administration
died March 28. She was an alumna of Alpha Sigma Alpha at
Murray State. A retired real estate agent and broker, she lived in
Terre Haute, Ind.
Harold “Hal” Manson ’48 B.S. physical education and history died
June 14. While at Murray State, he played varsity football and was a
member of the “M” Club. He lived in Sun City, Ariz.
Ken Evitt ’49 B.S. physical education, ’55 M.B.A. died March 17. He
was a member of the 1949 Tangerine Bowl team at Murray State
and lived in Vero Beach, Fla.
Richard Rose ’50 B.S. agricultural science died April 23.
Keith McCloud ’67 B.S. English died Dec. 15, 2008. He was an
alumnus of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
James Norris Ingle ’70 B.S. industrial technology, ’75 B.S. industrial
education died Sept. 21, 2008.
Albert F. Heiss ’73 B.S. marketing died Jan. 14. He was a U.S. Army
Murray State University Alumni Association
launches new online community with iModules
Homecoming 2009
A number of great services and opportunities await MSU alumni/
parents/friends. Once you log in, you can register for alumni events,
search an online directory of MSU alumni, make gifts to the college,
post and read class notes, read about all of MSU’s Distinguished Alumni,
keep up with Racer Athletics and much more.
The 9-digit alumni identification number that is required for complete
access to the online community can be found on the mailing label of
this magazine and on future publications.
Visit Oct. 12 for more information.
The Shoe Tree
A history of life
In shoes side-by-side
Or tied
Hanging on the dead, peeling bark like
Spanish moss
Nailed in the cups of missing limbs
This is what they were
At war
In camo lace-up boots; the high-top
Army green Converse
When they said what they said
In blue-tongue-ripped-out-high-topfur-linedtan-suede boot shoes
When they were patriotic
In red, white, and blue American
Eagle shoes
When they were hippies
In Birkenstock slide shoes
When they were feminists
Her shoe nailed over his shoe
When they worked construction
In the Blackhawk Industrial Footwear
shoes and
Steel-toed Caterpillar boots
When they thought they were cunning
In sleek Puma Cat Shoes
When they felt good
In Keds “It feels Good” shoes and
“Bouncing Soles” shoes
When they were running
In the New Balance 475s and 743s
When they were horsing around
In red and brown leather Peacock
Cowgirl boots
When they drank at will
In the Corona-Extra-nailed-togetherwith-a-Corona-lids shoes
When they danced with
Don’t step on my blue Suede shoes
When they were flamboyant in
Dyelights lavender shoes
And glitter and rhinestone shoes
When they were in love enough to
write their
NamesverticallyDown-each-sideof-a-laceless shoe
When they tied the knot and came
back to nail
A Mary Jane pink-baby-shoe
Inside a Land’s End boot
Their stories
A fading record
Left behind.
By James B. Goode
2009 Kentucky Monthly
Professor Superlatives
Two MSU school of agriculture professors
were recognized in the August 2009 issue of
Kentucky Monthly.
Method to
the Madness
Dr. Iin Handayani –
She may have a messy
desk, but Handayani
can immediately find
a specific book or
article to share with her
students when they need
assistance. A professor of wide interests and ideas,
Handayani proves that a messy desk is a sign of
Goode, who is a member
of the English faculty at
Bluegrass Community
& Technical College in
Lexington, Ky., is a student
in MSU’s M.F.A. program
in creative writing (fiction).
Poem reprinted with the
permission of Steve Vest,
editor and publisher of
Kentucky Monthly, where
it originally appeared in
the August 2009, and a
participant in the M.F.A.
creative writing program
(non-fiction) as well.
Dr. Jim Davis – A
professor who loves
teaching too much to
retire, Davis impresses
his students with his
unorthodox methods. Students appreciate how
available he is to them outside of the classroom
and fondly remember his eccentricities such as his
complete shunning of electronics, opting instead to
clip reminder notes to his shirt or tie.
Murray State University
106 Development Center
Murray, KY 42071-3313
Change Service Requested
“Alma Mater,” written by Dean A. B. Austin and sung
for the first time in chapel by Professor Price Doyle,
was unanimously adopted by the students as the
official college song on Friday, Oct. 7, 1932.
It was sung the next day for the first time
on the athletic field by the students at the football
game with the team of the University of Louisville.
Incidentally, the Thoroughbreds won that game by the
largest score in the history of this college –
Murray 105, University of Louisville 0.
From the first, it has been the custom for the audience
to stand in respectful reverence while the alma mater
is being sung.
Honor to Dean Austin for writing this inspiring song!
His memory will be cherished as long as this college is
in existence.
~ Recollections of Murray State College
by John Wesley Carr