Mollie Makes
Mollie Makes
Stitch an old skool phone case! < Yarn-wrapped 3D wall art < Hand-stencilled slogan T-shirt < Quilted LP record placemats < Pretty f loral crown < Bunting with a twist Retro VIBES 41 INSIDE THIS ISSUE ¤ HANGING OUT WITH KIRSTIE ALLSOPP ¤ CROCHET BIKE GUARD ¤ STITCHED LETTER BUNTING ¤ RETRO FELT CASSETTE GADGET COSY ¤ PATCHWORK LP PLACEMATS adorn wrap KNIT 26 MOLLIEMAKES 3 CONTENTS 28 We meet 20 GET NOSTALGIC Kirstie ON THE COVER PHOTOGRAPHER: PHILIP SOWELS MODEL: LEANNE MEGSON, MUSTARD MODELS FABRIC: WWW.DONNAFLOWER.COM W R.COM WE Talk to us! 41 issue number forty one INTRODUCING.. LIVING The latest news from the world of handmade Fill your life and home with crafted goodness 09 INTRODUCING… 51 LIVING Handpicked crafty happenings Our top picks of the most lovely buys for a hand-crafted, creative home 14 TRENDS Make a typographical statement tee 54 HOME TOUR 18 OUT AND ABOUT Irene and Dirk’s Netherlands home blends simplicity with Asian influences An inspiring weekend at Blogtacular 59 NAIL AND YARN ART 20 CASSETTE COSY A colourful retro mixtape in felted form Create striking ombré wall art using affordable, easy-to-source materials 28 TEA AND A CHAT… 63 CROCHET HANGERS With the one and only Kirstie Allsopp Give your wardrobe a makeover and treat your best dresses to these gorgeous hangers 34 GOOD READ @MollieMakes MollieMakes Learning to celebrate creative chaos 67 FABRIC WASHBAG 37 SKIRT GUARD Pretty up your bathroom shelf with one of these surprisingly spacious washbags Crochet a pretty bike accessory 88 TEMPLATES 45 LETTER BUNTING Send some beautiful stitched snail mail 4 MOLLIEMAKES.COM 41 Instructions for making your free shoe clips and templates for our projects 37 Skirt guard 16 Stencil print 67 Floral washbag CELEBRATIONS While putting this issue together, Mollie Makes turned three! We celebrated at Blogtacular in London (see page 18), where we met the hugely inspiring Joy Cho, pictured with us above. Unsurprisingly, birthday good times have made their way into our projects, with music and nostalgia at full volume. In between helpings of cake, we also squeezed in an extra gift for our subscribers – you’ll find three exclusive Emma Block illustrated notecards with your delivery. Thank you so much for your support these past three years. LOVING Treats and treasures to fall in love with Lara Watson Editor PS. Having tea with Kirstie Allsopp was a career highlight! Join us at her Handmade Fair: 71 LOVING Beautiful things to covet, adore and make 72 COLLECTING RECORDS Why Katie Shelton is a fan of vinyl 73 RECORD PLACEMATS Spin a few of these easy-to-sew quilted placemats at your next dinner party 63 Girlie hangers 76 GOOD READ How to price your handmade goods 78 FLOWER CROWN Go for all-out bohemian festival style or keep it subtle with this adaptable project 73 Placemat records 85 KNITTED BANGLES You’ll get addicted to crafting these easy bangles out of T-shirt fabric yarn 98 THE BACK PAGE PROJECT Zoë Power on the sea’s creative allure Subscribe at Turn to page 7 to get the lowdown on this month’s kit Contributors EDITORIAL Editor Lara Watson Deputy Editor Charlie Moorby Art Editor Helena Tracey Production Editor Jessica Bateman Digital Production Editor Nina Camacho Picture Editor Emma Georgiou [email protected] Kirstie Allsopp The self-styled celebrity queen of craft has got the nation stitching, knitting and upcycling with her huge output of TV shows and books. Her latest venture? The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace this September. We talk career, family and feminism on page 28. Helena Tracey Helena is the Art Editor of Mollie Makes, with an addiction to hipster fonts, neon and glitter. It’s her job to make sure the magazine looks as gorgeous as possible, and she’s just been shortlisted for PPA Designer of the Year. Stick up Helena’s quote prints, free with this issue. ADVERTISING Call: 01225 442244 Senior Advertising Manager Penny Stokes Senior Sales Executive Beckie Pring Sales Executives Tiffany Jackson, Robyn McBryde Sales Director Clare Coleman-Straw MARKETING Marketing Executive Elly Ralph CIRCULATION Head of Trade Marketing James Whitaker Trade Marketing Manager Janine Smith International Account Manager Rebecca Richer PRODUCTION Production Manager Mark Constance Production Controller Stephanie Smith LICENSING Licensing and Syndication Director Regina Erak [email protected] Tel +44 (0)1225 732359 Daniela Fugger Daniela lives in Koblenz, Germany, and loves finding inspiration in nature and everyday life. Previously a web designer, she discovered the world of craft after giving birth to her son in 2012, and now shares DIY ideas on her blog. Get wrapped up in Daniela’s 3D art on page 59. Karin Kirsten-Collier A full-time daydreamer and designer-maker, Karin is best friends with a Jack Russell called Lily, who is really a human wearing a dog suit. She loves animals and her dream is to one day live on a big farm and adopt abandoned dogs. Float away in Karin’s flower crown on page 78. MANAGEMENT Managing Director Jo Morrell Head of Women’s Lifestyle Katherine Raderecht Group Senior Editor Julie Taylor Group Art Director Matthew Hunkin Editorial Director Jim Douglas SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions Manager Elizabeth Daly Call 0844 848 2852 or subscribe online at Future Publishing Ltd, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW Future produces high-quality multimedia products which reach our audiences online, on mobile and in print. Future attracts over 50 million consumers to its Technology, Entertainment, Music, Women and Sports & Auto. We export and license our publications. Chief executive Zillah Byng-Maddick Future plc is a public Non-executive chairman Peter Allen company quoted on the London Stock Exchange Simon Poulton !" #$% Laura Howard When not sewing, knitting, sketching or blogging, Laura can usually be found exploring London’s museums, galleries and historic houses, soaking up some inspiration and enjoying lots of tea and cake. Stitch up Laura’s retro felt gadget cosy on page 20. Alyssa Zukas Portland-based Alyssa spends her time stenciling and splash-dying for her clothing line, Two String Jane. When her hands aren’t covered in paint, holding a camera or wrangling cacti, they can whip up a mean guacamole. Get printing Alyssa’s colourful T-shirt on page 16. Other contributors Emma Block, Valerie Bracegirdle, Savannah Carroll, Jenny Dixon, Leah Farquharson, Jen Gardner, Haafner, Live it Love it Make it, Elizabeth McCaughley, Leanne Megson @ Mustard Models, Lara Messer, Sarah Montrose, Kerry Moyle, Zoe Power, Caroline Rowland, Kathryn Sharman, Katie Shelton, Lottie Storey, Pinned It! Made It!, Philip Sowels, Alex Thomas, Anette Wetzel-Grolle 6 MOLLIEMAKES.COM 41 Print 36,962 Digital 2,793 The ABC combined print and digital publication circulation for Jan-Dec 2013 is 39,755 A member of the Audited Bureau of Circulations © Future Publishing Limited 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England and Wales. The registered office of Future Publishing Limited is at Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW. All information contained in this magazine is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. Readers are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price of products/services referred to in this magazine. If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Future a licence to publish your submission in whole or in part in all editions of the magazine, including licensed editions worldwide and in any physical or digital format throughout the world. Any material you submit is sent at your risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future nor its employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for loss or damage. We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from well managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. Future Publishing and its paper suppliers have been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). ExcLuSive DesIgner kit PRETTY GLITZY SHOE CLIPS Put on your dancing shoes and get pumped! “We’re both big believers in the power of embellishment to breathe new life into an item of clothing. We go nuts in haberdasheries for trims, gems and fringing, and we’ve also bought pom pom makers so we can produce dozens for different uses. These clips were inspired by pom poms – we wanted them to feel fun and a little bit quirky. We loved the net and thought it would work well with ballet pumps – we’re more disco dancers really, but we love the ballet trend too. We really wanted to create something that could be adapted to look subtle or a bit more bonkers – we have some more clips planned featuring neon yellow net and a vintage brooch. Finally, we couldn’t resist adding a huge gem in the centre to bring it all together and hide the stitching.” Sarah and Plum are friends who live, work and craft in East London. Their Pinned It! Made It! Pinterest parties were born out of a mutual frustration of never having the time to actually make anything they pinned. As well as Pinterest they share a love of fashion, food and furniture. Turn to page 88 to learn how to make the clips, and don’t forget to share your finished versions on Instagram using #molliemakers. THIS GIFT COMES WITH THE PRINT COPY OF THE MAGAZINE ONLY. Jazz up a pair of treads with these ingenious clips by East London’s Pinned It! Made It! girls 25 MOLLIEMAKES.COM 7 INTRODUCING.. 41 THE LATEST IN CREATIVE GOODNESS – HANDPICKED JUST FOR YOU PHOTOGRAPH: IMAGE FROM THE WHITEPEPPER Get the edgy London look with pretty vintageinspired pieces from THE WHITEPEPPER, a fashion brand based in East London. With the likes of ASOS and Topshop snapping up their smock dresses and bomber jackets, it’s going to be one heck of a race to the checkout. Subscribe at 41 MOLLIEMAKES.COM 9 Granny Square a Week, the new app from Simply Crochet has finally arrived. Get a free granny square pattern on your iPhone or iPad – every Friday. Awesome, right? Search for ‘granny square’ on apple newsstand. www. PHOTOGRAPH: J TULINIEMI PHOTOGRAPHY NEW APP Weekly fix! Once adorning our stationery, marbling is now having a welldeserved revival and Amy Sia’s painted silk scarves are the most vibrant way to dip into the trend. PHOTOGRAPH: DANA FOX THIS MONTH’S WISHLIST Done arranging your washi tape in shade order? Here’s another neat way to enjoy a daily dose of colour. Pop-on a SmArtAnna leather collar for instant wardrobe zing. All together now: ‘I can sing a rainbow...’ Show your font appreciation – and make a statement – with a hand painted brooch that nods towards the typography trend (see page 14) and indulges your neon obsession. 10 MOLLIEMAKES.COM 41 Striking a cord with artists and musicians alike, Dana has taken the DIY Ukele kit (find yours at Uncommon Goods) to the next level with a summer paint job. Ace!
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