Spring 2013 - VIP Services


Spring 2013 - VIP Services
Community Edition, Spring 2013
Volume 13, Issue 1
VIP Services, Inc. • 811 East Geneva Street • Elkhorn, WI • 53121
hen VIP Services Ambassador
Steve Pils first stated his dream
of shaking hands with Wisconsin
Governor Scott Walker, he had no idea
just how soon he would be empowered
to make it come true. Pils has been
participating in a series of specialized
trainings designed to help clients
forge a path to self determination.
The training, which has been piloted
with VIP Services Ambassadors, has
emphasized the importance of having a
vision based on your dreams, making
informed choices, taking responsibility
and speaking up.
Having identified one of his dreams by
speaking up about it during a training
session last year, Steve’s chance to
realize his dream came about this
past November. As part of an effort to
celebrate October’s National Disability
Awareness Month, the Wisconsin
Board for People with Developmental
Disabilities (BPDD) was recruiting
people to participate in its “Take
a Legislator to Work” campaign in
October and November.
With help in applying to participate
in the program from VIP Services
Assistant Program Director Dana
Kelnhofer, Steve was selected to have
a visit at work from Governor Walker.
BPDD staff worked with Steve and his
employer, Mark Stinebrink, owner of
the Lake Geneva Piggly Wiggly store,
to set up a visit on November 27th.
Steve said that one of his favorite parts
of the visit involved instructing the
Governor on some of the finer points of
his job as a bagger.
The mission of the Wisconsin BPDD
is to improve the independence,
productivity, and integration of people
The group’s “Take a Legislator to
Work” campaign has become a very
Piggly Wiggly store owner Mark Stinebrink looks on approvingly as Steve Pils demonstrates
the finer points of bagging groceries to Governor Scott Walker.
popular way to acknowledge and
celebrate Wisconsin workers with
disabilities. The Governor issued an
official proclamation for Disability
that recognizes the importance of
people with disabilities working and
contributing to their communities.
Also participating in the “Take a Legislator to
Work” campaign was Amanda Giacomelli who
hosted a visit from State Senator Neal Kedzie
at her Delavan Walmart employer.
ear Friends,
According to Warren Bennis, an American scholar, organizational consultant and
author, “Leadership is the wise use of power. Power is the capacity to translate
intention into reality and sustain it.” VIP Services has been blessed throughout
the years with a proud tradition of Board members who have fully embodied this
sentiment and we are pleased to welcome the three outstanding new members who
were elected to our Board at the December meeting. They include Donna Neshek
(Elkhorn), JoAnne Tully (Delavan) and Ellen Weber (Williams Bay). We are looking
forward to the energy, expertise and enthusiasm that they will bring to the group.
At the same meeting, the VIP Services Board paid tribute to five departing
members who have each, in their own way, helped to shape and sustain the
destiny of VIP Services. Throughout her six year tenure, Deb Alder served first
as Treasurer during a critical part of our Building a Bridge to the Future Capital
Campaign and then Chair of the always important Human Resources Committee.
Deb provided outstanding leadership in both of these areas and participated fully
in all VIP Services fundraising activities.
John English’s combined interests in golf and services to people with disabilities brought him to VIP Services at a time when
the agency really needed to step up its fundraising efforts. Serving as Chair of the VIP Services Development Committee,
John blazed a trail in fundraising for the capital campaign and helped to skillfully steer the agency into new dimensions of
fundraising for our Annual Fund Campaign.
A supporter since 1994, one of John Nanna’s most towering contributions came in the form of his leadership of the renovation
of the agency’s new home. In addition to his invaluable work on the capital campaign, he brought his considerable expertise
in the building and trades industry to spearhead the development of our building project from conception through the actual
construction effort. As Board President he presided over the agency’s fortieth anniversary celebration which included the
burning of the mortgage for the new building.
Similarly, Bill Nelson has been a longtime friend of the agency. Long before becoming a Board member, Bill had worked hard
to help cement the various important ties that VIP Services has had with longtime business partner, Kikkoman Foods, Inc.
Prior to coming on the Board, Bill served as an active member of the VIP Services Golf Committee and aided in establishing
the high standards of that event.
Dr. Carol Prchal began working with VIP Services as a volunteer Ambassador Coach in 2005. As a Board member, she
championed the development of a vibrant VIP Services volunteer program and was instrumental in fostering the initiation
of the agency’s very popular Discovery program. Since 2009, Carol has chaired the Program Committee and is singularly
responsible for helping to shape many new program initiatives.
We are privileged to have known these
extraordinary individuals and are
greatly indebted for all that they have
contributed to the 42 year tapestry of
quality services offered by this agency.
Cynthia D. Simonsen
Executive Director
VIP Services Board members at the December 2012 meeting included: Melita Grunow, Cherie Ackman,
Dr. Carol Prchal, Cheri Brost, Beth Shodeen and JoAnne Tully. Back row: Mark Stinebrink,
Donna Neshek, Ellen Weber, Bob Putnam, Ed Scaro, Bill Nelson, Don Vandello, Don Buchert
and Deb Alder. Current members not pictured include: Bob Fettig and Kathy Garske.
VIP Services Executive Director Cindy Simonsen (front row) joins Individual Achievement Honorees for 2012 including Debra Deal (Genoa City),
Janet Beaudine (Darien), Willie Pond (Elkhorn), Kathy Klewer (Pell Lake), Michael Gaborik (Burlington) and Michael Brabazon (Elkhorn).
(Back row) Individual Achievement Honoree of the Year Tony Arneson (Lake Geneva), Brandon Blume (Elkhorn), Alex Whitmore (Elkhorn),
Derek Weber (Williams Bay), Tina Thurner (East Troy) and VIP Services Board President Ed Scaro. Honoree Alex Lancaster is not pictured.
espite the need to postpone this much anticipated annual event for an extra
week due to inclement weather, the celebration of extraordinary achievement
lost none of its luster. Over 230 clients, business representatives, family members
and guests convened at Evergreen Golf Club on Valentine’s Day to pay tribute
to twelve VIP Services client “2012 Individual Achievement Honorees” and three
outstanding community business partners.
VIP Services Board President Ed Scaro (l.)
joins Executive Director Cindy Simonsen (r.) in
congratulating Tony Arneson of Lake Geneva
on being selected Honoree of the Year.
Client Individual Achievement Honorees are selected and celebrated on a monthly
basis throughout the year for their demonstrated commitment and dedication to their
jobs and personal growth, as well as for how they confront the various challenges
they are faced with in achieving their personal goals. Tony Arneson of Lake Geneva
was named as the 2012 Individual Achievement Honoree of the Year. Arneson was
elected from a field of all twelve honorees in a special vote of clients and staff.
Also honored were three outstanding community business partners, including
Edstrom Industries, Inc. (Business Partner of the Year), George Williams College
(Employer of the Year) and the Pizza Ranch (Employment Exploration Site of the
Year). These business partners are key to helping VIP Services succeed in providing
meaningful work experiences and opportunities, both on site and in the community.
Edstrom is known internationally as a leader in the design and manufacture
of automated animal drinking systems and for providing products in water
purification, access control, light control, environmental monitoring and animal
and vivarium management software. The relationship with VIP Services began in
2011 with a modest two piece assembly project and grew dramatically to the point
where today VIP Services houses and entire work cell, assembling multiple lines
of watering valves from start to finish.
VIP Services clients have benefitted greatly
from the increase in sub-contracted work
which features the addition of
comprehensive in-house assembly lines.
Since initiating a joint relationship with George Williams College in 2011 and, in
partnership with the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, VIP Services
has placed two clients in jobs in the food services department where members of
the staff have proven to be excellent “natural supports” for them. The relationship
has subsequently expanded to include GWC’s Facility Operations Department.
Installation of the 2013 VIP Aktion Club took place in October. The group incudes (front row) Tammy Wegner, Connie York, Mark Anich, Collean Frank, Chris Carr,
Susan Lambert, Brigette Brown, Laura Feitshans and SaraJo Matthews. (Back row) Elkhorn Kiwanis liaison DJ Richardson, Brandon Blume, Tony Arneson,
Sharon Harkness, Chuck Rosen, Tenney Oberto, Sandy Olson, Jamie Aguirre, Kelly Findlay, Scott Bushey, Bob Boardman and VIP volunteer Ruth Jones.
he VIP Kiwanis Aktion Club has had another banner year culminating in their
recent fourth annual Pancake Breakfast. Over 400 satisfied customers were
served pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausages at this year’s Breakfast.
The proceeds from the Breakfast will allow the Club to provide a $500 scholarship
for the second consecutive year to a member of the Elkhorn Area High School
graduating class at the school’s Honors Night on June 5th.
In addition to scholarships, the Club has also awarded grants to the children’s
program at Elkhorn’s Matheson Memorial Library, the Elkhorn Food Pantry, the
Butterfly Barn at the Walworth County Fairgrounds and AGAPE House in Walworth.
Last Fall they joined with the Elkhorn Kiwanis Club in helping to eradicate the
deadly disease of tetanus among mothers and babies in third world countries
through a massive immunization effort. The two Clubs conducted a joint Peanut
Day Drive and VIP Aktion Club members also conducted a penny drive among
their co-workers at VIP Services in support of Project Eliminate.
Representatives of the VIP Aktion Club also attended the first ever WI-Upper
Michigan Kiwanis Club Leadership Conference in Fond du Lac last fall. The
conference provided an opportunity for Aktion Club members from throughout
the two state area to share ideas and strategies on different ways that Clubs can
choose to make a difference in their own areas.
Members of the Elkhorn Kiwanis Club
provide valuable assistance at the Breakfast,
including help preparing this year’s
main course from members Tony Colletti,
Bob Arnold and Andy Friske.
The Aktion Club Pancake Breakfast has become
a welcome addition to the VIP Services calendar.
Special Installation Day guest
Charles Zarnoth, the Aktion Club Administrator
for the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Kiwanis
District, was presented an award by
Elkhorn Kiwanis Club Liaison DJ Richardson
for all the help he has given to the VIP Aktion
Club and the entire Aktion Club movement
in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.
Representatives from the VIP Aktion Club
attended the first ever WI-UP Aktion Club
Leadership Conference last fall in Fond du Lac.
Attendees included Lynne McIntyre (seated),
Connie York, Tony Arneson and Chris Carr
• American Family Insurance Mike Spragia Agency
• AXA Equitable
Robert Handel
• Cheri Brost
• Chuck Palma Agency
State Farm Insurance - Fontana
• Clearing Spaces, LLC
• Cream City Wrecking & Dismantling, LLC
• Dale’s Cycle, LLC - Triumph-Norton-BSA
• Daniel Maus Financial Advisor
Edward Jones - Fontana
• Daniels Foods Sentry
Delavan Lanes was once again the site of VIP Services’ annual Bolw-a-thon fundraiser.
• Deignan & Associates, S.C.
• Ron & Ann Deschner
• The Neill & Pamela Frame Family
• Geneva Lake Women’s Association
• Greenbriar Canine Academy, LLC
• The Melita Grunow Family
• Haase Lockwood & Associates
Funeral Homes & Crematory
• Hudapack Metal Treating
• Integra, Inc.
• Joan Palmer Agency
State Farm Insurance Agency
• Lake Country Disposal, LLC
The fun-filled day proved to be an unqualified
success for old and young alike and netted over
$14,000 in support of VIP Services programs.
In addition to fun on the lanes, participants of
teams who raised $400 or more received white
VIP Services baseball caps and everyone was
able to participate in winning a myriad of
special prizes through the Spinning Wheel raffle.
The 2013 event raised over $8,300 in pledges with the winning teams from each session pictured below.
• Leece & Phillips Law Offices, S.C.
• Jim & Chris Lovell
• Mode Industries, Inc.
• Steven Pils
• Prop Shaft Supply, Inc.
• Putnam Company, Inc.
• Bob & Missy Putnam
• Chris Schadewald
• The Sports Page - Elkhorn
• Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
Delavan, Lake Geneva & Kenosha
• Talmer Bank and Trust
• Voskuil Adult Family Home
The pledge raising winning team for session
one, the X-Force Team included: Brigette Brown,
Michael Snodie, Evan Walther and Jennifer Coon.
The VIP Blues Brothers were the highest pledge
raising team of session two and included: Donald
Moore, David Weber, Derek Weber and Steven Pils.
• Walworth County ARC, Inc.
• Youngquist Orthodontics
Both sessions of bowling concluded with a game of Crazy Bowl that had participants twisting and turning with a series of unique approaches to the pins.
Deb Alder &
Jeff Scherer
his year’s VIP Services Ultimate Indoor Tailgate Party brought together a diverse
group of football fans and friends of VIP Services to enjoy an afternoon of fun,
fellowship and food while raising funds to support the agency’s annual fund drive.
With thanks to our joint Board and staff planning committee and all of our generous
sponsors and supporters, we invite you to view this year’s photos and share in the fun.
Lyle’s TV &
Appliance Inc.
Peoples Bank
Putnam Company, Inc.
In Memory of
Mary Scaro
Piggly Wiggly
Badger Press, Inc.
Julie Banasik
Brickhouse Bar & Grill
Coyote Grill
Cruise In
Elkhorn Wine & Spirits
Evergreen Golf Club
Bob & Maryellen Fettig
Jean Ford
Fox River Foods, Inc.
Frito Lay
Hawk’s View Golf Club
Richard Jones
Tina Keller
Kettle Foods
Lake Geneva School of Cooking, LLC
William & Norma Lueder
Joel Nelson
Pirates Cove
Pam & JC Potts
Bob Putnam
RJ’s Drive Thru Liquor
Ed & Christine Scaro
Sue Schinke
Terry Seichter
Snappers Baseball
The Sports Page
Patricia Taylor
Kathie Tueting
Don Vandello
VIP Production Staff
Walworth Inn, LLC
Walworth State Bank
Wheeler’s Bowling Center
Wilson Farm Meats
Carole Wolter
The 5th annual VIP Tailgate Party continued to attract both current supporters and new friends of the agency.
One of the afternoon’s many highlights involved
the expert judging of the Chili Cook-off
event provided by Chef John Bogan of the
Lake Geneva School of Cooking.
Volunteer Alex Voskuil’s incredible “wingspan”
helped to promote the sale of raffle tickets for the
always popular Tailgate Party Meat Raffle.
Chef Bogan acknowledged that there were
many especially tasty entries in the 2012
Chili Cook-off. In the end, Rose Riese “nosed”
out Board President Ed Scaro for first prize
with her deliciously fragrant chili recipe.
Thanks to generous donors and the hard work of
the Board, this year’s Meat Raffle baskets offered
some terrific spreads for the lucky winners.
In addition to Chef Bogan’s picks, there was also
a People’s Choice Chili Cook-off winner selected
by popular vote. Mary Stinebrink (l.) was
selected as this year’s favorite and is pictured
with Cindy Gannon who won a special prize
drawing as one of the People’s Choice judges.
Community Business Partners were honored along with client Individual Achievement Honorees
at the 28th Annual VIP Services Recognition Dinner. Pictured in the front row are
VIP Services President Ed Scaro, with Pizza Ranch Representatives Elizabeth Holden and
Mary Moore, and VIP Services Executive Director Cindy Simonsen. In the back row representing
Edstrom Industries, Inc. are Tom Clark, Colleen Clark and Kristi Danguitis joined by
representatives from George Williams College Melinda Blakesly and Bill Paladino.
As Employment Exploration Site of
the Year, Pizza Ranch of Elkhorn has
been a willing partner in allowing VIP
Services clients to visit the site to get a
firsthand look at the variety of jobs that
can be found in a restaurant setting.
To date, some 38 clients have been
introduced to a variety of different food
services opportunities. In addition, the
site has hosted a number of eight-hour
job assessments to gauge employment
readiness, taken on a six-week
internship and hired a DVR consumer.
Everyone enjoyed the fanciful and sports-themed
items that made up the 2012 Silent Auction. The
Auction was especially popular this year because
of the event’s close proximity to the holidays.
National Honor Society students from
Elkhorn Area High School helped man the
Children’s Activity Room at the Tailgate Party.
Anne Blackbourn (l.) demonstrates one of the
holiday-themed craft activities to Ellen Weber
and her granddaughters.
Mario Zito, who started at Pizza Ranch
with a six week internship has been hired
as a regular part-time employee and
works the lunch shift three days a week.
VIP Ambassador Matt Church delivered an
inspirational keynote speech at the Dinner.
ith each passing year, the role of
the VIP Services Ambassador has
grown and expanded into exciting new
dimensions and directions. In addition
to learning how to give a speech, how to
share their stories and how to advocate
for themselves and others, they are also
now pioneering a new training based
on the importance of self determination
with their peers.
In preparation for this new role,
Last August, VIP Services Ambassadors conducted an informational evening program
for family members and care providers which outlined changes in the service system
and stressed the importance of self determination.
Ambassadors have been working with
their individual volunteer coaches.
VIP Services Ambassadors have been
engaged in a series of sessions designed
to help them understand the many
changes that have been taking place
in the service system and to appreciate
the elements of self determination.
Exercising self determination is an
important part of a system that puts
hands of the person being served. It is
critically important for people to be able
to consider their options, define their
own goals and speak up for themselves.
Ambassadors and coaches have spent many sessions learning about changes to the system and
developing an understanding of what these changes will mean to them.
Beginning this past February, VIP Services Ambassadors have begun a series of
Peer-to-Peer training sessions where they are conducting discussions about self determination
and the importance of making informed choices, taking responsibility for the consequences
of those choices and finding your voice and having the courage to use it.
In addition to trainings at VIP Services,
Ambassadors and others have also attended
Self Determination Conferences conducted by
the Wisconsin Board of People with
Developmental Disabilities. These gatherings
offer an opportunity for VIP Services clients
to meet with and learn from other individuals
with disabilities from throughout the state.
The all important efforts of VIP Services volunteers were saluted at the 2012 Volunteer Recogntion
Reception. Attendees included (front row): Pat Eames, Jan Beardsley, Sharon Knobel, Nancy Lehman,
Lynn Coon, Rose Mohr, Ruth Jones and Karen Varhula. Back Row: Harold “Mo” Morris, John Nanna,
Paul Kremer, Connie York, Ed Scaro, Beth Shodeen, Art Styles, Joanie Quick, Ellen Weber, Carol
Prchal, Phil Knobel, Mary Reich, Sandy Berndt, Yvonne Johnson, Susan Lambert and Cliff Johnson.
Board President Ed Scaro and VIP Ambassador
Connie York presented flowers and thanks to
former Board member Carol Prchal who launched
the current VIP Volunteers program in 2007.
A large group of United Way volunteers
participating in the annual Day of Caring helped
to scrub, polish and shine VIP’s many buses.
Students from the Elkhorn Area High School National Honor Society helped with a variety of projects
throughout the year. An especially enthusiastic group showed up this past year to lend their assistance
at the Ultimate Indoor Tailgate Party where their help was greatly appreciated.
Volunteer Cliff Johnson was singled out at the
Volunteer Recognition event for his outstanding
service. Cliff wears many different hats for VIP
Services and, despite a serious health issue last
year, logged over 200 hours of volunteer service.
Art Styles (r.) enjoys working on special
craft projects with Day Programs clients.
Volunteer Joanne Suchy helped Discovery Class
attendees understand the complexities of
the government and last fall’s election at one
of the numerous Discovery classes offered.
Memorials and Honorariums - We are especially grateful that the following VIP Services donors have chosen to honor those who
are or have been important in their lives. All gifts listed on these pages were received during the period of May 15, 2012 to April 30, 2013.
In Honor of:
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
• Mrs. Shirley Haase
• Ms. Dianne Hummel
• Mr. & Mrs. Larry Knickerbocker
Hope Bernick
• Dean & Mary Nell Anderson
Bob Boardman
• Mr. & Mrs. Greg Loth
Melita Grunow
• Mr. & Mrs. Allen Lehman
• TOSA Foundation
Wendy Harmon
• Mr. & Mrs. Steven Klein
Phil Knobel
• Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schuler
Karl Krieger
• Ms. Katherine Emma
Susie Lambert
• Ms. Patricia Benson
Scott Lehn
• Ms. Dawn Mancuso
John McDonough
• Donna Hansen
• Diane & John Nelson
Tony & Ann Serpe
• Mr. & Mrs. Philip Knobel
John Sucharski
• Mr. & Mrs. William Rybak
Shannon Sutej
• Mr. Dennis Findlay
Kathleen Tully
• Matt & Molly Polyock / Polyock Farms
The David Weber Family
• Ms. Elsa Weber
Ellen Weber
• GFWC-WI Rolling Hills District
VIP Employees
• Mr. Gregory Zito
Chuck Boardman - Continued
• Mr. & Mrs. James Sprester
• Mr. & Mrs. Don Stoudt
• Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Walbrandt
• Mrs. Sandra Walter
• Nancy Ward
Charlie Brown
• Brown’s SE Heating & Cooling, LLC
Daniel Brust
• Mark & Carol McGinn
Don Bushey
• Anonymous
Richard Dille
• Mrs. Loverta Dille
Margaret Dobrzynski
• Mr. Joseph Dobrzynski
Ginny Dolgner
• Ms. Flora Boldt
Darroll Wayne Evenson, II
• Elk Restaurant, Inc.
Ross Harmon
• Ms. Bonnie Anderson
• Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bourdo
• Mr. & Mrs. Richard Friemoth
• Mr. & Mrs. William Garvens
• Ms. Tina Haak
• Mr. & Mrs. William Hubbard
• Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keyes
• Ms. Lorrie Koppein
• Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaPlant
• Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leih
• Ms. Jean Malmstrom
• Mr. & Mrs. John O’Brien
• Ms. Bobbi Oxford
• Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Parman
• Ms. Mary Patnode
• Mr. Jack Reesman
• Mr. Randy Schnick
• Walworth County Senior Golf Assn.
• Ms. Carolyn Werth
Nathan Gene Hoppa
• Ms. Nancy Hoppa
LeRoy A. Jackson
• Ms. Joyce Jackson
Scott Jones
• Anonymous
Jay Leach
• Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Beardsley
Arthur Mehren
• Anonymous
Frances Felscher Grandma of Jay Leach
• Mr. Robert Arnold
• Linda Cheney
• Mr. Harold Ellertson, Jr.
• Mr. & Mrs. William Hartz
• Ms. Debra Michetti
• Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pekul
• Mr. Steven Pils & Mrs. Rose Mohr
• Rick & Sue Schmidt
• Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schoenberg
• Ms. Doris Shoemaker
• Ms. Cynthia Simonsen
• Nancy Ward
Jean F. Morrissey
• Ken & Jan Brockmann
Eli Nieuwenhuis
• Mary & Philip Kilkenny
• Mr. & Mrs. Allen Lehman
• Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Logterman
• Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Loudon
• Mr. & Mrs. Mikel Rayfield
• Judy, Jim & Theresa Saam
• Mrs. Kay Sargent
• Ms. Janet Schmaling
• Ms. Arlene Torrenga
Loved Ones
• Ron & Lily Fibiger
Agnes Palenshus
• Mr. Harold Palenshus
Elsie Palenshus
• Michael Ellsworth & Associates, LLC
My Parents
• Mr. William Paladino
Jeannette Schulte
• Mr. & Mrs. Philip Knobel
Vienna M. Serpe
• Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Beardsley
• Dan & Luann Dall
• Kathleen Truesdale
Bobby Toennies
• Mr. William Toennies
Bill Truesdale
• David & Linda Clikeman
• Tony & Kim Flitcroft
Our Grandpa William J. Truesdale
• Luke Truesdale
• Grant Truesdale
• Jacob Truesdale
• Tre Truesdale
• William Truesdale
• Braeden Mohr
• Konnor Mohr
• Logan Mohr
Bobby Vahovius
• Duane & Karen Neuendorf
Robert Waechter
• Frank & Susan McClellan
Donald Wagner
• Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Anton
• Mr. & Mrs. Peter Christensen
• Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hansen
• Mr. Richard Kosut
• Mrs. Bernadette Poedtke
• Mr. & Mrs. John Schuerman
• Mr. & Mrs. Francis Wagner
• Mr. Matt Wellford
Daniel Ward
• Abell’s Country Lunch & Tavern
• Ms. Debra Alder & Jeffery G. Scherer, MD
• Mr. & Mrs. Dick Amann
• Ms. Helen Anderson
• Mr. Kenneth Babcock
• Ms. Cheryl Baker
• Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bass
• Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Beardsley
• Mr. & Mrs. James Beaver
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Behrens
Daniel Ward - Continued
• Mr. & Mrs. Steven Binstock
• Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Bishop
• Frank Brown Jr. & Elaine R. Murakami
• Linda Cheney
• Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clarquist
• Dan & Luann Dall
• Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Downing
• Mr. & Mrs. Frank Eames
• Evergreen Golf Club
• Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gilkey
• Mr. Joe Golden
• Ms. Sue Greig
• Ms. Kathleen Rohleder-Griebel
• Ms. Melita Grunow
• Ms. Mardonna Gubrud
• Ms. Arlene Hansen
• Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hermansen
• Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kaminski
• Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Keller, Jr.
• Ms. Dana Kelnhofer
• Patti & Tim Kiepert
• Mr. & Mrs. Scott Last
• Mr. Robert Lauderdale
• Mr. & Mrs. Allen Lehman
• Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Marsicano
• Ms. Georgia McMillan
• Mr. Gerald Neinfeldt
• Mr. & Mrs. Earl Paddock
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pearce
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peterson
• Mr. Steven Pils & Mrs. Rose Mohr
• Mr. & Mrs. Dale Poggensee
• Dr. Carol Prchal
• Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Pruess
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Putnam
• Putnam Company, Inc.
• Ms. Mary Reich
• Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reich
• Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ruzkowski
• Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Salverson
• Mrs. Kay Sargent
• Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scaro
• Ms. Donna Schinke
• Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schleiger
• Mr. & Mrs. Eric Schmetter
• Rick & Sue Schmidt
• Mr. & Mrs. Donald Seichter
• Mr. William Sekeres
• Ms. Cynthia Simonsen
• Mr. & Mrs. Jon Spragia
• Ms. Doris Sprague
• Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stinebrink
• Tavern League of Kenosha County
• TLW Joint Districts 1 & 9
• Kathleen Truesdale
• Ms. Jean VanDyke
• Mr. Jim Walker
• Mr. & Mrs. David Weber
• Mr. & Mrs. Glen Whitmore
Maryann Windpassenger
• Ms. Veronica Windpassenger
Louise Winter
• Mr. & Mrs. Walter Clark
In Memory of:
Bert Blakesley
• David & Linda Clikeman
Chuck Boardman
• Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Beardsley
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bleser
• Mr. & Mrs. James Boardman
• Mrs. Elaine Boardman
• Linda Cheney
• Mr. & Mrs. Louis Firkus
• Ms. Hildegarde Gaughan
• Ms. Mary Ellen Last
• Mr. & Mrs. Greg Loth
• Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Marty
• Mr. & Mrs. David McGee
• Ms. Christine Miller
• Mr. Stanley Muzatko
• Ms. Lori Muzatko
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pearce
• Ms. Sharon Rodewald
• Mr. & Mrs. John Samuelson
• Mr. & Mrs. Merle Schinke
• Ms. Cynthia Simonsen
Annual Fund Drive - VIP Services is grateful to its many friends, supporters and family members for their generous annual gifts.
These gifts allow VIP Services to be as flexible as possible in meeting the complex and varied needs of our clients. Annual gifts may be
designated to special projects that meet individual donor’s interests. Annual gifts of any size are welcomed by VIP Services. All gifts listed
on these pages were received during the period of May 15, 2012 to April 30, 2013.
Platinum Champions
($25,000+ Donors)
• Ms. Melita F. Grunow
• Mr. William C. Wiswell
Community Champions
($10,000+ Donors)
Kikkoman Foods Foundation, Inc.
Plasticraft Corporation
Robert & Patricia Moore Foundation
Tankcraft Corporation
United Way of Walworth County
Walworth County ARC, Inc.
Community Leaders
($1,000+ Donors)
Mrs. Mary Gene Alder
Alliant Energy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Borden
Cedar Street Charitable Foundation
Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn &
Howarth Law Firm
The Golden Years of Walworth
Mr. Bruce D. Johnson
Knights of Columbus, Council #1647
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Likes
Ms. Mary Kay Ring
John & Mary Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Touchette
Walworth Fontana Rotary Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Webster
Community Supporters
($250+ Donors)
B & J Stowell, Inc. dba H & R Block
Elkhorn Lions Club
Ms. Margit Erickson
Integra, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Johnson
Keefe Foundation, Inc.
Knights of Columbus, Council #1690
Knights of Columbus, Council #3464
Lake Geneva Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Leedle
Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Lehman
Nick & Janet Lesar
Mr. & Mrs. Carey L. Luiting
Mrs. Rose Mohr
Ken & Ginger Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Paddock
Ms. Valerie A. Piechur
Joe & Sue Pils
Mr. Steven A. Pils
Pleasant Lakers Snowmobile Club
Sherman Sanitation Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Toby J. Steivang
United Way of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.
Walworth County Tavern League
Community Friends
Community Friends
Community Friends
Anonymous - Multiple
Ms. Cheryl A. Baker
Mark & Laura Bambenek
Bartz Chiropractic, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Beardsley
Michael & Peggy Bentley
Ms. Maureen Sue Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bigler
Lynn & Cheryl Binnie
Gloria & Frank Bleser
Ms. Peggy Blum
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bollero
Ms. Dottie Bruno
Rick & Kay Butke
David & Joan Byerley, Jr.
Career Source LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Steve F. Carlson
Mrs. Delphine Carr
Mr. & Mrs. David Cartwright
Lee & Ellen Christensen
Circle, Inc.
Clair Law Offices, S.C.
Ms. Nancy Cunniff
Mr. John A. Daniels
Delavan Service League
Ms. Violet K. DeWind
Ed & Kay Drexler
Mr. Kenneth C. Earle
Douglas & Connie Edens
Elkhorn Women’s Club
Greg & Kim Epping
Ron & Lily Fibiger
Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Fiscus
Neill & Pam Frame
Mark & Rosemary Gardner
Geneva Lake Women’s Association
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Goebel
Joseph & Theresa Graziano, Jr.
Ms. Geraldine Grimm
Joe & Lois Haas
Mrs. Virginia T. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hannon
Donna J. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harkness
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hersko
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Heyer
Frank Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Hummel
Mr. Patrick J. Jenkins
Ms. Pat J. Jenner
Ms. Judith C. Jensen
Mr. Peter M. Kahl
Ms. Ruth E. Kahl
Mr. Jacob E. Keizer
Janet & Brenda Kelly
Judge & Mrs. Robert J. Kennedy
Mary & Philip Kilkenny
Mr. James A. Kirchschlager
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Knobel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Koehler
Mr. David Koester
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kohl
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Koss
Dr. Paul V. Kreul, D.D.S.
Jennifer & Tom Lee
Leece & Phillips Law Offices, S.C.
Mrs. Lorraine B. Letarte
Mr. Donald G. Lightfield
Tim & Mary Lockwood
Mrs. Esther Lois
Mrs. Lucille M. Lois
Tom & Chris Lorden
Mr. Eugene Luptak
Ms. Janis T. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy E. Madsen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Mamath
Mr. & Mrs. Mervin T. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. McCullough
Dennis & Margaret McDonough
Mr. Steve McPartlin
Mrs. Thelma C. Meyer
Mid-America Insurance Center, Inc.
Mr. Roger E. Miller
Mr. Daniel W. Misner
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Mohns
Mohr Fun, Inc.
Dr. Henry R. Mol, MD
Yvonne & Christopher Morgan
Allen & Dorothy Morrison
Mr. William J. Morrissey
Ms. Janet F. Morrow
Cevin & Giovanna Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Oblak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Oehler
Mr. & Mrs. Myron E. Paddock
Mike & Cindy Papenfus
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Parman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Partington
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Paulsen
Pete’s Porting Service, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Peterson
Pharmacy Station
Potter’s Self Storage, LLC
Dr. Carol L. Prchal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Putnam
John & Rita Race
Ms. Karen Ramsett
Mr. David A. Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Recknagel
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert L. Recknagel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Reynders, Jr.
Ms. Sue Ellen Rich
Mr. Ken Robers
Robert J. Handel Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rorig
Ms. Nancy L. Russell
Dr. & Mrs. John Ryall
Mrs. Kay Sargent
Mr. Donald Schieve
Dr. & Mrs. Bruno E. Schiffleger
Don & Donna Scurek
Ms. Virginia Sellke
Mr. William L. Seymour
Mr. Craig R. Shellman
Ms. Germaine H. Shipman
Ms. Camille T. Siedelmann
Theresa & John Singer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Skoczylas
Mr. Bob Slesinger
Ms. Jennifer Smith
Mr. Glenn Solheim
Mr. James P. Sorensen
Ed & Suzette Sorenson
Ms. Doris T. Sprague
Dick & Patty Spurway
Mr. Rodney P. St. John
State Farm Insurance
T. Huemann Well & Pump, Inc.
Ms. Sandralee Thiele
Arthur & Deborah Tillman
Ms. Arlene B. Torrenga
Ms. Geraldine Van De Kreke
Van’s Antiques
Walworth County Toastmasters Club
Nancy E. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Watts
Mr. Barry P. Weiss
Bill & Cathy Willmann
Ms. Veronica Windpassenger
Woller True Value Hardware
Duane & Leslie Youngsteadt
Mr. Gregory W. Zito
Please accept our regrets for any inadvertent omission on these donor lists.
811 East Geneva Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Telephone: 262-723-4043
Fax: 262-723-4984
Website: www.vipservices-inc.org
Thanks to the overwhelming response of area golfers, the 2013 Golf Outing at Big Foot Country Club on June 10th promises
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new goals and have the opportunity to be the best that they can be, follow this link
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call VIP Services at (262) 723-4043 x105.
Content Editor: Nancy Ward
Copy Editor: Sharon Cobler
Designer: Luann Dall