women`s fund focus - Women`s Fund of Central Indiana


women`s fund focus - Women`s Fund of Central Indiana
Volume 11, Issue 1
April 2010
Women’s Fund of
Central Indiana
The expert resource for issues
impacting women and girls in
central Indiana.
Caregiving: How Central Indiana
Women are Beating the Odds
Heather: Being a single mom is never easy. But for
Heather, overcoming her troubled past - including
serving time in prison - the obstacles seemed almost
insurmountable. Finding quality day care has been a
priority for Heather. Through Day Nursery’s Tuition
Assistance Program, her son receives excellent care in a safe
environment, and Heather pays only what she can afford.
Knowing that Kaiden is safe gives her peace-of-mind,
and allows her to work on finishing her degree while also
holding down a job. She’s working hard every day, so she
can give Kaiden every opportunity for success.
A publication of Women’s Fund
of Central Indiana
Sandra: At a time when Sandra should have been
thinking about retirement, she was thinking instead about
potty training and preschool. At the age of 53, Sandra
became legal guardian of her 3-year-old grandson, a victim
of negligent parents who were addicted to drugs and served
time in prison. Sandra will be the first to admit it’s not been
easy. Thanks to The Villages’ Family Network, Sandra is
getting resources
she needs to
help navigate
medical, legal,
59,000 Indiana grandparents
housing and transportation challenges. Because of The
are raising their grandchildren;
Villages support, she’s able to focus her energy on providing
up 10,000 from 2006.
her grandson, a happy, loving home.
Did you know?
Heather and Sandra are just two of the many dedicated women in central Indiana working to create
better lives for their families. Their stories illustrate some of the significant challenges women in our
community face.
Continued on page 3
Thank you to our
Newsletter Sponsor:
Dear Friends of women’s fund,
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana is a unique and critical organization for our community. As the expert resource for critical issues
facing women and girls in central Indiana, Women’s Fund adds value in a number of ways:
• We provide grants to effective nonprofit organizations in our community. Our grants are the result of a permanent endowment,
meaning a gift to the endowment today will keep on giving forever.
•Our grants are informed by research so we can address the most critical issues in ways that add the most value.
• We evaluate the quality and effectiveness of organizations receiving our grants so we can ensure we are successful in the good
works we intended and that these organizations are successful long into the future.
• Through our grants, OPTIONS and GO programs, we are educating generations of future philanthropists in the needs of our
community and grooming them to be passionate and strategic donors of both treasure and leadership.
• Our work impacts our community exponentially because the issues affecting women and girls also affect families. What affects
families affects the very fiber of our community.
• When we are fortunate to receive a dollar from a donor, we do not waste one penny; we are a lean and effective organization.
Despite the success of our recent Endowment Campaign, we still have work to do. There are still mothers who cannot work because
they do not have a safe place for their children while they are gone. Women are still living in fear and violence. Girls are still
missing opportunities to break cycles of poverty, violence, and ignorance. Women still need the opportunity to access job training
and an income to adequately care for themselves without depending on the goodwill of others.
We encourage you to consider how you will help women and girls in our community. We appreciate your support of Women’s Fund
and the issues and organizations we impact. To learn more or to make a gift to support our work, please visit www.womensfund.org
or call 317.634.2423.
Ann D. Murtlow
Advisory Board Chair
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana
Central Indiana Community Foundation
[email protected]
Jennifer Pope Baker
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana
Central Indiana Community Foundation
[email protected]
2010 Advisory Board
Jackie Barrett
Community Volunteer
William W. Barrett
Williams Barrett &
Elaine E. Bedel, CFP
Bedel Financial Consulting
Dinah Bird
Community Volunteer
Julie Bowen
OPTIONS Ex-Officio
Community Volunteer
Susan W. Brooks
General Counsel &
Senior VP
Ivy Tech Community
Lynda K. Cook
Community Volunteer
Julie Davis
Community Volunteer
Billie K. Dragoo
President & Owner
Chris Franson
Community Volunteer
Marianne Glick
Glick Training Associates
Mary L. Harden
COO, Independent
Appraiser and
OAS Land Acquisition
J.A. Lacy
President & CEO
FinishMaster, Inc.
Martha D. Lamkin
Community Volunteer
Julie Manning
Vice Chair, Advisory Board
Assoc. Professor
Business Law
Indiana University
Cynthia S. Miller
Senior Vice President &
WellPoint, Inc.
Myrta J. Pulliam
Director of Special
Indiana Newspapers, Inc.
Ann D. Murtlow
Chair, Advisory Board
President & CEO
Indianapolis Power &
Light Company
Community Volunteer
Anne Nobles
Vice President,
Compliance & Enterprise
Risk Management
& Chief Compliance
Eli Lilly and Company
Brian Payne
CICF & Indianapolis
Dan Philpott
Vice President
Senior Private Banker
Wells Fargo & Company
Melissa Proffitt
Ice Miller LLP
Lisa Sablosky
Community Volunteer
Jane Salentine
Community Volunteer
Susan L. Smith
Community Volunteer
Anne Steinberg
Detail + Design
Elcira C. Villarreal
Global Scientific
Eli Lilly and Company
Renee Chube
Contracts Manager
Northrop Grumman
Jennifer Pope Baker
Abigail Coleman
Development Officer
Deanna Gamoian
Julie Koegel
Grants Officer
Wendy McNamar
Special Projects
Jennifer Pletcher
GO Educational
Women’s Fund provides this space to St.Vincent Health in recognition of its annual newsletter sponsorship.
A caregiver’s guide to stress management
Stress management, or learning to cope effectively with life’s ups
and downs, is important for all people, but especially for women
caregivers. Women have made tremendous gains in the workforce,
the military, balancing careers and childrearing. Sometimes,
being everything to everybody can take a toll on a woman’s body.
Headaches, muscle tension, poor concentration, difficulty sleeping,
moodiness, agitation and increased substance abuse can be signs of
stress. Learning to recognize these symptoms is important because,
without awareness, it’s difficult to make changes in our behaviors,
thoughts and emotions.
Now it’s time to put stress management tips into action.
• Learn to ask for help and don’t cover up problems.
• State your needs and wants. Say “no” respectfully.
• Take “time outs’’ during the day. Practice proper sleep hygiene.
• Add more variety to your job and your home life. Consider volunteering.
• Take short vacations at least twice a year.
• Eat for your health. Limit the use of alcohol and do not smoke.
• Organize your time so you can concentrate on vital and not trivial tasks.
• Look for the humor in situations. Take time to laugh.
• Distinguish between the stressful aspects of your job or home life that
you can change, and those you can’t change.
• Establish a set of priorities for yourself. Set goals that are measurable,
realistic and relevant.
• Alternate major tasks in which results won’t be seen for a while with
those that will have immediate productive and gratifying results.
• Pursue physical fitness. For example, jog, swim, dance, walk.
Help is a phone call away. If your stress becomes unmanageable, the St.Vincent Stress Center can
help. Please call the 24-Hour Stress Line at (800) 827-2210 or visit mentalhealth.stvincent.org
Caregiving: How Central Indiana Women are Beating the Odds continued from page 1
Consider these statistics:
• In central Indiana there are only 24 licensed childcare spots for
every 100 children under the age of six whose caregiver works
outside the home
• Half of the families served by Day Nursery are single parents; 95
percent of which are single moms
• 59,000 Indiana grandparents are raising their grandchildren; up
10,000 from 2006
• An adult living in Marion County with one school-age child and
one infant would need to earn $40,000 a year to be considered
Women’s Fund puts philanthropic support to work through strategic
investments focused on building and strengthening our community.
Since 1999, Women’s Fund has provided more than $832,000 in
caregiving-related grants, which make it possible for organizations to
provide care and resources to those in need. In 2008, Women’s Fund
provided a grant to The Villages to support their Family Connection
Network, which supports grandmothers and other kinship caregivers
who are raising children. Women’s Fund has supported Day Nursery
by providing grants in recent years for the Tuition Assistance
program, operating support, and to support the addition of a Chief
Operating Officer.
“We strive to raise women up when it seems like everything around
them is pushing them down,” said Beth Rodriguez, Day Nursery
director of development. “Women’s Fund allows us to do that. We
are so grateful that Women’s Fund understands the pressures facing
families, especially mothers, in finding and affording the best care
possible for their children.”
Women’s Fund has made a concerted effort to fund organizations
focused on caregiving so women can access affordable childcare,
so grandparents can succeed in supporting their grandchildren, so
parenting teens can become self-sufficient and men and women who
want to start a business for childcare and in-home elderly care can
achieve their dreams.
“Women’s Fund helps The Villages support those who are raising and
caring for their grandchildren – and doing so in a very selfless and
effective way,” said Sharon Pierce, The Villages president and CEO.
“We feel honored to assume the important role of a community
resource and to help these dedicated grandparents provide a rich and
diverse life for their grandchildren.”
Through its focused attention on caregiving, Women’s Fund is
helping transform lives, and is making central Indiana a stronger
In 2007, Jane Salentine was a member
of OPTIONS Class Seven. Three years
later, she is one of Women’s Fund’s newest
Advisory Board members and the co-chair
for GO: Give Back, a program in which she
believes wholeheartedly. Women’s Fund
has been fortunate to have Jane serve as last
year’s president of OPTIONS Alumnae, an
ex-officio member of the board in 2008 and
as a dedicated and passionate volunteer.
Jane is a life-long volunteer and has always been active in serving the
“I can’t remember a time in my life that I didn’t volunteer,” explained
Jane. “It was something that was instilled in me at a very young age and
has helped shape the active volunteer that I am today.”
That young volunteer spirit is something Jane hopes to inspire in her
two children, whom both have a GO Fund and are involved in GO
philanthropic education programs. GO is also the driving force behind
her significant support of Women’s Fund.
“Jane leads by example and is passionate about her
desire to make our community a great place to live.”
—Jackie Barrett, GO Committee co-chair
“GO is just such a fantastic program for children and parents,” said Jane.
“It’s a unique combination of philanthropic education and giving back;
not to mention the fact that it’s such an enriching experience for both
children and their parents.”
Jane hopes to prioritize her time on the board on increasing GO
participants, with a plan to help promote and raise awareness
of a program she feels can help shape the future generation of
philanthropists. Jane also continues to be active with OPTIONS
Alumnae programs, events and activities.
“OPTIONS was such a wonderful experience for me,” shared Jane.
“The site visits were so meaningful and really helped me understand the
immediate needs of women and girls in our community. I appreciated
the fact that it opened my eyes to issues I was not aware of and taught
me how I could make a difference through my involvement with
Women’s Fund.”
Jane’s positive experience with OPTIONS Class Seven led her to an
even greater involvement with Women’s Fund. Two years after first
being introduced to the group, she was asked to serve as OPTIONS
Alumnae President to help ensure every woman involved had the same
positive experience she once did.
“Jane’s quiet leadership and focus helped the OPTIONS Alumnae
Committee develop new programs and opportunities for alumnae
to stay involved,” said Lindsey Rabinowitch, classmate and current
Alumnae president. “She is an insightful leader who has a smile
and warmth about her that is engaging and makes everyone feel
Jane is an active volunteer and can be found volunteering her time with
the Junior League of Indianapolis, Women for Riley, St. Mary’s Child
Care Center, Children’s Museum Guild, and Indianapolis Opera. Her
children enjoy mom volunteering as a Daisy troop leader and in the
school’s PTO.
“It has been a true pleasure serving as co-chair of the GO Committee
with Jane,” shared Jackie Barrett. “She is extremely talented, full of great
ideas, and has a deep sense of commitment to philanthropy. Jane leads
by example and is passionate about her desire to make our community
a great place to live. I am fortunate to be able to work with such a
dedicated community leader.”
Jane graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in
Communications and worked in advertising and promotions in
Chicago before earning her MBA in Marketing from Indiana
University. She worked in various marketing positions in Chicago,
including nine months as audience coordinator for a television show
called “Johnny B on the Loose” and three years for Gatorade in product
and promotion. In 2001, Jane and her husband, Tom, moved “back
home” to Carmel. They have been married 13 years and have two
children, Samuel, 8, and Anna, 6.
Volunteer opportunities
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana does not provide direct services, which means volunteer opportunities are limited. However,
we proudly promote the volunteer needs of organizations serving central Indiana’s women and girls.
The Children’s Bureau, Inc.
Volunteers are needed to work with children, assist with special events and clerical tasks. The Children’s Bureau supports and assists children and
families who are endangered. Visit www.childrensbureau.org.
Girls Incorporated of Greater Indianapolis
Volunteers are needed to facilitate programs that inspire girls to be strong, smart, and bold! Girls Inc.’s programs help girls develop positive selfesteem, healthy friendships, and better body image. Visit www.girlsincindy.org or contact [email protected].
John H. Boner Community Center
Volunteers are needed to help with program delivery and a variety of work the center provides the children and families on the near Eastside of
Indianapolis. Contact Celli Dugger, [email protected] or Bonnie Grant, [email protected]. Call 317-808-2344.
If your organization would like to be included in this listing, please email Deanna Gamoian at [email protected].
Endowment Campaign culminates
with community celebration
Dinah Bird and Anne Steinberg, co-chairs for the
Donor Thank You event, were among the many
who celebrated the success of the campaign.
On February 22, more
than 200 donors and
community leaders
gathered for Women’s
Fund’s Thank You
Event at the Scottish
Rite Cathedral to
celebrate generous
contributions to
Women’s Fund’s
Endowment Campaign
and the impact of this
generous support.
The event was co-chaired by Dinah Bird and Anne Steinberg. Through
their leadership, sponsorship and with the support of the following
corporate and individual supporters, the event was no additional cost
to Women’s Fund: Eli Lilly & Company, Detail + Design, Indianapolis
Power & Light, Barefoot Wine, BMG Event Productions, A Classic
Party Rental.
More than 1,100 donors contributed $7 million to the Endowment
Campaign, representing a significant commitment to permanent
change for women and girls in our community. The five-year campaign
has helped grow the permanent endowment to more than $11 million,
increasing Women’s Fund’s capacity to grant to women and girl serving
organizations in central Indiana.
Reflected in the following pages are the generous Endowment
Campaign donors who are changing lives in our community. Each
donor is helping Women’s Fund ensure:
ore working mothers will have greater access to affordable,
quality childcare
• Women and children
Eleven hundred donors
can have safe refuge from
contributed $7 million
to the Endowment
• Girls and boys will learn
about healthy behaviors in
• Girls are learning to become
smart, successful women
• Women are learning job skills and becoming self-sufficient.
Women’s Fund values every gift given – and recognizes that the
collective power of giving helps provide opportunities, encouragement,
knowledge, and hope to women and girls in central Indiana.
women’s fund Endowment Campaign donors
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Lori Lempke Abbott
Ms. Carol Abner
Kathy Ackerman
Mrs. Jeanelle Adamak
Ms. Charlotte Adams-Jones
AES Corporation
Dr. Erin Albert
Karen L. Alter
Ms. Keira Amstutz
Barbara Anderson
Cheryl Beal Anderson
Ms. Clara H. Anderson
Laura J. Anderson
Ms. Marilyn J. Anderson
Ms. Nannette R. Anderson
Jeanie Andes
Pat and Bob Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Anker
Ms. Clarrean S. Anthony
Kate and Dan Appel
Malcolm and Carol Applegate
Lucy Byrne Aquilano
Erin Shroyer Archer
Nancy and Kevin Armstrong
Mr. Jeffrey D. Arnold
Ann S. Arthur
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Ms. Melanie Audette-Grimme
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Auld
Amber Auman
Eric and Melissa Averitt
Mrs. Kathleen D. Back
Sue Back
Ms. Kimberly J. Bacon
Kristen Baehl
Mrs. Barbara Bailie
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baird
Ms. Beverly S. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baird
Baise Communications - Kelly Young
Jennifer Pope Baker and
J. Christopher Baker
Mrs. Patricia L. Baker
Ms. Kathleen Baldwin
Ms. Trudy W. Banta
Daniel and Suzanne Barbieri
Sarah Evans Barker, Judge
Alicia J. Barnett
Ms. Lenore L. Barnett
Charlene and Joseph Barnette
Ms. Sarah C. Barney
Ms. Sheila H. Barr
Jackie Barrett
William W. Barrett
Adel and Tom Barry
Barry Company, Inc.
Theresa and David Bartz
Frank and Katrina Basile
Robert and Lauren Basile
Denise Bates
Ms. Jan L. Bates
Jill Batler
Ms. Lilaberdia Batties
Ms. Rita Renee Beard
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Beatty
Patricia Bebee
Mrs. Mary E. Becker
Elaine and Eric Bedel
Lisa Bednar
Gina Beebe
Robyn Beechler
Maryjane and Michael Behforouz
Ms. Kristen Belcredi
Ms. Bridget A. Belgiovine
Mrs. Denise D. Bell
Mrs. Melanie M. Bella
Suzanne S. Bellamy
Michelle J. Bellej
Ms. JoEllen Bendall
Rhonda Benner
Dr. Gerald L. and Mrs. Jean C. Bepko
Doug and Kim Berebitsky
Ms. Kristin Berghoff
Jennifer Berry
Ms. Sheryl Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Betelak
Mrs. Kathryn G. Betley
Mr. Leonard J. Betley
Susan Bettis
Ms. Mary Louise Bewely
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Biederstedt
Steve Biggerstaff
Suzi Biggerstaff Family Foundation
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc.
Joe and Shelli Billingsley
Jim and Suzy Bindley
Dave and Aggie Binkley
Lynne and AJ Bir
Dinah Bird
MaryEllen (Kiley) Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Bjork
Ms. Kimberly M. Black
Ms. Margo R. Blair
Ms. Dana Blank
Ms. Judith S. Blanton
Jennifer Blattler
Carol Blinzinger
Mrs. Caterina Cregor Blitzer
Amanda and Christopher Blystone
Emily Blyze
Kathy Blyze
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Boaz
Heather Bobich
Ms. Beth Ann Bodenberg
Mrs. Peggy Boehm
Bernie and Monica Boldt
Crystal Bolin
Joyce and Bill Boncosky
Kelly and David Boncosky
Lisa Boncosky
James and Meg Booth
Marcia Boring
Bobbi Bosch
Sherrie L. Bossung
Janet Boston
Ms. Jane Boswell
Julie and Doug Bowen
Kathleen Boyle
Ms. Eliza Bradley
Angela and Douglas Braly
Laura Bramble
Estacia Medlen Brandenburg
Eda Brann
Allison Brashear, MD and Clifford Ong
Ms. Meredith Brashear
Ms. Connie Braun
Ms. Trish Braun
Peggy Breidenbach
Brenner Design
Wendy D. Brewer
Mrs. Catherine L. Bridge
Ms. Linda Bright
Brightpoint, Inc.
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Broadbent
Ms. Mary E. Brock
Brittany Broederdorf
Kathryn A. Brooks
Susan and David Brooks
Marion E. Broome
Cathy Springer Brown and Rick Brown
Constance Brown
Judie Carmichael Brown
Linda E. Brown
Ratio Architects, Inc.
Browning Investments, Inc.
Linda Brundage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brush
Jim Buchanan
Dubbie Buckler
Alicia Buckley
Mrs. Kyle E. Buckley
Ms. Michele Buddenbaum
Jennifer Burch
Jane Burger
Emily Burke
Lorene Burkhart
Wilma J. Burkhart
Mrs. Jill Burnett
Ms. Judith J. Burnett
Debi Burns
Karen Burns and Rick Gevers
Sarah Butler
Paige T. Button
Lynne Byron
Susan Cahn
Alexandra Cain
Virginia A. Caine, M.D.
Stephani Smyrnis Calderon
Audra Caldwell
Edda Callahan
Ms. Carole Calland-Boylan
Anika M. Calloway, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camferdam Jr.
Carol Camic
Debra Camper
Ms. Ruth Cannon
Dan and Katy Cantor
Dr. Louis B. and Linda E. Cantor
Ms. Tammi Cappiello
Mr. Dennis E Carafiol
Megan Caress
Moira Carlstedt
Michelle Carnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Carrell
Ms. Cathie Carrigan
Donna U. Carroll
Ms. Jan M. Carroll
Ms. Eve Carson
Ms. Amie Peele Carter
Marsha Casey
Beth Casselman
Annie Castelnovo-McMullen
Ms. Tamika Catchings
Amy Caughey
Barbara A. Fleming Cecil
Ms. Jill L. Chambers
Pamela and David Champ
Ms. Roxsan Chandler
Dr. Valerie Nash Chang
Mrs. Amy S. Chappell
Doug and Brenda Chappell
Erica Chappell
George and Linda Charbonneau
Family Fund, a fund of The
Indianapolis Foundation
Molly Wilkinson Chavers
Cheryl Halik Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy Chism
Susan Maginn Christ
Karen Christensen
Ms. Nancy C. Christy
David and Lauren Cislak
Harriet Clare
Ms. Erin Clark
Jan L. Clark
Mrs. Sharon K. Clark
Ms. Joni G. Clarke
Mrs. Mary Beth Claus
Ms. Susan Claxton
Mrs. Melanie J. Claymon
Sarah Claymon
Ms. Shaun Healy Clifford
The Clowes Fund, Inc.
Mary Moses Cochran
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Coffey
Linda Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cohen
Alison K. Cole
Abigail and Brandon Coleman
Cindy Collier
Mrs. Carol Warren Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Collins
Chelsea Colwell
Greta Compton
Andrea L. Conley
Ms. Jane H. Conley
Michael R. and Susan O. Conner
Ulla Connor
David and Lynda Cook
Myra Borshoff Cook
Ms. Laura Larson Coote
Debbie Myers Croxall
Susan Cornacchione
Karen and Daniel Corsaro
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Corsaro
Dr. Melva T. Covington
Carla Cox
Ms. Jarnell Burks Craig
Albert and Louise Crandall
Ms. Lea Crawford
Lynn Crawford
Mary M. Crevey
Ms. Catherine A. Crichlow
Kristin Crisp
Vicki Croddy
Mrs. Helene M. Cross
Ms. Betty E. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Crowley
Mrs. Katrina Crubaugh
Diane Cruz-Burke
Suzanne Culp
Carolyn Cunningham
Patricia Curran
Stephanie C. Curtis
Jane Park Cutler
Annette W. Cyr
Mrs. Cara Dafforn
Michelle L. Daley
Ms. Deborah J. Daniels
Daniels Family Thanksgiving Fund
Kathy Dannels
Kristine C. Danz
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dietz
Kim Davenport
Adriene L. Davis
Mrs. Annette L Davis
Jackie and Charlie Davis
Rick and Julie Davis
Greg Dawson and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Tara D. DeBoo
Alecia A. DeCoudreaux
Ms. Sherri DeCoursey
Mrs. Ellen M. Deeter
Jody and Kevin DeFord
Ann DeLaney
Brenda and Mike Delaney
Ms. Emily Dellinger
Amy DeMuth
Mrs. Nichole Dennis
Anne N. DePrez
Ms. Claire T. Deselle
Mike and Christine DeWeese
Anne-Marie Dezelan
Mrs. Catherine C. Dezelan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dickeson
Ms. Nancy Dierdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Joe DiLaura
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dilger
Mrs. Anna C. Dillon
Ms. Shirley A. Dobbins
Dorothy Dodd
Katie Dolan
Traci Dolan
Ron and Susie Dollens
Renate Donahue
Judy Donner
Ms. Sandra Donovan
Debra D. Dorris
Rosemary Dorsa
Michele Paddock Dow
Terri Morris Downs
Lucia A. Downton
Donya Eldridge
Electric League of Indiana, Inc.
Cinthia Adams Ellis and Aaron Ellis
Sarah E. Emerson
Judith Cohn Epperson
M. Johnston Erwin and
Chris Bodurow Erwin, Ph.D.
Julie and David Eskenazi
Dr. and Mrs. Philip N. Eskew Jr.
Linda Esposito
Lois Evans
Dorothy H. Eveleigh
Eventful Marketing Solutions, Inc.
Meg Faber
Mr. Thomas M. Fagan
Kay Fagin
Mary Ann Falatic
Ms. Barbara J. Farrington
Dr. Karla J. Fehd
Mrs. Priscilla Lindsay and
Mr. Richard Ferguson-Wagstaffe
Ellen Ferringer
Dr. Rose S. Fife
FinishMaster, Inc.
First Indiana Bank
Mrs. Charlotte G. Fischer
Mr. Nathan E. Fischer
Priscilla Flanary
Brenda Flayton
Heidi Fledderjohn
Jody Flynn
Jo Ellen Flynn
Kim Fogg
Michelle Folz
Bobby and Suzanne Fong
Ms. Lynne Foreman
Mr. William L. Fortune, Jr.
Laura J. Foshee
Dr. Gwen Fountain
“This celebration event is the culmination of so much hard work
and dedication on the part of everybody who loves Women’s Fund.
It should be a celebration because the campaign has been very
successful. It means that more agencies are going to have more
money to help with women and girls issues in our community.”
—Julie Manning Magid, Advisory Board Vice Chair and
OPTIONS Alumna, Class Three
Billie K. Dragoo
Nancy R. Duck
Vanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramThe Duffy Family Fund
Mrs. Sarelee Schacht Dugdale
Ms. Catherine F. Duncan
Nicole M. Duncan
Rob and Emily Duncan
Ryan and Melissa Duncan
Ms. Holly Durham
Karen W. Duros
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dustin
Caroline Gleason Dutkanych and
Andrew Dutkanych
Jennifer and Tony Dzwonar
Tonja Eagan
Jessica A. Eavey
Mr. and Mrs. David Eckel
Brent and Elaine Eckhart
Jan Edmondson
The Efroymson Family Fund of CICF at the
suggestion of Lori Efroymson-Aguilera
Kim Efroymson
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera and
Sergio Aguilera
Claudette Einhorn
Ms. Melinda Eiteljorg
Ms. Carolyn Pugh Foust
Margaret Fowley
Mrs. Cynthia L. Fox
Margo H. Fox
Ms. Terry M. France
Emily Kaufman Frank, MD
Christine and Timothy Franson
Katee and Scott Franson
Mrs. Doris J. Frazier
Ms. Dorane Fredland
Valita M. Fredland, JD, MA
Kelly French
Shele French
Ms. Jane Fribley
Ms. Ann S. Frick
Sally M. Friend
Kristin G. Fruehwald
Mrs. Susan L. Furgeson
Nancy Fyffe
Jennifer Gammons
Marena Gammons
Deanna and Enoch Gamoian
Sally Nelson Gans Endowment Fund
Ms. Margaret Garrison
Carol Gartland
Mr. Fred Garver
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Garvey
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Garvin
Karen Gentleman and Michael P. McCarty
Laura George
Ms. Cindy Gerritsen
Gershman Brown and Associates, Inc.
Gail Gesell
Katrina Getts
Dr. Robyn Gibboney
Mrs. Leanne W. Gillespie
Ms. Sherry J. Gillespie
Ms. Cyrena Gilman
Sue Anne Gilroy
Niki Lynn Girls
Ms. Laura F. Girton
Mrs. Eileen Glaser
Mrs. Karen K. Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Glasscock
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Foundation
Marianne Glick and Michael S. Woods
Global Impact-UBS Foundation USA
Jennifer Godby
Lynda M. Goeke
Mrs. Anne Fox Gohman
Winnie Goldblatt
Lisa McKinney Goldner
Dr. Marcia Goldstone
Susan Golightly
Sandy Gooding
Julie Houk Goodrich
Jo Ann Gora
Ms. Cynthia Goss
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Graffis
Ms. Dawn L. Graham
Ms. Meredith M. Gramelspacher
Arlene Grande
Ms. Beth Van Vorst Gray
Mr. Bryan Gray
Lynn Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Green
Ms. Ellen Greenleaf and
Mr. Gregory Dawson
Susan Gregory
Ellen Grein
Mrs. Mary P. Grein
Gerry and Bill Griffith
Ms. Nancy Michelle Griffith
Ms. Leah Grinnen
Ms. Theresa J. Grippin
John and Mary Ann Grogan
Ms. Ruby M. Grosdidier
Mrs. Audrey K. Grossman
Ms. Elizabeth Grossman
Jill Grossman
Mrs. Marcia L. Grossnickle
Kathleen Surina Grove
Janet Allen and Joel Grynheim
J.D. and Evelyn Guinn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gustafson
Angela M. Guynn
Ms. Sheila E. Guynn-Passley
Michelle Gwaltney
Ms. Mary E. Haas
Jill and Paul Hagan
Mrs. Janet M. Haley
Hall Koehler P.C.
Ms. Valeria P. Hall
Ms. Mary Jane Hamburger
Ms. Barbara Hamilton
Barbara and George Hamilton
Ms. Susan Hanafee
Ms. Dorothy J. Hancock
Molly and J.P. Hanlon
Nancy Hannon
Ms. Carmen Hansen-Rivera
Michelle Fry Hanson and Michael Hanson
Mary L. Harden
Mr. Phillip K. Hardwick
Annette Hargens
Ms. Elizabeth Harlamert
Holli Harrington
Suzanne Harrington
Cheri A. Harris
Dr. Cynthia J. Harris
Ms. Janet I. Harris
Lisa Harris
Dana Harrison
Mrs. Kathleen A. Harrison
Ms. Marilyn A. Hart
Sarah J. Hatch
Katie Haugk
Lisa Cowan Hawkins
Ms. Charlotte Hawthorne
Ms. Carrie K. Houston
Jane J. Howard
Ms. Kristi Howard
Ms. Sandra H. Howarth
Kathy Hower
HP Company Foundation
Donna R. Hubbard
Lyle Gene Huddleson, II
Sandi R. Huddleston
Michelle Hudson
Morgan Hughes
Kimberly Huizinga
Drs. Meredith and Kathleen Hull
Kimberly and Paul Hunt
Sharon B. Hunt
Linda B. Kammen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kane
Kelly Kappes
Judy D. Kaufman
LaTonya Keaton
Jan Keefer
Lisa Keenan
Cindy L. Keitch
Thea Kelly
Rebecca O. Kendall
Ms. Diane Hubbard Kennedy
Melina Kennedy
Mrs. Pegg Kennedy
Sheila Kennedy
Karen A. Kennelly
“One of the greatest things I learned during my OPTIONS class is ‘When an issue affects a woman, it
affects a family, and then it affects a community.’ Women’s Fund makes a powerful impact by supporting
the organizations that are hands-on with women and children in our community, making a difference.”
—Lindsey Rabinowitch,
OPTIONS Alumnae President, Class Seven
Amy K. Hayes MD
Jerrie D. Hayes
Health and Hospital Corporation
of Marion Co.
Cecilia Heard
Ms. Marsha Hearn-Lindsay
Erin Hedges
Ms. Julia R. Heiman
M. Rosalie Held
Lisa A. Helton
Louise and Brian Henderson
Melissa Henderson
Jennifer C. Hendrian
Mrs. Amy S. Hendrix
Ms. Jane A. Henegar
Barbara A. Henry
Linda Hensley and Mark Rutherford
Nisa Hensley
Margie and Jim Herald
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Herbig
Ms. Denise Herd
Ms. Paula M. Herlitz
June Herman
Maggie J. Hernandez
Denise Herrington
Ms. Sandra A. Herron
Hewlett-Packard Company
Nora and Tom Hiatt
Sue A. Hicks
Kristin H. Highfield
Jason and Christi Hill
Holly Hill-Brooks
Lisa Himmelheber
Dr. Peggy Hinckley
Ms. Amy C. Hinshaw
Ann Hinson
Mrs. Janet Davis Hocker
Ginny H. Hodowal
Hoffman and Hoffman, LLC
Ms. Susan P. Hoffman
Ms. Katherine J. Holle
Mrs. Rebecca L. Honeywell
Ms. Celeste Cole Hooker
Liz Hoover
Martha Sanders Hoover
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hopper
Ms. Brenda S. Horn
Wendy S. Horn
Connie Horwitz
Rae Hostetler
Hostetler Public Relations
Susan K. Houchin
Ms. Ruth P. Houghton
Mr. William Hunt and
Mrs. Nancy Bergen Hunt
Linda Hunter
Shelley M. Hunter
Ms. Catherine L. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Needham S. Hurst
i.d.o Incorporated
Ms. Letha M. Illingworth
Angela Imel
The Indianapolis Foundation,
an affiliate of Central Indiana
Community Foundation
Indianapolis Power and Light Company
Indy Family Foundation
Nancy Irsay
Vanessa L. Isaacs
Ms. Rhoda Israelov
Ms. Elsa M. Iverson
Harriet M. Ivey
J and P Enterprises
Cheryl and Scott Jacklin
Ms. Linda Jackson
Mrs. MaryBeth Jackson
Ms. P. Diane Jackson
Sherri A. Jackson
Ms. Tameka Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobs
Ms. Toyia N. James
Jan’s Specialty Service
Jennifer Jansen and Todd Belanger
Ms. Paula Jenkins
Kris Kellam Jernstedt
Ms. Melinda Johns
Karen R. Johnson, Ph.D.
Ms. Leigh Johnson
Linda Johnson
Ms. Mary L. Johnson
Patricia L. Johnson
Shelley R. Johnson
Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Christine M. Johnston
Mrs. Marjorie T. Johnston
Mrs. Virginia R. Johnston
Andrew B. and Polly M. Jones
Dorothy Jones
Brenda Jones-Matthews
Hannah Joseph
Sandy Judkins
Ms. Janice Juergens
Ms. Teresa Jump
Ms. Betsy Kachmar
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Kahn
Kelly Shepherd Kakone
Dr. Vasiliki Keramida
Maggie Kernan
Drs. Patrick and Jennifer Kersey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kesler
Mrs. Grace M. Ketchum
Ms. Cindy Kiesel
Megan Kight
Colleen Kilrain
Ms. Sharon L. Kiltz
Ms. Joanne M. King
Laura Jean King
Lucinda King
Meg King
Alexandra Kirsch
Jan Kirsch
Ms. Priscilla P. Kirsch
Sharon Kitchens
Julie C. Kitcoff
Jennifer Kittle
Betty Klapper
The Klapper Family Foundation, Inc.
David and Melynne Klaus
George and Karen Klaus
Kleiman Family Charitable Fund,
a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation
Nicole Klein
Mrs. Evelin Klemm
Alan and Dorothy Klineman
Debra E. Klinger
Margaret M. Kluesener
Marcia Knapp
Mr. Christopher L. Knuckles
Julie K. Koegel and Clayton M. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Pamela K. Koehler
Mary Beth Kohart, SIOR CCIM
Ms. Kristen Rhodes Kopel
Susan J. Koriath
Mr. and Mrs. Kortepeter
Ms. Alison Kothe
Kramer Law Offices
Mrs. Sally Ann Krause
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Mrs. Haleh R Krauter
Ms. Margaret Jo Meeks Kreutz
Mary Louise Krise
Ms. Loretta Kroin Ph.D.
Linda J. Kreuger
Ms. Theresa Kulczak
Stacy Kult
Ms. Heather Kulwin
Ms. Marjorie J. Kurt
Catherine LaCrosse
Ms. Heather F. Lacy
J.A. and Elizabeth Lacy
Jill Lacy
Julia and Andre Lacy
Lori Ladd
Lynn Lambuth
Martha D. Lamkin
Ms. Marsha A. Langdon
Cathy Langham
Ms. Kendall L. Lankford
R. Jane Lau
Raginae Laughlin-Heberden
Laura World LLC
Libby Laux
Roys Laux
Melissa Lawyer
Stephanie Layton
Darin Leach
Sarah L. and John C. Lechleiter
Betty J. LeClare
Carolyn Leeds
Jane H. Leeth
Ms. Linda L. Lentz
Susan and Mike Lewis
Mrs. Louise Lieberman
Ms. Janine Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Mackellar
Mr. Anthony P. and
Dr. Alexius Smith Macklin
Ms. Mary T. Macon
Ms. Paula R. MacVittie
Kathryn S. Maeglin
Julie Manning Magid and Terren B. Magid
Jane Magnus-Stinson
Sue and Mike Maine
Ms. Lisa Maiorino
Sue Maki and Tom Kapostasy
Ms. Marissa S. Manlove
Leah S. Mannweiler
David and Brenda Maraman
Ana Maregatti
Ms. Melanie D. Margolin
Myra and Thomas Mariani
Peter and Rita Mariani
Ms. Michelle Marietta
Dr. Rebecca T. Markel
Katie Marlowe
Carolyn Marsan
Stacie Harting Marsh
Mrs. Donna Martin
Karen L. Martin
Mrs. Margo Martin
Meghan and Jeff Martin
Patty and Kevin Martin
Miss Nicole M. Martinez
Michelle and Joe Marxer
Patricia A. Maryland, Dr. PH
Ms. Patricia Foxworthy Mason
Ann P. Matheis
Ed and Kathy Mathena
Ms. Stacia Matthews
Susan Matthews
Alice McColgin
June M. McCormack
Sara McCracken
Ms. Anna McDaniel
Roxanne McGettigan
Mrs. Barbara S. McGowan
Hugh and Kate McGowan
Ms. Kathleen S. McHugh
Mrs. Tina M. McIntosh
Ms. Janet S. McIntyre
Mary McKee
Holiday McKiernan
Ms. Marni F. McKinney
Megan McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Heather and Matt McLaughlin
Nancy McMillan
Greg and Sue McMillen
Mrs. Wendy D. McNamar
Lee and Rose McNeely
Ms. Petrina McNeil
Rod and Karen McNelly
Ms. Jennifer McNutt
Mrs. Heather McPherson
Dr. Lynda J. Means
Mrs. Julie A. Cole Mecum and
Mr. Fred K. Mecum
Ms. Monica A. Medina
Marian Y. Meditch
Eliz Kraft Meek
Ms. Catherine I. Melfi
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Mendelsohn
Mrs. Kristi E. Mengelt
David Ments
Mrs. Virginia P. Merkel
“What a wonderful Women’s Fund event, a celebration of a campaign, which has raised millions of
dollars to add to the Women’s Fund Endowment. This is a very important resource in our community.
It allows Women’s Fund to make smart grants based upon research, based upon outcomes, which are
truly transformative for girls and women in our community.”
—Brian Payne, President and CEO, Central Indiana Community Foundation
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
Mrs. Jan Lindemann
Shannon M. Linker
Ms. Crystal Livers-Powers
Mrs. Susan Loftus
Cindie Logan
Ms. Wendy Loker
Kristy Robinson Lombardo
Wilma Lee Long
Carole Longardner
Mrs. Joan Lonnemann
Nancy K. Lonsinger
Maria Pabon Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Lorch
Melissa Love
Mrs. Gail A. Lowery
Janett Lowes
Marika Klemm Lubarsky
Senator Teresa Lubbers
Linda Kai Lucas
Dan and Mary Lueders
Mrs. Sarah S. Lugar
Lumina Foundation for Education
Amy Cook Lurvey
Mrs. Penny C. Lutocka
Mrs. Marjorie A Lyles Ph.D.
Mr. Gregory E. Lynn
Ms. Myra Lyon
Ms. Amy W. MacDonell
Barbara MacDougall
Dheepa R. Maturi, J.D.
Linda Maurer
Ms. Stacy Maurer
Maurer Family Foundation, Inc.
Karen A. Maxey
LaQuita Maxey
Margaret M. Maxwell
Susie Tardy Maxwell
Maureen M. May
Susan B. May
Mary Lou Mayer, MD and Steve Martin
Mrs. Bruceil Mays
Ms. Carolene R. Mays
Dr. Rose M. Mays
Tressa Mazhandu
Susanne McAlister
Angela Barron McBride, Ph.D., RN
Fred and Carin McBroom
Mary McCain
Karen McCallum
Linda McCarroll
Moriag and Bill McCarthy
Deborah McCarty
Mrs. Virginia Dill McCarty
Janet McCaslin
Clarice McCauley
Ms. Linda J. McClain
Maria Thornton McClain
Mrs. Sonja McClelland
Deborah McCloud
Rita McCluskey
Bill and Jane Merrill
Mrs. Sharon R. Merriman
Doris H. Merritt, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Merriweather
Ms. Kathy Messick
Gracia-Jean Meyer
Margaret D. Meyer
Phyllis Dickinson Meyer
Ms. Leslie D. Michael, CPA, CFP
Ms. Jan Michelsen
Beverly J. Middaugh
Sharon Pulte Mihalik
Beverly Brooks Miller
Danelle Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller
Cindy and Flip Miller
Sandra and Bernie Miller
Ms. Susan H. Miller
Sally Bindley Millman
Tracy Minor
Ms. Debra F. Minott
Kathy Minx
Laura Feldman Mishkin
Mission Coffee and Tea Co., Inc.
Sharon Moe, M.D.
Connie Molland
Peggy Monson
Beth Montegro
Ms. Carolyn Moon
Mandy Moore and Neal Rothermel
Martin J. Moore
Melissa and Dan Moran
Ann and Bill Moreau
Ms. Rebecca Moreland
Morning Dove Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Mrs. Christina L. Morris
Shannon M. Morris
Mrs. Celisse Morris-Miller
Dr. P. Sue Morter
Teresa E. Morton, Esq.
Candace C. Moseley
Mrs. Anne K. Moss
Mrs. Evelyn Moss
Mr. Marc Moss
Margo Moss
Linda Muegge
Dr. Shirley Mueller
Nancy Munn
Linda Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Heather Murphy
Sara Murphy and Clifford Hall
Ms. Khaula Murtadha
Ann and Jim Murtlow
Ms. Michelle Musgrave
John M. Mutz
Ms. Christina Myers
Nancy’s Retreat Inc
National Wine and Spirits, Inc.
Ms. Linda Neel
Andrea Neely
Dr. Ivy Lee Nehamkin
Mrs. Sharon Neighbours
Sue Hacker Nelson
Arletta B. Newton
Polly G. Nicely
Deborah E. Nicholas
Maureen Nielsen
Ms. Joanna Nixon
Anne Nobles
Kelly Ivcevich Noga
Ms. Debra Normann and
Dr. Fred S. Larimore
Sara Norris
Katie and Richard Norton
Linda Norton
Ms. Greta Notz
Mr. Daniel R. Noyes
Ms. Anneliese R. Nulsen
Ms. Deborah Oatts
Mark and Colleen Obergfell
Mrs. Sandy Obremskey
Lynne O’Day
Cindi Odle
Elizabeth O’Farrell
Ms. Helen O’Guinn
Ms. Jane L. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Hara
Edie Olson
Mrs. Ruth Miller Olson
Mrs. Tiffany P. Olson
Winfield and Jennifer Ong
Kindra Orr
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Dr. Gregg and Joan Ossip
Mary A. Ott, M.D.
Sally Otte
Nancy and Richard Otto
Scot and Tanya Overdorf
Jon and Andrea Pactor
Dean Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Paine Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Palermo
Ms. Jill Pangle
Holly Pantzer
Ms. Cathy Parise
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pariso
Darla Jo Parker
Mrs. Debra Brown Parker
Dawn Parks
Kris Parmelee
Ms. Carroll G. Parsons
Mrs. Cynthia M. Patterson
Jean S. Patton
Brian Payne
Mrs. Farideh Peacock
Mrs. Charles Pechette
Laura Penca
Ms. Melissa J. Pennamped
Pepper Construction Company
of Indiana, LLC
Linda Perdue
Ms. Rebecca R. Perez
Ms. Georgiana A. Perkins
Yvonne Perkins
Ms. Pamela S. Perry
Paulette J. Persinger
Mark and Ora Pescovitz
Amy Minick Peterson
Mr. and Ms. Chris F. Petty
Mrs. Diane Pfeiffer
Kay Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phillippi
Ms. Andrea Phillips
Elizabeth and Dan Philpott
Caroline Pieters
Dr. Beverley J. Pitts
Ms. Gayla Pitts
Ms. Martha Plager
Mrs. Gail M Plater
Jennifer H. Pletcher
Ms. Jean Plew
Mrs. Wendy Wright Ponader
Ms. M. Jeanne Pontious
Joyce Poole
Joyce S. Pope
Karen L. Porter
Mrs. Susan T. Pouder
Meg Booth Powell
Marisa Pratt
Mrs. Marianne O’Conner Price
Patricia Prosser
Dr. and Mrs. Eric N. Prystowsky
Myrta Pulliam
Ms. Leigh Purcell
Phil and Beth Purcell
Purdie Family Charitable Foundation
Dr. Valerie A. Purvin
Kristy Pyne
Nana Quay-Smith
Jean H. Quinn
Mary and Bob Quinn
Ms. Maria M. Quintana
Quiring Associates, Inc.
Lindsey Rabinowitch
Erika L. Rager, MD, MPH
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Ramsey
Dr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Randall
Matthew Ranft
Mrs. Pamela F. Rappaport
Ms. Jamie B. Ratner
Kathy Ray
Ms. Louise J. Ray
Katie O. Reasoner
Katie Reed
Ms. Kathy G. Reehling
Melissa Proffitt Reese
Ruth D. Reichard
Linda Rendleman
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Renkens
Donna L. Reynolds and David P. Whitman
Shannon Rezek
Theresa Farrington Rhodes
Ms. Gayle Rhynearson
Jacqueline Rice
Barbara Richardson
Jane Richardson
Ms. Rebecca A. Richardson
Raquel Richardson
Mrs. M. Jean Richcreek
Carriann Richey
Reagan Rick
Amie Rickels
Rachel Riegel and Uwe Klemm
Ms. Carolyn J. Riensche
Mrs. Gloria A. Riggs
Debra Rightmyer
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ringo
Ms. Patricia L. Rios
Amy and Clay Robbins
Diana Roberts
Jeff Roberts
Ms. Janine M. Robertson
Ms. Nancy M. Robertson
Ms. Debbie Robinson
Jane Robison
Suzan Rodriguez-Fein and Alan Fein
Ms. Carolyn B. Roebuck
Mrs. Josephine Weathers Rogers
E. Mitchell Roob and Sandra Matthys Roob
Pat G. Rooney
Mikel and Annetta Ropp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Dov Rosenberg
Jennifer Rosenberg
JoEllen Florio Rossebo
Ms. Erin J. Roth
Mary Roth
Dr. Michael and Karen Rothbaum
Mrs. Mary Lou Rothe
Ms. Gail Rothrock
Patricia D. Rowe
Ms. Madelon L. Rowell
Julie L. Rowlas
Irisa A. Roze
Jill Ruckelshaus
Ruddell Trust Fund
Glenda J. Russell
Mrs. Nancy M. Russell
Ruth Orange Revocable Trust
Chrissy Ryan
Lisa and Larry Sablosky
Dr.and Mrs. Michael Sadove
Niccole R. Sadowski
Ms. Cristy Sagalowsky
Jeannie Infante Sager
Emily M. Salatich
Hilary Stout Salatich
Jane E. Salentine
Jane and William Salin
Ivonne and Roland Salman
The Saltsburg Fund Don and Karen Lake Buttrey
Samerian Foundation - Cindy Simon Skjodt
Susan Sandberg
Teresa Cotton Santos
Sargent and Meier
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Ellen R. Saul
Mrs. M. Kim Saxton
Becky Schenck
Jane and Fred Schlegel
Mrs. Mindy Hoffert Schlegel
Lisa Schlehuber
Robert and Alice Schloss
Ms. Diane Schmadeke
Ms. Joan Schneider
Belinda and Steve Scholl
Daria Schooler, M.D.
Mrs. Cassandra M. Schuchman
Jamie Schulte
Lucile E. Schulte
Alison Schumacher and Sam Carpenter
Ms. Martha J. Schwarz
Ms. Christy Schwengel
Tara Sciscoe
Ms. Billie J. Scott
Ms. Staci Secrest
Tara M. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Segal
Ms. Jenny M. Sego
Ms. Rebecca Seifert
Myra C. Selby
Anne and Andrew Sellers
Mrs. Riad H. Shaheen
Jeanette J. Shallop, Ph.D.
Anne K. Shane
Marilyn Shank
Shank Public Relations Counselors
Kristin A. Shea
Ms. Margaret Sheehan
Mr. Thomas P. Sheehan
Tracey L. Sheehan
Thomas and Sondra Sheehan
Charitable Trust
Ms. Mary Ann Shepard
Nancy Shepard
Ms. Susan Shepherd
Dollyne Sherman
Mr. James M. Shirey
Ms. Judy Shockey
Cathi Shover
Carol A. Showers
Ms. Ronda Shrewsbury
Jane Nold Shriner
Natalie Siegel, Ed.D.
Ms. Denise Sierp
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Sievers
Jennifer Siminski
Bonnie K. Simmons
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Simon
Mr. Greg Simpson
Mrs. Judith H. Singleton
Donna Sipe
Jenny Skehan
Janice Hicks Slaughter
Samantha and Samyra Small
Alyson Smith
Andrea Smith
Ms. Barbara Q. Smith
Brooke and Bryan Smith
David and Rita Smith
Deanna Smith
Freedom S.N. Smith
Joy Smith
Kathy Smith
Lalaine Y. Smith, D.D.S.
Larry and Tina Smith
Maribeth and Al Smith
Marty Smith
Mike and Sue Smith Family Fund
“I have been a part of CICF
for a few years as a member
of their board. I truly believe
in the transformative power of
philanthropy and I believe in
empowering women. To see so
many organizations that have
made such a difference in women’s
lives is heartening, and it makes
my heart sing.”
—Peggy Monson,
Central Indiana Community
Foundation, Board Member
Mrs. Nancy Chesterman Smith
Pamela Smith
Mary Smith-Healy
Ellen W. Smitson
Ms. Valerie Smotherman
Ms. Beth A. Snider
Dr. Mary Ruth Snyder
Robyn Snyder
Ms. Lynne Perkins Socey
Ms. Wendy Sommers
Ms. Cari Southworth
Lisa Spalding
Marta Spence
Michele Rodger Spencer
Ms. Gayle Spicer
SPM Foundation
Irving Moxley Springer Credit Trust
Christine and Robert Squier
Emma L. St. Dennis
Patricia Owens Stam
Wendy Stamm
Mrs. Mary Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stapinski
Ms. Sharon Stark
Ms. Allison Steck
Marilee Steckler
Michele L. Steele
Debbie and Tom Steiman-Cameron
Ms. Carole Stein
Mrs. Ellynn Shaw Stein
Dr. Leonard and Anne Steinberg
Ms. Betty R. Stephen
Donna A. Stephens
Diana Stevensen
Ms. Mary A. Stewart
Mrs. Kimberly A. Stickney
Betty Stilwell
Cassie Stockamp
Stewart and Mary Stockdale
Barbara Stokely
Jeanette T. Stokely
Lillian G. Stokes
Cliff and Stacy Stone
Ms. Michelle Stoneburner
Mrs. Cheryl S. Strain
Kari E. Strolberg
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Strong
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Doug Strott
Mrs. Chrystal L. Struben-Hall
Christina Stuart
Mrs. Pratima Stuhldreher
Ms. Emily Styron
Jackie and David Suess
Michele Sullender
Ms. Diana Sullivan
Santina Corsaro Sullivan
Mrs. Ruth M. Vignati
Elcira C. Villarreal and Jeanette Frazier
Jan Virgin
Sonja Voelkel, M.D.
Mrs. Nonie Vonnegut-Gabovitch
MaCharri Vorndran-Jones
W. C. Griffith Foundation Trust
Patricia and David Wachtel
Mr. Michael Waddick
“As the expert resource for critical issues impacting women and girls in our
community, we provide such an important service to our community. And,
issues that face women and girls are issues that face families, and therefore
attack the very fiber of our community. We are so thankful to our generous
supporters who allow us to do important work in our community.”
—Ann Murtlow, Advisory Board Chair
Dick Summe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Summers
Celia Surface-Bruder
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Sutton
Suzanne Sweeney
Mrs. Jane B. Sweet
Nela Swinehart
Ms. Deb Swintz
Patricia E. Szuch
Dawn Tabler
Joanna Taft
Debbie and Rip Taggart
Ms. Susan Talbot
Joe and Jill Tanner
Marge Tarplee
Ms. Elizabeth Tate
Jennifer D. Tate
Mrs. Kathryn Taurel
Carole Tavel
Andy and Carmen Teed
Mrs. Pattiann C. Tehan
Ann-Marie Tejcek
Sue and Dick Tempero
Temple-Inland Foundation
Mrs. Theresa D. Tetrault
Benjamin Pecar and Leslie Thompson
Ms. Nancy D. Thompson
Ms. Pat Thorlton
Nancy G. Tinsley
Barb and Tom Tobey
Ellen Tobias
Kelley and Phil Tortorice
Jennifer Touw
Marian K. Towne
Susie Fuson Townsend
Ms. Vicki M. Townsend
Ms. Ellyn S. Traub
Myrna Trump
Nick and Lee Tumminello
Ms. Nancy Darling Turner
Ms. Carly L. Turow
Ms. Marriam A. Umar
Amy Updike
Mary Ann Urbancic
Sheila Urberner
USA Funds
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Valle
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Vanausdall
Ms. Melissa VanderWaal
Ms. Rebecca J. VanVoorhis, Ph.D.
Mrs. Edith G. Vasu
Ms. Lorraine P. Vavul
Vawter Foundation
Karin L. Veatch
Pamela M. Velo and
Dr. Steven L. Richwine
Verizon Foundation
Mrs. Phyllis D. Vernick
Joyce Wade
Ms. Olive P. Wade
Hazel Walker
Roberta L. Walton
Rhonda Fox Waltz
Mrs. Carol Ward
Elizabeth G. Warren
Judy Warren
Renee Chube Washington
Ms. Julia A. Watson
Rosalind Webb, M.D.
Dena Weisbard
Ms. Jean K. Welch
Mrs. Lacey A. Welch
WellPoint Foundation
Ms. Shannon Wenninger
Rebecca J. Wertz
Vicki Westbrook
Westwood Foundation
Ms. Cynthia F. Whitaker
Angela E. White
Anna S. White
Ms. Elizabeth L. White
Ms. Jessica White
Lynaire White
Kelcy M. Whitman
Karen Whitney and
Peggy Apple
Ellen J. Whitt
Leslie and Tony Wibbeler
Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Wichman
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wick
Patty Wilder
Jane and Bob Wildman
Mrs. Megan G. Wiles
Aileen Wilkins
Ms. Cheryl L. Wilkins
Dr. Harriet A. Wilkins
Mrs. Christie Gillespie Williams
Ms. Donna E. Williams
Fay H. Williams
Janice O. Williams
Mary Angela Williams
Mary Grcich Williams
Ms. Susan Williams
Dr. Tracey Tabor Williams
Katherine Willing
Carol Willoughby
Ms. Becky Wilson
Ms. Joan O. Wilson
Ms. JoAnna Wilson
Kimberly A. Wilson
Ms. Pat Wilson
Barbara and Allan Wimmer
Tamara L. Winfrey-Harris
Mary Anne Winslow
Ms. Sherma Wise
Mitzi Witchger
Ms. Kelly S. Witte
Sheila Woerner
Madelaine M. Wohlreich, M.D.
Ms. Marianne S. Wokeck
Margaret and Barry Wood
Michele Kuntz Wood
Susan Woodhouse
Susan Woods
Ms. Grace M. Worley
David B. Wortman and
Melissa A. Greenwell
Mrs. Emily C. Wren
Ms. Barbara Wright
Donna Billiard Wright
Judy Wright
Mrs. Julie K. Wright
Michelle Wright, FNP
Paula A. Wright
Tressa Wykoff
Ms. Kathy Kerr Wylam
Ms. Molly Wyse
Ace and Beth Yakey
Ken and Wendy Yerkes
Ms. Sue Yeskie
Ms. Mien Dee Yong
Ron and Susie Young
Phyllis Zahn
Tamara Zahn
Sally and Mark Zelonis
Dr. Ann Zerr
Nina and Eric Zinn
Susan C. Zoenowicz
Irving Moxley
Springer Society
The Irving Moxley Springer Society
is comprised of individuals who have
made plans to leave a future gift to the
community through the unrestricted
endowment of Women’s Fund of Central
Indiana. This planned giving society is
named in honor of the gift Frank Springer
made to Women’s Fund in memory of his
wife, Irving Moxley Springer.
Malcolm and Carol Applegate
Lorene Burkhart
David and Lynda Cook
Karen Gentleman and
Michael P. McCarty
Marianne Glick
Mrs. Frances B. Julian
Ms. Cynthia S. Martin
Shannon Rezek
Jane and Fred Schlegel
Ms. Barbara Stokely
Ms. Rebecca J. VanVoorhis, Ph.D.
Lifetime Members
OPTIONS Alumnae Lifetime Members
have made gifts totaling $5,000 and more
to Women’s Fund since their participation
Lucy Byrne Aquilano
Jackie Barrett
Amanda R. Blystone
Caroline Gleason Dutkanych
Mrs. Julie S. Eskenazi
Ms. Valita M. Fredland
Julie Manning Magid
Myra M. Mariani
Heather McLaughlin
Erika L. Rager, M.D., MPH
Rachel G. Riegel
Dr. Lalaine Y. Smith
Anne Steinberg
Karin L. Veatch
Gifts were made to
the Women’s Fund
endowment in honor of
the following individuals:
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera and
Sergio Aguilera
Deborah L. Anderson
Nancy A. Anderson
Lucy Byrne Aquilano and Don Aquilano
Sue Baer
Jennifer Pope Baker
May Gray Ball
Mrs. Evelyn Ballardini
The Honorable Sarah Evans Barker
Jackie and David Barrett
Ruth M. Barrett, M.D.
Mrs. Harlean Beal
Juanita Beeman
Richard Berens
Alice Bernstein
Paige Billingsley
Kai Binford
Mrs. Jennifer Blattler
Elinor Blystone
Lucile Blystone
Dr. Patricia Boaz
Dr. Allison Brashear
Jackie Braun
Amie K. Brown
Mrs. Mary Lou Byrne
Emma Caress
Carol Carlson
Ms. Lara Chandler-Belsley
Ms. Thomasina Childress
Jamie Clark
Josie Cole
Lila Conley
Dr. Lynda K. Cook
Allison Cox
Michelle Croxall Crose
Christy Croxall
Angae Lou Davis
Julie Davis
Peg Decker
Anna Dillon
Alicia Doerr
Caroline Gleason Dutkanych
Pam Eavey
Margot Eccles
Sarah VanDeusen Flynn
Bev Gallagher
Anna Gamoian
Deanna K. Gamoian
Karen L. Gentleman
Eugene B. and Marilyn Glick
Marianne Glick
Lisa McKinney Goldner
Women’s Fund thanks all Endowment Campaign donors from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009
Arlene Grande
Ms. Frances L. Hackett
Elinor M. Hall
Dr. Sharon J. Hamilton
Patricia Harrington
Devyn L. Hayes
Ellen Healey
Chip and Raginae Heberden
Nancy Henderson
Elnora Freshley Hiatt
Mrs. Norma Hoffman
Amy Hommema
Mary Lou Hughes
Dr. Kathleen Warfel Hull
Mrs. Katherine K. Ivcevich
Harriet M. Ivey
Dana Johnson
Deanna Johnson
Lily Margaret Kersey
Meg King
Alexandra Kirsch
Mrs. Dorothy Klineman
Martha D. Lamkin
Diana Leve
Ann Levenson
Ian and Irene Lisk
Karen Lucas
Marion MacMillan
Abbey Claire MacPherson-Stolen
Ms. Miriam Manisoff
Ann Manning
Myra Mariani
Virginia Dill McCarty
Margaret McCracken
Agnes L. McHugh
Alice Greene McKinney
Hailey McLaughlin
James R. McMillan
Rose M. McNeely
Taylor Mercurio
Doris H. Merritt, M.D.
Lilly T.H. Meyer
Marilee Miller
Mrs. Marie Miller
DeDe Moore
Ann D. Murtlow
Mandy Nefouse
Stacy Neill
Maureen Nielsen
Rita Novak
Jennifer Croxall Pacourek
Ms. Chelsea Patterson
Amy Minick Peterson
Jennifer Phelps
Serena Pieters
Joyce S. Pope
Anna Rabinowitch
Katie Reasoner
Marilyn Renner
Jeannie Reser
William R. and Gloria A. Riggs
Elise Robichaud
Ms. Patricia Garrett Rooney
Mrs. Ruth A. Roseberry
Meyer and Simon Rothbaum
Mary Jane Rowe
Gabi Ryan
Lily Ryan
Mrs. Lisa Sablosky
Hilary S. Salatich
Ms. Sue Sautermeister
Mrs. Jane W. Schlegel
Mary Schleibaum
Dorothy Tracy Schulten
Angie Schultz
Marietta Sell
Dr. Patricia Mills Shane
Marilyn Shank
Donna Sheline
Melanie Shipps
Mary Jo Shover
Dr. Betty B. Sipe
Carla Skinner
Bonnie K. Smartz
Brittany Smith
Linsey Smith
Sue Smith
Ms. Moira J. Squier
June Steinberg
Terri Stoneburner
Ms. Christina C. Stuart
George and Jane Sweet
Elizabeth Taggart
Lindsay Taggart
Nancy Touw
Ms. Debbie A. Ungar
Ms. Rebecca J. VanVoorhis, Ph.D.
Dr. Rosalie Vermette
Jaclyn Virgin
Joslyn Virgin
Lory Wasserman
Audrey Webster
Polly Webster
Debbie Weinberger
Anna S. White
Ms. Fay H. Williams
Jan Williams
Mrs. Mary Wolford
Dr. Mae B. Wright
Gifts were made to
the Women’s Fund
endowment in memory of
the following individuals:
Anita Aquilino
Raymond I. Baker, Jr.
Colin Barkley
Robert K. Bellamy
Anne Basile Benoit
Maxwell David Boncosky
Dr. Diane Blake Brashear, Ph.D.
James R. Brillhart, M.D.
Sara K. Brooks
James W. Brown
John J. Buchanan
Virgal Raspberry Caine
Allison Cassens
Grandpa Conour
Kenneth Crider
Keith J. Dampf
Neva Magness Dampf
Sally DeGroff
Neva R. Dickey
Dorothy Dorman
Ann Marie Fisk
Dr. Beverly Flynn
Jessie Folz
Brice E. Gilman
Ramona Cortez Gonzales
Irene Grover
Rita Guynn
Dorothy Donald Harmon
Marie Harmon
Marjorie W. Hesler
Dorothy Hicks
Frances E. Hill
Helen Kearby
Deacon Elijah Kelly
Theobia Kelly
Kaye Kepley
Pauline Kepley
Margaret Krueger
Elizabeth D. Lamkin
Rose Langham
Juanita K. Lempke
Pearl Little
Mary Ann Macielak
Tillie Maierson
Helen Marciniak
Janet Martin
Mary McClain
Jean McDonald
William Michelsen
Mary Mikalowsky
Melinda Miller
Zita T. Milz
Mary Harter Mitchell
David Nehamkin
Mrs. Elizabeth Nehamkin
Esteri Niemela
Dorothy Nordstrom
Sally Ohleyer
Dorothy Overman
Lorena Overpeck
Dr. Holly Petersen
W. Nicholas Pope
Mildred Praay
Elizabeth Puetz
Amanda Kay Ramsey
Karen J. Reasoner
Raymond Bradley “Brad” Rector
Valerie Richter
Lillian “Nana” Robinson
Eunice Roche
Harriette Rohm
Darrolyn Ross
Tina Marie Ruffin
Edith Shelton
Mitzi Silliman
Nellie Simpher
Jeane Winifred Parker Skogan
Mr. Frank C. Springer, Jr.
Mackenzie Stamm
Jenny Louise Whitehead Strickland
Bettyjane Oberhaus Strohmaier
Mary English Studdord
Jeanette Lyons Surina
Marjorie Lambeth Tarkington
Alecia Tiemann
Marilyn McKee Tindall
Evelyn P. Velo
James Vorndran
Dr. Barbara C. Walker
Jack Bennett Welch
Anne B. White
Dorothy M. White
Ms. Carol B. Wichman
Irene Wilkerson
Joanne Wilson
Women’s Fund gratefully acknowledges
the support of over 130 anonymous
Women’s Fund has made every effort to
ensure that the names on this contributor
list are accurate. If an omission or error
has occurred, please accept our sincerest
apologies and contact Abigail Coleman,
Development Officer, at 317.634.2423
ext. 169 or [email protected].
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