Annual Report - ReSurge International


Annual Report - ReSurge International
Annual Report
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
With Stanford University roots, ReSurge
International pioneered the first efforts
to bring reconstructive surgery to
developing countries in 1969.
ReSurge builds surgical capacity and
provides reconstructive surgeries for
those in developing countries who suffer
from disabling injuries or congenital
anomalies, such as cleft lips and
palates, burns, hand injuries and other
ReSurge focuses on training the next
generation of reconstructive surgeons
to increase access to sustainable, highquality care.
It renews the health of approximately
3,000 children and adults each year so
they can go to school, provide for their
families, and contribute to society.
Local, developing world surgical teams,
which ReSurge trains and supports,
perform most of those surgeries.
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
FY2015 is July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
performed by
countries on
four continents
donated by
ReSurge Programs
ReSurge programs deliver essential and highquality surgical care to those who need it
most. Through these programs, ReSurge aims
to strengthen the surgical workforce and safe
surgery in the developing world.
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
Surgical Outreach Programs
ReSurge’s international surgical teams, working
year-round in their low- and middle-income
countries, provide 85 percent of our surgeries.
By training and supporting local surgeons to
help those living in poverty in their communities,
ReSurge provides sustainable year-round care
in eight countries – the most cost-effective and
efficient model to deliver treatment.
Photo by © Darcy Padilla
Team Trips
In geographies where there are few surgeons
and little or no access to care, ReSurge
surgical volunteers donate their time to train
local medical professionals and provide
surgical care. In FY15, 123 volunteers traveled
to Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, India,
Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru and Vietnam.
Photo by © Abir Abdullah
Why We Provide Surgical Care
Five billion people lack access to safe and
affordable surgical care. Children and adults
in low-income countries are hit the hardest
by this disparity, with the poorest third of the
world receiving only 6 percent of all surgeries.
Without access to safe surgical care, millions
of needless deaths and disabilities occur.
Those living in poverty are often forced to
live with debilitating injuries or congenital
anomalies. They are unable to work, go to
school, feed themselves or provide for their
By providing reconstructive surgical care in
underserved areas of the world, ReSurge
restores function and transforms lives.
To learn more about ReSurge’s impact in
improving lives, read Rifat’s story.
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
Dr. Farzana Ibrahim
Surgeon - Dhaka,
Dr. Shafquat Khundkar
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Iftekhar Mannan
Surgeon - Dhaka,
Dr. Jorge Terrazas
Surgeon - La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. Ruben Zegarra
Surgical assistant - La Paz,
Dr. Jimmy Mejía
Surgeon - Guayaquil,
Dr. Karina Moreno
Surgeon - Guayaquil,
Dr. Jorge Palacios
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Dr. Elsie Tafur
Orthodontist - Guayaquil,
Dr. Pius Agbenorku
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. Kush Aeron
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dehradun, India
Dr. Yogi Aeron
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Dehradun, India
Dr. Vinita Purl
Country medical director,
Outreach director, Mumbai India
Dr. Nischal Naik
Surgeon - Ahmedabad, India
Dr. Puneet Pasricha
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Jalandhar, India
Dr. Oumar Coulibaly
Surgeon - Bamako,
Mohan Dangol
Physical therapist
Kathmandu, Nepal
Bindhu Gurung
Nurse - Kathmandu, Nepal
Hemanta Dhoj Joshi
Logistics coordinator
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Bishal Karki
Surgical resident
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ruchi Koirala
Speech therapist
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Percy Rossell Perry
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Lima, Peru
Dr. Shankar Man Rai
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Kiran Nakarmi
Surgeon and co-director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Humberto Briceño
Surgeon - Managua,
Dr. Mario Pérez Reyes
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Ivette Icaza
Logistics coordinator
Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Jorge de la Cruz Flores
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Piura, Peru
Dr. Chandini Perera
Surgeon and affiliated partner
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Vu Minh Duc
Surgeon - Ho Chi Minh City,
Dr. Hien Thi Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Le Thi Phi
Logistics coordinator
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dr. Goran Jovic
Surgeon and director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Lusaka, Zambia
Dr. Pablo Salamea
Surgeon, outreach director,
Surgical Outreach Program
Cuenca, Ecuador
Dr. Godfrey Ignatius Muguti
Professorial Chair, Department
of Surgery, University of
ReSurge Global Training Program
ReSurge focuses on building surgical capacity and training to increase the skills and
services needed to treat local populations, and thereby transforming exponentially more
lives. Our ReSurge Global Training Program (RGTP) is a comprehensive strategy to train
the next generation of humanitarian reconstructive surgeons.
ReSurge Global Training Program:
Academic Faculty and Curriculum
ReSurge has engaged faculty from leading academic institutions around the world to
create customized curriculum components based on local epidemiological needs and
capacity of the health care workforce. The result is a 50+ module training curriculum
that covers all of reconstructive surgery - cleft lip and palate, hand, burn and general
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
ReSurge Global Training Program:
Visiting Educators
Trainees from overseas sites are identified and enrolled in the RGTP to assess progress
toward proficiency and expertise in key procedures. ReSurge links the world’s leading
experts, experts - from institutions like Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Stanford - as
Visiting Educators, with promising young surgeons in our partner programs. In FY2015,
ReSurge’s Visiting Educators provided nearly 1,300 hours of specialized training for
317 medical professionals, including one-on-one training for more than 70 surgeons
throughout the developing world.
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
Why We Provide
Surgical Training
ReSurge provides advanced
surgical training for medical
professionals in developing
countries to increase the
accessibility of safe surgical
care and to help address
local surgical workforce
challenges. Training and
empowering the next
generation of humanitarian
reconstructive surgical
teams enables year-round
access for exponentially
more patients in need and is
the most efficient and costeffective way to deliver care.
ReSurge International Department of Reconstructive Surgery
Academic Chair
Dr. James Chang
Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery
Dr. Seun Adetayo - Albany Medical College
Dr. Edward Buchanan – Baylor University/Texas
Children’s Hospital
Dr. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz – SIMS Hospital, Lahore
Dr. Chris Gordon – University of Cincinnati
Dr. Arun Gosain – Northwestern University
Dr. Amanda Gosman – University of California, San
Dr. Joseph Gruss – University of Washington
Dr. William Hoffman – University of California, San
Dr. Rohit Khosla – Stanford University
Dr. Peter Lorenz – Stanford University
Dr. Joe Losee – University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Delora Mount – University of Wisconsin,
Dr. Rick Redett – Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Mitch Stotland – Sidra Medical Center, Qatar
Dr. Steve Sullivan – Brown University
Dr. Helena Taylor – Brown University
Dr. Peter Taub – Mount Sinai University
Dr. Derrick Wan – Stanford University
Dr. Andrew Wexler – Kaiser Southern California
Dr. June Wu – Columbia University
Burn Surgery
Dr. Matt Donelan – Harvard University
Dr. Gary Fudem – University of Washington
Dr. Larry Gottlieb – University of Chicago
Dr. Yvonne Karanas – Stanford University
Dr. Matthew Klein – Stanford University
Dr. Pirko Maguina – University of California, Davis;
Dr. Joseph Molnar – Wake Forest University
Dr. David Megee – University of Cincinnati
Dr. Vinita Puri – Seth G S Medical College and KEM
Hospital, Mumbai
Dr. Shankar Rai – Kirtipur Hospital, Nepal
Dr. Deb Reilly – University of Nebraska
Dr. Roger Simpson – Long Island Plastic Surgical
Hand Surgery
Dr. James Chang – Stanford University
Dr. Kevin Chung – University of Michigan
Dr. Paige Fox – Stanford University
Dr. Jeff Friedrich – University of Washington
Dr. Warren Hammert – University of Rochester
Dr. Vincent Hentz – Stanford University
Dr. Scott Kozin – Shriners Hospital, Philadelphia
Dr. David Kulber – Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Dr. Subhro Sen – Stanford University
Dr. Jennifer Waljee – University of Michigan
Dr. Andrew Zhang – University of Texas, Galveston
Dr. Ryan Endress – University of Kansas
Dr. Aaron Berger – Miami Children’s Hospital
General Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Richard Agag – Albany Medical College
Dr. Mike Bentz – University of Wisconsin
Dr. Damon Cooney – Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Thomas Davenport – Long Island Plastic
Surgical Group
In 2016 and beyond, we look forward to expanding the RGTP academic faculty and
curriculum to our other specialties - anesthesia, pediatrics, nursing and therapy.
General Reconstructive Surgery (cont.)
Dr. Drew Davis – Stanford University
Dr. Ron Gemberling – Stanford University
Dr. Shafquat Khundkar – Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Tan Bien Keem – Singapore General Hospital
Dr. Gordon Lee – Stanford University
Dr. Deepak Narayan – Yale University
Dr. Rahim Nazerali – Stanford University
Dr. John Nigriny – Dartmouth University
Dr. Jorge Palacios – Ecuador
Dr. Hani Sbitany – University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Charles Thorne – New York University
Dr. David Young – University of California, San Francisco
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Visiting Educators
Earthquake Recovery
Surgical Team Trip
Visiting Educators
Medical Scholar
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Visiting Educators
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Visiting Educators
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trip
Visiting Educators
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Visiting Educators
Surgical Team Trip
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trip
Visiting Educators
New in FY16
Surgical Team Trip
Year-round Surgical Outreach
Surgical Team Trip
New in FY16
Visiting Educators
* Map includes ReSurge’s FY15 and FY16 locations.
Global Surgery Milestones:
ReSurge Speaks at U.S. Congress and United Nations
New evidence and advocacy asserting that access to safe surgical care reduces
premature mortality, avoidable disability, and economic and social disparities
have put global surgery on the public health agenda for the first time in history.
• In February, at the request of the Congressional Global Health Caucus,
ReSurge International and the Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma,
and Anesthesia Care (G4 Alliance) led the first congressional briefing on the
tremendous need for surgery globally.
• In March, the World Bank released its Disease Control Priorities Report
(DCP3), which stated that “surgical procedures are among the most costeffective of all health interventions in the developing world.”
• In April, The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery reported that 5 billion
people lacked access to surgical care and urged global leaders to invest
in capacity. Furthermore, the commission found that the cost of scaling up
surgical capacity is $350 billion; the cost of not investing is $12.3 trillion in lost
productivity and GDP due to untreated surgical condition.
• In May 2015, the World Health Assembly recognized that surgical care
and anesthesia are critical in achieving universal health coverage,
unanimously passing a resolution, representing support from 194 countries.
• In September, the United Nations passed the Sustainable Development Goals
or post-2015 Global Goals, which are not achievable without the inclusion of
global surgery.
These recent publications and events provide a strong evidence base and
a compelling argument for investing in surgical care as a cost-effective
strategy for strengthening health systems, relieving human suffering and
increasing economic productivity. All magnify the importance of increasing
access to surgical care and ReSurge’s work.
Top photo: Dr. Jim Chang, ReSurge CMO,
presents at the first congressional briefing on
global surgery.
Bottom photo: Dr. Tom Davenport, ReSurge
board member and Long Island Plastic Surgical
Group partner, speaking at the United Nations’
first official side meeting on global surgery.
Nepal Earthquake Response and Recovery
On April 25, 2015, we awoke to the horrible news that Nepal
had been devastated by a 7.8 earthquake. ReSurge, with our
50-person year-round Nepal team, responded immediately,
caring for hundreds of the wounded with emergency care and
major surgery.
We doubled our capacity - hospital beds, operating rooms,
surgical staff - to respond to the disaster. ReSurge reinforced
our local team’s efforts by sending in medical volunteers,
supplies, advanced training in microsurgery and more. We
were able to help so many so quickly because ReSurge,
with your help, had invested in medical training and
building surgical capacity for years.
Our investments helped build the largest reconstructive
surgery team in Nepal - with nine of the country’s
16 plastic surgeons. Because of those investments,
ReSurge’s year-round Nepal team was well-equipped
to respond to the worst natural disaster to strike Nepal in
decades - and continues to help provide reconstructive
surgery for the injured during the recovery.
ReSurge is extremely grateful to the ReSurge Nepal Team,
Phect-Nepal our local NGO partner, AmeriCares for donating
nearly $1 million in medical supplies, and so many others who
helped us assist the injured in their time of need.
Leadership Transition
After a distinguished 19-year career as ReSurge president and CEO, Susan
W. Hayes retired and was succeeded by Jeff Whisenant on July 1.
When Hayes joined ReSurge, then known as Interplast, in 1996 the
organization’s role was to provide surgical care and medical services to poor
people in developing countries. Under Hayes’ guidance, ReSurge expanded
its focus to include adding surgical capacity in those countries, and also
training the medical professionals who staff those facilities year-round. Today
85 percent of its surgeries are performed by surgical professionals who live
in the developing world but have the benefit of ReSurge training, oversight
and support. This model has proven to be the most efficient, cost-effective
and culturally appropriate way to deliver care.
Whisenant brings to ReSurge more than 25 years of experience providing
executive leadership in international relief. Most recently he was an executive
vice president at Lutheran World Relief, a Baltimore-based NGO that works
to provide solutions to international poverty and injustice.
“I’m excited to join ReSurge, an organization that meets such a vital need
in the world,” Whisenant said. “Susan has done a fine job of building the
organization. It’s humbling to take the reins from such an inspiring leader
and a privilege to serve with so many dedicated volunteers, supporters and
international partners.”
Top photo: Susan Hayes with a patient in China. Bottom photo: Jeff Whisenant (right) with
Dr. Jorge Palacios, ReSurge surgical outreach director in Ecuador.
Medical & Education Programs
Managment & General
Investments / Other
Current Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Total Current Assets
Net Property & Equipment
Other Assets
Receivables - Net of Current Portion
Deposits - Long-Term
Investments Held for Endowment
Total Other Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets:
Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Deferred Rent (Current Portion)
Total Current Liabilities
Deferred Rent
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Every year, ReSurge receives an
independent audit of its financial
statements and operations in compliance
with the California Nonprofit Integrity Act.
Our finances and operations are also
reviewed by other third parties. For a copy
of our complete audited financials, please
visit the Financials page on our website.
Board Members
Marion McGovern
Laura Furmanski, Ph.D.
Vice Chair
Amit Jain
Ruth Abdulmassih**
Greg Chiate
Thomas Davenport, M.D.
Joan Dorey
Stefanie Feldman, M.D.*
Dorothy Gaal, M.D.
Richard Gillerman, M.D., Ph.D.*
Kurt Grote, M.D.
Sara Hirsch
Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D.*
Wende Hutton**
Francis Lee
Michael Meyer**
David Norton, M.D.
Tom Seery
Eileen Sheldon
Roger Simpson, M.D.**
Merry Taylor**
Sanjay Vaswani
Emil Wang, M.B.A.*
Dawn Yost, R.N.
Susan W. Hayes*
Jeff Whisenant**
President & CEO
Kim Kerry, J.D.
Legal Counsel
* Term ended in FY15
** Term began in FY16
Recommended by
Recommended by
The Syde
Medical Volunteers & Translators FY2015
Incredible medical volunteers help make our work possible. ReSurge volunteers donate their time, travel around the world, work under exhausting
circumstances and give up pay, vacation and comfort to build surgical capacity and to help transform the lives of patients and their families. Volunteers
are integral to our objective of creating long-term, sustainable surgical care around the world.
Wendell Alderson, R.N.
Jolene Anderson, O.T., C.H.T.
Michael L. Beach, M.D.
Veronica Birchler
Bonnie J. Blacklock, R.N.
Evan Bloom, M.D.
Tina Cerruti, R.N.
Nisha Chaudry
Heather Clague, R.N.
Susan Clark
Beth Costa, O.T.
Robin Cox, M.D.
Ingrid Marie Crocco, R.N.
Mohan Krishna Dangol, O.T., C.H.T.
Tom Davenport, M.D.
Drew Davis, M.D.
Jeffrey Davis
Wojciech Dec, M.D.
Jeremy Deer, M.D.
Thuyle Dinh
Carter Dodge, M.D.
Claire Donohue, R.N.
Cynthia Evarts, O.T., C.H.T
Mark Farrar, M.D.
Vickie Van Fechtmann, R.N.
Sheldon Fineman, M.D.
Dorothy Gaal, M.D.
Rachelle Gagnon, R.N.
Katherine DeBrecht Gallagher, M.D.
Kim Garrity, R.N.
Rebecca Garza, M.D.
Elise Gettings, R.N.
George Gregory, M.D.
Richard Hagerty, M.D.
Naimul Hague, M.D.
Vincent R. Hentz, M.D.
Stuart Hilliard, M.D.
Elena Hopkins
Rochelle Howard, R.N.
Farzana Ibrahim, M.D.
Latha Kampalath, M.D.
Rando Karina, M.D.
Ana Maria Keating
Shafquat Khundkar, M.D.
Amy Laden
Bonnie & Kit Lam
Catherine Lam
Reina Lam
Francis Lee
Gordon Lee, M.D.
Janis L. Liston, R.N.
Pirko Maguina, M.D.
Iftekhar Mannan, M.D.
Bonnie MacEvoy, M.D.
David Marcus, M.D.
Celeste McCartney, R.N.
Robert McGrath, M.D.
Lisa Moody, M.D.
Eric K. Mooney, M.D.
Cynthia Myslinski, R.N.
Deepkak Narayan, M.D.
Anne Phuong Nguyen
David P. Norton, M.D.
Fernando Fabian Okonski, M.D.
Gavin O’Mahony, M.D.
Judy O’Young, M.D.
Jorge Palacios, M.D.
Chul-Kyun Park, M.D.
John Paro, M.D.
Terese Patrin, R.N.
Rui Manuel Rodrigues Pereira, M.D.
Hieu Phan, M.D.
Carey Pilo, D.O.
Nathaniel Ponstein, M.D.
Lisa Prichard
Lisa Pritchard, R.N., B.S.N.
Lester Proctor, III, M.D.
Mustahid Quazi
Paul Quintana, M.D.
Karina Rando, M.D.
Jonathan Rausky, M.D.
Susan Rawding, R.N.
Elise Reay-Ellers, R.N.
Marc Ronert, M.D., Ph.D.
Deborah Rusy, M.D.
Kim Thu Satterlee
Mary E. Secor, R.N.
Subhro Sen, M.D.
Eileen Sheldon
Lan H. Sherlock
Roger Simpson, M.D.
Vinny Singhal, M.D.
Elena Lebedeva & Al Smith
Susan Smith, NP
Frances Snyder, R.N.
Michelle Spring, M.D.
Myles Standish, M.D.
Kristin Stueber, M.D.
Susan Taylor, M.D.
Jan Teixeira, R.N.
Charles Thorne, M.D.
Mong-Hoa Ton
Co T. Truong, M.D.
Geeta Vora
Marwan Wehbe, M.D.
Sheila Wolfson
June Wu, M.D.
Mary Beth Yosses, R.N.
Dawn Yost, R.N.
FY2015 Donors
Thank you to our generous donors who gave between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. All gifts, whether large or small, are greatly
appreciated and make the difference of a lifetime for our patients.
Amy & Michael Dreyer
Chandler Bass Evans & Oliver Evans
Lorry & Karen Frankel
Steve Nelson and Kim Fullerton-Nelson,
Laura & Chris Furmanski
Mr. & Mrs. William Goodman
Mr. James C. Green
Kurt Grote, M.D. & Amy Hunn
Sara & Russell Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D.
G. Thompson & Wende Hutton Fund,
an advised fund of Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
$25,000 - $99,999
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Anonymous (2)
Jackson Kemper Foundation
Bring Hope Through Healing
J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation
Fullerton Family Charitable Trust
Landmark Foundation
S. L. Gimbel Foundation Advised Fund at
Elena Lebedeva & Al Smith
The Community Foundation
Lee Family Foundation, an advised
Grousbeck Family Foundation
fund of Silicon Valley Community
Barney Harford
Melvin & Geraldine Hoven Foundation
Marion & Gerald McGovern
Jay & Susan Mandell
McKinsey & Company, San Francisco
The Randi & Clifford Lane Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Mortenson
Tosa Foundation
Smith & Nephew
Cynthia & Jonathan Wilcox
Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc.
Patricia Wilson Foundation Endowment
M. G. O’Neil Foundation
Fund of the Silicon Valley Community
David B. Reath, M.D.
George & Gail Schell
$10,000 - $24,999
Tom & Krista Seery
Anonymous (4)
Eileen & Chris Sheldon
American Society for Surgery of the Hand Stanford Hospital & Clinics
J. W. Bagley Foundation
Stanford, Division of Plastic &
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Chiate
Reconstructive Surgery
Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis
Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust
T & T Family Foundation
Joan & William Dorey
Anonymous (2)
Barco’s Nightingales Foundation
Estate of Fred Kohler
Syde Hurdus Charitable Foundation
Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, PC
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Smile Train
Agnes Varis Trust
Susan & Sanjay Vaswani
Sheila & Mark Wolfson
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Munir Alam & Samira Rahmatullah
Linda & Sandy Alderson
Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
Stephen Bezruchka M.D., M.P.H.
Dr. Helen Hunt Bouscaren & Dr. Joseph
Becky & Rick Bucich
James Chang, M.D. & Harriet Roeder
Mr. & Mrs. Sudhir Chaudhary
Chizen Family Foundation
Mr. Scott Chopin & Ms. Linda Ellis
The Coca Cola Company
Dentons US LLP
Diana & Steve Dohrman
Fairway Asset Management
Dr. & Mrs. David Fogarty
Jane & Wyatt Gruber
The Herbst Foundation
Maiya Shaw & Daniel Higgins
J. Douglas Hines
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Integra Foundation
Mr. Amit Jain
Ms. Terry Kleid
Kelly & Paul Kirincich
Chase Lay, M.D.
France Leclerc & Richard Thaler
Life Enhancement Association for People
Mr. George A. Long
Jamie McDonald
Dean & Jane McHenry Trust
Carol M. Meyer
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Heather & Matt Miller
Margaret T. Morris Foundation
Eric & Mili Musser
New York Junior Tennis League
Christine Pielenz
Sharath Reddy & Mili Dutt-Reddy
Mr. Frank E. Ritchey
James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corporation
Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC
Elizabeth & Bill Shea
Houda & Ray Silcock
John M. Sobrato and Abby Sobrato
Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon
Valley Community Foundation
Solis Financial Strategies Group of Wells
Fargo Advisors
Dr. Grant Stevens
Strock Realty and Financial
Merry & Greg Taylor
Patty & Emil Wang
Dr. June Wu
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous (33)
Ruth & Tony Abdulmassih
Alcal-Arcade Contracting
Wendell Alderson & Ken Nather
Sara Anderson & Malcolm Slaney
Peggy Asprey & Dick Lyon
Mr. Kent P. Bach
Anuradha Bakshi
Doris & Lyman Bates
Indrajit Bavan
Baxano Surgical
Drs. Sunit & Emily Baxi
Rashmikant Baxi, M.D.
Courtney Benoist & Jason M. Fish
Francesca & Craig Bestwick
Mark & Patti Boitano
Herb Botwinick
Stan Branson
Mr. Jon Brichoux
Mrs. Walter Brissenden
Scott Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Peter Buchanan
Joseph Burdge
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Burley
CGA Packaging Inc.
Majella & Paul Campbell
Drs. Francisco Canales & Heather Furnas
Pamela & Christiaan Canter
Juan Carlos
Caselli Fund, an advised fund of Silicon
Valley Community Foundation
Tim & Della Cass
Heather Shelvey & Peter Cellarius
Tina Cerruti and Michael Cerruti
James Chang, M.D. & Harriet Roeder
Nisha & Amir Chaudry
Cecilia & Keith Chin
Dr. Kevin Chung, M.D. M.S.
Chris & Sue Conner
Dr. Irene Corso & Ken Hargis
Dr. Eileen Csontos
Custom Drywall Inc.
Peggy & Yogen Dalal
Dana Street Roasting Company
Mrs. Howard Daschbach
Mr. Spencer Davidson
Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) selected ReSurge as one of nine nonprofit organizations to receive grant funding
specifically to improve the health and well-being of children around the world. The RMHC grant to ReSurge is to support the
organization’s advanced surgical training initiative in Vietnam. As a result of the grant, the country will have expanded surgical
capacity and more than 5,000 children will receive surgical care. ReSurge remains enormously grateful for RMHC’s partnership
since 1987.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Davisson
Dena and John Denniston
The Dunlap Family Giving Fund, A Giving
Fund, Impact Assets
Bill Dutra
Mr. & Mrs. James Eisenberg
Jonathan Ennis
Epic Systems Corporation
Mr. H. Allen Evans
Mai Falbe
Chih-Chen Fang, M.D.
Ms. Mary Jane Fay
Stefanie Anne Feldman, M.D.
Karen & Hugo Ferlito
Sandra & Allison Fields
Annette Sikand
Dr. Dorothy Gaal & Mr. Peter Wilsey
Constance & Michael Gallagher
Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert
John & Marcia Goldman Philanthropic
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts
Pat & Joe Harbison
Wendy Greene & Russ Helms
Ann & George A. Gregory, M.D.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hagerty
Mr. Charles Hannett
Alan Harmatz, M.D.
Susan W. Hayes in Memory of Thomas E.
Ms. Trisha Hensley
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Hentz
May Fung & Ed Herbert
Hilltop Foundation
Scott Jordan & Kimberly Thompson
The Kaplan Family
Paige & Mike Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Kay
Ben Kerr
Dr. Avinash Khanna
Manna Ko
Scott Kozin, MD
Laurel & James Krzeminski
Holly & Joel Kurtzberg
Kwan Wo Ironworks, Inc.
Bonnie & Kit Lam
Mr. John Q. Landers, Jr.
Lang Foundation
Dr. Sally J. Langley
Mrs. William Lazier
Sandra Fairon & Bruce Leak
Dr. Gordon Lee
Mr. John A. Lenny & Ms. Amy Moore
Levinthal Family Fund, an advised fund of
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
M. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Lickiss
Dr. Bonnie MacEvoy
Anne Mahler
Laurie & Art Mandell
Rose Mandell
Markkula Foundation
Steven and Elaine Marlin
Austin McInerny & Celeste McCartney
Matthew & Josephina McComiskey
Robert McIvor, Plexus Management
Group, Inc.
Patrick Mcnerney
Medtronic YourCause, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Merwarth
Ms. R. Elaine Moody
Ms. Sherilyn E. Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moore
Mr. Greg Schniegenberg
Chris Murphy
Leslie & Douglas Murphy-Chutorian
Susan & Gib Myers
Naked Kitchen SF, Ko Son
John B. Nanninga, M.D.
David Neagle
Ms. Margaret Niland
Elizabeth & Thomas O’Connor
Dr. Fernando Fabian Okonski
Orr Family Fund
David Ortiz
Padgett Family Foundation Inc.
Victor H. & Cathryn C. Palmieri
Lisa & Jay Park -SPark Living Hope Fund
Arun R. Patel, MD, JD
The Ralph Knox Foundation - Bill & Rita
Tina & John Peterson
Mr. Rick Piet
Gary & Mary Pinkus
Ms. Karen Pitbladdo
Arati Prabhakar & Patrick Windham
Erik & Kendra Ragatz
Dr. Jabina Ramde
Paula & Bob Reynolds
Janice Richards, M.D.
Marion & Stephen Robertson
Carin & John Rollins
Rotary Club of San Jose Foundation
Nicole and Amir Rubin
Deborah Rusy, M.D. Foundation
Amy & William Salisbury
Santa Cruz Woman’s Club
Stephen L. Schlesinger, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Schneider
Kathy & Dave Scially
Emily Schrock
Larry Seal
Linda Segre
Seligson Foundation
Ms. Marjorie Shaw
Max & Ann Scheder Bieschin
Bob Shepler
Ms. Lan H. Sherlock
Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Melissa Siegel & Bruce Neal
Mr. Jerry Silva
Larry & Sue Smith
Dr. Myles Standish
Kristin Stueber, M.D.
Sweetgrass Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Paul Thesiger
Maryett & Robert Thompson
Charles Thorne, M.D.
Mong-Hoa Ton
Simone Topal M.D.
Towse-Kendall Family Fund, an advised
fund of Silicon Valley Community
Alice L. Truscott, M.D.
Janet & Pete Turnbull
Lance Very & Alexis Coll-Very
Mrs. Keith Wallace
David Wang & Cynthia Lee
Wendy Warren
Mark Wasserman
Liz & Jeff Webb
Tammy & Adam Webb
Rosemary Welde
Joan Wheelwright, M.D.
Mary & Jonathan Whitehead
Dr. R. Michael Wilkes
Jan & Vickie Williams
Rob Williams Family
Linda & King Won
Ms. Cheryl Wraa, R.N.
Wyndham Worldwide Operation, Inc.
Dawn & Stephen Yost
Jonathan Young
Alex Zipperer
Caroline Zlotnick
Mr. Greg Zlotnick
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zollars
$500 - $999
Anonymous (41)
Claudia & John Allemang
Dennis & Kelly Barsam
Sheila Bateman
Rob Becker, M.D.
Lesley Berglund
Ms. Sandra Birnbaum
Ms. Bonnie J. Blacklock, R.N.
Maggi & Rick Blake
Ms. Gwen Books
Harriet Borofsky, M.D.
Kristyn & Noah Borrero
Gary & Ingrid Brant
Dr. Robert Buchholz
Mr. John Burgess
David Burns
Sandraline Cederwall & Stephen Barrager
Pat & Al Ceresa
Mr. Ying Chang and Ms. Yvonne Wu
George Chippendale
Kim & Clay Clement
Sandy & Jean Colen Family Foundation of
The Jewish Community Foundation
Kathy & Scott Corlew
Dr. Robin Cox
Morris Dailey, M.D.
Anita T. Davidson & Robert A. Friedman
Francis De Rosa & Janice Roudebush
Dr. Catherine R. DeVries
Cathy & Sandy Dean
Diablo Valley Cabinetry
Dr. & Mrs. David Dingman
Fred Dorey & Teresa Wright
John Dorey
Susan & Erik Edwards
Ms. Judith A. Etherington
Maureen Ezekwugo
John Faia III, D.D.S.
Karim & Alissa Faris
Mr. Steve Finestone & Ms. Elena Murphy
Jeanne & Frank Fischer
Skip & Nancy Fletcher
Ms. Ilse E. Forney, R.N.
Joan & Patrick Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Galloway
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift
Colleen & Robert Greenfield
Joseph Gryskiewicz
Gillian & Robert Guy
Cherie L Hanses
Melanie Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, III
Lynn Henley
Yvonne & Michael Ho
Inflection Employee Match
The Mark Jensen Family
Francis Jump
Juniper Networks Foundation Fund
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving
AmeriCares is a nonprofit disaster relief and global health organization providing immediate response to emergency medical
needs and supporting long-term health care initiatives for people in the United States and around the world. The organization
partnered with ReSurge and donated more than $800,000 of urgently needed medical equipment and supplies to the ReSurge
Nepal surgical team, following the devastating earthquakes in April and May 2015.
Matching Gift Program
Hadley Mullin & Dan Kalafatas
Jonathan Kaplan, M.D.
Rich Kelley
Christopher Khorsandi
Deborah & Peter Krulewitch
Anne Kerr & Matthew L’Heureux
Ms. Catherine Lam
Margaret Lewis
Lenny Lieberman
Mr. Malcolm MacNaughton
George Majewski
Monique & Timothy Marchi
Ms. Janet A. Martin
Ms. Kimberly Martin & Mr. Roger Amrhein
Pamela & Joe Martorella
Matthew Woodward
McAdams Family
William McClure, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McNamee
Gayle & Jerry Merksamer
Michael Meyer
Mission Hills Endodontics
Judy Morgan
Susan & Robert Morse
Eva Nguyen
James Nida
Frank & Britta Nielsen
Ms. Claire O’Connor Frisch
Brandon Micahel O’Larey
Drs. John & Katie Osborn
Dr. Barbara Ann Page & Mr. Roger Prior
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Palazzo
Robin Palmer
Roksolana Parygin
Pod Quoc H. Nguyen & Myle Thi Phan
Janet & Mike Phillips
RCM Fire Protection Inc.
Kathleen & John Radford
Ms. Susan Rawding, R.N.
David Rekart
Dr. & Mrs. Cesare M. Reyneri
Winnie M Robertson
Patricia & Artagnan Rodriguez
George F. Rohrmann
Vicki Rosellini
Matthew Rydberg
Steven & Lisa Schatz
Contee Seely
Dr. Subhro Sen
Mr. & Mrs. Bryon Sheets
Hubert Shih
Sharon & Dev Sidhu
Tom & Louise Simpson
Mark Singleton, MD, FAAP
Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Smith
Dr. Howard and Susan Smith
Rosie & Ron Soohoo
Gwen Springmeyer
Mr. Subramanian Sundaresh
John C. Tang
Top Gun Drywall Supply, Inc.
Mr. Greg Tripaldi
University of Utah
Steve & Joan Urban
Dr. Angela Wang
David Watts
Mrs. Marcelline Weinsheim
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Weinstein
Ms. Katherine H. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Wixon
Dr. & Mrs. Hanley Yoffee
Antonio Zepeda
$250 - $499
Anonymous (44)
Carol & Howard Aaron
Joan Maree & Stevan Adelman
Ajay & Anju Ahluwalia
Bonnie Aiello
Steve & Debra Aitchison
Ms. Denise Ambrosio
Jolene L. Anderson
The Yujin Trollhouse
Applied Materials & Engineering Inc.
Linda & Rob Banovac
Mrs. Loel D. Barnes
Alana Barron, R.N.
Linda Barsam
Ollie Becker
Kazuko Bednay
Michaela Brody & Paul Benke
Jeffrey Bergmann
Myra Biblowit
Veronica Birchler
Debbie & Jim Black
Dr. Evan Bloom
Heidi & Don Blumenthal
Mrs. Janny Bonsen
Mrs. Lyn Bromley
Briony Brown
Ms. Jane Buechel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannell
Muriel & Frank Capilla
Jennifer Chang
Leslie Chang
Heather Clague
Peggy Coppin
Beth Costa, O.T.
Mr. Craig A. Cox
Ms. Ingrid Marie Crocco, R.N.
Liz & Jon Czaja
Carey Pilo, D.O.
Dawson Electric
Jeremy Deer, M.D.
Marcella & Joe Dew
Kevin E. Docherty
Dr. Carter Dodge
Brian Dolan & Allison Daniels-Dolan
Ms. Claire Donohue, R.N.
Carol Dressler
Bill Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dunkle
Millicent Dutton
Ms. Joy F. Dyer
Ms. Marie Fox & Mr. George Ellison
Calvin Eng, M.D.
Oliver Engert
Ruth & Wallace Erichsen
Evans Brothers, Inc.
John & Cynthia Evarts
Gary M. Feldman M.D.
Sheldon Fineman, M.D.
First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown
Mrs. James H. McManus
Dr. Quentin & Mrs. Gail Fisher
Curtis & Susan Fossum
Curtis McMillan, M.D.
Ms. Regina McNeil, R.N.
John & Kari Friel
Kenneth Means, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fuehrer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Merkow
Ms. Lisl Gaal
Kent Messick & Lucretia Moline-Messick
Kim Garrity
Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert
Carolyn Michaelis
Patrick & Kristi Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goodman
Kathryn Mohan
Dr. & Mrs. Allan M. Grossman
Lisa Moody
Rick & Andrea Grossman
Jeffrey Hallam
Dr. Eric K. Mooney
Shantele & Matthew Mosman
Warren C. Hammert, D.D.S., M.D.
Nurse Volunteer
Janet Harrison
Tom Murray & Vivian Tran
Sally & Brad Hauser
Ms. Fran D. Hermann
Cynthia Myslinski, R.N.
Pamela Nagami
Ms. Dianna M. Herrmann
Carl & Wenlan Ng
Stuart Hilliard, M.D.
Ylevol Tam Nguyen
Janet Honeychurch
Ms. Rochelle Howard, R.N.
Harry & Trang Noonan
Kathryn Nyman
Fiona Jefferies
Gavin O’Mahony
Inavamshi Jonnalagadda
Ms. Ana Maria Keating & Walter F. Keating Ms. Sarina Ochoa, R.N.
Brian Kuschak
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Orecchia
Anna Orologio
Lisa Lalanne
Miriam Owen
Diana Lee
Eva Pavelka
Kenneth & Rachel Lee
Cheri Pedrioli
George Kam-hop Li
Ms. Janis L. Liston, R.N.
Pamela Pennington
Dr. Hieu Phan
Adil & Tazeem Lotia
Mr. Vincent F. Phillips
Carol & John Low
Nathaniel Ponstein, M.D.
Ms. Gladys Low & Mr. Soren Tirfing
Dr. Lester Proctor, III
Mr. Philip Ma
Mr. & Mrs. David O. MacKenzie
Kate Proctor
Mustahid and Jullia Quazi
Dr. David McLeod
Dr. Paul & Lee Quintana
David & Rochelle Marcus
Rachelle Gagnon, R.N.
Don & Anne Margolis
Jan Randall
Maia & Paul Marken
Billy Martin
Elise Reay-Ellers, R.N.
Mr. William Reller
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin
Alene D. Rice
Lisa Matchette
Vi & Dan Robertson
Shannon & Brad Matthews
Hilary & Gary McCalla
Dr. Rick Ronquillo
Michael Rosales
Mr. James D. McCavitt
Dr. Lois Matz Rosen
Robin McDaniel
Tom & Brenda Royce
McInerney & Dillon
Smile Train, a partner with ReSurge since 1999, is an international children’s charity with the stated belief that every child born
with a cleft - anywhere in the world - should have the opportunity to live a full and productive life. We couldn’t agree more and are
grateful for the funding Smile Train provides ReSurge each year to enable our international medical partners to transform the lives
of nearly 2,000 cleft patients each year with the power of a smile.
Pat Rudebusch
Daniel & Lynne Russell
Kristy Sabhlok
Kenneth M. Sale, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Santa Maria
Joyce & Steven Schmitz
Mr. Dale W. Schultz & Ms. Lynn M. Vear
Ms. Monica M. Seeger
Lisa Shebell, R.N.
Ms. Patricia A. Sherman
Ms. Joginder K. Sikand
Susan Smartt
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Mr. Ernest W. Smith
Mr. Ken Smith
Ted Smith
Ms. Frances Snyder, R.N.
Jeffrey & Kari Speer
Mr. John Spellman
Dr. Michelle Spring
Bill & Mandy Stallcup
Diane and Wayne Stilwell
Dr. Douglas Sunde
Harold “Bud” Swartz Jr.
Keith & Lisa Symons
Marcus Tallant
Ms. Louise Tamm
Kathryn Taylor
Richard & Carolyn Taylor
Mr. Tom Taylor
Jan Teixeira, R.N.
Randall Thayer
Michael Thomas & Patty Howell
Thuy P. & Luan Tran
Co T. Truong
Else Uglum, M.D.
David Veatch
Jill Warner & Ty Seeders
Richard and Susan Watts
Larry & Terri Weber
Margaret Weglinski, M.D.
Ms. Sonia Whitfield
Ronald Wilkniss
Susan Johnson Willey
Kathy Yates & Peter Troop
Dorothy Zizzo
Bradley Zlotnick, M.D.
Elaine & Rex Cardinale
Darryl Cardoza
Patricia & Reed Carr
Samuel & Janice Carroll
$100 - $249
Colleen & Bradley Carson
Anonymous (87)
Brian Chacon
C. George & Imogene Acus
Kathleen Chafin
Amazon Smile Foundation
Kathy Chamberlin
Ms. Sharon Marie Agnello
M. M. Charsley
Eugene Albin
Carrie Chow
Julia & Fred Andrews
Leonie Chung
Joan & Richard Arzino
Seema R. Cicerone
M. Aspesi
Mrs. Martha Claypool
Ms. Pamela J. Atkinson
Scott Cochrane, M.D.
Molly & Stephen Attell
Ms. Roberta S. Coe, R.N.
Ed & Bonnie Crawford
Susan Baer Pernia
Heather Criwe
Jeanne Ballinger, M.D.
Crockett Electric Co.
Joanne Bannister
Barbara Cummins, R.N.
Steve Barbounis
Steve Cvitanovic
Suzanne Barron & Charles Pollick
Anthony Dalli
Ms. Lucy Barron-Gitter
Mary Dang
Cody Barsam
Raphael P. Dazet
Jeremy M. Baskin
Mr. Ernest De Las Casas
Christine Beard
Law Offices of Anthony J. DeMaria
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Beaver
Patrick Dennis
Dr. Edna Beeman
Terry & Massimo Di Sciullo
Mr. Thomas Bergevin & Ms. Cheryl
Maryanne DiGregorio Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dimino
Markus Berglund
Janice Dingman
Erica Bleil
Dawn Dixon
Mr. David Bobrowsky
Andrew Do
Susan & Robert Boggs
Michael Dougherty
Paula Bolig
Erika Dowd
Louise & Bill Bonham
Susan Downey, M.D.
Nancy & Steve Books
Alexandra B. Dubow
Phil Borges & Julee Geier
Mr. & Mrs. David Ehman
Leimomi Bowles
Ronald Faia, D.D.S.
Barron Boyd
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Faig
Laura Boyd
Gerald and Sheila Fay
Robert Boyle
Calvin W. & Amy G. Finch
Mr. Paul Brocchini
Diane M. Fisher
Debra Brunsten
Lucy Fitz Gibbon
Elizabeth Calderone
Dr & Mrs. M. A. Flynn
Mr. Greg A. Campbell
Capella University, Inspire Giving Program Mindy Folkl
Mr. Richard J. Forster
Dokhi & Joe Foster
Nancy K. France, M.D.
Lee & Jason Freeman
Nicole Friedland
Drs. Lynne & Herb Garrison
Gator Smiles - Rodrigo Sarmento
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gibbons
Edward Gilbert
Julie & Joseph Gile
Michelle & John Gillmartin
June Gilmore
Ms. Marylyn Ginsburg
Gay Goforth & Larry Hill
Richard Goldstein
Cindy & Mark Goodman
Peg & Staff Grady
Debra Gravelle
Marilyn V. Green
Kim Gregson
Dr. Sanjay Grover
Anubhuti Gupta
Debra Gwerder
Donna Hall & Michael Mertz
Stephen Halley
Paul Hartman & Bruce Carpenter
Lo & Paul Hartnett
Marian B. Hayes
Ms. Beverly J. Hegg
Hollis Heinzerling
Kate R Hebert
Mr. John Herbst
Hewlett Packard, YourCause, LLC
Ms. Carolyn Maxwell Hinton
William & Hoi-Ying Holman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes
Kathleen Houssels
Michele Howell
Dr. Douglas T. Hutchinson
Wynne & Elizabeth James
Ms. Judy Jankowski
Trisha Jenkins
Lori & Todd Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. G. Penfield Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Johnson
Ms. Carole Johnson-Austin
Melanie Joshua
Sharon Judge
Covenant Group Church
Arlene Kaplan
Martin Karlsson, Sweden
Mr. Robert Karp
Ted Kaye
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kearin
Ms. Gargi Mitra Keeling
Mr. Mark A. Keleher
Ken & Janet Kendall
Mr. Harry Kiakis
Donald Kiehl
Jeanne P. Knox
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Krejci
Mr. David Kreps and Ms. Anat Admati
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kunst
Ms. Bojan M. Kuure, R.N.
Jane La Pado
Ms. Amy Laden
Hieu & Victor Lam
Laura and Gary Lauder
David C. Leber, M.D.
Christine Lee
Wayne & Grace Lee
Dena Leeman
Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Lepler
Cheryl Levene
James Lewis
Cinda Lewis, R.N.
Melinda Lewis
Dmitry Lipkin
Dr. Susan Lisman
Michael Lombardo
Ms. Beth Tietze Lowd
Aaron Lucich
Mrs. Janet Lull, R.N.
Michael Lundahl
Philip Ly
Andrew Mackey
Mr. Elvis Maduro
Sheldon J Mandell
Kirsten S. Mann
Milton Masur M.D.
The Long Island Plastic Surgical Group (LIPSG), the largest and longest-running private academic plastic surgery practice in the
United States, recently has partnered with ReSurge International to establish the ReSurge | Long Island Plastic Surgical Outreach
Program in Ecuador. With financial assistance and expert surgical training from LIPSG, the Ecuador outreach program, already
well established under the leadership of ReSurge International Medical Partner Dr. Jorge Palacios, will be further strengthened
to improve the skill level of local providers and to ensure quality reconstructive surgical care is available to children and adults in
need throughout Ecuador.
Catherine Matterson & Marc Stoksik
Ms. Beverly Matthews, R.N.
Mr. & Mrs. James. C. Meador
Mr. Manfred Meisels
Collette Mercier
Scott Meredith
Richard Merlo
Noella Mimura
Keith Minnich, M. D.
Ms. Rosalin Ortiz Mirles
Lisa Morasch
Janet Morgan
Movson, Beverly & Alan
Jeff & Katherine Myers
Juliana Nash
Pat & Wayne Needham
Ms. Ellie Nelson
Wilhelm & Ingrid Neuefeind
James L. Newman
Alan Nguyen
Ms. Anne Phuong Nguyen
Dung & Tran Nguyen
Myan Nguyen
Jacqueline L Nicholas
Olga O’Donnell
Donald C Odegaard
Mr. & Mrs. Dale F. Olds
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Ong
Scott Orr
Jane Osborn & Jonathan Shores
Susan Oser
Carin Pachner
Jitendra Pahilajani
Danielle Palmer
Art Panella
Richard Parker
Dr. Jane Parnes
Gita & Dhruv Vikram Patel
Colleen & Jim Patell
Christine Payne
Linda & James Pendarvis
Dr. Joyce Phillips
Roberta Piercy
Frank R. & D’Arcy D. Pignanelli
Elizabeth Pollina
Ms. Norma Nina Ponce
Sara Poor
Nettie Porter
Suraj & Ekta Pradhan
Jason Preciphs
Lisa Pritchard, R.N., B.S.N.
VMware Matching Gift Program
Sue Jean & Yick aka Sue Jean & Yick
Ingrid Radkey
Balaji R.
Michele E. Raney, M.D.
John Rendall & Janet Waylett-Rendall
Heidi Ridley
Ms. Eleanor A. Robb
Greta Robertson
Perry Robertson
Ferrol & Catherine O. Robinson
Ms. Patricia Ann Robinson
Ms. Erica J. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rogne
Ronda & Jeff Rosner
Mr. Alan Ross
Ruth & Bernard Roth
Riah Royce
Shelby Royce
Sonia Rubio Yates
Thomas Rydz
Samaritan Plastic Surgery Center, Inc.
Mr. Roger Samet
Marjorie Hope Scherer
Ms. Jean Schulz
Carolyn Schwartzbord
Linda Seltzer
Dr. Alisa Alvaro Shadix
Marcus Siegel
Kathleen Silber
Mrs. Aletha W. Silcox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Simon
Andrea B. Smith
Dean & Kim Smith
Jill & Randolph Smith
Drs. Joel and Nitikul Solomon
Brown University South Asian Students
Marian & Ted Sprague
Archana Sridhar & Kevin O’Neill
Lynn & Joseph Stamates
Anita Steinacher
JoAnne Stenger
Al & Mary Lu Suneson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Tarpley
Helena Taylor, MD, PhD
Teledyne Microwave Solutions
Janice Thomas
Daniel Thompson
Kirsten A. Thorne
Matthew Thran, M.D.
Rosalie Tocco-Bradley, M.D.
Penne A. Tognetti
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Topal
Tan Tran
Thi Thi Khoa Tran
Thanh Trieu
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Uri
Jehan Velji
Kathleen Victorson
Tan M. Vo
Dana & William Vogelpohl
Robert Wachman
Gloria and Carl Walker
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Welde
Kathleen West
Lois and H. Earl Willis
Ms. Jane Willner
Gloria & James Wing
Adrienne Wong
Rita Wong
Sandra & Archie Woodward
Allie Xiong
Erica Yew
Mr. Andrew Yonelinas & Ms. Joanna
David M. Young, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Zeising
Zumreta Metalia
Marijke van Doorn
Below $100
Anonymous (78)
John & Sandra Adams
Allison Adler
Matt Aguiar
Nagappan Alagappan
Kathleen Albert
Cory Albrecht
Matthew Allen
Sally Allen
Ms. Bette Anderson
Ms. Judith B. Anderson
Apple Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Cindy & Matthew Arkin
Ms. Merry Aronson
Ms. Arora Volney
Ms. Katherine Aspesi, R.N.
Mrs. Cecelia Attix
Alicia Backholm
Julie Badet
Victoria & Peter Bailey
Veronica Baker
Joanie & Ken Banga
Rhonda Bannard
Joseph A. Barbaccia
Janos Barrera
Annmarie Bascio & Phil Leinhart
Lori Bell
Jillian Benbow
Charles Bennett & Renee Marlin-Bennett
Bonnie G. Berkowitz
Hagar Berlin & Jon Spack
Mrs. Norman Blank
Chris Bliss
Fr. William Blottman
Brian Blue
Joanna M Bock
Martin Bogetz
Andrew Borakove
Carol & William Brady
Suzanne Bunt
Sandra Caldeira
Robert Cantrell
John & Phyllis Caraway
Mr. & Mrs. James Cashman
Rebecca Cass
Grace Chang
Krishna & Ketal Chauhan
Carol Chetkovich
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift
Melanie Clark
Peter Clark
Evan Cochran
Danielle Comerford
Caroline Connor
Thomas Constantinho
Charles Cook
Delma Cooper
Ms. Kathleen Corbett & Mr. Sheikh Tanvir
Mathew Corthell
Linsay Costello
Gerry & Ralph Cox
Larry & Connie Cray
Kevin Cunningham
Gail Daley
Audrey Dalli
Phiip & Patricia Dang
Mrs. Margaret P. Davis
Ms. Adrienne Debisschop
Ann Deming
Ms. Sheri Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Win Derman
Ms. Shashi K. Dhingra
Jean Doble
Joseph Dodson
Morgan Dodson
Hunter Doliber
Mr. Alfred W. Drumm
Shyanne Hong Nguyen-Dunbar & Robert
N. Dunbar
Christy Dunphy
Casey S Durfee
Barbara Dutra
Ashley Eberhart
Russell Eberwein
Ed Bernazzani
Lisa Elliott
S. K. Erickson
Jennifer Esch
Mr. Anthony Favale & Ms. Judith Denham
Antony Fewster
RealSelf, a global online community for learning and sharing information about cosmetic surgery and other elective treatments,
got a firsthand look at the impact of reconstructive surgery in developing countries in 2014 when they sponsored ReSurge’s
volunteer surgical team trip to Quy Nhon, Vietnam. Moved by the impact of ReSurge’s work, they increased their commitment
in 2015 with the #Change500 campaign, which successfully provided life-changing surgical care for another 500 children and
JoAnn Fisher
Mrs. Leonor Flores
Todd Flounders
Suzanne Forsyth
Robert C. Frates, Jr., D.D.S.
Alex Froning
Michael Galvez, M.D.
Mrs. Jean Garrett
Aetna Foundation, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gill
Virginia Gillerman & Alan Dornfest
Don & Jessica Gilstrap
Giving Express
Richard Goldstein
Rachel Goodwin
Melissa Gossett
Nanette Gran
Jessica Grant
Cameron P. Gray
James F. Griffin, D.O.
Ashley H Gross
In Memory of Steve Haus
Erin Gulbranson
Charles & Barbara Hadenfeldt
John Hagan
Ms. Marcia Hagen
Chris Hamel
Mr. & Mrs. Will Hanley
Nancy Hawes
Mrs. Robert J. Hawthorne
Magdalena Henrik
Kelcy Heringer
Scott High
Mr. Roger Hildebrand
Ms. Alyce Holbrook
Coco Holden
Darla Holycross
Edward Hong
Jinte Hopmans
Leilani Houlihan
Ms. M. Rita Howe
Alyson Hsiang
Ms. Audrey L. Hueffmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Hunter
Cherelle Hurley
Hung Huynh
IBM Employee Charitable Contribution
Ivette Icaza
Janet Ikeda
Trish & Jerry Inguagiato
Fran Jaffe
Jeff Jaye
James Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Josell
Christine Kaaloa
Jennifer Kane
Samata Katta
Candace & Patrick Kelley
Mr. Craig Kellogg
Bethany King
Mr. Ronald King
Donald Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Krumbein
Ms. Anne P. Kubas
Ms. Jean Kucic
Patrick Kuhner
Ms. Mimi Lam
Deborah Lambert
Mrs. Carl Landers
Marilyn J. Larson
Mark Lau
Kristi Lawson
Liza Le
Ms. Michelle K. Lee
Seymour & Sandra Levine
Sherrie Levine
Shaun Levra
Sarah Lickiss
Chi L. Lieu
Ann & George Limbach
Ryan Little
Amalia Londono
Shelby Longley
Fernando Lopes da Silva
Catherine Lopresti
Harish & Nisha Madnani
Peter Madson
Dr. Jan Maisel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mandell
Madison Phillips
Marquis Meyer Family
Jiji Pollock
Alisa Matsuzaki
Larry Poynter
Alan McCabe
Harish Prabandham
Erica McConologue
Barbara Pruitt
Angie McCullagh
Dean P Raft
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. McDonough
Jodi Ramos Thelen
Daniel Menear
Alex Rayter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Meyer
Suman Reddy
Karen & Paul Mihan
Eric Rehbein
Lisa Miles
Sandra Reiter
Man Thad Minh
Wendy Resnick
Adam Mizrahi
Judith T Rogers
Keith Mizuguchi
William M. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. John Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rowe
Joubin Moghaddam
Meredith Russian
William Moroney
Mary Russo
Ms. Mary Jane Mott
Tran Ryan
Kristin Muench
Sakae Kubo Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Munakata
Kathy Santos
NVIDIA Employee Giving Program
Collins Scott
Giridhar Nagaram
Sanjay Seth
Christy Nakamoto
Ms. Marilu Sherer, Iconicity
Joanne Navarro
Mr. Robert Sieker
Ms. Lylia Needham, R.N. & Mr. Lee Litzler Anne & John Smith
L. Kendall and Carol Nelsen
Caroline C Smith
Neville Island Presbyterian Church
Nodelyn & Douglas Smith
Thinh Ngo
Ms. Marci Smith, R.N.
Jane Nguyen
Cheryl Somoano
Kim Nguyen
Carolyn Souza
My Nguyen
Acacia Spagnuolo
Trang T. Nguyen
Spectrum Gems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nickerson, Sr.
Tammy Stadler
Rodrigo Nunes
Heidi & Art Stein
O’Connell Family Foundation
Bill & Jill Steinberg
Paul Oh
Manfred & Sheila Steiner, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Olsen
Ms. Rachel Steltemeier
Ryan Olshan
Rudolf Stemplinger
Jacqueline Ondatje
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Stevens
Neekaan Oshidary
Ms. Doris Stoessel
Seung-Hae Park
Noreen Suzor
Vivek Pathak
Chako J. Suzuki
Perry Capital, LLC
Ms. Lucile Taber
Stanley Perzanowski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tak Taketa
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Ms. Maria Taveau, R.N.
Crista Taylor
Ms. Lynn S. Taylor & Mr. Marc S. Majka
Laura Teksler
Ms. Carla Pauline Tero, R.N.
Margo & Dayton Thorne
Nate Tiziani
Anastasia Trent
Mr. William Tress
Andrea Tucker
Casey Turner
Ms. Ruth K. Tyler
Wyles Vance
Dawn & John Vanek
Laura Vasquez
Hermine Vermeij
Phyllis Victorson
Donald Viegas
Larry Virzi
Kate Vitale
Gloria & Dattatam Walavalkar
Susannah A. Warner
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Warren
Kathleen & Steven Weed
Westates Mechanical Corp., Nigel Cowan
Kathi Wildman
Mr. & Mrs. Art Wilen
Paul R. Wiley
Christopher Wilson
Hank & Carol Winetsky
Ariana Wohl
Rosa Wong
Phyllis Woolf
Pete Strassman, Agile Print Works
Mr. Robert Wulffraat
Ada Yee
Marguerite Ann Young
Sarah Yousuf
Lynne Zeller
Maria & Gerd Zimmermann
Barbara van der Vloed
ReSurge greatly appreciates our partner Barco’s Nightingales Foundation and its founders Michael and Frida Donner for their
outstanding commitment and investment in our work. Their foundation is the philanthropic arm of Barco’s Uniforms, a producer
of medical and other uniforms. The Foundation focuses on helping children in need while highlighting the role that nurses play in
providing medical care. Since first partnering with ReSurge in 2009, Barco’s Nightingales Foundation has helped ReSurge change
3,000 lives.
Thank You
Read about our patient Favour and his story of hope.
Photo by © Jeffrey Davis
145 N Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
[email protected]