[5 Enw. 7.J Local Government (I"eland) Provisional Ordl""s (No. <Ii). 1 A.. B Confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board for Ireland relating to Kilrush (Ruml), Londonderry, and New Ross. A.D. 1905. the Local Government Board for Ireland (hereinWHEREAS after referred to as "the Local Government Board ") have made the Provisional Orders set forth in the schedule hereto under .,."Vio",.". 42 .t06SViet.c.51. the Public Health (Ireland) Acts IS78 to 1896'• "'''';0"0.77. S2.t ~Vlet. c.M. • • • • ~lI .t M Viet. e. w. 5 And whereas It IS requlSlte that the said Orders should be ,,,., VIo'.o.... confirmed by Parliament: Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and ~'emporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and 10 by the authority of the same a. follows:1. The Orders set out in the schedule hereto are hereby confirmed and all the provisions thereof shall have full validity and force. O,d... in schedule confirmed. 2. The authorities mentioned in the Londonderry Order 1905 Restriction 15 and tbe New Ross Order 1905 hereby confirmed sh.ll not under ~k~::~s:' the powers of those Orders purchase or acquire in any urban of lahnurin~ district any house ur houses which on tbe fifteenth day of cia... December last were occupied either wholly or partially by thirty or more persons belonging to the working class as tenants or 20 lodgers or except wilh the consent of the Local Government Board any house or houses which were not so occupied on the said fifteenth day of December bnt have been or shall be subsequently so occupied. [B~206.] 2 Local Govcl'n1'nent (Ji'elantl) P"ovisi01!al O"de,'s (No.4). [5 Enw. 7.) A.D. 1005. If the said authorities acquire or appropriate any house or houses for the pm·poses . of those Orders in contravention of the foregoing provisions they shall be liable to a penalty of five hundl'ed pOUllds in respect of every such house which penalty shall be recoverable by tbe Local Government Board by action 5 in the High Oourt and shall be carried to and form part of the Consolidated Fund of the TInited Kingdom Provided that the Court may if it think fit reduce such penalty. For the purposrs of this section the expression "house" means any house or part of a house occupier\ as a separate 10 dwelling and the expression "working class" means meohanics artizans labourers and others working for wages hawkers c08termongoJrs persons not working for wages but working at some trade or handicraft without employing others except members of their own families and persons other than domestic servants 15 whose income does not exceed an average of thirty shillings a week and the families of any of such persons who may be residing with them. Short tille. 3. This .Act mny be cited as the Loonl Government Board 20 (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.4) Act 1905. [5 Enw. 7.) Loo"l Gove,'nment (Ireland) Provisional Orde,'s (No.4) . 3 SCHEDULE. A.D. 1005, RURAL DISTRICT OF KILRUSH. Provisional Q,·de,. to enable tI,e Oounoil of the R'II'al IJist"iot of Kil,,,,s!. to put in joroe the Oompulsory Clauses of the Lands 5 Clauses A ots. Kil",A. WHEREAS the coullcil of the rural district of Kilrush (in this Order referred to as .. the district council ") require to purchase and take the lands and premises described in the schedule hel'etc for the purpose of providing a. supply of water for the town of Kilk ee in their district, 10 Now therefore We the Local Go yernment Board f01' Ireland in pursuance of th e powere given to Us by section 203 of the Publio Health (Ireland) Act 1878 and of all other powers enabling Us in that behalf do hereby order that from and after the date of the Act confirming tbis Order the following provisions ~hull effect namely :- i l & 42 Viet. e. 52. 15 1. The district council shall be empowered to put in force :\vith reference to the lande aud premises d..cribed in the schedule hereto and for the purpose aforesaid the pow«s of the Lande Clauses Acts as amended by section 8 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act 1896 with respect to the ,, " ,. Vi,.. purchase and taking of lands otbe:r;wise than by agreement or any of them. c. 54. 20 2. For the purposes of tms Orde,' the expression" land " in the Lands Clauses Acts shall include the lande and premises described in the Schedule hereto. . 3. The costs and expenses of the dist,;ct council and the Looa.1 Govern· ment Board for Irela.nd incurred in respect of the application for prepa.ra.tion 25 making and confirmation of. this Order shall be paid by the district council and the money required for that purpose shall be supplied by . the county council of in the manner provided by the Local Government (Irela.nd) 151 &: 152 Vict. Act 1898 as part 'of the expenses of the distriCt council. ' '.37. 4. Thi. Order may be cited as the Kilkee Waterworks Order 1905. [206.] A2 Short title. [5 EDW. 7.] Local Govemment (I"eland) P"ovisional O"de,'s (No . 4). 4 A.D. \ 9(),j. S C H E D U L E. Ki/rll.rh. County of CLAHE Rural District of K ILRUSH. ---.----------,--------.------on 'NOI. . I P:lrt of the townl:l.nd of Corbal1v conto.inir.g Ila.. 16p. . \ Part I I C. R. A. MncDonneJl Of tbe town!aod of Llsluina- Francis B. Heno g1lllu, cODtauuog ja. 82p. Dino containing 1711. Sr. 24p. Ditto - 3 Occupiers. 5 I ! 2 Owntt8 or reputed Ownen. Description of Lands. lIeposited Pla.n. I - Pa.trick Mara. Ditto. Patrick Neylan. 10 --_. Oi\?en under our sea.l of office this fifth day of May one thousand nine hundred and five. (L.s. ) H. A. ROBINSON. COUN'l 'Y BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY. L ',,,d.nJmg. Provisional Order to enahie the Corjlorati01' oj Londondel'l'!I to 15 ;njol'ce IIIe Compulsol'!I Clauses oj the Lands Cll,uses Acts. WHEREAS the m.yor aldermen nnd burgess.. of the county bol'ough of LunJondelryactitlg by th e town council (in this Order referred to us , I the Corporation") as the so.uita"y authority for tn at county borough require t.o purchru;e and take the lands described in the ",hedul. hereto fol' the purpose 20 of improving the supply of water for the said county borough: "k '''·ic>. e. 52. " k 60 Viol. e. 5.. Now therefore We the Local Government Board for Ireland in pursuance of t he powers given to Us by section 203 o( the Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878 :1D.d of 3Ily other power enabling Us in that behalf do hereby order that from and after the date of the Act confirming this Order the following 25 l'rovisions shall have effect na.mely :1. The Corporation shall be empowel'ed to put in force with reference to the land:; and premises described in the schedule hereto aud for the purpose aforesaid the power;:; of the Lands Cla.uses Acts as amended by sec lion 8 of the Public Health (Irelond) Act 1896 with respect to the purchD.<le 30 and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement or any of them. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expressiou" lanel .. in the Lands!!.!:! Acts shall include the lands nnd premises described in the schedule hereto. 3. The costs and expenses of tbe Co'1lOl'ation and of the Local Govern· 35 ment Board. for Ireland incurred in respect of the application for preparation [5 EDlf. 7.J Local Gove,·,tment (Ireland) .P,.oDi8ional 5 Order8 (No.4). making and confirmation of this Order shall be paid by the Corpor.tion as A.D.19OS. part of their "-'<penses under the Public H ealth (Ireland) Acts 1878 to 1896. Londonderry. 4. This Order may be cited as the Londonderry Order 1905. Shori title. S OR E DTI LE. 5 County of f..oNDOND"RRY Parish of CLONDERl<OT. Nos. on depo!ited Plans. (j)c:cupiert. De,eription of Lp,nds. TOlVlilund of BOLlE!!. 10 15 20 • •, • ,• 8 • j I Knox IlL. Arable land containing 21\.3r. Ditto Bed and .IIoil of strenm CODtaioing 28p. 3.p. Rouse offices garden and Yllrd containing lr. 24p. Amble land containing 2a. 2r. 'p. Private containing II - I • • • Ditto- nitto - Ditto - Ditto - Ditto- Ditto - Ditto - Anble land containing 2a. 14p. mUD - Ditto - Ditto containing lao Sr. Zp. - - - Ditto containing Ditto - . Arable land coutainiDg 3t. 15p. Ditto· - Private rondwlLY 18p. Townland 1 Cbarlcl' Smith 83p. 25 30 roadwlLY Colonel George Arable land (!ontaining lao lr. Sip, House and garden contain ing 1,. &d Bud soil of stream can· taioiog 17p. Ditto containing lOp. - . . - Andrew E mery Ditto Ditto o' Cbi\rles Smltb . Ditto. Ditto, Dittl), Ditto. Ditto. Andrew Em ~ rr. - Ditto. - Ditto. at TJ.lIIfOlORE. John R. Goulds_ bury. Ditto Ditto Ditto . A. Watson - Ditto Ditto Ditto - - A. Wabon. P. Gillespie. A. Watton. P. GilIe~ p;e. 'fowulnnd of ConnODY. 35 Arable land contnifling lOp. _ I Colonel George Koox D.L. Daniel MeCalfertyaudDenis McCafferty. Dall;!!l McCafferty and Denis Mcellfferty. -----Given under our seal of office thi~ fifth day of May one thuusand nine hundl'Cd and five. H. A. ROBINSON. (1.s.) Local G01Jefflment (Ireland) Provisional Orders (No.4). 6 URBAN DISTRICT OF NEW ROSS. A.D. 1905. N,. R.... [5 EDW. 7.] P"ovi~ional Order to enable the 001,ncil of the U"ban lJistrict oj New Ross to Jl"t info,'co tlle Oom;pnlso,'Y Olauses of the Lands Olauses Acts. WHEREAS the urban district council of New Ross (in this Order referred 5 to "" "the district council") require to purchase and take the lands and . premises described in the sehedule hereto for the purpose of providing a ,upply of water for their district: n .\ -'2 Viet. c. a2. 59 & co Yiet. C. 54, Now therefore We the Local Government Bon.rd for Ireland in pursua.nce of the powel~ given to Us by section 203 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act 10 1878 and of all other powers enabling Us in that behalf do llcreby order tb.t from and alter the date of tbe Act confirming this Order the following provisi(lns shall have effect namely :1. The district council sha.ll be empowered to put in force with reference to tbe lands and premises described in the schedule hereto and for the 15 purpose aforesaid the powers of the Lands Clauses Acts as a.mended by section 801 the Public Health (Ireland) Act 1896 with. respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by a"areement 01' any of them. 2. For t~e purpose, of this Order the expression "land" in the Lands Clauses Acts shan include the lands .nd premises described in the schedule 20 hereto. 3. The cost.'3 and expense.~ of the district council and the Local Government Board for Ireland incUlTed in respect of the application for prepa.ration making and confirmation of this Order sban b. paid by the dist"jct council out of the mle applicable by that council to defray the expenses incurred by 25 them in the execution of the Public Health (Ireland) Acts 1878 to 1896. Shott titlt!. 4. This Order may be cited as the New Roas Order 1905. [5 EDW. 7.J Local Gove"nment (Ireland) ProvUUnz,a,1 7 Orders (No.4). SCHEDULE. A,D.I905. N~ Ro$l. 'NOfi. on QlfIlCn Description of Landi. deposited Plan. 01' reputed Oc~upierl. Owners. 5 COUNTY OJ!' G.lRLOW. Townland of DRilU.GU. Waler of Druwlt'in 10 15 H.iver IWaller McMurrough KaVAnagh , forming parl of the supply to Michael Hickey's Mill. Lnnd containing 10.. 16p. .- \ Ditto - 8 Land containing lao 20p. Ditto • und containing Jr. 30p . _ I Ditto - Townland of 20 Water of- Druwmin River fonning part of tho Bupply to Michael Hickey" Mill. 2 Land containing 60. 2r. tlp. 8 Land containing 5p. • . - - - - - Thomlli Rourke. - Jeremiah Rourke. Thomu Rourke Jere miab Rourke aod RepresentauTcs of - - Richard Murphy. _ Jeremiah Rourke. Bll.LTN.lLOUR. Thomlls RoUlkc Jere Walter MeMurrougb KavaDl1gh wiah Hontke an:!. of Richard Murphy. Ditto. ll ep reseDtalive~ Ditto· Ditto . Jeremiah Rourke. CourrY 011 W:ED'Olll). Townlaod of BfLLTUlGB. 25 19 Land containing Sr. lOp. _ _ _ .I _________ _ - James Murphy. " r____________ James Murpby . l ______ __ ~ Given under our sea.! of office this fourth day of May one thousand nine hundred and fiv •. (1.S,) H. A. R OBINSON. > Local Government (Ireland) Provisiollal Orders (No.4). A I B L L To . confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board for Ireland relating to Kilrush (Rural) Londonderry and New ltoss . .PJ'eswted by JEr. Attortley- Ge1leralfor Ireland, . supported by Mr. TYalter Lon!1. Orilered, by The House of Com mODS, to be Pri1lted, 9 J£ay 1905. P.RINTED DY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO 'lonE XING'S M.OB~ EXOBLLENT }(AJBSrl. And to bE' J)lI rc hn:'lod. cithur directly or through flDY Booksoller, from \VY1U.N IUld SONS, LTD., Ft,Um' l.nne. H.C., nnd 32, Abingdon Streot, '''~(!st.Jnin8ter, S.W.l or OLIVBR and BOYD , Edinburgh; or E. PONSONDY. [Bill 206.J 116. GmIton Street. Dublin.