north johnson county - North Liberty Leader
north johnson county - North Liberty Leader
Weddings PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #400 Iowa City, Iowa FEBRUARY 2015 nojoco See Section B north johnson county FREE Solon Kettle-Fried Chicken Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 7 SOLON– The Solon Sons of the American Legion are hosting its annual “Famous” Kettle-Fried Chicken Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Solon American Legion. The menu includes all-you-can-eat kettle-fried chicken, cheesy potatoes, oven-baked beans, bread, dessert and soft drinks. Serving is from 5 until 7:30 p.m. with take-out available. Tickets are $9 for adults, $4 for children 6 to 12 and children under 6 eat free. Proceeds will benefit the community and Solon school projects. Gateway Rotary soup supper fundraiser Feb. 7 ELY– Gateway Rotary is hosting a soup supper fundraiser Saturday, Feb.7, at the Ely American Legion Hall from 4 to 7 p.m. Enjoy chili and chicken noodle soup, a bake sale and music by Shima Country Sounds, a Cedar Rapids-area favorite. Proceeds from the event support Prairie Edge School; PrairieWood Transition Center; the Summer Reading Programs at Ely, Fairfax, and Swisher libraries and other area community projects. The public is invited to an evening of food, fellowship, music and family fun for a great cause. For more information, visit FILL THE SHELVES The North Liberty Community Food & Clothing Pantry has the following immediate needs: CANNED SOUP, CANNED PEACHES, CANNED CARROTS, MAC AND CHEESE, AND TUNA. North Liberty Community Pantry 89 North Jones Blvd. North Liberty, IA 52317 319-626-2711 The Solon Food Pantry has the following immediate needs: CANNED FRUIT, REFRIED BEANS, PEANUT BUTTER. Solon Food Pantry Pantry hours: Monday 2-6 p.m Donations: Mondays 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Phone: 319-430-8655 Located in the Solon United Methodist Church A free community newspaper for the communities of Oxford•Tiffin•North Liberty•Swisher•Shueyville•Solon•Ely REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 15 EDITION OF THE SOLON ECONOMIST Mending a broken heart Swisher’s Teresa Hafner relies on her positive attitude as she waits for a heart transplant By Jen Moore Solon Economist SWISHER– Teresa Hafner has dedicated much of her life to giving to others. Now, she just wants one thing. A heart. Last March, the owner of Honey Creek Cottage assisted living facility in Swisher found herself in a battle she was unprepared for. After returning from a trip to Cancun, Mexico, with her husband, she learned her sister had been admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City with heart failure. Immediately, Hafner rushed to her sister’s side, but that very night she, too, started to experience chest pains and struggled to breathe. As a nurse, she knew not to take any chances with her health and went back to the hospital. “[My husband and I] were sitting in the ER and we thought ‘it can’t be my heart, too,’” she said. She later learned that she and her sister both had the genetic defect dilated cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart to enlarge so it’s unable to pump blood as well as a normal heart. After many tests, her sister was cleared for normal activity, but Hafner wasn’t so lucky. Her heart was working at just 15 percent capacity, which put her in the end stages of heart NL Scouts to host chili supper Feb. 7 NORTH LIBERTY – North Liberty Boy Scout Troop 216 will host its 35th annual Chili Supper from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at the North Liberty Community Center. This dinner is the troop’s primary annual fundraising event. Proceeds help cover the cost of high adventure trips, summer camp and other activities for the troop’s approximately 30 scouts. Tickets are $5 with children five and under admitted free. The dinner includes all-youcan-eat meat or vegetarian chili, bread, drinks and a variety of homemade desserts including traditional Scout cobbler. Tickets are available at the door or by contacting Scoutmaster Kevin Kurka at 319-665-9076. Garner waffle breakfast Feb.14 Mike and Teresa Hafner and Teddy together at Honey Creek Cottage in Swisher. (photo by Jen Moore) failure and required immediate attention. “It was really scary,” Hafner said. “When I read the doctor’s notes it hit me. Wow, I’m really sick.” On April 23, she traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, where a team of surgeons inserted a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) into her chest to help her weak heart pump blood throughout her body. Though it was an extensive and complicated surgery, Hafner bounced back almost im- mediately and was out of the hospital in less than a week. Her doctors were shocked at her quick recovery time, calling her a rock star and marveling at the fact that she didn’t even look sick. Despite her healthy outward appearance, Hafner still struggled. For about a month after the surgery, she experienced excruciating back muscle spasms that caused her to double Heart: Continued on page 17 Coralville Lake Bald Eagle Watch & Expo Feb. 7 NORTH LIBERTY– The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Coralville Lake will be co-hosting a Bald Eagle Watch and Expo on Saturday, Feb. 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at North Central Junior High, 180 E. Forevergreen Road, North Liberty. The other co-hosts are the Iowa City Bird Club and the Iowa Wildlife Federation. This event is free to the public and will be held at two different locations simultaneously. INDOOR SITE The speakers, exhibitors, and vendor will be located at the indoor venue which is North Central Junior High in North Liberty. Guest speakers include: • 10:30 a.m., Luke Hart, from the Macbride Raptor Project, with a live hawk. • 12 p.m., Ty Smedes, Iowa author and world travelled photographer will present “The Return of Iowa’s Bald Eagles”. Mr. Smedes will also have copies of the 2nd edition of his book of the same title available for purchase and signing. • 1:30 p.m., Mike Havlik, Des Moines Y-Camp, Boone, Iowa, will have live owls for his program, “Big Owls Hoot and Little Owls Toot”. Exhibitors include: • Naturalists from Cedar, Iowa, and Johnson County Conservation Boards, Iowa Wildlife Federation, The Songbird Project, Iowa Audubon, Iowa Ornithologists, and the Iowa City Bird Club. • Indian Creek Nature Center’s Creekside Shop will have books on birds, animal puppets, puzzles and other items for sale. OUTDOOR VIEWING SITE The outdoor site will be located at the Tailwater West Picnic Shelter downstream from the dam at Coralville Lake. Volunteers from the Corps and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be on hand with telescopes and binoculars to help you view the birds along the river. Free coffee and hot chocolate will be available. Individuals wishing to go to the outdoor venue, however, must provide their own transportation. Maps will be available at the expo site. For more information call the Coralville Lake office at 319-338-3543 ext 6300, or visit our web site at, or check out the Facebook page at coralvillelake. NORTH LIBERTY– Garner Elementary will host a Waffle Breakfast with Class Basket Auction and Raffle on Saturday, Feb. 14, from 7-11 a.m. at the school. Dad’s Belgium Waffles, of Algona, will be serving waffles with sausage and beverages. After eating, attendees are invited to take a look at the class baskets with varying themes including Gift Cards, Hawkeye, Disney Frozen, Minecraft and Family Game Night. Attendees will be able to bid on the baskets for a chance to purchase. There will be a raffle drawing for a chance to win prizes including hotel night stays, restaurant gift certificates and birthday party packages. Proceeds from this event will help support field trips, the Garner LEGO Club and teacher professional development activities. To purchase advance tickets, send an email to [email protected] or stop by the Garner Elementary office. Ages 3 and under are free, 4 and 5 year olds $4, 6 through 12 year olds $6, and 13 and older $8 ($10 day of event). If you or your organization are interested in volunteering, please send an email to [email protected] or visit NEWSLETTERS The following communities, organizations and schools distribute their official newsletters through North Johnson County: North Liberty City 4 Swisher 7 Shueyville City 8 Solon Senior Advocates ......... page 9 Solon Community Schools ... page 12 Solon City............................ page 14 Ely City 16 2 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 22 EDITION OF THE NORTH LIBERTY LEADER Tasting the success of 10 great years North Liberty eatery Yang Chow Wok celebrates a decade By Lori Lindner North Liberty Leader NORTH LIBERTY– In any fast-paced, growing community, restaurant upstarts often come and go quickly. It is a major accomplishment to stick around for 10 years, but that is the milestone celebrated by North Liberty’s Yang Chow Wok this month. The restaurant opened Jan. 5, 2005, at 555 Hwy. 965 in the strip mall building just south of Fareway. Yang Chow Wok is still there, although the interior has undergone a few remodeling projects, the addition of a 20-capacity party room and even an expansion into a neighboring space, to accommodate its ever-increasing clientele. Owner Cody Chen is originally from the Michigan area. He has worked in the restaurant business since he was 17 years old, learning to cook from more experienced chef mentors. In 1999, he and his family moved to Iowa City and started the Yen Ching Restaurant. He got a tip from SouthGate Development that they were constructing a new building in the growing town of North Liberty, and that the area was on the verge of a huge population boom. “When we started here, there were only five or six restaurants in town,” said Chen. “SouthGate said more homes and businesses were going to go up all around here.” Go up they did; the 2000 census put North Liberty’s population at 5,367. By 2010, the official count was over 13,000, and the City of North Liberty is preparing to conduct a special census, as current estimates put the population somewhere around 17,000. But of those few restaurants Chen named who were his contemporaries in 2005, half are no longer in business. In the building where Yang Chow Wok is located, only his restaurant and Corridor Coffee retain their original storefronts; every other space has changed businesses more than once. It takes something special to make a restaurant business successful, and in this case, Chen believes it’s the quality of food customers find at Yang Chow Wok. “First, the food they get here is fresh. When people order, we start cooking it then so the food is always fresh and hot,” said Chen. If someone orders takeout but has a distance to drive, Yang Chow’s staff will adjust the cook time accordingly, and begin preparing dishes only 10 minutes before the customer arrives. It’s one reason Yang Chow Wok has never offered delivery. “Sometimes, a delivery could take an hour,” Chen said. “By the time you get your food, it would be cold.” Also, other Chinese restaurants may use frozen vegetables, but Chen said all the dishes at Yang Chow Wok are made with fresh ingredients because using frozen can cause it to become watery. Still, on a Friday or Saturday night during dine-in experiences, customers can expect their Chinese and Japanese Yang Chow Wok 555 Hwy. 965 319-665-8788 Mon-Sat, 10:30 a.m. until 10 p.m. Sunday, Noon until 10 p.m. Buffet ,11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon-Fri SHAZAM BOLT$ Receive fraud alerts on your smartphone or tablet. Check your account balance..... anytime, anywhere. Automatically receive email alerts 24/7 whenever a debit card purchase is made where your card is not present, such as telephone or internet orders. You’re also notified when potentially fraudulent activity occurs. You’ll know right away whether the purchases are you can call immediately and put a stop to any fraud! ENROLL: Download SHAZAM BOLT$ for free from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or log in to and enter your full card number to determine if your card is eligible. Solon State Bank 126 South Market • Solon • 624-3405 1540 State Street • Ely • 848-4181 444 East State Street • Tiffin • 545-2226 MEMBER FDIC Restaurant owner Cody Chen and his sister Anna Xie in the family-owned and operated Yang Chow Wok, at 555 Hwy. 965 in North Liberty . Chen and his family celebrate the restaurant’s 10th year of operation in January. (photo by Lori Lindner) food, including sushi, made from traditional recipes, to arrive within 15 to 20 minutes. For commuters, Yank Chow Wok is in a good location for people on their way home from work in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, noted Chen. Another reason Yang Chow Wok focuses on its cuisine instead of convenience is to keep meal prices affordable. Though wholesale food prices have increased over the decade, Chen said, he works hard to keep the price to the customers down. “Ten years ago, chicken wings were $4.25. Now, we charge $4.95; only a 75-cent difference,” Chen said. “But 10 years ago, the price I paid for chicken was 90 cents per pound. Today, it’s $1.80. It has doubled, but I cannot double my price.” One major change Chen did make, though, was to add a lunch buffet. It turned out to be an excellent business decision. “At lunchtime, people only have about 30 minutes to eat. And if they have to drive to pick up their food and then take it back to work, they only have a few minutes to eat,” said Chen. “With the buffet they can come in and sit down and have a hot lunch fast.” The popular all-you-can-eat buffet features many of the same dishes available on the menu, including crab Yang Chow: Continued on page 3 wellness wednesdays FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH February 4 & 18 20% off any professional grade supplement purchase!* CarePro Pharmacy - Mount Vernon 319.895.6248 CarePro Pharmacy - North Liberty 319.626.6188 CarePro Pharmacy - Tipton 563.886.2158 *Discount not valid with any other offer. Discount not valid on prescriptions or items billed to insurance. AFFORDABLE SOFTWATER Water Softeners SALES ODOR & IRON removal systems SERVICE • RENTALS 665-2505 Locally Owned & Operated • SECRET MESSAGE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE SOLON ECONOMIST AND NORTH LIBERTY LEADER: I’M GOING TO BE RAISING THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 17 YEARS. I KNOW. YOU’RE SHOCKED. DON’T LET IT RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP. NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 3 REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 15 EDITION OF THE NORTH LIBERTY LEADER NLYBS, city to pool funds Team effort on new concession stand, restrooms at Penn Meadows Park By Lori Lindner North Liberty Leader NORTH LIBERTY– The City of North Liberty and a local recreation program are teaming up to pool financial resources and further serve the community’s youth. North Liberty Youth Baseball and Softball (NLYBS) has pledged $250,000 toward a new concession stand and restroom pavilion to be build at Penn Meadows Park on the city’s east side. NLYBS and the city have historically partnered to offer the summer and fall baseball and softball leagues for kids ages 4 to 13 years. Now entering its 23rd season, NLYBS is a separate, non-profit organization, funded by sponsorships, participant fees, concession stand sales and donations from local groups like the Optimists of North Liberty and the North Liberty American Legion. The league has contributed money to build the ball fields it uses, and the city has provided the space for them, as well as helping with field and restroom upkeep. As NLYBS sees increased participation year after year, demand on concessions and restroom facilities has grown beyond what is now available– particularly at Penn Meadows Park, where the majority of NLYBS games take place, in addition to weekend tournaments scheduled by the city’s recreation department. The current restroom facility at Penn Meadows consists of one stall each for men and women, with portable toilets in the rest of the park. It’s just not enough for the nearly 900 NLYBS players and their family members who occupy Penn Meadows’ nine ball fields on any given game night throughout the summer season. “It isn’t unusual for us to have 32 T-ball and rookie teams playing 16 games on Tuesday and Friday evenings,” said NLYBS organizer Cindy Hill. “When you add in the players’ families, you are looking at upwards of 640 people. Adequate restroom facilities are definitely an NLYBS priority.” In addition, concession stand proceeds help fund the program, Hill added. “The current concession stand is a major NLYBS fundraiser. Typically, it is open Monday through Friday during May and June,” she said. Beyond NLYBS use, tournaments are held at Penn Meadows by other leagues almost every weekend from mid-April through the summer, which bring a lot of people from out of town. “Right now, the organizations holding the tournaments have to set up temporary concession areas,” Hill pointed out. “We’ve been told that they would like to be able to rent a permanent concession stand area rather than having to bring in trailers and tents.” Finally, the building will also serve as an additional storage area for use by multiple organizations. Proposed are separate, seven-stall restrooms with running water adjacent to a concession stand and a covered area with picnic tables. The building would also serve as a storm shelter that could withstand 160 mph winds. Preliminary estimates for the building put the cost at around $500,000. North Liberty’s Capital Improvements Plan already had a placeholder for borrowing funds to build the facility, approved before NLYBS pledged its portion of cost-sharing. NLYBS has $50,000 saved for the project and has committed to giving another $200,000 over the next five years. Scheels All Sports has pledged a $25,000 donation, and NLYBS organizers applied for grant funding as well, supported by letters from North Liberty City Council members Coleen Chipman and Chris Hoffman. At the city council’s Oct. 28 meeting, Chipman asked about the storm shelter capacity. “I am concerned about how many people that would hold,” she said. “If we don’t have room for a lot of people I don’t see why we would build it to the extreme to withstand high winds. That concerns me if it really does increase the cost of the building.” North Liberty Parks Director Guy Goldsmith said he was unsure of the storm shelter capacity, but thought it was an important aspect to include. “Right now, people don’t have a place to go when a storm rolls through,” said Goldsmith. “Normally they send them to the parking lot and tell them to wait it out.” Councilman Brian Wayson also expressed concern that the cost of the building seemed excessive. “I want to look more carefully at the actual building. It seems to me it’s kind of an expensive building,” Wayson said. The council voted unanimously to move forward with design of the water and sewer infrastructure to service the facility– in addition to a planned splash pad in Penn Meadows Park– at its Oct. 28 meeting, with bids expected to go out this winter. The building design bid process will take place later in the spring. Goldsmith said the pavilion will be a pre-engineered style building, which will expedite its installation to have it operational this summer. Chipman thanked NLYBS Board President Scott Rundle for the organization’s significant commitment to the project. “A great big thank you again for making it a family-friendly place for kids and parents to have fun,” Chipman said. “I will pass that on to the rest of the board members,” Rundle replied. “I would appreciate the bathrooms. The women of the league would appreciate the bathrooms.” Step up to the plate, donate NLYBS holding fundraiser for concessions, restroom NORTH LIBERTY– North Liberty Youth Baseball and Softball (NLYBS) is raising funds to help build the sports pavilion at Penn Meadows Park in North Liberty. The pavilion will house separate male and female restrooms, a concession stand, covered picnic area and storm shelter, and be used by the NLYBS league and other area and regional leagues hosting weekend tournaments. The non-profit organization has pledged $250,000 to the project, in addition to seeking grant funding, and Scheels All Sports has committed $25,000. The City of North Liberty is on board to help finance the rest of the estimated $500,000 building cost. League organizers hope to have the building ready in time for use this summer. There are several ways to participate in the project, including private monetary or in-kind donations, business or corporate sponsorships, or by ordering an engraved brick for the “Commemorative Baseball Diamond” courtyard to be incorporated into the project design. NLYBS board member Cindy Hill encouraged the entire community to be part of the project by ordering an engraved brick. “This is a great opportunity to honor your son, daughter or a special coach. Just as diamonds are forever, you may also wish to forever preserve the memory of a loved one or friend, or a special event such as your team winning a tournament or having a great season by purchasing one or more commemorative bricks,” Hill said. “What a nice way to permanently and proudly recognize your player or business.” NLYBS is entering its 23rd year of operation. In 2014, the summer league served 894 players ages four through 13 years, with additional players coming from the Solon and Coralville and another 80 children playing in the fall ball league. NLYBS had nine volunteer board members, 269 volunteer coaches and hired more than 20 umpires to officiate games. The league offered 16 scholarships to players unable to afford registration fees. Those interested in donating, becoming a project sponsor or ordering a commemorative brick should visit the NLYBS website at ezteams. com/NLYBS, email [email protected], or call 319-665-8394. Yang Chow: Continued from page 2 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RENTAL SALES Service (all brands) 24 HOUR SERVICE • Water Softeners • RO Drinking Water Systems • Iron Filters • Cooler Rental • Bottled Water Delivery • Salt Delivery FREE WATER ANALYSIS Premier provider of high quality water treatment equipment for 65 years, backed by the industry’s Best Warranty! Rangoon and egg rolls, entrees and a variety of rice, desserts and even a couple of American favorites like chicken fingers for the kids, still offered at the low cost of just $5.95. Dinner and lunch specials create combinations that make it possible to have appetizers, an entrée and rice at an affordable price. “We always try to keep the price low, as best we can,” Chen said. “We don’t want to raise prices just to make a lot of money and then be gone; we’d rather stay here as long as we can.” It has been a proven recipe for success for 10 years. “We enjoy it here. All the people in town, and the people in our neighboring businesses, have been very nice,” said Chen. In addition to dine-in and carry out, Yang Chow K9 Design Grooming Your source for better water, serving all of Eastern Iowa 580 Madison Ave. Suite #6 North Liberty Off Penn Directly South of City Tractor NORTH LIBERTY 665-9090 SALON & SPA by Deborah Bagwell 23 years Grooming Experience Peace of Mind • Tender Loving Care All Small/Medium Breeds • Yearly Appts. FORMERLY K9’S WITH CLASS BY KATHY EVANS Same location & phone 319-665-3155 call today to schedule your pets next appointment 70 Circle Drive, Unit C • North Liberty • Behind Rec Pool Wok will cater to larger parties. Regular customers include churches, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and area banks. The restaurant does not offer a catering menu, but word of mouth has been a sufficient means of advertising. Customers ask for their preferred dishes, and he or his staff delivers the same hot, fresh tastes one gets at the restaurant or in their take-out boxes. Watch for anniversary specials coming in February; it’s one way Chen can show his appreciation for his customers and their long-time loyalty. “We thank everyone in the community. We have enjoyed having our business in North Liberty for 10 years,” Chen said. “And we will keep serving people the best we can.” Hours with Dr. Kukla will be: MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 8:30am to Noon & 1:00pm to 4:30pm THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1:00pm to 4:30pm FRIDAY MORNINGS from 8:30am to Noon Joseph M. Kukla DPM, AACFAS also known as Family Footcare Center 175 HWY 965, Suite 1 • North Liberty • 665-3733 DIGITAL COPIES OF NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM WWW.SOLONECONOMIST.COM OR NORTHLIBERTYLEADER.COM 4 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY Recreation Center: 626-5716 Library: 626-5701 City Hall: 626-5700 NEWSLETTER CITY NEWS PRESIDENTS’ DAY City Offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 16, in honor of Presidents’ Day. WATER BILL PAYMENT POLICY The City recently published an updated Water Bill Payment Policy. The policy sets forth the process for residents to request a payment arrangement for extraordinary situations with water billing. For example, if a toilet ran extensively during the month causing the water bill to increase drastically. Staff can assist with the creation of a payment arrangement agreement that waives late fees and shut offs so long as payments on the plan and current bills are maintained current. For additional information, check the City’s website: or call City Hall at 319-626-5700. WINTER REMINDERS Snow Emergency Ordinance: Under this ordinance, snow emergencies will automatically go into effect when snow accumulation reaches two inches. During snow emergencies parking is not allowed on any street to ensure streets are clear for effective snow removal and other road maintenance. Any vehicles in violation of the ordinance will be ticketed and may be towed without notice. Each twelve hour period that a vehicle is parked or allowed to remain on any street in violation of this section constitutes a separate and distinct offense. FOOD PANTRY GARDEN NAMING CONTEST The North Liberty Community Pantry is starting a garden this spring, but our garden needs a name. We invite the community to suggest names. We want to build community through this teaching garden. Our work in the garden will increase healthy foods available to families served by the Pantry. Put on your creative caps and send some names our way. The person who submits the selected name will be honored in our ribbon cutting ceremony this spring. Deadline for name entries: 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15. Our Gardening for Health project committee will collect submissions and select a winner. Submissions can be sent to the North Liberty Community Pantry Garden Coordinator, Ilsa DeWald at [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information so we can reach you if your submission is selected. The mission of the North Liberty Community Pantry is to engage our community in feeding and clothing our neighbors. More information about can be found on the website: www.northlibertycommunitypantry. org, or like us on Facebook. Snow emergencies may also be declared by the Mayor or designee at the Mayor’s discretion. When the snow emergency is lifted, the information will be posted on the website (www. as soon as possible. Snow Removal: It is against City code to push snow into the street or onto someone else’s property. City staff knows how challenging the ongoing blast of winter weather can be, but encourage all to be great neighbors. Sidewalks: Property owners are responsible for cleaning sidewalks within 48 hours of a snowfall. Sidewalks across the rear of the property should be cleared as well. Your cooperation is necessary to provide safe walkways for children going to school and for all walkers. Mailboxes: Mailboxes need to be installed properly and in the proper location. Property owners must also be clear snow in front of mailboxes to permit timely delivery of mail. Fire Hydrants: Please keep fire hydrants uncovered so that they are visible in case of emergency. CURBSIDE COMPOSTING PROGRAM The City of North Liberty has a Curbside Composting program to help its residents divert food waste from the landfill. The city and Johnson County Refuse, with whom the city contracts for residential trash and recycling, have implemented the program. Participants will pay a refundable deposit of $25 AQUATIC CENTER Pool Information The next session of lessons begins the week of February 23. Water Fitness Classes Water Resistance Exercise Class Back by popular demand, this class is a fast paced, cardio workout using ankle cuffs, belts, gloves, weight ball and a new AquaLogix hand held resistance buoy! Water shoes and water bottle recommended. Class starts promptly at 8 a.m. Ages: 15 years & up SS2: February 2-27 SS3: March 2-30 SS4: April 1-29 (No class April 3) Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays: 8-8:45 a.m. Fees: Res/Non-res SS2 & 4: $42/$47; SS3:$46/$51; or $4 drop-in fee per day Easy Does It Class will focus on improving your range of motion (ROM), balance, core strength and reducing stress. You do not have to know how to swim, but must be comfortable in water. Water shoes and water bottle recommended. Class starts promptly at 9 a.m. Ages 15 years & up SS2: February 2-27 SS3: March 2-30 SS4: April 1-29 (No class April 3) Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays: 9-9:45a.m. Fees: Res/Non-res SS1: $46/$51; SS2 & 4: $42/$47; SS3: $46/$51; or $4 drop-in fee per day for a curbside collection bin, which they’ll need to line with a yard waste bag (with a Johnson County Refuse logo ONLY), available for $1.65 at a variety of stores in North Liberty. The compost will be collected with their recycling and (dwindling) trash each week. Residents can compost spoiled food, leftovers, pizza boxes and other uncoated paper that has been in contact with food, meat and seafood and other many food waste items through the program. Residents interested in participating should contact Tracey Mulcahey by phone at 319-626-5712 or via e-mail at [email protected]. SENIOR DINING Changes are coming!!! In cooperation with the North Liberty Senior Council, Senior Dining will have a new appearance in March! Senior dining will be changing to every Friday with lunch starting at 11:30 a.m. After lunch, activities will follow. Senior dining meals cost $5. Join us at the Community Center for Good food, Good friends, Good fun. Schedule: Week 1 – Cards Week 2 – Bingo/Birthday celebration Week 3 – Movie Week 4 – Music Week 5 – Games REC CENTER Facility Hours: Recreation/Indoor Pool: MONDAY–FRIDAY, 6 AM-9 PM SATURDAY/SUNDAY, 8AM-6PM Winter Spring Brochure 2015 Winter Spring brochures are available on-line at www. or you can stop by the Rec Center and pick one up in person. Registration for most programs Winter Blues Obstacle Course Got the winter blues? Need to get out of the house and burn off that energy? Join staff for a fun obstacle course. May include home-made, inflatable, military or combination of all three obstacle/agility course stations. All ages welcome, but 8 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult. Friday, February 20 6 -9 p.m. Fee: $5/person for unlimited runs Registration Deadline: Feb. 11 Boy Scout Chili Supper North Liberty Boy Scout Troop 216 hosts this all-youcan-eat chili supper at the Community Center. Meat and vegetarian chili served with all the fixings and dessert, including homemade dutch oven treats made by Scouts. Saturday, February 7 4:30-7 PM $5 per persons over the age of 5 yrs. old NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 5 SPECIAL EVENTS Sundown Mountain Nighttime Skiing Ski all night on one of the largest lifts in the area.Rental equipment is included in the cost, or you may bring your own. No alcohol allowed. Lodge will be open all night for food and beverages at individual’s own cost. For more information contact Matt Meseck at 626-5750 or [email protected]. Ages: 16 years and up Friday, Feb. 20 Depart from NLRC at 9 p.m. Ski 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. Return to NLRC approx. 6 a.m. on Saturday. Fees: Ski Pass Only: $35; Ski Pass & Rental: $50; Snowboard Pass & Rental: $50 Registration Deadline: February 15 North Central Jr. High Ski Trip Join a ski trip to Sundown Mountain for students of North Central Jr. High. Students who own equipment may bring it for personal use with reduced fee. Permission slips will be sent through the school backpack program or can be found at the NLRC, and must be signed and returned to NLRC, not the school. Food and drink not included, so bring additional money. Fee includes lift ticket, ski rental, lesson and bus ride. Ages: NCJH Grades 7 & 8 Thursday, February 26 Depart from NLRC; 7:15 a.m., return at 6:30 p.m. Fees: $65 (ski pass, equipment, lesson, transport), $50 (ski pass, lesson, transport), $8 (optional helmet) Registration Deadline: February 18 REC CENTER UPDATES Recreation Center: 626-5716 Library: 626-5701 City Hall: 626-5700 Spring Vendor Fair Rent a spot at the North Liberty Spring Vendor Fair. Open to anyone who wishes to set up a booth and sell goods to the public. Vendors will not be allowed to leave early. Vendors must supply own tables; chairs provided by NLRC. Additional spots may be purchased if more space is needed. Electricity is available. Fee: 10 x 10 square spot = $10 per vendor Registration: Contact Matt Meseck at mmeseck@ or call 626-5750. Saturday, February 28 Vendor set-up 5 - 8 a.m. Vending Time: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. continued from page 4 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS YOUTH PROGRAMS ADULT PROGRAMS Pee Wee Sports Enjoy this non-competitive approach to help your child learn sport basics, socialize and have fun. Baseball: March 4 – 25. Ages: 3 – 5 years old Wed. AM Class: 10-10:45 or 10:45-11:30 Wed. PM Class: 5:45 – 6:30 or 6:30 – 7:15 or 7:15 – 8 Fee: Residents $25, Non-residents $30 Registration deadline: February 25 New Classes for Kids! With instructor Stephanie Fiser we’re offering some great new programming for kids ages 6 to 12. Sign up and get your kids off the couch for creative winter fun. New! School-age Workshops Each week offers a new world to explore through various crafts and activities allowing children to use their imagination. Ages: 6-12 years. Session: Deadline: February 14: Super Spy Feb. 6 February 21: Nature Feb. 13 February 28: Pirates & Mermaids Feb. 20 March 7: Sports Feb. 27 March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Mar. 6 Saturdays; 1:30-2:30p.m. Fee: $8 per session, per child Registration Deadline: Friday prior to session date Cross Fit Want to really get in shape? Class meets four nights a week. M/W = Cardio Pump; T/TH = Kickboxing All fitness levels are welcome. Ages 14 years & up SS2: February 2-26 SS3: March 2-31 SS4: April 1-30 Mondays-Thursdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Fees: $36- $40, or $3.50 drop-in fee per class. Ballet/Creative Dance This program is designed to introduce a child to dance basics. Students must be at least 3 years old and potty trained. Ages: 3-4 years old Wednesdays; 5:30-6 p.m. or 6-6:30 p.m. Registration/Information: Contact Lyndsay at 319-6484091or [email protected] Kid’s Campsite Free play area for youngsters 48” or under in height. Softplay features such as jeep, tent, log slide and frog to climb on and explore! Monday-Friday; 9 AM-12(Noon) and 4-8 PM Saturday & Sunday: 8 AM-6 PM SHELF LIFE Library Update Do you have outstanding fines or overdues that are keeping you from using the library? We want to help you get your library account back in good standing. Beginning February 1, the library staff will be working on helping our patrons who may have late fees or lost material to address those issues. Stop by to find out more information about our fine reconciliation process and your options. Need a getaway now or over Spring Break? The Friends of the library is holding a spring break raffle. Purchase tickets at the library for your chance to win a $500 vacation voucher for the Wisconsin Dells. Tickets are $5/ticket or $20 for five tickets. All proceeds for Friends support the library. February is Love Your Library month at the library. Stop by and fill out a heart to tell us why you love the library. Don’t forget your name on the back of the heart. At the end of the month, we’ll draw a heart and the winner will receive a small token of gratitude from the library! You can also pick a heart from our pink Giving Tree. The hearts list supplies and items for the children’s By Jennie Garner Interim Library Director area that we always need. Bring your baby to our new My Baby Story Time on Tuesday mornings (see details below). Sing songs, read books and play with Circulation Services Librarian, Emily. If you haven’t heard, the library will be one of about 20 driver’s license kiosk sites. We’ve been working on the details with the Iowa DOT. The date is still not set but we hope to have the new kiosk in place sometime in late spring or early summer. The library staff strives to provide services and programs tailored to meet the needs of community members and area residents. While it may not be possible to adopt all suggestions, we welcome your input. Please contact Library Director Jennie Garner with suggestions, questions or concerns at 319-626-5778 or email [email protected]. The library’s spring program brochure is available in the library and online at www. If you have general questions about upcoming programs or library services, please call 319-626-5701 or visit our website. Introduction to Scrapbooking for Kids Learn the basics of srapbooking including cropping, layout design options, A variety of tools will be available. Class fees include supplies needed. Child must bring 4-6 pictures. Ages: 6-12 years Session: Deadline: February 21 Feb. 13 February 28 Feb. 20 March 7 Feb. 27 March 14 Mar. 6 Saturdays; 3-4 p.m. Fee: $10.00 per session, per child Registration Deadline: Friday prior to session date. Basketball Get together for a half or full court pick-up game of basketball. Ages:18 years & up (not in high school) Noon Ball: January 5 – April 30 Monday-Friday; 12 – 1:30 p.m. at NLRC Evenings: January 6-April 30 Thursdays, 6:15-8:45 p.m. at North Bend Elementary Daily fee $2 per person or purchase monthly package: Resident $10; Non-resident $15 Personal Training We have individuals willing to assist you. Clients must pay both the rates per instructor and NLRC’s daily fees or membership rates if using the facility/equipment outside of personal trainer sessions. Kris Cameron: [email protected], 319-361-7673 Rachel West: coachwestfi[email protected], 319-759-6263 Lindsay Olson: [email protected], 319-430-6116 Bruce Elgin: [email protected] FEBRUARY LIBRARY EVENTS FAMILY & TODDLER PROGRAMS • My Baby Story Time (birth to 24 mo.)–Tuesdays, 10 a.m. • Tot Time– Fridays, 10 a.m. • Storytime–Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m. • PJ Storytime– Thursdays, 7 p.m. NOTE: Though we have recommended ages for storytime, we encourage you to try them all and see what fits best for you and your family. YOUTH & TEEN PROGRAMS • Crafternoons for K-5th Grade (get crafty)– Tuesdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. • LEGO Thursdays– First and third Thursday of the month (K-5th Grade), 2:30 to 4 p.m. • Throwback Wednesdays: Second and fourth Wednesdsay of each month from 5-6 p.m. • Family Movie Night–Friday, February 6 at 6 pm: (call the library for title) ADULT PROGRAMS • Sociable Seniors– Mondays, 10 a.m. • Just for Fun (hand crafts)– Tuesdays, 7 p.m. • Tough Talk Discussion Group– Thursday, Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m. Social Networking materials available at the library • Flashback Friday– Feb. 20, 6:30 pm. Happy birthday John Hughes! Join us for a viewing of a John Hughes classic (Call library for title). Wine coolers (must be 21 years old with current, valid photo ID) and John Hughes trivia included. • Last Tuesday of the Month Book Club– Tuesday, Feb. 24, 6:30 pm.discussing “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller • BYOB(ook) Friday– Feb. 27; 5:30 p.m. Discussing “Sushi and Beyond” by Michael Booth. Meet at Kyodai Japanese Grill in North Liberty. The library will provide some appetizers (other food and beverage at your own expense) NOTE: Additional copies of books and materials for book/ discussion groups are available at the library TECH TOPICS – Free and open to everyone! iPad Apps Learn about popular apps available for iPad. Grouping and sorting apps will also be covered • Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1:30-3 p.m. • Friday, Feb. 6, 9:30-11 a.m. Photo Editing Want to add some flair or fun to your photos? This class will cover free tools available on the web that can be used to edit photos. • Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1:30-3 p.m. • Thursday, Feb. 12; 9:30-11 a.m. Facebook Tutorial Keep in touch with family, kids, grandkids and old friends. This class aims to get you up to speed on how to create, use and maintain a Facebook page of your own. • Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1:30-3 p.m. • Friday, Feb. 27, 9:30-11 a.m. 6 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 29 EDITION OF THE NORTH LIBERTY LEADER Your kind of workout, right at your fingertips New “Fitness On Demand” now free at NL Rec. Center By Lori Lindner North Liberty Leader NORTH LIBERTY– Imagine customizing your workouts at the gym: choosing your favorite instructor, requesting your own intensity level, setting a time limit on your workout and even picking your own workout partners (and coincidentally, leaving your least favorite out). Would it motivate you to exercise more? The staff at the North Liberty Recreation Center hope so. It’s called Fitness On Demand, and it is now available at everyone’s fingertips. For the next month, it’s absolutely free. North Liberty Assistant Recreation Director Brian Motley is excited to offer the program to all recreation center users, free of charge until March 1. His department recently purchased the equipment and subscribed to the Fitness On Demand program, seeking to better utilize the facility’s aerobics room, as well as make exercise classes more convenient, comfortable and accessible to more patrons than ever before. “That room doesn’t get used a lot other than when scheduled fitness classes are going on, which is usually in the evenings,” said Motley. “We are trying to (target) the times when that part of the facility is under-utilized.” A touch-screen kiosk uses photos and text to allow anyone to come to the workout room on the second floor of the facility, choose a specific, customized workout any time the room is not already in use, and exercise to a video on an 80-inch television while using the center’s space and equipment. That means nearly any day between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., a person or a group of people can enjoy all the amenities of a workout class within their own chosen structure. Workout choices range from yoga to step aerobics, resistance band classes, weight training with dumbbells, fitness kickboxing and even Latin dance (similar to Zumba), using the center’s equipment for those types of sessions. “There are a lot of different exercis- Brian Motley of the NL Recreation Department demonstrates how patrons can choose customized workouts with touch-screen technology. Use the center’s aerobics room and equipment (below) and invite your friends. The program is free until March 1. (photo by Lori Lindner) es to choose from, and each workout shows the equipment you need to use,” said Motley. Currently, the room contains medicine balls, dumbbells, resistance bands, yoga mats and blocks, stability balls, aerobic steps and other necessary equipment. If the program proves successful, the workout choices may eventually include spinning and kettle bell workouts. “Some people might be concerned we are trying to push out live instruc- tors, and that is definitely not the case,” Motley said. “But some people might not feel comfortable coming to a class with a bunch of strangers. So maybe with this option, they come with a friend, or they come on their own when there aren’t other people in there.” Motley visited a recreation center in Mount Pleasant that uses Fitness On Demand, and learned that their program has actually increased attendance at scheduled classes with their REMEMBER TO SCHEDULE YOUR $6.99 Lunch Specials Dental Appointments Over Spring Break! Monday thru Friday 11am-4pm MONDAY Tenderloin Basket TUESDAY Grilled Ham & Cheese with Soup WEDNESDAY In-House Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork Sandwich Basket THURSDAY Hot Beef Sandwich FRIDAY Chicken Fried Steak DINNER Specials TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 319.848.4848 Tuesday thru Saturday 5pm - close $1 Off Any Broasted Chicken Dinner 1/2 Price Pizza Smoked Rib Dinner All You Can Eat Fish Dinner Prime Rib Dinner happy hour :) MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 26PM ALL DAY SUNDAY live instructors, by introducing people to a workout setting or certain types of workouts, giving them a chance to try them without a significant financial commitment and minimizing the fear of trying something new in front of strangers. “On the screen you can select your own class, but it also shows our scheduled classes, so people can get information about what our classes involve, who the instructor is and when they are going to take place,” Motley said. “It’s kind of cool in that sense.” Also cool is the chance to work out with friends in a group setting without the inconvenience of rearranging the furniture in someone’s living room: the space is already set up and ample, a variety of equipment is readily available for more than one user, and a wide range of workouts come at the touch of a screen, without having to buy and store all those DVDs. And having exercise buddies is a big key to consistency and success. “You have someone holding you accountable if you know your friends are waiting for you to show up,” said Motley. The touch-screen is super user-friendly and self-directed, but Motley wanted to reassure anyone who has questions that recreation center staff are always available to offer instruction and assistance. Ultimately patrons retain control of their choices. “If you go in and the workout seems too hard, you can always step out and select something else,” Motley said, as long as no one else is waiting to use the room. The Fitness On Demand setup will also provide data on how many users are choosing certain types of workout sessions and their durations, which will guide Motley in determining the kind of live classes to offer in the future. “I can get a better feel for what people are wanting,” said Motley. Fitness On Demand is free until March 1.The center will institute a daily drop-in fee, or add the feature to existing membership packages the center now offers after that date. “We just want people to come in and try it, see if they like it,” said Motley. “That’s our goal.” So go on, be demanding with your fitness choices. The North Liberty Recreation Center welcomes it. 1162 Club Road, Shueyville Next to Shuey’s Mon-Thurs 11am-10pm Fri & Sat 11am - 11pm Sun 11am-9pm We will be OPEN March 16-19 Solon Dental Center Family Friendly Full Service Restaurant & Bar Take Out Available Good Time Charlie’s $3 $2.75 $3 TALL BOYS DOMESTIC BOTTLES WELLS Kari Haganman, D.D.S. Complete Dental Care for your entire family! Cash Discount • Insurance filed for You Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm 401 E. HAGANMAN LN., SOLON • 624-4444 NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 7 City of Swisher 66 Second Street P.O. Box 279 Swisher,Iowa 52338 News New City Office Hours: Mondays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone: 319-857-4539 Fax: 319-857-4529 E-Mail: [email protected] City looks to change from quarterly to monthly utility billling Mayor Christopher Taylor called the council meeting to order at 7 p.m. at Swisher City Hall, Swisher, Iowa. Council Present: Angie Hinrichs, Mike Stagg, and Larry Svec. Absent: Sandy Fults and Mary Gudenkauf. Council approved Consent Agenda: Kakacek noted the October Treasurer Report was redone as the payroll was posting to incorrect period. The Consent Agenda consisting of: Agenda, December 8, 2014 Minutes, List of Claims, Corrected October’s 2014 Clerk/Treasurer Report and November 2014 Clerk/ Treasurer Report and Utility Audit Report, Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales for Club 671, Change of ownership for Club 671 to Dennis Hromidko, notice of vacancies of Board of Adjustment. Library Director Laura Hoover reported group of volunteers worked on teen space at the library, she sent application to South Slope/INS to fund library project, and shared new books. Mayor Taylor noted the following: Fun Days Committee met in January and gave update of meeting, worked on the budget with Kakacek. penalties. Book Marks City Awarded Bid for City Website to Gov.Office. com. “Libraries are our friends.” – Neil Gaiman 2015 Swisher Fun Days Street Closures Request: Mayor noted list of streets to be closed and some of the activities that may be on those streets. Stagg inquired about parking if all those streets are closed. After discussion, Svec moved, seconded by Stagg to approve street closures as of now, but may change due to downsize or time limit for the following: 2nd Street between Summit and Jefferson Avenues, 3rd Street between Central and Rose Avenues, Central Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets, Rose Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets for Saturday August 8, 2015. Roll call vote was taken. All ayes. Absent: Fults, Gudenkauf. Motion carried. Food for Fines Jan. 12 Swisher City Council meeting highlights: Kakacek noted there will be a ball diamond usage meeting on February 10th at 6 p.m. in city hall for interested coaches. Svec reported the fire department sold the ambulance truck and purchased a used pumper. They are selling the mini-pumper and the proceeds will go for the pumper they just purchased. 2nd Reading of Ord.#240 to Increase Sewer Rates was done. Kakacek inquired if the utility billing would be changed from quarterly billing. She noted if the billing periods change, it would have to be amended in the code book. Stagg noted it would be changed to monthly billing. Hinrichs inquired of the $15 monthly late fee needs to be that high since if change billing to monthly. After discussion, council consensus was to table this for next meeting and possibly make changes to both the billing periods and Council set Public Hearing Date for Adoption of Small Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance for February 9, 2015 at 7 p.m. Council Set Public Hearing Date-Adoption of 2014 National Electrical Code for February 9, 2015 at 7 p.m. Council Set Work Session Dates for Codification Review for February 2 and February 16, 2015 at 6 p.m. It was noted the budget work session may also be on February 2nd. Council Set Public Hearing Date to Adopt 20132023 Swisher Comprehensive Plan for February 9, 2015 at 7 p.m. Council reviewed letter from Jefferson-Monroe Fire Dept. requesting funds from various groups for Great Wall of Rescue system, MPOJC Traffic Count for intersection of Rose Avenue and 2nd Street, copy of $500 donation from MidAmerican for library teen reading room, and Mediacom updates. December 2014 Sheriff Report was on council table for review. Mayor noted he sent letter of support for the library teen room to INS. place $50; third place $25. The public is welcome and it is $5 all you can eat after the judging is completed. Call Kathy at (319) 360-9877 with questions. March 1: Swisher Auxiliary Breakfast. Breakfast is served. $8 Now offering MOPED CLASSES see website for details all you can eat, the public is welcome. Feb. 20-March 27: Annual Lenten Suppers at the Swisher Legion. 5-8 p.m. All-youcan-eat fish $11; shrimp $14; chicken strips $7; add on Shrimp $6; children 6-12 years of age $5 and children 5 years and younger are free. Served with one trip thru Salad Bar and take outs are available. The public is welcome and the Juniors will be having a bake sale each week as well. For more information contact 319-857-4687. PROTECT YOUR HORSE Drivers Ed Classes SOLON IOWA CITY Upcoming Session: February 9-26 April 6-23 Upcoming Session: March 2-19 Classes held at St. Marys Catholic Church Classes held at Christ the King Lutheran Church MOUNT319-361-9405 VERNON RIVERS EDUCATION LLC Live Healthy Iowa’s 10 Week Wellness Challenge It’s a 10 week wellness challenge! Come join our team, get active and live healthy! Over the course of 10 weeks, track activity minutes through the Live Healthy Iowa website. This simple, affordable, web-based challenge provides Iowans an opportunity to improve their health while engaging in fun, friendly competition. Stop by the library to join our team or check it out at Open Hours Monday-Thursday: 4-8 p.m. Saturdays: 10 a.m.-noon Or if the Open Flag is up … come on in! Story Time Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 5: Sick Day? Feb. 12: Valentines Feb. 19: Time will tell Feb. 26: Get Moving Join us for all the fun! Book Club Adjourned at 8:40 p.m. SWISHER AMERICAN LEGION UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 1: Annual Chili Cook-off 2015 Super Bowl Sunday. Entry fee is $5 for participants and includes all you can eat. Entries must be to the Swisher Legion by 2 p.m., and is limited to one entry, one crock pot per person. Prizes are: first place $100; second We are now accepting Food for Fines. The way it works is for every non-perishable food item you bring in, we will forgive $1 in fines. All food items collected will be donated to the North Liberty Food & Clothing Pantry, which distributes food to needy families throughout Johnson County. Our book for February is “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green. Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten. Books are in now. Stop in and pick one up and then join us for the discussion on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. Plum Creek Boutique Thank you for Supporting Local Businesses! Helen Beck 319-640-0921 DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE [email protected] CUSTOMIZED VACCINE SCHEDULE Fabulous Gifts with Flare! Pedicures - Manicures - Tanning 66 - 2nd Street SE • Swisher • 319.857.4500 8 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY S H U E Y V I L L E The Heart of the Corridor SHUEYVILLE CITY OFFICE 319-848-7626 2863 120TH ST NE, SWISHER WWW.SHUEYVILLEIA.COM CLEARING SNOW REMINDER Clearing snow, ice, and accumulations is the duty of the property owner. Sidewalks abutting a owner’s property must be clear of the natural accumulations of snow or ice within 48 hours. Also, be kind to your neighbor and please keep the accumulations of snow on your own property and do not push it into the street or across the road. Thank you for your understanding. SHUEYVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Shueyville City Council Meeting January 13, 2015 Mayor Markus Cannon called the regular monthly meeting of the Shueyville City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 13, in the council chambers at the Shueyville Community Center. Present: Markus Cannon, Chris Lacy, Mickey Coonfare, Brent Foss, Pamela Larson, and Teresa Eadie. Absent: Jerry Cada Citizens Present: Brent Yirkovsky, Brylee Yirkovsky, Peg Becicka, Wayne Becicka, Gary Bruxvoort, Mark Skala, Martin Fauchier, Janice Horak, Val Porter and Abigail Reed Citizen’s Comments: Snow is being pushed across the street onto their property. A snow removal reminder will be posted in the NoJoCo to help new owners and others remember not to push snow off their property. Consent Agenda: No comments on Agenda. Sheriff’s calls: 9 traffic, 8 suspicious, 1 burglary, 6 medical/fire and 7 other reports. Foss motioned, seconded by Coonfare, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the Agenda, Minutes from the December 9, 2014 Council Meeting, Summary List of Claims, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Report, Permits, Licenses, and Treasurer/ Clerk’s Report. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. Employees: Fire Dept. bought a new custom pumper for $218,000. A budget workshop is set for Jan. 29 at 6:30 p.m. Gym floor will need to be cleaning after rentals this week. A formal quote was requested by the council to replace the front doors of the community center. Motion by Lacy and seconded by Larson to replace doors if cost is less than $4,500. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. Old Business: Southview is still under review till the legal owner of the road a can be determined. Brown will plow the road and defer the billing until ownership is determined. A Planning & Zoning meeting will be held in the next two weeks to update the land use plan and review two new plats. New Business: First reading of Knox Box Ordinance was read. Motion by Lacey, seconded by Coonfare. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. First reading of Sign Ordinance update was read. Section 6-2-14 (5) Motion by Larson, seconded by Foss. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. Motion by Coonfare, seconded by Larson to defer discussion of Solon Bank and Lakewood’s Development requests. First reading adoption of Johnson County Ordinance 12-18-14-01 Electrical Codes was read. Motion by Coonfare, seconded by Lacey. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. Update rental agreement to reflect loss of deposit when smoking or drinking policies are broken. Payment or job posting for community center rental employee was discussed. Public hearing for City Budget will be held at the next council meeting, Feb 10. Correspondence: Mediacom rate increase, retirement party for Kevin Kinney, Johnson Co Sheriff Dept. Announcements: none Larson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Coonfare. All Ayes, motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Markus Cannon, Mayor Teresa Eadie, City Clerk/Treasurer Johnson County Food Policy Council to host free community forum Feb. 7 IOWA CITY – The Johnson County Food Policy Council announced that registration is open for the free community forum “Past, Present and Future: Local Foods at the Johnson County Poor Farm.” The forum will focus on using county-owned land at the Johnson County Poor Farm to support farmers, farm conservation and the community. In addition to presentations from local and regional local foods professionals, the forum will have plenty of opportunities for attendees to share their ideas including a community visioning process. Attendees are encouraged to interact with Food Policy Council members and members of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors who will be in attendance. This event is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, in Montgomery Hall at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Iowa City. Attendee check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. Keynote Presenter Karen von Huene is the executive director of Community GroundWorks, a Madison, Wis.- based organization that connects individuals to urban agricultural and natural lands within a diverse learning community. Community GroundWorks grows wholesome and organic food for local tables, stewards urban natural areas, inspires healthful eating, and offers hands-on learning opportunities. By teaching what they practice, Community GroundWorks passes on the skills to build enduring communities. “We encourage anyone with an interest in the County’s local foods movement or future use of the County Farm to attend this forum,” said Pat Harney, Board of Supervisors Chairperson. “The Board believes production and distribution of local foods is an ideal way to promote rural economic development while providing citizens a variety of healthy foods. We’re excited about offering the Poor Farm to encourage such a creative and collaborative project.” Last fall, the Board of Supervisors requested proposals from area groups or individuals interested in produced food at the County Poor Farm. The group selected for the project, Grow Johnson County, is a collaboration among Table to Table, the Coralville Ecumenical Food Pantry and New Pioneer Co-op’s Soilmates. Grow Johnson County’s project will address food-insecurity in the county, and will also provide educational opportunities. The Johnson County Food Policy Council, created by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, is a volunteer citizen-led group with the purpose of improving dialogue and discussion and providing necessary advice on food and agriculture issues to the County, municipalities, community boards, local agencies, nongovernmental organizations, businesses and other interested groups. A locally-sourced lunch from Iowa City restaurant Devotay is available, free of charge, to those who register by Monday, Feb. 2. Attendees may register online at Questions may be directed to [email protected] or 319-688-8011. Local Tax Professionals at your Service Kuhl, Phillips & Jans, INC. KPJ Certified Public Accountants 319-337-2979 2121 9th Street Coralville [email protected] J L Palmer, CPA Friendly Local Service [email protected] 319.338.2799 302 Second St., Coralville • Income Taxes • Payroll Tax Reports • Payroll • Bookeeping • Monthly Financial Statements • Computer Check Printing • Monthly or Quarterly Sales Tax Reports • Personal Services (Bank Reconciliations) etc. Experience & Quality at Reasonable Rates 626-4998 North Liberty NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 9 February 2015 News OLD GOLD DINER OLD GOLD DINER All meals served at 11:30 a.m. in the Solon United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Please call 624-2251 by 1 p.m. the day before to reserve a meal or arrange for transportation. No weekend calls after 1 p.m. Friday. The meal price is $3.25. Everyone welcome! Old Gold Events Tuesdays and Thursdays: Bingo Fridays: Cards Tuesday, Feb. 10: City Rep Thursday, Feb. 12: Foot Clinic/BP Wednesday, Feb. 25: Fourth Graders SPONSORED MEAL Wednesday, Feb.11 Reservations due two days prior. Sponsor: Always Best Care/Tracy Gray Be sure and join us! FEBRUARY MENU Monday, Feb. 2: BBQ Chicken, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, custard pie. Tuesday, Feb. 3: Catch of the day fish, mini baker potatoes, broccoli, bread pudding with butterscotch sauce. BINGO. Wednesday, Feb. 4: Bruschetta chicken bake, parsley noodles, wax beans, gingerbread chocolate chip bar. Thursday, Feb. 5: Country fried steak, mashed potatoes, veggie blend, fruited gelatin. BINGO. Friday, Feb. 6: Grilled Rueben sandwich, French fries, peas, chocolate cake. CARDS. Monday, Feb. 9: Maple BBQ pork loin, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, custard pie. Tuesday, Feb. 10: Herb baked chicken, rice pilaf, Malibu blend veggies, fruited gelatin. BINGO/CITY REP. Wednesday, Feb. 11: Sponsored Meal. Smoked sausage with sautéed peppers/onions, mac & cheese, stewed tomatoes, cake & ice cream. Thursday, Feb. 12: Lasagna, veggie bread, garlic bread, lemon lime dessert. BINGO/FOOT CLININC/BP Friday, Feb. 13: Breaded fish fillet, fried potatoes, coleslaw, pineapple cake. NO CARDS. Monday, Feb. 16: Garlic pork loin, boiled potatoes, green and gold bens, cherry cobbler. Tuesday, Feb. 17: Salad with SW dressing, Carnita Enchilada, Baja blend, fruit crisp. BINGO. Wednesday, Feb. 18: Chick- en Alfredo Pasta, broccoli, sherbet. Julia Andrews-West Entertainment. Thursday, Feb. 19: Baked pork chop/gravy, mashed potatoes, scalloped cabbage, blueberry bread pudding. BINGO. Friday, Feb. 20: Breaded fish fillet, baked potato, coleslaw, coconut pudding. CARDS. Monday, Feb. 23: Salisbury steak, parlsely noodles, dilled carrots, lemon dessert. Tuesday, Feb. 24: Chicken Cordon Bleu, sweet potato crunch, broccoli, cranberry apple crisp. BINGO. Wednesday, Feb. 25: Beef minute steak, Italian scalloped potato, corn, brownie pudding. 4TH GRADERS. Thursday, Feb. 26: Sweet & Sour Ribs, mini baker potatoes, buttered beets, buttermilk cookie. BINGO. Friday, Feb. 27: Cracker topped fish, mac & cheese, peas, ice cream with crunch topping. CARDS. SOLON BARBER SHOP MEN • WOMEN • CHILDREN No appointment needed, walk-ins welcome! T/TH/F 9-5:30 • Wed 9-7 • Sat - 8-12 128 E. MAIN ST. • 624-7224 REACH OVER 13,000 HOMES BY ADVERTISING IN NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY Lunch Buffet SOLON SENIOR ADVOCATES, INC. Proposed Senior Advocate Trips *Wednesday, Feb. 25: Circa 21 “Les Miserables” Thursday, March 19: Hoover Museum “America’s First Ladies” *Thursday, April 16: Mennonite Meal, Stringtown, Country Store *Wednesday, May 27: Circa 21 “The Sound of Music” Thursday, June 18: Paddle Boat/Grist Mill, Muscatine *Bus trips. All trips leave from Solon Recreation and Nature Area. If for some unseen reason you must cancel a trip and have already paid, a 48-hour notice is necessary in order to receive a refund. Call 6242710 or 430-8655 to register. Movie mini bus The Advocates have started a movie outing at Coral Ridge Mall on $5 Free Popcorn Tuesdays once a month or so, dependant on the movies being shown. We leave from the Solon Recreation and Nature Area at 11 a.m. to catch lunch at the mall. Movie start times are staggered between 1-1:45 p.m. but most let out around 3:30 p.m. Trip cost is $5. Please call 319624-2710 for more information. Thanks to Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick for sponsoring the January Old Gold Dining meal and for “powering up” the seniors with a short but sweet exercise regimen. Brian also spoke about the need to keep limber to help prevent falls and to keep seniors active. He provided copies of a several page exercise manual from a Maine Medical group. If anyone wishes a copy of this senior exercise manual please contact one of the Senior Advocates. Mini-bus available The Advocates also wish to extend an invitation to groups, individuals and organizations, not necessarily seniors, to request the use of the mini-bus for area day trips. The Senior Advocates will coordinate with the requesting party the organizing and scheduling of each trip and will provide volunteer drivers. For more information please call (319) 855-9797 or (319) 624-2710. We love to help you Rides Colleen Powers has offered to ferry seniors to appointments, errands, etc. Please call 319-631-3940 to check on availability and to schedule an appointment. Cans & Bottles A good way to help us with bus expenses is to take your cans and bottles to Bev Noskas’s garage at 221 N. Iowa St. in Solon to help us with our new BevMobile. Chores Dave Frisbie is taking calls to help with your household chores. Give him a ring at 319-624-6024 Art Tellin: 624-2824 or 855-9797 Don Burch: 624-4054 Carol Tobias: 351-6707 Larry Meister: 624-2516 Clayton Patterson: 624-3859 Jeanne Erhart: 624-3686 Sandy Hanson: 624-2710 or 430-8655 Barry Byrne: 319-354-8757 FEBRUARY Special XL 16” FREE CHEESE DRINK with PIZZA $ 99 LUNCH BUFFET 9 Smile Accepting New Patients Additional toppings $2 each Please mention coupon when ordering. Not valid with other coupons or specials. Expires 2/28/15. Family Friendly Caring Dentistry Digital X-Ray • Intra-Oral Camera • Root Canals DENTURES-BRIDGES-CROWNS Kristine Medin, DDS Dr. Medin is a U of I Graduate Extractions • General & Cosmetic Dentistry with 20 years of experience Children • Gum Disease • Bleaching • Zoom Whitening We Accept Delta Dental, Wellmark Blue Dental, Aetna, Cigna and MetLife. MC/Visa/Discover/Care Credit Accepted Medin Family Dental Open Wednesday and Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Call today for an appointment 624.3495 Corner of Hwy 1 and 5th Street in Solon Super Bowl Special ALL YOU CAN EAT DINE IN • CARRY OUT • DELIVERY 106 E. Main Street SOLON • 624-7000 OPEN 11:00 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK Valentineʼs Day + Flowers = LOVE Flowers, Chocolates, Gifts & More! Wings $1 Bud Light Pints Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant (just off Hwy 1 across from the car wash) A new wrinkle has been added to the Meal & Movie agenda. Each time a drawing for a $10 gift certificate to a local eatery will be conducted. Space allowance is 20 people so be sure and sign up early at Old Gold Dining or call 319-624-2710. Next scheduled Meal & Movie “Hyde Park on the Hudson,” will be Friday, Feb. 27, at the library. Senior Advocates: Thanks 0 5 . 6 $ $ .99 m p -2 m a 1 5 EVERYDAY 1 101 Windflower Ln., Solon Meal & Movie 319.624.2107 Delivery to ALL surrounding areas! DOZEN LONG STEM ROSES any color $69.99 DOZEN MEDIUM STEM ROSES any color $49.99 GARDEN MIX FRESH FLOWER BOUQUETS start at $35.00 WRAPPED MIXED BOUQUETS starting at $18.99 Green and Blooming Indoor Plants E’s Florals HWY 1 next to D.Q. • Solon • 624-3121 Let’s be Friends w w w. e s f l o r a l s . c o m advertise here in our next edition! call 624-2233 10 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 8 EDITION OF THE SOLON ECONOMIST Itʼs not so scary at the Teddy Bear Hospital AORN’S Teddy Bear Hospital informs public on role of OR nurses By Jen Moore Solon Economist SOLON-Standing at about six feet tall, the patient might have seemed just a little bit intimidating to the average kindergartener. But really, he was just a big teddy bear. Over 30 Solon area children, parents, and stuffed animals attended the Teddy Bear Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 8. The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) put on the event held at Lakeview Elementary. AORN’s Iowa City and Cedar Rapids chapter president, Rhonda Price, wanted to hold the hospital in conjunction with Perioperative Nurses Week to teach the public what, exactly, a perioperative nurse does. “[The OR is] an area where people can’t come in and observe because it’s Emily Gage checks the vitals on the patient at the Teddy Bear Hospital held at Lakeview Elementary on Saturday, Nov. 8. a locked down area,” Price said. “The question becomes, ‘how do you show it?’” She refers to operating room nurses as “the managers of the OR.” They are responsible for helping set up surgeries, recording patient information, and knowing everything about the equipment that will be used. Most surgeries include a scrub nurse, who helps select and hand utensils to the surgeon, and a circulating nurse, whose job is to observe the surgical process and assist in any way possible. “On TV they don’t really show the whole setup. Whenever they show a surgeon operating, there’s no nurse really there watching,” Price said. “When it comes to the public opinion on operating room nurses, there really isn’t one.” So, the Teddy Bear Hospital was designed to bridge that gap in knowledge between those in the medical field and the public. The first Teddy Bear Hospital was held last year at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UICH). Past president Julie Borneman decided to start the workshop after receiving suggestions through the AORN website. “We kind of made our own version by letting kids bring their favorite stuffed animals,” Borneman said. “We wanted to tailor the experience to the kids.” This year, Price and other members made the decision to move the hospital scenario to a school in order to allow more children to attend. Solon was selected due to its proximity to both Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. “We wanted a different area of the Corridor to experience it that maybe didn’t hear about it last year,” Borneman said. Area children and their stuffed animals attended a Teddy Bear Hospital at Lakeview Elementary on Saturday, Nov. 8. The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) put on the event to help teach children and parents about the roles of nurses in the operating room. (photos by Doug Lindner) Price, Borneman and about 10 other volunteers set up the school’s gymnasium to show the different stages of the surgical process. The first area represented the waiting area, where kids dressed themselves and their stuffed animals in surgical caps and masks. Once prepped, they moved into a mock operating room, where they had a chance to look at and touch the kinds of instruments used in surgeries. Nurses also used a giant teddy bear to show what happens as patients fall asleep and what kinds of machines they may be hooked up to. Finally, kids were brought into the recovery room where the stuffed animal patients got to reunite with their parents. “Kids can relate to the bears. They’re cuddly and it’s not a frightening thing,” Price said. “We had a few kids who were Teddy Bear Hosptial: Continued on page 20 NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 11 Solon library and Senior Advocates seek to create Single Seniors Info Group SOLON– The Solon Public Library and the Solon Senior Advocates are joining together to create a Single Seniors Info Group. The aim of the group will be to share information about a variety of subjects that are particular to seniors living alone. Personal finances, household issues, socialization, nutrition, mobility, relocating and downsizing are a few topics that may be discussed. Seniors with suggestions to help others who are experiencing particular issues are encouraged to participate. The first meeting will be held at 9 a.m. in the library community room on Wednesday, Feb. 18, with coffee and sweets. Future meeting times can be determined by the interest generated by this proposal. Many seniors have indicated interest in participating. If you are senior interested in sharing your knowledge or just looking for support, please contact us at 319-624-2710 or 319-624-2768 or join us on Feb. 18. Listening Post for Rep. Bobby Kaufmann Jan. 31 SOLON – On Saturday, Jan. 31, at 1 p.m., Representative Bobby Kaufmann will be at the Solon Public Library for a Listening Post visit. Come and hear a legislative update, ask questions, and share your concerns. The meeting is open to the public and all are invited to attend. Solon group seeking photos for new website SOLON– The Solon Economic Development Group (SEDG) is seeking photographs that capture the beauty of Solon and the surrounding area. SEDG is creating a new website for the general promotion of the community and needs photographs to help populate the site including the home page. SEDG is specifically seeking images capturing the natural beauty of the area, an example could include a landscape of fall foliage that includes a visual representation of an aspect of the community. If you are interested in seeing your photos online representing the Solon area, please contact SEDG President Doug Lindner by phone at 319-6242233, or via email at [email protected]. Nominations sought for veterans trail dedication IOWA CITY– Each year on Memorial Day, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Coralville Lake and the Johnson County Veterans organizations honor local military veterans who have served their country. The public is invited to nominate individuals, who meet the criteria, in order that they may be recognized for outstanding service in the United States Armed Services. Criteria for nominating a veteran to be honored are: (1) nominee must be a resident of Johnson County, lived a large portion of their life in Johnson County, or is a member of a Johnson County veteran’s organization; (2) must have been a member of the armed services and honorably discharged; (3) should be living and (4) should have been awarded a Purple Heart or higher commendation. The Veterans Trail is located at Coralville Lake and is a barrier free trail accessible to everyone. The various features along the trail are named for the 171 local veterans who have been honored since its dedication in 1989. Nomination forms can be obtained by calling the Coralville Lake Project office at 319-338-3543 ext. 6300 or e-mail [email protected]. Nomination forms must be received no later than March 1, in order to be considered for this year. Nomination forms can be mailed or sent via email. The mailing address is: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2850 Prairie Du Chien Rd. NE, Iowa City, IA 52240-7820 or by email to [email protected]. mil. Forms can also be dropped off at the office Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are now expanding our services in your area Top Ten Reasons to have us take care of your pest control needs: Chris Reynolds PEST CONTROL Commercial & Residential Need help with any of these pests, call Chris to help you out. Mice Roaches Bed Bugs Spiders Ants TERMITE INSPECTIONS TERMITE CONTROL 1. Locally owned and operated 2. State of Iowa Certified Technicians 3. Human and pet safe products 4. Affordable prices 5. Schedules that meet your time frames 6. Professional and courteous staff 7. Prompt service 8. Most advanced products in the industry 9. Continually education and training for our employees 10. 100% satisfaction for our customers COMING SOON TO YOUR HOME: Ants, Asian Beetles, Bees, Box Elder Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches, Crickets, Fleas, Mice, Spiders, Wasps and more. DENNY’S CAN GET RID OF THEM FOR YOU. Call Chris direct @ 319-826-4499 RULE THE JOBSITE WITH THE ALL-NEW ATLAS JSV FROM GRAVELY. This is no UTV. This is a Job Site Vehicle. The jobsite can be unforgiving. Unapologetic. It's a world unto itself, with its own rules, tools, and terrain. And that's why we built the Atlas JSV. From its MX-18 Job Box, to wide-spaced pedals for work boots, everything is designed for raw toughness. Class-leading payload and towing capacities. Available with either gas or diesel power. Available with one bench seat for three riders, or two seats for six riders. Available with nicely-finished cab enclosures. And it's a smooth-riding, quick-moving, mass-hauling workhorse. Worthy of the proven GRAVELY namebadge. Sales, parts, service, demos, trade-ins, and easy financing....all at City Tractor Co. CITY TRACTOR CO. 645 PENN CT Just off I-380 at Exit 4 North Liberty, IA 52317 319-665-6500 12 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY Solon Community School District 624-3401 SOLON TEACHER LEADERSHIP SYSTEM In October 2014, a committee of Solon teachers, administrators and parents submitted a grant application to the Iowa Department of Education in order to create a teacher leadership and compensation system. The goals of Iowa’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation System are: • Attract able and promising new teachers by offering competitive starting salaries and offering short-term and long-term professional development and leadership opportunities. • Retain effective teachers by providing enhanced career opportunities. • Promote collaboration by developing and supporting opportunities for teachers in schools and school districts statewide to learn from each other. • Reward professional growth and effective teaching by providing pathways for career CALENDAR REMINDERS Thursday, Feb. 5: Early Dismissal- 1:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5: High School Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4–7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12: Early Dismissal- 1:45 p.m Monday, Feb. 16: No School- Professional Development Day. Thursday, Feb. 19: Early Dismissal- 1:45 p.m Thursday, Feb. 26: Early Dismissal- 1:45 p.m DISTRICT INFORMATION Calendar Information Please visit the school’s website at www.solon. under the ‘Calendars’ tab for the online calendar listing all activities, times, and locations. Events may be changed so this calendar is updated as changes do occur. School Board Meetings The regular February meeting of the Solon Board of Education will be Monday, Feb. 9, at 6 p.m. in the High School Media Center. Violent Intruder Training during February In October, district staff participated in a half day of learning for adults in the area of emergency management. Follow-up ALICE trainings for staff facilitated by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office will be held at each building during several Thursday early dismissals in February. The trainings will take place beginning at 2 p.m. on Feb. 5 (Lakeview), Feb. 12 (Solon Middle School) and Feb. 26 (Solon High School). No students will be involved in any of these trainings. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate and is a useful strategy for everyone: law enforcement, schools, universities, hospitals, businesses, and places of worship. ALICE is in line with recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The goal of the ALICE program is to provide individuals with survival-enhancing options for those critical moments in the gap between when a violent situation begins and when law enforcement arrives on scene. MIDDLE SCHOOL Kindergarten Round-Up Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on Thursday, March 26. There will be two sessions to choose from: March 26, 2-3:25 p.m., or March 26, 4 -5:25 p.m. Sign up for Kindergarten Round-Up will be done online beginning Feb. 12. Children must turn five by September 15, 2015 to be eligible to enroll in Kindergarten and you will need to show your child’s birth certificate at the Kindergarten Round-Up. Please go to the website www.solon.k12. beginning Thursday, Feb. 12. • Click on the “Lakeview” link at the top of the District Home Page. • Click on the “Information” tab. • Click on “Kindergarten Round-Up”. Please keep in mind you will not get an automatic reply back once you leave your information on this site. You will receive an email with further instructions on March 12. Please check your email. On-line registrations are due March 12. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Lighty at (319) 624-3401, ext. 1290. Iowa Assessments All middle school students will be completing the Iowa Assessments during the week of Feb. 9. Senior Pictures Seniors, please turn in three photos to Kelly in the High School office by Feb. 1. All files can be either wallet-sized photos turned in to the office, or digital files emailed to [email protected]. They will be used in the following publications: 1. Yearbook 2. Class of 2015 Class Composite 3. Solon Economist for the graduation edition e en r Sign-up sheets are in the high school office or contact Pat Zimmerman at 319-4302105 for more information. Middle School Lock-in Dates The 5/6 grade lock-in will take place on Feb. 13 from 3:20 to 6 p.m. The 7/8 grade dance has been moved from Feb. 20 to Feb. 13 from 7 to 10 p.m. More information will be available on the school’s website. HIGH SCHOOL “Bringing in the G Juniors, seniors and their parents are needed to help make the carnival a success this again this year. All the money raised will be used for scholarships for the Solon graduating class of 2015. In December 2014, the district was notified it would receive nearly $400,000 annually beginning in the 2015-16 school year to implement a teacher leadership system. The district’s teacher leadership system will create approximately 25 supplemental and full-time teacher leadership roles. These roles include one instructional coach at each attendance center, one district-wide mentor coach for beginning teachers, approximately 14 professional partners to support teachers new to the district and approximately seven model teachers who regularly demonstrate exemplary instructional strategies to their peers. LAKEVIEW ELEMENTARY 2015 Solon Dollars for Scholars ‘Bringing in the Green’ Carnival March 2 The Solon Dollars for Scholars “Bringing in the Green” carnival will be held on Sunday, March 1, at the Lakeview large gym. opportunities that come with increased leadership responsibilities and involve increased compensation. • Improve student achievement by strengthening instruction. ” Sunday, March 1 1 until 4 p.m. carnival SMS Mini Dance Marathon Students and staff members participated in the third Annual Mini Dance Marathon on Friday, Jan. 23. All proceeds will be donated to the University of Iowa Dance Marathon. This is the 21st year that the U of I hosts a Dance Marathon. The Dance Marathon provides emotional and financial support for pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant patients and their families treated at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. We collected and donated over $2,090 “For The Kids.” Optimist essay contest entries due Feb. 13 The Optimist Club of Solon is pleased to again sponsor its annual essay contest that will run until Feb. 13. The contest is open to students under the age of 19 who have not yet graduated from high school. The theme for this 700-800 word essay contest is “Optimism Should be a Priority.” The winner of the local contest will have his or her essay sent on to enter further competition with the ultimate winner receiving a $2,500 college scholarship. English teacher Ivy Nielsen is coordinating the contest for the Optimist Club of Solon. She can be contacted for entry forms and more information at Solon High School at 319-624-3401, ext. 1138. NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 13 FINE ARTS Dorian Honor Choir Congratulations to Erika Bailey, Brittany Slusher, David Daugherty, Tyler Puettmann, Logan Chaloupka and Raiden Takeuchi who were selected to participate in the Dorian Honor Choir on Sunday, January 11th and Monday, January 12th. These students performed in concert with the Nordic Choir and combine with 1100 students from around the country. This is the largest known honor choir in the world! Meistersinger Honor Choir Congratulations to Erika Bailey, Jenna Roskopf, Raiden Takeuchi, Logan Chaloupka, Tyler Puettmann and Brittany Slusher who were selected to participate in the Meistersinger Honor Choir at Wartburg College on Saturday, January 24th. The honor choir featured guest clinician Rene Clausen, a highly performed American Choral composer and conductor. Students sang in select choir of 200 students from around the state along with the award-winning Wartburg Choir. Solon Dance Spectacular Friday, Feb. 13 \Solon Dynamite, the varsity dance team, presents its annual Dance Spectacular. It will be a night to celebrate dance and the team’s successful season. Admission is $5. Solon activity passes will be accepted. Bring a non-perishable food item for the Solon Food Panty and receive a free glow stick. Show shirts, concessions, jewelry and merchandise from E’s Florals will be offered for sale. Spectacular 2015 Friday, Feb. 13 7 p.m. Solon High School Jazz Competitions Solon High School’s Jazz Choirs “Premier,” “Mainstream,” “5th St. Jazz” and “Blame It On Our Youth” will begin their competition season on Monday, Feb.9, at State Contest in Solon. The groups move on to the Milikin Jazz Festival to perform on Feb. 21, and the Kirkwood Jazz Festival on Feb. 27. These are curricular ensembles made up of 12 to 16 singers plus a rhythm section and combo. They sing a variety of jazz charts and have been working diligently to learn the art of improvisation and scatting as well as embody various jazz concepts. Still time to attend Jazz Dinner/Concert! Last minute tickets are on sale for the annual Jazz Dinner Concert! The concert date is Sunday, Feb. 7, at St. Mary Catholic Church in Solon. The event includes a catered meal, student soloists and the 2015 premier performances of all four jazz choirs. Please contact the high school office at 319-624-3401 for ordering information. Notice of Open House The Solon Community School District will hold an open house at 1775 Racine Avenue on Monday, February 2nd from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. The open house is intended for people interested in bidding on the house located at 1775 Racine or any out buildings located on the property. Dance Team Earns Honors Congratulations to the Solon High School dance team. Alex Smith received grand champion honors for her “Bluebird” solo in the 11th-12th grade category. The team was given two superior ratings, two choreography honors and two technique honors for their jazz and pom routines. Great job dancers. (Contributed photo) Patrons with questions about the open house or bidding procedures should contact central office at 319-624-3401. Solon students knit and donate scarves Students from Solon spent the last three months in stitches. Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, Solon’s middle and high school students have been knitting and donating scarves to second graders at Jackson Elementary in Des Moines. This year, 71 scarves were shipped to Des Moines as a random act of kindness for those second graders who died on that fateful day. “I feel like students really enjoyed this project,” said seventh-grader Elly Schadler. “What hit me was that one scarf can make a child’s Christmas. Knowing that I helped make a child’s Christmas is pretty cool.”Originally, students wanted to send the scarves to students at Sandy Hook, but after hearing of the warehouses full of items being sent there, they decided to focus on an act of kindness closer to home. “It’s helping people who aren’t as lucky as I am, said Kellie Feldkamp, also a seventh grader. “I couldn’t imagine going to play in the snow without any warm gloves, a hat, or a scarf.” (Contributed photo) 14 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY SOLON CITY HALL newsletter 101 N. Iowa St. Telephone: 624-3755 Fax: 624-2122 CITY OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-4 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-5 p.m. SOLON PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS Best Books of 2014 Would you like to read some of the best books of 2014? These are just a few titles, on Amazon’s top picks list, that are available at the Solon Public Library. “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. “In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette,” by Hampton Sides. “Revival” by Stephen King. “The Book of Unknown Americans” by Cristina Henrquez. “Big Little Lies” by Liane Moriarty. “The Paying Guests” by Sarah Waters. “The Bone Clocks” by David Mitchell. “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd. Babygarten Babygarten helps to nurture the bond between caregiver and child, increase eye-hand coordination and develop body awareness. This rhythmic program will enrich your child’s life from the very beginning and provides an excellent foundation for the future. The next session of Babygarten will run March 6-April 10, Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Registration for this program will open on Feb. 2. Each session will feature music, board books and toys for children birth to 24 months. Blind Date with a Book In February, the library is featuring a “Blind Date with a Book” program. You will find wrapped books on shelves throughout the library. Take a chance, take your “blind date” home, and when you finish and return the book, drop your name in our monthly drawing at the circulation desk for extra prizes. The featured prize is a gift certificate to a local Solon restaurant. Friends of the Library used book sale It is time again for the annual used book sale sponsored by the Friends of the Solon Public Library. The Friends volunteers are currently sorting through over 2,000 books and media items for the sale on March 7. Sale hours will be 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Most of the material for the sale will be priced at 25¢. Funds raised by the Friends of the Solon Public Library are used to help sponsor the Summer Reading Program and the purchase of new material for the library. If you find you have an abundance of FILM CLIPS “The Paw Project” “Cowspiracy” “The Trip to Italy” “Live and Let Live” “Gone Girl” “Boyhood” “Love is Strange” “Snowpiercer” “Dinosaur 13” “God’s Not Dead” “When the Game Stands Tall” “The Equalizer” By Cami Rasmussen, City Administrator gently used books, DVDs, and/or puzzles, you should consider donating them to the library. All donations are tax-deductible and are either added to the library’s collection or given to the Friends of the Solon Public Library to be sold at their yearly book sale. When donating to the library, keep in mind that the Friends group cannot sell discarded library material so those items should be donated elsewhere. Thank you. Library Foundation Raffle Tickets are now available for a Solon Library Foundation raffle. Purchase a $5 ticket for a chance to win a $200 Kalahari gift card or a gift basket filled with other fabulous prizes. The drawing will be held March 1, just in time for spring break. Oscar Contest The Friends of the Solon Library are sponsoring their fifth annual Predict the Oscars Contest for the 87th annual Academy Awards. Entry forms will be available at the library. For more information, contact the library at 319-624-2678. Your Space The library has reserved the meeting room for teens in grades five and up on Tuesday afternoons following school. The meeting room is a place to stop for board games, a movie or conversation with friends. Light snacks are provided. This program was organized to provide space for teens to socialize, and at the same time, contain the energy and fun of this age group in a separate space from the rest of the library activities. “Your Space” is supervised by library staff and students are welcome to drop in. Meal and a Movie Meal and a Movie will be on Friday, Feb. 27, from 11 a.m-3 p.m.. The movie is free, but registration is required for the catered meal. Cost is $7.50 for an entrée, vegetable and dessert. The movie follows the meal and usually begins around noon. Call Sandra Hanson at 319624-2710 to register or sign up at Old Gold Dining. Dates to remember Storytime: Every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. for children ages 2 through 5. Join us for stories, songs, and a craft. LEGO Club: LEGO Club meets the first Monday of the month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Early-Out Feb. 5 Movie: “Planes: Fire and Rescue” rated PG 83 minutes. This program will run from 1:45 to 3:15 p.m. Early-Out Feb. 12: Craft: Valentine’s Day cards and crowns. This program will run from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. Early-Out Feb. 19 Movie: “Boxtrolls” rated PG 96 min minutes. This program will run from 1:45 to 3:15 p.m. Early-Out Feb. 26: LEGO. This program will run from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. Friends of the Library used book sale: March 7, with sale hours from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. WWW.SOLON-IOWA.COM WELCOMING NEW COUNCIL MEMBER MARK PRENTICE We would like to welcome a new addition to the City Council. Mark Prentice was appointed to the Solon City Council and was sworn in on Jan. 7. Mark submitted a letter of interest when a council vacancy was created with the resignation of Brad Kunkel who moved outside the city limits. Mark and his wife, Gwen, have two children and have lived in the Solon area for 22 years. Mark is a Sergeant Detective with the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office and will complete the council term through December 2015. URGENT SIDEWALK CLEARING The city is asking all residents to please examine their sidewalks to be sure they are cleared for safe passage. Solon ordinances require that sidewalks be cleared of snow and ice within 48 hours of the snow/ice event. This is very important for the safety of the kids and other pedestrians who utilize the sidewalks. SNOW EMERGENCY INFORMATION The City of Solon has a snow emergency policy in place to assist with street cleaning during times of expected heavy snow and/or blowing snow. When the city issues a snow emergency, all vehicles should be removed from the streets for the time period specified in the emergency notification. The only exception to the CITY UPDATE snow emergency parking regulations is applying for a winter parking permit that allows parking on the street during snow emergencies. The snow parking permits are granted when circumstances demonstrate that it is impossible or impractical to park off the street. You can now apply for a winter 2014-2015 snow parking permit at the City Hall located at 101 N. Iowa St. You must provide sufficient reason for receiving a permit and final issuance of a permit is determined by the Public Works Director. If you have any questions feel free to contact the City Office at 319-624-3755. STREETS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS, NO PARKING In areas where street parking is allowed, there is a 48-hour limit. Street storage is prohibited. No parking is allowed in the area between the sidewalk and the street known as the street right-of-way. PET LICENSES The 2015 Pet Licenses are now available at the City Hall. Cats and dogs must get a city license every year. Please bring in a current rabies vaccination certificate when you come in to license your pet. Licensing your pet will allow city staff to return your pet to your home if found running at large. CITY HALL The Solon City Hall is located 101 N. Iowa St. City Hall hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Water bill drop boxes are located in Sam’s Main Street Market and a drivethrough drop box is located next to the ATM in the Bridge Community Bank drivethrough. You can now pay your water bill with auto-withdrawal. For more information contact City Hall at 319-624-3755. For general information please visit the city’s website at SOLON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Zumba Fitness Classes Zumba classes are currently being held under the instruction of Kelsey Karsten. Zumba is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall basement of St. Mary Catholic Church through Feb. 19. Want to try the class? Walk-in rates are available at the door or you can use unused punches on your previously purchased punch card. Adult/Senior Fitness Class This class is currently being held under the instruction of Allison Lofthouse, a personal trainer at The Core in Iowa City. Adult Fitness is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the Solon Care Center Skilled Physical Therapy room through Feb. 26. This class uses a variety of dynamic exercises that increase strength, flexibility and endurance. It’s focused on the 55 and older group, but very adaptable to younger ages. Want to try the class? Walk-in rates are available at the door or you can use unused punches on your previously purchased punch card. Boys Basketball The third-sixth grade boys’ basketball program will be finishing up later in February. Little Tykes Basketball First and second grade boys and girls will be learning the basic fundamentals of basketball, proper sportsmanship, teamwork and most importantly, having fun! The Saturday morning program will be held at the Lakeview Elementary gym on Feb. 21, 28, and March 7! Registrations in February Spring soccer and junior/senior baseball and softball registrations will run from Feb. 6-Feb. 27. Check out the Solon Parks and Recreation Facebook page and website pages for more details. Registration forms will be in students’ Friday folders on Feb. 6. Free Family Movie The first “Movies in the Park” event was so successful, we’re going to do it more than once this year. The first one will be held on Friday, March 27, at St. Mary Parish Hall. Time and movie to be shown will be announced at a later date. A concession stand will be available. Mark your calendars! Be checking out the Solon Parks and Recreation Facebook page for a chance to provide input on the movie. NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 15 REPRINTED FROM THE JANUARY 22 EDITION OF THE SOLON ECONOMIST Tools to weather the gales of life Solon’s Dan Kramer wants to help people find their way By Lori Lindner Solon Economist I’m an includer, who values input and individualization. I gained this insight after taking a strength finder assessment, one of my homework assignments while working with life coach Dan Kramer. Kramer, of Solon, has been guiding clients through some of life’s most difficult transitions for about 10 years. He offered to let me go through his newly-developed program in exchange for offering my insights, real-time critique, and a write-up to let others know how the Dan Kramer Life Coach experience might help them. It began with identifying some fundamental truths about my personality, natural traits and innate talents. In the world of life coaching, personality assessments are often a starting point to understanding why we feel the things we feel and react the way we do to life’s sticky wickets. Turns out, I hesitate to make big decisions without asking others for their opinions. Before the test, I would have sworn I was more independent than that, since I admire those who are imaginative and original… the kind of people you want on your team for party games or at professional workshops when creativity scores the most points. I value freedom and spontaneity and art, and enjoy opportunities that invite thinking– and behaving– outside the box. Alas, my own strengths lie more in the realm of calculated risk and careful planning. I will find your outside-thebox ideas poignant and worthy of deep introspection before considering a number of possible actions. Purposeful, organized and detail-oriented, I require planning ahead, making a Plan B, and then Plan C for contingencies. I may have a goal in mind, but must first lay out every step before the journey even begins. I begrudgingly found the results of my strength test were spot-on, as were the results of the other tools Dan used to help me identify the core of my personality. Dan’s other survey-style assessments helped pinpoint the values and talents that would be useful in moving me toward my ultimate goal: determining a possible new career path as I enter the second half of my lifetime. Career changes are increasingly common in modern times. A recent report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows the average baby boomer held an average of 11.3 jobs between the ages 18 and 46. On average, the BLS also indicates, people change jobs about every five years. So it’s not unusual for me to have gone from a 17-year career in education to a 10-year position as a news editor and still think there might be yet another chapter to my occupation saga. Dan’s charge was to help me navigate that exploration. Or, more precisely as part of the Dan Kramer program– “Be the Authentic You and Enrich Your Life Now”– teach me how to captain my own ship through the journey that is life. Life coaches weave a lot of metaphors into their programs. Metaphors help us put intangible concepts– ethereal things like purpose, passion and authenticity– into human terms we can actually grasp. Would you rather be floating on a sea of uncertainty, tossed about by unexpected storms with no compass, or do you want a map showing your desired destination, be armed with tools to weather the gales, and take control of the vessel that will carry you there? (See how that works?) Catchy metaphors, personality color wheels and strength-finding surveys aside, the instruments a life coach uses are secondary to the exercises the coach and client will do over the course of their work together that can actually help put the past in perspective, articulate goals for the future, identify potential obstacles and develop strategies for overcoming them while moving forward in a way that aligns with one’s skills, values and dreams. It’s a very, very tall order, but if anybody feels up to the task, Dan Kramer certainly does. For starters, Dan’s enthusiasm knows no bounds. “The treasure I believe we are all part of is that of being fully present. It’s the idea that whatever my role is in life, I’m Life coach: Continued on page 19 Solon life coach Dan Kramer has developed his own program for helping others through difficult decisions in their lives. “Be the Authentic You and Enrich Your Life Now” helps teach individuals how to captain their own ship through the journey that is life. (contributed photo) Ely Gateway Rotary Club Chili & Chicken Soup Dinner Saturday, February 7th at the American Legion Hall in Ely from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Enjoy Great Chili & or Chicken Noodle Soup ENTERTAINMENT BY: Shima Country Sounds HUGE BAKE SALE Proceeds to support projects like: Prairie Edge K-12 & Alternative HS, PrairieWood Transition Center, & other community projects within the College Community School District. 50/50 Bingo • Door Prizes Enjoy a wonderful evening of food, fellowship, music & prizes Adults: $5.00. Kids under 5 free More info: Rebound from Injury Recovery Close to Home! Solon Therapy Center, for patients of all ages. Physical • Occupational • Speech Therapy Direct Entrance from Hwy. 1 South of Bridge Bank Call (319) 624-3492 to Schedule an Appointment Major Insurance Plans Accepted 16 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY Ely Expression 1570 Rowley Street, P.O. Box 248 Ely, Iowa 52227 CITY OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Ely Winter Farmers Market Visit the Ely Winter Farmers Market for a great variety of locally produced food and goodies in the library meeting room from 9 a.m. to noon on the following Saturdays: Feb. 7 and 21, March 14 and 28 and Apr 11 and 25. Contact Ali Alldredge at 319-848-2036 or email [email protected] if you are interested in being a vendor. Stop in at the Ely Winter Market in the library meeting room for the best in locally made goodies and sundries to brighten your winter. 848-4103 After Hours Emergency Only: 848-7603 Ely’s Community Garden The Board of Adjustment hears and decides requests for variance from zoning standards and approves or denies applications for special exceptions. The board only meets when needed. Interested candidates need to be an Ely resident and eligible, though not necessarily registered, to vote in Ely city elections to serve on this commission. Please contact City Hall at 319848-4103, via email to elycity@southslope. net, or fill out the application form available online at to let us know of your interest in helping the community by joining Ely’s Planning and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment. Do you want more (or any) space to grow your own fresh vegetables? If so, Ely’s community garden is your opportunity for more gardening space. Garden plots will be near Ely’s water tower on Jappa Road and awarded on a lottery basis. Gardeners need to follow Ely’s community garden rules. The city will not be responsible for the vagaries of gardening in a public place. Please contact City Hall by April 15 if you are interested in a patch of your own in Ely’s community garden. Youth Baseball Program Registration February 2 - March 6 Practice begins in April at Ely City Park. Uniform Try-On will be Monday, Feb. 23, from 6-8 p.m. and Thursday, March 5, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Prairie High School Study Hall. Games: Week of May 11-July 1. Games played at Ely City Park and College Community Campus. Cost: $70. T-ball players receive team shirt, pants and hat. Baseball players receive team shirt, hat, pants and socks. Registration forms for youth soccer and baseball are available at Ely City Hall or for download at Online registration at www.elyiowa. com will be available soon. Youth Soccer Program Registration January 26 - March 13 Youth Spring Soccer: ages four and five, registration: Jan. 26 - March 13. Players must be four or five years old by March 13 and the league is limited to 48 players. Cost is $30 for Ely residents and $35 for Non-Ely residents. Each player will receive a team shirt and ball. Activities will take place April 6-May 4 on Monday evenings from 6-6:45 p.m. Weather makeup, if necessary, will be on Thursday, May 7. There will be two weeks of practice and three weeks of games with all activities to be held at the Ely Community Center located at 1570 Rowley St. We need volunteers to enjoy a great opportunity to coach and otherwise have fun teaching the tykes about soccer and having fun with sports. Contact Stephanie Mai 319-361-5240 for more information. Brought to you by Ely Parks and Recreation Commission. 1595 Dows Street, Ely JANUARY 2015 Ely’s Board Of Adjustment Needs You T-Ball: Pre K-5 year olds/Kindergarten. Single A (Coach Pitch): first, second and skill-based third grade. Double A (Player Pitch): Skill-based third, fourth and fifth grade. Triple A (Player Pitch): sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade. All teams will participate in the Prairie Youth Baseball League. Ely Public Library Extending the Hoover Trail to Ely Community Center in 2015 (319) 848-7616 WZEd͛^E/',dKhdͳ VALENTINE’S PARTY FOR KIDS Is A Community, Cultural And Recreational Facility Feasible? The City Council is forming a committee to help answer just that question. Committee members will come up with the shared vision for what the Community, Cultural, and Recreational Facility (CCR) would be, estimate how much it is likely to cost to build and operate and communicate the information to the City Council for consideration. The committee will meet as often as they feel necessary to do the job and will work with the City Council and public. If you missed the November open house, come to the second introductory and planning open house at Ely City Hall at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, to learn more about a possible Community, Cultural and Recreational facility and how you can be part of the feasibility planning team. BABYGARTEN CLASSES Join us for Babygarten, a fun, exciting and informational program for infants, birth to 24 months, and their caregivers. Classes last about an hour and include a free play period for both babies and caregivers. Mark your calendar for our fourweek session beginning Feb. 6 at 9 a.m. Register for this free class online at or call 319-848-7616. LIBRARY SPACE PLANNING GRANT LOVE YOUR LIBRARY VALENTINE CONTEST YOUTH SERVICES LIBRARIAN OPENING Pick up your valentine vase at the library and use your own creativity to decorate it, and show us your love for EPL. Entries need to be submitted by Feb. 12 with judging to take place on Feb. 14. Gift card prizes to be awarded for first and second place. The Ely Public Library has an opening for a part-time Youth Services Librarian. In addition to general library duties, this employee will be responsible for, but not limited to, weekly story and toddler times, programming for professional learning days when College Community schools do not meet, a summer reading program, other seasonal programs and outreach to area day care facilities. This employee will also be responsible for the selection and maintenance of materials for children and young adults. A bachelor’s degree or higher is preferred but comparable experience working with children, particularly larger groups, will be considered. A more extensive job description as well as the employment application form can be found on our library website at Please email your cover letter, resume, contact information for three references and application to [email protected]. The position will remain open until filled, interviews to be scheduled after Jan. 31. EOE. STORY TIME Toddler story times are Mondays and preschool story times are Thursdays, both at 10 a.m. Our themes for preschool story time are as follows: Feb. 5 - Bundled Up; Feb. 12 - Valentine’s Day Party; Feb. 19 - Brush Your Teeth and Feb. 26 - 1,2,3,4. WINTER FAMILY READING PROGRAM Warm up your winter with our dragon themed reading program designed with the whole family in mind. Complete the individual reading challenges and participate in a family activity for each prize level. This reading program will run Jan. 1-Feb. 28, be sure to pick up your reading sheets at the library! SPRING BREAK ACTIVITIES We have lots in store for you during spring break week, March 16-20. Wii gaming, movies, crafting days and more. Be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, March 19, at 10 a.m. as Blank Park Zoo will be visiting and bringing along some critters to share. It is the duty of property and homeowners to keep sidewalks abutting your property clear of natural accumulations of snow and ice. Sidewalks need to be free of snow and ice within 24 hours of the precipitation. Our sidewalks will be safely cleared of snow and ice accumulations for our families, friends and visitors with everyone’s cooperation. Use USAgain To Recycle Clothes & Shoes You can leave clothes and shoes in the USAgain drop off bin at the corner of State and Rowley Streets by City Hall to recycle them for use by others. USAgain supports recycling by providing convenient bins for clothes and shoes. Highland Road is going to be resurfaced from just north of Hillcrest Street to Plainview Road. The City Council will request bids for both asphalt and concrete surfaces to determine which is the best option for longevity and lowest cost. We expect the work to start in early spring and to be complete before July 4. There will be a neighborhood open house to discuss the work to be done, project schedule and related topics at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19, at City Hall. We were awarded a grant from the State Library to work with Library Consultant George Lawson for library space planning. This planning is essential to make sure that EPL will be able to meet the current and future needs of our growing community. Feel free to stop in and chat with Sarah about this exciting opportunity! BLIND DATE WITH A BOOK A Reminder To Remove Snow And Ice From Sidewalks Highland Road is going to be resurfaced this spring Parents can enjoy a nice evening out while their children have fun at Ely Public Library (EPL). Friends of EPL will be hosting a Valentine’s Party for kids on Saturday, Feb.14, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. A supper will be served, a movie shown and other activities to keep your child entertained. Cost is $10 per child and space is limited, so be sure to register by Feb. 12. Please note this is for children ages 4 and up. This challenge is for young adults and adults and will be all February. Select a covered book from our display, fill out a short form giving the details of your “date” and be entered for some great prizes. Ely will extend the Hoover Nature Trail southward from Ely City Park to the Ely Community Center located at 1570 Rowley St. in 2015. Ely received a $199,700 grant from the Iowa Department of Transportation to help pay the cost of extending the trail to the Community Center. Ely will use Local Option Sales Tax money to provide the city’s required local match and pay the balance of the cost of the work. FREE YOGA AND TAI CHI CLASSES OFFERED Paula Bradway continues her morning yoga stretch on Thursdays at 8 a.m. Paula has several years experience with yoga with much to share. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel or yoga mat. Thomas Moore has 30 years experience with Tai Chi and looks forward to meeting you. His class will be offered Tuesdays at 8 a.m. Space is limited for all classes, so register by calling 319-848-7616. KNITTING & CROCHET CLASSES We continue to offer beginning knitting and crochet classes following the Farmers’ Market on Saturdays, Feb. 7 and 21, at 12:30 p.m. We will work together on a crochet dish cloth project in January. Details for this project will be on our Ely Public Library Ravelry group page found at All levels FOLLOW US - Keep informed of all the latest EPL events by checking out our website at ŽƌĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐƵƐŽŶ&ĂĐĞŬ͕ůŽŐŐĞƌ͕dǁŝƩĞƌ͕&ůŝĐŬƌŽƌWŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ͘>ŝŬĞƵƐŽŶ&ĂĐĞŬĂŶĚďĞĞŶƚĞƌĞĚƚŽǁŝŶĂŐŝŌĐĂƌĚ͊ News from American Legion Post #555 Fifth Grade Essay Contest The Ely American Legion has selected Emily Crumbo as the 2014 winner of the Fifth Grade Flag Essay Contest for the post. Emily is the daughter of Chris and Wendy Crumbo and attends Prairie Creek Elementary School. Emily’s essay is entered in the county and district competition taking place in February. Congratulations Emily and good luck in county and district competition. Valentine’s Day Dinner Are you looking for something special to do with your Valentine? The Ely American Legion is hosting a dinner\dance on Valentine’s Day at the Legion. A dinner will be followed by entertainment from Blue Scratch, an Iowa City band. Check out our website for more details or call 319-848-4764 for more information on reservations. Seating is limited, so get your reservations in soon. of experience, or no experience, are welcome to attend. Don’t feel like making a dish cloth? Stop by anyhow and socialize while working on your latest project. DONATIONS We would like to thank everyone who donated to the library last year. There were many memorials, donations of cash, books and miscellaneous material. Please ask if you would like a receipt for tax purposes. Thanks again, we appreciate you thinking of us. TRAVELING TALES We are excited to be offering our story time in a to-go format, available for day care providers and preschools at their location. For more information contact Sarah Sellon at 319-848-7616. SAVE THE DATE Gateway Rotary Blood Drive: Tuesday, March 3, from 4-8 p.m. Master Gardeners Series: mark your calendars now for Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in April for our next series of free classes, think spring. Topics to include: flowers hummingbirds love; ring my bells for coral bell; pretty poisons lurking in your garden; and container gardens. City Wide Garage Sale: start cleaning out your closets. The garage sale and used book sale are scheduled to be held on Saturday, May 2. SEED LENDING LIBRARY The Ely Seed Lending Library was founded in March of 2012 to promote the sharing of non-hybrid seeds within the Eastern Iowa Community. We plan to offer more educational classes on starting your seeds, other gardening care and tips, tomato tasting, garden tours, seed saving classes and more! To find out more contact [email protected] or visit www.ely. FRIENDS MEMBERSHIP We are looking for some good friends. Friends of the EPL help promote and support the library in a variety of ways. For more information, please contact Pat at [email protected]. Where else can you meet so many new friends and help the community? Join us today! LIBRARY HOURS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 17 NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY NEWS ROUNDUP NL seeks comments on topsoil requirements for developers NORTH LIBERTY– In February, the North Liberty Tree and Storm Water Advisory Board will discuss a requirement for topsoil in new construction and is seeking public comment. Currently, the state requires a minimum of four inches of topsoil be returned to a new construction site. However, in light of changes at the state level, the City of North Liberty is considering its own requirements to preserve topsoil. The advisory board will discuss a recommendation at a meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 11, in the city council chambers located at 1 Quail Creek Circle. Comments are welcome, in person, at the meeting and written comments may be submitted in advance. Comments can be mailed to the advisory board care of Tom Palmer, City of North Liberty, P.O. Box 77, North Liberty, IA 52317, or send via e-mail to: [email protected]. SHAREing is a good habit NORTH LIBERTY – We are sure you have heard more than enough about broken New Year’s resolutions. The media talks about healthier eating and diet strategies to sell product. Making a resolution to change habits is a good practice but we tend to overlook the simplest solutions when trying to change them. One practical step is to familiarize yourself with SHARE IOWA. SHARE is an easy way to incorporate healthier eating in your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. SHARE food packages can help tighten your food budget and save you money. SHARE will inspire you to reach out and help others as SHARE encourages you to give back to your community through volunteer services. North Liberty participants did 137 hours of community service in December. Take a few small steps forward and start working on turning your forgotten resolutions into good habits. SHARE’s best value package for February is the $25 package that includes a 12-ounce Cook’s Ham Medallions, a one pound chicken breast fillet, a 12-ounce Tyson fully cooked steak strips, a 17.5-ounce Trader Joe’s mini chicken tacos, a 9.6-ounce Tyson day start breakfast sausage links, a 16-ounce California blend frozen vegetables and a fresh seasonal assortment of produce. Our other packages are the Winter Pantry Box, the 24 shelf stable items, the breaded chicken tenders (made for Arby’s), salmon fillets individually quick frozen wrapped and the grilled fully-cooked burgers. Visit the website for prices and other packages. Orders can be placed at the website or by calling 800-344-1107; or call your local host site coordinator, Carmen, at 319-626-3455. Orders are due Feb. 6, or online by Feb. 8. Pick up for orders will be Feb. 21, between 10-11 a.m. at the North Liberty Community Center. Order forms may also be picked up at the North Liberty Community Library. SHARE is a not-for-profit program and no membership fees are required. and companies, representing various staffing sizes, as well as higher education career centers will share their experiences. Guided table discussions are also scheduled for the final twenty minutes of the event to answer specific company by company questions. RJ Holmes-Leopold, chair of the Higher Education Connection and Director of the Career and Civic Engagement Center at Cornell College, said internships are a win-win opportunity for education and business. “There are so many benefits for local employers and our students, and our offices are available to make the internship process as seamless as possible,” said Holmes-Leopold. The Higher Education Connection is a collaborative effort to engage college students with employers across Iowa’s Creative Corridor. Members of the HEC are Coe College, Cornell College, Kaplan University, Kirkwood Community College, Mt. Mercy University, the University of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance and Iowa City Area Development Group. Free “Internship How-To” employer breakfast Feb. 19 held at the South Slope Community Center CCA Kindergarten Round-up NORTH LIBERTY - A local consortium comprised of regional college and university career centers, along with the Iowa City Area Development (ICAD) Group and the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, invite local employers and area non-profit groups to attend a free presentation about establishing and maintaining successful internship programs. The “Internship How-To” breakfast will be Thursday, Feb. 19, from 8 - 9 a.m. at the South Slope Community Center located at 980 North Front Street. There is no cost to attend. To register, visit http:// RSVP deadline is Monday, Feb. 16. DaLayne Williamson, Director of Workforce Business Services for ICAD Group, says employers struggle with internship programs as part of their workforce pipeline. “Employers are sometimes challenged with how to implement an effective internship program that is beneficial to the student without burdening their current staff,” said Williamson. “This event will provide actionable information to help employers make internships a priority within their organizations.” The event includes an overview of internship programs, including how to work with college and university career centers, best practices and legal dosand-don’ts. A diverse panel of Corridor non-profits NORTH LIBERTY – All parents in the Clear Creek Amana School District who have children that will be five years old on or before Sept. 15, 2015 and are planning on sending their children to school in August of 2015 are asked to call the elementary school their child will be attending. If your child will be attending the new elementary in Tiffin, you should call Clear Creek Elementary in Oxford. If you reside in Iowa County, please call 319-6223255. If you reside in Johnson County, please call 319-828-4505 for Clear Creek Elementary or 319-6263950 for North Bend Elementary. If you are not sure which school attendance area your home is in, you may call any of the numbers for assistance in determining which school your child will be attending. If you know of someone who lives in the Clear Creek Amana School District that has a child who will be five years old by Sept. 15, please ask them to call the Clear Creek Elementary School at 319-828-4505, North Bend Elementary School at 319-626-3950 or the Amana Elementary School at 319-622-3255. Kindergarten Round Up for the Clear Creek Amana Community School District will be on Wednesday, March 25. More information about Kindergarten Round up will be mailed from the child’s future attendance center closer to that date. Heart: Continued from page 1 over in pain. She tried very hard not to resort to painkillers, but by the third week, the spasms were almost unbearable. And though the spasms faded, Hafner still never felt quite like her old self. She found herself tired all the time; even something as simple as walking up stairs or carrying groceries became a challenge for the active 47-year-old. “It kind of smacks you in the face that life is very precious,” Hafner said. “When you can’t do the simplest things, its hard to accept sometimes.” After her surgery, Hafner was put on the heart transplant recipient list, which required her to pass a full physical. Doctors tested her for a variety of diseases, including cancer and any genetic disorders. They checked her kidneys and even her teeth for any signs of health issues. During her visits to Mayo, they also checked for alcohol and nicotine. Any indication that she could be abusing her body could jeopardize her place on the list. Finally, they tested the pressures of her heart, which is used to rate where she would be placed on the list. The tests revealed that, other than her heart, Hafner was in almost perfect physical health, making her an excellent candidate for a transplant. After her LVAD surgery, Hafner had the option of going to the top of the transplant list– the coveted 1A spot– for 30 days. However, because she did so well with the surgery and felt so good, she held on to those days. She finally used them several months ago when her health began to decline again. But the heart didn’t come during that time. To keep her on the top of the list, her doctors put her on milrinone, a type of medication that helps strengthen heart contractions. Now, Hafner’s doctors have recommended that she transfer down to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., to go on a second medication while she waits for a heart. They feel that with the larger population there, the wait may be shorter. However, she will be required to live at the hospital for as long as she waits. Hafner wants to make the move now while she still feels somewhat healthy. She knows the longer the wait, the more likely her cheerful disposition will start to waver. “I think that’s why I did so well with the first surgery, I had a really positive attitude,” she said. “A positive attitude will get you way further than if you’re in a bad mood or have a bad attitude.” Should a heart become available, the ideal situation would be for both herself and the donor to already be at the hospital, though there is a three-to-four hour window of time available. Should “the call,”– the term used by those awaiting an organ– occur while she was at her home in Swisher, she arranged for an acquaintance to fly from Muscatine, pick her up, and get her to Rochester in about an hour. But the wait is only half the battle. Once a patient is notified, the transplant team still must test the organ to make sure it’s compatible and that the recipient is healthy enough to receive it. Hafner has heard stories of recipients getting excited when their call finally comes, only to learn something was wrong with the organ and the transplant couldn’t take place. That’s why Hafner so staunchly advocates for more people to become organ donors. Though signing up is a simple process, she feels people still have misconceptions. Hafner said every donation is truly treated like a gift. But at times, it’s been hard for her to wrap her head around the sacrifice this gift requires. “I don’t think you ever completely get over that. When the time does come, I hope that person had a good life,” she said. “I want to write to the family and have them see I’m doing good things, and that the heart is going to go on and do good for people.” Though Hafner said she won’t be sorry to leave the cold Iowa winters behind, she’ll be sad to say goodbye, at least for now, to the family she has created at Honey Creek Cottage. When she studied to be a nurse 10 years ago, geriatrics was her calling; specifically working with seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Hafner’s goal was to be a voice for those who are often discarded by society. “I wanted to work with elderly and really advocate for them and be their protector,” Hafner said. But even after becoming a nurse in an assisted living facility, she still found she didn’t have the time to really give patients the care they deserved. When the opportunity came eight years ago for her to start Honey Creek Cottage, it seemed like a dream come true. Now, she finally has the time and resources to devote to the individual care of those who need her most. “For me, I feel strongly that those people deserve one-on-one attention,” Hafner said. “They deserve to be talked to and loved and not forgotten.” But since her diagnosis, she’s left more duties to her staff as she was forced to concentrate on her own health, a task that didn’t come easy to the natural caregiver. Her residents have since turned into a makeshift family. Though she plans to video chat with them as much as possible when she’s in Florida, she still knows letting go will be one of the hardest parts about leaving. Luckily, she’s had the unwavering support of her husband, Mike, who has kept a watchful eye on her ever since her diagnosis. One of Hafner’s biggest issues was slowing down, especially with her work at Honey Creek Cottage. “We’ve had a number of talks about her pulling back,” Mike said. “She knows she needs to slow down.” Because they both work at Honey Creek Cottage, Hafner feels lucky that her husband is always there when she needs him. He drives her everywhere since she’s unable to drive and rarely leaves her side for more than a few hours. Though she’s grateful for his support, she’s excited for the day when he can finally go away for a weekend to fish or visit his brother and not have to worry about her. She’s also received support from the town of Swisher, for which she is incredibly grateful. Friends and neighbors often call to offer help around the house or at Honey Creek Cottage. After one visit to Rochester, she came home to find her lawn mowed and all of her weeds pulled in the yard. “The people in this town have offered so much. They do come out of the woodwork to help you,” Hafner said. With such support, she’s found it easier to maintain a positive outlook. During her visits to Mayo, she’s seen people in more dire straits than herself and is thankful she can still live a somewhat normal life. But she still looks forward to the day when she’ll finally have her old life back. “I am really looking forward to getting the heart because I just want to feel better and do the things I used to do,” Hafner said. “I can’t imagine how free I’m going to feel.” Those interested in becoming organ donors can register at ANOTHER SECRET MESSAGE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE SOLON ECONOMIST AND NORTH LIBERTY LEADER: WE’RE ALSO GOING TO BE ADDING A DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR BOTH PAPERS, AND WE’RE GOING TO MAKE SOME CHANGES TO OUR WEBSITE TO MAKE IT BETTER THAN IT IS, AND IT’S ALREADY PRETTY GOOD. PLUS, WE ALWAYS ANSWER OUR OWN PHONE. 18 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY County makes free tax preparation assistance available thru April 13 IOWA CITY– The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, which offers free tax preparation services to qualified lowand moderate-income individuals, will be offering clinics at several locations, days and times in Iowa City, Coralville and North Liberty through Monday, April 13. The VITA Tax Clinics provide trained student volunteer tax preparers from the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business to people who earned less than $53,000 in 2014. VITA volunteers assist families in filing for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a special tax benefit for working people who earn low or moderate incomes. Workers who qualify for the EITC and file a federal tax return may be eligible for a portion or all of the federal income tax that was taken out of their pay during the year. They may also receive additional cash back from the IRS. Workers whose earnings are too small to owe income tax may also be eligible for the EITC. Lynette Jacoby, Johnson County Social Services Coordinator, said that building awareness about the EITC and the VITA Tax Clinics is critical. “The IRS estimates that one out of five workers eligible for EITC do not claim it, leaving billions of unclaimed dollars each year,” Jacoby said. VITA Tax Clinics will be offered at the following locations (appointments are not necessary): 1/: 3 ƇŖƠ ŖÒċĬ þŖ AÚŮÚċþAì ŮiÒþÚiÚAþ Ůċ ŖŎƚÚi P ŎĬAÚŎ ċÒþ Ŏ !ċƜŎŖz 2ŎAiŮċŎŖ P 0êÚ 0ŮŎ ċAŎŖķ ~Ð~ĭėg /z 4þÚċŎöŖz 2ŎAÚþÚþÆz AìŮÒ -ìAþ 0öċê×Ŏķ 0AŮƇŎAƠŖ [Ơ ŎċŮAŮÚċþķ 2ċċìŖ /ŀƇÚŎķ 3= 3/ 3$/ "×čĨ¯ µS|čĨŎi īßβĞвĞŔŔ 1) Southeast Junior High, 2501 Bradford Dr., Iowa City; Sundays (1 to 4 p.m.), Feb. 15 and 22 and March 1 and 8. Interpreters available by appointment only. 2) Northwest Junior High, 1507 8th St., Coralville; Mondays (6 to 9 p.m.), Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23. Spanish interpreters are available at this site. 3) Garner Elementary, 80 Birch Ct., North Liberty; Mondays (6 to 9 p.m.), March 2, 9, 23 and 30. Interpreters available by appointment only. Healthcare enrollment assistance will also be available at the Saturday and Sunday VITA clinics at the Iowa City Public Library and Northwest Junior High clinics through Feb. 8. Jacoby anticipates that some may be surprised by the penalty assessed on their taxes for being uninsured. The penalty will increase for 2015. To schedule an interpreter or to request an interpreter for a language other than Spanish contact An Leonard at 319-3566090 at least 48 hours in advance. For more information on these free tax preparation sites, call the United Way toll-free at 2-1-1 or 1-866-469-2211 or visit the Johnson County website at Part-Time Delivery & Set-up Are you looking for a FUN and REWARDING CAREER? REM Iowa NOW HIRING ŝƌĞĐƚ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ^ƚĂī In our Brain Injury Programs in Mt. Vernon & Coralville $10/hour APPLY TODAY: Life to the fullest. Every day. $33,500 $38,900 $40,500 $41,000 $41,000 $59,900 $79,400 $89,900 Remax Corridor, Inc. 319.350.0798 Opportunity for great candidates to join an industry leading plastics manufacturing company. Centro, Inc. is North America’s largest custom rotational molder serving premier Original Equipment Manufacturers from multiple locations throughout the United States. We are growing and promote from within. Our North Liberty, Iowa, location has immediate openings for 2nd and 3rd shift medium-level industrial-labor positions using a wide variety of power and hand tools to finish and inspect products. Earn $14.45 to start with promotion opportunities and the potential to earn $16.25 at the end of 1 year. Centro offers a teamwork environment and great benefits. A pre-employment physical exam and drug screen is required. Career Benefits More Than a Paycheck! Centro’s generous benefits package will have you covered Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance (for Associates and Dependents) Tobacco-Free Health Premium Discount Flexible Spending Accounts (Medical and Dependent Care) Health Savings Account Vacation, Sick, Personal, and Holiday Paid Days Off Company-Provided Life Insurance Voluntary Life Insurance (for Associates and Dependents) Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance 401(k) Plan with Company Match Supplemental Health Insurance (for Associates and Dependents) Educational Assistance Associate Recruitment and Referral Cash Bonus Program Fitness Center Reimbursement Program Complete an application at ABBE, INC. AND AFFILIATES Are you interested in a career in helping others? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of older adults or people with mental health needs? Abbe, Inc. and its affiliates are looking for individuals interested in helping people thrive in a healthy community. 319-665-6500 .qēļǨǨǨûƝļûļƕ FULL-TIME, PART-TIME and ON-CALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Abbe Center for Community Mental Health: • Certified Medical Assistant • Transitional Living- AA degree preferred Penn Center, Inc.: TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED! • Direct Support Staff positions in our expanding community based services in Benton, Delaware, Jones and Linn counties. Shift differential for 3rd shift, weekend packages also available • Direct Support Staff positions in our hourly supported community living program in the Manchester area SCHNEIDER IS HIRING TRUCK DRIVERS Experienced drivers, new Class A CDL holders and owneroperators should apply ($6,000 tuition reimbursement available for recent grads) EOE M/F/D/V 0XOWLSOHZRUNFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVDYDLODEOH Consistent miles | Some drivers home daily RESPONSIBILITIES: WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝŶĚŝǀŝĚƵĂůƚŚĂƚĐĂŶŝŶƚĞƌĂĐƚǁŝƚŚŽŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞ customers and other team members with a smile and ƉŽƐŝƟǀĞĂƫƚƵĚĞ͘džĐĞůůĞŶƚƚĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞĂŶĚŝŶƚĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů skills are required, along with the ability to comprehend the ŶĞĞĚƐŽĨŵĞŵďĞƌĂŶĚƌĞƐƉŽŶĚĂĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐůLJ͘DƵƐƚďĞĂďůĞƚŽ adapt and accept the company culture, mission, vision, and ǀĂůƵĞƐ͘dĞĂŵŵĞŵďĞƌŵƵƐƚďĞĂďůĞƚŽǁŽƌŬŝŶĂĨĂƐƚƉĂĐĞĚ environment that is constant evolving; this requires the ĂďŝůŝƚLJƚŽŵƵůƟƚĂƐŬ͕ŵĞĞƚĚĞĂĚůŝŶĞƐ͕ĂŶĚĐƌĞĂƚĞƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ĨŽƌĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƐĂƐƚŚĞLJĂƌŝƐĞ͘ Pre-employment drug screen, criminal history background check, driving record check and valid Iowa driver’s license are required. Competitive wage. EOE. Applications available at: Abbe, Inc. 740 N. 15th Ave, Suite A • Hiawatha, IA 52233 Additional information available at: /ĨŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚ͕ƉůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚLJŽƵƌƌĞƐƵŵĞĂŶĚĂŶĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƵŶĚĂƚǁǁǁ͘ƐŽƵƚŚƐůŽƉĞ͘ĐŽŵͬĐŽŶƚĞŶƚͬĐĂƌĞĞƌƐ ƚŽũŽďƐΛƐŽƵƚŚƐůŽƉĞ͘ĐŽŵ • Cooks- must be available between 6 am-7 pm and every 3rd weekend • Direct Support Staff positions in our community based services, shift differential for 3rd shift, weekend packages also available DEDICATED, INTERMODAL AND TRUCKLOAD WORK Customer Service ZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟǀĞ ZYh/ZDEd^͗ ͻŽůůĞŐĞĚĞŐƌĞĞŽƌĞƋƵŝǀĂůĞŶƚĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐͬĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ͻďŝůŝƚLJƚŽǁŽƌŬŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚůLJĂŶĚŝŶĂƚĞĂŵĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ ͻ^ƚƌŽŶŐƉƌŽďůĞŵƐŽůǀŝŶŐƐŬŝůůƐ ͻŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ͕ƉŚŽŶĞ͕ĂŶĚƚLJƉŝŶŐƐŬŝůůƐ ͻĚĂƉƚĂďůĞƚŽĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌŶĞĞĚƐ͕ĐŽŶĐĞƌŶƐ͕ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝƚLJƚLJƉĞƐ ͻWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůĚƌĞƐƐ͕ĂƫƚƵĚĞ͕ĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝƚLJ ͻ&ŽůůŽǁĚŝƌĞĐƟŽŶ͕ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJƉŽůŝĐŝĞƐĂŶĚƉƌŽĐĞĚƵƌĞƐ͕ ƌƵůĞƐ͕ĂŶĚƌĞŐƵůĂƟŽŶƐ Equal ͻ^ĂůĞƐĂŶĚĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞŽƌŝĞŶƚĞĚ Employment ͻ^ƚƌŽŶŐǀĞƌďĂů͕ǁƌŝƩĞŶ͕ĂŶĚĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐŬŝůůƐ Opportunity Employer ͻĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůĚƵƟĞƐĂƐĂƐƐŝŐŶĞĚ Chatham Oaks, Inc.: Located in Iowa City UP TO $7,500 SIGN-ON BONUS | EARN UP TO $68,000/YEAR Apply online at Call Bryan at 515-344-9663 for more event information 1915 Meadow Place - Lot 17 1890 Rogers Creek Rd - Lot 28 1885 Rogers Creek Rd - Lot 10 1920 Meadowhill Pl - Lot 25 1900 Rogers Creek Rd - Lot 1 1935 Rogers Creek Rd - Lot 5 1730 Rogers Creek Rd Overlooks Pond Outlot A Rogers Creek Rd 4.75 acres Apply today, grow tomorrow. 645 Penn Ct. • North Liberty Feb. 2 | 4 - 8 pm Sleep Inn 485 Madison Ave. N | North Liberty Your Builder or Ours Now Hiring in North Liberty Product Inspector/Finishers CENTRO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Tractor Co. HIRING EVENT Available Now Spring is Just Around the Corner Terry Stone Broker Perform deliveries, set-up small machines, unload trucks, warehouse storage and other light shop and lot duties. Ideal for semi-retired who has basic knowledge of lawn equipment. $10,000 lease-on incentive for owner-operators Ely Lots For Sale NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY • FEBRUARY, 2015 • 19 Life coach: Continued from page 15 showing up and being the best I can be,” said Dan. “Wherever we are at today, how are we going to make life a ‘wow’ kind of experience?” Second, Dan has a goal of helping others embrace time for the precious, irreplaceable resource it is. He came by that realization himself through personal experience. Dan grew up in a household of 12 children, and in 2011, lost one of this brothers and a close friend suddenly. His personal losses and well-established Christian faith guided Dan to the life coaching profession. After much introspection about passing from this existence into eternity, his biggest concern was bringing with him a lifetime of regrets. “Whatever days, weeks, months or years we have 416 Serenity Ct., Solon left, how are we going to make a positive difference in that time? We all know time is going to go forward and not backward. We have to go from the present into the future. You can stay where you’ve been and not make any changes, or you can be open minded to making the changes that get you on the course you want to be on.” Further, Dan has made a goal to help others create lives without regret. “I want to inspire and motivate people to be everything they can be,” said Kramer. “The challenge is to live a balanced, meaningful and fulfilled life, rather than a life of chaos, and being more proactive than reactive.” Over the course of 10 years, he has developed and 3716 Cottage Reserve Rd., Solon Part-Time Clerk for Service Department Stunning 2-story on large private lot with wooded views. Better value than new, must see to appreciate quality and upgrades. Features include 4,054 finished sq ft, 5-Bed/3 ½ Bath, Main Floor Master Suite & In-Law Setup, Custom Cabinets and Woodwork, Huge Kitchen w/ Granite, Double Pantry & B-Bar, Oak & Tile Floors, Grand Foyer/Staircase with Bridge & Great Room, Walkout LL with Theatre/Workout Room, LL Shop/ Garden Room w/Double Doors, Large Storage Areas, Pella Windows, Deck & Patio, Fenced Yard and MORE!! $397,500 You will always be on vacation when you move into this solid 1-owner Ranch located in the exclusive Cottage Reserve Area at Lake Macbride. Enjoy partial lake views, mature trees, private dock & swimming area, nice yard and other amenities that come with owning a property in the Cottage Reserve. Efficient layout with parking in front and rear, Updated Kitchen, Stone Fireplace w/ Built-Ins, Wood Floors, Extra Kitchen in LL & more. Enjoy the lifestyle in one of the Corridor’s most sought after locations! $329,900 Clerical work involves customer care, warranty claims, telephone, and shop record keeping. Hours: 2pm-6pm Mon/Tu/Th/Fri and occasional Saturday fill-in. City Tractor Co. 645 Penn Ct. • North Liberty 319-665-6500 re-developed his life coach program to assist people going through major life events– divorce, loss of a loved one, retirement, employment changes, for example– to not just weather the storm, but to look it in the eye, be truthful with themselves in order to gain real insight, and emerge on the other side with reinforced strength, sound goals and renewed commitment to a brighter future. “This program is about learning the lessons of yesterday’s decisions, and then moving forward, getting connected to the authentic you, and capitalize on the amount of time you have to be alive. It’s really about living a life of passion and purpose. When I put that all together, it’s about creating a life plan package,” Dan said. He works one-on-one with individuals, and is available for speaking engagements and seminars. “In the world of coaching, it’s more of an action type of work, to help you clarify and identify where you are currently, where you’ve been in the past and where you want to be in the future,” Dan said. “That’s the exciting part about looking at the bigger picture, rather than just a snapshot, and how it can make a difference in our lives and the lives of those we love. It’s about making sustainable change.” As a life coach, Dan is not able to change the past, bestow sudden strength or alter a fundamental personality, but he can certainly point you toward the future, help find and fix the chinks in your boat, and push you off with a new set of tools to navigate rough waters. “I think we can live a life of more joy and happiness and have a more exciting journey if we plan as much as reasonably possible, be wiser and make better choices so we are living a more balanced life,” said Dan. “My job is to help people get there.” Now Hiring! EchoVision, a U.S. Cellular Authorized Agent in Lisbon, seeks applicants for Retail Sales, Full Time with $10/hr. Starting Wage. Open availability, outgoing personality, good communication skills, and a willingness to learn. Please submit cover letter and resume in-person or via mail to: 321 Novak Rd. Unit B, Lisbon, Iowa, 52253 Lisb Help Wanted The City Of Tiffin at 300 Railroad Street is taking applications for a person to clean city hall 2.5 hours a week for $10/hr. Please call 545-2572. Start date is February 2015. y a D s e n Valenti ’ s for ru Remembe Mount Vernon Confections has Several Sizes of Heart-shaped Gift Boxes. And fill it with chocolate truffles, covered nuts, solid chocolates, caramels and your love! Mount Vernon Confections Old School Shops 221 2 21 First St. NE • Downtown Mount Vernon non BEST ADVERTISING VALUE IN THE CORRIDOR! Hours: Tues-Sat 11 am - 5 pm 319.310.6399 • nojoco north johnson county Shop MountVernon A free community newspaper PUBLISHED MONTHLY nojoco IS MAILED TO OVER 14,000 HOMES IN: 117 1/2 First St. W. Mt. Vernon • 895-9977 Old Capitol Mall • 341-5799 North Liberty 8,255 • Solon 2,707 Ely 1,054 • Swisher/Shueyville 1,348 Art • Gifts • Frames • Cards Toys • Jewelry Journals • Pottery • Candles Tiffin 130 (newsracks) Oxford 80 (newsracks) One Stop Shopping 224 1st St. SW Mount Vernon march nojoco Advertising Deadline February 20, mailed on February 27 FOR AD PLACEMENT OR QUESTIONS CALL OR E-MAIL Jenny Maresh 319.624.2233 [email protected] The Perfect Blend Gift Shop First Brick Antiques 319-895-6862 319-895-0319 • Bean Pod Candles • Wood Wicks • Home & Garden Accessories • Willow Tree • Custom Framing • Walnut Ridge The Right Frame of Mind 105 1st St. W. • Mt. Vernon • 895-6372 20 • FEBRUARY, 2015 • NORTH JOHNSON COUNTY Practical Farmers of Iowa host beginning farmer retreat Feb. 6-7 AMES– Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI) will host its 2015 Next Generation Retreat from noon on Friday, Feb. 6, to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Celebration Farm near Iowa City. All beginning farmers are welcome to attend, regardless of age, farm enterprise, location or size. The first Practical Farmers Next Generation Retreat took place in 2009 and has been an annual event since. The two-day retreat has become a popular networking and business planning event to help beginners share and learn from each other and from experienced farmer speakers. The next generation retreat is part of Practical Farmers’ Beginning Farmer Programming that provides resources and opportunities to support beginning and aspiring Iowa farmers. Other beginning farmer programming offered by 319-363-0110 Cedar Rapids, IA BUILDINGS DEALER Call For Your Custom Quote Today! "SIMPLY BETTER BUILDINGS" • POST FRAME BUILDINGS • SOLID CORE EPS BUILDINGS • BARN RESTORATION • METAL & ASPHALT ROOFING WWW.ROBISON-CONSTRUCTION.COM hot spot Tattoo & Body Piercing body jewelry SELECT ITEMS ON CLEARANCE 800 2 ST. 500 E. • CORALVILLE • 319.339.TAT2 (8282) ND Practical Farmers includes: the Savings Incentive Program, Labor4Learning, Find-A-Farmer, beginning farmer field days, farminars, farm transition work and more. This year’s retreat will be led by the Solon-area trio who operate The Farming Institute: businessman, entrepreneur and farmland owner Dick Schwab, experienced farmer and mentor Susan Jutz and beginning farmer Kate Edwards. All are members of Practical Farmers of Iowa and will deliver a two-day values-based business planning workshop. Attendees will examine their current situation, values and beliefs to create realistic goals and an attainable business plan for their farm. The cost is $20 for PFI members and $40 for non-members, plus lodging. Registration fees include all materials and workshop costs, as well as lunch Friday, breakfast and lunch Saturday and snacks throughout. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish to share for the Friday night potluck. In addition to learning how to develop the business, beginning farmers will have the opportunity to meet some area experienced farmers at the social, the evening of Feb. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Celebration Farm, as well as other Iowa beginning farmers. Friends of PFI are welcome to bring a dish and attend, an RSVP is preferred, please email [email protected]. To register and obtain more information, visit on line or contact Steve Carlson at (515) 232-5661 or [email protected]. The deadline for registration is Jan. 30. Teddy Bear Hospital: Continued from page 10 going to have surgery soon after, and we hoped it helped them.” Price hopes that the positive reception will allow AORN to continue holding the Teddy Bear Hospital at local schools, possibly again in the spring during Nurses Week. “We just want to make the public more aware of us and what we do,” Price said. The Cedar Rapids-Iowa City chapter has close to 75 members, but nationally, about 41,000 nurses belong to the AORN. The non-profit plays a huge role in creating and upholding operating room standards across the country. In addition to these local events, the group also works to pass legislation pertaining to the OR. One of AORN’s biggest issues is trying to pass a Iowa bill that would make it a requirement for each patient to have his or her own circulating nurse during a surgery. Currently, some hospitals have nurses who observe several surgeries at once, increasing the risk of something going wrong. Though the UIHC does observe this 1:1 ratio, Price worries that if hospitals have to reduce operating costs, this may become an area that could see cutbacks. In the meantime, the AORN will continue to plan more informational events like the Teddy Bear Hospital. According to Price and Borneman, the most important part of being a perioperative nurse is simply letting the public know they are there as an advocate, should they need surgery. “One of the best parts is just the simple aspect of holding their hands as they go off to sleep,” Borneman said. “Most people won’t remember us but that doesn’t matter to us as long as we’ve provided excellent care.” Though the organization has no immediate plans for future events, they are considering holding more Teddy Bear Hospitals for private groups interested in learning about the operating room and its nurses. Nurse Sophia Courneya prepares surgical instruments and trays prior to the mock operation conducted as part of the Teddy Bear Hospital held by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) at Lakeview Elementary on Saturday, Nov. 8. (photos by Doug Lindner)
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