Call 916-965-7751 - Balanced Life Magazine


Call 916-965-7751 - Balanced Life Magazine
Balanced Life
Thoughts & Ponderings
Keeping Up With Changing Times
Barbara Williams
ou may have noticed on the cover, Balanced Life has
become a quarterly publication and instead of doing
two editions, one for North Central CA and one for
Sierra/Northern NV, we are doing one edition that
will be distributed in both areas. Going from a bi-monthly to a
quarterly is a plus for our advertisers, as our rates have stayed
the same and we are adding on additional distribution sites,
plus we will be taking the magazines to more Expos, Fairs and
Events. This issue will be at three of the Holistic Living Expos,
the Reno Psychic Fair, Healing Arts Festival, New Living Expo in
San Francisco and the Sacramento Earth Day Festival.
What prompted these changes? It is in response to the times
we are living in. Tom Lescher explains it well in his Astrology
article in this issue. What worked yesterday, isn’t working today.
Adjustments were needed and the decision to go quarterly
makes room for other projects. It will allow us to expand to offer additional online
advertising and devote more time to developing our Facebook
page, providing more items of interest to our readers.
The changes we are making with the magazine will also,
give us time for developing an idea that has been on the back
burner for years. It is, a site for the
promotion of self-published and under-promoted books and
their authors. This new site will be up by the end of February.
If you have a book to promote or know someone who has a
metaphysical, holistic or motivational book that needs more
exposure, please pass on this information and have them
contact us at the number given at the end of this article.
Although these are challenging times, they are also very
exciting times. It seems to be calling me to spend more time
with like-minded people, to offer support and to receive support
for expanding our dreams and giving birth to new visions. In
keeping with that thought, you may have noticed the ad on the
inside cover? It is for a workshop in Reno on Building Conscious
Balanced Life
Community through developing Weaver Groups. I’ve watched
the Reno Conscious Community grow since it’s conception, and
it is great to see that it has reached the point where it can be
duplicated, taught to others and taken to other communities to
weave a much larger web.
The Conscious Community is founded on the teachings of
Jesus, Gandhi and Dr A.T. Ariyaratne; it embraces universal
guiding principles and demonstrates how to apply them in the
real world. I invite you to read the ad, check out the website or
call for additional information and then, if it appeals to you,
join in to expand this concept into a broader movement.
Support is what seems to be needed. I’ve heard from many
who have lost money or lost a sense of security, that they
are rethinking what is really important to them. Many are
considering a new direction for their life or for their business.
I’m reminded that the Universe fills voids and that everything
that is falling away is leaving room to create anew. We have an
exciting opportunity to build a new dream and to truly follow
where our hearts lead. For me, it is about watching the thoughts
I choose to entertain and reminding myself that dead ends and
projects that fail to flourish have served the purpose of moving
me to a new vantage point.
Barbara ❊
Barbara Williams is the Editor of Balanced Life Magazine. For information
on submitting articles or about, email or
call the number listed below. Barbara is also a practicing Alchemical
Hypnotherapist, offering classes and private sessions that provide the tools
for tapping inner resources and guidance toward greater self-acceptance
and peace. Barbara is available for Past Life Regressions to access your
inner knowing and to gain a deeper sense of purpose. Call (916) 965-7751
or email [email protected]
(916) 965-7751
In This Issue of
Balanced Life…
Just Say "No" to the Naughty Chair............... 6
Fifth Agreement: Change the World............ 10
How to Intepret Dreams............................. 12
Nature's Bounty........................................ 14
Exercises for the Soul............................... 18
Profile On: Pineal Gland............................ 24
La Vida Tranquilista.................................. 26
Classified................................................. 28
Conscious Relationship............................. 30
Astrology Forecast..................................... 32
Movie Mystic............................................ 36
Calendar of Events.................................... 40
Alternative Perspectives: Hypothyroidism.... 46
Our Mission
Balanced Life magazine’s intention is to support and promote
those providing holistic health and wellness services. A conscious
choice resource for locating classes, workshops and events, aimed
at personal empowerment, spiritual growth and raising
environmental awareness. Balanced Life is a bimonthly
publication, distributed throughout North Central California and SIerra/
Northern Nevada and serves as a means of connecting the community.
The Staff
Holistic Promotions
Barbara Williams
[email protected]
Graphic Design
Clif and Amy Edwards / New Moon Graphics
[email protected]
Advertising Information
(916) 965-7751
[email protected]
Website Design & Maintenance
Photon.Net Web Development
[email protected]
Web Host
Recovery Counseling ~ Alchemical Hypnotherapy
Regression Therapy
Access Inner Knowing
To Release Limiting Beliefs
Past Life Regression
Individual Counseling
Group Sessions
[email protected]
Featured Contributors
Tom Lescher, Kami McBride,
Allan Hardman, Barbara Williams
Editorial Contributors
Amy Edwards, Judith Orloff, M.D., Kaitlyn Keyt,
Gerald Djuth, Kimberly Wilson, Stephen Simon
Mailing Address
Holistic Promotions - Balanced Life Magazine
8139 Sunset Ave, #182 - Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 965-7751 phone - (916) 966-0544 fax
Notice: The information presented in Balanced Life does not imply
endorsement of the services advertised. Our primary goal is to make
information available and provide a variety from which to choose.
Balanced Life makes no warranties as to accuracy of information
provided, or claims made by contributors or those who advertise their
services and products.
Balanced Life
Just Say “No” to the Naughty Chair
Amy Edwards
he use of time-outs as a form of discipline
must have become popular in the late 60s.
I make this assumption because it was
right around then that time-outs were rather
suddenly introduced into our household. My memory is
vivid – my brother on a stool facing one corner of our
family room, myself in a similar position in the opposite
corner. What thoughts were going through my mind as
the tick-tick-tick of the kitchen timer metered out our
punishment? Was I feeling bad about fighting with
my brother? Had I realized the error of my ways and
decided never to do it again? Nope. Rather, I was: a)
annoyed with my mother, b) plotting revenge against my brother,
and c) vowing to be much more clever next time so as to not get
caught! When the time-out was over, did I feel more calm and
inspired to be a better sister/daughter? No, I felt angry, isolated
and thwarted.
Time-out, while promoted as a gentle alternative
to harsher forms of discipline, can actually
do more long-term emotional damage than a
spanking. For many children, the withholding of
love and attention can feel considerably more
devastating than physical punishment.
The truth is: time-outs don’t work. If they
did, parents wouldn’t have to repeat them
over and over again. The “Naughty Chair”
technique, popularized by the TV reality program
Supernanny, takes the time-out strategy to an
even higher level of parent-inflicted emotional trauma. Although
the nannies on this show appear to extract amazing results from
the approach, the long-term effectiveness of this practice is
questionable. When you assert power or dominance of any kind
over a child, they feel disempowered. A disempowered child will
eventually become either overly rebellious or overly compliant.
What does a child learn from the experience of being made to
repeatedly sit in the Naughty Chair (besides a distinct loathing
for middle-aged British women who wear their hair in a bun)?
Eventually, he will learn to identify with the “naughty” label
and may forever carry a fundamental belief system that he is
inherently bad. Not a good set-up for an inspired and successful
So, what can be done to elicit acceptable behavior from our
children while supporting them to maintain a strong sense of
self-esteem and confidence? First, let’s get clear on the goal:
rather than focusing on “obedience”, perhaps a better objective
would be to raise “cooperative” children. What’s the difference?
An obedient child is well-behaved because she must be, because
she doesn’t feel she has a choice. A cooperative child behaves
well because she wants to, because she trusts and respects her
caretakers and is naturally compelled to contribute to a mutually
satisfying experience.
Make your relationship with your child the most important thing
and you will elicit cooperation. Put in the time and effort to build
a trusting and respectful relationship with your child. Believe in
him. Be committed to trusting him. Children need to know you will
be there to guide, teach and support them and, most importantly,
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 6
that you are on their side. If your child feels empowered, he won’t
need to try so hard to assert his power.
In order to really make this work, you’ve got to be willing to stop
what you are doing, abandon your own agenda, and take the time
to help your child understand why what she is doing is a problem.
Most often, when a young child “misbehaves”, it’s not from a
place of meanness or aggression. It’s because she doesn’t fully
understand the consequences of her actions or how her behavior
affects other people. By taking the time to talk about it and enlist
your child’s help in coming up with solutions, you help her develop
a sense of empathy and consideration for others.
Another important component for success is to remember to
check in with yourself, to look for a possible hidden agenda behind
your desire to “control” your child. When you feel the need to put
your child in a time-out, in reality, it may be YOU that needs a
time-out. Chances are, either your child’s behavior has triggered a
deep-seated emotional button for you, or you were already feeling
stressed out about something unrelated and are, therefore, not
in the appropriate state of mind to be patient with your child. Be
honest with yourself, take a breath, and get centered, before you
take action.
Admittedly, the methods I am suggesting do not constitute
an “easy fix”. Developing a relationship with your child that is
based on trust and respect takes a LOT of time and effort up
front (particularly if you’ve previously employed more coercive
parenting techniques.) However, if you stick with it consistently,
so you don’t lose your child’s trust, it will pay-off a thousand
fold as your child grows older and enters adolescence and
adulthood. With time, as your relationship with your child deepens
and trust is built, a solid foundation is formed, from which
everything is possible. ❊
Do you really know your child?
Maximize your parenting with clear insight into
your children: how they think, how they relate,
what they need, their special gifts and challenges,
and how to best support them to thrive and
blossom into happy fulfilled adults.
(Expires April 30, 2010)
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Amy Edwards is a Parenting Coach, applying the principles
of Attachment Parenting, Consensual Living and Astrology to help
parents attain authentic and respectful relationships with their
children and families. Visit or call
(916) 212-5501 for a free 15-minute consultation
One-hour sessions
by phone or in person
Call for a free 15 min. consultation
Balanced Life
On the Cover:
Article Submission Guidelines
Balanced Life magazine accepts article submissions of 450
A visionary artist working predominately in the theme
of mandalas, Bryon Allen creates artwork that inspires
and uplifts the spirit, and affirms peace, well-being and
ecological balance in the world. Bryon's artwork is available
in a wide range of products, and is sold through gift-shops
and boutiques around the world, or by contacting him
directly: 800/344-8072 or
Is your website
working for you?
Let us help you stand out.
to 750 words for review on any topic of the author's choosing, the guiding intention being that it be educational and/
or inspirational in nature. We do not print press releases
or articles which are self-promotional or promoting of any
one product, practitioner or event. No cash payment is
offered for articles printed, although authors may include
a 60-word Bio, with contact information, which will be included at the end of the article. Balanced Life advertisers
receive priority consideration. Email article submissions
to: [email protected]
Cover Art Submission Guidelines
We will gladly consider any and all art for future covers
of Balanced Life magazine. Send a high-res digital file to
[email protected]. Art with a spiritual
theme or feel is most preferred. Our advertisers receive
priority consideration.
The Average Balanced Life Reader…
• attends workshops and classes which will expand
their awareness,
• looks first to natural health remedies and
• lives a healthy lifestyle, which includes
a form of exercise or martial arts,
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• pursues some form of meditation or
spiritual practice,
• buys natural food and planet-friendly products,
• recycles and is environmentally conscious,
• and does research on the internet.
Find Us & Become A Fan On
(916) 965-7751
Aura Cameras
Tarot and Runes
Chakra Balancing
Medicine Cards
Hand Analysis
Touch Drawing
Gems and Stones
Herbal Remedies
Energetic Testing
Light Therapy
…and more!
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with Ad
*$1.00 off adult ticket. Can not be
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Expand your possibilities of thought and energy, from ancient healing
sciences to bodywork to meditation. Learn how music soothes and heals,
how aromas calm, how astrology and intuition guides, how crystals
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Keynote Speaker: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Allan Hardman
“Passionate About Relationships!”
Allan Hardman is a Toltec Master, trained in the lineage of Miguel Ruiz and "The Four
Agreements." He is an expert on relationships of all kinds, and shares his passion with
enthusiasm and love. Allan is the author of "The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book," and
teaches the Toltec path to personal freedom throughout the world. He divides his time
between his winter home at the beach in Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico and his summer home
in Santa Rosa, CA. We are delighted Allan is returning to share his wisdom with us once
again at this Healing Arts Festival. Make sure you are there for the day, and for this
inspiring talk.
Other sessions will include:
Gerald Djuth
John Deveraux
Lyn and Linda
Carrie Meyer
Diana Harter & Jared Brech
Kaitlyn Keyt
Joseph Ernest Martin
Suzanne Schaff
Acupuncture For Your Energetic Body
Connecting to Your Spirit Guides and The Spirit World
Hand and Handwriting Analysis
The Third Chakra: Who am I now?
Trusting Your Truth
Vibrations- Free Vibe Bracelet for all attendees
The Quest Tarot
Xocai Healthy Chocolate! (raw cacao and acai)
Check our website for more speakers and times
Sunday, March 28th • 10 am to 5 pm
Doubletree Hotel Sacramento
Point West Way across from Arden Fair Mall
$4 Admission / $3 Seniors & Teens
For more info: (916) 202-6962 or
Balanced Life
Help Me to Change the World
by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz with Janet Mills
invite you to participate in a new dream for humanity, one
in which all of us can live in harmony, truth, and love. In
this dream, people of all religions and all philosophies are
not just welcome, but respected. It doesn’t matter whether
you believe in Christ, Moses, Allah, Brahma, Buddha, or any other
being or master; everybody is welcome to share this dream. Each
one of us has our own beliefs, our own point of view. There are
billions of different points of view, but it’s the same light, the
same force of life behind each one of us.
If you feel the truth in these words, then I invite you to open your
heart and help me to change the world. Of course, the very first
question is: How are you going to change the world? The answer is
easy. By changing your world. When I ask you to help me to change
the world, I’m not talking about planet Earth. I’m referring to the
world that exists in your head. You will not change the world if you
don’t change your own
world first. The change
begins with you. You
will change the world
by loving yourself, by
enjoying life, by making
your personal world a
dream of heaven. And
I ask you for your help
because you are the
only one who can
make this change.
If you decide that you want to help me change the world, the
easiest way is by practicing five agreements: Be impeccable
with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make
assumptions. Always do your best. Be skeptical, but learn
to listen. These are the tools to change your world, to change
the world, and they are nothing but pure common sense. If you
practice these five agreements, if you make them your way of
life, there won’t be any more war in your head. There won’t be any
more war with your loved ones. There will be peace.
You deliver a message every time you speak. The question is:
do you deliver the truth, or do you deliver lies? When the message
you deliver comes from truth and love, you are happier. And
just by being happier, everyone benefits because your joy, your
happiness, your heaven are contagious. When you are happy, the
people around you are happy too, and it inspires them to change
their own world.
We represent a whole legacy, and when I say “we,” I’m speaking
for all humans. Our legacy is love; it’s joy; it’s happiness. Let’s
enjoy this world. Let’s enjoy one another. We are meant to love
one another, not to hate one another. Let’s stop believing that our
differences make us superior or inferior to one another. Let’s not
believe that lie. Let’s not be afraid that our different colors make
us different people. Who cares? It’s just another lie. We don’t
have to believe all the lies and superstitions that control our
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis since 1984
$100.00 off tuition
for Balanced Life readers
…continued from Page 10
lives. We can return to the truth, and be messengers of truth. We
can change our whole way of thinking, and have a wonderful love
affair with life. It’s incredible what we can do if we really want
to do it. All we need is to be aware of what we are doing, and to
return to the authenticity we were born with.
Help me to change the world is an invitation to be authentic,
to follow your heart, to be free of superstitions and lies. And I’m
not asking you to try to change the world. Don’t try; just do it. Take
the action today. By adopting the Five Agreements, you will create
peace in your head, in your own world, and thereby help to create
peace in the entire world. ❊
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David Quigley
Founder and Director
DON MIGUEL RUIZ For nearly three decades, don Miguel
Ruiz has shared his unique blend of ancient wisdom and
modern-day awareness through lectures, workshops, and journeys
to sacred sites around the world. Sales of his books have soared
to more than seven million copies in the United States alone, and
have been translated into more than 30 languages worldwide.
DON JOSE RUIZ In the tradition of his ancestors, don Jose Ruiz has
dedicated his life to sharing the teachings of the ancient Toltec. For the past
seven years, he has been lecturing and leading classes across the United
States, and at sacred sites around the world.
© Miguel Angel Ruiz, M.D., Jose Luis Ruiz, and Janet Mills Reprinted by
Permission of Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc., San Rafael, California
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Balanced Life
How To Remember and Interpret
Adapted from Second Sight by Judith Orloff, MD
t different times in my life, I am a physician, a teacher,
a friend and an author, but being a dreamer is what
I value the most. Whatever I am doing, I always hear
my dreams echoing in a distant underground chamber
beneath my thoughts and feelings, attuned to the rhythms of my
body and the very substance of the earth. They are my compass
and my truth; they guide me and link me to the Divine. They call
out to me in an intimate whisper, always knowing how to find me.
They speak my real name.
For me, dreaming is a direct line to a place where magic
abounds and nothing is without meaning. It is a pristine state of
awareness, unpolluted and clear. Direct guidance for healing lies
in our dreams, the natural territory of intuition. Here, time and
space are non-existent and anything is possible. Like a blank,
Celebrate the New Edition of
Second Sight by Dr. Judith Orloff
MARCH 10, 2010
Borders Books
Westwood, CA
You are in partnership with your dreams. Initiate an ongoing
dialogue with them. It's like consulting the wisest doctor you
can imagine who knows you inside out. You can ask your dreams
anything. No question is trivial if it is meaningful to you. Expect
answers. Some will be direct. Others may require interpretation.
Your dreams can reveal many truths about your life. They can
provide extraordinary intuitive insights, and give you information
that can help your health, love life and career. You'd be surprised
at the straightforward advice that your dreams give, either
spontaneously or on request.
Dreams can keep you well. Dreams provide answers. But first
you must retrieve them. Here are my four strategies to help you
remember your dreams:
• Keep a journal and pen by your bed.
• Write a question on a piece of paper before you go to sleep.
Formalize your request. Place it on a table beside your bed or
under your pillow.
• In the morning do not wake up too fast. Stay under the covers
for at least a few minutes remembering your dream. Luxuriate in
a peaceful feeling between sleep and waking, what scientists call
the hypnagogic state. Those initial moments provide a doorway.
MARCH 21, 2010
Ventura Church
of Religious Science
Ventura, California
Enroll at
MARCH 25, 2010, 7PM
Mystic Journey Bookstore
Venice, California
white canvas, our dream world is a spacious medium where
intuition can freely express itself. We have only to listen.
• Open your eyes. Write down your dream immediately;
otherwise it will evaporate. You may recall a face, object, color,
or scenario, feel an emotion. It doesn't matter if it makes perfect
sense, or if you retrieve a single image or many. Record everything
you remember.
AVA I L A B L E M A RC H 2 , 2 0 1 0
When you're finished, refocus on the question you asked the
previous night. See how your dream applies. One, two, or more
impressions about the who/what/where of your solution may have
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 12
surfaced. Get in the habit of recording your dreams regularly.
Be assured I've never met anyone who can't be taught how to
remember. Keep at it. Remember to practice. Soon it will become
second nature to you!
In addition to the practical aspects of remembering dreams,
there's an intuitive level to understanding dreams. Reliable
intuitive information stands out in very specific ways. Watch for
these clues:
• Statements that simply convey information
• Neutral segments that evoke or convey no emotion
• A detached feeling, like you're a witness watching a scene
• A voice or person counseling you, as if you're taking dictation
from an outside source
• Conversations with people you never met before who give
I've found that my most dead-on intuitions either come across
as compassionate or have no emotion at all. Develop a careful
eye as you practice separating the content of your dreams from
your reactions to it. Soon you'll be able to tell the difference
between unreliable guidance and truly reliable guidance.
Be aware that your dreams go by different rules than your
waking life. Get ready for a mind shift. Physical laws no longer
apply. Gravity changes. In dreams you can fly! ❊
Judith Orloff, M.D is author of the new updated bestseller Second
Sight, an inspiring and controversial memoir about coming to terms
with her intuitive gifts, upon which this article is based. Her other books are
Emotional Freedom, Guide to Intuitive Healing, and Positive Energy.
She is assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and an international
workshop leader. For more information about new updated edition of Second
Sight and Dr. Orloff’s books and workshops visit
Visit site for upcoming Author Talks and Book Signings.
Balanced Life
Nature's Bounty
Herbal Teas
Kami McBride
here are many wonderful herbal teas that are refreshing,
nourishing and tonifying, that also taste good. The Earth
provides us with flowers, leaves and roots that are high
in vitamins and minerals and help us feel good. It
seems that we have forgotten these gifts as we slug down high
sugar drinks and carbonated sodas that leech important minerals
such as magnesium from the body. The average American teenage
male drinks almost 700 sodas a year with each soda containing
the equivalent of several teaspoons of sugar. Most people know
that sodas are unhealthy but with the warmer spring weather,
drinking a couple sodas a day is easy to do. There is no nutritional
value in a soda and the sugar, carbon, and coloring agents are
just one more thing that the body has to de-toxify from our system.
There are several herbal soda products available now but most
of them still contain a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup,
read the labels on your drinks, you will be amazed. With a little
education and change of habit we can begin drinking things that
taste good and are good for us! Bring herbal teas into your life!
Your body will love you.
Herbal teas that are quick, easy, readily available, and taste
good are: peppermint, spearmint rosemary, lemon balm, lemon
verbena, lavender, hibiscus, lemongrass, rose hips, calendula
flowers, rose petals, chamomile, elder flowers and fennel seeds.
Begin by making an herbal tea with one herb or a combination
of two or three herbs. To make an herbal tea, add one tablespoon
of dried herb for every cup of water used. If the recipe calls for one
quart of tea, use one quart of water and a total of four tablespoons
of herbs. Put the water and herbs in a pot with the lid on, bring to
a boil, turn off the heat and let the herbs steep for one hour. Strain
out the herbs and re-heat or chill the tea. You can also make sun
tea by putting the herbs and water into a glass mason jar and let
it sit in the sun for four hours. After you make the tea, use any
combination of fruit, fruit juice, seltzer water, honey, maple syrup,
stevia extract or honey to sweeten your tea. Fresh fruits can be
squeezed or mashed and frozen as a convenient ingredient to
liven up an herbal tea. Here are a few recipes to get started with.
Lavender Lemonade
2 quarts lavender tea
1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
½ cup honey
Elder Flower Fizz
2 cups elder flower tea
1 cup sparkling mineral water
¼ cup maple syrup
Ginger Spearmint Lemonade
1 quart spearmint tea
1 quart lemonade
1 quart sparkling mineral water
5 large slices of fresh ginger root
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
Value Wise Shopping Consultant
…continued from Page 14
Hibiscus Cooler
2 quarts hibiscus tea
1 cup cinnamon bark tea
1/4 teaspoon of Stevia extract
Rosemary Ginger Ale
1 quart rosemary tea
1/4 cup fresh ginger juice
(Put fresh ginger root through a champion juicer)
3 tablespoons honey
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Financial & Healthy Living Consulting
Vitamin C Thirst Quencher
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2 quarts hibiscus, rose hip, and lemongrass tea
½ cup organic berry fruit juice
Apple Spearmint Pleasure
1 quart spearmint tea
3 freshly juiced apples
¼ cup fresh juiced ginger root
1 tablespoon honey
Herbal Spice
The possibilities are endless! Experiment, you may have
access to different herbs and fruits than the ones listed
here. To save time you can make larger quantities of any of
the above drinks and store them in a Mason jar in the freezer
for several months. These drinks taste good, are good for you,
and within a year of making your own drinks, you will have
saved enough money to buy yourself a vacation plane ticket!
Do your body and your pocketbook a favor, start creating your
own healthy herbal drinks. ❊
1 quart orange peel, cinnamon, cardamom, sarsaparilla root tea
2 cups apple cider
2 tablespoons honey
Kami McBride has helped thousands of people learn to use herbs in
their daily lives in ways that are healthy, safe and fun. She is the director
of Cultivating the Herbal Medicine Woman Within, an experiential
training in using herbs in the home for everyday health. An intuitive and
inspiring teacher, Kami works to revive the cultural art of home herbal
care and teaches herbology as a relationship with the Earth and a way
of life. For a schedule of classes or herbal consultations Kami can be
reached at (707) 446-1290 or sign up for her free herbal e-newsletter at:
Balanced Life
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Balanced Life
Inspirational Corner
101 Exercises for the Soul
Dr. Bernie Siegel
The following is an excerpt from 101 Exercises for the Soul:
Simple Practices for a Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit by Bernie
Siegel, which provides simple exercises for the soul, a divine plan
for healing yourself and transforming your life. Here’s a sampling
of the guidance and wisdom he lovingly offers:
Exercise 29: Let Your Heart Decide
Questions & Answers
Sometimes we get into a rut and find ourselves constantly tired
or depressed, so that even taking time off or resting doesn’t seem
to change the way we feel. The reason is that we have stopped
paying attention to our feelings and are no longer listening to our
heart. Our inner child wants to be heard and do what makes it
happy; it wants to burn up its energy and not burn out.
For this exercise, you will need to meditate. Find a quiet place
where you will not be disturbed so you can relax and listen to your
inner voice. When comfortable,
begin by taking deep breaths;
focus on the motion of your
chest and completely relax.
Ask these questions of your
heart: What do you love to do?
What do you want to do today?
Now open your treasure chest
and listen to the answers.
Be open to whatever your
feelings tell you. If you need
help to accomplish what your
heart tells you to do, ask for spiritual direction, too. Your answers
will be revealed by how your heart feels, not what your mind
thinks. It may tell you things that surprise you, so be ready to
begin the journey of transformation.
Exercise 44: Give Compliments
Say Something Nice
If you want to lift people off the ground — compliment them.
Compliments are the helium that fills everyone’s balloon; they
elevate the person receiving them so he or she can fly over life’s
troubles and land safely on the other side, to be received with
open arms.
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When you motivate others with words of kindness, you will
receive a surge of creative energy, too. I am not talking about
giving false compliments to make someone feel better; I am
talking about giving people the en-couragement to face a
challenge rather than submit to their fears. If someone you love
is singing or performing in any way, your kind words can inspire
the person to share his or her talents with the world. Sometimes
it is the small things in life that truly help us to feel empowered.
For this exercise, dedicate at least one week to giving out three
genuine compliments a day, and watch how this changes the level
of enthusiasm you feel toward yourself and others.
I carry pins with me that say “You Make a Difference” and
give them to people I see acting in a way that is life-enhancing.
Recently at the grocery store, I gave an employee a card I received
as a valued customer. The card said she was special, and her
smile rewarded me.
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 18
Also, remember to say thank you when compliments are sent
your way. When we circulate our thanks and our compliments, the
world becomes a better place.
Exercise 44: What Are You Afraid Of?
Experience Fear & Embrace It
Face and embrace what you fear and it will become smaller.
When you confront fear, the monster that seems to be threatening
you will become a little lizard. But if you keep running, the
monster will never cease chasing you. Don’t wait for a lifethreatening illness to give yourself permission to take a chance
and face your fears.
For this exercise, think of something you have always feared
doing and do it. This could be something you’ve always wanted
to do but were afraid to fail at — such as a sport like skiing or
an activity like singing in public — or it could be something that
directly addresses a phobia. If you are afraid of heights, then
skydive, ride a roller coaster, or fly in a small plane. If you are
agoraphobic, just going out in public might be a heroic act.
Once you’ve decided what it is you will do, first take the time
to visualize yourself doing the event successfully and fearlessly.
See yourself taking part in this activity comfortably. Some relaxing
music in the background can help. As you see things occurring,
experience the feelings that come to your awareness. At the end
of the visualization, see yourself smiling and feeling successful.
Then put your plans in motion. Follow through and do it. Take
a chance. Become a kid again, free of the inhibitions and fears
imposed by adults. You might just enjoy it!
Excerpted with permission from 101 Exercises for the Soul ©
2010 Dr. Bernie Siegel. Printed with permission of New World
Library, Novato, CA. ❊
Dr. Bernie Siegel’s multi-million best-selling first book, Love, Medicine
& Miracles, was published in 1986. He is the author of multiple other
books including Peace, Love & Healing, How to Live between Office
Visits, and Help Me to Heal. Dr. Siegel lives with his wife and their dog,
Furphy, and bunny, Smudge, in Connecticut. They have five grown children
and several wonderful grandchildren.
Balanced Life
Balanced Life
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Balanced Life
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Balanced Life
P r o f i l e O n ...
The Pineal Gland’s Role in our Awakening
Kaitlyn Keyt
in yourself and a greater understanding
of how you can create, manifest and
heal instantly.
“PINEAL, PINEAL” was the internal pressure
I was feeling the morning I leapt out of bed
with a sense of urgency. Not knowing what
it was, but feeling its importance. I took
a quick look on the Internet. Interesting!
This was a gland that was considered
fairly dormant in adult humans. I learned
it affects our aging process, general
health, the endocrine system and our
precious intuition. Later I would learn that
there was so much more to it. The mysteries
on this internal calling would grow into the
most profound discovery in my life to date.
Once I opened myself to receiving information
on this subject it started to come from all directions, like
exciting puzzle pieces. Follow me on this journey of discovering
new information that I believe can powerfully increase your belief
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I learned our heart space has the
potential of 6400 Mhz and that the
pineal gland is the umbilical cord
to this powerhouse of energy. This
helped me to understand why it has
been said that the human being has
enough potential energy to light up
an entire city. When you consider the
highest vibration in nature is the Rose
coming in at 320Mhz, I was able to grasp
the magnitude of 6400mhz. I began to ponder,
“How do we tap into this powerhouse of energy?”
I believe it’s a matter of bringing two energies together. The
heart space is where the upper and lower chakras meet (the
body’s energy centers). Imagine bringing Heaven and Earth
Energies, you could also say father and mother or positive and
negative charges. Think of a car battery, when you connect the
(+) and the (-) you create power. For a very long time we have
been running on mostly (+). That’s not much power. Imagine
how far our car would go if we were missing the (-) side of the
battery. I believe we create this energy when we bring together the
balance of the masculine and feminine, the mother and father
within us, loving our lower bodies as much as our upper, our right
brains as much as our left. When we connect and become whole
we have ignited the battery or power within us.
Could the pineal be the heart space for our brain? Where the
upper and lower chakras meet we have the heart space, and
where we have the left and right brain meet we have the PINEAL.
Hmmm it’s starting to come together…
Inside the pineal gland it has been discovered that we have tiny
round sand size grains of crystal. I had an instant sense of what
they are there for. I had been what I call Divinely nudged to work
with sand size crystals three years earlier to create a new delivery
of energy. They are a part of my everyday work. I am excited to
share with you how these little guys can amplify energy. They
work like the sun, the spheres gather the energy from the surface
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 24
draw it to the center where it becomes so compressed that it
explodes, sending out a powerful blast of energy. With my tools
the energy being pulled in and blasted out is the brilliance of the
plant energies. But in your Pineal it’s the energy of your thoughts
being pulled in.
Here comes the FINALE…the jump out of your seat singing “I
GOT THE POWER” part. Imagine pulling an intention or thought
into your pineal, it compresses inside the tiny crystals. NOW we
hook all this up to the POWERPLANT (heart space) 6400mhz of
pure love energy!!! BAM!!!
This energy hits the sphere and that intention is blasted out
in an atomic proportion explosion called “MANIFEST, HEAL and
CREATE INSTANTLY”! Law of attraction!
The stronger the signal going out the stronger we attract that
same energy BACK TO US!!!
It’s like learning to walk again, walking back into our power. We
are in the “Quickening”. Changes are happening at light speed. I
believe we can expand the ability to hold and work with powerful
energy, much like a swimmer learns to expand his lungs to hold
more oxygen
In my journey to awakening this dormant gland, I turned to
mama nature for assistance. Combining essential oils and
crystals known to vibrate at the correct frequency for the pineal.
It evolved into a meditation kit, which contains a grounding earth
energy mat and other energizing tools, all with the intention of
awakening the Pineal. I call it “mama nature’s wild ride”. ❊
Kaitlyn Keyt is the creator of VibesUp and a three-time Visionary Awarded
Winner for her creation of unique healing tools. Kaitlyn is a popular Speaker,
on Television, Radio, at Expos and on 2012 Panels. She is passionate
about helping others realize their own potential. Watch for her new book
on Vibrations, where she will reveal new twists and how we can THRIVE
through what lays ahead. To view the complete article on the Pineal gland
and more suggestions on it’s awakening. Visit Kaitlyn
has created a special discount code for readers of Balanced Life Magazine,
go to and use promo code 320.
Balanced Life
Living La Vida Tranquilista
Kimberly Wilson
“tranquilista” is a woman who embraces her many
sides: spiritual (she’s a tranquility-seeker), creative
(loves style), and entrepreneurial (calls her own
shots). She loves fashion and philanthropy. parties
and prayer. entertaining and enlightenment, the golden rule and
layers of vintage gold bangles. She is you and she is moi. She
is full of aspirations and always seeking inspiration. Oh, and she
sparkles. Literally.
The foundation for tranquilista living is based in spirituality
– that deep connection to how your thoughts, words, and
actions impact those around you. By observing this sense of
interconnectedness you have to all beings, you are encouraged to
think twice before sending that not-so-nice e-mail or treating the
oh-so-slow barista rudely. This connection to the bigger picture is
always on your mind. Sure, life will ebb and flow with frustration,
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Balanced Life
challenges, and opportunities, but it is your spirituality that
ensures a strong foundation from which to operate.
Daily doses of prayer, meditation, yoga, journal writing, reading
inspirational texts, and listening to soul-enhancing music can all
contribute to your spiritual practice. These can be easily infused
into your everyday routine. Listen to a motivating podcast during
your commute to work. Light a candle and roll out your yoga mat
when you wake up. Make do-gooding a regular part of your week
– give a compliment, donate to your favorite cause, volunteer your
time. Live your values. Let your life be an example of inspiration
to those who cross your path.
Your unique expression of spirituality is a haven for finding a
sense of spaciousness coupled with groundedness to make life
more, well, tranquil.
Let your inner artist out to play by sprinkling creativity into
your daily to-dos. Your life is a blank canvas for you to design.
Scary, huh? I like to think of it as empowering. You create the
brushstrokes! Creativity can be expressed through the food you
eat, the way you set a table, the colors you choose to paint a room,
the lipstick you wear, and your relationships. It encompasses the
mammoth to the mundane. Why write with a black ballpoint pen
when there are sparkly options out there?
Dress with panache. Explore unconventional ways. Color outside
the lines. Write a blog. Travel and see the world with new eyes.
Make your gifts. Knit a scarf. You are given an opportunity to
express your creative spark multiple times throughout the day.
How do you let yours shine? If you must don the standard navy
blue suit, add a splash of color with a vibrant scarf. Rather than
standard black tights, try pink or silver. Furnish your home as a
haven for nesting. Mix styles, blend colors, and make it uniquely
you. Hang an Impressionistic piece of art in your office rather
than the typical diploma. Indulge in a bubble bath rather than
a quick shower.
Make every day artful by savoring the simple things.
Continued on next page…
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 26
Consciously carve your life’s path. Whether you work for a
Fortune 500 company, stay at home with tots, or have your own
start up business, being the entrepreneur of your journey is the
icing on top. Start a You Tube channel. Send inspiring tweets.
Always do your very best and go the extra mile. Be a go-getter
and ask to design new projects (such as the Do-Gooding Director).
Create awards for team members. Give kudos on a regular basis
and show appreciation. Be sure to surround yourself with a
winning team – supporting, nurturing, hard working, and honest.
Design a product to go with your services or vice versa. Learn
to read a financial spreadsheet – I know, not the fun stuff but
it’s important to know these basics at home and at work. Build
community within your organization and beyond.
Your life is your brand – from the way you communicate to what
you wear to how you treat others. Constantly seek to grow and
learn new things. Hone your craft. Become an expert. Let your
brand be authentically you.
Sprinkles on Top
Living la vida tranquilista is about mixing the perfect concoction
of spirituality, creativity, and entrepreneurship for your spirit. Let
your dreams unfold and your heart open. Bask in marching to
the beat of your own drum and stay mindful to how your actions
affect those around you. Relish in making each day a memorable
experience. May your life be full of bliss, beauty, and balance. ❊
Based on the book Tranquilista ©2010 by Kimberly Wilson. Printed with
permission from New World Library
Kimberly Wilson is the author of Tranquilista and Hip Tranquil Chick.
She is also the designer of eco-fashion line TranquiliT, and the founder
of the Tranquil Space Foundation, which promotes yoga, creativity, and
leadership in women and girls. She lives in Washington, DC. Visit her online
Balanced Life
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Balanced Life
Allan Hardman on Conscious Relationship
On Telling Ourselves the Truth
Allan Hardman
Allan Hardman is traveling to his winter retreat in Mexico; where
he will work on his new book, conduct a Valentine Workshop and
several individual apprentice stays. He will be returning in early
April. Due to timing issues, I was given permission to pick something
for this issue’s Conscious Relationship section from don Allan’s
Notebook – Enjoy and visit
htmlnd for more information.
ave you ever thought about how much we lie to
ourselves? Think about it. How many times do you talk
yourself out of what you are feeling because your truth
might hurt somebody? Or you tell yourself that you are
not smart enough or not beautiful enough or rich enough or buff
enough. Is that the truth? Or is there a habit in the mind to tell
ourselves these lies.
We are well programmed from our childhood "domestication" to
lie to ourselves. And to each other. Oh, we hold a value that says we
are honest, and we don't really intend to lie. It is more like we fool
ourselves. Tell the truth now; don't you pretend to like some people
more than you really do? Maybe you even pretend to like yourself
more than you really do.
Online Author & Book Promotion
A new site for the promotion of
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Have a Book in need of extra exposure
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Balanced Life
Do you go to a party and act on top of life, secure and happy, then
go home and beat yourself up for what you said and how much you
ate or who's name you forgot? We lie to the party about how we feel
about ourselves, and then we come home and tell ourselves the
worst lie of all: that we are not good enough the way we are.
And what about the promises you make to yourself about what
you will do in the future, when there is no reasonable chance that
you will do it? "I will go to the gym every day and work out for two
hours." "I will stop eating chocolate forever." "From now on I will be
loving and compassionate, and not judge people anymore"... It is
as though we are trying to convince some part of ourselves to quit
nagging us... we will do what it says. And it is a lie, because we
can't possibly live up to the expectations we create with our lies.
"Tomorrow I will start (stop) doing whatever it is that I said I would
start (or stop) today but didn't."
We don't have to lie to ourselves anymore, but it takes courage.
To not lie means to tell ourselves the truth. The truth about how we
feel, what we think, what we are, what we do. It may not be pretty,
it may be messy, but the truth is, it is the truth! The first step is the
awareness that we are lying to ourselves, and to the world. Then we
have a chance to explore the belief systems and old programming
from our domestication as children, to see what we are afraid of
and how we might want to reprogram our beliefs.
The work/play, then, is the transformation of our fears and beliefs
and agreements... to relearn everything we know and believe about
ourselves... to choose to be happy, and to learn how. The tools of the
Toltec path are simple and direct ways to transform the fear and
suffering of the past into the love and happiness of the present
and future.
"... so let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late." Bob
Dylan, "All Along The Watchtower." ❊
Allan Hardman is a relationship coach, author, teacher, and
Toltec Master, trained by Miguel Ruiz in the tradition of The Four
Agreements. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom
Book. Allan teaches and counsels from his summer home in Sonoma
County, CA, and his winter home in Chacala, Nayarít, Mexico. For
information about Allan’s teaching and events, or to subscribe to his
free e-newsletter, visit: Or call (707) 528-1271.
E-mail comments: [email protected]. See Allan’s ad on this page.
(916) 965-7751
Watch Me
by don Allan Hardman
Watch me, said the creek
as she slid past a curve in the bank,
caressing the graceful contours
as though they were her own.
Watch me, said the creek,
as she tumbled over and around the rocks,
touching roughly, wearing away,
and yet softly, hardly touching at all.
Watch me, said the creek,
as she slowed and stopped
in the deep and silent pool,
quietly resting before she tumbled on.
Watch me, said the creek,
I am the water and I am the bank,
I am the hardness of the rocks
and I am the silence of the pool.
The nature of my existence is love,
for I am one with all that is.
There could be no creek
without a bank,
and no silent pool
without the rocks.
I am you, and you are me.
Let us make love with each other,
gently caressing our graceful curves
and tumbling around our hard rocks.
Let us make love with each other,
in the silent pool of life's mystery.
Join me, said the creek,
and let us make love with each other,
knowing that we are one,
and that our nature is love.
Passionate About
(of all kinds)
Sacramento’s Healing Arts
Festival • March 28, 10 am- 5 pm
Keynote Speaker (1 pm), Allan Hardman,
is returning to The Healing
Arts Festival to share his
wisdom once again. Please
join us for this day-long
event, featuring Allan’s
insights into relationships.
Allan is a Toltec
Master, trained in the
lineage of Miguel Ruiz and “The Four
Agreements.” He is an expert on relationships
of all kinds, and shares his passion with
enthusiasm and love. Allan is the author of
“The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book”. He
teaches the Toltec path to personal freedom
throughout the world from his home bases in
Chacala, Mexico and Santa Rosa, CA.
Doubletree Hotel Sacramento
2001 Pt West Way
$4 Admission / $3 Seniors & Teens • 707.528.1271
Balanced Life
Forecast for
February/March/April of 2010
Tom Lescher
uring the cold, wet, and rainy months of
February and March it can be difficult to
maintain a buoyant attitude and bright
smile. If we look around us at nature (and
some economic indicators) much of life is dormant,
hibernating, or “dead.” However, in the “circle of
life,” our emotional/spiritual evolution, there really
is no death, but simply the transformation from one
state of being into another. There is no stagnation,
no stopping, and no end to change. This symbolized by
a circle, a wedding ring, or in Norse mythology as the World
Serpent (Jörmungand) that surrounds the world grasping his
tail in his mouth: if/when he lets go of it the world will end. As
a species and as individuals we are now at that point – the
crucial turning point – where the tail meets the head or the
end feeds into a new beginning.
New Paradigm Astrology
Thomas Lescher
Give yourself the gift of a personal
chart reading to clarify any
unanswered questions, explain your
current life situation, and open you
up to the new potential that comes
from a deeper understanding of why
you are here. New Paradigm
Astrology gives you the tools for
awakening, self-healing and
personal empowerment.
Master yourself and you master your Life
Call now to schedule a Reading by phone or in person
[email protected]
Visit our website for information on upcoming classes and events
We will be seeing many of our
socio-political-religious structures
coming to an end, as well as many
relationships we’ve “fed” but are
no longer nourishing us. The great
planet Jupiter entered the sign of
Pisces on January 16th where it
joins Uranus and will remain thru
June 6. Spending the summer in Aries
with Uranus it will sojourn back into
Pisces again from September until January
23, 2011. These months of February and March when
the Sun, Venus, and Mercury also join Jupiter and Uranus in
Pisces (particularly watch Feb. 28- March 1!) put the
spotlight on this transitional point within the cycle of life.
Pisces, the fish, has everything to do with surrender, the
Hanged Man in the Tarot, the alpha and the omega (beginning
and end). That Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance,
and truth is making its way through this sign portends that
the more we can release, surrender, let go of, and resolve,
the more benefit, potential, and growth we can experience
in the coming 12 years ahead as a new Jupiter cycle begins
with Aries. These months will be a time to explore, consider
(sit with), and decide what life is asking us to part with, what
the infinite, unbounded universal intelligence, symbolized
by Pisces is removing from our life experience. The more we
can cooperate with this simplification and purification of
our existent reality, the greater the understanding of our life
purpose, our humanity, and each other we will gain through
the process.
Today there are so many images or ideas floating around out
there about just what surrender and letting go means that it
is worth our while to consider it more deeply. This is because
Pisces is DEEP, it’s not superficial or material. If we
consider all external reality including all our possessions,
money, relationships, and careers, etc., as a reflection
of our inner state of being, then we won’t get caught up
unnecessarily wasting our energy trying to preserve it,
build it, maintain it, or master it. Pisces and the 12th house
Continued on next page…
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
…continued from Page 32
have to do with the deepest recesses of our own unconscious
self, the mountain top, the ashram, seclusion and dreams. So
we are not talking about “outside” things or people when we
talk about letting go in Pisces. We’re saying that once
you have mastered yourself you have mastered life!
What then is there? Herein lies our challenge to ever
understand ourselves on deeper and deeper levels; where
astrology is so beneficial. The other aspect of Pisces is
selflessness, a state of being so infinite there is no room
for individual ego. This time beckons us to let go of our
petty self interest, of our ”little self,” those little (or
seemingly big) fears that keep us separate, divided,
paranoid, protective, and isolated. Those beliefs that we’ve
been taught and held about us not being worthy, connected
to Source, deserving, or ready. To let go in this manner means
to trust, to know that the infinite will take care of it, that our
lives, happiness and wellbeing are so intricately woven into
the fabric of all life that we will not be left behind, out in
the cold, hungry, or homeless (unless we create that through
negative beliefs).
As we believe, as we trust, as we build a spiritual practice
that awakens us to the subtle ways in which Source is
constantly acting on our behalf within this life we will no
longer need to cling to the transitional, material, temporary
structures of this world for our security. As we breathe, and
see our lives as breathing, ever taking in the new and exhaling
the old, our beliefs will become knowing. We will no longer
need to “trust” but will, through observation, have proven to
ourselves the reality of these words.
So during these winter months, particularly from now until
March 10th when retrograde Mars goes direct (reflection
, rat
b y Ac c i d e n t
er than
Judy Sammern
Astrological Consultant
NCGR Certified
[email protected]
turns to outward action), remember to calm your fears,
breathe deeply, trust, and surrender to your partner, to your
child, to your co-worker, to life! and feel the bliss, the
ecstasy, the joy of “falling,” knowing you are held, safe, and
sound. Release your cares and concerns, let the project fail,
let the effort go, and realize it is not the end of the world,
it is not the end of you, it is not the end of your life, but
that you will go on, you will exist, and you will be wiser and
greater as a result of each and every experience.
“Just remember that in the winter, far beneath the bitter
snow, lies the seed, that with the sun’s love, in the spring,
becomes the rose.” ❊
Tom Lescher’s blend of intuition with 30 years of astrological background
and readings can be a life-changing event for his clients. His leading edge
approach to healing spirit, mind, and body through emotional release
is changing the face of modern day astrology. In addition to personal
readings, Tom presents lectures, workshops and teaches internationally.
Living in the CA Sierra Nevada foothills allows Tom to use nature for selfrenewal and natural law as his guide. His work brings balance, love, and
joy to others and the planet. Visit
or email [email protected].
Balanced Life
The Barter Pages
Dragon's Handyman Services
Corey Dragon
A Secluded Get A Way Just Minutes From Downtown Colfax
Come For A Day Or An Extended Stay
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Barter for every day services and save cash for other expenses.
Bartering is a great way to meet new contacts and potential Customers.
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Barter provides a way to thrive through challenging times
Judy and Jay Ross started The Barter Club about 15 years ago in
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The Barter Club has members in Sacramento, throughout
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to grow and expand this Unique Business Service
Visit the website:
Then Call To Sign Up – Call 916-965-7751
Balanced Life
If you call The Barter
Club direct, mention
this ad, thanks
(916) 965-7751
Your Personal Assistant
Sacred Weddings
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We offer a 300 hour comprehensive
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Space is limited
Call for the date of our next free introduction.
Katherine Zimmerman,
Director / Instructor
California Hypnotherapy Academy
Approval to operate has not been reviewed by the BPPE
Balanced Life
Movie Mystic
Stephen Simon
s always, my list includes my own personal favorites,
not the films I consider best, a classification I find
to be both impossible and absurd. I have no idea
what the “best film” is. I only know the films I
enjoyed the most. Happy 2010!
1) The Blind Side. One of the most touching, charming,
wondrous, uplifting, and miraculous movies of the last several
years. Sandra Bullock was born to play the lead role and has
never been better. Hollywood has to stop equating dark, cynical,
and dreary with “quality”. This film is a throwback to a time
when movies illuminated the beauty of human nature, rather
than its ugliness. The Blind Side literally makes you feel better
about being human. What a gift. What a movie.
2) Avatar is unlike any other film ever made and provides a
glimpse into the potential of film to literally immerse the viewer
in the story. Only peer jealousy could prevent James Cameron
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(Titanic) from winning another Oscar for Best Director. The
spiritual metaphors of Avatar are also truly dazzling. Aren’t
all of us as humans truly avatars? Spiritual beings temporarily
inhabiting human bodies while our spirits evolve? Some day,
the technology of Avatar will be used (sans violence) by
filmmakers to take us much further into the spiritual journey
of our souls. Into the dreams we call illusion and the illusions
we call reality. Into the awe and wonder of this majestic,
mysterious, and mystical adventure that we call life. Into a new
world of Spiritual Cinema.
3) It’s Complicated. And adult life certainly is. Nancy
Meyers’ newest film illuminates the choices we make and how
time changes our perceptions of how and why we made them.
Meryl Streep is her usual unparalleled self, and Alec Baldwin
gives one of the most vulnerable male performances in years.
This very grown-up film is resonant, witty, and wise.
4) Nine. Brilliant, haunting, and completely surprising. Ads
made us think it was going to be Chicago 2 but it’s much,
much deeper than that. Daniel Day Lewis is mesmerizing as a
very flawed and human film director in crisis. When you see it
for what it is, not what a horrible ad campaign told us it was,
you’ll be enchanted, engrossed, and entertained.
5) Julie And Julia. Meryl Streep as Julia Childs. Nothing
else need be said. Just don’t see it on an empty stomach. You’ll
get so hungry that you’ll never make it to the end credits. Thank
you, Meryl and Julia. And Bon Appetit!
6) Star Trek. What a great surprise. Director JJ Abrams
introduces all the characters of the original series, giving them
rich and textured back-stories. Oh, THAT’S why they are who
they are to each other. An E-ticket ride through the galaxy with
real people who care about and support each other. Such good
fun. Beam me up!
Honoring All Spiritual Paths
1950 Douglas Blvd, Ste B-4 Roseville, CA
Balanced Life
7) Up. It could have been #6 or #8 but I couldn’t resist putting
7 and Up together. (Groan intended). One of the most loving
Continued on next page…
(916) 965-7751
Open 7 days a week
…continued from Page 36
relationships between husband and wife, and man and child in
2009, Up also is an inspiring reminder that, regardless of age,
our dreams have no expiration date.
8) Crazy Heart. Jeff Bridges gives the performance of his
career as burned-out country star Bad Blake. A penetrating
examination of how our actions have consequences and a
reminder that forgiveness is truly a personal journey. Includes
a great country soundtrack, with Bridges doing all of his own
9) Cold Souls. Paul Giamatti plays an actor who has his
soul temporarily removed so he can play a difficult part. His
soul gets peddled on the black market so he has to go to Russia
to retrieve it. One of the most thought-provoking film premises
since Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.
10) Invictus. Somewhat predictable and curiously unemotional
at times, the film is nonetheless a wonderful tribute to Nelson
Mandela’s grace and vision. Clint Eastwood directs Morgan
Freeman and Matt Damon with his usual confidence and taste,
and the film reminds us of who we can be as human beings
when we operate at our very best. ❊
nature gifts
Spiritual Festivals 1st and 3rd Saturdays
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625 Sutter St Folsom CA 95630
Stephen Simon produced SOMEWHERE IN TIME and WHAT DREAMS
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Artist Matt Jones
channels spirit onto canvas and can be found at
many Festivals, where he feels most inspired to
paint in the presence of live
to view his Brilliant, Lively and
Inspirational Art
Balanced Life
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Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
Mind • Body • Soul
House Parties
Gather Your Friends for a Revealing Evening of Fun and Self-Exploration
Receive an Astrological Reading of the stars that guide your life,
Relax your cares away with a Soothing Massage,
and Tap your soul's memory with a guided Past Life Regression
$75 per person (4 to 8 people) HOST is FREE!
Book your party today! (916) 212-5501
Balanced Life
Every Thursday
6:30 - 8 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
REIKI CIRCLE with Kim Sullivan
Welcoming all practitioners, masters, and those who desire to experience this amazing
form of healing energy with known practical applications. Come to share your healing
or receive some healing.
Third Sundays
5:30 to 6:30pm
Call for details
B. K. Meditation Center
2243 Sierra Blvd.
(916) 922-7281
World Peace Meditation Join Brahma Kumaris as they meditation in one
hundred countries around the world, to spread vibrations of Peace through meditation.
Everyone is welcome to this candle lighting Event. [email protected]
1st & 3rd Mondays
each Month
6:30 - 8 pm
Planet Earth Rising
625 Sutter Street
916 355 8844
Earth Magick with High Priestess Mary Chapman
Witchcraft, shamanism, Druidry, ritual and more. $13 per class.
Every Wednesday
7 - 8:30 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
TAI CHI with Anna Saunders. Come to rejuvenate and strengthen your body’s
energy and mobility. Experience better balance and breath through the practice and
application of Tai Chi. Movement of the body connects to your mind and stimulates
your spirit. Come join us in your enlightenment for better health.
Sundays, Wednesdays
and Thursdays
Planet Earth Rising
625 Sutter Street
916 355 8844
Belly Dance Classes Beginning and intermediate levels.
Please check for details.
Third Wednesdays
Feb 17, Mar 17, Apr 21
6:30 - 7:45 pm
$10 - 15
Call for Location
(775) 815-4914
Universal Heart Healing Circle: Enlightenment & Spirituality Topics
email for flyer & to be added to email list for upcoming gatherings bobbee1hrtcnxn@ -
Online Spiritual
24 hours a day
$35 per month
Toltec Apprentice Community
Become the Artist of your Life! Allan Hardman’s TACO community is an online
spiritual and social networking resource, created to provide you with an interactive
community and transformational learning experience. Allan is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz ~
author of The Four Agreements.
1st & 3rd Saturdays
Each Month
10am - 6pm
Planet Earth Rising
625 Sutter Street
916 355 8844
Spiritual Festival - A day of fun and enlightenment! Take advantage of special
sale items, offered throughout the store and get a Reading from an insightful Intuitive.
Have your Aura photo taken, your Astrology Chart read, gain a greater understanding
of your pet, from a Pet Psychic, and much more.
For updated Classes and Events, visit
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
Mondays & Thursdays
Noon - 6 pm
10 am - 3 pm
Bread Of Life Center
650 El Camino Ave
(in the United Methodist Church)
Tuesday, February 2
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
Jedi Meditation with Leo Come learn the wisdom and insight of a spiritual Jedi. Discover
the life principles in mastering the mind to achieve goals and gain a deeper level of peace. Light the
way of your path with applicable teachings of love, light and a passion for peace.
Tuesday, February 9
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
CHAKRAS 8-12 with Genevieve
Join us for an informative evening on the higher chakras. Learn their colors, their characteristics and
how to evolve their development. Enjoy this evening’s meditation to commune with your higher selves
and your future destiny, with knowledge brought from your future selves.
Tuesday, February 16
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
Come join us for a meditation with an Ascended Master to assist you in your personal evolution. Walk
away with a renewed faith in your journey as you meet, connect with, and receive messages from this
great and unconditional loving ascended master.
Sun, Feb 21 & Sun, Feb
28 OR
Sun, Mar 14 & Sun,
Mar 21
9 am - 6 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
A REIKI INTENSIVE with Kim Sullivan (Levels 1, 2 & 2 Advanced ) Come expand your light
with the life long benefits of Reiki. Attunements to Reiki Level 1, 2 & 2 Advanced with class documentation. Certification, following class instruction and fulfilling requirements. Pre-registration is required.
Sun, Feb 21 & Sun, Feb
- $5
9 am - 6 pm
Holistic Living Expo
Garden Pavilion
5640 Dudley Blvd.
(831) 706-4336
Sacred Productions presents the Sacramento Holistic Living Expo
Free Presentations, Workshops and Entertainment - Psychics & Spiritual Counselors - Healing Temple
and much more. Visit
Tuesday, February 23
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
BASIC FENG SHUI with Mary Mieth
Come and learn the basic principles of Feng Shui. This class will teach you how to improve your relationships, career, finances, health and more. Learning how to create the space that supports the life you
desire will assist you to creating your dreams.
Saturday, February 27
2 - 4:30pm
Pathways Therapy Center
9700 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste G
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(corner Fair Oaks Blvd & New York)
Past Life Regression with Barbara Williams, CHt
Small Group Regression provides an intimate setting for accessing your inner knowing to recall a lifetime that holds information for greater understanding of this life’s purpose. Limited to 8 people – Call
early to reserve your spot.
Spirit In the Arts is a FREE Art Program open to people of all ages. We welcome all to come
explore the connection between spirituality and creativity. An opportunity to come play, express
yourself and feel the support of like-minded individuals. Spirit in the Arts is a program of Bread of Life,
a non-profit, whose vision is, in part, to encourage and support ongoing transformation. Visit www. for additional information.
For updated Classes and Events, visit
(916) 965-7751
Balanced Life
Saturday, Feb 27 &
March 27
Noon - 2 pm
River School
7777 White Fir, Reno
(775) 848-8609
Energy & Anatomy:
Manage pain and open channels for the life force, using breath, energy and movement. Mat & large
beach towel needed.
Sunday, February 28th
2 - 4pm
Out House Gallery
1004 White Rock Rd, Ste 400
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 933-4278
Artist’s reception with California artist Nancy Bedegar. Heavenly visions sent for mankind’s viewing.
Feel the love. Live the peace. Wine and light hors d’oeuvres.
Tuesday, March 2
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
Clearing Negativity and Recycling for the Future with Sally Z.
Allow us to broaden your mind with information on the personal clearing of one’s negative thoughts.
Blend your past teachings with our new and improved applications of retraining one’s mind to shift to
a more positive and beneficial perspective and welcome yourself to your new future.
Tuesday, March 9
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
Bring your drums, rattles and a desire to make some music. This is an evening of sound therapy that
will send messages up to the universe. We meditate and drum to communicate our deepest desires for
blessings, evolution and humanitarian assistance for love, compassion and peace.
Saturday, March 13
Noon - 2pm
River School
7777 White Fir, Reno
(775) 848-8609
Body De~Construction:
Break up solidified tissues, increase blood flow,
create a new relationship with your body. Bring mat & large towel.
Saturday, March 13
1 - 3 pm
Location TBA
(916) 541-8232
Chakra Cleansing and Balancing for Women with Grace
A brief introduction of the chakra system will be presented, followed by guided visualizations and
simple techniques for connecting, balancing and cleansing energetic restrictions and stagnant energy.
Clear the way for more vitality and a healthier you!
Tuesday, March 16
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
Come strengthen your qualities and characteristics of your whole self by learning to embrace all parts
of you. Join us in a guided journey to meet and integrate the light and shadow aspects of self for a
stronger and more determined and positive human experience.
Tuesday, March 23
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
SPHINX TEMPLE with Richard & Pamela Leon
Enjoy the messages shared through spiritual channel Pamela Leon, while experiencing galactic energy
activations from healer and teacher Richard Leon. Allow yourself the opportunity to be enlightened,
aligned and gifted with insight to yourself and the universe.
For updated Classes and Events, visit
Balanced Life
(916) 965-7751
Snatam Kaur, Sacred Chant Concert with Guruganesha Singh. Concert, chantfest,
musical group meditation, a yoga class in melody . . . how best to describe a live performance by
Snatam Kaur and her band? It’s all of these things and more. Crystalline and radiant, Snatam’s voice is
redolent of the simple yet powerful truth of the heart.
Wednesday, March 24
7:30 pm
Advanced Tickets: $30
& $45
Crest Theatre
1013 K Street, Sacramento
Saturday, March 27
2 - 4:30pm
Pathways Therapy Center
9700 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste G
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(corner Fair Oaks Blvd & New York)
Past Life Regression with Barbara Williams, CHt
Small Group Regression provides an intimate setting for accessing your inner knowing to recall a lifetime that holds information for greater understanding of this life’s purpose. Limited to 8 people – Call
early to reserve your spot.
Sunday, March 28
10 am - 5 pm
Admission $4 Srs/
Teens $3
Under 12 Free!
Healing Arts Festival
Doubletree Hotel
Business 80 & Arden Way
(916) 202-6962
Healing Arts Festival
Over 70 Exhibits with Free Speakers all day. Crystals, Jewelry, Intuitives, Bodyworkers,
Flutes, Drums, Aura Camera and more! Free parking. Inquiries from exhibitors appreciated.
Tuesday, March 30
7 - 9 pm
Blossoming Path
10227 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Village
(916) 962-1469
HOPE MEDITATION with Genevieve Come meditate with “HOPE”, a life size citrine crystal
skull. Bring your own skulls to get activated with ancient and galactic higher intelligence. Meditate for
advanced communication from the new dimension for evolution and enlightenment for a deeper healing of our human selves. Experience HOPE for the future.
Saturday, April 10
10 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday, April 11
9:30 am - 5 pm
Nevada City
Call for Location
(530) 938-4777
Saturday, April 17
2 - 4:30pm
Pathways Therapy Center
9700 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste G
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(corner Fair Oaks Blvd & New York)
The Way of the Shaman: The Shamanic Journey, Power & Healing – experiential workshop with Beth Beurkens, M.A. in Nevada City. Sponsored by Michael Harner’s
Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Learn the classic methods of the shaman for healing and problemsolving. Discover your power animals and spirit teachers. Visit -
Past Life Regression with Barbara Williams, CHt
Small Group Regression provides an intimate setting for accessing your inner knowing to recall a lifetime that holds information for greater understanding of this life’s purpose. Limited to 8 people – Call
early to reserve your spot.
Coming Soon
Astrology Classes for Parents
Wednesday Evenings
Date & Time TBA
$15 per Session
Pathways Therapy Center
9700 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 965-7751
(916) 965-7751
Learn the basics of astrology and chart interpretation by studying the natal chart(s)
of your children. Gain clear insight and deeper understanding of who they are and how to best support
them to reach their full potential. Call Amy at (916) 212-5501 for specific dates and more information.
Tapping Inner Resources with Barbara Williams, CHt – 5 Group Sessions.
Find serenity through discovering your Inner Sanctuary. Tap inner guidance from your Higher Self and
Inner Guides. Gain tools for Self Healing. Break free of old patterns and find peace through resolving
conflicts with Etheric Plane Communication. Limited to 8 participants, sign up for one or all.
Call now to reserve your place.
Balanced Life
H i g h S i e r r a /N e v a d a P r o d u c t s & S e r v i c e s
David MacDonald
Re-connective healing
Over 25 years bodywork experience
1026 West First Street
Reno, NV 89503
(775) 324-5500
The Studio Yoga, Massage and Organic Juice Bar
First Class is Free
1 hour Massage
Gifts of the Spirit
the convenient & complete source for all your metaphysical needs
Come in & soak up the vibes,
you will leave feeling renewed and centered
20 Hillcrest Drive Reno
Located 1 blk South of Plumb on
Virginia St., behind the Shell Station
For a current
class schedule
go to
775 324-2872
Visit us in person or shop by website at:
1085 S. Virginia St
(above the Spy Shop)
(775) 284-5545
Kiersten Gladding M.S. MFT-I
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
180 West Huffaker Ln. #303
Reno, NV 89511
The Desert Pearl Meditation Series
a six week DVD journey to your spiritual freedom
presented by Laura Peppard
Phone: (775) 762-6342
E-Mail: [email protected]
Counseling for Adults, Children, Couples, Families
The Whole Picture
Wellness Coaching
Are your physical health, emotional/spiritual/
mental health, and work/family/play life in
flux or in balance? Are you as WELL as
you could be? I can help you find the motivation
to make lasting Wellness Changes. Katie, Cert.
Wellness Coach, ACE Personal Trainer.
Balanced Life
Only $99
includes a
30 min phone
reading on
your progress
& change
Energy Tools
on each DVD
This series is designed to be listened to one
each week. The energy tools are used and integrated
during the week as a step to the next tool. These exercises open a
door to an alchemical transformation, allowing
You to reclaim your spiritual path.
You are a unique Spiritual Being!
available at or 775 324-2872
(916) 965-7751
Want to have more vegetarian cooking in your diet but
don’t know where to start? Try for user
submitted recipes and info. All recipes are categorized
neatly with delicious pictures; save and print all the
recipes you like for free! Also every 3rd Sunday of the
month you can come to Sacramento Co-op's Community
Learning Center for a wonderful potluck. For more info go to or call 916-7985516. Don’t know what to bring? Bring a beverage or donation.
Synchronicities are the jokers
in nature's pack of cards for they
refuse to play by the rules and
offer a hint that, in our quest for
certainty about the universe, we
may have ignored some vital clues.
- F. David Peat
Balanced Life
A l t e r n a t i v e P e r s p e ct i v e s
Hypothyroidism – an Alternative
Gerald Djuth, L.Ac.
ne of the most common ailments that I see in my
practice is hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition
in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone.
Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to "run the
body's metabolism," people with this condition will have symptoms
associated with a slow metabolism. If you are one of those people who
feel cold or sluggish, gain weight easily, are frequently constipated,
have thinning hair and dry skin, it is possible that your thyroid is
under active. Because practically every cell in your body is affected
by the thyroid hormone, it can affect your immune system, your ability
to get pregnant, your cholesterol levels, your mental functioning and
your emotions.
Hypothyroidism is estimated to affect about 10 million
Americans, with women affected 10 times more often
then men. It is one ailment in which integrative medicine
is especially useful, because both nutritional and
pharmaceutical approaches are often needed to control
the condition. Acupuncture can be very helpful, especially
when stress is contributing to the problem.
Most doctors screen for hypothyroidism by testing your
blood for a marker called thyroid stimulating hormone,
or TSH. If the TSH is unusually high, it means the thyroid
is underperforming. Typically, hypothyroidism is treated
with synthetic thyroid hormones. The dose can be varied
until the TSH marker comes into the acceptable range.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an
autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in
which your body’s immune system attacks your thyroid’s
ability to make hormone. However, some people have
Hashimoto’s and their lab results for TSH are normal.
Continued on next page…
Modern Alternatives For
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Gerald J. Djuth, L.Ac.
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…continued from Page 46
That’s because the autoimmune disease isn’t always
active, so their TSH varies. In these patients, the only way
to find it is to do a lab test for the autoimmune marker.
I had one patient who had trouble losing weight. He
was dedicated to his health because he had a heart
condition, but he was frustrated because he went to the
gym regularly trying to get in shape but couldn’t shed any
pounds. Although his thyroid labs were always normal, we
finally checked his autoimmune factors and found that
he had Hashimoto’s. Typically Hashimoto’s is treated by
putting the patient on thyroid hormone. Although this will
help balance the TSH, it doesn’t do much to help control
the autoimmune condition.
Although there is no cure for Hashimoto’s, patients with
the condition often do much better on gluten-free diets.
Also, it is very important to monitor your vitamin D status,
usually with blood tests. There has been much written in
the last few years of the importance of having sufficient
vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to cancer
of the breast, prostate and colon, as well as to other
autoimmune diseases such as colitis, multiple sclerosis
and rheumatoid arthritis.
In addition to Hashimoto’s, there are a myriad of other
reasons a person can have hypothyroid-like symptoms.
Many parts of the body are involved in the metabolism
of the thyroid hormone, and problems can occur in any of
them. Thyroid hormones also interact with other hormones
such as the stress hormone cortisol, estrogen and
progesterone. In these people, the TSH lab test is normal,
but they still can have hypothyroid symptoms.
So if you are one of those people who still have symptoms
even when your TSH is normal, what can you do?
Firstly, you absolutely need to know if you have the
autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s. Many people use
nutritional supplements to support the thyroid gland.
Some of these nutritional supplements contain iodine.
If you have an autoimmune thyroid you should not take
iodine supplements, or use them with extreme caution.
You can find out if you have an autoimmune thyroid by
having a blood test done for thyroid antibodies.
Secondly, you may have a dysfunction somewhere
else in the thyroid metabolism. Clues to the source of
the dysfunction can be found by looking at other blood
markers besides TSH. Also, saliva hormone testing can
show if the problem is due to stress or excess estrogen,
such as from birth control pills.
There is much that can be done with acupuncture, herbs,
and nutritional supplements to help you. However, the
exact source of the dysfunction needs to be understood,
and you need to be committed to being active in
maintaining your health by being open to dietary and
lifestyle changes. ❊
Gerald Djuth, L.Ac., provides acupuncture and clinical nutrition in
mid-town Sacramento. Gerald provides personalized care in a relaxing
environment, and incorporates therapeutic bodywork such as myofascial
release and cranial-sacral therapy in his treatments. He is especially
interested in using clinical nutrition to address metabolic and endocrine
disorders. You can visit his website at
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Continued on next page…
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