Textos para a produção didática - Secretaria de Estado da Educação
Textos para a produção didática - Secretaria de Estado da Educação
SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO PROGRAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO EDUCACIONAL PDE Professora PDE: Joana Coelho da Silva Londrina 2008 Professora: Joana Coelho da Silva Orientadora: Santa C. Freitas Município: Centenário do Sul Colégio: Padre José Pires- Ensino Fundamental e Médio IES/NRE: UEL - Londrina Unidade Didática apresentada à SEED - Secretaria de Estado da Educação- como material didático para o PDE- Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional- em Língua Estrangeira ModernaInglês, através da IES- Instituição de Ensino Superior de EnsinoUEL/Universidade Estadual de Londrina, sob a orientação da Professora Santa C. Freitas. 2 Londrina 2008 Apresentação Working the Images é uma unidade didática que visa contribuir para a aprendizagem de Língua Inglesa, tendo como foco a exploração de elementos textuais não-verbais por meio da interpretação mais detalhada de imagens. É um material que tem o propósito, também, de levar os alunos das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental a compreender o papel do contexto inserido no texto, nas atividades de leitura, de forma que venham a desenvolver a leitura crítica. Serão trabalhadas atividades que envolvam vocabulário e funções gramaticais para uma melhor formulação da estrutura da língua. O material foi produzido de acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares Educacionais (2008) levando em consideração os temas e aspectos que mais atraem a atenção dos alunos. Cada texto é geralmente trabalhado em 4 seções: -1ª -2ª -3ª -4ª Seção: Seção: Seção: Seção: Text Comprehension Vocabulary Study Language Focus Activities 3 Aluno Todos os dias visualizamos grande número de imagens: na TV, na internet, em outdoors, e não damos muita importância ao que elas querem nos dizer. Às vezes, são imagens simples, de fácil entendimento; outras, achamos bonitas, criativas, mas não tentamos decifrá-las pelo grau de dificuldade apresentado. Por isso, nesta unidade, trabalharemos com textos acompanhados de imagens que necessitam um segundo olhar para que consigamos entender sua essência. Num primeiro momento vamos analisar apenas as imagens e, depois, passaremos a compreendê-las com um texto escrito. 4 O Brasil é famoso no mundo inteiro pelo carnaval. Você gosta de carnaval? O que significa essa comemoração em nosso país? http://www.diaadiaeducação.pr.gov.br/portals/bancoimagem Section 1 Text comprehension A-Look at the picture and analyze: 1-What do you see? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Who is the man in the picture? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-What is the meaning of the key in his hand? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 4- What about his clothes? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Give a synonym to the word “carnaval” in Portuguese. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-Carnaval is a Brazilian word. Can you give another example of a Portuguese word that is used in English vocabulary? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-Is there any relation between the word carnaval and impunidade? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-What is the place where the character is? B- Responda em português: 1- Qual é a idéia que a imagem acima tenta nos passar? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Em sua opinião, tem alguma forma de diminuir a impunidade em nosso país? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2 Vocabulary Study Key: chave Clothes: roupas Place: lugar Character: personagem Building: edifícios Section 3 Language Focus There to be: (there is/ there are) - há – existe FORMA AFIRMATIVA: there is (singular) there are (plural) FORMA NEGATIVA: there is not (singular) there are not (plural) FORMA INTERROGATIVA: is there? (singular) are there? (plural) 6 Section 4 Activity A- Answer with there to be (there is / there are) according to the picture: 1-Is there any key in the picture? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Are there many buildings in the picture? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-How many people are there in the picture? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Is there any house in the picture? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- Are there beautiful clothes in the picture? Em nossa cidade o povo cumpre o papel da democracia? De fazer valer seus direitos? E você, qual sua participação como cidadão? (http://www.diaadiaeducação.pr.gov.br/portals/bancoimagem) Section 1 TEXT COMPREHENSION 1- Answer according to the picture: B-According to the characters’clothes, define each one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 C-What’s the meaning of the word “povo”in the picture? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-In general, do people act like the picture shows ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E-Does the picture show a reality or fantasy? Justify --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F- What about the characters facial expressions? What’s the connotation? Section 2 Vocabulary Study 1- Try to find in the dictionary the meaning of the words below: People:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Politician: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weighingmachine:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handlens:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flag:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wall:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Head:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothes:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paper:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eye:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hand:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Compare your answer with a classmate. 8 3-Crossword: find the words of the activity 1. E I E P G A F L L A W I Y B A H E S E Q G X E W E E D H E F R W H F I L Z L A E G A T W U H G A X N P M O H D B G J H N D K M F L A G A J U I J P O L I T I C I A N N N R W B E D U Y V D R G A E L W J B Y U D P G M H L L Q P L P I D A U A R H A N D L E N S P D C I O E V O E O O F E V H T Ç R L O S P J G R F I T W G T Y S L A A C D N F C L O T H E S R F A E E 4- Translate the words into English: Povo: __________________ Balança:________________ Lupa:___________________ Bandeira: _______________ Parede:_________________ Cabeça:_________________ Roupas:_________________ Papel:___________________ Olho:____________________ Mão:____________________ Você é uma pessoa otimista? Existe alguma situação em que o otimismo só não é suficiente? 9 (http://www.diaadiaeducação.pr.gov.br/portals/bancoimagem) Section 1 TEXT COMPREHENSION 1-What would be the best sentence for this picture? A-Unemployment grows in our country; B-It’s difficult to keep a job nowadays; C-Utopia is the motto of the desperate people; D-“Faith moves mountains”; E-Scepticism goes beyond reality. 2- Answer: A-Why did you choose this alternative? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B-Why are there stars in the sky? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C-What is the character speaking or thinking about? Make Comment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Responda em português: A – Em sua opinião, o que ocasiona o desemprego? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B- Nas atuais circunstâncias, o que fazer para driblar o desemprego? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C- O desemprego é condição apenas de países subdesenvolvidos? Comente. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Section 2 Vocabulary Study Employment: emprego Unemployment: desemprego Keep: manter Motto: lema Section 3 Language Focus VERBO TO BE: Ser/ Estar (com o verbo to be não é necessário o uso de auxiliar) FORMA AFIRMATIVA INTERROGATIVA FORMA NEGATIVA The man is in the picture man in the picture? FORMA The man is not in the picture Is the AUXILIARES: Do/Does FORMA AFIRMATIVA: sentença. Pronome pessoal /nome + verbo + Ex: “Faith FORMA INTERROGATIVA: verbo + sentença. moves mountains” Auxiliar + pronome pessoal/ nome + Ex: Does the picture show a reality? FORMA NEGATIVA: verbo + sentença. Pronome pessoal/ nome + auxiliar + not + Ex: The picture does not show the reality. Section 4 ACTIVITY 11 1- Put (R) to the right alternative and (W) to the wrong one according to the collocation of the verb. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) It is not difficult finding a job nowadays. A jury consists of twelve persons. A man can be happy? The dogs are quiet. You like to talk about politics? You not must lose faith in humanity. Strength does not come from physical capacity. Are there stars in the sky? 2- Correct the wrong alternatives -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LET’S WORK A BIT MORE ABCDE- Find an interesting image in a magazine; Write something about it; Give it a title; Compare the classmate’s image with yours; Separate the images into categories on the board. After correcting the writing we are going to organize the work on a poster. You can also see a very interesting comic strip in the web site: http://www.monica.com.br/comics/tirinhas/tira231.htm 12 (João Ailton-Arte Visual) 1-Quais detalhes chamam a sua atenção? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Onde poderíamos encontrar uma imagem como essa? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Qual a intenção do autor do desenho em uma imagem como essa? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-As palavras que aparecem junto à imagem têm alguma função? Qual? 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-Quem poderia se interessar por esse tipo de imagem? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-Qual o possível tema do texto a seguir? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-Qual fator mais relevante que o (a) levou a pensar assim? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agora leia o texto Dating and study It is not difficult to see boys and girls hugging or kissing each other around the corridors or schoolyard. This behavior is not allowed in many schools. Some institutions do not know how to solve this situation; others pretend the problem does not exist. Students try to circumvent school rules, while they are not caught up with. But what about the studies? And, is it possible to have good grades? Should parents allow their children to date and study at the same time? Section1 Text Comprehension A-In your school do you see a similar situation to the one described above? ---------------------------------------------------------B-Should schools allow dating on school property (or schoolyard? ---------------------------------------------------------C-What’s the author’s opinion? Did he show it? ---------------------------------------------------------D-Where can we find a text like this? ---------------------------------------------------------Section 2 14 Vocabulary Study Hug: abraçar Schoolyard: pátio Behavior: comportamento Allow: permitir Section 3 LANGUAGE FOCUS SHOULD: o modal should é um verbo usado junto com um verbo principal que dá um novo sentido à sentença. É utilizado para pedir e dar conselhos. Sua forma negativa é shouldn’t (should not). Section 4 Activity 1- Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t: a- You are very fat. You -------eat less. b- You -------smoke. Smoking causes cancer. c- People -----------practice physical activity to have health life. d- We ------go this way, because we don’t know it. e- They -------sleep early today. Tomorrow they will have a test. 2- Give some advice to your friend. 3- Ask some advice from your friend. Working in group a-What’s the best theme for a picture like this one? 15 http://images.google.com/images? hl=en&sa=3&q=dominio+publico&btnG=Search+images b- Justify your answer by topics: • • • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c- Compare your answer with a classmate. You and your group try to create a picture related to some recent happening: -set your imagination free; -put a title; Quando você sente alguma dor vai logo tomando remédio? Ou é do tipo que agüenta a dor esperando que ela passe? 16 (João Ailton-Arte Visual) It’s very common for Brazilian people to save up medicine in a particular place at home. It’s the way of our culture. These remedies go beyond those used for a headache or a fever. But, is it just culture? It’s no secret; everybody knows that it’s harmful to our health to take medicine without a prescription, resulting in death by simple poisoning. Another aspect to consider is the large number of people that do not consult the health centers and hospitals. Having a place to put many medicines at home is a way to circumvent the problems related to accidental poisoning and we can think that this comes from a long time ago. Section1 Text Comprehension Put (T) true or (F) false according to the text: a) ( ) Brazilian people have a bad culture related to medicine. 17 b) ( ) People use a lot of kind of medicine. c) ( ) Saving up remedies at home is a solution. d) ( ) Culture is the principal stumbling-block to getting health care in Brazil. e) ( ) People are aware about the bad effects in storing up medicine. 1- Answer a) Does your family store up medicine in a place at your home? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b) Do you agree with the author’s opinion? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c) Whose is at fault for the large number of people in hospitals or health centers? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d) How can we change this situation? Is it possible? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e) Do you think in other countries people act like Brazilian one? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2 Vocabulary Study Storing up: guardar Place: lugar Beyond: além Harmful: prejudicial Health: saúde Poisoning: entoxicação Death: morte To circumvent: driblar Section 3 LANGUAGE FOCUS Regular verbs: tem a terminação Ed no tempo passado. Irregular verbs: não tem terminação definida. (ver lista de verbos) 18 Section 4 Activity: Look at the entries for these verbs in a dictionary: Say have go consider 1 -What is in the dictionary about the grammatical structures used with the verbs? Copy the grammatical information for each verb. 2-Look at the examples given for each verb. What about the meaning of the grammar codes and symbols? 19 In general, what’s the meaning of the word “serpent”? (Pedrozo) And… the picture above… What do you see? It is a fable. What is a fable? Let’s understand the text: The Woodman and the serpent 20 One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead. But he took it up and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home. As soon as he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the fire. The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life again. Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death. So the Woodman seized his axe, and with one stroke cut the Serpent in two. “Ah,” said he, “No Gratitude from the Wicked” (Aesop) Section1 TEXT Comprehension 1-Who are the characters in the text? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-When and where did the history happen? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Why did the woodman take the serpent home? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Did he do the right thing? Why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-What is the lesson of this fable? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-Goodness is represented by a person. Who? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-Evil is represented by another character. Who? 21 - Find in the text an action that shows the compassion. Justify. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- Generosity is an easy target for Evil. Do you agree? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2 Vocabulary Study To tramp: walk with heavy footsteps Bosom: chestStroke: an act of hitting Fangs: long pointed teeth Sting: to damage skin painfully as if by a sharp pointed object Seized: to take suddenly Axe: a tool with a handle and a heavy metal blade often used for cutting wood. Wicked: evil Section 3 Language Focus Noun: é a palavra que dá nome a todos os seres em geral; Adjective:palavra que dá qualidade a um substantivo ( em inglês é invariável); Adverb: palavra invariável que modifica um verbo, um adjetivo ou outro advérbio. 22 Section 4 Activity 1- Using a dictionary separate the words below in the right categories: Apparent - apparently - appearance Warm - warmless - warmly Slow -slowly - slowness Deathly - dead - death Closeness - close - closely Homely - homeward - home Gratifying - gratitude - gratefully Child - childness - childishness NOUN ADVERB ADJECTIVE ----------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 23 2-Find the adjective A) tooth –-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B) work –-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C) snow –-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D) life –---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E) wood –-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F) winter –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G) head –---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Você já usou alguma máscara em sua vida? Quando, geralmente, podemos usar máscaras? Se você fosse a um baile à fantasia, que máscara você usaria? Em Londrina, todo ano tem a festa “Metamorfose”, onde as pessoas vão fantasiadas. Você já ouviu algo sobre? 24 (João Ailton-Arte Visual) Quotation When I go abroad, I always Make it a rule never To criticize or attack the government Of my own country I make up For lost time when I go home. (Sir Winston Churchill) Section 1 Text comprehension A-Is there any resemblance between the picture and the text? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B-“Not criticize or attack the government of my own country”… this sentence is related to… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C-Can you suggest a theme for this text? Justify. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-Do people hide what they feel about themselves? Comment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Section 2 VOCABULARY STUDY Make up for lost time: compensate Abroad: to another country Section 3 LANGUAGE FOCUS Frequency Adverb: Os advérbios de frequência servem para indicar a freqüência com que as pessoas fazem determinadas atividades. Eles podem ser: Always usually sometimes rarely never Temos também as locuções adverbiais que têm a mesma função dos advérbios de freqüência: Once a Day every day twice a week three times a month four times a year Section 4 Activity 1-Write the frequency with which you do the following things: Watch a good film go to your grandmother’s house Kiss his/her mother Clean the house Rest in the sofa Ride a bike Play the guitar Go out with friends See the sunrise study for a test 2-Complete the sentences I I I I I usually ------------------------------sometimes--------------------------never---------------------------------seldom---------------------------------------always----------------------------------------- 26 Monkeys Have you ever seen a picture of the three monkeys? No doubt! Angélica in her TV program “Video Game” shows us a play using the three monkeys. But do you know what do they represent? http://images.google.com/images? hl=en&sa=3&q=dominio+publico&btnG=Search+images Section 1 Text Comprehension Let’s search about them? A-Complete: 12345- Origin ----------------------------------------------------------------Names of the monkeys---------------------------------------------Symbolism-----------------------------------------------------------The proverb----------------------------------------------------------Others representations----------------------------------------------- B- Find in the dictionary the difference between: Devil and Evil C- Put adverbs related to the words: Hear: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 See: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sp eak--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2 Vocabulary Study Parts of the body HANDS FOOT MOUTH EYE ARM TEETH EAR NOSE FINGERS ELBOOW (Imagens - Clip Art) TOES KNEE Section3 Language Focus Have/ Has O verbo to have (ter) é também usado como verbo auxiliar com o particípio passado para formar outros tempos verbais como o presente e passado perfeito. Presente: 3ª pessoa do singular (He, she, it): has Demais pessoas: have Section 4 Acitivity 1-Complete with have or has A- I-------- brown eyes. B-We -------- good scores in English classes. C-He --------no doubts about the contents. D-The monkey-------- a big hand. 28 E-It --------sad eyes. F-Margareth --------beautiful feet. G-They --------white teeth. 2-Find the right word to complete the sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) The girl put her milkshake on the arm/hand of the chair. My uncle is the neck/ head of a big industry company She sat down but one of the arms/legs has broken. I have found my watch with the second hand/foot. He stayed at the leg/foot of the stairs waiting for me. I put my new jacket over the back/shoulder of the chair. The heart/head of my problem is my little sister. She bothers me a lot. h) I have to buy a comb. My old one has a lot of ears/teeth missing. i) The unique feature of Concord airplane is its shaped finger/nose. j) Next vacation we are going to a place at the hand/foot of the mountain. HOMEWORK Working in groups: Look this image: http://images.google.com/images? hl=en&sa=3&q=dominio+publico&btnG=Search+images That’s a great one. Do you agree? But, do you know what his objective is? 29 The name of the text is: NEWTON’S LAW See the text in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton - 245k Section 1 Text Comprehension 1- Why does there exist a lot of humor around the falling apples? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Is it a myth? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Why is the bear holding a pan over his head? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-What’s the meaning of the patch on the bear? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- The word “clank” has a specific sound? What? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-In a few words try to explain Newton’s Law. (in Portuguese) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 Referências: Disponível em: <<http://images.google.com/images? hl=en&sa=3&q=dominio+publico&btnG=Search+images>> acesso em 8 de dez. 2008. Disponível em: <<(http://www.diaadiaeducação.pr.gov.br/portals/bancoimagem)>> acesso em 24 de nov. 2008. Disponível em: <<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton - 245k>> acesso em 8 de dez. 2008. Disponível em: <<http://www.dictionary.cambidge.org.>> acesso em 12 de dez. 2008. SCMIDTT, Norbert (2000). Vocabulary in Language teaching. Cambridge: CUP. 31 32