chef supreme - Georges Blanc
chef supreme - Georges Blanc
gastronomy Thebestof French at homeandaway ffww# ffiffiqetrffi wsmKw&mm | ffi&mrow&w I WKmxwymwffiw I WKmm CHEFSUPREME WiththreeMichelinstars, Georges BlanchasmadeVonnas a magnetfor gourmetsseekingthe renowned pouletdeBresse, saysRayKershaw 68 FRANCEMAGAZINE www.completef rance.Gom hen is apoulet more than just a chicken? If France went in for chickenjokes, in the small communeofVonnas theywould surely reply, "\Mhen the chicken, ofcourse, is a poulet de Bressel" Maybe not a side-splitter,yet it contains a gourmet ffuth, for pouletsdeBrase are of a regally different feather and in Vonnas they rule the roost - especiallyas prepared by the iconic chef GeorgesBlanc. A giant bronze chicken guardshis restaurantdoor. The doorknob is chickenshaped.Winsome fowls flirt from the menu. A giant porcelain chicken greets you in the hall. They are on ornaments,paintings, salt cellarsand napkins. Such gallinaceous dedication might appear excessivein other hands,but in Blanc'sthree-starrestaurant and five-star hotel everything is elegance and unostentatious luxury. r\. . 1. ulscernlng 0rners The chefs favourite motif simultareously celebrates his family's culinary dynasty especiallyhis grandmother, the legendary la Mdre Blanc- and his passionfor the birds that for five generations have draurn discerning diners to this restaurant in Vonnas,in the Ain ddpartementhalfway between Bourg-en-Bresse and MAcon.The only poultry awarded,an appellation d'originecontr6l6.e(AOC), their gastronomic credentials are as peerlesi as h,is-ovrn. The current Michelin Guide corifersthree stars onjust 27 French restaurants.Georges has held his for 32 years."Keepingthem," he jokes, "is harder than winning them." His friend, Paul Bocuse,got his third star earlier but no other restaurantboastsone from the year when starswere invented or has stayed in the guide as long. Three-starrestaurants don't come any starrier. Every Michelin edition sinceits 1900 launch is displayedin the lounge: 7929,793I and 1981 markthe Blanc stellar years. ln 7872 Georges'sgreat-grandfather, Jean-Louis,opened his Vonnasinn for poultry dealers.His chicken luncheswere soon famous. Thirry years later Georges's grandmother, Elisa,took over thepo€la, creating many of the dishesthat Georges servestoday. Her reputation spreadto Lyon, eventempting gourmet palatesfrom Paris. NewspapersharledlaMire Blanc as the best cook in France. The age of motoringwas davrning.The ear$ Michelin Guidessimply listed good restaurants,but from 1926 some got the accolade\,vorth a specialjoumey' denotedby a star. Elisa'srestaurantwas honoured in7929. Her secondstar camein 1931 after Michelin introduced the system recognisedtoday. From 1934, Georges's parents,Jean and Paulette,guided by Elisa, kept her constellationlustrous for another three decades. Georgeswas born in7943. 'Whennot at schoolor catchingfrogs - cursses de grenouillu are a specialityof the historic province of Bresse- he helped in the kitchen. The teenager graduated from the renor.rmedcatering college at Thonon-lesBainsin Haute-Savoiewith the highest distinctionsever awarded.Although he had gror ,Trup in restaurants, his dream was to fly. He became an Ajr France steward, yet could not forget Elisa'sprediction that he would be France'stop three-starchef. In 1968, aged25, his mission began. In 1981 the third star was won. The Gault et Millau guide proclaimed him Chef of the Year,awarding him an unprecedented 19.5 out of 20 points. FACINGPAGE,CLOCKWISE FROMTOP LEFT:Michelin-three-starchef Georges Blanc;A bronze chickenwelcomesdiners; A poulet de Bressehas the freedom to roam;The restaurant'swaterside setting; THISPAGE,TOP:The restaurantinterior; ABOVE:Georges'sgrandmother Elisa(/a MdreBlonc)in the kitchens Few other three-starchefs are so bonded to their teroir. "We only use natural Bresse organic products. Bressegrows everything we need." The area'sancient sobriquet is the 'Larder Lyon', of capital of Rh6ne-Alpes to the south. Abucolic country of meadows and lakes, it fuses rustic simplicity with what seemsto outsiders like milk-and-honey hedonism- the only flaw being the extra notch you may need on your belt. Six hundred family farms raise the exclusive chickens that were crornrned"the queensofpoultry and the poultry ofkings" by the father ofFrench gastronomy ). FRANCEMAGAZINE69 POUTreT FIIE I Therearethree categoriesof volaillede Bresse: Pouletslive outdoors for 16 weeks.(Supermarket chickens aretypicallyslaughteredafter only five or six weeks.)Poulardesare spayedfemalebirdsthat grow outdoorsfor a minimum of 20 weeks. Chapons- the champions- are castratedcock birdsthat live outdoors for at leasteight monthsand are producedfor Easterand Christmas. I Flocksof volaillede Bresseare restrictedto 500 birds.Eachmust havea minimumof ten squaremetres of grassland in whichto roam. * To guaranteethe geneticpurity of the Gauloisede Bressebreed,all chicks must comefrom a centralhatchery run by membersof the CIVB. FROMTOP:(AncienneAuberge,a re-creationof Ia MdreB/anc'srestaurant;GeorgesBlanc, wearing the insigniaof the Legiond'honneur,with then PresidentNicolas5arkozy tiny potato pancakesthat she invented.They inevitably start with gdteau defoia blonds de poularde- anotherElisadish - or cursses de grenouillesen hommagedla Mdre Blancas servedsince 1872. Every recipe is suffusedwith his devotion to Elisa,yet sometimeshe wisheswistfully that guestswould try somethingnew. You don't keep three starsfor 32 yearsby cookingsolelychickens.His changing seasonalmenus- imaginative,inventive,yet never airy-fairy - make you yearn to stay a week. Ever calm and courteous,he is acommandeur de la L{gion dhonneur and an esteemed gastronomic author: his bookLaNarure dans I'Assiette won the PremierGrandPrix de la Gastronomieand his bookle PlusSimpledu Meilleur could be his motto and philosophy. TheVonnas roadsidesign reads,Premier ViIIageGourmandde France;another shows it is a four-bloom-ratedVillageFleuri de chicken sketches.First-time diners usually Fronce.Vonnasradiatesprosperiry almost orderpoulet de Bressed la crdmefagon Mdre all oi it due to Georges. it gets Sometimes Blancaccompaniedby crdpesvonnossiennes, called Blancville- not amusine Monsieur Jean-AnthelmeBrillat-Savarin. Starsof royal banquetssincethe Middle Ages,they gracedthe first-classmenu on the fitdnic's last night in 1912. At Jodl Billet's farm we watch them strutting on a vast verdant stage,flaunting their ermine-white plumage, brilliant red combsand the blue-blooded legsthat attest to their noble race. Theif pamperedfree-rangelifestyie encompassescenturies-oldtraditions that were AOC codified h7957.In butchers and on market stalls, they lie in state in their regalia of ribbons and seals.The chickens may be more expensivethan their plebeian cousins,but most Bressans still prefer periodic treats of the royal McCoy.Muscularly plump from a lifetime outdoors, the flavoursome chickenslinger in the memory long after the final morsel. Georges,who is president of the Comitd Interprofessionnelde la Volaille de Bresse (CI\ts), autographsguests'menuswith jolly Tlae ehi*kex"x$$fl:xlt $m &!v€l$f ve&"deffit$tagtr* flmamfixrg {heir *rmime-wkifrsp}umage /OFRANCE MAGAZINE I Farmsmust maintaintwo separate pastures. The flock alternatesbetween them - a traditionalway of preventing disease. Antibiotics,usedin other poultry,are prohibited. * Dairycowsfertilisethe recuperatingfieldsand the milk is fed to the chickensto supplementtheir high-proteindiet of insects,worms and organicfarm-growncorn. f Of the millionsof chickens just one consumedannuallyin France, in a thousandis a voloillede Bresse. Althoughoften thought of asa luxury food,at around€15 a kilogram,they arecheaperthan qualitybeef. X Everybird leavesthe farm with a ring on its left leg showingthe oroducer'snameand address.A metal seal.onthe neckcertifiesits AOC Bresse-poultry authenticity. X Fourpoultrycompetitionsand fairs calledles G/orieuiesare held every Decemberin Bourg-en-Bresse, Montrevel-en-Bresse, Louhansand Thetwo winning Pont-de-Vaux. chaponsgotothe Elys6ePalacefor the President's Christmas dinner. pletef FOODAND WINE Blanc - yet as it is offthe beaten track to nowhere, why else would you come? With fewer than 2,700 inhabitants, Vonnas is possibly France's smallest commune to have a heliport, railway station and exclusive autoroute exit. Presidents like short cuts to their favourite restaurants. Celebrities can take a 2O-minute helicopter hop from Lyon or Geneva and soon be sipping champagnebesidethe fuverVeyle. When the G7 summit came to Lyon in 1996, Georges created.poulet au G7 saucefoie gros au champagnefor the world's leaders. When the restaurant passedto him, it measured120 squaremetres,unchanged since 1872. It is now a tfuee-hectare complex with a five-star hotel and luxury spa. The extensive hotel park has two heated outdoor pools and a firll-sized indoor pool. Around the village square are his boutiquegourmande,tablewareshop and boulangerie-pdfisserie. The R6sidencedes Saulesis his three-starhotel. Touristsvisit Vonnas to photograph the restaurants and buy GeorgesBlanc souvenirs. LlAncienne Auberge - one ofhis proudest innovations - re-createsElisa's1900 restaurant,offering scaled-dornm three-coursemenus in a Belle Epoque setting. In the gastronomic restaurant the languages mywife Alice and I hear are ABOVE:Georges'sson Fr6d6richas taken over the reins in the kitchen chiefly English and Russian. Some of the diners could be oil sheiks,oligarchsor eminent executives.The carteda vins lists 2,000 fres bonnu bouteilles,two pages alone of Vosne-RomandesBurgundy. At €5,000 a bottle, many guestswould not blink. Fortunately,the sommelier discerns shallowerpockets,often recommending Georges'swines from his MAconvineyard. A French extendedfamily is holding a celebration for which they may have saved all year. They are Georges'sfavourite kind of customer."It's a specialexperiencethey'll never forget." He has knornrnsome of his customerssincechildhood. Somestill bring mushrooms to the kitchen as their forebears did in 1872. Staffenlist from round the globe to get Georges'sname on their CVs. "But they must be qualified. Three stars means perfection. No blunders allowed." Heston Blumenthal was here. Georgesis pleasedhe is doing well. Georges'ssoq Fr6ddric, now captains the kitchens, but Dad is still everywhere tasting a sauce,prodding a ham - like a maestroconductor tuning his ensembleor a wizard adding stardust. He is 70 this year, but looks 55. He starts at 6am and tries to finish at 9pm after chatting to guests. His businessmanager,Antoine Maillon, says that few people can keep up. Maintaining three stars is expensive; the restaurant'sstaff ournumber diners. Like the best seatsat the opera, three-starprices are necessarily high. "But every guest must feel they've never eaten better. That's whywe're here. Perfectservice,perfect setting, perfectly cookedfood," saysGeorges. Repleteafter eight inspired courses,we wonder who could want for more. Working closely with his son, Georges likes the idea that some day the signs will read Fr6ddricBlanc: the fifth generation, but when you ask if he has set a retirement date, he smiles shyly and shakeshis head. You guessthat a lot more Bressechickens mayhave hatched before then. Q" FRANCOFIIE GETTING THERE By road: Vonnasis six hours'drivefrom the Channelports.P&O's Hull/Zeebrugge overnightferry makes a shortcutfrom the north and Scotland. Tel:08716642121 By air: The nearest airportsareat Lyon and Geneva. By rail: Thetrain from Londonto Meconvia Paristakesaroundfive hours.Faresfrom fl 20 return(tel:0844848 4070,www.raileurope. trainsto Vonnastake 30 minutes. pletef WHERETOSTAY GeorgesBlancHotel and Spa Placedu Marche 01540Vonnas Tel.(Fda 74 s0 90 90 www.georges Doublesfrom €180, suitesfrom €650, buffet breaKast€29. One-nightpackages for two from €620. A two-night stayand dinner packagecosts from €980. R6sidencedes Saules Parc& Spa Detailsasabove GeorgesBlanc's three-starhotel is on the other sideof Place du March6.Doubles from € from €200,buffet breakfast€29. WHERETO EAT Restaurant GeorgesBlanc Detailsasabove Seasonally changing menusin elegant surroundings with impeccableservice. Menusfrom €190; eight-courseseasonal menu€250. LAncienneAuberge Detailsasabove GeorgesBlanc's reproductionof his grandmother's restaurantis cosyand convivial.Three-course menu €36;traditional menu €60;threecourselunch€24. WHERETO VISIT Mus6e de la Bresse Domainedes Planons 987 Chemindes Seiglidres 01380 Saint-Cyr-surMenthon Tel:(Fr)3 85 36 3'l 22 www.ain.frlmusees Outdoormuseumwith its own chickenflock and an exhibitionon the historyof Bresse poultry.Open Marchto mid-Nov. Ferme-Aubergedu Poirier Cuet,01340 Montrevelen-Bresse Tel:(Fr)474308297 www.fermeauberge The Billets'poultryfarm can be visitedat weekends.Lunchesby appointment. TOURIST INFORMATION Vonnas tourist office Tel:(Fr)4 74500447 Ain tourist board Tel:(Fd4 74 32 31 30 FRANCEMAGAZINE71