August - Believer`s Newsletter
August - Believer`s Newsletter STOP PRESS! Siberia Audio Translation in Uganda Touching and Changing Many Lives from Siberia By Brother Paul Mukama, Uganda (pictured) Special Prayer request for Brother Adrian Dear Brother Charles, God bless. I am in Siberia at present and just got back from 4 days in the taiga.... the forest wilderness. I have still a few more days here then back to Moscow. Please pray for me as I am preaching constantly every week and the pressure is on. Pass my greetings onto all the Saints back home. Shalom. Brother Adrian. It is such a great blessing to have the message translated into one of the commonly spoken local languages. For us it is Luganda in our country Uganda. This has been going on for some good years of which Bro Richard Oliver has played a great role to see that translation is done. Around two years ago God blessed Uganda again when the message went audio in our local language. Indeed it is as it is written, “In the days of the Voice… “ This concept and some of the necessary equipment came from a visiting team from Cloverdale Bibleway Canada, who run the “Message hub” website. Now the Luganda messages, already translated into books, are being translated into Voice. Both booklets and audio can be downloaded free on The translated message where one hears clearly the voice of the prophet and then the voice of the translator reached the ears of the believers with a lot of excitement. It is Brother Frederick Kiyingi, Pastor of Seeta Eagles Church in Seeta, a suburb of Kampala, whose voice is recorded for the translations that I then edit and add over Brother Branham's voice. Cloverdale Bibleway also sponsors the radio program that plays the translated Messages. I am the Kampala-based team member responsible for sound editing. I felt a burden to see that believers, and all those we can reach out to, should receive the messages and hear the message in their local language. God gave me wisdom and I started making cds which we send to different churches. I also reached out to the people, whether believer or not, and He and most members in the church could request them to lend me believed on the message and 15 the memory card they use in people were baptised and others are their phones. I then load the yet to be baptised also. memory cards with the translated messages and return them. This worked out so well because most of the phones on the market now have provisions for a memory card and so I have successfully loaded translated messages for a number of people. Mainly the youth have liked this. The recent victory we have had is the conversion of a Pentecostal pastor who was given one of the cds and after listening to one of the messages he said he followed clearly and found out this was the Absolute truth. He preached it to his church before calling us to go there and when he called us to visit his church to bring the Message. He and most members in the church believed on the message and 15 people were baptised and others are yet to be baptised also. In the photo below is the church and some of the members. Pray for us , the demand for the cds has greatly improved, every day almost I get phones calls requesting for the disk cds, and somehow we can’t afford to buy enough disk cds and print the covers on it like this (below) for all. I thank God who has used Brothers and Sisters locally and around the world to help in recording, editing production and broadcast of the Message in the Luganda language for the people of Uganda. Now we all, as members of His body, are bound to spread His Word more. □ Letter of appreciation from Brother Lubogo Samson Iganga, Uganda Dear Brother Richard, Greetings in the precious Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for all your labours of love and sacrifice. Especially the sacrifice you made to come and minister to us. We were very much blessed by your ministry. Thank you for all your continued support to us both spiritually and financially. By God's grace we have involved ourselves in missionary work and here is a simple report. We have a Prison outreach and for the last 10 years we have preached in Bufulubi Government prison farm one of the largest in Eastern Uganda. One church has been born out of our prison outreach. Nakimbungulya church with Pastor Mubezi Peter who believed the Message while in prison, last month I wedded him with Sister Victoria Apili as seen in the attached photos. Through our missionary work more 5 churches have been planted. Namatolo church is still under a mango tree, see photo. By His Grace we started a first Message Church on one of the Islands on L. Victoria called Jaguzi with Pastor Salongo Kalulu Noah, see him in red shirt as I baptized him in Jesus' Name. We boat from Bwondha landing site. There are other calls in other places where there is even no Message Churches but the labourers as few. In fact I preach in more than one church every Sunday trying to establish these Churches in the present truth. 2 The challenge we have in this is a reliable means of transportation, we also lack a public address system which could help us be more effective in our crusades. The burden on our hearts is to reach our people with this Message of truth while it is still day John 9:4 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Keep this work in prayers. God bless you all richly. Your brother in Christ, Lubogo Samson P. o. Box 312 Iganga, Uganda Tel. +256_772_619233 MISSION VISIT TO MALINDI by Brother Victor Okwaro I want to thank the Lord for great meetings during our visit to Eastern Uganda. We traveled on 25th and I had services on 26th, 27th and 28th in a very remote area in Mayuge district, a small village along the shores of Lake Victoria known as Malindi. Fishing is the main economic activity here. “Malindi” is the name in the local language for the vegetation in the background of this picture. We had a chance of traveling on Saturday in a motor boat to Lufu, an island within Lake Victoria, 30 minutes journey from Malindi. Here we found some brothers who recently believed who travel every Sunday to attend fellowship in Malindi. We used the opportunity to introduce the message to several people in Lufu Island, some who managed to attend our service on Sunday. Majority of the people in many parts of Mayuge district are Muslims. As I write this report, there are not more than three churches in Malindi, including the believers, and the largest is a Pentecostal denomination called Bethel Church, which is a branch of a church in Kampala founded by a certain woman who claims to have died and gone to heaven. The rest of the people in this small village of less than 150,000 people are either Muslims or people who do not believe in any faith. Most of them are fishmongers and small scale farmers. There seems to be a high prevalence of HIV/Aids and other venereal diseases. Polygamy and poor planning of families has denied them basic needs like food, clothes and decent housing. Continued … 3 The fellowship in Malindi started in a strange way. Most of the believers attended the Bethel Church before a disagreement began regarding a minister who was living in adultery. Around about the same time a oneness Pentecostal preacher came to Malindi and preached baptism in the name of Jesus and convinced them to leave Bethel Church to start a new fellowship. Later the oneness Pentecostal preacher required them to sell their properties and give him. Their wives resisted the move and went back to Bethel Church but while they were there, several of them had dreams of voices telling them of a true church in various towns of Uganda; Mbale, Kamuli and Bugiri which they narrated to the brothers. One sister in particular was shown that there is a church in Bugiri with the last Voice of God. So they sent three brothers to those towns. The brother who went to Bugiri met a brother to whom he explained his mission. During the discussion he found out that the brother was a very close relative whom he also found with a message book with the words: "In the days of the seventh angel." It was then that he decided to stay and attend the Sunday service in Bugiri. That Sunday he heard the word and was convinced that this is the place the Lord had led them. When he went back he told the brothers and they decided to invite the pastor of Bugiri Church for seven days meetings. They all believed and were later baptized. The oneness preacher was asked to step aside and be taught. When we visited Lufu Island we met Daniel, the oneness preacher and had wonderful fellowship. The next day, on Sunday he attended our fellowship. The Lord has done strange things day after day so much that the entire village reveres the believers. One witchdoctor who bewitched pregnant women had to move to another island as the believers' prayers brought his work to naught. On Saturday evening, a certain Muslim woman who was possessed with evil spirits was brought where we were staying. She told us that she was seeing scaring red faced people and that she was in pain. We chased out all unbelievers and prayed for her and on Sunday, she also attended fellowship and her testimony really encouraged the believers. Left: with Bro Bon Wanyama of Funyula and Paul Mutumba Below: with Bro Paul and Sunday Lawrence, both of Bugiri Church One thing we noted is that there is a great thirst for the truth in these villages. There are various spirits; of prostitution, witchcraft, gambling and all sorts of pleasures along the less than three of the many beaches and islands to have a message church established. We began on Friday on “Discerning the Word Correctly” explaining to them that the only way one can discern the word correctly is to know the only true God (the spirit who had the thoughts that birthed the word ) and His Son (the light who came out of the Spirit and manifested God - the LOGOS) When God, the spirit sent His Son (John 17:3) He came down in the body of His Son and the Son did as He was shown by His father. 1 Corinthians 2:10 – 16 says that it is only the spirit on a man that can understand the hidden things of that man. God by giving birth to us by His spirit makes us able to understand the hidden things. 4 On Saturday we continued with the same thought but I tried to explain that the threefold purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was in essence God’s desire to have a perfect family. That having a desire to have a family He created Adam and put Him in Eden and said it was not good that he stays alone. Through Adam and Eve God started a model family through which He wanted to raise a pure seed of children of one father, to type His spiritual family. God had already ordained His spiritual family with Him as the father, Jesus Christ as His first born whom he planned to give a wife, who is the body of believers, and raise up children (sons and daughters – individual believers) who are brothers and heirs with Jesus Christ. On Sunday we concluded by looking at the laws of marriage that God put in His word to guard the chastity of the woman who is a type of the church, and the verses of both the Old and New Testament that enforce the purity of God’s seed. We finished by briefly looking at John 8:30 – 47 to show that though the Jews in this paragraph believed, their conduct proved they were Satan’s seed. I believe that God has his children in the Islands and that Malindi could be the door through which the message will spread to the islands in Lake Victoria. They still have many questions on their minds to be answered. I realized when I preached on marriage issues, one brother confessed that the teachings were on him. We didn't have enough time to answer all his questions but we promised that God willing we will visit again and answer more questions. I wish to request all of you for any message materials that could help the believers in Malindi get established to equip them for the enormous work of God ahead. □ Timely Topics Who is the Antichrist? By Pastor Malcolm Ferris To answer this we have to ask – what is antichrist and where did antichrist begin? The word antichrist comes from two words anti – and Christ – anti meaning in the simplest sense against, and Christ meaning the anointing, the anointed or the anointer – depending upon the context in which it is used. Christ is the manifestation of God’s Eternal Spirit in creation – so antichrist is the manifestation of another spirit which seeks to replace this. If we want to find the origin of these two spirits we need only turn to the beginning of the book – to the story of Eden – where we find two trees – two sources of life – the tree of Life, which represents God’s stream of life upon the earth – and the tree of death, which is the perversion of this life. This tree of death (for that is what it is –a tree is known by its fruit – and the fruit of this tree is death) – this tree was not a tree that bears life according to the original pattern – it is not kind after kind as decreed in Genesis 1:11. 5 This tree is a mixture – good and evil – it is a hybrid and cannot produce a true expression of life – it produces a lie that ends in death: eternal separation from God. Sin did not begin in the garden – it started in heaven when Lucifer (an angel – a spirit being) rebelled against God and deceived many of the inhabitants of heaven. Satan is the spirit that is behind this one called in the bible the antichrist. His ambition is to establish himself on the earth as the god of this earth – instead of Christ – in His place. We can see this spirit first manifest in flesh in Cain – who tried to establish an alternative worship service in the garden – but God refused his offering and warned him to offer in the approved manner, as Abel had done. When he refused to obey God, or to listen to His advice, he was overcome of the spirit of the enemy and went to convince Abel to offer his way, failing to convince him, he decided to remove the alternative so that his way of worship would be all that was available. He was rewarded for his murderous efforts by receiving a mark – this was the original mark of the beast – it indicated the one whose lineage had come through a beast instead of a man (for the Serpent was a beast of the field – cattle). Seven generations from Cain we find his ancestors were considering this mark as a sign of divine protection – as sanction to kill and do as they pleased. And God became so grieved with humanity and their wickedness upon the earth that he had to destroy them. The next time we see this spirit rise to prominence is in Babel (the ancient roots of Babylon) where Nimrod sought by a union of politics, religion and military power to unite the people to a one world government with one unified approach to worship of God: the Tower of Babel. God’s response was to confuse their language and scatter them – He labelled their efforts ‘confusion’. What we see then, is three illicit unions in the first of the book, the seed or sowing chapter – that reflect a similar pattern in Revelation, the harvest chapter. The first illicit union was between the woman and the Serpent – and it causes death in the flesh – it was by the receiving of another spirit for life. And we find that the spirit of antichrist came to the early church in much the same way – finding her – like Eve – espoused to one husband: Christ – but before He could come to her – the antichrist spirit got in first through the deeds of the Nicolaitans – which then became the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and led on to the teaching of Jezebel the false prophetess. When the white horse of the antichrist rode forth – he was as a deceiver – pretending to be Christ – the giver of life. The second false union was that in the days of Noah –wherein the sons of God saw that the daughters of man (Cain’s lineage) were fair and began to take wives – as many as they chose – marrying and divorcing and polluting the pure bloodlines of Adam even further. In like manner the church united with the world through a marriage of ecclesiastical and political (civil) powers, which resulted in the Caesar of Rome decreasing and the power of the Pope replacing it upon the throne of Rome. The red horse that followed the white shows us the bloodshed inflicted upon the saints to enforce this false union. The third false union is found in the times of Nimrod – this was the attempt of the church to become a universal and all powerful force. We see this happened in the dark ages when the Roman Catholic Church was in its heyday. As with the days of Babel – the church was scattered through the reformation – resulting in many differing denominations, and a confusion of tongues. The black horse which followed the red, carrying the scales – the power to judge and to charge church taxes, the church playing the part of a sovereign – who has the power to tax its subjects. This Union was the corruption 6 of the spirit of God’s creation. The forth rider in the book of Revelation was a combination of the preceding three colours – the great trinity of Satan – the antichrist (white rider), false prophet (red rider) and beast (black rider). And it is when Satan’s power moves into this forth manifestation that his name is revealed: death – the tree of death that was in Eden. We find that Hell follows quickly upon his heels and this is the final ride of this spirit – which ends in the great battle of Armageddon. So what we see in the whole course of the Bible is the trail of two seeds – two spirits – the spirit of God by the Word of God, and the spirit of Satan by the perversion of this Word. Cont… This then is antichrist – any spirit that puts itself in the place of Christ or seeks to do so by adding to or taking from the Word of God, by claiming the power and right to speak for God and to interpret His Word by another spirit through another gospel in order to preach another Jesus – a twisted version of the truth. This is that spirit of the original rebellion in heaven, for the battle that began in heaven was cast to the earth and has been raging ever since. □ SHALOM NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL Uganda Mission: to promote the knowledge and skills of the Youth and the VISION for a better and sustainable future. Objectives: 1) To help the vulnerable children who are not able to pay for their fees and school requirements. 2) To help the female Christian children (MESSAGE BELIEVERS) to keep their HAIR long in order to stand for the FAITH. (There is a rule in Uganda that all school children, both boys and girls, are to cut off their hair or keep their hair 1 inch short.) 3) To help the HIV/AIDS victims, especially those who are orphans. 4) As a missionary and a pastor of a small church, to help raise funds for my missionary trips. Shalom Nursery and Primary School started in February of 2012 with a population of 150 children and a teaching staff of 10 teachers (minus the non -teaching staff). We are currently running with a population of 450 and 15 teachers. The school is located in Busia, Uganda Western Division, in Solo C Village and has lasted for four years. So far it is one of the good performing schools in the area. My wife being a teacher she used to volunteer to teach and coach believers and neighbour’s children and when the number grew bigger they all encouraged us to start a school. Since we did not have structures for classes and (below) 7 dormitories we offered our own house and turned it to a school. At the moment we are squeezed in one bed room while the children are using all the bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen as dormitories. Then we use the boy’s quarters and temporal structures as classes. continued Due to the good performance of the school in the shortest time, the school has attracted many children from far and near, thus forcing us to make it a Day and Boarding School. But due to the limited accommodation and classes we have turned away many. Now the School faces the challenge of lack of enough structures, such as dormitories, beds, classes, latrines, chairs and scholastic materials. Since the school’s aim is to help the vulnerable children it has been a challenge to raise salary payment for teachers because most of the parents are vulnerable/unable to afford even the payment of fees and the requirements, yet our rates are the most minimal in the whole town. It is my humble prayer that God may open the way and we get funds so that we can support and help put up some structures to accommodate this big number of children that are struggling for a sustainable future. May God bless you as the Lord will touch your hearts is my humble prayer. Pastor Samuel Otaget A Salute to Our Veterans and Ministries Bro Dean Gilchrist As a minister of a small church I am personally acquainted with some of the struggles, conflicts and challenges that are constantly confronting the ministry in this end time. Dealing with the many struggles and pressures that this evil age has so vehemently imposed upon us is by no means a task for the spiritually fainthearted, and this is especially so for the Pastors and Ministries of this hour who are trying their best to be faithful in the furtherance of the message in their local areas and abroad. These men of God are often misunderstood, and from time to time endure criticism from within and without. As well as having to fight their own personal battles like everyone else, they must also look to and care for the people that God has entrusted to their stewardship. Many of these shepherds of smaller groups have to also support themselves financially and care for their own families, and do all this in such a way as to be a Godly example that others may see and follow, this is why they need our encouragement and not our criticism. I truly believe that a Pastor must constantly remain humble and rely upon the mercy and grace of God to lead him, and as well as this, he also needs our support and encouragement, and this is why I would like to salute all the Pastors and ministers of this message who are doing their best to serve God and the people with a true and honest heart, and especially our veterans pastors who have with relentless tenacity fought the fight and kept the faith and have in many ways cleared the path before us so that we can all walk easier. I would especially like to acknowledge and salute one of our local New Zealand ministries Brother Derrick Donaldson along with his dear wife, Sister Barbara, for their tireless labours over the years. I remember the Auckland conventions back in the late 80’s and 90’s with visiting speakers such as Brother Ed Byskal from Cloverdale and Brother Vin Dayal from Trinidad, these conventions and the ministry of the word that was preached at that time had a great impact and influence on our country, many of us were ushered into a greater revelation and a deeper walk with God at that time, these meetings would not have been possible without the tireless labour of our Brother Derrick Donaldson with the help of his fellowship. We also owe much to the late Brother Reg Searle who bestowed much labour in the early years when the message was first introduced in New Zealand, many of us have benefited greatly from the tireless work of these men. There are many others of our local New Zealand ministries that have played a vital role in the plan of God and who have been faithful to their calling, we salute you also, and we respect each one of you. We would like to encourage the new generation of ministering brothers that are being raised up by God at this time to embrace the challenge of this hour, and to continue this great work until the victory is won. My encouragement to the younger ministries (of which I am a part), is to keep pressing the battle, as Brother Branham told us that the local Pastor is to be the Ox of the team, he has to keep ploughing on regardless of the battles and the disappointments, and so by the grace of God this is what we will do until the final victory is won and we are all gathered together with the Lord on that happy golden shore. We salute you all – keep up the good work. Bro Dean Gilchrist 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Young Forever William Branham 60-0228 Sent in by Bro Harold Becket Cape Town – South Africa Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29 – 31 That's the way we find everything in life; it changes. I've only found one thing that doesn't change; that's God; He doesn't change. I found Him around thirty years ago. I was running from Him when I come to Phoenix. But there's no need of running from Him; He knows where you are.... But He has never changed and never failed to remain the same loving, sweet Saviour that I have--that I found. The only thing in me, it just seems like He gets more dear to me each day as it goes by. Because I'm getting just a little closer to Him. My life's running out, and I'm not the little boy I was a few years ago. But there's one great hopes that I have, that someday to return back to that again, only with immortal life never to die…. Some time ago .… I was combing what few hairs I had left. My wife said to me; she said, "Billy, you're almost bald-headed." I said, "Yes, it was caused to start with from a barber putting carbolic acid on my hair; it all come out and then it never did come back right." I said, "But, honey, I want to tell you; I haven't lost one of them." She said, "Pray, tell me where they're at?" I said, "Well, I'll answer you if you'll answer me." She said, "All right." I said, "Where were they before I got them? There were bound to be a substance somewhere. And wherever they were before I received them, they are there waiting for me to come to them." .... That is exactly right. Not one hair of our head but what's numbered, God knows all about it. I sit out a while ago looking out to Camelback Mountain and remembered as a little boy I rode a horse out there. From I used to work up here above Wickenburg, went up with them to bring cattle down. And I often wondered how, if I could ever see a time that I could ever be that seventeen, eighteen year old boy again, but God's Word teaches that I will be. There's nothing that God loses; He'll raise it up again at the last day. He promised that; Jesus did. And then we're... Knowing that this life no matter whatever happens in this life, all of our homes, our big city, our fine nation, this fine state of …. Arizona …. will fade and go away someday. All of our homes in this valley will be dust again. But our souls has immortality when we're borned again of the Spirit of God. God promised to raise us up again at the last day through His Son Jesus Christ, and then we would be young forever. We'd never have to be sick no more, never have no more heartaches or sorrows. And what a time that will be. Tommy Osborn on William Branham This Site Recommended for all 15 WHAT I S THE BNL ALL ABOUT? Primarily Missionary Announcements and Reports but also: Prayer requests Advertising News Items Testimonies of healing or other blessings. An article or quotation, which has been a special blessing – 250 words maximum. Early Notification Rapturing Faith Believers Fellowship Greetings in the Precious Name of Jesus Christ Please be aware of our church’s (RFBF) intention to host a family camp / convention over the Easter weekend 2016. We have booked the same venue that we used last year (Easter 2014), where we experienced a supernatural visitation and are thus returning to it. Venue: Marsden Bay Christian Camp, Ruakaka Dates: 24th – 28th March 2016 Further information will follow. Visiting Speakers Yours in the Service of Christ Announcements of upcoming events i.e. Pastor Freddy Esau Conventions (either in NZ or offshore) Family/Youth Camps (NZ or offshore) Obituaries Letters to the Editor Please send your letters and contributions to: All Previous Issues of Believers Newsletter available at: [email protected] For Your Advertising Requirements: [email protected] A special part of the BNL Ministry that gets results 16
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