PDF - LeTourneau University


PDF - LeTourneau University
FALL 2015
a message from the president
I thank God for what he has done through
friends like you. With immense gratitude for
God’s provision, I am humbled to announce that
our comprehensive fundraising campaign is now
complete with gifts totaled over $30.5 million
for our “For Such A Time As This” campaign, far
exceeding our original $27.5 million goal! Over
5,000 individuals, firms, and foundations made gifts
to the university; over 1,500 of those made their
very first gift to LETU in this campaign.
With the advancements that have been made
possible in this campaign, LETU is poised for a bright
future. You can learn more on pages 24-25.
We are thankful for our many donors whose
names are listed in these pages, for their financial
gifts, prayer support, and encouragement. Our
mission is to inspire our graduates to see their life’s
work as a holy calling with eternal impact. For
many, that life’s work may include using a variety of
technology in their calling.
Not a day goes by that we don’t hear stories
about how the use of technology compromises our
privacy in potentially harmful ways, especially as
technology becomes more and more pervasive in
our everyday lives.
Computer hackers, some working directly for
foreign governments, daily seek to steal sensitive
data from U.S. corporations, our military and
governmental entities. Hospitals and other medical
service providers are targeted daily for disclosure
of private medical records and identifying patient
information. We can even look to the skies to see
video surveillance causing precedent-setting privacy
concerns from an ever-widening drone industry.
How should a Christ-centered university that
seeks to be relevant and make an impact in every
workplace in every nation respond to these kinds of
societal issues?
LeTourneau University’s School of Business
and Technology is launching a new cyber security
degree program next fall. SOBAT is already offering
online health care management and administration
programs that prepare professionals dealing with
medical data security. LETU recognizes the need
for business professionals now and in the future to
know how to defend proprietary data and protect
Our School of Aviation and Aeronautical Science
also has recently launched the first remotely piloted
aircraft, or "drone," program in the state of Texas to
train pilots, maintenance technicians and electronics
designers for this evolving and expanding field.
There is no better place to teach professionals to
handle this technology than a university like LETU
that is based on a Christian worldview.
Follow me on Twitter: @dalelunsford
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dalelunsford
Blog: letupresident.blogspot.com
Claiming every workplace in every
nation as their mission field,
LeTourneau University graduates are
professionals of ingenuity and Christlike character who see life’s work as a
holy calling with eternal impact.
WEB: www.letu.edu
Email: [email protected]
PHONE: 800-759-8811
PHONE: 800-259-ALUM
PHONE: 800-259-LETU
LeTourneau University is a Christ-centered, interdenominational
institute of higher learning offering more than 90 undergraduate
and graduate degree programs across a range of academic
disciplines and delivery models. Students are enrolled in
programs on ground at LETU’s residential campus in Longview,
Texas, as well as hybrid and fully online options at educational
centers in Dallas and Houston. Academic majors include aviation,
business, communication, computer science, criminal justice,
education, engineering, health care administration, human
services, kinesiology, the liberal arts, nursing, psychology,
the sciences and theology.
NOW is published by LeTourneau University, 2100
South Mobberly, Longview, Texas 75607 w Sent free
upon request to Editor, P.O. Box 8001, Longview,
Texas 75607. w Postmaster: Send address changes
to: NOW, P.O. Box 8001, Longview, Texas 75607. w
E-mail us at [email protected].
Health Care Management
News and Notes
Campaign Success
Honor Roll of Donors
Faculty Feature: Dr. Aaron Kuecker
Alumni Faith and Work: Phil Burks
Class Notes
Defending Privacy
Written by Janet Ragland
4 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Privacy is under attack. Cybersecurity and data
privacy is big news . . . and big business.
Hardly a day goes by that news headlines don’t
scream about the latest cybersecurity attack in
which individuals, corporations and governmental
organizations have had their computer systems
Just this past June, the White House admitted
that a breach of U.S. government computer systems
in the Office of Personnel Management resulted in
the theft of data pertaining to more than 21 million
individuals—many of whom are federal employees.
Rumors are the hackers were linked to China.
Some have called it the biggest data breach in
U.S. history.
Compromised data included names, ages,
birthdates, social security numbers, financial
information, physical and mental health
information, criminal histories, residence and
employment histories, and names of family
members and acquaintances — even usernames
and passwords that prospective employees used to
fill out online employment application forms.
Theft of this data by hackers around the globe
is serious. Identity theft is a real threat, not to
mention the threat of losing proprietary corporate
information that destroys competitive advantage
or secret governmental information that places our
national security at risk.
The growth of the cybersecurity industry is
on an upward trajectory that some anticipate will
reach over $170 billion in the next five years, by
the year 2020. The job outlook for information
security analysts is on that same upward trajectory,
estimated to grow 37% from 2012 to 2022,
much faster than the average for all occupations,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Information security analysts who devise
innovative solutions to block hackers earn a median
pay of around $86,000 and can climb to six-figure
salaries with experience. Professional expertise with
Christian ethics is essential to numerous industries
from banking, data processing, healthcare and
Cybersecurity education and developing
professionals who can promote responsible
LeTourneau University | 5
cybersecurity protections and protocols is key,
which makes LeTourneau University’s new Bachelor
of Science in Cybersecurity degree, set to launch in
Fall 2016, a fundamental part of the solution to this
growing global threat.
Championing LETU’s new cybersecurity
degree offering is Dr. Ron Sones, the Calvin Howe
Professor of Business and new dean of LETU’s
School of Business and Technology, which recently
reorganized to include the department of computer
Sones is an expert in cybersecurity. His
professional industry experience began as a
computer programmer analyst with Computer
Sciences Corporation. He advanced from analyst
to director, developing software systems for the
Department of Defense and its associated agencies.
After 13 years in the computing industry handling
information systems, Sones recognized the need for
more cybersecurity professionals, so he transitioned
to a career in academia in 1997, teaching at
University of Mary Hardin Baylor, James Madison
University and Liberty University before coming to
LETU in 2014.
Working for the U.S. government with a top
secret clearance for many years, Sones takes data
security seriously. He understands the difficulties
of data theft. That is why you won’t find him on
Facebook or Twitter. He is intentionally cautious
about the digital footprint he leaves.
“In technology, it is very easy to make giant
leaps forward very quickly,” Sones said. “You see
how quickly mobile applications have proliferated.
The history of computing as an industry has made it
relatively easy to come up with the next scathingly
brilliant idea, but many of these ideas have a
downside, that their creators never intended.
“Many of these were created in much the same
way our nation was,” Sones said. “It was based on
Christian principles. We have created something
great, but it is based on the fact that Christian men
and women will be the caretakers of this grand
experiment. The creators of this country put things
together with little thought about the downside
and the unintended consequences, and sometimes
6 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
those unintended consequences are ethically,
morally and legally challenging.”
Sones reports that social media is a prime
example, citing how Facebook has contributed to a
rising divorce rate.
“A study done about six years ago reported that
a quarter of the divorces in the United Kingdom
were directly attributed to Facebook—people
catching up with old flames and rekindling high
school love affairs,” he said. “And almost daily,
you will find stories of people, many with large
public personas, being forced to apologize about a
comment they made on Twitter.
“An expressed thought that before would have
been heard by two or three people is now heard by
"Once it is
out there,
it never dies."
hundreds of thousands,” he said. “Some have lost
jobs over their comments. Once it is out there, it
never dies.”
Sones says today’s technology has
tremendously enabled data theft. He says LETU’s
new cybersecurity program will empower wellintentioned businesses, ministries and service
organizations to use technology wisely and find
cost-effective, secure digital means to store, collect
and access their data.
“LeTourneau is the premier STEM Christian
university in the country, therefore we have the
academic excellence, the commitment, and the
unwavering Christian foundation to prepare
students to excel in this field,” Sones said.
LeTourneau University | 7
Protecting Privacy in
Health Care
Written by Janet Ragland
Picture this. You just opened a letter from your
doctor’s office saying that your electronic medical
records have been compromised.
Not only have your personal and confidential
medical history and health information been stolen,
but hackers now have your name, address, phone
number, age, birthdate, social security number and
employer information that they could use to commit
fraud against you. Hackers could steal your identity,
open bank accounts in your name, ruin your credit,
and complicate your life.
And that’s not to mention that your health
information could, under the wrong circumstances,
even cost you a job or a job promotion.
What if your medical records indicate you’ve
been treated for mental illness, cancer or other
costly medical issues? That could compromise your
opportunities for advancement with your current
employer or a potential employer.
Privacy of our personal health information has
to be managed with utmost professionalism, which
is why LeTourneau University’s undergraduate
healthcare management and graduate healthcare
administration programs are designed to prepare
professionals to exemplify excellence and to lead in
this essential industry.
8 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Dr. Bryan Schneider is the director of LETU’s
graduate healthcare administration program and is
an assistant professor of health care administration.
Dr. Velma Payne is the chair of LETU’s undergraduate
healthcare management and information systems
programs and an assistant professor of healthcare
administration and management. Both have a wide
depth of knowledge and extensive experience in
healthcare education.
Growth in the field of healthcare management
is projected to rise 23% in the decade from 2012
through 2022, which is higher than the national
average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Earning potential is great, with an average annual
salary of nearly $90,000 for medical and health
service managers and senior executives earning
$200,000 or significantly more, depending on
experience and achievements.
Whether working for a doctor’s office,
a hospital, a health insurance company, or a
company that handles patient billing, healthcare
administration and management provides a variety
of career growth opportunities.
Both LETU’s undergraduate and graduate
programs have been designed in collaboration with
top-tier health care management professionals,
LeTourneau University | 9
including local and regional hospital CEOs, CFOs,
presidents and vice presidents.
Schneider says that faith and work integration is
intrinsic to LETU’s programs.
“Concepts of ethics, integrity and service
are interwoven throughout LETU’s coursework
in each class,” Schneider said. “Integrating faith
into classroom content and discussions of realworld issues encourages students to see how their
decisions and actions can align with God’s teaching
and how their faith should inform their professional
decisions and actions.”
To protect patient privacy, the primary law
restricting the sharing of medical information is
known as the Health Insurance Portability and
10 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Accountability Act (HIPAA). Violations to HIPAA
bring steep penalties ranging from as low as $100 to
as high as $1.5 million, and in some cases, criminal
charges can be filed for negligence with medical
With the high costs of these kinds of breaches,
companies handling medical records need to create
their own privacy policies about how they collect
information, what they collect, how they use it, how
they encrypt and safeguard it, and with whom it
can be shared. Failure to do so could result in legal
liability for any company that doesn’t adhere to its
own privacy policy.
“LETU’s healthcare management and
administration programs teach about HIPAA,
security practices, applications and software
designed to ensure patient records are secure,”
Payne said. “We teach about data encryption, best
practices and protecting health information. We
teach about the day-to-day operations involved
in healthcare management and administration,
how data flows through the organization and
how corporations should implement safeguards
necessary to maintain patient privacy.”
“If a patient is not
comfortable with how
their data is being
handled, they may fail
to provide critical data,
which could result in
an incorrect or
delayed diagnosis...
that could be fatal.”
Dr. Bryan Schneider
“It’s not only software but employee practices,
including not discussing a patient in the hallways
where others can overhear,” Payne said. “And we
teach that you don’t transmit patient information
to just anybody who asks for it. The request for
information has to fit within strict criteria to ensure
patient data is private.”
But another serious concern arises when it
comes to accurate and complete healthcare data.
“If a patient is not comfortable with how their data
is being handled, they may fail to provide critical
data, which could result in an incorrect or delayed
diagnosis,” she said. “That could be fatal.”
Dr. Velma Payne
LeTourneau University | 11
Eyes in the Sky
Written by Ruedi Schubarth. Photography by Janet Ragland
Drone. The word conjures fear in some,
excitement and market potential in others.
To some people, stories of invasion of privacy,
near-misses with airliners, and even remote
weapons being controlled an ocean away are what
comes to mind.
To others, the potential of using a technology
that is forecast to grow $10 billion in the next
12 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
10 years is an exciting prospect. However
misunderstood, drones are here to stay.
Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics, one of the
largest drone companies in the USA, recently stated
that modern drones used for both hobbies and
business are less airplanes without pilots than they
are “smartphones with propellers.” In fact, a smart
phone-integrated quadcopter was recently featured
The word conjures fear
in some, excitement
and market potential
in others."
on the TV show Shark Tank and the crowd-funded
website Kickstarter.
As people become more familiar and
comfortable with the technology, safety and privacy
concerns become paramount.
The Federal Aviation Administration has been
working tirelessly to create and enforce unmanned
aircraft regulations since Congress charged them in
2012 with an effort to modernize aviation safety.
However, the regulations the FAA creates are
focused on safety, and will not provide guidance
on protection of privacy. In an effort to fill the gap,
nearly all of the 50 states in the U.S. have drafted
their own drone privacy laws.
Texas state law, for example, prohibits collection
of images from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
except under 19 specific industries and uses.
Colleges and universities may use images collected
from a UAV for research. Petroleum companies
may use UAVs to monitor pipelines and inspect
Any business or individual not listed in the
specific exemptions are, therefore, likely to be
charged with a crime for collecting pictures of other
people without their permission. Many of the state
laws that are filling in the gaps on privacy are based
on previously coded “peeping Tom” laws, with some
being more restrictive than others.
LeTourneau University | 13
LETU Instructor Ruedi Schubarth
teaches students to become
skilled RPA pilots, maintenance
technicians and electronics
14 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
An important point to note is that it isn’t the
technology doing the spying. It’s the person or
entity controlling the technology.
The responsibility for protection of privacy rests
with everyone.
UAV operators must be responsible to control
their aircraft and protect the safety and privacy
of people not involved with their operations. This
includes knowledge of the privacy laws in the states
where they are operating.
Governments must be responsible to develop
guidelines that protect the safety and privacy of
their citizens while allowing a vibrant industry to
grow and expand to its potential.
Citizens must be responsible to educate
themselves on their rights and must know how
they are protected. In most cases, if you have good
reason to believe you are being illegally spied upon,
you should contact your local police department
and/or sheriff’s office. They may not yet even know
the laws, but awareness is growing through efforts
to educate law enforcement across the country on
the safety and privacy aspects of drone operation.
LeTourneau University’s new drone program has
established its mission to include nurturing Christian
virtue, integrating faith and work, and serving
the local and global community as it relates to
designing, handling and operating drones.
In LETU’s new Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
(RPAS) program, students can choose between three
concentrations: pilot, technician, and electronics.
Each of these three degree concentrations includes
FAA pilot or mechanic certificates, and will include
a drone operator’s certificate as soon as it becomes
available through the FAA.
Throughout LETU’s RPA curriculum, students will
learn to design, program, test, and use drones for
multiple applications.
As part of LETU’s School of Aviation &
Aeronautical Science, the RPAS degree will benefit
from the tradition of excellence that has been the
hallmark of professional aviation training, preparing
graduates to make a difference in every workplace
and every nation.
Specifically, RPAS students will become
skilled operators, able to professionally navigate
the complicated industry while integrating their
Christian virtue into their work. They will be
encouraged to deal with substantive issues of
drone use, including privacy, in a complicated
and maturing legal environment, with integrity in
operations, even when others may appear to be
getting ahead by cheating the system.
To encourage safety and protection of privacy,
unmanned LETU flights will be conducted over
land with restricted access – in most cases, private
land with written permission from the land owner.
This prevents passers-by from accessing the flight
area (increasing safety) and also prevents private
property owners from being captured on video or
images without their knowledge.
Teaching students to be mindful of safety and
privacy while operating an aircraft professionally will
continue to be the primary focus of the RemotelyPiloted Aircraft Systems program. Future graduates
will enter a growing industry with skills and a sense
of ethics that will set them apart and bring glory to
LeTourneau University | 15
16 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
LeTourneau University | 17
U.S. News and World Report has ranked LeTourneau University in the top tier of the national 2016 annual rankings of
“America’s Best Colleges.” LETU is ranked 32nd among all the universities in its category of “Best Regional Universities
in the Western Region,” marking the 22nd year the university has ranked in the top tier. LETU also ranked 39th among
“Best Engineering Schools.” LETU was also ranked 27th among Best Colleges for Veterans and among the A+ Schools for B
Students and as a “Great Value.”
LETU School of Nursing began a new tradition with a “Blessing of the Hands” ceremony for nursing students to receive
prayer and blessing as they begin their clinical education. LETU theology professors prayed over junior nursing students and
provided scripture reading.
The Junior League of Longview
partnered with LETU to host the
2015 Poverty Conference featuring
keynote speaker Dr. Geoffrey Canada
in the Belcher Center, attracting about
500 community members to discuss
combating local poverty. Canada, a
nationally well-known child advocate,
author and long-time director of the
Harlem Children’s Zone, spoke about
“The Crisis Facing Youth: What We
Can Do to Save Our Children and
Revitalize Our Community.” He has
been prominently featured in the 2010
Academy Award winning documentary
“Waiting for Superman.”
18 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
LETU psychology professor and Dean Dr.
Melanie Roudkovski received a $5,000 check
from Westlake Chemical employee Chris
Terry to support the purchase of a oneyear license to access the SPSS predictive
analytics software. The software will aid
graduate students conducting research to
advance their coursework and professional
identity as they present their research at
conferences regionally and nationally. LETU
is in the development phase for launching a
doctoral program in psychology. Terry is a
graduate student in LETU’s Master of Arts in
Marriage and Family Therapy program.
LETU and Longview Independent
School District have partnered to
allow LISD 9th graders to attend
college classes toward an aviation
degree at LETU free of charge, as
part of LISD’s new Early College High
School. LISD provides the costs of
tuition, textbooks and transportation
to the university campus. The
program will expand each year to
include sophomore, junior and senior
LETU and ExpressJet, the largest
regional airline in the world, signed
a new pilot pathway agreement to
create a hiring pathway for LETU
aviation graduates to pursue career
opportunities with the airline. Signing
the agreement with LETU President
Dr. Dale A. Lunsford was 2004 LETU
aviation alumnus David Johnson, who
is one of the pilots who volunteer to
offer career guidance and advice for
students entering an airline career.
chair Dr.
Jacobs and
Baker have
written a new book titled “The Strong
Temple: A Man’s Guide to Developing
Spiritual and Physical Health.” It gives
men the tools to adopt a personal
wellness plan to lead to a lifestyle that
supports spiritual values and provides
strength for everyday living. Jacobs
has more than 30 years working in the
field of health and kinesiology and has
published multiple journal articles.
He won the Robert H. Selby Teaching
Scholar Award in 2005-2006.
LeTourneau University was proudly represented at the American Welding Society honors recently at the FABTECH
conference in Chicago. Pictured from left are 1978 alumnus Dr. Duane Miller and LETU materials joining engineering
professor Dr. Yoni Adonyi, both of whom were inducted into the 2015 Class of Fellows, which is the highest honor AWS
awards for career accomplishments and distinguished contributions to welding/materials joining education, science,
technology and research. Also receiving an AWS award was 1971 alumnus Phillip Temple, who was inducted into the
Counselors Class of 2015. With them is 1981 alumnus David Landon, who is the 2015 AWS President.
LeTourneau University | 19
LETU LeTourneau University’s total enrollment reflected a 4.8% increase to 2,796 for Fall 2015 from 2,667 for Fall 2014,
including a record number of graduate students, topping 500 for the first time in the university’s history. LETU also had
a record 311 dual enrollment students, reflecting a national trend for high school students to earn college credits before
arriving on campus.
LETU’s “Sting” Precision Flight Team
took first place by 117 points at
the Region IV NIFA SAFECON flight
competition in Mississippi. The team
placed first by 139 points in ground
events and placed second in flight
events by 22 points. LETU pilot
Cameron Laramee of Belchertown,
Mass., won Top Pilot and Top Scoring
Contestant. The team qualifies to
compete at nationals in the spring in
LETU has
as its new
of Career
Shelton will
assist LETU
and alumni to identify their vocational
calling, find rewarding careers and
continue tracking graduate placement
and internship placements. She will
serve as a liaison with corporate
and industry partners. Her work
will include counseling students
in job search strategies, resume
building, interviewing, dressing for
success and business etiquette.
LETU’s new Chief of Police Michael
Schultz took the oath of office,
administered by Precinct 2 Gregg
County Justice of the Peace Tim
Bryan. A 20-year peace officer
veteran, Schultz holds certifications
as a Master Peace Officer, Instructor
Proficiency, Sexual Assault/Family
Violence Investigator, Cybercrime
Investigator and Crime Prevention
LETU dedicated a plaque in honor of one of its corporate
sponsors, CB&I, for its generous financial pledge to the Bill
Kielhorn Endowed Professorship Chair. The plaque was
presented by LETU engineering professor Dr. Yoni Adonyi to
CB&I senior welding engineer James D. Osika of Plainfield,
Ill. The plaque will be permanently displayed in the LETU
Materials Joining Robotic Lab in recognition and appreciation
for CB&I and their participation in the Kielhorn Endowed
Chair, named after the late Dr. William H. “Bill” Kielhorn, the
longtime LeTourneau University engineering professor who
taught welding engineering at LeTourneau for 45 years, never
missing a day of class. Kielhorn’s last class was taught via
SKYPE from the bed of his hospital ICU room. The university
celebrated his life during a memorial service on campus.
20 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
LETU President Dr. Dale Lunsford was
elected to serve as president of the
American Southwest Conference’s
Executive Committee of the Council
of Presidents for the 2015-16 term.
July 1 marked the start of the 20th
year of ASC competition and a
change in executive leadership for
the 13-member NCAA Division III
conference. LETU Athletic Director
Terri Deike will serve as chair of the
Council of Directors of Athletics.
LETU received a National Science
(NSF) grant
award for
over three
years in
support of
Dr. Seung
collaborative research with Texas Tech
professor Dr. Jungkyu “Jay” Kim to
improve early detection of disease.
The project is titled “Collaborative
Research: A self-contained
microfluidic optical cavity biosensing
platform for multiplex label-free
molecular diagnostics.”
Kim is currently researching the
development of an optical biosensor
for early detection of diseases
supported by a $400,000 five-year
LETU was approved by the Federal
Aviation Administration in May
as the first Christian university to
offer aircraft dispatcher courses to
prepare students to take and pass
needed exams to receive their FAA
Aircraft Dispatcher Certificates. All
six students who took the inaugural
dispatch course during the summer
passed the practical test on their first
attempt with the FAA.
LETU nursing students checked blood
pressure levels at LETU’s annual
community-wide health fair where
hundreds of local residents received
free health care assessments and
education, as well as free medical
lab tests that included complete lipid
profiles and glucose testing.
LETU and the C12 Group,
America’s leading CEO Roundtable
organization, have partnered to
strengthen integration of faith and
business. This partnership offers
C12 members access to world-class
business instruction and further
equips employees to enhance their
company’s competitiveness using
Christ-centered business principles.
Founded in 1992, C12 helps Christian
business owners and chief executives
achieve excellence through bestpractice professional development,
peer sharpening, consistent
accountability and learning with the
eternal perspective in mind.
LETU has
a National
award for
over three
years in
support of Assistant Professor of
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Ben
Caldwell’s research on improving
engineering creativity and problem
solving. The project is titled
“Understanding How Engineers
Draw from their Knowledge and
Experience to Solve Design Problems
Creatively.” Caldwell’s research seeks
to understand how people generate
ideas and how to then teach that skill
effectively. And since the research
borders on psychology, Caldwell has
LETU psychology professor Dr. Vicki
Sheafer assisting as research associate
on this grant.
LETU pilots Rebecca Davidson and Jovita Perez-Segovia were featured on the 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting
Network. The story can be seen here: http://ow.ly/U5qlj
LeTourneau University | 21
By Janet Ragland
LETU Raises $30.5 Million in Historic Campaign
LeTourneau University recently celebrated the
successful completion of its first, university-wide,
comprehensive campaign by exceeding its $27.5
million “For Such a Time as This” campaign goal. The
campaign was historic as the largest comprehensive
fundraising campaign in the university’s 70-year
“When we started on this journey, we trusted a
big God to help us reach a big goal —$27.5 million
22 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
dollars, and now we celebrate that we not only
have made that goal, but we have received and
committed a total of over $30.5 million dollars!”
said LETU President Dr. Dale A. Lunsford during the
university’s campaign gala celebration Nov. 5 in the
Allen Family Student Center, which is one of the
buildings that was supported by the campaign.
Prior to the evening’s banquet, LETU students
showcased many of their projects for donors and
invited guests.
The $30.5 million total
was reached through gifts
from nearly 5,000 donors from
across the country. 31% of
those donors were first time
givers and nearly 30% were
The successful fundraising
campaign has enabled the
university to provide funding
for five of the pillars of its
strategic plan, including
1) increasing endowed
scholarships for students, 2)
funding academic excellence
research initiatives 3)
expanding faith and work
integration, 4) realizing
much-needed campus improvements
and 5) growing global service learning
LETU has been able to nearly triple its
student scholarships, making a profound
difference for families facing tough
economic times. Increased faculty research
funding and technology improvements
in labs and
classrooms have
expanded handson learning
The campaign
also enabled
LETU’s Center for
Faith and Work
to host a Faith@
Work Summit in
Boston this past
year, and the
CFW is currently
planning next
year’s Summit
in Dallas. The
Center helps to
set LETU apart
as a university
where students
don’t separate faith on Sunday from work
on Monday.
“When we do our work—the work that
LETU President Dr. Dale A. Lunsford greeted Mrs. Louise
LeTourneau, widow of LETU’s former president Dr. Richard
LeTourneau, who was the son of the university’s founders.
Attending with Mrs. LeTourneau were her son, Caleb, his wife,
Kathy (at his right), and daughter-in-law Virginia LeTourneau,
wife of Mrs. LeTourneau’s son, Gil (not pictured).
God has called
us to do—with
excellence, we
serve and honor
Him, and are able
to be ambassadors
in the workplace,
as salt and light,”
Lunsford said.
“With this in mind,
we believe nonChristians can
find Jesus in the
The campus
covered by the
campaign include
the new Sidney
and Anna Lee Allen
Family Student Center and the Joyce
Family Athletic Village. The student
center, built at the heart of the campus,
LeTourneau University | 23
is where students meet, play, work
together on school projects and
seek tutoring, as well as just hang
out and have fun. The athletic
village includes improved soccer
and baseball/softball facilities,
including a 6,000 square foot field
house. The athletic fields are
where teamwork, sportsmanship
and fitness are practiced and
modeled for intramurals and
LETU’s 13 NCAA Division III sports.
The campaign enabled LETU’s
international reach to grow, as
the university has sent faculty
and students abroad to use their
ingenuity to impact the world,
including building water wells
in Senegal, making wheelchair
improvements in Kenya and
Guatemala, providing marriage
counseling in Chile, sharing nursing
education in Guatemala and civil engineering in
Haiti. Generous funding has enabled $1,000 student
engagement grants to encourage more students to
consider a global experience as part of their college
24 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
LeTourneau University | 25
In Honor Of
Bill Graff
Tim & Susan Schroeder
Dr. Richard E. Johnson
Steven L. Ball
Dr. Paul Kubricht
Randy Hartman
Sharon Myers
Michael & Lisa Myers
Suzanne Merritt
Eric McCathran
In Memory Of
Steve Beacham
Tim & Susan Schroeder
Marion Benson
Donald & Cybill Beiler
John & Jane Colquitt
Roger & Charlotte Erickstad
Friendship Sunday School Class
A.D. & Mina Harms
Kirk & Lynne Henderson
Frank & Darba Jackson
Michael & Lisa Myers
Joe & Paula Nowiczewski
James Powell
George & Paula Vestfals
Mark & Jaime Witt
Jack B. Friedman
Friedman Industries
Paul Glaske
Hellen’s Hope Foundation
Logan Houshmand
Robert Gaddy
Mohamad & Maria Houshmand
Wayne Huyett
Cheryl E. Huyett
Bill Kielhorn
David & Lori Adler
Carroll & Delaney Apol
Jon & Ruth Arrowsmith
Bernard & Jean Banzhaf
Donald & Janet Bates
Richard & Jordan Baumer
Eugene & Mary Bickford
Barney & Renella Burks
Jon & Shanna Carruth
Micah & Rebeka Casteel
Jerry & Kate Cramblett
George & Traci Dunham
Doug & Jenny Faull
Greatcom Ministries International Inc
Paul & Jan Hager
Bruce & Pam Hallila
Joseph & Henkel
David & Mary Hoffman
Steven & Angela Hudgins
Roger & Valerie Jasper
David & Karen Johnson
Thomas & Wendy Landon
Mark & Susan Lehmann
Jim & Kimberly Lightfoot
Bradley & Linda Loeks
Steven & Vanessa Lund
Dwayne & Laura Mast
Paul & Betty Monroe
John & Mae Morton
Carl & Charlene Nilson
Joel & Anna Peterson
Gregory & JoAnne Pike
Daniel & Janice Powell
Jerry & Ethel Ruggles
Harry & Nancy Saddock
William & Diane Scarince
Paul & Teresa Shaw
Joyce & Sherman
Paul & Katy Stoll
Chris & Barbara Thompson
Jeff A. Trosen
Keith & Cherri Trosen
Lonnie & Mary Waldner
Christopher & Kristin Waskey
Ted & Rose Wilkinson
Louis W. Wilpitz
Wilsdorf Manufacturing LLC
Kent & Ginny Wilson
Steven E. Wolbert
Riley & Leslie Wyers
Dr. Richard H. LeTourneau
Liela LeTourneau
Louise LeTourneau
Jacob A. LeTourneau
Liela LeTourneau
Louise LeTourneau
Peter A. Skielnik
Antoni & Betty Skielnik
Betty Virginia Bolt Long
A.P. & Suzie Merritt
Thomas & Janet Merritt
Carlos Michel
A.P. & Suzie Merritt
Gordon Roesink
Beverly Roesink
Joseph "Joe" Ruddiero
A.P. & Suzie Merritt
All Giving By Constituents 2014-2015
26 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Ho nor Roll of Giving
The following alumni and friends made contributions to LeTourneau University during the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. We deeply appreciate
each and every gift and the many givers who make it possible to carry on the work of educating Christian young people.
The President’s Circle
President’s Circle members are individuals dedicated to praying for the university and promoting its mission while providing annual financial scholarship aid
of $1,000 or greater.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Adell
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Crider
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Kruppenbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Ahrens
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Crosby
*Mr. & Mrs. Phil Kuitems
Mr. J. Lloyd Rohrer
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley C. Ames
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crump, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Lansberry
*Mr. & Mrs. Doug Roszhart
Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Arrowsmith
Dr. Terry Cruse
*Mr. & Mrs. David Lednum
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Runyon
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin O. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. John Deurwaarder
Mr. Keith W. Leonhardt
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Safstrom
Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Bagwell
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Dome
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron S. Lorson
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Saint
Mr. Donald C. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Rives B. Lowrey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Sanda
Mr. & Mrs. Damian G. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Dale A. Lunsford
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Schreder
Mr. & Mrs. Tim P. Bayse
Mr. & Mrs. DeWayne Everitt
Mr. Roderick B. MacAskill
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Schreder
Mr. Wayco W. Beckman
Mr. Gordon Fenner
Mr. Gregory E. Mansker
Dr. & Mrs. F. Stan Settles Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Beiler
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Fish
Lt. Timothy D. Markley II
Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Shugart
Mr. Kenneth C. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fitzhugh
Mrs. Margaret Martin
Ms. Evelyn W. Sibley
Mr. Bryan E. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Forester
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Mason
Mr. Robert D. Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Bertsche
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Frost, Jr.
Mr. Dale A. McCombs
Mr. & Mrs. John Solheim
Mr. & Mrs. Joe B. Bickley
Ms. Karen K. Gassett
Mr. Donald Moon
*Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Spain
Mr. R. Jay Bissell
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Stoltzfus
Ms. Winona Blalock
Dr. Shafik Hanna-Moussa
Mr. & Mrs. Tim P. Munsterman
Mr. John S. Sudduth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Bock
Dr. & Mrs. Billy J. Harris
Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Myers, M.D.
Mr. Alan D. Thiessen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brake
Mr. Charles J. Hart
*Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Nelson
*Mr. Jason K. Trosen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bringhurst
*Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Trull
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Henderson
Mr. David F. Nickell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tucker
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Buckner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nilson
Mr. & Mrs. Raul E. Valdes
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Bullivant
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hetrick
Dr. & Mrs. Seth J. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Walker
Mr. Mark A. Burns
Mrs. Lois Howe
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Parks
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Walrod
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burt
*Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Patterson
LCdr. Ronald L. Wier
Dr. Joel Carpenter IV
Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Hunter
*Lt. Cmdr. & Mrs. Aaron Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Imes
*Drs. Jeff & Jenelle Piepmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Wittenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Class
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Johnson
Mrs. Velma E. Poole
Mr. Bill Wolcken
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Claypool
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers Pope, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Zeitlow
Mrs. Suzanne Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirkwood, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Ritchey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Titus Crabb
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kniep
Mr. & Mrs. Steve S. Roberson
*The Founders are a unique group of individuals who commit to providing sustaining funding through monthly or other regular giving and are also
members of either the President’s Circle or the 1946 Society. Their loyal giving adds up to significant impact for the students served by the Annual Fund.
Presidential Corporate Scholarship Circle members represent a variety of influential businesses that are active in the community
and have a passion for young people and higher education, investing $3,000 annually to a sponsored student and providing mentorship and internship
Encore Multimedia
Mr. Lester Kilpatrick
Pegues-Hurst Motor Co.
Citizens National Bank
Mr. James H. Hurst
Mr. Chuck King
Texas Bank and Trust
Eastman Chemical Company
Joyce Crane
Larry's Interiors Inc
Mr. Mike Tucker
Edge Office Products
Mr. Joe Bob Joyce
Mr. Larry W. Odom
Mr. Dean Waskowiak
University || 27
1946 Society
The 1946 Society represents a growing group of alumni, parents, and friends who believe deeply in providing scholarship aid through the LETU Annual Fund
and give generously to ensure students have the opportunity to experience the LETU difference.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Abbey
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Abell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Ahlenius
Ms. Maria Al Chammas
Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo A. Alaniz
Mrs. Erin Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Alecxih, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Garland Alldredge
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Julius A. Allstaedt
Ms. Bianca Anderson
Mr. Dennis L. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Doug W. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. Curt & Col. Carol Andrews
Ms. Shirley Andrews
Mrs. Marilyn S. Antosh
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll P. Apol
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Araujo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Arnholt
*Mr. Michael E. Askew
Mr. & Mrs. Ross H. Aubin
Mr. Paul D. Aubrey
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Augsburger
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan P. Auran
Mrs. Catherine Avery
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Ayling
Rev. & Mrs. Guy R. Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Baker
*Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Balgaard
Mr. John T. Ball
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ball
Dr. & Mrs. Ken Bandy
Mr. John M. Barba
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin L. Bard
*Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Barker
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Barnes
LtCdr. Lowell H. Barnett
Mr. Howard Barnwell
Mr. Gavin Barrack
Mr. & Mrs. Dana L. Barre
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Barrett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Archie N. Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bartel
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bartel
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard V. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bauman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Baumann
*Mr. & Mrs. Leland J. Beachy
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Beadle
Mr. & Mrs. David Beams
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice H. Beasley
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Bechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Beckmann
*Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Bedford
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Beets
Mrs. Cynthia Belcher
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Belcher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck H. Bellatti
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Bellows
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Bennett
Mr. Paul H. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Benton
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Berk
Mrs. June Bernero
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Beylotte
*Mr. & Mrs. Rick H. Bicknell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Biggs, Jr.
Mrs. Kelli Billingsley-Metzenthin
*Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Billo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. Bendt Bladel
Ms. Ashley L. Blakely
Mr. Christopher Blow
Mr. David Blue
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Boggs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bombero
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bondurant
*Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Bonilla
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Boren
*Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Borsheim
*Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Boston
Mr. & Mrs. David Boulware
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bowen
Mr. Dennis Bowles
*Mr. & Mrs. Danny Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Brandhorst
Mr. David Brandt
Mrs. Andrea J. Brankin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Breaux
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Tom W. Brewington
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Briggs
Mrs. Charlotte Briggs
Ms. Kelly Brighi
Mr. & Mrs. Ben F. Bright
Mrs. Janet C. Brink
*Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Britton
Mr. & Mrs. George Broberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Bromley
Mrs. Sharon K. Brooks
Mr. William R. Brooks
Mrs. Toni R. Brothers
Mr. Ivan J. Brouwer
Mr. Bentley Brown
*Dr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brown
Ms. Janet H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Randall W. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ray G. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ted H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Browne
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Broyles
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brubaker
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brubaker
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Buczala
Mr. & Mrs. David Buhrmann
Mrs. Barbara Buist
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bullers
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bunt
Mr. & Mrs. Billy B. Burd
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burkholder
Mr. Norman Burks
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Burlingame
Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Burry
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Busenitz
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bussard
Mr. & Mrs. Seth D. Buttner
Mr. Roy F. Caldon
Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Caley
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Cameron
Mr. Charles L. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Campbell
Mr. Jonathan Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Campbell
*Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Campbell
Mr. Ronald C. Campbell
Mrs. Debra Cappella
Mr. Ron Cappella
Mr. Arthur Capps
Mr. John L. Cardenas
*Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Cardinale
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Carlson
Dr. & Mrs. Fredric J. Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Carlson
Mr. Blake Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Preston H. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Caruvana
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cassel
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Cato
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Channon
28 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Dr. Richard C. Chewning
Mrs. Shirley Chewning
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore D. Chick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Childers
Ms. Katherine A. Childs
Mrs. Karen A. Chin
Dr. & Mrs. Ken Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Chow
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn T. Chrisman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Christen
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Ciavarelli
Mrs. Clara A. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin R. Clede
Mrs. Shelley Clement
Mr. Isaac A. Coats
Dr. Peggy Coghlan &
Mr. Howard Coghlan
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Colao
Mr. & Mrs. Dirk D. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Coleman Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Collier
*Mr. Montague R. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Carter C. Collum
Dr. & Mrs. John Colquitt
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. David Comfort
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Conforti
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon T. Cooper
Ms. Dorothy J. Cornelius
Mrs. Iris Counts
Mr. & Mrs. Ben P. Cowles
Mr. & Mrs. Don Cowles
Mr. & Mrs. Anton E. Coy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cramblett
Mr. & Mrs. C.C. Creach
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Crider
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Crone
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie H. Cross
Mr. Harold Crossman
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn D. Crouse
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Crouthamel
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Crowson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Curtis III
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Curtis
Mr. Keith Curtis
Mrs. Isabelle Dahl
Mrs. Jill Dahmen
*Dr. & Mrs. Tom Dalton
Mr. Logan A. Damewood
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Daniels, Jr.
Mrs. Teresa M. Danielson
Mrs. Jacqueline Daugherty
*Mr. Vernon M. David
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Davis
Mr. Cody W. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Davisson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Day
Mr. Gary A. Day
Mr. & Mrs. Ulrich E. De La Fuente
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Dean
Mr. Frans A. Deblois
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Decker
Mrs. Margaret Deike
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. DeKruyff
Mr. Jeffrey G. DeLong
*Mrs. Sharon Wester Delong
Mr. Mark H. Devos
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Devries
Ms. Jamie K. DeYoung
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dial
Mrs. Milka L. Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Dickman
Mrs. Madeliene C. Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dietz
Mrs. Judith K. Dingmon
Mr. & Mrs. William Dinkins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robin D. Dirks
Ms. Barbara J. Dixon-Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Donelson
Dr. Thomas Donkor
Mrs. Rebecca R. Donnelly
Mr. Eugene T. Dorneman
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Dossin
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin L. Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Doyle
Mrs. Gloria Driver
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dubisz
Mrs. Marjorie Dubois
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel R. Duda
Mr. Dan W. Dudeck
Mr. & Mrs. Brad J. Dukek
Mr. & Mrs. James Dumas
Mr. Robert R. Dunmire, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dunn
Mrs. Heidi A. Durant
Mrs. Katherine Durgo
Dr. & Mrs. David O. Dykes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Eaby
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Eagleton
Mrs. Diane W. Earle
Mr. Robert G. East
Ms. Sanna S. Eddie
Mr. Matthew P. Edmunds
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Edmunds
Mrs. Melissa Edney
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan K. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Edwards
Rev. Jim E. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Eleutheriou
Mrs. Celene D. Eliason
Mr. & Mrs. James Elliott
*Mr. & Mrs. Johnathan Elmore
*Mr. M. Eugene Engle
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Englund
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eon
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Epp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Brad R. Erickstad
Mr. & Mrs. Morten Eriksen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Erkelens
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar S. Eshleman
Mrs. Sherry W. Estes
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Etem
Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Ethridge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eveland
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. L. Evers
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Ewin III
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Ewing
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Faglie III
Mrs. Victoria Farber
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Farley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeter M. Farlow
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Farrar
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fast
Mr. & Mrs. Seeley T. Feldmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Ferguson
*Ms. Nashunda Y. Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Fiscus
Miss Javerna Fjelsted
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Fleming
Ms. Donna L. Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fogle
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Forbis
*Dr. & Mrs. Douglas I. Ford
Ms. Vera R. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Foreman
Mr. Steven J. Formichella
Mr. Brian Fort
Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Fosbenner
Mrs. Claire Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Russ M. Frank
Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Frazier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Fretz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Frey, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fricke
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Friesen
Mr. Jerry W. Fritsch
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Froehner
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Fruin
*Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fudala
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Funk
*Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gaines, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Gamble
Ms. Helen I. Gambrel
Senator Todd Gardenhire
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Everette L. Gardner
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Garrett, Sr.
Ms. Carol A. Garza
Mr. & Mrs. Norman G. Gaut
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Gehlert
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Gehman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Geis
Dr. & Mrs. Troy Geyman
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Gibble
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Gillett
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob C. Gingerich, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest U. Gingrich
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy U. Gingrich
Mr. Allen Girndt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glinsko
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Goerner
Mr. & Mrs. Carey Goldberg
Ms. Maria E. Gomez
Mrs. Bertha L. Goode-Hodge
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Goodell
Ms. Audrey J. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Goodnow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gordey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goucher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Goyne
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Graber
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan H. Graham, Jr.
Mrs. Natalie Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Graus
Mr. Paul T. Graybill
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Green
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Green
Mrs. Mary E. Greenwaldt
Mrs. Nancy K. Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Grenon
*Mrs. Catherine V. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Grindrod
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Grooms
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Grover
Mr. William A. Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. James Gustafson
Mr. Matthew P. Gustafson
Mr. Joe U. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul P. Gutierrez
Mr. Ronald R. Guyer
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Habib
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Hager
Mr. Adam A. Hall
Ms. Jeri L. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Hames
Mr. & Dr. Patrick F. Hamner
Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hankammer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hannusch
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy A. Hansard
Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn P. Hara
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Harder
Dr. & Mrs. John Hardison
Mr. Gerald W. Hardy
Mr. Richard L. Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Harold
Mr. & Mrs. David Harper
Dr. & Mrs. Don Harper
Mrs. Kendall Celeste Harper
LtCdr. CaSaundra M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Harris
Mrs. Deanna Harris
Mrs. Fredna H. Harris
Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Harrison
Mrs. Megan R. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Hartberg
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Havenga
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hawes
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hawes
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hays
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hebble
Ms. Penny Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hegreberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Heironimus
Mr. & Mrs. Brett C. Helbig
Mrs. Lorna Helbing
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Helgesen
Mr. Brian D. Helms
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Helvie
Mr. & Mrs. E. Leroy Henderson
*Mr. Joseph K. Henkel
Ms. Cassie Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Henry
Mr. John Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Henry
Ms. Patricia E. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Hensel
Mr. Cecil Henson
Mrs. Christine Henson
Mr. & Mrs. David Hentschel
Mr. Muryl Herda
Mr. Kevin Herge
Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Herring
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Herrmann
Brig. General & Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Sarah A. Hess
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Hewell
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Hile
Mr. & Mrs. Burritt E. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Martin O. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. James Hillmann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hnatek
Mrs. Sue Hodges
Mr. Brent Hoff
Mr. Jack Hoff
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Hoffer, Ph.D.,
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl A. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hollinger
Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Holm
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Holm
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hood
Mrs. Martha B. Hook
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Horan
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Hornaday
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Horton
Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Houser
Mr. & Mrs. Mohamad Houshmand
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Howard
Mr. Cory D. Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hoye
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Hoye
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hudgins
Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Hummel
Mr. David J. Hunker
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunker
Mr. & Mrs. James Hunt
*Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hunt
Mrs. Amanda Hunter
*Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hunter
Mr. Timothy Hurd
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hussey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Hvass
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hvistendahl
Mr. & Mrs. William Hyslop
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Ide
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Iffland
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Innis
Dr. Marian V. Iordache
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Irving
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Iverson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Jackson
Mr. Roger Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jacky
Mr. Paul Jaeggi, Jr.
Mr. Paul W. James
Mr. Craig D. Janke
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jantzen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jarvi
Mr. Robert D. Jasper
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Jenkins
Ms. Shelia K. Jennings
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Jessen
Ms. Elsie Jez
Rev. & Mrs. Bob B. Johnson
Mr. Bradley J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Brent L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Johnson
Mr. Eddie W. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. Gordon J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Johnson IV
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Johnson V
Dr. Robert & Dr. Pamela Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger V. Johnson
Mr. Russell C. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Rusty Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve K. Johnson
Mrs. Tamara Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Johnston
Mr. Robert A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Joy
Mr. & Mrs. Ron D. Jurenka
Mr. Andrew P. Kalitka
Mr. Keith Kamas
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Karumuna
Mr. & Mrs. Hillis O. Kauffman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kaufman
Mr. Robert R. Kautzman
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Kautzmann
Mr. & Mrs. William Kayser
Mr. Keith T. Kearns
Mr. Kenneth W. Keer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Kegarise
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Keith
Mr. Paul Kellner
Mr. Steven D. Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Kelsey
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kem
Mr. Charles R. Kemp
Mr. Paul Kempf
Rev. & Mrs. James J. Kibelbek
Mr. Ronald L. Kickert
Ms. Julie Kilfoyle
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kinard
Mrs. Betty Kindle
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kirkwood
Mr. & Mrs. David Kirsch
Mr. Dusty & Dr. Stephanie
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Kline
Rev. & Mrs. James Knapton
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Knaub
Mr. & Mrs. Merton E. Knightly
Mr. Barry T. Knighton
Ms. Lois E. Knouse
Mr. Paul Knowlton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Knudson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Koch
Mr. Calvin G. Kooy
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Kopesky II
Mrs. Sandy Koppen
Mr. Jay Kottke
Mrs. Jeanette Kottke
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Kranz
Mr. & Mrs. Herb H. Kressler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kuipers
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuvshinikov
Ms. Wanda J. Kuykendall
Mr. & Mrs. John Lahan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Lam
Mrs. Miriam R. Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lance
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Langness
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Larson
Mrs. Barbara D. Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim League
Mr. Jered Lease
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Leatherwood
Mr. Chris Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Lee
Ms. Marilyn M. Lee
Tom Lee
Ms. Susan I. Lefoy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Leiby
Mr. Paul Leistner
*Ms. Liela LeTourneau
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Levander, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Andy W. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Darren C. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Q. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Phil V. Liddle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Liggett
Mr. Jeremy D. Liggett
Dr. & Mrs. Jim D. Lilley
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Linder
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg A. Lindholm
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Lindquist
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Linscheid
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Lisman
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Littman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Locke
Mr. & Mrs. David Lollis
Mr. David A. Lopez
Dr. & Mrs. C. L. Lovett
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Loyd
*Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lucas
Mrs. Santos C. Lucio
Mr. & Mrs. David Luckert
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Lundberg
Dr. & Mrs. Dale A. Lunsford
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald F. Lunt
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mahaffey
Mrs. Wanda G. Majors
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Manifesta
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manley, Jr.
Mrs. Betty L. Manns
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff B. Mansfield
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Y. March
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton E. Marks
Mr. Jonathan D. Marney
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Martens
Mr. & Mrs. John Martin
Mr. John K. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Shannon L. Martin
Mrs. Karen B. Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip T. Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Martinsen
Rev. & Mrs. Leonard T. Martz
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson B. Martz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Marvin
Dr. & Mrs. Steven D. Mason
Mr. Timothy R. Mason
Mrs. Urligene O. Mathews
Dr. Warren T. Matthews
Rear Adm. Richard K. Maughlin
USN Ret.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Maurer
Mr. Daniel S. Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Gene May
Mr. Mark Mayfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. McAfee
Ms. Jennifer McBride
Mr. Russ McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. Eric McCrory
Miss Shelley V. McCulloch
Mr. Thomas McCullough, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McDonald
Mr. Harold L. McElwee
Mr. & Mrs. Kent McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Neil McGinness
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. McGrew
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. McIlravy
Mr. William B. McIlwaine
Mr. & Mrs. Brian V. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McIntyre
Mr. Jimmie J. McKinley
Mr. & Mrs. Roger McKinney
Mr. Eric C. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. James W. McLemore
Mr. Douglas B. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McNichols
*Mr. & Mrs. Tim H. Medin
Mr. Galvino F. Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Meier
*Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Meling
Mr. & Mrs. Les Mendicello
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt
Mr. George Meza
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Mickett
*Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Miesuk
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Milby
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Miller
Ms. Kay Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robin C. Milligan
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Mills
Mr. Donald R. Mills
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Minatra
Mrs. Leslie M. Misenhimer
Mrs. Sally A. Mitchell
Mr. Jody & Dr. Barbara Modisette
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Moore
Dr. Charles D. Moorehead
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morales Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bartel Morgan
Ms. Heidi N. Morgan
Mr. Stephen L. Morgan
Mrs. Susan K. Morisseau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Morley
Ms. Anamarie Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Morris
Mrs. Beverly Morriss
Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel C. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. John Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Lafie D. Mose
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Moser
Rev. David P. Mosher, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis C. Mosley
Mrs. Roberta G. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moyer
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Mudgett
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Mulder
Mrs. Nancy Murray
Dr. & Mrs. Keith L. Musser
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Myers
Mr. James L. Myrick
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Nagel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Near
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Needham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Neely
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Nekoroski, Jr.
Mr. Joshua Newman
STCS & Mrs. Jesse M. Newton
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Nichols
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Niewald
Mr. Roger Niewenhuis
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Nikerle
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Nobley
Mr. & Mrs. Royal K. Nordeen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Norgren
Mr. Ronald L. Northcut
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nowiczewski
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Oakwood
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Obholz
Mr. Rod Oelke
Mrs. Jean Oelkers
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ogren
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Ojeda
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Olson
Mrs. Julie A. Olson
*Dr. & Mrs. Matthew K. Olson
Mr. Loren H. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Olthoff
Ms. Nancy Ornelas
Mr. & Mrs. Bud & Betty Otis
Mr. & Mrs. Weston Otto
*Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Overman
Mr. & Mrs. Orin R. Owen
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Owens
Ms. Alberta Packman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Page
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Palm
Mr. & Mrs. John Panagotopulos
Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Panetti
Rev. & Mrs. Jim Panter
Mr. David Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Darel Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pasquini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Patinos
*Mr. & Mrs. Eric Patten
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Blair W. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Paulhamus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Pauling
Mrs. Margaret Louise Paxton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Kory O. Pehl
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Peninger
Mrs. Connie Ruth Perkins
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Perkins, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Perschbacher
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Pete
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Peter
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Peterein, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Peters
Mr. Eric D. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Peterson
Mr. Richard L. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Jacobus C. Peuchen
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pfau
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Phillips
Dr. & Mrs. Lazarus Phiri
Mr. & Mrs. Vance Pickard
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Pierce
Mr. Henry C. Pilkinton III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Pinkerton
Mr. James D. Pitman
Mrs. Nola K. Plumb
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Podoll
Mr. & Mrs. Matt D. Poelman
Rev. & Mrs. Peter P. Polloni
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pope
Mr. Norman H. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Posey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Potts
Mr. & Mrs. Weston Poyner
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Prachyl
*Mr. & Mrs. John L. Prater
Mr. J. Neal Pratt
Dr. Bohdan Prehar
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Prewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky A. Price
Mrs. Janet S. Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Wain Pursley
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Puttbach
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pyle
Rev. & Mrs. Richard C. Rabenhorst
Mrs. Barbara Rabenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Mendy Rabicoff
Mrs. Betty Rader
Mrs. Janet Ragland
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ramaly
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ramsay
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Randall
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Randall, III
Mrs. Rosalind K. Randle
*Mr. Ted Rankin, Jr.
Mr. Pramod Ravade
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon J. Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Reas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Reason
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Redman
Mrs. Angela D. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Reed
Mr. Norman C. Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Reeves
Ms. Twila Reeves
Mr. Larry R. Rehnquist
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Reigle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rench
Mrs. Betina K. Rhine
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rhine
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde R. Ridgway
Mr. & Mrs. Dell R. Ridley
Mr. James R. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Slade R. Rinehart
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Ringler
LeTourneau University | 29
Mr. & Mrs. Dezi J. Rios
CWO & Mrs. Fred L. Ritchey, Sr.
Mr. Troy Ritchie
Mr. Douglas J. Roads
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Roads
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe C. Roberts
Mr. R. L. Roberts
Ms. Shontel Roberts
Mr. Reed Reed Robertson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Robinson
Mr. Ronald G. Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Roden
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Roden
Mr. & Mrs. Todd L. Roebke
Mrs. Natalie Rogers
Mrs. Joyce Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Ariel W. Rosentrater
Mrs. Janet Ross
Mrs. Janice F. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Rosser
Mr. & Mrs. Cary Roth
*Dr. & Mrs. Mark D. Roth, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Dayton D. Rothluebber
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur G. Rouse
Mr. Andrew & Dr. Beverly Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Rowe
Mr. Andrew A. Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Ruffcorn
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Ruiz
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rust
Mr. Arland A. Rusten
Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Safstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Salatin
Mr. Wayne R. Salsman
Dr. & Mrs. C.J. Sanders
*Mr. & Mrs. Kent E. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Saucerman
*Mr. James R. Saunders
Dr. & Mrs. Walter H. Scalen
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Schappell
Mr. & Mrs. David Scheevel
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Schlung
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Schmid
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Vern K. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Tim M. Schroeder
*Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Schubert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Schuit
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schultz
Miss Doris Schuring
Mr. Walker Scott
Ms. Jan Polhamus Scott
Mrs. Lois M. Scott
*Mr. & Mrs. Ryan S. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Sebast
Mr. & Mrs. David Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Seibel
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl C. Shafer
Mrs. Dorothy I. Shaffer
Mr. James M. Shamblin
Mr. Tim Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Shaver
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Shaw
Mr. Robert H. Shelden
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Shelly
*Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sherman
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas P. Shorb
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Short
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Sickles
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Siebert
Lt.Col. Jeffrey Sievert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Silvey
Mrs. Dawn D. Simpson
Dr. James Harding Siske
Mr. & Mrs. Antoni L. Skielnik
Ms. Caren R. Skipworth
Mr. David W. Skweres
Mr. Dwight Slaback
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Slager
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Slates
Mr. James D. Sledd
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Slothower
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn D. Smith
Mrs. Carol B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Smith
Mr. Joseph Smith
*Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Verlan Snodgrass
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Snow
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Snow
Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley E. Snyder
Mrs. Peggy A. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Sochor
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde C. Solander
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Solganick
Mr. Trent L. Sommers
Mr. Rod K. Spade
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Spanberger
Dr. Janice M. Spangenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Stanton D. Spaulding
Mr. & Mrs. Chris R. Spengler
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Spivey
Rev. & Mrs. John W. Sprunger
Mr. Bob L. Ssekyanzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staats
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Staley
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Stallard
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Stauffer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steed
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Steege
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Steers IV
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Steigerwalt
Mrs. Sherry J. Steigrod
Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. Stell
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Stephens
Mr. Carroll Stevens
*Ms. Stella E. Stewart
Mr. William L. Stewart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Stokholm
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Stoltzfus
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Stoltzfus
Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Stoltzfus
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Stone
Mr. David V. Stotera
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Strait
Mr. & Mrs. John Strash
Mr. & Mrs. David Strassner
Mr. Timothy Strauss
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Straw
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Strickler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strodel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Strong
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Strong
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Strubhar
Ms. Kimberly J. Stubberfield
Mrs. & Mr. Amy E. Stutts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stutzman
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Sullenger
Mrs. Jimmye Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Sumrall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Surprenant
Mr. Isaac J. Sutter
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Swager
Mr. & Mrs. Vern R. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg R. Sweeten
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard R. Sweeten
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Swift
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Symank
Mr. Jim Tachias
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Tamez
Mrs. Gwen Tart
Mr. & Mrs. David Taylor
Mrs. Debra Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Telchick
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell W. Tench
Col. Ret. & Mrs. Joseph G. Terry, Jr.
*Mr. & Mrs. David J. Tesser
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Teutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Thielman
Dr. John & Dr. Nancy Thomas
Mr. William Thomason
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thrift
*Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Timmons
Mrs. Grace Tobita
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Glendall Toney
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Tonini
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Trammell
Mrs. Jane Trapp
Ms. Shelly Trayer
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Trevino
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Trippett
Lt.Col. & Mrs. David M. Trombly
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Troxel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Troxell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Truesdale
Mr. Michael E. Trull
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Tucker
Mr. John H. Tucker
Mr. Arley Turner, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Turner
Mr. Glenn F. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Tuscher
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ulman
Mrs. Jessica A. Ulrich
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Usher
*Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Vaflor
Mr. Harold Van Cleve
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Van Kooten
Mr. & Mrs. James VanLopik
Mrs. Sarah Vermillion
Mr. & Mrs. John Vigna
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Vogel
Mr. LaVeryl D. Voss
Mr. & Mrs. William Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wagoner
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wahlstrom
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Walker
Lt.Col. & Mrs. Rogers R. Walker
Mrs. JoAnn F. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Walter
*Mr. & Mrs. James A. Walter
Mr. Jonathan L. Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ward
Mrs. Yvonne Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Darren L. Warkentin
Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Warner
Ms. Sandra Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Knute Watne
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben D. Watson
Dr. Murlene Watwood
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell J. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. James Weems
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Weidner
Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Weingartner
Rev. & Mrs. Larry P. Weiss
*Mr. & Mrs. David J. Wessies
Mr. & Mrs. Albert T. Wessman
Mr. & Mrs. Marc West
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Westover
Mr. & Mrs. Ken E. Whipple
*Mr. & Mrs. Bryan White
Mrs. Ruth S. White
Mrs. Kelly Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiens
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wilkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willett
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Williams
Mr. Mark F. Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Mike M. Williamsen
Mr. Gary Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Willis
Mr. Randy Willmon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wilson
Ms. Valerie A. Wilson
Mr. J. Floyd Wine
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wingert
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Winn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Winne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Winsor
Mr. Jim Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Wisser
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Witwer
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wojahn
Ms. Cayla C. Wolbert
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wolbert
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wolf
*Mr. Anthony C. Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Wolfe, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Wolford
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Wolgemuth
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wolgemuth
Ms. Mary E. Womack
Mr. & Mrs. J D. Woodberry
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Work
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Workman
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Worman, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Worman, Jr.
Mrs. Karla Worrell-Memmott
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Woyt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wright
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Wright
Mrs. Nancy L. Wuenschel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Wulbecker
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Z. Wyers
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wynia
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Yale
Mr. James Yarbrough Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Yeakley
Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Yearick
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Yorgey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Yothers
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Young
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Young
Mr. William Young
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Yungbluth
Mrs. Lois M. Zeitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Terry A. Zeitlow
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Zellmer
Col. & Mrs. Craig M. Ziemba
Mr. & Mrs. Rex L. Zillman
*The Founders are a unique group of individuals who commit to providing sustaining funding through monthly or other regular giving and are also
members of either the President’s Circle or the 1946 Society. Their loyal giving adds up to significant impact for the students served by the Annual Fund.
Special Projects
$1,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ames
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Arrowsmith
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin O. Austin
Dr. Steven L. Ball
Mr. Donald C. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. C. Calvin Bass
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Benton
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Bertsche
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Bertsche
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Bickford
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Birdwell
Mr. & Mrs. Chris H. Booth
Mrs. Melody Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brake
Mrs. Debbie Bruce
Dr. & Mrs. Philip S. Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Coldwell
Mrs. Irene O. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Cosa
Mr. Kenneth W. Cowin
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Dome
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Dudden, PE
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Johnathan Elmore
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Ewin III
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Farrar
Mr. Gordon Fenner
Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Frazier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Free
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. French
Mr. Jerry W. Fritsch
Mrs. Kathryn Gill Davis Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Glaske
30 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos I. Guerrero
Mr. & Mrs. Robin E. Guyer
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Hathaway
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Hill
Mr. Peter H. Hoewisch
Mr. & Mrs. Mohamad Houshmand
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Huntley
Mrs. Cheryl E. Huyett
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Joyce
Ms. Wilma Kambel
Mr. Esteban N. Kang
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Keith
Mrs. Betty Kielhorn
Mrs. Betty Kindle
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck King
Mr. Lindley King
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kniep
Ms. Lois E. Knouse
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Kopesky II
Mr. Richard Korman
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Loren D. Leman
Ms. Liela LeTourneau
Mrs. Louise LeTourneau
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lightfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron S. Lorson
Dr. Darryl Low
Dr. & Mrs. Dale A. Lunsford
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jayson May
Mr. & Mrs. L. V. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Al Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Mike W. Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Duane K. Miller
Mrs. Pam Minor
Mr. Jonathan Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis C. Mosley
Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Myers M.D.
Mr. Gary Newberry
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Nickola
Mrs. Dorothy R. Nielson
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nilson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nolt
Dr. & Mrs. Seth J. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nowiczewski
Mr. & Mrs. Bud & Betty Otis
Mr. & Mrs. Bob W. Parrott
Mr. Joel Peel
Mr. & Mrs. Don Peluso
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Perkins M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jacobus C. Peuchen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Philbrick
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers Pope, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Powell
Mr. Shane P. Qureshi &
Dr. Natacha Qureshi
Ms. Bobbie Reinecker
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Rispin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Ritchey, Jr.
Mrs. Helen A. Robinson
Mrs. Beverly Roesink
Mr. Bob Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Corey R. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Russell
Mr. Judah D. Rutledge
Mr. Kenneth J. Sayler
Dr. Vicki L. Sheafer
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Showalter
Mr. Gregory J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Solheim
Ms. Meagan Souza
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Splawn
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Steege
Mr. Andrew R. Steiger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Stoll
Dr. Carlton D. Stolle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stone
Dr. & Mrs. Barrett R. Summers
Mr. & Mrs. A. S. Taylor III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson
Mr. Justin L. Tjahjono
Mr. Jeff A. Trosen
Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Trosen
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Trull
Dr. & Mrs. Barry F. Van Duzee
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Voelzke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Waskey
Mr. Robert Whitfield
Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Wilson
Mr. Steve Wolbert
Mrs. June S. Wolfley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Wolgemuth
Mrs. Carol Workman
Mr. Charles E. Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Riley R. Wyers
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Zimmerman
Special Projects
Ms. C. Susan Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Adams
Mr. John N. Adamson
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Albertson
Mr. David H. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Allen
Ms. Patricia Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley C. Ames
Ms. Anita Anderson
Mrs. Betty J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Anderson
Mrs. Ruth M. Anderson
Dr. Thomas R. Anderson, D.D.S.
Mr. John Antonisse
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll P. Apol
Mr. Charles B. Applewhite
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Araujo
Mrs. Becky M. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Arst
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arst
Mrs. Rodger Arst
Mr. & Mrs. Lyndell Asbenson
Mr. Ellis C. Ashley
Mr. Brian Azich
Mr. Larry S. Baca
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Backlund
Mr. Carl E. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bailey
Ms. Terri B. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Banzhaf
Ms. Catherine Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Barnes
Mrs. Cathy Barnfield
Mrs. Linda Barnwell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Bates, Jr.
Mr. E.F. Baudet
Mr. & Mrs. John Bauer
Mrs. Shandreka S. Bauer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Baumer
Mrs. Barbara Beavers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Becker
Ms. Inez Beecher
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Beggs
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Belcher
Ms. Kate Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Brandt Bensema
Mr. Bryan E. Benson
Mr. Ernest G. Bertram
Ms. Arleen Bird
Mr. Cody J. Blanco
Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Bland
Mr. Troy Bohl
Ms. Michelle Bottum
Ms. Betty D. Bowman
Mr. Brian K. Boykin
Mr. Richard Brack
Mr. Chris Bradley, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Bradshaw, Jr.
Mrs. Andrea J. Brankin
Mr. Connor Brankin
Ms. Cheryl Braziel
Ms. Katye M. Braziel
Ms. Kelly Brighi
Mr. Nick Brister
Mrs. Johnnie Britain
Ms. Patty Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Brum
Mr. David Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Burke
Mr. James Burkhart
Mr. & Mrs. Barney Burks, Jr.
Mr. Ike Burnette
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burt
Mrs. Evelyn A. Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Canaday
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Cantu III
Dr. & Mrs. Harold F. Carl
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Carlile
Mr. Keith Carlton
Mr. Benjamin S. Carpenter
Dr. Joel Carpenter IV
Ms. Linda F. Carper
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Carruth
Mrs. Helen Carter
Dr. & Mrs. Micah J. Casteel
Mr. Kyle A. Cauley
Ms. Rajani R. Ceasar
Mr. Avery C. Cheeley
Mr. Ken Chruscielski
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Clyde
Mr. Peter B. Cobucci
Mr. Larry Cockrum
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Coleman Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John Colquitt
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Conaway
Mrs. Suzanne Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cooper
Ms. Tammy L. Corrales
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Couchara
Ms. Linda Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cramblett
Mrs. Mindy Rebecca Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Creson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Crider
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crockett II
Mr. Dale Cross
Mr. Mark B. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cureton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. DaCosta
Ms. Alexandria N. Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Davies
Ms. Donna Davis
Mr. Hughie M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Davis
Mr. J. Scott Day
Mr. Joshua A. DeGraffenried
Mr. & Mrs. Dale T. Deike
Mr. Randal DeRusha
Mr. Mark H. Devos
Mr. Seth Dinger
Mr. David B. Dittenber
Ms. Bonnie Dixon-Holloway
Mrs. Julia A. Duffield
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Dugger
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Dunlap
Mrs. Scarlett K. Duplechain
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Eason, Sr.
Ms. Peggy East
Ms. Michelle L. Eastman
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ebner
Mr. E.C. Edgerton, III
Dr. Tina C. Elacqua
Mr. Timothy R. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Empkey
Mr. Mauris Engledow
Dr. & Mrs. Mark D. Erickstad
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Erickstad
Mr. Joe Escamilla
Mr. Robert S. Estabrooks
Mr. David B. Etchelecu
Ms. Allison O. Faircloth
Mr. Gary A. Fanson
Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Farstad
Ms. Dawn Farwick
Mr. & Mrs. Doug L. Faull
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Fiedler, Jr.
Ms. Leisa Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fitzhugh
Mr. C. David Fleming
Dr. Shala R. Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fluitt
Dr. & Dr. Paul Fonken
Mrs. Holly P. Forbes
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Fratzke
Mrs. Stephanie K. Frazier
Ms. Linda Frederick
Mr. John D. Freeman
Ms. Kay Freeze
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Fritz
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Funk
Mr. Luke B. Funk
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Fyock
Mr. Robert K. Gaddy
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gage
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garcia
Ms. Bonnie I. Garner
Mr. Stan Garrett
Dr. Jay Gary
Ms. Carol A. Garza
Dr. & Mrs. Andrei Gasic
Ms. Della Gatti
Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Gatton
Ms. Linda K. Gaunt
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron M. Gentry
Mr. John L. Gerwig
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Gibble
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Gillam
Mr. Christian A. Gimre Jr.
Mrs. Melinda Giordano
Ms. Susan Glaeser
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Goble
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Gor
Dr. Jay T. Gordon, D.D.S.
Mrs. Marilyn Gorenflo
Ms. Rhonda Goss
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Graue
Mr. Tracy Graves
Mr. Wesley R. Graves
Miss Wendy Gray
Ms. Candy V. Green
Mr. Jacob L. Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gronlund
Mr. Daryl Grunau
Ms. Julie A. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Hager
Mr. Steven Hake
Ms. Patricia Halfman
Mr. Gregory Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Hallila
Mr. & Mrs. Al Hambrick
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hanna
Mr. John R. Harbourne
Mrs. Barbara E. Harlan
Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Harms
Mrs. Fredna H. Harris
Mrs. Shirley Harris
Mr. David L. Harrison
Dr. Donnis Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Hartman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Harvey III
Mr. Mark Haun
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heim
Mrs. Cynthia L. Hellen
Mrs. Carol Henderson
Mr. Kent J. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Henderson
Mr. Joseph K. Henkel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Henry
Mr. Larry D. Henson
Mr. Ricky Hernandez
Mr. Gary L. Hertel
Mr. Kevin M. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hill
Mr. Lowell Hilsen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoewisch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hofeldt
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hoffman
Mr. Lynn Hogan
Mr. Gale Hollingsworth
Ms. Carolyn G. Holloway
Mr. Raymond A. Holly
Mrs. Cynthia Holton
Mr. Timothy D. Hooge
Mr. & Mrs. Jim N. Hooker
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Horan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hortman
Ms. Rayn R. House
Ms. Angela Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S. Hudgins
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter
Mr. Craig Idler
Mr. Robert K. Impson
Mr. John Isett
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Iwan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Jackson
Dr. Kendra Jackson
Mrs. Mary W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jacobs
Dr. Wayne & Dr. Karen Jacobs
Mr. Arvid Janzen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Jasper
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jester
Mr. Brian Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Johnson
Mr. Gabriel A. Johnson
Mr. Scott S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve K. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Johnston III
Mr. William A. Jollymore
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Jonah
Ms. Kimberley B. Jonah
Mr. Gary C. Jones
Mr. Jason N. Jones
Mr. Kevin L. Jones
Ms. Wanda Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kahn
Mr. Andrew P. Kalitka
Mr. Daniel W. Kambel
Ms. Regina R. Kennedy
Mr. Andrew Kent
Mr. Stuart Kieschnick
Ms. Lynda M. Killebrew
Dr. George Kingsley
Dr. & Mrs. John Kirk M.D.
Ms. Elizabeth Kitchen
Mr. Craig Klaassen
Mr. Todd Knobbe
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L. Knox
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kohring
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kuvshinikov, Jr.
Mrs. Miriam R. Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Landon
Mr. Peter M. Larkins
Mr. Royce D. Larsen
Mrs. Jessica M. LaRue
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse T. Laster
Mrs. Keri Lattery
Ms. Elvera Laughery
Mr. Alex Le
Mr. Wayne K. Leamons
Mr. Jered Lease
Ms. Gabrielle R. LeDoux
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lee
Mr. Fred Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Leiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Byron K. Lichtenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Lightsey
Dr. & Mrs. Jim D. Lilley
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Lindstrom
Mrs. Virginia L. Littauer
Ms. Stacey Little
Mr. Jordan Lloyd
Mrs. Lisa C. Lloyd
Ms. Angela D. Lockhart
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Loeks
Miss Cassandra Long
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert D. Lott
Mrs. Bernice Lovelady
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Lyday
Ms. Deanna MacNamara
Mr. Mark Martella
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Martin
Mr. Kirk Maruca
Mr. & Mrs. Perry H. Mason III
Dr. & Mrs. Steven D. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne E. Mast
Mrs. Magdalena Mata
Dr. Warren T. Matthews
Mr. Daniel Mattson
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Mauldin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Maxey
Mr. Kenneth Mayfield
Mr. Mark Mayfield
Dr. & Mrs. Pat Mays
Mr. & Mrs. George McAllister
Mr. Jim McCann
Dr. Eric McCathran
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff McClanahan
Mr. John McClanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McClusky
Mr. & Mrs. Eric McCrory
Mr. & Mrs. Neil McGinness
Mrs. Linda McInis
Mr. Paul McKinley
Mr. W. S. McMullan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Les Mendicello
Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Merritt Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Merritt
Mrs. Joyce Meyers
Mr. Dale Micetic
Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Michalk
Ms. Becky Miller
Dr. Jack Miller
Ms. Wanda Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Miller
Mr. Steve Mitcham
Ms. Jane Mitchell
Mr. Brian Mobley
Mr. Matthew G. Mobley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moffitt
Mrs. Ardeth Molby
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Monroe
Mr. Robert Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Moore
Mr. Keith J. Morgan
Ms. Helen Moritz
Mr. Joseph Morrison
LeTourneau University | 31
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Morton
Mr. & Mrs. John Morton
Mr. Shawn Mowles
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Nekoroski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Newell
Mr. Joshua M. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Nicholls
Mr. John W. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Norton
Mr. Craig Nyboer
Mrs. Lisa R. Oates
Mr. Steven J. Obenour
Mrs. Judith O'Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olzak
Mr. Wilbur Orbann
Mr. & Mrs. A. Bernhard Ostby
Mr. & Mrs. Bo Overman
Ms. Judy Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Page
Mr. Brendan A. Palmer
Mr. Anthony L. Pampena
Mrs. Ruby Pappachen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Patrick
Mr. Eddie Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Patterson
Ms. April G. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Blair W. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Pauling
Ms. Wendy S. Paver
Mr. & Mrs. Chris T. Pebley
Mr. Justin Peck
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Peluso
Ms. Linda M. Pelz
Mr. Curt Penner
Mr. Daniel Peoples
Mr. & Mrs. Joel T. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Pew
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Philabaum
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Phillips
MSGT Craig A. Pierre
Mr. & Mrs. Don Pitman
Mr. James D. Pitman
Mr. Andrew Plaster
Mr. David I. Poston
Mrs. Peggy Potter
Mr. James R. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Weston Poyner
Mrs. Tania E. Johnson Prescod
Mr. Ben Prichard, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Pritchett
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Rabb
Mrs. Janet Ragland
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ramirez
Ms. Ileana M. Randolph
Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Record
Mr. & Mrs. Elnor Reed III
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Rempel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rench
Mr. David J. Ring
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Rispin
Ms. Lisa F. Robinson
Ms. Wanda L. Rodd
Mr. & Mrs. Todd L. Roebke
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Roszhart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rountree
Mr. William & Dr. Gail Ruby
Mr. Milford Ruby
Mr. Aldo Rugerio
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ruggles
Mr. Mitchell Rush
Mr. William M. Rush
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Russell
Mr. Taylor J. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Saddock, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sanford
Ms. Peggy Sarandis
Mr. Gregory Sawko
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. William Scarince
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Scheil
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schrag
Ms. Julie C. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan S. Scott
Mr. Emilio Seballos
Mr. & Mrs. Sammie Sellers
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Severin III
Ms. Cindy B. Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Derald Shadix
Mr. James W. Shannon III
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Shaw
Ms. Lorie L. Shelley
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Shelton
Mr. Rick Shenk
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sherman
Mr. Duane Shinn
Ms. Cherie W. Shipp
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Shippy
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Slaughter
Mr. Jason N. Small
Mr. Don Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Smith
Mrs. Janet Snyder
Mr. Hyeri Song
Mr. & Mrs. Duane B. Spaeth
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie O. Sprouse
Mr. John D. Stall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stammler
Ms. Nancy Starr
Ms. Barbara Steakley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steed
Ms. Anna R. Steege
Dr. Kathy U. Stephens
Mr. S. E. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Stevens
Ms. Melody A. Stewart
Mr. Kevin J. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Strait
Ms. Elizabeth Stringer
Mrs. India Rader Stroope
Mr. Artiz Stroud
Mrs. Janis Stuart
Mr. Matthew K. Sturm
Ms. Bernadette Sulak
Mr. & Mrs. Jay T. Taggart
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. W. Taylor
Mr. William T. Teasdale
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip I. Temple
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Thienes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Tincani
Ms. Hope Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Travis
Mr. Gary Trimble
Dr. & Mrs. Duane A. Trogdon
Mr. Stenly Tukunang
Ms. Emily K. Tutt
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy N. Tutt
Mrs. Darla J. Urbanovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Urbon
Mr. Russ Vander Wiel
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold J. Vandereide
Ms. Brenda VanderWeil
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt VanderWiel
Mr. Raymond VanderWiel
Mr. Sumeeth Vasudevan
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Vestfals
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Villarreal II
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Visage
Ms. Melody Voigt
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Wagner
Ms. Tasha Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Waldner
Dr. Robert D. Waldo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Wallace
Mr. Scott Wallin
Mr. Alan Ward
Mr. James Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Ward
32 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
Mr. Ben Washington
Mr. Jeffrey L. Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Watson
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Watts
Ms. Kimberly Waycaster
Ms. Connie S. Weatherford
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Webster
Mr. Terry Webster
Mr. Dewayne Weeks
Ms. Barbara Weiser
Ms. Marcia Weiser
Mr. James G. Wendelberger
Dr. Curtis L. Wesley
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. Wester
Mr. Wallace P. Wetherill
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Wharton
Mr. Carl J. Whitaker
Mr. Robert R. White
Mr. & Mrs. Dave P. Whitten
Mr. Roger C. Wiens
Mr. John Wiese
Mrs. LaVerne Wiese
Mr. Andrew Wight
Mrs. Marykaye Wilke
Mr. Allan Wilks
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willett
Mr. Eddie Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Williams
Ms. Mattie Williams
Mrs. Melinda Williams
Mr. Louis W. Wilpitz IV
Mr. Ronald J. Wind
Ms. Karen B. Windate
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Windsor
Mr. Philip M. Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Wirchnianski
Mr. David R. Witt
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Witt
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme A. Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. David Wolford
Ms. Lauren Womble
Mr. Joseph Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Worland
Ms. Deborah Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Yeakey
Mrs. Renee Yeakey
Ms. Donna K. Yost
Mr. Roger Young
Mr. Robert A. Zimmer
Mr. Marvin A. Zocher
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Zoutendam
Churches and Schools
Dawson Settlement Baptist Church
Fellowship Bible Church
First Baptist Church
First United Methodist - Kitchen
Glacier View Bible Church
New Harmony Baptist Church
New Hope Bible Church
One Hope Presbyterian Church Inc
Foundations and
Abbott Industries Inc.
AEP Southwestern Electric Power
Air Dallas Instruments, Inc.
Air Products Foundation
All Points Cooperative
Alliant Tech Systems
Amazon Smile
American Electric Power Service
American Welding Society District 7
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Axis Education Specialists LLC
BakerCorp, Inc
Barnwell Industries
Bartlesville Community Foundation
Bates Electro Inc.
Belcher Bayou Farm
Best Western Longview
Blue Bell Creameries, LP
Bodacious Bar-B-Que
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Bon Appetit Mgmt Co
Boon Calk Echols Coleman &
Goolsby PLLC
Bootlegger Grill
BP Fabric of America Fund
Bradshaw Family Trust
Buckner Children and Family
Bulldog KIA
C.W. Resources
Cabot Norit Americas Inc
Cafe Barron's
Cardone Family Foundation
Casa Flora
Caterpillar Foundation
CenturyTel, Inc
Chris Jackson's Contracting Inc
CITGO Petroleum
Citizens National Bank
Classic Car Liquidators, LLC
Clorox Company Foundation
Community Bank
Contact 2 Contact Group Inc
Covington Aircraft Engines Inc
Curtis Blakely & Company
Curtis-McKinley Roofing
Dallas Zoo Management Inc
Dell, Inc.
Design Collaborative Inc
Dog Gone Cool Heating & AC
Dominion Foundation Matching
Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc
Dona H. Willett Real Estate Acount
Doral Cove Ministries
DTE Energy Foundation
Dwain Jones Trucking Inc
Dynamic Aviation Group Inc
East Texas Communities Foundation
East Texas Mack Sales, LLC
Eastman Chemical Company
Eaton Corporation Charitable Fund
Edge Office Products
Encore Multimedia
Energen Foundation
Enrich Oil Corporation
Excellent Construction
ExxonMobil Foundation
Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc.
Fauber Family Trust
FBM Construction Inc
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Bank & Trust East Texas
FM Global Foundation
Freeman MIlls PC Attorneys &
Friedman Industries
Gans & Smith Insurance
Gentsch Enterprises
George Bush Presidential Library
and Museum
George W. Bush Presidential Library
and Museum
Goldie M. Travis RVOC Living Trust
Good Shepherd Health System
Graham Holdings Company
Greatcom Ministries International Inc
Greater Houston Community
Guidestone Financial Resources
H.T. Ardinger & Son
Hamil, Harrison & Co Mech Inc
Hamill's Flowers
Hayes RV Center
Heart's Way Hospice of Northeast
Helen's Hope Foundation
Henderson Glass Company
Hicks Creek Auction Co
IBM Matching Grants Program
ICI Consultants LLC
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Interstate All Battery Center
J.E. Hortman Company Ltd
John Black & Associates
John Deere Foundation
Joy Global
Karsten Mfg
KBR Engineering
King CAD Plus
L.C. and Mary Worley Memorial
Larry's Interiors Inc
Laura Jackson Charitable Trust
LBJ Presidential Library
Leon H. Lewis Trucking
Lockheed Martin Matching Gift
Lone Star Vending
Longview Brass & Aluminum
Ambucs of Longview
Longview Financial Corporation
Longview Flower Shop
Longview Regional Medical Center
LWS Cleaning Co Inc
M.C.R. Trust
Martin Resource Mgmt Corporation
McKaig Chrevolet Buick
Mennonite Foundation
Michigan Court Properties, LLC
Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mosby Mechanical Co. Inc.
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Mr. T. Landscaping Company
Multiplex, Inc
Mutual Sprinklers Inc
Myers McRae Inc
National Christian Foundation North
NCIC Network Communication Intl
Network Communications
Network For Good
Norfolk Southern Charitable Match
Nowiczewski Foundation
Olive Garden
Oliver-Forbes LLC
Omaha Community Foundation
Omega Travel & Tours
Oppenheimer & Co Inc
Overton Financial Corporation
P&M Transport Services
Panera Bread
Patterson Nissan
Pegues-Hurst Motor Co.
Pfizer Foundation
Philips HRSS Human Resource
Shared Services
Phillips 66 Educational Funds
Pine Tree Properties
Pinecrest Country Club
Pinewoods Rehab Consultants
Ping Inc.
Pizza King
PJ Cheese
Prosperity Bank
Pugh Charitable Trust
Raising Canes Chicken Fingers
Ralph F. Pelaia Jr & Associates
Retail Pharmacy Management
ROC Wheels
Rockwell Collins Charitable
Rosa May Griffin Foundation
RSM Family Limited Partnership
Shakespeare Club
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Shirley Equipment Company
Sillicon Valley Community
SimplexGrinnell LP
Simpson Charitable Trust
Singleton's Virginia Cross Tour
SNB Advanced Tech
Sobol Welders Supply Co Inc
Southern Company
Southside Bank
Southside Bank-Tyler
Spencer Orthodontics
Spring Hill State Bank
Sprint Foundation
Stebbins Aviation
Stemco Inc.
Stephens, Stephens & Tekchick PC
Stevens Henry PLLC
Stinnett & Associates
Su Nido Inn
Subway Sandwiches of East Texas,
Suzanne Cook & Company
Sysco Corporation
Tate & Lyle Americas, Inc.
TB Butler Printing, Ltd
Teradata Cares
Texana Bank
Texas Bank and Trust
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Textron Matching Gift Program
The Brown Duck
The Columbus Foundation
The Happy Davis Foundation Inc.
The Insurance Group
The Neiman Marcus Group
The Orchard Foundation
The Robert A. Welch Foundation
The Ronald Reagan Residential
The Sandlot
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey
The T. Rowe Price Program for
Charitable Giving
The Toro Foundation
The Tuscan Pig Italian Kitchen &
Catering Co.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
The VF Foundation
The Ward Agency
Theater Longview
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Toyota of Longview
Transet Co.
Tree of Life Bookstores LLC
Trinity Industries Inc.
Trull-Hollensworth Architects
Twin Buttes Ranch Inc
Tyco Int'l Inc.
United Technologies Matching Gift
Vertech Industrial Systems LLC
Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc.
Von Rosenberg Foundation
Walker Mfg Co
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Wilsdorf Manufacturing, LLC
Windgate Charitable Foundation
Wingate Inn
Zonta Club of Longview
Alumni Donations By Class
Class of 1949
Total Gifts $430
5.26% Participation
Mr. Donald C. Green
Mr. Stewart Sickles
Class of 1950
Total Gifts $45
4.76% Participation
Mr. John Morton
Class of 1951
Total Gifts $803
23.81% Participation
Mr. Harold E. Abbey
Mr. George Broberg
Mr. Roy F. Caldon
Mr. Montague R. Collins
Mr. Albert Rust
Class of 1952
Total Gifts $10,104
20% Participation
Mr. John Deurwaarder
Mr. Ronald R. Guyer
Mr. Robert C. Potter
Class of 1954
Total Gifts $3,520
10.81% Participation
Mr. Howard A. Crosby
Mr. Harold Crossman
Mr. Ramon Farley
Dr. John Hardison
Class of 1955
Total Gifts $2,725
13.95% Participation
Mr. C.C. Creach
Mr. Jack Hoff
Dr. John L. Hoffer, Ph.D., M.D.
Rev. Peter P. Polloni
Dr. Kenneth S. Stephens
LCdr. Ronald L. Wier
Class of 1956
Total Gifts $6,750
17.24% Participation
Mr. Robert S. Frey, Sr.
Mr. Frank A. Goodrich
Mr. Paul Leistner
Mr. Don E. Panetti
Dr. Ken Schreder
Class of 1957
Total Gifts $1,025
16.22% Participation
Mr. Ross H. Aubin
Mr. Richard Hamby, Jr.
Rear Adm. Richard K. Maughlin
USN Ret.
Mr. William C. Slothower
Mr. Albert M. Vogel
Mr. Dale Wolgemuth
Class of 1958
Total Gifts $108,980
23.29% Participation
Mr. John C. Bowen
Mr. Don Cowles
Mr. William Dinkins, Jr.
Mr. R. L. Ethridge
Mr. Gordon Fenner
Mr. Jacob C. Gingerich, Jr.
Mr. Arthur J. Howell
Mr. Donald E. Hudgins
Mr. Robert A. Jones
Mr. Robert O. Langness
Mr. Joseph C. Lee
Mr. Charles E. Lucas
Mr. Larry E. Neely
Mr. Larry Phillips
Mr. Duane Rhodes
Mr. Allyn D. Smith
Mr. Ted M. Wilkinson
Class of 1959
Total Gifts $1,433.52
13.73% Participation
Mr. Norman G. Gaut
Mr. Randall C. Herring
Mr. Tom Hunt
Mr. Frank Phillips
Mr. Thomas M. Sochor
Mr. Stanley Steigerwalt
Mr. James M. Tucker
Class of 1960
Total Gifts $8,210
16% Participation
Mr. Carl Grace
Mr. Marvin Hays
Mr. Roger Jackson
Mr. Charles S. Kline
Mr. Gary L. Lisman
Mr. Roderick B. MacAskill
Mr. Allan Nilson
Mr. Larry S. Page
Mr. Blair W. Paul
Mr. Duane B. Spaeth
Mr. Arley Turner, Sr.
Mr. Norman F. Yearick
Class of 1961
Total Gifts $5,355
15.87% Participation
Mr. Rollin L. Bard
Mr. Paul Crump, Jr.
Mr. DeWayne Everitt
Mr. William M. Fleming
Mr. J. C. Harder
Mr. E. L. Henderson
Mr. Harold L. McElwee
Mr. Fred Pfau
Mr. Weston Poyner
Mr. James F. Roads
Class of 1962
Total Gifts $3,455
15.63% Participation
Mr. Thomas R. Brown
Mr. Stanley Freeman
Mr. James D. Hensel
Mr. David Hentschel
Mr. Bruce Philbrick
Mr. William Scarince
Dr. F. Stan Settles, Jr.
Mr. Paul G. Stokholm
Mrs. JoAnn F. Wallace
Mr. William Young
Class of 1963
Total Gifts $40,759.46
18.28% Participation
Mr. Samuel A. Ayling
Mr. John F. Bush
Mr. Morten Eriksen, Jr.
Mr. Jeter M. Farlow
Mr. Don R. Froehner
Capt. Kenneth B. Kelm
Mr. Herb H. Kressler, Jr.
Dr. Jim D. Lilley
Mr. Robert Moyer
Mr. Harold Needham, Jr.
Mr. John O. Randall III
Mr. Larry B. Smith
Mr. Lloyd Smith
Mr. Norman Spanberger
Mr. W. Tal Taylor
Mr. John Vigna
Mr. Jerry Wolf
Class of 1964
Total Gifts $56,645
17.5% Participation
Mr. L. Nelson Bates
Mr. Thomas Benton
Mr. William R. Brooks
Mr. Daniel L. Christen
Mr. Ray Geis
Mr. Aaron Hoffman
Mr. Merton E. Knightly
Mr. Cordell Loken
Rev. David P. Mosher, Sr.
Mr. Charles E. Roberts
Mr. James D. Rosser
Mr. David Scheevel
Mr. David Snyder
Mr. John Solheim
Class of 1965
Total Gifts $3,938.52
17.82% Participation
Mr. George J. Apgar, Jr.
Mrs. Judy Cajas
Mrs. Susan M. Carvella
Mr. Juan A. Colao
Mr. David Comfort
Mr. Richard R. Dickman
Mr. Henry C. Fogle
Dr. Douglas I. Ford
Mr. Wayne Hansen
Mr. Douglas Hvistendahl
Mr. William Hyslop
Mrs. Joan Loken
Mr. Thomas McCullough, Jr.
Mr. Walter J. Nekoroski, Jr.
Mrs. Ellen Page
Mr. Victor C. Rice
Mr. David S. Rowe
Mr. David R. Snow
Class of 1966
Total Gifts $1,176,240
17.72% Participation
Mr. David Brandt
Mr. James H. Etem
Mr. Donald P. Kegarise
Mr. Paul L. Kelsey
Mrs. Sheila Martin
Mr. Keith A. Martin
Mr. L. V. McGuire
Mr. Ronald G. Robinson
Mrs. Judy Ruiz
Mr. Verlan Snodgrass
Mr. Albert T. Wessman
Mr. Harry Williams
Mr. Kent Wilson
Class of 1967
Total Gifts $8,645
20.16% Participation
Mr. Terry R. Bland
Mr. David Cajas
Mr. Donald A. Carlson
Mrs. Nancy Ciavarelli
Mr. George E. Crone
Mr. Jimmie H. Cross
Mr. William G. Ellis
Mr. Dan Fast
Mr. Ivan H. Graham, Jr.
Mr. Stephen G. Holm
Mr. Warren J. Hudson
Mr. Ronald Jantzen
Mr. Todd A. Kline
Ms. Lois E. Knouse
Mr. Richard Korman
Mrs. Miriam R. Lancaster
Mr. Peter E. Lawson
Mr. William G. Milby
Dr. Robert R. Miller
Mr. Pramod Ravade
Mrs. Roberta Rice
Mr. Ariel W. Rosentrater
Rev. Thomas P. Shorb
Mr. Ray Wilsdorf
Mrs. Donna K. Yungbluth
Class of 1968
Total Gifts $3,220
13.51% Participation
Mr. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. Harry G. Barrett
Mr. Gary D. Foster
Mrs. Deborah Irving
Mr. Kenneth L. Kaufman
Mr. Paul Kellner
Mr. Ronald E. Kingham
Mr. Richard J. Newell
Mr. Richard H. Nicholls
Ms. Jan P. Scott
Mr. Charles M. Snow
Mr. Lewis Wagoner
Lt.Col. Rogers R. Walker
Rev. Larry P. Weiss
Mr. Daniel Work
Class of 1969
Total Gifts $47,682.52
18.54% Participation
Mr. David A. Beckmann
Mr. Paul H. Bennett
Mr. Donald W. Biggs, Jr.
Mr. James H. Brown III
Mr. Stephen Burry
Mr. Edward L. Claypool
Mrs. Judith K. Dingmon
Mr. Eugene T. Dorneman
Mr. Robin E. Guyer
Mr. Muryl Herda
Mr. Dale R. Hill
Mr. Samuel Hollinger
Mr. Daniel S. Irving
Rev. Bob B. Johnson
Rev. James J. Kibelbek
Rev. James Knapton
Mr. James League
Mr. Loren D. Leman
Mr. Donald R. Mills
Mr. David T. Reed
Mr. Dell R. Ridley
Mr. Thomas G. Schrag
Mr. Darryl C. Shafer
Mr. David D. Stoltzfus
Mr. Harold R. Tyler
Dr. Barry F. Van Duzee
Mr. Robert W. Walker
Mr. William D. Wright
Class of 1970
Total Gifts $446,907
11.2% Participation
Mr. David Bell
Mr. James K. Edwards
Mr. Mark B. Gamble
Mr. Kenneth H. Helvie
Mr. Paul G. Howard
Dr. Paul A. Hunter
Mrs. Janie Hunter
Mr. Paul A. Larson
Mr. Donald Moon
Mr. Joe Nowiczewski
Mr. Daniel Powell
Mr. Kent E. Sanders
Mr. Jack F. Saucerman
Rev. John W. Sprunger
Class of 1971
Total Gifts $283,551.66
16.67% Participation
Mr. Paul Abbott
Mr. Thomas M. Ames
Mr. William R. Anderson
Dr. Ken Chin
Mr. Matthew D. Ciavarelli
Ms. Dorothy J. Cornelius
Mr. Daniel G. Eaby
Mrs. Joan Fratzke
Mr. Thomas D. Hartberg
Mr. Paul A. Helgesen
Mr. Robert D. Jasper
Mr. Hillis O. Kauffman
Mr. Donald Koch
Mr. Daniel H. Larsen
Mr. David J. Linder
Mr. Duane L. Martinsen
Mrs. Edna Pearson
Mr. Dean C. Phillips
Mr. Roger L. Podoll
Mr. Larry R. Rehnquist
Mr. Freeman Stoltzfus
Mrs. Joyce Temple
Mr. Phillip I. Temple
Mr. Richard Wiens
Class of 1972
Total Gifts $3,360
7.64% Participation
Mr. Samuel Bullers
Mr. Eddie Chow
Dr. Walter Hewell
Mr. Rod Innis
Mr. Steven D. Kellogg
Mr. Brian D. Knudson
Mrs. Cherry A. Moore
Mr. Kenneth L. Moore
Mr. Wayne R. Salsman
Mr. Donald L. Smith
Rev. Paul J. Weingartner
Mr. David R. Witt
Class of 1973
Total Gifts $1,310
11.63% Participation
Mr. Carroll P. Apol
Mrs. Delaney Apol
Mr. Kenneth M. Bailey
Mr. Albert E. Curtis III
Mr. Paul Gordey
LeTourneau University | 33
Mr. David A. Hebble
Mr. John Hunker
Mr. Ronald L. Kickert
Mr. Reginald F. Lunt
Mr. Roger Niewenhuis
Mr. John E. Nikerle
Rev. Jim Panter
Mr. Glendall Toney
Mrs. Alice Yothers
Mr. Steven W. Yothers
Class of 1974
Total Gifts $135,371
13.27% Participation
Mr. Dana L. Barre
Mr. Allen D. Bechtel
Mrs. Mary Bickford
Mr. Phil E. Burks
Mr. Lawrence B. Campbell
Mr. Dwight L. Campbell
Mrs. Mariana A. Campbell
Dr. Philip S. Clifford
Mr. Brad J. Dukek
Mr. Jerry W. Fritsch
Mr. Dale R. Gibble
Mr. David W. Goodell
Mr. Paul F. Hager
Mr. Bruce A. Hallila
Mr. Warren T. Hankammer
Mr. Norman Hawes
Mr. James J. Kohring
Mr. Dale A. McCombs
Mr. David F. Nickell, Jr.
Mr. James R. Nolt, Jr.
Mr. Richard M. Ogren
Mr. Michael B. Palm
Mr. Jerry Ruggles
Mr. Thomas N. Silvey
Mr. Chris Thompson
Mr. Knute Watne
Class of 1975
Total Gifts $14,184.52
7.69% Participation
Mr. Eugene L. Bickford
Mr. Philip A. Britton
Mr. Kenneth W. Cowin
Mrs. Sharon W. Delong
Mr. James Dumas
Mr. Edgar S. Eshleman
Mr. Kenneth D. Foreman
Mrs. Freda Goerner
Mr. John D. Klein
Mr. Thomas J. Landon
Dr. Timothy R. Lindstrom
CWO Fred L. Ritchey, Sr.
Mr. Gregory J. Smith
Mr. Merle Stoltzfus
Mr. Nathan Strong
Mr. Lonnie Waldner
Class of 1976
Total Gifts $9,425
11.19% Participation
Mr. Thomas J. Burt
Mr. Jerry L. Cramblett
Mr. Kenneth P. Farrar
Miss Wendy Gray
Mr. Paul T. Graybill
Mr. Timothy A. Grover
Kendall C. Harper
Mr. Brent Hoff
Mr. Mark Iwan
Mrs. Candice K. Lindstrom
Mrs. Nancy Mendez
Mr. Barry W. Phillips
Mr. Arthur W. Salatin
Mr. Michael L. Thomas
Mr. James M. Tolson
Class of 1977
Total Gifts $3,680
10.29% Participation
Mr. Mark T. Ahlenius
Mr. Andrew J. Briggs
Mr. Jonathan B. Bromley
Mr. Randall W. Brown
Mr. Richard W. Carlson
Mr. William A. Grubb
Mr. Keith W. Leonhardt
Mr. Michael A. Ringler
Mrs. Joyce Roden
Mr. David W. Safstrom
Mr. Benjamin Schubert
Mr. David B. Stauffer
Mrs. Susan Strubhar
Mr. Peter M. Strubhar
Class of 1978
Total Gifts $21,803.52
15.5% Participation
Mrs. Ruth M. Anderson
Mr. Jon W. Arrowsmith
Mr. Bernard Banzhaf
Mr. Leland J. Beachy
Mr. Bryan E. Benson
Mr. Stephen G. Biggs
Mr. Jerry L. Cassel
Mr. Carlos I. Guerrero
Mr. Daryl A. Hoffman
Mr. Larry T. Huntley
Mr. Kevin D. Jackson
Mr. Alan J. Koch
Mr. Calvin G. Kooy
Mr. Norm Kopesky II
Mr. Arthur E.
Mr. Steven R. Lund
Mr. Daniel Marvin
Dr. Duane K. Miller
STCS Jesse M. Newton
Mr. Mark L. Pauling
Mr. Matt D. Poelman
Mr. Steven H. Reas
Mrs. Fran Rodebaugh
Mr. Cary Roth
Mrs. Deborah Saint
Mr. Nathanael Saint
Mr. Brad Shaw
Mr. David R. Strait
Mrs. Vicki Strong
Mr. Vern R. Swanson
Mr. Philip M. Yorgey
Class of 1979
Total Gifts $10,091.02
13.33% Participation
Mr. David E. Adler
Mr. Paul F. Ahrens
Mr. Dwight Beadle
Mrs. Sylvia K. Biggs
Mrs. Sheree Cosa
Rev. Daniel R. Duda
Mr. William W. Ewin III
Mrs. Catherine Frank
Mr. Russ M. Frank
Mr. Timothy U. Gingrich
Mr. Robert E. Harold
Mr. Randy L. Hartman, Jr.
Mrs. Lorna Helbing
Mr. John D. Herrmann
Mrs. Lois R. Hunter
Mr. Jim Lightfoot
Mr. Harry G. Saddock, Jr.
Mr. Vern K. Schmidt
Mr. Dwight Slaback
Mr. James E. Strickler
Mr. Billy Sullenger
Mr. Kenneth L. Wagner
Mrs. Denise E. White
Mr. Bryan White
Mr. Charles E. Wisser
Mr. Paul E. Young
Class of 1980
Total Gifts $16,994.01
12.89% Participation
Mr. Mark L. Anderson
Col. Carol B. Andrews
Mrs. Ruth A. Arrowsmith
Mrs. Lisa S. Beadle
Mr. Mark A. Burns
Mr. Glenn A. Butts
Mr. Ted D. Chick
Mr. Michael J. Erickson
Mr. Raymond E. Farrar
Mrs. Glenda Hooker
Mr. Jim N. Hooker
Mrs. Karen G. Johnson
Mr. David R. Johnson
Mr. John M. Johnston III
Mr. Andy W. Lewis
Mr. David Luckert
Mr. Robert B. McAfee
Mr. Patrick J. Miesuk
Mr. Jonathan D. Miller
Mr. Keith R. Moser
Mr. Royal K. Nordeen
Mr. William R. Patterson
Mr. Kory O. Pehl
34 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2014
Mr. Fred L. Ritchey, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence L. Robinson
Mr. Mark A. Shelly
Mr. James J. Smith
Mrs. Beverly Stoltzfus
Mr. Calvin Stoltzfus
Mr. Stephen M. Thompson
Mr. Bradley S. Vanasse
Mr. James D. Wahlstrom
Mr. Paul G. Wittenbach
Class of 1981
Total Gifts $20,214.21
16.74% Participation
Mr. Bradley C. Ames
Mr. Joel M. Barker
Mr. John R. Battle
Mr. Donald L. Beiler
Mr. Rick H. Bicknell
Mr. James C. Burns
Mr. Ronald A. Collins
Mr. Ben P. Cowles
Mr. Larry A. Craig
Mr. Lynn D. Crouse
Mrs. Milka L. Diamond
Mr. Dan W. Dudeck
Mr. Brad R. Erickstad
Mr. Jon E. Hansen
Mr. Martin O. Hill
Mr. Craig D. Janke
Mr. Rick Jenkins
Mr. John E. Kinard
Mrs. Lauren Liggett
Mr. Daniel R. Liggett
Mrs. Vanessa Lund
Mr. Kyle A. Lundberg
Mr. Tim P. Munsterman
Mr. Steven J. Obenour
Mr. Joel T. Peterson
Mr. David L. Ramaly
Mr. Douglas P. Redman
Mr. Scott A. Shaver
Lt.Col. Jeffrey Sievert
Major Joel T. Stade
Mr. Paul R. Stoll
Mr. Matthew H. Strong
Mr. Lowell W. Tench
Mr. James G. Walker
Ms. Cayla C. Wolbert
Mr. Edward Wolbert
Class of 1982
Total Gifts $15,227.04
12.57% Participation
Mr. Philip Anderson
Mr. Damian G. Barrett
Mr. Gareth W. Blackwell, Jr.
Mr. Scott Caley
Mr. John P. Eleutheriou
Dr. Mark D. Erickstad
Mr. Dean M. Frederick
Mr. Gerald L. Gehman
Mr. Brent L. Johnson
Mr. Mark Lehmann
Mr. John A. Levander, Jr.
Mr. Phil V. Liddle
Mr. Bradley Loeks
Mrs. Lydia R. Rountree
Mr. David L. Russell
Mr. Gregg R. Sweeten
Mr. Ted A. Timmons
Mr. Keith F. Trosen
Mr. James A. Walter
Mr. Mark F. Williams
Class of 1983
Total Gifts $10,755.02
9.55% Participation
Mr. Larry D. Augsburger
Mrs. Stephanie Balgaard
Mr. Tim Belcher
Mr. Jon Carruth
Mrs. Shanna Carruth
Mr. David L. Fyock
Mrs. Maxine Johnson
Mr. Russ McClellan
Mr. Stephen McDonald
Mr. Roger D. Patrick
Mr. Robert R. Schuit
Mr. Roger Sherman
Mr. Trent L. Sommers
Mr. Chris R. Spengler
Mr. Wayne Steege
Mr. William T. Teasdale
Mrs. Nancy Walter
Class of 1984
Total Gifts $12,070
10.12% Participation
Mr. Andrew Bartel
Mr. Donald W. Bates, Jr.
Mr. Donald B. Bell
Mr. David S. Brown
Mr. Barney Burks, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Dunn
Mr. Andrew J. Eagleton
Mrs. Karen J. Gingrich
Mr. Stanley E. Gingrich
Mr. Charles A. Harris
Mr. Bruce W. Havenga
Mr. David E. Hoffman
Mr. Paul W. James
Mr. Jay Kottke
Mr. Philip P. Kuitems
Mr. James Merkle
Mr. Daniel R. Near
Mrs. Sylvia Ramaly
Mr. John W. Ramsay
Mrs. Carol Roszhart
Mr. Doug Roszhart
Dr. Daniel M. Schmidt
Mr. Lynn Showalter
Mr. Steve P. Wolford
Mr. Paul C. Wood
Mr. David W. Zoutendam
Class of 1985
Total Gifts $50,208
13.04% Participation
Mr. James K. Abell
Mr. Dale J. Burns
Mrs. Laura Crabtree
Mrs. Rhonda L. Davis
Mr. Russell L. Davis
Mr. Steve Erickson
Mr. Peter D. Evans
Mr. Daniel C. Fauber
Mr. Warren Habib
Mrs. Mary Hoffman
Mr. Philip D. Hornberger
Mr. Steven Linscheid
Mr. Allen G. McPherson
Mr. Ira D. Nelson
Mr. Stuart R. Ogden
Mr. Charles G. Pinkerton
Mr. Stephen D. Reason
Mr. Kenneth A. Stone
Mr. Don Taber, Jr.
Mr. Dean Waskowiak
Mrs. Michelle Whipple
Mr. Ken E. Whipple
Mr. Victor R. Willis
Mr. Doug Wingert
Class of 1986
Total Gifts $63,966.63
14.21% Participation
Mr. Jim Brake
Mrs. Patricia Brewington
Mrs. Gayle R. Busenitz
Mr. David S. Busenitz
Mr. William Conforti, Jr.
Mr. Pat Crabtree
Mr. Frank A. Dubisz
Mr. Bill R. Fosbenner
Mr. Robert Fricke
Mrs. Carol A. Fruin
Mr. Kenneth Hanna
Mr. David R. Johnson
Ms. Dawn Lockhart
Dr. Paul Mudgett
Mr. Scott Mulligan
Dr. Keith L. Musser
Mrs. Annette M. Prewitt
Mr. David S. Prewitt
Mr. David E. Puttbach
Mr. Troy Ritchie
Mr. Tim M. Schroeder
Mr. Keith L. Shippy
Mr. Scott D. Stallard
Mr. Jeffrey A. Stout
Mr. Eduardo Vaflor
Mr. Marc West
Mrs. Ladina Wingert
Class of 1987
Total Gifts $19,295
11.17% Participation
Mr. Paul D. Aubrey
Mr. Matthew J. Baldwin
Mr. Jeffrey J. Baumann
Mr. Carl E. Buczala
Mrs. Sheila D. Butts
Mr. Shawn T. Chrisman
Mr. Steve Class
Mr. Roger Gingerich
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L.
Mr. Bradley J. Johnson
Mr. Brian Kelly
Mr. Daniel C. Lam
Mr. David Lednum
Mr. David A. Lopez
Mrs. Valerie L. Palmer
Mr. Gregory S. Pike
Mr. Todd L. Roebke
Mr. Ruben D. Watson
Mr. William E. Worman, Jr.
Mrs. Jill M. Young
Mrs. Jill Zeitlow
Dr. Terry A. Zeitlow Ph.D.
Class of 1988
Total Gifts $1,364.52
5.26% Participation
Mr. Gregory R. Bauer
Mr. Andrew L. Donelson
Mr. Doug L. Faull
Mr. Matthew H. Ide
Mr. Gordon J. Johnson
Mr. Alex Kuvshinikov, Jr.
Mr. Philip J. McIntosh, Sr.
Mr. Kent Morrill
Mr. Robert H. Palmer
Dr. Mark D. Roth M.D.
Mr. Steven L. Weidner
Class of 1989
Total Gifts $61,775
12.5% Participation
Mr. Kevin R. Berk
Mrs. Melanie Bertsche
Mr. Patrick A. Bertsche
Mr. Andrew H. Curtis
Mr. Jeffrey G. DeLong
Mr. Philip J. Devries
Mr. George E. Dunham
Mr. Bryan K. Edwards
Mr. Timothy A. Graber
Mr. Brett C. Helbig
Mr. Brian V. McIntyre
Mr. Scott A. Patterson
Ms. Wendy S. Paver
Mr. Douglas J. Roads
Mr. Anthony C. Wolfe
Mr. Stuart R. Yoder
Mr. Stanley E. Young
Class of 1990
Total Gifts $25,455
9.09% Participation
Mr. Richard B. Bringhurst
Mrs. Jami L. Crider
Mr. Kenneth W. Daniels, Jr.
Mr. Steven A. Dudden PE
Mrs. Ginger A. Graber
Mrs. Sally A. Mitchell
Mr. Lafie D. Mose
Dr. Michael Myers
Mr. Jeffrey C. Short
Mr. Rod K. Spade
Mr. Kevin B. Stoddard
Mrs. Martha G. Ulman
Col. Craig M. Ziemba
Class of 1991
Total Gifts $2,380
5.53% Participation
Mr. Doug W. Anderson
Mrs. Starr M. Anderson
Mr. Frans A. Deblois
Mr. Scott C. Gardiner
Mr. David V. Harvey III
Mr. Joseph K. Henkel
Mr. David J. Karumuna
Mr. David B. Nagel, Jr.
Mr. Norman C. Reese
Mr. James P. Schmid
Mr. Stanton D. Spaulding
Mr. Darren L. Warkentin
Mr. Joshua R. Williams
Class of 1992
Total Gifts $4,419.52
4.26% Participation
Mr. Harry G. Barrett, Jr.
Mr. Mark W. Barrett
Mr. Adrian Bonilla
Mr. Bruce A. Chase
Mr. Anton E. Coy, Jr.
Mrs. Karyn A. Davies
Mr. Mark H. Devos
Mr. Cory D. Howe
Mr. Dean Q. Lewis
Mr. Jeff B. Mansfield
Mr. Clifton E. Marks
Mr. Robert G. Mason
Mr. Christopher L. Maurer
Mr. James A. Pete
Mr. Nathan A. Roden
Mrs. Megan Trombly
Mr. Scott M. Wier
Mrs. Angela Williams
Mr. Scott Winne
Mr. Roy S. Zeitlow
Class of 1993
Total Gifts $30,552.04
3.3% Participation
Mrs. Laurie Barrett
Mr. Kenneth C. Bell
Mr. Christopher D. Bena
Mr. James E. Beylotte
Mr. Scott A. Channon
Mr. Titus Crabb
Mr. Timothy M. Epp
Ms. Karen K. Gassett
Mr. Jason D. Holland
Mr. Daniel P. Johnson
Mr. Michael J. McNichols
Dr. Jenelle L. Piepmeier
Mr. Jeffrey R. Piepmeier
Mrs. Peggy A. Snyder
Mr. Jason C. Stell
Mr. Philip M. Winters
Mr. Bill Wolcken
Class of 1994
Total Gifts $2,300
2.92% Participation
Mr. Abelardo A. Alaniz
Mr. Leonard V. Bates
Mrs. Tiffany N. Beylotte
Mr. Seth D. Buttner
Mr. Brian K. DeKruyff
Mr. Michael R. Gehlert
Mr. Aaron Goyne
Mr. Paul S. Grenon
Mr. John Paul P. Gutierrez
Mr. Scott T. Merrill
Mr. David M. Mills
Mr. Ronald L. Northcut
Mr. Slade R. Rinehart
Mr. Daniel C. Wolfe
Class of 1995
Total Gifts $3,770
2.55% Participation
Mr. Chris H. Booth
Mrs. Janet C. Brink
Mr. Rodney B. Colvin
Mr. Robert G. East
Mr. Joseph G. Farmer
Mrs. Linda Goyne
Mr. Matthew Heironimus
Mr. David J. Hunker
Mr. John Kuvshinikov
Mr. Gregory Leiby
Miss Shelley V. McCulloch
Mr. Gary M. Potts
Mrs. Janice F. Ross
Mr. Aaron D. Rupp
Mr. David J. Tesser
Mrs. Yvonne Ward
Mr. Ronald J. Wind
Mr. Robert Winsor
Mr. Daniel J. Woyt
Class of 1996
Total Gifts $5,558.52
2.7% Participation
Ms. Shirley Andrews
Mr. Donald A. Basham, Jr.
Mr. Jason E. Borsheim
Mr. Michael L. Brewer
Mr. Billy B. Burd
Mr. Jonathan D. Caruvana
Mrs. Sylvia J. Caruvana
Mr. Stephen M. Chandler
Mr. Brian Decker
Mrs. Lisa L. A. Decker
Ms. Vera R. Ford
Mr. Lynn Gibson
Mr. Timothy M. Harrison
Mr. Michael G. Iverson
Mr. Aaron L. Knaub
Mr. Gabriel C. Morrow
Mr. Mark L. Myers
Mr. Norman H. Porter
Mr. Ricky A. Price
Mr. David A. Zellmer
Class of 1997
Total Gifts $7,265
3.38% Participation
Mrs. Cara-Lee Billo
Mr. Jeff A. Billo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Breaux
Mr. Timothy A. Crouthamel
Mr. Dan M. Davisson
Mrs. Madeliene C. Dickson
Ms. Sanna S. Eddie
Mr. Jonathan J. Gillett
Mr. Benjamin F. Grimes
Mr. Michael W. Hoye
Mr. Steven S. Hudgins
Mrs. Valerie Jasper
Mr. David Kirkwood
Mr. Barry T. Knighton
Mrs. Sarah M. Kranz
Mr. Chris Lee
Mrs. Marta Martin
Mr. Douglas B. McMahon
Mr. Todd A. Oakwood
Mr. Charles R. Randall
Mrs. Laurie A. Spivey
Mr. Jeff L. Thielman
Class of 1998
Total Gifts $13,040
2.25% Participation
Mr. Bryan D. Fiscus
Mrs. Priscilla Gillett
Mr. Allen Girndt
Mr. Roger L. Jasper
Mr. Andrew P. Kalitka
Mr. Aaron S. Lorson
Mr. Jason D. McIlravy
Mrs. Angela F. Morrow
Dr. Seth J. Norton
Mr. Ronald S. Sanda
Mr. Kenneth J. Sayler
Mrs. Sherry J. Steigrod
Ms. Stella E. Stewart
Mr. Jerry R. Sumrall
Mr. Matthew W. Sweet
Mr. Jonathan L. Walton
Mr. Daniel V. Wilkin
Class of 1999
Total Gifts $19,353
2.6% Participation
Mr. Dennis L. Anderson
Mrs. Dianne H. Benton
Mrs. Kelli BillingsleyMetzenthin
Mrs. Toni R. Brothers
Mr. Ray G. Brown
Mr. Gordon J. Bullivant
Mr. Marvin R. Clede
Mr. Andrew J. Daniel
Mr. Dwayne E. Mast
Mr. George Meza
Mr. Matthew J. Nelson
Mrs. Shiloh R. Norton
Mr. Eric D. Peterson
Mr. David W. Skweres
Mrs. Jeanette M. Sweet
Mrs. Kathryn R. Symank
Mr. Gregory M. Tonini
Mr. Stephen D. Westover
Class of 2000
Total Gifts $6,767.58
1.67% Participation
Ms. Ashley L. Blakely
Mr. Robert R. Dunmire, Sr.
Ms. Donna L. Flowers
Mr. Daniel T. Harrison
Ms. Patricia E. Henry
Mr. Paul B. Hvass
Mr. Tim H. Medin
Mrs. Vanessa B. Meling
Mr. Orin R. Owen
Mrs. Kassia Peter
Mr. Reed R. Robertson, Jr.
Mr. Alan D. Thiessen
Mr. Robert Whitfield
Class of 2001
Total Gifts $6,845.46
2.32% Participation
Mr. Michael E. Askew
Mr. Carl E. Bailey
Mr. Philip D. Dean
Mrs. Bertha L. GoodeHodge
Mr. Joe U. Gutierrez
Mr. Joshua M. Johnston
Mr. Keith T. Kearns
Mrs. Barbara D. Lau
Mr. Darren C. Lewis
Dr. Matthew K. Olson
Mr. Andrew L. Olson
Mrs. Rosalind K. Randle
Mr. Ted Rankin, Jr.
Mrs. Gail Ritchey
Mr. Mark D. Strait
Ms. Mary E. Womack
Class of 2002
Total Gifts $8,486.92
2.22% Participation
Mr. Vernon M. David
Ms. Jeri L. Hall
Mr. Randall D. Loyd
Mr. Kenneth W. Martens
Mr. Timothy R. Mason
Mrs. Dora M. Ojeda
Mrs. Katrina M. Olson
Mr. David Parker
Lt. Cmdr. Aaron Pickett
Mrs. Bettina M. Pickett
Mr. Shane P. Qureshi
Dr. Natacha Qureshi
Mrs. Kelly S. Scott
Mr. Ryan S. Scott
Mrs. Martha M. Steed
Mr. Philip L. Steers IV
Mr. Christopher D. Waskey
Class of 2003
Total Gifts $3,882
1.17% Participation
Mr. Stephen D. Casey
Mr. Timothy P. Clark
Ms. Jamie K. DeYoung
Mr. Shawn P. Hara
Mrs. Bethany Hara
Mr. Peter H. Hoewisch
Mr. Andrew R. Steiger
Mr. Jeffrey R. Stutzman
Mr. Shane M. Warner
Class of 2004
Total Gifts $3,653
2.09% Participation
Mrs. Sarah C. Albertson
Mr. Hector E. Aubert
Mrs. Grace E. Aubert
Mr. Gary A. Day
Mrs. Laura J. Laster
Mr. Jesse T. Laster
Mr. John T. Oates
Mrs. Lisa R. Oates
Mr. Dezi J. Rios
Mr. Andrew A. Rucker
Mr. David C. Runyon
Ms. Kimberly J. Stubberfield
Mr. Raul E. Valdes
Mrs. Jessica N. Warner
Mrs. Stephanie L. Wolford
Class of 2005
Total Gifts $1,511
2.2% Participation
Mrs. Alyssa J. Anderson
Mr. Jeremy J. Anderson
Mrs. Heidi A. Durant
Mr. David B. Etchelecu
Ms. Sarah A. Hess
Ms. Shelia K. Jennings
Mr. Roger P. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Daniel N. Leatherwood
Mr. Jonathan D. Marney
Mr. Mark A. Mullins
Mr. David V. Stotera
Mr. Jonathan M. Tack
Mr. Demetri M. White
Class of 2006
Total Gifts $4,270
2.38% Participation
Mr. Wayco W. Beckman
Mr. Ronald A. Campbell
Ms. Linda F. Carper
Ms. Barbara J. DixonGarvey
Mr. Matthew P. Edmunds
Mr. Mark A. L. Evers
Mr. Jacob L. Gregg
Mrs. Catherine V. Griffin
Ms. Wanda J. Kuykendall
Mr. Geoffrey W. Lightsey
Dr. Charles D. Moorehead
Jincy M. Nichols
Mr. William C. Owens
Ms. Twila Reeves
Mr. Robert S. Russell
Mrs. Deena M. Shelton
Mr. Robert J. Surprenant
Class of 2007
Total Gifts $3,295
1.89% Participation
Ms. Nashunda Y. Fields
Mrs. Rachel A. Gaines
Mrs. Mary E. Greenwaldt
Mr. Gary L. Hertel
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lubin
Lt. Timothy D. Markley, II
Mrs. Roberta G. Moss
Mrs. Nola K. Plumb
Mr. Brandon J. Ray
Mrs. Whitney A. Schubarth
Mrs. Laura B. Thompson
Mr. Jason K. Trosen
Mrs. Jessica A. Ulrich
Class of 2008
Total Gifts $1,690.40
1.67% Participation
Mrs. Jordan E. Baumer
Dr. Richard E. Baumer
Mr. Erick L. Blakey
Mr. Danny Bradley
Mrs. Lauren L. Bradley
Dr. Micah J. Casteel
Mr. Thomas G. Cooper
Mr. Joshua A. DeGraffenried
Mr. Michael J. Gaines, Jr.
David C. Nichols
Mr. James R. Saunders
Mr. Ruedi T. Schubarth
Class of 2009
Total Gifts $8,300
1.61% Participation
Mr. Joseph D. Carter
Felita L. Carter
Mrs. Kris Elmore
Ms. Maria E. Gomez
Mr. Steven C. Hadfield
LtCdr. CaSaundra M. Harris
Benjamin R. Luckert
Kendra D. Malone
Robert D. Pickens
Herbert D. Severin
Mr. Benjamin R. Shelton
Mrs. Mary Beth Trogdon
Mr. Steve Wolbert
Class of 2010
Total Gifts $2,028
1.96% Participation
Kelly Brighi
Stephen E. Camp
Mr. John L. Cardenas
Carter C. Collum
Lauren E. Gentry
Jonella E. Gillam
Mrs. Christine E. Hadfield
Regina R. Kennedy
Elizabeth A. Krause
Cory A. Krause
Mrs. Tamara R. Lichtenberg
James A. Mitchell
Janet Ragland
Mr. Howard W. Record
Mr. Bob L. Ssekyanzi
Ms. Rebekah A. Valencia
Mr. Louis W. Wilpitz IV
Class of 2011
Total Gifts $2,245
1.56% Participation
Mrs. Andrea J. Brankin
Ulrich E. De La Fuente
Mr. Matthew P. Gustafson
Timothy D. Hooge
Ms. Marilyn M. Lee
Mr. Jeffrey A. Lubin
Mr. Eric C. McLaughlin
Aaron L. Midcap
Mrs. Kimberly S.
Mrs. Grace L. Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Riley R. Wyers
Class of 2012
Total Gifts $1,557.52
1.79% Participation
Mr. Joseph S. Bailey
Mrs. Mindy R. Crawford
Mr. Keith Curtis
Mrs. Stephanie K. Frazier
Mrs. Joan Fudala
Mrs. Barbara E. Harlan
Mrs. Megan R. Harrison
Jeremy D. Liggett
Bryan E. Little
Ms. Heidi N. Morgan
Ms. Leslie A. Sowell
Mr. Isaac J. Sutter
Class of 2013
Total Gifts $3,754
3.24% Participation
Shandreka S. Bauer
Isaac A. Coats
Christy M. Day
Kyle J. DeVries
Julia A. Duffield
Samuel J. Epp
Mark A. Harrison
Abigail L. Jeske
Tania E. Johnson Prescod
Esteban N. Kang
Levi B. Leppke
John McClanahan
Galvino F. Medina
Brendan A. Palmer
Freddie L. Ritchey
Michael J. Sanford
Sara E. Schleicher
Aaron D. Shelton
Micah O. Shennum
Mr. Jeff A. Trosen
Allen C. Worcester
Class of 2014
Total Gifts $0,225
1.13% Participation
Joshua M. Newman
Terrence T. Penner
Carly B. Robinson
Mrs. Natalie Rogers
Daniel E. Rothfus
Kristen M. Shelton
Luis Trevino
Class of 2015
Total Gifts $3,873.78
3.1% Participation
Benjamin S. Carpenter
Mr. Daniel L. Greene
Gabriel A. Johnson
Matthew G. Mobley
April G. Paul
Judah D. Rutledge
Jason N. Small
Justin L. Tjahjono
LeTourneau University | 35
36 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2014
Dr. Aaron Kuecker
Finding Kingdom Work in Every Vocation
Written by Sara Schleicher. Photography by Janet Ragland
Shelves of books line the walls of Dr. Kuecker's office,
a warm and inviting space. A comfortable leather couch
has welcomed many students asking questions or seeking
advice. He smiles warmly as he speaks about his students.
"I love teaching, I will probably never love anything
more than I love to teach, but I also love to dream big
about Christian Higher Education. I'm taken by what is
possible for Christian communities of learning," says
Dr. Aaron Kuecker, Dean of the School of Theology
and Vocation and Professor of Theology. "When we're
intentional about what we do here at LeTourneau, really
good and rich things happen."
Kuecker grew up in the small town of Denver, Iowa.
Like many college students, when he began his own
undergraduate studies at Iowa's Central College, he had a
career in mind, but not a real sense of calling.
"I went to college to study political science and prelaw," says Kuecker. "But mainly I went because I wanted to
play basketball."
That choice led him to join a para-church organization
called Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.
"I grew up in a Christian family, and Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship was the community in which my own
faith came alive."
It was during this time at Central College that Kuecker
found his calling, as well. "I came to this spot where
I couldn't really imagine doing something other than
His undergraduate student experiences also planted in
his mind the idea of becoming a college professor.
"I had a couple of professors that helped me see what
a faculty member could be in the life of a student," he
said. "They were invested in my life and took my questions
seriously. From my interactions with those professors,
I thought that a good way to spend my life would be
teaching at a college campus."
After graduating from Central College in 1998 and
spending seven years in local church ministry in Michigan,
Kuecker began to earn his doctorate in New Testament
Studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Kuecker served as an associate professor of Theology
at Trinity Christian College prior to arriving at LeTourneau
in 2013 as Director of the Honors College, as well as a
theology professor. His role in the honors college enabled
him to bring students together in an intentional community
of learning and spiritual growth.
For Kuecker, the School of Theology and Vocation
builds on that same community concept, but in a way
that engages every student on campus. Built into every
degree offered at LeTourneau is an opportunity for spiritual
growth and for all students to explore their own vocations
can impact the world for Christ.
"It's really exciting to think about how the School of
Theology and Vocation can offer its gifts broadly to the
campus by sharing the idea of what we're trying to do as a
university," says Kuecker. "We hope we can serve as a hub
for the theological formation of our campus."
Coupled with spiritual formation, the School of
Theology and Vocation provides a forum for all LETU
students to learn what it really means to connect faith and
"All of our students are engaging the biblical narrative
and theology of the church," says Kuecker. "But they're
doing it with an eye on how this knowledge applies to their
specific vocation. What is a civil engineer for? What is an
accountant for in God's world?"
These conversations force students to look beyond the
traditional view of how faith and work coincide.
"When most students initially think about what it
means to be a Christian in their chosen field, they might
describe that role as meaning you should be ethical, see
your job as a place to practice evangelism, and do your job
with excellence.
"What we're trying to do, and what students can
really see, is that there are ways that their work itself can
be aligned with the things that God cares about and the
things that are closely connected to God's kingdom. " This
dialogue helps students understand how it's possible to
intentionally make their work part of their Christian calling.
"Students start to see that their work can be
inherently very meaningful," he said. "An easy example is
Jesus' concern with broken bodies. There are ways that the
work of our nursing students or biomedical engineers is so
deeply connected with that Kingdom concern with bodies
and their health."
Of course, before any growth or discovery can happen,
students have to be ready to learn. And Kuecker sees this
as an area where God has truly blessed LeTourneau.
"One of the gifts that LeTourneau has is that, for
whatever reason, there's a pretty special kind of student
who shows up here," he said. "Students are very earnest
- they want to learn, they want to grow, and they want to
be a part of a vibrant community. I think that's actually a
pretty unique gift that God has given this place."
LeTourneau University | 37
Every Workplace. Every Nation.
Phil Burks: Serving Christ
As A Business Owner
Edited and photographed by Janet Ragland.
hil Burks of Tyler, Texas, graduated from LeTourneau College in 1974 with a
degree in electrical engineering technology. Back in his days as a “Techo,”
he and two others nearly single-handedly put KHYM, a 5000-watt gospel radio
station on the air. Burks worked at the campus’ KLET radio station, then later
called the YellowJackets basketball games for KRFO-AM, becoming a fulltime
DJ there. During his junior and senior years of college, he was a news reporter
for KLTV, the local ABC affiliate in Tyler. Today, he is the CEO and founder of The
Genesis Group, a communications industry service company.
How and why did you choose to attend
LeTourneau? When I was about 14 years old, my Sunday
school teacher in Bristol, PA., told us of this magical
place called Texas that he had just visited—a place
where you can get your driver’s license at 15! He
had our attention! He then told of a man named
R.G. LeTourneau, who created a company in Texas,
designing giant earthmoving equipment for the
world. He told how R.G. gave 90% of his income to
the Lord and kept 10% for himself. That stuck with
me. So, when it came time to apply for college, I
only applied to LeTourneau. I’m glad I was accepted!
How did your experience at
LeTourneau impact you?
The true core of what I learned was the ability
to begin and end something without quitting. I
learned scientific thinking and creative problem
solving. All of my professors encouraged what we
now call ‘thinking outside the box.’ To this day, I’m
known as a person who thinks differently about how
to solve problems.
I also learned how to mentor. My calculus
professor had a heart for his students. A runner, he
would run in the evenings from his Longview home
back to campus to check in and help us understand
our homework. He encouraged and listened to us. I
38 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2014
think if Jesus had been a math professor, he would
have looked like that professor.
How has the Longview campus
changed since you were a student?
I recently helped a childhood friend move
his son into Thomas Hall and went to the wrong
building twice! I am a bit nostalgic, because
we had a lot of fun as the barracks were being
decommissioned and deconstructed. We ‘borrowed’
boards and other material to make shelves and even
elaborate bookcases. We would race bikes through
the labyrinth of barracks. I love the look and feel of
the campus today, though I do miss the ‘tree house’
type of fun we had.
Tell us about your company.
My wife, Bobbie, and I began The Genesis Group
in 1989. She operated a PR firm, and I turned some
personal-use software into a commercial product.
We hired our first employee in 1992 and were
scared to death, not knowing how we were going to
pay him. He still works for us.
The first 10 years were difficult, but like R.G., I
had cut the word ‘quit’ out of my dictionary. Oh, I
wanted to quit many times, but I couldn’t bail on
the commitment I made to myself, God, my wife,
and—in a strange way—to R.G. If Mr. LeTourneau
could do it, so could I. One day, I had $5,000
in bills to pay sitting on my desk and only $150 in
the bank. I had no idea where the money would
come from. I prayed hard and told God that if He
wanted to shut it all down, it would be hard for me
to understand, but I’d go along with it. Within 15
minutes, the phone rang with a consulting job worth
exactly $5,000! R.G. experienced many similar
events in his life. God simply asks for our willingness
to let go and trust Him.
Today, we have 56 employees in an ultramodern advanced technology building in Tyler,
Texas. We also have an office in the United Kingdom
and affiliates in Australia and Mexico. Our software
helps manage and operate giant, two-way radio
and public safety communications networks. Our
software customer list contains many names we
can’t share, but many start with “The City of…,”
“The County of…,” The State of…,” “The Province
of…,” and “The Country of….”. Motorola, our
largest customer, owns about 70% of the global
market for two-way radio communications. We also
have created software to more efficiently dispatch
ambulances and other first responders, based on
crowd-sourced traffic information from Waze. Much
more can be seen at www.GenesisWorld.com
Describe how you integrate your faith
in your workplace.
I have never been a person to beat Christ
into anyone or guilt someone to love Him. I have
been called to live Christ by example. While we do
not discuss anyone’s beliefs during interviews, a
majority of our employees are born again believers
in Jesus Christ. We hire the right people with the
right skill set for the job, no matter their beliefs.
However, having so many believers in our company
makes it a JOY to come to work, given that common
bond. In our company-wide team meetings, it is
clear that we are a praying company, and we want
40 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2015
know how we can pray for
our employees and their families. In crisis situations,
we have been known to send an email to all
employees about an impromptu prayer circle for a
specific need, and about 10 to 15 people drop what
they are doing and show up to pray. We also teach
our employees how to give. Last Christmas, we were
able to give a larger than average bonus, and we
asked our team members to consider giving 10% or
more of that bonus to a charity or entity that helps
those in need.
When I was giving a tour of our building to some
local Tyler firefighters in September of 2014, I told
them that “This is God’s business, and I just show
up each day and ask Him what I’m supposed to do.”
About three months ago, I learned that one of the
firefighters on the tour began asking questions of a
fellow firefighter and has since asked Jesus into his
heart. I love watching God work!
What advice would you have for others
who might be considering LETU?
You can get an education most anywhere,
but if you are looking for not only a place to think
outside the box, but also a place that will ignite
your curiosity to build a better box, LeTourneau is
that place. Integrated learning is important—to
apply what you are learning as you learn and get a
team of hands involved in the process. Prospective
students may not know exactly the calling God
wants for the rest of their lives when they apply, but
at LeTourneau, you will maximize every opportunity
to learn what God has in store for you.
To learn more about The Genesis Group,
visit the website at www.genesisworld.com
LeTourneau University | 39
Come Home to LeTourneau!
Weekend Events
{ 51st Annual Hootenanny }
{ Patio Party for Alumni, Students & Families }
{ Picnic at the Pond featuring Inter-Society
Rope Pull & Cardboard Boat Races }
{ Blue & Gold Dinner }
{ Admissions Preview Day & School Showcase }
{ YellowJacket Softball + Athletic Events }
{ Alumni in Action Forums & Class Devos }
{ New Parent & Family Gatherings }
{ All Welding/Materials Joining Alumni }
{ Golden Jackets Welcoming Class of 1966 }
{ Flooders Floor Alumni }
Details & Registration
LeTourneau University | 41
The loss of a loved one, friend or colleague often
inspires us to ensure that their memory lives on.  Many
people find that supporting LETU is an ideal way to
honor someone who has passed away.  Gifts made
"in memoriam" offer lasting honor to a loved one while
providing family and friends with the satisfaction of
knowing they have helped others.  If you would like to
give a memoriam to LETU, please call 1-800-259-5388
or donate online at www.letu/give.  The family will be
notified of your generosity when a memoriam gift is
John Sherman Williams (’67 MT) died March 4 in
Aurora, Mo.  He is survived by his wife, Gloria Jean,
daughters Pamela Hickson, Susan McGlothlin and
sons Deryck Maples and Darren Maples.
Robert David Johnson (’73
MT) of Bend, Ore., died Oct.
18 as a result of a car accident.
He is survived by his wife of 42
years, Marsha, sons David and
Brian with their families, and
eight grandchildren.
Steven Obenour (’81 WT) died Sept. 29, in
Jacksonville, Fla.
Phillip M. Johnson (’10 ET) died Oct. 1, in Hillsboro,
Ore. after being struck by a
vehicle while walking across an
intersection.  He is survived by
his wife, Kristen, his parents,
brother and extended family. His
kind, thoughtful and respectful
attitude along with his sense of humor will be greatly
missed by everyone he lived and worked with.
Matthew (Matt) Carr (’99 ATET)
and wife, RayLynn, of Wichita,
Kan., announce the May 6 birth
of their son, Jude Matthew.  Matt
works for Textron Aviation.
Kenneth “Ken” Bauer (’06
ASFS) and wife, Erin, of Rio
Rancho, N.M., announce the
May 16 birth of their daughter,
Amelia.  She joins big brother,
Nolan (5). Ken has a new
position with JetBlue as First
Joshua Swain (’13 MBA) and wife, Jackie, of
Longview, Texas, announce the Aug. 12, 2014,
birth of their daughter, Avonlea Claire. She joins
her brother, Ryder (5).  Joshua is an attorney with
Coghlan Crowson, LLP.
Jacob (Jake) Harlinski (’14
MGT) and Kasey McKinney
(’14 ACCT) married May 24 in
Tyler, Texas.  The couple lives in
Longview, Texas, where Jake is
a staff accountant for Henry and
Peters, P.C.
James Lewis (’14 ME) and
Alyssa McCluskey married
July 4 in Rolla, Mo.  James is
a Production Supervisor for
Alcoa Titanium and Engineered
Products in Washington, Mo.
is to be thankful to God in all things, and that takes
Martin and Ellen (Bancroft)
Page (’65 EN) celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary,
August 28 while on an aroundthe-world cruise.  There will
be a family celebration of
their anniversary during the
Christmas holidays.
Ryan and Mariah (VanDoren) (’14 ISS) Ferkel were
married March 7 Longview,
Texas.  Mariah works in the
LETU Admissions Office and
Ryan is scheduled to graduate in
2016 from LETU.
William “Bill” Cristobal (’72 ATBS) attended the
LETU Career Fair in October
recruiting for JAARS, a
supporting organization for
Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Bill has served with JAARS
for 41years.  He and his wife,
Sue, live in Waxhaw, N.C.
Christopher (Chris) and Sarah (Crawford) (’15 KES)
Musgrave were married June
20 and soon will be moving to
Marshall, Texas.  Sarah works
at Fastenal as an outside sales
representative, and Chris is
scheduled to graduate Dec.
2016 from LETU.
Philip Olson (’77 MT/ATBS) was recruiting LETU
students at the LETU Career Fair for AO Aviation,
Wichita, Kan. He and Van Able (’78 MT/ATBS)
are the company owners/operators and they offer
services in aircraft engineering, modification and
certification to corporations needing their expertise. 
They have contracted with Quest Kodiak for one of
their latest projects among other ongoing ventures.
Dr. Paul Reitzer (’54 CHS) was elected by the
General Congress of the Baptist World Alliance at
its meeting in Durbin, South Africa, to serve on the
Commission on Baptist History and Identity.  He and
his wife, Marcia, live in Marion, Ala.
Morten (’63) and Carol Eriksen
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on July 3 in Rancho
Cucamonga, Calif.  Their first
date was at the LeT concert
band concert in 1961, Wayne
Hansen (’65 ET) took pictures
and Don Courson (’65 MT)
loaned Morten his Olds!
Dr. Doug Ford (’65 CHBS and former LETU
faculty) was named a distinguished alumnus from
Hallsville ISD and was honored at the Hallsville
pre-homecoming game banquet, Oct. 16. In his
comments, he told the meaning of success: “As long
as you are content in the Lord, the key to success
Larry Newcomer (’78 ATBS) and his wife, Cheryl,
were passing by LETU and stopped for a visit.
Chatting about old times, Larry can be seen in the
1976 yearbook doing some bareback bronc riding. 
Cheryl spoke fondly of receiving her PHT degree
(Putting Hubby Through). Both are retired and now
live in Glendale, Ariz.
80 & 90s
Larry Heintz (’84 ATBI) was awarded the United
Nations World Food Program
(UNWFP) Humanitarian
Award at the UNWFP global
conference in Geneva,
Switzerland on Oct. 7.
Larry has developed a
management system that
encourages the reporting of
potential hazards to ensure
a positive safety culture across the MAF organization.
His system has reduced the accident rate to zero for
the past eight years in the African region. He and his
wife, Jane, are missionaries with MAF in Folkestone,
Great Britain
William “Bill” Graff (’98 BBM) is now a selfemployed realtor in Houston, Texas.
LeTourneau University | 41
Robert Whitfield (’00 BBM) has published a
book “Around the World—the Kindness Journey:
Words and Thoughts of Hope,
Encouragement, and Kindness
While Backpacking Around
the World.”  Robert has used
what he’s captured from
conversations and photographs
on his backpacking journeys
to create the first in a series
of books.  His next book, “The Kindness Journey
of South Africa,” is scheduled to come out in 2016.
Robert lives in Dallas, Texas, and Honolulu, Hawaii.
Michael “Mike” Hostetler (’00-’02 CSE) is the Chief
Information Officer of a company called “Rent Like a
Champion,” which was featured on the ABC Network
program, “Shark Tank,” that aired Oct. 30, 2015. Mike
was not televised, but his role as CIO is to lead the
effort to responsively redesign their site and advise
on technical strategy going forward.  The company
agreed to a deal of $200,000 for 10% equity on the
show.  Mike and his wife Julie (Phelps)(’22-’02
MAE1) live in the Chicago area.
Jerry “J.D.” Claridge (’01 ASEL) of Sandpoint,
Idaho, had a big win when he appeared on the ABC
Network program, “Shark Tank,” that aired Oct. 23.
He is the founder, president and CEO of xCraft,
which makes a revolutionary hybrid unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV), or “drone,” the XPlusOne.  While
in the “shark tank,” the team
also showed a patent-pending
product still being developed
that will turn a smartphone
into a drone, aptly named the
“Phone Drone.”  He and his
business partner, Charles
Manning, walked into the
“Shark Tank” seeking $500,000 in funding for 20%
share of their company and walked away with $1.5
million in funding for a 25% share, along with historic
participation from all five shark investors.  J.D. and
his wife, Kara (Guisinger) (’00 ISBS), have two
children, Kylen and Evelyn.
Philip Steers (’02 ACCT) recently took a job as
senior accounting and reporting analyst with Haven
Hospice.  He and his wife, Jennifer, and girls,
Katelynn (4) and Rachel (2), now live in Gainesville,
Darryl DeMaris (’04 ASAE) graduated with his
M.D. in May from LSU Health Science Center—New
Orleans and is completing his internship in surgery at
Tulane University. He begins his
residency in diagnostic radiology
as part of Texas A & M School
of Medicine at Scott & White
Hospital, Temple, Texas, in July. 
His wife, Priscila (Schoenborn)
DeMaris (’05 BYBA), graduated
in August with a bachelor’s in accounting from Liberty
University and has been accepted into the Master of
Accounting program.  Darryl and Priscila have three
children, Audrey (8), Micha (6) Zoe (4), and they
currently live in New Orleans, La.
42 | NOW Magazine | Fall 2014
David E. (’04 ASFS) and Kara (Galusha) (’04
CHBY) Johnson, celebrated their 10th wedding
anniversary on September 10.  David works for
ExpressJet and they live in Richmond, Ky.
Johann “Jes” Sobota (’02 -‘06) (Pictured on left) is
part of the U.S. Army 1-501 Attack Reconnaissance
Battalion, the Pistoleros,
who recently returned from
the Middle East, where they
supported operations Inherent
Resolve and Spartan Shield
in Baghdad, Kuwait and the
Northern Arabian Gulf. 
Lee Shaver (’07 EE) joined the Peace Corps and
served from 2007-2009 as a municipal development
volunteer in El Salvador. Lee is now pursuing a
master’s degree in electrical engineering and lives in
Madison, Wis.
Lynda Gaitan (’12 BYBS) is currently in her fourth
year of medical school
at Texas A&M College of
Medicine at Bryan-College
Station. She will graduate
as an M.D. in May 2016
and plans to pursue a
specialization in family
medicine.  She hopes to
serve on the mission field,
perhaps in Central or South America where she can
use her bilingual skills in Spanish.
William (Will) Hibbard (’12 BBA) and his wife,
Bekah, recently moved to Tyler, Texas where Will is
an insurance agent for Humana Inc.
Nicole Leman (’12
KINE) is exploring
nature on a year-long
hike through New
Stephen Morris (’12 ME) was at the LETU Career
Fair representing Eastman Chemical where he has
worked for three and a half years as a mechanical
engineer.  Stephen’s wife, Chrissy (Dulweber)
Morris (’13 PSCD), works in the LETU Office of
Development as a Development Assistant.  They live
in Hallsville, Texas.
Matthew (Matt) Barr (’13 ISBA) earned his Master
of Arts in Higher Education from Taylor University in
May, the same month that he accepted the position of
resident director of Tyler Hall at LETU.
Carlos Cantu (’13 BUBS/MBA) of
Spring, Texas, is now working as
a SAP/Success Factor Consultant
for IBM.
Kyle DeVries (’13 MTAS) has recently taken a
job as an applications engineer with PRAB Inc. in
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Kory Labbe (’13 CMIN)
was ordained April 30 by the
Assemblies of God in the Alaska
Ministry Network.  He and his
wife, Katheryn, live in North
Pole, Alaska, where Kory is a Children’s Pastor. 
Jason Montgomery (’13 MK) and wife, Katie
(Plunk) Montgomery (’14 ISBS), live in Longview,
Texas, where Jason has worked for the past two
years for the Star Co. and recently represented the
company at the LETU Career fair.
Zachary Phillips (’13 EE) of Longview, Texas, is
an electrical engineer for Eastman Chemical and
represented the company at the LETU Career Fair.
Burton Rhodes (’13 MJT) of Columbia, S.C.
is working for the McNair Center for Aerospace
Innovation and Research at the University of South
Carolina, as the center’s lab manager.  The Center
will conduct research as a result of a $5 million
agreement recently made between USC and Boeing
aimed at delivering new technology. Among his
duties, Burton advises and manages all graduate
student research, which will include researching
carbon fiber reinforced composite manufacturing as
per the research agreement. The Center is the only
advanced aerospace composites manufacturing
facility of its kind and scale in the United States.
James (“Jim”) Zimmerman (’13 BHS) finished his
first year of teaching 6th grade English at Wheat
Middle School in Cleburne, Texas this past spring. 
For the 2015-2016 academic year, he will add the
duties of head coach for girls 7th grade volleyball,
basketball and track.  He also noted that Cleburne’s
school mascot is the Yellow Jackets! In February
2016, he will graduate with a Master of Education in
Curriculum and Instruction from LETU.
Joshua Pickle (’14 CHCH) (Pictured: 2nd on the
right) was hired as a chemist by Nalco Champion on
the WellChem Technologies Team in Fresno, Texas.
His primary focus is in research and development in
their lab facilities.  He also
continues his love for acting
in plays as Mark Twain in
“The Trial of Tom Sawyer”
and as Aslan in “The Lion,
the Witch, and the Wardrobe” at the Fort Bend
Theatre in Stafford, Texas.
Avery Cheeley (’15 BSME) is
currently pursuing his master’s
degree in engineering with
emphasis in design from LETU.
Kyle Sulek (’15 EE) of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was
hired by Rockwell Collins after graduation and
represented the company at the LETU Career Fair
in October.
Note: When submitting information for the Class
Notes through the “Tell Us Your News” form on the
Alumni website, you must check the “Please include
my update in the NOW magazine” box for it to be
included into the next NOW magazine.
General Operational Fund
(Fiscal Year End June 30, 2015)
Instructional, Research and Academic Support
Student and Enrollment Services
Institutional Support
Plant and Auxiliary Operations and Maintenance
Debt Service
Capital Projects
Tuition and Fees (net of 11,489,449
financial aid scholarships)
Auxiliary Operations
Unrestricted Non-Capital Gifts and Grants
Grants, Contracts and Research
Investment Income
Institutional Research and
Academic Support
Tuition and Fees
Student and Enrollment Services
Unrestricted Non-Capital
Gifts and Grants
Institutional Support
Auxiliary Operations
Plant and Auxiliary
Operations and Maintenance
Capital Projects
Debt Services
Grants, Contracts
and Research
Investment Income
Miscellaneous and Transfers
From Other Funds
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LeTourneau University is celebrating the successful completion of its first university-wide comprehensive campaign,
"For Such a Time as This." The campaign, the largest in the university's 70-year history, has enabled the university to
provide funding for endowed scholarships for students, research initiatives, expanded initiatives for global service learning and
faith and work integration, and several much-needed campus improvements.
Watch the video, "This Is LeTourneau," which was unveiled at the celebration. http://campaign.letu.edu/ThisIsLETU.html