Summer 2013 - Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association
Summer 2013 - Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association
OUR 85th YEAR busIness By Dee Goerge SUMMER 2013 will do a better job because he or she knows where the s tion cornerstones are located. Local surveyors know wh problem areas are (those areas that don’t match the orig T H I S I S Sand UE . . .know . measurements), they the quirks of the region Ted Hartke, owner of Hartke Engineering and President’s Message ........................................... 1 Surveyin in Fithian, Illinois. He left a large company with 650 em Events/IPLSA News ......................... 2 in Calendar 2011 to of start his own business. “Agricultural land............................................ surveys are an important Executive Viewpoint 3 part of m business and a good fit with my own rural roots,” Hartk Survey Savvy ....................................................... 4 “Surveyors are just like farmers; we get to play in the dir Surveyors Rendezvous 2013 Historic Philadelphia ............................................ 7 experIence, FamIlIarIty = lower b esides finding a local surveyor, clients can save m Scholarship and Awards Summary ..................... 9 finding the right surveyor. Lost MonumentsNyberg .................................................. For example, Surveying Inc. is one9of five surv listed in the Alexandria, Minnesota, phone book. Call a Discipinary Report ............................................. 11 and the top price quote might be three times the low qu New Members ................................................... “When people call me, I look through our12files; we’ve 8,000 surveys withinSeminars 75 miles,” says Brad Nyberg, co-ow IPLSA Exam Review – Online ............ 12 of Sustaining the 30-year-old family business. There’s a good chanc & Supporting Members ................... 12 he’s surveyed a property nearby or that there are record Membership Application ................................... 13 lines. K government-owned property and state highway where permanent markers are located eliminates time lo Classifieds ........................................................ 14 up records in the county recorder’s office and saves cost ...................................................... 19 hisPublications files grow, some of his current bids are lower now tha they would have been a few years ago. IPLSA Benefit Association ................................. 20 Hartke says surveyors’ reputations rely on honesty. W gets a call for work in an unfamiliar area, he refers the c a local surveyor who will do a good job for less cost. There is no rule of thumb regarding surveying fees. “T of the survey depends on the terrain more than any othe tor,”in Hartke Flat, open land is the easiest. So after h fo@ipsays. lsa.or g and during winter are often the best times to survey. Tall nearly as difficult to survey through as wooded, hilly land “I want to know the terrain, so I pull aerial photos off B Survey Savvy 2013 OFFICERS COMMITTEE CHAIRS PRESIDENT Theodore P. Hartke, PLS Hartke Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 2121 East 2350 North Road Fithian, IL 61844 Phone (217) 840-1612 Email: [email protected] ANNUAL CONFERENCE Dennis Cummins, PLS PRESIDENT ELECT Jim Abbitt, PLS McClure Engineering Assoc. Inc. 1037 21st Ave. East Moline, IL 61244 Phone: (309) 792-9350 Email: [email protected] CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS Carol A. Sweet-Johnson, PLS SECRETARY/TREASURER Mitchell R. Garrett, PLS Shawnee Survey & Consulting Inc. 104 S. 4th St. P.O. Box 125 Vienna, IL 62995 Phone: (618) 658-6065 Email: [email protected] PUBLIC INFORMATION, MARKETING & PUBLICATIONS Dale L. Woolard, PLS DIRECTORS Ronald D. Bauer, PLS RB & Associates Consulting Inc. 4 West Main #201 Plano, IL 60545 US Phone: (630) 552-7452 Email: [email protected] INTERSOCIETY RELATIONS Michael E. Filipski, PLS Robert G. Brown, PLS Juneau Associates, Inc. P.C. 2100 State St. PO Box 1325 Granite City, IL 62040 US Phone: (618) 877-1400 Email: [email protected] GIS-LIS-IMAC James R. Anderson, PLS Roger Meyer, PLS Berns Clancy & Associates P.C. 405 East Main Street Urbana, IL 61802 Phone: (217) 384-1144 Email: [email protected] Timothy J. Murphy, PLS Manhard Consulting Ltd. 324 East Walnut Street Roselle, IL 60172 Phone: (847) 634-5550 Email: [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT Donald G. Groesser, PLS Sanchez and Associates, PC 8605 W. Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 309 Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: (815) 575-0642 Email: [email protected] member of: American Congress On Surveying and Mapping National Society of Professional Surveyors BUDGET Duane E. Weiss, PLS Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Foundation News For all of you loyal Foundation members and supporters who have been waiting and watching with anticipation for news about the IPLSF and its dilemma, we have great news for everyone. The Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Foundation was recently notified by the IRS that we have their official EDUCATION, TRAINING & REGISTRATION Kyle O. Allred, PLS sanction as a 501-C-3 TAX DEDUCTIBLE organization. Several weeks later we received equally exciting news from the Illinois Attorney General’s office to advise us that we had been accepted as a 501-C-3 charitable entity. The point of all of this is that the IPLSF is again up and running full blast toward our goal of earning funds with which to provide scholarships for MEMBERSHIP Michael D. Bytner, PLS higher education to enhance the practice of Land Surveying. Therefore all of you who have been members, and those of ETHICS AND PRACTICE David L. Humphrey, PLS you who would like to be members and assist us in meeting our goals, please send in the dues ($10.00/year) and/or any donations to the IPLSF. Send to: IPLSF c/o Duane E. Weiss 8783 Iler Road Sherman, Illinois 62684 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Timothy Burch, PLS SCHOLARSHIP, ELDRIDGE, HONORS & AWARDS Edward L. Clancy, PLS Daniel Evans, PLS T H E ILLINO IS S URV EYO R is the official publication of viewpoints of IP LSA but are published a s a s er v i ce to the Illino is Pro fe s s io na l Land Sur veyors Association. its members and the general public. No re s p o n s i b i l i ty Mate rial publis he d is not copyrighted and may be is re printe d w itho ut w ritten permission, so long as credit inaccuracies of content. to IPLSA is g ive n. about the publication should be direc ted to : Articles and columns appearing in assumed for errors, misquote s , d e l eti o n s or All mater i a l a n d i n q u i res the publicatio n do no t necessar ily reflect the official T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E YO R • 1 0 0 E A S T WA S H I N GT O N S T R E E T • S P R I N G F I E L D, I L 6 2 7 0 1 C H E C K U S O U T O N FA C E B O O K - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - It’s always the right time to do the right thing. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE H THEODORE P. HARTKE, PLS ow many times have you been tested? I am each other, the heavy bleeding may have already not talking about a math test or a licensing exam. I wiped out our resources. Recovery starts with am speaking of a true life exam ... the sort of thing making the decision to take care of things. While making business decisions, there is a test Ronald Reagan said, “To sit back hoping that framed “4 Way Test” on the wall of his office. someday, someone will make things right is to go It said: on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you 1.) Is it the TRUTH? last-but eat you he will.” What does this mean? 2.) Is it FAIR to all concerned? To me, it means that tough decisions cannot 3.) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER that keeps you up at night and forces a decision that will affect you and those around you. These decisions are not only about choosing a direction at a fork in the road. Think of the time when you asked your spouse to marry you. Think of the day when you took on huge debt to purchase your first home. Think of the occasions when you agonized over a job change, the risk to change gears, and the shift to balance your fear against your faith. Sometimes, decisions need to be made swiftly. When the gulf oil spill disaster was ongoing, people operated in an emergency mode while trying to protect their image at the same time. Looking back, some of their actions made it even worse. They eventually figured things out, but not before making a huge environmental mess and experiencing vast amounts of negative publicity. Our world has become riddled with greed for money and power. Our government leaders are exhibiting terrible behavior. Corrective action is constantly kicked down the road, leaving the problems for others to deal with later. There seems to be no accountability anymore. We should all put pressure on officeholders to work together. After they get through outmaneuvering wait. Step up to the plate and take a swing. When a mistake is made, work must stop before mistakes, too. Those are the cheapest lessons. for all things. One of my former bosses had a FRIENDSHIPS? 4.) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? the mistake is amplified into an emergency. My dad taught me to deal with situations head- Quick resolutions to problems keep negative on. “Be firm, and be fair,” he said. At times, you consequences under control. Little crocodiles are will “take one for the team.” Others may come easier to kill than big ones. Have you allowed a out slightly ahead of you, but that favor will likely person or situation cause disruptions which cause come back in return. Karma is a great equalizer. damage to the morale in your workplace? Have The decisions you are making define who you are. you been avoiding the inevitable? If so, it is time Whether those decisions are good or bad, they will to get to work. follow you throughout the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Every decision Decisions, mistakes, and corrections will always maker will fall on their face from time to time. be a part of our surveying profession. Handle It is not the mistake that you make that people them in a manner that would make your family remember. It’s the recovery. People will remember proud of you. Stand up to bullying and be the how you handled it. Admit to the error, apologize, voice for those who can’t speak for themselves. and own it. See to it that it is corrected and make You will serve mankind very well if you live and it up to the people harmed in the process. If this is act every day with this in mind: “It is always the done right and done in a timely manner, you will right time to do the right thing!” Now, let’s get to earn the trust and respect from those surrounding work and solve some problems. the situation. Try to learn from other people’s SUMMER 1 2013 S U R V E Y O F IPLSA NEWS CALENDAR OF EVENTS 10 Aug. 2013 IPLSA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 10:00 am - IPLSA Office 100 East Washington St. Springfield, IL 62701 14 Sept. 2013 IPLSA BOARD OF DIRECTIONS MEETING 10:00 am - Anchor Boat Club, Springfield, Illinois 2 Nov. 2013 IPLSA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 10:00 am - IPLSA Office 100 East Washington St. Springfield, IL 62701 7 Dec. 2013 IPLSA BOARD OF DIRECTIONS MEETING 10:00 am - Anchor Boat Club, Springfield, Illinois 11 Jan. 2014 IPLSA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 10:00 am - IPLSA office 100 East Washington St. Springfield, IL 62701 Congratulations to Alex Croxford, the 2013 Illinois TrigStar Winner! Alex just finished his junior year at Jersey Community High School. He is a member of various school groups and activities, including the Cross Country team, Scholastic Bowl, National Honor Society, Math League, Key Club, and marching band. He is an Eagle Scout who likes to camp, watch game shows, volunteer in his community, and play cards. Alex has won several academic awards including 1st place on the Olympiad team, Junior Class Math League Winner, and placing in the regional, sectional, and state levels of WYSE Engineering Graphics competitions. Alex will now compete in the National TrigStar Competition with the other state winners. 13-15 Feb. 2014 57TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Crowne Plaza, Springfield IL Tim Burch presented an Honorary Membership Award to David Doyle in recognition of his continued support, involvement and education of Illinois Professional Land Surveyors. Tim said: “It was my pleasure to present Dave Doyle with an Honorary Membership to the IPLSA in front of his peers at the meeting. Dave isn’t usually speechless but he was quite emotional at our recognition of his efforts.” IPLSA looks forward to seeing David in Illinois at future conferences and seminars. - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - The bottom line is that IPLSA is the only organization representing the interests of land surveyors in the public arena. You can help maintain EXECUTIVE VIEWPOINT IPLSA’s strong voice by KIM ROBINSON supporting the organization, and being actively involved in the legislative process. Active Session Highlights Importance of IPLSA H • specifying that electronic signatures, while of discussion. permitted, may not be required, and that the decision to sign design documents House Bill 3339 would have allowed service electronically rests solely with the design members to obtain a professional license professional. if they had earned substantially the same education and experience while serving in aving been involved in design industry is- sues in the public sector for more than 14 years, bills advanced but the issue remains a point • • Additional bills were introduced that would the military. The bill failed to advance due have amended existing laws regarding to concerns raised over the definition and qualifications-based selection, MBE/FBE documentation of “substantially” similar procurement goals, and other government education and experience. procurement and practice requirements. Senate Bill 1647 sought to allow the Since this is the first year of a two-year legislative session, we anticipate another I can say that the 2013 legislative session was the Illinois Department of Transportation the most active I’ve seen. There were dozens of ini- option of employing Design/Build as a tiatives introduced that would potentially impact procurement method on its projects. While The bottom line is that IPLSA is the only the practice of land surveying and procurement other state agencies are permitted this organization representing the interests of land of land surveying services. It certainly highlight- option, this specific bill would undermine surveyors in the public arena. You can help ed the important role that IPLSA plays in repre- qualifications as a condition of selection maintain IPLSA’s strong voice by supporting the senting the collective interests of Illinois’ profes- and would instead rely primarily on cost. organization, and being actively involved in the sional land surveyors. Among the highlights: The design industry organizations have legislative process. • long argued that qualifications must be House Bill 2701 and Senate Bill 1957 a primary selection criteria in design/ sought to establish responsible bidder build procurement. This bill also failed to requirements as a QBS selection criteria advance. for design firms providing material testing services. In response, House Bill 3151 • Once signed by the Governor, Senate Bill was introduced which would explicitly 1826 will allow for electronic signatures preclude state agencies from requiring on design documents. responsible bidder program participation as AIA and ISPE all worked to add language IPLSA, ACEC, a condition of QBS selection. None of the SUMMER 3 2013 busy year next year. busIness - By Dee Goerge T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - will do a better job because he or she knows where the section cornerstones are located. Local surveyors know where the problem areas are (those areas that don’t match the original measurements), and they know the quirks of the region,” says Ted Hartke, owner of Hartke Engineering and Surveying, Inc., in Fithian, Illinois. He left a large company with 650 employees in 2011 to start his own business. “Agricultural land surveys are an important part of my new business and a good fit with my own rural roots,” Hartke says. “Surveyors are just like farmers; we get to play in the dirt, too.” experIence, FamIlIarIty = lower bId esides finding a local surveyor, clients can save money by finding the right surveyor. For example, Nyberg Surveying Inc. is one of five surveyors listed in the Alexandria, Minnesota, phone book. Call all five and the top price quote might be three times the low quote. “When people call me, I look through our files; we’ve done 8,000 surveys within 75 miles,” says Brad Nyberg, co-owner of the 30-year-old family business. There’s a good chance that he’s surveyed a property nearby or that there are records on government-owned property and state highway lines. Knowing where permanent markers are located eliminates time looking up records in the county recorder’s office and saves costs. As his files grow, some of his current bids are lower now than what they would have been a few years ago. Hartke says surveyors’ reputations rely on honesty. When he gets a call for work in an unfamiliar area, he refers the caller to a local surveyor who will do a good job for less cost. There is no rule of thumb regarding surveying fees. “The cost of the survey depends on the terrain more than any other factor,” Hartke says. Flat, open land is the easiest. So after harvest and during winter are often the best times to survey. Tall corn is nearly as difficult to survey through as wooded, hilly land. “I want to know the terrain, so I pull aerial photos off the Internet,” Nyberg says. He prefers wintertime for surveying low ground and wooded areas since there are no leaves to see through. “Winter is a slower time for surveyors, so they may be hungrier for competitive bids,” he adds. GPS technology has improved accuracy and greatly lightens the physical labor (1800s government surveyors dragged 66-foot-long surveying chains through undeveloped land to mark township corners). But today’s technology comes at a higher cost – as much as $60,000 for a new GPS base and rover system. A $600 GPS unit may keep people from getting lost while hunting or may help find the general location of a line, but it’s not accurate enough to determine a survey line. When you call a surveyor, he or she will provide a quote B Survey Savvy It’s better when both farming neighbors know where the property line is. F ences were once dividing lines, but now they’ve been taken down to accommodate bigger equipment and fields. Unless there has been a survey and there are markers, the property line has likely drifted over the years. This may not be a problem if the neighbors are friends and are in general agreement. But it can all change with the sale of property, the passing on to another generation, or when one owner wants to make an improvement close to the line. That’s why a boundary survey is a good investment. But before you hire someone out of the phone book or off a website, there are a few things to consider to get the best bang for your buck. Begin by shopping local. “A local surveyor will have the most competitive price and bonus | Successful Farming | November 2012 Micah Radach (left) and Zach Waldorf of Nyberg Surveying Inc. set up GPS equipment for a survey. Part of the surveyor’s creed is to dedicate professional knowledge and skills to the advancement and betterment of human welfare. Photography: Dee Goerge SUMMER 4 2013 Continued - T H E Surveyors combine GPS with other information to analyze the pieces and to solve the puzzle of determining boundary lines. based on experience in your area. Nyberg says he quotes one price if he knows the area well, but he quotes a fee range within a few hundred dollars for lesser known areas where there might be additional challenges. There are also options. The basic fee covers marking corners with iron monuments pounded into the ground topped with caps that have the surveyor’s name or license number. In wooded or hilly areas, customers pay more to have additional wood stakes or steel fence posts mark the line between the corners. A survey plat showing the line and measurements from existing landmarks may be included in the price or added to the fee. In addition to time spent on your property, the fee includes the surveyor’s researching time at the recorder’s office, personal files, and other sources. reasons to survey yberg and Hartke refer to much of their work as doing a carve out. N I L L I N O I S S U R V For example, a farmer retires and moves to town. He surveys a few acres around the home site to sell and keeps the farmland to rent out. Or the property passes on to children, and to avoid future issues, the siblings divide the land so they can pay their own taxes and make decisions about their own property. “It’s not so common to have a survey when people buy farmland,” Hartke says, since many farmers just combine properties. “Most often, a survey is required when land is divided.” Hartke surveyed a portion of his own family’s 1,200-acre farm when his dad wanted to construct ditches and sell wooded acreage for development. Surveys aren’t required when buying land in Minnesota either, Nyberg notes, but sometimes buyers request it. Another good reason to survey is that it will save a lot of money and legal hassle if part of a pole barn ends up on the neighbor’s land, for example. “A lot of the time people are just curious where their lines are,” Nyberg says. Owners of smaller divided lots are often surprised to learn their yard’s mow lines are inaccurate. Rural property lines on flat, open areas are often fairly accurate. But lines on wooded, hilly areas and acreage that’s been divided are usually off. “If there’s an old fence that’s been there 100 years and the fence is off 20 feet, one farmer will often just deed the land to the neighbor,” Nyberg says. Ideally, neighbors go in together to split the cost of surveying, but often only one has a reason to do it. In some Minnesota counties, surveyors are required to record E Y O R - their surveys when property is divided, and the information is posted online. This is not typical, however, for most parts of the country. Both Nyberg and Hartke have encountered situations where a survey could have saved legal fees and avoided embittered – even threatening – situations. Hunting land boundaries are often difficult to discern, and a deer stand placed too close to an assumed boundary can create friction. Just as fences make for good neighbors, so do accurate property lines. “It’s an investment in your land,” Nyberg says. “Get the drawing to put with your abstract so it’s ready for sale. A survey doesn’t expire.” • learn more Hartke Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 217/840-1612 [email protected] Nyberg Surveying Inc. 320/762-4111 tips for Hiring a surveyor s urvey lingo may vary in different parts of the country, but the methods to gather and analyze evidence are similar, says Curtis Sumner of the National Society of Professional Surveyors ( For satisfaction with survey work, some things are universal. • Talk to your neighbors about surveyors they have used and would recommend. • Contact your state’s surveyors association or licensing board to find local surveyors. Websites often have helpful search options. • “Make sure you are comfortable that the surveyor understands exactly what you want,” Sumner says. Be sure to say if you want more than corner posts and if you want a plat. • After the survey is finished, replace the wood stakes between iron corner markers with something more permanent to clearly mark your boundary lines. • bonus | Successful Farming | November 2012 Article & Photos by Dee George. Reprinted with permission from by Successful Farming | November 2012 SUMMER 5 2013 OUT HERE, YOU DON’T JUST MEASURE BOUNDARIES. YOU PUSH THEM. When you’re in the field, some days are simple and straightforward. Then, there are the other days: when temperatures are so hot and the air is so thick, you can barely breathe. Days when you’re four hours from civilization and you just lost your signal. It’s for times like these that Trimble designed the all-new Trimble R10 GNSS receiver. It’s lighter and better balanced for less fatigue on long days. The Trimble R10 offers a number of radical new innovations—including Trimble SurePoint™ and Trimble xFill™ technologies—that make getting measurements faster and easier, no matter the conditions. Because extreme working conditions require extreme innovations. See it yourself at © 2013, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble, the Globe & Triangle Logo, xFill, and SurePoint are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and/or in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL YOUR TRIMBLE DEALER Precision Midwest Chicago Area 630-836-1000 Seiler Instruments Central & Southern Illinois Area 314-968-2282 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - Surveyors Rendezvous 2013 HISTORIC PHILADELPHIA By Chas Langelan I t’s hard to believe that Surveyors Historical Society’s fun little “Rendezvous” has now been an annual “event” for 16 years. Inspired by rugged frontier mountain-men of the 1800s, who came down from the Rockies every spring to trade furs for supplies — at great gatherings in the river valleys called “Rendezvous” — today SHS does the same. Since ’97, surveyors from all across America have “rendezvoused” yearly — in Kentucky, Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, Washington State, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee and Iowa. These gatherings have been enjoyable and intellectually stimulating — showing that you don’t really know a profession until you learn its history. Future Rendezvous are now in the works for the Gulf Coast at Mobile, Puget Sound, Lexington & Concord in Massachusetts — and believe it or not ... possibly even Greenwich, England! Over the years, each Rendezvous has strengthened Surveyors Historical Society, transforming it into the active, dedicated group of kindred individuals it is today. Without the annual Rendezvous, SHS membership would consist of receiving a few interesting publications every year, but little else. If you have not been attending the Surveyors Rendezvous, we urge you to give it a try. It has become the best national surveyors’ event of the entire calendar year. And no time would be better than the very next Rendezvous, at Historic Philadelphia in 2013. Wait ’til you hear what’s taking shape for next summer ... Philadelphia’s Independence Hall National Historic Park at sunset sky. We’ll gather at the ancient area of Philadelphia, Stargazer’s Stone right on the Delaware River where William Penn On Thursday August 29, 2013, we’ll travel first landed from England in 1682. Within easy 31-miles West from Philadelphia, to the remote walking distance are Independence Hall, the Pennsylvania countryside — where stands one Liberty Bell, the house where Thomas Jefferson of the Holy Grails of American land surveying wrote the Declaration, Benjamin Franklin’s first — the Stargazer’s Stone. This is the historic Post Office (still in operation,) his print shop, stone monument, still preserved after 250-years, Betsy Ross’ home and flag, South Street where where Mason & Dixon determined latitude Mason & Dixon began their great survey, Admiral and longitude from the stars, and thence began Dewey’s 1898 flagship Olympia from the Battle chaining Due South, to establish their famed of Manila Bay, plus countless museums, displays Line between Maryland and Pennsylvania ... and fascinating historic attractions of all types. Or so it was always thought — for two-and-aSurveyors Rendezvous 2013 will be held in and half centuries — until Todd Babcock of SHS set around Old Philadelphia, on the three days just up modern surveying equipment on Stargazer’s before Labor Day — August 29-31, 2013. Stone and re-traced Mason & Dixon’s exact CONTINUED..... SUMMER 7 2013 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - original work, carefully following their 1764 journal and field notes. What Todd discovered is that Mason & Dixon’s actual “Stargazing Point,” meaning the position of their long-ago astronomical observatory and the real place from which all their measurements began, is actually some distance away, near Harlan House where the pair stayed that winter. (Harlan House also still stands at this site, a colonial private residence from 1724, beautifully Stargazer’s Stone preserved and still lived-in.) Charles Mason Gravestone We’ve determined the exact spot where Mason But then, on Saturday August 31, 2013 we’ll find & Dixon’s astronomical observation station once stood. It falls hundreds of feet south of Stargazer’s Stone, ever so slightly into the edge of an asphalt roadway today. What everyone has always called “Stargazer’s Stone” is in actuality Mason & Dixon’s True-North backsight point. We’ll mark their precise real spot with a colonial square-head iron spike in the pavement. Nearby, in the yard of Harlan House, we’ll set a fieldstone marker and plaque, explaining the correct site of Mason & Dixon’s 1764 observatory. Thus, at Rendezvous 2013, we’re going to mark the REAL “Stargazer’s Stone” — the point Mason & Dixon actually occupied — from ourselves, of all places, in an old graveyard ... Charles Mason, of Mason & Dixon’s Line, is buried at historic Philadelphia, in Christ Church Burial Ground, literally within the shadow of Independence Hall. During his years on the colonial boundary survey, Mason fell in love with America — and long decades later sailed back from England, with his wife and seven of his ten children, wishing to live out his days and be buried here, as an American, when he died. His old friend Benjamin Franklin paid for his funeral. But Franklin was too ‘thrifty’ to pay for a tombstone, with the result that today Charles Mason’s grave is unmarked. (In fact, the cemetery Southernmost Point of Philadelphia the exact location, of his burial spot.) admits they know only the general vicinity, not of almost any other Rendezvous — but we’re just Well ... we happen to have a Mason-Dixon Stone, getting started. This is only the first day. an authentic 1766, quarried-in-England, carved On Friday August 30, 2013 (as now planned) Dixon Line, and was set by Charles Mason and we’ll participate in the dedication of a Historic Jeremiah Dixon themselves. Marker and ‘Wayside’ at South Milestone that once stood upon the Mason- Street, Philadelphia, near the spot deemed in 1760 to be the “Southernmost Point of Philadelphia.” This was one of only three legal “bounds” given to Mason & Dixon in England, from which they were expected to somehow accurately position their new border. South Street’s Historic Marker dedication is being organized by a local Philadelphia historical group, with SHS acting in support. Details about this day might change. in the same cemetery, visitors come through by scores of thousands each year. Our stone will be placed on the main central walking path of the burial ground, in the area where Mason’s grave is believed to lie. Along with it will be a bronze plaque explaining who Charles Mason was, and what he accomplished in his remarkable life. we hope will garner not just national, but international publicity for our profession, we, the surveyors of America and Great Britain will mark the forgotten grave of astronomersurveyor Charles Mason ... not with an ordinary tombstone, but with an authentic 250-year old Mason-Dixon Stone from the famous Line he himself surveyed. 8 We surveyors of today owe it to our profession to teach the world about brilliant achievements of those who pioneered. This is an opportunity for that. It’s why Surveyors Historical Society was founded. To each generation is given a duty — that we improve upon deeds and discoveries of mankind ... then pass our knowledge to those who follow. Therefore we ask the support of everyone — young and old, SHS member or non-member, surveyors, non-surveyors from every walk of On Saturday August 31, 2013, in a ceremony SUMMER Because Benjamin Franklin is also buried nearby Passing on Knowledge whence their Line truly began. Now ... that would be the highlight, the climax Christ Church Burial Ground 2013 life. This great gathering next summer, in the valley of the River Delaware, is important — not just for our storied profession. On the 250th Anniversary of Mason & Dixon’s majestic survey, we’ll be adding a little new knowledge, carved in stone, to the history of America. So please mark our dates — August 29-31, 2013 — and come join us, at Historic Philadelphia, for Surveyors Rendezvous 2013. Click here to register online. - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - Scholarship and Awards Summary Gerald J. “Jerry” Breen PLS# 1440 Each year IPLSA offers numerous scholarships and awards to Passed away on April 19, 2013 • Northeast Chapter encourage and assist students pursuing a career in Land Surveying Shirley Ann Reeder and to recognize member’s achievements. Below is a summary of Passed away June 6, 2013 • Little Egyptian Chapter those scholarships and awards. Please click on each title to open the full information, including deadlines and submission criteria. All recipients will be honored at the IPLSA Conference February 13-15, 2014 in Springfield, Illinois. Roy “Skip” Frank 24 Semester Hour Scholarship Student Scholarship Award Deadline: November 14 GET THE WORD OUT! Deadline: November 14 Multiple Awards ADVERTISE IN THE SURVEYOR Single Award The purpose of the scholarship is to The purpose of the scholarship is provide financial assistance to the to provide financial assistance to a undergraduate student pursuing college student, who is employed a baccalaureate degree in land in the surveying and engineering surveying from an accredited college field, and is a resident of Illinois; or university, or a baccalaureate pursuing 24 semester hours of Land degree Surveying off campus courses as including at least 24 semester approved by the Illinois Department hours of land surveying courses of Professional Regulation Land from the Illinois Department of Surveyors Licensing Board; and who Professional is not receiving financial aid from Surveyors Licensing Board approved his/her employer. This Scholarship curriculum is not for the completion of the institution. Applicant must be an “related science requirement” to Illinois resident attending an Illinois obtain the required hours of math school. and science. in a related an The Illinois Surveyor is the official publication of the Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association. It is published four times a year and is distributed free to all members and to officers of similar organizations on a complimentary basis. News articles report on the activities of Illinois Land Surveyors, industries, associations, state agencies, and member groups, with particular emphasis on professional, legal, ethical and legislative developments affecting the Land Surveying Profession. Attention is also given to educational programs and to recognition of outstanding Land Surveyors and Land Surveying achievements. science Regulation of EDITORIAL CONTENT Land accredited Material published is not copyrighted and may be reprinted without written permission so long as credit to IPLSA is given. Articles and columns appearing in the publication do not necessarily reflect the official viewpoints of IPLSA but are published as a service to its members and the General Public. The award is a $1000 Scholarship, The award will consist of up to three and the scholarship recipients will (3) $500 checks (one for Spring be recognized at the IPLSA Annual Semester, one for the Summer Conference in February. Semester and one for the Fall MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS AND RATES Full Page: 7 1/2” x 10” .............................. $ 300.00/issue Half Page: 7 1/2 “ x 4 3/4”........................... $ 225.00/issue Community College Scholarship Half Page: 3 1/2” x 10”............................... $ 225.00/issue Deadline: November 14 Classified Ads: 3 1/2” x 1 1/2”..................$ 50.00/issue* applicant is eligible to receive up Single Award Classified Ads with logo .........................$100.00/issue* to three (3) semester scholarship PURPOSE: The purpose of the checks per year with a maximum of scholarship is to provide financial *Price includes posting of your ad on **Fourth page ads and larger included embedded link back to the URL designated by the advertiser. Semester). The recipient will be recognized at the IPLSA Annual Conference in February. two (2) awards per applicant. The Fourth Page: 3 1/2” x 4 1/2”........................ $ 175.00/issue CONTINUED..... SUMMER 9 2013 - T H E I L I N I S S U R V E Y O R - Surveying for The award recipient will receive a to the land surveying profession, career in the surveying profession. consideration for publication in cash award, plaque and suitable as well as their communities. This scholarship is intended for their proceedings. certificate Illinois Any licensed Professional Land College pursuing a degree Mapping O assistance to a student pursuing a students attending a Community and L from Professional Eldridge Award the Surveyors Surveyor who is an IPLSA member Association. The award may vary Land in good standing, and who is associated with the land surveying Deadline: November 14 annually, but will be a minimum 35 years of age or younger as of profession. The ELDRIDGE AWARD of the of $500.00. In addition, the January 1 on the year following Illinois Professional Land Surveyors recipient will have the opportunity the IPLSA award year is eligible for Association was established to to present the award winning paper nomination. Nominations are to revere the memory of the late at the Annual Meeting of the be submitted by an IPLSA chapter Professor Winfield Eldridge and IPLSA, held in February of each or must contain an endorsement to promote study, research and year. The paper will be included in from an IPLSA chapter. education in the field of Land the proceedings of the conference one submission per chapter will be Surveying. accepted by IPLSA. The award is a $500 Scholarship, and the scholarship recipient will be recognized at the IPLSA Annual Conference in February. William M. Heffernan Article Of The Year Award Deadline: November 14 The WILLIAM M. HEFFERNAN ARTICLE OF THE YEAR AWARD of the Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association was established to promote study, research and education in the field of Land Surveying, and consists of a 2,500-5,000 word paper directed to some aspect of Land Surveying as defined by the Illinois Compiled Statues. The award consists where the paper was delivered of a 2,500-5,000 word paper and will be forwarded to the directed to some aspect of Land American Congress on Surveying Surveying as defined by the Illinois and Mapping for consideration for Compiled publication in their proceedings. from the Illinois Professional Land Young Surveyors Award the IPLSA Annual Conference in Deadline: September 30 February. Statues. Professor Eldridge was a motivating force in the revitalization of the Illinois Professional Land Surveyors the Surveying Staff of the Civil This award seeks to recognize Engineering Department of the those IPLSA members who, in University of Illinois at Urbana- their young careers have already Champaign. made exceptional contributions Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association. In addition, the recipient will have the opportunity to present the award winning paper at the Annual Meeting of the IPLSA, held in February of each year. The paper will be included in the proceedings to the American Congress on Surveyors Association presented at 57th Annual Conference Mark you calendars now for the 57th Annual Conference being held at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, February 13 – 15, 2014. of the conference where the paper was delivered and will be forwarded a plaque and suitable certificate SAVE THE DATE a plaque and suitable certificate the The award recipient will receive Single Award Association and was a member of The award recipient will receive from Only This year’s conference is being hosted by the East Central Chapter. Watch for details coming in the next couple of months. SUMMER 10 2013 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - Disciplinary Report FEBRUARY Survey Land Express Inc., At- John Sawyer, Highland – enrolled Mohammed Rashed, Chicago Norbert Lambert, Wheaton – lanta, GA – (unlicensed) ordered professional engineer intern license – land surveyor license (035-001863) to cease and desist the unlicensed (061-024753) professional cense (062-053645) indefinitely fined $250 after he operated a land practice of land surveying. engineer surveyor practice without proper MARCH land surveyor professional design Premier Design Builders, River- firm registration at the time. woods – (unlicensed) ordered to and license suspended for a minimum of six months with continuing education days delinquent in the payment of conditions and effective retroactive child support. to February 15, 2013 for pleaded David Kives, Plainfield – (unli- WI – (unlicensed) ordered to cease of professional engineering and ar- censed) ordered to cease and desist and desist the unlicensed practice chitecture. the unlicensed practice of profes- architecture. sional engineering and architecture. MAY Davor Kralj, Chicago – (unli- tect license (001-010420) placed Michael Justice, Sacramento, CA censed) ordered to cease and desist in refuse to renew status for being – architect license (001-022152) the unlicensed practice of land sur- more than 30 days delinquent in issued and placed on non-report- veying. the payment of child support. ing probation for three years for his disclosure that he is on probation due to a 2011 DUI Conviction. ILLINOIS BOUNDARY LAW by Jeffery N. Lucas Presented by Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Association Insert one or several customer quotes or The Illinois Boundary Law book is a testimonials here. 640 page comprehensive book focusing specifically on Illinois laws and Illinois court decisions regarding the original surveyor, surveyor’s liability, property rights, deeds, boundary establishment, monuments, the public land survey system, retracement surveys, land surveyors and the surveys they create. Copies the book are available Name of person of quoted, Title ofthrough person quoted the IPLSA website at: The Chapters are as follows: 1. Duties and Responsibilities 2. Liability 3. Limitations 4. Property Rights 5. Deeds and Conveyances 6. Boundary Establishment 7. Monuments and Corners 8. Public Land Survey System 9. Other Survey Systems 10. Subdivision Platting 11. Easements and Right-of-Ways SUMMER 11 guilty to a charge of Fraud and Misuse of Visas, Permits and other documentations in Federal Court. Gibson/Darr Architecture + Consulting, Chicago – professional Kerry Levin, Des Plaines – archi- Insert one or several customer quotes or testimonials here.Authored li- (062-048877) cease and desist unlicensed practice APRIL engineering suspended for being more than 30 Artisan Design: Build, Monroe, of professional engineering and/or professional 2013 design firm license (184-002433) fined $5,000 and voluntarily places its professional design firm license permanently on “inactive” status for operating its business on a nonrenewed license. - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - NEW IPL S A M EM BERS IPLSA Exam Review Seminars — Online Jeffrey D. Carlson We are offering the Fundamentals of Surveying, Principles and Practice and Jurisdic- #2538 Roland E. McBride Adam Christy #2588 Stan Emerick Mario Villasenor #2862 #3562 Tracy L. Garrison John P. Casucci #2941 #3143 George D. Harker #1519 tional Exam Review courses online! Classes will be taught by Parkland College Associate Bruce F. Scholler Professor Todd Horton, PE, PLS. Visit for more information and to register. Because of our unique, web-based format, you may enroll in one of our courses even after the start date. Instruction is self-study, so you may register and begin reviewing at your own pace. Jay Haas Will Denton Fundamentals of Surveying Principles and Practice Jurisdictional Begins Aug. 15 2013 Begins Aug. 15 2013 Begins Sept. 23 2013 Members - $275 Members - $275 Members - $175 NonMembers - $350 NonMembers - $350 NonMembers- $250 Kevin C. Lewis #3681 2013 SUSTAINING & SUPPORTING MEMBERS Bel - Clair Electric Inc. 11 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-5200 Gremley & Biedermann Inc. 4505 North Elston Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 (773) 685-5102 Berns Clancy & Associates P.C. 405 East Main Street P.O. Box 755 Urbana, IL 61803 (217) 384-1144 Heartland Ag Group of Springfield Inc. 205 S Walnut Street Rochester, IL 62563 (217) 498-9660 Berntsen International Inc. P.O. Box 8670 Madison, WI 53708 1-800-518-0934 Cloudpoint Geographics 415 North Main Street Roanoke, IL 61561 (877) 377-8124 Connor & Connor Inc. P.O. Box 618 Robinson, IL 62454 (618) 544-8623 Crawford Murphy & Tilly Inc. 2750 West Washington Street Springfield, IL 62702 (217) 787-8050 Frank & West Env. Eng. Inc. 7226 North State Route 29 Springfield, IL 62707 (217) 487-7686 Hutchison Engineering Inc. P.O. Box 820 1801 W. Lafayette Jacksonville, IL 62651 (217) 245-7164 IPLSA Benefit Association 205 S Walnut St Po Box 590 Rochester, IL 62563 (217) 498-8102 Kara Co. Inc. 5255 Dansher Road Countryside, IL 60525 (800) 369-5272 M.W. Parsley Land Surveyor P.O. Box 972 Oakland, IL 61943 (217) 346-3272 SUMMER Missman Inc. 1011 27th Ave. P.O. Box 6040 Rock Island, IL 61204 (309) 788-7644 Municipal Marking Dist. Inc. P.O. Box 221 - 17 Galligan Road Gilberts, IL 60136 (847) 426-3561 Positioning Solutions Co. 297 Commonwealth Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188 (800) 343-7726 Precision Midwest 3S140 Barkley Avenue Warrenville, IL 60555 (630) 836-1000 Rhutasel & Associates Inc. 4 Industrial Dr. P.O. Box 97 Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-3178 Rotolite of St. Louis, Inc. 5301 Hampton Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63109-3104 (314) 832-2091 Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Inc. 3433 Tree Court Industrial Blvd St. Louis, MO 63122 800-489-2282 12 2013 Streamline Survey Inc. 18148 Martin Ave. Homewood, IL 60430 708-478-7839 Survey Instrument Consultants 609 South Hillsdale Ave. Peoria, IL 61604 (309) 999-1044 Surv-Kap LLC PO Box 27367 Tucson, AZ 85726 (800) 445-5320 That CAD Girl PO Box 294 Clayton, NC 27528-0294 (919) 417-8351 Thouvenot Wade & Moerchen Inc. 4940 Old Collinsville Road Swansea, IL 62226 (618) 624-4488 UGRIDD Corporation 205 W. Wacker Dr. Ste 1321 Chicago, IL 60606-1448 (312) 262-2500 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - Membership Application Return this portion with your payment(s). Please call IPLSA at 217.528.3053 or e-mail [email protected] with questions. Full Name: Company Name: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: This address is: Home Work E-mail Address: **Please note that IPLSA is increasing e-communications and online event registration for seminars and conference. To ensure you are included on these communications, an e-mail address is required.** Home Phone: Business Phone: Chapter Preference: License Number: Click here to exclude your information from the electronic directory. Click here to be excluded from the Find a Surveyor Directory. Membership Classification (check one) Active - $295.00* Surveyor-In-Training - $130.00* Affiliate - $100.00 Associate - $105.00 Student (full-time) - $40.00 Sustaining - $295.00 Supporting - $295.00 Retired Active - $150.00 Payment can be made by Check, MasterCard, Visa or American Express. *Check here if you are a newly licensed PLS or SIT and are taking advantage of your 1 year free membership. License Date: ___________________________ Payment Amount of Payment Enclosed: Check Number: Remit correct amount by check or money order, payable to IPLSA. Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: Security Code: _________ Name on Card: Card Billing Address: Signature: IPLSA ∙ Return form with payment to 100 East Washington Street ∙ Springfield, IL 62701 Join online at SUMMER 13 2013 ∙ Fax: (217) 528-6545 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - C L A S S I F I E D S SURVEY CREW CHIEF Position Overview This position is responsible for supervising technical personnel in obtaining accurate data for the purpose of completing various types of land surveys. Essential Job Functions •Directs work of a survey party engaged in surveying earth’s surface to determine precise location and measurements of points, elevations, lines, areas, and contours for construction, mapmaking, land division, title, mining or other purposes. •Trains, monitors and evaluates Survey Crew Technicians to improve efficiency, accuracy and timeliness of work performed. Ensures compliance with company safety regulations. •Capable of researching and interpreting record survey evidence, maps, deeds, physical evidence, and other records. •Exercises considerable independent judgment in devising procedures to ensure the required accuracy of survey data. •Provides the optimum use of electronic and computerized survey techniques in the conduct of surveys. •Ensures compliance with company safety regulations Education and Relevant Experience 2-5 years of survey field crew chief experience. LSIT preferred. RFID experience desired. Other Skills/Abilities •Proficient in Mathematics •Strong verbal and written communication •Judgment and decision making skills •Complex problem solving skills •Technical and computer skills, including surveying related software •Documenting/Recording information •Strong organizational skills •Leadership skills •Strong sense of responsibility, selfmotivation and willingness to learn and to advance. •Valid driver’s license and good driving record. •Safety oriented. Volkert, Inc is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment with Volkert, Inc is contingent on passing a pre-employment drug screening. performs note reduction. •Reads and understands plans and specifications. •Knows basic sources of measurement errors. •Strong sense of responsibility, selfmotivation and willingness to learn and to advance. •Valid driver’s license and good driving record. •Safety oriented. Salary: Commensurates with experience Career Level Required: Experienced (Non-Manager) Supervisor Preferred Experience Required: 1-2 Years Education Required: Some College Coursework Completed or equivalent field experience. Job Type: Employee Job Status: Full Time Pangea is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment with Pangea is contingent on passing a pre-employment drug screening. Email resumes to Nikkiy.Bestgen@ or fax to (618)-345-9018. •Salary: Commensurates with experience •Career Level Required: Experienced (Non-Manager) •Experience Required: 1-2 Years •Education Required: Some College Coursework Completed •Job Type: Employee •Job Status: Full Time LAND SURVEYOR FIELD TECHNICIAN Job Description Pangea Engineering and Surveying, LLC is a St. Louis based consulting engineering & surveying firm with major success in the fields of site development and water resources services. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our dynamic team of professionals. Email resumes to dbehlman@ or fax to (314) 3330601. Candidate Specification Candidates should have a minimum of 1-2 years surveying experience and be knowledgeable in all aspects of property boundary, topographic and construction staking surveys. Job Requirements •Excellent communication, analytical and organizational skills. •Able to accurately run and adjust survey measuring instruments including levels, GPS equipment, and total stations with electronic data collecting capabilities. •Working knowledge of manual & robotic total stations and data collection is essential. •GPS experience is a plus. •Field experience in construction staking and knowledge of boundary and topography survey practices such as leveling, obtaining field measurements, finding monumentation etc. •Ability to work with our experienced field crew members in a variety of challenging outdoor environments and situations. •Performs mathematical calculations and field checking of field data. •Take accurate and clear notes and SUMMER Prairie Engineers of Illinois, P.C. is seeking an Engineering/Surveying Technician to join their team. Prairie Engineers is a civil engineering, surveying and environmental science firm with offices in Lincoln and Peoria, Illinois. The firm provides services to local, state, and federal governments, utilities, industries, and private businesses. Prairie Engineers is a growing company, looking to add a Technical employee to their team to assist with conducting field surveys and performing construction observation for various roadway, water, and sewer projects. This is a full time position with benefits and a competitive salary based on previous experience. 14 2013 Essential Job Functions: •Communicates effectively with the project team •Assists with completing field surveys for a variety of survey projects including topographical surveys, boundary and right-of-way surveys, and utility surveys •Performs construction observation and documentation for various construction phase projects including roadways, sewers, and waterlines •Works outside in all weather conditions, often involving extensive standing and walking on difficult terrain, clearing brush, and carrying heavy equipment •Perform and check calculations including level circuit reduction, traverse computations, and volume and area calculations •Keep legible and detailed field notes for surveys and construction projects Minimum Qualifications: •Associate’s Degree in civil engineering technology (or a related field) or a high school diploma with a minimum of 2 years of experience as a surveying technician or a construction observer •Ability to safely operate a motor vehicle and willingness to travel to meet project requirements •Ability to work collaboratively with a project team •Energetic with a positive can-do attitude Preferred Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Experience: •Experience using Trimble R8 GPS receivers and S6 Robotic Total Stations •Experience with CADD and/or GIS software including Microstation/ Geopak/InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D, or ESRI ArcGIS products •IDOT Documentation of Contract Quantities Certification •IDOT approved Mixture Aggregate Technician certificate •IDOT approved Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Courses •IDOT approved Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Courses Potential candidates for this position should fill out an application at and contact Prairie Engineers via e-mail at info@ - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - C L A S S I F I E D S SURVEY CREW CHIEF Environmental Design International, Inc. (EDI) is a full service, licensed, environmental consulting and professional engineering firm. Founded in 1991 and headquartered in downtown Chicago, EDIs team of engineers, geologists, scientists and surveyors offer a variety of environmental, engineering, and industrial hygiene services to clients within the public and private sector. We currently have full time Instrument Operator opportunities. The Crew Chief plans, organizes, and directs work of one or more survey parties engaged in surveying earth’s surface to determine precise location and measurements of points, elevations, lines, areas, and contours for construction, map making, land division, titles, mining or other purposes by performing the following duties. Primary Responsibilities •Researches previous survey evidence, maps, deeds, physical evidence, and other records to obtain data needed for surveys. •Develops new data from photogrammetric records. •Determines methods and procedures for establishing or reestablishing survey control. •Keeps accurate notes, records, and sketches to describe and certify work performed. •Maintains equipment and vehicle that is assigned. •Coordinates findings with work of engineering and architectural personnel, clients, and others concerned with project. •Conducting activities of the crew as directed by the Project Manager •Operation and maintenance issues related to GPS equipment •Operation and maintenance issues related to robotic equipment •Operation and maintenance issues related to optical and digital levels •Create field notes and sketches •Instructing field crew members on proper procedures and methods •Assumes legal responsibility for work. •Performs all other duties as assigned. Consider taking your skills to an organization that will appreciate your efforts. Send resume, indicating position of interest, to: Environmental Design International, Inc Attn: Human Resources 33 West Monroe Suite 1825 Chicago, IL 60603-5326 Email: [email protected] Fax: 312-345-0529 No third party calls accepted. EDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Loves Park, IL 61111 By Fax to (815) 484-4303 Email: [email protected] Loves Park, IL 61111 By Fax to (815) 484-4303 Email: [email protected] We will reply to all emails from Licensed Surveyors in Training. We will reply to all inquiries from Licensed Professional Land Surveyors. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR AUTOCAD AND/OR MICROSTATION DRAFTER Arc Design Resources, Inc. Rockford, IL TERRA Engineering Arc Design Resources, a full service engineering and surveying firm located in Rockford, Illinois is looking for a qualified land surveyor to manage all aspects of field and office survey operations. Applicant must have expertise in directing and performing all aspects of acquiring, processing and analyzing and compiling data to prepare plats, maps, documents and deliverables for boundary surveys, right of way surveys, topographic surveys, subdivisions, ALTA/ACSM surveys, and control and design surveys and be able to perform outside field surveys. PROJECT SURVEYOR, S.I.T. Arc Design Resources, Inc. Rockford, IL Arc Design Resources, a full service engineering and surveying firm located in Rockford, Illinois has an immediate career opportunity for a graduate surveyor in training in Rockford, IL. This is intended to be a full-time permanent position. Company benefits include competitive salary, health and dental insurance. Company paid long term disability, short term disability and term life insurance. Annual performance based profit sharing, company IRA match, paid time off and a variety of engineering exposure. Work in a tem environment under the direction of a Professional Land Surveyor to prepare boundary and topographic surveys. These surveys will be either a deliverable document or a base map for engineering. Qualifications: •PLS/SIT registration •Knowledge of survey field techniques. •Proficient in the use of AutoCAD, Carlson, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. •Understanding of Geographic Information Systems data collection / data base management. •Experience in Client contact, report writing, proposals, and the RFP/RFQ process. Desired Technical Skills: •Working knowledge of AutoCAD. •Familiar with surveying overlay programs such as Carlson. •Familiar with Geographic Information System input and output for private sector clients. •Understanding of survey laws and code of ethics. •Familiar with equipment operation and use. •Understanding of survey crew skills •Project organization and scheduling. Desired Technical Skills: •Research in gathering project information. •Scheduling and coordination of work assignments for field and office personnel. •Survey analysis, calculations, legal descriptions and field surveys. •Quality control, oversight and review of field work and office survey work to ensure quality, timeliness and cost effectiveness of survey and GIS projects. •Business Development Submit Resume to: Arc Design Resource, Inc. 5291 Zenith Parkway Submit Resume to: Arc Design Resource, Inc. 5291 Zenith Parkway SUMMER 15 2013 Description Expertise you can count on to deliver tailored solutions. Innovation, expertise and flexibility go hand-in-hand. Since 1992, these traits have driven TERRA Engineering, Ltd. (TERRA) to provide quality performance and render excellent services for all clients – locally, nationally and globally. Now you can be part of our team as an AutoCAD and/or Microstation Drafter, and/ or Crew Chief in TERRA’s Chicago office. Requirements: •A strong working knowledge of computer-based drafting and design applications, such as AutoCAD, Civil 3D and/or Microstation, along with a minimum of 2 years relevant experience •Basic knowledge of civil/site design, including site planning, layout, grading, drainage, utility, roadway and parking design •Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a team environment •Must be willing to take on additional responsibilities as assigned and be a self-starter •Experience or familiarity with projects consisting of residential and commercial developments, highway projects, recreational facilities and government agencies is preferred SURVEY CREW CHIEF Requirements: •A strong working knowledge of surveying equipment ,robotic total stations and GPS •Knowledge of topographic, boundary, ALTA, ROW, traverse and/or construction layout. •Excellent sketch and note taking abilities •Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a team environment - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - C L A S S I F I E D S •Must be willing to take on additional responsibilities as assigned and be a self-starter TERRA offers a competitive salary, major medical insurance, dental insurance, flexible spending plan, 401(k), paid holidays, paid vacation and an excellent work environment. Please send resume and references to: Tom Baumgartner Survey Department Manager TERRA Engineering, Ltd. 225 W. Ohio St., 4th floor Chicago, IL 60654 [email protected] CAD TECHNICIAN AND FIELD PERSONAL Land Surveying Services, Inc., is offering immediate employment opportunity for a highly motivated Cad Technician and Field Personal. There are part time and full time positions available. Cad Technicians will be expected to know Auto Cad 2007, 2012 with the ability to provide drawings for Topographic surveys, establish contours, Alta surveys, research and plats of survey. Field Personal will be expected to run Topcon Instruments with TDS Ranger Data Collectors. Experience in boundary searching, topographic maps, plats of survey and layout. Our office is located in the Northwest Suburbs. Please email your resume to: [email protected] INSTRUMENT OPERATORS Environmental Design International, Inc. (EDI) is a full service, licensed, environmental consulting and professional engineering firm. Founded in 1991 and headquartered in downtown Chicago, EDIs team of engineers, geologists, scientists and surveyors offer a variety of environmental, engineering, and industrial hygiene services to clients within the public and private sector. We currently have full time Instrument Operator opportunities. The Instrument Operator will be involved in all field phases of a typical candidate will be familiar will current surveying practices and be interested in pursuing professional development to remain up-to-date with industry standards. Specific work includes design surveys, construction stakeout, record drawing surveys, easement preparation, and various land surveys including ALTAs, CSMs and property surveys related to our wide range of municipal infrastructure projects. The ideal candidate for this position will be team-oriented and self-motivated; have strong communication and interpersonal skills; be capable of working independently with minimal supervision or as part of a team; have good problem-solving abilities; and be goal and deadline oriented. Licensure as a Wisconsin and/or Illinois Registered Land Surveyor or the ability to obtain licensure within 2 years is required. Familiarity with AutoCAD and a valid driver’s license are also required. This position offers the right person professional growth and the opportunity for advancement. survey project. The individual will be trained in the operation of the various surveying equipment used on the projects the company is involved with. Primary Responsibilities 1. Operation and maintenance issues related to GPS equipment 2. Operations and maintenance issues related to robotic equipment 3. Operation and maintenance issues related to optical and digital levels 4. Field notes and sketches 5. Assist the Survey Crew Chief as necessary 6. Other responsibilities as assigned Consider taking your skills to an organization that will appreciate your efforts. Send resume, indicating position of interest, to: Environmental Design International, Inc Attn: Human Resources 33 West Monroe Suite 1825 Chicago, IL 60603-5326 Email: [email protected] Fax: 312-345-0529 Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. is proud to offer a highly competitive compensation program along with an outstanding cafeteria-style benefits package including: health, dental, vision, life, dependent life, disability insurance, profit sharing, 401(k) and Roth 401(k) with employer match, employee stock ownership, prepaid legal services and flexible spending accounts all on top of an excellent working environment in our state-of-the-art facility. No third party calls accepted. EDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. is a municipal consulting engineering firm with integrated expertise in Civil Engineering, GIS, Asset Management, SCADA System Design, Water Supply, Waste Water Engineering and Municipal Financial Services. We serve municipal clients throughout Wisconsin, Northern Illinois and other states and are actively expanding our client base. Our corporate offices are located in Waukesha WI, with branch offices in Kenosha, WI, Madison WI and northern IL. Please email, fax or mail cover letter and resume to: Lonnie Cody/Job Code RLS RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway – Waukesha, WI 53188-1020 Fax: (262) 542-5631 – careers@ Equal Opportunity Employer 3261 So. Meadowbrook Rd, Springfield, Illinois 62711 Tel: (217) 679-2928 Fax: (217) 6792736 LAND SURVEYOR We are currently seeking a Land Surveyor based out of our Waukesha office. This position involves multiple responsibilities focused on the application of surveying, engineering and construction techniques with our municipal clients. The ideal SUMMER LIN ENGINEERING, LTD. E-Mail: [email protected] Lin Engineering is a land survey, civil and structural engineering company providing survey services for the development of roadway plans and right of way plats for I.D.O.T. and the Illinois Toll Highway Authority. We perform land surveys, topographic surveys, construction staking, GPS geodetic networks and mapping control. We have offices in Springfield and Westmont, Illinois. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR We have an immediate opening in our Westmont office for a PLS. A minimum of 2 years experience in preparing and reviewing Boundary and Topographic Surveys, and Legal Descriptions. Responsible for scheduling and managing field crews. A solid computer background and experience in MicroStation/Geopak is a plus. Excellent salary, insurance, 401K & benefits. Submit resume to: Lin Engineering, LTD. 3261 So. Meadowbrook Road Springfield, Illinois 62711 Fax (217) 679-2736 Email [email protected] or woods@ DIETZ SURVEYING, INC. 519 North Cedar Lake Road Round Lake, IL 60073 CREW CHIEF, INSTRUMENT PERSON – CAD OPERATOR We are currently accepting applications for experienced Survey Crew Chief, Instrument Person and CAD Operators. This is currently a Part Time position but could possibly lead to a Full Time position. If you are interested, please send your resume to: [email protected] or fax to 847546-5185 16 2013 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - C L A S S I F I E D S SURVEY CAD TECHNICIANS Manhard Consulting Ltd. has immediate, full time career opportunities for entry level Survey Cad Technicians in our Vernon Hills and Lombard, IL offices. If you are proficient in AutoCad Civil 3D version 2011 or higher, we will teach you the rest! Positions tasks include: Drafting topographic surveys, figuring contours, underground info, etc. Draft ALTA’s and ordering documents when necessary; Plats of Subdivision (labeling lots, checking areas and setback requirements to make sure the geometry is correct); Plats of Easement; Plats of Dedication; and Plats of Survey. Producing drawings for sites that have underground designed. Calculate points in cad for construction staking in the field. Prepare jobs for field work by creating work orders, printing aerials and directions, ordering tax maps and plats, etc. Also responsible for preparing permit plats spot surveys; and grading surveys. We provide a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits including: 2 medical plans; dental; vision insurance; FSA and HSA; company sponsored life insurance, and short term and long term disability insurance; 401(k) retirement plan; fifteen days paid time off accruals; and flexible work schedules. Visit our website to apply online www. or submit resumes to [email protected] Manhard is an EEO/AAP (M/F/V/H) e-Verify Employer AMERICAN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, P.C. American Surveying & Engineering, P.C. has immediate, full time career opportunities available in Chicago, Aurora and Dixon offices. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, Transportation or Drainage Experience Preferred. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS, Transportation and Land Acquisition Experience Preferred. Services Award, and allowed us to work for the best clients and consultant teams in the design profession. SURVEY CREW CHIEFS, experience required. Boundary, Transportation and Construction background helpful. Occasional travel required. We are currently seeking candidates for the position of Survey Crew Chief, Survey Instrument Technician and CADD Technician. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYORS, experience required. Familiar with multibeam, side scan sonar and subbottom profiling. Some travel required. SURVEY CREW CHIEF JOB DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS: Completes all field operations for a variety of survey projects including topographic surveys, ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, and transportation surveys. ENGINEERING / SURVEY TECHNICIANS, experience preferred, but willing to train motivated individuals. Some travel required. •Supervises assigned technicians that are assisting with field operations. •Follows all QA/QC procedures and reliably documents all work in field notes and electronic data. •Review and follow project scope, keeping all project information and electronic files well organized. •Minimum of 5-10 years of Survey Crew Chief experience. •GPS and Total Station experience. •Knowledgeable of IDOT codes and survey requirements. •Excellent written and verbal communication skills. •SIT or CST credentials a plus •Survey Instrument Technician Job Description and requirements: •Assists with completing all field operations for a variety of survey projects including topographic surveys, ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, and transportation surveys. •Follows all QA/QC procedures and reliably documents all work in field notes and electronic data. •Minimum of 2-5 years of Survey Instrument Technician experience. •GPS and Total Station experience. •Knowledgeable of IDOT codes and survey requirements. •SIT or CST credentials a plus. •CADD Technician Job Description and requirement: •Process field information and complete final drawings for a variety of survey projects including topographic surveys, ALTA/ ACSM Land Title Surveys, and transportation surveys. •Assist Project Manager in completing QA/QC procedures. •Review and follow project scope, keeping all project information and electronic files well organized. UTILITY LOCATE TECHNICIANS, experience preferred, but willing to train motivated individuals. LICENSED CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISERS, IDOT/Tollway experience preferred but will train. MARKETING COORDINATOR, City of Chicago familiarity required. Experience with creating Surveying and Engineering proposals, some evenings required. Attractive Salary and Benefits. Benefits include Profit Sharing, 401K, Group Health, Disability and Life. Send resume and salary history to: Mr. Coventine Fidis, President/CEO, American Surveying & Engineering, P.C., P.O. Box 8, Dixon, IL 61021 or E-mail to info@americansurvey. com. All inquiries confidential. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Visit our Website at www. americansurvey .com. SANCHEZ & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Sanchez & Associates is a fast growing land surveying firm located in the Chicagoland area. We are MBE/ DBE Certified firm and pre-qualified with IDOT, the Illinois Tollway, and various other agencies. Owned and managed by Professional Land Surveyors who are proud members of the Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association … we have a proven track record of quality and expertise which has won us the H.A.C.I.A. Professional SUMMER 17 2013 •Microstation and Geopak experience required. •Minimum of 5-10 years of Survey CADD experience. •Knowledgeable of IDOT CADD Standards. •Excellent written and verbal communication skills. •Autocad experience a plus. If you are interested in being considered for an opportunity with Sanchez & Associates, please email a resume and cover letter to info@ SURVEY CAD TECH Established small-mid size land surveying company in the western suburbs is currently seeking a full time Survey Cad Technician with a minimum of 2 years’ experience. If you meet the requirements listed below, please email your resume to info@ . Benefits are provided and will be discussed with potential candidates. SURVEY CAD TECHNICIAN SKILLS: • Proficient in AutoCAD LD3/Civil 3D • Experience in Boundary Surveying, ALTA surveys, Topography Surveying, etc. is preferred • Well organized & detail oriented with excellent communication skills RESPONSIBILITIES: • Will work with both Engineering and Surveying departments • Develop confident relationships with co-workers • Produce high quality project deliverables on schedule and within budget LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR & DEPARTMENT MANAGER Office Location: O’Fallon, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri •Professional Land Surveyor licensed in Illinois required. •Currently Licensed to practice in Missouri is a plus. - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - C L A S S I F I E D S •Proficient in the use of Microstation and Geopak is a plus •Knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D is a plus. •This position will have the opportunity to manage the Survey Department. •Demonstrated business development ability is a plus but not a requirement. Horner & Shifrin, Inc., founded in 1933 is a multi-discipline engineering firm practicing in all areas of Civil Engineering. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package and we strive to provide a relaxed but dedicated work environment. H&S is a 100% Employee-Owned Company of 65 employees in four offices. Visit for more information. This is a great opportunity for the right person to move up and manage a surveying department. Interested parties should forward resume’s to [email protected]. Please note familiarity with drafting programs and equipment. We will reply to all emails from Licensed Professional Land Surveyors. H&S is an Equal Opportunity Employer. SURVEY CREW CHIEF Bloomington, IL Farnsworth Group, Inc. is a full-service engineering and architectural firm that offers our valued clients over 300 employees located in a nationwide network of offices. We are also one of the nation’s leaders in sustainable design initiatives. Farnsworth Group is an employee-owned company with a rich 100-year history that offers an impressive benefits and compensation program in addition to excellent career development opportunities. We have the following position available: We offer a competitive salary and benefits program that includes: •Medical/Dental Plans •Prescription Drug Program •Vision Plan •401(k) with Company Match •Tuition Reimbursement •Flexible Spending Account •Time-off Benefits For immediate consideration: Please Apply Online, by visiting the Farnsworth Group website at and clicking on the careers link. We have an immediate opening in our Bloomington, IL office for a Survey Crew Chief. Qualified candidates will perform and lead a team that performs Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, and Construction Layout. Farnsworth Group, Inc. is proud to be an EEO/AA employer M/F/D/V. Specific Requirements include: •Associates Degree in Land Surveying or related •5-10 years of property survey including ALTA and Section Line Surveys •SIT (Surveyor In Training), required •Proficiency with GPS, Total Station and Data Collectors •Ability to organize field notes •Ability to read Construction Plans •Experience performing Boundary Research, required •Ability to execute field staking •Strong math skills •Wind Farm and Pipeline experience, preferred •Valid driver’s license •Approximately 80% travel required •Currently living in or willingness to relocate to the Bloomington, IL area NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY De Kalb, Illinois 60115. Northern Illinois University. The Department of Geography invites applications for a half-time instructor in land surveying/geomatics, starting August 2013 (anticipated). M.S. in geomatics or related field and PLS licensure required at time of appointment; Ph.D. preferred. This position will be responsible for teaching land surveying courses in our geomatics under-graduate curriculum. Appointment will be made as Instructor. It is anticipated that the appointee will teach two courses per semester, including summer term. For more information on NIU’s geomatics curriculum, see the Department of Desired Qualifications: •AutoCAD experience SUMMER 18 2013 Geography website ( geog/undergraduatestudies/geomatics. shtml). Submit an application portfolio consisting of: a cover letter; a resume documenting education and professional experience; evidence of PLS licensure; and any available evidence of teaching quality to bvoga@ Applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference sent to the same address. Complete applications must be received by June 7, 2013. Northern Illinois University’s Department of Geography is interested in and values candidates who have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds. In compliance with the Illinois Campus Security Act, before an offer of employment is made, the university will conduct a pre-employment background investigation, which includes a criminal background check. In accordance with applicable statutes and regulations, NIU is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, religion, age, physical and mental disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, political affiliation, or any other factor unrelated to professional qualifications, and will comply with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and orders pertaining to nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action. NIU recognizes Dual Career issues. - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - IP LS A PU B LICAT IONS F O R S AL E NONMEMBER MEMBER Illinois Boundary Law (2013) by: Jeffery Lucas, PLS, Esq $125 $125 2012 Illinois Compiled Statutes (State Laws) by: IPLSA $60 $50 2012 Illinois Compiled Statutes - CD (State Laws) by: IPLSA $60 $50 Abraham Lincoln The Boy, The Man $35 $25 ACSM Definitions of Surveying & Associated Terms by: ACSM $45 $35 Brown's Boundary Control and Legal Principles, 5th Edition by: Paul R. Wolf & Charles D. Ghilani $150 $140 Construction Surveying and Layout by Crawford by: Wesley G. Crawford $90 $80 Early Public Land Surveys in the Northwest Territory and Procedures for the Retractment of Original Government Surveys in Illinois by: Joe Webber $60 $50 Elementary Surveying and Intro to Geomatics, 11th Edition by: Paul R. Wolf & Charles D. Ghilani $150 $140 Ethics for the Professional Surveyor: A Collection of Thoughts by: Dennis J. Mouland $95 $85 Evidence & Procedures for Boundary Location, 5th Edition by: Walter G. Robillard, Donald A. Wilson & Curtis M. Brown $150 $140 Fundamentals of Surveying - Sample Examination (SIT) by: George M. Cole $60 $50 GPS for Land Surveyors, 2nd Edition by: Jan Van Sickle $95 $85 Land Development Handbook, Planning, Engineering & Surveying, 2nd Edition by: The Dewberry Companies $95 $85 Land Surveyor Review Manual, 3rd Edition by: R.B. Buckner $95 $85 Lasting Impressions by: Rhonda L. Rushing $50 $40 Manual of Instructions for the Surveyor - 2009 $145 $135 NCEES Principals and Practice of Land Surveying - Sample Questions and Solutions (LS) by: NCEES $35 $25 Principals and Practice of Land Surveying - Sample Questions and Solutions (LS) by: George M. Cole $60 $50 QBS Guide Qualifications-Based Selection by: AIA, CECI, IPLSA & ISPE $60 $50 Surveying Solved Problems for the FS and PS Exams by: Jan Van Sickle $65 $55 The Surveyor's Contracts & Risk Management Manual by: Victor O. Schinnerer & Company, Inc. $45 $35 Writing Legal Descriptions in Conjuction With Survey Boundary Control by: Gordon H. Wattle $75 $65 Subtotal Payment Infor mation _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAMECOMPANY _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESSCITYSTATE ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONEEMAIL Illinois Sales Tax (8%) Postage & Handling $7.00 per item CHECK ☐ CASH ☐ VISA ☐ MC ☐ AMEX ☐ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NO.EXP. 3-DIGIT CODE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BILLINGADDRESSCITYSTATE ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE SUMMER 19 2013 TOTAL DUE $ ____ items @ $7.00 each Phone (217) 498-8700 Fax (217) 498-8481 [email protected] 205 S Walnut St. PO Box 590 Rochester IL 62563 • • • Group health, dental, vision, life, LTD, etc. Health Savings Account (HSA) Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Disability Accident Dental Vision Cancer / Critical Illness Voluntary Life with guaranteed approval • • • • • • • Insurance premiums Day care costs Continuing education Parking and transit costs Medical expenses not covered by insurance (i.e., orthodontia, copays) Prescription drugs Dental and Vision costs • • • • • • • • • Buildings Vehicles Tools and equipment Stock and products • • • • Worker’s Compensation Errors and Omissions coverage General Business liability Employment Practices liability • • • • Fidelity ERISA Contractor Directors and Officers • • • Payroll-deduct IRA’s (Roth and Traditional) 401(K)’s Simple IRA’s Profit Sharing Plans Money Purchase Plans Business income Equipment breakdown Umbrella • • Health, Life, Disability Home, Auto, Umbrella • • IRA’s (Roth and Traditional) Tax-favored college funds
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