Volume 31, No.3, September 2014
Volume 31, No.3, September 2014
Al Shamal Shriners Edmonton, Alberta, Canada September 2014 Vol. 31 No. 3 & Events Meetings Tuesday, September 2nd 2014 Stated Business Meeting Shrine Centre Auditorium 5:30pm Dinner Meeting Zem Zem 6pm Dinner 7pm Meeting 8pm Monday, November 17th, 2014 Unit Head Meeting Biffs Lounge 7pm Friday, November 28th, 2014 TGIF - St. Andrews Night Auditorium 6pm Monday, September 15th, 2014 Unit Head Meeting Biffs Lounge 7pm Monday, December 1st, 2014 Stated Business Meeting Shrine Centre Auditorium 5:30pm Dinner Meeting Zem Zem 6pm Dinner 7pm Meeting 8pm Friday, September 19th, 2014 Ladies Night Auditorium 6pm Sunday, December 7th, 2014 Breakfast with Santa Biffs Lounge 10am Monday, October 6th, 2014 General Dinner Meeting Zem Zem 6pm Dinner 7pm Meeting 8pm Monday, December 22nd Friday, January 2nd, 2015 Shrine Centre closed for Christmas Saturday, September 13th, 2014 Joint Ceremonial Red Deer, Black Knight Inn Monday, October 20th, 2014 Unit Head Meeting Biffs Lounge 7pm Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 Christmas decorating Shrine Centre - all welcome 10am Friday, January 9th, 2015 Chief Rabban’s Night Biffs Lounge Saturday, January 10th, 2015 Annual Meeting Upstairs Potentate’s Ball Auditorium Monday, November 3rd, 2014 General Dinner Meeting Zem Zem 6pm Dinner 7pm Meeting 8pm The FezMobile hits the road sahida “ Sahida“ a warm and friendly Greeting Elected Divan Potentate, Ill. Sir Grant Geldart Chief Rabban, Noble Terry Chapman Assistant Rabban, Noble Murray Sutherland High Priest & Prophet, Noble Ferit (Fred) Susan Oriental Guide, N/A Treasurer, Ill. Sir Ari Hoeksema Recorder, Noble Gary Willis Imperial Appointments Imperial Public Relations Director, Ill. Sir Barry Gogal Canadian Shrine Hospital Board of Governors, Ill. Sir James Templeton Portland Shrine Hospital Board of Governors, Ill. Sir Ari Hoeksema Endowments, Wills and Gifts, Ill. Sir Bill Miller, Al Azhar Membership Development Specialist (MDS), Noble Neville Bush Appointed Divan Director General, Ill Sir Doug Grant & Lady Renate Assistant Director General, Ill Sir Jack Watt & Lady Melva Director of Uniform Units, Noble Neville Bush & Lady Wilma Chaplains, Noble Bob Coates & Lady Marion Noble Art Jones & Lady Jennie Director Ritualistic Cast, Noble Bob Cameron & Lady Nina 1st Ceremonial Master, Noble Jim Forbes & Lady Lois 2nd Ceremonial Master, Noble Bill Martin Captain of the Guard, Noble Tony Linchet & Lady Claudette Outer Guard, Noble Tom Hannah & Lady Eva Parade Marshal, Noble Barrie Miller & Lady Elaine Master of Ceremonies, Noble Tony Lee & Lady Karen Coates Temple Attorney, Noble Iain Cameron & Lady Tammy Membership Chairman, Noble Trevor Pohle External Auditor, TBA Public Relations Chairman, Noble Don Anderson & Lady Linda Temple Photographers, Noble Gerry Beyersbergen & Lady Robyn, Noble Michael Cline-Fremont & Lady Amanda Clarke Hospital Chairman, Noble Darwin Harrison & Lady Ann, Noble Don Millar & Lady Evelyn, Noble Calum Peace & Lady Chiarina Sick & Visiting Chairman, Noble Herbert DeloRey Endowments, Wills & Gifts, Ill Sir Bill Miller & Lady Suzette Soccer Chairman, Noble Gordon Harris & Lady Shirley Casino Chairman, Noble John Fraser & Lady Joyce Dinner Auction Chairman, Noble Dwayne Johnson & Lady Nathalie Thibeault Circus Chairman, Ill Sir Barry Gogal & Lady Janis James Golf Tournament Chairman, Noble Jordan Gogal & Lady Aeron Building Committee Chairman, Noble Gary Willis & Lady Sharon Shrine Club Presidents Al-Wa, Noble Allan London Battle River, Noble Richard Glasgow Northern Lights, Noble Garry Hedberg Fort McMurray, Noble Brett Allen Legal Counsel Noble Iain Cameron page 2 2014 Potentate’s Aides Noble Dave Allan & Lady Theresa Noble Brett Allen & Lady Shana Noble Daryl Aune & Lady Brenda Noble Howard Barnsley & Lady Wallie Noble Wayne Barrett & Lady Estelle Noble Gerry Beyersbergen & Lady Robyn Noble Derrick Bradley & Lady Marilyn Noble Jim Butlin & Lady Diane Noble Bob Cameron & Lady Nina Noble Chris Cameron & Lady Christine Noble Rod Carleton & Lady Kimberly Noble Greg Chartrand & Lady LaVerne Noble Ross Cyr Noble Bob Disler & Lady Gail Ill Sir Jim Edgar Ill Sir Allan Frado & Lady Diane Noble Ken Fulford & Lady Patricia Noble Noel Gauthier & Lady Isabel Noble Earl Giebelhaus & Lady Penny Noble Richard Glasgow & Lady Stella Ill Sir Ari Hoeksema & Lady Kathryn Noble Mike Jaskiw & Lady Kristin Noble Paul Jaskiw & Lady Gail Noble Dwayne Johnson & Lady Nathalie Thibeault Noble Nestor Kwasnycia & Lady Pam Noble Wayne Larson & Lady Sharon Noble Tony Linchet & Lady Claudette Noble Bill Lowrie & Lady Joan Noble Robin Mah & Lady Laurie Noble Russ Motiuk & Lady Ines Ill Sir Armond Nesdoly & Lady Diana Ill Sir Jim Robertson & Lady Deanna Noble Bud Salloum & Lady Laverna Noble Gary Semaniuk & Lady Fiona Noble Patrick Shabatowski & Lady Denise Noble Fred Such & Lady Elsie Ill Sir Bob Thachuk & Lady Pat Noble Ron Townsend & Lady Rosemary Ill Sir Jack Watt & Lady Melva Noble Neil White & Lady Tammy Noble Ken Williams & Lady Patricia Noble Vern Yonkers & Lady Sylvia Honourary Potentate’s Aides Noble George Christensen Sr & Lady Dora Al Shamal Shriners 14510 - 142 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6V 1H9 Telephone: 780-482-6065 Fax: 780-488-4728 Web page: www.alshamalshriners.org e-mail: [email protected] Editor, Lady Diane Frado & Ill. Sir Allan Frado Email: [email protected] This publication is devoted to promoting the best interests of Al Shamal Shriners in particular and the Shriners International in general together with those of the Masonic Fraternity and all Affiliated Orders. September 2014 sahida POTENTATE’S MESSAGE The summer PNSA in Boise August 6-10 was a great event and well attended by Nobles and ladies. The year is half over and we always wonder where does the time go. I thank each and every Noble and their ladies for the strong support in the past six months. The Auction was a great success thanks to the efforts of chair Noble Dwayne Johnson and Lady Nathalie. We have had lots of activity in June and July. The Odyssey Tour from Montreal was a great opportunity to showcase our Canadian Hospital. The committee of Noble Darwin Harrison and Lady Ann, Noble Don Anderson and Lady Linda along with the many volunteers made this event a success. The FEZ Mobile arrived in Lloydminster on June 25th and toured through to Vermillion, Vegreville, Edmonton, Ponoka and several other areas. It was handed over to Al Azhar on Monday June 30th. Lots of exciting events over that period including the St. Albert Farmers market, the Political mixer with dignitaries from Glenrose Hospital, U of A Hospital representatives, Political leaders from Cities in our area and MLAs, the Shrine Family Children’s’ barbecue and many other activities. Thanks to the Oriental Band and the Clown unit for their support to the Children and to Noble Bob Disler for being the main Fez mobile driver throughout this event. Also thanks are extended to the Daughters of the Nile for their assistance. Your Divan participated in the Tollgate that took place in Edson and we have attended parades in Ponoka, Edmonton K Days and Camrose. It looks like we will be at a few more in the month of August. Please make every effort to attend the parades where you can as it does get our information out to the public on who Shriners are and what we stand for. The circus wrap up in September showed a positive for our revenues and I thank Circus committee chairs Ill Sir Barry Gogal, Ill Sir Jim Edgar, Noble Ross Cyr and all the volunteers for their efforts in making the 65th circus in 2014 a success. Al Shamal participated in the opening ceremonies of the U10 boys and girls baseball provincial championships on the July 4th weekend. It was a great opportunity to make the event memorable by recognizing the young athletes of today. Thank you to everyone for their participation. We hosted a baseball event at TELUS field at the Prospectors game on July 13th. It was a great opportunity to market the Shriners and we had the entire Divan to help out. A huge thanks you to Noble Don Anderson and Lady Linda for their efforts in making this event a success. Thanks also to the Oriental Band and the Clown Units for their support at this event. I am extremely sorry I did not get the opening pitch over home plate. We are all working together to give the strength Al Shamal Shriners needs to maintain success. Remember our focus Stronger Together for the Children. Ill. Sir Grant Geldart Potentate 2014 In June it was great to attend the Steak and Lobster event held by the Battle River Shrine Club in Forestburg. A great time was had and the hospitality by Noble Keith and Lady Eva Fossen was certainly appreciated. Thanks. 2014 Imperial session at Minneapolis was well attended by the Divan and a lot of interesting discussions took place. The temple in Brazil was granted a charter to Shriners International. The recommended increase in Hospital levy was defeated this year. It was hard for Imperial Sir John Cinotto to let go but he wanted to leave a strong message that every single Shriner be dedicated to the mission of our fraternity and philanthropy, and find ways and opportunities for active participation. He is proud of our great organization, and our dedication and loyalty to the members. Nobles he has done a great job. Thank you to Imperial Sir John Cinotto and first Lady Margaret. Your newly elected Imperial Potentate Dale Stauss is a great individual and he wants us all to be aware of the importance in connection and communications for maintaining relationships and commitments. Congratulations to Imperial Sir Dale Stauss and first Lady Cheryl. (Check out The Journey of Hope: First Lady Cheryl.) Next year the Imperial Session will be held in Houston Texas and honoring Deputy Imperial Potentate Jerry Gantt who is our current Canadian hospital Imperial representative. September 2014 In Memoriam Here are our departed Nobles who have made the Great Pilgrimage across searing desert sands to the cool Oasis of Eternal Life. These gentle men were our Friends and Brethren and the void created by their leaving causes an ache in our hearts that will not soon go away. 191 20 402 Florence, Roderick Jarvis, William Milligan, WA Sandy 12-May-14 21-Jul-14 23-Jul-14 page 3 sahida RECORDER’S RAMBLINGS JOB’S DAUGHTERS I would firstly like to thank everyone that has lent a hand around the Centre – from weeding the flowerbeds, to planting flowers, to cutting grass, to changing light bulbs, maintaining our van, etc. This is all done behind the scenes and most of us take it for granted however it is work that needs to be done and without the volunteers stepping in and taking the bull by the horns, it would not be done so THANK YOU all. Noble Gary (Bubbles) Semaniuk is currently the Associate Supreme Guardian for Job’s Daughters International. To hold this position one must be a Master Mason who freely and willingly serves as the international Masonic Representative to the Order. During his year Noble Gary has traveled across Canada the United States, Australia, Brazil and the Philippines to visit, assist and provide support where needed to the various Bethels. Membership dues are trickling in, thank you to everyone that is paid up. The 2015 dues notices will be sent out in early October so if you haven’t cleared up your 2014 dues as of yet, please do so as soon as possible. We held our 2nd annual Father’s Day pig roast in June and once again it was a success. Thank you to everyone that had a part in its success and especially to Noble Chad Gjertsen for bringing in the pig roaster and giving up his entire Father’s Day to roast our pig. Imperial session is complete and our new patient representatives were introduced. This is always an emotional highlight as we listen to their stories and see how far they have come. PNSA just wrapped up with, thank you to everyone that made the trip to Boise to represent Al Shamal. What does “The Shriners Creed” mean to you? Why do you wear the FEZ? Many times I have heard people say “He’s a Shriner, they help kids with crippling diseases.” Doesn’t that make you stand taller; make your chest expand just a little bit? Think about how we can work together in fun and harmony. I urge you to settle your differences, instead of trying to sabotage what will make our temple and philanthropy stronger. Positives are what make for peace and harmony. We need your support, the temple needs your support, and the children need your support. By the time you are reading this, the Potentate’s annual fundraising golf tournament will be complete. Thank you to Noble Jordan Gogal and his team for a job well done. The joint Ceremonial is fast approaching. Have you submitted your registration form yet? Come out and show your support to our new candidates joining our great philanthropy in September. Noble Gary Willis Recorder 2014 ON SALE NOW $5.00 each page 4 Noble Gary has been involved with Job’s Daughters for twelve years - since his daughter Megan joined at the age of eleven. He has thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the Masonic youth of today and helping to prepare them as leaders of tomorrow. All this commitment would not have been possible without the love and support of his wife Lady Fiona and daughter Megan. Noble Gary was honored for his dedication and success on May 31, 2014 at the Al Shamal Shrine centre with many Job’s Daughters, friends and relatives in attendance. We know that Noble Gary thoroughly enjoyed his year facing new and exciting challanges with everlasting memories and friendships while promoting fraternal relationships throughout the world. Well Done Gary! Noble Gary is a member and Past Master of Edmonton Lodge No.7 and a Noble of Al Shamal Shrine Clown Unit. Submitted by Noble Bob (Dizzy) Disler Noble John (Teez) Fraser Megan Semaniuk HAVE YOU OBTAINED A NEW MEMBER? S D A A AHID . . . . $50.00 SBusiness Card Size. . . . . $75.00 0 $100.0 Size . . e . g a . P . 0 1/4 . . . $200.0 e Size . g a . P . 2 / 0 1 . . . $300.0 e Size Full Pag er . . . . . . v Back Co September 2014 sahida DIRECTORS STAFF NEWS It was a long time coming but we finally have Ol’ Yeller back on the parade route. We have had our 1946 Fargo Fire Truck completely stripped down and repainted, replaced tires and added new decals. We think that she looks great! Unfortunately the truck was not ready for the Devon and Leduc parades; but we were able to attend the parades at K-Days, Camrose, Irma, Vegreville, and Ranfurly. I was very pleased with the turnout of Director’s Staff members for the parades and I am also happy to report that we were awarded the prize for the “Best Community Group” at the Irma parade and “First Place” at the Ranfurly parade. At the beginning of this year the members of the unit passed a motion to change the Unit Officers’ titles so that they will be in-line with the Shrine Director’s Association and the majority of the other Shrine Centres. The title “President” has been changed to “Director” and “Vice-President” to “Assistant Director” all Past-Presidents will retain that title, any member that completes a successful term as Director will earn the title of Past Director. The Director’s Staff are looking forward to the start of a very busy fall season commencing with the Joint Ceremonial to be held in Red Deer. Following that we will be holding our Annual Director’s Dinner in October. The Director’s Staff are happy to announce that we will be selling Christmas cakes and 2 types of shortbread again this year. These items sold very quickly last year so don’t be disappointed buy early! We hope to have the product at the October Dinner Meeting. Yes! I WANT TO BE A BOOSTER! Show your support for our award winning publication and become a Booster. For only $25.00 your name(s) will appear in every issue. is my cheque, YES enclosed VISA, MASTERCARD Noble’s Name: Lady’s Name: Signature: Card No.: 25 $ Expiry Date: Proceeds from this Booster column will help offset the costs of printing and mailing the SAHIDA. Make your cheque for $25.00 payable to Al Shamal Shriners, 14510 - 142nd Street, Edmonton, AB T6V 1H9. Sahida Supporters Ol’ Yeller side profile Ol’ Yeller Rear View September 2014 Armstrong, Cliff & Dolores Ashton, Rene & Marie Bajc, Frank & Karen Barnsley, Howard & Wallie Barton, John Bell, Alan & Alice Butlin, Jim & Diane Chomin, Glenn & Jennifer Edgar, Jim Forbes, Jim & Carol Frado, Allan & Diane Gauthier, Noel & Isabel Glasgow, Richard & Stella Hay, Catherine Hoeksema, Ari & Kathryn Jarvis, Bill & Geri Johnston, Grace King, Grant & Billielu Koch, Murray & Karey Krossa, Albert & Diane Lawton, John & Carol Lindberg, Cynthia McBurney, Doug & Jay McDonald, Sharon Morter, Mort & Jean Peacock, Fran Pedden, Bernice Robinson, Sandy & Jean Rudolph, Marjorie Salloum, Bud & Laverna Shumilak, Rick & Bev Simpson, Robert Stonehouse, Terry & Elaine Sutherland, Murray & Marilyn Thachuk, Bob & Pat White, Ken & Joyce Wild, John & Jan Wilson, Jo page 5 sahida HOSPITAL SICK & VISITING COMITTEE Contact the Shrine Office or noble Dr. Herbert Delo Rey if you have knowledge of a Noble sick or in the hospital. Chairman, Noble Dr. Herbert DeloRay ......................... 780-342-8924 Noble Walter Bouillon ................................................. 780-425-9469 Noble Bob Coates ....................................................... 780-962-4963 Noble Frank Dove ....................................................... 780-455-2244 Noble Bob Disler ......................................................... 780-469-7188 Noble John Fraser ....................................................... 780-478-4984 Noble Bill Harrison ...................................................... 780-456-1612 Noble Bill Hite ............................................................. 780-451-6131 Ill Sir Ari Hoeksema ..................................................... 780-421-7776 Noble John Pratt ......................................................... 780-436-7651 The following long term members would appreciate a visit form their Masonic or Shrine Brothers: Noble Clay Elliott ........................................................Kipness Centre Noble Dave Hunt ....................................Kipness Centre, Room 2333 Noble Bob Lamont ..................................Kipness Centre, Room 1336 Noble A. Harlan Woolsey ........ Alberta Life Care Housing Foundation, Terra Losa; Room 133, 17203-99 Avenue Noble Don Williams .................... Edmonton General Hospital, 12Y08 AL SHAMAL LADIES NIGHT LADIES AUXILIARY Our regular general meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month in Biff’s Lounge starting at 1:30 pm. The Happy Crafters meet on the third Monday of the month also in Biff’s lounge at 1:30 pm. Please come out and join us at either or both of these meetings – share your talents! The upcoming events include: October 10 - 11:30 am New Members Pot Luck Luncheon at the Shrine Centre. November 15 - Luncheon, Bazaar and Cookie Walk at the Millwoods Woodvale Golf Club. Further notice will be posted soon. The Happy Crafters enjoyed a luncheon at Milestones restaurant recently and then browsed and shopped at the Princess Florence Shop. It was an enjoyable outing for all! The summer break is over - so now back to work! YES! I want to be a Sahida Booster See Page 5 Is your name on the list of Boosters? If not, just mail a cheque for $25.00 payable to Al Shamal Shriners and it will cover part of the costs of producing this award-winning magazine! Friday September 19th, 2014 Tickets are available at the Shrine Office (Tickets will not be held at door without prior payment) Ticket pricing: $45 per person Ticket deadline is Thursday September 11th, 2014 Ladies without Shriners Dress is business attire Cocktails 6pm • Dinner 7pm Entertainment to follow LOCATION: David Neill Auditorium, Shrine Centre page 6 These Ladies are asking for assistance with everyone saving their Campbell’s Bar Code Labels. They are used for the Campbell’s Bar Code for Education program. Please contact Marjorie Rudolph for further information at 780-998-4239. September 2014 sahida DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE SHRINE CIRCUS We have been very busy with events over the past few months. We welcomed three new princesses, Elaine Haine, Myra Lonsbury and Tess O’Connor at our May Ceremonial. Twenty seven members attended the 98th Annual Supreme Session in Omaha, Nebraska in September. A busy week was had by all who attended business sessions, performances, social events, meetings and installation of the 2014/ 2015 Supreme Officers. As of March 31, 2014, a cheque in the amount of $435,542.00, monies raised by the 11 Canadian Temples, Daughters of the Nile, was sent from the Canadian Convalescent Relief Fund to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, Canada. This donation makes the hospital eligible for a fourth one million dollar Gold Plaque. I was especially proud to receive on behalf of Al Amira Temple No. 157 the 1st place Certificate for our contribution of $30,000 to the Canadian Endowment and Relief Funds for the 2013/2014 fiscal year. Thank you to the Ladies of the Household for remaining committed to our philanthropy. You continue to care and share. Plans are being discussed to present the plaque during the Dedication Ceremony of the new Montreal Shriners’ Hospital, which is tentatively planned for August 2015. At this time the naming of the second floor in honour of Daughters of the Nile will officially be announced. Congratulations to Princess Marjorie Rudolph and her team of ladies who worked effortlessly collecting and cutting the bar codes from the Campbell soup cans, Labels for Education program. This year these ladies collected 46,720 labels which put our temple in 1st place in Canada and 2nd out of 139 temples. Nobles and ladies please continue to support the Campbell Labels for Education by saving your soup labels and dropping them off at the Shrine Centre. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ill Sir Barry and his hard working committee for a job well done. The Circus would not have been the success it was without the committee and all it’s hard working volunteers. Great job. Let us continue to work together for the children. Ill. Sir Grant Geldart Potentate Congratulations to our Supreme Appointees, it is an honor for our Temple to be recognized with these appointments. • Isabel Gauthier, Supreme Goodwill Ambassador to the Pacific and Mountain area, • Wendy Batty, Supreme Temple American Flag Escort • Pat Thachuk, Supreme Temple Canadian Flag Escort • Victoria Scott, Supreme Temple Canadian Flag Escort Fall will bring our Stated Session September 8th and Supreme Queen Marsha Sowers’ Official Visit and Ceremonial will take place October 10th. Al Amira Temple #157 Daughters of the Nile September 2014 page 7 SUMMER EVENTS SUMMER EVENTS sahida PUBLIC RELATIONS In the spring we started a digital billboard advertising campaign with Pattison Outdoor Advertising. Al Shamal has 2 digital billboards with a variety of messages running in the City of Edmonton. We are using these billboards to push our events and our Shriners brand so the people of Edmonton and Northern Alberta will become more and more aware of who we are. To date the billboards have promoted the Shrine Circus, the Shrine Auction, the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children Odyssey Tour and the Al Shamal/ Edmonton Prospects Special Olympics Baseball game. We are also running some generic ads promoting the rental opportunities of the Shrine Centre, Shriners International and of course the Shriners Hospitals for Children. To date we have received some very positive feedback regarding these digital billboards. Our goal this year is to get the Shriners “brand” more recognizable within Northern Alberta. A second way we are trying to achieve this goal is with the social media of Facebook and Twitter. Using social media we have promoted all the events of the Al Shamal Shriners and as a result have had some inquiries about the Circus, about our philanthropy, and about providing some assistance to individuals and groups. All these messages/requests came through either the Circus Facebook page or the Al Shamal Shriners Facebook page. We were also very successful in promoting the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children Odyssey Tour as it traveled across Canada and especially while it was in the Edmonton area. opportunity to have some very positive interactions with the media in Lloydminster, Vermillion, Vegreville, Ponoka and Edmonton. These reports included interviews, photos and editorials on the television, in the local newspapers and on the local radio stations. In July, Al Shamal sponsored the Special Olympians for an Edmonton Prospects baseball game. A huge thank you needs to go out to the Oriental Band, the Clowns, the Greeters and the Divan for their attendance and support. This was a first for both groups and discussions are underway for a similar event next year. Again, this provided us with an opportunity to meet and greet the public and to share information about Al Shamal and the Shriners Hospitals for Children. A big thank you to everyone who has submitted photos of events and who are keeping me in the loop as to what the units and clubs are doing. As we move into the fall we will continue to promote the Shrine and Shriners Hospitals for Children through the digital billboards, social and other more traditional media as well as discussing some opportunities to share information with local business leaders about Shrine in Northern Alberta and the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Noble Don Anderson PR Chairman Al Shamal Shriners of Northern Alberta Using the opportunity provided by the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children Odyssey Tour we were able to participate in the St. Albert Farmer’s Market where we had an information booth and we handed out information on the Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children. We were able to talk to number of people about the Shrine and what we do and had a number of people stop to thank us for what we have done for members of their families or friends. The Tour also gave us an KANS for KIDS Please bring your empty recyclable beverage containers to the Shrine Centre. All proceeds to local shrine activities and projects. Thank You, Doug Pare - Pipes & Drums page 10 Deadline for Next Issue Copy & Pictures To Editor Thursday, November 3rd, 2014 September 2014 sahida BRUCE HOGLE COMMENCEMENT SPEECH agreed, and became the first in the Commonwealth to have live television coverage. And so many more. So when Bruce was introduced to the U of A grads, in his flowing red and white gown signifying his new doctorate of law, he stepped in front of a microphone an added one more editorial. At 85, his passion and vision are strong as ever. “Appreciating that not all of them (graduates) were from Canada, and also appreciating many were Canadians, I wanted them to think how fortunate we all are to live in a country where you truly can become whatever it is you want to be,” Bruce says. He urged every Canadian school – public, Catholic, private or religious – to sing O Canada once a week. Ill. Sir Dr. Bruce Hogle & Lady Gail The graduation commencement address: a most dignified message to graduates applauding them on the educational achievements – but also challenging them to make their individual mark in the world. Enter, centre stage, Bruce Hogle. Last Wednesday morning 420 University of Alberta graduates and their families gathered in the Jubilee Auditorium for graduation ceremonies. They also saw Bruce receive an honorary doctor of law from the university. Bruce is a most deserving recipient for his distinguished career in the news business, first as a newspaper reporter and editor followed by broadcasting. But Bruce just didn’t report the news. He carefully thought about stories and put his own personal spin on them, with the same ambition. To create a better future. Early in his career as Medicine Hat News deputy editor, Bruce spearheaded a traffic safety campaign. During a five-year span Medicine Hat did not experience one automobile fatality. Shortly after arriving in Edmonton to join CFRN he began delivering editorials on television and radio – 15,000 in total. They all raised points, and suggestions, with the same common question – “What if?”. In 1967 his documentary entitled “What About The Victim?” sparked Alberta to create Canada’s first Crimes Compensation Board. Six years later Bruce asked the provincial government to allow live coverage of MLA’s debating issues in the legislature. The government September 2014 Shortly after his address, Bruce received an e-mail from Lt. Gov. Donald Ethell saying he would share the Bruce’s idea with the upcoming meeting of the Canadian Lieutenant Governors and the commissioners to Canada’s three territories. In the crowd looking on with pride was his family: wife Gail, sons Bill, Randy and Steve and their families. While Bruce is humbly proud of his professional accomplishments, he is even prouder of his family. A day after the graduation ceremony, Bruce celebrated 60 years of marriage with Gail, whom he met through army friends in the 1940’s. “I have never ever sought awards of the work I have done as a journalist or community activist. I simply gave back to the five provinces and seven cities I lived in because I was taught that early in life by my family,” says Bruce of last week’s honor. His compassion for his fellow citizens made him a community leader and builder. Bruce’s talents of telling a story took him to newspaper and television, giving him a platform for his thoughts. Very few of the graduates Wednesday might not have newspaper and media to voice their opinions. But they still have reverence. Absolutely. And hearing such a commencement address, from someone as profound as Bruce Hogle, will certainly inspire graduates to take their own stand. Please visit my blog, taiton8.com, to read the text of Bruce’s speech. (Cam Tait is a special projects advisor for Challenge Insurance.) BY CAM TAIT, EDMONTON SUN page 11 Halloween Family Fun CHILI & PASTA NIGHT Saturday November 1, 2014 Shrine Centre 14510-142 Street 5:30pm Cocktails • 6:30pm Supper DJ & Dance to follow Prizes for best Costume 50-50 Draw Door Prizes Ticket prices to be determined For tickets or more information please contact a Silver Wings Member or call Calum at 780-463-1537 page 12 September 2014 sahida TLC UNIT Imperial Potentate Dale Stauss checking out the TLC Fire Trucks at PNSA in Boise, the newest member of the TLC. HOSPITAL COMMITTEE Congratulations to the TLC on their 1st Place award at the 2014 PNSA in Boise. Dylan’s heroes! Forever grateful to the Shriners and all they have done for Dylan. I am so happy you came to spend some time with us today! Thank you Darwin and Don! Darrell McMow Dylan is a long time patient with us and normally goes to Salt Lake City. However, he is currently in the UofA hospital and has had 2 out of his 3 operations. He will remain there until October; operation #3 is in September. Jessica D. Bortnick Barrister & Solicitor serving Sherwood Park, Edmonton & surrounding areas REAL ESTATE, WILLS & ESTATES, & CORPORATE COMMERCIAL Tel: 780.449.3741 | Fax: 780.417.2588 #220, 52 Sioux Rd. | Sherwood Park, AB | T8A 4X1 www.jdbpc.ca If you don’t see your Unit or Club news, you missed the deadline! Next Issue Submission Deadline Please have all your articles and pictures to the editor by THURSDAY, November 3rd, 2014. Email your submissions to [email protected] Late submissions will be included in a later edition of the Sahida. Sahida 2014 Advertising Rates Per Issue Business Card ................................................................$50.00 1/4 Page ........................................................................$75.00 1/2 Page ......................................................................$100.00 Full Page ......................................................................$200.00 Back Cover ..................................................................$300.00 All requests for advertising are to be sent by e-mail to: Diane Frado, Editor: [email protected], and Al Shamal Shriners, Denise: [email protected] Please include the following in the subject box, “Sahida Advertisement.” September 2014 page 13 Thank You! To Our Supporters . . . 13324 - 114 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5M 4B7 Phone: 780-451-7660 Fax: 780-451-0405 www.westmountjewellers.com Westmount Jewelers is a family business that has 45 years experience in the jewellery industry. What makes our customers so loyal? Many of our customers have been with us for a very long time. The greatest compliment we get from our clients are the referrals we receive. The majority of our new customers come because of the positive things they hear from existing clients. We think it is the combination of our unique products and our promise. We promise to give you the best price, quality and service. And we back this promise up with a ten (10) day money back guarantee. Shriners International - The World’s Greatest Philanthropy for Childre Shriners International - The World’s Greatest Philanthropy for Children Congratulations onfun another filled circus Congratulations on another filled fun circus UNITED ASSOCIATION UNITED ASSOCIATION of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and f Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada pe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada ocalLocal UnionUnion 488 - 488 Edmonton - Edmonton 621416214 - 118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5V - 118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB1M6 T5V 1M6 elephone 780-452-7080 Fax 780-452-1291 Telephone 780-452-7080 Fax 780-452-1291 page 14 September 2014 Al Shamal Shriners TLC Corps Date: 27 Sept 2014 Where: Al Shamal Shriners 14510 - 142 St NW, Edmonton Time: 6:00 PM MENU BBQ German Sausage & Bun also Sauerkraut Hot Potato Salad Coleslaw Cost: $25.00 each (You will also get a beer mug) Kids under 12 years old $10.00 (Sorry, no mug) Kids under 4 years old FREE DJ Proceeds from this event help support Al Shamal TLC Corps activities. September 2014 page 15 Canadian Medical First: 17 year-old patient becomes first in Meet Our 2014-15 National Patient Ambassadors Canada to undergo minimally invasive surgery for a chest wall deformity Joe Dertinger of Waconia, Minn., and Katie MONTREAL, Aug. 20, 2014 /CNW year-old Mackenzie developed a condition called pectus carinatum Ladlie of Troy, Mo., haveTelbec/ been- 17 selected as (his chest wall was pushed outward) which caused him self-esteem issues as well as exercise intolerance reducing the health care system’s national patient his participation in his favorite sports. On July 10th, 2014, he was the first patient in Canada to undergo a groundambassadors 20142015. The announcement breaking minimallyfor invasive pectus carinatum repair, called a reverse Nuss procedure. Most patients who have pectus carinatum undergo successful bracing to correct the anomaly. Those who are not good candidates for was made after the premiere of their video, bracing now have a new option which will allow them to have more immediate results. This surgical treatment “Born to Inspire” during the July 2014 Imperial is the newest of the innovative treatment options developed by the joint team bringing together experts from Shriners Hospitals for Children®-Canada and the Children’s Hospital for teens who develop chest wall Session of Shriners International in Montreal Minneapolis. anomalies. Every year, Shriners Hospitals for Children chooses The Surgery Roughly 1 out of 1,500 children are affected by pectus carinatum. Historically, patients underwent a very two national patient ambassadors to represent the invasive and painful surgery which involved separating the sternum from the ribs. Three years ago, the joint thousands of children who receive care at the health teams introduced innovative bracing which corrected most of the deformities although a subset of patients did care system every year. The Ambassadors share not respond to the treatment or were not good candidates for it. “For patients with pectus carinatum, we have their stories to inspire others and raise awareness ofhave avoided surgery altogether” says Sherif introduced the most successful bracing technique, many patients Shriners Children. Emil, M.D., Hospitals CM, Director,for Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery, Montreal Children’s Hospital and co-director of the Chest Wall Anomalies Clinic at Canada Shriners Hospital. He adds “for some patients, who still need the surgery, we introduced for the first time in Canada, the reverse Nuss procedure, where a bar is Joe: A Champion Skier installed that pushes down on the sternum, then is bolted to the ribs on each side”. This new technique was Joe was with an unusual condition that of involved brought to born us by Robert E. Kelly Jr., M.D., Chief, Division Pediatric Surgery and Chief, Department of Surgery, all four ofHospital his extremities. had a inshort fibula and For patients like Mackenzie, the deformity is Children’s of the King’s He Daughters Norfolk, Virginia. corrected almost and then yearson the bar is removed. Mackenzie is “extremely satisfied no tibia on hisimmediately, right leg, and onlywithin three2-3 toes his with results” overhas a month after the “ball surgeryand he has returned to his normal everyday routine and rightthe foot. His and leftjust ankle an unusual looks forward to beginning CEGEP (college) in the fall. ® socket” type of joint. He was also born with only twoFirst fingers and a thumb on each hand, and the The Clinic in Canada fingers onitsthe handthe were together. The first of kindright in Canada, Chestwebbed Wall Anomalies Clinic is celebrating its third year. It evaluates and treats children with congenital wall deformities. The multidisciplinary clinical team is composed of pediatric At our Twin Cities chest hospital, Joe was initially seen general surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, pulmonologists, pediatricians, nurses, physiotherapists, medical by an orthopaedic surgeon and a hand specialist, imaging specialists, and orthotists, with additional services as needed offered by plastic surgeons, cardiologists, whogeneticists recommended to separate the fingersand rare condition. has The been a patient at our St. and from bothsurgeries Shriners Hospitals for Children–Canada Montreal Children’sShe Hospital. team on his right hand andcare amputation ofrange the right foot Louisinhospital since she was 2 years old. provides state-of-the-art for the entire of chest wall anomalies a family-centered environment focused medical and self-esteem issues that aretime, typical with these conditions. so thatona the prosthesis would fit better. Over Katie struggled with severe knee pain and other Joe received physical and occupational therapy at difficulties for years. By the time she was 12 years for many years. In the last two seasons at the her back, which is how she viewed her leg. Cup and the 2018 winter Paralympic games, which sidelines in pain. And then she discovered public the fall of 2014. We know that both Katie and Joe will do exactly that in the coming months. Different Types of Chest Wall Anomalies Shriners Hospitals for Children, combined with old, her knee had deteriorated to the point that her The two most common types of the disorder, pectus excavatum (a caved-in sternum or funnel chest) and lots of encouragement. That, and having a twin physicians her two options, pectus carinatum (a protrusion of the chest wall or pigeon chest) result when the gave ribs and sternum develop knee fusion or sister to keep up with, helped Joe continue to amputation knee. Young Katie bravely in an unusual manner. Mild deformities often are not discovered by physicians unless above childrenthe are referred for coincidental scoliosis. If not treated adequately, patients may experience shortness oftobreath, make progress. determined have low theendurance amputation as this would andJoe, frequent culties, which can have a signifi cant impact onher an infant’s ability to grow to the anchor that he nowrespiratory 18, has diffi been involved in adaptive skiing free from the pain and and from develop normally. national competition inWall Park City, Utah, Shortly after the surgery, Katie was introduced Refer a patient to the Chest Anomalies Clinic Joe has won To a child to theNational Chest Wall Anomalies Clinic, pediatricians, and families across Canada therefer Men’s Junior overall Alpine Skiing title. physicians to adaptive sports, which wascana turning point. She contact Shriners Hospitals for for Children – Canada at 1-800-361-7256 6971. He is currently training the Giant Slalom World ext.became very active and is no longer sitting on the About Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada will be Hospitals held in for South Korea. speaking, and became a patient ambassador for ou Shriners Children is changing lives every day through innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class Whileand Joe is passionate his Located sport, he also St. Louis hospital. research outstanding medicalabout education. in Montreal, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada is a bilingual, providing elective pediatric orthopaedic health16, care. The role wants to short give term, backacute and care helpcentre others with similar Katie, now hopes to of bethe able to give back and hospital is to and promote and to treatment and rehabilitation to children orthopaedic and role as a national conditions hashealth enrolled in provide Century College’s inspire others with through her new neuromuscular problems from across Canada and the North East US. The hospital is committed to excellence Prosthetics program; iseducation set to start inproviding patient ambassador. and innovationTechnology in clinical practice, researchhe and and to a caring environment to families. Katie: An inspiration to Others Relatively quickly after her birth, Katie was diagnosed as having a vascular malformation, a very shrinershospitalsforchildren.o
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