Rye YMCA Annual Report 2012


Rye YMCA Annual Report 2012
Rye YMCA Annual Report 2012
Youth Development . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Healthy Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Social Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . .8
Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Financial Statement . . . . . . . . . .19
Rye Y Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Strengthening Community
At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day,
we work side by side with our neighbors to make sure that
everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the
opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. We believe that lasting
personal and social change can come about only when we
all work together to invest in our kids, our health, and our
neighbors. That’s why, at the Y, strengthening community
is our primary goal.
We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover
who they are and what they can achieve. Our goal is to help
youth cultivate the values, skills and relationships that lead to
positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.
In communities across the nation, the Y is a leading voice on
health and well-being. With over 2600 locations nationwide,
the Y is uniquely positioned to improve the nation’s health
and well-being, one
individual, family
and community at
a time.
The Rye YMCA is a family
oriented community service
organization which welcomes all
people and promotes positive
values through programs that
build spirit, mind and body.
This is the essence
of the Y. Keeping
our doors open to
all, responding to
our community’s
most pressing social
needs, giving back
and providing
support to our
neighbors is a
vital part of our
mission. The Y
fosters the care and
respect all people
need and deserve.
As we look back on 2012, we’re grateful for the many community
partners who helped us achieve so much during a very exciting year.
From the donors who supported our Strong Kids Campaign, to the
volunteers who organized events and staffed the front desk, to the
community advocates and public officials who worked tirelessly to
improve the places we live, learn and play; we are buoyed by their
hard work and commitment.
Within our walls, the Rye Y continues to support all of our members,
from the athlete to the healthseeker. Our LIVESTRONG at the YMCA
program and the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, launched in
2011, grew in 2012 as we started new classes and graduated adults
who found health, healing and strength through their participation in
these small group programs.
Outside our walls, we strengthened our partnerships with old friends
and forged new alliances to promote pedestrian safety, physical
activity, healthy eating and connecting kids with nature.
Through all of this, we have made a powerful promise to our
community: no-one will be turned away from a Y program or
activity because they can’t pay. Thanks to you – our friends and
supporters – we can say “we’re here for you” for everyone.
We hit the ground running in 2013, with renewed energy for our
cause-driven work and member satisfaction. We’re planning for our
2014 Centennial. We look forward to expanding the YMCA’s Diabetes
Prevention Program outside our walls. And, through our Community
Transformation Grant work, we’re strengthening our partnerships in
Port Chester and building new relationships in Mamaroneck. Our goal
is to make healthy living the easy choice for everyone.
We hope you will take a few minutes to look through this report.
We’re proud of all that we accomplished in 2012 and hope you
are too.
Mark Doran, President
Kevin S. Tice, President-Elect
Suzanne M. Kelly, Vice President
Eugene P. Lynch, Vice President
Therese K. Tolley, Vice President
Katherine H. Doyle, Secretary
Douglas C. DeStaebler, Treasurer
Joseph R. DeVita
Carrie L. Donahue
Kristina Dorfman
Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Daniel J. Gallagher, Esq.
Susan Gervais
Kevin Kavanagh
Laura Kelleher
Richard Lawrence
Susan Leslie
Mark G. Miller
Steve Mochel
Patricia Mosher
Paul D. Nagle
Timothy A. O'Neill
David Reno
Christopher J. Scala, Sr. P.E.
Maria Stanton
Neal K. Stearns
Douglas C. Stern
John Tartaglia
Liam Winters
Lucien D. Burnett, III
Michael T. Moran
Thomas F. Murphy
Robert Pearlman
William C. Springer
Werner E. Tietjen
Trustees Emeriti
Nancy J. Haneman
Michael T. Tokarz
Mark Doran
President, Board of Directors
Gregg R. Howells
Executive Director
In Memorium
Joseph T. Raho, Board Member from
1996-2002; Trustee 2004-2010 and
Trustee Emeritus 2010-2013
* Rye YMCA Board as of April 2013
We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are
and what they can achieve. Our goal is to help youth cultivate the values,
skills and relationships that lead to positive behavior, better health and
educational success.
Thanks to the Rye Y and our community partners:
■ Hundreds of students at eight elementary schools in Rye, Rye
Neck and Mamaroneck learned that fitness is fun during active,
structured recess sessions supervised by our sports department.
■ Over 70 students sampled healthy snacks, learned to cook in
weekly classes and exercised on a regular basis after the Y
introduced healthy eating and physical activity standards into
our After School Adventures and Kinder Time programs.
■ Over 1100 middle school students enjoyed our year-round
Y2Night! teen nights. Every Saturday night after closing, the Y
offered entertainment, sports and fun. Middle school students also
enjoyed special events such as dances, competitions, “girls night”
and lots more!
■ Six teens represented the Rye Y Teen Leaders Club at the YMCA
Northeast Teen Rallies in Colebrook, Connecticut and Huguenot,
New York, learning leadership skills and forging friendships with
youth from across the northeast region.
■ Hundreds of parents and children walked to elementary schools
in Rye, Rye Neck, Larchmont and Mamaroneck, forming Walking
School Buses throughout the spring and fall. Part of the Y’s Safe
Routes to School initiative, the Walking School Buses showed
families that walking to school can be a fun, healthy and earthfriendly alternative to driving.
■ Approximately 70 Mamaroneck High School students attended eight
Teen Cafés, a program co-sponsored by RADAR and the Y and
funded by United Way. Teen Café gives young adults a safe space to
socialize, exercise and relax with their peers at their own school.
■ Over 1300 summer campers made friends, developed new skills
and grew in self confidence through a wide range of camp
activities. The Teen Adventure Camp involved older campers in
community service projects such as cleaning up the Rye Nature
Center and personalizing reusable grocery bags for the
Larchmont/Mamaroneck Food Pantry.
■ Hundreds of youth learned the values of good sportsmanship and
healthy competition through our swim and gymnastics teams and
youth basketball league.
The Stroh Family Story
As told by Jeff Stroh
My family moved
from San
Francisco to
New Rochelle in
2011. After
swim programs,
we chose the
Rye Y for our
children August (3)
and Isabelle (5). August had been
in a beginners’ swim course in San
Francisco. Unfortunately, that class
did not meet his unique needs.
Its instructor, while technically
competent, did not have coaching
sensitivity suitable for the very
young. This only left August more
scared around the water and
distrustful of swim instructors.
As a result, he would only go into
the pool with a family member
holding him.
When we visited the Rye Y, we
sensed it was a special place. And
August really needed a special place.
In September 2011, August started
taking private lessons with Peter
Tedesco. Peter did everything
right. He started by building a
relationship of trust. He patiently
encouraged small steps. August
slowly transitioned from being
timid around water to looking
forward to swimming with his
friend, “Coach Peter.” Peter started
August with flotation devices and
varied the “play” routine to include
more challenge. Peter worked to
build confidence and skill in August,
but never at the expense of losing
trust. August is now taking a few
strokes without the flotation
device. We are delighted. Now five,
August loves the challenge and is
so proud of his accomplishment!
The Rye Y’s swim program is
unmatched in terms of bringing
children and adults through all
stages of development and
doing so with respect, support
and encouragement.
In communities across the nation, the Y is a leader for health and well-being,
bringing families closer together, encouraging good health and fostering
connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests. In addition to our
commitment to chronic disease prevention, we have expanded our efforts to help
children lead healthier lives by adopting healthy eating and physical activity
standards in our after school program.
Look at what we achieved in 2012 through our
Healthy Living programs!
■ The YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program continued to change lives
as adults who were at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes lost
weight, increased their physical activity and developed new
healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
In 2012, 21 adults completed the 16 core sessions of the program.
In a survey conducted last year, respondents from various classes
reported positive lifestyle changes. For example, 87% agreed
or strongly agreed that they increased their level of physical
activity; 83% reduced their portion sizes and 79% experienced
improvements in their overall health.
■ Through LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, we helped 96 cancer
survivors reclaim their total health. Participants built strength,
endurance, flexibility and self-esteem in a supportive group setting
with fellow survivors and trained Y staff, free of charge.
■ The Rye Y was recognized by Y-USA and the LIVESTRONG Foundation
with the Excellence and Innovation Award for hosting LIVESTRONG
Week – a celebration of cancer survivors and the Rye Y's LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program. Held October 2-7, the event raised
awareness of our efforts to help cancer survivors reclaim their health
and well-being, celebrated their tenacious spirit, and thanked family
members for their support and encouragement.
■ In May, the Rye Y was one of ten YMCAs nationwide to be awarded
a major two-year grant from the federal Centers for Disease
Control. The Community Transformation Grant (CTG) allows the
Y to work with local partners in Port Chester and Mamaroneck to
address health equity, chronic disease prevention and healthy
eating and physical activity standards in child care settings, with a
focus on Latino and African-American families and individuals.
■ In 2012, we expanded the TRIBE, a team for women attempting
their first triathlon or seeking the support of other women who are
training for swim, bike or running races. 50 TRIBE members, ages
16-78, completed their first triathlon in September, a life-changing
experience for all.
■ The Rye Y opened our pool to families with special needs children
every Sunday morning. During this free, recreational swim for
community members, a Rye Y facilitator assisted with helpful tips
and water games.
■ We supported our pregnant members with new yoga classes and
launched a Baby and Me Yoga and Pilates class for parents.
■ The Y encouraged families to stay active together through our new
Family Zumba class, held every Sunday afternoon.
■ Yoga aficionados found a place to practice on Thursday evenings
during our Spirit, Mind and Body series.
■ The Rye Y brought members together around common interests,
including a Jazz night social in our member lounge, a healthy
cookie exchange and flower arranging workshops.
Paula Preis
The Y helped me through the
most difficult period in my life.
In 2006, I had a health crisis.
I was diagnosed with breast
cancer and within three months
underwent three surgeries and
radiation therapy. I was able
to resume my exercise routine
at the Y within five months of
my diagnosis. My doctors
attributed my quick recovery
to my positive attitude and
the fact that I was in good
physical condition going in.
I credit the Y for keeping me
totally motivated.
Whenever I stopped by the
Y during my recovery period,
everyone was, and continues
to be, so welcoming and caring.
Once I was able to exercise
again, I worked with a personal
trainer to establish a new
routine and started going to
all of our fabulous group
exercise classes. I retired in
late 2011 and now go to 10
classes a week.
I feel surrounded by people
who care here. I love this
place; it is my second home.
Because the Y has given me
so much, I have chosen to
volunteer here so that I can
“give back.” It is the best
“gift” I have ever given to
myself. I enjoy sitting at the
front desk greeting existing
and potential members and
helping out in HR, both of
which use the skills I
developed during my 38-year
working career.
For nearly 100 years, the Rye Y has been a hub of community life and a catalyst
for positive change. From financial assistance that keeps the Y affordable for
people who need our programs most, to the partnerships that foster strong
communities, the spirit of social responsibility infuses every aspect of our work.
Deepening our Commitment to
Stronger Communities in 2012
■ The Rye Y awarded more than $508,000 in financial aid – a record
amount – to hundreds of families and individuals in need. Financial
assistance allowed children to join their peers at camp, while
membership subsidies gave individuals and families the full Y
experience, often during difficult times.
Community Rallies to
Make Operation Y
Cares a Success.
■ Through their hard work and financial support, Rye Y staff
members are truly “living our cause.” Last year, 147 staff donors
contributed $13,549 to the YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign.
Additional contributions from our members and community
brought the campaign total to over $268,000!
■ Thanks to the Rye Y’s assistance, the City of Rye will receive nearly
$224,000 in federal Safe Routes to School funding. The City’s
application, which was submitted in October, calls for several
infrastructure improvements that will allow children to walk or
cycle to school more safely.
■ Recognizing that outdoor play is vital to a child’s spirit, mind and
body, the Rye Y teamed up with the Rye Nature Center to launch
a new initiative. Kids Outdoors! is a community collaboration
to promote unstructured, physically active outdoor play and
exploration for children of all ages.
■ During the spring and fall semesters, the Rye Y sponsored Heads
Up! A Distracted Walking and Driving Poster Contest for Rye High
School students. A project of our Safe Routes to School initiative,
Heads Up! involved 95 students in thinking about the dangers of
distracted walking and driving.
■ In May, Y staff members and volunteers organized our first Bike to
the Y Day with adult and family guided rides and free bike safety
checks from Miller’s Toys and Bikes. We also launched the Bike to
the Y incentive program with prizes for members who ride to the Y
rather than driving.
■ The Rye Y provided subsidies to several programs, including the Teen
Center and pool time for the Rye Association for the Handicapped.
■ Last fall, the Rye Y provided refuge to members and local residents
after Hurricane Sandy. Hundreds flocked to our facility for warmth,
hot showers, activities for kids, Wi-Fi and a place to re-charge (in
all senses of the word). We also helped our NYC neighbors who
were hit hard by the storm (see sidebar about the Y’s relief effort).
On a Sunday afternoon in
December, Rye Y volunteers
loaded a moving truck full of
household supplies for victims of
Hurricane Sandy– the successful
culmination of Operation Y Cares.
During the week-long drive,
community members dropped by
the Y with their donations of
brooms, shovels, rakes, cleaning
and kitchen supplies, bedding,
towels and winter coats to help
those affected by Sandy re-start
their lives. The donations, which
filled dozens of boxes, were
delivered by Fraioli & Quigley
Moving Company of Harrison to
three charities – New York Cares,
Catholic Charities and Believe in
Belle Harbor—for distribution to
hurricane victims.
The idea for Operation Y Cares
came from Rye Y member
Melissa Yanis. Yanis visited Belle
Harbor after Hurricane Sandy
and was determined to do
something to help. She contacted
Eileen Barber, the Rye Y’s COO,
and with a team of volunteers
and Rye Y staff, Operation Y
Cares was launched.
“The outpouring of support
from the Y membership and
local community has been
amazing,” Yanis said. “These
supplies are going to directly
help so many individuals.”
March Madness Event
Sweet Sixteen Sponsors
Event Journal, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldstein
Houlihan Lawrence
Jet Blue
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Raho
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schrock
Venture Photography
Club Level Ads
Coldwell Banker/Country
Properties, Inc.
Ford Law Firm
Gym Source, White Plains, LTD.
Koubek Camp
JWH Design & Cabinetry
Lisa & Paul Murphy
Rye Physical Therapy &
Rehabilitation, P.C.
All Star Ads
A. G. Williams Co., Inc.
Dr. Allen F. Avrutin, DDS &
Dr. Jerry L. Statman, DDS
Benowitz Shah Architects, P.C.
Briggs Landscape Design
Cleaning Systems Company
Corner Stone Caterers
Crisfield's Prime Meats
DeCarlo Lock & Key
Derosa, Rockefeller,
Sohigian & Werdal, Inc.
The Doyle Family
Euro Laser Services, Inc.
Harrison Paint Supply, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean S. Jancski
The Khemlani Family
The Mosher Family
The Open House
Osborn Home Care
Rhythm in Rye Too, Corp.
Royal Jewels of Rye
Rye Family Dentistry
Rye Harrison Veterinary Hospital
Rye Racquet Club
Trapp Opticians
Tyre & DeThomas, Attorneys
Value Cleaners
Webster Bank
Zaccagnino Electric Co., Inc.
Booster Ads
Aqua-Tech Recreations, Inc.
The Asgeirsson Family
Belle Cleaners & Laundry
Carpet Trends Inc.
Greenwood Union Cemetery
Dr. Sue Hahm
Irra-Tech, Inc.
The Pedone Family
The Rivas Family
Sean O'Connell Painting Corp.
Class Ads
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Ball
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bouton, Jr.
The Cho Family
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Forsyth
Phil and Jennifer Geraghty
Mrs. Fran Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greenhaw
Mr. and Mrs. Senjeev Khemlani
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Rorke
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Rand
Mr. Steve Stuart &
Ms. Katrina Froman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Vinikoor
Diana Vita
The Hon. & Mrs. John L. Alfano
The Balancing Act/
Stephanie Gardner Wellness
Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corp.
crewcuts at The Westchester
Michelle DelGuerico
The Dorfman Family
The Doyle Family
Stacey Egan
Valerie Felshman
The Fitzgerald Family
Mrs. Cheryl B. Flood
Fresh Green Light
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Gerson
The Gervais Family
Girlie Bug Bows
Alexandra Hickey
Rosemary Hochberg
Kelly Jancski
Bob and Ellen Kaplan
The Kelleher Family
Andrea Atkins Kessekiel
Mr. & Mrs. Neeraj Khemlani
The Koubek Family
The Larsen Family
Sara Lee
The Leslie Family
The Lynch Family
Madison Square Garden Sports
Jennifer Mann
The Miller Family
Lester Millman
My Gym, Mamaroneck
Nest Home
Next Generation Pediatrics
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. O'Neill
March Madness Event (cont’d)
Tim O’Toole
Oxalis of Rye
The Pallone Family
Mrs. Isobel Perry
Therese Rasmussen
Rock Island Sound
Sean Jancski Landscape Architect, LLC
The Stanton Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Stewart
Pam Stonehouse
The St. John’s Basketball Organization
The Syracuse Basketball Organization
Lead Sponsor
Tampa Bay Ray’s MLB Organization
The Tartaglia Family
The Tice Family
Terry and Ed Tolley
Tompkins Financial Advisors
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Whelan III
Venture Photography
The Verdier Family
Wish/Twinkle Toes
Mr. & Mrs. John Woods
The Worman Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Zahm
2012 Derby
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
Media Sponsors
Home Town Media Group/
Rye Sound Shore Review
The Rye Record
Food Sponsors
Longford’s Ice Cream
Morgan’s Fish House
Powell Catering
Ruby’s Oyster Bar Bistro
Rye Grill & Bar Restaurant
Westchester Track Club
Prize Sponsors
4C Foods Corp.
Dr. and Mrs. Ameet K. Goyal –
Eyelid & Cosmetic Surgery
Greenwich Hospital
Julia B. Fee & Sotheby's
International Realty
Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich
Modell’s Sporting Goods
New York Life Insurance
Rye Running Company
Seaside Johnnie's Restaurant
TD Bank
White Plains Hospital Center
Game/Activity Sponsors
Dr. Allen F. Avrutin, DDS and
Dr. Jerry L. Statman, DDS
Birdsong & Co.
Carpet Trends Inc.
Coldwell Banker/Country Properties, Inc.
Cozza Plumbing & Heating Corp.
Dr. Alexis K. Fermanis –
Rye Family Orthodontics
Houlihan Lawrence
The Osborn
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Pet Pantry Warehouse
Piazza Pizzeria & Ice Cream
PM Amusements
Rye Ford/Subaru
Send in the Clowns
Tomart, Inc.
Verizon Wireless/ Wireless Zone
Upper Crust Bagel Co.
William Raveis, Inc.
Zaccagnino Electric Co., Inc.
Mile Marker Patron
Cleaning Systems Company
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Spacavento
Webster Bank
Weichert Realtors
Westchester Family Chiropractic
The Hon. & Mrs. John L. Alfano
All Paws, Inc.
Aqua-Tech Recreations, Inc.
Belle Cleaners & Laundry
Dr. Ruth Greer
Harrison Paint Supply, Inc.
Hickory & Tweed
June and Ho, Inc.
Ms. Paula D. Morgan
R & M Woodrow Jewelers
Ms. Judith C. Stern, M.A., P.T.
Dr. Ruth K. Treiber & Dr. Eric S. Treiber
Value Cleaners
Weichert Realtors
William H. Graham Funeral Home
Betty Griffin
I’ve been a member for 20 years.
My kids are now adults, but they
grew up in the YMCA. It’s a way
of life for us. Whenever I’ve relocated, the first question for me is,
“OK, where is the YMCA?”
I was called to the ministry. I
thought I would retire as a school
teacher but after 21 years, more
and more people were telling me
“You have a pastor’s heart.” I did
feel the calling stronger and
stronger, and I decided to leave
teaching and attend seminary. I
became an ordained reverend
and I have a very strong conviction about my work.
When I found the Rye YMCA,
it was like a homecoming. When
the Y opened its doors to the
community after the hurricane, I
told one of my colleagues, “This
is a class act right here.” That’s
why I’m a member of the Y and
I support the Strong Kids
Campaign financially. I believe in
the work of the YMCA, to give
back to our youth and seniors.
They are a vulnerable population
that needs the comfort, support
and nurturing the Y provides. I
have a very stressful vocation as
the pastor of a large church in
Mt. Vernon. I really need time
just for me. It’s not just about
getting exercise, although of
course that’s important. It feeds
my spirit.
The YMCA is a lifesaver for me.
2012 Christopher D. Mello Golf Outing
Corporate Sponsors
Auriga USA LLC
The David E. Retik &
Christopher D. Mello Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Luncheon Sponsors
Hildegarde D. Becher Foundation, Inc.
Practice Range Sponsor
TD Bank
Hole In One Sponsor
Curry Automotive
Golf Cart Sponsor
Zaccagnino Electric Co., Inc.
Tee Sponsors
Dr. Allen F. Avrutin, DDS &
Dr. Jerry L. Statman, DDS
Law Office of Robert L. Byrne
Carpet Trends Inc.
Condon, O'Meara, McGinty &
Donnelly, LLP
Cuddy & Feder LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Dunnan
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Friesell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Furnary
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Lynch
Bruce & Connie Macleod
Mike & Sheila Moran
Tom & Christy Murphy
Port Chester Carver Center
The Sack Law Firm PLLC
Sinnott Management Co. LLC
Mr. Werner E. Tietjen
Tyre & DeThomas, Attorneys
Douglas & Susan DeStaebler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Dowd
Mr. Christopher Halpin
The Jarx Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. McCauley
Mr. Douglas Mello
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Miller
Mr. Anthony Restaino
Sean O'Connell Painting Corp.
Mr. Adam Smyth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sohigian
Mr. & Mrs. Neal K. Stearns
Mr. Brian Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Whaling
2012 Strong Kids Campaign
Founder ($5,000 and up)
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Izard
Pamela P. Kindler
Estate of Kate L. Loree
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. O'Neill
David and Anna Reno
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Samberg
Douglas and Ellen Stern
Mr. & Mrs. John Tartaglia
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Walsh
Mr. Richard Winter
Benefactors ($2,500 - $4,999)
Auriga USA LLC
John and Nancy Crotty
Douglas and Susan DeStaebler
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Dineen
Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Florence
Thomas and Karen Hamilton
Kevin and Amanda Kavanagh
Mr. Richard Lawrence &
Ms. Laura H. Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Lynch
Paulette and Eric Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pearlman
Rye Association for
the Handicapped, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Tice
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Tolley III
Leaders ($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hunter Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien D. Burnett III
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson J. Chai
Mr. Timothy J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. DeVita
The Henry L. & Grace Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Doran
John and Sheila Doyle
Walter and Amy Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. William Green
Mr. Thomas Guba
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg R. Howells
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howland
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Iles
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Jenkins
Peter and Robin Jovanovich
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Kantarian
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kelly
Donald & Marilyn Keough Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Kreeger
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Larsen
Susan and Christopher Leslie
Mrs. Ellen Mello, Esq.
Ms. Tamora T. Miller
Mr. Steve Mochel & Ms. Laura Shuler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mosher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy
Paul and Wendy Nagle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Niehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Leland B. Paton
Ed and Bridget Philipp
Mrs. Barbara G. Raho
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Raho
Rob and Lynne Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James Scully
Mr. & Mrs. Neal K. Stearns
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tiedge
The Usry Family
Venture Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Vietor
Jerry Vogel Foundation, Inc.
The Walsh Family Foundation
Sponsors ($500 - $999)
Mr. Leonard A. Aubrey &
Ms. Kathleen G. Savolt
Mark and Cynthia Barber
Mrs. Virginia Benzak
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bernardi
Neil and Sally Braid
Mr. & Mrs. Adam S. Cohen
Peter and Gretchen Crowley
Michael and Laurel D'Antoni
Mr. Robert D. Dewar
Mr. John Lipuma &
Ms. Carrie L. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. John Eckerson
Mr. Dennis M. Farrell &
Ms. Jeanne M. Dering
2012 Strong Kids (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred A. Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller
Mr. Daniel J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gervais
Mrs. Nancy J. Haneman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Herbster
Mr. & Mrs. Miles Hirson
Irvin Simon Photographers
Mr. & Mrs. Patrik Jakobson
Ms. Darlene Jeris
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Killip
Mr. & Ms. Andrew Labovitz
Bruce and Connie Macleod
Mrs. Katherine C. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ortiz
Fred and Maria Ragucci
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ruegger
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Scala, Sr.
Douglas and Diana Shanks
Christopher and Margaret Shipman
Mr. & Mrs. Turner C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Spacavento
Mr. & Mrs. William Springer
Mrs. Tanya Stack
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sternberg
Michael and Jeanne Temple
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Tollinchi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tremain
Mr. Scott Umbel
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wallach
Ms. Terri Poli &
Mr. James C. Weakley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Whelan III
Mr. & Mrs. Liam Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wolitzer
Sally P. Wright
Patrons ($250 - $499)
The Abt Family
The Hon. & Mrs. John L. Alfano
Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson
Joe and Dianna Barber
Jonathan and Laurie Bass
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Batal
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Beswick
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Birdsong
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bock
Mr. Paul Burack & Ms. Joan Meixner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Capaldi
Joseph and Betsy Carlucci
Judi and Sam Carroll
Paul and Margaret Chmiel
Charlie and Carol Clute
Mr. Gary W. Davis &
Ms. Wendy Esaw
Kristina and Robert Dorfman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Faure
Mr. Thomas P. Fendler
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Friesell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Furnary
Helen and William Gates
Mr. Stuart Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. David Greenhouse
Robbie and Jennifer Howard
Barbara and Oliver Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Sean S. Jancski
Mr. James R. Johnson &
Ms. Carolina Jaramillo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kanes
Mr. Jeffrey Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Kenny
Ms. Allyson Kim
Vickie Kourtelis
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kovacs
Ms. Michelle Kroin
Herbert and Linda Levine
The Levinson Family
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Liddy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Muccia
Gregg and Jean Nabhan
Mr. & Mrs. Conor O'Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O'Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Pascal C. Pinson
Paula Preis
Mr. Andrew C. Rosenburgh &
Ms. Lorraine M. Fontanes
Mr. & Mrs. Seth E. Rosenfield
Mr. Robert A. Sawyer &
Ms. Sally Beatty
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seery
Mr. Michael S. Sittenfeld &
Ms. Ellen R. Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sohigian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stigliano
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. William Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Girard Tunney
Tyre & DeThomas, Attorneys
Lisa and Ward Urban
Timothy and Alyson Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Whaling
Mr. & Mrs. John Woods
Century ( $100 - $249)
Dr. Linus Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Alban-Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Amstutz
Maureen Angelastro
Mr. & Mrs. Arie Attia
Dr. Allen F. Avrutin, DDS &
Dr. Jerry L. Statman, DDS
Dr. David A. Bateman &
Dr. Catherine A. Hansen
Frank and Joyce Bean
Mr. Mitchell L. Berg &
Ms. Leni S. Klaimitz
Mr. Edgar Bernal
Mr. Bruce Boehmcke
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Bolton
Eric and Elizabeth Bommer
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bouton, Jr.
Russell and Ellen Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Bartley J. Breinin
Mrs. Cary S. Burns
Mr. Miguel Caceres
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cadenhead
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Canning
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caponiti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chesley
Mr. Arthur F. Chin
Steve and Julie Cho
Mrs. Carroll Claps
James and Jennifer Coster
Peninnah and Michael Cozza
Bernard and Cynthia Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Davila
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Delane
Ms. Nicole DePiano
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel DiEdwards
Mr. Michael Eck &
Ms. Elizabeth D'Ottavio
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ehrenpreis
Stephanie Elliman
Mr. Paul Elliot
Lloyd and Kathleen Emanuel
Ken and Mary Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fabiani
The Fadel Family
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fariello
Mr. Gregory Fauci
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Fulenwider
Martin and Susan Garofalo
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Garrett
Sarah Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Reid Genauer
Jack and Pat Geoghegan
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Gerson
Ms. Inez Giles
Thomas and Michelle Girard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldstein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gonzalez-Molina
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Guarnieri
Tanya Guazzo
Ms. Cathy Haines
2012 Strong Kids (cont’d)
Sally Hoffman
Ms. Joy Jacobson &
Mr. Rick Velleu
Mr. Oliver Jakob
Bob and Ellen Kaplan
Mr. Harvey M. Kelsey, Jr.
Mr. Adam Larsen
Mr. William Leung &
Ms. Christine L. Woon Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Levine
Mrs. Lyell Lewis
Melissa and Daryl Lewis
M & H Librett, L.L.C
Ms. Shauna Long
Ms. Sydney Macy
Anthony and Laura Magrone
Ms. Mihaela Manoliu
Ms. Melissa Martini
Mr. & Mrs. William Mauritz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maxwell
Ms. Jennifer S. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. McCullough, Jr.
Mr. Edward McGann &
Ms. Kari Black
Mr. Russell McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Sasan Mehrara
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Miller
Eugenio Minvielle
Mr. Mechlin Moore
Ms. Angela H. Morris
Mr. Ira K. Schwartz &
Ms. Judith Myers
Parker and Patricia Neave
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Northshield
Ms. Martha Oceguera
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Otness
Mrs. Nancy L. Palmer
Ms. Mary Partington
Leslie Pascaud
Mr. John Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Personeni
Mr. Robert Poll
Ms. Susan Pollak
Ms. Yanique Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Pryor
Mr. & Mrs. Branko Radulovic
Mrs. Robert Reade
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Reddington
Mr. Christopher Repetto &
Ms. Kassandra Souply
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Richards
Mr. James Roberts &
Ms. Sandra Mayers
Andrew and Frances Rochat
Ms. Cindy Rodriguez
Ms. Gina Romanello
Ms. Roberta Rose
Mr. Daniel Ross & Ms. Tamara Mitchel
Mr. & Mrs. Irving S. Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Sabel
Mr. Andres Sanz
Christopher and Alicia Scala
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schiff
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary M. Schmidt
Ray and Karen Schmitt
Leslie Schwartz
Ms. Stephanie Scialpi
Mr. Louis Singer &
Ms. Adele Centanni
Rick and Melanie Smith
Mr. Gregg Smith &
Ms. Catherine Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Solimeo
Arthur and Nancy Stampleman
Mrs. Melinda Stein
Ms. Martha Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Swanson
Ms. Alishya S. Thomas
Mr. Jeffrey Rejan & Ms. Lisa Tidball
Mr. & Mrs. Peter To
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Toomey
Mr. Dennis Totten
Sean and Michelle Traynor
Dr. Eric S. Treiber & Dr. Ruth K. Treiber
Mrs. Angela Tufts
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ulicny
Bert and Tina Van Wagenen
Jeffrey and Kimberly Veber
Stephanie Victor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Viger
Diana Vita
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wales
Dorothy Walker
The John M. Weaver Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Welsh
Chris and Gail Willis
Ms. Denise Woodin
Christ Church Nursery School
Friends (up to $99)
Mr. Nasser Abdalla
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Adler
Mrs. Gina Albore
Ms. Sandra Albore
Mrs. Lisa Albore- Genova
Ms. Nicole Alessandri-Haber
Mr. Craig Alexander
Mr. Scott Alexander
Mr. Jack Altbush
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Ammendola
Mr. & Mrs. Ric Anderson
Ms. Linda Ansbro
Ms. Ariel Argueso
Mr. Daniel Askin
Mr. Angelo Avitabile
Mr. & Mrs. Rajiv Bahl
Ms. Silvia Baldini
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Ball
Ms. Luz Barajas
Mr. & Mrs. John Barbour
Ms. Beth Baribault
Mr. Jeffrey Beal and
Ms. Davida Scher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beber
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Beer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Begasse
Mrs. & Mr. Hank Birdsall
Mr. & Mrs. William Black
Mr. William E. Blake
Ms. Soraya Blanco
Mrs. Kathleen Bochicchio
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bocklet
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Borsella
Mr. Mitchell Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyd
The Bozek Family
Ms. Liz Bradley
Mr. Anthony Brenna
Mr. Austin Brettschneider
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Brettschneider
Ms. Julie Brown
Mrs. Barbara L. Brunner
Mr. Antonio Bruno
Ms. Daniele Brussich
Ms. Jill Buchholz
Ms. Gail A. Bucolo
Ms. Grace Bunnell
Ms. Helen Cannistraci
Mrs. Iliana Cannizzaro
The Cardona Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cavataro
Ms. Jenai Cayea
Ms. Alexandra B. Chan
Ms. Ilona Chessid
Mr. Mitchell Coffin
Mr. David Cohen &
Ms. Michelle Kaplan
Ms. Debra Cohen
Ms. Ophra Cohen
Mr. Keith Connelly &
Ms. Noreen Keegan
Ms. Marlene Contreras
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Corbett
Mr. Bruce Cortalano
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Crothall
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. William Dailey
Ms. Annemarie J. Davis &
Ms. Katherine T. Altman
Ms. Lorena De la Rosa
Ms. Caryn DeFilippo
Ms. Christy DeGallerie
Mr. Michael Dempsey
Ms. Mary Ann DeRosa
Ms. Rosemarie DiBuono
Mr. & Mrs. Helmar Dinger
Ms. Chiara C. DiQuinzio
The Dooley Family
Ms. Erika Doomes
2012 Strong Kids (cont’d)
Ms. Jill Doornick
The Drapeau Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Duchimaza
Mr. & Mrs. Coburn Ellingwood
Mr. & Mrs. James Elliot
Mr. & Mrs. David Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ellis
Ed and Judy Ensign
Rosemarie Falciglia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Famellette
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fasciglione
Mrs. Velia Ferraro
Anna Figueiredo
Mr. Anthony Fillat
Mr. L. William Fishman, Esq.
Erin Fleming
Teresa Florindi
Mr. & Mrs. Marco Forte
Ms. Joyce F. Garofalo
Peter Genovese
Mrs. Susan Genovese
Mr. & Mrs. Michael George
Ms. Maryann Gesualdo
Ms. Beth Gilinsky
Ms. Margaret C. Gillsater
Ben and Rachel Gober
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Goldman
The Golub Family
Ms. Leticia R. Gonzalez
Mr. Alan Gordon & Ms. Vicki Silverstein
Mr. Dale Grand
Ms. Evelyn Grand
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Gray
Ms. Valerie Griffin
Ms. Claire Griffiths
Ms. Patricia Griffo
Ms. Kim J. Gross
Dr. & Mrs. Edward V. Gundy
Mr. William Guyre
Ms. Dawn Halasz
The Hammes Family
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hartnett
Mr. & Mrs. John Hennessy
Ms. Junixsa Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Heyel
Dr. & Mrs. George Hogben
Mr. & Mrs. Markus Holtby
Ms. Jessica Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hurwitz
Michael and Stephanie Iachetta
Ms. Emily Imbesi
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Iverson
Patricia B. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Jacoby
Mr. Theodore J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kacha
Kenneth and Sherri Kalt
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Karl
Mr. Robert S. Klein
Mr. Andrew Kligerman &
Ms. June Rogoznica
Elizabeth Koenig
The Lane Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Langer
Ms. Marie Lanza
Laura and Peter Laura
Jeffrey and Julianne Laverty
Ms. Alison Lazarus
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leech
Heidi J. Leeds
Ms. Joanna Leone
Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Levine
Ms. Nancy Levitan
Mr. & Mrs. Carman T. Lico
Mr. James P. Liggio &
Ms. Maureen Fulton
Mr. Peter Lopez
Mr. Joel A. Louis-Ferdinand
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lubeck
Mr. Blake Ludeman
Bruce and Nancy Lumish
Mr. & Mrs. John MacAulay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Madden
Ms. Martha Madrigal
Mr. & Mrs. James Maione
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mardegain
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mariani
Michael and Kate Mastellone
Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Mattson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCaffery
Ms. Stephanie McCalla
Ms. Laura McCarthy
Ms. Janet McClure
Kenneth and Barbara McGloin
Ms. Carol McMillan
Ms. Christina McMullen
Ms. Susan McNamee
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mead
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mecca
Ms. Gretchen Meili
Vincent and Vera Merlino
Mr. Stephen Miller
Ms. Tanisha N. Miller
Mrs. Susan A. Morison
Anne Mottola
Ms. Rebecca Mulqueen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mulvoy
Mr. Justin Murphy
Ms. Tamara Muscarell
Mr. Aaron Na
Ms. Elena Nair
Mr. Charles Nathanson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Negvesky
Mrs. Kathleen Nichols
Ms. Rosa Nigro
Mr. Victor Nils
Ms. Janice Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Nurick
Ms. Kathleen O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher O'Callaghan
Ms. Carolina Ocana
Tim and Rita O'Connor
Mr. Daniel O'Day, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Okochu
Paul and Paula Olson
Mr. Eihab Omaish &
Ms. Sandra Zeigler
Optometric Eye Associates LLP
Mr. Michael Padro
Mr. & Mrs. Winston Paes
Mr. Nolan Panno
Mr. & Mrs. John Parisio
Mr. Joe Pastore
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Patouhas
Ms. Hanna Pedersen
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Pegg
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Petruzello
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Piccone
Lori Pitta
Ms. Jennifer Pollak
Alex and Karen Popp
The Predmore Family
Ms. Susana Prieto
Mr. Anthony P. Prizio
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Quinn
Mr. John Remark
Mr. Charles Rimmer
Mr. James Rimmer
Mr. Paul Robben
Ms. Leocadie Robertson
Andrea Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. John Rock
Ms. Isamar Rodriguez
Ms. Rosana Romano
Ms. Silvana Romano
Mr. Domenico S. Romero &
Ms. Madelaine S. Alston
Ms. Lydia Rosales
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin I. Rose
Mr. James Rosenstock
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Rupp
Mr. & Mrs. Devon Ruttenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sabia
Ms. Melena Saddler
Mr. Viwat Sakulrat
Mr. James J. Santora
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Saracino
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Savage
Mr. John Schepflin
Ms. Sally Sciavillo
Ms. Denise Scott
Ms. Donna Sherry
Ms. Stephanie Sherry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shotland
Ms. Amanda Shugar
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell L. Silver
Mrs. Janet Simon
Dr. Ruth H. Smalt
2012 Strong Kids (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. A. Jalil Souda
Ms. Susan Spiegler
Ms. Elana Spitz
Barbara Sroka
Bess Stanton
Ms. Kayla Staubi
Ms. Emily Staudt
Bob and Nancy Steed
Ms. Carol A. Stefanelli
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Stern
Ms. Sheryl Stroud
Sarah Tauber
Mr. Peter Tedesco
Ms. Annabel Terrell
The Tiedemann Family
Ms. Diane Tortosa
Ms. Jamie Tresselt
Mr. Jason Tufts
Ms. Barbara Tutera
Margarita Urbanczyk
Mr. Ervin Valenzuela
Ms. Kylie Van Buren
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf van den Brink
Bud and Charlotte Vaughn
Ms. Amber Velez
Mr. Ray Vollmer
Ms. Nicole Vulpi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wedge
Mr. Pierce Weston
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Whalen
Ms. Noriko White
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Winderman
Mr. Michael D. Woodrow
Ms. Diane Wright
Mr. Peter Wright III
Matching Gift Companies
In Memory of
Kate Loree & Lucy Pederson
Mr. & Mrs. Irving S. Rothman
Tralice Lewis
Peninnah & Michael Cozza
Christopher Mello
Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Brown
Ward Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. James Dineen
John Shefflin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Corbett
In Honor of
Lily Dorfman’s 4th birthday
The Elliot Family
The Forte Family
The Golub Family
Doug & Ellen Mello
Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Brown
Adrienne Orbach
Regina Colangelo
Bob Pearlman
Jessica Wedge
Rye Tri Club
Kristina & Robert Dorfman
The Tartaglia Family
Ben Koenig
Gil and Jeanne Totten
Dennis Totten
United Way Campaign
GE United Way Campaign
Pfizer United Way Campaign
United Way of New York City
United Way of Westchester &
Putnam, Inc.
NYS Senator Suzi Oppenheimer
TD Bank
United Way of Westchester &
Putnam, Inc.
YMCA of the USA
at the YMCA
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Alban-Davies
Andrea Alban-Davies
Joseph and Eileen Amodio
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Ball
Quentin Ball & Brett Fagan
Miriam Benavides
Neil and Sally Braid
Mr. & Mrs. Bartley J. Breinin
Teresa Cahill
Theresa Carey
James B. Carlson
Mrs. Carroll Claps
Regina Colangelo
Michael Conaton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cypher
Michael DeBartolo
Luciana DiGiacomo
David Doherty
Ray Doherty
Daniel P. Emerson
Patricia Fallon
Robert Fox
The Altman Foundation
Citizens Financial Group
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Grainger Matching Charitable
Gifts Program
McGraw Foundation
Mobil Foundation Inc.
Pepsico Foundation Inc.
Random House Matching Gifts Program
RBC Capital Markets
State Street Foundation
Joseph O’Brien Scholarship
Visiting Nurse Association of Rye
Woof Haneman Scholarship
Edwin T. Safir
Teen Programming
The Children’s Philanthropy
The Woman’s Club of Rye, Inc.
Westchester Triathalon, Inc.
LIVESTRONG at the YMCA (cont’d)
Doug Gardner
Fred Garner
Helen and William Gates
Jack and Pat Geoghegan
Brian Gilmartin
Sheilah Goodman
Mr. Alan Gordon &
Ms. Vicki Silverstein
Philip A. Gormley
Karina Gouzos
Sherryl Hennigan
Paul Hopkins
John Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Hyland
Frank Iacobellis
Mr. & Mrs. Patrik Jakobson
Sean Johnson
Natalie Kase
Nancy Kennedy
Elizabeth Koenig
Louise Kuklis
Michael Leslie
Mr. William Leung &
Ms. Christine L. Woon Chan
Carlos Lithgow
Sandra Lithgow
Edward Livingston
Kathryn Loosemore
Deborah Maresca
Lisa Miller
Chester M. Morton
Claire Nagy
Shoichi Nakamura
Lauren Nardone
Steve Newman
Aiden Olic
Olivia Orr
Nicolas Ovsiannikoff
Peter J. Page
Lori A. Pitta
Roni Pordy
Paula C. Preis
Marlene Rennert
Lisa Ricciardi
Dennis Roberts
John Rock
Cindy Rodriguez
Gina Romanello
Marie Romaniello
Lois Russo
Rye Tri Club, Inc.
Rye Town Park
Anthony Sabia
Jeffrey G. Sarnoff
Shelly Sawyer
Maryann Scavera
Carol Schwartz
Denise Sepe
William Shepard
Kathleen Shields
Jeffrey Spencer
Lisa Stewart
Matt Thomas
Laura Tiedge
Jonathan Toomey
Laura Torrisi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tremain
Angela Tufts
Barbara Tutera
Diana L. Vita
Daniel Walden
Leona Weinfeld
Laura Woods-DiLorenzo
Voices from the
Community: The Rye Y
Story Project
Last fall, in the wake of
Hurricane Sandy, Rye Y
members, staff and volunteers
shared their personal stories,
from the back stories that
brought them to the Y to the
successes and challenges
encountered on the road to
healthy living. It was all part
of the Y’s first “Voices from
the Community: The Rye Y
Story Project.”
Over the course of two days,
members sat down with staff
interviewers in a “story booth”
built out of a large gym mat.
Another seven staff members
were interviewed in the days
leading up to the Story Project.
Children from the Y’s After
School Adventures program
also participated, writing on a
pre-printed form interesting facts
about themselves and what they
like about the Y.
Modeled loosely on StoryCorps, a
national non-profit oral history
project, “The Rye Y Story
Project” was launched to
further the sense of community
that already exists at the Y.
If you would like to share
your Y story, please contact
Denise Woodin or Lisa Tidball
at 967-6363 anytime.
Auxiliary Committee
Heritage Club
Heather Baden
Amy Coleman
Kristina Dorfman
Vicki Edmonds
Stephanie P. Gardner
Becky Genauer
Rosie Hochberg
Kelly Jancski
Laura Kelleher
Meghann Kelly
Uma Khemlani
Susan Leslie
Kate McIntosh
Kimberly Mehrara
Patricia Mosher
Diane Pallone
Kate Taubner
Anne Teillon
Hunter and Alicia Baldwin
Donald and Joan Bomann
Harry P. Broom
Lucien and Janet Burnett
Timothy J. Clark
Peninnah E. Cozza
Thomas P. Fendler
David and Michelle Florence
Nancy J. Haneman
Steve and Colleen Hines
Gregg and Lisa Howells
Jim and Dinah Howland
Ann and Arlen Kantarian
Rich Lawrence and Laura Leach
Jim and Paula Liang
Kate L. Loree
Bruce and Connie Macleod
Financial Assistance Awarded
2008 -2012
Douglas J. Mello
Ellen M. Mello, Esq.
Mark and Mary Miller
Mike and Sheila Moran
Tom and Christy Murphy
Bob and Kate Niehaus
Lucy Pedersen
Barbara Raho
Joseph T. Raho
Bill and Pam Springer
Michael and Jeanne Temple
Werner Tietjen
Mike and Nancy Tokarz
Michael and Kathie Walsh
Sally P. Wright
If your name has been accidentally omitted or misspelled,
please accept our apologies and contact Sally Wright at
(914) 967-6363, ext. 202.
Financial Assistance
Program Allocation
Summer Camp
Child Care
2012 Award Recipients
Gold Spirit Award
– Tim Clark
Community Service Award
– Augustina Santucci
Spirit, Mind & Body Award
– Laura Tiedge
Woof Haneman
Scholarship Award
– Kevin Heyel
Gold Spirit Award – for volunteer service to the Rye YMCA; Community Service Award – for making a positive difference in our community;
Spirit, Mind and Body Award – awarded to a Rye YMCA staff member who embodies the spirit of the Y through their cause-driven work;
Woof Haneman Award – awarded to a teen for service to the Y and the community.
Statement of Activities & Changes in Net Assets
December 31
Membership Dues
Interest & Dividends
Management & General
Operating Gain
Other Additions
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Investments, at Fair Value
$11, 350,045
Contributions & Special Events
Program Services
Statement of Financial Position
Accounts & Contributions Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Property & Equipment, at Cost, Net
Deferred Mortgage Costs
Accounts Payable
Mortgage Note Payable
Gregg Howells, Executive Director
Eileen Barber, Chief Operating Officer
2012 Financial Statement
David Stern, Chief Financial Officer
Rosemarie Dibuono, Bookkeeper
Valerie Griffin, Accounting Associate
Aquatics & Fitness
Laura Tiedge, Senior Director of Healthy Living
Vickie Kourtelis, Aquatics Director
Diana Vita, Group Wellness Director
Ann Ivan, Fitness Center Director
Tanya Stack, Regional Coordinator,
YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program
Viwat Sakulrat, Aquatics Coordinator
Julianne Laverty, Aquatics Coordinator,
Health & Safety
Community Impact
Denise Woodin, Director of Community
Impact & Social Responsibility
Lisa Urban, Community Outreach Coordinator
Development and Special Events
Sally Wright, Development Director
Penny Cozza, Fund Development Associate
Lyell Lewis, Development Assistant
Margaret Mead, Special Events Assistant
Robert Maxwell, Facilities Director
Human Resources
Andrea Robinson, Dir. of Human Resources
Lisa Tidball, Director of Communications
Barbara Hughes, Director of
Membership Services
Vera Merlino, Membership Secretary
Youth Development
Scott Umbel, Senior Program Director
Hillary Southard, Camp, Teen and
Family Director
Melissa Lewis, Athletics Director
Kathy O’Brien, Gymnastics Director
Kevin Zuchorski, Sports Coordinator
Cindy Rodriguez, Teen Coordinator
Yanique Powell, School Age Childcare Director
Elissa Cavataro, Child Watch Coordinator
* Rye YMCA staff as of April 2013
The Rye YMCA
21 Locust Avenue
Rye, New York 10580
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Rye YMCA Annual Report 2012