2nd Year Student Presentation 2015-2016
2nd Year Student Presentation 2015-2016
Trips.ibethel.org Use your MyBSSM email and password to log in. How to Register for Azusa Now Select apply for “2nd Year 2016” How to Register for Azusa Now Find your Revival Group and click “Apply” How to Register for Azusa Now Update your personal and medical informaFon How to Register for Azusa Now All quesFons must be answered in order to be submiIed. How to Register for Azusa Now • Answer all the ques:on and push submit How to Register for Azusa Now If you submiIed your applicaFon correctly this is your final view. RGP Confirms When your RGP has accepted you, this will be your view when you log onto the Trip.ibethel.org How to Register for Azusa Now • Registra:on will start on Wednesday, October 14th at 5:00 am and end on Wednesday, October, 21st at 11:59 pm. • Azusa Now will be from April 5th – 12th, 2016 How to Donate Enter First or Last Name How to Donate How to Donate If you search for yourself and then copy the link to the donaFon page above, you can post this link to Facebook to help with fundraising. This gives your supporters one-‐ click access to your personal trip donaFon page. How to Donate • By CASH/CHECK: If online payment is not an op:on, check dona:ons can be made payable to “Bethel Church” and mailed or drop off to the following address: Bethel Church ATTN: Short-‐term Missions 20 Lake Blvd. Redding, CA 96003 Please include on the memo or a note the trip name followed by your name Ex: Azusa Now-‐ Tim Hino Example of a Check How to Donate • You can also drop off your payments at these three other loca:ons: – CASH PAYMENTS are only ALLOWED at: • Civic Center. Give cash to front desk staff member to get an official receipt. Please do not put any CASH into any drop box UNTIL you received a receipt. • At the office of Alex Ro or Krystal Gowan. They will give you an official receipt and put your payment into their safe. Civic Center Drop Box Civic Center drop box: 700 Auditorium Dr., Redding, CA 96001 in the BSSM Administra:ve Offices. No CASH in drop box! Lake Blvd Drop Box Lake Blvd drop box: 20 Lake Blvd,. Redding, CA 96003 in the missions drop box located next to the front Administra:ve Office window in the lobby. No CASH in drop box! Bethel Campus Drop Box Bethel Campus drop box: 933 College View Dr., Redding, CA 96003 in the hallway across from the East/West Fellowship Room. No CASH in drop box! Guidelines on dona:ons • All dona:ons made to Bethel Church for mission trips are tax deduc:ble contribu:on of employees/ ci:zens of the United States of America. – Bethel Church has a Tax ID only in the USA. – For dona:ons made in 2015, tax contribu:on legers will be sent out to the donors at the end of January 2016. Guidelines on refunds • Dona:ons made by 3rd party donors are NOT refundable (i.e. friends and family). In same cases, dona:ons made by the traveler themselves to their own trip can be refunded. In order for the dona:on to be refundable, it must meet all of these qualifica:ons: 1. The dona:on was made by the traveler to their own trip. 2. The funds have not already been used to purchase anything for the trip (like team expenses, hotel deposits, etc.) 3. You request the refund in the same year as you made the dona:on. (e.g. if you made a dona:on in November, 2015….then you can only request a refund of that dona:on up to December 31st, 2015.) 4. You can only request a refund of trip funds up un:l March 7, 2016. Aler this, every trip will close, and all dona:ons will be used towards the trip. • All refund inquiries should be directed to [email protected]. Guidelines on transferring money • If you received above and beyond your trip balance and all dona:ons were from 3rd party donors (i.e. friends and family), extra money will be transferred to your team (Revival Group) to help others pay off their trip balance. • Due to IRS guidelines, No money will be refunded or excess funds be given to a traveler unless it meets all of the qualifica:ons in our refund policy. Guidelines on transferring money • 2nd Year travel fund can be used to help pay for your missions trip. Travel funds can only be transferred to a student’s mission’s account if it will completely pay off the balance due for the trip. Students may not use their travel fund to make a deadline if it leaves a balance owed. – For instance, if a student needs $300 more to pay off their trip in total and they have $350 in their travel account, they may transfer $300 to cover their trip. If they need $300 to pay off their trip and they only have $250 in their travel fund, they cannot transfer their travel money un:l they have a balance due of $250 or less. Guidelines on transferring money • Can I transfer money from my BSSM Tui:on account to my mission trip? – Yes. If you have a credit balance in your tui:on account, then you can email one of the following email addresses to request the balance to be transferred to your mission trip: • 2nd Year -‐ [email protected] • You are unable to transfer money from our mission trip to your BSSM tui:on. Since the money that is given to the Missions Department is considered to be a dona:on with a tax credit associated with it, the funds cannot be transferred to tui:on for any reason. FAQ • Can I apply or transfer to another Revival Group? – No. You will be rejected if you do try to apply for a different Revival Group. • Do I need to apply on the The Calls’ website as a volunteer? – No • What happens if I cannot make my mission payment by the deadline? – Please discuss your situa:on with your Revival Group Pastor • What happens if I need to drop off my mission trip? – In the case, where you cannot go on the mission trip due to extenua:ng circumstances, you will first need to contact your Revival Group Leader to explain your situa:on, and receive approval to drop. • Can I extend my mission trip and stay longer? – No. In order to maintain safety, BSSM guidelines, and IRS guidelines, the Bethel Missions Department has a policy that if the team goes together then they must also come back together.
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