iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide


iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and
the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the
use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code
that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss
of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.
Printed: October 2007
Managing Editor
Nicky Casey
Special thanks to:
To all those who contributed to and proof-read this
document, and of course to our Seekom subscribers and
Technical Editors
Simon Casey
Nicky Casey
Cover Designer
Nicky Casey
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Template Styles
3 Setup
3-1 Register ...................................................................................................................................
Domain Name
3-2 Choose Template
4 Maintenance
4-1 Login to ...................................................................................................................................
4-2 Property ...................................................................................................................................
4-3 Room Details
................................................................................................................................... 15
4-4 Room Display
4-5 Setup Property
and Room images
4-6 Delete Property
and Room Images
4-7 Add Attraction
4-8 Amend an
Attraction Item
4-9 Delete Attraction
4-10 Setup Attraction
4-11 Delete Attraction
4-12 Add Guest
Book Item
4-13 Delete Guest
Book Item
5 Tips & Tricks
6 Website Statistics
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Introduction -
Seekom's iBex Plus product is a complete booking, distribution and website package for
tourism operators (including accommodation, rental vehicles, tours / activities, agents and
iBex Plus is an addition to either iBex Web or iBex Office and includes:
website statistics
At present iBex Plus is only available to accommodation suppliers however future
enhancements will include rental vehicle and tour/activity operators. Website content is
managed by the you (as entered into iBex) thereby saving on ongoing web development costs
and includes:
Property & room descriptions
Property & room images
Contact details
Location map
Local activities and attractions
Guestbook comments
Integrated real time availability & booking system
Search engine META tags
Choice of web template designs
You can choose from any of our growing range of template styles. As is, all are free to use
(requires you to be a registered iBex Plus user) and can be switched at any time to another
style. If you require modification of a template just contact us for a quote.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Template Styles
Following are the template styles are currently available - with more being developed.
Working demos and an up-to-date listing of current template styles available can be accessed
at www.ibexplus.com
More information on each of the templates is contained on the pages following.
Name: Abstract Landscape
Background Image: 1065 w x 898 h
Launch Pad: Availability Calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Bloom
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/bloom
Header Image: 640 w x 200 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Availability/Bookings
- Enquiries
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Castaway
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/castaway
Header Image: 840 w x 152 h
Launch Pad: Availability calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Enquiries
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Chocoholic
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/chocoholic
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Clowning Around
Header Image: 926 w x 176 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Coffee Lover
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/coffee_lover
Header Image: 273 w x 246 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Enquiries
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact Us
Name: Frangipani
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/frangipani
Header Image: 428 w x 200 h
Launch Pad: Availability calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Funky Coffee
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/funky_coffee
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- About
- Rooms
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Global Apple
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/global_apple
Header Image: 830 w x 228 h
Footer Image: 830 w x 253 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Enquiries
- Contact
Name: Grapes
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/grapes
Header Image: 620 w x 200 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Green Fingers
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/green_fingers
Header Image: 293 w x 220 h
Launch Pad: Availability Calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Holiday Romance
Header Image: 920 w x 150 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home (icon link)
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Enquiries
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact (icon link)
Name: Inventive
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/inventive
Header Image: 908 w x 132 h
Launch Pad: Availability Calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Kiwiana
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/kiwiana
Header Image: 870 w x 200 h
Launch Pad: Availability Calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Enquiries
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Lime Light
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/lime_light
Header Image: 152 w x 173 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Enquiries
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Lonely Lavender
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/lonely_lavender
Header Image: 140 w x 600 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Pamper Zone
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/pamper_zone
Header Image: 958 w x 213 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Sea Breeze
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/sea_breeze
Header Image: 830 w x 172 h
Background Image: 530 w x 726 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
Name: Simplicity 1
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/simplicity1
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Guest Book
- Location
Name: Simplicity 2
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/simplicity2
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: Availability Calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Location
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Simplicity 3
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/simplicity3
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Location
Name: Simplicity 4
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/simplicity4
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Location
Name: Simplicity 5
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/simplicity5
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Location
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Splat Attack
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/splat_attack
Header Image: n/a
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Bookings
- Attractions
- Brochure
- Contact
Name: toned
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/stoned
Header Image: 820 w x 95 h
Launch Pad: Date selector (vertical)
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Bookings
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact Us
Name: Summer Lupins
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/summer_lupins
Header Image: 591 w x 128 h
Launch Pad: Availability calendar
Site Pages:
- Home
- Accommodation
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Template Styles -
Name: Tumble Weed
Demo: www.ibexplus.com/templates/tumble_weed
Header Image: 320 w x 850 h
Launch Pad: None
Site Pages:
- Home
- Rooms
- Reservations
- Brochure
- Attractions
- Contact
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Setup - Register Domain Name
Register Domain Name
Seekom will assist with registration of your preferred domain name (eg. www.mydomain.co.nz
, www.mydomain.com, etc) if required. We recommend you chose a domain registrar that
includes email accounts with domain registration plus unlimited email aliases/email
Please contact your Seekom Support Manager to arrange.
Choose Template Style
Chose your preferred template style (view options at www.ibexplus.com/templates.htm) and
advise your account manager.
Websites are hosted on servers in Australia or USA - please advise your preference.
If you wish to change colours, images, fonts please contact your Seekom account manger for a
quote. Resources for choosing colours, images, etc are available at www.ibexplus.com/
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Login to iBex
Login to iBex
Follow the steps below to login to iBex (excludes Template style 5).
Step Action
Access your website.
Navigate to your 'Bookings' Page.
Click on the iBex Login link (bottom of page and immediately under ODA icon)
Enter your Username and Password.
Click the Go button.
Alternatively you can login in through www.seekom.com Refer to Seekom's iBex
Accommodation User Guide for more information.
Property Details
Follow the instructions below to access and update property details for population to your
website as required.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Property from the upper Menu bar.
If applicable select required property from Property Name drop down list.
You can also access the Property Details screen by selecting the Property
at the main calendar screen and then clicking its hyperlinked name.
Update below fields as required:
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Property Details
Step Action
Property Name – Enter or change the name of this property.
Country – select as appropriate.
Region – select Region from drop down selection list box. Note that the options in
this box are dependent on the country selected above. If your region is not displayed,
enter in text box immediately below field but please ensure that it is a real region
and correctly spelt.
Sub Region – select Sub-region or location from drop down selection list box. Note
that the options in this box are dependent on the Region selected above’. If your
location is not displayed, enter in text box immediately below field but please ensure
that it is a real location and correctly spelt.
Physical Address – self explanatory
Toll Free Nbr – self explanatory
Telephone Nbr – self explanatory
Fax – self explanatory
Reservations Email – self explanatory
Property Description – data entered here will appear on the home page of your
Specials / Promotions – data entered here will appear on the bookings page of
your website.
Lead in Special – data entered here will appear on the home page of your website.
Property Facilities - check each facility that applies (these will generate property
facility icons on the home page of your website).
Directions to Property – enter as required. Information will be displayed on the
location page of your website.
Payment Policy – enter as required. This information will appear on the bookings
page of your website.
Cancellation Policy – enter as required. This information will appear on the
bookings page of your website.
Child Policy – enter as required. This information will appear on the bookings page
of your website.
META Tag – Title – enter desired title for web search engines.
META Tag – Keywords - enter desired keywords for web search engines.
META Tag – Description - enter desired description for web search engines.
Click the Save button.
Room Details
Follow the steps below to amend room information for display on your website.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Room Details
Step Action
Select Admin | Room Type from the upper menu bar or click the Rooms button at
the bottom of the Property screen.
Either select a room type from the Selected Room field to edit the details of an
existing room type.
To add a new room refer to Seekom's iBex Accommodation User Guide
for instructions.
Amend fields as follows:
Room Type Name – Amend as required.
Room Description - Amend as required.
Bedding Configuration – amend as required (e.g. 1 x King bed OR 2 x single beds,
plus rollaway bed if required)
Room Facilities - check each facility that applies (these will generate room facility
icons on the accommodation page of your website).
Maximum Occupancy – enter maximum number of persons able to be
accommodated in room (excluding infants)
Click the Save button.
Room Display Order
Follow the steps below to amend the order that room types are displayed on the
accommodation page of your website.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Room Type from the upper Menu bar.
Click the Order button (at bottom of screen).
This will display a Room Display Order popup screen.
Enter the display order as required in the Display Order fields.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Room Display Order
Step Action
Click the Save button
Setup Property and Room images
Follow the instructions below to setup property and room images.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Property from the upper Menu bar.
Click the Photos button (at bottom of screen).
Property & Room Photos pop up screen will appear (refer sample image below).
Check appropriate image radio button (e.g. Property Photo – Primary).
Provide image title (refer sample image above, option 2) – optional.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Setup Property and Room images
Step Action
Click the Browse button (refer sample image above, option 3) to select image file for
Click the Upload button.
Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each photo / image to be uploaded.
Where images have been successfully uploaded a tick will be adjacent to photo type
(refer sample image below). You can view you uploaded images by clicking
appropriate View button.
Close Property & Room Photos pop up screen by clicking ‘x’ in top right hand corner of
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Setup Property and Room images
A good website for street map images is www.multimap.com and an alternative
option maps is to use Google Maps, instructions for this are available in Tips &
Tricks 26
Delete Property and Room Images
Follow the instructions below to delete your property and/or room images.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Property from the upper Menu bar.
Click the Photos button (at bottom of screen).
Property & Room Photos pop up screen will appear (refer sample image below).
Check required photo radio button and click the Delete button.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Delete Property and Room Images
Step Action
Deleted photo will now have a red cross adjacent indicating successful deletion of
image file (refer sample image above).
Close Property & Room pop up screen by clicking ‘x’ in top right hand corner of
Add Attraction Item
Follow the steps below to add an Attraction item for display on the attractions page of your
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click the New button.
Enter Title for your attraction item (eg. Events Diary, Wine Tours, etc)
From Category drop down selection list, select Activities category.
From Applies To drop down selection list, select either specific property or 'All
Properties' as required.
Enter Description as required.
Click the Save button.
For instructions on adding an image for an attraction item refer to Setup
Attraction Images. 22
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Amend an Attraction Item
Amend an Attraction Item
Follow the steps below to add an Attraction item for display on the attractions page of your
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click Select hyperlink next to Activities Category item you wish to edit. Refer sample
screen image below.
Amend Title for your attraction item (eg. Events Diary, Wine Tours, etc) if required.
Ensure Category drop down selection has Activities category selected.
From Applies To drop down selection list, select either specific property or 'All
Properties' as required.
Amend Description as required.
Click the Save button.
For instructions on adding an image for an attraction item refer to Setup
Attraction Images. 22
Delete Attraction Item
Follow the steps below to delete an Attraction item to remove it from being displayed on the
attractions page of your website.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Delete Attraction Item
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click Select hyperlink next to Activities Category item you wish to delete. Refer
sample screen image below.
Click the Delete button.
Click OK to permanently delete the attraction item.
Setup Attraction Images
The attraction images loaded will appear on the attractions page of your website.
All major graphic file formats may be uploaded. The image file will be resized (at
same proportions) to fit within dimensions 150 pixels wide x 109 pixels deep (if
of a larger size).
Follow the instructions below to setup attraction images.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click the Photos button.
Misc Item Images pop up screen will appear (refer sample image below).
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Setup Attraction Images
Step Action
Check appropriate item photo radio button requiring an image(e.g. in sample above
'Pottery Trail' is to have an image loaded).
Provide image title (refer sample image above, option 2) – optional.
Click the Browse button (refer sample image above, option 3) to select image file for
Click the Upload button.
Where images have been successfully uploaded a tick will be adjacent to
photo type (refer sample image at step 4 above). You can view you
uploaded images by clicking appropriate View button.
Repeat steps 4 to 7 for each photo / image to be uploaded.
Close Misc Item Images pop up screen by clicking ‘x’ in top right hand corner of
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Delete Attraction Images
Delete Attraction Images
Follow the instructions below to delete your property and/or room images.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click the Photos button.
Misc Item Images pop up screen will appear (refer sample image below).
Check required item photo radio button and click the Delete button.
Deleted photo will now have a red cross adjacent indicating successful deletion of
image file (refer sample image above).
Close Misc Item Images pop up screen by clicking ‘x’ in top right hand corner of
Add Guest Book Item
Follow the steps below to add an Guest Book item for display on the Guest Book page of your
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Maintenance - Add Guest Book Item
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click the New button.
Complete Title field for your guest book item with guest identifier (eg. name,
location, date as desired)
From Category drop down selection list, select Guestbook category.
From Applies To drop down selection list, select either specific property or 'All
Properties' as required.
Complete Description field with guest comments.
Click the Save button.
Delete Guest Book Item
Follow the steps below to delete an Guest Book item to remove it from being displayed on the
Guest Book page of your website.
It assumed you are logged in to iBex.
Step Action
Select Admin | Misc Items from the upper menu bar.
Click Select hyperlink next to Guestbook Category item you wish to delete. Refer
sample screen image below.
Click the Delete button.
Click OK to permanently delete the Guest Book item.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Tips & Tricks -
Tips & Tricks
Below are a few tips and tricks not covered in the maintenance section.
Bold Text
The make a word or phrase bold you need to surround it with HTML <b></b> tags. For
example, within your property description you might like to have any instances of your
property name appear bold.
The <b>quick brown</b> fox jumped . . .
In the example above 'quick brown' will appear bold.
Italic Text
To italicize a word or phrase you need to surround it with HTML <i></i> tags.
The <i>quick brown</i> fox jumped . . .
In the example above 'quick brown' will appear in italics.
Multi formatting of text styles
You can combine text styles.
The <b><i>quick brown</b></i> fox jumped . . .
In the example above 'quick brown' will appear bold and italicized.
Web Links
By default if you provide a website link for an attraction item it will not be a clickable link. If
you would like to do this, follow the example below:
<a target="_blank" href="www.nowhere.com">www.nowhere.com</a>
Replace instances of www.nowhere.com with required website address. The component
target="_blank" is important to ensure that your website remains open and a new page is
An alternative option to a static map image is to link an interactive Google Map. An example
of this map is available at http://www.ibexplus.com/templates/holiday_romance/contact.php
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Tips & Tricks -
Follow the steps below to include a Google Map on your website.
Step Action
Access the website maps.google.com
Enter your property address and lick the button 'Search Maps'
On presentation of the map screen, click the hyperlink titled 'Link to this Page'
Click in the field titled 'Paste HTML to embed in website'
Click 'CTRL A' buttons simultaneously, followed by 'CTRL C' buttons simultaneously.
Open a document program (e. Microsoft Word, Notepad, etc).
Click 'CTRL V' buttons simultaneously. Data much like below will have been pasted
into your document.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0"
marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp; hl=en&amp; geocode=&amp;
time=&amp; date=&amp; ttype=&amp; q=105+Hornsey+Rd,+melrose,+wellington&amp;
sll=37.09024,-95.712891&amp; sspn=50.644639,81.738281&amp; ie=UTF8&amp; z=14&amp;
iwloc=addr&amp; om=1&amp; ll=-41.323008,174.791107&amp; output=embed&amp;
s=AARTsJpCwp11iB_I5uRhtw7r0yihI-qKVw"></iframe><br /><small><a
href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp; hl=en&amp; geocode=&amp; time=&amp; date=&amp;
ttype=&amp; q=105+Hornsey+Rd,+melrose,+wellington&amp; sll=37.09024,-95.712891&amp;
sspn=50.644639,81.738281&amp; ie=UTF8&amp; z=14&amp; iwloc=addr&amp; om=1&amp;
ll=-41.323008,174.791107&amp;source=embed" style="color: #0000FF; text-align:left">View
Larger Map</a></small>
Delete all text except <iframe ... ></iframe> so you are left with something much
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0"
marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp; hl=en&amp; geocode=&amp;
time=&amp; date=&amp; ttype=&amp; q=105+Hornsey+Rd,+melrose,+wellington&amp;
sll=37.09024,-95.712891&amp; sspn=50.644639,81.738281&amp; ie=UTF8&amp; z=14&amp;
iwloc=addr&amp; om=1&amp; ll=-41.323008,174.791107&amp; output=embed&amp;
If you do not remove this extra text clicking on the map will take
prospective guests away from your website!
Edit width to 550 and height to 455.
Copy and paste this data into 'Directions to Property' field on property details screen
14 .
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
Website Statistics -
Website Statistics
Seekom uses AWSTATS for provision of your website statistics. Type of information provided
Unique Visitors by day
Number of visitors by day
Hits per day
Bandwidth used per day
Monthly summary
Traffic density by days of the week
Traffic density by time of day
Visitors by country/web domain (eg. com, .co.nz, etc)
Visitors by IP address (ie. cable modem or dial up modem unique address)
Visits by duration
Files viewed by type (eg. images, web pages)
Pages viewed and entry/exit count
Operating system of visitors (eg. Windows, Macintosh, etc)
Web browser used by visitors (eg. MS Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.)
Connections from Search Engines
Connections generated by other websites (links to you)
Search engine key word phrases used to find you
You can get a good idea of what this all looks like at this demonstration web link:
Your Seekom account manager will provide you with a web link and sign on details to access
your website statistics.
Seekom contracts resources to perform analysis of website statistics and search engine
optimisation. If you are interested in such services please contact your Seekom Support
Manager for more information and pricing.
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
Version 3.0
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
domain name, register
-E-Aadd Attraction Item 20
add Guest Book Item 24
address, physical property 14
amend Attraction Item 21
analysis, website statistics 28
Attraction description 20
Attraction description, amend 21
Attraction images, delete 24
Attraction images, setup 22
Attraction item, add 20
Attraction item, amend 21
Attraction item, delete 21
Attraction title 20
Attraction title, amend 21
-Bbedding configuration, room
bold text 26
-Ffacilities, property
fax, property 14
-GGoogle maps 26
Guest Book description 24
Guest Book item, add 24
Guest Book item, delete 25
Guest Book title 24
-HHosted website
hosting, website
2, 13
-Ccancellation policy, property
child policy, property 14
colour palette 2, 13
country, property 14
email 13
email forwarding 13
email, property reservations
-Ddelete Attraction Images 24
delete Attraction Item 21
delete Guest Book Item 25
delete location map image 19
delete Misc Item images 24
delete property images 19
delete room images 19
description META tag 14
description, property 14
description, room 15
directions to property 14
domain name 2
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
iBex, login 14
images, location map 17
images, property 17
images, rooms 17
italic text 26
-Kkeywords META tag
-Llead in special, property 14
link, website 26
location map image, delete 19
location map image, setup 17
location map setup 26
login to iBex 14
login to Seekom 14
iBex Plus Accommodation User Guide
-Mmap image, delete 19
map image, setup 17
map, setup 26
maximum occupancy, room 15
META tag, description 14
META tag, keywords 14
META tag, title 14
Misc Item images, delete 24
Misc Item images, setup 22
Misc Items, add 20, 24
Misc Items, amend 21
Misc Items, delete 21, 25
-Nname, property 14
name, room type 15
-Ooccupancy, room maximum
optiomsation, search engine
order, room type 16
-Ppalette, colour 2, 13
payment policy, property 14
phone number, property 14
phone toll free, property 14
physical address, property 14
property cancellation policy 14
property child policy 14
property country 14
property description 14
property facilities 14
property fax 14
property images, delete 19
property images, setup 17
property name 14
property payment policy 14
property phone number 14
property physical address 14
property region 14
property reservations email 14
property screen 14
property sub region 14
property telephone number 14
property toll free number 14
property, directions to 14
-Rregion, property 14
register domain name 13
remove location map image 19
remove property images 19
remove room images 19
reservations email, property 14
room bedding configuration 15
room description 15
room images, delete 19
room images, setup 17
room maximum occupancy 15
room name 15
room type order 16
-Ssearch engine optimisation 28
Seekom, login 14
SEO 28
setup Attraction Images 22
setup location map image 17
setup Misc Item images 22
setup property images 17
setup room images 17
short name, room 15
specials / promotions, property 14
statistics, website 2, 28
styles, template 3, 13
sub region, property 14
-Ttelephone number, property
template style 2
template styles 3, 13
text, bold 26
text, italic 26
tips & tricks 26
Version 2.2
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.
title META tag 14
toll free number, property
tricks & tips 26
-Wwebsite hosting 2, 13
website link 26
website statistics 2, 28
website statistics analysis
© 2002 to 2007 Seekom, all rights reserved.