ignacio val - Persistent Management
ignacio val - Persistent Management
IGNACIO VAL official website: ignacioval.com artist management: PM | Eric Knight | Los Angeles office: 424.245.0412 mobile: 305.934.3349 e-mail: [email protected] Persistent Management: persistentmanagement.com IGNACIO VAL | BIOGRAPHY Ever since he can remember, Ignacio Val knew that his favorite place was the stage and for that reason the young artist moved from Bolivia to Los Angeles six years ago. Being in the City of Angels the mecca of the entertainment world, Ignacio arrived with the firm idea of starting his musical career. “This career requires discipline, honesty, a lot of work and faith, and I had to come here to learn this,” says the 26 year old. His unique sound of pop/rock/latino has helped Ignacio to open doors and has taken him to perform at important venues where he has shared the stage with international artists Luis Fonsi, David Bisbal, Alejandro Fernandez & Alejandra Guzman. Performing in such legendary venues in Los Angeles such as The LA Sport Arena, The Home Depot Center, The Whisky a Go-Go, The House of Blues, The Knitting Factory, The Rumba Room y B.B. King’s, among many others. He has also been a part of special events like the LA Latin American Film Festival and Fiesta Broadway. “Being on stage is what I love the most, it is the most entertaining part of my job and every time I get up there, I do it as though it will be the last,” he adds. In addition to this whole experience of being on many different stages and events, Ignacio was a part of the Latin American tour of the renowned singer songwriter Franco de Vita during his stops in Bolivia and Paraguay in 2005. During which, he had the opportunity to share the stage with the Venezuelan artist to perform along with him the hit “Si la Ves”. Sharing some time with such a big musical star as Franco de Vita, also allowed Ignacio to develop his talent as a songwriter. A side of his career that he had not explored since he was 18 years old when he wrote the song “No quiero decir adios” (I don’t want to say goodbye) for his high school graduation. “I used to think I was meant to be just a singer, but when I met Franco and his manager, I understood the importance of writing my own songs. Talking to them made me realize the significance of being a songwriter”, says Ignacio who has written more than 50 songs in the past three years. Among his musical influences are Robi “Draco” Rosa, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and Joaquin Sabina, but he considers his most important influence to be Elvis Presley and he always remembers when he was only three years old and used to perform the King’s songs to his family. He began taking singing, dance and guitar lessons in his native La Paz, Bolivia since he was 13 years on. Upon his arrival to Los Angeles, he continued studying in the prestigious academy the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. To be just another Latino in Los Angeles helped him grow as a human being and as a musician and influenced his music when he began fusing Latin sounds with American rock music. “When you hear my songs you can tell what I’m going through, I write my own personal experiences. Sometimes they are sad, sometimes happy and I sometimes write songs to God because I am a very spiritual person. Having God in my life has given it a true purpose”. Aside from his music, Ignacio has also begun a career as a model and actor. He has participated in many commercials from important brands such as Carl’s Jr., DirecTV, Pizza Hut and Super Lotto. Ignacio just finished work on his first movie, “Suenhos Rotos” (Broken Dreams), an independent film which he has the lead role in, and has also taken part of a variety of photo sessions and music videos. “I ask God for a long and solid career with a purpose”, reflects the young songwriter. He would like that his music knew no boundaries, to perform in English as well as in Spanish, and at one point have the opportunity to help the children of his country. Today, Ignacio’s dreams feel closer than ever and he never forgets that when it comes to dreaming, the sky is the limit. IGNACIO VAL | BIOGRAFIA Desde que tuvo uso de razón Ignacio Val supo que su lugar estaba en los escenarios. Hace seis años el joven boliviano llegó a Los Ángeles, la meca de la industria del entretenimiento, con el firme propósito de emprender una carrera musical y así, ocupar su tan merecido lugar. “Esta carrera requiere disciplina, honestidad, mucho trabajo y fe, y yo tenía que venir acá a aprender esto”, dice el joven de 26 años de edad. De la mano de un sonido pop-rock latino y un estilo único, Ignacio ha logrado abrirse camino en el mundo del entretenimiento, presentándose en lugares legendarios tales como LA Sports Arena, Home Depot Center, Whisky A Go-Go, House of Blues, Rumba Room, y B.B. King’s y compartiendo el escenario con artistas internacionales de la talla de Luis Fonsi, David Bisbal, Alejandro Fernández y Alejandra Guzmán. Además ha participado en importantes eventos como el Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Los Ángeles y los festejos de Fiesta Broadway. “Estar sobre un escenario es lo que más amo, es la parte más divertida de mi trabajo y cada vez que me subo a uno lo hago como si fuera la última vez”, dice sobre este lugar tan mágico para él. A toda esta experiencia en diferentes escenarios se suma su participación en el 2005 en la gira por Bolivia de Franco de Vita, donde pudo cantar junto al gran cantautor venezolano el tema Si la ves. La influencia de Franco de Vita le permitió también desarrollar su talento como compositor, faceta que hasta entonces sólo había explorado a los 18 años, al componer la canción No quiero decir adiós para su graduación de la escuela secundaria. “Cuando comencé mi carrera yo pensaba que iba a ser un intérprete, pero cuando conocí a Franco y a su manager Don Cesar Pulido, hablando con ellos me di cuenta de lo importante que es componer y depender solamente de tu propia inspiración y creatividad ”, cuenta Ignacio quien desde hace cuatro años ha compuesto más de 50 canciones. Entre sus influencias musicales figuran Robi “Draco” Rosa, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi y Joaquín Sabina, pero su principal influencia musical es Elvis Presley, a quien imitaba frente a su familia siendo tan sólo un niño de 3 años. En su natal La Paz, Bolivia, empezó a estudiar canto, guitarra y baile a los 13 años y al llegar a Los Ángeles continuó perfeccionando su talento en la reconocida academia de alto rendimiento Musicians Institute. Para Ignacio, ser un latino en Los Ángeles significa no sólo crecimiento como ser humano sino también enriquecimiento como músico, ya que atribuye a esta experiencia la fusión de sus sonidos latinos con el rock americano. “Cuando escuchas mis canciones te puedes dar cuenta lo que estoy viviendo, me dedico a componer cosas que me pasan de verdad, a veces son tristes, a veces son felices y también a veces son canciones para Dios porque soy una persona muy espiritual y el tenerlo tan presente en mis días le ha dado un verdadero propósito a mi vida.” Además de su carrera musical, Ignacio se ha adentrado en la actuación y el modelaje, participando en comerciales de marcas como Carl’s Jr., DirecTV, Pizza Hut, y Super Lotto y realizando diferentes sesiones fotográficas y videos musicales. A esta lista extensa de proyectos se suma también la filmación de su primera película, Sueños Rotos, un film independiente en donde obtuvo el papel protagónico. “Si algo le pido a Dios es tener una carrera larga y sólida, pero con un propósito”, dice el cantautor a quien le gustaría que su música traspasara fronteras, cantar en inglés al igual que en español y en algún momento poder ayudar a los niños de su país. Hoy Ignacio Val sabe que sus sueños están al alcance de sus manos y no olvida que cuando se trata de soñar, nada es imposible. IGNACIO VAL IV & David Bisbal IV & Luis Fonsi IV & Alejandro Fernandez IV & Franco de Vita IGNACIO VAL IV @ “Primera Edicion” | Univision IV @ MTV Latin Music Awards IV @ “Tu Estilo” | Univision IGNACIO VAL IV @ Super Estrella 107.1 IV @ “12 Corazones” Telemundo IV & Alejandra Guzman IV @ the Oscar's After Party @ the Beverly Hilton artist management: PM | Eric Knight | Los Angeles office: 424.245.0412 | mobile: 305.934.3349 e-mail: [email protected] Persistent Management: persistentmanagement.com