You don`t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Shanahan


You don`t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Shanahan
FA L L 2 0 1 0
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to
figure out Shanahan science students
are having a blast. See page 2.
2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 0
at Shanahan
Pope John Paul II Rugby Scholarship
eamwork on the field… teamwork off the field! The rugby team
led by Coach Greg Karabin personifies teamwork. Years of championship titles, gentlemanly matches and good clean fun have now left
the field to impact education at Shanahan! Coach Karabin approached
President Sr. Regina Plunkett in October of 2006 with the idea of establishing a scholarship to be awarded in the 2007/2008 school year. The
rugby alumni hold an annual Beef ‘n Beer to raise funds and the scholarship has now grown to support four $1,200 annual tuition assistance
scholarships. Winners on the field and off – a huge thank you to Coach
Karabin and his rugby families!
At the Scholarship Breakfast (l-r): front: John Prathanaluangxay ’13, Jose
Prieto ’11 and John Queppet ’12. Back: Mike Ciliberti, P’96, ’02 and Coach
Greg Karabin, P’96, ’98, ’00, ’03.
Rugby Team and Families donate $2,605 to Scholarship Fund
t the Rugby team banquet held on June 6th, captains Zac Barbera ’10 and Greg Ireland ’10 presented head
coach Greg Karabin with a check for $1,085. The families of the Rugby team made the donation in honor of
the coaches and staff of the Rugby team. The team also donated $1,520 toward the PJPII scholarship fund from
the proceeds from the season’s home concession tent and rugby apparel sales. Coach Karabin and many rugby
alumni players and families began the scholarship four years ago. Four students attend Shanahan this year with the
aid of this scholarship. The administration chooses the recipients of this scholarship from candidates proposed by
the principals of the elementary feeder schools.
Amina Valocchi Scholarship
ina Lyons received the Amina Valocchi Scholarship May 12, 2010.
Nina will attend Seton Hall for Doctor of Physical Therapy, a seven
year program. (L-r): James J. Charley, Jr., Senior Magisterial District
Judge and President of DACC, Nina Lyons ’10, Amina Valocchi and Alane
Butler, Executive Director of DACC.
at Shanahan
Forty hours
On the Cover (clockwise from top): George Lewis ’10, Nicole Lewis ’10, Anthony Lucci ’10, and Andrea McFadden ’10.
May liturgy 2010
A letter from our president
Sr. Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64
Sr. Maureen Lawrence McDermott, IHM, PhD
John DeSantis
Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs
Paul D’Amore
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Dorothy Stranix
Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Advisory Board
Michael Cabry
Dr. Ronald P. Clauhs
Joseph T. Corcoran
Francis DiFonzo ’62
Robert J. DiSciullo ’82
M. Kathryn Dulin ’64
Mary Lou Enoches ’66
Michael Field
Gregg D. Gottshall
Edward Greene
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett ’59
Kent Jensen
Leslie Kelso
Linda LeBoutillier
Courtney Lofgren ’95
Edward M. Matejkovic, PhD ’65
Stephanie McCarthy ’64
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM
Dear Fellow Graduates,
Parents, and Friends of
Bishop Shanahan High School,
ay the peace of the Lord be with you! May the beauty of these days refresh
your minds and hearts! We begin another school year with great hope in our
young people, the future Catholic leaders of our community. As always, we have
good news to share with you.
We have received word from the College Board that twenty-two of our seniors
have been recognized as National Merit Scholars. At this time, there are six National
Merit semi-finalists and 16 National Merit commended students in our senior class.
We are very proud of these students and the recognition they have received. This
shows, without a doubt, that the academic preparation at Bishop Shanahan High
School is outstanding, second to none. We are, indeed, the best bargain in private
education in Chester County. This is the message that we ask you to share with your
neighbors and friends.
We are committed to Catholic Education, excellence in academics, and diversity in our athletic and extra-curricular offerings. There is a place for everyone at
Shanahan—a world of opportunity as well. In addition to our academic successes,
our Fall sports teams have represented us very well in the ChesMont League. Their
dedication and competitive spirit are well known and their enthusiasm is contagious. We are proud of all of our athletes and appreciate all that they do through
their sports to create a wonderful school spirit here. Needless to say, our Fine Arts
department is hard at work preparing the Fall Musical, “A Christmas Carol.” Our
artists delight us. Student life at Shanahan is wonderful! We are truly blessed each
and every day.
As we present to you our Annual Giving Report for the 2009-2010 school year,
please know how very grateful we are to each and every person who has made a
choice for Catholic Education at Shanahan. We could not do it without you! Your
donations help us to bridge the gap between the cost to educate each student and
the amount that is paid in tuition and fees. Your donations help us to assist families
that are not able to pay a complete tuition for their children but desire a Catholic
Education for them. Our desire is to provide our students with every opportunity
for their personal growth as well as for their growth as members of a community.
Thank you for your generous support of these wonderful young men and women.
Our gratitude comes with a promise of prayer that God will bless you abundantly for
making Bishop Shanahan a philanthropic priority. We are grateful.
We look forward to seeing you here at Bishop Shanahan. You are always welcome! God bless you.
Reverend Monsignor James T. McDonough
Maureen Morin
Sincerely yours,
John P. Morrissey
Leo Parsons ’78
Sister Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64
Kevin C. Quinn
Sister Regina Plunkett IHM ’64
Louis N. Teti
Gunard C. Travaglini
Diane Ward ’78
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
science at Shanahan
Shanahan Launches into the Future!
Students test rockets’ flight in an innovative pre-engineering program
Excerpts By George Gregory
Catholic Standard &Times
bottle rocket shoot-off may not be
the typical way that Catholic high
school students spend a school day, but on
Tuesday, May 25, at Bishop Shanahan High
School in Downingtown, such a competition took center stage on the grounds surrounding the school.
This was the first academic year that
Bishop Shanahan offered a pre-engineering
elective class, and it is off to a promising
start, attracting two full classes of students.
Archdiocesan high schools are continually
striving to enrich their curricula, and Bishop
Shanahan, the only archdiocesan high school
in Chester County, is no exception.
“We are very excited about offering this
pre-engineering elective for the first time this
year, and this competition is the culmination
of the course,” said Sister Maureen Lawrence,
I.H.M., principal of Bishop Shanahan. “We’re
very proud of the students’ enthusiasm.”
The two pre-engineering classes were
broken into 11 teams for the competition.
| Fall 2010
Junior and senior students designed their
own rockets and launchers. Scores were
based on horizontal accuracy and horizontal
and vertical distance achieved. The rockets
were propelled by a fixed maximum air pressure without using explosives.
“The project involved the problem solving that we learned in class, in addition to
teamwork skills,” said Mark McAneney. He
and teammates Joseph Brady, Kyle Hearty
and Sean Solley attained the best score for
vertical launch.
“It was a microcosm of the engineering
design process because the students were
given the objectives and guidelines to be met,
and through trial and error, we had to come
up with the finished product,” Brady added.
The team that earned the highest point
total for accuracy and distance included
Robert Eldridge, Ryan Haney, Connor Henry,
Kieran Hess and David Lee.
“It was so rewarding to witness the results
of all the effort that each member of the
groups invested,” Lee said. “This first year
of pre-engineering class was a huge success.
Each of us is already imagining its evolution
and what it will mean to the students here in
the years to come.”
For another participant, Andrew
Caulfield, the competition seemed the culmination of what was learned through coursework. “It was nice to be able to compare
your work to others, and each rocket had its
own unique properties and characteristics,”
he said.
“Safety was of the utmost importance,”
Caulfield added. “All the participants wore
goggles and stayed in a safe area remotely
located, so that the rockets could be released
in safety.” n
science at Shanahan
Robotics Club
he Robotics Club, moderated by Math
Department teacher, Mr. Don Florek,
meets weekly. Members either build and program their LEGO Mindstorm Robots or hold
competitions which help develop programming skills.
Robotics Club senior members designed
and created a robot to compete in the Penn
State University Abington Campus Fire
Fighting Competition in the spring of 2010. As
part of the preparation, they procured additional robotic sensors and built a full-scale
maze of the fire fighting competition. The goal
was to extinguish a candle. In this first outof-school competition, the robot performed
competitively against other high school and
college teams. The club boasts 22 active
members and hopes to return to the next
competition with several robots. n
Teacher Travels to Princeton for Science!
By Barbara Redditt
AP Biology/Honors Biology
rinceton University was home to
Albert Einstein and Professor Nash
of A Beautiful Mind. It served as the backdrop for the novel The Rule of Four, and its
Frist Campus Center serves as the facade
for Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital in the
TV series House. This summer, however,
Princeton University served as my home for
two weeks.
I had the privilege of joining 18 other
teachers from around the world in the 2010
Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI)
Molecular Biology workshop “Cool Genes,
Colorful Proteins.” It was an honor to realize
that I was selected from a group of 85 applicants. The class was busy from 9 to 5 each
day. I performed labs in which I transformed
E. coli; isolated the D1S80 allele from my
own buccal DNA and studied it further using
PCR and gel electrophoresis. I also isolated
alleles from my own mitochondrial DNA and
examined it using an e-gel. I tagged genes
using a variety of fluorescent proteins from
Dr. Roger Tsien’s lab. Dr. Tsien won a Nobel
Prize in Chemistry for isolating the colorful
proteins. I also tested foods to see if they had
been genetically modified. To no surprise,
all of the foods tested were indeed genetically
In addition to improving my lab techniques, I listened to lectures given by
nine different Princeton research professors including Dr. Eric Wieschaus, a Nobel
Laurete in Medicine. Many of the professors’
research made use of the same fluorescent
proteins that the class had used. It was exciting and interesting to learn what these PhDs
were doing and hoping to learn from their
work. Research topics included: cell adhesion in tissues and tumors; cell communication in bacteria; development and patterning;
and using worms (C. elegans) to study aging.
I observed labs that isolated protein and then
crysallized it for examination, used flow
cytometry and used confocal microscopy.
Many of the topics covered in the HHMI
workshop can be used directly as a resource
for my own classroom purposes. One of the
major benefits of this workshop is that I will
be able to borrow some of the equipment for
my students to use! The equipment can only
be borrowed for a maximum of two weeks.
This advanced equipment is cost prohibitive
for us at this time. If anyone reading this
has access to or has the ability to have a used
(L-r): Mohammed Zawid Naseem (from Qatar),
Dr. Eric Wieschaus (Nobel Prize winner in
Medicine) and Barbara Redditt.
thermocycler, a vortex, a microcentrifuge or
micropipettes donated from their place of
business, please contact me in the Science
Department. I would love to have this equipment for my students to use at any time.
The HHMI was a fabulous opportunity. I
met wonderful teachers from all over including one gentleman from Qatar. The group
got along well and shared a lot of experiences
with each other. I was able to earn 80 hours
of professional development credit toward
PA. Act 48. This workshop was the most
worthwhile of any workshop that I have ever
attended. I would recommend HHMI without reservation. I loved it. n
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
“Liturgically Correct”
By Sister Kathleen Eagan
he Biology classes at Shanahan have
raised butterflies for the last several years
to demonstrate complete metamorphosis in
the insect world. We send for Painted Lady
butterfly larva and watch them grow through
this caterpillar stage. We see them transform
into their chrysalis stage and finally, if we are
lucky, actually observe them emerge as beautiful orange adult butterflies. After a few days
of observing them and feeding them sugar
water, we take them outside; if the weather
is warm enough, set them free.
But, as with many things here at
Shanahan, the lessons have not been confined to Biology. We have learned that there
is no new cell division after the caterpillar
stage — just transformation. In other words,
the lowly caterpillar has within it all that it
needs to be a beautiful butterfly — it just
needs to convert it! On our worst caterpillar
days, we have within us all that we need to
change ourselves into beauties! It’s all there;
we just have to work at the transformation.
Our timing was a little off this year. Holy
Week was early and I was concerned that
they would emerge while we were away. As a
result, they came home with me to St. Agnes
Convent. As if by command, this year’s group
began emerging late on Holy Saturday night
and greeted Easter Sunday morning as the
full symbols of the Resurrection that butterflies have come to be. This year’s butterflies
were very Liturgically Correct! n
Toshiba Scholars (Honorable Mentions)
n a national contest sponsored by Toshiba Corporation,
seventeen BSHS sophomore students received honorable
mention awards for chemistry. The award is for exercising
their imagination in the areas of science and exploring its
impact on technology. The students received a certificate
and a gift.
(L-r) front: Kelsey Schmidt, Molly McCracken,
Meghan O’Donnell, Jill Walsh, Stephanie Schneider,
Bernadette Thompson, Margaret Russell, Rebecca Lubker.
Back: Kimberly Sontag, Erica Rankin, Rebecca Long,
Kevin Carney, Lauren Griffin, Matthew Williamson, Lisa
Eberwein, Anna Shumard, and Jenna Loffredo.
There are hundreds of reasons to choose Bishop Shanahan. Here are a few of them…
National Merit semi-finalists
(Pictured l-r): Kevin Minsker, Rebecca Divas, Laura Allan,
Kaitlyn Detweiler, Lily Quiroz, Brian Goddard.
National Merit Commended Students
Timothy Elliott, Joseph Brady, Alexander Kasznel, Scott
Clayman, Jeffrey Newton, Michael Ibarguen, Clinton Tustin,
Nicole Vecere, Lauren Hricik, Rebecca Krall, Judy Lubas,
Elena Brindley, Hannah Welz, Catherine Hennessy, and
Katherine Fetscher.
Congratulations to our National Merit Students for this accomplishment!
| Fall 2010
In the Spring 2010 edition of the Shanahan
Magazine in the National Merit Scholars
article on page 4, Matthew Fares was incorrectly listed as Michael Fares. We apologize
for the error and congratulate Matthew for
his accomplishments!
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
Monsignor Daniel Kehoe Is Awarded the Shanahan Medal
By Carol Dale P ’07, ’12
Enrollment Manager
sgr. Daniel J.
Kehoe was the
founding Principal of
Bishop Shanahan High
School in September, 1957. At the Class
of 2010 commencement ceremony the
administration presented Msgr. Kehoe
with the Shanahan Medal. The medal is
awarded to persons whose spirit of service,
commitment, and dedication to Catholic
education deserves the recognition and
gratitude of the Shanahan Community.
June 2009 through June 2010 was “THE
YEAR OF THE PRIEST.” Bishop Shanahan
felt it was most appropriate to confer the
Shanahan Medal on this very special group
of people represented by our first Principal
Msgr. Kehoe. The intention was to honor all
the priests who have served at Shanahan over
the past fifty-three years — as principals, theology teachers, and school ministers.
Unfortunately Msgr. Kehoe was unable to
accept the medal in person. School Minister
Fr. Matthew Guckin accepted the award
for Msgr. Kehoe in the presence of Bishop
Robert Maginnis and Bishop Kevin Rhoades.
With the medal go the prayers and gratitude
of the Shanahan Community to all priests
who so generously served at the school
throughout the years. May God bless
them abundantly in this “YEAR OF THE
Past Shanahan medal winners
• 2002: Gerald J. Parsons ’70
• 2003: Barbara C. Travaglini
• 2004: Ted Torrance
• 2005: Justin McCarthy ’64 &
Leo Parsons ’78
• 2006: Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett ’59
• 2007: Sr. Helen Rapine, IHM
• 2008: Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn
• 2009: James J. Hetherington ’63.
Artists Rewarded For Creativity
By Francine Fulton, Community Courier
n the spring, the Downingtown Library
hosted a Shanahan Art Exhibit, featuring
36 students taught by art teachers Mary Ann
Thompson and Mari Lee McCloskey. Forty
paintings and drawings were displayed, representing a variety of media.
Shanahan students entered the 2010
Cartoon Contest sponsored by the National
Liberty Museum in Philadelphia. The challenge was to draw a one-panel cartoon that
illustrated core values such as tolerance or
faith. Stephanie Gonzalez ’10 was awarded
the Student National Prize of $500. Kelly
DePedro ’10, took third place.
The Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia
sponsored its 30th annual Art Poster Contest.
Kelly DePedro ’10, Susan Frick ’11 and
Catherine Hennessy ’11 were runners-up.
Shanahan was among the thirteen high
schools that participated in the woodcut
print competition held at the Wharton
Esherick Museum Gallery in Paoli. Stephanie
Gonzalez won third place. Stephanie was
also named “Art Student of the Year” at the
Shanahan Spring Art Exhibition.
Kimberly Hutchison ’13, assisted by
Nicole Kallmeyer ’13, designed and painted
a children’s table for the silent auction held
during the Chester County Relay for Life.
(L-r): Stephanie Gonzalez ’10 with Kelly
DePedro ’10.
(L-r): Kimberly Hutchison ’13and Nicole
Kallmeyer ’13
The table received the highest bid in its
This past school year Hua Hua Zhang,
artist-in-residence, worked with art students
designing Chinese palace lanterns. The residency was made possible by the Pennsylvania
Council on the Arts and the Chester County
Intermediate Unit. n
Hua Hua Zhang
Founder’s Award
Excerpt: The Catholic Standard & Times
Meghan Young ’13 received the Founder’s Award by the Emergency
Foundation of Pennsylvania at the Villanova Conference Center. The foundation is a volunteer women’s organization and its award recognizes girls from
the Philadelphia area who are outstanding in service and good citizenship.
Meghan received a medal and a certificate and worked with a school moderator to fulfill
requirements of the award: volunteering to serve over a three-year period, getting letters of recommendation and writing an essay on an aspect of service. The candidates come from public and
Archdiocesan high schools in Philadelphia and the suburbs, plus Philadelphia recreation centers.
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
alumni news
Come Home to Shanahan
Greetings fellow Eagles,
My name is Jason Madden and I’m serving the Bishop Shanahan community as
your Alumni Association’s Vice-President.
At the time of printing we are gearing up for Homecoming and we’ve reached out
to many of you, asking for participation in our 5k run and to stop by our Alumni
tent to say hello and offer your perspective on how to make our Association stronger. To those of
you who took the time to come out and visit us, thank you, sincerely. We had a large turnout that
exceeded expectations for our Summer Social event, and we are very excited to continue to grow
our numbers and make this Association stronger.
The committee has some great ideas for the months ahead, but we need your involvement and
input as well. It’s our Association so we’re asking for activities you’d like to be a part of. How can
I do that, you ask? Our monthly Alumni Association meeting, which occurs the second Tuesday of
each month, is held right here at Bishop Shanahan. The meeting lasts from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
Please come, add to our numbers, and do your part.
On behalf of the executive committee let me say thank you for reading our column, and for your
future participation in our events. Have a blessed holiday season and we hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,
Jason Madden ’03
Alumni – join us on
Facebook – Bishop
Shanahan (official
alumni site has library picture with cross). Visit
Alumni at and log in to
update your contact information.
alumni board
•President – Andy Parsons ’01
•Vice President – Jason Madden ’03
•Secretary – Katie Montone ’00
The committee is working on a mission
statement and bylaws to help focus the
Association’s objectives. This is a great
opportunity for all alumni to “Come Home”
to Shanahan. We look forward to seeing you
here (if you can’t physically attend, Andy
has provided a call in number)! Contact
[email protected].
Alumna spotlight…
Shannon McNally
Shannon with Genuardi family representatives.
together again after 50 Years
Members of the Class of 1960 returned to Bishop Shanahan for the 2010 graduation ceremony
and a luncheon. (L-r): Front row: Judith McGrogan Green, Mary Jo Flaherty, Barbara Sarmento
Harrison, Josephine Talucci D’Ginto. Back row: Arthur Green and Roberta Johnston Willis.
SHANAHAN ALUMNI: Where are they now?
Ryan Alderman ’09 Temple sophomore football
athlete on Athletic honor roll
Bridget Jensen ’07 Doctoral fellow, Univ. of
Maggie Dziekansk ’04 Violinist, Royal Academy
of Music, London
Jonathan Beech ’04 studying at Tri-Province
Jesuit Novitiate, Syracuse, former tax consultant,
Deloitte Tax, LLP
Dr. Lauren Wade Ward ’02 M.D. Pediatrics,
George Washington University. Hasbro Childrens
Hospital, R.I.
| Fall 2010
Dr. Justin DiAngelo ’98 Ph.D in Cell and
Molecular Biology. Assistant Professor of Biology,
Hofstra University
Dr. Nicholas Morin ’98 MD/PhD program at
University of Maryland
Kevin Cornell ’95 Artist and illustrator;
Illustrated graphic novel “Curious Case of Benjamin
Button’ and more.
Patrick Meacham ’91 Senior Vice President,
Preston Insurance Alliance
Michael Carroll ’85 West Goshen Police Sgt.
received Valor Award by National Liberty Museum
hannon McNally ’08, daughter of Annette
and James McNally of Downingtown, was
recently honored at a luncheon at LaCollina
restaurant by members of the Genuardi Family
Foundation. Shannon is a sophomore food marketing major at St Joseph University. Shannon
was recognized with a scholarship for her outstanding academic, community service and social
The Genuardi Family Foundation Scholarship (in
honor of the Genuardi Brothers) is awarded to
deserving food marketing students entering their
junior year at Saint Joseph’s. Two recipients
receive a $10,000 scholarship each year for their
final two years of education in the food marketing program (total value $20,000) out of a very
selective and competitive pool of applicants.
Students must complete an application and
respond to an essay question relating to various
issues and trends or concerns within the food
industry. Finalists are then interviewed by members of the Genuardi Family Foundation board
and two recipients are chosen. Congratulations
Shannon on your scholarship! n
alumni news
Shanahan Grads Answer the Call
Jonathan Beech ’04 has
been accepted into the TriProvince Jesuit Novitiate of St.
Andrew Hall, Syracuse, NY.
Entrance Day was August
28, 2010. He earned a B.S.
in accounting with a second
concentration in philosophy from the University of
Scranton and a Masters in Real Estate Development
(MRED) from the University of Maryland.
Jonathan most recently worked as a tax consultant to investment management companies at
Deloitte Tax, LLP. He has also worked as a tutor at
Washington Jesuit Academy and as a dining room
volunteer at So Others Might Eat. His other interests include European automobiles and traveling.
Jonathan is the son of Kathryn Lyons Beech ’76
and brother of Allison Beech ’06.
Three graduates from the Class of 2010 who are
now studying at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary,
recently returned to their alma mater to take part
(L-r): All from the Class of 2010: Alessandro Giardini,
Matt Robinson, and Dave O’Brien.
in a special mass. Alessandro Giardini, Matt
Robinson, and Dave O’Brien joined Fr. Kevin
McCabe and his Honors Latin class for the celebration of the mass in Latin. They are currently in
their first college year in the College Division of
St. Charles. Please pray for all of our graduates
studying for the priesthood and continue to pray
for vocations. n
Shanahan Vacationers rescue
girls from sand bar at high tide
Excerpt from TOPSAIL VOICE
By Connie Pletl, August 25, 2010
wo girls were rescued from a sandbar during
an incoming tide by three men who had been
visiting family in the area. Matt McCarthy ’09 (19),
his brother Brendan McCarthy ’11 (17), and cousin
Brian McCarthy (19), were with family at their
grandparents’ beach house on Aug. 12 when they
heard the girls yelling.
Family members called 911 and Matt ran to get
his ocean kayak. Brendan and Brian joined him and
helped bring the girls to shore. “The girls had gotten
stuck on the sandbar. There was a lateral current
and the tide was coming up,” said North Topsail
Beach Volunteer Rescue Chief George Moore.
The girls did not realize that the water had gotten
so deep and the current had become so strong until
they tried to step off the sandbar, said Moore.
The rescue squad swiftly arrived on the scene as
the three men were bringing the girls to shore. “It
happened very quickly,” said Moore.
Matt and Brian are both in their second year
(L-r): Brian McCarthy, Matt McCarthy ’09 and
Brendan McCarthy ’11.
at the University of Delaware. Matt is on the college swim team. Brendan is a senior at Shanahan,
where he is a top swimmer on the school’s swim
team. n
Kathleen Adams Barbour ’88
Paula M. Barbour ’10
Joanne Viscichini Chilla ’76
Anthony V. Chilla ’10
James M. Crane ’75
Kaitlin E. Crane ’10
Loretta Gentile DePedro ’80
Kelly M. DePedro ’10
Frank J. Desiderio ’79
Frank T. Desiderio ’10
Pamela Resetco Dyson ’77
Scott D. Dyson ’10
Vicki Vitale Eberwein ’79
Gina M. Eberwein ’10
Deborah Barry Harlan ’75
Lindsey E. Harlan ’10
John J. Hegarty ’76
John J. Hegarty ’10
Nancy Oakes Hegarty ’76
John J. Hegarty ’10
Robert E. Holman ’86
Erin Holman ’10
Kathleen Holman Jensen ’78
Megan C. Jensen ’10
Mary Fran Leonard Keating ’73
Frances C. Keating ’10
Timothy M. Laurento ’78
Vincent A. Laurento ’10
Donna Sieracki Lee ’77
David M. Lee ’10
Patrick J. Lyons ’79
Nina M. Lyons ’10
Erica Dunlap Marianelli ’82
Sarah M. Marianelli ’10
Gail Dague Markiewicz ’73
Kevin P. Markiewicz ’10
Astrid Jaramillo Martin ’81
Paige M. Martin ’10
Barbara McCormick Mc Ginley ’81
Michael D. McGinley ’10
Fiorella Panaccio Nickels ’71
Amanda S. Nickels ’10
John P. O’Brien ’80
Sarah O’Brien ’10
Gerard J. Panichelli ’81
Valeri A. Panichelli ’10
Victoria M. Panichelli’10
Charlene DeHart Rafine ’80
Kevin D. Rafine ’10
John M. Tipton ’65
Elizabeth M. Tipton ’10
John R. Tomaski ’80
Michelle N. Tomaski ’10
Donna Hoffman Toussaint ’83
Danielle M. Toussaint ’10
Kathleen Screem Vaughan ’77
Kelsey L. Vaughan ’10
James J. ’74 and
Jane Rothwell Walker ’71
John Walker ’10
Michael G. Zaccarelli ’81
Alexandra R. Zaccarelli ’10
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
alumni news
Powerlifting is all in the (Holeton) family
Excerpt By Audrey Snyder
Special to the Local News
e was only two years old at the time,
but Alan Holeton ’06 was on his way
to his first powerlifting competition. As he
sat propped up in a stroller, Alan’s mom
Patty wheeled her son around New York so
he could watch athletes pump iron. He was
there to cheer on the first powerlifter he ever
knew — his dad.
Watching his father lift in front of other
people didn’t mean much to the boy at the
time, but now it does. During young Alan’s
childhood and up until he was about 10
years old his dad taught him basic lifts like
bench press, squats and dead lifts. While the
son observed as his dad trained in the basement of the family’s home, the youngster just
used the weights as a way to get in shape for
football and baseball.
Competitive lifting was out of the question
even during his high school days at Bishop
Shanahan, but at Penn State University,
where he is now a senior, the bug finally hit
him. He is a member of the Nittany Lions’
powerlifting team and a collegiate national’s
qualifier for the last three years. But recently,
Alan took on an even bigger challenge
In May, the Coatesville resident represented the United States and took home an
individual bronze medal at the International
Powerlifting Federation’s Junior World
Championships for bench press, and was a
member of the first-place men’s junior team.
The urge to powerlift is something Patty
said she believed her oldest son would eventually discover, but the results have been
anything but expected. “I can’t even express
it,” Patty said of the thrill of watching her
son compete at worlds. “I was just so proud
because he’s following in my husband’s footsteps, but my husband never did internationals or worlds. Seeing my son up on the
podium with a medal around his neck, holding the American flag, I just thought, how
much better can it get?”
The opportunity to represent the United
States is something Alan said he’s always
wanted to do since he began lifting three
days a week to stay active during college.
| Fall 2010
Proud father Alan Holeton Sr., head wrestling coach at Shanahan (right), hugs Olympic medalist —
son Alan Holeton ’06.
But an opportunity to compete in the bench
press caught him even more off guard.
Though he considers the squat to be his
best lift and said unofficially he’s put up 705
pounds, Team USA thought he was better
suited for the bench press. After training for
the rest of the school year at Penn State, he
returned home to prepare for the five weeks
leading up to the competition. The familiar
confines of the full gym in his basement
became the place where he and his dad put
the final touches on his lift.
“If he’s home and I’m lifting he’ll stop
down in the basement and see what’s going
on,” said Alan Sr., the head wrestling coach
at Bishop Shanahan. “It’s a pretty good
experience to have both of us down there
together, and it’s something I feel like I can
pass on to him.”
While the entire family headed out to
Texas for the championships, unsure of what
to expect, Alan Sr. was able to help his son
stay calm and focused by being his handler.
Although he helped his son with his gear and
was there on the floor of the venue, he didn’t
have a chance to give him advice after Alan’s
second lift wasn’t cleared by the judges. With
each athlete getting three lifts on the bench,
Alan’s second lift at 475 pounds received
two red lights from the judges. After the
Team USA coaches told Alan to stay with
475 pounds for his third and final attempt,
he knew if he made it he would have a shot
at the bronze medal. With what his father
dubbed “a hope and a prayer” Alan completed the lift and with two white lights from
the judges and became the bronze medalist.
“It was just absolutely amazing to watch
your son, who you’ve seen since he was a
little kid in the basement, do this,” Alan
Sr. said. “I was just elated. And third in the
world is pretty darn good. Better than I ever
did.” As Alan returned home and prepares
for his final semester at college, the civil
engineer major hopes to continue lifting
once his collegiate career is finished. But
there is one last collegiate competition both
he and his father hope to participate in.
“He’s wanted to compete with me at the
Iron Lion competition, which is an event that
we host at Penn State,” Alan Jr. said. “I think
his last meet was in the mid 90s, but he said
he wants to do this.”
And all the motivation Alan’s father said
he needs to continue training for the meet
is something he finds in his son. “I haven’t
competed since 1994, but I’m going to now,”
Alan Sr. said. “Even though I’m in my early
50s, going to watch Alan compete at worlds
has kind of spurred my interest again.” n
alumni news
Alumni Summer
Social Gets
ith more than 125 participants, this
was our largest crowd ever! There
wasn’t an empty parking spot in sight.
Alumni came from near and far and their
graduating classes ranged from 1949 to
2010. There was so much excitement
and camaraderie you could feel it in the
air. The laughter and chatter could be
heard for miles. Andy Parsons ’01, Alumni
Association President, donated a set of
Phillies Diamond Club tickets to raffle off. And the BIG
WINNER was Jane Ventrella
’92. She couldn’t wait to call
her husband to give him the
good news! Everyone who
attended had a fantastic time
and they are already talking
about next year’s Social. n
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
alumni news
May Celebration & Crowning
t. Agnes High School graduates came together at Bishop Shanahan
High School in May for a reunion and May Celebration &
Crowning. Everyone gathered in the Chapel for a short prayer service
and crowning of the Blessed Mother by graduate Ed Travis, St. Agnes
Class of 1939 and his wife Marian who were celebrating their anniversary. Then it was off to a reception where old friends gathered to
exchange stories, reminisce and be entertained by our own Jazz Band
led by Chuck Keating. Everyone left with a renewed sense of friendship
and anticipation for next year’s celebration. n
— Save the Date —
Saint Agnes Mass & Social
Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
B i s h o p Sh an ah an H i g h Sc h o ol
Come join the fun – contact Debbie LaPorta
[email protected] or 610-343-6238 if you know of
other graduates who are not on our mailing list.
Msgr. Treston ’52 Honored
For Service to Church
(Excerpts from The Daily Local)
he Rev. Monsignor James
Andrew Treston has dedicated his life to the Catholic
church and on April 25,
2010, celebrated 50 years as
a priest.
Born in West Chester in
1934 and attending Catholic
schools his entire life, Treston was
ordained a priest in the Cathedral of Ss.
Peter and Paul in Philadelphia on May 14,
1960. The following day he celebrated his
First Mass in St. Agnes Church on Gay
Street in West Chester.
| Fall 2010
Treston has served
the church in numerous capacities at various
locations, notably as pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola
Church, Sinking Spring,
Berks County, which he
began in 1983 and where
he continues to serve.
During his time there,
Treston has overseen multiple renovations to the church, the parish education
center and the convent and rectory, and
has seen it grow from its founding 475
families to now include more than 3,100
families. n
Advancement Staff of
Bishop Shanahan
Maureen A. Morin P ’98, ’02, ’05, ’08
Advancement Director
[email protected]
Amy Seifert P ’08, ’10, ’13, ’13
Shanahan Fund Director
[email protected]
Eileen Cornell P ’93, ’95, ’98
Alumni Relations Coordinator
[email protected]
Debbie LaPorta P ’06, ’08, ’14
Director of Alumni Affairs and
Special Events
[email protected]
Sr. Helen Miriam Toner, IHM
Database Management
[email protected]
a d va n c e m e n t
Tell the Government How to Spend your Tax Dollars!
By Anthony Fiorenza ’72, P’05, ’09
id you ever wish that you could tell
the government how to spend your
tax dollars? If you are a business owner
(C Corporation, S Corporation, etc.) or
if you have influence with management
where you work, then you could direct
your Pennsylvania taxes to be allocated to
the Educational Improvement Tax Credit
(EITC) Program.
Through Pennsylvania’s EITC program, a qualified business may fund
education rather than pay a percentage
of its state taxes. (Please consult your
Accountant to determine if your company qualifies.) To participate, a company
submits a completed one-page application to the Pennsylvania Department of
Community and Economic Development
(DCED). You may find a copy of the
application on the Bishop Shanahan
website under the Advancement link.
For first time applicants, the deadline
is July 1, 2011 for the 2011-2012 fiscal
year. For renewing applicants, the appli-
Anthony Fiorenza ’72, P’05, ’09
cations may be submitted between May 1 –
June 30, 2011 for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
Upon approval, DCED permits the donor
company sixty days to make its contribution. The company may write the check to
Business Leadership Organized for Catholic
Schools (BLOCS). BLOCS is an independent
charitable organization supported by companies, firms and foundations in the five county Philadelphia region. At the company’s
request, BLOCS forwards these approved
funds to Bishop Shanahan who awards the
money for tuition assistance.
Order Your “Walk of Fame”
Commemorative Bricks
For the 2010-2011 year, 80 Shanahan
students from 72 families benefited
from $87,000 worth of contributions
from nine area employers. We are seeking to exceed $250,000 in contributions
this upcoming year. I encourage you to
prayerfully consider this wonderful “corporate citizen” opportunity. (If you are
an Accountant, please discuss with your
corporate clients how EITC could benefit
them and Bishop Shanahan.)
As a business owner of two companies,
I am participating in the EITC Program
and I am directing BLOCS to forward my
approved amounts to Bishop Shanahan
High School. I have selected Shanahan
because I am a graduate (’72) along with
my two older children (Derek ’05 and
Victoria ’09). My wife Laura and I believe
in the value of a Catholic education so
we have chosen Bishop Shanahan as our
intended recipient through BLOCS.
For additional information, please
contact Maureen Morin at 610-343-6255
or [email protected]. n
“Walk of Fame” Commemorative Bricks
$150 Per Brick. Up to 3 lines and 15 characters per line
for each brick
Name _______________________________________________________________
Address _ ____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _________________________________________________________
Phone (
)_ ____________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________________________
In commemoration of the 50th year anniversary “Walk of Fame” bricks have
been sold to alumni, family and friends of Bishop Shanahan. The finished
bricks have been placed across the bus loop from the main entrance of the
school. Landscaping surrounding the bricks completes the walk creating a
delightful and “commemorative” look to the area. Come see or better yet, if
you haven’t already done so order your brick!
Class Year _ __________________
Mail to:
Bishop Shanahan High School, Attn: Nancy Riccardo
220 Woodbine Road
Downingtown, PA 19335-3081
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
a d va n c e m e n t
Come and See!
hanahan has numerous recruiting activities for prospective students. The answers
to most frequently asked questions can be found on our website (www.shanahan.
org). The Enrollment Office welcomes the chance to directly answer any of your admissions concerns. You can contact Mrs. Carol Dale at 610-343-6206.
Save the Dates:
8th Grade
(Class of 2015)
scholarship exam
Saturday, December 11, 2011
8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon
Shadow program
By appointment — beginning in
December, 2010.
Prospective students receive a rousing send-off from the Shanahan student body at last year’s 8th
Grade Visitation Day.
Maddie Keefe ’13 sits with
her sister and her friends
in the auditorium at last
year’s open house on April
27. (L-r): Maddie, Annie
Grosso, Morgan Keefe and
Molly Owen – all 7th graders from SS. Philip and
James School.
For students who were unable to attend
8th Grade Visitation Day or any undecided
students who would like to spend a partial
day in actual class sessions, contact the
Enrollment Office at 610-343-6206.
6th & 7th Grade
(Class of 2016 & 2017)
Open House
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
12 Noon to 3:00 p.m.
Sophomore student comment in Honors English class:
What ts are
stude g…
“I am happier in Shanahan than I have been all my life. I have found so many great
friends that I have things in common with and it makes me feel like I belong. I love
that at Shanahan it’s alright to be smart and being smart doesn’t give you a bad
reputation. Coming to Shanahan is the best thing I ever did.”
Tweet from Drew Nakajima ’10 to teacher Steve Kerwin who taught Drew Physics 1 &
Physics 2 at BSHS:
“I appreciate being so well prepared for college physics but could you have taught me
less adequately. I am sooooo bored!”
Jesse Macbeth ’11 – Excerpt from Student Council installation speech:
When we all strive to “Seek the things that are found above,” as we do each day, we become more than a school, more
than a community, we become family. Each class has the ability to enrich this family, and everyone is important.
Living in Chester County, we are afforded many opportunities for education, but what sets our school apart from the
rest, is our faith in Christ, and the ability to grow in the richness of that faith.
Marie Nguyen ’11:
Shanahan has taught me how to treat people with love and compassion. These Christian-like values will be kept and
used throughout all my life as I pursue a career as a doctor.
| Fall 2010
What’s new with you?
What’s New?
The 70’s
Mary Kay Conahan Hennessy ’75 is the new
principal at St. Norbert’s Elementary School, Paoli.
She previously taught 6th grade at Pope John Paul II
Regional Catholic Elementary School, West Brandywine.
The 90’s
Brian Coxson ’91 was promoted to Commander in
the US Navy on April 30, 2010 at a ceremony at the
Pentagon. He is currently assigned to the Pentagon.
Patrick Meacham ’91 has been promoted to Senior
Vice President of The Preston Insurance Alliance where
he has been employed for 12 years. Patrick is an
Accredited Advisor in Insurance, as well as a Certified
Insurance Counselor. He is the Treasurer of the Delta
Sigma Phi Fraternity Alumni Board and serves on the
board of directors for Goodwill Industries of Rhode
Justin D’Angelo ’98 received his Ph.D. in Cell and
Molecular Biology from the U of Penn School of
Medicine. He has accepted a position as an Asst.
Professor of Biology at Hofstra University on Long
Island, NY.
Sean Ondish ’98 is engaged to be married to Crista
Smith. A 2011 wedding is planned. Sean is a University
of Delaware graduate. He and Crista are traveling
around the world for 9 months before they will be
The 00’s
Kevin Hennessy ’00 and Gina Mascherino ’01
are engaged to be married. Kevin is the son of Mary
Kay Hennessy ’75 and the late Michael Hennessy
’75. Gina is the daughter of Rosemary Campitelli
Mascherino ’68. The couple will be wed at St. Thomas
of Villanova on May 7, 2011.
Alex Venarchik ’95 has been named Girls’ Varsity
Basketball coach at Great Valley High School.
Cindy Vodde Breme ’96 and husband Paul are happy
to announce the birth of their daughter, Claire Elizabeth
on June 15, 2010 in Doylestown. Claire was welcomed
home by her big brother, Jack, 2 1/2.
Daniel Spaziani ’96 proposed to Bridget Cunningham
’01 on October 23, 2009 on the Spirit of Philadelphia.
They are getting married on April 29, 2011. Dan
works for Advanced Recovery Systems as a collection
representative. Bridget is a nurse’s aid at Brandywine
James Yoch ’96 is currently a law clerk for Judge
Donald Parsons ’66 in Delaware. He graduated from
the University of Pittsburgh Law School last year near
the top of his class.
Erik Krause ’97 also worked for Judge Donald
Parsons ’66. Last semester he was a part time extern.
Erik is due to graduate from Widener University Law
School in May.
Sarah E. Sobecki ’05
graduated magna cum
laude from American
University in 2009. She
is currently pursuing
a master’s degree in
public policy and has
been awarded the
Bryce Harlow Fellowship
for 2010-2011. This
fellowship is awarded to
highly motivated students
who are pursuing a
career in professional advocacy through public
affairs, government relations or lobbying. Sarah
works full time at The Home Depot, Washington,
DC in government relations.
Alumni News – What’s New?
Timothy Baldwin ’07 is in his senior year at
Embry-Riddle Aero-nautical University in Daytona,
Fl. He is majoring in Aeronautics with a minor in
Air Traffic Control. He has been chosen for a pilot
spot for the USAF and will attend flight school at an
Air Force base following graduation in May 2011.
Timothy is pictured at his Air Force Commissioning
Ceremony with his sister Molly ’09.
Pamela Fasold ’01 will be marrying her best friend
and future husband, Wade Vasquez on April 30, 2011.
The wedding will take place at Caemen Castle, Kansas
City, KS.
Jaclyn Levi ’01 married Dan Joworisak on September
25, 2010. Sister Brenna ’99 was Maid of Honor,
brother Matt ’06 a groomsman, and Kelly Cooper ’01
and Cristin Braun McMichael ’02 were bridesmaids.
Steven Braun ’06, Erin McCarthy ’01 and Matt
Ficca ’06 were also there to celebrate with Jaclyn and
Kathleen McCarthy ’02 was married to Matt Hartman
on August 8, 2009. She graduated from Penn State
University with a BS degree in Secondary, Social
Studies Education.
Jacqueline Paquet ’02 had a momentous Fall! She
received an MBA in Marketing from Temple University’s
Fox School of Business, relocated to Livingston, NJ,
and started a new job as Assistant Director of Print
Communications for University Advancement at Drew
University - all in September!
Christina Harkness ’04 is now living in Hoboken,
NJ and working in Ad Sales and Marketing for Turner
Broadcasting in New York City.
Please let us know any new contact, marital, and/or educational information. Please
First & Last Name: _______________________________________________________________
Maiden Name: _____________________________________________ Class Year: ____________
NEWS: _________________________________________________________________________
Lauren Wade ’02 married Rob Ward on May 7,
2010. Lauren received her Doctor of Medicine MD
from George Washington University Medical School
on May 16, 2010. Lauren and Rob are doing their
residency in RI. Lauren is at Hasbro Children’s
Hospital (pediatrics). Rob is at Rhode Island
Hospital in Radiology. Lauren was inducted into
the AOA medical honor society on May 13. She
received her BS in biology and neuroscience from
the University of Scranton in 2006, graduated cum
laude. Lauren is pictured above with her mother
Denise Mummery.
Fall 2010
| Shanahan
What’s new with you?
Kristi Miller ’03 and Edward Itaas were married on
August 6, 2010 at Our Lady of Consolation Church
in Parkesburg. 2003 classmates Keren AbbottFrederick and Gayle Redditt were bridesmaids.
Kristi and Edward honeymooned in Greece.
Whitney Travaglini ’05 graduated from Florida State
University on August 7, 2010 with a master’s degree in
Exceptional Student Education.
Nathaniel T. Morgan ’06 was student marshal for
the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering at the Penn State
College of Engineering University Park commencement
ceremony on May 14, 2010. He received a BS degree
in aerospace engineering. He is joining the Boeing Co.
as a guidance, navigation and control engineer.
a warm Welcome wagon
A special thanks to the Moms of the Bishop Shanahan Parents Association (BSPA) and to Shanahan
students who shared their school spirit with incoming families at Freshmen Orientation Day August 23.
Celebrating Retirement
Paul Peterson and Sue Favinger recently retired.
They are pictured here with Sr. Regina and Sr.
Maureen at the graduation luncheon.
Sue Favinger retired after 12 1/2 years with
the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU). She
also served for a period as a substitute teacher at
Paul Peterson retired after 10 /12 years at
Shanahan. He served as both a theology teacher and
Theology Department Chairperson during his tenure.
Ryan Alderman ’09 was honored at the Breakfast
of Champions ceremony, in May, celebrating Temple
University student athletes who excelled academically
and were named to the Temple Athletic Director’s
Honor Roll. Ryan is majoring in engineering and is a
member of the Temple University football team.
Denise Giunta ’98 to Ryan M. Dawson ’00
March 13, 2010
Daniel Karabin ’00 to Danielle Young
October 2, 2010
Matthew Pitts ’00 to Kimberly Conrad
August 14, 2010
Jaclyn Levi ’01 to Dan Joworisak
September 25, 2010
In Loving Memory of Our Deceased
Alumni, Faculty & Staff
May they rest in peace
Cristin Braun ’02 to Ryan McMichael
May 1, 2010
Kathleen McCarthy ’02 to Matt Hartman
August 8, 2009
Meghan McDonald ’02 to Robert Wyly
August 14, 2010
Lauren Wade ’02 to
Robert Ward
May 7, 2010
Kristi Miller ’03 to
Edward Itaas
August 6, 2010
Greg Steciw ’03 to
Lindsey Harner ’05
October 3, 2009 (Photo)
To Megan Venarchik Grillo ’92 and husband Michael,
a son Matthew Michael, July 15, 2010
To Cindy Vodde Breme ’96 and husband Paul, a
daughter Claire Elizabeth, June 15, 2010
To Toni Polito Krakower ’98 and husband David , a
daughter Bella Noelle, February 9, 2010
To Michael Fagan ’01 and wife Heather, a son Colin
Edward, February 2, 2010
To John T. (JT) Mitchell IV ’03 and wife Lynne, a
daughter Haily Jane, April 27, 2010
| Fall 2010
Bishop Shanahan
High School
Edwin Pease ’60
December 25, 2009
Louise Gillespie Schlack ’61
Judith Divaleio Scancella ’64
April 1, 2010
Cynthia Anderson Foley ’79
April 18, 2010
Nicholas T. Mullin ’08
May 8, 2010
Linda McCormick Hendricks
May 24, 2010
Sister Alice Bernard, IHM
June 13, 2010
Faculty: Library, 1994-1997
Stephanie Crooks Monteith ’62
June 29, 2010
James R. Walker ’09
July 2, 2010
Joseph F. DiFerdinando ’67
July 6, 2010
Michiele Kopanski ’78
July 7, 2010
Emelo (Emmett) Belmonte,
Jr. ’62
July 9, 2010
James T. Cassidy ’59
July 14, 2010
Denis M. McClain
July 19, 2010
Faculty: English Department,
Francis J. Tait ’65
July 29, 2010
Patricia M. Brown ’72
August 23, 2010
Lizann Moran DeAngelis ’81
August 24, 2010
Lauren Tisa Oswald ’02
August 26, 2010
Ann B. Steen
August 30, 2010
Staff: Attendance Secretary,
Jeanne Van Belle Lambert ’84
August 31, 2010
St. Agnes High School
Elizabeth (Betsy) Dawson
Martelli ’54
April 25, 2010
Margaret Kavanagh
Thompson ’42
May 21, 2010
Alice McKinley Soja ’46
May 23, 2010
Elizabeth (Betty) Cox Linder
June 7, 2010
Mary Falcone Luminello ’41
July 14, 2010
George J. Dougherty ’45
August 25, 2010
Josephine (Josie) Mozzani
Girafalco ’45
September 2, 2010
Annual Report of Giving
July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010
Financial Highlights
he Bishop Shanahan Advancement Office compiles the
Annual Report of Gifts. We appreciate your continued
generosity to Bishop Shanahan High School and would like
to recognize your kindness. This report reflects all gifts
received during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009 and
ending June 30, 2010.
Although we make every effort to insure the accuracy of
this report, mistakes can occur. We apologize for any errors.
If your name is omitted or does not appear in the manner you prefer, please contact Maureen Morin, Director of
Advancement at 610-343-6255.
Summary of Gifts
July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Shanahan Fund .....................................................................$ 195,010
Scholarship Funds .................................................................$ 137,787
Neumann Scholarship (Connelly Foundation) .....................$ 135,150
Restaurant Fair and Auction .................................................$ 44,224
Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) ..........................$ 40,250
Grants .....................................................................................$ 22,800
Craft Show ..............................................................................$ 17,874
Sullivan Scholars Program ....................................................$ 12,160
Magazine Drive ......................................................................$ 11,988
Target & Scrip Programs .......................................................$
Total Annual Gifts....................................................................$ 619,136
Endowment Fund — Golf Outing ...........................................$ 82,982
Total Charitable Contributions .................................. $ 707,643
Planned Gifts 2
Bishop Shanahan gratefully acknowledges the Planned Bequests from
ten of our constituents. We thank them and all of our many benefactors for making a commitment and investing in our students and our
*** Thank you for your support ***
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
Advisory Board 2009–2010 (l-r) Front row – Stephanie McCarthy ’64, Diane Ward ’78, Sr. Regina Plunkett, IHM, ’64, Leo Parsons ’78, Frank DiFonzo ’62,
Maureen Morin, Leslie Kelso. Back row – Sr. Maureen L. McDermott, IHM, Kathy Dulin ’64, Gregg Gottshall, Mike Field, Kent Jensen, Joseph Corcoran, Kevin
Quinn, Lou Teti, John Morrissey, Bob DiSciullo ’82, Gunard Travaglini. Not Pictured: Mike Cabry, Ronald Clauhs, Ed Greene, Linda LeBoutillier, Courtney
Lofgren ’95, Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett 59, Ed Matejkovic ’65, Mary Lou Enoches ’66, and Msgr. James McDonough.
Bishop Shanahan High School
Advisory Board 2009–2010
embers of our Advisory Board are volunteers that provide invaluable wisdom, expertise
and guidance to the administration. They portray the commitment to academic excellence
that we have at Bishop Shanahan. We are blessed and grateful for all their efforts on behalf of
our mission.
Leo Parsons ’78 – Chairman
Courtney Lofgren ’95
Marketing Manager – CTDI
Michael Cabry
Magesterial District Judge
Edward M. Matejkovic, PhD ’65
Athletic Director – West Chester University
Dr. Ronald P. Clauhs
Physician M.D.
Stephanie McCarthy ’64
CPA – Fischer Cunnane + Associates, LTD
Joseph T. Corcoran
President-Strategic Realty Investments, LLC
Reverend Monsignor James T. McDonough
Director – Office of the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith
Francis DiFonzo ’62
Robert J. DiSciullo ’82
President – Sterling Services, Inc.
M. Kathryn Dulin ’64
Mary Lou Enoches ’66
Owner – La Difference Day Spa
Michael Field
Manager, Dopaco, Inc.
John P. Morrissey
Jackson Cross Partners
Mission Statement
ishop Shanahan High School is
a Catholic coeducational sec-
ondary school of the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia. In carry­ing out the mission of Christ, Shanahan fosters intellectual integrity and moral growth for
Kevin C. Quinn
Senior Vice President – Citadel
the purpose of building God’s kingdom
Louis N. Teti
Attorney at Law
challenging academic and rich extra-
Gunard C. Travaglini
Chairman & CEO – G. O. Carlson, Inc.
to reach their maximum potential.
on earth. Through participation in a
curricular program, students are able
Diane Ward ’78
Accounting Mangager – Whitford Insurance
Network, Inc.
Building upon Christian values begun
Edward Greene
Attorney – Riley, Riper, Hollin & Colagreco
and, through service to others, learn
Sister Regina Plunkett, IHM, ’64
to recognize the dignity of other per-
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett ’59
Owner – Richard T. Byrnes Company, Inc.
Maureen A. Morin – Director of Advancement
Gregg D. Gottshall
Commercial Loan Underwriter – Wachovia
Kent Jensen
Director – GlaxoSmithKline Beechum, Inc.
Leslie Kelso
Vice President Business Development – Brilliant
Linda LeBoutillier
CEO – Waterloo Gardens, Inc.
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM
A publication of:
Bishop Shanahan High School
Office of Advancement
220 Woodbine Road
Downingtown, PA 19335-3081
Phone: (610) 518-1300 Fax: (610) 343-6220
in the family, students develop a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith
sons. Excellence in teaching along with
Christian example set by faculty and
staff encourages students to become
moral leaders prepared to meet the
challenges of a culturally diverse world.
The President’s Society Donors
Gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
he members of the President’s Society are donors from all constituencies who have made Bishop Shanahan High School a philanthropic priority by their generous gifts of $1,000.00 or more. By
their commitment to Catholic education, they ensure that faith and
academic excellence come together in an environment that will allow
the Shanahan students to become moral leaders prepared to meet the
challenges of a culturally diverse world. We are honored to recognize
these extraordinary benefactors whose giving has reached substantial
levels. We are grateful for their continued support.
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Connelly Foundation + *
Circle of Honor
Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
The Parsons Family
Donald & Elizabeth Parsons, Sr.
Donald ’66 & Ethel Parsons, Jr.
Robert ’67 & Marilyn Parsons
Richard ’68 & Claudia Parsons
Gerald ’70 & Eleanor Parsons
Jeffrey & Elizabeth Parsons Forsythe ’73
Sister Judith Parsons, IHM ’77
Leo ’78 & Maryanne Parsons
G. Joseph & Christine Parsons Bendinelli ’80
Bridge Educational Foundation, Inc. + *
Communications Test Design, Inc. + *
The President’s Circle
Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999
Mrs. Linda LeBoutillier *
The Doctors Martino *
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Travaglini *
HSC Builders & Construction Managers + *
(L-r): Jack Jarrett, Jack Enoches, P’91, ’93 and John
Dulin ’63, P’84, ’91, GP’12, ’13.
First National Bank of Chester County *
Stonebridge Bank + *
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lasko + *
Mr. & Mrs. James F. McBride +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Pia + *
Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Scott +
Mr. & Mrs. Gunard C. Travaglini + *
Charles Blosenski Disposal Co.+
Department of Community and Economic
Development +
Downingtown National Bank + *
Frommeyer Construction Services, Inc.
Sovereign Bank + *
The Becket Family Foundation +
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial
Foundation, Inc. *
The Summit Group Associates, Inc. +
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
The Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blosenski +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dulin + *
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Folan + *
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Gentile +
Mr. Joseph F. Greeves +
Ms. Mary D. Hayes *
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelso + *
(L-r): Sr. Maureen L. McDermott, Elizabeth and Don Parsons, P’66, ’67, ’68, ’70, ’73, ’77, ’78, ’80; GP ’00,
’01, ’05, and Sr. Regina Plunkett ’64.
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Clauhs *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Collinson, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Costello +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Geib, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hoover + *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Schwartz +
Ms. Kimberly A. Stack *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker *
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr. *
AKD Technologies, Inc. *
BSHS Homerooms +
BSHS Parents’ Association *
BSHS Student Council +
Campbell Soup Foundation +
Citadel Federal Credit Union +
Eagle Design Group, LLC *
Epicurean Feast +
G.O. Carlson, Inc. *
Hoover Financial Advisors, PC *
Iron Mountain +
La Difference Salon & Day Spa *
Pope John Paul II Rugby Alumni Scholarship + *
Smedley Orthodontics + *
Susquehanna Bank *
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Narisi +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ondrasik *
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Richard +
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger F. Rothenberger +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seifert
Homer A. & Janet E. Scott Foundation
Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Gifts of $1,000 – $1,499
The Mutual Fire Foundation, Inc. *
Valley Forge Music Fair +
Vanguard Group + *
Monsignor Schuyler Circle
Gifts of $1,500 – $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone + *
Mrs. Ann B. Cigas *
Mr. William J. Dawson + *
Mr. Francis P. DiFonzo + *
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fiorenza *
Dr. Richard Fuller *
Mr. Norman M. Heisman +
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett *
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski + *
Ms. Allison Kauffmann +
Mr. Frederick Koppenhafer +
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Krapf *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Leo *
Mr. Frederick P. McCarthy, Jr. + *
President’s Society
of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Blair +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Bodary *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Cole *
Mr. Robert A. DeFalco +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DiSciullo *
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Farrell *
Mr. Edward F. Ford + *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ford, Ed.D. *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Frick + *
Mr. Eugene J. Huston + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keane + *
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly *
Katherine McCarthy Kraenzle +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Langdon *
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lubker +
Mr. Dennis S. Marlo *
Mr. Justin J. McCarthy *
Mr. Patrick W. McCarthy *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Medvitz +
Mrs. Sarah Meehan +
Mr. Michael L. Miley *
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Moran +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin *
Brigid Delargey Parsons *
Mr. Bernard A. Perella +
Mr. John D. Recchiuti *
Gift Societies
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Circle of Honor
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
The President’s Circle
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
The Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Monsignor Schuyler Circle
Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $1,499
| Annual Report 2008–2009
Number of
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ryan *
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Skahan *
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Skahan *
Mr. Kevin J. Small + *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder + *
Rev. Thomas Sodano *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Westlake, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Williamson + *
Bank of America Corporation + *
Elliott-Lewis Corporation +
George Krapf Jr. & Sons Inc. + *
Infinity Benefits Group, Inc. +
Lutter, Inc. +
Mattioni Plumbing, Heating and Cooling + *
McGinty’s Landscaping, LLC + *
Saints Philip and James CYO *
The Anna-Maria Moggio Foundation *
United Way of Delaware +
Wells Fargo Foundation +
The Shanahan
Legacy Society...
On Eagles’ Wings
he Legacy Society membership
includes our cherished alumni, parents and friends who, as loyal visionaries and generous benefactors of our
school have included Bishop Shanahan
in their will or estate plan. Through
their Planned Gift, they have committed to securing the mission and the legacy of Bishop Shanahan into the future.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Robert Degnan, Former Faculty
Mr. Eugene Diorio, St. Agnes ’50
Fr. Matthew Guckin, Campus Minister
Eugene Huston, Jr. ’59
Fred Koppenhafer, St. Agnes ’50
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Levasseur, P’05
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morin, P’98, ’02, ’05, ’08
+Francis Tait ’65
If you are interested in remembering Bishop
Shanahan High School in your estate plans,
please contact the Advancement Office at
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
Honor Roll of Donors
Gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
Legacy Club
Gifts between $500 and $999
Mr. Anthony D. Agatone + *
Mary Ann Brackin Bassett *
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Battagliese +
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert K. Becker *
Mr. Scott C. Beckert
Mr. & Mrs. David Booth +
Regina Olise Brecht + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bush +
Mr. Eamon T. Cantwell +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chevalier
Mr. John Conaboy +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Corcoran, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cornell + *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Coxson + *
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Cummings +
Mr. James Davis *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Detweiler + *
Mr. Brian C. Dimick *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dougherty *
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Esgro + *
Mr. Kenneth M. Eyre +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Forte +
Mr. Patrick C. Gallery *
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Green +
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy + *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hughes *
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Jensen *
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Karabin *
Mr. Louis Lanzalotto, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Logan *
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Manta +
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Marchesani *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McGarry +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McKee *
Mr. & Mrs. John S. McNamee +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Melfi *
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Myles *
Mr. & Mrs. Long Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ortiz *
Mr. Andrew R. Parsons *
Mr. Paul C. Peterson + *
Aileen Dill Pilarski + *
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Prohaska +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds +
Ms. Nancy M. Rooney *
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Sardella *
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Savini
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seifert *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Seifert + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stanko + *
Capt. Kathleen M. Sullivan +
Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx *
Mary McBratnie Swanick + *
Mr. Edward G. Torrance III *
Eileen Helm Weaver *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Wentzel *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Wolfe +
Ms. Carla Young +
A. Marinelli & Sons, Inc.
Aquilante Gourmet Buffets +
Belmont Printing Co. +
Benner & White Construction, Inc. +
Cedar Brook Lawn Care +
Citizens Bank *
Conlin’s Copy Center +
CSG Global +
French Creek Golf Club +
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Foundation *
Herr Foods Inc. +
Insurance & Financial Services, Ltd +
JGM, Inc. +
John Ansley +
Lasko Products, Inc.
Nick Falcone & Sons, Inc. +
Parkway Center +
Real Solutions Educational Consulting,
Inc. +
Saint Cecilia’s Choir +
Scheler & Shifflett, Inc. +
Stadium Grille +
Target *
The Addis Group +
The Boeing Company + *
The Chambers Group *
The Stove Shop Fireplace Center +
The Tri-M Group, LLC +
Tru-Fit Frame & Door Corp. +
Wachovia Bank *
Wargo Interior Systems, Inc. +
World Class Vacations +
Worth & Company, Inc. +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Gifs between $250 and $499
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Anderson + *
Anonymous +
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Arias *
Rev. Albert G. Baltz *
Mr. Michael J. Baltz + *
Drs. Paul and Sharon Barone +
Miss Sarah C. Beierle + *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Borchardt +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Brady +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Brennan +
Mr. & Mrs. James Breslin + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briglia +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brindley *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Cox +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Creighton *
Eileen Caulfield Dalton *
Mr. Peter J. D’Angelo *
Mr. & Mrs. David C. DeBoer +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. DellaVecchia III +
Mrs. Cecilia M. Duke *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dunleavy + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Engle
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Favinger *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Field, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Findley +
Sharon O’Neill Finnegan *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood *
Margaret White Gagliardi +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gillespie +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Goldovich +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gorman +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorr *
Mr. Gerard A. Goulet *
Mrs. Brenda Grassett +
Kathleen Gallery Grismala
Mr. William E. Groft *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Gubanich *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gwinn *
Mrs. Mary Anne Hague + *
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Haney + *
Theresa Bryan Hayward +
Mr. Kevin M. Hennessy + *
Mr. Robert E. Hennessy + *
Dr. & Mrs. Ismael J. Hidalgo +
Col. John W. Hook +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huber +
Donna Silvestri Hussey *
Mr. David M. Huston *
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ireland +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Ireland +
Dr. John Janasik +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Karpovich *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Kempinski *
Mr. & Mrs. David Kiefer, Sr. *
Mr. Gerhart L. Klein *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Kompa +
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lampe *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Lannan *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn P. Lawton *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Litty, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lord +
Mr. Francis J. Lutz + *
Miss Kathleen M. Lyons *
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. MacFarland +
Ms. Joanne Mancini +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marshalek + *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. McAneney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. McCullough +
Muffet O’Brien McGraw *
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire + *
Bonnie Dempster McLaughlin *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mignogna *
Erin McNamara Miller + *
Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Montone +
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Moritz +
Mr. Patrick J. Morley *
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. F. T. Mulrooney + *
Mr. Charles S. Naber *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Nappi +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Nardone + *
Mr. Joseph S. Nescio, Esq. *
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nulty
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Paquet *
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Piernock
Mr. Camillo A. Pizii + *
Mr. & Mrs. G. Jeffrey Pompei *
Mr. David J. Prilutski
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Roche +
Mr. John P. Rothwell + *
Mr. Christopher J. Ruggiero *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Shumard
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Skog *
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Subers, Sr. +
Miss Janet A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney +
Mrs. William C. Tonetti, Jr. *
Miss Sheena J. Travaglini +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Turco
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Venskytis +
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Vertigan +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Viglione *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Welz + *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wittig +
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Woodward + *
American Marketing +
BSHS Class of 1999 +
BSHS Faculty +
BSHS Girls Soccer Booster Club *
Chester County Community
Foundation *
D.J. Wagner +
Dopaco, Inc. +
Family Practice Associates of Exton &
Marshallton, P.C. + *
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms *
GMAC Financial Services +
Horizon Services, Inc. +
Huntington Learning Center
I. T. Landes & Son, Inc. +
Annual Report 2008–2009
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Multi-talented Fine Arts Chair Chuck Keating wows the Spring Fling crowd.
KettleHill Communications
MacElree Harvey, Ltd. *
Naturescapes Landscape Specialists,
Phoenixville YMCA +
ProCollege Advisors *
Saint Patrick Parish + *
Tanzilli Orthodontics +
The Joseph Gurcsik Studios *
Whitford Country Club
Whitford Insurance Network, Inc.
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley + *
Loyalty Club
Gifts between $100 and $249
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Abbott +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Amrein +
Mrs. Frances Anderson + *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Andrel III *
Mr. Joseph Aquilante + *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Arabia +
Mr. James M. Armstrong +
Mary Jameson Ashwell *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Austin, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Babin *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa +
Ms. Victoria J. Bardsley +
Mr. Robert P. Barnes + *
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barnette *
Jennifer O’Donnell Barrett +
Kathryn Lyons Beech *
Mr. Gary W. Belmonte +
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Berberich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Berger + *
Mr. Stephen C. Berger *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Berghuis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bertolami +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bizal +
Donald R. Black +
Mr. Charles M. Blum
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boncek *
Marie Litz Bowers + *
Rev. Joseph D. Brandt *
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Briggs, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown *
Miss Mary J. Bucci
Angela McFadden Buchanan +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buchovecky +
Eileen Kain Buoni *
Dr. James E. Burns, Jr. +
Ms. Kathleen Burns +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Byard +
Mr. David A. Byerley + *
Michele Conahan Byler + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cabry III +
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Carlin +
Miss Nancy J. Cassel *
M. Claire Voigt Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cerritelli + *
Mr. William J. Cleary, Jr. +
Mr. James E. Coleman +
Mrs. Mary H. Cooper +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cordivari +
Mr. John E. Cosgrove, Sr. *
Dr. Melinda A. Cosgrove *
Kathleen Fossity Cotillo +
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Craig
Ms. Florence I. Crews
Rev. Msgr. Louis D’Addezio +
Mr. Joseph Daily *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale *
Mr. Christopher S. Daly +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dameika *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davison +
Mr. Robert Degnan *
Mrs. Maria DeLeon +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Delio, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dell’Arciprete +
Mr. Domenic L. D’Ginto *
Josephine Talucci D’Ginto + *
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiBerardinis + *
Mr. Peter E. DiSanti *
Mr. James J. Dorazio *
Christy Prilutski Dorris + *
Mr. James M. Dougherty *
Ms. Maureen S. Dougherty
Mrs. Alice Dowling *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Duffy + *
Christen Coxson Dunn + *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eby, Jr. +
Linda Dudas Edmondson +
Mr. Paul J. Endrey *
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence G. Esmonde *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Eyre +
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Farley +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fastuca +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Felder +
Mr. & Mrs. K. Brian Fillippo +
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Rev. Lawrence J. Finegan *
Kathleen Caulfield Finn +
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Flood *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Foster *
Mary Beth McFadden Fritz +
Mrs. Barbara Futej *
Ms. Susan C. Galban +
Mr. Joseph G. Gallagher *
Kristin Wallin Gallagher *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Garger *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Giannetti, Jr. + *
Catherine Schwarz Gold *
Mrs. Eileen P. Gorman +
Ms. Virginia Gotides +
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Green
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Green +
Judith McGrogan Green *
Miss Nicole T. Gummel *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hargraves
Mr. Richard J. Hartman *
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hauck +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Heim +
Mrs. Elisabeth Hennessy *
Mr. Robert Henry &
Ms. Nina Malone Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Herkins *
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hochella *
Mr. William E. Hochella *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Holenstein +
Mr. Anthony J. Holohan +
Mr. Joseph E. Hook +
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Horn +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoyer + *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Hricik *
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hughes + *
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Iacobone +
Mr. & Mrs. Russell P. Inzinga *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ivanoski +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennings + *
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Johnson + *
Mr. Richard J. Joyce *
Mr. Geoffrey G. Karabin + *
Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian A. Karlovitz +
Mr. Charles Keating +
Miss Maureen H. Keating
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Keenan +
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Kehoe + *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly *
Ms. Elizabeth M. Kelly *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kessel +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Kirby + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios Kousisis *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Krajeski *
Marietta Lamb-Mawby + *
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lanzar *
Miss Erin E. LaPorta +
Miss Samantha M. Lathrop +
Cynthia Talucci Leahan + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Leinhauser +
Mr. Thomas M. Lenker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Leporati Jr. +
Ms. Kimberly A. Levan + *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levi
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Lodge + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Loeper + *
Courtney Mulvey Lofgren + *
Mr. Harold J. Looby +
Dr. James Lottes + *
Mary Shehan Lutz
Mrs. and Mr. Patricia Lyman +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lyons
Mr. Thomas M. Lyons +
Mrs. Marie Mackay +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Magee +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manetta +
Mr. Frederick D. Manning *
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Manning *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mansk +
Mr. John K. March +
Mr. Thomas M. Mariano + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Martin +
Mr. Michael R. Martin
Miss Gina M. Mascherino + *
Rosemary Campitelli Mascherino *
Dr. Edward M. Matejkovic +
Michelle Naber Mattson
Mr. & Mrs. Garry E. McAdams + *
Eileen Conroy McAnally +
Mr. Donald R. McCallin *
Christine M. McCann + *
Mrs. Diane McCarraher +
Stephanie Valocchi McCarthy *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCloskey *
Mary Walker McCreesh +
Rev. Msgr. James T. McDonough
Mr. & Mrs. John McElvenny *
Mr. & Mrs. C. Dean McGowan
Mr. Todd McIntyre +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McKay + *
Mr. Joseph P. McKenna + *
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKeon +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. McLaughlin +
Rev. Msgr. Robert T. McManus
Mr. David M. McQuiston *
Janet Ciarlone McShane +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McTear
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Meenan
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Menna
Mr. Paul Meyers +
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel P. Milanese + *
Mr. Kevin E. Montone +
Ms. Susan D. Moore +
Catherine Bartelmo Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran +
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moran *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueller +
Mr. John E. Mulgrew +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Muller +
Ms. Jean Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mulqueen +
Moiya Thompson Murphy + *
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Musser +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Mynaugh +
Mr. Mark C. Naber
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Nakajima *
Miss Kimberly A. Nash +
MaryAnn Santangelo Newman +
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Newton, Jr. *
Maureen Sheehan Newton
Ms. Michele M. Nowlan
Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Nugent +
Mr. & Mrs. Duane M. Oakes +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Donnell *
Rev. Charles R. O’Hara *
Carol Dougherty O’Leary *
Roberta Maier Olliver *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O’Neill +
Mrs. Linda O’Neill +
Mr. Johnathan A. Ortiz *
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
Honor roll of donors
Mr. & Mrs. William Otis +
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ottaviano +
Miss Kelly L. Ousey +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Owens *
Kathleen Murphy Paleudis + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parker +
Mr. Edgar F. Paski *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Paulsell +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pelosi +
Ms. M. Kathryn Persch + *
Anne Marie MacNeill Peterson *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Piechowski +
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Pilotti
Colleen Joyce Pimer *
Dr. John H. Plunkett *
Mr. Robert A. Pomento + *
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter +
Ms. Marie J. Postus +
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Potance *
Kathleen Perley Przychodzien + *
Ms. Mary E. Quinn *
Mr. & Mrs. F. Paul Rauch
Mary Jane Raymond +
Mr. Louis N. Raytik *
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Redditt *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Regan +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Regan +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reichardt, Jr. +
Mr. Edward Reilly *
Mr. & Mrs. William Reilly + *
Mr. James M. Riley *
Mrs. Collen Robustelli *
Miss Megan L. Rogowski +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Rohlfs
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Roselli +
Kristin Raytik Roth *
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rule +
Eleanor Finegan Ryan *
Miss Celeste A. Santiago +
Rev. Msgr. John M. Savinski
Mrs. Mary A. Schinski +
Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider +
Margaret Doran Schock *
Mr. and Mrs. James Schreiber +
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schubert *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schubert *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Sech + *
Mrs. Leona Sech + *
Mr. & Mrs. William Shipley +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shirley +
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Short
Catherine McLaughlin Silva + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Simmons +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Singer + *
Kathryn Valocchi Snyder *
Senator Arlen Specter + *
Linda Gardner Spinelli
Mr. & Mrs. George Stairiker *
William Strickland +
Mr. Joseph F. Sullivan *
Mr. Brian K. Taggart *
+Mr. Francis J. Tait *
Ms. Lillian M. Taliercio + *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Taraschi, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Taylor +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Teti +
Margaret Speidel Thomas +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Thompson +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Toussaint *
Mr. & Mrs. Dan E. Trudan +
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew C. Tuttle + *
Mrs. Anna Marie Urbine
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Valdiserri +
Mr. Richard G. Valentino *
Mr. Albert J. Valocchi
Mr. F. Michael Valocchi *
Mrs. Josephine Vellutato +
Mr. Matthew E. Walinchus +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallin *
Mrs. Jane Ward *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ward + *
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Waring +
Bernadette Bonaduce Weaver +
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Webster +
Therese McFadden Wells + *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul White +
Mr. Raymond A. Wolownik +
Maureen Fagan Worrell *
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zelley
A Taste of Olive
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Center +
Ace Electric, Inc. +
Alliance Environmental Systems, Inc. +
Amani”s BYOB +
Arthur Murray Dance Studio *
Birthright of West Chester +
Bishop Shanahan High School
Blue Moon Florist + *
Brandywine Valley Heating & Air
Conditioning +
BSHS Italian Club +
BSHS Rugby Club +
BSHS School Store +
Capt’n Chucky’s Crab Cake Co., LLC +
Coatesville Flower Shop *
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd
Funeral Home +
Educational Resource Systems, Inc. +
Emerald Island Resort +
Four J’s Ltd. *
Framers Market Gallery +
Francis Hall Insurance & Risk
Management Services +
General Warren Inne +
Genesis Micro Solutions, Inc. +
Heavenly Couture +
Immaculata University +
In Motion Physical Therapy +
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant +
Ivystone Group +
JPMorgan Chase Foundation +
Kelly Sports, Ltd. +
Krapf Bus Companies +
Lenni Electric Corp. *
Mack Services Group
Malvern Glass, Inc. +
Maureen’s Gallery
McCormick Interiors, Inc. + *
Model Consulting, Inc. +
Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. +
Myers, Wolfe, Myers Group Of Morgan
Stanley +
NV Homes/Highpointe at Shanahan +
Otto’s BMW +
PepsiCo Foundation +
Pickering Valley Golf Club
Pietro’s Prime
Pine Street Carpenters Inc. + *
Planet Fitness +
PNC Bank +
Raytheon Company +
Reger Rizzo & Darnall, LLP +
Roberts One on One +
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
Saint Joseph Parish + *
Saints Simon and Jude Parish
Salus Chiropractic +
Sardella Eye Associates +
Sheller Oil Company
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel *
Siana, Bellwoar & McAndrew, LLP +
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary +
Sly Fox Brewhouse & Eatery +
Stratas Foods, LLC +
The Inn at Chester Springs +
Timeless Dwellings *
Ultimate Image Salon +
Wells Fargo Community Support
Campaign +
White Memorials +
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Wilmington Trust Company +
Wusinich, Brogan & Stanzione Law
Firm *
Zephyr Aluminum, LLC +
Green & White Club
Gifts between $50 and $99
Mr. & Mrs. John Abt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson +
Mrs. Josephine Angelozzi +
Miss Kristen M. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Arayata
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Avellino +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Avis *
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Bacon +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bammer *
Mr. James Barr +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Barsa *
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bayne *
Mrs. Kathe Becker +
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Best +
Miss Emmalee R. Bierly +
Mr. Brian T. Blair +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Booth +
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brett +
Elizabeth O’Tap Brown *
Mr. & Mrs. David Burton + *
Edwin Bush +
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Campbell *
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Caridi + *
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Carlin
Mrs. Richard Carlin *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Carr +
Mrs. Christina Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Casciato +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Cassidy +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio + *
Sharon Lavender Cervino +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clayman + *
Col. Mary Clementi + *
Ms. Patrizia Clerico +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Cobb
Patricia Lyons Conboy *
Rosemarie Pomento Connolly *
Virginia Hoffman Conway +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Corcoran +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig +
Mr. John P. Crossan + *
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Czabator +
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Daigle +
Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Daliwan, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dane +
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dannaker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D’Auria *
Mrs. Mary J. Davis +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Davis +
Ms. Marie F. Dawson + *
Marcie Lamb DeCapite *
Patrice Furey Delargey *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Delio, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Delledonne +
Mrs. Veronica DeMarco +
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. DePaul *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Desiderio *
Mr. Donald D. DiMarco +
Mr. & Mrs. K. Van Dinh +
Mrs. Estelle Diobilda +
Ms. Maria DiRienzo-Smith +
Mr. Anthony J. DiSanti *
Mr. & Mrs. Francis DiSanti + *
Mr. Richard J. Dixon +
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dolan +
Mr. & Mrs. John Dougherty +
Mr. Joseph F. Driscoll +
Ms. Kathleen M. Duffy +
Mr. Joseph E. Dulin *
Mary Donnelly Dumont +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dunn
Mr. Michael A. Dunne +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Durning +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Dyson
Mrs. Joan Eaves +
Mr. William F. Egan +
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Emig +
Kathleen Profeto Esposito *
Mrs. Jane Fallon +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Fares
Miss Catherine E. Fedor +
Mr. David J. Fenimore *
Miss Margaret A. Fenimore + *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Ferrigno + *
Mr. Hugo Ficca *
Barbara Carnathan Finegan *
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Fitzgerald +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Flood *
Maureen McDevitt Foley *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Forloines *
Miss Michelle E. Foster +
Mrs. Maria Fuga
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Fullam +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furcon +
Miss Alyse B. Gallagher +
Mr. & Mrs. Kris K. Gike +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gincley *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Glancey +
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Gose +
Mr. Francis J. Haas *
Miss Corinne M. Hammond *
Mrs. Ann Haney +
Mr. & Mrs. James Hargraves +
Mr. Gary P. Harper +
Christine Mehok Hegarty *
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Helker *
Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Helms +
Mr. Mark E. Helms *
Elisa Evans Hetrick *
Mr. & Mrs. Rommel S. Hidalgo +
Elizabeth O’Connor Hist *
Mr. & Mrs. John Hockenberry +
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Andrea Hogg +
Mrs. Kathleen Holman *
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Huss, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hutton +
Ms. Amy Iannelli
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Terence James
Kathleen Gannon Janavel +
Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Johns +
Mr. & Mrs. Bradish F. Johnson +
Mr. Michael A. Joyce +
Dr. Guillermo Juncos +
Miss Caitlin M. Keane +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelly +
Nancy Barnaba Knapp *
Miss Elise N. Knezo +
Mr. Jason Knezo *
Mr. Zachary E. Knezo *
Mr. Kyle W. Kramer +
Mr. Frank A. Lasak +
Mr. & Mrs. John Lauer +
Mr. & Ms. James Lentz +
Roberta Beamer Levan
Mr. Richard A. Lichty *
Mr. & Mrs. James Likoudis +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lodge *
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Loffredo +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Looby, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lott +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Lubas +
Miss Laura A. MacFarland +
Mr. Jason V. Madden +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maguire +
Mr. John L. Matt +
Mrs. Mary L. Mattioni *
Mr. & Mrs. David Mauer +
Mrs. Doris M. Mazzio *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mazzotta +
Miss Anita R. Mazzula *
Miss Kristina M. Mazzula *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. James McCabe +
Mr. & Mrs. John G. McCabe +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCarry +
Mr. Kevin C. McCarthy, Jr. +
Miss Molly E. McCarthy +
Mr. Stephen J. McCullough *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCusker +
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM +
Mr. Lawrence D. McDevitt
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McDonald +
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert McDonough *
Catherine Molloy McElwain *
Mr. John M. McElwee *
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. McGinley +
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. McKee *
Ann F. McKenna *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Medvid +
Ms. Eileen Melone +
Marion Nagy Mento *
Mr. Joseph O. Miller *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Miller, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Minsker *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Montgomery +
Mr. & Mrs. Todd J. Morris +
Jeanne Herron Moulder +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mullen
Rev. Msgr. Thomas M. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Munyan +
Miss Kathleen L. Murphy +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murray *
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Neiderer *
Lois Dutt Nines *
Ms. Michele F. Oakes +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell III
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Olenik, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson
Mrs. Joan Owens *
Mr. Robert J. Palladino +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Panik
Miss Jacqueline A. Paquet +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Parkes +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Parrott Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pearlberg *
Mr. Ernest R. Pescatore *
Mr. Glenn G. Peterson + *
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM +
Mr. George S. Podziomek *
Mr. & Mrs. David Potts +
Mary McElwee Priest *
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Purcell +
Mary Jane Hartman Queen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Queppet *
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Quinlan *
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Quiroz
Ms. Joanne M. Radie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rainey *
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ramil +
Mrs. Jeany Redmond +
Mr. William J. Reilly +
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Reto
Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Riley +
Mary McQuiston Ritter *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Roberts *
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rogowski +
Miss Susan M. Ruane *
Mr. & Mrs. James Ruggiero +
Mr. Michael H. Ryan *
Mr. Richard Rydesky +
Mr. Joseph R. Sabo, Jr.
Ms. Mariel Santos + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Santos *
Mr. Albert C. Sardella *
Mrs. Marie Scheivert
Mrs. Nancy Schwemler
Mr. John R. Shaddock *
Mrs. Margaret R. Shannon *
Mrs. Barbara Shoemaker +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Shoemaker III +
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Shrader *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shurer +
Elizabeth Hanley Smith *
Mrs. Sonia Smith +
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Snook +
Mrs. Sally Solometo +
Mr. & Mrs. George Stanko *
Mrs. Jane L. Stant +
Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Steel +
Dolores Mark Swarm +
Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney +
Mr. James L. Swiger III *
Patricia Losito Swiger
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Swingle *
Mr. Sabatino G. Talucci *
Mary Louise Kehoe Thompson
Carole Rice Toewe *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Tonetti III + *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Toussaint +
Allison Paulachok Treston +
Rev. Msgr. James A. Treston *
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Truskey +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tustin
Mrs. Diane L. Uleau +
Ms. Christina M. Valocchi + *
Thomas A. Valyo +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul VanderNeut +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Versaggi +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Watson *
Kelly McCullough Watson *
Kathleen Harrison Webb +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Weiland +
Ms. Cynthia K. Wein + *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Willard *
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Williams +
Mrs. Jeannie Conahan Wimble +
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Witt +
Phyllis M. Yankech *
Donna Guie Yarnall + *
Mrs. Jean Yoder *
AES Clean Technology, Inc. +
Allegria Ristorante Italiano +
American Helicopter Museum
Angel Helpers +
Artisan Home Brew +
Boenning & Scattergood, Inc +
Bonefish Grill +
BSHS Activities Office +
Buca Di Beppo +
C F Sauer Foods, Inc. +
Carlino’s Specialty Foods and Catering +
Cedar Hollow Inn, Restaurant & Bar +
Chambers and Son’s Inc. +
Chester County Opticians
Colonial Village Meat Markets
Cookies by Design +
D’Ascanio’s Family Hairstyling *
Doc Magrogans Oyster House +
Downingtown General Dentistry +
Exton Driving School
GE Foundation *
General Electric +
GM Financial Planners +
KCBA Architects
Limoncello Ristorante +
Ludwig’s Village Market & Caterers +
Matthews Paoli Ford *
Newton’s on State Street +
Palace Bowling & Entertainment Center +
Panera Bread +
Pepperidge Farm, Inc. *
Pfizer, Inc. *
Philly Soft Pretzel Factory +
Prudential +
Richard T. Byrnes Company, Inc. *
Saint Agnes Class of 1950 +
Saint Joseph Elementary School +
Sarah’s Chairs +
United Way of Chester County
Friends of Shanahan
Gifts up to $50
Patricia Calicyo Adams *
Barbara DiSanti Amiro +
Mrs. Helen C. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aquilante +
Mr. Roger Arthur +
Miss Chelsea S. Avellino +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Aycock
Mrs. Nancy Bachofer
Miss Dina N. Bammer *
Nancy Eppehimer Barker + *
Mrs. Ellen Barton +
Mrs. Patricia C. Beach-Pepe + *
Miss Tara J. Beavers +
Miss Kelsey E. Beckert +
Dolores MacIntire Benson *
Ann Dixon Bestany *
Mr. & Mrs. William Boland *
Mrs. Marilyn Boncek +
Miss Cara T. Brindley +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Brumfield +
Mrs. Delores Buchovecky +
Mr. James R. Burns *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burrichter +
Mr. Alexander W. Byard + *
Mr. Michael J. Cabry IV +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Capista +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Capuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cellini +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ciarrocchi +
Mr. Robert A. Cifaldi +
Miss Carly L. Clayman +
Mrs. Catherine Cochran +
Mrs. Jean Colagreco +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connolly *
Mrs. Anointette Connor + *
Miss Ashley M. Cooke +
Mr. & Mrs. Neil C. Coyne +
Dawn Beaupit Craft *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Criswell Jr. *
Mr. Robert Criswell, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Cusick +
Mr. Jeremiah J. Davis +
Mrs. Verna Davison +
Ms. Dorothy A. Dean +
Miss Sarah A. DeBarberie *
Patricia Raub DeHart *
Mr. & Mrs. Emil DeJohn +
Mr. Frank C. Delphais + *
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. DeMeo +
Mr. & Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey +
Mr. John M. DiEugenio *
Sr. Carolyn Dimick, IHM *
Miss Andrea A. Diorio +
Miss Margaret T. DiPietro +
Ms. Anne DiSanti +
Mr. Donald Doran
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd
Sr. Kathleen E. Doyle, IHM +
Mr. Joseph A. Duffy +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka +
Sister Kathleen P. Eagan, IHM
Mr. & Mrs. John Eckert +
Miss Catherine B. Egan *
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Elliott
Ms. Bridget Ensor +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fagan *
Mrs. Joan Fahy +
Mrs. Mary Falco +
Mr. John E. Farrell + *
Karen Habbersett Fegley
Susan Roberts Fiorentino *
Mr. & Mrs. John Firely +
Mrs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Fleming +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frampton +
Mr. John Franzini
Mrs. Florence Frezzo +
Mrs. Irene Friel +
Mrs. Joan Fullam +
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
Honor roll of donors
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Galante
Miss Erin T. Gale +
Mrs. Lydia Galvin
Ms. Catherine Garvey +
Aurelia Naples Garzia +
Mr. Frank Gavin +
Representative Jim Gerlach +
Natalie Knepley Gilboy *
Mrs. Doris Gillespie +
Ms. Caryle M. Glah + *
Mrs. Joanne Good +
Mr. Arthur B. Gose +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gothie
Miss Emily A. Gottshall +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Grahn +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greim +
Mr. & Mr. Robert Haenn +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hagenkotter *
Mr. Thomas J. Haines +
Mrs. Kathleen Hamill +
Ted Hamilton +
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hammond +
Bronwyn Zappacosta Hanaway + *
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison *
Mr. Daniel J. Hart +
Daniel B. Heffernan +
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Helker +
Mr. & Mrs. James Heller +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Holdsman +
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoover +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Horgan +
Miss Emily M. Hoye + *
Susan Elias Hulton *
Mr. Russel F. Hurst +
Miss Allison M. Huss +
Bernadette Dempsey Iannelli +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Jaffe +
Miss Brigid K. Jensen *
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Jilek +
Mr. Thomas E. Joyce +
Barbara Mellusi Kaczorowski +
Miss Paige A. Kaminski +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah F. Kane III +
Sister Catherine Kaporch, IHM + *
Mr. Raymond Kearbey +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kearns
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Keefe +
Mr. Aaron W. Kelley +
Mr. Alexander J. Kelso +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Kennedy *
Mr. Stephen M. King +
Mr. & Mrs. James Knox +
Louise Alexander Kraft + *
Mr. Andrew R. Krapf +
Mr. Martin A. Lamb +
Mary Pirri Launi
Mr. Thaddeus Lekawa, Jr. +
Mr. Steven F. Leonhardt +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leppert +
Dolores Massucci Lerch
Miss Jaclyn K. Levi
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Lippman +
Joan Ralph Loper *
Mr. Edward Lotkowski *
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ludovico +
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lux +
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Macera +
Mr. Andrew R. Macias
Maureen Hegarty Makovetz +
Mrs. Grace Mansi +
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Markle +
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Marks +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marks, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Marshall +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Martin +
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCullen +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McFadden +
Mr. & Mrs. William McFalls +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGinty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNabb +
Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara +
Agnes Newman McWilliams +
Miss Kelly J. Meehan +
Miss Jacklyn D. Melfi +
Rev. James J. Melle *
Mrs. Juliana Melly +
Ms. Rita J. Metz +
Mr. & Mrs. David Michell *
Doris Krupansky Miller *
Susan Cornely Miller + *
Mr. Joseph R. Mingioni
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mitchell III
Sharon Petrucelli Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mnich +
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mohr +
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Monahan *
Mrs. Catherine Monk *
Antoinette Clementi Moran *
Mr. Alexander J. Morin
Mr. Jonathan P. Morin
Dr. Nicholas P. Morin
Mr. Samuel T. Morin +
Mary Cosgriff Morrell *
Mr. & Mrs. John Moylett *
Mr. Ryan F. Muckel +
+Nicholas T Mullin +
Rachel Cocklin Mullin
Ms. Molly B. Mulvihill +
Mr. Patrick S. Mulvihill +
Sr. Francis Helen Murphy, IHM +
Barbara Beitel Nash +
Mr. Albert Newman
Mr. Frank J. Nosek *
Kathleen Farrelly Oakes *
Mr. & Mrs. John D. O’Dell
Mrs. Martina Ossman +
Mr. & Mrs. John Patriarca +
Ms. Linda Pellegrino +
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Perry +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Peterson *
Louise McLaughlin Petrone *
Mrs. Nancy Pinelli +
Elizabeth Burns Pitt
Mr. and Mrs. Vispo Pizzica +
Barbara Black Pollock *
Miss Lindsay M. Powell *
Mr. & Mrs. Chan Prathanaluangxay +
Julianna Gyurina Price *
Rachel Coyle Quay +
Miss Allison M. Quinn +
Mr. John Quinn *
Mr. Michael R. Quinn + *
Miss Molly E. Quinn +
Mr. Patrick E. Raleigh +
Eleanor Walls Ratigan +
Ms. Barbara Redditt +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reif +
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Rinas +
Mr. Edward R. Robinson *
Mr. Kevin M. Roche +
Faculty member Joseph Aquilante encourages guests to bid on silent auction
Mr. Christopher A. Rodgers *
Ms. Carol C. Roper +
Meghan DelGrande Rosser +
Mr. & Mrs. John Rule +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saboe +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schad +
Miss Kathryn A. Schmidt *
Miss Allison M. Seifert +
Miss Stephanie N. Seifert +
Mr. Thomas A. Seifert +
Monica D’Ginto Sekela *
Jacqueline Bostelle Shaeffer +
Ms. Joan M. Smallwood + *
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Smith +
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith +
Mr. & Mrs. C. Snyder +
Mrs. Deborah Snyder +
Mr. Evan M. Snyder +
Anne Murphy Sogluizzo *
Mrs. Anna Mae Stanolis +
Mr. & Mrs. John Storrs +
Miss Dorothy J. Stranix +
Mr. Peter J. Sturm +
Miss Brittany E. Subers
Miss Danielle H. Subers
Mr. Patrick T. Subers
Mr. Walter J. Subers
Ms. Claire L. Suerken +
Mr. Matthew D. Swingle + *
Miss Caitlin K. Taylor + *
Mr. Christopher A. Taylor + *
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Taylor +
Lucia Walinchus Thayer + *
Kathleen Sweeney Thomas +
Mr. & Ms. William Coneghen +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tokarski +
Sister Helen Miriam Toner, IHM +
Mr. John Travaglini +
Sr. Maria Francina Travis IHM
Karen McBratnie Trotman *
Miss Laura A. Trusila +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trzos +
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tuccio +
Miss Julianne K. Tuttle +
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Underwood +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Valentini +
Mrs. Marilyn Vertigan +
Miss Catharine L. Vogel +
Miss Natalie A. Vogel +
Mrs. Dorothy D. Warren *
Barbara Fabrizio Wayne +
J. Richard Weaver +
Miss Kirstin M. Wentz Taylor *
Mr. & Mrs. William Weyand +
Louise Bowman Wilson +
Mrs. Marian Wilson +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Winkie *
Miss Keisha A. Woods +
Mr. & Mrs. Wanlace E. Yates +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zimmerman +
Aetna Foundation, Inc. *
Anthony’s Italian Restaurant *
Applebees Neighborhood Grill & Bar +
Applebee’s of Lionville
Brady Orthodontics, PC +
Brickside Grille +
Cancelmo Painting
Creed’s Seafood & Steaks *
Custom Printing & Promotions +
Definitely Dance +
Downingtown Country Club +
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre +
Eagle Tavern & Inn, Inc. +
F. H. Swisher Plumbing & Heating Co. *
Flocco’s Discount Shoes & Clothes *
Flooring By Design By D&D Interiors *
Frame of Reference
Go With Us, Inc. +
Initial Designs Ltd
Longwood Gardens *
Max and Erma’s Restaurant +
On The Border +
Ristorante LaLocanda +
Rubinstein’s Office Plus +
Sacred Heart/Holy Trinity Rectory +
Senoras Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Taylors Music Store & Studios +
The Olive Tree - Mediterranean Grill +
TNS Media Intelligence +
Winner’s Circle Sports Grille +
Worrell’s Butcher Shop, LLC +
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors by Class
Gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
he following pages are a testimony to over 450 members of
the Bishop Shanahan Alumni who generously supported the
Shanahan students’ experience in the 2009-2010 academic year. This
represents a 50% increase in the number of alumni donors from the
previous year. We are grateful to all those alumni who recognize the
value of the education they received at Bishop Shanahan and see the
need to continue that tradition into the future.
Mr. John L. Matt +
Lois Dutt Nines *
Mr. Ernest R. Pescatore *
Mr. Joseph R. Sabo, Jr.
Phyllis M. Yankech *
Mr. Raymond A. Wolownik +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Margaret White Gagliardi +
Mr. Gerard A. Goulet *
Class of 1963
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. John F. Dulin + *
Total Gifts: $1,450
Loyalty Club
M. Claire Voigt Cavanaugh
Josephine Talucci D’Ginto + *
Judith McGrogan Green *
Mr. William M. Herkins *
Janet Ciarlone McShane +
Mr. Louis N. Raytik *
Friends of Shanahan
Patricia Calicyo Adams *
Dolores MacIntire Benson *
Dolores Massucci Lerch
Joan Ralph Loper *
Legacy Club
Dr. Leonard C. Giunta +
Friends of Shanahan
Sr. Kathleen E. Doyle, IHM +
Loyalty Club
Mr. Thomas M. Mariano + *
Roberta Maier Olliver *
Mr. Joseph F. Sullivan *
Mr. Richard G. Valentino *
Class of 1961
Class of 1960
The character and accomplishments
of Shanahan’s many graduates attest
to the value of the Bishop Shanahan
experience. We are so grateful to our
alumni who value the education and
life lessons they received at Shanahan,
and who desire to invest in its current
students through their gifts. By
doing so, you ensure that Shanahan
preserves its legacy of excellence. You
are our past and you are our future!
Total Gifts: $3,337.50
Class of 1958
Green & White Club
Dolores O’Neill Gincley *
Legacy Club
Mr. Brian C. Dimick *
Ann Donahue Giunta +
Loyalty Club
Mr. Donald R. McCallin *
Total Gifts: $4,775
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Eugene J. Huston + *
Mr. Bernard A. Perella +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Rev. Albert G. Baltz *
Mr. Robert J. Dunleavy + *
Loyalty Club
Miss Mary J. Bucci
Rev. Lawrence J. Finegan *
Margaret Doran Schock *
Green & White Club
Mr. David J. Fenimore *
Mr. John W. Jackson
Joyce Crooks Jackson +
Mr. Lawrence D. McDevitt
Mr. Sabatino G. Talucci *
Mary Louise Kehoe Thompson
Carole Rice Toewe *
Friends of Shanahan
Kathleen Sweeney Thomas +
Total Gifts: $1,825
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Michael J. Baltz + *
Class of 1959
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Katherine McCarthy Kraenzle +
Mr. Dennis S. Marlo *
Green & White Club
Maureen McDevitt Foley *
Roberta Beamer Levan
Marion Nagy Mento *
Total Gifts: $9,192.50
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. Frederick P. McCarthy, Jr. + *
Legacy Club
Mary Ann Brackin Bassett *
Total Gifts: $4,300
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. Francis P. DiFonzo + *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Robert A. DeFalco +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Rev. Mr. M. Eugene Favinger *
Mr. David M. Huston *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Robert P. Barnes + *
Marie Litz Bowers + *
Beverly Caputo Herkins *
Margaret Speidel Thomas +
Green & White Club
Mr. Joseph E. Dulin *
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Class of 1965
Total Gifts: $6,347.50
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Peter J. D’Angelo *
Mr. William E. Groft *
Theresa Bryan Hayward +
Col. John W. Hook +
Leadership Circle
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr. *
Loyalty Club
Mary Jameson Ashwell *
Mr. Thomas M. Lyons +
Legacy Club
Regina Olise Brecht + *
Green & White Club
Dolores Mark Swarm +
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Frank C. Delphais + *
Sr. Carolyn Dimick, IHM *
Susan Elias Hulton *
Lucille Lamontagne Markle +
Doris Krupansky Miller *
Class of 1964
Total Gifts: $10,892.50
Class of 1962
Green & White Club
Kathleen Profeto Esposito *
Miss Margaret A. Fenimore + *
Jeanne Herron Moulder +
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM +
The Principal’s Circle
M. Kathryn Lewis Dulin + *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Justin J. McCarthy *
Mr. John D. Recchiuti *
Legacy Club
Mr. Richard G. Forte +
Theresa Alonzo Forte +
Loyalty Club
Eileen Kain Buoni *
Mr. William J. Cleary, Jr. +
Linda Dudas Edmondson +
Mr. Harold J. Looby +
Mr. John K. March +
Stephanie Valocchi McCarthy *
Kathleen Murphy Paleudis + *
Mr. Robert A. Pomento + *
Ms. Lillian M. Taliercio + *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Edward F. Ford + *
Mr. Patrick W. McCarthy *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Gary W. Belmonte +
Ms. Maureen S. Dougherty
Miss Maureen H. Keating
Marietta Lamb-Mawby + *
Dr. Edward M. Matejkovic +
MaryAnn Santangelo Newman +
Mr. Francis J. Tait + *
Green & White Club
Mr. John P. Crossan + *
Mr. Richard A. Lichty *
Mr. Joseph O. Miller *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Margaret T. DiPietro +
Louise Alexander Kraft + *
Sr. Francis Helen Murphy, IHM +
Julianna Gyurina Price *
Mr. Edward R. Robinson *
Class of 1966
Total Gifts: $3,900
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
The Honorable Donald F. Parsons, Jr. *
Legacy Club
Mr. Patrick C. Gallery *
Aileen Dill Pilarski + *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. John A. Huber +
Susan Reilly Huber +
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
d o n o r s by c l a s s
Gift Societies
In recognition of and
appreciation for the support
extended from alumni, past and
current parents, grandparents,
faculty, staff and friends, Bishop
Shanahan High School has
established the following Gift
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Circle of Honor
Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
Partners in Mission
Gifts of $15,000 – $24,999
The President’s Circle
Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999
The Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
Monsignor Schuyler Circle
Mr. Gerhart L. Klein *
Mr. Camillo A. Pizii + *
Loyalty Club
Miss Nancy J. Cassel *
Ellen Hayes Cerritelli + *
Mr. Thomas J. Cerritelli + *
Linda Gardner Spinelli
Green & White Club
Mr. William J. Reilly +
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. John M. DiEugenio *
Mr. William J. Markle +
Class of 1967
Total Gifts: $2,235
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Dr. Robert L. Parsons + *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Donna Silvestri Hussey *
Mr. John P. Rothwell + *
Loyalty Club
Catherine Schwarz Gold *
Mr. David M. McQuiston *
Ms. M. Kathryn Persch + *
Dr. John H. Plunkett *
Maureen Fagan Worrell *
Green & White Club
Mr. George S. Podziomek *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Frank J. Nosek *
Ms. Carol C. Roper +
Class of 1968
Total Gifts: $14,053.77
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. Richard M. Parsons *
Nancy McGovern Pia + *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Kevin J. Small + *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Joseph E. Hook +
Cynthia Talucci Leahan + *
Rosemary Campitelli Mascherino *
Eileen Conroy McAnally +
Carol Dougherty O’Leary *
Kathleen Perley Przychodzien + *
Green & White Club
Virginia Hoffman Conway +
Mr. Mark E. Helms *
Mary Jane Hartman Queen
Patricia Losito Swiger
Loyalty Club
Ms. Florence I. Crews
Mr. James J. Dorazio *
Mr. Joseph G. Gallagher *
Mr. James M. Riley *
Class of 1970
Eagle’s Nest Club
Eileen Caulfield Dalton *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Francis J. Lutz + *
Mr. Patrick J. Morley *
Legacy Club
Gifts of $500 – $999
Eagle’s Nest Club
Gifts of $250 – $499
Loyalty Club
Gifts of $100 – $249
Green & White Club
Gifts of $50 – $99
Friend of Shanahan
Gifts less than $50
Class of 1969
Legacy Club
Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx *
Gifts of $1,000 – $1,499
Friends of Shanahan
Barbara DiSanti Amiro +
Kathleen Durning Dempsey +
Karen Habbersett Fegley
Ms. Caryle M. Glah + *
Barbara Black Pollock *
Mr. William L. Underwood +
Louise Bowman Wilson +
Total Gifts: $12,950
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. William J. Dawson + *
The Shanahan Heritage
Green & White Club
Marcie Lamb DeCapite *
Patrice Furey Delargey *
Mr. Stephen J. McCullough *
Elizabeth Hanley Smith *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Catherine B. Egan *
Total Gifts: $3,585
Gifts of $1,500 – $2,499
All reported gifts are cash
received from July 1, 2009
through June 30, 2010. The
names listed in this report have
been printed according to
computer records.
The President’s Circle
Mr. Gerald J. Parsons + *
Loyalty Club
Anne Marie MacNeill Peterson *
Green & White Club
Elizabeth O’Tap Brown *
Mary Moyer Kelly +
Mr. Timothy F. Kelly +
Mr. John M. McElwee *
Mary McQuiston Ritter *
Donna Guie Yarnall + *
If there are any errors or
omissions, please accept
our apology and contact the
Advancement Office so that
appropriate corrections can
be made.
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
D o n o r s by c l a s s
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Jeremiah J. Davis +
Barbara Fabrizio Wayne +
Class of 1971
Total Gifts: $1,560
Eagle’s Nest Club
Bonnie Dempster McLaughlin *
Mr. David J. Prilutski
Miss Janet A. Sullivan
Loyalty Club
Dr. Melinda A. Cosgrove *
Kathleen Caulfield Finn +
Jo Ann Hartman Moran *
Dr. Thomas J. Moran *
Colleen Joyce Pimer *
Mr. Albert J. Valocchi
Green & White Club
Mary McElwee Priest *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. James R. Burns *
Maureen Hegarty Makovetz +
Anne Murphy Sogluizzo *
Friends of Shanahan
Barbara Beitel Nash +
Mr. Michael J. Peterson *
Mrs. Dorothy D. Warren *
Legacy Club
Kathleen Holman Jensen *
Class of 1975
Green & White Club
Mary Leszczynski Lodge *
Mr. Thomas R. Lodge *
Total Gifts: $1,392.95
Legacy Club
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy + *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Richard J. Hartman *
Mr. Joseph M. Kessel +
Lisa Bannan Kessel +
Kathryn Valocchi Snyder *
Green & White Club
Mr. Anthony J. DiSanti *
Nancy Barnaba Knapp *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Joseph A. Duffy +
Class of 1976
Total Gifts: $1,755
Legacy Club
Ms. Nancy M. Rooney *
Mr. Edward G. Torrance III *
Class of 1972
Total Gifts: $2,115
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. Anthony J. Fiorenza *
Loyalty Club
Ms. Mary E. Quinn *
Green & White Club
Patricia Lyons Conboy *
Rosemarie Pomento Connolly *
Mr. Donald D. DiMarco +
Mary Donnelly Dumont +
Elizabeth O’Connor Hist *
Class of 1973
Loyalty Club
Susan Soja Arabia +
Kathryn Lyons Beech *
Mr. Robert A. Ward + *
Green & White Club
Therese Moran Davis +
Mr. William F. Egan +
Mr. Frank A. Lasak +
Joanne Cummings McKee *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Paul J. Burrichter +
Class of 1977
Total Gifts: $4,990
Total Gifts: $1,065
Eagle’s Nest Club
Muffet O’Brien McGraw *
Legacy Club
Mr. Thomas G. Detweiler + *
Loyalty Club
Diana Wosko Green +
Mr. James P. Green +
Mary Shehan Lutz
Loyalty Club
Mr. Peter E. DiSanti *
Maureen Sheehan Newton
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Anthony L. DeMeo +
Patricia Petragnani DeMeo +
Karen McBratnie Trotman *
Green & White Club
Mr. Thomas M. Cassidy +
Pamela Resetco Dyson
Mr. Richard T. Miller, Jr. +
Kathleen Harrison Webb +
Friends of Shanahan
Kathryn Molloy Criswell Jr. *
Class of 1974
Total Gifts: $895
Class of 1978
Legacy Club
Eileen Helm Weaver *
Total Gifts: $8,950
Loyalty Club
Mr. James M. Armstrong +
Christine M. McCann + *
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. Leo Parsons + *
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Loyalty Club
Denice Trainor Menna
Diane DiSanti Ward + *
Class of 1979
Total Gifts: $1,600
Green & White Club
Anne Walker Cassidy +
Ms. Marie F. Dawson + *
Friends of Shanahan
Daniel B. Heffernan +
Kathleen Bizal Holdsman +
Teresa Leszczynski Smith +
Class of 1982
Total Gifts: $2,452
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Claire Jasiukiewicz Blair +
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Anne Fossity DiSciullo *
Mr. Robert J. DiSciullo *
Legacy Club
Mary McBratnie Swanick + *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Charles S. Naber *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Kathleen Gallery Grismala
Green & White Club
Mr. Brian T. Blair +
Christine Mehok Hegarty *
Loyalty Club
Ms. Victoria J. Bardsley +
Mr. Michael E. Bizal +
Mr. Mark C. Hargraves
Eleanor Finegan Ryan *
Catherine McLaughlin Silva + *
Green & White Club
Mr. Frank J. Desiderio *
Kathleen Gannon Janavel +
Mr. Michael A. Joyce +
Ms. Christina M. Valocchi + *
Class of 1980
Total Gifts: $1,900
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Henry C. Blair +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Sharon O’Neill Finnegan *
Miss Kathleen M. Lyons *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Joseph P. McKenna + *
Green & White Club
Mr. Edward M. Delio, Jr. *
Lorraine Wysocki Johns +
Joanne Perley Parrott +
Mr. Glenn G. Peterson + *
Friends of Shanahan
Kimberly Elliott Burrichter +
Louise McLaughlin Petrone *
Class of 1981
Total Gifts: $745
Loyalty Club
Michele Conahan Byler + *
Mr. Domenic L. D’Ginto *
Mary Beth McFadden Fritz +
Karen Cattafesta Holenstein +
Mr. F. Michael Valocchi *
Friends of Shanahan
Susan Roberts Fiorentino *
Barbara Mellusi Kaczorowski +
Monica D’Ginto Sekela *
Mr. Christopher A. Taylor + *
Class of 1983
Total Gifts: $1,055
Loyalty Club
Patricia Griest Bertolami +
Kathleen Fossity Cotillo +
Mr. Thomas H. Magee +
Mary Walker McCreesh +
Mr. Mark C. Naber
Kristine Kelleher Singer + *
Therese McFadden Wells + *
Green & White Club
Ann F. McKenna *
Donna Hoffman Toussaint +
Jeannie Conahan Wimble +
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Andrew R. Krapf +
Mr. Christopher A. Rodgers *
Class of 1984
Total Gifts: $400
Leadership Circle
Ms. Kimberly A. Stack *
Loyalty Club
Mr. James E. Coleman +
Ms. Elizabeth M. Kelly *
Bernadette Bonaduce Weaver +
Class of 1985
Total Gifts: $750
Eagle’s Nest Club
Erin McNamara Miller + *
Loyalty Club
Michelle Naber Mattson
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
D o n o r s by c l a s s
Green & White Club
Mr. Kevin C. McCarthy, Jr. +
Friends of Shanahan
Bernadette Dempsey Iannelli +
Rachel Coyle Quay +
Class of 1996
Total Gifts: $210
Loyalty Club
Mr. Geoffrey G. Karabin + *
Mr. Frederick D. Manning *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Keisha A. Woods +
Class of 1997
Total Gifts: $1,120
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Brigid Delargey Parsons *
Loyalty Club
Angela McFadden Buchanan +
Students collected over 1,200 items for the St. Katherine Drexel Cupboard.
Green & White Club
Sharon Lavender Cervino +
Friends of Shanahan
Nancy Eppehimer Barker + *
Susan Cornely Miller + *
Class of 1986
Green & White Club
Christina Cokonis O’Donnell
Mr. Patrick J. O’Donnell III
Class of 1989
Total Gifts: $500
Loyalty Club
Kristin Wallin Gallagher *
Moiya Thompson Murphy + *
Green & White Club
Mr. Francis J. Haas *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Christopher J. Ruggiero *
Legacy Club
Mr. Anthony D. Agatone + *
Loyalty Club
Kristin Raytik Roth *
Loyalty Club
Ms. Kimberly A. Levan + *
Green & White Club
Elisa Evans Hetrick *
Catherine Molloy McElwain *
Loyalty Club
Christen Coxson Dunn + *
Kelly Levan Manning *
Friends of Shanahan
Dawn Beaupit Craft *
Sharon Petrucelli Mitchell
Friends of Shanahan
Eleanor Walls Ratigan +
Green & White Club
Mr. Robert J. Palladino +
Class of 1987
Total Gifts: $495
Loyalty Club
Ms. Susan C. Galban +
Mary Hennessy Gentile *
Catherine Bartelmo Moran
Mr. Peter J. Moran
Green & White Club
Kelly McCullough Watson *
Friends of Shanahan
Ann Dixon Bestany *
Bronwyn Zappacosta Hanaway + *
Mr. Joseph R. Mingioni
Class of 1988
Total Gifts: $250
Loyalty Club
Mr. Charles M. Blum
Class of 1990
Total Gifts: $200
Loyalty Club
Mr. Terrence M. Manning *
Mr. John E. Mulgrew +
Class of 1991
Total Gifts: $163
Loyalty Club
Mr. Christopher S. Daly +
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Robert A. Cifaldi +
Mr. Martin A. Lamb +
Total Gifts: $120
Loyalty Club
Mrs. Mary A. Schinski +
Friends of Shanahan
Dr. Nicholas P. Morin
Friends of Shanahan
Carrie Hagerty Martin +
Total Gifts: $650
Class of 1998
Class of 1999
Total Gifts: $265
Class of 1993
Loyalty Club
Mr. Thomas K. Eyre +
Mr. Mark J. McLaughlin +
Total Gifts: $305
Green & White Club
Miss Susan M. Ruane *
Class of 2000
Total Gifts: $1,900
Class of 1994
Legacy Club
Kathleen Loeper Sullivan +
Total Gifts: $1,500
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Michael L. Miley *
Loyalty Club
Mr. Stephen C. Berger *
Christy Prilutski Dorris + *
Miss Nicole T. Gummel *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Kevin M. Hennessy + *
Kathryn Parsons Montone +
Mr. Keith E. Montone +
Loyalty Club
Jennifer O’Donnell Barrett +
Keira Conner Eyre +
Mr. Thomas M. Lenker
Lisa Reinwald McLaughlin +
Green & White Club
Lara Kotanchik Wagner
Green & White Club
Allison Paulachok Treston +
Class of 1995
Total Gifts: $300
Loyalty Club
Courtney Mulvey Lofgren + *
Friends of Shanahan
Natalie Knepley Gilboy *
Meghan DelGrande Rosser +
Class of 1992
Total Gifts: $295
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
D o n o r s by c l a s s
Class of 2001
Total Gifts: $2,250
Legacy Club
Mr. Eamon T. Cantwell +
Mr. Andrew R. Parsons *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Miss Sarah C. Beierle + *
Miss Sheena J. Travaglini +
Loyalty Club
Miss Gina M. Mascherino + *
Miss Kimberly A. Nash +
Miss Celeste A. Santiago +
Green & White Club
Miss Corinne M. Hammond *
Mr. Michael A. Santos *
Mr. James L. Swiger III *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Jaclyn K. Levi
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Dina N. Bammer *
Miss Tara J. Beavers +
Mr. Aaron W. Kelley +
Mr. Walter J. Subers
Miss Catharine L. Vogel +
Class of 2005
Total Gifts: $400
Green & White Club
Mr. Michael A. Dunne +
Miss Alyse B. Gallagher +
Mr. Zachary E. Knezo *
Miss Kristina M. Mazzula *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Sarah A. DeBarberie *
Miss Brigid K. Jensen *
Mr. Stephen M. King +
Mr. Alexander J. Morin
Miss Danielle H. Subers
Class of 2002
Total Gifts: $360
Class of 2006
Loyalty Club
Mr. William E. Hochella *
Total Gifts: $130
Green & White Club
Miss Jacqueline A. Paquet +
Mr. Michael H. Ryan *
Mrs. Caitlin Piergalline Santos +
Ms. Mariel Santos + *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Jonathan P. Morin
Miss Lindsay M. Powell *
Miss Kathryn A. Schmidt *
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. John E. Farrell + *
Mr. Steven F. Leonhardt +
Mr. Patrick T. Subers
Mr. Matthew D. Swingle + *
Miss Natalie A. Vogel +
Total Gifts: $252.50
Green & White Club
Mr. Jason Knezo *
Mr. Jason V. Madden +
Mr. Albert C. Sardella *
Class of 2008
Total Gifts: $720
Loyalty Club
Miss Erin E. LaPorta +
Mr. Michael R. Martin
Green & White Club
Miss Emmalee R. Bierly +
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Kelsey E. Beckert +
Miss Cara T. Brindley +
Mr. Alexander W. Byard + *
Mr. Michael J. Cabry IV +
Mr. Daniel J. Hart +
Miss Allison M. Huss +
Mr. Thomas E. Joyce +
Mr. Alexander J. Kelso +
Mr. Andrew R. Macias
Mr. Samuel T. Morin +
+ Nicholas T Mullin +
Miss Allison M. Quinn +
Miss Molly E. Quinn +
Miss Allison R. Seifert +
Miss Stephanie N. Seifert +
Mr. Evan M. Snyder +
Miss Brittany E. Subers
Class of 2007
Total Gifts: $790
Green & White Club
Miss Caitlin M. Keane +
Miss Anita R. Mazzula *
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Emily M. Hoye + *
Miss Jacklyn D. Melfi +
Miss Emily A. Gottshall +
Miss Paige A. Kaminski +
Miss Kelly J. Meehan +
Mr. Ryan F. Muckel +
Ms. Molly B. Mulvihill +
Mr. Kevin M. Roche +
Mr. Thomas A. Seifert +
Miss Laura A. Trusila +
Class of 2010
Total Gifts: $250
Loyalty Club
Mr. Matthew E. Walinchus +
Green & White Club
Miss Michelle E. Foster +
Miss Elise N. Knezo +
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Chelsea S. Avellino +
Current Students
These current students have learned
the importance of giving back to
their school even before it is their
time to graduate. We recognize and
appreciate their desire to make a
Class of 2009
Total Gifts: $375
Loyalty Club
Mr. Johnathan A. Ortiz *
Class of 2003
Mr. Peter J. Sturm +
Miss Caitlin K. Taylor + *
Loyalty Club
Miss Megan L. Rogowski +
Green & White Club
Mr. Kyle W. Kramer +
Miss Laura A. MacFarland +
Miss Molly E. McCarthy +
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Carly L. Clayman +
Miss Andrea A. Diorio +
Miss Erin T. Gale +
Class of 2011
Total Gifts: $38
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Julianne K. Tuttle +
Class of 2012
Total Gifts: $15
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Patrick S. Mulvihill +
Friends of Shanahan
Miss Ashley M. Cooke +
Mr. Michael R. Quinn + *
Lucia Walinchus Thayer + *
Miss Kirstin M. Wentz Taylor *
Class of 2004
Total Gifts: $1,165
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. Robert E. Hennessy + *
Loyalty Club
Miss Samantha M. Lathrop +
Miss Kelly L. Ousey +
Mr. Brian K. Taggart *
Green & White Club
Miss Kristen M. Anthony
Miss Catherine E. Fedor +
Miss Kathleen L. Murphy +
| Annual Report 2009–2010
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
Honor Roll of Donors by Constituency
Gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
Current Parents
The ongoing loyalty of our parents is
key to realizing the mission of Bishop
Shanahan High School. We strive
to provide a quality and affordable
Catholic education for all who desire it,
and without your commitment Bishop
Shanahan, we would not be able to
carry on the level of excellence that
you have come to know and expect for
your children. May God bless you for
your sacrifice and generosity.
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Folan + *
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Gentile +
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelso + *
Leadership Circle
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Costello +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Geib, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hoover + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Schwartz +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker *
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone + *
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski + *
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ondrasik *
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger F. Rothenberger +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seifert
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Bodary *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Frick + *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Langdon *
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lubker +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Medvitz +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Skahan *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder + *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Westlake, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Williamson + *
Legacy Club
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Battagliese +
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert K. Becker *
Mr. & Mrs. David Booth +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chevalier
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Corcoran, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Detweiler + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dougherty *
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Green +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hughes *
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Manta +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McGarry +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McKee *
Mr. & Mrs. John S. McNamee +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams +
Mr. & Mrs. Long Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ortiz *
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Prohaska +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds +
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Savini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Seifert + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stanko + *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Anderson + *
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Arias *
Dr. Paul F. Barone and
Dr. Sharon A. Barone +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Borchardt +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Brady +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Brennan +
Mr. & Mrs. James Breslin + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briglia +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brindley *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Cox +
Mr. & Mrs. David C. DeBoer +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. DellaVecchia III +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Engle
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Findley +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gillespie +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorr *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gwinn *
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Haney + *
Dr. & Mrs. Ismael J. Hidalgo +
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ireland +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Ireland +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Karpovich *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Kempinski *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Kompa +
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lampe *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Lannan *
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn P. Lawton *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Litty, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lord +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. McAneney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. McCullough +
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire + *
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Moritz +
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Nappi +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Nardone + *
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nulty
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Paquet *
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Piernock
Mr. & Mrs. G. Jeffrey Pompei *
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Roche +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ryan *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Shumard
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Skog *
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Subers, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Turco
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Venskytis +
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Vertigan +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Viglione *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Welz + *
Loyalty Club
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Amrein +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Andrel III *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Arabia +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Babin *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Berghuis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bertolami +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bizal +
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boncek *
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Briggs, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buchovecky +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Byard +
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Carlin +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cordivari +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dameika *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davison +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eby, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fastuca +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Felder +
Mr. & Mrs. K. Brian Fillippo +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Foster *
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Giannetti, Jr. + *
Mrs. Eileen P. Gorman +
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Green
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hargraves
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Holenstein +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoyer + *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Hricik *
Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian A. Karlovitz +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Kirby + *
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lanzar *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Leinhauser +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Magee +
Mr. & Mrs. Garry E. McAdams + *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCloskey *
Mr. & Mrs. John McElvenny *
Mr. & Mrs. C. Dean McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKeon +
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Meenan
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Menna
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel P. Milanese + *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueller +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Muller +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mulqueen +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Mynaugh +
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Newton, Jr. *
Ms. Michele M. Nowlan
Mr. & Mrs. Duane M. Oakes +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O’Neill +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Owens *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parker +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pelosi +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Piechowski +
Ms. Marie J. Postus +
Mr. & Mrs. F. Paul Rauch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Regan +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Regan +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Rohlfs
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Roselli +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rule +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Sech + *
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Short
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Singer + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Thompson +
Mr. & Mrs. Dan E. Trudan +
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew C. Tuttle + *
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Valdiserri +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul White +
Green & White Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson +
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Arayata
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bayne *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Carr +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Cassidy +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clayman + *
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Daliwan, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dane +
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dannaker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D’Auria *
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Davis +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Delio, Jr. *
Mrs. Veronica DeMarco +
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. DePaul *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Desiderio *
Mr. & Mrs. K. Van Dinh +
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dolan +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Fares
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Fullam +
Mr. & Mrs. Kris K. Gike +
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Helker *
Mr. & Mrs. Rommel S. Hidalgo +
Mr. & Mrs. John Hockenberry +
Mr. & Mrs. Terence James
Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Johns +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lodge *
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Loffredo +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Looby, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Lubas +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mazzotta +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. John G. McCabe +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCarry +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCusker +
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McDonald +
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. McGinley +
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. McKee *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Medvid +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Miller, Jr. +
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
D o n o r s by c o n s t i t u e n c y
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Minsker *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Montgomery +
Mr. & Mrs. Todd J. Morris +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Munyan +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Neiderer *
Ms. Michele F. Oakes +
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Olenik, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Parrott Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pearlberg *
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Purcell +
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Quinlan *
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Quiroz
Ms. Joanne M. Radie
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Reto
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Roberts *
Mrs. Nancy Schwemler
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Shoemaker III +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shurer +
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Snook +
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Swingle *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Tonetti III + *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Toussaint +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tustin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul VanderNeut +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Versaggi +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Watson *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Willard *
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Williams +
Mrs. Jeannie Conahan Wimble +
Friends of Shanahan
Mrs. Patricia C. Beach-Pepe + *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Capista +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Capuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cellini +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ciarrocchi +
Mr. & Mrs. Neil C. Coyne +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Cusick +
Ms. Bridget Ensor +
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Galante
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greim +
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hammond +
Mr. & Mrs. James Heller +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Holdsman +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Horgan +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Jilek +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kearns
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Keefe +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Kennedy *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leppert +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marks, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Martin +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGinty
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mitchell III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mnich +
Ms. Linda Pellegrino +
Mr. & Mrs. Chan Prathanaluangxay +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reif +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Smith +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Taylor +
Mr. & Ms. William Coneghen +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trzos +
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tuccio +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Valentini +
Mrs. Dorothy D. Warren *
Mr. & Mrs. William Weyand +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zimmerman +
Parents of Alumni
Even after their children have
graduated from Bishop Shanahan,
this group of committed parents has
remained partners with us in keeping
Shanahan strong for the future. These
families are witnesses to the rewards of
Catholic education, and in turn, have
given to Bishop Shanahan so that its
current students may reap those same
benefits. We are grateful for your loyal
Partners in Mission
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Parsons + *
The President’s Circle
Mr. Gerald J. Parsons + *
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dulin + *
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelso + *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Parsons *
Mr. & Mrs. Gunard C. Travaglini + *
Leadership Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Clauhs *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Collinson, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Geib, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hoover + *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker *
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone + *
Mr. William J. Dawson + *
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fiorenza *
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Leo *
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Narisi + *
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ondrasik *
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Richard +
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger F. Rothenberger +
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Bodary *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Cole *
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Farrell *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ford, Ed.D. *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Frick + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keane + *
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Langdon *
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lubker +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin *
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ryan *
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Skahan *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder + *
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Williamson + *
Legacy Club
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert K. Becker *
Mr. Scott C. Beckert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bush +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Corcoran, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cornell + *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Coxson + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dougherty *
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Esgro + *
Mr. Kenneth M. Eyre +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Forte +
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Green +
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy + *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hughes *
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Jensen *
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Karabin *
Mr. Louis Lanzalotto, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Logan *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Melfi *
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Myles *
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ortiz *
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Sardella *
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seifert *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Seifert + *
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stanko + *
Mary McBratnie Swanick + *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Wentzel *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Wolfe +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brindley *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Collinson, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Creighton *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dunleavy + *
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Favinger *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Field, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Goldovich +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorr *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Gubanich *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gwinn *
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Haney + *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. MacFarland +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marshalek + *
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire + *
Bonnie Dempster McLaughlin *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mignogna *
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Nardone + *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Roche +
Mr. John P. Rothwell + *
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Subers, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Venskytis +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Welz + *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wittig +
Loyalty Club
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Abbott +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Andrel III *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa +
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barnette *
Kathryn Lyons Beech *
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Berberich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Berger + *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bizal +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boncek *
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Briggs, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown *
Mrs. Suzanne M. Byard +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cabry III +
Mrs. Mary H. Cooper +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cordivari +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dameika *
Mrs. Edith Delio *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Delio, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dell’Arciprete +
Mr. James M. Dougherty *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Duffy + *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eby, Jr. +
Mr. Paul J. Endrey *
Mrs. Barbara Futej *
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Giannetti, Jr. + *
Catherine Schwarz Gold *
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Green +
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hauck +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Heim +
Mr. Robert Henry &
Ms. Nina Malone Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hochella *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoyer + *
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hughes + *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ivanoski +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennings + *
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Johnson + *
Mr. Richard J. Joyce *
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Keenan +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kessel +
Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios Kousisis *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Krajeski *
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Leporati Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levi
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Lodge + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Loeper + *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mansk +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Martin +
Rosemary Campitelli Mascherino *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCloskey *
Mr. & Mrs. John McElvenny *
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McTear
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Menna
Mr. Kevin E. Montone +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Nakajima *
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Donnell *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Owens *
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
D o n o r s by c o n s t i t u e n c y
Kathleen Perley Przychodzien + *
Ms. Mary E. Quinn *
Mr. Louis N. Raytik *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Regan +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reichardt, Jr. +
Mrs. Collen Robustelli *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Rohlfs
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schubert *
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Sech + *
Mr. & Mrs. William Shipley +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shirley +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Simmons +
Kathryn Valocchi Snyder *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Taraschi, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Dan E. Trudan +
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew C. Tuttle + *
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Valdiserri +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallin *
Mrs. Jane Ward *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ward + *
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Waring +
Maureen Fagan Worrell *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zelley
Green & White Club
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Arayata
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Avellino +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bammer *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Barsa *
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brett +
Mr. & Mrs. David Burton + *
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Cassidy +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio + *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clayman + *
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Czabator +
Patrice Furey Delargey *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Delio, Jr. *
Mrs. Veronica DeMarco +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Desiderio *
Mr. & Mrs. K. Van Dinh +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis DiSanti + *
Mr. Joseph F. Driscoll +
Mary Donnelly Dumont +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Durning +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Dyson
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Ferrigno + *
Barbara Carnathan Finegan *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Forloines *
Dolores O’Neill Gincley *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Glancey +
Mr. & Mrs. James Hargraves +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Helms +
Mrs. Kathleen Holman *
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Huss, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Terence James
Dr. Guillermo Juncos +
Nancy Barnaba Knapp *
Mr. & Ms. James Lentz +
Ms. Marie A. Lentz +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Looby, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maguire +
Mr. & Mrs. David Mauer +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Miller, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Montgomery +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Neiderer *
Mr. Charles R. Coxson + *
Dr. Leonard C. Giunta +
Mr. Kent A. Jensen *
Mr. Gregory G. Karabin *
Dr. Vincent Marchesani *
Mr. Ralph J. Melfi *
Mr. A. Thomas Myles *
Eileen Helm Weaver *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dunleavy + *
Mr. Michael P. Field, Sr. *
Mr. Christopher M. Gubanich *
Mr. Joseph S. Nescio, Esq. *
Jennifer Barnett, Mike Miley ’94, and Courtney Lofgren ’95 at the President’s
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Olenik, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Parrott Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Pearlberg *
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Purcell +
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ramil +
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Reto
Mary McQuiston Ritter *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Roberts *
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rogowski +
Mr. Richard Rydesky +
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Shrader *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shurer +
Elizabeth Hanley Smith *
Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney +
Patricia Losito Swiger
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Swingle *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Tonetti III + *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Toussaint +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Truskey +
Mrs. Diane L. Uleau +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Watson *
Ms. Cynthia K. Wein + *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Willard *
Barbara Beitel Nash +
Kathleen Farrelly Oakes *
Mr. & Mrs. John D. O’Dell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Peterson *
Mr. John Quinn *
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reif +
Ms. Joan M. Smallwood + *
Louise Bowman Wilson +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zimmerman +
Friends of Shanahan
Mrs. Marilyn Boncek +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Brumfield +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Criswell Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Cusick +
Patricia Raub DeHart *
Mr. & Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fagan *
Mr. John Franzini
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gothie
Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Grahn +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greim +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hagenkotter *
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison *
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Jilek +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah F. Kane III +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kearns
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Kennedy *
Mr. Thaddeus Lekawa, Jr. +
Mr. Edward Lotkowski *
Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara +
Mr. & Mrs. David Michell *
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mitchell III
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Monahan *
The President’s Circle
Mrs. Linda LeBoutillier *
Dr. Rocco Martino *
Mr. Gerald J. Parsons + *
Mrs. Barbara Travaglini *
Advisory Board
Past and Present
The Advisory Board is a group of
dedicated individuals who understands
the mission of Catholic Education
and works with president, Sr.. Regina
Plunkett, IHM, to ensure that that
mission is carried out at Bishop
Shanahan High School We are grateful
for their support!
Loyalty Club
Mr. Michael J. Cabry III +
Courtney Mulvey Lofgren + *
Dr. Edward M. Matejkovic +
Stephanie Valocchi McCarthy *
Rev. Msgr. James T. McDonough
Rev. Msgr. Robert T. McManus
Mr. Frederick Schubert *
Mr. Louis Teti +
Mr. John J. Wallin *
Diane DiSanti Ward + *
Green & White Club
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM +
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM +
Ms. Cynthia K. Wein + *
Faculty and Staff
Past and Present
The administration, faculty, and staff
of Bishop Shanahan High School are
selfless individuals who value the
spriritual, academic, and social wellbeing of our high school students.
They encourage students to explore
their talents and realize their potential.
We are grateful for their dedication
to God and faith, and their ongoing
commitment to Bishop Shanahan.
The Principal’s Circle
Mrs. M. Kathryn Dulin + *
The Principal’s Circle
Mrs. M. Kathryn Dulin + *
Mrs. Leslie Kelso + *
Mr. Leo Parsons + *
Nancy McGovern Pia + *
Mr. Gunard C. Travaglini + *
Leadership Circle
Dr. Ronald P. Clauhs *
Mr. Gregg D. Gottshall *
Mr. Peter K. Hoover + *
Mr. Kevin C. Quinn + *
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. Francis P. DiFonzo + *
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. Robert J. DiSciullo *
Mrs. Maureen A. Ford *
Mr. Justin J. McCarthy *
Mrs. Maureen A. Morin *
Legacy Club
Mr. Joseph T. Corcoran, Sr. *
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ford, Ed.D. *
Mrs. Maureen Morin *
Rev. Thomas Sodano *
Legacy Club
Mrs. Eileen L. Cornell + *
Mrs. Bonnie Karabin *
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Marchesani *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams +
Mr. Paul C. Peterson + *
Mrs. Amy M. Seifert + *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Favinger *
Dr. John Janasik +
Mrs. Debora L. LaPorta. +
Loyalty Club
Mr. Joseph Aquilante + *
Rev. Joseph D. Brandt *
Mrs. Suzanne M. Byard +
Mrs. Carol Dale *
Mr. Robert Degnan *
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
D o n o r s by c o n s t i t u e n c y
Mrs. Alice Dowling *
Mrs. Barbara Futej *
Mr. Donald Gentile
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hauck +
Mr. Charles Keating +
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Kehoe + *
Dr. James Lottes + *
Mr. David M. McQuiston *
Mr. Paul Meyers +
Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Nugent +
Rev. Charles R. O’Hara *
Mrs. Linda O’Neill +
Rev. Msgr. John M. Savinski
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallin *
Green & White Club
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Campbell *
Ms. Patrizia Clerico +
Ms. Amy Iannelli
Mrs Carol Loffredo +
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM +
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM +
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. Roger Arthur +
Sister Kathleen P. Eagan, IHM
Sister Catherine Kaporch, IHM + *
Rev. James J. Melle *
Ms. Barbara Redditt +
Mrs. Deborah Snyder +
Miss Dorothy J. Stranix +
Sister Helen Miriam Toner, IHM +
Louise Bowman Wilson +
Past and Present
Our grandparents, as heads of our
families, are the cultivators of our
faith. They have instilled in their
children and grandchildren a great
love of Catholic education. As such,
their gifts to the Shanahan Fund
are a testament to their belief that
an education, rooted in faith, will
prepare our students to be the leaders
of tomorrow. Our grandparents
are valued members of the Bishop
Shanahan community and we are
thankful for their support.
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blosenski +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dulin + *
Charles Blosenski Disposal Co. +
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Skahan *
Legacy Club
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mrs. Cecilia M. Duke *
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gorman +
Mr. & Mrs. David Kiefer, Sr. *
Mr. & Mrs. F. T. Mulrooney + *
Mrs. William C. Tonetti, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Woodward + *
Loyalty Club
Mrs. Frances Anderson + *
Mr. David A. Byerley + *
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Craig
Mrs. Maria DeLeon +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiBerardinis + *
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence G. Esmonde *
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Flood *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Garger *
Mrs. Elisabeth Hennessy *
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Iacobone +
Mr. & Mrs. Russell P. Inzinga *
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Lodge + *
Mrs. and Mr. Patricia Lyman +
Mrs. Marie Mackay +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manetta +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McKay + *
Mr. & Mrs. William Otis +
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ottaviano +
Mr. Edgar F. Paski *
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Pilotti
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter +
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Potance *
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Redditt *
Mr. & Mrs. William Reilly + *
Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider +
Mr. and Mrs. James Schreiber +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schubert *
Mrs. Leona Sech + *
Mr. & Mrs. George Stairiker *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Toussaint *
Mrs. Anna Marie Urbine
Mrs. Josephine Vellutato +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallin *
Mrs. Jane Ward *
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young +
Green & White Club
Mr. & Mrs. John Abt
Mrs. Josephine Angelozzi +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Avis *
Mr. James Barr +
Mrs. Kathe Becker +
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Best +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Booth +
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Campbell *
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Caridi + *
Mrs. Richard Carlin *
Mrs. Christina Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Casciato +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig +
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Daigle +
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Mr. & Mrs. Francis DiSanti + *
Mr. & Mrs. John Dougherty +
Mrs. Jane Fallon +
Mr. Hugo Ficca *
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Fitzgerald +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Flood *
Mrs. Maria Fuga
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furcon +
Mrs. Ann Haney +
Mr. & Mrs. James Hargraves +
Mrs. Kathleen Holman *
Mr. & Mrs. John Lauer +
Mr. & Mrs. James Likoudis +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lott +
Mrs. Mary L. Mattioni *
Mrs. Doris M. Mazzio *
Mr. & Mrs. James McCabe +
Ms. Eileen Melone +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murray *
Mrs. Joan Owens *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Panik
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella +
Mr. & Mrs. David Potts +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Queppet *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rainey *
Mrs. Jeany Redmond +
Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Riley +
Mr. John R. Shaddock *
Mrs. Margaret R. Shannon *
Mrs. Barbara Shoemaker +
Mrs. Sonia Smith +
Mrs. Sally Solometo +
Mr. & Mrs. George Stanko *
Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Weiland +
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Witt +
Friends of Shanahan
Mrs. Helen C. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aquilante +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Aycock
Mr. & Mrs. William Boland *
Mrs. Marilyn Boncek +
Mrs. Delores Buchovecky +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connolly *
Mrs. Anointette Connor + *
Mr. Robert Criswell, Sr. *
Mrs. Verna Davison +
Mr. & Mrs. Emil DeJohn +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. John Eckert +
Mrs. Joan Fahy +
Mrs. Mary Falco +
Mr. & Mrs. John Firely +
Mrs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frampton +
Mrs. Joan Fullam +
Mrs. Lydia Galvin
Mr. Frank Gavin +
Mrs. Doris Gillespie +
Mr. & Mr. Robert Haenn +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hagenkotter *
Ted Hamilton +
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison *
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Helker +
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoover +
Mr. & Mrs. James Knox +
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Lippman +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ludovico +
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Macera +
Mrs. Grace Mansi +
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Marks +
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCullen +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McFadden +
Mr. & Mrs. William McFalls +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNabb +
Mrs. Juliana Melly +
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mohr +
Mrs. Catherine Monk *
Mr. & Mrs. John Moylett *
Rachel Cocklin Mullin
Kathleen Farrelly Oakes *
Mr. & Mrs. John Patriarca +
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Perry +
Mrs. Nancy Pinelli +
Mr. and Mrs. Vispo Pizzica +
Mr. John Quinn *
Mr. Patrick E. Raleigh +
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Rinas +
Mr. & Mrs. John Rule +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saboe +
Mr. & Mrs. C. Snyder +
Mrs. Anna Mae Stanolis +
Mr. & Mrs. John Storrs +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tokarski +
Mrs. Marilyn Vertigan +
Mrs. Marian Wilson +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Winkie *
Saint Agnes Alumni
The rich tradition of Catholic
education at Bishop Shanahan High
School was born in the halls of Saint
Agnes High School, founded in 1909
by the IHM Sisters. These dedicated
alumni of Saint Agnes faithfully
support the continuing mission at
Shanahan today. We are grateful for
their loyalty.
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mr. Frederick Koppenhafer +
Mrs. Lydia Leo *
Legacy Club
Mr. James Davis *
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mrs. Mary Anne Hague + *
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
D o n o r s by c o n s t i t u e n c y
Loyalty Club
Mr. John E. Cosgrove, Sr. *
Rev. Msgr. Louis D’Addezio +
Mrs. Edith Delio *
Mr. Richard J. Joyce *
Mrs. Diane McCarraher +
Mr. Edward Reilly *
Mr. Paul J. Taraschi, Sr. +
Green & White Club
Col. Mary Clementi + *
Mrs. Mary J. Davis +
Mrs. Estelle Diobilda +
Mr. Francis DiSanti + *
Mr. Richard J. Dixon +
Barbara Carnathan Finegan *
Mr. Kenneth Gincley *
Irene Daley Hutton +
Mr. Leon Hutton +
Marlene Madonna McDonough *
Mr. Norbert McDonough *
Emmy Waldron Ruggiero +
Mr. James Ruggiero +
Mr. Richard Rydesky +
Mrs. Marie Scheivert
Rev. Msgr. James A. Treston *
Mrs. Jean Yoder *
Friends of Shanahan
Mrs. Nancy Bachofer
Mrs. Ellen Barton +
Mrs. Jean Colagreco +
Patricia Raub DeHart *
Mr. A. Gordon Dempsey +
Ms. Anne DiSanti +
Mr. Donald Doran
Mrs. Florence Frezzo +
Mrs. Irene Friel +
Aurelia Naples Garzia +
Mrs. Joanne Good +
Mr. Russel F. Hurst +
Mary Pirri Launi
Agnes Newman McWilliams +
Antoinette Clementi Moran *
Mary Cosgriff Morrell *
Rachel Cocklin Mullin
Mr. Albert Newman
Mrs. Martina Ossman +
Elizabeth Burns Pitt
Jacqueline Bostelle Shaeffer +
Mr. John Travaglini +
Sr. Maria Francina Travis IHM
Friends of Bishop
These friends of Shanahan,while they
may or may not have a direct link to
the school at this time, value Bishop
Shanahan’s mission of building up
God’s Kingdom on earth. They know
the value of Catholic education and are
willing to pass that on to our students
through their gifts. It is to this group
of donors that we owe a debt of
The President’s Circle
Mrs. Linda LeBoutillier *
The Principal’s Circle
Mr. Joseph F. Greeves +
Ms. Mary D. Hayes *
Mr. & Mrs. James F. McBride +
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lasko + *
Mr. & Mrs. Homer R. Scott +
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Mrs. Ann B. Cigas *
Dr. Richard Fuller *
Mr. Norman M. Heisman +
Ms. Allison Kauffmann +
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Krapf *
Legacy Club
Mr. John Conaboy +
Ms. Carla Young +
Eagle’s Nest Club
Anonymous +
Ms. Joanne Mancini +
Loyalty Club
(Gifts of $100 - $249)
Dr. James E. Burns, Jr. +
Ms. Kathleen Burns +
Mr. Joseph Daily *
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Farley +
Ms. Virginia Gotides +
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Horn +
Rev. Msgr. James T. McDonough
Mr. Todd McIntyre +
Rev. Msgr. Robert T. McManus
Ms. Susan D. Moore +
Ms. Jean Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Musser +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Paulsell +
Ms. Mary Jane Raymond +
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schubert *
Senator Arlen Specter + *
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Taylor +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Teti +
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Webster +
Green & White Club
Ms. Maria DiRienzo-Smith +
Ms. Kathleen M. Duffy +
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Emig +
Mr. Gary P. Harper +
Andrea Hogg +
Rev. Msgr. Thomas M. Mullin +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Parkes +
Mrs. Jane L. Stant +
Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Steel +
Thomas A. Valyo +
Friends of Shanahan
Mrs. Catherine Cochran +
Ms. Dorothy A. Dean +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Fleming +
Ms. Catherine Garvey +
Representative Jim Gerlach +
Mr. Arthur B. Gose +
Mr. Thomas J. Haines +
Mrs. Kathleen Hamill +
Mr. Raymond Kearbey +
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lux +
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Marshall +
Ms. Rita J. Metz +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schad +
Ms. Claire L. Suerken +
Mr. & Mrs. Wanlace E. Yates +
match this donation, doubling the
amount that Shanahan receives for its
Parishes and
Bishop Shanahan High School is
thankful to the following parishes
and organizations that support us
throughout the year. Their gifts help
Shanahan in its quest to provide
an academic environment second
to none. We are grateful for their
Birthright of West Chester +
BSHS Activities Office +
BSHS Class of 1999 +
BSHS Faculty +
BSHS Girls Soccer Booster Club *
BSHS Homerooms +
BSHS Italian Club +
BSHS Parents’ Association *
BSHS Rugby Alumni + *
BSHS Rugby Club +
BSHS School Store +
BSHS Student Council +
Phoenixville YMCA +
Sacred Heart/Holy Trinity Rectory +
Saint Agnes Class of 1950 +
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
Parish +
Saint Joseph Parish + *
Saint Patrick Parish + *
Saints Philip and James CYO *
Saints Simon and Jude Parish
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary +
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley + *
Aetna Foundation, Inc. *
M. Kathryn Persch
Bank of America Corporation + *
David Booth
Mr. & Mrs. James Riley
Bridge Educational Foundation, Inc. *
Campbell Soup Foundation +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Folan
Chester County Community Foundation *
Connelly Foundation
Department of Community and Economic
Development +
GE Foundation *
Mr. Edgar F. Paski
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Foundation *
Mr & Mrs. Kent A. Jensen
GMAC Financial Services
Mr. Eamon T. Cantwell
Homer A. & Janet E. Scott Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Scott
Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Scott
Mr. &Mrs. Matthew J. Williamson
JP Morgan Chase +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Leinhauser
Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. +
Ms. Christine M. McCann
PepsiCo Foundation +
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa
Pfizer, Inc. *
Kristin P. Gallagher
PNC Bank +
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Anderson
Mr. Joseph C. Garger
Prudential +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Lubas
Foundations, Grants
and Matching Gift
Raytheon Company +
We are indebted to the following
foundations and state organizations
that support Bishop Shanahan High
School and its mission through their
donations and grants. We are equally
indebted to those donors who have
secured matching gifts, and to those
companies that offer a matching gift
program. When a constituent is kind
enough to make a donation to the
Shanahan Fund, an employer may
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial
Foundation, Inc. *
Vanguard Group + *
Ms. Maureen S. Dougherty
The Anna-Maria Moggio Foundation *
The Boeing Company + *
Mr. Anthony D. Agatone
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Anderson
Mrs. Regina Brecht
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Costello
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Geib
Mrs. Eileen Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shirley
Wachovia Bank *
Wells Fargo Foundation +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Detweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
D o n o r s by c o n s t i t u e n c y
Tax Credit (EITC)
The EITC program allows businesses
to pay part of their state business taxes
through BLOCS (Business Leadership
Organized for Catholic Schools),
which in turn distributes those dollars
to Bishop Shanahan in the form of
financial aid. Through this win-win
program for businesses and families,
Bishop Shanahan can continue to offer
a Catholic education to students who
require tuition assistance. We are
indebted to these businesses.
Bridge Educational Foundation, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car + *
Communications Test Design, Inc. *
Downingtown National Bank + *
First National Bank of Chester County *
HSC Builders & Construction
Managers +
Infinity Benefits Group, Inc. +
Stonebridge Bank
The Mutual Fire Foundation, Inc.
The Summit Group Associates, Inc. +
Gifts in Memory
When a loved one dies, we find
comfort in knowing that their spirit
lives on through others. Those donors
who gifted Shanahan with memorial
donations should know that our
students benefit both spiritually and
academically from this gift, and that
their loved ones are remembered in
Shanahan’s prayers and masses. We
are grateful for your gifts.
In Memory of Robert Gose ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Emig
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Fleming
Mrs. Barbara Futej
Mr. Arthur B. Gose
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Gose
Mary Kay Conahan Hennessy ’75
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Bradish F. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Marshall
Ms. Rita J. Metz
Model Consulting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Myers, Wolfe, Myers Group Of Morgan
MaryAnn Santangelo Newman ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Parkes
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Paulsell
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schad
Mrs. Jane L. Stant
Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Steel
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Taylor
The Tri-M Group, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Webster
Louise Bowman Wilson ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Wanlace E. Yates
In Memory of Frank Giunta
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Mrs. Eileen L. Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Daylor ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeMeo ’73
Mrs. Alice Dowling
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr.
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.
Miss Erin M. Miller ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin
Mr. Patrick J. Morley ’69
Mrs. Linda O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Pizii
Elizabeth Hanley Smith ’69
Ms. Christina Valocchi ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vogt
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Willenbrock
William S. Malany & Sons, Inc.
Mr. John M. Williams
In Memory of Colette Holohan
Donald R. Black
Edwin Bush
C F Sauer Foods, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy A. Dean
Ms. Maria DiRienzo-Smith
Ms. Kathleen M. Duffy
Educational Resource Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Farley
Ms. Catherine Garvey
Ms. Virginia Gotides
Mrs. Kathleen Hamill
Mr. Gary P. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Jaffe
Mr. Raymond Kearbey
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lux
Ms. Susan D. Moore
Ms. Jean Mullin
Stratas Foods, LLC
Ms. Claire L. Suerken
TNS Media Intelligence
Golf Outing scores perfect record
3 for 3!
ho could ask for more……a gorgeous day, 98 golfers, delicious food
and the perfect venue, French Creek Golf Club. Our Third Annual
Endowment Fund Golf Outing, held on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 was
everything we had prayed for and more. Thanks to all of our very generous
supporters, the Endowment Fund created for tuition assistance of students
who desire but cannot afford a quality Catholic Education, has grown another
$83,000 to $267,482.
Although the beautiful weather played a big part in the success of the day,
there were so many other factors involved; a challenging course, enjoying old
friends and making new ones, spare ribs that melted in your mouth, a gourmet
dinner, sooooooo many awesome auction items on which to bid and of course
nothing beats having a great time for a good cause…the future of perspective
and hopeful Shanahan students.
But this day would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Golf Committee, led by Chairman John Morrissey P’07, ’09, ’12,
they work tirelessly for the students of Shanahan. Kudos to every one of you!
In light of the economy, the thought of postponing the outing was in everyone’s mind. But they weren’t about to disappoint Shanahan’s future young
men and women. Full speed ahead! And the committee never looked back.
After all of their hard work, don’t you think they deserved some time off?
Absolutely not! They started planning for the 4th outing which was held
Tuesday, September 14, 2010. The final results are being tallied as this is
written, but the committee surpassed the previous 3 years profits - provided
a spectacular day for 120 golfers and had a wonderful time! (Look for details in
next year’s annual report!)
| Annual Report 2009–2010
(L-r): Sean Rowan, Andy Parsons ’01, Dan Ryan ’01, Patrick
Rowan ’01.
Peter Lovenguth, BSHS Golf Coach and Golf Professional at
Downingtown Country Club, gives a quick lesson to golfers.
+ Increased donation
* Donated 3 or more consecutive years
Shanahan Fund Giving Since 2002
Shanahan Fund
Alumni Class Statistics
The Shanahan Fund
Top classes by
dollar Amount
Bishop Shanahan High School gratefully acknowledges all of its donors.
Thank you for your support!
he Advancement Office works to “Advance the Mission of Bishop Shanahan High School” through
philanthropy, programming and events. As many know, all tuition goes to the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia for teachers’ salaries and benefits. Bishop Shanahan relies on the Shanahan Fund, student
fees, and fundraisers to fund Shanahan’s daily operations. Thank you for your donations to the Shanahan Fund…at the year end June 30th, 991 donors brought
the ’09-’10 total to $195,010! Your gifts ensure that Bishop Shanahan continues the level of excellence
to which you’ve become accustomed. Many thanks to the parents, grandparents, alumni (both BSHS and
St. Agnes) and friends who have made the Shanahan Fund a priority. The support and generosity of all
constituencies is greatly appreciated. You are remembered daily in our prayers!
It’s never too early to donate for the 2010-2011 Shanahan Fund — our goal this year is $225,000. As always, thank you for all the sacrifices you make for Bishop Shanahan High School and the wonderful students here!
Gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
The following special scholarships and memorials have been established by
alumni, family and friends to provide tuition for deserving Shanahan students.
Coxson Family Scholarship
The Charles R. Coxson Family
Krapf Bus Companies Educational
Scholarship Award
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Krapf
Martino Scholar Program
Dr. Rocco & Dr. Barbara Martino
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes Bishop Shanahan
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Moms Helping Moms
Mrs. Eva Tucker
Parsons Family Scholarship Program
Donald & Elizabeth Parsons, Sr.
Donald ’66 & Ethel Parsons, Jr.
Robert ’67 & Marilyn Parsons
Richard ’68 & Claudia Parsons
Gerald ’70 & Eleanor Parsons
Jeffrey & Elizabeth Parsons Forsythe ’73
Sister Judith Parsons, IHM ’77
Leo ’78 & Marianne Parsons
G. Joseph & Christine Parsons Bendinelli
The Pope John Paul II Rugby Alumni
Rugby Alumni and Parents of Alumni
The Shanahan Rugby Team and Families
Memorial Scholarships
The Anne Hook Memorial Scholarship
Saint Cecilia’s Choir
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Travaglini
The Joey Moran Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Moran
Top 5 for 2009-2010
The Joseph M. Giunta Memorial Grant
Sovereign Bank
The Joseph M. Giunta Memorial Golf
The Joseph M. Reis Memorial Scholarship
The Coatesville Community
The Ilario Polite Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Mary Lisa Cole
The Mike Hennessy ’75 Memorial
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy ’75
Mr. Kevin M. Hennessy ’00
Mr. Robert E. Hennessy ’04
The Monsignor Craven Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lasko
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker
The Peggy McGovern Plunkett ’67
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Nancy McGovern
Pia ’68
The Philip J. Leo Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Lydia Laffey Leo ’48
The Roberts LeBoutillier Memorial
1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,917
1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,595
1965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,415
1959 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,001
1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,847
Top classes by
number of donors
2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1969 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Thank you for your
unending support!
The Robert Stack Memorial Scholarship
Ms. Kimberly Stack ’83
The Sister Constance Logue Nursing
Eileen Sullivan-Marx ’69
Janet A. Sullivan ’71
Sponsor A Student Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Austin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Bacon
Mrs. Catherine Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Delledonne
Frommeyer Construction Services, Inc.
Mrs. Brenda Grassett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Greeves
Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation
Homer Jr. & Janet Scott Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski
Mr. & Mrs. James F. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Narisi
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Homer R. Scott
Ms. Carla Young
Annual Report 2009–2010
| Shanahan
A handcrafted 100 percent
milk chocolate egg donated
by Mr. Anthony Aquilante
(father of theology teacher
Joe Aquilante) provided
lively bidding during the
live auction! (Enjoyed
by many thanks to Mrs.
Gwynne Gorr, P’09, ’12,
who donated it to SS.
Philip and James grade
school children!)
Spring Fling: A Fabulous Thing
2010 Restaurant Fair and Auction
arch 26th, 2010 ushered in the spring season at Bishop Shanahan with the “The
Spring Fling” restaurant fair and auction. We were never so happy to see the end
of that snowy winter of 2009-2010. The main entrance was transformed into a beautiful
garden of hydrangeas, forsythia and shrubbery. A beautiful arbor led patrons into the
gym which was filled with a vast assortment of fine gifts and delicious food. Twelve
restaurants and chefs delighted our taste buds with their specialties. For the sixth year,
Richard Bollinger, talented and famous artist of Chester County, drew a crowd to view
and buy his many framed and unframed prints. Bishop Shanahan’s talented Jazz Band,
led by director Mr. Chuck Keating, provided the musical entertainment for the evening.
The Shanahan homerooms and the merchants in and around the Downingtown area
were most generous with gifts and sponsorships to the silent and live auction. We are
grateful for the generosity of each and every donor, volunteer, auction bidder, parent,
and Shanahan teacher and student!
Special thanks to our auctioneers: Mr. Joe Aquilante – Silent Auction
and Mr. Christian Stoltzfus – Live Auction
Featured Restaurants
& Chefs
Joseph Lucci ’05 – Culinary Artist
Carlinos Specialty Foods & Catering
Downingtown Country Club
Jimmy’s BBQ
Newton’s on State Street
On the Border
Panera Bread
Triple Fresh Catering & BBQ
Victory Brewery
And Desserts by:
Bakers of Buffington
Clays Creative Bakery
Committee Chairs
Chairperson: Debora LaPorta
Auction Consultant:
Sharon McWilliams
Acknowledgements: Amy Seifert
Ads: Dee Warren
Baskets: Lisa Lannan
Beverage: John McCabe
Cataloging: Sharon McWilliams
Clean-up: BSHS Sports Teams
Decorations: Karen Hoyer and
Tim McGinty
Finance: Pati Beach-Pepe
Food/Restaurant Liaison:
Leslie Kelso
Gifts: Dee Warren
Gift Certificates: Ann Marie Pelosi
Program Computer Entry:
Clare Magee
Registration: Laura Miscioscia
Reservations: Sr. Helen Miriam
Security: Chuck and Eileen Coxson
Our Volunteers
Jeannine Breslin
Marianne Brindley
Susan Brown
Krista Ciarrocchi
Scott Cornell
Mary Pat Dell’Arciprete
Janet Gale
Charlene Gentile
Debbie Gottshall
Beth Hoover
Mary Litty
Sandy Magee
John McCabe
Katey McGuire
Michael McGuire
Laura Miscioscia
Mary Nakajima
Libby Nulty
Marianne Plucienik
Sponsors and
Gift-in-Kind Donors
A Taste of Olive
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Center
AES Clean Technology, Inc.
Allegria Ristorante Italiano
Amani’s BYOB
American Helicopter Museum
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Amrein
Angel Helpers
| Annual Report 2009–2010
Anthony’s Italian Restaurant
Applebees Neighborhood Grill
& Bar
Applebee’s of Lionville
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aquilante
Mr. Joseph Aquilante
Aquilante Gourmet Buffets
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Artisan Home Brew
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Battagliese
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Berberich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bertolami
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Best
Birthright of West Chester
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blosenski
Blue Moon Florist
Bonefish Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Borchardt
Brady Orthodontics, PC
Brandywine Valley Heating & Air
Brickside Grille
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Briggs, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brindley
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown
BSHS Activities Office
BSHS Homerooms
BSHS Italian Club
BSHS Parent Association
BSHS Rugby Club
Buca Di Beppo
Ms. Kathleen Burns
Mrs. Suzanne M. Byard
Cancelmo Painting
Capt’n Chucky’s Crab Cake Co., LLC
Carlino’s Specialty Foods and
Cedar Brook Lawn Care
Cedar Hollow Inn, Restaurant & Bar
Chambers and Son’s Inc.
Charles Blosenski Disposal Co.
Chester County Opticians
Mrs. Ann B. Cigas
Ms. Patrizia Clerico
Coatesville Flower Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Collinson, Jr.
Colonial Village Meat Markets
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Cookies by Design
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Cox
Creed’s Seafood & Steaks
Custom Printing & Promotions
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Czabator
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale
D’Ascanio’s Family Hairstyling
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davison
Definitely Dance
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dell’Arciprete
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. DellaVecchia III
Mr. Francis P. DiFonzo
Doc Magrogans Oyster House
Downingtown Country Club
Downingtown General Dentistry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
Eagle Tavern & Inn, Inc.
Emerald Island Resort
Exton Driving School
F. H. Swisher Plumbing & Heating Co.
Family Practice Associates of Exton
& Marshallton, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Findley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fiorenza
Flocco’s Discount Shoes & Clothes
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood
Flooring By Design By D&D
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms
Miss Michelle E. Foster
Frame of Reference
Framers Market Gallery
French Creek Golf Club
General Warren Inne
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Gentile
George Krapf Jr. & Sons Inc.
Representative Jim Gerlach
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta
GM Financial Planners
Go With Us, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greim
Heavenly Couture
Mr. & Mrs. James Heller
Dr. & Mrs. Ismael J. Hidalgo
Andrea Hogg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hoover
Horizon Services, Inc.
Huntington Learning Center
Immaculata University
In Motion Physical Therapy
Initial Designs Ltd
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant
Ivystone Group
Dr. John Janasik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennings
John Ansley
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski
Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian A. Karlovitz
KCBA Architects
Mr. Charles Keating
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Lannan
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr.
Miss Erin E. LaPorta
Lasko Products, Inc.
Lenni Electric Corp.
Limoncello Ristorante
Longwood Gardens
Ludwig’s Village Market & Caterers
Mack Services Group
Matthews Paoli Ford
Mattioni Plumbing, Heating and
Maureen’s Gallery
Max and Erma’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mazzotta
Mr. & Mrs. John G. McCabe
McCormick Interiors, Inc.
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM
McGinty’s Landscaping, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams
Mr. Paul Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. David Michell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin
Rev. Msgr. Thomas M. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Nakajima
Naturescapes Landscape
Specialists, Ltd.
Mr. Joseph S. Nescio, Esq.
Newton’s on State Street
NV Homes/Highpointe at Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Duane M. Oakes
On The Border
Otto’s BMW
Palace Bowling & Entertainment
Panera Bread
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parker
Parkway Center
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Parsons
Mr. Gerald J. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pelosi
Pepperidge Farm, Inc.
Philly Soft Pretzel Factory
Phoenixville YMCA
Pickering Valley Golf Club
Pine Street Carpenters Inc.
Planet Fitness
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM
ProCollege Advisors
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Quinlan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn
Eleanor Walls Ratigan
Real Solutions Educational
Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Redditt
Richard T. Byrnes Company, Inc.
Ristorante LaLocanda
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Roberts
Roberts One on One
Mrs. Collen Robustelli
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Roselli
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger F. Rothenberger
Rubinstein’s Office Plus
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ryan
Sacred Heart/Holy Trinity Rectory
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful
Mother Parish
Saint Joseph Elementary School
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Patrick Parish
Salus Chiropractic
Sarah’s Chairs
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Sardella
Sardella Eye Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seifert
Senoras Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Sheller Oil Company
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Shoemaker III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Simmons
Sly Fox Brewhouse & Eatery
Mr. Kevin J. Small
Smedley Orthodontics
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder
Senator Arlen Specter
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stanko
Miss Dorothy J. Stranix
William Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney
Tanzilli Orthodontics
Taylors Music Store & Studios
The Inn at Chester Springs
The Joseph Gurcsik Studios
The Olive Tree - Mediterranean
The Stove Shop Fireplace Center
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Thompson
Timeless Dwellings
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Travaglini
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew C. Tuttle
Miss Julianne K. Tuttle
Ultimate Image Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Valdiserri
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Vertigan
Mr. Matthew E. Walinchus
J. Richard Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. William Weyand
White Memorials
Whitford Country Club
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Winner’s Circle Sports Grille
World Class Vacations
Worrell’s Butcher Shop, LLC
Wusinich, Brogan & Stanzione
Law Firm
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zimmerman
Memorable moments
at Shanahan
dig pink
2010 Senior Prom
National Honor Society Daffodil Drive
Graduation 2010
Students of the Class of 2010 receive their medals. (L-r): Sr. Maureen McDermott, Principal,
Bishop Kevin Rhoades, Caroline Goggin – Salutatorian, Jessica Eby – Valedictorian, Bishop
Robert Maginnis and Sr. Regina Plunkett ’64, President.
recognized by senator
State Senator Andrew Dinniman
on hand to honor award-winning
athletes at Bishop Shanahan High
School during the spring Sports
Awards assembly. Award recipients were (l-r): Timothy Mulqueen,
Gina Eberwein, Matthew Robinson,
Emily Carlin, Maria Ficca, Michael
Thompson, Valerie Panichelli and
Christopher Cusick.
Bishop Shanahan High School
Office of Advancement
220 Woodbine Road
Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335-3081
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Boston, MA
Permit No. 55356
Address Service Requested
Shanahan Events
BSHS Musical —
“A Christmas Carol”
November 12, 13, 14, 19,
& 20, 2010
Class Reunion — 1961
Planning Stage
Class Reunion — 1973
Planning Stage
Class Reunion — 1985
November 26, 2010
Class Reunion — 2000
November 26, 2010
Open House — Noon to 3 pm
November 21, 2010
Craft Show (9 am till 3 pm)
December 4, 2010
Snow date: December 5
BSHS Christmas Concert
(7:30 pm)
December 17, 2010
Restaurant Fair and Auction
March 26, 2011
6th & 7th Grade Open House
April 5, 2011
St. Agnes Mass & Social
May 11, 2011
Spring Concert — 7:30 pm
May 13, 2011
Class of 2011 Graduation
June 10, 2011
For current information visit our
Check the reunion tab or Facebook for
more information.
All events, activities, school calendar
and sports schedules are easily
accessed on the web.